Harlow Cycling Map - Essex County Council
Harlow Cycling Map - Essex County Council
hW ych Roa d Redricks La d oo dw yl W Hi g ne s lo C se N e lo lf C nu Ra Gibberd Garden oad rt R Ha ad Ro st Ea Harlow Mill Station y r Wa Rive s rd fo uil eG Th Old d a Ro ck i w Prio ry A ven u e La ne rse sh o Ho Th re e on ge rs Fel m M Tillwicks Road Road 1 M1 od Elwo London Tripton Road erin gR oad d Ro a es pl ane Par kL ad ue Aven Park Road signs A414 ters Ro et tre ll S Mi d Ploy Ha M11 Pa rk se on mm Co Shared route for pedestrians/cyclists d od M11 500 750 /2 1000 2.5 mins A414 1 a Ro Segregated route for pedestrians/cyclists Bus Lane (bicycles allowed) No entry (including bicycles) No cycling 2 mins /4 o gw tin s Ha B1 393 es Ro a d Ha w Me kenb ad ur ow y s Way om ill tM rn Bu et Stre Hare Elizabeth Way Gr ey go o ld nt Mercers Harlow Common ce res Katheri ne nge On-road cycle route Off-road cycle route Bridleway National Cycle Route Network (NCN1) Cycle parking Shopping area Cycle friendly road On-road suitable only for experienced cyclists Cycle route ane rs Foster Street Gra L ings ife Potter Street w rlo n Roa Dunstalls Key Ridd Ta yl ldon ie rs F nC rs Chelsea Gardens Londo Brookside Lane End Whie te Pot e Lio Sylv este e p yS d Re s lac Mead ring s Field s Field Heig ham ad Ro hP Fullers pel Cha pel Cha ld Fie Red Willow s os Cr Stadium Way s bb Ho rt wo e Barrows Road et tre eS gat rch Ash Ris Doulton Close Latton Radburn Bush Close d 1 250 Ridgeways Malkin Drive Latton Woods Miles Metres Hospital Wood ll Hospice Parndon Wood Rise Davenport Burley Hi r Per t ree ad Me ane okl Bro Clifton Hatch Hall lls Latton Green School ds llar Lane Ma Minton St ter Pot ters ead Tilbury M Car Road Upper Mealines d Roa rch Chu La tto n St re et n do el e Sh los C t Clo n Lan Potter y Wa Street rn Primary uthe School So Latton Common oa ill R Cemetery & Crematorium eld ad ld ler Tumb s Fie Kingsdon Lane Old G Westbury The Rise Albert Henry Moore Gardens Primary School Kiln Lane se Abbeydale Gardens Close Bellfield Av en ue Lio Red Priory Croft Ru Denby Grange ve ro Pilkingtons Tickenhall Drive Bentley Drive eH Ry lo rs Pa erfi London Ro Fenton Grange Hadley Grange lpor New Passmores School on t sh Lane d Roa u Ch e nd Church Langley ley Way Church Lang ne n Fe Eld u ven ay A adw The Gardiners Horsecroft Road Bro d holl Nic Road Pear Tree Mead School Fern Hill od Wo ok Ho Trotters P e Rund s iar lls on nd Par Spruce Hill Spinning Wheel Mead ad Ro Br Pad s Latton Green eH dg Berecroft co Spencers Croft Southern W ay s Wh The ley ns ns Ay rde a G Coa Holy Cross School hon ync ey arl Sakins Croft all Pureford Green School Th Lo d oa nR do ng ri Pa kM doc Th Little Brays Se Longfield Primrose Field Commonside d oa School eR sid n o mm Co Purford Green Great Leylands ea Tys e Th Moorfields an st ur d oa sR ip el Ph d oa eR St James School ead u B gs d rk Pa oad nR che ood eW rag a Ro e rn a Vic d ea tt ro ve d ld rnm Ba ll G lage Latton Bush Readings Centre Lower Meadow d oo sw er Hu Little Brays ay ew ar eF en Vil ay rn W North Grove a Ro Little Parringdon School t Pe n Staple Tye d re e a Ro The Maples G Church Langley Primary School d ate eg Til Goldings Playing Field Barley Croft ll s d l Fie the ne d Sumners w London Road Campus Mark Hall Wood Brays Grove Bush Fair Sports Ground Brays Mead re Tye G Sou r Pa Joyners Field Milwards School M lo William Martin School Tye Green ge id tr ft cro Abbotsweld Stewards School Kingsmoor Ro a al a Ro Great Brays Church Leys in ok r Pa od Wo Kingsmoor Recreation Centre a Ro ey oa gR Ho Barn Mead Sports Ground Staple Tye Kingsmoor School n do ng dl ri Pa Br oa ards Milw y Wa rd wa tfie d Long Banks d Roa d low n Pe Brockles Mead Sumners Leisure Centre Ladyshot Quarry Spring Fiveacres Southern Lodge Copse Hill d Community Centre ern W ay Water Lane School ing Passmores South ore Sycam field Epp oad ing R ge rid rk Deer park Kingsland Abbotsweld School b aw Sh ad Ro pa Wate Bush Tawn e Fair ys Road Harlow Fields School r Tend Holly Field oor The Fortunes s oor Fi r Katherines Ground Sports Lane ter Wa Passmores School