WALNUT HILL COMMUNITY CHURCH 2016 ANNUAL REPORT Igniting a passion for Jesus in Connecticut, New England and around the world. The 2015-2016 Fiscal Year has been one of the most exciting years in Walnut Hill’s history. Our church family has accomplished much in our efforts to “ignite a passion for Jesus in Connecticut, New England and around the world.” We have seen many lives surrender to Jesus, seek to know Him better and flourish under His direction. Through new initiatives and a growing congregation of believers, we are seeing God work through our church family in powerful ways. This year has also been marked as a year of transition. With Senior Pastor, Clive Calver, retiring on October 2, 2016, the congregation overwhelmingly approved a team leadership model where Brian Mowrey, Adam DePasquale and Craig Mowrey will serve as a united team of three lead pastors to take us into the next season of Walnut Hill’s ministry. As we hold fast to our four family values, we are digging deeper, desperate to grow even stronger in the next year. SEEKING GOD CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER SERVING TOGETHER REACHING OUT 3 SEEKING GOD Every person engaging in the transformative power and knowledge of Jesus Christ. This happens through: Transformative Biblical Preaching Wholehearted Worship Sacrificial Prayer Intentional Discipleship “ My life was forever changed this past Easter Sunday when I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Walnut Hill helped me make this spiritual commitment and public declaration to live for Jesus, which has been a desire of mine for some time! Baptism has now launched my relationship with Him to the next level and is allowing me to go much deeper. Jesus has washed my sins clean and allowed me to become a brand new creation in Him. — J O H N ” 4 SEEKING GOD IN 2015-2016 63 transformed lives, publicly declaring their faith through baptism, ready to seek a life-long journey with Him. 2,259 people (including 400 children and 205 youth) gathering every week to worship and hear transformational teaching from God’s Word. 1,072 individuals becoming family in local Community Groups. 750 adults taking part in discipleship ministries, growing deeper in their understanding of God and in their relationships with one another. Ministries include Bible study classes, and men’s and women’s ministry groups. 185 individuals taking part in training and equipping workshops to deepen their understanding of the power of prayer. 5 CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER Committed to equipping and revitalizing our families for Kingdom impact and growth. This happens through: Relevant Marriage and Family Resources Compassion-Driven Care Ministries Championing a Multicultural Ministry “ Two years into my cancer journey, I began to ask God how He wanted to use my pain and suffering. Not long after, I came alongside a man from church with Stage 4 cancer. I began to pray and meet with him regularly. We would say to each other, “I want to hook my boat up with your boat. As you’re being tossed around by the storm, I want to ride it out with you.” It was this desire to go through the journey together that led him and me to launch a Cancer Support group at Walnut Hill. We recognize that we have been comforted in a certain way; God has revealed things to us on this journey that are essential to get through it. In the same way that we were comforted, we want to comfort others. We can each share specific, meaningful truths with others going through a similar journey and give them amazing love and support. — P E T E R ” 6 CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER IN 2015-2016 4,000 unique individuals (580 children and 420 youth) attending Walnut Hill within a three-month period. 1,000 People actively receiving and giving support through our Care Ministry groups.* 300+ individuals receiving love and support from our Care Team while they are in the hospital or confined to their homes. 100+ families receiving help during a crisis through our Benevolence Fund. 25 families impacted by special needs are able to take part in worship, classes and Community Groups. The adult special needs program is launched and continues to expand. 