See SAE J1321 testing documentation.
See SAE J1321 testing documentation.
SAE J1321 TYPE II CLASS 8 TRACTOR TMILER FUEL EFFICIENCY COMPARISON TEST Evaluation of SmartTruck's UT-1 Trailer UnderTray Svstem Conducted for SmartTruck by: BI\iII CORPORATION Greenville, SC 29605 KTM Solutions, lnc. Greenville, SC 29607 February 18,2011 Smart fruck Products Confidential Business Information smartTruck Products Conhdential Business Infomation Background and Introduction SmartTruck is pleased to submit the following application for our uT-'l Trailer UnderTray System to EPA'S Smartway Transport Partnership program for verification The UT-1 Trailer UnderTray System is a trailer aerodynamic technology as defined by EPA'S program and was designed and developed by SmartTruck located in Greenville, SC. The UT-1 is an integrated set of components that work as a system to reduce drag To develop lhe UT-1, SmartTruck used the same advanced aerospace engineering tools that are currently used in the highest levels of the commercial aviation and space program industries. Speciflcally, SmartTruck designed and assessed the aerodynamic of the UT-1 using NASA'S Fully Unstructured Navier-Stokes 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model and solver' The computational resources needed to resolve the tremendous grid sizes and detailed air flow characteristics performance associated with today's Class 8 vehicles were provided to SmartTruck by DOE'S Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). ORNL provided SmartTruck the use of their Jaguar system, a Cray XTs supercomputer, considered to be the fastest computing system in the world for unclassified researchl. SmartTruck's CFD assessment of the UT-1 Trailer UnderTray System shows that installing the UT-l system on today's most aerodynamic Class 8 long haul tractor trailer reduces drag by 9%. At the conditions specified in the SAE J1321 testing protocol and subsequent EPA addendums, the fuel efficiency improvement associated with reduction in drag translates to approximately 5.5% improvement a 9% The primary reason for this testing program is to achieve EPA Smartway Transport Program verification for the UT-1 Trailer UnderTray System. However, SmartTruck also desires to assess our CFD modeling capabilities and as a result, SmartTruck has gone above and beyond the SAE J1321 testing protocol by outfitting our test and control trucks with state of the art data acquisition systems. These systems have 60 available channels I Narional Center for Computational Scienc€s, http://www.nccs-gov/jaguar/ SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information to monitor and record a wide variety of vehicle systems and effects, including true air speed, wheel speed, wind direction, steering input, multiple aerodynamic pressure differentials at key vehicle locations, and vehicle lap times automatically measured between infrared beacons. Testing on the UT-1 UnderTray System was conducted the week of November 7rh, 2O1O at the Continental Tires Proving Grounds in Uvalde, Texas. Test results using the Test Truck to Control Truck (T/C) ratios detailed in the SAE J1321 protocol conclude the UT-1 Trailer UnderTray System produces a 5.syo improvement in fuel efficiency. Approach This testing program was done in accordance with the SAE J1321 Fuel Consumption Test Procedure - Type ll as modified by EPA'S lnterim Test Method for Veitying Fuel- Saving Components for SmaftWay: Modifications to SAE J1321. Testing documents used by our test team are shown in Appendix C. A statement from KTM Engineering, the engineering firm hired to help plan and execute this testing program, attesting that this testing program was done in full accordance with the required SAE and EPA protocols is enclosed in Appendix B. To further facilitate proper implementation of the SAE J1321 and EPA protocols, two identical Kentucky 53 foot dry van trailers and two identical (sequential production line VIN numbers) Navislar 2009 model year Prostar Tractors were randomly paired together and the resulting tractor/trailer combinations were designated as the control and test vehicles. These combinations remained consistent throughout testing. Both the control and test trucks were equipped with state of the art data acquisition systems. These systems have 60 available channels to monitor and record a wide variety of vehicle systems and effects, including: . . Stack Data Pro data recorders to collect the essential split and lap times. Air speed. SmartTruck Products Confidential Business Information Wheel speed sensors to provide both vehicle speed and distance traveled. lnfra-red beacons for the collection of split and lap times, and total test run time. Temperature sensors to monitor the temperature of the fuel in the test fuel tanks. Water tanks were used for ballasting the trailers to equal weights and axle distributions. Weather was monitored by BMI Corporation's Davis Vantage Vue weather station which was located near the pit area, to provide data as close to what the truck was exposed to as possible. A sample data sheet is shown in Appendix C. Test Procedure Testing followed the protocol of the Joint TMC/SAE Fuel Consumption Test Procedure Type ll as modified by EPA'S lnterim Test Method for Veifying Fuel-Saving Components for SmaftWay: Modifications to SAE J1321 . On each test day the vehicles were fueled for the test and operated on the track for the required one hour warm-up. Following the warm-up phase, a minimum of three test runs with valid data sels were completed. Additional test runs were added if test runs were voided because data points were outside the allowable ranges specified by the SAE J1321 protocol. Prior to official testing, the drivers, operators, and test coordinator drove the test route to decide: The appropriate starting and ending points for the trucks including pit stop location. The locat'on where the trucks would lock in their test cruising speed of 65 mph, resulting in acceleration curves mimicking actual highway driving conditions. The precise spot at which the trucks would switch from main to test fuel tanks. The locations for the four beacons which would provide precise lap/split times as well as test start and completion times. The test coordinator was then able to validate the distance of the test. Each test run began with a typical highway acceleration period, taking the vehicle from SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information the pit stop location at zero MPH to 65 MPH cruising speed. During the acceleration period, drivers accelerated the trucks to cruising speed over the same distance for each test run. The location at which the