Willowfield St Luke’s School Great Parndon gsm Tith y Wa bie nd Jerounds School Kin s eland Little Cattins e en Py d Seymours d Roa st hase Avenue eM rhous ield Wo od s We ny tf Wes Sto Way C The Peacocks d Roa Long Ley Harlow Study Centre n Te ward Wood Katherines School Jerounds Ho Second ue en Av om cr er bu ry oa kR oc yc Pa Bynghams Brookside ox add Churchgate C Of E Aided Primary School New Hall Ladyshot The Spinney School Home Close Water Gardens Ab Ha wk en Church End dE for Lin Katherines ne Tunnmead a Ro ck e The Downs Harlow Leisurezone dr La hts i sw nk Wh e Gr St Marks School rd ory Mo its wa ite Parsonages Leys ills h en e idg br Elm Maypole Sports and Social te ga o br h rt No i Th Re ct rig d u ven yA The Downs School Third Avenue Flex Meadow kw Ar a Ro ox eld M uth Jean McAlpine Park Merring Way s ht rig kw Ar dfi oa Br d Lovett Road Broadfields School a Ro Meadow Road Coldharbour Road s ns llin s ok Hare Street ns R oad Harberts Pinnacles Hare Street School e yd Ha Harolds Road yho Pla uare Sq Helio Co Harlow College So Canons Brook Eas Town wngate Cro Centre use Fourth Avenue Wooding Grove te tga iz Vel Roydon Road ic e gat st We dd d a Ro Princess Alexandra Hospital Foldcroft Of f oad eR Min el t Pos H Ma st m d Roa toe Upper Park Harlow Town Football Club The Pitman’s Field ld fie Churchgate Street St Nicholas School ad e Ro ld dyk hfie Mar urc Ch Netteswell s ide Norman Booth Leisure Centre ne l La Mil ad ll Ro r Ha Moo Mark Hall School and Sports Centre Cooks Spinney The Stow Halling Hill The Dashes Ha Hob Little Parndon ad Ro S s Fir Rectory Wood Little Parndon School Oldhouse Croft e nu ve tA Ch sh Sprin Black Bu lls Hi Halling Hill try an e Th Orchard Croft Skate Park oad sR g in pr ay kw Par Morley Grove in Hod Canons Gate Canons Brook Golf Club oad gs R St Albans School Burnt Mill School ing Ram Gorse M Mark Hall Road Museum of Harlow a Ro Hod t iz El b ow Walington am The Hornbeams Town Park h sk Herons Wood Altham Grove N o yR ra Mu ue en Av l rmil G ad t ing Ch Fawbert and Barnard’s School k East Par d Roa New Stree High Harlowbury School oad ry R Wayre t Stree s Walford Gilden Dell Mistley Road h Rive ad y Wa Fi ft Harlow Rugby Club ay hW e ab Pets’ Corner Tany’s b le oad ll R swe ette e Lan ool Sch ill s nd eet et Str Mark nu Ave Bu ipp field Stack Tany’s Dell School a el den Gar Road ace Terr Park Hill rd wa Ho Avenue ay hW rg nbu Edi nt M Harlow Town Cricket Club oad hR ut So Temple Fields Harlow Town Station Bur l Ro R Harlow Outdoors tra Queensgate oh St J ys xle eO Th Hill e n’s Jocelyns t Eas Cen t d Roa or St st We Allende er iv Old Harlow The Station Road or R oad She Station Road Man This map is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Essex County Council 100019602 2011 It’s good for your wallet: Did you know, the average cost of maintaining a car each year is £273 and that’s before petrol costs, compared to just £75 for a bike? If you’re looking to tighten your belt, cycling can be an affordable option. With an average household in the UK spending one in every six pounds on travel, think how much you’ll save if you make some journeys by bike. It’s good for the environment: Cycling is a fast and efficient way of travelling. Quicker than walking, it is almost carbon neutral, so you don’t need to worry about the impact your journeys are having on the environment. According to Sustrans, 2kg of carbon is saved for every short journey that is made using a bike instead of a car. It’s good for the town: Bikes take up less space than cars to park, and one car space could provide parking for 5-10 bikes. Whilst a cyclist cannot carry as much shopping as a motorist, they make more visits to local shops than car drivers, spending more money in total per week, which places them second in levels of spend only to pedestrians. This means that the hourly revenue generated by cyclists is up to six times as much compared to vehicles. (Cycling the Way Ahead in Towns & Cities (DG13 EC) by Claude Bouche, www.europa. eu.int, Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 1999) Museum of Harlow The museum