Alumni News - North Star Camp for Boys


Alumni News - North Star Camp for Boys
Alumni News
North Star Camp for Boys
Winter 2012 - 2013
t’s time once again for our yearly Alumni News to go
online. Thanks to everyone who contributed by sending
us their news or news of a friend, a memory, or a small
world story about
camp. The response
was great and I look
forward to passing
on all the news to
Our promise is to always strive for journalistic excellence
and of late we had to do a little fact checking when one
piece of news sent in didn’t pass the litmus test. We were
led to believe that alumnus ANDREW PERLMUTTER
had dropped out of society and started a goat farm in
Arkansas. This was according to one of his friends BEN
SHER. I was quite excited about the news due to my love
of all things pastoral. Leb, however, smelled a rat. Turns
out, Ben was trying to use our well respected newspaper for
his own chicanery, stating it would increase our readership.
There is no problem with our readership. Be forewarned
my antennae are up and certain individuals are on my radar.
My once trusting nature is now on alert for those wanting to
exploit my gullibility. The good news is that we averted a
takeover of The Siren when Ben threatened to start his own
Dr. Smacks column. Better yet the new Editor in Chief
ANDY SHLENSKY has a degree in journalism from
Northwestern University and he can smell a rat better than
Leb. Truth be told he takes advantage of my gullibility as
A Note from Andy
s 2012 draws to a close, I want to throw in a big keylog to the
entire North Star community. A little over a year ago, Vickie and
I were honored to become the third owners and directors of North
Star, and it has been an amazing year for us and for camp. The Great
and Glorious North Star Party remains as strong as ever, and the
love and support that the alumni have shown us over the past year
has been overwhelming. And it was that way right from the start.
While I was driving home to Chicago from Wisconsin Rapids, where
I had met Leb and Sue to sign the papers and make the transition
official, I received a phone call from alumni Andy Krotinger. He had
been at camp in the 50s, and it had been a long time since he had last
connected with NSC. He first wanted to check to make sure that so
many of his favorite traditions remained: Pow Wow Day, Wanegan,
Friday Night Services and more. Sure enough, little had changed.
From there, he told me what a large role his experience at camp
had played in his life. His time at camp had inspired a love for the
Continued on page 2
So on that note the big news is not only does North Star have
a new editor and chief we have new owners and Directors.
Bully for them! In Andy’s mind he has been applying for
this job since he was in the junior village and thinking he
would like to own the place one day. He stayed on that path
North Star Alumni Photo Archives
e've taken the time to scan all of our old camp photos and we're now in the process of putting them online for you to enjoy.
Over the course of the last few months, we've been adding albums to the North Star Facebook page and we'll add more over
the coming weeks. You can find the archives by going to and clicking on the photos
icon. We need your help. The photos have become a bit disorganized over time. As you look through the photos, if you know the
year that a picture was taken, please add that to the comments section. Also, if you know anyone in any of the pictures, either list
their names in the comments section or tag the individual(s).
We know that not everyone is on facebook. In the coming weeks we will also be posting pictures to another website that will allow
those without facebook access.
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
spending many years at North Star as a camper, counselor,
Continued from page 1
and village director. After graduating from Northwestern
University where Andy was president of the Interfraternity
outdoors and particularly fishing. And when it came time to pursue
Council, he went to work for Camp Lenox as their boys
camp director. He joined the American Camp Association
a career, he chose environmental law so that he could protect
and it wasn’t long before he was heading up the young
those experiences for others. As our conversation drew to a close,
professionals group. After getting some great experience
he closed by making sure I understood as the new director just how
under his belt at Camp Lenox in Massachusetts, Andy came
large of a role that North Star has played in so many lives. I definitely
back to North Star as our assistant director spending most
understand that as it was true for me too, and I look forward to
of his time recruiting campers and picking Leb’s brain.
protecting that same experience for many generations to come.
In December 2011 Andy signed on the dotted line. Leb
and I were delighted to find someone that we have 100%
Pow Wow Day 2012; Leb handing off the Peace Pipe to Andy
confidence in to continue our mission. Vickie, Andy’s
wife and soon to be mother of their first child is an OB/
GYN resident at Lutheran General Hospital in Park Ridge,
IL. Vickie will be at camp full time when she finishes her
residency. There is no doubt that she will be a huge asset
to camp. She currently spends time at camp when she is in
between rotations.
Leb and I felt a huge responsibility to put North Star
into the hands of someone that could ensure that future
campers could have the same experience that their fathers,
grandfathers, uncles had at camp. We also wanted to make
this transition while we were still of strong body and mind
and could sit back and watch the fruits of our labor. It was
wonderful being at camp this summer and to see the place
run without a hitch. Andy surrounded himself with strong
leadership and a phenomenal staff.
DAN LICHTENSTEIN, a 28 year veteran is our assistant
director. A better systems person would be hard to find.
Andy is reinvesting in North Star’s future with building
and site projects. Most important is that Andy understands
the North Star philosophy and will keep the cornerstone
beliefs that we have been known for. His passion for camp
and the community that he is responsible for is admirable.
People have asked us if it was hard to hand over the reins
One very neat moment this past summer came on Pow Wow
Day. Leb was able to uncover the same script that he and Lou
Rosenblum had used for the opening ceremonies of that Pow Wow
Day when Leb became “Chief.” Leb on horseback led the four tribes
down Villa Road to the infield of Lou’s Diamond, where he passed
me the headdress and the peace pipe. I certainly don’t have the
expertise on horseback that Leb does as a former horseback
riding instructor, but I managed to stay aboard. Aside from that
ceremonial moment, the summer of 2012 was filled with energy,
creativity and friendship. We had a great group of campers
from 22 different states and five countries, and a tremendous
staff to make the summer great. One of the moments where
the passion of this group really came through was in the camp
musical, which has taken on a life of its own. This year’s musical
was entitled “Harry Potter and the Camp Deed,” which used the
Harry Potter characters at North Star with original lyrics set to
Motown music. The hit song was called “I’m Coming Back,” to the
tune of “I Want You Back” by the Jackson Five. The production
featured great acting, singing and even tap-dancing. It was just
another great example that North Star provides so many boys
with the opportunity to be themselves, to be carefree, and to be
in a place where everyone brings something special to the table.
