OKLAHOMA GROCERS ASSOCIATION OKLAHOMA FOOD INDUSTRY COUPON REDEMPTION SERVICE ~ : __ ..- QFIeRS : NEWS BULLETIN ~ - OKLAHOMA GROCERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 18716 Oklahoma City, OK 73154 405/525-9419 800/580-9400 405/525-0962 Fax COUNTERFEIT COUPON ALERTI 05-29-13 Attached are images of counterfeit coupons we have confirmed are currently in circulation. Each counterfeit coupon is noted below. If the coupon is scannable, the bar code string will be included. Reckitt Benckiser 1. Offer 41531 - $4.00 OFF on ANY 1 (ONE) AIR WICK Freshmatic Compact Starter Kit Please note: this was a valid coupon that expired in 2011 and is being submitted with the expiration date cut off. Please do not accept this coupon. 2. Offer 042101- $3.00 OFF on ANY ONE (1) LYSOLNo-Touch Hand Soap System (starter kit only) Please note: this was a valid coupon that expired in 2012 and is being submitted with the expiration date cut off. Please do not accept this coupon. 3. Offer 41529 - $4.00 OFF on ANY 1 (ONE) AIR WICK Freshmatic Ultra Starter Kit Please note: this was a valid coupon that expired in 2011 and is being submitted with the expiration date cut off. Please do not accept this coupon. 4. Offer 051269 - $2.15 OFF Any ONE (1) FINISH QUANTUM 25 ct or higher, Powerball or Gelpacs Please note: this is a photocopy of a valid coupon that expired in 2012. Gorton's 5. Offer 130846 - SAVE $3.00 on any ONE (1) Gorton's Item Unique data bar string: 81101004440013084633001100003130607 6. Offer 13756 - FREEany Gorton's Frozen Seafood Item Paramount Farms _ ' 7. Offer 089362 - SAVE $8.50 on any (1) bag of Wonderful Unique databar string: Pistachios 81101001200008936233751100003121231 Pepsi 8. Offer 200886 - Save $3.25 on any 12 oz 12 Pack of Pepsi Product 9. Offer 873921- Save $2.00 on any l(one) 15 oz. Starbucks Doubleshot Energy (any flavor) Unique databar string: 81101001200021432232001100003500101 Please note: data bar scans to offer code 214322 Pinnacle 10. Offer 279999 - SAVE $6.00 on any four (4) Birds Eye Frozen Vegetables 11. Offer 130207 - SAVE $5.00 on any THREE (3) Birds Eye frozen products 140z or larger Unique databar string: 8110100417901438653850110000 Please note: data bar scans to offer code 143865 Quaker 12. Offer 685216 - Free Gatorade 320z Get one (1) free 320z Gatorade Unique databar string: 811010007336685216330011000031110314110101 Church & Dwight 13. Offer 145795 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 14. Offer 180965 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 15. Offer 465823 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 16. Offer 495821- SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 17. Offer 642144 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 18. Offer 700058 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 19. Offer 766698 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 20. Offer 781210 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 21. Offer 824100 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product 22. Offer 971205 - SAVE$3.00 Off one A&H Product 23. Offer 971425 - SAVE $3.00 Off one A&H Product Frito-Lay 1. Offer 215473 - Save $2.00 on any one(l) Lays Product Please note: Coupon scans to offer 782659 Unique Databar String: 8110100284007826593200110000 Solo Cup 2. Offer 001015 - FREE SOLO PRODUCT Any One Plastic or Paper Item Please note: Coupon scans to offer 001011 Unique Databar String: 811010041165001011340011000091000 Reckitt Benckiser 3. Offer 47460 - SAVE $5.00 on ANY 1 (ONE) AIRWICK Freshmatic Ultra Refill 4. Offer 083078 - SAVE $2.00 ON ANY ONE (1) Airwick Freshmatic or Refill 5. Offer 117283 - Save $10.00 on anyone (1) Mucinex Product Please note: Coupon scans to 093012 Unique Databar String: 81101006382409301241000110000 1. I on A Y 1 (ONE) AIR WlCK Freshma'r;e Compact starter Kit 11\ .. ----------2. • I • I I , ----- ---- ..•.. -. .•.. 3. -.. :m ANY 1 CONE) AIR WICK Freshmatic.4 Ultra Starter Kit ". 4. I I I I\ \ -------------~-------~-~ I I I I I I I I , I I I I: I\ II r s. MANUFACTURER'S ------------------------~-_.------------------------ COUPON Item ,, ,, I I I I ,, , I I , I I : RETAll..m Gorton's d GlouceSIef lMUrembul1le you the IaoI Vl!Ilue of"'8 PlI5 8 cents " submItled In com \11th cur redemption policy Copy ~ iMI'lab1e upon I: PO Box 178ST6, 8 Paso. TX 79901 , CONSU~ : IIT'f leql.llSt, Cash 1/100 C 5end to Gorton•• 01GIouoeIt«. 01 an 1Ahonzed No oIhef 00UI)0n may be tMd w«h this ~ tax A130846G ~ ConIumer peys 5 .------------------------------------------------------------------~------------- 6. 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