tells the story of the area now known as Harlow, from ancient times to the present day. Situated in the picturesque former Mark Hall stable block and kitchen gardens, the museum offers a unique opportunity for visitors to discover the rich history of the town they see around them. Visitors to the museum can make use of the local history library. They also have a full programme of Saturday events, pre-school sessions, themed school holiday events and younger visitors can also try free quizzes and trails. Harlow Leisurezone Facilities include: swimming pool, indoor tennis courts, gym, fitness class studios, spinning studio, sports hall, squash courts and health spa. The Gibberd Garden Templefields Industrial Estate Staple Tye Shops Church Langley Bush Fair Harlow Town Park covers 164 acres and is a great place to visit in any season. There are attractive scenic landscapes, river walks and views, a paddling pool (open in the summer season), skateboard park, Pets’ Corner, Harlow Showground, café and an adventure playground. The outdoor bandstand provides public entertainment including jazz, pop and rock concerts. Harlow Town Park also hosts fun annual events including the fireworks display. The Park is an ideal place for adults and children to take leisurely strolls, see wildlife and relax and enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Town Centre Pinnacles Industrial Estate This chart shows you approximate distances and times to key locations in Harlow to help you plan your journey. Remember, the exact time will depend on your route and how quickly you pedal. Numbers indicate: Miles Minutes Cycling Harlow Town Park Try joining a club. Cycle Harlow is a new club for all ages, abilities and disciplines. For more details visit www.cycleharlow.co.uk. How long will it take me? Why not cycle to... Image by Brian Thomas Cycling with the family is fun and also brings you closer together, whilst also helping children towards their recommended daily activity of 1 hour a day. Children can incorporate cycling into their daily lives by cycling to school, to the shops or out with friends. In your free time take the children for a ride to the park, Pets’ Corner or the town centre. Want to cycle more? 0.39 1.3 2.9 1.2 1.6 1.3 2.6 0.96 4 8 20 8 11 9 17 6 1.2 2.9 0.9 1.7 1.6 3.3 1.6 8 19 6 11 11 22 11 0.39 Princess Alexandra Hospital 4 Harlow Town Station 1.3 1.2 2.0 1.6 1.0 3.0 3.8 2.1 8 8 14 11 7 20 25 14 Harlow Mill Station 2.9 2.9 2.0 3.4 1.1 4.6 2.4 3.5 20 19 14 23 8 31 16 23 Pinnacles Industrial Estate 1.2 0.9 1.6 3.4 2.8 2.0 4.4 2.7 8 6 11 23 19 13 30 18 Templefields Industrial Estate 1.6 1.7 1.0 1.1 2.8 3.6 3.3 2.7 11 11 7 8 19 24 22 18 Staple Tye Shops 1.3 1.6 3.0 4.6 2.0 3.6 3.5 1.1 9 11 20 31 13 24 24 8 2.6 3.3 3.8 2.4 4.4 3.3 3.5 2.3 17 22 25 16 30 22 24 15 0.96 1.6 2.1 3.5 2.7 2.7 1.1 2.3 6 11 14 23 18 18 8 15 Church Langley Bush Fair The Towpaths of the River Stort are easily accessible from the north of the Town. When using these, and other, cycle facilities, please bear in mind the Code of Conduct: The garden is recognised as an important contribution to 20th century garden design and it is listed on the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest in England. Ring with Two Tings: Use a bell, The Water Gardens Pass people slowly: Slow down The Water Gardens are perfect for family shopping; with shops, restaurants and secure cycle parking, set in landscaped gardens with tranquil ponds and water fountains. The Water Gardens are open air with spacious and wide walkways, where you can wander freely, browse and shop - all at your leisure. River Stort The towpaths provide a pleasant off-road leisure route just to the North of the Town. More adventurous cyclists can follow the towpath to Roydon Mill or the Olympic site at Stratford. Mark Hall Sports Centre Facilities include: sports hall, athletic track, all weather pitches, tennis courts and fitness suite. Unsure how to approach a junction? Want to feel more confident riding in traffic? Harlow has an extensive offroad cycle network, but if you want to ride on the road, get