First United Methodist Church of Palmdale
First United Methodist Church of Palmdale
Project# 06001 Specifications First United Methodist Church of Palmdale 25th Street West and Rancho Vista Blvd Palmdale, CA 93551 10/18/11 00005-1 00005 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY PAGES: 00700 Conditions of the Contract SPECIFICATIONS: Division 1 - General requirements: 01000 01010 01341 01421 01500 01620 01630 01710 01720 01740 General Requirements Summary of the Work Shop Drawings Roofing Inspection Services Temporary Facilities Storage and Protection Product Options and Substitutions Cleaning Project Record Documents Warranty Division 2 - Site work: 02010 02070 02100 02110 02220 02221 02510 02513 02660 02730 02830 02841 Subsurface Investigation Selective Demolition Site Preparation Clearing Earthwork Excavation and Backfill Site Concrete Asphaltic Concrete Paving Water Distribution Sanitary Sewerage Chain Link Fences Bicycle Racks Division 3 - Concrete: 03100 03200 03300 03375 03400 Concrete Formwork Concrete Reinforcement Cast-in-Place Concrete Concrete Sealing Precast Concrete Division 6 - Wood and plastics: 06010 06100 06180 06195 06200 06400 Lumber Rough Carpentry Glued-Laminated Beams Prefab. Wood Beams and Joists Finish Carpentry Architectural WoodworkLaminated Plastic Cabinets Division 7 - Thermal and moisture protection: 07150 07175 07210 07241 07322 07521 07600 07620 07920 Deck Surfacing Water Repellent Coating Building Insulation Architectural Foam Shapes Concrete Roofing Tiles Cap Sheet Roofing Flashing and Sheet Metal Gutters and Downspouts Sealants and Calking Division 8 - Doors and windows: 08100 08110 08200 08410 08520 08710 08800 Metal Doors and Frames Metal Door Frames Wood Doors Alum. Entrances and Storefronts Aluminum Windows Finish Hardware Glass & Glazing Division 9 - Finishes: 09200 09260 09510 09650 09680 09900 09972 Lath and Plaster Gypsum Wallboard System Acoustical Ceilings Sheet Vinyl Flooring Carpeting Painting Plastic Coated Wall Panels Division 4 - Masonry: Division 10 - Specialties: 04220 04430 10165 10400 10520 10650 10800 Concrete Unit Masonry Simulated Stone Veneer Division 5 - Metals: 05120 05121 05500 Structural Steel Welding Requirements Metal Fabrications Metal Toilet Partitions Identifying Devices Fire Extinguishers and Cabinets Operable Partitions Toilet Room Accessories 10/18/11 00005-2 Division 11 - Equipment: Division 12 - Furnishings: Division 13 - Special construction: Division 14 - Conveying systems: 14420 Wheelchair Lift Division 15 - Mechanical: 15000 15010 15050 15330 15400 General Mechanical Provisions Basic Mechanical Requirements Basic Mechanical Materials Fire Protection Sprinkler System Plumbing 15440 15500 15880 15950 Fixtures and Trim HVAC Air Distribution Temperature Controls Division 16 - Electrical: 16010 16111 16400 16425 16500 16700 16720 16931 Electrical Conduit and Wire Service and Distribution Switchboards Light Fixtures Sound Reinforcement System Alarm and Detection Systems Occupancy Motion Sensors 10/18/11 00700-1 00700 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT A. General: 1. Owner has indicated an intention to Document A201, 1997 edition, as Conditions of the Contract. 2. Supplementary Conditions will be as upon by and between Owner and Contractor. use AIA General agreed General 3. General and Supplementary Conditions may affect required performance of subcontracts and sub-subcontracts. Those who contemplate furnishing labor and/or materials to the Work are advised to read and become familiar with contents of General and Supplementary Conditions. 4. In addition to a job-site telephone, the General Contractor will be required to maintain a personal, portable extension which will be in his possession on the job site at all times. 10/18/11 01000-1 01000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. General: 1. Submittals: a. Where submittals are called for in these Specifications, submit directly to Architect. (1) One copy of shop drawings or catalogue sheets to the architect. Architect's comments will appear on a copy returned to Contractor. (2) Unrequired submittals will not be reviewed by Architect. 2. Substitutions: a. Contract is based on methods and materials described in Contract Documents. b. Do not substitute methods or materials unless such substitution has been approved in writing for this Work by Architect. c. Decision of Architect is final. 3. Storage and protection: a. Deliver products to job site in their manufacturers' original containers with labels intact and legible. b. Maintain packaged materials with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. c. Protect finished surfaces, including jambs and soffits of openings used as passageways, through which equipment and materials are handled. d. Maintain finished surfaces clean, unmarred, and suitably protected until accepted by Owner. e. In event of damage, promptly make replacements and repairs to approval of Architect and at no additional cost to Owner. 4. Quality control: a. Examine areas and conditions under which work will be performed. b. Correct conditions which may be detrimental to timely and proper completion of Work. c. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. d. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in necessary crafts and completely familiar with specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of Work. e. Coordinate as necessary with other trades to assure proper and adequate provisions for interface of all parts of Work. 10/18/11 01010-1 01010 SUMMARY OF THE WORK A. General: 1. Owner retained Architect to prepare portions, but not all, required construction contract documents. a. Portions of Project for which Architect is responsible are described on Drawings which bear Architect's name, and in these Specifications. b. It is assumed that drawings and specifications for which Architect is not responsible will be prepared by others, at Owner's direction, to cover those portions of Project for which Architect was not retained. 2. Architect was retained by Owner: a. To prepare sufficient Drawings and Specifications for review by governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and to secure approvals for issuing required general building permit; b. To provide additional consulting services when and if so requested by Owner during construction phase of Work. 3. Architect will not participate in other construction phase activities except as called for in these Specifications and as may be required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 10/18/11 01341-1 01341 SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA, AND SAMPLES A – General: 1 .1 SUMMARY A. Make submittals required by the Contract Documents, and revise and resubmit as necessary to establish compliance with the specified requirements, all as described in this Section. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. 2. Individual requirements for submittals also may be described in pertinent Sections of these Specifications. The process for securing approval of proposed substitutions is described in Section 01630, "Product Options and Substitutions." C. Work not included: 1. Unrequired submittals will not be reviewed by the Architect. 2. The Contractor may require his subcontractors to provide drawings, setting diagrams, and similar information to help coordinate the Work, but such data shall remain between the Contractor and his subcontractors and will not be reviewed by the Architect unless specifically called for within the Contract Documents. B – Products: 2.1 SHOP DRAWINGS A. Scale and measurements: Make Shop Drawings accurately to a scale sufficiently large to show all pertinent aspects of the item and its method of connection to the Work. B. Submit Shop Drawings in the form of three blueline or blackline prints of each sheet. C. Review comments of the Architect will be returned to the Contractor. The Contractor may make and distribute such copies as are required for his purposes. 2.2 MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE A. Where contents of submitted literature from manufacturers includes data not pertinent to the submittal, clearly show which portion of the contents is being submitted for review. B. Submit the number of copies which are required to be returned, plus one copy which will be retained by the Architect. C – Execution: 1.2 SUBMITTALS 3.1 IDENTIFICATION OF SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals of Shop Drawings, Samples, substitution requests, and other items in accordance with the provisions of this Section. A. Consecutively number all submittals. 1. When material is submitted for any reason, transmit under a new letter of transmittal and with a new transmittal number. 2. On resubmittals, cite the original submittal number for reference. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Coordination of submittals: 1. Prior to each submittal, carefully review and coordinate all aspects of each item being submitted. 2. Verify that each item and the submittal for it conform in all respects with the specified requirements. 3. By affixing the Contractor's signature to each submittal, certify that this coordination has been performed. B. Accompany each submittal with a letter of transmittal showing all information required for identification and checking. C. On at least the first page of each submittal, and elsewhere as required for positive identification, show the submittal number in which the item was included. 10/18/11 3.2 TIMING OF SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals far enough in advance of scheduled dates for installation to provide time required for reviews, for securing necessary approvals, for possible revisions and resubmittals, and for placing orders and securing delivery. 01421-1 01421 ROOFING INSPECTION SERVICES A. Products: 1. For work of this Section, retain roofing inspection services of the following, or an equal approved in advance by Architect. a. National Roofing Consultants, Inc., Pomona, California (909) 620-0177; 5. B. Execution: 1. Coordinate as necessary with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Neither less than three nor more than ten calendar days prior to scheduled start of roofing installation, conduct a roofing substrata inspection and pre-roofing meeting at job site. a. Except as otherwise directed by Architect, Architect will be chairperson of meeting, will take minutes of meeting, and will record all agreements reached as a result of inspection and meeting. b. Visually inspect all substrata upon which roofing is scheduled to be applied. (1) Determine general acceptability, and determine areas requiring further preparation. (2) Determine acceptable remedies for unacceptable areas. c. Discuss proposed schedule for installation of roofing, and reach agreement as to dates of start and finish of installation of roofing. d. Discuss proposed methods for installation of roofing, and equipment and personnel to be used. e. Discuss inspection methods to be used, reports to be issued by roofing inspector, responsibilities and limits of responsibilities of roofing inspector, and potential problems arising from use of methods not agreed to in preroofing meeting. 3. Verify that materials delivered to job site are those approved by Architect for use on this Work. 4. Visually observe installation of roofing including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Check kettle temperatures, and verify that bitumens are not heated beyond temperatures recommended by manufacturer of approved roofing system materials. b. At least three times daily, check temperatures of bitumens as delivered to roof deck and verify that temperatures of bitumens are within range recommended by manufacturer of approved roofing system materials. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. c. Verify use of installation procedures agreed upon in preroofing meeting. d. Call attention of subcontractor's representative on job to unacceptable methods and unacceptable results. Make final visual inspection of entire roofing installation. a. Compile a list of items required to be revised or replaced. b. Deliver a copy of list to subcontractor's representative on job, and to others as appropriate. c. Verify proper revision or replacement of all items on list. Make daily written reports of roofing inspection activities, delivering copies to roofing subcontractor and others as agreed in preroofing meeting. Upon completion of roofing installation, compile a comprehensive report covering activities performed under this Section, and deliver a copy of report to: a. Architect; b. Owner; c. Roofing subcontractor; and d. Others as agreed in preroofing meeting. During progress of roofing installation, roofing inspector is required to: a. Make visual observations and compile reports described in this Section; b. Advise roofing subcontractor's representative on job as to unacceptable methods and unacceptable results when so observed by roofing inspector. In connection with roofing installation, "unacceptable methods and unacceptable results" mean methods and results other than: a. Those recommended by manufacturer of approved roofing system materials. b. Those required by pertinent regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. c. Those required by these Specifications; and d. Those agreed to in preroofing meeting. Roofing inspector is not empowered to: a. Act for, or in lieu of, representatives of governmental agencies having jurisdiction; b. Give directions to Contractor, subcontractor, or workmen on job; c. Revise any part of Contract Documents; or d. Approve any change in methods agreed upon in preroofing meeting. Failure of roofing inspector to observe unacceptable methods or unacceptable results during progress of Work will not absolve Contractor from his responsibility to complete 10/18/11 01421-2 Work in accordance with specified requirements and agreed methods. 10/18/11 01500-1 01500 CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES AND TEMPORARY CONTROLS A – General: 1.1 SUMMARY A. Make submittals required by the Contract Documents, and revise and resubmit as necessary to establish compliance with the specified requirements, all as described in this Section. A. This Section describes construction facilities and temporary controls required for the Work. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. 2. Except that equipment furnished by subcontractors shall comply with requirements of pertinent safety regulations, such equipment normally furnished by the individual trades in execution of their own portions of the Work are not part of this Section. 3. Permanent installation and hookup of the various utility lines are described in other Sections. 1.2 REQUIREMENTS A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide construction facilities and temporary controls needed for the Work including, but not necessarily limited to: Temporary utilities such as heat, water, electricity, and telephone; Field office for the Contractor's personnel; Sanitary facilities; Enclosures such as tarpaulins, barricades, and canopies; Temporary fencing of the construction site; Project sign. 2. upon completion of the Work, remove such temporary facilities. Provide and pay for water used in construction. B. Electricity: 1. Provide necessary temporary wiring and, upon completion of the Work, remove such temporary facility. 2. Provide area distribution boxes so located that the individual trades may furnish and use 30 m (100 ft) maximum length extension cords to obtain power and lighting at points where needed for work, inspection, and safety. C. Heating: Provide and maintain heat necessary for proper conduct of operations needed in the Work. D. Telephone: 1. Make necessary arrangements and pay costs for installation and operation of telephone service to the Contractor's office at the site. 2. Make the telephone available to the Architect for use in connection with the Work. 2.2 FIELD OFFICES AND SHEDS A. Contractor's facilities: 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Maintain temporary facilities and controls in proper and safe condition throughout progress of the Work. B- Products: 2.1 UTILITIES A. Water: 1. Provide necessary temporary piping and water supply and, 10/18/11 01620-1 01620 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. General: 1. Protect products scheduled for use in Work by means including, but not necessarily limited to, those described in this Section. 2. Except as otherwise approved by Architect, determine and comply with manufacturers' recommendations on product handling, storage, and protection. 3. Deliver products to job site in their manufacturer's original container, with labels intact and legible. a. Maintain packaged materials with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. b. Promptly remove damaged material and unsuitable items from job site, and promptly replace with material meeting specified requirements, all at no additional cost to Owner. 4. Architect may reject as non-complying all material and products that do not bear identification satisfactory to Architect as to 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. manufacturer, grade, quality, and other pertinent information. Protect finished surfaces, including jambs and soffits of openings used as passageways, through which equipment and materials are handled. Provide protection for finished floor surfaces in traffic areas prior to allowing equipment or materials to be moved over such surfaces. Maintain finished surfaces clean, unmarred, and suitably protected until accepted by Owner. In event of damage, promptly make replacements and repairs to approval of Architect and at no additional cost to Owner. When material is stored at job site, position to permit easy access for proper inspection and identification of each shipment. a. Storage shall not interfere with ongoing deliveries necessary to maintain functioning of existing facility. b. If necessary to reposition, do so without additional expense to Owner. 10/18/11 01630-1 01630 PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS A. General: 1. Contract is based on standards of quality established in Contract Documents. 2. In agreeing to terms and conditions of Contract, Contractor has accepted a responsibility to verify that specified products will be available and to place orders for all required materials in such a timely manner as is needed to meet agreed construction schedule. 3. Neither Owner nor Architect has agreed to substitution of materials or methods called for in Contract Documents, except as may be specifically otherwise stated in writing. B. Products: 1. Materials and/or methods specified by name: a. Where materials and/or methods are specified by naming one single manufacturer and/or model number, without stating that equal products will be considered, only material and/or method named is approved for incorporation into Work. b. Should Contractor demonstrate to approval of Architect that a specified material or method was ordered in a timely manner and will not be available in time for incorporation into this Work, Contractor shall submit to Architect such data on proposed substitute materials and/or methods as are needed to help Architect determine suitability of proposed substitution. 2. Where materials and/or methods are specified by name and/or model number, followed by words "or an equal approved in advance by Architect": a. Material and/or method specified by name establishes required standard of quality; b. Materials and/or methods proposed by Contractor to be used in lieu of materials and/or methods so specified by name shall in all ways equal or exceed qualities of named materials and/or methods; 3. Following products do not require further approval except for interface within Work: a. Products specified by reference to standard specifications such as ASTM and similar standards; b. Products specified by manufacturer's name and catalog model number. 4. Where phrase "or equal," or "or equal as approved by Architect," occurs in Contract Documents, do not assume that materials, equipment, or methods will be approved as equal unless item has been specifically so approved for this Work by Architect. 5. Decision of Architect shall be final. 6. Delays in construction arising by virtue of non availability of a specified material and/or method will not be considered by Architect as justifying an extension of agreed Time of Completion. 7. Such proposed substitutions shall be submitted in writing and accompanied by supporting documents sufficient for a fair and equitable comparison. 10/18/11 01710-1 01710 CLEANING A – General: 1.1 SUMMARY A. Throughout the construction period, maintain the buildings and site in a standard of cleanliness as described in this Section. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. 2. In addition to standards described in this Section, comply with requirements for cleaning as described in pertinent other Sections of these Specifications. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Conduct daily inspection, and more often if necessary, to verify that requirements for cleanliness are being met. B. In addition to the standards described in this Section, comply with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. B – Products: 2.1 CLEANING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Provide required personnel, equipment, and materials needed to maintain the specified standard of cleanliness. 2.2 COMPATIBILITY A. Use only the cleaning materials and equipment which are compatible with the surface being cleaned, as recommended by the manufacturer of the material. C – Execution: 3.1 PROGRESS CLEANING A. General: 1. Retain stored items in an orderly arrangement allowing maximum access, not impeding traffic or drainage, and providing required protection of materials. 2. Do not allow accumulation of scrap, debris, waste material, and other items not required for construction of this Work. 3. At least twice each month, and more often if necessary, completely remove all scrap, debris, and waste material from the job site. 4. Provide adequate storage for all items awaiting removal from the job site, observing requirements for fire protection and protection of the ecology. B. Site: 1. Daily, and more often if necessary, inspect the site and pick up all scrap, debris, and waste material. Remove such items to the place designated for their storage. 2. Weekly, and more often if necessary, inspect all arrangements of materials stored on the site. Restack, tidy, or otherwise service arrangements to meet the requirements of subparagraph 3.1A-1 above. 3. Maintain the site in a neat and orderly condition at all times. C. Structures: 1. Weekly, and more often if necessary, inspect the structures and pick up all scrap, debris, and waste material; remove such items to the place designated for their storage. 2. Weekly, and more often if necessary, sweep interior spaces clean. a. "Clean," for the purpose of this subparagraph, shall be interpreted as meaning free from dust and other material capable of being removed by use of reasonable effort and a hand-held broom. 3. As required preparatory to installation of succeeding materials, clean the structures or pertinent portions thereof to the degree of cleanliness recommended by the manufacturer of the succeeding material, using equipment and materials required to achieve the necessary cleanliness. 4. Following the installation of finish floor materials, clean the finish floor daily (and more often if necessary) at all times while work is being performed in the space in which finish materials are installed. a. "Clean," for the purpose of this subparagraph, shall be interpreted as meaning free from foreign material which, in the opinion of the Architect, may be injurious to the finish floor material. 10/18/11 01421-2 d. In the event of stubborn stains not removable with water, the Architect may require light sandblasting or other cleaning at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. Interior: a. Visually inspect interior surfaces and remove all traces of soil, waste materials, smudges, and other foreign matter. b. Remove all traces of splashed material from adjacent surfaces. c. Remove paint droppings, spots, stains, and dirt from finished surfaces. 3. Glass: Clean inside and outside. 4. Polished surfaces: To surfaces requiring routine application of buffed polish, apply the polish recommended by the manufacturer of the material being polished. 3.2 FINAL CLEANING A. "Clean," for the purpose of this Article, and except as may be specifically provided otherwise, shall be interpreted as meaning the level of cleanliness generally provided by skilled cleaners using commercial quality building maintenance equipment and materials. B. Prior to completion of the Work, remove from the job site all tools, surplus materials, equipment, scrap, debris, and waste. Conduct final progress cleaning as described in Article 3.1 above. C. Site: 1. Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Architect, broom clean paved areas on the site and public paved areas adjacent to the site. 2. Completely remove resultant debris. D. Structures: 1. Exterior: a. Visually inspect exterior surfaces and remove all traces of soil, waste materials, smudges, and other foreign matter. b. Remove all traces of splashed materials from adjacent surfaces. c. If necessary to achieve a uniform degree of cleanliness, hose down the exterior of the structure. E. Schedule final cleaning as approved by the Architect to enable the Owner to accept a completely clean Work. 3.3 CLEANING DURING OWNER'S OCCUPANCY A. Should the Owner occupy the Work or any portion thereof prior to its completion by the Contractor and acceptance by the Owner, responsibilities for interim and final cleaning shall be as determined by the Architect in accordance with the General Conditions of the Contract. 10/18/11 01720-1 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A – General: A. Maintain the job set of Record Documents completely protected from deterioration and from loss and damage until completion of the Work and transfer of all recorded data to the final Project Record Documents. B. In the event of loss of recorded data, use means necessary to again secure the data to the Architect's approval. 1. Such means shall include, if necessary in the opinion of the Architect, removal and replacement of concealing materials. 2. In such case, provide replacements to the standards originally required by the Contract Documents. 1.1 SUMMARY A. Throughout progress of the Work, maintain an accurate record of changes in the Contract Documents, as described in Article 3.1 below and, upon completion of the Work, transfer the recorded changes to a set of Record Documents, as described in Article 3.2 below. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. 2. Other requirements affecting Project Record Documents may appear in pertinent other Sections of these Specifications. B – Products: 1.2 SUBMITTALS 2.1 RECORD DOCUMENTS A. A. Job set: Promptly following receipt of the Owner's Notice to Proceed, secure from the Architect at no charge to the Contractor one complete set of all Documents comprising the Contract. B. Final Record Documents: At a time nearing completion of the Work, secure from the Architect at no charge to the Contractor one complete set of sepia transparencies of sewer water & gas plans. Prior to submitting request for final payment, submit the final Project Record Documents to the Architect and secure his approval. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Delegate the responsibility for maintenance of Record Documents to one person on the Contractor's staff as approved by the Architect. B. Accuracy of records: 1. Thoroughly coordinate changes within the Record Documents, making adequate and proper entries on each page of Specifications and each sheet of Drawings and other Documents where such entry is required to show the change properly. 2. Accuracy of records shall be such that future search for items shown in the Contract Documents may rely reasonably on information obtained from the approved Project Record Documents. C. Make entries within 24 hours after receipt of information that the change has occurred. C – Execution: 3.1 MAINTENANCE OF JOB SET A. Immediately upon receipt of the job set described in Paragraph 2.1-A above, identify each of the Documents with the title, "RECORD DOCUMENTS - JOB SET." B. Preservation: 1. Considering the Contract completion time, the probable number of occasions upon which the job set must be taken out for new entries and for examination, and the conditions under which these activities will be performed, devise a suitable method for protecting the job set. 10/18/11 2. 3. Do not use the job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review by the Architect, until start of transfer of data to final Project Record Documents. Maintain the job set at the site of Work. C. Making entries on Drawings: 1. Using an erasable colored pencil (not ink or indelible pencil), clearly describe the change by graphic line and note as required. 2. Date all entries. 3. Call attention to the entry by a "cloud" drawn around the area or areas affected. D. Make entries in the pertinent other Documents. E. Conversion of schematic layouts (Sewer, Water Header, Gas): 1. In some cases on the Drawings, arrangements of, piping, is shown schematically and is not intended to portray precise physical layout. a. Final physical arrangement is determined by the Contractor, subject to the Architect's approval. b. However, design of future modifications of the facility may require accurate information as to the final physical layout of items which are shown only schematically on the Drawings. 2. Show on the job set of Record Drawings, by dimension accurate to within one inch, the centerline of each run of items such as are described in subparagraph 3.1-E-1 above. a. Clearly identify the item by accurate note such as "cast iron drain," "galv. water," and the like. b. Show, by symbol or note, the vertical location of the item ("under slab," "in ceiling plenum," "exposed," and the like). c. Make all identification so descriptive that it may be related reliably to the Specifications. 3.2 FINAL PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. The purpose of the final Project Record Documents is to provide factual information regarding all aspects of the Work, both concealed and visible, to enable future modification of the Work to proceed without lengthy and expensive site measurement, investigation, and examination. B. Following receipt of the transparencies described in Paragraph 2.1-B above ; make required revisions. C. Transfer of data to Drawings: 1. Carefully transfer change data shown on the job set of Record Drawings to the corresponding transparencies, coordinating the changes as required. 2. Make changes neatly, consistently, and with the proper media to assure longevity and clear reproduction. D. Review and submittal: 1. Submit the completed set of Project Record Documents to the Architect as described in Paragraph 1.2-D above. 2. Participate in review meetings as required. 3. Make required changes and promptly deliver the final Project Record Documents to the Architect. 3.3 CHANGES SUBSEQUENT TO ACCEPTANCE A. The Contractor has no responsibility for recording changes in the Work subsequent to Final Completion, except for changes resulting from work performed under Warranty. 01740-1 01740 WARRANTY A – General: 1.1 SUMMARY A. This Section specifies general administrative and procedural requirements for Warranties and Bonds required by the Contract Documents, including manufacturers' standard warranties on products and special warranties. 1. Refer to the General Conditions for terms of the Contractor's special warranty of workmanship and materials. 2. General closeout requirements are included in Section 01700. 3. Specific requirements for warranties for the Work, and products and installation that are specified to be warranted, are included in the individual Sections of Divisions 2 through 16. 4. Warranty periods specified begin upon issuance of "Temporary Certificate of Occupancy, (TCO)." B. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to the work of this Section. C. Manufacturer's disclaimers and limitations on product warranties do not relieve the Contractor of the warranty on the Work that incorporates the products, nor does it relieve suppliers, manufacturers, and/or subcontractors required to countersign special warranties with the Contractor. D. The warranties specified in the individual Specification Sections shall be in addition to and not a limitation of other rights the Owner may have against the Contractor under the Contract Documents. 1.2 DEFINITIONS A. Standard product warranties are preprinted written warranties published by individual manufacturers for particular products and are specifically endorsed by the manufacturer to the Owner. B. Special warranties are written warranties required by or incorporated in the Contract Documents, either to extend time limits provided by standard warranties or to provide greater rights for the Owner. 1.3 WARRANTY REQUIREMENTS A. When correcting warranted Work that has failed, remove and replace other Work that has been damaged as a result of such failure or that must be removed and replaced to provide access for correction of warranted Work. 1. Tile roofs to be warranted for the lifetime of the original Owner. 2. Cap sheet roofs to have the mfr’s standard 10 year warrantee. B. Reinstatement of Warranty: 1. When Work covered by a warranty has failed and been corrected by replacement or rebuilding, reinstate the warranty by written endorsement. 2. The reinstated warranty shall be equal to the original warranty with an equitable adjustment for depreciation. C. Replacement cost: 1. Upon determination that Work covered by a warranty has failed, replace and rebuild the Work to an acceptable condition complying with requirements of Contract Documents. 2. The Contractor is responsible for the cost of replacing or rebuilding defective Work regardless of whether the Owner has benefitted from use of the Work through a portion of its anticipated useful service life. D. Owner's recourse: 1. Written warranties made to the Owner are in addition to implied warranties, and shall not limit the duties, obligations, rights, and remedies otherwise available under the law, nor shall warranty periods be interpreted as limitations on time in which the Owner can enforce such other duties, obligations, rights, or remedies. 2. The Owner reserves a right to reject warranties and to limit selections to products with warranties not in conflict 10/18/11 01421-2 10/18/11 with requirements of the Contract Documents. E. Contractor and subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer. 2. Submit a draft to the Owner through the Owner's Representative for approval prior to final execution. 3. Refer to individual Sections of Divisions 2 through 16 for specific content requirements, and particular requirements for submittal of special warranties. The Owner reserves a right to refuse to accept Work where a special warranty, certification, or similar commitment is required on such Work or part of the Work, until evidence is presented that entities required to countersign such commitments are willing to do so. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit written warranties to the Owner's Representative prior to the date certified for Substantial Completion. 1. If the Owner's Representative's Certificate of Substantial Completion designates a commencement date for warranties other than the date of Substantial Completion for the Work, or a designated portion of the Work, submit written warranties upon request of the Owner's Representative. 2. When a designated portion of the Work is completed and occupied or used by the Owner during the construction period, by separate agreement with the Contractor, submit properly executed warranties to the Owner's Representative within 15 calendar days of completion of that designated portion of the Work. B. Submitting special warranties: 1. When a special warranty is required to be executed by the Contractor, or the Contractor and a subcontractor, supplier or manufacturer, prepare a written document that contains appropriate terms and identification, ready for execution by the required parties. 2. Submit a draft to the Owner through the Owner's Representative for approval prior to final execution. C. Forms for special warranties are included at the end of this Section. 1. Prepare a written document utilizing the appropriate form, ready for execution by the Contractor, or the D. Form of submittal: 1. At Final Completion, compile two copies of each required warranty and bond properly executed by the Contractor, or by the Contractor, subcontractor, supplier, or manufacturer. 2. Organize the warranty documents into an orderly sequence based on the table of contents of the Project Manual. E. Bind Warranties and Bonds in heavyduty, commercial quality, durable 3-ring vinyl-covered loose-leaf binders, thickness as necessary to accommodate contents, and sized to receive 8-1/2" by 11" paper. 