Advision Intro
Advision Intro
TM Frame Access Introduction ADVISION is a comprehensive network management application that provides the tools necessary to control, configure, and monitor data communications equipment throughout a network. ADVISION provides a Graphical User Interface (GUI) presentation of Frame Access system information exchanged using Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The Frame Access system utilizes standard Management Information Base (MIB) II and enterprise MIB components to pass information relating to inventory, provisioning, alarms, configuration, status, and testing. Integration into Hewlett Packard’s OpenView® network management system ensures product compatibility with industry standards and eliminates the need for proprietary management systems. ADVISION enhances the capabilities of HP OpenView by supporting and displaying ADTRAN devices as they actually appear to the user in the field. With ADVISION, HP OpenView maps become intuitively informative, automatically displaying ADTRAN IP-addressable devices rather than generic devices. 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access ADTRAN Technical Support (800) 726-8663 Standard hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. CST Emergency hours: 7 days/week, 24 hours/day ADVISION Version 2.5 Copyright (c) 1999 ADTRAN Inc. All rights reserved. ADVISION and T-watch Pro are trademarks of ADTRAN, Inc. Copyright (c) 1992-1999 Hewlett-Packard Company. All rights reserved. OpenView is a trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company. Copyright (c) 1995-1999 by KL Group Inc. All rights reserved. 901 Explorer Boulevard P.O. Box 140000 Huntsville. Alabama 35814-4000 (256) 963-8000 © 1999 ADTRAN, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 1: Frame Access System Description 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1.1 2. Management Function Overview ......................................................................................... 1.2 Provisioning ......................................................................................................................... 1.2 Status ................................................................................................................................... 1.2 Alarm .................................................................................................................................... 1.2 Inventory .............................................................................................................................. 1.2 Performance ........................................................................................................................ 1.2 3. System Component Description .......................................................................................... 1.3 Frame Access Shelf ............................................................................................................. 1.3 ADVISION Management ...................................................................................................... 1.3 Frame Access End-User Equipment .................................................................................... 1.5 4. ADVISION Navigation Features ........................................................................................... 1.5 Frame Access System Component Auto Discovery ............................................................. 1.5 Login Security ...................................................................................................................... 1.6 Chapter 2: Installation 1. System Requirements .......................................................................................................... 2.1 Installation Procedure .......................................................................................................... 2.1 CD Installation ................................................................................................................ 2.2 Installation Results .......................................................................................................... 2.3 Chapter 3: System Navigation 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3.1 2. Accessing Management Functions ...................................................................................... 3.2 3. Device Status and Polling Display ....................................................................................... 3.3 Interval ................................................................................................................................. 3.3 Poll ....................................................................................................................................... 3.3 Normal ................................................................................................................................. 3.3 Reset .................................................................................................................................... 3.3 61100ADVISION-7A 1 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Continued: 4. Menu Functions ................................................................................................................... 3.4 File ....................................................................................................................................... 3.4 Login ............................................................................................................................... 3.4 Apply Configuration ........................................................................................................ 3.4 Save Configuration ......................................................................................................... 3.4 Reviewer ......................................................................................................................... 3.4 Close ............................................................................................................................... 3.4 Exit .................................................................................................................................. 3.4 View ..................................................................................................................................... 3.5 Polling .................................................................................................................................. 3.5 Hide Statistics ................................................................................................................. 3.5 Suspend Polling .............................................................................................................. 3.5 Demand Poll ................................................................................................................... 3.5 Clear Error ...................................................................................................................... 3.5 Reset Statistics ............................................................................................................... 3.6 Device Polling ................................................................................................................. 3.6 All Polling ........................................................................................................................ 3.6 Device .................................................................................................................................. 3.6 Status .............................................................................................................................. 3.6 System Information .................................................................................................... 3.7 Card Status ................................................................................................................ 3.8 Network Status ........................................................................................................... 3.8 Status Color ................................................................................................................ 3.8 CIR Overview ............................................................................................................. 3.9 Port Status .................................................................................................................. 3.9 Port Alarms ................................................................................................................. 3.9 PVC Status ................................................................................................................. 3.9 Provisioning .................................................................................................................... 3.9 Performance ................................................................................................................. 3.10 Network Statistics ......................................................................................................... 3.10 Port Statistics ........................................................................................................... 3.10 PVC Statistics ........................................................................................................... 3.10 Port Errors .................................................................................................................3.11 NID (Network Interface Device) Error Statistics ........................................................3.11 2 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access Table of Contents Continued: Graphs/Tables ................................................................................................................3.11 Actual Usage versus CIR; All Ports ...........................................................................3.11 Actual Usage versus CIR; By Ports ...........................................................................3.11 PVC Summary Table .................................................................................................3.11 Interface Table ...........................................................................................................3.11 Test ................................................................................................................................3.11 Window .............................................................................................................................. 3.12 Devices ......................................................................................................................... 3.12 MIB Viewers .................................................................................................................. 3.12 Reviewers ..................................................................................................................... 3.13 Graph ............................................................................................................................ 3.13 Tables ........................................................................................................................... 3.13 Modules (Channel Bank Display Only) .............................................................................. 3.13 Chapter 4: Configuration Guide 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4.1 2. Channel Bank Configuration ................................................................................................ 4.1 Di-Group Provisioning .......................................................................................................... 4.1 Di-Group Provisioning ..................................................................................................... 4.2 Status .............................................................................................................................. 4.3 Remote Access Provisioning .......................................................................................... 4.4 Port Provisioning ............................................................................................................. 4.5 Permanent Virtual Circuit Provisioning ........................................................................... 4.6 Network DLCI Provisioning ............................................................................................. 4.7 Chapter 5: Circuit Installation and Testing 1. DSL Status ........................................................................................................................... 5.1 Card Status .......................................................................................................................... 5.1 Port Status ........................................................................................................................... 