of the Development Act, 1993, as
of the Development Act, 1993, as
10 December 2015 Dear Member NOTICE OF MEETING Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 56(A) of the Development Act, 1993, as amended that a meeting for the Development Assessment Panel has been called for:‐ DATE: Monday 14 December 2015 TIME: 5.30pm PLACE: Council Chamber, Level 1, 60 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln Please find enclosed a copy of the Agenda for the meeting. Yours sincerely Rob Donaldson CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AGENDA for the DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL MEETING to be held on MONDAY 14 DECEMBER 2015 commencing at 5.30pm THIS DOCUMENT IS UNDER A MEDIA EMBARGO UNTIL CONSIDERED BY COUNCIL AGENDA COMMITTEE MEETING DATE LOCATION FILE REF 1. DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL MONDAY 14 DECEMBER 2015 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, LEVEL 1, 60 TASMAN TERRACE, PORT LINCOLN AGEN201561 PRESENT 2. APOLOGIES 3. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETINGS Confirmation of the Minutes of the previous Development Assessment Panel Meeting held on Monday 10 August 2015. Recommendation That the Minutes of the previous Development Assessment Panel Meeting held Monday 10 August 2015 as per copies supplied to members be adopted as a true and correct record of that meeting. 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5. CONFLICT OF INTEREST DECLARATION 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT – ORDINARY REPORT 6.1. Development Application 931/221/15 Applicant: Lowe & Redding Design Pty Ltd Proposal: Demolition of existing building and construction of a five‐storey mixed use building consisting of three retail shops at ground level and eight upper level apartments and associated carports/carparking and landscaping. Location: 37‐38 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\DAP AGENDA ‐ 14 December 2015.docx 1 | P a g e City of Port Lincoln Agenda 14 December 2015 Zone/ Policy Area: Regional Town Centre Zone Policy Area 6 – Mixed Use/Specialty Retail Form of Development: Consent ‘On‐merit’ Category Notification: 2 Representations: 1 Recommendation: Approval 6.1.1. Proposal 6.1.2. Background 6.1.3. Development Plan 6.1.4. Description of the Site and Locality ATTACHMENT I20159644, I201510632 & I201512205 ATTACHMENT N20155574 6.1.5. Agency Comments 6.1.6. Internal Referrals ATTACHMENT I201512000 6.1.7. Public Notification ATTACHMENT I201511296 ATTACHMENT I201511627 6.1.8. 6.1.9. Planning Assessment Land Use Desired Character and Building Height Built Form Private Open Space Overlooking/Overshadowing Waste Management Safe and Convenient Access Car parking/Stormwater Conclusion 2 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\DAP AGENDA ‐ 14 December 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln Agenda 14 December 2015 Recommendation It is recommended that the Development Assessment Panel: 1. RESOLVE that the proposed development is not ‘seriously at variance’ with the policies in the Development Plan. 2. RESOLVE to GRANT Development Plan Consent for Development Application 931/221/15, demolition of existing building and construction of a five‐storey mixed use building consisting of three retail shops at ground level and eight upper level apartments and associated garaging, car parking and landscaping at 37‐39 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln, subject to the following conditions and notes: Planning Conditions 1. The development herein granted Development Plan Consent shall be undertaken in accordance with the plans and documents submitted, prepared by Lowe & Redding Design Pty Ltd, Project Reference No: 15‐119, Sheets 1 – 4, Issue DE_C, received by Council on 30 November 2015, except where varied by the conditions herein. 2. The stormwater shall be disposed of in such a manner that it does not flow or discharge onto land of adjoining owners or lie against any building or create insanitary conditions to the satisfaction of Council’s Operations Manager. 3. The approval/consent shall only subsist as long as seventeen (17) car parking spaces are provided in conjunction with the development. 4. The car parking layout for this development shall be designed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards. 5. All car parking areas shall be line marked or paved in a distinctive fashion to delineate each car parking space and maintained in good condition at all times to the reasonable satisfaction of Council. 6. No materials, goods or containers shall be stored in the carpark or driveway at any time. All driveways, access and car parking areas shall be constructed before any use is made of the building or land. 7. 8. All vehicles shall enter and exit the subject land in a forward direction. 9. All loading and unloading of vehicles and maneuvering of vehicles in connection with the now approved land use shall be carried out entirely within the subject land. 10. Landscaping shall be established in accordance with the approved plans within three (3) months of obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy, and shall be nurtured and maintained in good condition at all times to the reasonable satisfaction of Council. 11. The hours of operation for the three (3) ground level retail shops at the premises shall be restricted to the following times:‐ ‐ Monday to Sunday – 7.00am to 6.00pm; and ‐ Thursday – 7.00am to 9.00pm. 3 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\DAP AGENDA ‐ 14 December 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln 12. 13. Agenda 14 December 2015 That effective measures be implemented during the construction of the development and on‐going use of the land in accordance with this consent and to the reasonable satisfaction of Council to: prevent silt run‐off from the land to adjoining properties, roads and drains; control dust arising from the construction and other activities, so as not to, in the opinion of Council, be a nuisance to residents or occupiers on adjacent or nearby land; ensure that soil or mud is not transferred onto the adjacent roadways by vehicles leaving the site ensure that all litter and building waste is contained on the subject site in a suitable covered bin or enclosure ensure that no sound is emitted from any device, plant or equipment or from any source or activity to become an unreasonable nuisance, in the opinion of Council, to the occupiers of adjacent land. During the period that the development is being undertaken all paper, plastic, rubbish and other waste material associated with the building work shall be appropriately secured to ensure that it is contained within the subject land which is to be kept in a general neat and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of Council. Notes The applicant is advised that any works undertaken on Council owned land including but not limited to; crossover, driveways footpaths, street trees and storm water connections, will require the approval of Council’s Operations Manager prior to any works being undertaken. The applicant must complete and return the Driveway Crossover Form to gain separate approval for such works. A permit must be obtained from Council to use or operate from the footpath during construction for any purpose as required pursuant to Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1999. This development approval does not include any signage. The building owner/applicant/builder must at least 28 days prior to the commencement of building work, advise the adjoining landowner affected by the building work, of his/her intention to commence, perform the work and the nature of the work. A person, builder, contractor and landowner who breaks up or accidentally or negligently damages the Council roadway, footpath, or any other structure (e.g. pipes, wires, fixtures, cables, fittings, roadside furniture, plants, and/or any other objects) belonging to the Council, must restore the damages as soon as practicable or as negotiated with Council. The development cannot be commenced until Building Rules Consent and Development Approval has been issued. 4 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\DAP AGENDA ‐ 14 December 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln Agenda 14 December 2015 Building Rules Consent and Development Approval shall be obtained within 12 months of this notification. You will require a fresh consent before commencing or continuing the development if you are unable to satisfy these requirements. You have a right of appeal against the conditions which have been imposed on this provisional development plan consent or development approval. Such an appeal must be lodged at the Environment, Resource and Development Court within two months of the day on which you receive this notice or such longer time as the court may allow. Please contact the Court if you wish to appeal. The Court is located in the Sir Samual way Building, Victoria Square, Adelaide, (Telephone number 8204 0300). 6.2. Council Development Assessment Panel Report to City of Port Lincoln ‐ 2015 6.2.1. Proposal 6.2.2. Report ATTACHMENT N20155573 Recommendation The Panel resolves that: 1. The Report titled “Council Development Assessment Panel Report to City of Port Lincoln, 2015” as presented be endorsed subject to incorporating any amendments or additional matters identified by the CDAP. 2. As required by Item 3.4 of the Council Development Assessment Panel Terms of Reference, the Report be formally presented to Council at the next available meeting. 6.3. Schedule of Meeting dates for 2016 6.3.1. Proposal 6.3.2. Report 7. OTHER BUSINESS 8. BUILDING APPLICATION REGISTER For information only 9. ATTACHMENT O20158150 ATTACHMENT O20156789 ATTACHMENT O20156246 ATTACHMENT O20155522 CLOSURE 5 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\DAP AGENDA ‐ 14 December 2015.docx ITEM 6.1 REPORT Committee Meeting Date Report Author File Ref RM 1. Development Assessment Panel 14 DECEMBER 2015 Ben Green, Planning Consultant on behalf of the City of Port Lincoln DA 931/221/15 REP2015120 DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION 931/221/15 Applicant: Lowe & Redding Design Pty Ltd Proposal: Demolition of existing building and construction of a five‐ storey mixed use building consisting of three retail shops at ground level and eight upper level apartments and associated carports/carparking and landscaping. Location: 37‐38 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln Zone/ Policy Area: Regional Town Centre Zone Policy Area 6 – Mixed Use/Specialty Retail Form of Development: Consent ‘On‐merit’ Category Notification: 2 Representations: 1 Recommendation: Approval 1.1 Proposal It is proposed to demolish the existing building and construct a five‐storey mixed use building consisting of retail on the ground level, upper level residential apartments and associated car parking at the rear of the site. More particularly, the development incorporates: • three ground level retail shops with frontage to Tasman Terrace; • eight upper level apartments fronting Tasman Terrace oriented towards Tasman Terrace with views of Boston Bay; 1 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 • roof terrace on top of level five which will only be accessible to the residential occupants of the building; • the building will be constructed of painted concrete tilt‐up panels with balconies and windows predominantly facing Tasman Terrace, in addition to service balconies windows facing Washington Street at the rear of the site; and • the rear of site will include seventeen car parking spaces for the building, ten of which are covered by cantilevered carports. ATTACHMENT I20159644, I201510632 & I201512205 1.2 Background A preliminary site meeting was undertaken with the applicant prior to lodgement of the application. It was highlighted at the meeting that the built form height requirements of the Council’s Development Plan state a maximum of 3 storeys as per Concept Plan Map PtL/1. Other factors discussed at the meeting were ground floor active uses and ensuring there is sufficient on‐site parking pursuant to Table PtL/2 – Off Street Vehicle Parking Requirements. 1.3 Development Plan The subject site is located within Policy Area 6 – Mixed Use/Specialty Retail of the Regional Town Centre Zone as depicted on Map PtL/5 of the Port Lincoln (City) Development Plan (Consolidated version dated 28 AUGUST 2014). The application is for the demolition of the existing building and construction of a five‐storey mixed use building consisting of retail on the ground level, residential upper level apartments and associated car parking at the rear of the site. Residential development in the Regional Town Centre Zone is non‐complying except where it is to be constructed in conjunction with a non‐residential development and is located above ground floor level. As the proposal consists of ground floor non‐residential land uses, the proposal meets the listed exception requiring an “on‐merit” assessment. The following provisions are considered particularly relevant to the assessment of this application: OBJ Policy Area 6 Use/Specialty Retail – Mixed 1, 2 Regional Town Centre Zone PDC 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 16 Centres & Retail Development 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3 Crime Prevention 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 Design & Appearance 1 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 Residential Development 1, 2, 3 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 17, 22, 23, 27, 36, 37, 38, 42, 43 Transportation & Access 2 22, 23, 24, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42 GENERAL SECTION 2 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln 1.4 REPORT 14 December 2015 Description of the Site and Locality The subject land is identified as Allotment 3, FP121472 Hundred of Lincoln, 37‐38 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln. The subject land is approximately 937m2 in area and rectangular in shape with a depth of 68.682 metres and a road frontage width of 13.73 metres to Tasman Terrace and Washington Street. The site slopes down from Washington Street to Tasman Terrace, with a fall of 3.25 metres from the southern boundary to the northern boundary. The site currently has a raised retail building situated on the front of the site and an associated unsealed car park at the rear, which is currently utilised by customers and adjacent land uses. There is an existing easement (Easement ‘A’) registered on the title facilitating ‘right to light’, which is to be extinguished as part of the proposed development due to its obsolescence. The site is directly opposite the Tasman Terrace Foreshore and Coastal Open Space Zone. The locality comprises a range of centre and retail type land uses, including Hotels, retail shops, cafes, restaurants, offices and consulting rooms. There are currently upper level residential apartments behind the site on Washington Street, located in a two storey building. The building and site is considered to be dilapidated and the rear car park area is in poor condition. ATTACHMENT N20155574 1.5 Agency Comments There are no mandatory referrals under Schedule 8 of the Development Regulations 2008 required for this application. 