1. Binders: a. Provide heavy paper dividers with plastic covered tabs for each separate warranty; b. Mark the tab to identify the product or installation; c. Provide a typed description of the product or installation, including the name of the product, and the name, address and telephone number of the installer; d. Identify each binder on the front and the spine with the typed or printed title "WARRANTIES AND BONDS," title or name of the Work, and the name of the Contractor. 2. When operating and maintenance manuals are required for warranted construction, provide additional copies of each required warranty, as necessary, for inclusion in each required manual. (Guaranty-Warranty page) form follows this 01421-3 10/18/11 GUARANTY-WARRANTY We hereby warrant and the General Contractor and/or Material Manufacturer guaranty that the (name of product, equipment or system): ___________________________________________________________ which we have installed in the (name and location of Work): ___________________________________________________________ has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents and that the Work as installed will fulfill the requirements of the guaranty-warranty included in the Specifications. We agree to repair or replace any or all of our Work, together with any other adjacent work which may be displaced by so doing, that may prove to be defective in its workmanship or material within a period of ______________ years from the date of acceptance of the Work by the Owner, without any expense whatsoever to the Owner, ordinary wear and tear and unusual abuse or neglect excepted. In the event of our failure to comply with the above mentioned conditions within sixty days after being notified in writing by the Owner, we collectively or separately do hereby authorize the Owner to proceed to have said defects repaired and made good at our expense, and we will honor and pay the costs and charges therefor upon demand. Additional wording (if any) required by the Specification Section to which this Warranty or Bond applies: __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Signed__________________ Countersigned_____________________ Subcontractor General Contractor Countersigned_____________________ Material Manufacturer 02010-1 02010 SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION A. General: 1. A soils investigation report has been prepared for site of this Work by a soil investigation engineer selected by Owner. 2. Soils investigation report may be inspected at office of Architect, and copies may be obtained at cost of reproduction and handling upon request addressed to Architect and accompanied by full payment. 3. This report was obtained for Architect's use in design and is a part of the Contract Documents. 4. Report is available for bidders' information, but is not a warranty of subsurface conditions. 5. Bidders should visit site and acquaint themselves with existing conditions. 6. A construction soil engineer will be retained by Contractor to observe performance of work in connection with excavating, trenching, filling, backfilling, and grading, and to perform compaction tests. See allowance in Bid Instructions. 7. Readjust work performed that does not meet technical or design requirements, but make no deviation from Contract Documents without specific and written approval from Architect. 10/18/11 02070-1 02070 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION A. General: 1. By careful study of Contract Documents, determine location and extent of selective demolition to be performed. 2. Visit site and verify extent and location of selective demolition required. Verify on-site items to be preserved. 3. Prepare and follow an organized plan for demolition and removal of items: a. Shut off, cap, and otherwise protect existing public utility lines in accordance with requirements of public agency or utility having jurisdiction; b. Completely remove items scheduled to be so demolished and removed, leaving surfaces clean, solid, and ready to receive new materials. c. Notify Owner in writing of any hidden or subsurface conditions which may affect the project. 4. Prevent dust from becoming a nuisance to public, to neighbors, and to other work being performed on or near job site. 5. Leave site and surroundings clean and ready for next trade. 10/18/11 02100-1 02100 SITE PREPARATION A. General: 1. For work of this Section, retain the services of a licensed surveyor or engineer recognized by the appropriate governing agency. B. Execution: 1. Visit and inspect site prior to beginning work. 2. Field measurements: a. Accurately set all property lines. b. Reset all disturbed survey marks and stakes accurately. 10/18/11 02110-1 02110 CLEARING A. General: 1. Clear and grub site as shown on Drawings and specified in this Section. B. Products: 1. Provide materials, not specifically described but required for proper completion of work of this Section, as selected by Contractor subject to approval of Architect. C. Execution: 1. Protect existing utilities indicated or made known. 2. Protect trees and shrubs, where indicated to remain, by providing a fence around tree or shrub of sufficient distance away and of sufficient height so trees and shrubs will not be damaged in any way as part of this Work. 3. Protection of persons and property: a. Barricade open depressions and holes occurring as part of this Work, and post warning lights on property adjacent to or with public access. b. Operate warning lights during hours from dusk to dawn each day and as otherwise required. c. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout, and other hazards created by operations under this Section. 4. Use means necessary to prevent dust becoming a nuisance to public, to neighbors, and to other work being performed on or near site. 5. Maintain access to site at all times. 6. Clearing: a. Clean out roots 1" in diameter and larger to a depth of at least 12" below existing ground surface or subgrade of new graded surface, whichever is lower. b. Treat roots remaining in soil with a weed killer approved by Architect. 7. Conservation of topsoil: a. After area has been cleared of vegetation, strip existing topsoil to depth necessary to provide at least 6" depth of topsoil in areas shown on Drawings to be turfed or planted, and to fill planters, without contamination with subsoils. b. Stockpile in an area clear of new construction. c. Maintain stockpile in a manner that will not obstruct natural flow of drainage. (1) Maintain stockpile free from debris and trash. (2) Keep topsoil damp to prevent dust and drying out. 8. Disposal: a. Remove brush, grass, roots, trash, and other material from clearing operations. b. Dispose of away from site in a legal manner. c. Do not store or permit debris to accumulate on job site. d. Do not burn debris at site. 9. Utilities: a. Coordinate with utility companies and agencies as required. b. Where utility cutting, capping, or plugging is required, perform such work in accordance with requirements of utility company or governmental agency having jurisdiction. 10/18/11 02220-1 02220 EARTHWORK A. General: 1. Use sufficient and competent workmen, and equipment adequate in size, capacity, and numbers to accomplish work of this Section in a timely manner. 2. In addition to complying with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with directions of soil engineer. B. Products: 1. Fill and backfill material: a. Provide soil materials free from organic matter and deleterious substances, containing no rocks or lumps over 6" in greatest dimension, and with not more than 15% of rocks or lumps larger than 2-3/8" in their greatest dimension. b. Fill material is subject to approval of soil engineer, and is that material removed from excavations or imported from off-site borrow areas, predominantly granular, nonexpansive soils free from roots and other deleterious matter. 2. Provide a dry, free-flowing, dust-free chemical compound, soluble in water, capable of inhibiting growth of vegetation, and approved for use on this Work by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 3. Topsoil: a. Where and if shown on Drawings or otherwise required, provide topsoil consisting of friable, fertile soil of loamy character, containing an amount of organic matter normal to region, capable of sustaining healthy plant life, and reasonably free from subsoil, roots, heavy or stiff clay, stones larger than 2" in greatest dimension, noxious weeds, sticks, brush, litter, and other deleterious matter. b. Obtain topsoil from sources within project limits, or provide imported topsoil obtained from sources outside project limits, or from both sources. 4. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by Contractor subject to approval of Architect. C. Execution: 1. Transport satisfactory excavated materials to, and place in, fill or embankment areas within limits of Work. 2. Unsatisfactory excavated materials: a. Excavate to a distance below grade or as directed by soil engineer, and replace with satisfactory materials. b. Include excavation of unsatisfactory materials, and replacement with satisfactory materials, as parts of work of this Section. c. Dispose of unsatisfactory excavated material, and surplus satisfactory excavated material, away from the site at disposal areas arranged and paid for by Contractor. 3. Shoring and bracing: a. Provide shoring and bracing as necessary for safety of personnel, protection of work, and compliance with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. b. Maintain shoring and bracing in excavations regardless of time period excavations will be open. c. Carry shoring and bracing down as excavation progresses. 4. Grading, filling, backfilling, and compacting: a. Remove vegetation, debris, and unsatisfactory material from ground surface prior to placing fills. b. Perform this portion of Work as directed by soil engineer. 10/18/11 02221-1 02221 EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING, AND COMPACTING A – General: removed from excavations or imported from off-site borrow areas, predominantly granular, non-expansive soils free from roots and other deleterious matter. 3. Do not permit rocks having a dimension greater than 25 mm (1") in the upper 300 mm (12") of fill or embankment. 4. Cohesionless material used for structural backfill: a. Provide sand free from organic material and other foreign matter, and as approved by the soil engineer. 5. Where granular base is called for under building slabs, provide aggregate complying with requirements of Section 03300 of these Specifications. 1.1 SUMMARY A. Excavate, backfill, compact, and grade the site to the elevations shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed to meet the requirements of the construction shown in the Contract Documents. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. 2. Section 02010: Soils report and soil engineer. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Use equipment adequate in size, capacity, and numbers to accomplish the work of this Section in a timely manner. C. In addition to complying with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with the directions of the soil engineer. 2.2 WEED KILLER A. 2.3 TOPSOIL A. Where and if shown on the Drawings or otherwise required, provide topsoil consisting of friable, fertile soil of loamy character, containing an amount of organic matter normal to the region, capable of sustaining healthy plant life, and reasonably free from subsoil, roots, heavy or stiff clay, stones larger than 50 mm (2") in greatest dimension, noxious weeds, sticks, brush, litter, and other deleterious matter. B. Obtain topsoil from sources within the project limits, or provide imported topsoil obtained from sources outside the project limits, or from both sources. 1.3 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01620. B – Products: 2.1 SOIL MATERIALS A. Fill and backfill materials: 1. Provide soil materials free from organic matter and deleterious substances, containing no rocks or lumps over 150 mm (6") in greatest dimension, and with not more than 15% of the rocks or lumps larger than 60 mm (2-3/8") in their greatest dimension. 2. Fill material is subject to the approval of the soil engineer, and is that material Provide a dry, free-flowing, dust-free chemical compound, soluble in water, capable of inhibiting growth of vegetation, and approved for use on this Work by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2.4 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Owner. C – Execution: 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS 10/18/11 A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 FINISH ELEVATIONS AND LINES A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01050. D. Use means necessary to prevent dust becoming a nuisance to the public, to neighbors, and to other work being performed on or near the site. E. Maintain access to adjacent areas at all times. 3.4 EXCAVATING A. 3.3 PROCEDURES A. Utilities: 1. Unless shown to be removed, protect active utility lines shown on the Drawings or otherwise made known to the Contractor prior to excavating. If damaged, repair or replace at no additional cost to the Owner. 2. If active utility lines are encountered, and are not shown on the Drawings or otherwise made known to the Contractor, promptly take necessary steps to assure that service is not interrupted. 3. If service is interrupted as a result of work under this Section, immediately restore service by repairing the damaged utility at no additional cost to the Owner. 4. If existing utilities are found to interfere with the permanent facilities being constructed under this Section, immediately notify the Architect and secure his instructions. 5. Do not proceed with permanent relocation of utilities until written instructions are received from the Architect. B. Satisfactory excavated materials: 1. Transport to, and place in, fill or embankment areas within the limits of the Work. C. Unsatisfactory excavated materials: 1. Excavate to a distance below grade as directed by the soil engineer, and replace with satisfactory materials. 2. Include excavation of unsatisfactory materials, and replacement by satisfactory materials, as parts of the work of this Section. D. Surplus materials: 1. Dispose of unsatisfactory excavated material, and surplus satisfactory excavated material, away from the site at disposal areas arranged and paid for by the Contractor. E. Excavation of rock: 1. Where rocks, boulders, granite, or similar material is encountered, and where such material cannot be removed or excavated by conventional earth moving or ripping equipment, take required steps to proceed with the general grading operations of the Work, and remove or excavate such material by means which will neither cause additional cost to the Owner nor endanger buildings or structures whether on or off the site. 2. Do not use explosives without written permission from the Owner and governmental agencies having jurisdiction. F. Excavate and backfill in a manner and sequence that will provide proper drainage at all times. B. Protection of persons and property: 1. Barricade open holes and depressions occurring as part of the Work, and post warning lights on property adjacent to or with public access. 2. Operate warning lights during hours from dusk to dawn each day and as otherwise required. 3. Protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, washout, and other hazards created by operations under this Section. C. Dewatering: 1. Remove all water, including rain water, encountered during trench and substructure work to an approved location by pumps, drains, and other approved methods. 2. Keep excavations and site construction area free from water. Perform excavating of every type of material encountered within the limits of the Work to the lines, grades, and elevations indicated and specified herein. G. Borrow: 1. Obtain material required for fill or embankment in excess of that produced within the grading limits of the Work from borrow areas selected and paid for by the Contractor and approved by the soil engineer. 1. Conform to elevations and dimensions shown within a tolerance of 20 mm (0.10 ft), and extending a sufficient distance from footings and foundations to permit placing and removing concrete formwork, installation of services, other construction required, and for inspection. 2. In excavating for footings and foundations, take care not to disturb bottom of excavation: a. Excavate by hand tools to final grade just before concrete is placed. b. Trim bottoms to required lines and grades to leave solid base to receive concrete. 3. Excavate for footings and foundations only after general site excavating, filling, and grading are complete. H. Ditches and gutters: 1. Cut accurately to the cross sections, grades, and elevations shown. 2. Maintain excavations free from detrimental quantities of leaves, sticks, trash, and other debris until completion of the Work. 3. Dispose of excavated materials as shown on the Drawings or directed by the soil engineer; except do not, in any case, deposit materials less than 1 m (3'-0") from the edge of a ditch. I. J. Unauthorized excavation: 1. Unauthorized excavation consists of removal of materials beyond indicated subgrade elevations or dimensions without specific instruction from the Architect or the soil engineer. 2. Under footings, foundations, or retaining walls: a. Fill unauthorized excavations by extending the indicated bottom elevation of the footing or base to the excavation bottom, without altering the required top elevation. b. When acceptable to the soil engineer, lean concrete fill may be used to bring the bottom elevation to proper position. 3. Elsewhere, backfill and compact unauthorized excavations as specified for authorized excavations, unless otherwise directed by the soil engineer. Stability of excavations: 1. Slope sides of excavations to 1:1 or flatter, unless otherwise directed by the soil engineer. 2. Shore and brace where sloping is not possible because of space restrictions or stability of the materials being excavated. 3. Maintain sides and slopes of excavations in a safe condition until completion of backfilling. K. Shoring and bracing: 1. Provide materials for shoring and bracing as may be necessary for safety of personnel, protection of work, and compliance with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Maintain shoring and bracing in excavations regardless of the time period excavations will be open. 3. Carry shoring and bracing down as excavation progresses. L. Excavating for structures: M. Excavating for pavements: 1. Cut surface under pavements to comply with cross sections, elevations, and grades. N. Cold weather protection: 1. Protect excavation bottoms against freezing when atmospheric temperature is less than 2 degrees C (35 degrees F). 3.5 FILLING AND BACKFILLING A. General: 1. For each classification listed below, place acceptable soil material in layers to required subgrade elevations. 2. In excavations: a Use satisfactory excavated or borrow material. 3. Under asphalt pavements: a. Use subbase materials. 4. Under building slabs: a. Use granular fill, if so called for on the Drawings, complying with aggregate acceptable under Section 03300 of these Specifications. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Backfill excavations as promptly as progress of the Work permits, but not until completion of the following. Acceptance of construction below finish grade including, where applicable, dampproofing and waterproofing. Inspecting, testing, approving, and recording locations of underground utilities. Removing concrete formwork. Removing shoring and bracing, and backfilling of voids with satisfactory materials. Removing trash and debris. Placement of horizontal bracing on horizontally supported walls. C. Ground surface preparation: 1. Remove vegetation, debris, unsatisfactory soil materials, obstructions, and deleterious matter from ground surface prior to placement of fills. 2. Plow, strip, or break up sloped surfaces steeper than one vertical to four horizontal so that fill material will bond with existing surface. 3. When existing ground surface has a density less than that specified under "compacting" for the particular area, break up the ground surface, pulverize, moisture condition to the optimum moisture content, and compact to required depth and percentage of maximum density. D. Placing and compacting: 1. Place backfill and fill materials in layers not more than 200 mm (8") in loose depth. 2. Before compacting, moisten or aerate each layer as necessary to provide the optimum moisture content. 3. Compact each layer to required percentage of maximum density for area. 4. Do not place backfill or fill material on surfaces that are muddy, frozen, or containing frost or ice. Place backfill and fill materials evenly adjacent to structures, to required elevations. 5. Take care to prevent wedging action of backfill against structures by carrying the material uniformly around the structure to approximately the same elevation in each lift. 6. Where the construction includes basement or other underground walls having structural floors over them, do not backfill such walls until the structural floors are in place and have attained sufficient strength to support the walls. a transition, or if such a transition defeats positive control of drainage. B. Grading outside building lines: 1. Grade areas adjacent to buildings to achieve drainage away from the structures, and to prevent ponding. 2. Finish the surfaces to be free from irregular surface changes, and: a. Shape the surface of areas scheduled to be under walks to line, grade, and cross-section, with finished surface not more than 20 mm (0.10 ft) above or below the required subgrade elevation. b. Shape the surface of areas scheduled to be under pavement to line, grade, and cross-section, with finished surface not more than 10 mm (0.05 ft) above or below the required subgrade elevation. 3.7 COMPACTING A. Control soil compaction during construction to provide the minimum percentage of density specified for each area as determined according to ASTM D1557. B. Provide not less than the following maximum density of soil material compacted at optimum moisture content for the actual density of each layer of soil material in place, and as approved by the soil engineer. Structures: a. Compact the top 200 mm (8") of subgrade and each layer of fill material or backfill material at 90% of maximum density. Lawn and unpaved areas: a. Compact the top 200 mm (8") of subgrade and each layer of fill material or backfill material at 90% of maximum density. b. Compact the upper 300 mm (12") of filled areas, or natural soils exposed by excavating, at 85% of maximum density. Walks: a. Compact the top 200 mm (8") of subgrade and each layer of fill material or backfill material at 90% of maximum density. Pavements: a. Compact the top 200 mm (8") of subgrade and each layer of fill material or backfill material at 90% of maximum density. 1. 2. 3.6 GRADING A. General: 1. Uniformly grade the areas within limits of grading under this Section, including adjacent transition areas. 2. Smooth the finished surfaces within specified tolerance. 3. Compact with uniform levels or slopes between points where elevations are shown on the Drawings, or between such points and existing grades. 4. Where a change of slope is indicated on the Drawings, construct a rolled transition section having a minimum radius of approximately 2.4 m (8'-0"), unless adjacent construction will not permit such 3. 4. C. Moisture control: 1. Where subgrade or layer of soil material must be moisture-conditioned before compacting, uniformly apply water to surface of subgrade or layer of soil material to prevent free water appearing on surface during or subsequent to compacting operations. 2. Remove and replace, or scarify and air dry, soil material that is too wet to permit compacting to the specified density. 3. Soil material that has been removed because it is too wet to permit compacting may be stockpiled or spread and allowed to dry. Assist drying by disking, harrowing, or pulverizing until moisture content is reduced to a satisfactory value as determined by moisturedensity relation tests approved by the soil engineer. 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Secure the soil engineer's inspection and approval of subgrades and fill layers before subsequent construction is permitted thereon. B. Provide at least the following tests to the approval of the soil engineer: 1. At paved areas, at least one field density test for every 188 sq m (2000 sq ft) of paved area, but not less than three tests; 2. In each compacted fill layer, one field density test for every 188 sq m (2000 sq ft) of overlaying paved area, but not less than three tests. C. If, in the soil engineer's opinion based on reports of the testing laboratory, subgrade or fills which have been placed are below specified density, provide additional compacting and testing under the provisions of Section 01410 of these Specifications. 3.9 MAINTENANCE A. Protection of newly graded areas: 1. Protect newly graded areas from traffic and erosion, and keep free from trash and weeds; 2. Repair and reestablish grades in settled, eroded, and rutted areas to the specified tolerances. B. Where completed compacted areas are disturbed by subsequent construction operations or adverse weather, scarify the surface, reshape, and compact to the required density prior to further construction. 3.10 CERTIFICATION A. Upon completion of this portion of the Work, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver to the Architect a written report from the soil engineer certifying that the compaction requirements have been obtained. State in the report the area of fill or embankment, the compaction density obtained, and the type or classification of fill material placed. 02510-1 02510 SITE CONCRETE A – General: 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide site cast-in-place concrete, including formwork and reinforcement, where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Secure concrete mix designs from the testing laboratory and submit to the Architect for review and approval. B. Distribute approved mix designs to testing laboratory, batch plant, job site, and governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Provide access for, and cooperate with, the inspector and testing laboratory. C. Do not commence placement of concrete until mix designs have been reviewed and approved by the Architect and all governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and until copies of the approved mix designs are at the job site and the batch plant. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01620. B – Products: 2.1 FORMS A. Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork so it will safely support loads which might be applied until such loads can be supported safely by the concrete structure. B. Construct forms to the exact sizes, shapes, lines, and dimensions shown, and as required to obtain accurate alignment, location, grades, and level and plumb work in the finished concrete. 2.2 REINFORCEMENT A. Comply with the following as minimums: 1. Bars: ASTM A615, grade 60 unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, using deformed bars for number 3 and larger; 2. Welded wire fabric: ASTM A185; 3. Bending: ACI 318. B. Fabricate reinforcement to the required shapes and dimensions, within fabrication tolerances stated in the CRSI "Manual of Standard Practices." C. Do not use reinforcement having any of the following defects: 1. Bar lengths, depths, or bends exceeding the specified fabricating tolerances; 2. Bends or kinks not indicated on the Drawings or required for this Work; 3. Bars with cross-section reduced due to excessive rust or other causes. 2.3 CONCRETE A. Comply with the following as minimums: 1. Portland cement: ASTM C150, type I or II, low alkali. 2. Aggregate, general: a. ASTM C30, uniformly graded and clean; b. Do not use aggregate known to cause excessive shrinkage. 3. Aggregate, coarse: Crushed rock or washed gravel with minimum size between 20 mm and 38 mm (3/4" and 1-1/2"), and with a maximum size number 4. 4. Aggregate, fine: Natural washed sand of hard and durable particles varying from fine to particles passing a 9.5 mm (3/8") screen, of which at least 12% shall pass a 50-mesh screen. 5. Water: Clean and potable. 10/18/11 B. Provide concrete with the compressive strengths shown on the Drawings. When such strengths are not shown on the Drawings, provide: 1. Concrete walks and slabs on grade............2500 psi; 2. All other site concrete......................3000 psi. C. Expansion and control joints: 1. Locate only where shown on the Drawings or otherwise approved in advance by the Architect. 2. Except as otherwise directed, assume joint spacing to be at maximum intervals of 6 m (20 ft). 3. Where required at curbs and gutters, provide asphalt-impregnated fiber filler material, 13 mm (1/2") thick, installing tops of joints flush with the concrete surface. 4. Control joints: a. Use only formed control joints unless otherwise specifically approved in advance by the Architect. b. Make formed control joints not less in depth than 1/4 the slab thickness. c. Where sawed joints are specifically permitted by the Architect, make such joints not less than 25 mm (1") deep. D. Surface treatment: 1. Where "sealer" or "hardener" is called for on the Drawings, provide "Ashford Formula" manufactured by Curecrete Chemical Company and distributed by Martech Associates, 19836 Vintage Street, Chatsworth, California 91311 (213) 993-1163, and provide the manufacturer's standard written 20 year/10 year warranty. 2. Except as otherwise directed by the Architect or shown on the Drawings, on all other concrete slab, driveway, and walkway surfaces provide "Hunt TLF" curing agent manufactured by Hunt Process Co., Inc. 2.5 OTHER MATERIALS A. Where colored concrete is called for: 1. Provide all aggregate, both fine and coarse, from one single source, using the same mix design; 2. Do not exceed 100 mm (4") slump; 3. Provide and use color admixture selected by the Architect from standard products of L. M. Scofield Company or approved equal. B. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Architect. C – Execution: 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 REINFORCING A. Comply with the following, as well as the specified standards, for details and methods of reinforcing placement and supports. 1. Clean reinforcement and remove loose dust and mill scale, earth, and other materials that reduce bond or destroy bond with concrete. 2. Position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by forms, construction, and the concrete placement operations. 3. Place reinforcement to obtain the required coverages for concrete protection. 4. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable, lapping adjoining pieces one full mesh minimum. 5. Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, or required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction, lap bars 40 diameters minimum. 3.3 MIXING CONCRETE A. Transit mix the concrete in accordance with provisions of ASTM C94. B. Mixing water: 1. At the batch plant, withhold 10 liters of water per cu m (2-1/2 gal of water per cu yd) of concrete. 2. Upon arrival at the job site, add all or part of the withheld water (as required for proper slump) before the concrete is discharged from the mixer. 3. Mix not less than five minutes after the withheld water has been added, and not less than one minute of that time immediately prior to discharge of the batch. 4. Unless otherwise directed, provide 15 minutes total mixing time per batch after first addition of water. C. Do not use concrete that has stood for over 30 minutes after leaving the mixer, or concrete that is not placed within 60 minutes after water is first introduced into the mix. 3.4 PLACING CONCRETE A. Preparation: 1. Remove foreign matter accumulated in the forms. 2. Rigidly close openings left in the formwork. 3. Wet wood forms sufficiently to tighten up cracks; wet other material sufficiently to maintain workability of the concrete. 4. Use only clean tools. B. Conveying: 1. Perform concrete placing at such a rate that concrete that is being integrated with fresh concrete is still plastic. 2. Deposit concrete as nearly as practicable in its final location so as to avoid separation due to rehandling and flowing. 3. Do not use concrete that becomes nonplastic and unworkable, or does not meet required quality control limits, or has been contaminated by foreign materials. 4. Remove rejected concrete from the job site. C. Placing concrete slabs: 1. Deposit and consolidate concrete slabs in a continuous operation, within limits of construction joints, until the placing of a panel or section is completed. 2. Bring slab surfaces to the correct level with a straightedge, and then strike off. 3. Use bullfloats or darbies to smooth the surface, leaving the surface free from bumps and hollows. 4. Do not sprinkle water on the plastic surface. Do not disturb the slab surface prior to start of finishing operations. 3.5 CONSOLIDATION A. General: 1. Consolidate each layer of concrete immediately after placing, by use of internal concrete vibrators supplemented by hand spading, rodding, or tamping. 2. Do not vibrate forms or reinforcement. 3. Do not use vibrators to transport concrete inside the forms. 3.6 JOINTS A. Do not permit reinforcement or other embedded metal items that are being bonded with concrete to extend continuously through any expansion joint. 3.7 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Except as may be shown otherwise on the Drawings, provide the following finishes at the indicated locations: 1. Walks and pavement: a. Light broom finish perpendicular to the long dimension of the slab; b. Score walks in pattern indicated or directed. 2. Curbs: Steel trowel finish, followed by fine hair brush finish. 3. Ramps, stair treads, and landings: Light broom finish. 3.9 REMEDIAL WORK A. Repair or replace deficient work as directed by the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. 02513-1 02513 ASPHALTIC CONCRETE PAVING A. General: 1. Use sufficient and competent workmen, and equipment adequate in size, capacity, and numbers to accomplish work of this Section in a timely manner. B. Products: 3. Apply seal coat in accordance with its manufacturer's recommendations, achieving a finished surface which, when dry and thoroughly set, is smooth, tough, resilient, of uniform black color, and free from coarse textured areas, lap marks, ridges, and other surface irregularities. 4. Using the approved traffic paint, provide striping and marking called for on Drawings. 1. Provide a dry, free-flowing, dust-free chemical weed killer compound containing not less than 30% sodium chlorate, or a chlorate-borate compound, non-flammable, not creating a fire hazard when applied in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, soluble in water, and capable of being spread dry or in solution. 2. Provide headers and stakes of Construction grade Redwood in dimensions as required for use. 3. Provide hot plant mixed asphaltic concrete using aggregate in size and type appropriate to anticipated traffic, and as approved in advance by the project Civil Engineer. 4. Provide a sealer consisting of suitable fibrated chemical type asphalt binders and fillers having a container consistency suitable for troweling after thorough stirring, and containing no clay or other deleterious materials. 5. Provide traffic paint in color or colors selected by Owner from standard colors from an approved manufacturer. 6. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by Contractor subject to approval of Architect. C. Execution: 1. Placement: a. Where subbase and/or base course is called for on Drawings, spread approved material to a thickness giving compacted thickness shown on Drawings, and compact to 95%. b. Provide prime coat and tack coat as required, allow to dry, and spread hot asphaltic concrete in layers not more than 3" thick. 2. Prior to application of seal coat, perform a flood test in presence of Owner. a. Flood entire asphaltic concrete paved area with water; b. If a depression is found where water ponds to a depth of more than 1/8" in 6'-0", fill or otherwise correct. c. Feather and smooth edges of fill so that joint between fill and original surface is invisible. 10/18/11 02660-1 02660 WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM A – General: 1.1 SUMMARY B – Products: A. Provide water distribution system as shown on the Drawings, specified herein, and needed for a complete and proper installation. 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with pertinent Section 01341. provisions of B. Product data: Within 35 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Names and addresses of the nearest service and maintenance organization that readily stocks repair parts; 4. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, when approved by the Owner, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent Section 01620. provisions of A. General: 1. Assume connection point to building service lines as being approximately 1.5 meters (five feet) outside buildings and structures to which service is required. 