5.2 Line Status ...................................................................................................................... 5.2 Signal Quality .................................................................................................................. 5.2 PVC Status .......................................................................................................................... 5.3 61100ADVISION-7A 3 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Continued: 2. TEST .................................................................................................................................... 5.4 Self Test ............................................................................................................................... 5.5 FramePort 144 Test Menu ................................................................................................... 5.7 FramePort 768 Test Menu ................................................................................................. 5.10 Chapter 6: Statistics 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6.1 2. Card Overview Table ............................................................................................................ 6.1 Actual Usage versus CIR ..................................................................................................... 6.2 Interfaces Table .................................................................................................................... 6.3 Network Statistics ........................................................................................................... 6.4 CIR Overview .................................................................................................................. 6.5 Individual Unit Statistics .................................................................................................. 6.6 Graph Actual versus CIR ................................................................................................ 6.6 Interfaces Tables ............................................................................................................. 6.7 Graph Actual versus CIR per PVC .................................................................................. 6.8 PVC Summary Table....................................................................................................... 6.9 Port Errors .................................................................................................................... 6.10 Port Statistics .................................................................................................................6.11 PVC Statistics ............................................................................................................... 6.12 Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7.1 2. Installation Error (for SUN stations with Solaris) .................................................................. 7.1 Device Is Not On Map .......................................................................................................... 7.2 Database Server (advdb) Exits ............................................................................................ 7.3 ADVISION (GUI) Does Not Launch ..................................................................................... 7.3 GUI Polling Problems ........................................................................................................... 7.4 GUI Non-Responsive ........................................................................................................... 7.5 ADTRAN Technical Support ................................................................................................. 7.5 4 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access Table of Contents Continued: Appendices A. Management Information Base (MIB) D4 ............................................................................ A.1 B. Management Information Base (MIB 144 ............................................................................ B.1 Supporting Documentation List of Figures Figure 1.1. Figure 1.2. Figure 1.3. Figure 3.1. Figure 3.2. Figure 3.3. Figure 3.4. Figure 3.5. Figure 3.6. Figure 3.7. Figure 3.8. Figure 4.1. Figure 4.2. Figure 4.3. Figure 4.4. Figure 4.5. Figure 4.6. Figure 5.1. Figure 5.2. Figure 5.3. Figure 5.4. Figure 5.5. Figure 5.6. Figure 5.7. Figure 6.1. Figure 6.2. Figure 6.3. Time Division Multiplexing versus Frame Access ................................................ 1.1 DLCI Connectivity ................................................................................................ 1.4 Single IP Address ................................................................................................ 1.4 HP OpenView Display .......................................................................................... 3.1 Channel Bank Display ......................................................................................... 3.2 Individual Line Card Display ................................................................................ 3.2 File Menu Display ................................................................................................ 3.4 Polling Menu Display ........................................................................................... 3.5 Device Menu Display ........................................................................................... 3.6 Performance Menu Display ............................................................................... 3.10 Window Menu Display ....................................................................................... 3.12 Di-Group Provisioning .......................................................................................... 4.1 Di-Group Status Display ...................................................................................... 4.3 Typical Application for Remote Access ................................................................ 4.4 Main Channel Bank Card. .................................................................................... 4.4 Provision Port Display .......................................................................................... 4.5 Provision PVC Display ......................................................................................... 4.6 Card Status Display ............................................................................................. 5.1 Port Status Display .............................................................................................. 5.2 PVC Status Display ............................................................................................. 5.3 PVC Status Display ............................................................................................. 5.4 DSL Circuit Loopback Points ............................................................................... 5.5 FramePort 144 Test Menu ................................................................................... 5.6 FramePort 768 Test Menu ................................................................................... 5.8 Card Overview Table ........................................................................................... 6.1 Usage versus CIR Graph Table ........................................................................... 6.2 Interfaces Table ................................................................................................... 6.3 61100ADVISION-7A 5 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Continued: Figure 6.4. Figure 6.5. Figure 6.6. Figure 6.7. Figure 6.8. Figure 6.9. Figure 6.10. Figure 6.11. Figure 6.12. Network Statistics Table ....................................................................................... 6.4 CIR Overview Screen .......................................................................................... 6.5 Graph Actual versus CIR Screen ......................................................................... 6.6 Interfaces Table ................................................................................................... 6.7 Graph Actual versus CIR per PVC ....................................................................... 6.8 PVC Summary Table ........................................................................................... 6.9 Port Error and Network Status Screens ............................................................. 6.10 Port Statistics Screen ........................................................................................6.11 PVC Statistics Screen ........................................................................................ 6.12 List of Tables Table 4.1. 6 Network DLCI Map .............................................................................................. 4.7 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access Acronyms ANSI ................... American National Standards Institute Bc ........................ Committed burst Be ........................ Excess burst CD-ROM ........... Compact Disk Read Only Memory CIR ..................... Committed Information Rate CLEI. ................. Common Language equipment Identification DLCI .................. Data Link Connection Identifier DSL .................... Digital Subscriber Line DTE .................... Data Terminal Equipment ESC .................... Escape GUI ..................... Graphical User Interface IP ........................ Internet Protocol IPX ..................... Internet Package eXchange ITU ..................... International Telecommunications Union LED .................... Light Emitting Diode MAC ................... Medium Access Control MIB .................... Management Information Base NAT .................... Network Address Translation NIC ..................... Network Information Center NNI ..................... Network Node Interface NTU .................... Network Termination Unit NUI ..................... Network User Identifier PPP. .................... Point-to-Point Protocol PVC .................... Permanent Virtual Circuit QOS. ................... Ouality of Service SNMP ................. Simple Network Management Protocol TDM ................... Time Division Multiplexing TELNET ............ Terminal-remote host protocol developed for ARPAnet tftp ...................... Trivial File Transfer Protocol 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 1: Frame Access System Description 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1.1 2. Management Function Overview ......................................................................................... 1.2 Provisioning ......................................................................................................................... 1.2 Status ................................................................................................................................... 1.2 Alarm .................................................................................................................................... 1.2 Inventory .............................................................................................................................. 1.2 Performance ........................................................................................................................ 1.2 3. System Component Description .......................................................................................... 1.3 Frame Access Shelf ............................................................................................................. 1.3 ADVISION Management ...................................................................................................... 1.3 Frame Access End-User Equipment .................................................................................... 1.5 4. ADVISION Navigation Features ........................................................................................... 1.5 Frame Access System Component Auto Discovery ............................................................. 1.5 Login Security ...................................................................................................................... 1.6 List of Figures Figure 1.1. Figure 1.2. Figure 1.3. Time Division Multiplexing versus Frame Access ................................................ 1.1 DLCI Connectivity ................................................................................................ 1.4 Single IP Address ................................................................................................ 