1.6 Internal Referrals Council engaged the services of Mr Frank Siow, Consultant Traffic Engineer to review the proposed car parking and access layout. Mr Siow provided extensive input into the design of the amended car park to ensure it meets the Australian Standards and Development Plan requirements. The amended site plan provides sufficient on site car parking and safe and convenient access for vehicles entering and exiting the site. ATTACHMENT I201512000 1.7 Public Notification Pursuant to Schedule 9, Part 2 (19) of the Development Regulations 2008, the application is a Category 2 form of development due to the site being directly adjacent to an alternative Zone. One representation was received through the notification process. ATTACHMENT I201511296 The issues raised by the representor include: • Council and the local community spent many years deciding on height regulations in this area; • This is the first application in Tasman Terrace which is 47% above the intentions of the regulations; 3 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 • The building is clearly being built on Tasman Terrace not Washington Street; and • A dangerous precedent will be set if it is approved not to mention the disappointment within the local community. A response to the representation was received from the applicant’s Planning Consultant, Ms Jodie Isle, dated 18 November 2015, and can be summarised as: • The DPA followed the construction of the Lincoln Hotel in response to concerns that the Development Plan lacked guidance in regard to building heights; • The DPA aimed to balance growth and retention of the City’s character, however, no high rise buildings have been constructed, a likely result of the economic downturn and limited financial returns from development given the restrictive maximum building limits; • As demonstrated in the application plans, the proposed building satisfies the maximum building height of 12 metres above natural ground level when measured from Washington Street. The lift and stair core area are only a small portion of the building above the 12 metres height restriction; • While the proposed building measures higher than 12 metres above the natural ground level at its Tasman Terrace frontage, it does satisfy the intent of the Zone and Policy Area. ATTACHMENT I201511627 1.8 Planning Assessment The application has been assessed against the relevant General Section and Regional Town Centre Zone provisions contained within Council’s Development Plan consolidated 28 August 2014 as set out below. 1.8.1 Land Use Mixed use development containing ground floor non‐residential uses and residential uses above is listed within Policy Area 6 as an envisaged use, with the clarification that it is not to prejudice the operation of existing or future retail activity within the Zone. Furthermore, ground level small scale shops are also listed, with the aim of providing a vibrant centre with a strong economic base. The proposed land use components are well suited for the subject site in that the scale of the ground level shops will not prejudice existing or future retail activity and the residential density facilitates the desired urban element and customer base for the centre. As such, the proposed land use is considered appropriate in both form and scale. 1.8.2 Desired Character and Building Height The Regional Town Centre Zone is an important focal point for Port Lincoln and the Southern Eyre Peninsula region in general given the center’s civic, economic and social role. This status is recognised in the Desired Charter Statement, which is progressive in its intention for redevelopment in the area to facilitate a vibrant, convivial and activity centre with a strong economic base and high residential density to support that activity. Furthermore, redevelopment is to be focused towards the foreshore to take advantage of the vistas and recreational attributes of Boston Bay, as referred to in the desired character statements: 4 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 Regional Town Centre Zone Desired Character Statement ‘The township has an attractive and open interface with the foreshore and it is envisaged that the new development will take account of this positive element. It is envisaged that development will enhance the public environment and where appropriate provide activity and interest at street level, reinforcing the locality’s desired character statement. An overall increase in building height is expected, throughout the whole of the zone, however the key focus is anticipated to occur in those areas closes to the foreshore, in particular the far eastern and far western end of the zone, on the Tasman Terrace and King Street frontages.’ Mixed Use/Special Retail Policy Area 6 Desired Character Statement ‘Buildings within the policy area will be no higher than three storeys with buildings heights increasing in key locations such as on corners, along principal routes and at the end of vistas’ The Desired Character Statement specifically refers to Tasman Terrace and the foreshore as a key focus for re‐development with an anticipated increase in building heights. To guide this re‐ development focus, the Development Plan includes Concept Plan Map PtL/1 stipulating envisaged building heights across the Zone, which is also referenced in the following provision: PDC 4: The total building height should not exceed the following (roof top plant and mechanical equipment to be included in the calculation of building height): (a) Within the Lincoln Hotel allotment at the north western corner of the policy area and to the north of Light Street where building height should not exceed 7 storeys (28 metres above natural ground level); (b) Within the area bound by King Street, Eyre Street and Porter Street at the north eastern corner of the policy area, where building height should not exceed 7 storeys (28 metres above natural ground level); (c) Within the area bound by Bligh Street, Tasman Terrace, Washington Street and Eyre Street where building height should not exceed 5 storeys (20 metres above natural ground level); (d) Within the area bound by Eyre Street, King Street, Porter Street and Washington Street where building height should not exceed 12 storeys (48 metres above natural ground level); and (e) In all other locations within the policy area, the building height should not exceed 3 storeys (12 metres above natural ground level). 5 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 The development proposes a five storey building with a height of 16 metres to the top of the fifth storey and a total height of 17.7 metres to the top of the elevator shaft on the roof terrace. The location of the site is clearly identified in the Concept Plan Map PtL/1, attracting a building height of 3 storeys (12 metres above natural ground level), resulting in the proposal exceeding the building height limit by 5.7 metres. The applicant has provided elevation drawings that depict the 12 metre building height in relation to ground level from the highest point on the site at Washington Street, to support its compliance with the relative height requirements. Importantly, the Washington Street frontage is approximately 3.25 metres higher than the Tasman Terrace frontage. While the relevant provision does not stipulate where the height reference point is to be obtained on the subject land, it is expected that the provision was written intending that the ground level reference point is to be at ground floor of the building, and more so the ground level of the street the building is fronting, that is clearly Tasman Terrace. Irrespective of the varied interpretation of the provision, the elevation plan provides an important guide to consider how the grade of the site reduces the visual impact of the building from adjacent vantage points. Due to the land rising towards the rear, the building sits lower on the site when viewed from vantage points to the southwest, reducing that impact. The elevation drawings also show the location and height of the Norfolk Pines located directly in front of the subject site and a height comparison in relation to the existing seven storey Port Lincoln Hotel and directly adjacent Pier Hotel, to offer further context. Both the Lincoln and Pier Hotel sites are referred to in Concept Plan Map PtL/1 and Regional Town Centre Zone PDC 9 as being of ‘townscape importance’ given their prominent locations and size. In particular, the Pier Hotel is identified as a corner site for which an additional storey beyond the 3 storey (12 metre) height restriction is anticipated, a height limit that has been shown on the provided elevation drawings in green. Should the Pier Hotel site be re‐developed to its full potential in the future, it would essentially be of consistent height to this proposal (when measured from the Tasman Terrace frontage, not Washington Street as shown on the elevations). Both the Lincoln and Pier Hotels offer an important reference point in considering the appropriate height for this proposal and its relative consistency with the character of the locality. The Lincoln Hotel will remain a large dominant feature given its location and relative bulk and height, while future development of the Pier Hotel has the potential to provide a consistent pattern of development with this proposal. As such, with both the current built form and the future development potential of the area, the height of the proposed building is not considered to represent an overbearing or uncharacteristic development. In considering the proposal’s inconsistency with the Development Plan height of 12 metres, it is important to note that the quantifiable requirements of the Development Plan are to be used as a guide to direct development so as to be in accordance with the intent of the Zone and the Desired Character Statement. When considering a quantitative departure from a provision, the Courts give some guidance as to when it is appropriate, such as comments made in the matter of AG Building and Development Pty Ltd v City of Holdfast Bay & Tanti (16 January 2009) which include: ‘.....it does not follow that because some minimum quantitative standards or guidelines are not met, the proposal must be rejected’ 6 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 ‘It required an assessment not of particular issues in watertight compartments, but rather as part of a single complex planning problem – whether the proposal as a whole should be approved.’ The unique attributes of the subject site, being directly adjacent to the Pier Hotel, in close proximity to the Lincoln Hotel and being constructed on a sloping site, aid in managing the character implications of the height of the proposed building. Furthermore, the proposal is consistent with the progressive development intent of the Zone and Policy Area, which encourages redevelopment along the foreshore of Boston Bay to take advantage of the natural vistas, increase the local population and create a vibrant economically strong regional centre. Given the unique attributes of the subject site and the proposal’s consistency with the development intent for the area, its height is not considered to represent a fatal element for this ‘single complex planning problem’. 1.8.3 Built Form The Regional Town Centre Zone envisages high density residential development that is located above ground floor non‐residential development and does not prejudice the Zone’s existing or future retail activity. The built form is to complement the existing shopping complex and be contemporary in character with interesting roof forms, building articulation, varied use of materials and built form recesses and protrusions to attend to the scale and bulk of larger buildings. The proposal is to be constructed of tilt up concrete paneling and is contemporary in design with a glass dominated primary street frontage containing extensive windows, doors and balustrading. Large balconies extend forward of the building at each upper storey level and are separated by a vertical screen (wall) protruding out through the centre of the building’s facade. The shop fronts at ground level also incorporate extensive areas of glass with no associated signage proposed. The rear elevation incorporates a variety of materials and colours, including glass windows and balustrading, imitation timber panels and grey coloured tilt up concrete. The stairwell is located centrally and protrudes out from the building to provide a vertical feature in conjunction with small balconies on each upper floor level and sections of imitation timber screens. The building is to be constructed on both the northwestern and southeastern boundaries, resulting in blank precast concrete walling on these elevations. The external colours are: • Main Walls – surfmist white with side variation as shown • Lift/Stair Shaft walls – grey as shown • Window Glazing – Blue Tint • Balustrade Glazing – Blue Tint • Timber Look screens – Cedar Look • Garage Panelift Doors – Cedar Look 7 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 The street presentation of the building is considered to be modern in design and of a high architectural standard incorporating both horizontal and vertical elements that provide depth, articulation and shading. The size and location of the balconies is a particularly important design feature, providing residents with a visual connection to the street resulting in effective passive surveillance and an attractive built form element. The proposal is considered to represent an excellent design that is in keeping with the progressive intent of the Zone while suitably sympathetic with the existing built form. Furthermore, the dividing apartment walls, floor and ceiling surfaces are insulated to achieve the required thermal and acoustic performance requirements as required under the Building Code of Australia. External walls are to be constructed of tilt up concrete, providing acoustic separation from external noise. The primary frontage of each apartment incorporates large floor to ceiling windows and glass doors with a northeastern orientation providing excellent access to natural light while also including effective shading elements to minimise heat loads and reduce the building’s energy footprint. In addition, the windows and doors to the northeastern and southwestern elevations are able to facilitate effective natural ventilation, reducing the reliance on mechanical systems. 