2. Pipe materials 75 mm (3") size and larger: Use cast iron, ductile iron, or plastic pipes unless otherwise indicated or approved in advance by the Architect. 3. Pipe materials less than 75 mm (3") size: Use plastic or galvanized steel. B. Pipe: 1. Cast iron pipe: a. Comply with ANSI A-21.6 or ANSI A-21.8 unless otherwise shown or specified. b. Use cement mortar lining complying with ANSI A-21.4 or AWWA C205, standard thickness. 2. Ductile iron pipe: a. Comply with ANSI A-21.51 unless otherwise shown or specified. b. Use cement mortar lining complying with ANSI A-21.4 or AWWA C205, standard thickness. 3. Plastic pipe: a. Use acrylonitrile-butadine-styrene (ABS) complying with ASTM D15527; or b. Use polyvinyl-chloride (PVC) complying with ASTM D1785, schedule 40. 4. Galvanized steel: a. Use schedule 40 steel pipe risers and fittings, with PVC or ABS couplings below grade to steel risers for hose bibbs, and complying with ASTM A120. C. Joints: 1. Cast iron or ductile iron pipe: a. Use mechanical joints of the stuffing-box type complying with ANSI A-21.11 as modified by ANSI A-21.51 for ductile iron pipe, with push-on joints complying with ANSI A-21.11 for cast iron, and ANSI A-21.51 for ductile iron; or 10/18/11 01421-2 10/18/11 b. Use rubber gaskets and lubricant complying with applicable requirements of ANSI A-21.11. 2. Plastic pipe: a. Use solvent cement for PVC joints complying with ASTM D2564. b. Use solvent cement for ABS joints complying with ASTM D2235: 3. Steel pipe fittings 63 mm (2-1/2") or less in diameter: a. Use malleable iron bonded screw fittings, manufactured to standards of ANSI B-16.3. b. Use unions that are screwed, malleable iron, ground joint, 136 kg (300 lb) AAR, with bronze-to-iron seat. 4. Insulating joints: a. Provide between non-threaded ferrous and non-ferrous metallic pipe, fittings, and valves. Use sandwich type flange insulating gasket of the dielectric type, insulating washers, and insulating sleeves for flange bolts. Use full faced insulating gaskets with outside diameter equal to the flange outside diameter. Use full length bolt insulating sleeves. d. Install in a manner to prevent metal-to-metal contact of dissimilar metallic piping elements. D. Fittings and specials: 1. Cast iron pipe and ductile iron pipe: a. Use fittings and specials suitable for (150 psi) pressure rating unless otherwise specified. b. For use with mechanical joint pipe, comply with ANSI A-21.10. c. For use with push-on joint pipe, comply with ANSI A21.10 and ANSI A-21.11. d. Use cement mortar lining complying with ANSI A-21.4, standard thickness. 2. Plastic pipe: a. Use fittings and specials suitable for schedule 40 rating, unless otherwise specified or directed. b. Use fittings and specials for PVC pipe complying with ASTM D2468. c. For threaded PVC fittings, use schedule 80. 3. Steel pipe: Comply with ANSI B-16.3, using fittings and specials made for steel pipe. E. Valves 1. Gate valves: a. Use gate valves designed for the required working pressure. b. Provide connections as required for the piping in which they are installed. c. Provide a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the valve, openable by turning counter clockwise. d. Provide an arrow on the operating nut or wheel, cast in metal, indicating direction of opening. e. Valves smaller than 75 mm (3"): (1) Provide all bronze, screwed, single wedge disc, screw-in bonnet, packing gland, and nut, with non-rising stem. (2) Buried valves: Install in suitable precast concrete hand hole with cover marked "WATER." f. Valves 75 mm (3") and larger: (1) Design in accordance with AWWA C500, standard, bronze trimmed, non-rising stem, solid wedge disc valves. (2) Buried valves: Provide 50 mm (2") operating nuts and in a suitable valve box with extension and marked cover. (3) Provide tee handle socket operating wrenches of suitable size. 2. Check valves: a. Use check valves designed for the required working pressure of with a clear waterway equal to the full nominal diameter of the valve. b. Use valves designed to permit flow in one direction, when the inlet pressure is greater than the discharge pressure, and to close tightly to prevent return flow when discharge pressure exceeds inlet pressure. c. Distinctly cast on the body of each valve: (1) Manufacturer's name, initials, or trademark by which he can be identified readily; (2) Valve size; (3) Working pressure; (4) Direction of flow. 01421-3 10/18/11 d. Valves 50 mm (2") and smaller: Provide all bronze, designed for screwed fittings. e. Valves larger than 50 mm (2"): (1) Provide iron body, bronze mounted, with flanged ends, of the nonslam type; (2) Provide class 125 flanges complying with ANSI B-16.1. F. Service fittings: 1. PVC mains smaller than 50 mm (2") in diameter: a. Make 20 mm (3/4") maximum service with tees or plastic valve tees. b. Acceptable products: (1) As manufactured by Mueller Company, Decatur, Illinois. 2. PVC mains 50 mm (2") to 88 mm (3-1/2") in diameter: For 20 mm (3/4") service to 25 mm (1") service, use bronze service clamp and bronze corporation stop designed for PVC pipe. 3. Service clamps and corporation stops: a. Use bronze. b. Provide service clamp with flattened straps and molded neoprene gaskets. 4. Services larger than those stated above: Make with standard tees on new lines, and tapping tees on existing lines. 2.2 TAPPING SLEEVES A. Provide sleeve type coupling for existing water mains, furnished with outlet flanged to American 125 standard (ASA series 15): 1. Acceptable products: a. Clow Corporation, Corona, California; boltless type: (1) Model C1 series for existing cast iron mains, complying with AWWA class A; (2) Model CA for class 150 and class 200 existing asbestos cement mains, when so directed by the Architect. 2. Coordinate requirements of tapping sleeves with gate valves and other fittings as required. 2.3 VALVE BOXES A. Valves 75 mm (3") and larger: 1. Use service box of cast iron, extension type of the required length, with screw adjustment. 2. Provide the word "WATER" cast into the cover. 3. Acceptable products: a. Alhambra Foundry Company, Alhambra, California: (1) For valves 150 mm (6") and smaller: Model A-3004; (2) For valves 200 mm (8") and larger: Model 3005. B. Valves 63 mm (2-1/2") and smaller: 1. Use precast concrete box with the word "WATER" cast into the cover. 2. Provide risers on pipe line to place valve within box depth. 3. Acceptable products: a. Manufactured by Brooks Products, Inc., El Monte, California. C – Execution: 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 FIELD MEASUREMENT A. Make necessary measurements in the field to assure precise fit of items in accordance with the approved design. 3.3 HANDLING A. Handle pipe accessories so as to ensure delivery to the trench in sound, undamaged condition: 1. Carry pipe into position; do not drag. 01421-4 10/18/11 2. Use pinch bars or tongs for aligning or turning the pipe only on the bare end of the pipe. B. Thoroughly clean interior of pipe and accessories before lowering pipe into trench. Keep clean during laying operations by plugging or other method approved by the Owner. C. Before installation, inspect each piece of pipe and each fitting for defects: 1. Material found to be defective before or after laying: Replace with sound material meeting the specified requirements, and without additional cost to the Owner. D. Rubber gaskets: Store in a cool dark place until just prior to time of installation. 3.4 PIPE CUTTING A. Cut pipe neatly and without damage to the pipe. B. Unless otherwise recommended by the pipe manufacturer, cut pipe with mechanical cutter only. 1. Use wheel cutters when practicable. 2. Cut plastic pipe square, and remove all burrs. 3.5 LOCATING A. Locate water pipe at least 3 meters (ten feet) away, horizontally, from sewer pipes. 1. Where bottom of the water pipe will be at least 300 mm (12") above top of the sewer pipe, locate water pipe at least 1.5 meters (six feet) away, horizontally, from the sewer pipe. B. Where water lines cross under gravityflow sewer lines, fully encase the sewer pipe in concrete for a distance of at least 3 meters (ten feet) each side of the crossing, or provide pressure pipe with no joint located within 900 mm (36") of the crossing. 1. Cross water lines in cases above sewage force mains or inverted siphons at least 600 mm (24") above the sewer line. 2. Encase in concrete those joints in the sewer main closer, horizontally, than 900 mm (36") to the crossing. C. Do not place water lines in the same trench with sewer lines or electric wiring. 3.6 JOINT DEFLECTION A. Cast iron pipe: 1. Maximum allowable deflection will be given in AWWA C600. B. Plastic pipe: Unless a lesser amount is recommended by the pipe manufacturer, maximum allowable deflections from a straight line or grade, or offsets, will be five degrees. 3.7 PLACING AND LAYING A. General: 1. Lower pipe and accessories into trench by means of derrick, ropes, or belt slings. 2. Do not dump or drop any of the materials of this Section into the trench. 3. Except where necessary in making connections to other lines, lay pipe with the bells facing in the direction of laying. 4. Rest the full length of each section of pipe solidly on the pipe bed, with recesses excavated to accommodate bells, couplings, and joints. 5. Take up and relay pipe that has the grade or joint disturbed after laying. 6. Do not lay pipe in water, or when trench conditions are unsuitable for the work; keep water out of the trench until jointing is completed. 7. Securely close open ends of pipe, fittings, and valves when work is not in progress. 8. Where any part of coating or lining is damaged, repair to the approval of the Owner and at no additional cost to the Owner. B. Plastic pipe: 01421-5 10/18/11 1. Position pipe and fittings in trench in a manner that identifying markings will be readily visible for inspection. 2. Cutting and joining: a. Protect against abrasion from serrated holding devices. b. Remove burrs and glosses from surfaces to be jointed; use abrasive paper, file, or steel wool. c. Remove dirt, dust, and moisture by wiping clean with chemical cleaner or dry cloth. d. Using a pure bristle paint brush, apply an even coat of the specified solvent cement in the fitting socket and on the surface of the pipe to be joined e. Promptly insert pipe into bottom of the fitting socket; turn the pipe slightly to assure an even distribution of cement. f. Remove excess solvent cement from exterior of the joint. g. Should cement begin to dry before the joint is made, reapply cement before assembling. h. Allow at least one hour for the joint to gain strength before handling or installing the pipe. 3. Do not thread plastic pipe; make connections only with the solvent cement or with special adapter fittings designed for the purpose. 4. Align pipe system components without strain. 5. Support piping at intervals of not more than 1.2 meters (four feet), at ends, branch fittings, and change of direction or elevation. 6. Support plastic pipe in trenches with a 75 mm (3") layer of sand. Allow no rocks, debris, or potentially damaging substances within 150 mm (6") of plastic pipe in trenches. 7. Provide an electrically continuous type TW insulated number 14 tracer wire in the trench along the pipe, fastened to the pipe at 6 meter (20 foot) intervals, and terminating aboveground with a 300 mm (12") lead taped around each riser. C. Connections: Use specials and fittings to suit the actual conditions where connections are made between new work and existing mains. Use only those specials and fittings approved by the utility having jurisdiction. D. Sleeves: 1. Where pipe passes through walls of valve pits or structures, provide cast iron wall sleeves. 2. Fill annular space between walls and sleeves with rich cement mortar. 3. Fill annular space between pipe and sleeves with mastic. 3.8 JOINTING A. General: 1. Cast iron pipe, ductile iron pipe, mechanical joints, and push-on type joints: a. Install in accordance with AWWA C600, modified as necessary by the recommendation of the manufacturer to provide for special requirements of ductile iron pipe. 2. Make connections between different types of pipe and accessories with transition fittings. 3. Rubber gaskets: a. Handle, lubricate where necessary, and install in strict accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. 3.9 SETTING VALVES AND VALVE BOXES A. General: 1. Center valve boxes on the valves, setting plumb. 2. Tamp earth fill around each valve box to a distance of four feet on all sides, or to the undisturbed trench face if less than 1.2 meters (four feet). 3. Tighten stuffing boxes, and fully open and close each valve to assure that all parts are in working condition. B. Service boxes: 1. Where water lines are located below paved streets having curbs, install boxes directly back of the curbs. 2. Where no curbing exists, install boxes in accessible locations beyond limits of street surfacing, walks, and driveways. 01421-6 10/18/11 3.10 hydrostatic pressure required by the governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Open and close each valve several times during the test. 3. Carefully examine exposed pipe, joints, fittings, and valves. 4. Replace or remake joints showing visible leakage. 5. Remove cracked pipe, defective pipe, and cracked or defective joints, fittings, and valves. Replace with sound material and repeat the test until results are satisfactory. 6. Make repair and replacement without additional cost to the Owner. THRUST BLOCKS A. General: 1. Provide thrust blocks, or metal tie rods and clamps or lugs, on plugs, caps, tees, and bends deflecting 22-1/2 degrees or more either vertically or horizontally, and on water lines 150 mm (6") in diameter or larger. B. Installation: 1. Locate thrust blocking between solid ground and the fitting to be anchored. 2. Unless otherwise shown or directed by the Architect, place the base and thrust bearing sides of thrust blocking directly against undisturbed earth. 3. Sides of thrust blocking not subject to thrust may be placed against forms. 4. Place thrust blocking so the fitting joints will be accessible for repair. 5. Protect steel rods and clamps by galvanizing or by coating with bituminous paint. 3.11 TESTING AND INSPECTING A. Closing uninspected work: Do not allow or cause any of the work of this Section to be covered up or enclosed until after it has been completely inspected and tested, and has been approved by the Owner. B. Hydrostatic tests: 1. Where any section of a water line is provided with concrete thrust blocking for fittings, do not make hydrostatic tests until at least five days after installation of the concrete thrust blocking, unless otherwise directed by the Owner. 2. Devise a method for disposal of wastewater from hydrostatic tests, and for disinfection, as approved in advance by the Owner. C. Pressure tests: 1. After the pipe is laid, the joints completed, fire hydrants permanently installed, and the trench partially backfilled leaving the joints exposed for examination, subject the newly laid piping and valved sections of water distribution and service piping to a D. Leakage test: 1. Conduct leakage test after the pressure test has been completed satisfactorily. Duration of each leakage test: At least two hours. During the test, subject water lines to the required working pressure. 2. Leakage is defined as the quantity of water to be supplied into the newly laid pipe, or any valved or approved section thereof, necessary to maintain the specified leakage test pressure after the pipe has been filled with water and the air expelled. 3. Should any test of pipe disclose leakage greater than that permitted by the governmental agencies having jurisdiction, locate and repair the defective joint or joints until the leakage is within the permitted allowance, and at no additional cost to the Owner. E. Time for making test: 1. Except for joint material setting, or where concrete reaction backing necessitates a five day delay, pipelines jointed with rubber gaskets, mechanical, or push-on joints, or couplings may be subjected to hydrostatic pressure, inspected, and tested for leakage at any time after partial completion of backfill. 2. Cement mortar lined pipe may be filled with water as recommended by the manufacturer before being subjected to the pressure test and subsequent leakage test. 01421-7 10/18/11 F. Disinfection: 1. Before acceptance of the potable water system, disinfect each unit of completed water supply, distribution, and service line in accordance with AWWA C601. 2. Perform all such tests and disinfection in a manner approved by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 3. Furnish two copies of a Certificate of Disinfection to the Owner. 3.12 PAINTING A. Paint valves, pipe, and vents accordance with the provisions Section 09900. in of 02730-1 02730 SANITARY SEWERAGE 1.1 SUMMARY B. Clay pipe and fittings (VCP): 1. Use extra strength, bell and spigot, complying with ASTM C200. 2. Use compression joints complying with ASTM C425, type II. A. Provide sanitary sewerage system as shown on the Drawings, specified herein, and needed for a complete and proper installation. C. Polyvinyl chloride pipe and fittings (PVC): 1. Use extra strength, minimum of SDR 35. 2. Comply with ASTM D3034. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. D. Acrylonitrile butadine styrene pipe and fittings (ABS): 1. Comply with ASTM D2680. A – General: 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01341. B. Product data: Within 35 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which, will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 2.2 MANHOLES A. Precast: 1. Provide reinforced precast concrete manhole sections complying with ASTM C478, except use portland cement as specified below. 2. Provide joints of mortar, with approved mastic or rubber gasket, or an approved combination of those types. 3. Provide precast units of concrete rings and eccentric cone section, with ladder rungs cast into the units. 4. Approved manufacturer: a. Ameron Pipe Products Group. B. Portland cement: 1. For concrete in manholes, comply with ASTM C150, type II. 2. For concrete in cradle and encasement: Type optional with the Contractor. C. Concrete: 1. Provide concrete in accordance with pertinent provisions of Section 03300 of these Specifications. D. Mortar: 1. Comply with ASTM C270, type M. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 2.3 FRAMES AND COVERS A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01620. A. Use cast iron frames and covers, with the wording "SEWER" cast into the covers in letters 50 mm (2") high and plainly visible, as manufactured by Alhambra Foundry. B – Products: 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Cast iron soil pipe and fittings (CIP): 1. Comply with ASTM A74, class SV. 2. Use rubber gaskets complying with ASTM C564 for compression joints. 2.4 CLEANOUTS A. Provide cleanouts as required and where shown on the Drawings. 1. Provide traffic weight covers and frames where cleanouts are within pavement, with the letters "SSCO" cast into the cover. 2. Acceptable products: 10/18/11 a. Alhambra Foundry, Model A-2100, 250 mm (10") round cover, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings. B. Where cleanout is within a graded area, construct as shown on the Drawings. 2.5 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Owner. C – Execution: 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. Make necessary measurements in the field to assure precise fit of items in accordance with the approved design. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Trench, backfill, and compact for the work of this Section in strict accordance with pertinent provisions of Section 02221 of these Specifications. B. Location: 1. Where the sewer location is not located clearly by dimensions on the Drawings, locate the sewer: a. Not closer than 3 meters (ten feet) from a water supply main or service line. b. Where the bottom of the water pipe will be at least 300 mm (12") above the top of the sewer pipe, the horizontal spacing may be a minimum of 1.8 meters (six feet). c. Where the gravity flow sewers cross above water lines, fully encase the sewer pipe for a distance of ten feet on each side of the crossing; or d. Use acceptable pressure pipe with no joint closer horizontally than three feet from the crossing. e. Where concrete encasement is used, provide not less than 100 mm (4") thickness including that on pipe joints. C. Pipe laying: 1. Protect pipe during handling against shocks and free fall. Remove extraneous material from the pipe interior. 2. Lay pipe by proceeding upgrade with the spigot ends of bell-and-spigot pipe pointing in direction of flow. 3. Lay each pipe accurately to the indicated line and grade, aligning so the sewer has a uniform invert. 4. Continually clear interior of the pipe free from foreign material. 5. Before making pipe joints, clean and dry all surfaces of the pipe to be joined. 6. Use lubricants, primers, and adhesives recommended for the purpose by the pipe manufacturer. 7. Place, fit, join, and adjust the joints to obtain the degree of water tightness required. 3.4 WYE BRANCHES A. Provide wye branches where sewer connections are indicated or required. 1. Where joining an existing line, join by placing a saddle over the line, and make connection in a manner that will not obstruct or interfere with the existing flow. 2. When conditions are such that connection pipe cannot be supported adequately on undisturbed earth or compacted fill, encase the pipe in a concrete backfill, or support on a concrete cradle. B. Provide concrete required because of conditions resulting from faulty construction methods or negligence, at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.5 MANHOLES A. General: 1. Shape the invert channels to be smooth and semicircular, conforming to the inside of the adjacent sewer section. 2. Make changes in direction of flow with a smooth curve of as large a radius as the size of the manhole will permit. 3. Make changes in size and grade of channels smoothly and evenly. 4. Form the invert channels directly in the concrete of the manhole base, with mortar, or by laying full section sewer pipe through the manhole and breaking out the top half after surrounding concrete has hardened. 5. Smooth the floor of the manhole outside the channels, and slope toward the channels at not less than 25 mm (1") per 300 mm (foot) nor more than 50 mm (2") per 300 mm (foot). 6. Prevent free drop inside the manholes exceeding 450 mm (18") measured from the invert of the inlet pipe to the top of the floor of the manhole outside the channels. 7. Construct drop manholes whenever the free drop otherwise would be greater than 450 mm (18"). B. Manhole rungs: 1. Provide each manhole with individual wall-mounted rungs fabricated of aluminum, plastic-covered steel, or galvanized steel. 2. Comply with the requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. C. Jointing and plastering: 1. Completely fill mortar joints, and leave smooth and free from surplus mortar on the inside of the manhole. D. Frames and covers: Unless otherwise shown on the Drawings, set frames and covers: 1. In paved areas: So that the top of the cover will be flush with the finished pavement; or 2. In unpaved areas: 50 mm (2") higher than finished grade. 3.6 MANHOLE OVER EXISTING PIPE A. Construct new manhole as specified, breaking upper half of existing pipe after base of manhole is completed so as not to obstruct flow of the existing pipe. 3.7 BUILDING CONNECTIONS A. Terminate building connections where shown on the Drawings. B. Provide temporary closures at terminals where the building pipe is not installed. 1. Place marker post at grade end of plugged line. 2. Where building piping has been installed, make connection to the building piping system. 3.8 TESTING AND INSPECTING A. Do not allow or cause any of the work of this Section to be covered up or enclosed until after it has been inspected and tested, and has been approved by the Plumbing Inspector. B. Leakage tests: 1. Test lines for leakage by exfiltration tests. a. Prior to testing for leakage, backfill the trench to at least the lower half of the pipe. b. If required, place sufficient additional backfill to prevent pipe movement during testing, leaving the joints uncovered to permit inspection. 2. Water exfiltration tests: a. Test each section of sewer line between successive manholes by closing the lower end of the sewer to be tested, and the inlet sewer of the upper manhole, using stoppers. b. Fill the manhole and pipe with water to a point four feet above the invert of the sewer at the center of the upper manhole; or, if groundwater is present, four feet above the average adjacent groundwater level. Allowable leakage will be computed by the formula: (1) For mortared joints: E = 0.0001 LD H; (2) For all other joints: E = 0.0002 LD H; (3) "L" is the length of sewer and house connections tested, in feet; (4) "E" is the allowable leakage in liters (gallons) per minute of sewer test; (5) "D" is the internal pipe diameter in inches; (6) "H" is the difference in elevation between the water surface in the upper manhole and the invert of the pipe at the lower manhole; or, if groundwater is present above the invert of the pipe in the lower manhole, the difference in elevation between water surface in the upper manhole and the groundwater at the lower manhole. 3. Water infiltration test: a. If, in the opinion of the Owner, excessive groundwater is encountered in the construction of a section of the sewer, the exfiltration test shall not be used. b. Close the end of the sewer at the upper structure sufficiently to prevent the entrance of water. c. Discontinue pumping of groundwater for at least three days, then test for infiltration. d. Infiltration into each individual reach of sewer between adjoining manholes shall not exceed that allowed in the formula given for the exfiltration test, except that "H" in the formula shall be the difference between the groundwater surface and the invert of the sewer at the downstream manhole. 4. Provide and use measuring devices approved by the Owner. 5. Provide water, materials, and labor for making required tests. 6. Make tests in the presence of the Owner, giving the Owner at least three days advance notice of being ready for test observation. C. Submit test data to the Owner for review and approval. 02830-1 02830 CHAIN LINK FENCES A. Products: 1. Provide steel pipe, galvanized at 1.8 oz, in following sizes: a. End, corner, slope, and pull posts: 2.875" o.d.; b. Line posts: 2.375" o.d. at eight feet O.C. c. Gate posts: 4" o.d.; d. Top rails: 1.660" o.d.; e. Post braces: 1.660" o.d.; f. Gates: 1.90" o.d. 2. Provide 7 gage galvanized tension wire at bottom of fabric. 3. Provide 9 gage fabric, galvanized at 2.0 oz, in 2" mesh, with top and bottom selvages twisted and barbed. 4. Provide post tops, stretcher bars, gate hardware, and all other accessory items required for a complete and proper installation. 5. All heights are six feet above finish surface. B. Execution: 1. Set all posts in 30" deep x 8" diameter concrete at earth locations and ten inches into masonry at top of masonry wall locations. Use fast setting liquid grout. 2. Allow concrete to attain 28 day strength before rails, tension wires, and fabric are installed. 10/18/11 02841-1 SECTION 02841 BICYCLE RACKS Part 1 - GENERAL 1.1 1.2 SUMMARY A. Provide in-ground mounted bicycle racks where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.3 Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01620. Part 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 BICYCLE RACKS A. Provide in-ground mounted bicycle racks, manufactured by DERO Bike rack Co., 2657 32nd Avenue S, Minneapolis, MN 55406 (ph: 888-337-6729), or equal approved in advance by the Owner, complete with suitable anchorage devices as required for positive and permanent attachment to the concrete surfaces. Part 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. 3.2 Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. INSTALLATION A. Carefully coordinate the arrangement of bicycle racks with the layout of the flatwork, providing proper mounting to engage wheels. B. Fix the bicycle racks into final position by means of in-ground anchorage devices approved in advance by the Owner. C. Upon completion of the installation, visually inspect each installed bicycle rack and verify that it is in perfect condition and properly set. 10/18/11 D. 02841-2 Promptly remove units that are in any way damaged, and replace with new units meeting the specified requirements. 10/18/11 03100-1 03100 CONCRETE FORMWORK A. General: 1. Design of formwork is Contractor's responsibility. 2. In addition to complying with pertinent regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with pertinent provisions of ACI 347. B. Products: 1. Except for metal forms, use new materials. Materials may be reused during progress of Work, provided they are completely cleaned and reconditioned, recoated for each use, and capable of producing formwork of required quality. 2. For footing and foundations, use Douglas Fir boards or planks secured to wood or steel stakes, substantially constructed to shapes indicated and to support required loads. 3. For studs, wales, and supports, use Standard grade or better Douglas Fir, dimensions as required to support loads but not less than 2" x 4". 4. Hold inner and outer forms for vertical concrete together with combination steel ties and spreaders approved by Architect. a. Space ties symmetrically in tiers and rows, each tier plumb from top to bottom and each row level. b. At horizontal pour lines, locate ties not more than 6" below pour lines. Tighten after concrete has set and before next pour is made. c. For exposed concrete surfaces, provide form ties of removable type with she-bolts equipped with permanent plugs and a system approved by Architect for fixing plugs in place. 5. Design of formwork: a. Design, erect, support, brace, and maintain formwork so that it will safely support vertical and lateral loads that might be applied, until such loads can be supported by concrete structure. b. Carry vertical and lateral loads to ground by formwork system and in-place construction that has attained adequate strength for that purpose. c. Construct formwork so concrete members and structures are of correct size, shape, alignment, elevation, and position. d. Design forms and falsework to include assumed values of live load, dead load, weight of moving equipment operated on formwork, concrete mix, height of concrete drop, vibrator frequency, ambient temperature, foundation pressures, stresses, lateral stability, and other factors pertinent to safety of structure during construction. e. Provide shores and struts with positive means of adjustment capable of taking up formwork settlement during concrete placing operations, using wedges or jacks or a combination thereof. f. Provide trussed supports when adequate foundations for shores and struts cannot be secured. g. Support form materials by structural members spaced sufficiently close to prevent objectionable deflection. h. Fit forms placed in successive units for continuous surfaces to accurate alignment, free from irregularities, and within allowable tolerances. i. Provide formwork sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of cement paste during concrete placement. Solidly butt joints, and provide backup material at joints as required to prevent leakage and prevent fins. j. Provide camber in formwork as required for anticipated deflections due to weight and pressures of fresh concrete and construction loads. C. Execution: 1. Construct forms complying with ACI 347 to exact sizes, shapes, lines, and dimensions shown, and as required to obtain accurate alignment, location, grades, and level and plumb work in finished structure. 2. Provide for openings, offsets, keyways, recesses, moldings, reglets, chamfers, blocking, screeds, bulkheads, anchorages, inserts, and other features as required. 3. Fabrication: a. Fabricate forms for easy removal without hammering or prying against concrete surfaces. b. Provide crush plates or wrecking plates where stripping may damage cast concrete surfaces. c. Kerf wood inserts for forming keyways, reglets, recesses, and the like, to prevent swelling and assure ease of removal. d. Provide top forms for inclined surfaces where so directed by Architect. 4. Forms for exposed concrete: a. Drill forms to suit ties being used, and to prevent leakage of cement paste around tie holes. Do not splinter forms by driving ties through improperly prepared holes. b. Provide sharp, clean corners at intersecting planes, without visible edges or offsets. - 03100-2 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Back joints with extra studs or girts to maintain true, square intersections. c. Use extra studs, wales, and bracing to prevent objectionable bowing of forms between studs, and to avoid bowed appearance in concrete. Do not use narrow strips of form material which will produce bow. Corner treatment: a. Unless shown otherwise, form chamfers with 3/4" x 3/4" strips, accurately formed and surfaced to produce uniformly straight lines and tight edges. b. Extend terminal edges to required limit, and miter chamfer strips at changes in direction. Locate control joints as indicated on Drawings and, where required but not shown on Drawings, as approved by Architect. Provisions for other trades: a. Provide openings in concrete formwork to accommodate work of other trades. b. Verify size and location of openings, recesses, and chases with trade requiring such items. c. Accurately place and securely support items to be built into the concrete. Coat form contact surfaces with form coating compound before reinforcement is placed. a. Do not allow excess form coating material to accumulate in forms or to come in contact with surfaces which will bond to fresh concrete. b. Apply form coating material in strict accordance with its manufacturer's recommendations. Form removal: a. Do not disturb or remove forms until concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit form removal with complete safety. b. Do not remove shoring until member has acquired sufficient strength to support its own weight, load upon it, and added load of construction. c. Do not strip floor slabs in less than two days. d. Do not strip vertical concrete in less than seven days. Finished surfaces: a. Exercise care in removing forms from finished concrete surfaces so that surfaces are not marred or gouged. b. Release sleeve nuts or clamps, and pull form ties neatly. c. Do not permit steel spreaders, form ties, or other metal to project from, or be visible on, any concrete surface except where so shown on Drawings. d. Solidly pack form tie holes, rod holes, and similar holes in the concrete. For packing, use cement grout specified in Section 03300 of these Specifications, flushing holes with water before packing, screeding off flush, and grinding to match adjacent surfaces. - 03200-1 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT A. General: 1. Comply with pertinent provisions of following, except as may be modified herein: a. ACI 318; b. CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice." B. Products: 1. Bars: a. Provide deformed billet steel bars complying with ASTM A615, using grades shown on Drawings. b. Per A.S.T.M. A615, for #3 and #4 bars use grade 40, Fy'=40,000 PSI; for #5 and larger use grade 60, Fy'=60,000 PSI 2. Steel wire: a. Comply with ASTM A82. b. For tie wire, comply with Fed Spec QQ-W461, annealed steel, black, 16 gage minimum. 3. Welded wire fabric: a. Provide welded steel, complying with ASTM A185. 4. Welding electrodes: a. Comply with AWS A5.1, low hydrogen, E70 series. 5. Bolsters, chairs, spacers, and other devices for spacing, supporting, and fastening reinforcement in place: a. Use wire bar type supports complying with CRSI recommendations, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. b. Do not use wood, brick, or other noncomplying material. c. For slabs on grade, use supports with sand plates or horizontal runners where base material will not support chair legs. d. For exposed-to-view concrete surfaces, where legs of supports are in contact with forms, provide supports with either hot-dip galvanized or plastic-protected legs. 6. Fabrication: a. Fabricate reinforcing bars to conform to required shapes and dimensions, with fabrication tolerances complying with CRSI Manual. b. In case of fabricating errors, do not straighten or re-bend reinforcement in a manner that will weaken or injure material. c. Reinforcement with any of following defects will not be acceptable. (1) Bar lengths, depths, and/or bends exceeding the specified fabrication tolerances; (2) Bends or kinks not shown on Drawings; (3) Bars with reduced cross-section due to excessive rusting or other causes. C. Execution: 1. Comply with specified standards for detail and method of placing reinforcement and supports, except as may be modified herein. 2. Clean reinforcement to remove loose rust and mill scale, earth, and other materials that reduce or destroy bond with concrete. 3. Position, support, and secure reinforcement against displacement by formwork, construction, and concrete placing operations. 