1.4 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 1 TM Frame Access Frame Access System Description 1. Introduction Frame Access is a statistical multiplexing system that takes advantage of the bursty nature of data interchange to service more users than traditional Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) techniques. As illustrated in Figure 1.1, the existing Frame Relay network provides the backbone facilities required for end-to-end data interchange. In the TDM environment, the number of users supported through a single shelf is limited by the number of time slots assigned to each user, regardless of the amount of idle time that may result from user or application inactivity. By contrast, the Frame Access implementation shares the aggregate bandwidth among only those subscribers transmitting or receiving data at that certain moment, providing high-speed data transfer opportunity for considerably more users served from a single shelf. The Frame Access system extends the Frame Relay backbone throughout the network using the same protocols and management parameters as current Frame Relay switch implementations, yet utilizes cost-effective network components found in the local central office or remote cabinet. Although Frame Relay serves as the protocol basis for data transfer though Frame Access system components, it may be transparent to the user in popular implementations such as work-at-home Intergrated Digital Subscriber Line (ISDN) or Single Line DSL (SDSL) for Internet Protocol (IP) or Internet Package eXchange (IPX) networking in corporate LAN access or high-speed internet access applications. TDM Design Frame Relay Network 12 lines @ 128K DS1 Di-Group Frame Mux Design Frame Relay Network Unchannelized 96 lines @ 144K DS1 Di-Group Figure 1.1. Time Division Multiplexing versus Frame Access 61100ADVISION-7A 1.1 Chapter 1 TM Frame Access 2. Management Function Overview ADVISION currently encompasses the following functional areas of network management: • • • • • 1.2 Provisioning/Test Status Alarm Inventory Performance Provisioning Provisioning provides option selection and some status indications including physical line rate, signaling type, service mode, polling timers, Committed Information Rate (CIR), committed burst (Bc), excess burst (Be), Quality Of Service (QOS), user-definable Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI), and test capabilities. Status Status tracks the performance of the Frame Access system components at both Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) and physical circuit levels. Graphical presentations are provided as an aid in performance assessment. Alarm Alarms are generated within the FramePort line cards and are processed by ADVISION to track physical link failures and threshold crossings. Oversubscription rates and trunk capacity can be monitored in the Frame Access system. Inventory Inventory information provides a record of software revision, part number, Common Language Equipment Identification (CLEI) code, serial number, Internet Protocol (IP) address, and other applicable data. Performance Performance can be observed at the shelf, interface, and PVC levels within the Frame Access system. Information includes ingress/egress octet counts, oversubscription ratios, congestion information, errored second counts, throughput, and signaling status. Historical information is available through performance screens. 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 1 TM Frame Access 3. System Component Description Frame Access Shelf Frame Access uses a cental site shelf that shares bandwidth with multiple users across a common backplane. With Frame Relay as its basis, Frame Access uses PVCs to form the conduit through which data is exchanged. The PVC inherently allows a higher degree of security and manageability than other protocols that operate in a common bus environment. Because Frame Relay operates at the data link protocol layer, it is independent of the physical loop interface technology, allowing a high degree of flexibility in user access methods. Frame Access employs a modular line card approach to accommodate long loop and high-speed designs, or the latest technologies that combine the attributes of both high-speed and loop extension. The Frame Access shelf has been developed with the sophistication of the Frame Relay switch, employing parameters such as CIR, Bc, Be, and QOS. The Frame Access shelf and its constituent line card elements have been designed for “plug-and-play” applications through flexible DLCI mapping schemes, automatic signaling detection and conversion, and alarms and indicators. The Frame Access system allows for a configurable oversubscription rate based on user preferences. Frame Access conforms to BellCore SR-2779, a conformance test suite for Frame Relay switching components. ADVISION Management 61100ADVISION-7A ADVISION communicates management information with the Frame Access shelf utilizing the data link layer Frame Relay protocol and the network layer IP protocol suite. As illustrated in Figure 1.2, DLCI 900 is reserved as the management conduit to the Frame Access shelf through which SNMP traffic is passed. DLCI 900 must be interconnected through a Frame Relay network PVC to a router sharing a virtual IP network with the managing workstation, either a UNIX-based platform running HP OpenView and ADVISION or a PC capable of establishing a TELNET session (TELNET is described in a later section). 1.3 Chapter 1 TM Frame Access Shelf ADVISION Manager Frame Network DLCI 900 Router Shelf DLCI 900 Shelf DLCI 900 Figure 1.2. DLCI Connectivity The Frame Access shelf assumes that any traffic passed through DLCI 900 is management information requiring a response (Figure 1.2). Management information is exchanged in SNMP protocol format, and it is necessary to assign an IP address to the Frame Access shelf in order to establish communications. Only a single IP address is required for the Frame Access shelf and all of its subscriber line cards; multiple IP addresses for each subscriber interface are not required (Figure 1.3). Shelf ADVISION Manager I P Frame Network DLCI 900 Router Shelf DLCI X DLCI Y DLCI 900 DLCI Z I P Shelf DLCI 900 I P Figure 1.3. Single IP Address Assignment of IP addresses to end-user equipment such as the modem or PC varies with the application and is discussed in Chapter 4, Channel Bank Configuration. 1.4 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 1 TM Frame Access Frame Access End-User Equipment Data delivery has been the focus of initial product development in the Frame Access product line. ADTRAN end-user units typically employed in current applications provide bridging and routing capabilities, and Network Termination Units (NTU) that interoperate with existing end-user routers are also available. Bridging mode and multi-protocol routing capability are inherent features of these units, including MAC, Spanning Tree Filtering, IP, Internet Package eXchange (IPX), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), NAT, Frame Relay, and Packet Filtering. The 10baseT interface can be configured as a hub or NIC, and unit configuration can be accomplished via the local VT100 interface, TELNET, or SNMP MIB II and enterprise MIB. 4. ADVISION Navigation Frame Access System Component Auto-Discovery Hewlett Packard’s OpenView can be configured to automatically discover IP-addressable devices attached to the monitored network and place a symbol for them on the proper IP segment sub-map. For Frame Access devices, this symbol represents the Frame Access Shelf. As part of its integration with OpenView, ADVISION receives a notice from OpenView that the symbol has been added and automatically creates a second executable symbol for the shelf on the shelf’s child sub-map. ADVISION’s discovery process via SNMP access to the Frame Access shelf determines what slots in the shelf contain Frame Access line cards and places symbols for each card on the shelf sub-map. The di-group or individual FramePorts can be accessed from the Modules Menu option located on the main di-group View toolbar or by double clicking the associated icon. In OpenView installations where OpenView’s auto-discovery feature has been disabled, the user may use OpenView’s “loadhosts” process to populate the map with Frame Access shelves. As with OpenView’s auto-discovery process, ADVISION is notified of the addition and populates the shelf’s child sub-map with all Frame Access line cards within the shelf. After a Frame Access shelf has been placed on the map, whenever a Frame Access shelf is re-configured by a Frame Access card removal or insertion, ADVISION does not automatically revise OpenView’s sub-map. Whenever a card is added to or removed from the shelf, a trap noting the configuration change is issued to the OpenView Management System by the Frame Access shelf. Upon receipt of the trap notification, the OpenView user should initiate a manual rediscovery of the Frame Access shelf and proper configuration is displayed on its sub-map. 61100ADVISION-7A 1.5 Chapter 1 TM Frame Access NOTE A manual rediscovery is also necessary whenever a shelf is assigned an IP address which had been previously assigned to a different device. To initiate a rediscovery of Frame Access shelf: • Select the desired shelf on the HP OpenView map (note that the user must have Read/Write access to the map). • Execute ADVISION’s discovery process by selecting Misc > ADVISION Manager > ADVISION Discovery from the OpenView map menu bar. The discovery process interrogates the Frame Access shelf and updates its sub-map with the new set of Frame Access line cards. Login Security The ADVISION graphical user interface (GUI) enforces a security scheme for SNMP access to ensure a user has proper authorization for the requested type of operation. ADVISION grants access to users at four privilege levels: • Provision: Complete ReadWrite capability including the ability to make provisioning changes on the Frame Access cards and shelves. • ReadWrite: View current status, configuration, and provisioning data and initiate tests on the Frame Access line cards and shelves. • ReadOnly: View current status, configuration, and provisioning data. • None: No access to any ADVISION GUI features. When the ADVISION GUI is initiated from the OpenView map, the UNIX user associated with the OpenView map session is automatically logged in as the current user and all access is based on his defined privilege. Once the GUI is active, another user may execute a Login procedure and change the assigned privilege to his assigned privileges. From within ADVISION, a user can activate the Login dialog box by selecting File > Login from the GUI menu. In the Login dialog box, the current user name and assigned privileges are displayed. To change user accounts, enter the new user name and password, and select Done. The system verifies the username and password and, if valid, grants the access privileges associated with the new user. User names and passwords must be defined in the underlying UNIX environment. 1.6 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 1 TM Frame Access All user privilege assignments are maintained in the file “auth” in the ADVISION installation directory. It contains a list of defined users (one per line) with their assigned privilege denoted by “Provision”, “ReadWrite,” “ReadOnly,” or “None.” Standard UNIX file permissions should be set to prevent modification of the “auth” file by unauthorized personnel. 61100ADVISION-7A 1.7 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 2: Installation 1. System Requirements .......................................................................................................... 2.1 Installation Procedure .......................................................................................................... 2.1 CD Installation ................................................................................................................ 2.2 Installation Results .......................................................................................................... 2.3 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 2 TM Frame Access Installation 1. System Requirements To install and operate ADVISION, the system must meet the following criteria: • HP 9000 UNIX workstation with HP-UX 10.20 or SUN workstation (Super Sparc or later) with Solaris 2.5.1 with CDE • HP OpenView Network Node Manager 4.11, 5.0, or 5.0.1 • 256 color display • CD-ROM drive • 10 MB memory per GUI session • 30 MB free disk space 2. Installation Procedure ADVISION is installed from a CD-ROM. NOTE To view the formatted traps in HP OpenView, MIBs for ADTRAN devices must be loaded into HP OpenView. Device MIBs are located in the following directory: $OV_SNMP_MIBS/Vendor/Adtran NOTE If reinstalling ADVISION, run $OV_BIN/ovstop advdb before proceeding with the installation. 61100ADVISION-7A 2.1 Chapter 2 TM Frame Access All HP OpenView environmental variables must be defined prior to the installation. To check for this, perform the following: • Log in as “root.” • set|grep OV (this should output numerous entries such as $OV_BIN…) • If that output is not produced, source the script: . /opt/OV/bin/ (for sh or ksh) or source /opt/OV/bin/ov.envvars.csh (for csh) CD Installation Perform the following steps to install from a CD: 1. Log in as “root.” 2. Mount the CD-ROM, specifying the appropriate device filename and mount directory. See the following example. /usr/sbin/mount dev/dsk/c0t2d0/cdrom 3. Change the directory to the mounted CD-ROM directory. 