1.8.4 Private Open Space Private open space required for upper level dwellings is as follows: Residential Development PDC 23: Dwellings with no ground level habitable rooms should provide private open space directly accessible from a habitable room, which conforms to the requirements identified in the following table: No of Dwelling/Apartment Bedrooms Minimum area of private open space (square metres) Minimum dimension (metres) 1 bedroom dwelling/apartment 8 2 2 bedroom dwelling/apartment 11 2 3+ bedroom dwelling/apartment 15 2 Each dwelling incorporates a terrace on the primary street frontage that is located directly adjacent to the living space and is 23 square metres in size with a minimum dimension of 2.4 metres. Furthermore, a second smaller balcony is provided to the rear of each dwelling in addition to communal residential access to the roof top terrace of 266 square metres. As such, the access to private and communal open space is considered to be appropriate for this form of dwelling. 1.8.5 Overlooking/Overshadowing Given the proposal’s substantial separation distance of greater than 60 metres from the closest residential development to the south‐west, overlooking from the rear balconies is not considered to be unreasonable. Importantly, overlooking between balconies within the building is considered to be appropriately addressed given these are separated by fixed screens (walls) between each. 8 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 Due to the relative height of the proposal and its location on the allotment side and front boundaries, the overshadowing is to be considered during the assessment process. The applicant has provided diagrams which depict the two storey retail buildings directly adjacent to the proposal and its relative overshadowing impacts upon them. Due to the northeastern orientation of the building, these impacts are shared across both adjacent sites, with one shaded through the morning and the other through the afternoon. Furthermore, the adjacent buildings are also located on the boundary and do not contain roof top solar panels or hot water heaters. As such, overshadowing of the adjacent buildings is not considered to be unreasonable. 1.8.6 Waste Management In terms of the management of on site waste, a service court is proposed to the rear of the building, located adjacent to the car ports and a bin collection area is located adjacent to the common driveway. Importantly, waste will be collected on the Washington Street road reserve for which there is sufficient frontage to accommodate the number of bins. As such, the location and size of the service and bin storage area is considered to be sufficient to manage the waste requirements of both the dwellings and non‐residential uses. 1.8.7 Safe and Convenient Access The Development Plan provisions relevant under this heading essentially seek to ensure safe and convenient movement of vehicles is provided for residents, customers and employees of the uses within the building. The proposal has a 5.9 metre wide opening to enable single vehicle access from Washington Street. An automatic gate is proposed which will be locked after hours to ensure the safety of the vehicles of the residents that will be able to park 24/7 if required. All car parking spaces have sufficient area to enable vehicles to enter and exit the site in a forward direction, an outcome which has been endorsed by Mr Siow, Council’s consultant Traffic Engineer. 1.8.8 Car parking/Stormwater The proposal has been amended in response to the referral comments of Mr Siow, Council’s consulting Traffic Engineer, from originally proposing twenty spaces, to now incorporating seventeen, of which ten are covered by cantilevered car ports. The Development Plan car parking requirements for each use include: Retail Shop Area 2 bedroom dwellings Visitor parking Total required Spaces provided on site 167 square metres x 5.5/100 8 x 1.25 8 x 0.25 9 spaces 10 spaces 2 spaces 21 spaces 17 spaces When assessed against Table PtL/ 2 Off Street Vehicle Parking Requirements, the on‐site car parking spaces proposed will result in a shortfall of four spaces. This shortfall has been considered by Mr Siow, who is of the opinion that: 9 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 ‘Some discounting would be acceptable (in relation to car parking for the shop use), if bicycle parking were provided on the subject site and having regard to the site’s location within the Regional Centre Zone. For these reasons, the parking requirement could be reduced to say 7‐8 spaces. If each apartment were to be sold with 1 parking space attached to its title (total of 8 spaces allocated), then the remaining 2 spaces for apartment occupants can be allocated as share parking for all 8 apartments. This would then comply with the Council’s Development Plan requirement of 10 spaces for the apartment proposal. In terms of visitor parking, 2 spaces would be required for the proposed apartments. Given the on‐street parking availability in the immediate area and that visitor parking for residential land uses would generally occur after hours or on weekends when there would generally be more on‐street parking spaces present in this area, we are satisfied that the visitor parking for the proposed apartments could utilise existing on street parking in the area. In total, based on the above, the proposed development should provide 17‐18 parking spaces on site.’ Given Mr Siow’s analysis and advice and the unique factors of the subject site, as detailed above, the provision of car parking is considered appropriate. Furthermore, the car park stormwater grates and sumps are shown to adequately direct surface collection from the sealed car park so as not to pool or flood against the rear of the building. In addition, landscaping has been proposed within the car park, to incorporate shrubs and trees within three thin pebble garden beds. While the landscaping is not substantial, it will aid in softening the hard paved surface of the rear car park. 1.9 Conclusion After careful consideration of the application in relation to the subject zoning and locality, the proposal is not considered to be ‘significantly at variance’ with the provisions of the Development Plan. The mixed use building represents a built form of high architectural design, consistent with the desired character of the locality and will provide appropriate functional and amenity aspects allowing comfortable and safe medium density residential living, in conjunction with the ground floor non‐residential use. While the building exceeds the relative built form height requirements for the site, it is considered to be of a bulk and scale that is consistent with both the current built form character and future development potential of the area. Furthermore, the proposal is consistent with the progressive development intent of the Zone and Policy Area, which encourages redevelopment along the foreshore of Boston Bay to take advantage of the natural vistas, increase the local population and create a vibrant economically strong Regional Centre. Accordingly and on balance, the proposal displays sufficient conformity with both the subject site conditions and relevant Development Plan provisions to warrant consent. 10 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 Recommendation It is recommended that the Development Assessment Panel: 1. RESOLVE that the proposed development is not ‘seriously at variance’ with the policies in the Development Plan. 2. RESOLVE to GRANT Development Plan Consent for Development Application 931/221/15, demolition of existing building and construction of a five‐storey mixed use building consisting of three retail shops at ground level and eight upper level apartments and associated garaging, car parking and landscaping at 37‐39 Tasman Terrace, Port Lincoln, subject to the following conditions and notes: Planning Conditions 1. The development herein granted Development Plan Consent shall be undertaken in accordance with the plans and documents submitted, prepared by Lowe & Redding Design Pty Ltd, Project Reference No: 15‐119, Sheets 1 – 4, Issue DE_C, received by Council on 30 November 2015, except where varied by the conditions herein. 2. The stormwater shall be disposed of in such a manner that it does not flow or discharge onto land of adjoining owners or lie against any building or create insanitary conditions to the satisfaction of Council’s Operations Manager. 3. The approval/consent shall only subsist as long as seventeen (17) car parking spaces are provided in conjunction with the development. 4. The car parking layout for this development shall be designed in accordance with the relevant Australian Standards. 5. All car parking areas shall be line marked or paved in a distinctive fashion to delineate each car parking space and maintained in good condition at all times to the reasonable satisfaction of Council. 6. No materials, goods or containers shall be stored in the carpark or driveway at any time. 7. All driveways, access and car parking areas shall be constructed before any use is made of the building or land. 8. All vehicles shall enter and exit the subject land in a forward direction. 9. All loading and unloading of vehicles and maneuvering of vehicles in connection with the now approved land use shall be carried out entirely within the subject land. 10. Landscaping shall be established in accordance with the approved plans within three (3) months of obtaining the Certificate of Occupancy, and shall be nurtured and maintained in good condition at all times to the reasonable satisfaction of Council. 11. The hours of operation for the three (3) ground level retail shops at the premises shall be restricted to the following times:‐ ‐ Monday to Sunday – 7.00am to 6.00pm; and ‐ Thursday – 7.00am to 9.00pm. 11 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 12. That effective measures be implemented during the construction of the development and on‐going use of the land in accordance with this consent and to the reasonable satisfaction of Council to: prevent silt run‐off from the land to adjoining properties, roads and drains; control dust arising from the construction and other activities, so as not to, in the opinion of Council, be a nuisance to residents or occupiers on adjacent or nearby land; ensure that soil or mud is not transferred onto the adjacent roadways by vehicles leaving the site ensure that all litter and building waste is contained on the subject site in a suitable covered bin or enclosure; and ensure that no sound is emitted from any device, plant or equipment or from any source or activity to become an unreasonable nuisance, in the opinion of Council, to the occupiers of adjacent land. 13. During the period that the development is being undertaken all paper, plastic, rubbish and other waste material associated with the building work shall be appropriately secured to ensure that it is contained within the subject land which is to be kept in a general neat and tidy condition to the reasonable satisfaction of Council. Notes The applicant is advised that any works undertaken on Council owned land including but not limited to; crossover, driveways footpaths, street trees and storm water connections, will require the approval of Council’s Operations Manager prior to any works being undertaken. The applicant must complete and return the Driveway Crossover Form to gain separate approval for such works. A permit must be obtained from Council to use or operate from the footpath during construction for any purpose as required pursuant to Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1999. This development approval does not include any signage. The building owner/applicant/builder must at least 28 days prior to the building work commencing, advise the adjoining landowner affected by the building work, of his/her intention to commence, perform the work and the nature of the work. A person, builder, contractor and landowner who breaks up or accidentally or negligently damages the Council roadway, footpath, or any other structure (e.g. pipes, wires, fixtures, cables, fittings, roadside furniture, plants, and/or any other objects) belonging to the Council, must restore the damages as soon as practicable or as negotiated with Council. The development cannot be commenced until Building Rules Consent and Development Approval has been issued. Building Rules Consent and Development Approval shall be obtained within 12 months of this notification. You will require a fresh consent before commencing or continuing the development if you are unable to satisfy these requirements. You have a right of appeal against the conditions which have been imposed on this provisional 12 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx City of Port Lincoln REPORT 14 December 2015 development plan consent or development approval. Such an appeal must be lodged at the Environment, Resource and Development Court within two months of the day on which you receive this notice or such longer time as the court may allow. Please contact the Court if you wish to appeal. The Court is located in the Sir Samual way Building, Victoria Square, Adelaide, (Telephone