4. Locate and support reinforcement by metal chairs, runners, bolsters, spacers, and hangers, as required. 5. Place reinforcement to obtain minimum coverages for concrete protection. 6. Arrange, space, and securely tie bars and bar supports together with specified wire. 7. Set tie wires so twisted ends are directed away from exposed concrete surfaces. 8. Install welded wire fabric in as long lengths as practicable, lapping adjoining pieces at least one full mesh. 9. Provide sufficient numbers of supports, and of strength to carry the reinforcement. 10. Do not place reinforcing bars more than 2" beyond last leg of any continuous bar support. 11. Do not use supports as bases for runways for concrete conveying equipment and similar construction loads. 12. Splices: a. Tie lap splices securely with specified wire to prevent displacement of splices during placement of concrete. b. Splice devices: (1) Install in accordance with manufacturer's written instructions. (2) Splice in a manner developing at least 125% of yielding strength of bar. (3) Do not splice bars except at locations shown on Drawings, except as otherwise specifically approved by Architect. 13. Perform welding in accordance with AWS D1.479. 10/18/11 03300-1 03300 CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE A. General: 1. Do not commence placement of concrete until mix designs have been reviewed and approved by Architect and all governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and until copies are at job site, batch plant, and building department. B. Products: 1. Provide a standard brand of portland cement complying with ASTM C150, type I or II, low alkali unless otherwise noted. Do not change brand of cement during progress of Work except as approved in writing by Architect. 2. Provide hard-rock aggregate complying with ASTM C33, with additional attributes as specified herein. 3. For making grading tests of fine and coarse aggregate, use square mesh wire cloth complying with ASTM E11. 4. Fine aggregate: Provide washed natural sand having strong, hard, durable particles, and containing no more than 2% by weight of deleterious matter such as clay lumps, mica, shale, or schist. 5. Coarse aggregates: a. Provide coarse aggregate consisting of clean, hard, fine grained, sound crushed rock or washed gravel, or a combination of both, containing not more than 5% by weight of flat, chip-like, thin, elongated, friable, or laminated pieces, nor more than 2% by weight of shale or cherty material. b. Any piece having a length in excess of five times average thickness shall be considered flat or elongated. c. Use coarse aggregate of largest practicable size for each condition of placement. d. Do not exceed 3/4 of clear distance between reinforcing bars, 1/5 of narrowest dimension between sides of forms, or 1/3 of any slab section. 6. Lightweight aggregate, coarse and fine: Provide rounded, sealed, expanded shale or clay conforming to ASTM C330. 7. Use only water which is clean and free from deleterious amounts of acid, alkali, salt, and organic matter. 8. Use only a standard brand of admixture for concrete meeting or exceeding following requirements: a. Reduce required mixing water at least 75% without entraining air in excess of 2% by volume. 9. 10. 11. 12. b. If admixture used entrains more than 2% air, water reduction shall be at least 10%, but in no case shall volume of air entrained exceed 5%. c. A separate approved air-entraining agent may be used in addition to water-reducing admixture, provided combination of two admixtures meets requirements listed above. d. If pozzolanic materials are used, make them from an oil-impregnated diatomaceous shale, or from an opaline cherty shale, chert, or porcelaneous rock found in the Monterey formation, or other Miocene strata, or material of similar mineralogical composition. e. Use only automatic dispensers approved by testing agency for adding admixture. f. If an air-entraining agent is used, run air content determinations periodically during pour to make certain volume of air entrained is less than 5%. Abrasive: a. Provide aluminum uniformly graded oxide grains, screen size 12-13, 14-36, or 16-30. b. Acceptable products: (1) "Alundrum;" (2) "Aloxite." Expansion joint filler: a. Provide preformed strips, non-extruding and resilient bituminous type, of thickness indicated, complying with ASTM D1751. b. If sealants specified in Section 07920 are used in joints built under this Section, provide a filler complying with ASTM D1752. Curing materials: a. Curing paper: Comply with ASTM C171, type 1, regular. b. Liquid curing compounds: (1) Provide a standard brand, clear or black as required for particular application, and complying with ASTM C309. (2) When black compound is used, provide compatibility with adhesive used for laying floor covering in such areas. Floor hardener: a. Provide mineral or metallic hardener, natural gray in color. b. Acceptable products: (1) "Lithochrome" by L. M. Scofield Company; (2) "Hydroment" by the Upco Company; (3) "Colorcron" or "Masterplate" by Master Builders; (4) "Harcol" or "Ferrolith H" by Sonneborn; 10/18/11 03300-2 (5) "Colorundum" or "Duraflex" by A. C. Horn Products. 13. Vapor barrier membrane: a. Provide a 10 mil vapor barrier with a permeance rating of 0.01 US perms or less and complying with ASTM E1745. b. If vapor barrier is shown on Drawings, but thickness is not indicated, provide 10 mil thickness. 14. Provide mix design prepared by approved testing agency, based on strengths of approved materials, and meeting requirements stated on Drawings. Secure Architect's approval of each mix design, including new mix designs required to be prepared should a change occur in materials being used. 15. Lightweight concrete: a. Design mix in accordance with provisions of ACI 613A, and pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. b. Unless otherwise directed, use type II portland cement and achieve a weight of not more than 110 pcf and an ultimate compressive strength of 3000 lbs at 28 days. 3. C. Execution: 1. Concrete for minor work, when approved by Architect, may be mixed at site in a power mixer when mixer has a capacity not less than one full sack batch. 2. Unless otherwise approved by Architect, use ready mixed concrete complying with ASTM C94, except as may be modified by following. a. For materials for ready mixed concrete, and for methods of measuring materials, comply with applicable provisions of this Section. b. Equip loading plant to handle not less than four sizes of aggregate in such a manner as to prevent intermixing of aggregates until loaded into weighing hopper. c. Equip truck mixers with a mixing water tank fitted with a water gage. d. Mixing: (1) Mix each batch of concrete not less than 15 minutes, five minutes of which shall be at site. (2) Rotate drum at rate specified by manufacturer of mixer as "mixing speed." (3) Whenever there is a delay in unloading, rotate drum slowly at intervals to prevent incipient set of concrete. e. Addition of water: (1) Normally, do not deliver concrete with total permissible amount of water incorporated therein. (2) Unless otherwise approved by Architect, withhold at least 2-1/2 gal per cu yd and add before concrete is discharged but 4. 5. 6. only under observation of designated inspector. (3) After water is added, at least five minutes of mixing time shall be immediately prior to discharge. (4) Concrete will be rejected if not placed in final position within 1-1/2 hours after water is first added to batch. f. Concrete at time of placing shall be in such condition that it can be placed properly. g. Discharge all wash water from mixing drum before truck reloads at batching plant. Concrete consistency: a. Use amount of water established by approved mix design. (1) Do not exceed maximum quantity specified for grade of concrete. (2) Use minimum amount of water necessary to produce concrete of workability required. (3) Do not supplement predetermined amount of water with additional water for any reason. b. Measure concrete consistency by ASTM C143 method. (1) As part of routine testing and inspecting, test twice each day or partial day's run of mixer. (2) Maintain a complete and accurate record of tests. c. Provide maximum slumps of concrete as: (1) Footings, and slabs on soil: 3"; (2) Other concrete: 4". Cement grout and dry-pack grout: a. Mix at site, in composition of one volume of portland cement to 2-1/2 volumes of fine aggregate. b. Mix materials dry; then add sufficient water to make mixture flow under its own weight. c. When grout is used as a dry-pack concrete, add sufficient water to make a stiff mixture that can be molded into a sphere. Miscellaneous provisions: a. Provide strengths of concrete as shown on Drawings. b. Provide concrete dense and free from honeycomb and other defects. c. Place and finish members to conform to shapes and dimensions indicated, with all surfaces true to line, plumb, and level. Reglets and rebates: a. Form reglets and rebates as required to receive frames, flashing, and other equipment. b. Verify dimensions and positions of required reglets and rebates with trades whose work 10/18/11 03300-3 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. is related to or contingent upon such dimensions and positions. c. If concrete slabs on earth join a wall or other perpendicular concrete surface, form a reglet in wall to receive and carry horizontal concrete work. (1) Provide reglet full thickness of slab and 3/4" deep, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. (2) Exterior walks need not be provided for in this way except where so detailed on Drawings. Embedded piping and rough hardware: a. Coordinate the various trades who are required to fasten work to structure, or are required to insert therein any sleeve, box, bolt, anchor, insert, or other rough hardware. b. Provide every facility for setting all required items accurately in forms. c. Be responsible for changes in position of such items after they have been set. d. Provide in forms for all sleeves, boxes, bolts, anchors, inserts, strap anchors for frames, and other rough hardware required for Work, and which are shown or required to be embedded in concrete. e. Conduits and sleeves: (1) Locate so as not to reduce the strength of construction. Do not place pipes, except conduits, in a slab of less than 31/2" thickness. (2) Do not place conduit between bottom of reinforcing steel and bottom of supported slab. (3) In placing conduits at slabs on earth, place below reinforcement, and encase in concrete by increasing thickness of slab locally to at least 3" of concrete around conduit on all sides. Where openings in floors and walls are required by various trades, but are not detailed on Drawings, reinforce as directed by Architect. Before placing concrete, thoroughly clean forms, wash out with water, and make tight. Time of placing: a. Do not place concrete until reinforcement, conduits, outlet boxes, anchors, sleeves, hangers, bolts, and other embedded materials are securely and properly fastened in correct positions. b. Pour patios and sidewalks after interior and exterior stucco and painting have been completed. Preparation: a. Before new concrete is deposited upon or against concrete that has taken its initial set or has hardened, remove all incrustations from forms and reinforcement. b. Remove all laitance, oil, and loose particles from concrete and concrete surfaces, and thoroughly clean forms with water under stiff pressure. c. Remove laitance after concrete has hardened partially (not less than two hours nor more than four hours after placing) by brushing with stiff bristles, or by directing a stream of water from a 1/4" nozzle to expose clean top surface of coarse aggregate. 12. Method of placing: a. Place concrete only under degree of inspection required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. b. Do not place concrete outside of regular working hours unless required inspection authorities have been notified properly and are present. c. Spouts, pipes, troughs, belts, chain buckets, and other equipment may be used in conveying concrete. d. Do not permit concrete to free drop more than 6'-0". e. Deposit concrete direct into conveyances, and direct from conveyances to final points of repose, except where troughs, buckets, or the like are used, in which case dump concrete into hoppers and then into conveyances. f. Where tremies are used, or where free drop is 5'-0" or more, and through reinforcement, use a dumping box or board, moving concrete therefrom by shovels or hoes. g. Deposit concrete so surface is kept level throughout, a minimum being permitted to flow from one position to another, and place as rapidly as practicable after mixing. h. Do not use in this Work any concrete not placed within 30 minutes after leaving mixer. 13. Tamping and conveying: a. Thoroughly work concrete around reinforcement and embedded fixtures, and into corners of forms, during placing operations. b. Completely compact with tamping poles and by tapping forms until concrete is thoroughly compact and without voids. Determine number of tampers needed by amount and method of placing concrete. c. Exercise care to tamp concrete vigorously and thoroughly to obtain maximum density. d. Use manual tampers as well as mechanical vibrators. (1) Exercise care to direct quick handling of vibrators from one position to another. (2) Do not over-vibrate concrete. (3) Do not move concrete by use of vibrator. 10/18/11 03300-4 14. Stoppages: a. Stop concrete placing only when and where approved by Architect. b. Maintain flow surface of freshly placed concrete as level whenever a pour is stopped, providing tight dams to accomplish this. c. Make construction joints where appropriate. Max. area between joints =400 sq.ft. d. Provide keys and dowels at construction joints where indicated on Drawings, and where placement is interrupted. 15. Preparation for slabs on earth: a. Prepare subgrade as specified in other Sections. b. Dampen subgrade for exterior slabs and paving prior to placing concrete, but do not dampen subgrade at interior floor slabs. c. Provide specified vapor barrier membrane, with bedding and covering shown on Drawings, beneath floor slabs on grade. (1) Place the membrane in as large sheets as practicable, lapping 12", with top lap placed in direction concrete will be spread. (2) Carefully cut, fit, and seal membrane to all pipes and conduits projecting through membrane, using small sheets, where necessary, and pressure-sensitive tape. (3) Make necessary repairs to membrane, and secure approval before placing concrete. (4) Do not permit membrane to be punctured except at screed stakes and utility risers. 16. Placing and finishing: a. Tamp freshly placed concrete, except slabs to receive separate topping finish or mortar setting bed, using a heavy tamper, until at least 3/8" of mortar is brought to surface. b. Use tampers having a face consisting essentially of a grid of parallel metal bars. c. Tamp with a light tamper, and screed with a heavy straightedge, until depressions and irregularities are worked out and surface is true to finish grades and elev.s. d. Remove excess water and debris worked to surface in compacting and screeding. e. At slabs to receive separate topping finish or mortar setting beds, do not continue tamping to raise mortar described above. f. Remove laitance. g. When concrete has hardened sufficiently, float to a compact and smooth surface. h. Provide finish surfaces shown on Drawings or otherwise directed by Architect. 17. Except as otherwise directed by Architect or called for in Contract Documents, cure and protect concrete in accordance with pertinent provisions of ACI 302. 18. At concrete surfaces to receive plaster, paint, or other finish, and which have been formed by oilcoated forms, scrub with a solution of 1-1/2 lbs caustic soda to one gal of water. 19. On surfaces where smooth wood or waste molds have been used, scrub with a solution of 20% muriatic acid or hydrochloric acid. 20. After surfaces have been scrubbed, wash with clean water as soon as possible. 21. Defective concrete: a. Following concrete will be deemed to be defective, and shall be removed promptly from job site. (1) Concrete which is not formed as indicated, is not true to intended alignment, is not plumb or level where so intended, is not true to intended grades and levels; (2) Has voids or honeycomb that have been cut, resurfaced, or filled, except with approval of Architect; (3) Has sawdust, shavings, wood, or embedded debris; (4) Or does not conform fully to provisions of Contract Documents. b. Repairs and replacements: (1) Defective concrete may be cut out and repaired with gunite, or other approved methods, when and as directed by Architect. (2) Where defective concrete is found after removal of forms, cut out defective concrete, if necessary, and make surfaces match adjacent surfaces. (3) Work uneven surfaces and angles of concrete to a surface matching adjacent concrete surfaces. 22. After steel columns have been installed and leveled, dry-pack space between bottom of plate and concrete, using cement grout driven in to completely fill space and forming a solid bearing for column base plate. 23. Walls and curbs: a. Construct header walls and curbs as shown on Drawings. b. Trowel exposed conc. surfaces smooth. 24. Leave openings in floor slabs and future foundations for machines and equipment, where so indicated on Drawings, and in dimensions and arrangements required for approved machines and equipment. 10/18/11 03375-1 03375 CONCRETE SEALING A. General: 1. Use applicator currently approved in writing by manufacturer of specified product. 2. Upon completion of work of this Section, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver to Architect two copies of manufacturer's standard written warranty, signed by an officer of manufacturer's firm and cosigned by an officer of applicator's firm, under which: a. Surfaces to which product was applied are warranted to remain waterproof, dustproof, hardened, and abrasion resistant; and b. Manufacturer agrees to provide materials required to maintain such surfaces in warranted condition for a period of twenty years commencing on date on which product was applied; and c. Applicator agrees to provide labor and equipment required to maintain such surfaces in warranted condition for a period of ten years commencing on date on which material was applied; and d. Warranted materials, labor, and equipment will be provided at no additional cost to Owner. B. Products: 1. Provide "Ashford Formula" manufactured by Curecrete Chemical Company, P. O. Box 735, Orem, Utah 84057 (801) 489-5663 - (Calif. Rep.: Bruce Silvers, (714) 855-3366). C. Execution: 1. Preparation: a. On freshly finished concrete surfaces, no additional surface preparation is required. b. On areas where forms are recently removed, remove all form oil and breaking compound residue to assure penetration of product into surface. c. On existing concrete, vertical surfaces, and masonry surfaces: (1) Sweep all areas to be treated, using fine bristle broom, or hose off with water and let dry to remove surface dust and dirt. (2) Free surface from contaminants which would inhibit penetration of product into pores of material to be treated. (3) Remove curing, sealing, and coating agents by use of chemical or mechanical means as necessary. (4) If acid is used to remove surface coatings, flush surface with water sufficiently to remove acid and acid residue. d. When applying near windows, mask glass. e. Avoid contact with plant life, glass, aluminum, and other finished surfaces. Where contact occurs, immediately wipe with damp cloth or flush with water. f. Avoid contact with asphaltic concrete. 2. Application: a. On freshly finished surfaces, spray product with a low pressure sprayer immediately following finishing operation. (1) To assure proper curing, apply product to entire surface as soon as surface is firm enough to walk on, and before checking and temperature cracking begins. (2) Keep entire surface wet for 30 minutes by brooming excess product onto dry spots, or by respraying dry spots immediately. (3) As product begins to dry into surface and becomes slippery underfoot, lightly sprinkle surface with water to aid penetration and to bring alkali to surface. (4) As product again begins to dry into surface and become slippery underfoot, flush surface with water and squeegee surface totally dry, removing all excess product and alkali or other impurities brought to surface. b. On broom-finished surfaces, no flushing is required, but squeegee or broom excess product from surface after 30 to 40 minutes. c. On cured concrete surfaces, saturate surface with specified product. (1) If dry spots appear, broom excess material onto dry spots or respray them immediately. (2) Keep entire surface wet with product for 30 minutes. (3) If, after 30 to 40 minutes, majority of product has not been absorbed into surface, broom or squeegee excess product from low spots and puddles so it will be absorbed into surface, or remove such excess product from surface. (4) If, after 30 to 40 minutes, majority of product is still on surface, wait until surface becomes slippery underfoot and then flush entire surface with clear water and squeegee completely dry. If no water is available, squeegee excess product from surface after 30 minutes so that surface is completely dry. - 03400 -1 03400 PRECAST CONCRETE A. General: 1. Submit Shop Drawings showing complete information for fabrication and erection of work of this Section including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Member dimensions and cross sections; locations, size, and type of reinforcement, including special reinforcement and lifting devices necessary for handling and erection; b. Erection procedures, sequence of erection, and required handling equipment; c. Layout, dimensions, and identification of each precast unit corresponding to sequence and procedure of installation; d. Welded connections, indicated by AWS standard symbols; e. Details of inserts, connections, and joints, including accessories and construction at openings in precast units; f. Location and details of anchorage devices that are to be embedded in other construction. 2. Samples: a. Accompanying above submittal, submit precast Samples approximately 12" x 12" x 4", showing quality, texture, and color of proposed finish. b. When so requested by Architect, submit Samples of cast-in gaskets, anchorages, and other attachments and accessories. c. Prior to start of installation, and after Architect's review of finish Samples, submit one full size Sample of each required precast unit, delivered to job site. Acceptable full size Samples may be incorporated into construction. d. Architect's review of Samples will be for color, texture, and general condition only. Compliance with all other requirements is exclusive responsibility of Contractor. 3. Demonstrate manufacturer's capability to make and provide specified quality products by attestation of Prestressed Concrete Institute under Plant Certification Program. 4. Deliver work of this Section to job site in such quantities and at such times as to assure continuity of construction. 5. Store units at job site in a manner to prevent cracking, distortion, warping, staining, and other physical damage, and in a manner to keep markings visible. 6. Lift and support units only at designated lifting points or supporting points as shown on approved Shop Drawings. B. Products: 1. Pertinent design as shown on Drawings is considered satisfactory for cast-in-place concrete, but does not provide for stresses incurred in factory precasting, transporting, and erecting. 2. Modification: a. Provide complete design, calculations, and drawings, as called for above. b. Maintain general design concept as shown, without decreasing or increasing sizes of members and without altering profiles and alignment, except as approved by Architect. c. Make necessary provisions in design to accommodate stresses to be encountered. 3. Standards: a. Design in accordance with pertinent recommendations contained in ACI 301, ACI 304, ACI 347, CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice," and PCI 116. b. Comply with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. c. In event of conflict between or among standards, more stringent provision shall govern unless directed otherwise by Architect. 4. Provide reinforcement, accessories, and connection materials required in accordance with final design as approved by Architect. 5. Standards: a. Meet or exceed quality specified for similar materials under other Sections of these Specifications. b. For materials not specified under other Sections of these Specifications, but required for a complete and proper installation, provide new materials, first quality of their respective kinds, as selected by Contractor subject to approval of Architect. 6. Concrete design mixes: a. Prepare design mixes for each type of concrete required, and secure Architect's approval of proposed design mix. b. Pay costs for securing design mix. c. Have mixes prepared either by testing agency selected by Owner or by qualified precast concrete manufacturing personnel approved by Architect. d. Proportion mixes either by laboratory trial batch or field experience methods, using materials to be employed on Work for 10/18/11 01421-2 10/18/11 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. each type of concrete required, and complying with ACI 211.1. e. Unless otherwise indicated on Drawings or approved by Architect, design mix and proportion concrete to attain a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi when cured and tested at 28 days in accordance with ASTM C39. Fabricate work of this Section to shapes and sizes indicated, and of texture matching approved Samples. Provide finished units which are straight, true to size and shape, and within specified casting tolerances. Make exposed edges sharp, straight, and square. Make flat surfaces into a true plane. Warped, cracked, broken, spalled, stained, and otherwise defective units will not be acceptable. Place and secure in forms all anchors, clips, stud bolts, inserts, lifting devices, shear ties, and other devices required for handling and installing precast units and for attachment of subsequent items as indicated or specified. Form cure work of this Section for a minimum of 20 hours. a. Keep wet continuously for not less than six days after being removed from forms. b. Following curing period, allow units to air dry for at least four days before being erected. Maintain casting, bowing, warping, and dimension tolerance within following maximums: a. Overall dimension for height and width of units: Plus zero of unit dimension to minus 3/32" for 10'-0" and over. b. Make thickness of units plus or minus 1/8" maximum. c. Bowing or warping: Do not exceed 1/360 of span. d. Insert locations: Place within plus or minus 1/4" in each direction. e. Opening dimensions to figured dimensions: Accurate within a tolerance of plus 1/8" to minus zero. C. Execution: 1. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with original design, approved Shop Drawings, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and manufacturer's recommended installation procedures as approved by Architect, 3. 4. 5. 6. anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. Provide flexible bearing pads where indicated on approved Shop Drawings. Set pads on level and uniform bearing surfaces. Maintain in correct position until all pre-cast units are in place. Welding: Comply with AWS D1.0 and D12.1, including prequalification of welders. Do not use powder actuated fasteners for surface attachment of accessory items except as specifically approved by Architect and specifically accepted by precast unit manufacturer. After precast units have been placed and secured, grout open spaces at connections and joints. a. Use only grout system or systems recommended by manufacturer of precast units and approved by Architect. b. Provide forms or other acceptable method to retain grout in place until it is sufficiently hard to support itself. c. Pack spaces with stiff grout material, tamping voids completely full. Place grout in a manner to finish smooth, plumb, and level with adjacent concrete surfaces. d. Keep grouted surfaces damp for not less than 24 hours after grout has taken its initial set. Promptly remove grout material from exposed surfaces before it hardens. 04220-1 04220 CONCRETE UNIT MASONRY A. General: 1. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in necessary crafts and completely familiar with specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of work of this Section. 2. Store masonry units above ground on level platforms that allow air circulation under stacked units. 3. Cover and protect against wetting prior to use. 4. Contractor to verify conditions and dimensions and report discrepancies to the engineer. 5. All work shall comply with the International Building Code and all other local codes and ordinances that apply. 6. All concrete shall develop a minimum compressive strength of 2500 P.S.I. at 24 days. Call for Building Department inspection prior to pouring any concrete or grout. Provide such field engineering services as are required for proper completion of the Work including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Structural design of shores, forms, and similar items provided by the Contractor as part of his means and methods of construction, such as the temporary shoring of masonry walls until lateral supporting elements (floors, roofs, etc.) are in place. B. Products 1. Provide hollow load-bearing concrete masonry units complying with ASTM C90, grade N, type I in color as specified on the drawings. a. Provide units of dimensions shown on Drawings. b. Where dimensions are not shown on Drawings, provide units having nominal face dimensions of 16" long by 8" high by depth shown or otherwise required. c. Provide lightweight, medium weight, or normal weight concrete masonry units as required per plan with minimum compressive strength as required per ASTM standards. 2. Provide accessory shapes as indicated or otherwise required. 3. Comply with following as minimums for reinforcement. a. Bars: ASTM A615, (#4 bars and smaller, use Grade 40 deformed; #5 bars and larger use Grade 60 deformed). b. Bending: ACI 318. c. Wire reinforcement: ASTM A82. d. Fabricate reinforcement in accordance with recommendations contained in CRSI "Manual of Standard Practice." 4. Mortar ingredients: a. Portland cement: Comply with ASTM C150, type I. b. Lime: (1) Provide hydrated lime complying with ASTM C207 or quicklime complying with ASTM C5. (2) When quicklime is used, slake and then screen through a 16 mesh sieve. After slaking and screening, but before using, store and protect for not less than ten days. c. Provide clean, sharp, well graded aggregate free from injurious amounts of dust, lumps, shale, alkali, surface coatings, and organic matter, and complying with ASTM C144. d. Do not use admixtures unless specifically approved in advance by Architect. e. Provide water free from deleterious amounts of acids, alkalis, and organic materials. 5. Mortar mixing: a. Provide mortar type "S" in accordance with ASTM C270 with minimum compressive strength of 1800 psi at 28 days, and in proportions of one part portland cement to 1/2 part lime putty and 4 parts sand by volume. b. Mechanically mix in a batch mixer for not less than three minutes, using only sufficient water to produce a mortar that is spreadable and of a workable consistency. c. Re-temper mortar with water as required to maintain high plasticity. (1) On mortar boards, re-temper only by adding water within a basin formed with mortar, and by working mortar into water. (2) Discard and do not use mortar which is unused after 1-1/2 hours following initial mixing. 6. Grout ingredients: a. Provide grout in accordance with ASTM C476 with minimum compressive strength of 2000 psi at 28 days, and in proportions of one part portland cement to 2 parts pea gravel and 3 parts sand by volume. b. Portland cement: Comply with ASTM C150, type V. c. Provide clean, sharp, well graded aggregate conforming to ASTM C33, free from injurious amounts of dust, lumps, shale, alkali, surface coatings, and organic matter. d. Do not use admixtures unless specifically approved in advance by Architect. 10/18/11 04220-2 e. Provide water free from injurious amounts of acids, alkalis, and organic materials. 7. Grout mixing: a. Provide one part portland cement to three parts maximum of damp loose sand to two parts coarse aggregate, with sufficient water to achieve fluid consistency. b. "Fluid consistency" is interpreted as meaning as fluid as possible for pouring intimately in place without segregation. 6. C. Execution: 7. 1. Do not place masonry units when air temperature is below 40 degrees F. 2. Protect masonry construction from direct exposure to wind and sun when erected in ambient air temperature of 99 degrees F in shade, with relative humidity less than 50%. 3. General a. Do not commence installation of work of this Section until horizontal and vertical alignment of foundation is within 1" of plumb and lines shown on Drawings. b. Lay only dry masonry units. c. Use masonry saws to cut and fit masonry units. d. Set units plumb, true to line, and with level courses accurately spaced. e. Clean top surface of foundation free from dirt, debris, and laitance, and expose aggregate prior to start of installing first course. f. Accurately fit units to plumbing, ducts, openings, and other interfaces, neatly patching all holes. g. Keep walls continually clean, preventing grout and mortar stains. If grout does run over, clean immediately. h. If work is stopped for one hour or longer, provide horizontal construction joints by stopping grout 1 1/2” below the top of the block. 4. Unless otherwise shown on Drawings, provide running bond with vertical joints located at center of masonry units in alternate course below. 5. Do not use chipped or broken units. If such units are discovered in finished wall, Architect may require their immediate removal and replace- 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ment with new units at no additional cost to Owner. Laying up: a. Place units in mortar with full shoved bed and head joints. b. Align vertical cells of hollow units to maintain clear and unobstructed system of flues. c. Hold racking to an absolute minimum. d. Provide cleanouts at bottom of each cell of hollow units for removing mortar droppings. Do not close cleanouts until they have been inspected and approved by Owner. Reinforcement: a. Provide reinforcement as shown on Drawings, fully embedded in grout and not in mortar or mortar joints. b. Provide required metal accessories to ensure adequate alignment of steel during grout filling operations. c. Minimum lap for all steel is 40 bar diameters, or 24 inches, whichever is greater. d. Vertical cells containing reinforcement shall be filled solidly with grout in lifts not exceeding 48 inches. Tooling: a. Tool joints to a dense, smooth surface. b. Unless otherwise shown on Drawings, provide joints of "concave" pattern throughout. Perform grouting in strict accordance with provisions of governing building code. a. Solidly fill vertical cells containing reinforcement, or as otherwise directed on the Drawings. b. Consolidate grout at time of pour by puddling with a mechanical vibrator, filling all cells of masonry, and then reconsolidating later by puddling before plasticity is lost. Inspection and adjustment: a. Upon completion of work of this Section, make a thorough inspection of installed masonry and verify that units have been installed in accordance with provisions of this Section. b. Make necessary adjustments. Clean surfaces of masonry as required for proper application of specified finishes. Provide vertical construction joints at 20’ o.c. and expansion joints at 100’ o.c. 10/18/11 04430-1 04430 SIMULATED STONE VENEER A. General: 1. Prior to other work of this Section, prepare a sample panel of work of this Section at a location on site where approved by Architect. 2. Provide one mock-up panel for each combination of stone and mortar used in Work. 3. Make each mock-up panel approximately 3'0" x 4' -0". 4. Show method of bedding, grouting, cleaning, and other aspects of work of this Section to quality specified. 5. Make necessary adjustments in mock-up panels and secure Architect's approval. 6. Mock-up panels, when approved by Architect, will be used as datum points for comparison with remainder of installation of work of this Section for purpose of acceptance or rejection. 7. Upon approval of Architect, mock-ups may be actual portions of finished work of Section. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Products: 1. Provide "Cultured Stone Veneer, Flat" and "Cultured Stone Veneer, Corners," in "Apache Bronze" color, manufactured by Stucco Stone Products, Inc., P. O. Box 237, Napa, California 94558 (707) 255-1727. 