4. Execute the following: ./INSTALL_CD.SH a. Enter the path to the tar file depot (CD-ROM mount directory). b. Confirm the target Operating System for the installation (default is determined via uname). c. Enter the ADVISION installation directory (/opt/advision is assumed). 2.2 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 2 TM Frame Access 5. Define the ADVISION environmental variable, ADVISION_INSTALL, as follows: a. If running sh or ksh, add the following to your login script (.profile or .login): . /opt/advision/bin/ b. If running csh, add the following to your csh resource file (.cshrc): source /opt/advision/bin/adv.envvars.csh If you have selected another location for the ADVISION installation directory, modify the above scripts to reflect your installation directory. 6. To start the ADVISION database server, execute the following: $OV_BIN/ovstart advdb 7. Installation is now complete. Dismount the CD-ROM and log off as “root.” 8. Execute ovw to start the ADVISION processes, advstat and advdisc. Installation Results The installation program produced the following: • Transferred all files into the installation directory tree (CD installation only). • Linked ADVISION files into appropriate HP OpenView directories. • Registered the ADVISION database server with HP OpenView for start-up by ovstart. • Registered other ADVISION fields and applications. • Updated /etc/server to define the ADVISION database server socket address to be 7966. 61100ADVISION-7A 2.3 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 3: System Navigation 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3.1 2. Accessing Management Functions ...................................................................................... 3.2 3. Device Status and Polling Display ....................................................................................... 3.3 Interval ................................................................................................................................. 3.3 Poll ....................................................................................................................................... 3.3 Normal ................................................................................................................................. 3.3 Reset .................................................................................................................................... 3.3 4. Menu Functions ................................................................................................................... 3.4 File ....................................................................................................................................... 3.4 Login ............................................................................................................................... 3.4 Apply Configuration ........................................................................................................ 3.4 Save Configuration ......................................................................................................... 3.4 Reviewer ......................................................................................................................... 3.4 Close ............................................................................................................................... 3.4 Exit .................................................................................................................................. 3.4 View ..................................................................................................................................... 3.5 Polling .................................................................................................................................. 3.5 Hide Statistics ................................................................................................................. 3.5 Suspend Polling .............................................................................................................. 3.5 Demand Poll ................................................................................................................... 3.5 Clear Error ...................................................................................................................... 3.5 Reset Statistics ............................................................................................................... 3.6 Device Polling ................................................................................................................. 3.6 All Polling ........................................................................................................................ 3.6 Device .................................................................................................................................. 3.6 Status .............................................................................................................................. 3.6 System Information .................................................................................................... 3.7 Card Status ................................................................................................................ 3.8 Network Status ........................................................................................................... 3.8 Status Color ................................................................................................................ 3.8 CIR Overview ............................................................................................................. 3.9 Port Status .................................................................................................................. 3.9 Port Alarms ................................................................................................................. 3.9 PVC Status ................................................................................................................. 3.9 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access Table of Contents Continued: Provisioning .................................................................................................................... 3.9 Performance ................................................................................................................. 3.10 Network Statistics ......................................................................................................... 3.10 Port Statistics ........................................................................................................... 3.10 PVC Statistics ........................................................................................................... 3.10 Port Errors .................................................................................................................3.11 NID (Network Interface Device) Error Statistics ........................................................3.11 Graphs/Tables ................................................................................................................3.11 Actual Usage versus CIR; All Ports ...........................................................................3.11 Actual Usage versus CIR; By Ports ...........................................................................3.11 PVC Summary Table .................................................................................................3.11 Interface Table ...........................................................................................................3.11 Test ................................................................................................................................3.11 Window .............................................................................................................................. 3.12 Devices ......................................................................................................................... 3.12 MIB Viewers .................................................................................................................. 3.12 Reviewers ..................................................................................................................... 3.13 Graph ............................................................................................................................ 3.13 Tables ........................................................................................................................... 3.13 Modules (Channel Bank Display Only) .............................................................................. 3.13 List of Figures Figure 3.1. Figure 3.2. Figure 3.3. Figure 3.4. Figure 3.5. Figure 3.6. Figure 3.7. Figure 3.8. HP OpenView Display .......................................................................................... 3.1 Channel Bank Display ......................................................................................... 3.2 Individual Line Card Display ................................................................................ 3.2 File Menu Display ................................................................................................ 3.4 Polling Menu Display ........................................................................................... 3.5 Device Menu Display ........................................................................................... 3.6 Performance Menu Display ............................................................................... 3.10 Window Menu Display ....................................................................................... 3.12 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 3 TM Frame Access System Navigation 1. Introduction ADVISION is initiated by navigating through the network map to a screen that contains an ADTRAN-based element, as shown in Figure 3.1. The user can choose to display either the populated channel bank or an individual card in that bank. Figure 3.1 shows the display from which the ADVISION GUI is launched. There are three ways to launch the ADVISION GUI: 1. Single-click on an ADTRAN object and select the following from the pull-down menu: Path: Misc > ADVISION Manager > ADVISION 2. Or, right-click on an ADTRAN object and select ADVISION from the pop-up menu. 3. Or, double-click any executable ADTRAN object. NOTE Executable objects have a raised, button-like appearance. The “~” is used to designate physical slot locations of line cards within a shelf (i.e., ~1 is slot #1, ~2 is slot #2). Figure 3.1. HP OpenView Display 61100ADVISION-7A 3.1 Chapter 3 TM Frame Access 2. Accessing Management Functions The shelf configuration can be displayed in detail by opening the channel bank icon. The user may select an individual line card by double clicking on the card. An example of the channel bank display is shown in Figure 3.2. NOTE If new cards are installed in the bank, a procedure called AutoDiscover must be performed . This allows ADVISION to update its memory with the new cards so they will be recognized and reflected on the channel bank display. Figure 3.2. Channel Bank Display The user can access management functions for any of the individual line cards by using the right-mouse button and clicking on the card or by using the Modules menu located on the Channel Bank display. If the user wishes to access an individual card from the OpenView map (Figure 3.1), double click on the card symbol and a display of the card should appear as in Figure 3.3. NOTE A double click from the Channel Bank display (Figure 3.2) will also launch an individual card. Figure 3.3. Individual Line Card Display 3.2 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 3 TM Frame Access 3. Device Status and Polling Display The channel bank and individual line card displays reflect current operational status. The faceplate LEDs will reflect the current status of the circuit or card as it appears to the user in the field. The buttons near the bottom of the display maintain polling data as ADVISION polls the bank and cards for up-to-date status information. A description of the buttons follows: Interval Poll Normal Reset 61100ADVISION-7A Used to suspend and resume automatic polling. When the button is labeled Interval, automatic polling is enabled. Clicking the button once suspends polling, after which the button will be labeled Suspended. Clicking the button again will resume polling. The time increment below the button is the automatic polling interval and can be configured by the user. Used to manually poll the system. When automatic polling is suspended, clicking this button will initiate a manual poll. A manual poll will be initiated