number 8204 0300). List of Attachments Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment I20159644 I201510632 I201512205 N20155574 I201512000 I201511296 I201511627 Application Documentation Locality Plan Internal Referrals Statement of Representation Applicants Response to Representation Ben Green PLANNING CONSULTANT Authorised by: Rosa Gagetti EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT 13 | P a g e N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\931‐221‐15 DAP REPORT Pt Lincoln Five Storey Mixed Use Building 14 Dec 2015.docx ATTACHMENT I20159644 ATTACHMENT I201510632 ATTACHMENT I201512205 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MULTI-STOREY RETAIL & RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDING AT 37-38 TASMAN TCE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Lowe & Redding Design pty ltd ABN 48 590 194 515 Lowe & Redding Design PO Box 433 13 Lincoln Place Port Lincoln SA 5606 Telephone 08 8682 2668 Facsimile 08 8682 5603 Email [email protected] 26 Tumby Terrace Tumby bay SA 5605 Telephone 08 8688 2474 BUILDING DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION SA PROJECT REFERENCE NO: DEVELOPMENT PLAN ASSESSMENT ONLY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ISSUE-DE 15-119 13716 37 - 38 TASMAN TERRACE 37 - 38 TASMAN TERRACE EXISTING ON STREET CARPARKING KERB & GUTTER HT LIG EXISTING BOX DRAIN EXISTING SHOP T EE R ST DEMOLISH EXISTING BUILDING EXISTING SHOP EXISTING SHOP LINCOLN HOTEL FOOTPATH EXISTING SHOP FOOTPATH PROPOSED STORM WATER BOX DRAIN EXISTING BOX DRAIN KERB & GUTTER PROPOSED BUILDING GL FFL 4.90 AHD 24000 FLOOR PLANS REFER TO 15-119_DE02 DP CE AN TE RR AC E STORMWATER GRATE & SUMP 5400 SM LE LA REMOVE EXISTING EASEMENT (RIGHT TO LIGHT) TA W IS TP LLE LANDSCAPING CANTILEVERED AWNING OVER CARPARK (4 SPACES) 1 68682 GREAT NORTHERN HOTEL 2 3000 3000 3 4 3000 3000 7600 HA SERVICE COURT / RECYCLE STORE PIER HOTEL ST RE ET DP SERVICE COURT 5 3000 IN G 6 CANTILEVERED AWNING OVER CARPARK (6 SPACES) 8 17 10 N SECURITY FENCING N 12 15 13 14 LANDSCAPING AUTOMATIC GATE LOCKED AFTER HOURS LANDSCAPING DENOTES : SELECTED TREE / SHRUBS OVER RIVER PEBBLE BASE 5400 5866 13730 1700 16m BUILDING HEIGHT FROM HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET BEYOND APPLICANT: LOWE & REDDING DESIGN PTY. LTD AND/OR NOMINEES SCALES: AS SHOWN DATE: SEPTEMBER 2015 2400 DRAWN BY: BR / MA 3000 BUILDING DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION SA 16000 ABN 48 590 194 515 3000 15000 Lowe & Redding Design pty ltd PO Box 433 13 Lincoln Place Port Lincoln SA 5606 Telephone 08 8682 2668 Facsimile 08 8682 5603 Email [email protected] Lowe & Redding Design 3000 3000 DENOTES ALLOWABLE 12m MAX BUILDING HEIGHT (ABOVE HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET - BEYOND) AS DETAILED IN CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT PLAN DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MULTI-STOREY RETAIL & RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDING AT 37-38 TASMAN TCE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS : VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND LEVELS ON SITE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS : REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO DESIGNERS : IF IN DOUBT ASK !!! 3000 DENOTES EXISTING BUILDING ADJACENT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DENOTES ALLOWABLE 16m MAX BUILDING HEIGHT (ABOVE HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET - BEYOND) ADJACENT TO CORNER AS DETAILED IN CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT: WASHINGTON STREET 12m BUILDING HEIGHT FROM HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET BEYOND 1000 TASMAN TERRACE - STREETSCAPE 1:200 16 5900 2800 LOCATION PLAN 1:1000 PAVED DRIVEWAY / CARPARK PROPOSED SITE PLAN 1:200 11 2800 2800 CENTENARY OVAL 2800 N 6600 9 3000 RO T W ES N EW POST OFFICE 7 2800 EXISTING / DEMOLITION SITE PLAN 1:200 3000 3000 ST RE ET AD N 3000 TO STORMWATER GRATE & SUMP 6600 AS H BIN ENCLOSURE W LANDSCAPING CANTILEVERED AWNINGS FOR 10 CARPARK SPACES IN TOTAL 26 Tumby Terrace Tumby Bay SA 5605 Telephone 08 8688 2474 GROUND LEVEL (WASHINGTON STREET) CHEMIST CHINOS SPOT ON NOVA FINANCE LINCOLN CAMERA CENTRE PIER HOTEL SHEET NO: LEWIS STREET 1 OF 4 c ISSUE: DE_C COPYRIGHT RESERVED PROJECT REF. NO: 15-119 15119_DE01 37 - 38 TASMAN TERRACE 3.1 0.9 AUTO DOORS 11.6 STACKER DOOR 3.3 5.5 6.3 EXISTING SHOP BED 1 0 82 EXISTING SHOP STACKER DOOR 3.3 4.2 1020 1.5 3000 3.4 3.1 0.9 AUTO DOORS TERRACE 0.9 TERRACE 13716 AUTO DOORS 2.4 3.4 3400 FOOTPATH 6.5 OVERALL 720 1.8 WIR 4.3 LIVING / DINING 0.9 720 VB DW BATH 0.9 20980 720 VB 720 1.5 WIR 0.9 1.8 ENS 2.1 0.6 720 3.0 3.6 820 LIFT 2.0 820 920 920 LOBBY 3.2 GAR CH 820 5.5 820 STAIRS 3.0 4.0 920 BALCONY BED 1 BALCONY 820 2.4 3.0 P STUDY GAR CH 5.5 2.4 AREA 17.6m² STAIRS 2.0 P SHR 2.0 1.8 2.1 S/D 1.0 820 AREA 10.7m² BATH LOBBY 2.6 3.6 3.0 2.7 STAIRS STEPS DN STEPS DN TYPE B 1.0 820 920 1.5 1.0 STEPS UP TYPE A 1.5 ENTRY STEPS UP STEPS DN 3.8 STEPS UP 3.7 STEPS DN 3.1 PRIVATE APARTMENT STORE LDRY WC 1.1 WM ENTRY BATH ENTRY GAR CH LIFT P SHR 2.0 ROOF TERRACE VB 1.0 BED 2 3.7 820 PRIVATE APARTMENT STORE 920 0.7 820 820 1.5 LOBBY 2.7 3.4 920 2.0 HB BR 3.4 0.6 ROBE HD 2.1 SHR 1.8 LIFT 2.6 1.5 TR 920 1.6 2.0 LDRY WM ROBE 2.7 1.4 TR 920 UNISEX ACCESS WC BATH BED 2 3.4 REF AREA 19.7m² 2.4 920 OFFICE 0.6 STORE AREA 920 WC 0.6 0.9 KITCHEN 720 CSD AREA 19.7m² 1.0 720 AREA 12.1m² STORE AREA REF 3.2 2.1 STORE AREA HP/UBO 920 3.6 920 20980 DW 920 STORE 2.5 VB 1.6 1.4 SHR KITCHEN 1.6 P HP/UBO ENS 3.1 INTERNAL RETAIL AREA 38.1m² 2.7 INTERNAL RETAIL AREA 38.4m² 3.3 INTERNAL RETAIL AREA 38.1m² 2.1 8.3 RETAIL AREA CORRIDOR RETAIL AREA 15.3 RETAIL AREA VER 3.7 PROJECT: GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1:100 AREAS AS SHOWN N LEVELS 1 - 4 FLOOR PLAN 1:100 INTERNAL APARTMENT AREA TERRACE BALCONY LIFT / STAIR CORE 108.5 m2 22.9 m2 11.6 m2 22.8 m2 ROOF TERRACE PLAN 1:100 ROOF TERRACE AREA LIFT / STAIR CORE 265.9 m2 22.8 m2 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MULTI-STOREY RETAIL & RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDING AT 37-38 TASMAN TCE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 APPLICANT: LOWE & REDDING DESIGN PTY. LTD AND/OR NOMINEES SCALES: AS SHOWN DATE: SEPTEMBER 2015 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS : VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND LEVELS ON SITE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS : REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO DESIGNERS : IF IN DOUBT ASK !!! DRAWN BY: BR / MA BUILDING DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION SA Lowe & Redding Design pty ltd ABN 48 590 194 515 PO Box 433 13 Lincoln Place Port Lincoln SA 5606 Telephone 08 8682 2668 Facsimile 08 8682 5603 Email [email protected] Lowe & Redding Design 26 Tumby Terrace Tumby Bay SA 5605 Telephone 08 8688 2474 SHEET NO: 2 OF 4 c ISSUE: DE_C COPYRIGHT RESERVED PROJECT REF. NO: 15-119 15119_DE02 796 2496 BUTTERFLY ROOF AROUND LIFT CORE 19.734 AHD AHD 19.490 1000 1700 AHD 22.190 3000 12m BUILDING HEIGHT FROM HIGHEST GROUND LEVEL 12.00 3000 AHD 16.490 3000 GLASS BALUSTRADE CANTILEVERED CARPORT AWNING 10.725 AHD 17700 AHD 13.490 AHD 10.490 3000 CANTILEVERED CARPORT AWNING WASHINGTON STREET 7.734 AHD AHD 7.490 TASMAN TERRACE 5.855 AHD 3000 PRECAST CONCRETE TERRACE WALL PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS AHD 4.490 ADJACENT BUILDING NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY SOUTH EAST (SIDE) ELEVATION 1:100 5658 AHD 22.190 1000 BUTTERFLY ROOF AROUND LIFT CORE 1000 PRECAST CONCRETE LIFT & STAIR CORE AHD 19.490 3000 AHD 19.490 3000 5658 1700 1700 AHD 22.190 2400 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT AHD 16.490 PRECAST CONCRETE WALL PANELS RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT AHD 16.490 3000 3000 FIXED WINDOW TO STAIR CORE NATURAL ANODISED ALUMINIUM FRAMED WINDOWS & DOORS RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT 3000 AHD 13.490 15000 3000 15000 AHD 13.490 TIMBER LOOK SCREENS RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT NATURAL ANODISED ALUMINIUM FRAMED WINDOWS & DOORS RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT GLASS BALUSTRADE AHD 10.490 3000 3000 AHD 10.490 RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT GLASS BALUSTRADE AHD 7.490 1790 3000 AHD 7.490 AHD 5.700 PROJECT: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MULTI-STOREY RETAIL & RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDING AT 37-38 TASMAN TCE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 RETAIL PREMISES AHD 4.490 TASMAN TERRACE POWDERCOATED ALUMINIUM FRAMED SHOP FRONTS TO GROUND LEVEL NORTH EAST (FRONT) ELEVATION 1:100 SOUTH WEST (REAR) ELEVATION 1:100 APPLICANT: LOWE & REDDING DESIGN PTY. LTD AND/OR NOMINEES SCALES: AS SHOWN DATE: SEPTEMBER 2015 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS : VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND LEVELS ON SITE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS : REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO DESIGNERS : IF IN DOUBT ASK !!! DRAWN BY: BR / MA BUILDING DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION SA Lowe & Redding Design pty ltd ABN 48 590 194 515 PO Box 433 13 Lincoln Place Port Lincoln SA 5606 Telephone 08 8682 2668 Facsimile 08 8682 5603 Email [email protected] Lowe & Redding Design 26 Tumby Terrace Tumby Bay SA 5605 Telephone 08 8688 2474 3D IMAGES ILLUSTATIVE PURPOSES ONLY SHEET NO: 3 OF 4 c ISSUE: DE_C COPYRIGHT RESERVED PROJECT REF. NO: 15-119 15119_DE03 30.699 AHD MOST ADJACENT NORFOLK PINE TREE TO SITE 28.987 AHD 28.538 AHD 28.368 AHD 26.341 AHD 24.464 AHD SMALLEST NORFOLK PINE TREE WITHIN 40 METRES OF SITE 16m BUILDING HEIGHT FROM HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET BEYOND 22.190 AHD 16045 12000 16000 1700 12m BUILDING HEIGHT FROM HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET BEYOND GROUND LEVEL (WASHINGTON STREET) GROUND LEVEL (WASHINGTON STREET) LEWIS STREET CHEMIST CHINOS SPOT ON NOVA FINANCE LINCOLN CAMERA CENTRE PIER HOTEL TASMAN TERRACE - STREETSCAPE 1:200 DENOTES PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DENOTES ALLOWABLE 16m MAX BUILDING HEIGHT (ABOVE HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET - BEYOND) ADJACENT TO CORNER AS DETAILED IN CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT PLAN DENOTES ALLOWABLE 12m MAX BUILDING HEIGHT (ABOVE HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET - BEYOND) AS DETAILED IN CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT PLAN DENOTES EXISTING BUILDING ADJACENT PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 10214 DENOTES EXISTING NORFOLK PINES OPPOSITE SITE ON FORESHORE 16m BUILDING HEIGHT FROM HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET BEYOND 12m BUILDING HEIGHT FROM HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET BEYOND 20.485 AHD 30.699 AHD MOST ADJACENT NORFOLK PINE TREE TO SITE 24.464 AHD SMALLEST NORFOLK PINE TREE WITHIN 40 METRES OF SITE PARAPET WALL LEVEL OUTLINE OF PROPOSED BUILDING (INCLUDING LIFT OVERUN) PROJECT: 12000 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION OF NEW MULTI-STOREY RETAIL & RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDING AT 37-38 TASMAN TCE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 WASHINGTON STREET OUTLINE OF PROPOSED CARPORT 4.485 AHD SITE SECTION 1:200 TASMAN TERRACE 4.008 AHD APPLICANT: LOWE & REDDING DESIGN PTY. LTD AND/OR NOMINEES SCALES: AS SHOWN DATE: SEPTEMBER 2015 DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS : VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS AND LEVELS ON SITE PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORKS : REPORT ANY DISCREPANCIES IMMEDIATELY TO DESIGNERS : IF IN DOUBT ASK !!! DRAWN BY: BR / MA BUILDING DESIGNERS ASSOCIATION SA DENOTES EXISTING NORFOLK PINES OPPOSITE SITE ON FORESHORE Lowe & Redding Design pty ltd ABN 48 590 194 515 DENOTES ALLOWABLE 16m MAX BUILDING HEIGHT (ABOVE HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET - BEYOND) ADJACENT TO CORNER AS DETAILED IN CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT PLAN PO Box 433 13 Lincoln Place Port Lincoln SA 5606 Telephone 08 8682 2668 Facsimile 08 8682 5603 Email [email protected] Lowe & Redding Design DENOTES ALLOWABLE 12m MAX BUILDING HEIGHT (ABOVE HIGHEST NATURAL GROUND LEVEL AT WASHINGTON STREET - BEYOND) AS DETAILED IN CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT PLAN 26 Tumby Terrace Tumby Bay SA 5605 Telephone 08 8688 2474 SHEET NO: 4 OF 4 c ISSUE: DE_C COPYRIGHT RESERVED PROJECT REF. NO: 15-119 15119_DE04 931/221/15 37‐38 TASMAN TERRACE ‐ LOCALITY PLAN ATTACHMENT N20155574 ATTACHMENT I201512000 Rachel McGuire From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Frank Siow <[email protected]> Monday, 23 November 2015 3:42 PM Tessa Reynolds Rosa Gagetti; Craig Matena; [email protected] I201512000 - 931/221/15 - RE: O20157312 - 931/221/15 - 931/221/15 - External Referral - Traffic Assessment Design Changes 151123.pdf Hi Tessa, As requested, we have assessed the proposed parking layout and reviewed the traffic/parking impacts of the development. The elevation layout shows that the site would fall in the direction from Washington Street (AHD 7.734) to the end of the car parking area (AHD 5.955 approx), ie a fall of approximately 1.8m over a distance of approximately 42m. This fall would be equivalent to a grade of 1 in 23, which would comply with the requirement of the parking standard for parking purposes. The general maximum grade for car parking is 1 in 20. There appears to be no pedestrian connection between the proposed car park and the shop tenancies at the front, from a planning and access perspective. I have not commented on this aspect, as it may require a significant building redesign. 