Bikeability training from Essex County Council by calling 01245 437131. Harlow Mill Station It’s good for your family: Make sure any bike you buy is fitted with lights, reflectors, a bell and a good lock so that you can park your bike securely. It is recommended that you wear a helmet and high visibility clothing whenever you cycle. Try cycling with friends, family or a buddy for trips to work, the shops or just for fun. Start with short trips and gradually build up the time and distance. You’ll soon notice the difference in both your fitness levels and general health. There are led rides every Saturday at 1.30pm from the mobility hut on Post Office Road, organised and led by Cycle Harlow. Harlow Town Station The Cycle Harlow Club run Bike Basics workshops for returning or new cyclists, aimed at giving you the confidence to get going. They cover the basics of maintenance, how to ride safely and include a short led off-road ride. As part of the workshop you’ll be given information about other schemes and clubs to help you cycle. The workshops are run in small groups by professionals, who are there to ensure that you have the right support and encouragement to either take up or return to cycling. Contact Cycle Harlow on [email protected] for more information. On the road Princess Alexandra Hospital Cycling can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. Instead of using the car for short journeys, take the bike. During peak traffic times it’s often quicker than driving. Journeys under 5 miles are ideal for cycling and in Harlow most places are less than 6 miles away! Getting started Unsure about cycling alone? Town Centre It’s recommended that adults take part in 30 minutes of physical activity every day to keep fit and healthy. It’s really important that you buy the right bike for you. That means choosing a bike that is not only the right size, but one that is designed to meet your cycling needs. For example, if you are planning to use your bike to travel to school or work, you will have different needs than if you are planning to cycle off-road or for sport. If you’re unsure which type of bike to buy, talk to the sales assistants in your local bike shop and ask them which bike they would recommend. They will also be able to advise you on the size of bike you need, particularly when buying for a child. •Don’t know where or how to start? •Not been on a bike for years? •Don’t know where to get a bike or how to choose one? Image supplied by The Museum of Harlow It’s good for you: Buying a bike Cycle Harlow Map Why Cycle? Getting Started January 2011 The project is a partnership between Essex County Council, Harlow Council, Primary Care Trust, the Cycle Harlow club and other national and local organisations. when approaching pedestrians give Two Tings to let them know you are there. when approaching pedestrians and only pass when it is safe to do so. Try to pass on the water side of the path. Ride at a sensible speed for the towpath conditions: The towpath is never suitable for cycling fast as there are many other users, low bridges and narrow sections. If you are in a hurry, do not use the towpath, please use the road. Pedestrians have priority. Considerate cycling permitted. If you have any queries about this map, or would like further copies, please contact us: [email protected] Useful Contacts Places to visit Local organisations Pets’ Corner in the Town Park 01279422790 Cycle Harlow www.cycleharlow.co.uk The Museum of Harlow 01279454959 Groove BMX www.groovebmx.co.uk Parndon Wood Nature Reserve 01279430005 The Canal Boat Project 01279424444 Sumners Leisure Centre 01279430436 Harlow Leisurezone 01279621500 Harlow Indoor Tennis Centre 01279442537 Essex Outdoors 01279620270 Gibberd Garden 01279442112 Sportessex www.sportessex.com National organisations Cycling Touring Club (CTC) www.ctc.org.uk British Cycling www.new.britishcycling.org.uk Sustrans www.sustrans.org.uk Bikeability www.bikeability.org.uk General cycling information www.bikeforall.net British Waterways www.waterscape.com
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