every time this button is depressed. In addition, when a poll is initiated, either manually or automatically, this button will flash yellow to indicate that a poll was taken. The time increment below the button represents the automatic polling interval in the event of a timeout condition. This button is not active, and therefore does not perform any functions. The time indicated below is the time it took the shelf or card in milliseconds to respond to the poll. If a poll times out, this button will turn blue and read Timeout. The system then uses the time interval associated with the Poll button as its poll interval. If the poll experiences an error, the button turns red and displays Error. The system will automatically suspend polling. To resume polling, click the button labeled “Suspend.” Used to reset the poll counter. The number below the button is a poll counter and increases by one each time a poll is taken. Clicking this button will reset the counter to zero. 3.3 Chapter 3 TM Frame Access 4. Menu Functions Menu structures for the channel bank and individual line cards are very similar. The only exception is the Modules function found only in the channel bank menu, and it is selected to access an individual line card. File The File menu addresses functions relating to file creation, edit, and storage as well as login access to ADVISION. File menu functions are shown in Figure 3.4. Login This option permits additional users login access to ADVISION. Permission levels are configurable, and ADVISION defaults to the permission levels established for that user. Up to 20 users/sessions may simultaneously access a single ADVISION installation. Apply Configuration Users can store provisioning data in a file to be recalled at a later time. This option allows the user to retrieve the file and apply (transfer) the data to the device. This command works in conjunction with files that are created with Save configuration. Save Configuration This option retrieves all provisioning data from a device and places them into a single file. Reviewer This option allows the user to review and edit configuration files in an offline mode. Close This option closes the window. If the window is a device view (display of the channel bank or card), all other windows for that device will be closed also. Exit This option exits the ADVISION application. Figure 3.4. File Menu Display 3.4 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 3 TM Frame Access View Polling The View option allows the user to view the device as it appears in the field. The Polling menu addresses the frequency and status of polls transmitted and received through ADVISION. The Polling menu is shown in Figure 3.5. Hide Statistics Suspend Polling Demand Poll Clear Error This option hides the polling buttons at the bottom of the display and may be restored by selecting the Show statistics option from the same menu. This option suspends automatic polling and performs the same function as clicking on the Interval button. Automatic polling is resumed by selecting Resume polling from the same menu. This option performs a manual poll. The same function is performed by clicking the Poll button when automatic polling has been suspended. This function returns the abnormal TIMEOUT (blue) or ERROR (red) indications to a NORMAL state. Figure 3.5. Polling Menu Display 61100ADVISION-7A 3.5 Chapter 3 TM Frame Access Reset statistics Device Polling All Polling Device This option resets the polling counter. The same function is performed by clicking the Reset button at the bottom of the display. This option has two additional selections, Suspend and Resume, as indicated by the arrow. Suspend will suspend polling for all open windows for that device. Resume will resume polling. This option suspends and resumes polling in all windows for all devices. This menu function provides a list of various operations that can be invoked to provide status information, link performance and signaling states, and tests to isolate trouble conditions such as physical loop failure and congestion problems. The device menu display is shown in Figure 3.6. Status This option relays System Information and Product Information for the card, port and PVC. System Information includes contact names, location, and system names. Product Information consist of specific information pertaining to the model and revision of the selected FramePort. Figure 3.6. Device Menu Display 3.6 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 3 TM Frame Access System Information Provides general system element information for RFC 1213 System Group and ADTRAN Enterprise Product Group MIBs. 61100ADVISION-7A • System Description - Alphanumeric identifier for system element for the di-group. • System Object ID - Unique identifier for system element (ReadOnly). • Up Time - the amount of time since the unit was installed. The counter is reset each time the unit is reseated or if power is interrupted. • Protocol Service - defines applicable system services. • System Contact - User defined box that is available to list the responsible person to contact in case of trouble, maintenance, provisioning, etc. • System Name - User defined name for the selected system. • System Location - User defined box that can be used to indicate the physical location of this system. • ADTRAN Product Name - lists ADTRAN designated description of the selected unit. ª Part Number - lists the ADTRAN Part Number for the selected unit. • CLEI Code - lists the Common Language Equipment Identifier code. • Serial Number - lists the ADTRAN-assigned serial number. • Revision - lists “top level” unit revision level. This is not to be confused with the Software Revision. The “top level” unit revision relates to the hardware and software revision levels collectively. • Software Revision - lists the currently installed software revision level. • Physical Address - indicates the physical slot number that the FramePort occupies in the channel bank. 3.7 Chapter 3 TM Frame Access Card Status Provides alarm condition data and network management statistics for the selected card. Network Status Data - indicates that data is being sent or received. PVC - indicates that the frame relay signaling interface (LMI) is active. OOS - indicates loss of physical layer synchronization. Alarm Status Major Alarm - indicates major alarm is active. Refer to HP OpenView alarm log for details. Minor Alarm - indicates minor alarm is active. Refer to HP OpenView alarm log for details. No Alarm - active when no alarms are present. Status Color HP OpenView will indicate the status of an object on the IP Map by changing the color of the object. The colors for the status of the object are defined by HP OpenView and can be changed using the Event Manager, located on the HP OpenView toolbar. Default HP OpenView Status Colors: 3.8 • Administrative Status: • Unmanaged = Off White • Testing = Pink • Restricted = Tan • Disabled = Dark Brown 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 3 TM Frame Access Operational Status: • Unknown = Blue • Up (Normal) = Green • Warning = Cyan • Marginal = Yellow • Major = Orange • Critical = Red CIR Overview Provides information on provisioned circuits and actual usage. Port Status Provides port status and alarm data including link and T1 status. Port Alarms Provides port, local and remote alarm information. PVC Status Provides the link status of the port PVCs. Provisioning The provisioning option is used to apply desired parameters to a device such as speed, signaling type, frame protocol, customer DLCI assignment, and traffic priority. Detailed information is provided in the Chapter 5, Circuit Installation and Testing. To provision a line card, select the appropriate field and enter the desired parameter. When selection is complete, select Apply at the bottom of the display (the Apply and Revert buttons at the bottom of the display will activate when changes to the options are made). Select Revert to restore the previous parameters. Changes will not be invoked until the Apply button is executed. 61100ADVISION-7A 3.9 Chapter 3 TM Frame Access Within any provisioning window, under the toolbar menu item “File,” there are two options called Load and Save. The Save option will save the provisioning data associated with that particular provisioning window to a file. The Load option will retrieve provisioning data from a file and update the window. Any changes will be made to the unit once the Apply command is executed. Select Revert to restore the previous values. Performance This option provides statistical performance data by monitoring transmitted and received frames and octets. More detailed information is available in Chapter 5, Circuit Installation and Testing. The performance menu display is shown in Figure 3.7. Chapter 6, Statistics, provides detailed information on statistics available through ADVISION. Network Statistics This option monitors the number of error-free and errored frames of data received from the network. Port Statistics This option monitors the number of frames and octets that are transmitted and received at port level. Figure 3.7. Performance Menu Display 3.10 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 3 TM Frame Access PVC Statistics This option monitors PVC statistical data. Port Errors This option displays errors related to the port including discarded frames, errored frames and errored seconds. NID (Network Interface Device) Error Status This option includes errored and unavailable seconds for local and remote SDSL in 15-minute and 24-hour increments (FramePort 768 only). Graphs/Tables The Graphs/Tables option is a grouping of graph and table displays which provide a quick overview of system performance and provisioning parameters. Actual Usage vs. CIR; All Ports Displays the Actual transmission rate compared to the provisioned CIR for each port on the card in a bar chart format. Actual Usage vs. CIR; by Port Displays the actual transmission rate compared to the provisioned CIR for each PVC on a selectable port in a bar chart format. PVCs are represented using customer DLCI assignments. PVC Summary Table Displays a summary of PVC provisioning and status data for all PVCs on a selectable port. Interface Table Displays the network and subscriber port entries of MIB II interfaces table for the card. Displayed data includes interface type, speed, physical address, Administration Status and Operator status. Test 61100ADVISION-7A The Test option allows the user to initiate tests and to monitor test results. The functions are implemented in the single display, Unit Test. 3.11 Chapter 3 TM Frame Access Window This menu item aids in navigating between various ADVISION displays. It is very useful when viewing several different shelves or cards at the same time. The Window menu display if shown in Figure 3.8. Each menu item contains a sub-menu list of active ADVISION displays of that type. The definition of active depends on the display type and will be described in the following sections. When an item is selected, it will be displayed as the top display on your system desktop. Any minimized display in the lists will be maximized before display. Devices MIB Viewers An active device display is any device which has been opened since ADVISION was initially started which has not been closed. The sub-menu item list will contain the active device names. An active MIB viewer display is any display selected from the Device menu list (e.g. Status, Provisioning, Performance, etc.) whose device view is still active. Only the last view of a particular menu item will be listed (e.g. after viewing a card’s System Information and Card Status displays, a single entry will be in the list for Card Status). The sub-menu item list will show device name followed by the display name. Figure 3.8. Window Menu Display 3.12 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 3 TM Frame Access Reviewers An active reviewer display is any Reviewer which has been opened since ADVISION was initially started and has not been closed. The sub-menu item list will contain the name of the file which was loaded if the reviewer was launched from a device view or the name of the MIB view display if launched from a MIB view. Graph An active Graph viewer display is any graph display selected from the Device menu list whose device view is still active. The sub-menu item list will show device name followed by the Graph display name. Tables An active Table viewer display is any table display selected from the Device menu list whose device view is still active. The sub-menu item list will show device name followed by the Table display name. Modules (Channel Bank Display Only) The channel bank display has an additional toolbar option called Modules, not found in the individual card displays (see Figure 2). This option is an alternative to accessing the individual cards assigned to that bank. The user may double click on the card or go to Modules and select the desired card. Also, the File menu includes the Apply configuration and the Save configuration options much like the individual cards. Refer to Figure 3.3 and the discussion of these options for the line cards. When using the Save configuration option from the bank display, the system will save all configuration files for all cards to one master file. The Apply configuration, if selected, will retrieve the master file, and apply all values to the individual devices. 