drivers would engage cruise control was marked on the track by orange cones. The engine ECMS provided an additional measure of test time repeatability by not allowing cruise to be set higher than the maximum allowable cruising speed of 65 MPH. The trucks automatic transmission was in tenth gear at 65 MPH. Our first timing beacon was located at mile marker 2 0 When the vehicle reached this point, the beacon would automatically signal the observer to switch from the main fuel tank to the portable test fuel tank. This ensured that the trucks had adequate time to attain appropriate speed in cruise before the test tanks were engaged in precisely the same location. The beacons were set on the track at the 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8 2 mile marks. The beacons provided accurate vehicle speed and splivlap times to the test observers through an onboard display. The observers had data sheets on board where they recorded all 20 split times for each test run. The split times could be used to analyze where issues may have occurred if, on any future run, a time exceeded the required 0 5% time window as prescribed by SAE J1321. Prior to testing, each truck's portable test tank was filled with enough fuel to complete four full test runs. The trucks were then run on the portable tanks to cycle the fuel and ensure no air pockets remained. The portable fuel tanks were then weighed The tests were then launched with a warm up session (minimum one hour) Upon completion of the warm up session and at the start of the test sequences a full pit stop was completed that included: . . . . . Accurate weighing and recording of portable fueltank weight Checking and recording oftire pressures. Downloading and clearing stack data. Reviewing ECM data for the presence of faults and or PlVl filter regenerations. Visual inspections for leaks and damage. SmartTruck Products Confldential Business lnformation . Monitoring pit stop time to ensure launch within a five minute window and consistent time frame from test truck to control truck. The trucks were then started on a five lap (42.5 mile) test run with the data system recording the starting time. The test coordinator started a stopwatch to record the test run times to compare with the data system. At the 2.0 mile mark, a beacon would signal the observer to switch from the main fuel tank to the test tank by dasplaying the split time on the Stack data system digital dash. At this time, the observer switched to the test tank and the test continued on that tank for the next 40.2 miles. With 0.3 miles left on the 42.5 mile course the observer switched back to the main fuel tank. At the end of the test run, the driver stopped at the pre-designated point in the pit area. The engine was run at idle for precisely 1.0 minute, at which time the ECI\4 would shut it down and the data system would record the shut down time. Following engine shut down, the pit crew would move in and disconnect the tesl fuel tank and weigh it on the calibrated scale (scale was verified for calibration before each pit stop sequence). The sequence for each tank weighing was as follows: 1) Tank removed from location. 2) 3) 4) 5) Scale set in place and zero verified. Tank set on scale, weighed, and value recorded. Tank removed from scale. Scale zero re-verified. With the weighing complete and recorded, the pit crew would again secure the test tank to the truck. This process would repeat until a minimum of three valid test runs were completed. The test consists of two primary components. Part one of the process was to conduct a SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business lnformation baseline test segmenl where both the control truck and the test truck were run in stock configurations. The baseline test is needed to establish a T/C ratio. The second part of the procedure requires that any modifications being evaluated are added to the test truck while the control truck remains in its baseline test configuration. The two trucks were run concurrently so that any changes in climate are normalized by the presence of the control truck. Each test run consisted of five laps of the test track, or a distance of 42.5 miles. The distance driven on the test tank actually measured 40.2 miles. The additional 2.3 miles allow for initial acceleration to testing speeds and adequate stopping distance. The two principle criteria for determining a successful test are: . . Three T/C ratios are required to be within 2% range of the highest T/C ratio. The running times of the three test runs that yield three acceptable T/C ratios cannot differ by more than 0.5%. 4 Vehicle Preparation . The main fuel tanks were fueled to keep the weights of the vehicles constant and to provide sufficient fuel to complete the test. . All vehicle axles were aligned to manufacturer's specifications. Tractor and trailer axle bearing and brake adjustments were made al this time. . The tractor trailer gap was set in a commonly used long haul configuration. Specifically, the King Pin location was set so that the back of the cab to the front of the trailer gap was 50 inches. Figure 11 in Appendix A shows the Tractor Trailer gap setting. . The King Pin location of both trailers was set to the tenth (of a total of fourteen) adjusting hole, foMard of the reaMard most adjustment point. . The trailers were ballast to comply with EPA'S required trailer test weight of 46,000 +/500 lbs. . Each truck was equipped with a portable fuel tank utilizing quick-disconnect couplers SmafiTruck Products Conideltial Business lnformation 8 for supply and return. The tire pressures were set to a cold pressure of 110 psi (steer), 110 psi (drive), and 105 psi (traileo immediately prior to commencement of the warm-up on each test day Documentation of the test vehicle configuration and proper installation of the UT-1 components was completed prior to each test. The portable fuel tanks were filled with test diesel fuel of known density The same fuel from the same source was used throughout the entire test procedure 5 Pre-test Inspection and Warm-up Each test day before vehicle warm-up the vehicles were run for brief periods and checked to ensure they were in good working order. The tire pressures were checked to ensule proper inflation. The vehicles main fuel tanks were fueled to maintain consistent vehicle weights and ensure refueling would not be required during the test. Fuel Weight and Test Time Each truck was outfifted with a Stack Data Pro System with data recorders' various sensors, and an infra-red beacon to collecl vehicle and test information including: vehicle speed, lap times, dislances traveled, test fuel tank temperatures, and which fuel tank was currently active. Fuel consumption for each vehicle was measured for each run completed. Consumption, measured in pounds, was determined by weighing the portable fuel tanks prior to and immediately following each lest run. The 30 gallon portable test fuel tanks were equipped with quick disconnect couplings on supply and return lines for easy removal and installation to the vehicle fuel system. Tanks were weighed utilizing a portable Accu Lab 200 F scale, with a resolution of 0.1 pounds. Scale accuracy was verified prior to the beginning of each test segment using certified weights weighing 100 105 pounds Fuel A single dedicated stock of diesel fuel was used throughout the program on both the control and test trucks. The test fuel was supplied from Continental Proving Grounds onSmafiTruck Products Confidential Business Information 9 site fuel depot. The fuel was tested for density at 60'F and the density was 6.87 pounds per gallon. 