1.0 PARKING LAYOUT The proposed parking layout is not supported for the following reasons: The car park does not provide a turning area for cars to turnaround and exit in a forward direction ‐ does not comply with the parking standard. Access to Spaces 7 to 16 would be difficult due to the parallel parking opposite and these spaces would need to be widened to compensate for the reduced aisleway width. Garage space 5 and 6 would be difficult to access due to the "offset" aisleway layout at this location. Drivers using Spaces 17‐19 would have difficulty turning around to leave the site to leave in a forward direction. A driver using Space 20 would not be able to turnaround to leave the site in a forward direction. There is no provision for service vehicle access on the subject site. For parking provision reasons, the proposed double garage Spaces 1 to 6 is not supported, as it would mean that 2 parking spaces would be allocated to one apartment only, thereby reducing the overall parking provision for the other uses (see further comment about the parking provision below). 2.0 PARKING PROVISION Based on our review of the proposal plans, we note that the 3 shop tenancies would have approximate floor areas of 57.8m2, 50.5m2 and 57.8m2. The tenancy floor area of these shops would include the "store". The Council's Development Plan specifies a parking rate of 5.5 spaces per 100m2 for a "shop" land use. The parking requirement is calculated based on the "total" tenancy floor area, without the "store" being separately calculated. Based on this parking rate, the shop land use would require 9 spaces. Some discounting would be 1 acceptable, if bicycle parking were to be provided on the subject site and having regard to the site's location within the Regional Centre Zone. For these reasons, the parking requirement could be reduced to say 7‐8 spaces. The Council's Development Plan specifies a parking rate of 1.25 spaces per 2br dwelling for occupants and 0.25 spaces per dwelling for visitors. For the purpose of my assessment, I have assumed that the apartments are all 2br (generally a study is not assessed as a bedroom in the parking calculation).The parking required for occupants would therefore be 10 spaces. Because, the parking rate specified is not a whole number, it means that some of the occupant parking would need to be shared. In this instance, the proposal shows 3 double garage spaces (assumed that only 1 apartment could own this double garage) ie 2 spaces per apartment. This would result in the parking provision for the remaining apartments and shops being reduced. This reduction in parking provision would not be supportable. If each apartment were to be sold with 1 parking space attached to its title (total of 8 spaces allocated), then the remaining 2 spaces for apartment occupants can be allocated as shared parking for all 8 apartments. This would then comply with the Council's Development Plan requirement of 10 spaces for the apartment proposal. In terms of visitor parking, 2 spaces would be required for the proposed apartments. Given the on‐street parking availability in the immediate area and that visitor parking for residential land uses would generally occur after hours or on weekends when there would be generally be more on‐street parking spaces present in this area, we are satisfied that the visitor parking for the proposed apartments could utilise existing on‐street parking in the area. In total, based on the above, the proposed development should provide 17‐18 parking spaces on‐site. 3.0 AMENDMENTS REQUIRED To address the above issues, consideration would need to be given by the Applicant to amend the proposed parking layout and parking provision as follows: The car park would need be redesigned to accommodate a turnaround for all users and for service vehicle access. The proposed double garage spaces would need to be deleted. If allocated parking is to be provided, each apartment can only have 1 parking space allocated, with an 2 additional spaces being permitted for shared use between the 8 apartments. Given the restricted allotment and aisleway width, the provision of enclosed garages would make access difficult to achieve. If Spaces 1 to 6 were to become cantilevered carport spaces, access would become easier and satisfactory. In summary, the proposal for 8 apartments would require 10 parking spaces on‐site for occupants. One parking space could be allocated to each apartment. The remaining 2 apartment spaces should be "pooled" for use by all 8 apartments. 4.0 CAR PARK LAYOUT OPTION One option to help address the above issues is shown in our attached pdf plan. It shows: 1. 4 cantilevered spaces facing the proposed building: Space 1 ‐ 3.5m wide, Spaces 2 to 4 ‐ 2.8m. 2. 10 spaces would face the northern boundary. Six (6) of these spaces should be designated for the residential apartments, the remaining 4 spaces to the proposed shop tenancies. The aisleway width is constrained adjacent to the parallel parking spaces. To compensate for the constrained aisleway width, these 10 spaces should be made 2.8m wide minimum. 2 3. The 3 parallel Spaces 14 to 17 should be allocated to the shop tenancies and designated as STAFF parking only, to minimise the impact on the car parking operation (these are the more difficult spaces to get into or out of). 4. A L‐junction aisleway would be provided within the car park layout which could accommodate access by a small service truck (SRV small rigid vehicle as per AS 2890.2‐2002). This SRV would be able to turnaround within the L‐junction and leave the site in a forward direction. If these service vehicles are only required infrequently, the SRV should not adversely or inconveniently affect access to the car port Spaces 1 to 4 facing the building. 5. A walkway would be available adjacent to Space 4, which could be used to access the service yard of the tenancies and to allow servicing of the 3 tenancies to occur from the car park. 6. The above concept would provide 17 on‐site parking spaces, which would be acceptable. 7. If a disabled parking space was required under the Building Rules, the parking provision would be reduced to 16 spaces, as 1 space would need to be converted into a shared zone space as per AS/NZS 2890.6‐2009. To compensate for the loss of 1 on‐site parking space, one of the tenancies should then be converted from retail use to office use. An office use is a lower parking generator. 8. The maximum grade of the car parking area shall not exceed 1 in 20. 9. Bicycle parking should be included in the proposal, to allow some discounting of the parking requirement to occur, eg one of the apartment store room could be designated for bicycle parking for residents and 1 bicycle rail should be provided for visitor parking adjacent to the building entry from the car park. 10. The fence/gate to the proposed car park in Washington Street should be a see‐through type fence to enable the required sight lines to be achieved. Kind Regards, Frank Siow Frank Siow & Associates P : (08) 8364 1351 M : 0411 445 438 E : [email protected] This email message is intended only for the addressee(s) and may contain information that is confidential, subject to legal or other professional privilege, or protected by copyright. If you have received this in error, please notify the sender by reply email and delete this email from your system. You are not permitted to use, reproduce or disclose the contents of this email. No representation is made that this email is free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the sole responsibility of the recipient. From: Tessa Reynolds [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, 18 November 2015 9:33 AM To: Frank Siow ([email protected]) <[email protected]> Cc: Rosa Gagetti <[email protected]>; Craig Matena <[email protected]>; [email protected] Subject: O20157312 ‐ 931/221/15 ‐ 931/221/15 ‐ External Referral ‐ Traffic Assessment Good Morning Frank, As per your discussion with Rosa, please see attached documents regarding a recent development application (931/221/15) for the Demolition of existing building and construction of a 5 storey mixed use building consisting of 3 3 ground level retail shops, 8 upper level residential apartments and associated car parking. The onsite parking requirements have been met with 20 vehicle spaces shown on the site plan in accordance with Table Ptl/2 off street vehicle parking requirements of Council’s Development Plan. Council requests you to please undertake a traffic and car parking assessment, more specifically: The proposed layout of car parking and whether it meets the relevant Australian Standards as advised by the applicant; Entry and Exit from the proposed double garages; Do the proposed parallel carparks 17, 18 and 19 allow sufficient area for the other car parks (8‐16) to safely enter and exit?; and, General assessment on the increase in traffic impacts (if any) to the locality. If you could please provide Council with a response by COB Monday, 23 November 2015 it would be greatly appreciated. Kind regards, Tessa Reynolds Development Officer ‐ Planning City of Port Lincoln Level One, Civic Centre | 60 Tasman Terrace PO Box 1787 | Port Lincoln SA 5606 T 08 8621 2303 | F 08 8621 2399 www.portlincoln.sa.gov.au | [email protected] 4 ATTACHMENT I201511296 ATTACHMENT I201511627 18 November 2015 Tessa Reynolds Development Officer – Planning City of Port Lincoln PO Box 1787 Port Lincoln SA 5606 Email: [email protected] Dear Tessa DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION: ADDRESS: PROPOSAL: ZONE/POLICY AREA: 931/221/15 37-38 TASMAN TERRACE, PORT LINCOLN DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 5 STOREY MIXED USE BUILDING CONSISTING OF 3 RETAIL SHOPS AND 8 UPPER LEVEL APARTMENTS AND ASSOCIATED CAR PARKING REGIONAL TOWN CENTRE ZONE MIXED USE/SPECIALITY RETAIL POLICY AREA 6 I have been engaged by Lowe & Redding Design Pty Ltd to respond to the Category 2 representation received in regard to the above Development Application. In summary the concerns raised in the representation are: Height regulations decided by Council and the local community in the Building Heights DPA The application is 47% above the policy area intentions The building is being built on Tasman Terrace not Washington Street A precedent will be set if approved Building Height and Design (City Centre) DPA The Building Height and Design (City Centre) DPA was given interim approval in August 2008 and gazetted and consolidated into the Port Lincoln Council Development Plan in 2010. The DPA followed the construction of the Lincoln Hotel and concerns at the time that the Development Plan lacked guidance in regard to building heights within the city centre. The DPA aimed to balance growth with retaining and reinforcing the character of the city centre. However since its consolidation within the Development Plan, no high rise buildings have been constructed within the Regional Town Centre Zone. This is likely to be a result of both the downturn in the economy and the imbalance between construction costs and likely financial returns from development which is restricted by maximum building limits. Building Height and Location Within the subject locality, the relevant policy provisions and concept plan within the Regional Town Centre Zone and Mixed Use/Speciality Retail Policy Area 6 suggest a maximum building height of 12m above natural ground level. As demonstrated in the application plans and supporting documentation, the proposed building satisfies the maximum building height of 12m above natural ground level when measured from Washington Street. Jodie Isle, Planning Consultant, MPIA |Grad Dip Urban & Regional Planning, BA Planning | ABN: 88 247 789 421 The representor states that the building height is 47% above the recommended height limit. I assume that this was calculated from the Tasman Terrace frontage of building and includes the lift and stair core at the rear of the building. I note that the lift and stair core are only a small portion of the building area and represent a marginal increase above the roof terrace level. This variation is not considered fatal to the application, as the policies in the Development Plan are advisory only and therefore must be weighed up one against the other as to their relevance and applicability to the proposed development. Whilst the proposed building measures higher than 12 m above the natural ground level at its Tasman Terrace frontage, it does satisfy the intent of the Zone and Policy Area, specifically: The Desired Character of the Regional Town Centre Zone acknowledges that an overall increase in building height is expected throughout the whole of the zone and anticipates the key focus to occur in those areas closest to the foreshore (Zone Desired Character). The proposed development provides an attractive and positive interface with the foreshore. Plans prepared by Lowe & Redding Design clearly show the dominance of the Norfolk Pine Trees which exceed the height of the proposed building. (Zone Desired Character). The development is consistent with the Zone’s intent to provide for a graduation in building heights from corner sites. (PDC 9). The proposal significantly improves the relationship of the building with the street and provides an active street frontage (Policy Area Desired Character, Zone PDCs 4, 5). The proposed building provides a comfortable proportion of human scale at street level (Zone PDCs 10, 11). With small grain retail facilities on the ground floor and residential apartments on the upper floors, the development promotes after-hours use to reinforce the centre as the focus of social activity in the region (Zone PDCs 1, 3, 6, 7, 8). Residential uses are provided above ground level active uses, which will diversify housing choice within the Council area (Policy Area Desired Character). Adequate off-street parking is provided with access from Washington Street (Zone PDC 12). The subject site slopes from 7.734 AHD at Washington Street to 4.49 AHD at Tasman Terrace. The proposed location of the building provides an appropriate transition from Tasman Terrace to Washington Street and the residential area beyond. The subject site, although recently tenanted has been vacant and underutilised for some time. This application provides an- opportunity for development envisaged and encouraged within the Regional Town Centre Zone and Mixed Use/Speciality Retail Policy Area 6. Precedent set As you are aware, there is no planning doctrine of precedent. As has been made clear repeatedly in court cases, each application must be considered on its own merits by considering the benefits and detriments of the proposal by assessment under the Development Plan Yours Sincerely Jodie Isle Planning Consultant MPIA Jodie Isle, Planning Consultant, MPIA |Grad Dip Urban & Regional Planning, BA Planning | ABN: 88 247 789 421 ITEM 6.2 & 6.3 REPORT Committee Meeting Date Report Author File Ref COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL Monday, 14th December 2015 Rosa Gagetti, Executive Director Development & Environment REP2015121 1. COUNCIL DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL REPORT TO CITY OF PORT LINCOLN ‐ 2015 1.1 Proposal The City of Port Lincoln Development Assessment Panel (the Panel) Terms of Reference (Item 3.4) require the DAP to provide a report to Council annually in relation to the following: 1.2 The level of attendance of Panel Members; The Panel’s activity and performance in making decisions; and Comment or analysis of policy or process that is relevant to the Panel’s assessment functions, and suggesting improvements. Report A draft “Council Development Assessment Panel Report 2015” is attached for the Members’ consideration. Following endorsement by the CDAP, this will be presented to Council’s next available meeting for its consideration. CDAP Members may also identify matters or items for inclusion in the report to Council. ATTACHMENT N20155573 Recommendation The Panel resolves that: 1. The Report titled “Council Development Assessment Panel Report to City of Port Lincoln, 2015” as presented be endorsed subject to incorporating any amendments or additional matters identified by the CDAP. 2. As required by Item 3.4 of the Council Development Assessment Panel Terms of Reference, the Report be formally presented to Council at its next available meeting. 