And 2013 is already shaping up to be a great year! Camp is almost
full and we already have a ton of great staff members committed
to return to the Northwoods. This will be a special year for
Vickie and I as well, as we are less than a month away from the
arrival of our first child. This little girl has no idea what she is
in for growing up at North Star! As we prepare for her arrival,
we are so thankful for the support of the North Star community,
and we feel so lucky that she will be part of North Star Family!
to something that was our life’s work. We both have said
it’s a joyful experience because we are passing the torch to
someone that we have complete confidence will carry on
for us. We are very proud of Andy and Vickie and know
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
that just as Lou and Renee made that decision carefully that the old archery shed, but once archery was moved, the shed
they also will pass the torch in the future with great care.
got converted to athletic equipment storage.
Leb and I are keeping ourselves very busy with travel,
our new grandchild and volunteer work. Leb just took a
new position as Executive Director of the Association of
Independent Camps. Leb was president of this association
so he feels right at home.
One other improvement since our last alumni newsletter
involved the replacement of the junior village washhouse
septic system. Normally, improvements to camp septic
would not rate as newsworthy, however this septic system
was infamous for the mysterious black pipe. Many a North
Star camper will remember being warned not to jump on
the black pipe near the steps to cabin I6. The new system
meant two improvements. First, the pipe is gone. Secondly,
if you take a short walk down the lower nature trail, you’ll
ven before the summer of 2012 was over we were already find a new clearing where there is a drainage field. We’ll be
making upgrades. The first of these was an addition to able to use this clearing for some camp activities.
our boat fleet. Wakeboarding has become extremely popular
at camp and when we had the opportunity to purchase a
Malibu wakeboard boat, we jumped at the opportunity. The
boat has a tower, which gives better leverage when pulling
n 2012 we added three former campers to the Ten Year
boarders. The boat also has ballast tanks, creating a bigger
plaque. Counselors WILLIE GOODMAN, ANDY
RODHEIM and ANDY STERN celebrated their Big
Ten’s. They joined the following folks Ten Year folks,
It wasn’t more than an hour or two after our post campers currently at North Star; LEB, SUE and ANDY, TOM
left that a local farmer showed up to camp with some
heavy machinery to begin the first step of our athletic field
projects. Step one was to completely tear up the top level
of ground, tearing apart and tilling the turf. What followed
was a crew of specialists who first leveled off the fields,
moving soil from high points to low points, removing hills
and widening the playing surfaces. An irrigation system was
then installed, drawing water from the lake and sending it
to a new sprinkler system throughout the athletic fields and
the hill in front of the office. Finally, special athletic grass
seed was laid, and not more than two weeks from the start
of the project, new grass was growing. You can check out
pictures from start to finish on our facebook page at www. (click the albums
icon and you’ll find an album for the project).
What's New at Camp?
Our head caretaker TOM BROKAW and his brother-in-law
Art have been working hard to convert and upgrade some
of the staff housing at camp. Above our maintenance shop
was one main staff living area. Tom and Art partitioned off
the area, building separate rooms and adding an additional
bathroom. This will give us some more flexibility for staff
housing and the opportunity to add living space for some
more out-of-cabin staff. Tom also spent some time redoing
the shed that we affectionately call the 382 shed. This was
August 10th - 17th
Program starts and ends at breakfast
It's the Big Ten
Ten year men in 2012, Willie Goodman, Andy Stern and Andy
Alumni Visitors
e’re always lucky to have our great alumni come
back and visit camp. The following folks made their
way to the Northwoods this summer: MIKE BLUMBERG
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
Post camp is always a great week as our campers leave and
several families make camp home. The following alumni
spent time at post camp this year: BRYAN BARNETT, JON
Alumni News
In the Days of Lou and Renee
JOHN MILLER ([email protected]) stopped in at
camp this summer with his wife. He is living in Madison
and recently retired from a very active career in the Madison
school district where he worked as a teacher, assistant
principal and school counselor. John credits North Star as
giving him his first home and first job. John grew up in an
ou don’t have to wait for the next Alumni Newsletter to get your North Star fill. We are utilizing sites like Facebook, LinkedIn,
Youtube and more to keep everyone up to the minute on the latest North Star news and also take advantage of the NSC
network. Here is where you can find North Star on the web.
Leb’s Ramblings, North Star’s blog to keep everyone informed of camp news all year long, too. You can find our Leb’s
Ramblings at:
We use Facebook to keep everyone informed of new blog entries as well as any other news updates. You can become
a fan of North Star and get the latest updates at or you can friend
North Star at
You can also follow North Star via Twitter at
Subscribe to our YouTube channel, where you can see various video shorts at We have
been converting many of our old reunion videos, and we will work to get them posted online, either to youtube or
another site.
Focused towards alumni, we use have a LinkedIn group to help alumni stay in touch and network. We also hope to utilize
LinkedIn to help make our great staff aware of possible job opportunities within the North Star Family. Go to http://
New in 2012, we've got an Instragram account. Instagram is a mobile based photo sharing social media app. Some of
the pictures that we post on Instragram is also shared on facebook and twitter, but we also have some photos that are
only posted to Instagram, including a North Star picture of the day. On Instagram, you can find us @northstarcamp.