8 Vehicle and Equipment Specifications Table V.I.N, l -Tr.ctor-Trrilerlnfo.nation c13601 c13602 3HSCUAPR4SN144464 3HSCUAPR49N144465 isx 435 sT D14266 D14272 1KKVA53219L228135 1KKVA53279L228141 46.080 46,144 tsx 435 sT 21,1U 20,152 Goodyear G395LH5 22.5 (l1oDsi) 22 5ll1oDsi) GoodyearG305LH5 GoodyearG305LH5 22.5 (11opsi) 22.5 i11oDs) RTO 169108 Dr\43 18 880 18 780 T!ble 2 - Instrunentation Inform'tion Data System to lvlonitor Calibrated just p Slack Data Pro Vehicle Speed Monitoring Svstem Tanks 3o-gallon fueltanks (Total of 2) Supplied fuel durino the test N/A 300-lb Scale ACCU LAB SVI.2OOF Weighed gravimet c tanks to 0.1 lbs. resolution Calibration Weiohts so-pound, cerfi fied barbell fiotal of 2) Calibration of scEle Thermometer Omega Thermocouple HTMOSS-125U-6 lvleasured lemperature of test fuel Calibrated before the beoinnino of each test Two 50 pound barbells certified to 100.105 lbs. Calibrated to boiling waier just prior to the beginning Gravimetric Fuel SmartTruck Products Confidential Business Information or to oftesting 10 Description of Test Facility Testing was conducted in Uvalde, Texas on the Continental Tires Proving Grounds 8.5 mile oval lest track. This track consists of three 13 foot wide asphalt lanes, and has a 180 degree turn al each end. Each turn has a radius of 1.0 mile and a travel distance of 3.15 miles. The test track was at an approximate elevation of 1,000 feet above sea level. During testing the trucks remained in the inside lane. The pit area was created in the middle lane at approximately the 0.1 mile mark. The fuel weighing and refueling occurred in the pit area. 10 Fuel Calculation Equations After each lest run had been completed and the weight of the fuel consumed by each truck on that run had been determined, the weight of fuel consumed by the test vehicle was divided by the weight of fuel consumed by the Control vehicle for calculation of T/C ratios. The formula for T/C calculation is as follows: T Fue I consume d (Ib s.)by T e st Truck Equation I - T/C f1 ratio = Fuel consumed (Ibs. ) by C ontro I Truc k SAE J1321 protocol requires that testing runs continue until three valid T/C ratios have been achieved. All valid test Iuns must meet the following criteria: A maximum of 2% variation in T/C ratios is acceptable. A maximum of plus or minus 0.5% deviation in time of test runs is acceptable. After completion of all baseline and test segments the data was processed according to SAE J 1321. The first requirement is to calculate an average T/C ratio for the control truck and the test truck for all test segments. Smartl ruck Productq Conidential Business Inlorrnation 1t T /6 "otiooro = (Tf 1 rattol +T f g r(ttio2 +T f c ratiq) Average T/C Ratio Next, percent of fuel saved is calculated for the test truck during the test segment by the following equation: o/o Fuel Soued = (Tf , ratioono,"*"r1n" T -T /g ratioon",r""r) /c t otioo,o,"o,",rn" The final required calculation is the percent improvement which is calculated as follows: (T o/a Improvemenl f. ratioor,,"11n" -Tf , rarioor6.1"n /C ratioono'"" SmartTruck Products Confidential Business Infomation ) tqua'ion 4 - v' lmprovemenr l2 uoqPluroJul ssoursng FpuepguoJ spnpoJd 'u]als^s ie.rlepun .ralrerl L-ln eql q seM lcnJl lsel eql 'suorlelnclEc pue buusal eulaseq lle Icrulueuls /\^ ]o uorsnpuoc eql pallulno 6uu\,1ollol uorleJn3uuo] lsel ! ! 12 Test Data 12.1 Baseline Segment Table3 - Bzseline T€sf D,t't Baseline Test Data Set Truck Control Truck Test Truck SDeed Starting Fuel Weioht Ending Weiqht Fuel Consumed Burn Distance Millaqe mtn mph lbs lbs lbs qal miles moq 37.18 64.S 336 8 295.4 41.4 6.03 2 37 17 241 2 240.5 407 3 326.1 285.6 405 592 590 667 679 37 20 649 648 402 402 40.2 6.82 1 37.23 64.8 345 6 303 2 42.4 6.17 402 651 37 64.9 297.1 256.0 41 1 5.98 40.2 64.8 336 6 295 6 41.O 5.97 402 Run 1 2 Total Time 1A 3 " Avg 674 - Run was on 11l09/2olO " - Run was on 1'1l11/2OfO "'- Run was on 11l1712010 Table 3 shows the test data from the baseline segment. The T/C ratios for each of the three test points are wilhin 2o/o of each other and the run times were not greater than 0.5% of the other runs. However, due to variable weather and mechanical difficulties, these runs were completed on separate days. Table 4 shows the individual and average baseline T/C ratios. The average baseline segment T/C ratio is 1.01S. SmartTluck Products Confidential Business Information 14 Trhl.4 - Baseline T/C Ratios Baseline TrC Ratios (Fuel Consumed) Within T/C Ratio 20/o? Run 1 1.O24 2 1 010 3 1 012 Averaqe: 1.015 Yes Yes 12.2 Test Segment Table 5 -Test S.sment TestineDtta Sta ing Truck Run Total Time Avg soeed min Contrcl Truck TestTruck Fuel Fuel Weioht Ending Weioht consumed Burn Distance Millade lbs lbs lbs qal miles mDq 298.8 42.1 40.2 661 257.2 4'1.6 402 668 692 2 37.17 64.9 I 298 I 3 37.17 649 216 3 176.1 40.2 613 606 585 37.20 64.8 347.1 306 5 40.6 591 2 37.20 648 306.5 266 6 399 5.81 ^(t 402 3 37 17 64.9 221.0 1A2 2 38.8 565 4A.2 37.17 64.9 340 4A.2 , 6.85 697 7.17 - Run was on 11/10/2010 Table 5 shows the test data from the test segment. The T/C ratios for each of the three test points are within 2o/o of each other and the run times were not greater than 0 5% of the other runs. Table 6 shows the individual and average test segment T/C ratios The average test segment T/C ratio is 0 963 smartTruck Products Confidential Business lnformation 15 Table 6 T€st SegmetrfT/C R.tios - Test Segment T/C Ratios {Fuel Consumed) Ttc Ratio Within 3 0.964 0.959 0.965 Yes Yes Yes Averaqe: 0.963 Run 2 2./"2 13 Summary of Results 13,1 Percent Fuel Saved o/o FueL Saved = o/o (T /6 ,otiooro,uo"", n" T Fuel /r -T /g Equation 5 ratiooro,r""rl - % - % ,otion o,"o,"r,n" 11.015 saved: - 0.963) 1.01s---- _ s.2o/o 13,2 Percent Improvement o/a Improvement = o/o (T /g ratiooro,"o"", n" Improvement T f, ratioayl;,7""1 (1.015 - Equition 6 -T /g rattoouo'",r) - 0.963) 0,62------- SmartTruck Prcducts Conhdential Business Information - 5.5o/o 16 14 Conclusion The testing and data calculation protocols described in the SAE J132'l and subsequent EPA Smartway Transport Partnership documents conclude that: On today's most aerodynamic tractor trailer configurations, SmartTruck's UT-l UnderTray system produces a 5.5% fuel efficiency improvement. The UT-1 UnderTray system is expected to have slightly different performance with different types of trailers and tractors due to the differences in the aerodynamic performance of the base trailer and/or tractor. Additionally, different types of trailer and tractor components will also have a slight impact on the performance of the UT-'1. SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business lnformation l7 Preparation and Approval Repod Prepared By: Ua le: Nate See Test Engineer, B[,ll Corporatiorl ReporLApproveri By Date' Steve \iilrlu Vrce Presrdent and General lvlanager. SmadTruck SmafiTruck Prcducts Confi dential Business Infomation 18 Appendix A - Photos and lmages Images ofthe UT-1 Trailer UnderTray System Figure 4 -view ofthe A€rodynamic Rain Gdtler SmartTruck Products Confidential Business Information t9 Appendix B - Testing Attestations KTM Solutions lnc. participated in the planning and execution of the testing program to evaluate SmartTruck's UT-1 Trailer UnderTray System. To the best of our knowledge this test was performed in compliance with the SAE J1321 Fuel Consumption Test Procedure - Type ll as modified by EPA'S lnterim Test Method for Veifying Fuel-Saving Components for SmaftWay: Modifications to SAE J1321 C,rd Harqrales . Date KTlel Test Engll.leer The testing conducted to evaluate our UT-1 Trailer UnderTray System was performed in compliance with the SAE J1321 Fuel Consumption Test Procedure - Type ll as modified by EPA's lnterim Test Method for Verifying Fuel-Saving Components for SmaftWay: Modifications to SAE J1321. j-_ $teve !Vulff Date GenerslManaqer, Srnad l ruck SmartTruck Products Conidential Business Information 20 Appendix C - Testing Documents Trud-taild kLUp tlEet .-\J '----a/ | ds+torL Zi@o+slrb Figure 2 - Trailer Bauast Sheet SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information 2l Figure 3 -Tractor Trailer Pr€-Flight Inspection Sheet Sma Truck Products Confidential Business Information 22 'cc r-@, .o@ ,i4 ; iD Fisure4 - Data StackScreen Shot Table 7 - Srnpl€ Weather Data Date Time 4/7 /2070 10r27 AM 4/7 /2O7O 10:28AM 4/7 /2O7O 10:29AM 4/7 /201.0 10:30AM 4/7 /2010 10:31AM 4/7 /2010 10:32 AM /2010 10:33 AM 4/7 /2OtO 10:34 AM 4/7 /ZOLO 10:35 AM 4/7/2070 10:36 AM 4/7/2070 10:374M 4/7/2O7O 10;38AM 4/7 Temp Out 67.a 67.9 67.9 67.9 67.9 67.9 6a 68 68 6a Out Hi Hi SDeed Dir Hum soeed 95 95 8 8 8 8 a s5 I 95 7 95 7 95 7 9 9 a 6 7 68 95 g5 68 95 7 8 9 95 95 95 SmaltTruck Products Confi dential Business Information Dir 10 9 I 10 9 10 9 N Bar 2a.asa 24.867 24.467 24.462 28.863 28.863 24.463 24.465 24.466 24.467 28.866 24.466 23 Trbl€ 8 Strck Rrw Drtr DataPro Exoort File Coovripl !t (c) Stack Lin ited 2002 Track : UVALDE Session:1OO4O7 Run : 012 Creation Date : Wednesdav Ao ril o7 2oao 19:34:OO Deta Ranee : m:02:16.794 -> 00:04:06.644 lSelection) Data Exoorted : Satu.dav ADri 24 zOaO 13:24:34 TIME AMBTEMP BATT DISTAN CE DRVSHFT ft RPM FUELTEMP STEERING WSPDl WSPD2 dee MPH MPH o 100 a3 73.7 70232 1933 113 13 u.6904 a4 737 1930 113 73 2@ 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 a4 83 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 13.7 13.7 1933 113 13 1932 113 72 73.7 10242 10251 1026r 70274 7932 113 a1 13.7 10280 1933 113 11 10289 1933 113 72 64.422 64.5432 64.7263 64.6666 64.6304 64.7263 1000 84 84 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 1100 a2m 1300 aA(n 1500 1600 77co 1800 1900 2An u u u 2am a4 a4 2200 a4 2300 2400 a4 a4 64.798 65.0624 64.8459 65.2567 65.1349 64.966 65.2497 64.4939 L3.7 10299 r937 113 13 64.690'4 43.7 10304 4934 113 14 65.O745 13.i 103€ 1933 113 15 64.4699 64.7747 13.7 13.7 40327 1935 113 16 64 SqOl 1936 113 16 1933 a73 16 13.5 ro337 10346 10356 1933 a\3 !6 13.5 10365 193) 113 18 64.9901 65.2643 65.0624 64.9059 65.2197 13_5 10375 1931 113 19 13.5 1038/' 1931 113 19 13.5 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 10394 L934 113 t9 64.422 64.8819 64.4419 64.8459 64.6308 64.8339 64.7143 64.607 64.674\ 64.6745 64.942 54.8599 65.0383 64 9901 13.5 13.6 13.6 13.6 10403 1936 113 19 10413 1937 113 a6 ro422 70432 10441 1936 773 13 1935 113 10 1931 113 7 10451 1936 113 10460 1936 113 7 5 SmartTruck Prcducts Confidential Business Information 65.2AO4 64.966 65.O9a7 65.3169 64.942 65.)M 65.1955 65.Oa66 65.3655 65.1834 65.4632 24 SAE J1321 TYPE II CLASS 8 TRACTOR TRAILER FUEL EFFICIENCY COIVIPARISON TEST Evaluation of SmartTruck's UT-6 Trailer UnderTrav Svstem Conducted for SmartTruck by: BMI CORPORATION Greenville, SC 29605 KTM Solutions, lnc. Greenville, SC 29607 May 4,2O1O SmadTruck Products Confi dential Business Informalion SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information 1 Background and Introduction SmartTruck is pleased to submit the following application for our UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System to EPA'S Smartway Transport Partnership program for verification. The UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System is a trailet aetodynamic technology as defined by EPA'S program and was designed and developed by SmartTruck located in Greenville, SC. The UT-O is an integrated set of components that work as a system to reduce drag. To develop the UT-6, SmartTruck used the same advanced aerospace engineering tools that are currently used in the highest levels of the commercial aviation and space program industrjes. Specifically, SmartTruck designed and assessed the aerodynamic performance of the UT-6 using NASA'S Fully Unstructured Navier-Stokes 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model and solver. The computational resources needed to resolve the tremendous grid sizes and detailed air flow characteristics associated with today's Class 8 vehicles were provided to SmartTruck by DOE'S Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). ORNL provided SmartTruck the use of their Jaguar system, a Cray XT5 supercomputer, considered to be the fastest computing system in the world for unclassified researchl. SmartTruck's CFD assessment of the UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System shows that installing the UT-6 system on today's most aerodynamic Class I long haul tractor