61100ADVISION-7A 3.13 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 4: Configuration Guide 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4.1 2. Channel Bank Configuration ................................................................................................ 4.1 Di-Group Provisioning .......................................................................................................... 4.1 Di-Group Provisioning ..................................................................................................... 4.2 Status .............................................................................................................................. 4.3 Remote Access Provisioning .......................................................................................... 4.4 Port Provisioning ............................................................................................................. 4.5 Permanent Virtual Circuit Provisioning ........................................................................... 4.6 Network DLCI Provisioning ............................................................................................. 4.7 List of Figures Figure 4.1. Figure 4.2. Figure 4.3. Figure 4.4. Figure 4.5. Figure 4.6. Di-Group Provisioning .......................................................................................... 4.1 Di-Group Status Display ...................................................................................... 4.3 Typical Application for Remote Access ................................................................ 4.4 Main Channel Bank Card. .................................................................................... 4.4 Provision Port Display .......................................................................................... 4.5 Provision PVC Display ......................................................................................... 4.6 List of Tables Table 4.1. Network DLCI Map .............................................................................................. 4.7 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 4 TM Frame Access Configuration Guide 1. Introduction This section describes typical applications and the applicable option settings, performance analysis, and troubleshooting capabilities within the Frame Access system. 2. Channel Bank Configuration It is necessary to first configure the channel bank di-group with the management station IP address and tftp IP address for flash downloading future software updates. The management station IP address will be the recipient of SNMP traps sent by the system. NOTE It is not necessary to provision the channel bank di-group for signaling type or signaling mode because the di-group equipped with at least a single line card will automatically detect the signaling protocol from the switch. Di-Group Provisioning Poll timers, timeout values, and threshold values are configurable and are defaulted to industry standard values and cannot be changed. From the Main Channel Bank display choose: Path: Device > Provisioning > Provision Di-Group The Provision Di-group display is shown in Figure 4.1. Figure 4.1. Provision Di-Group Display Screen 61100ADVISION-7A 4.1 Chapter 4 TM Frame Access Provision Di-Group OptionSelections • Signaling Type: • Signal Mode: UNI-DTE, NNI. Determined from switch. Access: Read Only. LMI, ANSI T1.617-D (Annex D) ITU-TQ.933A (Annex A). Determined from switch. Access: Read Only. • T391:.....................The timer used for verification of the Polling Link Integrity. Default set to 10 seconds. Access: Read Only. • T392:.....................The timer used for verification of the polling cycle. Default set to 15 seconds. Access: Read Only. • N391:.....................Sets the number of polls between Full Status Queries. Default set to six polling cycles. Access: Read Only. • N392:.....................A counter that indicates the number of errors during N393 monitored events which cause inactive indications. Default set to three errors. Access: Read Only. • N393:.....................Indicates the number of Monitored Events that have occurred. Default set to four events. Access: Read Only. • Mgmt Stn IP Addr #1 – 4: Indicates the IP address of the management workstations. This designation is for recipients of SNMP traps, there is no restriction on management station SNMP access. Access: Read - Write. • Software TFTP IP Addr: Indicates the IP Address of the TFTP server in which software upgrades will be obtained. Access: Read - Write. 4.2 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 4 TM Frame Access Status The FramePort automatically detects signalling from the frame relay switch. Status of the establishment of successful signaling can be observed by choosing: Path: Device >Status > Di-Group Status The Di-Group Status display is shown in Figure 4.2. If PVC is not indicated, or an alarm condition is present, troubleshooting procedures should be initiated (refer to Chapter 7, Database Server Exits). The front panel display of the individual line card will also indicate the status of the network interface by selecting NTWK with the port select button and observing the green PVC LED. If the PVC LED is illuminated, then signaling has been established with the Frame Relay switch. Note that, as an inband managed system, a failure in network signalling will result in a loss of management access to the di-group. Figure 4.2. Di-Group Status Display 61100ADVISION-7A 4.3 Chapter 4 TM Frame Access Remote Access Provisioning Figure 4.3 illustrates a typical remote access application. Line card provisioning includes the following options: • Port rate. (Default: 144 for FramePort 144, 384 for FramePort 768). • CIR, Bc, Be. (Default: 0). • Quality Of Service. (Default. Internet). • Customer DLCI. (Default: 100-107 for FramePort 144, 100-131 for FramePort 768). • Service Mode. (Default: In Service). 10baseT (NIC) Corporate LAN or ISP Di-Group Frame Network DS1 xDSL Modem I P Figure 4.3 Typical Application for Remote Access For services that are commonly deployed, pre-established default settings can be utilized to minimize administrative interaction. To provision the line card, select the line card from the main channel bank display or from the HP OpenView icon as shown in Figure 4.4. Figure 4.4. Main Channel Bank Card 4.4 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 4 TM Frame Access Port Provisioning Port ID is an alphanumeric identifier for the port used to identify the customer. For Port Provisioning Choose: Path: Device > Provisioning > Port The Provision Port display is shown in Figure 4.5. From the Provision Port display, only the PORT RATE will require change if a different rate is desired. Default settings for other options should suffice. SERVICE MODE may be modified from “In Service” to “Out of Service” if it is not to be enabled to the customer and it is preferable not to pass an Out-of -Service alarm to ADVISION. Figure 4.5. Provision Port Display 61100ADVISION-7A 4.5 Chapter 4 TM Frame Access Permanent Virtual Circuit Port Provisioning PVC ID is an alphanumeric identifier for a virtual circuit. To provision the Permanent Virtual Circuit Provisioning Choose: Path: Device > Provisioning > PVC The Provision PVC display is shown in Figure 4.6. Set CIR, Bc, and Be to desired rates. Quality Of Service can be set for four levels of priority, from the l lowest priority “Internet” to the highest priority “voice/video.” NOTE QOS designations are simply names to associate with relative priority. The Frame Access system does not manipulate data above layer 2 in the OSI model. Figure 4.6. Provision PVC Display 4.6 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 4 TM Frame Access Network DLCI Provisioning FramePort 144 SLOT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PORT 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 NETWORK DLCIs 32-39 40-47 48-55 56-63 64-71 72-79 80-87 88-95 96-103 104-111 112-119 120-127 128-135 136-143 144-151 152-159 160-167 168-175 176-183 184-191 192-199 200-207 208-215 216-223 224-231 232-239 240-247 248-255 256-263 264-271 272-279 280-287 288-295 296-303 304-311 312-319 320-327 328-335 336-343 344-351 61100ADVISION-7A Customer DLCI always defaults to 100 and increments sequentially for each port for consistency and ease of implementation. The customer DLCI is configurable and can be set to any value within standard Frame Relay implementations because it is significant only to the customer interface. Network DLCI is not configurable through the menu and is predetermined by slot position. Table 4.1 shows network DLCI assignments. FramePort 144 FramePort 144 SLOT 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 PORT 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 NETWORK DLCIs 352-359 360-367 368-375 376-383 384-391 392-399 400-407 408-415 416-423 424-431 432-439 440-447 448-455 456-463 464-471 472-479 480-487 488-495 496-503 504-511 512-519 520-527 528-535 536-543 544-551 552-559 560-567 568-575 576-583 584-591 592-599 600-607 608-615 616-623 624-631 632-639 640-647 648-655 656-663 664-671 SLOT 21 22 23 24 PORT 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 NETWORK DLCIs 672-679 680-687 688-695 696-703 704-711 712-719 720-727 728-735 736-743 744-751 752-759 760-767 768-775 776-783 784-791 792-799 Table 4.1. FramePort 144 Network DLCI Map 4.7 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 5: Circuit Installation and Testing 1. DSL Status ........................................................................................................................... 5.1 Card Status .......................................................................................................................... 5.1 Port Status ........................................................................................................................... 5.2 Line Status ...................................................................................................................... 5.2 Signal Quality .................................................................................................................. 5.2 PVC Status .......................................................................................................................... 5.3 2. TEST .................................................................................................................................... 5.4 Self Test ............................................................................................................................... 5.5 FramePort 144 Test Menu ................................................................................................... 5.7 FramePort 768 Test Menu ................................................................................................. 5.10 List of Figures Figure 5.1. Figure 5.2. Figure 5.3. Figure 5.4. Figure 5.5. Figure 5.6. Figure 5.7. Card Status Display ............................................................................................. 5.1 Port Status Display .............................................................................................. 5.2 PVC Status Display ............................................................................................. 5.3 PVC Status Display ............................................................................................. 5.4 DSL Circuit Loopback Points ............................................................................... 5.5 FramePort 144 Test Menu ................................................................................... 5.6 FramePort 768 Test Menu ................................................................................... 5.8 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 5 TM Frame Access Circuit Installation and Testing 1. DSL Status For installation verification or troubleshooting purposes, the status of the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) connection can be observed. Card Status The Card Status display, shown in Figure 5.1, can be observed to verify the current state of the physical and data link layers of the line card interface. Path: Device > Status > Card Status • Data - Data is being transmitted/ received across the network port. NOTE Data is considered to be user packets as well as signaling packets. • PVC - Signaling (LMI, ANNEX A, ANNEX D) is active on the network side of FramePort. • OOS - Out-Of-Service condition will exist anytime the network interface (DSL) is in alarm. • Major Alarm - Indicates active alarm condition such as loss of LMI. • Minor Alarm - Indicates active alarm condition such as Test Active. Figure 5.1. Card Status Display 61100ADVISION-7A • No Alarm - Physical and Frame layer conditions are normal. 