21 Weddings and Memorial Services taking place at our facilities. *Groups include: Cancer Support, Celebrate Recovery, DivorceCare, GriefShare, JOY Fellowship, Marriage Mentoring, The Marriage Course, Second Sundays, Single and Parenting, Singles Fellowship, and Young at Heart Bible Study. 7 SERVING TOGETHER A thriving lay leadership empowering every generation for ministry and mission. This happens through: Vibrant Children’s and Youth Ministries Dynamic Leadership Development Strategic Mobilization of God’s People “ I have been serving at Walnut Hill since the summer of 2014. Volunteering in various ministries — from decorating and setting up for luncheons to serving as a Community Group leader, Prayer Servant and House Manager — has presented countless opportunities to make new friends, who now feel like family. I’ve found there is nothing more rewarding, humbling and uplifting than to be a small yet integral part of the work of His church. Sharing a warm handshake and smile with a brother or sister who is about to serve by your side in the will of the Lord and helping spread the love of Jesus in His church bring incomparable joy to my life. — B O B ” 8 SERVING TOGETHER IN 2015-2016 Gu es tS 26 ervi 9 ces l Support Operationa 45 try inis n’s M Me 58 h ut Yo 7 6 CG Lea d 80 ers inistry Women’s M 123 Individuals serving in the church.* Chi ldre 21 n 7 Worship and the Arts 164 er y a Pr 29 1 1,152 *Hundreds more serve outside the church. 9 REACHING OUT Three million people around the world encountering Jesus through a growing number of local campuses and partnerships. This happens through: Authentic Evangelism Strategic Campus Development Effective Community Engagement Missional Collaboration “ Transformation began for my husband and me when we found ourselves on the brink of divorce. I heard about Walnut Hill on the radio and started attending the Seymour Campus. I wanted my husband to come to church, but my requests only led to arguments. Eventually, my Community Group told me, “You live, we’ll speak.” So my church family got to know my husband and invited him to church. He surrendered his life to Jesus and our marriage is now restored! — A N O N Y M O U S ” 10 “ Giving to someone who can never give back to you is the way Jesus gave, and He set the example for us that we should follow. Give without expectation. I feel passionate about Jericho because it is so multifaceted; the umbrella is so large and touches so many areas of need — children, youth, the homeless, the elderly, the unborn, those who are struggling. What makes it strong is the fact that the community is engaged, the churches are engaged, local organizations and corporations are engaged, and even people who don’t belong to a church are engaged. If we truly allow ourselves to belong to Jesus, then doing His work, and serving the “least of these,” is just part of being in relationship with Him. — L O R I ” REACHING OUT IN 2015-2016 2 MILLION 23 COUNTRIES 29 PARTNERSHIPS 610 people receiving love and care in through (14 missionary families, 8 local organizations, 9 global organizations). children (542) and youth (68) from the surrounding communities bonded together and heard about God’s love for them at a summer camp or on a youth trip. 152 Yellow Flowers (59 adults, 6 youth and 87 children) surrendering their lives to Jesus for the first time. This was a 15% increase over the prior year across the church. 700+ individual prayer requests from our partner at Country 92.5 FM radio personally being prayed over by our staff and congregation. 11 2016 LEADERSHIP TRANSITION JANUARY 3 Clive Calver Announces Retirement from Walnut Hill and Elder Board Recommends Team Leadership FEBRUARY 27/28 Members Vote to Affirm Three Lead Pastors – Brian Mowrey, Adam DePasquale, Craig Mowrey APRIL 3-MAY 15 Congregation is Called to “Come Dream with Us” for the Future APRIL-OCTOBER Transition of Responsibilities JUNE- SEPTEMBER Prayerful Assessment of Dreams SEPTEMBER “Celebration September” for Clive and Ruth; Next Season for Walnut Hill and the Kick Off of Ministries OCTOBER 2 Official Leadership Transition Takes Place 12 MESSAGE FROM THE ELDER CHAIRMAN 2015/2016 was certainly an interesting year — an amazing year. In addition to the typical Elder duties of spiritual oversight, prayer and governance, the