Brochure - Jimma University


Brochure - Jimma University
Advisory board is external independent body to give
directions on the strategic plan of the research institute and research thematic areas and has no role in the
management functions.
Summary of Staffing Structure
Core Staff at Inception of the institute in 2015
 Director
 Research staff (professor, Associate professor, assistant proResearch Professor, Associate Research Professor, Senior Research Fellow, PhD scholars etc).
 Museum and Gallery Staffs
 Library staffs (collection development, documentation, head
library department, information desk, public services, acquisition, catalogue, serials, audiovisual and documentation, data
processing, data encoder etc.).
 Support staffs (head administrator, head financial administration, management assistant, executive secretary to the director,
project manager, publication editor, assistant financial admin-
istrator, ICT expert, web editor, programme webmaster, human resource coordinator, transport head, public relation coordinator, press officer, publication assistant, fund raising, pro-
ject coordinators)
W e a r e in th e Commu ni t y
The Institute of
Oromo Studies
fessor, Senior lecturer, technical assistants, and statisticians,
P.O.Bo x 378T Ji mma U ni versi ty, Oromi a, Ethi opi a | email : i osji mma@gmail .com | Tel : + 251 -911772394
IOS strives to foster Oromo Know ledge S ystem & Practices
c) Meet Workforce development needs
 develop customized, tailor- made short term trainings to build the capacity of the
region in Oromo language, literature, arts, culture and folklore and on other multidisci-
Ins t it ut e
 serve as an umbrella Oromo research institute in guiding, developing and promoting
knowledge systems and practices.
 promote the quality of scientific thinking, activities, and intellectual life among
 support research on indigenous Oromo
 sponsor and coordinate lectures and con-
The Institute of Oromo Studies (hereafter
and Oromia Regional State level.
 provide a transparent and accessible inter-
cial, political, economic, astronomical, natu-
people and the country.
face among education and research on
ences are relevant to study them. Understand-
ing the society demands multi-disciplinary
IOS aspires to be a pioneer institute in
opment and skills training services related
and inter-disciplinary inquiries. An organiz-
Oromo Studies, famous research institute
ing institution to undertake such inquiries has
continentally and recognized globally.
local community and Regional State.
e) Promote and support innovative creative fine arts and performances
 support creative writing and develops Oromo music and arts, film, paint and so on.
 record ethnographic films o f Oromo rituals, festivals, ceremonies, and religious
practices as well as historical sites, heritages and political, cultural and social events
for further studies.
 offer international community a window to the university research, consultancy
Professional development
purposes on Oromo issues.
IOS has a director and an
administrator with
 establish a centre that catalogues publica-
financial system in place to be
tions, audiovisual recordings, periodicals,
accountable to Vice President
journals and other publications on Oromo
for Research and Community
studies to make it a powerhouse for infor-
Service of Jimma University.
staffs from various departresearching
Oromo-related issues are its
Oromo Knowledge Systems and Practices
 ensure
that communities, the state, non-
reach activities such as technical advice, advocacy, s e mi n a r s , workshops and organizational
assistance that encourage and promote sustainable and responsible development.
 enhance the philosophy of JU, "We are in the
Administrative and Governance
Oromo knowledge and practices to the
Universit y
Awareness and
books in Afan Oromo.
g) Provide outreach services to the regional state
view in the community outreach program.
ments and colleges of Jimma
 publish different newspapers, magazines and
Community" especially from cultural point of
 offer consultancies and professional devel-
nary Oromo studies. Accordingly, IOS will:
ers to publish their creative and professional
mental groups and investors have access to out-
pertaining to Oromo Studies to benefit the
palpable changes to lives in interdiscipli-
 create conducive environment for Oromo writ-
challenges facing them at Jimma University
independent life. All fields of specialty: so-
platform for research and inquiry to bring
record Oromo creative works and performances.
governmental organizations, agencies, environ-
b) Provide the Regional State and communities a definite point of contact
will be coordinated to create conducive
 establish audiovisual and recording centre to
port national development endeavors.
collect, document, archive, and provide data
Intellectuals from multidisciplinary fields
- governmental agencies.
tidisciplinary journals, proceedings and policy briefs on Oromo related issues to sup-
and Identity. The Oromo have complete and
Oromo studies from government sources and non
better understanding of Oromo and the
To undertake research, organize, coordinate,
been lacking. This calls for the inception and
 seek support and coordinate assistance on
 sponsor and conduct annual international research conferences and publish mul-
the need for overall studies of Oromo Culture
ral, medicinal, technological, and other sci-
 initiate collaborative projects to deal with problems of the Oromo.
 seek partnerships with individuals, GOs and NGOs to prepare collaborative grant
f) Support and create opportunities for publications of Oromo studies
and business leaders to contribute to a
Stud i es
referred as IOS) is called by the realization of
the Oromo.
proposal and conduct innovative researches.
ferences of distinguished academics, elders,
establishment of IOS.
O ro mo
The Institute of Oromo Studies
serious scholarship on indigenous knowledge and welfare of the Oromo.
 work towards achieving the goal of making teaching research-based and more scien-
plore new frontiers in research on Oromo
modern development and progress.
d) Promote and support innovative research and training opportunities
 network researchers locally and internation-
knowledge and practices to contribute to
latest mass media technology and b y enhancing its capacity for literature and re-
 spearhead researches on Oromo studies.
a) Provide guidelines to Oromo studies to be
done collaboratively to:
ally in multidisciplinary approaches to ex-
plinary fields.
 Intellectualize and standardize Afaan Oromo for use in science and technology,
staff. Besides, it collaborates
with other universities and
employs full-time researchers
as per the needs.