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
orphanage and said that
been playing in Temple
camp was the closest thing
Emanuel’s rock band for 10
to family that he had. He
years with Joe’s sons
worked in our kitchen from
1958-63 under John Lien. •
JOHN LIEN served in
MILLSTONE, both of
Vietnam as a field medic. •
whom play the bass. Steve
also plays in an 8 piece
trained for 14 months for a
klezmer band, Tucson’s
race called the Marathon
des Sables (aka 'Marathon
ensemble. In addition, he
of the Sands') that took
plays as a solo artist for
place April 8-14th 2012 in
weddings and parties. •
the Sahara Desert of
Morocco. Marathon des
recently moved to Eagle
Health Gala. There has been great support from NSC alumni River. According to Joe;
Sable is known as the
for Mike’s work exposing toxin chemicals in the environment to “This move stems in large
"Toughest Footrace on
protect children and families. Charles is on staff and Adel sits on part from the love of the
Earth" covering 250+
the board of CEH.
kilometers (equivalent of 6
north woods I gained from
marathons) over sand dunes
the summers I spent at
and mixed desert terrain with temperatures ranging from North Star, which I've never forgotten.” • Congratulations
40F to 120F. Brian strived to go the distance, raising to ARLENE and RAY HANDLER will celebrate their
awareness and support for KIDS in the GAME, an all- 50th wedding anniversary with a cruise to India. • RON
volunteer nonprofit organization that he cofounded, focused SCHULMAN celebrated his 20th wedding anniversary
on inspiring kids to thrive in life through sports. KIDS in with his wife Laura in September. They met at ANDREW
the GAME provides financial assistance to help youth in COHN'S wedding. Andrew and Ron were cabinmates for
America from low-income families, youth that are several summers and Leb was their counselor one summer.
physically or mentally challenged, and kids that are “at- You can say NSC connected him with his wife. • JEFF
risk” gain access to sports programs. He completed the DINKIN would like to give a huge HOW! To Andy
race in great shape and his girlfriend was waiting for him at Shlensky for agreeing to host the University of Minnesota
the finish line. You can learn more about the program at Chapter of Camp Kesem at North Star after camp ends next
). summer. Jeff has been on the Board of Directors of Camp
Brian has also been in touch with MARK LEVY in San Kesem for the past 2 years. Camp Kesem is an incredible
Francisco. • BOB FELLER coauthored a book with Bob organization devoted to helping families dealing with
Nelson and was featured on a nationally known internet cancer that is operated by students at 41 universities across
radio program called The Authors Show. The interview can the country, providing a free week of camp to children who
be seen at (click on the have a parent who either has cancer or passed away from
nonfiction section, look for Bob Feller and give it a listen). cancer. The children have an opportunity to interact in a fun
Bob caught his first musky this summer, a 40 incher. He is
retired from teaching but still coaches, writes, and runs a
OHN KRETCHER writes: “JEFF MELVOIN and I are once
tennis camp in the summer. Bob writes, “NSC influences
again working together on the show, Army Wives. Jeff
can be seen in our programming, especially on skit and
is the Executive Producer, and I am working under him as
song night”. This is his 2nd year with his new knees after
his Co-Executive Producer/Director. He stays primarily
double knee replacement surgery. He gets together with
in Los Angeles, supervising the writing and editing, and
DON GIBSON to play guitar and sing. •
I will be based in Charleston, SC, supervising the actual
SCHULMAN retired from Tucson Unified School District
production of the episodes. This is the second year of our
in 2005 after 33 years as a music resource teacher and
professional relationship on the show in this capacity (I had
teacher of the gifted. He is currently working for the Folk
worked previous years simply as one of many directors on
Shop, a music store in Tucson that buys, sell and trades
the show). Although we were never cabin mates at North
vintage guitars, banjos, mandolins, fiddles, accordions and
Star, we attended at the same time, and shared a number of
world instruments. • JOE MILLSTONE and Steve have
summers at Post Camp.”
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
environment with other kids facing a similar situation. The even took a year off from his law practice to fly fish around
camp has been instrumental in helping these kids get the world with a friend. His children all share his love for
through very difficult time in their lives. Jeff wants to give fishing. • STEVE RICHMAN has been working at
Andy a big Thank you for lending such an important hand Kohrman, Jackson and Krantz law firm in Cleveland.
We were sent the following story by HARRY GOTTLEIB “I had a Halloween Party with some head of the Litigation
neighbors. I was wearing a NSC T-shirt. My next door neighbor asked me what my relationship Department and MARC
was to North Star. I told her: 7 Years for me. 10 years for my brother. And Louis is named after KRANTZ is Managing
the founder. She was floored. It turns out that her father was Lou Rosenblum's uncle. She and Partner of the Firm. Last year
Lou were first cousins. And what's more, her father was responsible for getting Lou and his Steve was elected to his third,
4-year term as Councilman
mother, Anna, out of Russia...into the United States, to Milwaukee.”
for the Village of Moreland
Hills, serving as Council
in making a difference in the lives of these kids. Jeff is in President the last 3 years. While Steve did not show such a
commercial real-estate in Los Angeles and a cancer serious side at camp, he adds: “In my ‘spare time’, I
survivor. • AARON BROWER is Provost and Vice continue to help kids achieve their potential and make
Chancellor at the University of Wisconsin-Extension as healthy lifestyle choices because I am thankful that
Special Assistant to the President for Educational Strategies. Counselors and camp owners did so for me; and, I wanted
• JAY WEBER writes that his son ADAM WEBER has to get back that great intrinsic feeling I received when
completed medical school and is in his transitional year of helping kids as a Counselor and C.I.T. Director at NSC”.