Elders took on the role of exploring and recommending new leadership for Walnut Hill. Transitions are always a time of hope and excitement but also a time when emotions are heightened and differences of opinion tend to surface. It has been a pleasure to see both the Elder Board and the church put on the character of Christ, and come through this time unified and excited about what God will do in the future. Well done, church! Evidence of God’s abundant blessing can be seen in growth in church attendance (despite so many people leaving the state), growth in the number “GOD’S CALL TO of people giving to the church, growth in our campuses, WALNUT HILL TO growth in new members (129 in January and February BE AN AGENT OF alone) and, most encouraging, growth in people surrendering T R A N S F O R M AT I O N their lives to Christ. We look forward with great IN OUR AREA AND IN NEW ENGLAND IS anticipation to the ministry of Adam, Brian and Craig in the B E I N G P L AY E D O U T I N next season. EACH OF OUR LIVES E V E R Y D AY. ” As we contemplate and thank God for His abundant grace, we will not forget that this grace has been wonderfully demonstrated in the ministry of Clive and Ruth throughout the past 11 years. We look forward to taking time in September to honor Clive and Ruth, and to express our great love and appreciation for them. Please be in prayer for them as they face their own transition to another stage in life. God’s call to Walnut Hill to be an agent of transformation in our area and in New England is being played out in each of our lives every day. Let’s all aspire in the coming year to a deeper surrender to Christ, a deeper love for one another, and a deeper desire and commitment to bring the lifechanging and life-bringing message of the Gospel to a lost and dying world. JIM KENNEDY CHAIRMAN OF THE ELDER BOARD 13 WE ARE THANKFUL TO YOU, CLIVE AND RUTH God has used you to show us that the end result of prayer is always Jesus. You have a gift of seeing how Jesus is at work in the midst of life’s problems. — MARK PETERSEN God has used you to introduce a deeper work of the Holy Spirit. Few pastors have done as much as you to introduce a church to the person, work and presence of the Holy Spirit. — C L AY N O R M A N God has used you to ignite a passion for the less fortunate among us. Ruth, before you even knew where Danbury, CT, was, God was preparing you for prison ministry here. Thank you for being faithful to God’s call and for allowing me to see those women through the eyes of Jesus. God has used you to help us understand and live out the priesthood of all believers. Because your eyes were able to look past the status quo to see what God was doing, a former engineer, airline pilot, techie and salesman have second careers as pastors. — DEANA MERCHANT — TIMOTHY HUBER God has used you to encourage people to surrender their lives to Jesus. Clive, learning to surrender control of my life to Jesus is without question the greatest blessing I have ever experienced! — GREGG ROBERTS God has used you to make an impact globally and locally. Whether it is coming alongside local pastors in Africa, walking among the brothels of Bangladesh, or demonstrating a passion to serve the homeless and hungry in our local communities, your desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus is evident. — JOHN DISCHINGER God has used you to expand His Kingdom and the Walnut Hill ministry beyond the four walls of Bethel. By stepping out in faith and obedience, you have brought God’s teaching to Waterbury, New Milford, Derby and Seymour. Thank you for making the Lord’s vision a reality. — SHARI BRACCIA God has used you to develop leadership. Far from an academic exercise, you pour your lives into others, drawing the best out of them for the glory of God. Because of your love and investment, we are stronger in our faith and impassioned to serve. — ADAM DEPASQUALE God has used you to passionately preach the Word of God You have presented a picture of God as high and lifted up, yet near; all powerful and leaning down to hear; all knowing and quick to forgive; mysterious and opening His secrets to those who seek Him diligently, counting them as friends. — FERN OWENS 14 God has used you to lead our church so strategically