trailer reduces drag by 10%. At the conditions specified in the SAE J1321 testing protocol and subsequent EPA addendums, the tuel efficiency improvement associated with a 10% reduction in drag translates to approximately 6%. The primary reason for this testing program is to achieve EPA Smartway Transport Program verification for the UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System. However, SmartTruck also desires to assess our CFD modeling capabilities and as a result, SmartTruck has gone above and beyond the SAE J 1321 testing protocol by outfitting our test and control trucks with state of the art data acquisition systems. These systems have 60 available channels L Nalional Ccnlcr for Computalional Sciences, ht!p:/ SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information to monitor and record a wide variety of vehicle systems and effects, including true air speed, wheel speed, wind direction, steering input, multiple aerodynamic pressure differentials at key vehicle locations, and vehicle lap times automatically measured between infrared beacons. Testing on the UT-6 UnderTray System was conducted the week of April srh, 2O1o at the Continental Tires Proving Grounds in Uvalde, Texas. Test results using the Test Truck to control Truck (T/c) ratios detailed in the SAE J1321 protocol conclude the uT-6 Trailer UnderTray System produces a 6.8% improvement in fuelefficiency Approach This testing program was done in accordance with the SAE J'1321 Fuel Consumption Test Procedure - Type ll as modified by EPA'S Interim Test Method for Vetifying FuelSaving Components for SmaftWay: Modifications to SAE J1321 Testing documents used by our test team are shown in Appendix C A statement from KTM Engineering, the engineering firm hired to help plan and execute this testing program, attesting that this testing program was done in full accordance with the required SAE and EPA protocols is enclosed in Appendix B To further facilitate proper implementation of the SAE J1321 and EPA protocols' two identical Kentucky 53 foot dry van trailers and two identical (sequential production line VIN numbers) Navistar 2OOg model year Prostar Tractors were randomly paired together and the resulting tractor/trailer combinations were designated as the control and test vehicles. These combinations remained consistent throughout testing Both the control and test trucks were equipped with state of the art data acquisition systems These systems have 60 available channels to monitor and record a wide variety of vehicle systems and effects, including: . . Stack Data Pro data recorders to collect the essential split and lap times. Air speed. SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information Wheel speed sensors to provide both vehicle speed and distance traveled. lnfra-red beacons for the collection of split and lap times, and total test run time. Temperature sensors to monitor the temperature ofthe fuel in the test fuel tanks Water tanks were used for ballasting the trailers to equal weights and axle distributions. Weather was monitored by BMI Corporation's Davis Vantage Vue weather station which was located near the pit area, to provide data as close to what the truck was exposed to as possible. A sample data sheet is shown in Appendix C. Test Procedure Testjng followed the protocol of the Joint TMC/SAE Fuel Consumption Test Procedure - Type ll as modified by EPA'S Interim Test Method for Verifying Fuel-Saving Components fot SmarIway: Modifications to SAE J1321. The test was split into distinct segments conducted on two separate days. On each test day the vehicles were fueled for the test and operated on the track for the required one hour warm-up. Following the warm-up phase, a minimum of three test runs with valid data sets were completed. Additional test runs were added if test runs were voided because data points were outside the allowable ranges specified by the SAE J1321 protocol. Prior to offlcial testing, the drivers, operators, and test coordinator drove the test route to decide: The appropriate starting and ending points for the trucks including pit stop location. The location where the trucks would lock in their test cruising speed of 65 mph, resulting in acceleration curves mimicking actual highway driving conditions. The precise spot at which the trucks would switch from main to test fuel tanks. The locations for the four beacons which would provide precise lap/split times as well as test start and completion times. The test coordinator was then able to validate the distance of the test Sma(Truck Products Confi dential Business lnformation Each test run began with a typical highway acceleration period, taking the vehicle from the pit stop location at zero MPH to 65 NIPH cruising speed. During the acceleration period, drivers accelerated the trucks to cruising speed over the same distance for each test run. The location at which the drivers would engage cruise control was matked on the track by orange cones. The engine ECMS provided an additional measure of test time repeatability by not allowing cruise to be set higher than the maximum allowable crujsing speed of 65 MPH. The trucks automatic transmission was in tenth gear at 65 MPH. Our first timing beacon was located at mile marker 2.0. When the vehicle reached this point, the beacon would automatically signal the observer to switch from the main fuel tank to the portable test fuel tank. This ensured that the trucks had adequate time io attain appropriate speed in cruise before the test tanks were engaged in precisely the same location. The beacons were set on the track at the 2.0,4.0, 6.0 and 8.2 mile marks. The beacons provided accurate vehicle speed and split/lap times to the test observerc through an onboard display. The observers had data sheets on board where they recorded all 20 spljt times for each test run. The split times could be used to analyze where issues may have occuffed if, on any future run, a time exceeded the required 0.5% time window as prescribed by SAE J1321. Prior to testing, each truck's portable test tank was fllled with enough fuel to complete four full test runs. The trucks were then run on the portable tanks to cycle the fuel and ensure no air pockets remained. The portable fuel tanks were then weighed. The tests were then Iaunched with a warm up session (minimum one hour). Upon completion of the warm up session and at the start of the test sequences a full pit stop was completed that included: . . . . Accurate weighing and recording of portable fuel tank weight. Checking and recording of tire pressures. Downloading and clearing stack data. Reviewing ECM data for the presence of faults and or