West Irving COGIC


West Irving COGIC
Our Pastor & Wife’s
I want to thank each of the Pastors, their wives along with their congregation for celebrating such a joyous occasion with us. I especially want to
thank the West Irving Church family for a tremendous out pouring of God’s
blessings and for the gratitude you have shown. A big thanks to the anniversary committee for the great job you did.
I want to acknowledge my children Anson, Griffin and Leigh for their outstanding love and support of the ministry. I want to pay special tribute to
my wife for being a wonderful supporter and for her devotion to the
Lord’s work. Without her, I could not have made it this far.
11th Anniversary
THEME : Behold, the Servant’s Vision is for this Time!
Anniversary Chairman
Minister McArthur Thompson
Vice chairman
Elder Kristian Williams
Vice chairman
Elder Eric K. Henderson
Program Chair
Missionary Aretha Young
Gift Chair
Sister Rosa Brewer
Decorations Chair
Sister Alane Henderson
Theme Development
Deacon Stephen Amoko
Minister Solomon Adair
Hospitality Chair
Sister Julett Stephens
Public Relations Director
Sister Windy Hampton
Music Department
Sister Sabrina Beach
Team 1
Missionary Aretha Young
Team 2
Minister Jamaal Mellerson
Team 3
Elder Kristian Williams
Team 4
Sister Rosa Brewer
Team 5
Minister Sherman Patrick
Team 6
Deacon Stephen Amoko
Thanks to all the hostesses
Pastor Andrew Jackson, Jr.
First Lady Sandra G. Jackson
Habakkuk, Chapter 2:3: For the vision is yet for an
appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and
not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will
surely come, it will not tarry.
Please join us for refreshments in the fellowship hall following
Sunday afternoon’s service at 3:30 P.M.
October 1st & 2nd, 2009
Phone: 972-790-8036
Public Relation’s E-mail: [email protected]
website: www.westirvingchurch.org
7:00 P.M.
Sweet Memories
Pas to r And r ew Jac k so n , J r.
The Biography of
Pastor Andrew Jackson, Jr.
is a native of
Chicago, Illinois, but grew up in Memphis, TN. He
and his wife Sandra have been married for almost 31
years and have been residing in Bedford, Texas for
23 years. They have 2 sons and 1 daughter.
Pastor Jackson is a graduate of the University of Memphis and holds a
BBA in Marketing, with secondary studies in Human Behavior. He
studied Christian Education and Evangelism at Mid South Bible
College and attended the Billy Graham School of Evangelism. Pastor
Jackson spent 29 years in the corporate arena, where he worked for
Delta Air Lines, Inc. The Lord blessed him to retire to full time
ministry in July of 2006.
Pastor Jackson has been an ordained minister since 1975 and has been
the pastor of West Irving COGIC in Irving, Texas since 1998. Under
his leadership, an outreach ministry was birthed and the church grew
both spiritually and in membership. Souls have been added to the
kingdom of God through Pastor Jackson’s strong commitment to
reaching the community through outreach. In December, 2006, the
Lord blessed the church to move to a much larger facility on Conflans
Rd. Tremendous growth has occurred since the move.
Pastor Jackson is the President of Lifting Hands Outreach, a 501 3c
ministry of West Irving Church. The ministry feeds the homeless,
ministers to the abused and battered women, serves and teaches the
youth of the community along with many other outreach efforts. He
serves as a chaplain for DFW International Airport and holds several
board positions with many community service agencies in the
Dallas/Fort Worth area.
Pastor Jackson serves as the State President of YPWW for COGIC in
Texas N.E. First Jurisdiction, under Bishop J. Neaul Haynes.
After all that he does and has done, his greatest joy comes from serving
God and loving and spending time with his wife and family and serving
the people of God.
Sweet Memories
Lady S and ra G. Jac ks on
The Biography of
First Lady Sandra G. Jackson is a native
of Memphis, Tennessee.
She has been married to Pastor Jackson for almost 31 years and they are the proud parents of two sons and one
daughter, Anson, Griffin and Leigh Andranette (Leighann).
She attended Memphis State University for 2 years and graduated
from the University of Tennessee from the College of Allied Health
Professions. In her professional career, she has worked as a certified
Histotechnician for the past 30 years.
First Lady Jackson faithfully works with her husband at West Irving
Church where she has been a tremendous blessing to the ministry.
Under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, she birthed M.O.D.D. Squad
(Ministry of Divine Dance), the first praise dance ministry at West
Irving Church. The ministry consists of both adult and youth
dancers. She allowed the Lord to use her gift of dance as she was
blessed to perform one entire season in “The Promise,” a Christian
production about the life of Jesus Christ. She also teaches etiquette
classes to the young ladies at West Irving Church
First Lady Jackson is an excellent teacher of the Word of God. Her
passion for seeing women live in the fullness of their Godly calling
has caused her to dedicate her life in ministry in training them to
reach their divine destiny. She currently serves as a board member of
“Lifting Hands”, an outreach ministry of West Irving Church. She
volunteers to teach abused and battered women Godly principles to
encourage and help them rebuild their self esteem. First Lady Jackson is known at West Irving Church as a woman who prays and
seeks God in all things. When you are in her presence, you will find
First Lady Jackson to be a woman of God with an inner beauty that
radiates outwardly toward all God’s people.
Thursday Night
7:00 P.M.
Friday Night
7:00 P.M.
Order of Service
Order of Service
Elders or Ministers in Charge
Elders or Ministers in Charge
Seating of Honoree
Minister Jamaal Mellerson
Mistress of Ceremony
Missionary Aretha Young
Minister Solomon Adair
Sister Latisha Lane
Sister Shelley Tidwell
Alex Hall
Praise & Worship
Praise Team
Praise & Worship
Praise Team
Sister Audrey Campbell
Guest Church
Sister Elisabeth Adair
Sister Retta Mitchell
Guest Church
Sister Dee Martin
Sister Windy Hampton
Church Ministries &
Auxiliaries Presentations
Sister Teresa Scott
Sister Windy Hampton
Music Dept. Sister Sabrina Beach
Sewing Circle Mother Katie Young
Church Ministries &
Auxiliaries Presentations
Sunshine Band
Mssy. Paula Thompson
Usher Board
Sister Sewei Sonii
MODD Squad
Sister Latisha Jarrett
Little Daughters of Praise Sister R. Boyd
Youth Dept
Sister Brega Williams
Mother’s Board
Mother Lizzie Atkinson
Mother’s Board
Mother Lannie McCullough
Musical Selection
Sanctuary Choir
Musical Selection
Youth Choir
Celebratory Offering
Elder Kenneth Wynn, Deacon Leroy
Trout & Missionary Aretha Young
Celebratory Offering
Elder Kristian Williams, Sister Dewana
Clayton & Sister Teresa Scott
Guest Church
Greater New Life COGIC
(Pastor I.J. Newman)
Guest Churches
Introduction of Speaker
Pastor I.J. Newman
Mt. Calvary COGIC (Pastor H.B. Horn)
Real Life Ministries COGIC
(Pastor Denelra Dorsett)
Musical Selection
Greater New Hope COGIC
Introduction of Speaker
Elder Kristian Williams
Guest Speaker
Pastor J. L. Newman
Greater New Hope COGIC
Arlington, Texas
Musical Selection
Agape Temple of Deliverance
Guest Speaker
Pastor Dexter Lewis
Seating of Honorees
Master of Ceremony
Agape Temple of Deliverance COGIC
Dallas, Texas
Call to Discipleship
Minister McArthur Thompson
Pastor J.L. Newman
Call to Discipleship
Minister McArthur Thompson
Pastor Dexter Lewis