over these past 11 years. Your voracious reading, deep thinking, commitment to prayer, seeking counsel from other leaders and desire to hear the Holy Spirit’s leading have blessed us immensely. You two have exemplified leaders who KNOW the way, GO the way and SHOW the way to others. — DREW EDWARDS M E S S A G E F R O M T H E S E N I O R PA S TO R This past year has been marked by three words — momentum, transition and expectation. MOMENTUM By God’s great grace, and by the love and commitment of so many of His people here at Walnut Hill, we’ve come into a whole new day. This past year, we have gained momentum and have begun to see new Yellow Flowers, more people growing in their faith, marriages becoming stronger and families becoming whole. It’s been a wonderful period and really exciting to see God’s people moving forward together. We’ve seen the satellite churches unite and develop. In addition, we’ve seen the resourcing at Bethel for all five satellites and 11 congregations in a fresh and exciting way. It’s been a good year, and we have all been able to give testimony to the fact that God is moving among us. TRANSITION Change is never easy. Most of us struggle when the familiar is lost to a new focus and perspective. The idea of developing from a solo leadership into a team may not have been easy for people to grasp initially; however, this idea is increasingly being used among churches around the world and began to gain excitement here as congregants increased their understanding of how a team could lead Walnut Hill forward. To see Adam DePasquale, Brian Mowrey and Craig Mowrey develop into the new leaders of the church has been fantastically exciting. Throughout the many years we have worked together, the desire in my heart was that, one day, these three men would succeed me. Now, I am so excited that they and their wives are stepping into a fresh moment of leadership. As Adam, Brian and Craig are moving step by step to taking the leadership and authority of the church, I am excited about what tomorrow will bring. EXPECTATION Dreams lie ahead, while reflections and memories lie behind us. For Ruth and me, this has been a tremendous period. We have loved being here for the past 11 years, and it has been an enormous thrill and privilege to work among you. It’s been great to acquire so many friends, and to serve together. We will be moving to Wilmington, NC — unless the Lord indicates anything different! We’ll be serving with World Relief, where Ruth will be their ambassador at large, and I will be working as president emeritus, with a particular concentration on Mozambique. We will also be serving with Elam Ministries in their work with Iranians around the world. And, we will be conducting leadership training and encouragement here in New England. These roles will ensure that idleness and retirement will not go hand in hand! We’d love your prayers and trust that everything that God has for the future will be wonderful. There is a sense of vibrancy, excitement and enthusiasm within the church. Who knows what God will bring tomorrow! CLIVE CALVER SENIOR PASTOR 15 A B O U T T H E L E A D PA S TO R S On October 2, Walnut Hill will formally adopt a team leadership model where Brian Mowrey, Adam DePasquale and Craig Mowrey will serve together as Lead Pastors, taking on the traditional responsibilities of senior pastor, in addition to overseeing key areas in the life of the church. “ W E A R E S O T H A N K F U L F O R T H E C O N G R E G AT I O N ’ S OVERWHELMING LOVE AND SUPPORT THIS YEAR. WITH M U C H P R AY E R , C O L L A B O R AT I O N A N D J O Y, W E H U M B LY A N D B O L D LY L O O K F O R WA R D T O L E A D I N G WA L N U T H I L L I N T O T H E N E X T S E A S O N O F M I N I S T R Y I N C O N N E C T I C U T, NEW ENGLAND AND AROUND THE WORLD.” R E V. B R I A N M O W R E Y R E V. A D A M D E PA S Q U A L E R E V. C R A I G M O W R E Y LEAD PASTOR, TEACHING LEAD PASTOR, EXECUTIVE LEAD PASTOR, DEVELOPMENT Role: The teaching and preaching Role: The enablement of ministry Role: The development, care and of God’s Word and gathering of and activation of Walnut Hill’s mobilization of God’s people for God’s people in worship and vision and mission. life, ministry and mission. Adam has been on staff for 11 