August - the Dallas Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars
August - the Dallas Chapter of the Military Order of the World Wars
Dallas Military Order News Volume 22, No. 8 Best Large Chapter in the Nation August 2014 Chapter Staff Chapter Commander COL Joseph Cordina, USAF 972-633-5504 [email protected] Senior Vice Commander LTC Ken Boatman, USA 972-393-2718 [email protected] Junior Vice Commander MAJ Andy White, USA 214-789-0921 [email protected] Adjutant CPT Alan Backof, USA 972-608-5278 [email protected] Treasurer MRS Maurine Dickey 214-415-7946 [email protected] Marshal Lt Col Phil Hardin, USAF 214-872-7523 [email protected] Chaplain CPT Weldon Estes, USA 214-339-3552 [email protected] JAG COL Tod Almquist, USA 972-458-2161 [email protected] Surgeon MAJ Lannie Hughes, USA 972-661-8509 [email protected] Historian LTC Charles Alford, USA 214-826-5183 [email protected] From the Desk of the Dallas Chapter Commander: Fellow Companions, our Chapter once again set even higher marks for our outreach over this past summer. We sponsored 83 young men & women at the recent Youth Leadership Conferences, held at five Texas locations. Our community outreach touches so many young lives. It has raised awareness of the many superb activities MOWW does to promote Americanism and the aspects of leadership development. With so many aspiring leaders preparing their futures for the many challenges that lie ahead, our nation has a bright future. On a sadder note, we lost two wonderful companions over this summer (see the obituaries on page 7). US Army Colonel Carlos Hedstrom (age 91) and CWO-2 Chip Parker (age 71) entered the Kingdom of God – both were devoted Companions and supporters for the ambitions of our Chapter. Both will be truly missed as their dynamic personalities “lit up the room” at our various events. Please keep the families of these fine men in your prayers. Our Chapter had presence at both memorial ceremonies to properly honor these patriots. As you are reading this the MOWW National Convention is preparing for kickoff in Baltimore. The convention will be throughout this first week of August and will bring together representatives of Chapters from throughout the world. The various seminars are designed to help us shape our goals and objectives and to initiate procedures that will support achievement of these goals. The "cross-pollination" will certainly prove valuable; we will have a cadre of no less than eight attending this annual event. Although this will be my first, I have great expectations! I am certain my report back will encourage all of you to put next year's Convention in your planner for August 2015. Lastly, remember your “2 Minutes Per Day” duty to our Chapter. Just 2 minutes a day, one hour a month, it adds up and will make for a substantial contribution to furthering our goals. Please volunteer for a choice committee. Simply tell ANY of our Chapter officers of your choice and desire. You will find a warm reception ahead of you! Blessings to all, Joseph Cordina Commander, Dallas Chapter Last Month’s Program, June 2014 This Month’s Program, August 2014 Eyes in the Skies The Post-Presidency of George W. Bush Dallas Police Lieutenant Ken Seguin took us on a tour of Dallas as seen through the eyes of the Commander of the Dallas PD Helicopter Unit that patrols the city from 2,000 feet above the skyline. Ken's fleet of Bell 206A Jet RangLT Ken Seguin briefed a former Air Force ers (similar to pilot who had wandered in to his office the Army's OH-58 Kiowa), is on call 24 hrs a day, 365 days of the year, to provide support to "Officers on the ground". Ken manages an annual operating budget of just over $2.3 million, and a crew of 19 Dallas Police officers, of whom 14 are pilots (many of them, former military). William McKenzie was a member of the team that won the Pulitzer Prize for Editorial writing in 2010. Bill joined the Dallas Morning News in 1991 and contributed to their editorial pages for over 20 years. He often writes about Education issues, although his articles have also covered a broad spectrum of topics affecting Texas and the nation. He is at his best when he writes of faith, family, and Pulitzer Prize winner, William McKenzie freedoms. The Gathering of Eagles Next Quarter’s Programs Seeking the Wisdom of the Ages The current Chapter Commander Joseph Cordina hosted a Breakfast for his Staff and all of the Chapter's Past Commanders. It has become an annual tradition to brief the former Commanders on current Goals and Objectives and to seek input and suggestions from them on ideas that have worked well in previous years. Joe raised the bar, considerably, by convening the meeting in one of the formal Dining Halls in the elegant Crescent Club in Uptown Dallas. In 2013, Bill became the Director of the Bush Institute, a public policy center within the George W. Bush Presidential Library, whose programs include: Economic Growth, Education Reform, Global Health, Human Freedom, and Military Service Initiatives. Speaker Programs Just Keep Getting Better 5 Aug 14 – William McKenzie, Bush Institute “The Post Presidency of George W. Bush" 2 Sep 14 – COL Joe Cordina, Chapter Commander YLC and JROTC Awards Presentations 7 Oct 14 – Mark Davis, Commentator, WBAP AM “Turning the Thing Around” Silver Patrick Henry awards Chapter recognizes 3 for Patriotic Achievement Senior Vice Commander Ken Boatman had the pleasant task of presenting the Silver