regenerations. SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information Visual inspections for leaks and damage. lvlonitoring pit stop time to ensure launch within a five minute window and consistent time frame from test truck to control truck. The trucks were then started on a five lap (42.5 mile) test run with the data system recording the starting time. The test coordinator started a stopwatch to record the test run times to compare with the data system. At the 2.0 mile mark, a beacon would signal the observer to switch from the main fuel tank to the test tank by displaying the split time on the Stack data system digital dash. At this time, the observer switched to the test tank and the test continued on that tank tor the next 40.2 miles. With 0.3 miles left on the 42.5 mile course the observer switched back to the main fueltank At the end of the test run, the driver stopped at the pre-designated point in the pit area. The engine was run at idle for precisely L0 minute, at which time the ECN4 would shut it down and the data system would record the shut down time. Following engine shut down, the pit crew would move in and disconnect the test fuel tank and weigh it on the calibrated scale (scale was verified for calibration before each pit stop sequence). The sequence for each tank weighing was as follows: 1) Tank removed from location. 2) Scale set in place and zero verified. 3) Tank set on scale, weighed, 4) Tank removed ftom scale. 5) Scale zero re-verified. and value recorded. With the weighing complete and recorded, the pit crew would again secure the test tank to ihe truck. This process would repeat until a minimum of three valid test runs were completed. SmartTruck Products Confidential Business Information The test consists of two primary components. Part one of the process was to conduct a baseline test segment where both the control truck and the test truck were run in stock configurations. The baseline test is needed to establish a T/C ratio. The second part of the procedure requires that any modifications being evaluated are added to the test truck while the control truck remains fixed to its baseline test configuration. The two trucks were run concurrently so that any changes in climate are normalized by the presence of the controltruck. Each test run consisted of five laps of the test track, or a distance of 42.5 miles. The distance driven on the test tank actually measured 40.2 mjles. The additional 2.3 miles allow for initial acceleration to testing speeds and adequate stopping distance. The two principle criteria for determining a successful test are: . . Three T/C ratios are required to be within 2% range of the highest T/C ratio. The running times of the three test runs that yield three acceptable T/c ratios cannot differ by more than 0.5%. 4 Vehicle Preparation . The main fuel tanks were fueled to keep the weights of the vehicles constant and to provide sufficient fuel to complete the test. . All vehicle axles were aligned to manufacturer's specifications. Tractor and trailer axle bearing and brake adjustments were made at this time. . The tractor trailer gap was set in a commonly used long haul configuration. Specifically, the King Pin location was set so that the back of the cab to the front of the trailer gap was 50 inches. Figure 11 in Appendix A shows the Tractor Trailer gap setting. . The King Pin location of both trailers was set to the tenth (of a total of fourteen) adjusting hole, forward of the rearward most adjustment point. . The trailers were ballast to comply with EPA'S required trailer test weight of 46,000 +/- 500lbs. SmartTruck Products Confidential Business Information 8 Each truck was equipped with a portable tuel tank utilizing quick-disconnect couplers for supply and return. lhe tire pressures were set to a cold pressure of 110 psi (steer), '110 psi (drive), and 105 psi (trailer) immediately prior to commencement of the warm-up on each test day. Documentation of the test vehicle configuration and proper installation of the UT-6 components was completed prior to each test. The portable fuel tanks were filled with test diesel fuel of known density. The same fuel from the same source was used throuqhout the entire test procedure. 5 Pre-test Inspection and Warm-up Each test day before vehicle warm-up the vehicles were run for brief periods and checked to ensure they were in good working order. The tire pressures were checked to ensure proper inflation. The vehicles main fuel tanks were fueled to maintain consistent vehicle weights and ensure refueling would not be required during the test. Fuel Weight and Test Time Each truck was outfitted with a Stack Data Pro System with data recorders, various sensors, and an infra-red beacon to collect vehicle and test information including; vehicle speed, lap times, distances traveled, test fuel tank temperatures, and which fuel tank was currently active. Fuel consumption for each vehicle was measured for each run completed. Consumption, measured in pounds, was determined by weighing the portable fuel tanks prior to and immediately following each test run. The 30 gallon portable test tuel tanks were equipped with quick disconnect couplings on supply and return lines for easy removal and installation to the vehicle fuel system. Tanks were weighed utilizing a portable Accu Lab 200 F scale, with a resolution of 0.1 pounds. Scale accuracy was verified prior to the beginning of each test segment using certified weights weighing 1 00.105 pounds. SmartTruck Products Confidential Bosiness lnformation 7 FueI A single dedicated stock of diesel fuel was used throughout the program on both the control and test trucks. The test fuel was supplied from Continental Proving Grounds on- site fuel depot. The fuel was tested for density at 98'F and the density was 6.8 pounds per gallon. 