5.1 Chapter 5 TM Frame Access Port Status The Port Status display provides additional information regarding the state of the physical interface. Clicking on the button beside each status indicator will provide a list of the possible states. The Port Status display is shown in Figure 5.2. Line Status Signal Quality Line Status provides information regarding the current state of the physical interface i.e., whether the port is up, training, completely down, or powered down. FP 768 only. Signal Quality indicators offer levels of satisfactory operating margins on the physical loop, thus the higher the number the better the connection. Path: Device > Status > Port Status NOTE This is the Port Status Display for the FramePort 144. Figure 5.2. Port Status Display 5.2 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 5 TM Frame Access PVC Status The PVC status display, shown in Figure 5.3, indicates the state of each of the PVCs available per port. Path: Device > Status > PVC Status ADVISION will indicate PVC status by numbering PVCs 1 to 8 for FramePort 144 and 1 to 32 for FramePort 768 channel units. “Active” indicates an established PVC. “Inactive” indicates no active provisioning for this PVC in the frame relay network. Figure 5.3. PVC Status Display 61100ADVISION-7A 5.3 Chapter 5 TM Frame Access 2. Test Upon learning the status of the port, testing procedures can be initiated through ADVISION. Choose: Path: Device > Test > Unit Test The Unit Test display is shown in Figure 5.4. Figure 5.4. Test Display 5.4 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 5 TM Frame Access Loopback and Pattern Establishes a loop at the subscriber modem and transmits a pattern. The received pattern is monitored for errors. Inject Errors Click to send an error into the generated test pattern and verify by observing Error Count and Errored Seconds increment. Clear Error Count Click to reset error counter to 0. Self Test Verifies proper channel unit operations, Specific Pass/Fail results. Figure 5.5 shows DSL loopback poionts for the FramePort 144. Di-group IDSL Modem Frame Relay Network F P 1 4 4 2-w Self Test Loopback and Pattern Figure 5.5. DSL Circuit Loopback Points NOTE Care should be taken to STOP an active test before closing a display. 61100ADVISION-7A 5.5 Chapter 5 TM Frame Access FramePort 144 Test Menus The FramePort 144 utilizes standard BRI (Basic Rate Interface) ISDN technology to deliver service. Service may be extended using standard ISDN repeaters or through U-BR1TE (U-Basic Rate Interface Terminal Extension) channel units for delivery through IOF or DLC (Digital Loop Carrier) systems. FramePort 144 channel units operate directly with IDSL modems or NID (Network Interface Device) equipment to deliver 4-wire DDS service. This section describes the terms applicable to both modem and NID applications. • Test Address -indicates the device to be looped. This addressable loopback is identical to the method used to when looping back a normal ISDN circuit. Address 1 - Loops the 1st extensions device from the FramePort toward the network. Address 2 - Loops the 2nd extensions device from the FramePort toward the network. Address 3 - Loops the 3rd extensions device from the FramePort toward the network. Address 4 - Loops the 4th extensions device from the FramePort toward the network. Address 5 - Loops the 5th extensions device from the FramePort toward the network. Address 6 - Loops the 6th extensions device from the FramePort toward the network. • NID - Loops the Network Interface Device toward the network. When used in conjunction with a FrameJack 64, the NID loopback will loop the FrameJack 64 toward the network. • CPE - Loops the DSC/CSU toward the network. When used in conjunction with a FrameJack 64, the FrameJack 64 will reverse the simplex current on its customer interface, causing the DSU/CSU to loop data toward the network. Figure 5.6 FramePort 144 Test Menu 5.6 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 5 TM Frame Access • Loopback and Pattern - Loops the IDSL modem toward the network. The FramePort 144 will transmit a frame, addressed to first active customer DLCI, in which the payload contains 160 bytes of 0x55h. The FramePort will monitor the incoming signal for errors and indicate any detected by incrementing the Errored Second Counter and Error Count. • Pattern Only -The FramePort 144 transmits a frame, addressed to first active customer DLCI, in which the payload contains 160 bytes of 0x55h. The FramePort will monitor the incoming signal for errors and indicate any detected by incrementing the Errored Second Counter and Error Count. • Loop Toward Customer - The FramePort 144 loops the incoming signal toward the customer. • Stop Test - Releases any active test. • Test State - Indicates one of four possible test conditions: Loopback and Pattern Pattern Only Loop Toward Customer No Test • Errored Seconds - Increments each time an errored second is detected. An errored second is a second in which at least one error has been detected. • Error Count - Indicates the number of errors that have been detected. • Inject Errors - Injects one bit error in the outgoing data stream during a test. • Clear Error Count - Clears the accumulated Errored Seconds and Error Count during a test. • Self Test Status - Indicates the Pass/Fail status of the Self Test. • Self Test/Restart - Initiates the Self Test. • Port Select - Selects the desired port for testing. Selections are Port 1 - 4. NOTE All tests interrupt normal customer data transmission. 61100ADVISION-7A 5.7 Chapter 5 TM Frame Access FramePort 768 Menus The FramePort 768 utilizes a single pair of standard HDSL technology to deliver service rates up to 768k. Service range is standard CSA (Carrier Serving Area, 9kft/ 26 guage, 12kft/ 24guage) and can be extended using the ADTRAN FT1 repeater, part # 1245211L2, for a total range capability of 24,000. FramePort 768 channel units operate directly with SDSL modems or ADTRAN FNID (Fractional T1 Network Interface Device) equipment to deliver 4-wire fractional DS1 service. This section describes the terms applicable to both modem and NID applications. • Test Timeout - If enabled (set to 20 minutes) any initiated loopback will be released after 20 minutes. If this option is not enabled (set to None) the loopback will have to be manually dropped by selecting “Stop Test.” • Loopback and Pattern - When selected, the FNID or L768 will be placed in loopback, toward the network, and the FramePort will continuously transmit a Frame Relay packet, addressed to the first active customer DLCI, with a payload of 160 bytes of 0x55h. The incoming signal will be checked for errors. FramePort 768 Menu Figure 5.8 FramePort 768 Menu 5.8 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 5 TM Frame Access 61100ADVISION-7A • Pattern Only - FramePort will continuously transmit a Frame Relay packet, addressed to the first active customer DLCI with a payload of 160 bytes of 0x55h, toward the customer equipment. The incoming signal will be checked for errors. • Loop Toward Customer - When selected, the incoming signal is looped back toward the customer’s equipment. • Stop Test - Releases any active test. • Test State - Indicates any test that is progress. • Errored Seconds - Indicates the number of seconds in which an error was detected from the loop interface. Any time interval of on second, in which an error was detected, is considered an Errored Second. • Error Count - Indicates the number of errors detected from the loop interface. • Inject Error - Inserts one bit error into the outgoing data stream (loop interface). • Clear Error Count - Resets the Errored Second Counter and the Error Count. • Self Test Status - Indicator used to reflect the Self Test Progress. • Self Test/Restart - Initiates the Self Test. During the Self Test, the FramePort 768 will loop its loop interface, transmit a short pattern, and check it for errors. Afterwards, it will place the FNID or L768 into loopback, transmit a short pattern, and check it for errors. 5.9 TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 6: Statistics 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 6.1 2. Card Overview Table ............................................................................................................ 6.1 Actual Usage versus CIR ..................................................................................................... 6.2 Interfaces Table .................................................................................................................... 6.3 Network Statistics ........................................................................................................... 6.4 CIR Overview .................................................................................................................. 6.5 Individual Unit Statistics .................................................................................................. 6.6 Graph Actual versus CIR ................................................................................................ 6.6 Interfaces Tables ............................................................................................................. 6.7 Graph Actual versus CIR per PVC .................................................................................. 6.8 PVC Summary Table....................................................................................................... 6.9 Port Errors .................................................................................................................... 6.10 Port Statistics .................................................................................................................6.11 PVC Statistics ............................................................................................................... 6.12 List of Figures Figure 6.1. Figure 6.2. Figure 6.3. Figure 6.4. Figure 6.5. Figure 6.6. Figure 6.7. Figure 6.8. Figure 6.9. Figure 6.10. Figure 6.11. Figure 6.12. Card Overview Table ........................................................................................... 6.1 Usage versus CIR Graph Table ........................................................................... 6.2 Interfaces Table ................................................................................................... 6.3 Network Statistics Table ....................................................................................... 6.4 CIR Overview Screen .......................................................................................... 6.5 Graph Actual versus CIR Screen ......................................................................... 6.6 Interfaces Table ................................................................................................... 6.7 Graph Actual versus CIR per PVC ....................................................................... 6.8 PVC Summary Table ........................................................................................... 6.9 Port Error and Network Status Screens ............................................................. 6.10 Port Statistics Screen ........................................................................................6.11 PVC Statistics Screen ........................................................................................ 