residency in Akron, OH. Next July Adam will begin his Among Steve’s extracurricular activities are: Board
residency in ophthalmology at the Cleveland Clinic. Jay Member of Drug Free Action Alliance; Co-Chair of
writes, “I don't know whether any North Star alums still Coalition to Amend Ohio’s Social Host “Steve Richman
live in the Cleveland area. If so, I'm sure he would like to Laws; Classroom Volunteer, Junior Achievement (he taught
connect with them.” His email address is a couple of JOE MENDES’S classes); 3Rs Committee • MIKE MOSS, CHRIS MAY, JOE Member and Classroom Volunteer (teaching 10th grade
MENDES and MIKE GREEN went on a “Canadian” inner city students about the constitution and college/career
(though they actually paddled in the Boundary Waters). planning). • KERRY LEBENBURGER lives in Florida
According to the trio, they “Saw a moose. Heard wolves and was in Tucson with his wife Judy on business for
from our tents, drank water straight from the lakes…the Ashley Furniture and also to play a little golf. Leb and I
whole bit. It was in celebration of us all turning 50 this enjoyed catching up with them for dinner. Kerry is CEO of
year. We had already done it at age 15 while campers and Ashley Furniture which, under his leadership, has grown to
again at age 20”. We were elated that they stopped at camp have stores all across the country as well as stores abroad. •
during Post Camp to finish the trip. • ANDY KROTINGER MIKE KATZ writes a blog, “Katz of the Day”, at www.
was at North Star for two summers, in 1953 & 54. He Mike muses on literature,
recalls that while at camp he developed a love for the photography, music, film and the occasional trout. Check
outdoors and credits his experiences with his subsequent out his fall subscription drive:
love for fishing. He remains a passionate fly fisherman and blog/2012/10/09/fall-subscription-drive/. • Last spring
OEL RICHMAN writes this small world story: “While attending
my daughters sorority fundraiser gala at The Ohio State
University in March of this year I was pleasantly surprised to
daughters also were in the same Sorority and were attending
the same party, It was great to see both and share many NSC
Mike Goldie added, “I think our daughters were mortified when
Joel and I started to sing the Beaver Song while standing in a line
last year to get in to the formal.
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
JON HANDLER took a new job as
fond memories of all of his baking.
the Chief Medical Information Officer
“We are not worthy” was the chant as
for a company called M*Modal. They
we bowed to him in the dining room.
do speech recognition, natural
• ELLIOT STEWART had lunch
language processing, and transcription
for health care. He also helps them
reminisce about camp. They continued
create new software. For years Jon
on-line by scanning & posting all
has been combining his medical
their old camp pictures to Facebook
degree with technology. • JOHN
from the years 1980 - 1986. “We've
KRETCHMER is working with Jeff
had a great time connecting with
Melvoin for the third time on Army
cabin mates (DAVE FRAIBERG,
Wives as his producer/director. John
is based in Charleston, where the
DAN POLSTER) and counselors
show is filmed, and Jeff is running the TOMMY FELDMAN (above) and his wife Allison over some of the more entertaining"
mothership from Los Angeles. John’s welcomed baby Joseph in July. Tommy’s cousin pictures.” • Heather and MIKE
contract was originally worked out by STEVE SILBERMAN also had a baby boy. They all SIMONS are overjoyed to welcome
his then-agent, ROB GOLENBERG, live in Boulder.
Asher Cole Simons into the world
who is also a North Star alum. • RON
on July 27th. • ANDY DOANE is
BRODKEY is looking for cabin mates from '47 - '54. Ron working for and owns security products and
is living in Omaha and can be reached at services for Amazon's cloud. He lives in Virginia and his
[email protected].
son will attend North Star this summer. He writes “It's
been a blast to see the pictures Andy Shlensky has been
In the Early Days of Leb and Sue
posting on Facebook. I particularly liked watching the new
irrigation system installed. I thought it was amusing that
ON GIBSON is teaching a physical assessment course we were literally watching the grass grow.” • STEVE
in the physician’s assistant program at Marquette SCHWARTZ works for Baum Realty Group and has an
University in Milwaukee. He retired as the Fire Chief of adorable little one year old. They are looking forward to
the Grafton Fire Department and continues to practice as the day that he will be coming to North Star. • CHRIS
a physician assistant at St. Mary’s hospital ER. He and SVOBODA is living in NYC with a few of his buddies from
Kandy are planning a wedding for Chelsea. • KANDY college and is working for an investment firm called Titan
GIBSON is an elementary school principal and in her spare Advisors. He stays in touch with ANDREW BEATUS, who
time is making beautiful ceramics that she sells at art fairs. was working in New York this past summer. ANDREW is
You can check out some of Kandy and Chelsea's beautiful getting a dual law/business degree (JD-MBA) at Emory in
work at • DIETRICH Atlanta. • BRAD COHEN married Daniela in September,
THOMPSON had been working for Merck in New Jersey in Gaston OR outside of Portland. We hear that it was a
for many years before his position was eliminated. On the fabulous, farm fresh, free range wedding held at the Big
bright side he has had a lot of interviews and hopefully by Table Farm. Daniela is a professor at Pacific Northwest
now he has accepted another position. He is married and College of Art and Brad is Senior Director of Strategy @
has fond memories of his camp days. We certainly have Jess3. They live in Portland. Former camp doctor • JOHN
The Wanegan Bowl; a Tradition Unlike Any Other
hanksgiving weekend marks what has now become an annual
affair for North Star alumni in the Chicago area. For nine years
now, current and former camp folks have been gathering at a
suburban park, braving the cold for a game of speedball. The
only requirements for participants are that they are former or
current NSC campers or staff that were of Pine Manor age the
most recent summer and a willingness to brave the elements.
2013 will mark Wanegan Bowl #10 and if you're in the Chicago
area, we hope that you'll join us!