8 vehicle and Equipment Specifications T,hl. I -'l.r.r.r Tniler Informrt'on n14712 Dl4266 ct36E2 c13601 MAKE MODEL VIN ENC]NE START ODOMETIG rl JSC1lA PR49l'1 l,l-4zld4 SHSCUAPR49N I4!6J LKKVAJ32l9t22813J lxrr' A53219L223t41 ISX 43t ST I5X43J 5T 63D5 Srwr 295r5R22.5 TIRES-STEIG R!,li:lRlt5 I]R22 5 Rad;rRr95 1lR 22 5 TIRES.DRIVIfTRAIIEE TRANSMISSION RTD 169IOE.DM] RTD 169108.DM3 r8,9?7 t3,947 6,44J Tlble 2 - 46,4 lnstrum€niation Infornllion Vehicle Speed [,,lonitoring Data System lo Nlonitor Calibrated jusi pior to Stack Dala Pro 30{allon fuellanks S!oDlied luelduino lhe lest Tanks 300-lb. Sc€le ACCU IAB SVI-2OOF 50-pound, cerlif ied barbell fiotal 0f 2\ Omega Themocouple HTMOSS-125U,6 Weighed gravimetric tanks to 0.1 lbs. resolution Calibtalion of scale l\,{easured iemperalure of SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business lnformation Calibrated beiore lhe beoinnino of each tesl. Two 50 poLrnd barbells cediJled to 100.105 lbs. Calibraled lo boiling water just piorlo the beginning of testing l0 9 Description of Test Facility Testing was conducted in Uvalde, Texas on the Continental Tires Proving Grounds 8 5 mile oval test track. This track consists of three 13 foot wide asphalt lanes, and has a 180 degree turn at each end. Each tum has a radius of 1.0 mile and a travel distance of315 miles. The test track was at an approximate elevation of '1,000 feet above sea level During testing the trucks remained in the inside lane. The pit area was created in the middle lane at approximately the 0.'1 mile mark. The fuel weighing and refueling occurred in the pit area. 1O Fuel Calculation Equations After each test run had been completed and the weight of the fuel consumed by each truck on that run had been determined, the weight of fuel consumed by the test vehicle was divided by the weight of fuel consumed by the Control vehicle for calculation of T/C ratios The formula for T/C calculation is as follows: T FueI consumed (Ibs.)by Test Truck /6 ,otto = FueI consume d (lbs.)by C ontr oI Truck SAE J1321 protocol requires that testing runs continue until three valid T/C ratios have been achieved. All valid test runs must meet the following criteria: A maximum of 2% variatjon in T/C ratios is acceptable. A maximum of plus or minus 0.5% deviation in time of test runs is acceptable. After completion of atl baseline and test segments the data was processed according to SAE J1321. The first requirement is to calculate an average T/C ratio for the control truck and the test truck for all test segments. SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information I (T/c ratiot+Tf c t 'icrattoAvc= T ratioz+Tf c 3 rati%) tqurion 2_ - il'j" Ne),i, percent of fuel saved is calculated for the test truck during the test segment by the following equation: o/. Fuel Saved (Tf" ratioou"r.,"ti^"-Tf" rotioor"r",r\ I f7 Equ'rion J - o/" ratioN6.sora,n. The final required calculation is the percent improvement which is calculated as follows 1o improvemenr (T/" ratioor,,"^".t^.-Tfr rotioAv.r",L) =4 rdtioav6 /C llqusrion - ' lnprovemetrr o" r""l smartTruck Products Confi dential Business Infomation 12 Test Configuration 11 Following the conclusion of all baseline testing and calculations, the test truck was outfitted with the LJT-6 Trailer UnderTray system. 12 Test Data 12.1 Baseline Segment TableI - Baselitre lest Dat! Baseli ne Test Data Set r1rr]fu sTN',\csNo"\c ___t!!!t!Irg]___tq !9r:!9!9 _i!!r____9r:I1$i Table 3 shows the test data from the baseline segment. Although the T/C ratios for each of the four test points are within 2o/o of each other, the first run on the control truck falls out of spec because the run time is greater than 0.5% of the other runs. As a result, the SmartTruck Products Conlldential Business Informal;on l3 T/C ratios of runs 2, 3, and 4 were used. Table 4 shows the individual and average baseline T/C ratios. Trbl.l - 8.selio. T/( Rrtios Easeline l/c Ratiot RUN I/C Ratio within 2%? ., 2 C 99:2 e! ? 10CC0 yeE i n cqq: The average baseline segment T/C ratio is 0.9967. 12.2 Test Segnent Trbl.5 - Segdcnl'tcatlng Drta Test ent Test Data Set ltg! CON'UMEO BURN OISTANCT MII€AGE TestTruck '!reT/cG:osar:E.!atarihai2jicirheo:rerrJn!.P!lllterreg€:eiirorsv€1rs.(!nrEdJr.grleriir.5 Table 5 shows the test data from the test segment. The TiC ratios of runs 2 and 3 were greater than 2% of the other runs. As a result, these test segment runs were voided and the data was not used in the final calculations. Additional runs were completed until SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business lnformation 14 three valid T/C ratios were obtained. lnspection of the data determined that the T/C ratios were out of spec because of PM filter regeneration events. The T/C ratios of runs 1,4, and 5 were used. Table 6 shows the individual and average T/C ratios for the test segment. 'I-rblc 6- Tcsi Segnent T/C Ratios Test Segment RUN 1 ! I VC Ratios el Con3umed I/C Ratio \/iihin 2%? C.9319 ie\ C.9359 yes C.9247 yes The average T/C ratio for the test segment is 0.9332. 13 Summary of Results 13.1 Percent Fuel Saved o/n I:IeL Saued = o/o (T /c ratiooro,uo,",r," T -T fc /c ,ation FueI Saued = ","o,", ratioAvc,res) n" (.9967-.9332\ .,16?-- - 6.4o/o 13.2 Percent lmprovement SmartTruck Products Confidential Business lnformation t5 "/o lT /g ,otionrr"^",-"-T/6 l^pror"^"n- =W o/o Improvement - ratrcAvLrpst) (.9967-.9332) = .9332 6.80/o 14 Conclusion The testing and data calculation protocols described in the SAE J1321 and subsequent EPA Smartway Transport Partnership documents conclude that: On today's most aerodynamic tractor trailer configurations, SmartTruck's UT-6 Underlray system produces a 6.8olo fuel efficiency improvement. The UT-6 UnderTray system is expected to have slightly different performance with different types of trailers and tractors due to the differences in the aerodynamic performance of the base trailer and/or tractor. Additionally, different types of trailer and tractor components will also have a slight impact on the performance ofthe UT-6. For example, our trucks were equipped with traditional dual tire configurations; however, equipping a trailer with a single wide tire conflguration will enhance the stated performance of the UT-6 because of additional air flow moving through the UnderTray system. Equipping a trailer with single wide tires will add 0.75'/. lo l'/. additional tuel efficiency improvement over the 6.8% demonstrated UT-6 performance. This would be above and beyond any direct benefit of the single wide tires. Although the rear bumper does not receive direct air flow from the UT-6, ditferent rear bumper configurations will also have a slight impact on the overall performance. There are dozens of different bumper configurations and each one will have a slight impact on overall UT6 performance. SrrartTruck Products Confidential Business lnformation 16 The impact on UT-6 performance for the range of commonly available DOT approved rear bumpers is - 0.25% to 0.25%. Another example having a slight impact in overall performance of the UT-6 is the trailer rain gutter. Our baseline trailers had a rain gutter designed by Kentucky Trailers. Again, there are many different rain gutter designs and each one has a slightly different impact on the air flow moving from the trailer top, over the rear top corner, and then to the rear of the trailer. Whiie the aerodynamic rain gutter associated with the tJT-6 system will work consistently for all 53' dry van trailers, the comparison to the baseline rain gutter will have