years and, Craig is gifted in the areas of shepherding, group life. Brian is passionate about preaching and teaching, revealing the power of God’s Word and Spirit, and helping people connect Scripture to their daily lives. Brian oversees discipleship, teaching and preaching, and 16 as Executive Pastor, is responsible for the accomplishment of the church’s mission through the strategic oversight of ministry, operations and staff. He oversees Walnut equipping and leading pastors. Rich in personal experience, Craig helped launch and still pastors the first satellite campus in Waterbury. Now 15 years into full-time ministry at Walnut Hill, Craig plays a vital Community Group ministries. Brian will Hill’s operations (finance, communications, continue serving as the Campus Pastor in facilities, administration, IT and HR), as well In addition to his leadership role, Craig Bethel, the largest Walnut Hill campus, with as ministries such as children’s ministry, will continue to serve as the Waterbury nearly 2,000 weekend attendees. evangelism, prayer and hospitality. Campus Pastor. role in fundraising for campus initiatives. O U R L O C AT I O N S In addition to their new roles, Brian is remaining the campus pastor for Bethel, and Craig is remaining Waterbury Campus pastor. BETHEL B R I A N M O W R E Y, CAMPUS PASTOR DERBY WA LT M AY H E W, CAMPUS PASTOR NEW MILFORD BRIAN PRUE, CAMPUS PASTOR SEYMOUR LINDSEY LASZEWSKI, CAMPUS PASTOR WATERBURY C R A I G M O W R E Y, CAMPUS PASTOR 156 Walnut Hill Road, Bethel, CT 06801 Service Times: Saturday 5 p.m., Sunday 8 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 6 p.m. [email protected] | 203-796-7373 27 9th Street, Derby, CT 06418 Service time: 10 a.m. [email protected] | 203-732-5220 19 Dorwin Hill Road, New Milford, CT 06776 Service times: 9 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. [email protected] | 203-796-7373 165 Main Street, Seymour, CT 06483 Service time: 10 a.m. [email protected] | 203-796-7373 565 Chase Parkway, Waterbury, CT 06708 Service times: 9 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. [email protected] | 203-796-7373 17 O U R S TA F F OUR LEADERSHIP PASTORS AND DIRECTORS C L I V E C A LV E R Senior Pastor [email protected] KYLER BARR Lead Youth Pastor [email protected] L I N D S EY LASZEWSKI Seymour Campus Pastor [email protected] A D A M D E PA S Q U A L E Lead Pastor-Executive [email protected] LY N N E B A U M A N Director of Women [email protected] MIKE MANCINI Associate Pastor [email protected] B R I A N M OW R EY Lead Pastor-Teaching [email protected] J I M B R AY Associate Pastor, Bethel [email protected] W A LT M AY H E W Derby Campus Pastor [email protected] C R A I G M OW R EY Lead Pastor-Development [email protected] JOHN DISCHINGER Pastor of Care & Outreach [email protected] C L AY N O R M A N Chaplain [email protected] G R EG F LOW E R 56ers Director [email protected] D O U G PA L M E R Finance & HR Director [email protected] T I M H O LT Associate Youth Pastor [email protected] AJ PICARD Pastor of Prayer [email protected] CRAIG HORNE Family Pastor [email protected] BRIAN PRUE New Milford Campus Pastor [email protected] T I M OT H Y H U B E R Pastor of Worship and the Arts [email protected] J O E VA I C H U S Associate Pastor [email protected] A N D R E KOWA R I C K Facilities Director [email protected] M I K E G AY N O R Associate Pastor [email protected] V I C K Y KOWA R I C K Pastor of Evangelism & Spiritual Growth [email protected] 18 A P R AY E R O F B L E S S I N G As we reflect on the past year, We are humbled and thankful for all God chose to accomplish through Walnut Hill. Thank you to each and every volunteer and staff member Who has invested their time, energy and finances, Who has prayed and sought the Lord’s guidance On how to be a family. We are a family. A family that seeks God, Reaches out, Serves together and Cares for one another. With great expectation and anticipation, We offer ourselves anew, With arms spread wide Ready to receive all that God has in store For the year to come. May we hear His voice loudly and clearly Guiding us through the days ahead, Confident in His promise that The best is yet to come. 19 Central Office 156 Walnut Hill Road, Bethel, CT 06801 203.796.7373 | www.walnuthillcc.org