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
COHEN and wife JULIE celebrated their 40th wedding asked: "When was the last time you got your hands dirty?”
anniversary in their He immediately grinned and recounting a big mud fight on
usual tradition; dressed the camp athletic fields after a huge rain storm. He’s sure it
in their wedding clothes got him the job. He continues to work with kids as a
and going out for dinner! community swim school and wishes that they had a blob
Julie admits to having like the one at camp. • JOSHUA HANDLER is a first
her dress altered but John semester student at the NYU Tisch film school. He has met
is in his original duds. Steve Spielberg, John Goodman, Robert Zemeckis, Martin
They live in Cincinnati McDonagh, Michael Haneke, Volker Schlöndorff, Matthew
where John continues to Broderick, and many others. He has his own movie review
practice ophthalmology, blog and is listed on
specializing in glaucoma. IMDb. • GARRETT LEBBY reunited with fellow NSC
He continues to teach, alums, Scott Gershan, David Gershan and Josh Tolkan at
lecture, see patients and Sara Gershan’s wedding in Door County Wisconsin this
of course, fish! Who summer. Garrett and his wife Rose welcomed their son
could forget Julie’s Chase, who turned one in November. Leb and Sue couldn’t
crazy earring collection be happier to be grandparents. Garrett is operations
that she brought to camp manager of a window and door company; Architectural
each summer. You could Designs in Tucson. He also founded a company American
JAKE SEGIL married his long time take most of them and Angleball and recently sold an angleball set to the
girlfriend Carrie this summer. They put them on your hook Philadelphia Eagles which they have been using for
live in Boulder where Jake is working to catch a fish. Julie was conditioning. • SCOTT GERSHAN is doing his
on this Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering a playmate of LINDA psychiatric residency in Washington D.C. • DAVID
on a project working on postural ROSENBLUM during GERSHAN is doing his Clinical Psychology Fellowship
control and sensory feedback for the early years of camp. in Lincoln Nebraska. • JOSH TOLKAN lives in
artificial hands. it’s a project that will • JASON SNOW and Minneapolis and is a trip leader. • CASEY LOWMAN is
benefit our returning forces.
Brooke Grant were a youth and community development volunteer in the Peace
married at Dreams Corp in Morocco. • ANDREW KLABER planned to run
Villamagna in Puerto Vallerta, Mexico on June 8th, 2012. the canceled New York City marathon as a fund raiser for
• DYLAN CHERNOV and his wife Maura welcomed Orphans Against AIDS and The Robin Hood Foundation.
their first child, Graham, in August. They live in Duluth, Orphans Against AIDS (,
MN. • BEN SHER still fondly reminisces
about RANDY HOLZBERGER singing
ver Labor Day weekend, Andy, Vickie, Dan, Mike Blumberg (and wife Sara)
the Rainbow Connection with Monica while
Josh Frost (and fiancee Jess), Jack Silverstein, Ari Goldberg, Robyn Kirk,
at camp. • Congratulations to SETH KATZ Mandy Stanek (and fiancee Scott) and Jordan Tepper had a NSC reunion at
who made partner at his law firm Sidley Austin camp. ALEX HELDMAN was the guest of honor. It was really special that
LLP in Chicago. He specializes in mergers Alex could attend. Alex continues to live at a rehab facility in Michigan where
and acquisitions. Congratulations to • RYAN he is recovering from encephalitis. He will be auditing college classes at a
JACOBS who just received his MBA from the community college this fall.
University of Michigan.
In the Later Days of Leb and Sue
ARK SPEARS is still doing the KISS impersonations
which is helping fund his upcoming wedding. He
spent a week in Taiwan, and was using Purell for hygiene
whenever we would eat. The smell of it brought back
strong memories of camp. • PETER TRUONG is currently
a junior majoring in biology at the University of Chicago.
Last summer he did research relating to cancer and cell
signaling. During the interview for the position, he was
which he and his friends founded in 2002 has provided over
$1,100,000 in academic scholarships, nutrition, and health
care to more than 600 children affected by HIV/AIDS
across five projects in Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda.
Andrew is also pleased to announce the publication of
Social Entrepreneurship in the Age of Atrocities. All profits
from this book, in which he contributed a chapter, will be
donated to charity. • THOMAS GREVING (1989-91)
recently returned from his second trip as a volunteer with
Global Camps Africa near Johannesburg, South Africa.
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2013 - 2012
Leb introduced Thomas to founder of Global Camps, Phil Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of
Lillenthal at a fund raising event in Washington D.C. and Communications, with a major in TV/Radio/Film. Mike
Thomas was off and running. Thomas lives in Fairfax, worked this past summer at the Cannes Film Festival and is
Virginia where he is a writer and working on a book. • on his way to becoming a “Movie Mogul” having appeared
JAKE LEVINE and ALEX STUCHEN ended up in the (and done voice-overs) in several commercials, worked as
same fraternity at the University of Arizona. • NAT Video Editor for SUNY and interned at the Discovery
BROWER graduated from the New School University in Channel and Arc Productions. • BYRON SCOTT lives in
New York City last May and is trying to make it as a New York City with and works at a private equity firm
which focuses on telecom, media
musician. He's living in Brooklyn
and education investments. He sees
and happy as a clam doing what he
loves. JAKE BROWER is a graphic
and web designer and lives in
Athens, GA. • Former Trips
GLICKMAN regularly. • ROBBY
Director BRIAN GEISLER is now
RUTKOFF recently proposed to
Summer Program Director for
his fiancée Becca Ginsburg while
YMCA Camp Widjiwagan, based
dinning at a New York restaurant.
in Ely, MN. He lives there in the
They are carefully planning an
summer with his wife Niki, and
August wedding so their camp
now 9 month old son Reed. They
friends can attend. Robby popped
reside in St. Paul in the offseason.
the question by having it written on
He will be attending the Wilderness
the top of his birthday cake that was
Risk Management Conference in
delivered to their table (it was
Portland. Brian’s wife Niki is the
director at YMCA Camp du Nord, ZACH KELLY and DAN HORNUNG at the West Wing of actually for Robby’s birthday).
just 2 miles from Widjiwagan. • the White House, where both work. 1600 Pennsylvania Becca didn’t have a clue that it was
MITCH MASIA is a freshman at Avenue was the most prestigious locale to ever host a coming. Robby is working for the
Relay Graduate School of Education
Vanderbilt University studying North Star reunion.