1 | P a g e City of Port Lincoln Agenda Monday 14 December 2015 2. SCHEDULE OF MEETING DATES FOR 2016 2.1 Proposal In accordance with the Panel’s Terms of Reference, ordinary meetings of the Council’s Development Assessment Panel are to be held on the second Monday of each month commencing at 5.30pm. In the case of a public holiday the meeting will be held on the next day (Tuesday). 2.2 Report The following dates are hereby scheduled for the ordinary meetings of the Panel during 2016: Monday 8 February 2016 Tuesday 15 March 2016 Monday 11 April 2016 Monday 9 May 2016 Tuesday 14 June 2016 Monday 11 July 2016 Monday 8 August 2016 Monday 12 September 2016 Monday 10 October 2016 Monday 14 November 2016 Monday 12 December 2016 Officer’s Comment For information only. Rosa Gagetti EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENT 2 | P a g e ATTACHMENT N20155573 REPORT Committee ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING Meeting Date Next available meeting Report from CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT PANEL File Ref N20155573 The City of Port Lincoln Development Assess Panel (the CDAP) was appointed for a period of two years commencing 1 December 2014 when the Council adopted the Terms of Reference for the DAP. Item 3.4 of the CDAP Terms of Reference require the CDAP to provide a report to Council annually in relation to the following: 1. 2. 3. The level of attendance of Panel Members; The Panel’s activity and performance in making decisions; and Comment or analysis of policy or process that is relevant to the Panel’s assessment functions, and suggesting improvements. Given the anniversary of the appointment is December 2015 it is considered appropriate to provide the annual report for the period ending 30 November 2015, with the next report due in December 2016. (Note: This is subject to the introduction of the Planning Reforms currently before the State Government which if introduced, will result in significant changes to the composition of Development Assessment Panels and reporting processes.) 1. The level of attendance of Panel Members Four DAP meetings were held during the year, all were well attended with each meeting reaching a quorum. Details of attendance are below: Meeting Dates DAP Member 1 December 2014 – 30 November 2015 9 February 13 April 11 May 10 August Malcolm Catt Yes Yes Yes Yes Roger Nourse Yes Yes Yes No Michael Bascombe Yes Yes Yes Yes Jim Papazoglov Yes Yes Yes Yes Linda Davies Yes Yes Yes Yes Faye Davis Yes Yes Yes Yes Peter Blacker No Yes Yes Yes 1 | P a g e City of Port Lincoln Development Assessment Panel Report to Council December 2015 2. The Panel’s activity and performance in making decisions The table below provides data regarding level of activity at DAP meetings over the past five years, for comparative purposes: YEAR Meetings 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Number of Meetings 7 5 7 7 4 Meetings with representors 4 1 3 4 3 Meetings with no representors 3 4 4 3 1 DA Category Category 1 2 4 Category 2 2 7 2 Category 3 8 6 6 5 2 Non complying 1 1 1 2 Decisions Approved 9 7 10 11 4 Refused 1 1 Deferred 1 1 No quorum 1 Note: the meeting number for 2015 does not include the December meeting whereas in previous years the figures represent January to December. The number and value of Development Applications received over the past five years are listed below for information: No. of DAs Year Total Value received 2011 258 $28,724,350 2012 255 $21,117,552 2013 249 $26,904,332 2014 268 $29,754,765 2015 218 $21,261,593** ** December 2015 figures calculated using average number and value of Development Applications received during December for the previous three years. 3. Comment or analysis of policy or process that is relevant to the Panel’s assessment functions, and suggesting improvements Suggestions for improvements were not recorded during the reporting period. However, the CDAP acknowledges the significant progress made by Council on the Residential DPA as a major urban planning policy proposal for the city. 2 | P a g e ATTACHMENT O20158150 Printed on : 02.12.15 at 11:24 Page No. : 1 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month November, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.11.15 Permit No. Applicants Details 931/304/14 B & S BENNIE Builder Details Site of Building 4 CLEARWATER COURT PO BOX 920 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9349833006 Owners Name & Address : B & S BENNIE PO BOX 920 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/008/15 DUNCAN MOORE & BROOKE GEORGE 38 FLAXMAN STREET PO BOX 3557 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 933968000* Owners Name & Address : DUNCAN JAMES MOORE PO BOX 3557 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/016/15 Description of Work SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING AND BRICK FENCE Valuation $314,000.00 Floor Area 458.20 SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING AND RETAINING WALL Valuation $225,000.00 Floor Area 334.50 MATTHEW DAVID FOSTER 9 TELFORD AVENUE PO BOX 682 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9343701002 Owners Name & Address : MATTHEW DAVID FOSTER 9 TELFORD AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 GARAGE AND VERANDAH Valuation $14,000.00 Floor Area 74.00 931/083/15 VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $10,000.00 Floor Area 45.00 JESSICA LACORTE JEFF SCHRAMM 3 HILL PLACE 3 HILL PLACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 22 ADELPHI TERRACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PORT LINCOLN Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9347781003 Owners Name & Address : RAFAEL PETRY DE ALMEIDA 3 HILL PLACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ November 2015.docx Printed on : 02.12.15 at 11:24 Page No. : 2 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month November, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.11.15 Permit No. Applicants Details 931/150/15 Builder Details BD RAYFIELD Site of Building 6 DONNINGTON STREET 17 RAVENDALE ROAD PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9347447558 Owners Name & Address : BRETT RAYFIELD 17 RAVENDALE ROAD PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Description of Work SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $80,000.00 Floor Area 162.70 931/155/15 ANDRE DE LA SALLE 18 ROSLYN STREET 39 SLEAFORD TERRACE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9340670001 Owners Name & Address : DARREN WILLIAMS 18 ROSLYN STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 DOMESTIC SHED Valuation $350,000.00 Floor Area 110.25 931/180/15 BRENDA BUNDER U1/7 MORTLOCK TERRACE PO BOX 1685 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : RETAIL/COMMERCIAL ADDITIONS VG No.: 9344112015-0010 Owners Name & Address : T & S DEVELOPMENTS PTY LTD 4 EYRE STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 ADVERTISING SIGN Valuation $2,000.00 Floor Area 58.90 931/183/15 FREESTANDING SHED AND VERANDAH AND DECK Valuation $37,000.00 Floor Area 126.00 S KURTIN 56 OCEAN AVENUE 56 OCEAN AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9341251001 Owners Name & Address : SIME KURTIN 56 OCEAN AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ November 2015.docx Printed on : 02.12.15 at 11:24 Page No. : 3 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month November, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.11.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building 931/185/15 Description of Work OWEN POLE FRAME BLD181383 19 BEL-AIR DRIVE CONSTRUCTIONS 1A HALL STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : RCM RETAIL/COMMERCIAL NEW MAJOR VG No.: 9347088006 Owners Name & Address : BROLEE INVEST PTY LTD PO BOX 1628 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 OFFICE EXTENSION TO EXISTING BUILDING Valuation $59,400.00 Floor Area 53.30 931/192/15 ABOVE GROUND SWIMMING POOL AND DECK Valuation $26,800.00 Floor Area 20.20 PORT LINCOLN FIBREGLASS 22 BAY VIEW ROAD PO BOX 35 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MINOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9339217007 Owners Name & Address : LEO STUART STEWART 22 BAYVIEW ROAD PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/196/15 JAKE BERRY 31 PORTER STREET PO BOX 326 PORT LINCOLN BRAESIDE VIC 3195 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 934438300* Owners Name & Address : PORT LINCOLN LAND PTY LTD PO BOX 3372 RUNDLE MALL ADELAIDE SA 5000 ILLUMINATED SIGNAGE Valuation $135,352.00 Floor Area 20.55 931/201/15 FREESTANDING DOMESTIC SHED Valuation $27,601.00 Floor Area 147.20 SHEDS FOR EYRE 140 PROPER BAY ROAD PO BOX 745 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9346596009 Owners Name & Address : GLENN DERMOTT DAVIS 140 PROPER BAY ROAD PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ November 2015.docx Printed on : 02.12.15 at 11:24 Page No. : 4 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month November, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.11.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 931/204/15 206184 9 ORABANDA DRIVE SHED AND CARPORT FREESTANDING) Valuation $51,000.00 Floor Area 175.50 EP CARPENTERS PTY LTD PO BOX 1648 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9342491007 Owners Name & Address : MONICA LOUISE RIDGWAY 18 HILLTOP DRIVE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/205/15 RYAN HASSALL 251502 8 WHITING COURT 55 DUNCAN AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9351431989 Owners Name & Address : JASON DI PAOLO PO BOX 957 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $248,076.50 Floor Area 190.49 931/213/15 SHEDS FOR EYRE U1/18 MARINE AVENUE PO BOX 745 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9343558007 Owners Name & Address : CATHERINE HAMMOND U1/18 MARINE AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 DOMESTIC SHED Valuation $4,171.00 Floor Area 13.92 931/216/15 VERANDAH Valuation $7,000.00 Floor Area 25.00 BILL BALNAVES 184661 15 ROMAS WAY PO BOX 3228 LINCOLN COVE STAGE ONE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9351350003 Owners Name & Address : ADRIAN GARETH CAMPBELL 15 ROMAS WAY PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ November 2015.docx Printed on : 02.12.15 at 11:24 Page No. : 5 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month November, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.11.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building 931/219/15 Description of Work CD & JA PALMER 6 CALAIS AVENUE PO BOX 221 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9349775002 Owners Name & Address : CLIVE DENNIS PALMER 6 CALAIS AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 STORAGE OUTBUILDING Valuation $17,585.00 Floor Area 29.60 931/222/15 LAUNDRY ADDITION TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $11,550.00 Floor Area 8.87 R EVANS & S CHAMBERS BLD5209 82 DUBLIN STREET 82 DUBLIN STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9347880001 Owners Name & Address : R EVANS 82 DUBLIN STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/225/15 D & N CUMMINGS 29 TELFER STREET PO BOX 232 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9345063008 Owners Name & Address : D & N CUMMINGS PO BOX 232 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 SHED Valuation $8,000.00 Floor Area 54.00 931/227/15 GARAGE Valuation $9,500.00 Floor Area 60.00 GREG KAMMERMANN 12 MYERS STREET PO BOX 135 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9345194008 Owners Name & Address : GREGORY CHARLES KAMMERMANN PO BOX 135 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ November 2015.docx Printed on : 02.12.15 at 11:24 Page No. : 6 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month November, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.11.