2. Other materials: a. Portland cement: Comply with ASTM C150, type II, low alkali. b. Sand: Comply with ASTM C144, with not less than 5% passing the No. 100 sieve. c. Water: Clean, potable, and free from organic materials. d. Hydrated lime: Comply with ASTM C207, type S, unless otherwise specifically approved by Architect. e. Metal lath: Provide 3.4 lb self-furring metal lath secured with galvanized furring nails. f. Building paper: Provide 15 lb waterproof felt under all metal lath, except building paper may be omitted from substrates of exterior portland cement plaster. 7. C. Execution: 1. On unsealed and unpainted masonry and concrete substrata, mortar may be applied directly without a setting bed. 2. On wood, gypsumboard, and similar substrata, provide a setting bed consisting of specified building paper, metal lath, and a mixture of one part portland cement to three 8. parts sand with 1/4 to 1/2 part lime, all solidly anchored to structure as required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. Mortar: a. Provide a mortar as specified for setting bed above. b. Mix with sufficient water to achieve a mortar which, when first stone is applied, will squeeze firmly out around all edges of stone. Spread mortar on back of stone, or on an area of wall approximately two sq ft in size, or on both. a. If mortar is applied to back of stone, build a cone with peak in approximate center. b. Make sure that at least 1/2" of mortar exists between stone and wall or setting bed. Push stone firmly into place on wall, and wiggle stone slightly to set bond. Push firmly enough that mortar is squeezed out around edges of stone. General procedures: a. Select stones by placing in their approximate arrangement on floor or grade below wall surface to which they will be applied, generally in areas of at least eight sq ft. b. When applying corners, apply corners first. (1) Select corner pieces of varying dimension. (2) Alternate arrangement of "short side" and "long side" of corner pieces. c. When applying stone pieces with job-cut edges, place cut edge down where below eye level and up where above eye level. d. Achieve uniform width of joints by chipping and cutting stones to fit. (1) In general, try to secure joints approximately 3/4" in width. (2) Joints wider than 1-1/2" or narrower than 1/2" will not be acceptable. e. Achieve a uniform pattern of placement, approximately balancing number of small stones and large stones throughout exposed area, and approximately balancing dispersement of colors. Tool joints between stones to a dense, smooth surface which is completely weathertight and in a uniform plane. Upon completion of this portion of Work, thoroughly hose down and clean all finished surfaces, removing mortar, dirt, and other foreign matter from surfaces upon which they were not scheduled to be applied. 10/18/11 05120-1 05120 STRUCTURAL STEEL PART 1 - GENERAL 1. Except as may be modified on Drawings, comply with AISC "Specifications for Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings” and with Chapter 22 of the IBC. 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide structural steel as shown on the Drawings, specified herein, and needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. 2. Section 05500: Metal fabrications. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01341. B. Product data: Within 45 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Producers' or manufacturers' specifications and installation recommendations for the following products, including laboratory test reports and other data required to prove compliance with the specified requirements. a. Structural steel, including certified copies of mill test reports covering chemical and physical properties; b. High strength bolts, including nuts and washers; c. Unfinished bolts and nuts; d. Structural steel primer paint. 2. Shop Drawings including complete details and schedules for fabrication and shop assembly of members. a. Include details of cuts, connections, camber, holes, and other pertinent data; b. Indicate welds by AWS symbols, and show size, type, and length of weld; c. Provide setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchor bolts and other required anchors; d. Identify details by reference to sheet and detail number of the Drawings. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. B. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS "Standard Qualification Procedures." 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01620. B. Delivery and storage: 1. Deliver materials to the job site properly marked to identify the location for which they are intended. 2. Use markings corresponding to markings shown on the approved Shop Drawings. 3. Store in a manner to maintain identification and to prevent damage. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. Rolled steel plates and bars: Comply with ASTM A36. B. Steel pipe: Comply with ASTM A53, type E or S, grade B and, where applicable, API-5L, grade B. C. Steel tube: Comply with ASTM A501. D. Anchor bolts: Comply with ASTM A307, nonheaded type with heavy hexagonal nuts unless otherwise indicated. E. Unfinished threaded fasteners: 1. Comply with ASTM A307, grade A, regular low carbon steel bolts and nuts. 2. Provide either hexagonal or square heads and nuts; except use only hexagonal units for exposed connections. F. High strength threaded fasteners: Provide heavy hexagonal structural bolts, heavy hexagonal nuts, and hardened washers, all 10/18/11 01421-2 from quenched and tempered medium carbon steel complying with ASTM A325. G. Primer: Use "10-99 Tnemec Primer," "Rustoleum No. 5769 Primer," or equal approved in advance by the Architect. H. Electrodes for welding: Comply with AWS Code, using AWS A5.l or A5.5 E70XX electrodes. 2.2 FABRICATION A. Shop fabrication and assembly: 1. Fabricate items of structural steel in accordance with AISC specifications, and as indicated on the approved Shop Drawings. 2. Properly mark and match-mark materials for field assembly and for identification as to location for which intended. 3. Fabricate for delivery sequence that will expedite erection and minimize field handling of materials. 4. Where finishing is required, complete the assembly, including welding of units, before start of finishing operations. 5. Provide finish surfaces of members exposed in the final structure free from markings, burrs, and other defects. B. Connections: 1. Provide bolts and washers of types and sizes required for completion of field erection. 2. High strength bolted construction: a. Install high strength threaded fasteners in accordance with AISC "Specifications for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts." b. Use A325N bolts unless noted otherwise. 3. Welded construction: Comply with AWS Code for procedures, appearance, and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welded work. 4. Assemble and weld built-up sections by methods which will produce true alignment of axes without warp. C. Holes for other work: 1. Provide holes required for securing other work to structural steel framing, and for passage of other work through steel framing members, as shown on the approved Shop Drawings. 2. Provide threaded nuts welded to framing, and other specialty items as shown, to receive other work. 3. Cut, drill, or punch holes perpendicular to metal surfaces. 4. Do not flame cut holes or enlarge holes by burning. 5. Drill holes in bearing plates. 2.3 SHOP PAINTING A. General: 1. Shop paint structural steel work, except those members or portions of members to be embedded in concrete or mortar. 2. Paint embedded steel that is partially exposed on the exposed portions, and the initial 50 mm (2") of embedded areas only. 3. Do not paint surfaces that are to be welded or high-strength bolted with friction type connections. 4. Apply two coats of paint to surfaces that are inaccessible after assembly or erection. Change color of the second coat to distinguish it from the first. B. Surface preparation: 1. After inspection and before shipping, clean steelwork to be painted. 2. Remove loose rust, loose mill scale, and spatter, slag, and flux deposits. 3. Clean steel in accordance with Steel Structures Painting Council SP-3, "Power Tool Cleaning." C. Painting: 1. Immediately after surface preparation, apply structural steel primer paint in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and at a rate to provide a uniform dry film thickness. 2. Use painting methods that will result in full coverage of joints, corners, edges, and exposed surfaces. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 ERECTION A. Comply with AISC specifications and "Code of Standard Practice," except as may be modified herein. B. Anchor bolts: 01421-3 1. Provide anchor bolts and other connectors required for securing structural steel to foundations and other in-place work. 2. Provide templates and other devices necessary for presetting bolts and anchors to accurate locations. 2. Clean the bottom surface of base and bearing plates. 3. Set loose and attached base plates and bearing plates for structural members in wedges or other adjusting devices. 4. Tighten anchor bolts after the supported members have been positioned and plumbed. 5. Do not remove wedges or shims but, if protruding, cut off flush with the edge of the base or bearing plate prior to packing with grout. 6. Pack grout solidly between bearing surfaces and bases or plates to assure that no voids remain. 7. Finish exposed surfaces, protect installed materials, and allow to cure in strict compliance with the manufacturers' recommendations. C. Bases and bearing plates: Shop weld to columns and members attached to concrete. D. Splicing: 1. Splice members only where indicated unless, with the Architect's approval, splices not indicated would result in lower costs due to reduced shipping expense. 2. For splices not indicated, submit structural calculations prepared and signed by a structural engineer licensed to practice where the fabricator is located. E. Gas cutting: 1. Do not use gas cutting torches for correcting fabricating errors in the structural framing. 2. Cutting will be permitted only in secondary members as acceptable to the Architect. 3. When gas cutting is permitted, finish the gas cut section to a sheared appearance acceptable to the Owner. F. Surveys: 1. Establish permanent benchmarks necessary for accurate erection of structural steel. 2. Check elevations of concrete surfaces, and locations of anchor bolts and similar items, before erection proceeds. G. Temporary shoring and bracing: 1. Provide temporary shoring and bracing members with connections of sufficient strength to bear imposed loads. 2. Provide temporary guy lines to achieve proper alignments of the structure as erection proceeds. 3. Remove temporary connections and members when permanent members are in place and the final connections have been made. H. Setting bases and bearing plates: 1. Clean concrete bearing surfaces free from bond-reducing materials, and then roughen to improve bond to the surface. I. Field assembly: 1. Set structural frames accurately to the lines and elevations indicated. 2. Align and adjust members forming part of a complete frame or structure before fastening permanently. 3. Clean the bearing surface, and other surfaces that will be in permanent contact, before assembly. 4. Adjust as required to compensate for discrepancies in elevation and alignment. 5. Level and plumb individual members of the structure within specified AISC tolerances. 6. Establish required leveling and plumbing measurements on the mean operating temperature of the structure, making allowances for the difference between temperature at time of erection and the mean temperature at which the structure will be when completed and in service. 7. Comply with AISC specifications for bearing, adequacy of temporary connections, alignment, and the removal of paint on surfaces adjacent to welds. 3.3 TESTING AND INSPECTING A. Testing: 1. The Owner's selected testing laboratory will pick up specimens and make required tests. 2. Cost of procuring test specimens at locations more than 50 miles from the job site will be paid by the Owner and back-charged to the Contractor. 3. Costs of tests of identified stock will be paid by the Owner; except that if a test fails to comply with the specified 01421-4 requirements, the cost of testing will be paid by the Owner and back-charged to the Contractor. 4. Costs of tests of unidentified stock will be paid by the Owner and back-charged to the Contractor. 2. 3. B. Test specimens: 1. Test specimens shall be furnished by the steel fabricator, and shall be taken under the direction of the Owner's selected testing laboratory. 2. Each specimen shall be machined by the Owner's selected testing laboratory to dimensions required by ASTM A370. 3. Cost of procuring, making, and machining test specimens shall be considered test costs as defined above. C. Identification and tests: 1. If structural steel can be identified by heat or melt numbers, and if accompanied by mill analysis and test reports, not less than one tension and one bend test will be made for each 9000 kg (10 tons) or fractional part thereof. 2. If structural steel cannot be identified, or if its source is questionable, not less than one tension test and one bend test will be made for each 4500 kg (5 tons) or fractional part thereof. 3. If steel pipe can be identified by heat or melt numbers, or manufacturer's name, not less than one tension test and one bend test will be made for each ten tons or fractional part thereof. 4. Additional tests may be required when deemed necessary by the Architect. D. Inspecting: 1. A complete four-sided inspection of steel will be made when required by the Architect. 2. Cost of inspection will be paid by the Owner, subject to the same provisions made above for tests. 3. If, after fabrication and inspection, the work of this Section is found to be defective and to require re-inspection, cost of such re-inspection will be paid by the Owner and back-charged to the Contractor. 4. Provide labor, equipment, and facilities needed to move and handle the materials to be inspected. E. Welding inspection: 1. Unless otherwise specified, perform welding under observation of a qualified 4. 5. F. inspector from a testing laboratory approved by the Architect. Inspect every layer of weld for quality, penetration, and conformity with design requirements. Require the welding inspector to submit a signed report to the Architect, verifying that: a. The welding is adequate and was performed in conformity with the specified requirements; and b. Adequate methods have been used to determine the quality of the welding. The welding inspector may use gamma ray, magnaflux, trepanning, or any other aid to visual inspection considered necessary to assure adequacy of welding, or may use ultrasonic testing performed in accordance with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. Cost of welding inspection will be paid by the Owner. Access: Provide access for the testing agencies and inspectors to places where structural steel work is being fabricated or produced, so that required testing and inspecting may be accomplished. G. Erection inspecting: 1. The Owner's testing and inspecting agency will inspect high strength bolted connections, will visually inspect field welded connections, will perform such additional tests and inspections of field work as are required by the Architect, and will prepare test reports for the Architect's review. 2. The testing agency will conduct and interpret the tests, and will state in each report whether the inspected work complies with the requirements, specifically stating all deviations therefrom. H. Corrections: 1. Correct deficiencies in structural steel work that inspections and test reports indicate to be not in compliance with the specified requirements. 2. Perform additional tests required to reconfirm noncompliance of the original work and to show compliance of corrected work, all at no additional cost to the Owner. 3.4 FIELD PAINTING 01421-5 A. General: 1. Prepare surfaces in a manner appropriate to the condition, and as approved by the Owner. 2. Clean spots and surfaces where primer coats have been removed, damaged, or burned off, and clean field bolts and other field connections not concealed in the finished Work. 3. Remove dirt, oil, and grease. 4. Apply a spot coat of the approved primer. 5. Do not apply paint to wet, damp, oily, or improperly prepared surfaces. B. Notify the Owner when the work of this Section is ready to receive field painting. 1. Secure inspection and approval by the Owner prior to field painting. 2. Using spray or brush, as recommended by the manufacturer of the approved paint material, fill all joints and corners and cover the surfaces with a smooth unbroken film of at least .037 dry mm (1.5 dry mils) thickness. END OF SECTION 05121-1 05121 WELDING REQUIREMENTS A. General: 1. Except as may be modified on Drawings, comply with AISC "Specifications for Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings, and ANSI/AWS D1.1 “Structural Welding Code – Steel." 2. Qualify welding processes and welding operators in accordance with AWS “Structural Welding Code – Steel”. All welding shall be performed in accordance with a written Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) as required in ANSI/AWS D1.1 that is approved by the Engineer. 3. Submit producer’s or manufacturer’s specifications and instructions for the following products: a. Welding electrodes (each type). 4. Submit copies of reports of tests conducted on all shop and field welded connections. Include data on type(s) of tests conducted and test results. 5. Qualification Data: a. Submit qualification data for firms and persons performing the Work of this Section to demonstrate their capabilities and experience. b. Submit Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) in accordance with ANSI/AWS D1.1 for all welded joints. Submit test reports showing successful passage of qualification tests for all non-prequalified WPS’s c. Provide certification that welders to be employed in work have satisfactorily passed AWS qualification tests as specified in Section 1.05-B. B. Products: 1. Materials: a. Electrodes for Welding: Comply with AWS D1.1, “Structural Welding Code – Steel” with a minimum Charpy V-notch toughness of 20 ft-lbs at 0° F. Electrodes for various welding processes shall be as specified below: 1. SMAW: E70XX low hydrogen 2. SAW: F7X-EXXX 3. GMAW: ER70S-X 4. FCAW: E7XT-X b. Electrodes shall be compatible with parent metal joined. 2. Welding: a. Code: All shop and field welding shall conform to all requirements in the “Structural Welding Code – Steel”, ANSI/AWS D1.1, as published by the American Welding Society (AWS). b. Welder Certification: All shop and field welders shall be certified according to AWS procedures for the welding process and welding position used. c. Welding Procedure Specification: All welding shall be performed in accordance with a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) as required in AWS D1.1 and approved by the Owner’s Testing Laboratory and the Architect/Engineer. The WPS variables shall be within the parameters established by the filler-metal manufacturer. C. Execution: 1. Fabricate and erect in strict accordance with approved Shop Drawings, referenced standards, and pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Use fully welded joints for permanently connecting structural components. Comply with requirements for welded connections in the WPS whether welding is performed in the shop or in the field. 3. General Welding: a. Weld corners and seams continuously to comply with the following: 1. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. 2. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. 3. Remove welding flux immediately. 4. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface. b. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight sharp edges. 4. Steel Roof Deck Welding: a. Comply with AWS requirements and procedures for manual shielded metal arc welding, appearance and quality of welds, and methods used in correcting welding work. Weld metal 10/18/11 shall penetrate all layers of deck material at end laps and side joints and shall have good fusion to the supporting member. Welding washers shall be used only when welding steel deck less than 0.028” thickness. The diameter of the puddle weld on the supporting member shall be, at a minimum, the diameter stated in the specification but no less than 1/2 inch. 5. Testing: a. The Testing Laboratory will be selected by the Owner and approved by the local jurisdiction. The laboratory will meet ASTM E329-67T standards. b. Cooperate with other entities performing quality control services. c. Provide samples of materials and design criteria as indicated and when requested. d. Provide other assistance, equipment, tools, and storage facilities as specified. 05500-1 05500 METAL FABRICATIONS A. General: 1. Submit Shop Drawings showing fabrication, installation, anchorage, and interface of work of this Section with work of adjacent trades; B. Products: 1. For items exposed to view, use materials which are free from surface blemishes, pitting, rolled trade names, and roughness. 2. Comply with following standards, as pertinent. a. Steel plates, shapes, and bars: ASTM A36; b. Steel plates to be bent or cold-formed: ASTM A283, grade C; c. Steel tubing (hot-formed, welded, or seamless): ASTM A501; d. Steel bars and bar-size shapes: ASTM A306, grade 65, or ASTM A36; e. Cold-finished steel bars: ASTM A108; f. Cold-rolled carbon steel sheets: ASTM A336; g. Galvanized carbon steel sheets: ASTM A526, with G90 zinc coating in accordance with ASTM A525; h. Stainless steel sheets: AISI type 302 or 304, 24 gage, with number 4 finish; i. Gray iron castings: ASTM A48, class 10; j. Malleable iron castings: ASTM A47; k. Steel pipe: ASTM A53, grade A, schedule 40, black finish unless otherwise noted; l. Concrete inserts: (1) Threaded or wedge type galvanized ferrous castings of malleable iron complying with ASTM A27; (2) Provide required bolts, shims, and washers, hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153. 3. Fasteners: a. Provide fasteners of type, grade, and class required for the particular use. b. For exterior use and where built into exterior walls, provide zinc-coated fasteners. c. Bolts and nuts: Provide hexagon-head regular type complying with ASTM A307, grade A; d. Lag bolts: Provide square-head type complying with Fed Spec FF-B-561; e. Machine screws: Provide cadmium plated steel type complying with Fed Spec FF-S111; f. Washers: (1) Plain washers: Comply with Fed Spec FFW-92, round, carbon steel; (2) Lock washers: Comply with Fed Spec FFW-84, helical spring type carbon steel; g. Toggle bolts: Provide type, class, and style needed but complying with Fed Spec FF-B588; h. Anchorage devices: Provide expansion shield complying with Fed Spec FF-S-325. 4. Shop paint: a. Primer: Use "10-99 Tnemec Primer" or "Rustoleum Number 5769 Primer." b. For repair of galvanizing, use high zinc-dust content paint complying with MIL-P21035. 5. Fabrication: a. Except as otherwise shown on Drawings or approved Shop Drawings, use materials of size, thickness, and type required to produce reasonable strength and durability in work of this Section. b. Fabricate with accurate angles and surfaces true to required lines and levels, grinding exposed welds smooth and flush, forming exposed connections with hairline joints, and using concealed fasteners wherever possible. c. Prior to shop painting or priming, properly clean metal surfaces as required for applied finish and for proposed use of item. d. On surfaces inaccessible after assembly or erection, apply two coats of specified primer. Change color of second coat to distinguish it from first. C. Execution: 1. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Installation: a. Set work accurately into position, plumb, level, true, and free from rack. b. Anchor firmly into position. c. Where field welding is required, comply with AWS recommended procedures of manual-shielded metal-arc welding for appearance and quality of weld and for methods to be used in correcting welding work. d. Grind exposed welds smooth, and touchup shop prime coats. e. Do not cut, weld, or abrade surfaces which have been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and which are intended for bolted or screwed field connections. f. Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded 10/18/11 01421-2 10/18/11 areas of shop priming. Paint exposed areas with same material used for shop priming. 3. Ladders: a. Vertical steel ladders shall be fabricated from 3/8"x 2 3/4" mild steel side rails with 3/4" round steel rungs with square ends headed into rails, and the ends upset. Rungs are to be spaced at not over 12" on center. Ladders shall be anchored at the bottom, top, and intermediate points (not more than 5'-0" apart) with brackets secured with 1/2" dia. bolts. Brackets are to be of the same size as side rails and, unless otherwise indicated hold the ladder 6" away from the wall. Ladders shall be a minimum of 20" wide, and shall conform to OSHA standards. 4. Handrails and Guardrails: a. Handrails and guardrails shall be of standard weight sizes and shapes as indicated. Railings shall be flush type with joints welded and ground smooth. Rails are to be secured to concrete with flange fittings and expansion bolts. Handrails ends shall have the ends turned against the adjacent walls. Vertical supports shall be welded to specified channel stringers. The bottom edges of vertical supports shall be ground smooth and flush with top flange of channel stringers. Include all hangers, bolts, angles, brackets, and other accessories required for complete assembly and installation. Metal pans for stairs are to be 12 gauge. 06010-1 06010 LUMBER A. General: 1. In addition to complying with pertinent codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, unless otherwise specifically directed or permitted by Architect, comply with: a. "Product Use Manual" of Western Wood products Association for selection and use of products included in that manual; b. "Plywood Specification and Grade Guide" of American Plywood Association; c. "Standard Specifications for Grades of California Redwood Lumber" of Redwood Inspection Bureau for Redwood, when used. 2. Protection: a. Deliver materials to job site and store, in a safe area, out of way of traffic, and shored up off ground surface. b. Identify framing lumber as to grades, and store each grade separately from other grades. c. Protect metals with adequate waterproof outer wrapping. d. Use extreme care in off loading of lumber to prevent damage, splitting, and breaking of materials. 3. Grade stamps: a. Identify framing lumber by grade stamp of West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau, or such other grade stamp as is approved in advance by Architect. b. Identify plywood as to species, grade, and glue type by stamp of American Plywood Association. c. Identify other materials of this Section by appropriate stamp of agency approved in advance by Architect. B. Products: 1. Provide materials in quantities needed for Work shown on Drawings, and meeting or exceeding following standards of quality: a. Horizontal framing members: Douglas Fir-Larch, per Section 06100. b. Vertical framing members: Douglas FirLarch, per Section 06100. c. Plywood: (1) Sheathing: Structural II, C-C, exterior; or standard sheathing with exterior glue. (2) Siding: 303 siding grade, exterior, rough-sawn, 3/8" thick, Douglas Fir. (3) Telephone backboard: 3/4" thick, A-D, group 1, interior. d. Closet shelving: (1) Shelves 11-1/2" wide or less: Douglas Fir-Hemlock, B and Better grade; or Ponderosa Pine, B and Better grade. (2) Shelves wider than 11-1/2": 3/4" thick, A-D, group 1, interior plywood with 3/8" x 3/4" Douglas Fir or Pine bands on visible edges. e. Wood base: Ponderosa Pine, "ranch base," 9/16" x 3-1/4". f. Building paper: Kraft paper complying with Fed Spec UU-B-790a. g. Wood preservative: Ammoniacal copper arsenite, or 5% solution of pentachlorophenol. h. Rough hardware: (1) Steel items: (a) Comply with ASTM A7 or ASTM A36. (b) Use galvanized at exterior locations. (2) Machine bolts: Comply with ASTM A307. (3) Lag bolts: Comply with Fed Spec FF-B561. (4) Nails: (a) Use common except as otherwise noted; (b) Comply with Fed Spec FF-N-l; (c) Use galvanized at exterior locations. (5) Joist hangers: Simpson, Teco, or equal as approved by Architect. C. Execution: 1. Stockpile materials sufficiently in advance of need to assure their availability in a timely manner for this Work. 2. Make as many trips to job site as are needed to deliver materials of this Section in a timely manner to ensure orderly progress of Work. 3. Compliance: a. Do not permit materials not complying with provisions of this Section to be brought onto or to be stored at job site. b. Promptly remove non-complying materials from job site and replace with materials meeting requirements of this Section. 10/18/11 06100-1 06100 ROUGH CARPENTRY A. General 1. Work of this section is to include rough carpentry and framing to complete the construction according to the best practices of the trade. Provide all necessary forms, shoring, bracing and other temporary structural work to facilitate the erection of both steel and wood framing members. Provide all cutting and framing for other trades, box around all flush wall and ceiling fixtures, install all required wood cant strips, gussets, saddles, crickets, nailing grounds and all blocking required therefore, etc., in connection with roofs and roofing: and furr down all suspended ceilings for ducts as indicated in the plans and framing sections; provide blocking for wall mounted fixtures. B. Products 1. All lumber shall be douglas fir No. 2 or better unless noted otherwise, and shall be grade marked in accordance with grading rules of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association: Shall be air dried at least 30 days, to a maximum moisture content of 19% and, after delivery to the job site, shall be piled off the ground in a manner to insure drainage, ventilation and protection from the weather, stacked to prevent twisting. See also Section 06010. 2. Wood on concrete or masonry shall be pressure treated douglas fir. 3. Unless otherwise noted all wall framing shall be 2x4 studs at 16" on center, but not to exceed 14' high. 4. Any wall with plumbing fixture on one side to be 2x6 studs. Any wall with plumbing fixture on two sides to be 2x8 stud. 5. All structural plywood and plywood sheathing shall be as indicated on structural drawings. Plywood shall conform to PS-1-74 and shall be identified by a registered stamp or brand of the "Teco" D.F.P.A. or Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, or APA. Moisture content shall not exceed 16%. 6. Builders rough hardware: All new materials, of standard manufacturer. Made in U.S.A. Per Section 06010 C. Execution: 1. Produce joints tight, true, and well nailed, with members assembled in accordance with Drawings and with pertinent codes and regulations. 2. Selection of lumber pieces: a. Carefully select members. b. Select individual pieces so that knots and obvious defects will not interfere with placing bolts or proper nailing, and will allow making of proper connections. c. Cut out and discard defects which render a piece unable to serve its intended function. d. Lumber may be rejected by Architect, whether or not it has been installed, for excessive warp, twist, bow, crook, mildew, fungus, or mold, and for improper cutting and fitting. 3. Do not shim any framing component. 4. General framing: a. In addition to framing operations normal to fabrication and erection indicated on Drawings, install wood blocking and backing required for work of other trades. b. Set horizontal and sloped members with crown up. c. Do not notch, cut, or bore members for pipes, ducts, or conduits, or for other reasons except as shown on Drawings or as specifically approved in advance by Architect. d. Window sills 8'-0" and over shall be doubled. e. Lap all top plates 4'-0" minimum or as noted. f. Install exterior door frames and jambs and aluminum window frames, all to be plumb and square. g. All second story floor sheathing to be glued and nailed to floor joists. h. Run all roof and floor sheathing perpendicular to joists, stagger panel joints. 5. Bearings: a. Make bearings full unless otherwise indicated on Drawings. Headers may have 1 1/2" bearing unless noted otherwise. b. Finish bearing surfaces on which structural members are to rest so as to give sure and even support. c. Where framing members slope, cut or notch ends as required to give uniform bearing surface. 6. Blocking and bridging: a. Install blocking as required to support items of finish and to cut off concealed draft openings, both vertical and horizontal, between ceiling and floor areas. b. Fire blocks are required at the following locations: (1) In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces at the ceiling and floor levels and at 10’ intervals both vertically and horizontally. (2) At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal 10/18/11 06100-2 spaces such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings. (3) In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls under the stairs are unfinished. (4) In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels, with noncombustible materials. b. Bridging: (1) Install wood cross bridging (not less than 2" x 3" nominal), metal cross bridging of equal strength, or solid blocking between joists where span exceeds 8'-0". (2) Provide maximum distance of 8'-0" between line of bridging and bearing. (3) Cross bridging may be omitted for roof and ceiling joists where omission is permitted by code, except where otherwise indicated on Drawings. (4) Install solid blocking between joists at points of support and wherever sheathing is discontinuous. Blocking may be omitted if joists are supported on metal hangers. 7. On framing members to receive a finished surface, align finish subsurface to vary not more than 1/8" from plane of surfaces of adjacent furring and framing members. a. All exterior wood trim is to be finished on all sides and ends prior to installation to prevent wood rot, warping, cupping, etc. 8. Installation of plywood sheathing: a. Place plywood with face grain perpendicular to supports and continuously over at least two supports, except where otherwise shown on Drawings. b. Center joints accurately over supports, unless otherwise shown on Drawings. c. Protect plywood from moisture by use of waterproof coverings until plywood in turn has been covered with next succeeding component or finish. d. Each sheet of plywood shall contain a minimum of 8 sq.ft. Stagger panel end joints and allow 1/8" space at panels edges and ends. e. Provide edge nailing over all shear, bearing and exterior walls, floor beams, struts, and around all openings. f. Shear walls are to run full height to underside of floor or roof sheathing above. 9. Nailing: a. Use only common wire nails or spikes of dimension required by pertinent codes, 10. 11. 11. 12. except where otherwise specifically noted on Drawings. b. For conditions not covered by codes, provide penetration into piece receiving point of not less than 1/2 the length of nail or spike, provided, however, that 16d nails may be used to connect two pieces of 2" (nominal) thickness. c. Nail without splitting wood. d. Prebore as required. e. Remove split members and replace with members complying with specified requirements. Bolting: a. Drill holes 1/16" larger in diameter than bolts being used. b. Drill straight and true from one side only. c. Do not bear bolt heads on wood, but use washers under head and nut where both bear on wood, and use washers under all nuts. Screws: a. For lag screws and wood screws, prebore holes same diameter as root of threads, enlarging holes to shank diameter for length of shank. b. Screw, do not drive, lag screws and wood screws. Soffits: a. Provide soffits as required to conceal sprinkler pipes, plumbing, electrical conduits, ducts for heating system, and steel beams, columns, and any projecting steel plates. Trusses: a. Each truss shall be legibly branded, marked, or otherwise have permanently fixed thereto the following information located within two feet of the center of the span on the face of the bottom chord: (1) Identity of the company manufacturing the truss. (2) The design load. (3) The spacing of the trusses. 10/18/11 06180-1 06180 GLUED-LAMINATED BEAMS A. Products: 5. Cutting, notching, or drilling of glu-lams is to be done only with the approval of the Structural Engineer. 1. Deliver materials of this Section to job site in unbroken wrappings with labels intact and legible. See Section 01620 of these specifications. B. Products: 1. Glu-lam members shall be fabricated by a licensed fabricator per W.C.L.A., A.I.T.C., and U.B.C. requirements. 2. Lumber species to be Douglas Fir 24F-V8 combination unless otherwise specified. Moisture content to be per PS 56-73, finger-type scarf per PS76-73, 1 1/2" laminations. Wet adhesive per PS 56-73. Seal the ends of each beam. 3. Glued-laminated beams are to be inspected during fabrication by an approved testing laboratory. Each beam is to be stamped with an identifying number. Beams are not to be erected until Certification of Inspection from testing lab has been approved by the building department. Fabricator shall provide a certificate of inspection to the General Contractor and the Architect. 