6.12 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Statistics 1. Introduction 2. Card Overview ADVISION incorporates many statistical report functions that outline data performance and provisioning information. This information can be viewed in graph and table formats. These statistics represent information ranging from an entire di-group to information pertaining to an individual card in that di-group. The following are examples of this statistical information. The Card Overview Table displays a comparison in kbps between the Provisioned CIR and the Actual Usage for each unit installed in the digroup. The path to this information and a snap shot is shown in Figure 6.1. Path: (from di-group view) Device > Graphs/Tables > Card Overview Table Figure 6.1. Card Overview Table 61100ADVISION-7A 6.1 Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Actual Usage versus CIR This is a graphical representation of the Actual Usage versus the Provisioned CIR for each unit installed in the di-group. The results are given in kbps. Figure 6.2 is a snap shot of the menu and the path to this information. Path: (from di-group view) Device > Graphs/Tables > Actual Usage vs. CIR Figure 6.2. Usage versus CIR Graph Table 6.2 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Interfaces Table The Interfaces Table displays the status of the di-group’s interface. Listed items are the description of the interface, its type, the speed at which the interface operates, its physical address, administrative status, and operationstatus. The path to this information and snap shot are shown in Figure 6.3. Path: (from main di-group view) Device > Graphs/Tables > Interfaces Table Figure 6.3. Interfaces Table 61100ADVISION-7A 6.3 Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Network Statistics The Network Statistics screen categorizes the Total Received (Egress) Network Frames into two categories, Good and Bad Received Frames. In addition, the Transmitted Network (Ingress), Total Frames Transmitted and Total Bytes Transmitted, are listed. The path to this information and snap shot are listed in Figure 6.4. Path: (from main di-group view) Device > Performance > Network Statistics Figure 6.4. Network Statistics Table 6.4 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 6 TM Frame Access CIR Overview The CIR Overview lists the Provisioned CIR, Actual Usage, and Concentration Ratio on a per-unit basis. The path to the information and snap shot are shown in Figure 6.5. The top portion of the screen reflects the total provisioned CIR and Actual Usage for the entire shelf. The bottom portion shows the card type and its CIR and Actual Usage for the slot selected by dragging the card selector button at the bottom of the view. Path: (from main di-group view) Device > Status > CIR Overview Figure 6.5. CIR Overview Screen 61100ADVISION-7A 6.5 Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Individual Unit Statistics This section illustrates the statistical data that can be retrieved pertaining to an individual unit, installed in the di-group. The desired unit is selected from the Modules main menu option. The Modules menu lists all installed units in the di-group that is accessed. The units are identified by the di-group’s Management IP Address and the physical slot number. For example, a unit installed in physical slot 5 of a particular di-goup, with an assigned Management IP Address of, will be identified in the Modules menu as ~5. This address nomenclature will be represented by “”, in the following examples. Where indicates the di-group’s Management IP Address and X indicates the unit’s physical slot number. Graph Actual versus CIR This is a graphical representation of the Provisioned CIR versus the Actual Usage, on a per unit basis. Only the selected unit’s data is displayed. The path and snap shot is shown in Figure 6.6. Path: Modules > > Graphs/Tables >Actual Usage vs. CIR, by Port Figure 6.6. Graph Actual versus CIR Screen 6.6 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Interfaces Tables The Interfaces Table lists the interface detail of a particular card, installed in the selected di-group. Data listed includes the Interface Type, Speed of the interface, its Physical Address, and the Administration and Operator Status. The path to the information and a snap shot are shown in Figure 6.7. Path: Modules > > Graphs/Tables > Interface Table Figure 6.7. Interfaces Table 61100ADVISION-7A 6.7 Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Graph Actual vs. CIR per PVC The Graph Actual versus CIR per PVC offers a graphical comparison of the Actual Usage versus the Provisioned CIR for each PVC provisioned in a single unit. PVCs that carry heavy traffic can be easily identified using this information. The path to this information and a snap shot are shown in Figure 6.8. Path: (select the desired card by double clicking the icon from the main di-group view) Devices >Graphs/Tables > Graph Actual vs. CIR per PVC Figure 6.8. Graph Actual versus CIR per PVC 6.8 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 6 TM Frame Access PVC Summary Table The PVC Summary Table lists the provisioned information for each PVC on a particular unit in the ingress direction. Customer DLCI, Network DLCI, LMI Status, CIR, and Quality of Service are listed for each PVC in the desired unit. The path to the information and snap shot are shown in Figure 6.9. Path: (from main di-group view) Modules > > Graphs/Tables > PVC Summary Table Figure 6.9. PVC Summary Table 61100ADVISION-7A 6.9 Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Port Errors Lists the Discarded Frames, Near Block Errors, Far Block Errors, Errored Frames, Errored Seconds, and Invalid DLCIs received from the customer, for an individual port. Port selection is made using the scale at the bottom of the window. There is also a button provided that will reset the statistics for this feature. The path to the information and a snap shot are shown in Figure 6.10. Path: (from main di-group view) Modules > ~X > Performance > Port Errors. Figure 6.10. Port Error and Network Status Screens 6.10 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 6 TM Frame Access Port Statistics The Port Statistics screen lists the Ingress (received) and Egress (transmitted) octets and frames for the port of an individual unit, installed in the selected di-group. The Average throughput is also listed. The path to this information and a snap shot is shown in Figure 6.11. Path: (from main di-group view) Modules > > Performance > Port Statistics Figure 6.11. Port Statistics Screen 61100ADVISION-7A 6.11 Chapter 6 TM Frame Access PVC Statistics The PVC Statistics screen lists detailed ingress and egress information pertaining to frame status, congestion, and frame throughput, for the individual PVCs of an individual port in the selected di-group. The path to the information and a snap shot are shown in Figure 6.12. Port and PVC selection is made by the scales at the bottom of the window. Path: (from main di-group view) Modules > > Performance > PVC Statistics Figure 6.12. PVC Statistics Screen 6.12 61100ADVISION-7A TM Frame Access Table of Contents Chapter 7: Troubleshooting 1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 7.1 2. Installation Error (for SUN stations with Solaris) .................................................................. 7.1 Device Is Not On Map .......................................................................................................... 7.2 Database Server (advdb) Exits ............................................................................................ 7.3 ADVISION (GUI) Does Not Launch ..................................................................................... 7.3 GUI Polling Problems ........................................................................................................... 7.4 GUI Non-Responsive ........................................................................................................... 7.5 ADTRAN Technical Support ................................................................................................. 7.5 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 7 TM Frame Access Installation Problems and Troubleshooting 1. Introduction This section overviews some common problems that may occur while installing or operating ADVISION. Some troubleshooting steps are included to aid in the resolution. The problems covered in this section include: NOTE User must be logged in as “root” to perform these steps. • • • • • • 2. Installation Error (for SUN stations with Solaris) Installation errors Device is not on map (recognized by OpenView) Database server (advdb) exits ADVISION (GUI) does not launch GUI polling problems GUI is non-responsive System may return error on file /usr/OV/lib/ while trying to start advdb and/or other ADVISION processes. The problem is most likely a compatibility issue between the SUN workstation that is loaded with Solaris 2.5.1 and OpenView 5.0. The problem arises from an update to the above file. To resolve, create a softlink to an older file in /usr/dt/lib/ using the following procedure: cd /usr/OV/lib ln –s /usr/dt/lib/ Also, ensure the workstation is equipped with Common Desktop Environment (CDE). NOTE CDE does not have to be running, just installed. 61100ADVISION-7A 7.1 Chapter 7 TM Frame Access Device Is Not On Map It is possible that HP OpenView will not recognize a particular element and, therefore, has not placed it on the map. Consequently ADVISION will not recognize it either. Verify the following conditions are satisfied: • Ensure you can ping the device by selecting OpenView menu item Fault and choosing Ping option. You will need to know the IP Address for this operation. • Ensure SNMP access is available by selecting Misc and choosing SNMP MIB Browser from the OpenView Map menu. • Ensure Community String is correct by selecting Options and then choosing SNMP Configuration from the OpenView Map menu. Ensure that timeouts and retries are adequate especially during communication over lower bandwidth WANs. Verify the network segment(s) which the unit is on, is managed. Select the segment symbol and choose Manage Objects from the OpenView Map menu. • If using auto-discovery (netmon) and filters are defined, ensure that filters include these ADTRAN devices. This will ensure devices are recognized upon launching the auto-discovery query. For example: AdtranNodes “Adtran Nodes” { isADTRAN || (vendor == “ADTRAN” ) }. • If not using auto-discovery, then use: loadhosts node_filename where node_filename is a file in the same form as /etc/hosts/: ip_address host_name. In some cases it may be necessary to add argument to the command to identify the type of device being added. To add a di-group shelf use: loadhosts –o Adtran_oid node_filename where Adtran_oid is in the form of NOTE All units in the file must be of the same type. 7.2 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 7 TM Frame Access Database Server (advdb) Exits This problem will be indicated by an error message stating a loss of connection from ADVISION, advstat and/or advdisc. • Check by performing: $OV_BIN/ovstatus advdb (checks ADVISION status; running, failed, etc.) • Look at following files to determine reason for failure: $OV_LOG/advdb.err $OV_LOG/advdb.log • Restart by performing: $OV_BIN/ovstart advdb ADVISION (GUI) Does Not Launch If the GUI does not launch any of the methods mentioned earlier, check the following: • “File bin/advision not found” displayed when GUI is launched. (a) $ADVISION_INSTALL is probably not defined. (b) Source the script by performing the following: . /opt/advisison/bin/ (if running sh or ksh) or source /opt/advision/bin/adv.envvars.csh (if running csh) NOTE There is a space between the “.” and “/” • Xwindow errors displayed in ovw’s terminal session. Ensure that the system’s default visual is pseudo-color, depth 8 (256 color). ADVISION will not run in any other configuration. Consult System Administrator to alter visual settings. 61100ADVISION-7A 7.3 Chapter 7 TM Frame Access • No device view after selection a. Check terminal session from which OpenView map was launched. Determine if any message exists, primarily: No classes match that product ID ( # / # ) b. Execute manual ADVISION discovery. c. If problem continues, ensure object is properly defined: Right click the device map symbol and select Describe/Modify Object. Choose AdvisionStatus from list and left click View/ Modify Object Attributes. Verify if ADTRAN Product Type is correct. If so, stop and restart the database server. GUI Polling Problems Device and/or MIB View gets consistent polling timeouts. Ensure you can ping the device by selecting menu item Fault and choosing Ping. • Ensure SNMP accessibility by selecting menu item Misc and then choosing SNMP MIB Browser. • Ensure Community String is correct by selecting menu item Options and choosing SNMP Configuration. • Ensure timeouts and retries parameters are adequate units especially if you are communicating over lower bandwidth WANs. • Device and/or MIB View gets polling errors. Capture SNMP I/O by enabling dump of SNMP traffic: • Close OpenView map Define environment variable adsnmp dump which will force a formatted output of SNMP messages between all ADVISION processes and devices to be generated. To define the variable and route all output to a file enter the following: export adsnmpdump=TRUE ovw >snmp.log Navigate to offending view, suspending polling wherever possible. Exit ADVISION and get copy of log file. 7.4 61100ADVISION-7A Chapter 7 TM Frame Access GUI Non-Responsive • If GUI does not appear to respond and cursor is pointing northeast instead of northwest, as when selecting a menu item, resolve by hitting “ESC.” • If GUI does not respond and cursor is normal (northwest), typically a system-modal dialog requiring a response has been overlayed by another window. Cycle through all the windows via the Workplace Menu. Right click on the desktop/workspace and select ShuffleUp or ShuffleDown. This completes the troubleshooting section. If you are unable to resolve the problem using these procedures, contact ADTRAN for assistance. ADTRAN Technical Support (800) 726-8663 Standard hours: Monday-Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. CST Emergency hours: 7 days/week, 24 hours/day 61100ADVISION-7A 7.5