Patrick Henry Certificate and medallion to Companions Weldon Estes, Phil Hardin, and Alan Backof, for their years of dedicated service to the Chapter. L-R, Rollie Stevens, Jim Gooch, Phil Hardin, Al Backof, Ron Forest, Lannie Hughes, Walt Laidlaw, Joe Cordina, Ken Boatman, Maurine Dickey, Chris Davis, Lyle Mueller, Don Munson (photographer), Chuck Chamberlin, John Hayes, and King Moss Dr. Estes and Joe Cordina, Phil Hardin and Ken's Hand, Alan Backof and Ken Boatman Happy Birthday One Year Older; A Whole Lot Wiser 1 August 1 August 2 August 2 August 1918 Chap (Dr) Weldon Estes COL Harry Urey TAMU Cadet Ian Barton Maj Gen Andrew Rollins, Jr 4 August 4 August 8 August 8 August 8 August 9 August 10 August 10 August 11 August 11 August 12 August 12 August 14 August 14 August 15 August 17 August 17 August 19 August 21 August 21 August 22 August 22 August 23 August 23 August 23 August 26 August 26 August Mr Paul Epply-Schmidt Lt Col Sid Snedeker LT Thor James Hansen CPT Chris Kite-Powell COL Charles Thompson Capt Paul Welch Maj Gen Jeffery Kahla CW4 James Rasley LTC Jerry Betts Mr. Roy Kurth CPT Walter Garriss LCDR Jack Neal CPT Edwin McAuliffe Capt William Sweitzer CPT Bernard Kenan COL Richard Cullum Capt Stanley Seat LT Henrietta Slagle Ms Christine Hogan CPT Peter Maurer CDR Terry Hauck Mr. Robert Paleschic Mr. William Farmer Mr. Louis Felini MAJ James Murtagh CPT David Curtis Ms. Catherine Moore 26 August Capt James Patterson 26 August LT Jerry Prater 26 August 27 August 27 August Capt Harold F. Ray, Jr LT Thomas Meyer LTC Don Munson 28 August CPT Katherine Stewart Perpetual Membership Engineers build things - and blow things up Brigadier General Thomas Kula retired from active duty service and stepped into one of the most challenging jobs of his life. He is now the Director of the North Texas Municipal Water District, charged with providing water to over 800,000 Texans, during a decade of severe drought. We proudly welcome Tom into the Chapter as our 403rd Perpetual Companion. Regular Members Are you a Sponsor? If not, why not? The Dallas Chapter inducted two more Companions into our Order during the July Luncheon at the Park City Club. Captain Fred Aurbach, was commissioned as a 2nd LT in the Medical Service Corps. He was a Distinguished Military Graduate of Hardin-Simmons University, in Abilene, TX. He served in Viet Nam during the war (1968-69) and was later Commanding Officer of the 28th General Hospital Company, at Fort Meade, Maryland. He left the military to enter Dental School at Baylor University. Fred and his wife, Pam, live in Irving. His sponsor is Ron Forest. Captain James Delano Runzheimer served in the US Army from June 1967 to April 1971. Jim and his wife, Jan, live in Arlington, TX. Jim's sponsor is John Wagner. The Chapter Newsletter will feature these two members in a future edition, which will provide the opportunity to expand in greater detail on their military and civilian careers. Outstanding Service Award Well deserved recognition Chapter Commander Joe Cordina presented the Outstanding Service Award to James Gooch, who has served with distinction in numerous volunteer positions, to include the annual Dallas Veterans Day Parade. Jim often answers the call for "interviewers or presenters" at local high schools to award Top Cadets or select outstanding students to attend the Chapter sponsored Youth Leadership Conferences. Congratulations, Jim. Take a bow.. WELCOME TWO RECENT MEMBERS INTO THE CHAPTER Brigadier General Thomas W. Kula, US Army Captain Barry L. Brown, US Navy Tom Kula was born in North Chicago, Ill. He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1982, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering, and was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. He holds a Master's Degree in Military Arts & Science from the Command & General Staff College. Barry Brown was born and raised in Baton Rouge, LA. He graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University in 1979, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration/Finance. He attended Law School at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, leaving prior to degree completion to enter private business. He was commissioned an Ensign in the U.S. Navy through the Direct Commissioning Program, in March 1988. He completed the US Air Force Command & Staff College. Kula's military education includes the Engineer Officer Basic Course, Infantry Officer Advanced Course, Combined Arms Service & Staff School, Command & General Staff College, School of Advanced Military Studies, and U.S. Army War College Fellowship at the University of Texas. His first active duty assignment was as Platoon Leader, then Battalion S-1, and later, Company Commander, in the 78th Engineer Battalion (a Corps level, Combat Engineer unit), in Ettlingen, Germany. Later assignments included: Aide de Camp to the Commanding General, Ft Leonard Wood, MO; Chief of G-3 Plans, 82d Airborne Division, Ft Bragg, NC; Commander, 307th Engineer Battalion, 82d Airborne Division, Plans Officer, United States Southern Command, Miami, FL; Commander, 130th Engineer Brigade, V Corps, Hanau, Germany during the Iraqi War, and Chief of Staff, Maneuver Support Center, Ft Leonard Wood, Missouri. On July 2, 2010, BG Kula became the Commander of U.S. Army Southwestern Engineer Division, covering all or part of seven states, with annual programs totaling $5.4 billion. In 2014, Tom retired