4. Glu-lams shall be of Industrial appearance where concealed, Architectural where exposed, unless noted otherwise on the drawings. Do not prime. See drawings for required camber. Design of glu-lams shall conform to NER250. 5. Glu-lams shall be designed for dry conditions of use - temperature of the timber in service is not to exceed 150˚F. 6. Glu-lams to be exposed to the weather shall be pressure-treated with an approved preservative or be manufactured from wood with a natural resistance to decay. 7. Design of exposed glu-lams shall conform to UBC Sec. 2312. Each structural glued laminated beam shall be stamped with the AITC quality control mark. Furnish AITC Certificate of Conformance to the building department. C. Execution: 1. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with Shop Drawings and manufacturer's recommendations as approved by the Architect. 2. Do not impose temporary construction loads which cause stresses beyond design limits. 3. Erect bracing and bridging as required to maintain units straight and plumb. 4. Assure adequate temporary lateral support until finished design lateral support can be installed. - 06195-1 06195 PREFABRICATED WOOD BEAMS AND JOISTS A. General: 1. Deliver materials of this Section to job site in bundles banded together for handling and shipping. B. Products: 1. Design is based on products of iLevel Trus Joist, 101 Pacifica, Suite 300, Irvine, CA. 92618, (949) 743-1662, and nomenclature of that manufacturer is used herein. Equal products of other manufacturers will be acceptable when approved by Architect. 2. Size and detail work of this Section to fit dimensions and loads indicated on Drawings. 3. Design in accordance with allowable values and section properties assigned and approved by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 4. Provide "TJI" units, factory made with structural grade plywood, "Micro=Lam" or machine stress rated lumber flanges, and utilizing waterproof type glues. C. Execution: 1. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with Shop Drawings and manufacturer's recommendations as approved by Architect. 2. Do not impose temporary construction loads which cause stresses beyond design limits. 3. Erect bracing and bridging as required to maintain units straight and plumb. 4. Assure adequate lateral support until sheathing material has been applied. 10/18/11 06200-1 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY f. A. General 1. Work of this Section is to include finish carpentry and millwork, interior and exterior trim, doors, cabinet work, finished openings and flashings. Hang all doors including hardware, trim and mouldings. Hand set at the building all trim, cabinets, etc., and leave ready for painter's work. 2. Comply with the manual of millwork, latest edition, of the Woodwork Institute of California, for the grades specified. B. Products 1. See also Sections 06010 and 06400. 2. All interior finish woodwork shall be made of thoroughly seasoned, straight-grained, kiln-dried woods and shall be brought to the building in perfectly dry conditions, free from imperfections, and shall be adequately protected on the job. All work shall be done by skilled mechanics in the best and most workmanlike manner. All finish hardware shall be mortised and fitted, then removed until the painting has been completed, at which time the hardware shall be reset and adjusted. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Execution: 1. Produce joints that are true, tight, and well nailed, with all members assembled in accordance with Drawings. 2. Jointing and fastening: a. Make joints to conceal shrinkage; miter exterior joints; cope interior joints; miter or scarf end-to-end joints. b. Install trim in pieces as long as possible, jointing only where solid support is obtained. c. Install items straight, true, level, plumb, and firmly anchored in place. d. Where blocking or backing is required, coordinate as necessary with other trades to ensure placement of required backing and blocking in a timely manner. e. Nail trim with finish nails of proper dimension to hold member firmly in place without splitting wood. 8. Nail exterior trim with galvanized nails, making joints to exclude water and setting in waterproof glue or sealant described in Section 07920 of these Specifications. g. On exposed work, set nails for putty. h. Screw, do not drive, wood screws; except that screws may be started by driving and then screwed home. Install items in strict accordance with Drawings, and recommended methods of manufacturer as approved by Architect, anchoring firmly into position at prescribed location, straight, plumb, and level. Sandpaper finished wood surfaces thoroughly as required to produce uniformly smooth surface, always sanding in direction of grain; except do not sand wood which is designed to be left rough. No coarse grained sandpaper mark, hammer mark, or other imperfection will be accepted. Laminated plastic shall meet the standards of the National Association of Electrical Manufacturers, be .050" thick for horizontal surfaces, and 1/32" thick for vertical surfaces. All panels shall have backing sheets to assure stability and moisture resistance. Cleaning up: a. Keep premises in a neat, safe, and orderly condition at all times during execution of this portion of Work, free from accumulation of sawdust, cut-ends, and debris. b. Sweeping: (1) At end of each working day, and more often if necessary, thoroughly sweep surfaces where refuse from this portion of Work has settled. (2) Remove refuse to area of job site set aside for its storage. (3) Upon completion of this portion of Work, thoroughly broom clean all surfaces. Exterior trim a. All exterior wood trim is to be finished on all sides and ends prior to installation to prevent wood rot, warping, cupping, etc. 10/18/11 06400-1 06400 ARCH. WOODWORK-"Laminated Plastic Cabinets" A. General: 1. Submit Shop Drawings showing fabrication, installation, anchorage, and interface of work of this Section with work of adjacent trades, and listing proposed finish hardware for cabinets; 2. Submit Samples of proposed materials. 3. In addition to complying with pertinent codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with pertinent recommendations of Woodwork Institute of California or Architectural Woodwork Institute for grades specified. B. Products: 1. Fabricate architectural woodwork to "custom grade" standards of referenced organization. 2. Finishes: a. On exposed portions, provide Wilsonart laminated plastic, or equal approved in advance by Architect, in colors and patterns selected by Architect from standard colors and patterns of approved manufacturer. b. On semi-exposed portions, provide manufacturer's standard cabinet liner as approved by Architect. All shelves are to be vinyl clad and edge banded. 3. Cabinets: a. Fabricate cabinets in flush overlay design. b. Provide finish hardware selected by Architect from standard items of approved subcontractor, and install at mill. 4. Countertops: a. Types and sizes: (1) Shop fabricate countertops and splashes to types and dimensions shown on Drawings. (2) Where splashes are called for, provide 4" high coved splash and no-drip leading edge. b. Cover tops and splashes with Wilsonart laminated plastic, or equal approved in advance by Architect, in colors and patterns selected by Architect from standard colors and patterns of approved manufacturer. 5. Provide knob-type pulls and blume "hold-shut" hinges. 3. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with approved Shop Drawings and referenced standards, anchoring all items firmly into position. 4. Compliance: a. Owner reserves a right to request and pay for an inspection to determine that work of this Section has been performed in accordance with specified standards. b. In event such inspection determines work of this Section does not comply with specified requirements, immediately remove noncomplying items and immediately replace them with items complying with specified requirements, all at no additional cost to Owner, and reimburse Owner for cost of inspections. C. Execution: 1. Take necessary measurements in field to assure proper dimensions for work of this Section. 2. Fabricate work of this Section in strict accordance with approved Shop Drawings and referenced standards. - 07150-1 07150 Deck Surfacing A. General: 1. Furnish and install deck surfacing as indicated on the room finish schedule and as depicted on the striping plan. Surfacing shall be Dex-O-Tex, Mer-Kote, or other approved equal. 1.1 Scope: This specification covers the installation of an decorative and durable, liquid applied, abrasion resistant elastomeric urethane waterproofing system suitable for surfaces subject to pedestrian traffic. 1.2 Work Included: Install waterproofing consisting of caulking and flashing for joints, Primer, Base Coat, Intermediate Coat and Weather-Resistant Top Coat. Apply in accordance with these specifications and latest general instructions supplied by the manufacturer. 1.3 Work Not Included: Work under this section shall not include finishing and corrective work in connection with surfaces to receive the liquid applied coating systems. Nor does it include furnishing and installation of metal flashing, drains, vents, ducts, curbs or any other penetration through the deck. 1.4 Condition of Concrete Surfaces: a. Concrete surfaces shall be of sound structural grade a minimum thickness of 2.5 inches, and shall have a steel troweled followed by a fine broom finish, free of fins, ridges, voids or air entrained holes. b. Concrete shall be cured by water curing method. Curing compounds or chemical curing agents of any type shall not be used unless they will completely dissipate within 28 days. c. Concrete shall be cured at least 28 days and shall be sloped for proper drainage. d. Saw-cut control joints and/or expansion joints shall have been properly installed at strategic points throughout the field of the deck to control cracking caused by deflection and shrinkage. e. Any required crickets or drains should be installed at the time the main deck is poured (i.e. monolithic). f. Voids, rock pockets and excessively rough surfaces shall be repaired with Epoxy grout or ground to match the un-repaired areas. g. When metal decking is used as the concrete form, it shall be of the “ventilating type”. 1.5 Condition of Plywood Surfaces: a. The plywood shall be identified as conforming to U.S. Product Standard PS-166 and shall be 3/4 inch minimum thickness , tongue and groove, exterior grade B/C, or better. b. Plywood panels shall be tightly butted with 1/16" spacing between adjoining panels. c. Plywood shall be nailed with non-corroding 10d annular ring or twist shank nails spaced 6 inches on center along panel edges. d. All decks shall be designed to eliminate vertical deflection by the proper selection of plywood thickness and the proper spacing and thickness of the supporting joists. e. All plywood edges must be supported on blocking or primary framing with wood panels continuous across two or more spans. f. All adjacent metal flashing, scuppers, vents, etc. shall be galvanized or non-ferrous metal tightly screwed, or nailed with ring shank nails, at intervals no greater than 4 inches on center. g. The plywood deck shall be properly sloped so as to drain freely. 1.6 Job Conditions: a. Before any waterproofing work is started, the waterproofing applicator shall thoroughly examine all surfaces for any deficiencies. Should any deficiencies exist, the architect, owner or general contractor shall be notified in writing and corrections made. b. Do not proceed with application of materials when deck temperature is less than 40°F or if precipitation is imminent. c. Warn personnel against breathing of vapors and contact of material with skin or eyes. In confined areas, workmen shall wear approved respiratory protection gear and protective clothing. d. All gas flames and electrical apparatus shall be shut down prior to the start of and during coating applications. e. Protect plants, vegetation and animals that might be affected by the coating operation. 10/18/11 07150-2 B. Products: 5. Walking surfaces to comply with ASTM C1028; a static coefficient of friction of 0.6 for level surfaces and 0.8 for ramps. 2.1 Authorized Applicator: C. Execution: 2.11 Shall be experienced in successfully applying the same or similar materials and shall be specifically approved as an authorized applicator in writing by the manufacturer. 2.12 Shall be financially responsible and be ready and able to submit performance bonds if required. 2.13 Shall submit to the manufacturer and the building owner the required certificates of insurance prior to starting the project. 2.14 Samples Submittals: Submit samples not less than 4" x 3" in size, showing approximate applied thickness, texture and color. The submittal shall also include this application/specification sheet and a list of materials by name and quantity to be used in this project in order to demonstrate compliance with these specifications . 2.2. MATERIALS Materials shall be delivered to the job site in the original sealed containers bearing the product name, color, manufacturer’s lot number, directions for use and precautionary labels. a. Caulking Compound shall be a compound approved by the manufacturer. b. Flashing shall be Neoprene sheet at 45-60 mils thickness, non-woven reinforcing fabric, or as recommended by coatings supplier. c. Primer, membranes, slip sheet and top coat shall be as per manufacturers standards. d. Aggregate shall be equal to 16 and 20 mesh flint shot silica, ground glass or silicon carbide. Aggregate shall be hard and stable to atmospheric conditions and shall be fresh water washed, dried and sized. 3. Provide other materials not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by Contractor subject to approval of Owner. 4. Submit samples, meeting above specifications, to owner for color selection. 4.1 Concrete Surfaces: a. The concrete surface must be thoroughly clean, dry and free from any surface contaminants or cleaning residue. Acceptable methods of cleaning are sandblasting, acid etching, or mechanical grinding followed by the complete and thorough removal of any residue. b. All cracks over 1/16" in width and all moving cracks under 1/16" in width shall be routed out to 1/4" minimum in width and depth and filled flush with polyurethane elastomeric sealant. c. All cracks shall be stripe-coated with 30 mils of Base Coat for a distance of 2 inches on either side of the crack. d. Apply a 2 inch face coat stripe of Base Coat around all pipes, drains and vertical junctions. e. All expansion and contraction joints shall be cleaned, primed, fitted with a backing rod and caulked with elastomeric polyurethane sealants. Joints and all caulked cracks shall be stripecoated with a 30 mil preparatory coat Base Coat. f. Prior to commencing with the application, all surfaces to be coated shall be dry and free from any surface contaminants or cleaning residues. 4.2 Plywood Surfaces: a. Sweep all plywood joints clean and free of sawdust. Fill all separations over 1/16" in width with polyurethane sealants. Apply joint reinforcement consisting of a brush coat of Intermediate Coat 30 mils thick, 5" wide centered over all joints and transitions to metal flashings, drip edges, etc. Imbed reinforcing tape into the wet material. Allow to cure overnight or until firm. b. Damaged plywood panels shall be repaired or replaced prior to coating. 4.3 Flashing: a. All required metal, neoprene, and fabric flashings shall be installed at this time. 10/18/11 07150-3 b. All shop-primed metal shall be primed prior to coating with the flashing adhesive or base membrane. (For metal or plastic surfaces which may exhibit adhesion difficulties, use a zinc chromate epoxy primer. c. The flashing fabric shall be laid into the wet base membrane with roller, brush or broad blade knife. The fabric shall be laid relaxed, smooth and wrinkle-free. d. The wet imbedded tape shall be over-coated with base membrane extending at least one inch beyond the fabric edge. Allow to cure overnight. e. Flashing shall be coated (with base coats and top coats) each time the deck is coated. 5. APPLICATION OF MEMBRANE a. The waterproofing applicator shall have sole right of access to the specified areas for the time needed to complete the application and affect an adequate cure. b. Apply primer. Membranes and all other coats per manufacturer’s recommendations. 6. CURING TIME The completed coating system shall not be subject to any light pedestrian traffic during the first 24 hours after application is complete nor to any heavy pedestrian traffic during the first four days after application of the final coat. If the work of the applicator has not been approved by the prime contractor during the first four days after application is complete, then there shall be no traffic of any type allowed until such acceptance and approval is given. 7. No other trades and/or personnel other than those working on the installation of the deck shall be permitted in the area of application from the start of the work. Only a subcontractor specifically trained and approved by the manufacturer is to install this decking material. 8. In addition to cleaning requirements stated elsewhere, thoroughly clean flooring and adjacent surfaces prior to final acceptance of decking areas by Owner. 9. Provide a heavy non-staining paper or plastic walkway as required over flooring in direction of traffic, maintaining intact until decking has been accepted by Owner. 10/18/11 07175-1 07175 WATER REPELLENT COATING A. General: 1. Upon completion of work of this Section, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver to Owner two copies of a written warranty signed by Contractor, water repellent coating application subcontractor, and water repellent coating manufacturer, under which: a. The three parties mutually agree to maintain water repellent coated surface free from penetration of water for a period of two years following Date of Substantial Completion; and b. Water repellent coating manufacturer agrees to provide water repellent coating materials as required for that purpose for a period of five years following Date of Substantial Completion; and c. These warranty services will be provided at no additional cost to Owner. c. Run water onto wall at full available force for not less than four hours. d. Upon completion of four-hour period, inspect interior surfaces of wall for evidence of moisture penetration. e. If moisture penetration evidence is discovered, apply additional coat of approved water repellent to exterior surface in areas directed by Owner, repeating application and testing (at no additional cost to Owner) until no evidence of moisture penetration is found. B. Products: 1. At masonry, stucco, and/or concrete walls separating interior spaces from exterior, provide one of the following products (or equal); clear water repellent coating approved in advance by Architect. a. One coat of "Rainguard Blok-Lok" water repellent coating manufactured by Rainguard Products Company, 3334 E. Coast Hwy No. 201, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625 (888) 765-7070. b. Other suitable products approved in advance by the Architect. C. Execution: 1. Apply sufficient coats of approved material to achieve consistent and uniform appearance, free from runs and sags, and with a uniformly resistive surface which will prevent penetration of water through walls for required period of warranty. 2. Twenty days after completion of this portion of Work, and as a condition of its acceptance, demonstrate by running water test that work of this Section will successfully repel water. a. Notify Owner at least 72 hours in advance, and conduct test in Owner's presence. b. By means of an outrigger, or similar acceptable equipment, place nozzle of a 3/4" garden hose at a point approximately 10'-0" away from top of wall where approved by Owner, aiming nozzle at a slight downward angle to direct full stream of water onto wall. 10/18/11 07210-1 07210 BUILDING INSULATION A. General: 1. Upon completion of this portion of Work, complete and post a certificate of insulation compliance in accordance with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. B. Products: 1. Provide following building insulation where shown on Drawings or otherwise needed to achieve degree of insulation required under pertinent regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. a. Type A: 6" thick glass fiber batts with vapor barrier and an insulation-only value of R-19. b. Type B: 14" thick glass fiber batts with vapor barrier and an insulation-only value of R-38. c. Type C: 3-1/2" thick unfaced glass fiber sound isolating batts. C. Execution: 1. Remove, or protect against, projections in construction framing that may damage or prevent proper insulation. 2. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with original design, requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and manufacturer's recommended installation procedures as approved by Architect, anchoring all components firmly into position. 3. Install insulating batts in stud spaces and wherever else shown on drawings. Fit blankets tightly against adjoining frames, avoid gaps or bridges in insulation. Where necessary, cut and fit snugly around pipes, conduits and outlet boxes and ducts, taking care to maintain continuous insulation over entire wall or ceiling surface. 10/18/11 07241-1 07241 ARCHITECTURAL FOAM SHAPES and supervision on job site to install Pre-coated Foam Shapes System in compliance with Contract Documents and manufacturer's specifications and recommendations. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. System consists of adhesive and/or mechanical attachment and premanufactured Pre-coated Foam Shapes consisting of; precut foam insulation core shapes; reinforcing mesh; and lightweight polymer-modified flexible cementitious coating. 1.02 DESIGN LIMITATIONS A. Maximum allowable substrate system deflection, normal to plane of wall: L/240. B. Details shall conform with manufacturer’s recommendations and shall be consistent with Project requirements. Consult with manufacturer when special non-standard shapes or conditions arise. Expansion and control joints are required in system where they exist in substrate, and where system adjoins dissimilar construction. Specify sealant in appropriate Section. Provide control joints at 12.2 m (40 inches) o/c maximum. C. Terminate Pre-coated Foam Shapes System at expansion joints. Sealant shall be detailed and installed. Refer to typical details. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pre-coated Foam Shapes System Manufacturer Requirements: 1. Member in good standing of EIMA (EIFS Industry Members Association) and EIFS Council of Canada. 2. Pre-coated Foam Shapes System manufacturer for a minimum of 3 years. B. Contractor Requirements: 1. Be knowledgeable in proper installation of Pre-coated Foam Shapes System. 2. Provide proper equipment, workers 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials supplied by system manufacturer in original, unopened and undamaged packaging with legible manufacturer's identification and labels intact. B. Store products supplied by system manufacturer in a cool, dry place protected from direct sunlight, weather and other damage. Store all wet materials at a temperature of not less than 4.4 degrees Celsius (40 degrees F) at all times. C. Make available material safety data sheets (MSDS) for adhesives and joint compounds. 1.05 PROJECT A. Weather and Environmental Conditions: 1. Do not apply adhesive and joint compound materials during inclement weather unless appropriate protection is provided. Provide protection until fully cured. 2. Install adhesive and joint compound materials at an ambient temperature of 4.4 degrees Celsius (40 degrees F) and rising and maintain for a minimum of 24 hours after application. 3. Provide supplemental heat for applications when temperature is less than 4.4 degrees Celsius (40 degrees F). Provide sufficient ventilation and time to ensure that materials have sufficiently cured prior to removing supplemental heat. 4. Provide flashings as necessary and required. 1.06 SEQUENCING AND SCHEDULING Note: Work in this section requires close 10/18/11 07241-2 coordination with related Sections. A. Cover Pre-coated Foam Shapes immediately with Finish Coating to prevent water infiltration behind system. Install Finish Coating as soon as possible after Precoated Foam Shapes installation. B. Install sealants in a timely manner. Protect open joints from water intrusion during construction with backer rod, or temporary covering, until permanently sealed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURERS A. Pre-coated Foam Shapes System: Manufactured by VEFO INC., 3970 W. Valley Boulevard, Unit D, Walnut, CA 91789-1529 Phone: (909) 598-3856, Fax: (909) 5981491., or equal. 2.02 MATERIALS - PRECOATED FOAM SHAPE SYSTEM A. Adhesive (for use over cementitious systems such as; EIFS systems (base coat); limestone, pre-cast concrete, brick, and concrete block): to be compatible with insulation board, substrate, and reinforcing mesh. B. Insulation core: Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) conforming to physical properties of ASTM C 578. Type I C. Reinforcing Mesh: balanced, open weave glass fiber fabric. D. COATING: lightweight polymer-modified flexible cementitious coating, pressure applied coating by extrusion process in a climate-controlled factory. E. Mechanical fasteners: zinc plated, type as recommended by system manufacturer. F. Galvanized steel - as specified in ASTM A 526 Z275 (G90) minimum coating classification. G. Mitered Joint Compound: as approved by manufacturer. 2.03 MATERIALS - OTHER MANUFACTURERS A. Finish Coat: type, color, and texture as selected by owner/consultant and approved for use over Pre-coated Foam Shapes by manufacturer. B. Sealant: Comply with EIMA 300.01. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 SUBSTRATE A. Substrate shall be of a type approved by of Pre-coated Foam Shapes System manufacturer. B. Substrate shall be dry and free of dust, dirt, loose cement, any other non-cementitious surface contamination, and compatible with adhesive. C. Substrate shall be free of planar irregularities greater than 6.4 mm (1/4-in.) in 2.4 m (8 inch-0 inch) and shall be sound and free of foreign substances. D. Report unsatisfactory conditions to Contractor for correction by substrate installer before application of system. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Adhesive and joint compound: Re-mix as received from manufacturer prior to beginning application. Add clean potable water and mix in accordance with package instructions. B. Pre-coated Foam Shapes System Backwrapping: 1. Back-wrapping installation procedure: Peel mesh on back face of Pre-coated Foam Shapes along entire length and fold over on each side and extend above and below Pre-coated Foam Shape on to substrate. 2. Non-back-wrapping installation procedure: Cut and remove mesh completely from back face of Pre-coated Foam Shapes along entire length. 3.03 APPLICATION A. General: Method of Attachment of Precoated Foam Shapes System: Adhesively and/or mechanically fastened, as specified. 10/18/11 07241-3 B. Adhesive Method: Apply adhesive to entire back surface of Pre-coated Foam Shapes using a 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) notched trowel. Immediately install Pre-coated Foam Shapes while adhesive is wet. Larger Pre-coated Foam Shapes require temporary support systems or mechanical fasteners until adhesive sets. C. Adhesive and Mechanical Fastener Method: 1. Apply adhesive in accordance with Section 3.03.B. 2. Install mechanical fasteners in accordance with system manufacturer's current published instructions. D. At joints between Pre-coated Foam Shapes: 1. Miter joints for a proper tight fit, at 45 degree angle. 2. Apply mitered joint compound to entire joint surface. After Mitered Joint Compound has dried, cover joint with reinforcing mesh and an mitered joint adhesive and after adhesive has set, sand down to achieve a smooth and even finish. 3. Apply adhesive to entire joint surface between Pre-coated Foam Shapes using a 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) notched trowel. Immediately butt together and install Precoated Foam Shapes while adhesive is wet. Wipe away excess adhesive. E. APPLYING FINISH 1. After curing of Precoated Foam Shapes System, remove temporary supports and begin treating Precoated Foam Shapes System with finish coat systems in accordance with finish coat system manufacturer's recommendations. 2. Apply finish coat over coating in accordance with finish manufacturer's current published instructions. 3. Specify texture and color of finish in accordance with approved sample. All mechanics applying and texturing finish shall utilize same tools, equipment and techniques to achieve uniformity. END OF SECTION 10/18/11 07322 -1 07322 CONCRETE ROOFING TILES A. Products: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Provide standard weight extruded concrete roofing tiles with accessory tiles to match, manufactured by Monier-Life-Tile Concrete Tile Company, or an equal approved by Architect, in color and style as specified on elevations. Provide a good grade of mortar conforming to recommendations of manufacturer of approved roofing tile, mixed with pigment to produce color-matching color of approved roofing tiles. Batten boards: Provide 1" x 2" (nominal) Redwood or treated moisture-resistant Douglas Fir. Nails and fasteners: a. For individual tile units, provide corrosion resistant galvanized, copper, or stainless steel nails of sufficient length to hold tiles in place and to penetrate roof sheathing at least 3/4". b. For ridge and hip tiles, provide corrosion resistant 14 gage wire laced through holes and securely anchored to nail heads in sheathing; or provide at least 6" long "straw" nails. Under entire roofing tiles installation, provide two layers 40 lb. Organic felt, nailed where pitch exceeds 3:12, hot mopped where pitch is less than 3:12 to provide a permanent barrier to passage of water. B. Execution: Coordinate schedule for installation of roofing tiles with schedule for installation of roof deck so lumber in roof deck will have minimum practicable exposure to weather. 2. Install membrane using cold-process roofing cement specifically recommended for purpose by manufacturer of membrane, and approved by Architect. 3. Install batten boards spaced to provide 3" headlap of the roofing tiles, adequately endspaced to allow drainage. Take special care to prevent damage to membrane. 4. Install roofing tiles in strict compliance with recommendations of manufacturer as approved by Architect. Finish roofing tiles installation as a completely weatherproof and waterproof system requiring no further normal maintenance. 1. 10/18/11 07521-1 07521 CAP SHEET ROOFING A. General: 1. Upon completion of work of this Section, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver to Architect a letter signed by an authorized representative of manufacturer of approved roofing system stating that inspections required under subparagraph 1.3 below were performed and that materials and work of this Section meet specified requirements. 2. Use a subcontractor approved in writing by manufacturer of approved roofing system. 3. Arrange for, pay all costs for, and secure a minimum of four physical inspections: a. Conducted during and after installation of work of this Section; b. Performed by a designated and properly qualified representative of manufacturer of approved roofing system; c. Verifying that materials and work of this Section meet specified requirements. B. Products: 1. Provide only such asphalt as meets or exceeds requirements of ASTM D312, Type II, III, or IV as appropriate to slope, and as approved by manufacturer of roofing systems selected for this Work. 2. Where cap sheet roofing over wood or plywood deck is called for on Drawings, provide I-0-3-M GAF system consisting of the following per 100 sq. ft. of roof area (or equal): a. One layer 25 lb. fiberglass base felt, nailed. b. Two layers 11 lb. fiberglass building felts, hot mopped. c. One layer 75 lb. Fiberglass cap sheet. 3. Where shown on the Drawings or otherwise required for access to roof-mounted equipment, provide walkable panels (or equal), spot cemented to roofing surface. 4. Provide perlite composition strips (or equal) where indicated on Drawings and at other locations where so recommended by manufacturer. 5. Use nails, fasteners, 1” tin cap nails, and/or tape and staple system as appropriate to deck and in quantity and type approved by Factory Mutual. on methods, equipment, and personnel to be used. 2. Verify that substrata are dry, smooth, clean, and free from sharp projections and depressions, properly graded to outlets, and that metal fittings are in proper place prior to start of roofing installation. 3. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction and with manufacturer's recommendations as approved by Architect. a. Except under adverse weather conditions, install not less than 6,000 sq. ft. of completed roofing per working day. b. Work only during predictably good dry weather, and with minimum wind conditions. c. Do not attempt to perform more work in one day than can be sealed off that night using “water stops.” 4. During progress of work of this Section, make visual inspections as necessary, and verify that: a. All materials used comply with specified requirements; b. All materials are properly stored and handled; c. Bitumen kettles are maintained at proper temperature; d. Bitumens are applied uniformly, without voids or skips, and in proper quantity; e. Proper number and types of plies are installed, with specified overlaps; f. Proper number, type, and spacing of fasteners are used; g. Associated flashings and sheet metal are installed in a timely manner in accordance with specified requirements; h. All elements of work of this Section are completed on same day and not installed in phases. C. Execution: 1. Prior to start of installation, conduct a preroofing meeting attended by Architect, Contractor, a qualified representative of manufacturer of approved roofing system, and roofing subcontractor, and reach agreement 10/18/11 07600-1 07600 FLASHING AND SHEET METAL A. General: 1. In addition to complying with pertinent codes and regulations, comply with pertinent recommendations contained in current edition of "Architectural Sheet Metal Manual" published by Sheet Metal and Airconditioning Contractors National Association (SMACNA). 2. Standard commercial items may be used for flashing, trim, reglets, and similar purposes provided such items meet or exceed specified quality standards. 5. 6. B. Products: 1. Where sheet metal is required, and no material or gage is indicated on Drawings, provide highest quality and gage commensurate with referenced standards. 2. Provide sheet metal or sheet iron of standard brand of open-hearth copper-bearing steel, copper-molybdenum iron, or pure iron sheets. 3. Galvanizing: a. Where galvanizing is required, provide zinc coating by hot-dip galvanize to all surfaces. b. Provide not less than 1-1/4 oz per sq ft, nor more than 1-1/2 oz per sq ft, to surfaces required to be galvanized. c. Comply with ASTM A123-84. 4. Use only soft iron rivets having rust-resistive coating, galvanized nails, and cadmium plated screws and washers in connection with galvanized iron and steel. 5. Where flux is required, use raw muriatic acid. 6. Where solder is required, comply with ASTM B32. 7. 8. C. Execution: 1. Form sheet metal accurately and to dimensions and shapes required, finishing molded and broken surfaces with true, sharp, and straight lines and angles and, where intercepting other members, coping to an accurate fit and soldering securely. 2. Unless otherwise specifically permitted by Architect, turn exposed edges back 1/2". 3. Form, fabricate, and install sheet metal so as to adequately provide for expansion and contraction in the finished Work. 4. Weatherproofing: a. Finish watertight and weathertight where so required. b. Make lock seam work flat and true to line, sweating full of solder. c. Make lock seams and lap seams, when soldered, at least 1/2" wide. 9. d. Where lap seams are not soldered, lap according to pitch, but in no case less than 3". e. Make flat and lap seams in direction of flow. Joints: a. Join parts with rivets or sheet metal screws where necessary for strength and stiffness. b. Provide suitable watertight expansion joints for runs of more than 40'-0", except where closer spacing is indicated on Drawings or required for proper installation. Nailing: a. Whenever possible, secure metal by means of clips or cleats, without nailing through exterior metal. b. In general, space nails, rivets, and screws not more than 8" apart and, where exposed to weather, use lead washers. c. For nailing into wood, use barbed roofing nails 1-1/4" long by 11 gage. d. For nailing into concrete, use drilled plugholes and plugs. Embed metal in connection with roofs in a solid bed of sealant, using materials and methods described in Section 07920 of these Specifications or other materials and methods approved in advance by Architect. Soldering: a. Thoroughly clean and tin joint materials prior to soldering. b. Perform soldering slowly, with a well heated copper, in order to heat seams thoroughly and to completely fill them with solder. c. Perform soldering with a heavy soldering copper of blunt design, properly tinned for use. d. Make exposed soldering on finished surfaces neat, full flowing, and smooth. e. After soldering, thoroughly wash acid flux with a soda solution. Upon request of Owner, demonstrate by hose or standing water that flashing and sheet metal are completely watertight. - 07620-1 07620 GUTTERS AND DOWNSPOUTS PART 1 — GENERAL 2.2 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS AND ACCESSORIES: 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Wood Nailers: Softwood lumber, pressure treated with water-borne preservatives for above ground use, complying with AWPB LP-2; not less than 1-1/2" thick. A. Drawings and general provisions of Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division-1 Specification Sections, apply to work of this Section. 