slight variation among the different baseline rain gutters. The expected range in performance for the UT-6 among common rain gutters is - 0.5% to 0.25%. There are, of course, many other equipment specifications that will have a slight impact on the overall fuel savings expected from the UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System. SmartTruck believes the range in performance for the UT-6, based on the many types of tractor and 53 foot dry van trailer combinations and the diverse equipment specifications for each will be 5.8o/o - 7.8o/". SmartTruck P.oducts Confidential Business lnformation t'l Preparation and Approval Report Prepared By: Nate See Test Engineer, BMI Repo.t Approved By: Date Steve Wulff SmartTruck Products Conlldential Business Infofl nation t8 Appendix A - Photos and Images lmages ofthe UT-6 Trailer UnderTray system Photos ofTest Truck Equipped with UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System ---.1;-lo4F{l --* '; 5= FiglaJ Iio 711., r*t;: oflcredyormi. Rdn Gulicr net I ,! .: r, I.i8!rc I - Pholo of'l-r,cto.Tnil.rCrp smartTruck Products Confid€ntial Business lnfbrmation Sctting I9 Appendix B - Testing Attestations KTM Solutions lnc. participated in the planning and execution of the testing program to evaluate SmartTruck's UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System. To the best of our knowledge this test was performed in compliance with the SAE J 1321 Fuel Consumption Test Procedure - Type ll as modified by EPA'S lnterim Test Method for Verifying Fuet-Saving Components for SmaftWay: Modifications to SAE Jl321 . Curt Hargraves KTI\4 Test Engineer The testing conducted to evaluate our UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System was performed in compliance with the SAE J1321 Fuel Consumption Test Procedure - Type ll as modified by EPA'9 lnterin Test Method for Verifying Fuel-Saving Components for SmaftWay: Modifications to SAE J1321. t'*,'/'o Date General lvlanager, SmartTruck SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information 20 Appendix C - Testing Documents +{ Figure I - Tmiler Bdlest Sheet SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business Information 21 Figuru 2 - Tdcto. Trail€. Pre-Flight InsDecrior Sheet SmartTruck Products Confidential Business lnformation 22 Figurc 3 - Drrt SrackScrc.d Shot l.blt 7 - Sampl€ Weather D!1. Out Date 4/7/2O7O 4/7 /2O1O 4/7 /2O7O 4/7 /2O1O 4/712010 4/'7/2O1O 4/J/2O7O 4/1/2O1o 4/ / /2OIO 4/7/20AO 4/7/2O7O 4/1/20to Out 10:27AM 10:2aAM 10:29AM 10:30AM 1O:31 AM 10r32 AM 10:33AM 10:34AM 10:35 AM 10:36AM 10r37AM 10:3aAM Dar 67.4 95 a 679 679 679 95 95 a 67_9 95 95 67.9 8 8 a HJ Hi Soeed Dir 10 9 N 9 10 9 9 10 Bar 2a asa 28.861 28.861 2a_462 2a-a63 2A 463 58 95 7 9 6a 6a 95 7 / I 95 95 95 28.863 28.86s 28-a66 6 I 2A 467 7 2a.a66 95 8 9 9 68 6a 6a SmartTruck Products Confidential Business Information 2A_466 23 Trble E- Sta& Raw Data DataPro Exoort Frle Coovrisht {c) Stack Limited 2002 Track: UVALDE Session:1m4O7 Run :012 Creation Date : Wednesday April 07 2O1O 9:34:0O Data Ranse : OO:02:16.794 -> OO:O4j05.644 lSelectaonl Data Exborted : Saturc 24 2o1o 13:2a:31 T'ME AMBTEMP BATT DISTANCE DRVSHFT FUELTEMP WSPDl STEERING ft MPH o a3 13.7 10232 1m ?A 737 1o242 2@ u 300 a3 400 500 600 700 ao0 a a 84 a 13.7 II3 1,1, 113 11 113 13.1 10289 10299 1931 113 12 13 13_1 10308 10318 10321 10337 10346 tgu 113 t4 1933 113 113 113 16 64.422 113 16 16 64.8819 64.4419 64.4459 64.630a ?A 737 1600 MPH 64.79a 64.422 65-0524 64.5432 (a 4459 64_7263 65.2567 64.6666 65.1349 54.6304 64.968 64 7263 65 279i 64.690,4' L3.1 110C 13.5 a4 a4 13 72 1933 73.1 1500 Lr3 113 ao27D 1,3.7 l4(x 1933 1,3 70240 a4 a4 a4 1025t 70261 13 13.1 900 130C 113 113 t31 10m \2K. 1933 1930 7932 7932 a4 a4 13.5 13.5 13.5 13 5 WSPD2 1935 1936 1933 1,933 64.690/' 64.8699 64.893S 15 64.7747 l6 64.990r 65.2804 64.9901 65.2643 65 lJ624 10356 10365 10375 7932 113 113 1931 113 1o3P,4. 1931 111 18 19 19 113 19 79 16 13 64.8339 64.7a43 65.0744 64.905S 65.2191 64-968 55 0947 65.3169 €4.942 65.244 a4 a4 84 13.5 13.6 10394 10403 1936 113 13.6 L937 1936 21m u 13_5 64.942 1931 11: 11: 10 a4 13.6 13.5 1935 22C() 70413 10422 70/.32 10441 113 a4 7 64.4699. 65.0866 65.3656 13.6 10451 1936 113 7 65.0383 65.1834 13 6 10460 1936 113 6 .9901 65.4632 170o 1800 1900 2()00 230o u 24{n FA SmartTruck Products Confi dential Business lnformation 71,3 64.6D7 64.6145 64 6745 65_ 24 1955 Addendum to SmartTruck’s UT-6 Application (Additional SAE J1321 Test Data from Pecos, Texas) May 4, 2010 1 Pecos Weather and Wind Summary: 1.1 Pecos Baseline Segment Weather Summary Table 1- Baseline Segment Weather Summary Table 1 summarizes the wind and temperature conditions associated with the baseline segment at the Pecos test track. Due to high winds all test runs are outside the allowable ranges described by the SAE J1321 and EPA test protocols. 1.2 Pecos Test Segment Weather Summary Table 2 - Test Segment Weather Summary Table 2 summarizes the wind and temperature conditions associated with the test segment at the Pecos test track. Due to high winds all test runs are outside the allowable ranges described by the SAE J1321 and EPA test protocols. 2 Pecos Test Data: 2.1 Pecos Baseline Segment Table 3 - Baseline Test Data Table 3 shows the test data from the baseline segment at Pecos. All three runs produced valid T/C ratios and run times. Table 4 shows the individual and average baseline T/C ratios. Table 4 - Baseline T/C Ratios The average baseline segment T/C ratio is 0.9946. 2.2 Pecos Test Segment Table 5 - Test Segment Testing Data Table 5 shows the test data from the test segment at Pecos. The T/C ratio of run 3 was greater than 2% of the other runs. As a result, this test segment run was voided and the data was not used in the final calculations. An additional run was completed until three valid T/C ratios were obtained. The T/C ratios of runs 1, 2, and 4 were used. Table 6 shows the individual and average T/C ratios for the test segment. Table 6 – Test Segment T/C Ratios The average T/C ratio for the test segment is 0.9460. 3 Summary of Pecos Results 3.1 Percent Fuel Saved ( ⁄ ⁄ Equation 1 - % ) Fuel Saved ⁄ ( ) 3.2 Percent Improvement ( ⁄ ⁄ ) ⁄ ( Equation 2 - % Improvement ) 4 Conclusion Although all fuel efficiency data collected from SmartTruck testing at the Pecos Test Track was not valid due to steady high winds over 20 mph and continuous gusts over 30 mph, we did collect a consistent set of data that does showcase the performance of the UT-6 Trailer UnderTray System. Despite the high winds the UT-6 system improved the fuel efficiency by 5.1%. SmartTruck will be going back to the Pecos track to conduct additional tests in June of 2010.