in New York City. • DANIEL
Quantum Mechanics. He is involved in club Ultimate JACOBS recently had his first paper published. He is
Frisbee, thanks to countless afternoons playing with MIKE getting a Ph. D at Yale. • DANNY LUGER started rotations
SWIRYN and JAKE SEIGEL. He hangs out occasionally in internal medicine at Rush Hospital in Chicago. • IAN
with ZACHARY "BLUMY" BLUMENFELD, and BOMBERG is currently living in Ramallah trying to help
JOSH COHEN. • ZACH BLUMENFELD has his own the government form a new insurance program. • RODDY
new radio show at Vanderbilt called the "Vandy Backstage" HYDUK co-founded a creative collective at University of
in which he interviews Vanderbilt musicians. • AARON Michigan
LEVY is getting married to his girl friend of 7 years. • They are currently holding a first
MICHAEL RICHMAN will graduate this winter from round of interviews to keep the program alive after he
graduates. They are passing down a scholarship fund, the
knowledge of past experiences, and an production
We Need Your Pics!
equipment arsenal. Roddy says that he and his college
buddies plays Monopoly Deal, a game that his campers
If you follow North Star on social media, you'll notice that we Seth and Max taught him. He remembers how badly his
post pics of NSC alumni happenings. Unfortunately, we can't campers beat him that summer. • MIKEY BROWN is in
be everywhere, so we don't always get pictures. Whether its LA working as a production assistant. • BRIAN
GLICKMAN is working as social media director at Bunk1.
a wedding with a camp contingent or a picture of an alum's com, a technology company that works with summer
newborn, we want to pass along the news. Of course, we camps. Brian also has been playing in a competitive
can't post them if we don't have them, so be sure to email dodgeball league in NYC and this past May his team, which
any pictures to [email protected] so we can share also consists of ARI GOLDBERG and ROBBY
KOVALCIK, won their first ever League Championship. I
them with the camp community.
quote, “We certainly have North Star Camp to thank for the
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
years of practice during 4th Period Challenge Games to
develop our skills to become NYC champions.” •
Second and Third Generation Campers this summer:
SHANNON THOMAS has a new baby girl, Augustine
Thomas Frank. She lives in Varina, Virginia. • MIQUEL
Noah Barkoff (Aaron, Glencoe)
VALENZUELA writes, “It has been a little over four years
Alex Bramson (Jeff, Highland Park, IL, also 3rd gen.)
since I last stepped on North Star, but I can still feel an itch
Sam Bricker (Lew, Deerfield, IL)
on the sole of my foot as it craves to go back. Over the past
Daniel Cole (Alan, Northbrook, IL)
four years I’ve been studying in a boarding school in
Eli Cowan (Ben, Bellaire, TX)
Virginia called Woodberry Forest School and have
Brady Daitch (Grandfather Ron Foreman, Deerfield, IL)
absolutely loved it. North Star helped me find my passion
Simon Dinkin(Steve, San Diego, CA)
when I first climbed the climbing wall. Thanks to that first
Aaron Dinkin (Jeff, Santa Monica, CA)
experience, at my school I’m in both the varsity climbing
Max Emmerman (Ross, Chicago, IL)
team and in the outdoors program and have been for the
Jack Foreman (Grandfather Ron, Chicago, IL)
past four years. I can still vividly remember climbing the
Scott & Max Goldberg (Bruce, Omaha, NE)
wall with a smile on my face and reaching the top to see
one of the greatest views of camp. Thanks to North Star I
Holden Greenberg (Robert, Larchmont, NY)
have found my passion in life and have been pursuing it.”.
Noah Glick (Steven, Chicago, IL)
• LUKE IANNINI was one of the developers of an app for
Scott Hamilton (Jim, Northbrook, IL)
the I-pad called Artikulator which allows you to draw
Ethan Handler (Jon, Northbrook, IL)
music. The Artikulator is currently installed as a display at
Ethan Holz (Mark, Beachwood, OH)
the Children’s Museum in San Francisco. Luke was married
Chip Kass (Geoff, Highland Park, IL)
this year and continues to develop new apps while living in
Ross Krantz (Marc, Cleveland, OH)
California. His wife is a composer from New Zealand. •
Kacy Lebby (Sue and Leb, Tucson, AZ)
MATT SEIDLER recently was engaged to his girlfriend
Michael Lee (Bob, Riverwoods, IL)
Lindsay Steinberg. He lives in Chicago. • ANDREW
Jacob Lehr (John, Omaha, NE)
GOODMAN became proposed to his girlfriend, Grace
Parker Leshin (Eddie, Highwood, IL)
Kaufman. He works as a sales instructor for a software
Ethan & Daniel Levy (Brian, Mequon, WI)
company called CDW. • WES SPECE writes, “I bought
Jared Marcus (Brian, Mercer Island, WI)
my local baseball card shop about 3 years ago. Weston's
Alexander and Joshua Marshall (Adam, Delray Beach, FL)
Dugout is doing very well. Not really what I imagined I'd
do with an elementary education degree, but you have to do
Charlie & Jacob Matyas (Ethan, Oak Park, IL)
something you enjoy. I also coach the local cross country
Oliver, Owen & Spencer Marks (Richard, Chicago, IL)
and basketball team in Martinsville Va. I talk to someone
Josh Marks (Jonathan, Chicago, IL)
from the North Star community at least a couple times a
Graham & Ian Michelson (Bob, Glencoe, IL)
week and think about it daily. I introduced continuous
Will Margulis (Charles, San Francisco, CA)
dodgeball to the PE class in 2007 and it's still a favorite. I
Devan Miller (Matt, Glencoe, IL)
actually taught about a dozen students roof ball this
Ike Nierman & Elliot & Miles Goldberg (Peter, Chicago, IL)
afternoon. It's amazing how a simple game can bring so
Scott Plonsker (Steve, Deerfield, IL)
much joy! I am looking forward to my championship in the
Charles & Will Rantala (Andy Albert’s grandsons, Chicago, IL) NSC fantasy football league that has been ongoing for the
Logan & William Rips (Marty, Del Mar, CA)
past decade. This year we all chipped in and got a trophy.