1.2 SUMMARY A. This Section covers galvanized iron roofing specialties and accessories of standard manufactured components. It includes accessories installed on and in roofing other than mechanical and structural items, such as: Factory-manufactured curbset wall flashing and expansion joints. B. Factory-manufactured gutters and downspouts (rain drainage). C. Factory-manufactured miscellaneous sheet metal trim and accessories. 1.3 SUBMITTALS A. General: Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of Contract and Division-1 Specification Sections. 1. Product data, Specialties, and Accessories: Manufacturer's technical product data, installation instructions and general recommendations for each specified sheet material and fabricated product. 1.4 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordinate work of this section with interfacing and adjoining work for proper sequencing of each installation. Ensure best possible weather resistance and durability of work and protection of materials and finishes. B. Solder: As required by manufacturer. C. Fasteners: Same metal as flashing/sheet metal or other non-corrosive metal as recommended by sheet manufacturer. Match finish of exposed heads with material being fastened. D. Bituminous Coating: SSPC - Paint 12, solvent-type bituminous mastic, nominally free of sulfur, compounded for 15-mil dry film thickness per coat. E. Mastic Sealant: Polyisobutylene; non-hardening, non-skinning, non-drying, non-migrating sealant. F. Sheet metal Accessories: Provide sheet metal clips, straps, anchoring devices, and similar accessory units as required for installation of work, matching or compatible with material being installed, noncorrosive, size and gauge required for performance. G. Gutter and Conductor-Head Guards: 20-gauge bronze mesh or fabricated units, with selvaged edges and noncorrosive fasteners. Select materials for compatibility with gutters and downspouts. H. Roofing Cement: ASTM D 2822, asphaltic. 2.3 FABRICATED UNITS A. General Sheet Metal Fabrication: Provide materials of standard factory fabrication to greatest extent possible. Comply with details shown and with recognized industry practices. Fabricate for waterproof and weather-resistant performance, with expansion provisions for running work, sufficient to permanently prevent leakage, damage, or deterioration of the work. Form work to fit substrates. Comply with material manufacturer instructions and recommendations for forming material. Form exposed sheet metal work without excessive oilcanning, buckling, and tool marks, true to line and levels indicated, with exposed edges folded back to form hems. PART 2 — PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS Galvanized iron sheet metal gutters and downspouts where indicated on plans. B. Seams: Fabricate nonmoving seams in sheet metal with flat-lock seams. Tin edges to be seamed, form seams, and solder. Rivet joints for additional strength where required. 10/18/11 07620-2 C. Expansion Provisions: Where lapped or bayonettype expansion provisions in work cannot be used or would not be sufficiently water/weatherproof, form expansion joints of intermeshing hooked flanges, not less than 1 inch deep, filled with mastic sealant (concealed within joints). D. Sealant Joints: Where movable, non-expansion type joints are indicated or required for proper performance of work, form galvanized iron to provide for proper installation of elastomeric sealant, in compliance with CDA standard details. E. Separations: Provide for separation of metal from non-compatible metal or corrosive substrates by coating concealed surfaces at locations of contact, with bituminous coating or other permanent separation as recommended by manufacturer/fabricator. 2.4 ELASTIC EXPANSION JOINTS A. General: Provide factory-fabricated units of size and profile indicated, complete with prefabricated corner units, intersection units, and splicing materials. Provide complete with elastic sheet flashing forming the primary joint membrane in a supported, "bellows" arrangement designed for securement to both sides of expansion joints. Underside of bellows insulated with adhesively applied, flexible, closed-cell rubber or plastic not less than 3/8-inch thick. B. Underlayment: Where units are to be installed directly on cementitious or wood substrates, install a slip sheet of red rosin paper on a course of asphalt saturated felt. C. Bed flanges of work in a thick coat of bituminous roofing cement where required for waterproof performance. D. Nail flanges of expansion joint units to curb nailers, at maximum spacing of 6" O.C. Fabricate seams at joints between units with minimum 3" overlap, to form a continuous, waterproof system. E. Install continuous gutter guards on gutters, arranged as hinged units to swing open for cleaning gutters. Install "beehive"-type strainer-guard at conductor heads, removable for cleaning downspouts. 3.2 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean exposed galvanized iron surfaces, removing substances that might cause corrosion or deterioration of finishes. B. Protection: Advise Contractor of required procedures for surveillance and protection of flashings and sheet metal work during construction to ensure that work will be without damage or deterioration other than natural weathering at time of Substantial Completion. B. Type: Plain sheet or encapsulated galvanized iron flanged edges, for embedment in other construction or nailing to substrates, 4-inches minimum flange width. C. Looped Bellows Width: 5" to 6", exclusive of flanges. PART 3 — EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS A. General: Except as otherwise indicated, comply with manufacturer's installation instructions. Anchor units of work securely in place by methods indicated, providing for thermal expansion of sheet metal units; conceal fasteners where possible, and set units true to line and level as indicated. Install work with laps, joints, and seams that will be permanently watertight and weatherproof. 10/18/11 07920-1 07920 SEALANTS AND CALKING A. General: 1. Seal all open joints between dissimilar materials in the exterior walls to provide a positive barrier against passage of air and moisture. 2. Guarantee in writing against defect of material and workmanship for a period of five years after the date of the notice of completion. B. Products: 1. Provide following sealants, or equals approved in advance by Architect, where called for on Drawings or otherwise required for a complete and proper installation. a. Sealant Type A (at joints subjected to horizontal traffic): (1) Self-leveling, complying with ASTM C920-79, grade P, class 25; (2) Acceptable products: (a) "Vulkem 45, one-part;" (b) "Vulkem 245, two-part;" b. Sealant Type B (at joints in precast concrete, masonry, and tilt-up concrete): (1) Non-sag, complying with ASTM C92079, type S, grade NS, class 25; (2) Acceptable products: (a) "Vulkem 116, one-part;" (b) "Vulkem 921, one-part;" c. Sealant Type C (at joints subject to extreme movement): (1) Non-sag, complying with ASTM C92079, type S, grade NS, class 25, use NT, T, M, A, and O; (2) Acceptable products: (a) "Vulkem 227, two-part;" (b) "Vulkem 922, two-part;" d. Sealant Type D (at joints requiring acoustical separation): (1) Acceptable products: (a) "W. W. Henry's 313"; (b) "W. W. Henry's 413." e. Sealant Type E (at joints not listed above): (1) Acrylic latex, comply with ASTM C83476; (2) Acceptable products: (a) "Pecora AC 20"; 2. For other services, provide products especially formulated for proposed use and approved in advance by Architect. 3. Colors: a. Colors for each sealant installation will be selected by Architect from standard colors normally available from specified manufacturer. b. Should such standard color not be available from an approved substitute manufacturer except at additional charge, provide such colors at no additional cost to Owner. c. In concealed installations, and in partially or fully exposed installations where so approved by Architect, use standard gray or black sealant. 4. Use only those primers which have been tested for durability on surfaces to be sealed and which are specifically recommended for this installation by manufacturer of sealant used. 5. Use only those backup materials which are nonabsorbent, non-staining, and specifically recommended for this installation by manufacturer of sealant used. 6. For masking around joints, provide an appropriate masking tape which will effectively prevent application of sealant on surfaces not scheduled to receive it, and which is removable without damage to substrate. C. Execution: 1. Concrete and ceramic tile surfaces: a. Install only on surfaces which are sound, dry, and well brushed, wiping free from dust. b. At open joints, remove dust by mechanically blown compressed air if so required. c. To remove oil and grease, use sandblasting or wire brushing. d. Where surfaces have been treated, remove surface treatment by sandblasting or wire brushing. e. Remove laitance and mortar from joint cavities. 2. Steel surfaces in contact with sealant: a. Sandblast as required to achieve acceptable surface for bond. b. If sandblasting is not practical, or would damage adjacent finish, scrape metal or wire brush to remove mill scale and rust. c. Use solvent to remove oil and grease, wiping surfaces with clean white rags only. d. Remove protective coatings on steel by sandblasting or by using a solvent which leaves no residue. 3. Aluminum surfaces in contact with sealant: a. Remove temporary protective coatings, dirt, oil, and grease. 10/18/11 01421-2 10/18/11 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. b. When masking tape is used for protective cover, remove tape just prior to applying sealant. c. Use only such solvents to remove protective coatings as are recommended for that purpose by manufacturer of aluminum work, and which are non-staining. Installation of backup materials: a. When using backup of tube or rod stock, avoid lengthwise stretching of material. Do not twist or braid hose or rod backup stock. b. Installation tool: (1) For installation of backup material, provide a blunt surfaced tool of wood or plastic, having shoulders designed to ride on adjacent finished surface and a protrusion of required dimensions to assure uniform depth of backup material below sealant. (2) Do not, under any circumstance, use a screwdriver or similar tool for this purpose. (3) Using approved tool, smoothly and uniformly place backup material to depth indicated on Drawings or otherwise required, compressing backup material 25% to 50% and securing a positive fit. Use only the primer approved by Architect for particular installation, applying in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations as approved by Architect. Provide an approved bond-breaker where recommended by manufacturer of sealant, and where directed by Architect, adhering strictly to manufacturers' installation recommendations. Prior to start of installation in each joint, verify joint type according to details on Drawings, or as otherwise directed by Architect, and verify that required proportion of width of joint to depth of joint has been secured. Equipment: a. Apply sealant under pressure with power actuated hand gun or manually operated hand gun, or by other appropriate means. b. Use guns with nozzle of proper size, and providing sufficient pressure to completely fill joints as designed. Thoroughly and completely mask joints where appearance of primer or sealant on adjacent surfaces would be objectionable. Install the sealant in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, thoroughly filling joints to recommended depth. 11. Tool joints to profile shown on Drawings, or as otherwise required if such profiles are not shown on Drawings. a. Provide uniformly smooth joints with slightly concave surface. b. Do not use tooling agent unless specifically so recommended in writing by manufacturer of sealant. 12. Cleaning up: a. Remove masking tape immediately after joints have been tooled. b. Clean adjacent surfaces free from sealant as installation progresses, using solvent or cleaning agent recommended by manufacturer of sealant used. 08100-1 08100 METAL DOORS AND FRAMES A. General: 1. Unless specifically otherwise approved by Architect, provide all products of this Section from a single manufacturer. 2. Steel doors and frames shall conform to Steel Door Institute 100 series. B. Products: 1. Acceptable metal doors: a. As manufactured by Dittco Products, Inc., 739 East Francis, Ontario, California 91761 (714) 923-1517; b. Equal products of other manufacturers approved in advance by Architect. 2. Type and design: a. Provide full flush design, fabricated from metal complying with ASTM A40, hot-dip galvanized and prime painted, with a tightly hemmed vertical seam on lock and hinge edges, with top flush channel and beveled lock edge, in dimensions and types shown on Drawings, reinforced for finish hardware being provided under Section 08710 of these Specifications, and in following model numbers and gages: (1) H20-4 non-labelled (20 gage honeycomb core); (2) P20-8 non-labelled (20 gage foamed core); (3) UH20-4 labelled (20 gage honeycomb core); (4) UM18-4 labelled (18 gage mineral core). 3. Where indicated on Drawings, provide louv-ers of clear anodized aluminum fabricated in a sightproof arrangement, complete with aluminum screen. 4. Pre-clean and shop prime each door for finish painting which will be performed at job site under Section 09900 of these Specifications. 5. Acceptable metal frames: See Paragraph A-1 above. a. Provide frames in dimensions and types shown on Drawings, non-labelled or labelled as indicated on Drawings, in 18 gage for interior frames and 16 gage for exterior frames, properly reinforced for finish hardware being provided under Section 08710 of these Specifications. b. Contractor may, at his option, provide either all welded or knock down construction. c. Pre-clean and shop prime each frame for finish painting which will be performed at job site under Section 09900 of these Specifications. 6. Secure templates from finish hardware supplier, and accurately install, or make provision for, all finish hardware at factory. C. Execution: 1. Placing frames: a. Where practicable, place frames prior to construction of enclosing walls and ceilings. b. Set frames accurately into position, plumbed, aligned, and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. c. After wall construction is completed, remove temporary braces and spreaders, leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. d. At in-place construction, set frames and secure to adjacent construction with machine screws and suitable anchorage devices. Provide "Z" fillers at each screw location. e. When installed in prepared openings in concrete construction, provide sealant between frame and concrete in accordance with provisions of Section 07920 of these Specifications. 2. Final adjustments: a. Check and readjust operating finish hardware items in hollow metal work just prior to final inspection. b. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. c. Remove defective work and replace with work complying with the specified requirements. 3. Doors that swing out from conditioned spaces to the exterior or to unheated spaces shall be provided with aluminum interlocking or aluminum and vinyl weatherstripping and aluminum thresholds. Door bottoms shall have wrap-around aluminum rain drip and neoprene or vinyl insert to provide weather seal. Exterior doors that swing in shall have interlocking thresholds with drain pan to the exterior. Double doors shall have aluminum T-astragals with integral vinyl weather strip. 1/2" maximum threshold height. 4. Immediately after erection, sand smooth all rusted and damaged areas of prime coat, and apply touchup of compatible air-drying primer. - 08110-1 08110 METAL DOOR FRAMES A. General: 1. Unless specifically otherwise approved by Architect, provide all products of this Section from a single manufacturer. B. Products: 1. Provide prefinished frames in dimensions and types shown on Drawings, non-labelled or labelled as indicated on Drawings, in 18 gage, properly reinforced for finish hardware being provided under Section 08710 of these Specifications. 2. Secure templates from finish hardware supplier, and accurately install, or make provision for, all finish hardware at factory. 3. Acceptable metal door frames: a. "Commercial Series C" as manufactured by Timely Industries, Los Angeles, CA 913312275 (213) 875-0124; b. Equal products of other manufacturers approved in advance by Architect. C Execution: 1. Install in strict accordance with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction and with manufacturer's recommendations as approved by Architect, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. 10/18/11 08200-1 08200 WOOD DOORS A. General: 1. In addition to complying with pertinent codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with: a. "Manual of Millwork" of Woodwork Institute of California, for grade or grades specified; or b. "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards" of Architectural Woodwork Institute, for grade or grades specified. c. Certification and stamps will not be required. d. Provide two year guarantee against delamination or warping. 2. Delivery: a. Deliver doors to job site after plaster and cement are dry, and after building has reached average prevailing humidity of its locality. b. Deliver prefinished doors in manufacturers' original containers, clearly marked with manufacturer's name, brand name, size, thickness, and identifying symbol on covering. c. Seal all four edges of unfinished doors when delivered to job site. d. Provide two year guarantee against delamination warping. 3. Storage: a. Stack flat on 2" x 4" lumber, laid 12" from ends and across center. b. Under bottom door and over top of stack, provide plywood or corrugated cardboard to protect door surfaces. c. Store doors where there will be no great variations in heat, dryness, and humidity. 4. Do not drag doors across one another; lift doors and carry them into position. B. Products: 1. Provide flush wood doors of types, designs, and thicknesses shown on Door Schedule in Drawings, labeled or non-labeled as indicated and required, and in solid core or hollow core as shown on Door Schedule. 2. Except as may be shown otherwise on Drawings, fabricate work of this Section to "custom grade" standards of referenced organization. 3. For hollow core doors, provide core construction as needed to accommodate finish hardware described in Section 08710 of these Specifications. 4. Species: a. Provide pre-finished wood-grain masonite faced doors where specified. 5. Site finish or mill finish wood doors in accordance with provisions of Section 09900 of these Specifications. C. Execution: 1. Fitting and machining: a. Unless doors are completely fitted and machined at mill, fit them for width by planing and fit them for height by sawing: (1) Bottom: 1/2" clearance maximum. (2) Top: 1/8" clearance maximum. (3) Lock edge and hinge edge: Bevel 1/8" in 2" maximum. b. Machine doors for hardware in accordance with recommendations of hardware manufacturers, as those recommendations have been approved by Architect. 2. Receive and retain custody of finish hardware furnished for work of this Section under Section 08710 of these Specifications and, except as otherwise directed by Architect, install all such finish hardware in strict accordance with recommendations of its manufacturer. 3. Replace or rehang doors which are hingebound and do not swing or operate freely. 4. Doors that swing out from conditioned spaces to the exterior or to unheated spaces shall be provided with aluminum interlocking or aluminum and vinyl weatherstripping and aluminum thresholds. Door bottoms shall have wrap-around aluminum rain drip and neoprene or vinyl insert to provide weather seal. Exterior doors that swing in shall have interlocking thresholds with drain pan to the exterior. Double doors shall have aluminum T-astragals with integral vinyl weather strip. 1/2" maximum threshold height. 5. Owner reserves a right to request and pay for an inspection by a representative of referenced organization to determine that work of this Section has been performed in accordance with specified standards. 6. If such inspection determines work of this Section does not comply with specified requirements, immediately remove the non-complying items and replace them with items complying with specified requirements, all at no additional cost to Owner, and reimburse Owner for cost of inspection. - 08410-1 08410 ALUMINUM ENTRANCES AND STOREFRONTS A. General: 1. Upon completion of this portion of Work, and as a condition of its acceptance, deliver to Architect two copies of a written Warranty agreeing to replace work of this Section that fails due to defective materials or workmanship within three years after Date of Substantial Completion as that Date is determined in accordance with General Conditions. 2. Failure due to defective materials or workmanship is deemed to include, but not to be limited to: a. Failures in operation of operating component or components; b. Leakage or air infiltration in excess of specified standards; c. Deterioration of finish to an extent visible to unaided eye; d. Defects that contribute to unsightly appearance, potential safety hazard, or potential untimely failure of work of this Section or Work as a whole. B. Products: 1. Provide aluminum entrances and storefronts in dimensions and arrangements shown on Drawings, using stock units manufactured by Kawneer or equal approved in advance by Architect. Use the 500 series wide stile doors with a 10” rail at bottom. 2. Flashing: 16 gage sheet metal complying with pertinent provisions of Section 07600 of these Specifications. 3. Finish: a. Provide Copper Penny Kynar finish. 4. Prepare for, receive, and install finish hardware furnished under Section 08710 of these Specifications. 5. Glaze throughout with Atlantica Sungate 100 dual-pane insulating glass by PPG (or equal) providing spandrel panels of matching color to approval of Owner. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. approved by Architect, prefabricating in shop to maximum extent practicable. Provide hairline fit at joints, with smooth continuity of line and accurate relation of planes and angles. Securely fasten. Doors that swing out from conditioned spaces to the exterior or to unheated spaces shall be provided with aluminum interlocking or aluminum and vinyl weather-stripping and aluminum thresholds. Door bottoms shall have wrap-around aluminum rain drip and neoprene or vinyl insert to provide weather seal. Exterior doors that swing in shall have interlocking thresholds with drain pan to the exterior. Double doors shall have aluminum T-astragals with integral vinyl weather strip. 1/2" maximum threshold height. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. Make measurements as required in the field to assure proper fit. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with original design, approved Shop Drawings, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and manufacturer's recommended installation procedures, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. C. Execution: 1. Perform all fitting of finish hardware to doors and frames at factory; except do not drill or tap for surface mounted items until time of installation at site. 2. Comply with finish hardware manufacturer's instructions and template requirements. 3. Use concealed fasteners to maximum extent practicable. 4. Fabricate in strict accordance with manufacturer's specifications and Shop Drawings as 10/18/11 08520-1 08520 ALUMINUM WINDOWS A. General: 1. In addition to complying with pertinent regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction: a. Comply with ANSI-AAMA 101-85 for designations specified; b. On each unit, provide an AAMA sponsored label certifying compliance with specified requirements. B. Products: 1. Provide aluminum windows of types and dimensions shown on Drawings, complete with anchors of types needed for installation, and complying with following standards where they apply as defined in ANSI-AAMA 101-85: a. Horizontal sliding: HS-C20 2. Provide architectural class I clear anodized finish on window members and on frame members of screens. 3. Factory glaze as per window schedule with channel type vinyl gaskets and clear glass, capable of withstanding a wind pressure per local jurisdiction and in accordance with ANSI A134.1. 4. Provide manufacturer's standard screen at vents. C. Execution: 1. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations as approved by Architect, anchoring units firmly into position square, plumb, straight, and true. 2. Where aluminum surfaces come in contact with metals other than stainless steel, zinc, or white bronze of small area, isolate aluminum by one of following methods. a. Paint dissimilar metal with a prime coat of zinc-chromate primer, followed by two coats of aluminum metal-and-masonry paint. b. Paint dissimilar metal with a coating of heavy-bodied bituminous paint. c. Apply a good quality sealant material between aluminum and dissimilar metal. d. Isolate dissimilar metals with non-absorptive tape or gaskets. 10/18/11 08710-1 08710 FINISH HARDWARE A. General: 1. Furnish and deliver to the job site all finish hardware required to complete the work as indicated on the drawings and as specified herein. See Hardware Schedule on Sheet A001 of the drawings. B. Product: 1. Acceptable hardware manufacturers: Hager Hinge Co., Norton, Von Duprin, Stanley, Schlage, LCN, Trimco, Jacksojn, National Guard Products, Inc., Pemko, Marks, Dorma, International, or Adams Rite. 2. Provide all trim attachments and fastenings specified or required for proper and complete installation. 3. Furnish template hardware as required. 4. Furnish non-removable pin at out-swinging exterior doors. 5. Steel hinges shall be primed for painting. 6 Hardware finish shall be oil-rubbed bronze unless noted otherwise. 7. Provide closers as called for on the hardware schedule. 8. Unless otherwise specified, all locksets, latchsets, padlocks, cylinders, and component parts are to be by one manufacturer. C. Execution: 1. Distribute finish hardware components to other trades as required, and provide proper direction regarding correct installation and adjustment of units. 2. Install finish hardware as part of Work of Contract. 3. Upon completion of installation of finish hardware, and as a condition of its acceptance, make a complete inspection of in-stalled items. a. Verify proper installation and function. b. Make required adjustments and achieve optimum operation. c. Tighten screws and fasteners as necessary. d. Make scratches and abrasions invisible to unaided eye from distance of five feet, or completely replace such damaged item with new identical item at no additional cost to Owner. 10/18/11 08800-1 08800 GLASS & GLAZING A. General 1. Provide all glass and glazing, complete, in place as shown on the drawings, specified herein or needed for a complete and proper installation. 2. All glass shall conform with local building codes and shall conform with federal specification DDG-451. 3. Labels: a. Glass shall have an affixed label showing the manufacturer's name and grade or quality thereof. b. Labels shall be intact before and after installation. 4 Conform to the current glazing manual published by the Flat Glass Marketing Association, Topeka, Kansas. B. Products 1. Glazing a. Atlantica Sungate 100 dual-pane insulating glass by PPG, or equal. b. Glazing accessories as approved by manufacturer of window frames. C. Execution 1. Install glass in accordance with manufacturer's recommended instructions, & A.N.S.I. Z97.1-1982 2. Make certain that glazing work is absolutely watertight. 3. Clean-up and replacement a. The contractor shall be responsible for all glass breakage. b. Remove broken, scratched, chipped or otherwise defective glass or aluminum, including any glass that has become stained. 10/18/11 09200-1 09200 LATH AND PLASTER A. General: 1. In addition to complying with pertinent codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with materials handling and workmanship provisions of the specifications of the Plastering Contractor’s Association of Southern California ( B. Products: 1. Stucco to be provided by Omega Products or equal, colors per building elevations. 2. Steel channels: a. Comply with ASTM A109 or ASTM A303. b. Hot-rolled or cold-rolled channels for framing: Use galvanized. c. Cold-rolled channels: Provide flanges not less than 7/16" wide. d. Provide channels with weights as required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 3. Metal plastering accessories: a. Fabricate from 26 gage or heavier hot-dip galvanized steel, prime-coated unless otherwise specifically approved by Architect. b. Use manufacturer's standard shapes specifically designed for proposed use. c. Provide protective coating to permit removal of over-spray upon completion of plastering. 4. Hangers supporting runner channels: a. Provide soft annealed steel wire not smaller than 8 gage and complying with Fed Spec QQ-W-461, galvanized. b. Flat iron or steel straps at least 3/32" x 7/8" size, galvanized or coated with rust-inhibitive paint, may be used in lieu of specified hanger wire. 5. Lath:. a. Vertical Surfaces: Provide Aqua K-Lath, by K-Lath Division of Georgetown Wire Co., 1801 South Mountain Ave., Monrovia, CA 91017, Phone No. (909) 360-8288. b. Horizontal Surfaces: Provide 3/8” Rib Lath by Amico West, 11093 Beech Avenue, Fontana, CA 92337, Phone No. (909) 3509280. 6. Cement: a. Comply with ASTM C150, type I. 7. Lime: a. Provide dry hydrated lime complying with ASTM C206. b. Lime putty (if used): Weigh no more than 83 lbs per cu ft. 8. Sand: Comply with ASTM C144, clean and well graded from coarse to fine. 9. Water: Clean and free from deleterious amounts of acid, alkali, and organic materials. 10. Waterproofing: Wrap around all exterior door and window openings with Moiststop by Fortifiber, or equal. C. Execution: 1. Carefully coordinate with other trades to assure proper provision in such work for installation of work of this Section. 2. Provide embedded wire supports as necessary. 3. Install members and components in strict accordance with arrangements shown on Drawings and manufacturer's recommendations. 4. Alignment: a. Align vertically within a tolerance of one in 1000. b. Align horizontally within a tolerance of one in 500. c. On framing members to receive a finished plaster surface, align finish sub-surface to vary not more than 1/8" from plane surfaces of adjacent framing and furring members. 5. Install approved metal lath in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, and with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 6. Perform mixing, plastering, and plaster curing in strict accordance with provisions of referenced standards. 7. Scratch coat: a. Apply with sufficient material and force to form good keys, embedding and filling all spaces of lath. b. Score to receive brown coat. 8. Brown coat: a. Do not apply brown coat sooner than 48 hours after installation of scratch coat. b. Apply brown coat to scratch coat. c. Bring out to grounds, straighten to a true surface, and leave sufficiently rough to assure adequate bond of finish coat. 9. Color coat: a. Do not apply color coat sooner than seven days after installation of brown coat. b. Apply a color coat per elevations. Do not provide plaster soffits under eaves unless specifically detailed on the plans. 10. Finish plaster true and even within a tolerance of one in 500, leaving finished surface free from tool marks and other blemishes. 11. Wipe metal accessories clean after application of each coat. 12. In addition to other protection, protect adjacent surfaces from accidental application of plaster. 10/18/11 09200-2 13. In addition to other requirements for cleaning, immediately upon completion of this portion of Work visually inspect adjacent surfaces and remove all traces of spilled and splashed plaster. 10/18/11 09260-1 09260 GYPSUM WALLBOARD SYSTEM A. General: 1. Provide all gypsum wallboard and accessories in place as shown on the Drawings, specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Products: 1. Provide gypsum wallboard complying with Fed Spec SS-L-30D, in 48" widths and in such lengths as will result in a minimum of joints. a. Regular wallboard: Provide type III, grade R, class 1, 5/8" thick except as may be shown otherwise on Drawings. b. Fire-retardant wallboard: Provide type III, grade X, class 1, 5/8" thick. c. Water-resistant wallboard: Provide type VII, grade W or X as required, class 2, 5/8" thick except as may be shown otherwise on Drawings. 2. Where so indicated on Drawings, provide gypsum wallboard system specifically designed for encasing shafts of required fireresistivity, and complying with Fed Spec SS-L30D, type IV, grade R or X, class 1, in dimensions shown or otherwise required. 3. Metal trim: a. Form from zinc-coated steel not lighter than 26 gage, complying with Fed Spec QQ-S-775, type I, class d or e. b. Casing beads: Provide channel-shapes with an exposed wing, and with a concealed wing not less than 7/8" wide. Exposed wing may be covered with paper cemented to metal, but shall be suitable for joint treatment. c. Corner beads: Provide angle shapes with wings not less than 7/8" wide and perforated for nailing and joint treatment, or with combination metal and paper wings bonded together, not less than 11/4" wide and suitable for joint treatment. d. Edge beads for use at perimeter of ceilings: Provide angle shapes with wings not less than 3/4" wide. Provide concealed wing perforated for nailing, and exposed wing edge folded flat. Exposed wing may be factory finished in white color. 4. Jointing system: a. Provide a jointing system, including reinforcing tape and compound, designed as a system to be used together and as recommended for this use by manufacturer of gypsum wallboard approved for use on Work. b. Jointing compound may be used for finishing if so recommended by its manufacturer. 5. Fastening devices: a. For fastening gypsum wallboard in place on metal studs and metal channels, use flat head screws, shouldered, specially designed for use with power-driven tools, not less than 1" long, with self-tapping threads and self-drilling points. b. For fastening gypsum wallboard in place on wood, use 1-1/4" type W bugle head screws, or use annular ring type nails complying with ASTM C514 and of length required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. C. Execution: 1. General: a. Install gypsum wallboard in accordance with Drawings and with separate boards in moderate contact but not forced in place. b. At internal and external corners, conceal cut edges of boards by overlapping covered edges of abutting boards. c. Stagger boards so that corners of any four boards will not meet at a common point except in vertical corners. 2. Ceilings: a. Install gypsum wallboard to ceilings with long dimension of wallboard at right angles to supporting members. b. Wallboard may be installed with long dimension parallel to supporting members that are spaced 16" on centers when attachment members are provided at end joints. 3. Walls: a. Install gypsum wallboard to studs at right angles to furring or framing members. b. Make end joints, where required, over framing or furring members. 4. Attaching: a. Drive specified screws with clutch controlled power screwdrivers, spacing screws 12" on center at ceilings and 16" on centers at walls. b. Where framing members are spaced 24" apart on walls, space screws 12" on centers. c. Attach double layers in accordance with pertinent codes and manufacturer's recommendations as approved by Architect. d. Attach to wood as required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 10/18/11 01421-2 10/18/11 5. Access doors: By careful coordination with Drawings and with trades involved, install access doors where required and as provided under other Sections of these Specifications. Anchor firmly into position, and align properly to achieve an installation flush with finished surface. 