and became Director of the North Texas Water District, that provides critical water services to 800,000 people in North Texas. His awards and decorations include three Legion of Merit medals, the Bronze Star Medal, Dept of Defense Meritorious Service Medal, six Army Meritorious Service Medals, two Army Commendation Medals, two Army Achievement Medals, the Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Humanitarian Service Medal, Ranger and Sapper Tabs, plus Master Parachutist, German Parachutist, Pathfinder, Combat Action and Army Staff Badges. Tom and his wife, Jeanette, live in Rockwall., TX. . Barry is Assistant to the Executive Director at Navy Logistics Support Center, Norfolk, VA. Previously he was Commanding Officer, Disposal Remediation Team Six, Jacksonville, FL; Executive Officer, Navy Petroleum Office Detachment 210, Houston, TX; Operations and Training Officer, Forward Freight Terminal Unit 210, Houston, TX; Assistant Supply Officer, USS Inchon SAU, Ingleside, TX; and Supply Officer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme, Houston, TX. In 1990, he deployed to Saudi Arabia, in support of Operation Desert Storm, then in 2006, he deployed to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He recently served as Navy Liaison Officer for Joint Logistics Command in Port au Prince, providing recovery assistance from the devastating earthquake in Haiti. In civilian life, Barry is a Senior Vice President with Bank of the Ozarks in Frisco, TX. His banking career has spanned over 28 years to include Bank of America and JP Morgan. He serves on numerous boards including the Texas A & M University School of Business, the Corpus Christi Economic Development Corporation, the Corpus Christi Arts Commission, and the Dallas Council of the Navy League of the US. CAPT Brown’s decorations include two Joint Service Commendation Medals, Navy & Marine Corps Commendation Medal, three Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medals, the Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal and various other unit awards. Barry and his wife, Shirley, live in Frisco. They have two sons; David (25) and Nolan (22), and two grandchildren. THE 2014 YOUTH LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE AT TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE STATION Hats off to all of the Companions who contributed to the success of the six Southwest Youth Leadership Conferences supported by the Dallas Chapter . The journey begins on Sunday. Loading the buses for the trip to College Station. In-Processing. Dorm assignments, receipt of deposit $$$, pickup of Conference materials. Ice Breaking. Games encourage the students to meet one another. The visit to the Bush Presidential Library is the highlight of the first day's activities. Each Work Group discussed, debated, and presented solutions to complex national contemporary issues. The Commandant of Cadets led the parade of a dozen Everyone participated on Talent Night. Prizes were awarded to the Best Individual and Best Team. Banquet Night gives the students the opportunity to dress up for a formal Evening to Remember. On Day One they were total strangers. By Day 5 they have become Best Friends Forever. Distinguished Guest Speakers DALLAS CHAPTER "IN THE NEWS" The Chapter mourns the loss of two of our Companions in the month of July. Both were Perpetual members and will remain on our Rolls, forever. Honoring our Former National Commander in Chief, Homer Schmidt Dallas Companion Allen Clark appeared on the Trinity Broadcast Network and was featured in a lengthy interview, which you can see by clicking HERE to watch the video. Chapter Commander Emeritus Don Munson had the pleasure of announcing the establishment of "THE HOMER SCHMIDT MEMORIAL TRUST FUND". Homer's wife, Diane, was present and received a standing ovation from her adoring admirers. The Chaplain’s Corner Chaplain (Capt.) Dr. Weldon Estes "Is Your Pocket Buttoned?" Several years ago, a serviceman wrote a bit of unintended comedy he witnessed in the army. It happened during a company inspection at Ft Benning, Georgia, the U.S. Army's hard-nosed Infantry School. A full colonel was conducting the inspection, and everything had gone smoothly until the Colonel came to an obviously nervous young Private. The colonel stopped, looked the man up and down and snapped "Button that pocket, Soldier!" The Private, more than a little rattled, stammered, "Right now, sir?" "Of course, right now!" was the officer's reply. The soldier very carefully reached and buttoned the flap on the colonel's shirt pocket. For some reason peculiar to our human nature, it is always easier to see the unbuttoned pocket of others than to see our own. Jesus said, "And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the log in your own eye?" The Bible says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." It is a principal we can all practice. The Dallas Military Order of the World Wars 1000 Basilwood Drive Coppell, TX 75019-6335 Address Service Requested THIS MONTH IN HISTORY 2 AUGUST 1990 To Bring a Guest!! The Iraqi army invaded and then annexed Kuwait, claiming it was historically part of Iraq. This resulted in Desert Shield, the massive Allied military buildup, and later, the 100-hour war against Iraq, Operation Desert Storm. Texland Printing, 214-926-9058, P.O. Box 116865, Carrollton, Texas 75011
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