Justin Sadoff (Grandfather, Barry Usow, Milwaukee, WI)
Looking forward to putting that on my mantle”. • BEN
Ben Rubin (Scott, Highland Park, IL)
TAYLOR is getting his International Travel Director Tour
Ben & Jack Schulman (Mark, Highland, Park, IL)
Guide Certification through ITMI and will be the new
Sam Schulman (Ron, Bexley, OH)
Animal Livestock Manager at Pearlstone Jewish Retreat
Center in Baltimore, MD. He turned up at a recent
Noah Sherman (Jon, Oak Park, IL)
Cleveland alumni gathering. • KACY LEBBY is an
Spencer Sherman (Andrew, Tampa, FL)
environmental education teacher at Natures Classroom
Max & Jacob Sinton (Scott, Deerfield, IL)
outside of Boston. This summer she was our Trips Director
Warren Weissbluth (Elliott, Chicago, IL, also 3rd gen)
and loved taking the boys on the Canadian. She will go to
Mark Yellon (Al, Chicago, IL)
Israel on Birthright in Jan. • CHRIS WELDON and his
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
wife Tina will be celebrating their child’s first birthday wall, swings, and foosball tables. Mikey has three classes
soon. Chris works for an investment banking firm. • TY with JAKE (NANO) NANKIN at the University of
PURVIS married Derek Boehm on 3/30/2012 in Phoenix. Michigan As Mikey said “While not an incredible small
• J.R. LAKE is engaged. He lives in Denver where he world story, it is crazy to think that neither of us would've
works in sales. • MANDY STANEK will be married in ever imagined sitting next to each other in class 9 years ago
May in the little white church on Murphy Blvd and hwy 77. when we first became friends at North Star.” • TIM
Mandy is a Speech Pathologist and NSC’s Waterfront EDWARDS writes that he will be climbing Mount
Director. • CLEVELAND WILLIAMS attended a Kilimanjaro next September with two friends to raise
Minority Student Achievement Network MSAN conference money for the Nasio trust - helping AIDS orphans in Africa.
in Las Vegas, NV. He was one of five Cleveland Heights Tim just set up the fundraising page (http://uk.
High School students selected for this honor. Student for
delegates addressed the achievement gap and other relevant any of the North Star Alumni interested in donating. Tim is
issues. They made an action plan for their own communities currently on the graduate leadership scheme at BSkyB - the
to help support, motivate and encourage minority students UKs largest pay TV & Telecoms provider . “My time at
to excellent in the class room. When asked what Cleveland North Star helped to give good examples of my leadership
remembers about camp he says, "I loved the frogs.” • potential.” Tim has recently been in touch with MALCOLM
MIKEY SPINELLO worked for a Chicago based event RUSSELL who is working in China. • CALEB KLIMA
production company this summer called Red Frog Events, just finished his second AmeriCorps year. He was a team
which was recently highlighted in the Chicago Tribune as leader for the National Civilian Community Corps, based
"The Best Small Business to Work for In Chicago" and out of Vinton, Iowa. He was given a team of ten young
named #9 on the Inc. 500's Fastest Growing Companies in adults (18-24) and traveled all over the Midwest, doing a
America. He helped produce events such as the Warrior variety of projects. • DANIEL MUSCHLER is living in
Dash; a 5K running race through mud and all sorts of San Francisco and doing some consulting while working
obstacles. He traveled all over the country, making stops in towards a career in film. He is accompanied in the Bay Area
places like Seattle, Connecticut, and Southern Illinois to by fellow members of Pine Manor 2000 JON WIRT and
put on races for over 20,000 people each stop. When back PETER TAUBER. • Jon is working for a social gaming
at the office in Chicago, he enjoyed the nontraditional office company called Kixeye, while Peter is teaching at a school
culture, including an indoor tree house, zip line, climbing in Oakland for children with severe behavior issues. Jon
n October many of us gathered at a Camp Blodgett on the shores of Lake Michigan for the wedding of Mike Swiryn and Robin
Bravender. Since Mike is the grandson of Lou and Renee, it made perfect sense for the wedding to be held at a camp and with
of Robin’s family from nearby Grand Rapids, the setting was perfect. The ceremony was held on a deck just feet from the
lake and the reception was in the camp’s main lodge. There was a large camp contingent in place. In attendance were Leb, Sue,
Andy and Vickie, AJ Bayard (and girlfriend Rachel), Mike Blumberg (and wife Sara), Josh Frost (and fiancée Jess), Brian Glickman
(and girlfriend Erica), Ari Goldberg, Aaron Hamer (and wife Lauren) Dan Lichtenstein, Wes Molyneaux (and wife Ashley), Robby
Rutkoff (and fiancée Becca), Jacob Segil (and
wife Carrie), Jack Silverstein, Mandy Stanek
(and fiancée Scott), Steve and Linda Rosenblum,
and Jon Weiss.
With such a large camp contingent, about 20
people from the camp crew put their resources
together and decided to rent a home. The
wedding was in prime Michigan vacationland
and Aaron Hamer was able to find a home for
rent that had room for everyone. With seven
bedrooms, an elevator, a hot tub, two large
living rooms and a picturesque view of Lake
Michigan, the accommodations were a bit of an
upgrade over camp quarters.
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2012 - 2013
did a double header weekend in Chicago where he attended had a high school debate against each other. “After the
the weddings of former cabinmates MICHAEL BLOCK break-up of our College Days 2k10 Air Force Academy
and MICHAEL BLUMBERG in consecutive days. • Debate Pair, Michael and I have turned frenemies as
WES MOLYNEAUX is a science teacher at New Trier captains of the Deerfield and Highland Park debate teams
High School. He is married to a teacher and they have two respectively. Our teams have each won one of the two
children, Lyla and Ryan. Wes coaches the men’s and Illinois tournaments so far. NSC domination!!!” He also
women’s soccer teams at New Trier. • APRIL HEDING writes, “ ISAAC LASKO, TOMMY MILLS, ELLIOT
moved to Seattle, WA in August. She’s studying for her WEISS, and I are part of a new rap group. So far, we have
Masters of Fine Arts in Arts Leadership at Seattle University. two songs, our newest one entitled "Pizza Me Maybe."