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building 931/233/15 Description of Work COLIN YOUNG 84 LINCOLN HIGHWAY PO BOX 3014 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9339754005 Owners Name & Address : NANCY VINNY VAN WEENEN PO BOX 454 TORRENSVILLE SA 5031 DOMESTIC SHED Valuation $25,000.00 Floor Area 67.50 931/236/15 DOMESTIC SHED Valuation $6,962.00 Floor Area 40.00 SHEDS FOR EYRE PO BOX 745 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR VG No.: 9339323424 Owners Name & Address : MADELEINE NELLIGAN PO BOX 2858 PORT LINCOLN 26 SEAVIEW AVENUE PORT LINCOLN 931/237/15 8 ABEONA TERRACE STEVE SCHUBERT ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS SA 5606 8 ABEONA TERRACE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9341583006 Owners Name & Address : S & L SCHUBERT 8 ABEONA TERRACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/240/15 S HIGGINS 11 TULKA TERRACE C/- MULTI DESIGN PORT LINCOLN PO BOX 662 GAWLER SA 5118 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9344814009 Owners Name & Address : SM HIGGINS 11 TULKA TERRACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ November 2015.docx VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $5,500.00 Floor Area 72.00 EXTENSION TO ROOFLINE OVER EXISTING DECK Valuation $14,500.00 Floor Area 168.00 Printed on : 02.12.15 at 11:24 Page No. : 7 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month November, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.11.15 Period 01.11.15 to 30.11.15 Total Council Value Analysis by Classification 1 DWELLING 10A PRIVATE NON-HABITABLE 10B STRUCTURES 3 RESIDENTAIL OCCUPATION 5 OFFICE 6 SHOP 9A HEALTH CARE 9B ASSEMBLY BUILDING Unclassified Analysis by Value - Major ( $0.00 and over ) - Minor ( under $0.00) Analysis by Type AMAJ MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILD AMIN MINOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILD D DWELLING DEM Demolition RCA RETAIL/COMMERCIAL ADDITIO RMAJ RCM RETAIL/COMMERCIAL NEW Untyped Year to Date $1,689,997.50 24 $10,807,342.63 114 $881,576.50 $586,869.00 $162,152.00 $0.00 $0.00 $59,400.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 5 16 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 $8,177,151.50 $1,353,716.05 $361,369.08 $70,000.00 $90,000.00 $59,400.00 $500,000.00 $195,706.00 $0.00 30 66 9 1 2 1 1 3 1 $1,689,997.50 24 $10,807,342.63 114 $734,721.00 $26,800.00 $867,076.50 $0.00 $2,000.00 $59,400.00 $0.00 17 1 4 0 1 1 0 $2,623,433.05 $69,435.00 $7,342,651.50 $11,300.00 $674,203.08 $59,400.00 $26,920.00 79 3 22 3 5 1 1 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ November 2015.docx ATTACHMENT O20156789 Printed on : 02.11.15 at 08:34 Page No. : 1 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month October, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.10.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building 931/016/15 Description of Work MATTHEW DAVID FOSTER 9 TELFORD AVENUE PO BOX 682 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9343701002 Owners Name & Address : MATTHEW DAVID FOSTER 9 TELFORD AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 GARAGE AND VERANDAH Valuation $14,000.00 Floor Area 74.00 931/026/15 ADDITIONS AND ALTERATION TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $30,000.00 Floor Area 64.70 BRIAN GIBBS 51 HAPPY VALLEY ROAD P O BOX 1282 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PORT LINCOLN Ward : Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS Owners Name & Address : BRIAN GIBBS PO BOX 1282 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/075/15 LINDA DAVIES 12-14 CONRAD STREET STORAGE SHED PO BOX 880 PORT LINCOLN Valuation $2,000.00 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Floor Area 23.74 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9345573008 Owners Name & Address : SOUTH AUSTRALIAN HOUSING TRUST REAL ESTATE SERVICES GPO BOX 292 ADELAIDE SA 5001 931/102/15 DUNCAN MOORE 255372 9 DORSET PLACE PO BOX 3557 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9341611003 Owners Name & Address : BRUCE DAMIEN LLOYD 9 DORSET PLACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ October 2015.docx BALCONY AND VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $21,000.00 Floor Area 32.00 RM O20156789 Printed on : 02.11.15 at 08:34 Page No. : 2 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month October, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.10.15 Permit No. 931/143/15 Applicants Details Builder Details VAUGHAN ANDREW THOMAS Site of Building Description of Work 12 SAPPHIRE DRIVE SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $420,000.00 Floor Area 357.00 2 O'CONNOR LANE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9348962754 Owners Name & Address : VAUGHAN ANDREW THOMAS & KIMBERLEY NICOLE THOMAS 2 O'CONNOR LANE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/159/15 P HANRAHAN & M MONTGOMERIE 23 RODDA AVENUE ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $50,000.00 Floor Area 71.60 23 RODDA AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9342691009 Owners Name & Address : PAUL AARON HANRAHAN 23 RODDA AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/173/15 J&L STEPHENSON BUILDING 157465 35-37 STAMFORD TERRACE CLASSROOM AND DECK PO BOX 3197 PORT LINCOLN Valuation $170,000.00 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Floor Area 186.90 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9347285501 Owners Name & Address : LUTHERAN CHURCH OF AUST SA & NT DISTRICT INC 137 ARCHER STREET NOTH ADELAIDE SA 5006 931/175/15 WAYNE DOLPHIN 10 BERNARD PLACE 10 BERNARD PLACE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9339906005 Owners Name & Address : WAYNE NEALE DOLPHIN 10 BERNARD PLACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ October 2015.docx REPLACE EXISTING VERANDAH Valuation $11,480.00 Floor Area 60.00 RM O20156789 Printed on : 02.11.15 at 08:34 Page No. : 3 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month October, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.10.15 Permit No. 931/176/15 Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building ALAN & EMMA JONES 1A MITTON AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PETER RENTON 15 RAVENDALE RD PT LINCOLN SA 5606 1A MITTON AVENUE PORT LINCOLN Description of Work FREESTANDING SHED Valuation $10,625.00 Floor Area 52.25 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9344795004 Owners Name & Address : EMMA JOY SHARRAD 1A MITTON COURT PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/181/15 GARY MCGUIRE 164214 22 ELTHAM AVENUE VERANDAH, CARPORT AND TEMPORARY CONTAINER Valuation $5,500.00 Floor Area 95.96 PO BOX 1098 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9348162001 Owners Name & Address : GARY JOHN MCGUIRE PO BOX 1098 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/187/15 SHEDS FOR EYRE 3 FELTUS STREET PO BOX 745 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9346927007 Owners Name & Address : JAMES LIEBIG 3 FELTUS STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 FREESTANDING GARAGE Valuation $10,803.00 Floor Area 70.00 931/197/15 VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $5,000.00 Floor Area 29.20 EP CARPENTERS PTY LTD 178 PROPER BAY ROAD PO BOX 1648 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9346631003 Owners Name & Address : W & J DREWITT PO BOX 1987 PORT ILNCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ October 2015.docx RM O20156789 Printed on : 02.11.15 at 08:34 Page No. : 4 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month October, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.10.15 Permit No. 931/198/15 Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building HC MAY & PP VANDENBROEK 25 FREEMAN AVENUE 25 FREEMAN AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PORT LINCOLN Description of Work DEMOLITION OF EXISTING SHED AND CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SHED Valuation $10,000.00 Floor Area 90.00 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9342778008 Owners Name & Address : HC MAY & PP VANDENBROEK 25 FREEMAN AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/199/15 COMMUNITY HOUSE 12-14 CONRAD STREET CARPORT PO BOX 880 PORT LINCOLN Valuation $4,000.00 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Floor Area 39.60 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9345573008 Owners Name & Address : SOUTH AUSTRALIAN HOUSING TRUST REAL ESTATE SERVICES GPO BOX 292 ADELAIDE SA 5001 931/203/15 GF MILLER 9658 4 HARBOUR COURT TWO VERANDAHS ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $7,000.00 Floor Area 44.00 6 HARBOUR COURT PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9343512009 Owners Name & Address : ELLEN LAURA BORLASE 4 HARBOUR COURT PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/207/15 NAOMI WOODSTOCK 14 BICKERS AVENUE SHED AND CARPORT RETROSPECTIVE) Valuation $5,300.00 Floor Area 72.00 14 BICKERS AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9347459153 Owners Name & Address : NAOMI WOODSTOCK 14 BICKERS AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ October 2015.docx RM O20156789 Printed on : 02.11.15 at 08:34 Page No. : 5 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month October, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.10.15 Permit No. 931/210/15 Applicants Details Builder Details TERRANCE DUNN Site of Building Description of Work 19 TOBRUK TERRACE VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $2,000.00 Floor Area 18.00 PO BOX 2953 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 934466600* Owners Name & Address : TERRANCE DUNN PO BOX 2953 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/215/15 GREGORY JAMES SLEEP U2/27 NORTH POINT AVENUE 2/27 NORTH POINT AVENUE LINCOLN COVE STAGE ONE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9349655000 Owners Name & Address : GREGORY JAMES SLEEP U2/27 NORTH POINT PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 VERANDAH Valuation $11,500.00 Floor Area 12.00 931/223/15 16 AUGUSTA STREET PORT LINCOLN VERANDAH Valuation $26,000.00 Floor Area 36.00 Ward ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS SA QUALITY HOME IMPROVEMENTS BLD50985 C/- 607 MARION ROAD SOUTH PLYMPTON SA 5038 : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR VG No.: 9339229008 Owners Name & Address : ALICIA GRIFFITHS 16 AUGUSTA STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ October 2015.docx RM O20156789 Printed on : 02.11.15 at 08:34 Page No. : 6 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month October, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.10.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building Period 01.10.15 to 31.10.15 Description of Work Year to Date Total Council Value $816,208.00 19 $9,131,345.13 91 Analysis by Classification 1 DWELLING 10A PRIVATE NON-HABITABLE 10B STRUCTURES 3 RESIDENTAIL OCCUPATION 5 OFFICE 9A HEALTH CARE 9B ASSEMBLY BUILDING Unclassified $500,000.00 $146,208.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $170,000.00 $0.00 3 15 0 0 0 0 1 0 $7,324,852.00 $751,570.05 $199,217.08 $70,000.00 $90,000.00 $500,000.00 $195,706.00 $0.00 26 50 7 1 2 1 3 1 $816,208.00 19 $9,131,345.13 91 $816,208.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 19 0 0 0 0 0 $1,902,712.05 $42,635.00 $6,475,575.00 $11,300.00 $672,203.08 $26,920.00 63 2 18 3 4 1 Analysis by Value - Major ( $0.00 and over ) - Minor ( under $0.00) Analysis by Type AMAJ MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILD AMIN MINOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILD D DWELLING DEM Demolition RCA RETAIL/COMMERCIAL ADDITIO Untyped N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ October 2015.docx RM O20156789 ATTACHMENT O20156246 Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 1 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 931/211/14 J&L STEPHENSON BUILDING BLD157465 7 AZURE CLOSE SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING AND FREE-STANDING GARAGE Valuation $280,000.00 Floor Area 237.26 PO BOX 3197 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9348967504 Owners Name & Address : ROSS DONALD CAMPBELL 4 NORMANDY PLACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/017/15 TRUSTEE OF LINCOLN MEDICAL CENTRE 10 HAIGH STREET ALTERATIONS & ADDITIONS TO EXISTING MEDICAL CENTRE Valuation $500,000.00 Floor Area 354.70 10 HAIGH STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : RETAIL/COMMERCIAL ADDITIONS VG No.: 9345280002 Owners Name & Address : OLAIYA PTY LTD C/- LINCOLN MEDICAL CENTRE 10 HAIGH STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/033/15 D & K BELLCHAMBERS 4 LAWSON DRIVE PO BOX 2822 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9344967005 Owners Name & Address : D & K BELLCHAMBERS PO BOX 2822 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/041/15 AIDAN SHEEHY 56 LIVERPOOL STREET PO BOX 1709 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : RETAIL/COMMERCIAL ADDITIONS VG No.: 9344040007 Owners Name & Address : ERNEST BRADLEY SILBY 14 HARTLEY GROVE WINDSOR GARDENS SA 5087 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx SHED SWIMMING POOL ENCLOSURE) Valuation $30,000.00 Floor Area 162.00 EXTENSION TO EXISTING SHOP FOR STORAGE AREA Valuation $70,000.00 Floor Area 91.00 Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 2 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Permit No. Applicants Details 931/100/15 B & K WATHERSTON Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 17 PICARDY PLACE OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT AREA AND REPLACE EXISTING SHED Valuation $150,000.00 Floor Area 158.40 17 PICARDY PLACE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9340437007 Owners Name & Address : B & K WATHERSTON 17 PICARDY PLACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/109/15 ANTHONY PETER THOMPSON U1/10 FLAXMAN STREET PO BOX 2477 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9339750506 Owners Name & Address : ANTHONY PETER THOMPSON PO BOX 2477 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/114/15 GREG NOBLE FREESTANDING CARPORT (RETROSPECTIVE) Valuation $3,000.00 Floor Area 39.04 U1/13 WINDAMERE CRESCENT DETACHED SINGLE STOREY DWELLING AND CARPORT X 3 LINCOLN COVE Valuation $604,000.00 Floor Area 549.30 Type of Building : DWELLING PO BOX 394 BRIGHTON SA 5048 Ward : BOSTON WARD VG No.: 9349841153 Owners Name & Address : GREG NOBLE PO BOX 394 BRIGHTON SA 5048 931/118/15 JAYLEM HILL 1 LINDEN DRIVE 27 ERIC AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 934309410* Owners Name & Address : DARREN PAUL HILL 27 ERIC AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx FREESTANDING DECK WITH VERANDAH Valuation $3,500.00 Floor Area 28.60 Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 3 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 931/120/15 CRAIG OWEN FRANCIS 258677 3 KEMP AVENUE DEMOLITION OF EXISTING SHED AND CARPORT Valuation $25,000.00 Floor Area 105.00 3 KEMP AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9341653000 Owners Name & Address : CRAIG OWEN FRANCIS 3 KEMP AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/126/15 J&L STEPHENSON BUILDING BLD157465 8 AZURE CLOSE PO BOX 3197 