• ALEX FOSTER writes that he and MICHAEL LEE Tommy says of our work, "We're trying to make a record
Thank you for remembering the scholarship fund. We hope that you will continue to support Camp for All Kids in 2013.
Learn more about CFAK at
Paul Adelstein
Brett Johnson
Joel Richman
Andrew and Mona Albert
Rick Jones
Stephen Richman
Scott Anders
Anthony Kahan
Oliver Rockman
Brian Anders
The Kasle Family
Andy Rodheim
Jim and Karen Berger
Michael Katz
Linda Rosenblum
Dan Bernstein
Peter Katz
James Rosman
Jon Biedermann
Seth Katz
Bill Rosenthal
Brian Black
Derek Kaufman
Robby Rutkoff
Mark Bowman
Blake Kleinman
Robert Michelson and Loree Sandler
Andrew Brickman
Jake Kraemer
Ken Sarnoff
Julie and John Cohen
Marc and Michele Krantz
Michael Savner
Mike Cohen
Sam Kraus
Jay Schwartz
Alan Cole
Gary and Michelle Kretchmer
Brad Schwartz
Bradley Coven
Bill Kux
Byron Scott
Mark Deshur
Robert and Sue Lebby
Jacob and Carrie Segil
Andy Doane
Jim Lederer
Laurence Segil
Ken Doane
Sandy and John Lehr
John Sheehan
Eddie and Mindy Leshin
Ben Sher
Bradley Dreyfus
Andrew Levy
Jon and Alix Sherman
Michael Eichner
Brian Levy
Jacob Sherman
Bradley Emanuel
Mark Levy
Andy and Vickie Shlensky
Michael Fischman
Daniel Lichtenstein
Elliot Siegel
Elliot Frank
Charles Margulis
Jim and Judy Silbermann
Rick Freedman
Peter Marks
David Simon
John Fremstad
David Mehlman
Mike and Heather Simons
Josh Frost
Jeffrey Melvoin
Jason Snow
Rory Gilbert
Joe Mendes
Jeremy Sokolec
Brian Glickman
Andy and Nancy Mills
Jacob Sosler
Ari Goldberg
Tony Miner
Gary and Michelle Stern
Michael and Beverly Goldie
Barry Milder
Matt Stern
David Golin
Ben Mizel
Mike Storms
Willie Goodman
Jared Molk
Douglas Tashma
Harry Gottlieb
Paul Nathanson
Jordan Tepper
Tom Gottlieb
Ryan Nemethy
Peter Truong
Scott Hamilton
Peter Nierman
Chuck Warshawsky
Ray and Arlene Handler
Jason Olt
Billy Weinberg
David and Ami Handler
Thomas and Lisa Peterman
Doug Willson
Steve and Corrie Hitchens
Robert Porter
Susan and Guy Wolff
Mark and Leslie Holz
Mike Rane
Ryan Jacobs
Eric Reicin
The North Star Alumni News
Winter of 2011 - 2012
that people will buy." Our next
groomsmen. Marc just ran
song will discuss the oppression
into ERIC DANIEL on the
Send us your news
of left-handed students, and We’d love to hear from you with your latest news. Call our off-season “El” train in Chicago. •
we're always looking to collab.
Eric, who lives and works
office at 715-462-3254, email us at [email protected], or
Our debut album will drop
in Washington DC, was in
send mail the old fashion way to:
probably never.” Good luck
Chicago to visit his brother
1835 N. Leavitt St - Chicago, IL 60647
with that guys. • JEFF and
KIM MCCORMACK welcomed baby Summer in August. lives in Chicago. • Wedding bells will soon be ringing for
Jeff is glad that she looks like mom. We’re so excited to Josh Frost. He recently proposed to his long time girlfriend
have two little girls at camp this summer. The Shlensky Jess Miller. Josh and Jess went to Syracuse together. Jess
baby makes two. • JACK “ABU” SILVERSTEIN is recently passed the bar exam in NY and is working for the
covering the Bears for Redeye Chicago, a newspaper City of New York while Josh works for MLB Advanced
owned by the Tribune Company. He recently had his first Media. • Speaking of weddings, MIKE STORMS, our
cover story in Time Out Chicago. • MIKE SILVERSTEIN long time tennis pro won’t just be celebrating his Big 20
works for a company in L.A. called Talent House doing this summer, he’ll also be preparing for his own wedding.
social media, marketing, branding and artist relations in the We knew that Mike found his perfect match when he
entertainment industry. • TOMMY MILLSTONE just introduced us all to Kathy during pre-camp and she
popped the question to his fiancé Amy Summers, who participated in the staff skit show. Kathy is a teacher from
happens to be a friend of Andy’s from their time together at the Twin Cities and Mike popped the question last month. •
Northwestern. • MARC SIEGEL married his wife Blair ADAM HELDMAN is living in Columbus, OH. He works
this October in Philadelphia. He made sure to bring her up for Accenture as a consultant and has been working on a
to camp for a visit this summer ahead of the nuptials. Marc’s project with Walgreens in the Chicago area for the last year
wedding was well attended by North Star alumni, with and a half. • JON KOHL is a third year law student at
ANDY SHLENSKY, JON BIEDERMANN, MIKE Washington University in St. Louis, MO. • MICHAEL
BLUMBERG, JOSH FROST, ALEX KATZ, DAN BLUMBERG was married to his wife, Sara, over Memorial
LICHTENSTEIN, and ROBBY RUTKOFF in Day weekend. Mike works as an insurance agent at the
attendance. BYRON SCOTT served as one of Marc’s Daniel and Henry Company in Chicago.
Celebrate North Star's 70th at
the Council Ring
2014 will mark North Star's 70th summer.
We hope that you'll join for a weekend of
friendship and memories as we commemorate
the first seven decades of camp.
Save the Date: August 15 - 17th, 2014
as we gather in the Northwoods!