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9348967256 Owners Name & Address : BEN SAMPSON 39 YARDEA STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/127/15 J&L STEPHENSON BUILDING BLD157465 3 BRETON PLACE PO BOX 3197 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9340416054 Owners Name & Address : T & E HEATH PO BOX 3523 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/137/15 GRANT STAGG BLD164296 14-16 MARTINDALE CRES. TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $268,769.00 Floor Area 273.06 TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $0.00 Floor Area 0.00 VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $11,957.50 Floor Area 47.27 PO BOX 1419 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9346910010 Owners Name & Address : SOUTH AUSTRALIAN HOUSING TRUST REAL ESTATE SERVICES GPO BOX 292 ADELAIDE SA 5001 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 4 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building 931/141/15 Description of Work PORT LINCOLN FIBREGLASS BLD51677 U1/10 LAGUNA DRIVE PO BOX 35 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD VG No.: 9349959004 Owners Name & Address : SHAUN MILLER PO BOX 1072 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 INGROUND SWIMMING POOL Valuation $26,920.00 Floor Area 27.00 931/144/15 ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $100,000.00 Floor Area 280.00 MARK & TANIA ALDRIDGE 52 COOK STREET 52 COOK STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9348716000 Owners Name & Address : MARK JAMES ALDRIDGE 52 COOK STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/149/15 ADAM SCHOLZ 11 LUKE STREET 11 LUKE STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9349333001 Owners Name & Address : ADAM JOSEPH SCHOLZ 11 LUKE STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/153/15 MICHAEL RUSSELL CHAMBERS U2/88 MATTHEW PLACE 2/88 MATTHEW PLACE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9349530005 Owners Name & Address : MICHAEL RUSSELL CHAMBERS U2/88 MATTHEW PLACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $8,064.00 Floor Area 191.40 DEMOLISH EXISTING PERGOLA AND CONSTRUCT NEW CARPORT Valuation $4,000.00 Floor Area 14.00 Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 5 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Permit No. Applicants Details 931/162/15 AMY O'BRIEN Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 9 GOODE AVENUE DEMOLITION OF EXISTING SHED AND CONSTRU Valuation $25,000.00 Floor Area 0.00 9 GOODE AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9344606007 Owners Name & Address : AMY LOUISE O'BRIEN 9 GOODE AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/163/15 CRAIG & SANDY SIVIOUR 24A PROPER BAY ROAD PO BOX 3201 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MINOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9346451010 Owners Name & Address : CRAIG WILLIAM SIVIOUR PO BOX 3201 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/164/15 SHEDS FOR EYRE 32 OCEAN AVENUE PO BOX 745 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS Owners Name & Address : TERESA BADDELEY NOT THE CURRENT OWNER PH: 0403 507 697 931/167/15 DEAN LUKIN COLLECTION PTY LT 5 & 246 ST ANDREWS DR PO BOX 1240 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9350790007 Owners Name & Address : DEAN LUKIN COLLECTION PTY LTD PO BOX 1240 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx EXTENSION OF EXISTING INDUSTRIAL SHED Valuation $30,000.00 Floor Area 108.00 CARPORT ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $3,967.00 Floor Area 29.80 ADVERTISING SIGN Valuation $0.00 Floor Area 4.00 Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 6 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Permit No. Applicants Details 931/169/15 GREG THOMAS Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 12 FROBISHER STREET DECK ADDITION AND PRIVACY SCREEN TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $6,800.00 Floor Area 40.00 PO BOX 2426 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 934141400* Owners Name & Address : S. COX & K MATHWIN-COX PO BOX 2784 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/174/15 SHEDS FOR EYRE 124 NEW WEST ROAD PO BOX 745 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MINOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 934286300* Owners Name & Address : GARY PAUL WILKINS 124 NEW WEST ROAD PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/182/15 GI & GS WHITEHEAD 54 NAPOLEON STREET PO BOX 52 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : Demolition VG No.: 9344127006 Owners Name & Address : GEOFFREY IAN WHITEHEAD 44 VICTORIA CRESCENT PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/186/15 DAVID BARROWCLIFF 1/95 MORTLOCK TERRACE DOMESTIC SHED Valuation $12,635.00 Floor Area 91.20 DEMOLITION OF EXSITING DWELLING AND SHED Valuation $6,300.00 Floor Area 295.00 DEMOLITION OF EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $5,000.00 Floor Area 228.00 PO BOX 2241 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : Demolition VG No.: 9344467000-0010 Owners Name & Address : BARROWCLIFF PROPERTY INVESTMENTS PTY LTD 95 MORTLOCK TERRACE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 7 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Permit No. Applicants Details 931/206/15 MATTHEW TAPE Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 12 SPRINGFIELD DRIVE DECK, VERANDAH AND WET AREA TO EXISTING SHED (RETOSPECTIVE) Valuation $4,000.00 Floor Area 0.00 12 SPRINGFIELD DRIVE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9342596001 Owners Name & Address : MATTHEW TAPE 12 SPRINGFIELD DRIVE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/209/15 WELCOME HOME ENTERPRISES BLD182411 25 MILTALIE AVENUE PREFABRICATED TRANSPORTABLE ROOM Valuation $5,000.00 Floor Area 11.11 120 SALISBURY HIGHWAY PORT LINCOLN SALISBURY SA 5108 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9339096006 Owners Name & Address : SA ABORIGINAL HOUSING AUTHORITY REAL ESTATE SERVICES GPO BOX 292 ADELAIDE SA 5001 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx Printed on : 02.10.15 at 17:01 Page No. : 8 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month September, 2015 Current Period End Date : 30.9.15 Period 01.09.15 to 30.09.15 Year to Date Total Council Value $2,183,912.50 26 $7,470,137.13 71 Analysis by Classification 1 DWELLING 10A PRIVATE NON-HABITABLE 10B STRUCTURES 3 RESIDENTAIL OCCUPATION 5 OFFICE 9A HEALTH CARE 9B ASSEMBLY BUILDING Unclassified $1,257,769.00 $287,423.50 $33,720.00 $70,000.00 $30,000.00 $500,000.00 $5,000.00 $0.00 5 13 3 1 1 1 1 1 $5,979,852.00 $605,362.05 $199,217.08 $70,000.00 $90,000.00 $500,000.00 $25,706.00 $0.00 21 35 7 1 2 1 2 2 $2,183,912.50 26 $7,470,137.13 71 $380,288.50 $42,635.00 $1,152,769.00 $11,300.00 $570,000.00 $26,920.00 15 2 4 2 2 1 $1,086,504.05 $42,635.00 $5,630,575.00 $11,300.00 $672,203.08 $26,920.00 44 2 17 3 4 1 Analysis by Value - Major ( $0.00 and over ) - Minor ( under $0.00) Analysis by Type AMAJ MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILD AMIN MINOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILD D DWELLING DEM Demolition RCA RETAIL/COMMERCIAL ADDITIO Untyped N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ September 2015.docx ATTACHMENT O20155522 Printed on : 01.09.15 at 08:04 Page No. : 1 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month August, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.08.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 931/255/14 JOSH & KATE HOLLIT G6582 8 KAYE DRIVE DECK WITH VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $11,500.00 Floor Area 46.00 PO BOX 2565 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9341392007 Owners Name & Address : KATE LOUISE HOLLITT 8 KAYE DRIVE PORT LINCOLN SA 931/045/15 G BAGSHAW & T EVANS 31 SAPPHIRE DRIVE 50 COOK STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9348961006 Owners Name & Address : GUY EDWARD BAGSHAW 50 COOK STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/085/15 MS & SR KOSELSKI 62 ELTHAM AVENUE 62 ELTHAM AVENUE PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9348106405 Owners Name & Address : MS & SR KOSELSKI 62 ELTHAM AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/091/15 SHEPPERD BUILDING CO. 173982 PO BOX 960 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 PO BOX 1881 PORT LINCOLN 13 SAPPHIRE DRIVE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9348958755 Owners Name & Address : K FIRTH PO BOX 2606 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ August 2015.docx TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING AND ANCILLARY GARAGE Valuation $500,000.00 Floor Area 421.50 EXTENSIONS & ALTERATIONS TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $85,000.00 Floor Area 69.90 SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $289,699.00 Floor Area 182.60 Printed on : 01.09.15 at 08:04 Page No. : 2 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month August, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.08.15 Permit No. Applicants Details 931/095/15 B & A SMITH Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 7 SAPPHIRE DRIVE SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $420,000.00 Floor Area 317.00 PO BOX 3247 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9348968750 Owners Name & Address : B & A SMITH PO BOX 3247 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/099/15 AVTAR SINGH 3 EAGLE COURT U2/13 NEWTON STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9349896007 Owners Name & Address : AVTAR SINGH U2/13 NEWTON STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/130/15 OWEN POLE FRAME CONSTRUCT.BLD181383 3 AZURE CLOSE 1A HALL STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9348968005 Owners Name & Address : CJ MCCABE 6 GULF COURT SEMAPHORE SA 5019 931/134/15 SA QUALITY HOME IMPROVEMENTS 17 WALTER STREET C/- 607 MARION ROAD PORT LINCOLN SOUTH PLYMPTON SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 933964800* Owners Name & Address : VICTOR & JULIE ELLUL 17 WALTER STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ August 2015.docx TWO STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $300,000.00 Floor Area 252.85 SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLING Valuation $320,000.00 Floor Area 233.40 VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $42,500.00 Floor Area 130.00 Printed on : 01.09.15 at 08:04 Page No. : 3 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month August, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.08.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building 931/145/15 Description of Work BENJAMIN VAN DEN BROEK 13 COOK STREET 13 COOK STREET PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9348784003 Owners Name & Address : BENJAMIN NICOLAAS VAN DEN BROEK 13 COOK STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 CARPORT (FREESTANDING) Valuation $8,425.00 Floor Area 57.10 931/146/15 VERANDAH ATTACHED TO EXISTING DWELLING Valuation $17,000.00 Floor Area 60.00 ALL OUTDOOR CONSTRUCTION 186740 5 NORTH POINT AVENUE PO BOX 2381 LINCOLN COVE STAGE ONE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9349636002 Owners Name & Address : BARRY & CORRINE DENNIS 5 NORTH POINT AVENUE PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/147/15 ROCKSOLID AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 41 MONASH ROAD PO BOX 3170 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9348052005 Owners Name & Address : HAYDN FORD PATERSON 41 MONASH ROAD PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/148/15 ROCKSOLID AUSTRALIA PTY LTD 7 CRANSTON STREET PO BOX 3170 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9344501002 Owners Name & Address : DAVID JOHN HARRISON 7 CRANSTON STREET PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ August 2015.docx SEMI-ENCLOSED CARPORT ATTACHED TO EXISTING SHED (RETROSPECTIVE) Valuation $9,870.05 Floor Area 36.00 DEMOLISH EXISTING CARPORT AND CONSTRUCT NEW SHED Valuation $7,243.50 Floor Area 54.00 Printed on : 01.09.15 at 08:04 Page No. : 4 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month August, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.08.15 Permit No. Applicants Details Builder Details Site of Building Description of Work 931/152/15 SP COX & KD MATHWIN-COX GL54531 2/8 FROBISHER STREET TWO SINGLE STOREY DETACHED DWELLINGS AND CARPORT Valuation $300,000.00 Floor Area 299.40 PO BOX 2748 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : DWELLING VG No.: 9341415408 Owners Name & Address : STUART PETER COX P O BOX 2784 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/158/15 AARON CASTLEY 47 GLOUCESTER TERRACE PO BOX 2715 PORT LINCOLN PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VG No.: 9341549000 Owners Name & Address : AARON WADE CASTLEY PO BOX 2715 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 931/161/15 T PARKYN PO BOX 540 PORT LINCOLN SA 5606 Ward : BOSTON WARD Type of Building : MAJOR VG No.: 9350697005 Owners Name & Address : CRAIG FAMILY SUPER PTY LTD N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ August 2015.docx U5/17 SOUTH POINT DRIVE PORT LINCOLN ADDITIONS/OUTBUILDINGS VARIATION TO 931/132/14 VERANDAH ABOVE DECK Valuation $5,000.00 Floor Area 24.00 PROPOSED DECK FOR EXISTING TOWNHOUSES Valuation $33,000.00 Floor Area 90.10 Printed on : 01.09.15 at 08:04 Page No. : 5 CITY OF PORT LINCOLN DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION SYSTEM (B780SS) MONTHLY COUNCIL REPORT OF BUILDING APPROVALS Month August, 2015 Current Period End Date : 31.08.15 Period 01.08.15 to 31.08.15 Year to Date Total Council Value $2,349,237.55 15 $4,591,724.63 43 Analysis by Classification 1 DWELLING 10A PRIVATE NON-HABITABLE 10B STRUCTURES 5 OFFICE 9B ASSEMBLY BUILDING Unclassified $2,214,699.00 $101,538.55 $33,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 7 7 1 0 0 0 $4,027,583.00 $317,938.55 $165,497.08 $60,000.00 $20,706.00 $0.00 14 22 4 1 1 1 $2,349,237.55 15 $4,591,724.63 43 $219,538.55 $2,129,699.00 $0.00 $0.00 9 6 0 0 $706,215.55 $3,783,306.00 $0.00 $102,203.08 29 11 1 2 Analysis by Value - Major ( $0.00 and over ) - Minor ( under $0.00) Analysis by Type AMAJ MAJOR ADDITIONS/OUTBUILD D DWELLING DEM Demolition RCA RETAIL/COMMERCIAL ADDITIONS N:\Scan\Rachel.McGuire\ ‐ Monthly Report ‐ August 2015.docx