6. Joint treatment: a. Inspect areas to be joint treated, verifying that gypsum wallboard fits snugly against supporting framework. b. In areas where joint treatment and compound finishing will be performed, maintain a temperature of not less than 55 degrees for 24 hours prior to commencing treatment, and until joint and finishing compounds have dried. c. Apply joint treatment and finishing compound by machine or hand tool. d. Provide a minimum drying time of 24 hours between coats, with additional drying time in poorly ventilated areas. 7. Embedding compounds: a. Apply to gypsum wallboard joints and fastener heads in a thin uniform layer. b. Spread compound not less than 3" wide at joints, center reinforcing tape in joint, and embed the tape in compound. Then spread a thin layer of compound over tape. c. After this treatment has dried, apply a second coat of embedding compound to joints and fastener heads, spreading in a thin uniform coat to not less than 6" wide at joints, and feather edged. d. Sandpaper between coats as required. e. When thoroughly dry, sandpaper to eliminate ridges and high points. 8. Finishing compounds: a. After embedding compound is thoroughly dry and has been completely sanded, apply a coat of finishing compound to joints and fastener heads. b. Feather finishing compound to not less than 12" wide. c. When thoroughly dry, sandpaper to obtain a uniformly smooth surface, taking care to not scuff paper surface of wallboard. 9. Corner treatment: a. Internal corners: Treat as specified for joints, except fold reinforcing tape lengthwise through middle and fit neatly into corner. b. External corners: (1) Install specified corner bead, fitting neatly over corner and securing with same type fasteners used for installing wallboard. (2) Space fasteners approximately 6" on centers, and drive through wallboard into framing or furring member. (3) After corner bead has been secured into position, treat corner with joint compound and reinforcing tape as specified for joints, feathering joint compound out from 8" to 10" on each side. 10. Other metal trim: a. Drawings do not purport to show all locations and requirements for metal trim. b. Carefully study Drawings and installation, and provide all metal trim normally recommended by manufacturer of gypsum wallboard approved for use in this Work. 11. In addition to other requirements for cleaning, use necessary care to prevent scattering gypsum wallboard scraps and dust, and to prevent tracking gypsum and joint finishing compound onto floor surfaces. 12. At completion of each segment of installation in a room or space, promptly pick up and remove from working area all scrap, debris, and surplus material of this Section. 09510-1 09510 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS A. General: b. Equal products of other manufacturers when approved in advance by Architect. 1. Deliver to Owner for use in future modifications, an extra stock of approximately 10% of each type of acoustical material installed, packaging each type of material separately, distinctly marked, and adequately protected against deterioration. B. Products: 1. Provide a complete system of supporting members, anchors, wall cornices, adapters for light fixtures and grilles, and accessories of every type required for a complete suspended "T" grid system of arrangements shown on Drawings, in color or colors selected by Owner from standard colors of approved manufacturer, and complying with pertinent requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., and governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Acceptable suspension system products: a. Manufactured Corporation by: Chicago Metal (1) Ceiling system: 1 hr rated, per UL Design L202; b. Equal products of other manufacturers when approved in advance by Architect. 3. Acceptable panel products: a. Manufactured Corporation: by Chicago Metal (1) Ceiling system: fissured, 24" x 24" x 5/8"; with angled edges and recessed tee throughout – selected by Owner within the parameters of a 1 hr. ceiling assembly by Chicago Metal Corporation.. C. Execution: 1. Except as modified by requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, recommendations of manufacturer as approved by Architect, or specific directions of Architect, install in accordance with ASTM C636 and pertinent UL design requirements. 2. Lateral bracing: a. Provide lateral bracing as required pertinent codes and regulations. by b. Secure lateral bracing to structural members. Secure at right angles to direction of partition and four ways in large ceiling areas. 3. Provide hold-down clips for ceiling boards only when so required by governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 4. Make all grid level within a tolerance of one in 1000 and straight within a tolerance of one in 1000. 5. Install acoustical ceiling boards in "T" grid system so linearity of facing is as directed by Architect. 6. Set acoustical ceiling boards at sound walls in four continuous beads of 1/4" diameter sealant, one at top of each edge of gypsum drywall and two on top of top metal runner track. 7. In addition to other stipulated requirements for cleaning, completely remove finger prints and traces of soil from surfaces of grid and acoustical materials, using only those cleaning materials recommended for purpose by manufacturer of material being cleaned. 10/18/11 09650-1 09650 SHEET VINYL FLOORING A. General: 1. Deliver to Owner for use in future modifications an extra stock of approximately 10% of each color and pattern in each material installed under this Section, packaging each type of material separately, distinctly marked, and adequately protected against deterioration. 2. 3. B. Products: 1. Provide colors and patterns as selected by Owner from standard colors and patterns of approved manufacturer in specified type. 2. Adhesives: a. Provide waterproof and stabilized type adhesive as recommended by manufacturer of material being installed. b. Asphalt emulsions and other non-waterproof adhesives will not be acceptable. 3. Concrete slab primer: Provide non-staining type as required and as recommended by manufacturer of material being installed. 4. Sheet Vinyl: a. Dimension: Provide 72" rolls. b. Acceptable products: (1) Armstrong .085 gauge "Corlon", Fed. Spec. SS-T-312 type III. (2) Integral cove: Base, 6" high of same material as the flooring, or heat-welded, butt-to-base as recommended by the manufacturer. (3) Equal products of other manufacturers when approved in advance by Architect. 5. Vinyl base: a. Where shown on Drawings, provide topset base, drawings, 1/8" thick, of height noted on drawings, of quality equal to "Kencove" by Kentile or "Colorite" by Armstrong. 6. Wax: a. Shall be water-resistant, scuff-resistant, nonyellowing finish. 7. Walking surfaces to comply with ASTM C1028; a static coefficient of friction of 0.6 for level surfaces and 0.8 for ramps. C. Execution: 1. Subfloors: a. Verify that substrate is smooth, level, at required finish elevation, and without more than 1/8" in 10'-0" variation from level or slopes shown on Drawings. 4. 5. 6. b. Prior to laying materials, broom clean or vacuum surfaces to be covered, and inspect subfloors. Priming: a. Apply concrete slab primer if so recommended by resilient flooring manufacturer. b. Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations as approved by Architect. Installation, general: a. Install materials only after finishing operations, including painting, have been completed and after permanent heating system is operating. b. Verify that moisture content of concrete slabs, building air temperature, and relative humidity are within limits recommended by manufacturers of materials used. c. Maintain reference markers, holes, and openings that are in place or plainly marked for future cutting by repeating on finish surface as marked in subfloor. Use chalk or other non-permanent marking device. Installing sheet vinyl flooring: a. Place units with adhesive cement in strict compliance with manufacturer's recommendations. (1) Butt units tightly to vertical surfaces, nosings, edgings, and thresholds. (2) Scribe as necessary around obstructions and to produce neat joints. (3) Extend flooring into toe spaces, door reveals, and in closets and similar spaces. b. Lay flooring from center marks established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so that units at opposite edges of room are of equal width. (1) Lay flooring square to axes of room or space. c. Place resilient edge strips tightly butted to units and secured with adhesive, providing at all unprotected edges unless otherwise shown. Installing base: a. Install base where shown on Drawings. b. Use factory-preformed exterior corners, and factory-preformed or job-mitered interior corners. Remove excess adhesive and other blemishes from exposed surfaces, using neutral cleaner recommended by manufacturer of resilient materials. 10/18/11 09680-1 09680 CARPETING A. General: 1. Furnish and install carpet as indicated on the room finish schedule. 2. Meet the requirements of ASTM-E-84 tunnel test 44 and have class I flame spread rating of 25 or less, Fed. Spec. DDD-C-0095A. B. Products: 1. Carpet is to be of tufted, woven, fusionbonded, or knitted construction, of first quality (free from visual blemishes, streaks, poorly dyed areas, and other physical and/or manufacturing defects), conforming to the following: a. Surface texture: Loop pile ASTM D1423 height variation 0.175". b. Pile fiber: solution dyed Nylon filament, 15 denier, min. length 3 1/2", ASTM D2257. c. Pile weight: 28 oz. per sq.yd. minimum. d. Pile density: 5,500 minimum. e. Width: 12 ft. minimum. f. Delamination strength 18lb min. g. Plied heat set yarn. NOTE: If "Olifin" is used, increase the pile density to 6,500. 2. Provide seam adhesive such as W. W. Henry Company No. 246, Roberts Company No. 410502, or an equal recommended for purpose by manufacturer of carpet. 3. At intersection of carpet and floor tile, provide Mercer Plastics Company, Inc., "Custom Edge Carpet Bar No. 90," vinyl, or equal, in color selected by Owner. 4. Provide other materials, including tackless strips, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation, as selected by Contractor subject to approval of Owner. 5. Submit samples, meeting above specifications, to owner for color selection. 5. Where carpeting is used on walls, install as directed by manufacturer, and trim top edge and exposed vertical edges with a brass cap approved by Owner. 6. Seams: a. Locate seams only where shown on approved Shop Drawings, or where specifically otherwise approved by Architect. b. Locate seams to maximum extent practicable out of way of traffic. Do not seam at doorways perpendicular to door. c. Fabricate seams to be uniform, unnoticeable, and permanent by any of the methods specified below, except when the carpet manufacturer specifies the seaming method. Regardless of seaming method, treat all joining edges with a seam adhesive. Seams shall have a minimum breaking strength of 100 pounds per inch and be capable of withstanding all carpet cleaning processes. (1) Sewn seams: Hand sew with a suitable carpet thread such as linen No. 18. (2) Taped seams: Minimum 4" wide carpet seaming tape. (3) Hot melt tape seams: Minimum 4" wide. d. Make seams as inconspicuous as possible, flat, unpuckered, and completely free from glue on exposed surfaces. e. Do not stretch seams. 7. In addition to cleaning requirements stated elsewhere, thoroughly clean carpet and adjacent surfaces prior to final acceptance of carpeted areas by Owner. 8. Provide a heavy non-staining paper or plastic walkway as required over carpeting in direction of traffic, maintaining intact until carpeted space is accepted by Owner. 9. Allow Owner to inspect and select from scrap carpet remaining after installation. Bundle, wrap in burlap, and deliver to Owner carpet scraps selected by him. C. Execution: 1. Make substrate level and free from irregularities. Assure one constant floor height after carpet is installed, filling low spots and grinding high spots as required. 2. Install approved pad in strict accordance with manufacturer's recommendations, lightly butting joints, and providing a smooth underlayment. 3. Scribe carpet accurately to vertical surfaces. 4. Align lines of carpet, as woven, using no fill strips less than 6" wide, laying all carpet in same direction unless specifically directed otherwise by Architect. 10/18/11 09900-1 09900 PAINTING A. General: 1. Following selection of colors and glosses by Owner, submit Samples for Owner's review. a. Provide three Samples of each color and each gloss for each material on which finish is specified to be applied. b. Except as otherwise directed by Owner, make Samples approximately 8" x 10" in size. c. If so directed by owner, submit Samples during progress of Work in form of actual application of approved materials on actual surfaces to be painted. 2. Revise and re-submit each Sample as requested until required gloss, color, and texture is achieved. Such Samples, when approved, will become standards of color and finish for accepting or rejecting work of this Section. 3. Do not commence finish painting until approved Samples are on file at job site. a. Exterior work: A maximum of five different colors will be used, with variations for trim, doors, miscellaneous work, and metal work. b. Interior work: A maximum of five different pigmented colors will be used, with variations for trim and wall surfaces and wainscots. c. Dark tones: A maximum of two dark tones will be used as accent colors for interior. C. Execution: 1. For application of approved paint, use only equipment as is recommended for application of particular paint by manufacturer of particular paint. 2. Prior to use of application equipment, verify that proposed equipment is actually compatible with material to be applied, and that integrity of finish will not be jeopardized by use of proposed equipment. 4. Upon completion of work of this Section, deliver to Owner an extra stock equaling 10% of each color, type, and gloss of paint used in Work, tightly sealing each container, and clearly labeling with contents and location where used. 3. Mix and prepare paint materials accordance with manufacturers' mendations. B. Products: 5. Remove removable items which are in place and are not scheduled to receive paint finish; or provide surface applied protection prior to surface preparation and painting operations. 1. Painting Schedule at end of this Section is based, in general, on products of Frazee Paint Company. Equal products of Sinclair, DunnEdwards, or other manufacturers approved in advance by Architect may be substituted in accordance with provisions of Contract. 2. Where products are proposed other than those specified by name and number in Painting Schedule, submit a new painting schedule compiled in same format used for Painting Schedule included in this Section. 3. Undercoats and thinners: a. Provide undercoat paint produced by same manufacturer as finish coat. b. Use only thinners recommended by paint manufacturer, and use only to recommended limits. c. Insofar as practicable, use undercoat, finish coat, and thinner material as parts of a unified system of paint finish. 4. Owner will prepare a color schedule with samples for guidance in painting. Owner may select, allocate, and vary colors on different surfaces throughout Work, subject to following. in strict recom- 4. Perform preparation and cleaning procedures in strict accordance with paint manufacturers' recommendations. 6. Following completion of painting in each space or area, reinstall removed items by using workmen who are skilled in necessary trades. 7. Slightly vary color of succeeding coats. a. Do not apply additional coats until completed coat has been inspected and approved. b. Only inspected and approved coats of paint will be considered in determining number of coats applied. c. Sand and dust between coats to remove defects visible to unaided eye from a distance of five feet. d. On removable panels and hinged panels, paint back sides to match exposed sides. 8. Brush out and work brush coats onto surface in an even film. 9. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, and other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. 10. Except as specifically otherwise approved by Owner, confine spray application to metal 10/18/11 09900-2 framework and similar surfaces where hand brush work would be inferior. a. Where spray application is used, apply each coat to provide hiding equivalent of brush coats. b. Do not double back with spray equipment to build up film thickness of two coats in one pass. 11. For completed work, match approved Samples as to texture, color, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not in compliance with specified requirements. 12. Miscellaneous surfaces and procedures: a. Exposed mechanical items: (1) Finish electric panels, access doors, conduits, pipes, ducts, grilles, registers, vents, and items of similar nature to match adjacent wall and ceiling surfaces, or as directed. (2) Paint visible duct surfaces behind vents, registers, and grilles flat black. (3) Wash metal with solvent, prime, and apply two coats of alkyd enamel. b. Exposed pipe and duct insulation: (1) Apply one coat of latex paint on insulation which has been sized or primed under other Sections; apply two coats on such surfaces when unprepared. (2) Match color of adjacent surfaces. (3) Remove band before painting, and replace after painting. c. Hardware: (1) Paint prime coated hardware to match adjacent surfaces; (2) Paint metal portions of head seals, jamb seals, and astragal seals to match color of door frame unless otherwise directed by Owner. d. Wet areas: (1) In toilet rooms and contiguous areas, add an approved fungicide to paints. (2) For oil base paints, use 1% phenolmercuric or 4% tetrachlorophenol. (3) For water emulsion and surfaces, use 4% sodium ophenate. glue size tetrachlor- e. Interior: Use "stipple" finish where enamel is specified. f. Exposed vents: Apply two coats of heat resistant paint approved by Owner. 13. Provide following paint finishes. a. Exterior metal, ferrous (except doors, door frames, and handrails): (1) First coat: BLOC-RUST PREMIUM BRPR00-1-WH (white) or BRPR00-1-RO (red oxide) (2) Second coat: EVERSHIELD (EVSH50) Semi-Gloss (3) Third coat: (EVSH50) Semi-Gloss EVERSHIELD b. Exterior metal doors, door frames, and handrails: (1) First coat: BLOC-RUST PREMIUM BRPR00-1-WH (white) or BRPR00-1-RO (red oxide) (2) Second coat: (W10) WB SYNLUSTRO Gloss (3) Third coat: (W10) WB SYNLUSTRO Gloss c. Exterior metal, galvanized: Pretreatment: Supreme Metal Etch (SCME 01) Chemical (1) First coat: (GAPR00) GALV-ALUM PREMIUM (2) Second coat: (EVSH50) EVERSHIELD Semi-Gloss (3) Third coat: (EVSH50) EVERSHIELD Semi-Gloss d. Exterior wood: NOTE: All exterior wood trim is to be finished on all sides and ends prior to installation to prevent wood rot, warping, cupping, etc. (1) (Paint finish): (a) First coat: PREMIUM (EZPR00) EZPRIME (b) Second coat: EVERSHIELD Semi-Gloss (EVSH50) (c) Third coat: EVERSHIELD Semi-Gloss (EVSH50) (2) (Stain finish, semi-transparent): (a) First coat: Series CABOT 4300 (3) (Stain finish, heavy bodied, opaque): 10/18/11 09900-3 (a) First coat: Flat (SSHL10) SPARTASHIELD e. Exterior concrete unit masonry: (1) First coat: SMOOTH BLOCFIL PREMIUM (SBPR00) (2) Second coat: f. (a) First coat: EFFSTOP PREMIUM (ESPROO) (b) Second coat: GLOSS (SPMA50) SUPREMA SEMI- (c) Third coat: GLOSS (SPMA50) SUPREMA SEMI- 203 Duratec (2) On ferrous metal, use: Exterior concrete: (1) First coat: EFFSTOP PREMIUM (ESPROO) or SMOOTH BLOCFIL PREMIUM (SBPR00) (2) Second coat: (EVSH10) (1) On concrete, use: EVERSHIELD Flat (a) First coat: BLOC-RUST PREMIUM BRPR00-1-WH (white) or BRPR00-1RO (red oxide) (b) Second coat: WB SYNLUSTRO Semi-Gloss (W9) (c) Third coat: WB SYNLUSTRO Semi-Gloss (W9) g. Interior flat wall paint ("F"): (1) On concrete, use: (a) First coat: EFFSTOP PREMIUM (ESPROO) (b) Second coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT (c) Third coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT (2) On gypsum drywall, use: (3) On gypsum drywall, use: (a) First coat: VINYLASTIC PREMIUM (VNPR00) (b) Second coat: GLOSS (SPMA50) SUPREMA SEMI- (c) Third coat: GLOSS (SPMA50) SUPREMA SEMI- (4) On galvanized metal (except stairs, stringers, handrails, metal doors, metal door frames, and ladders) use: (a) First coat: VINYLASTIC PREMIUM (VNPR00) (b) Second coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT Pretreatment: Supreme Chemical Metal Etch (SCME 01) (c) Third coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT (a) First coat: ULTRAGRIP PREMIUM (UGPR00) (b) Second coat: WB SYNLUSTRO Semi-Gloss (W9) (c) Third coat: WB SYNLUSTRO Semi-Gloss (W9) (3) On Plaster, use: (a) First coat: EFFSTOP PREMIUM (ESPROO) or INTERKOTE PREMIUM (IKPR00) (b) Second coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT (c) Third coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT (4) On concrete unit masonry, use: (a) First coat: SMOOTH BLOCFIL PREMIUM (SBPR00) (b) Second coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT (c) Third coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT (5) On galvanized stairs, stringers, handrails, metal doors, metal door frames, and ladders, use: Pretreatment: Supreme Chemical Metal Etch (SCME 01) (a) First coat: ULTRAGRIP PREMIUM (UGPR00) (b) Second coat: WB SYNLUSTRO Semi-Gloss (W9) (c) Third coat: WB SYNLUSTRO Semi-Gloss (W9) h. Interior semi-gloss enamel ("SGE"): 10/18/11 09900-4 (6) On wood (paint finish), use: (a) First coat: PREMIUM (IKPR00) INTERKOTE (b) Second coat: GLOSS (SPMA50) SUPREMA SEMI- (c) Third coat: GLOSS (SPMA50) SUPREMA SEMI- (7) On wood (stain finish, semi-trans parent), use: (a) First coat: Cabots 8120 (8) On wood (opaque bodied), use: finish, (a) First coat: Based Wiping scheduled) Zenith Water Stain (color as (b) Second coat Zenith Precatalyzed Lacquer Satin from Valspar * (c) Third coat: Zenith Precatalyzed Lacquer Satin from Valspar * (d) Fourth coat: Zenith Precatalyzed Lacquer Satin from Valspar * heavy (a) First coat: PREMIUM (IKPR00) INTERKOTE (b) Second coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT © Third coat: (SPMA10) SUPREMA FLAT * Note: Valspar Zenith Waterborne Precatalyzed Lacquer is self sealing and Sanding Sealer is not necessary—use 3 coat finish system. 2. Apply Valspar VSP 0109 Paste Wood Filler on open grain wood (9) On wood (transparent finish, stain and lacquer), use: 10/18/11 09972-1 09972 PLASTIC COATED WALL PANELS A – General: 1.1 SUMMARY A. Provide plastic coated wall panels where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01341. B. C. Product data: Within 45 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures that will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. Accompanying the product data, submit 200 mm x 250 mm (8" x 10") or larger Samples of the full range of colors and patterns available in the plastic coated wall panels, plus 300 mm (12") or longer Samples of colors and patterns available in the moldings. B – Products: 2.1 WALL PANELS A. Where "Marlite" is shown on the Drawings, provide the appropriate following components manufactured by the Marlite Company, or equals approved in advance by the Owner: 1. integrally colored FRP high-gloss pebbled surface panels, (3/32") thick by (4'-0") wide; 2.2 OTHER MATERIALS A. Provide other materials, not specifically described but required for a complete and proper installation. C – Execution: 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Securely install the approved products in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, setting all items straight, plumb, level, and true to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings. B. Promptly upon completion of installation, clean all exposed surfaces with methods and materials recommended by the manufacturer of the panels. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01620. 10/18/11 10165-1 10165 METAL TOILET PARTITIONS A. Products: 1. Provide floor supported powder coated metal toilet partitions by Global Steel Products Corporation, 6830 East Washington Blvd., City of Commerce, CA 90040 (213) 724-5232 in dimensions and arrangements shown on drawings, and in colors and finishes selected by Owner from standard colors and finishes. 2. Provide urinal screens in dimensions and arrangements shown on Drawings, manufactured by Global Steel Products-see above. 3. Provide manufacturers standard heavy-duty type 304 18-8 satin finish stainless steel hardware throughout, including screw and 1 1/8" coat hook on inside of stall door. If directed by Owner, provide vandal-resistant Institutional Hardware. 4. Provide threaded steel inserts behind each door hinge to receive one-way stainless steel screw; Tnuts behind each latch track. 5. All doors shall be equipped to open by lifting bottom edge for emergency purposes. B. Execution: 1. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with original design, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and manufacturer's recommended installation procedures, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. 3. Adjust doors, except doors to handicapped compartments, to remain at a uniformly open position when unlocked. 10/18/11 10400-1 10400 IDENTIFYING DEVICES A – General: B – Products: 1.1 SUMMARY 2.1 APPROVED MANUFACTURERS A. Provide identifying devices where shown on the Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation including, but not necessarily limited to: 1. Building identification; 2. Building directory; 3. Door signs. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division l of these Specifications. A. Design is based on use of standard products manufactured by ASI Sign Systems, 5849 Uplander Way, Culver City, California 90230, (310) 645-1400, and trade names of that manufacturer are used herein. B. Provide the products upon which design is based, or provide equal products of another manufacturer approved in advance by the Owner. C. Except as otherwise approved by the Owner, provide all products of this Section from a single manufacturer. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Consult the Owner in advance and secure the official street address number. B. Provide one set of raised hollow brass street address numbers with the following attributes. 1. 300 mm (12") high by 38 mm (1-1/2") deep; 2. All seams solder sealed, sanded, and finished so no exposed edges are visible. 3. Light patina finish and protective coating. A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01341. B. Product data: Within 60 calendar days after the Contractor has received the Owner's Notice to Proceed, submit: 1. Materials list of items proposed to be provided under this Section; 2. Manufacturer's specifications and other data needed to prove compliance with the specified requirements; 3. Details of installation and anchorage sufficient to enable proper interface of the work of this Section with the work of other trades. 4. Manufacturer's recommended installation procedures which will become the basis for accepting or rejecting actual installation procedures used on the Work. 2.2 BUILDING IDENTIFICATION 4. Use "Helvetica Medium" style. C. Provide the manufacturer's standard mounting system as appropriate for the surfaces shown on the Drawings. 2.3 BUILDING DIRECTORY A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and methods needed for proper performance of the work of this Section. A. Provide ASI illuminated directory type 530, with the following attributes: 1. 738 mm (29-1/2") high by 933 mm (375/16") wide; 2. Recess mounted, with low light transmission laminated bronze glass cover; 3. Provide strip capacity of 150 strips at 13 mm x 175 mm (1/2" x 7"), with removable and interchangeable graphic insert holders and blank film inserts. 4. Finish: Duranodic black on exposed surfaces of metal. 1.4 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 2.4 DOOR SIGNS A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01620. A. Provide ASI series "SPB" door sign plaques with the following attributes. 1. Size: 225 mm x 225 mm (9" x 9"). 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE 10/18/11 2. Type style: "Helvetica Medium"; 13 mm (1/2") for message and 16 mm (5/8") for suite number. 3. Plaque color: Black. 4. Type color: White. 5. Frame: Black, series 390. 6. Margins: a. For message, 20 mm (3/4") bottom left; b. For suite number: 20 mm (3/4") top left. 7. Mounting: Double-sided .53 mm (1/32") thick vinyl tape, silastic adhesive, or screw mounting, depending on mounting surface. B. Messages: Text will be provided by the Owner. C. Provide ASI series "SPC" toilet room door sign plaques with the following attributes: 1. Size: 300 mm (12") triangle and 300 mm (12") circle complying with pertinent requirements of Title 24 of California Administrative Code. 2. Type style: "Helvetica Medium." 3. Plaque color: Black. 4. Type color: White. 5. Frame finish: Black. 6. Margins: Center/center. 7. Mounting: Same as for other door signs. 8. Messages: MEN and WOMEN. C – Execution: 3.1 SURFACE CONDITIONS A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work of this Section will be performed. Correct conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the Work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Install the work of this Section in strict accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations, using only the approved mounting materials, and locating all components firmly into position, level and plumb. 10520-1 10520 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS AND CABINETS A. Products: 1. Where Directed by Fire Marshall during job walk during rough framing, provide J. L. Industries "Panorama 1037 and 1038 C-70" factory prefinished steel cabinets, or equal products of other manufacturers approved in advance by Owner. Solid block all around recessed cabinets. 2. At each fire extinguisher cabinet, provide one multipurpose chemical fire extinguisher with UL rating of 2A-10B;C, J. L. Industries Model "Cosmic 5-E" or equal and as approved in advance by Fire Marshall. 3. At each additional fire extinguisher location, provide J. L. Industries Model "Cosmic 5-E" extinguisher with J. L. Industries "MB 821" bracket. 4. Service, charge, and tag each fire extinguisher not more than five calendar days prior to Date of Substantial Completion of Work. B. Execution: 1. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with original design, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and manufacturer's recommended installation procedures, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. 3. Locate bracket-mounted extinguishers where directed by Fire Department official. 10/18/11 10650-1 10650 OPERABLE PARTITIONS A. Products: 1. Provide operable partitions of types, dimensions, and arrangements shown on Drawings. 2. Acceptable products: a. "Operable Partitions" – Model Gamma STC46 gwb faced “M” panels manufactured by Advanced Equipment Corporation, 2401 West Commonwealth Ave., Fullerton, CA 92833, Phone: (714) 635-5350. Website: ( b. Equal products of other manufacturers when approved in advance by Architect. B. Execution: 1. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with original design, approved Shop Drawings, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and manufacturer's recommended installation procedures, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. 3. Upon completion of installation, put each operating component through at least ten operating cycles. a. Adjust to achieve optimum operation. b. Visually inspect all exposed surfaces, and touchup all scratches and abrasions to be completely invisible to unaided eye from a distance of five feet. 10/18/11 10800-1 10800 TOILET ROOM ACCESSORIES A. General 1. Work specified: Provide toilet room accessories in types and locations specified herein and as shown on drawings. 2. Provide a 10 year silver spoilage warranty on mirror. B. Products 2. Each grab bar in the water closet compartment for handicapped shall be capable to support a 250 pound load. 3. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 4. Install each item in its proper location, firmly anchored into position, level and plumb, and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 1. Private toilet room , provide the following items by V & G Sales, ph: (909) 444-9553 (or equal), one per room: a. Soap dispenser: Model 6324 b. Paper towel dispenser: Model 250-15 c. Toilet tissue dispenser: Model 15241 d. Mirror-shelf: Model 7815 e. Waste receptacle: Model 359 f. Napkin disposal: Model 4781-15 g. Seat cover dispenser: Model 5831 2. Public toilet room : a. Soap dispenser: Model 6324 (one each lavatory) b. Toilet tissue dispenser: Model 5241-50 (one each water closet compartment) c. Toilet seat cover dispenser: Model 5831 use Model 584 for handicapped compartment (one each water closet compartment) d. Coat hook: Model 9135 (1 ea. W.C. compartment, mounted @ 48" in H.C. toilet) e. Feminine napkin disposal: Model 4781-15 (one each female water closet compartment, mounted @ 48") f. Grab bars: Model 832-001/36 and Model 832-001/42 (one each for each handicapped toilet compartment) g. Mirror: .5mm x 48" high x full length, Model 781 framed (one each room) h. Paper towel dispenser and waste receptacle: Model 234 (one each room) j. Feminine napkin-tampon vendors: Model 426 (one each women's toilet room) 3. Janitor's room : a. Mop holder: Model 9954 (one each room) 4. Where indicated : a. Mirror: .5mm x 48" x full length Model 781 framed C. Execution 1. Installation shall be in accordance manufacturer's specifications recommendations. with and 10/18/11 14420 -1 14420 WHEELCHAIR LIFT A. Products: 1. Use components produced by manufacturers regularly engaged in business of manufacturing, installing, and servicing wheelchair lifts of types required by this Section of these Specifications, and with a history of successful production acceptable to Architect. B. Products: 1. Acceptable manufacturers: a. Design is based on use of equipment manufactured and installed by National Wheel-O-Vator Company, and terminology used may include reference to proprietary products of that company. Construe such reference as establishing only quality of workmanship and materials to be provided under this Section, and not as limiting competition. b. Provide products upon which design is based, or provide equal products of: (1) Other manufacturer approved in advance by Architect. 2. Except as otherwise approved by Architect, provide Wheel-O-Vator platform lift - model as selected by Owner – make submittal to Architect prior to delivery. C. Execution: 1. Coordinate as required with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with original design, pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, and manufacturer's recommended installation procedures as approved by Architect, anchoring all components firmly into position for long life under hard use. 3. Upon completion of installation, make arrangements for and secure required inspections, tests, and approvals of completed wheelchair lifts. Make all changes and adjustments required at no additional cost to Owner. 4. Unit shall have a one (l) year warranty on the basic unit and electrical system components with a two (2) year limited warranty on drive components. 10/18/11 15000-1 15000 GENERAL MECHANICAL PROVISIONS A General: 1.01 SUMMARY A. This Section includes general provisions applicable to Division 15 Mechanical. 1.02 REFERENCES c. A. Drawings and General Provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary General Conditions and Division 1 section apply to work in Division 15. 1.03 d. GENERAL: A. Submittals: 1. Submittals will be reviewed by the Engineer to determine that the materials, equipment, and installation methods are in accordance with the project design concepts. The Contractor shall be responsible for space requirements, configurations, performance, bases, supports, and other apparatus that may be affected by the material, equipment or installation. 2. Include current published catalog and specification sheets pertaining to proposed material and equipment. 3. Identify each item with identification symbols identical to those used on the drawings and/or in the specifications. B. Operation and Maintenance Manual: 1. Submit one copy of the manual to the Engineer for preliminary review prior to production of the final manuals. 2. Following review of the preliminary manual by the Engineer prepare and submit final copies of the manual complying with the Engineer’s comments noted on the preliminary manual. 3. Include the following information: a. Alphabetical list of all system components with the name, address, and 24-hour phone number of the company responsible for servicing each item during the first year of operation. b. Manufacturer’s data that are applicable to the installed equipment such as the following: e. f. g. h. 1. Shop drawings (reviewed and accepted). 2. Product and performance data (reviewed and accepted). 3. Installation instructions. 4. Lubrication instructions. 5. Wiring and temperature control diagrams. 6. Parts list. 7. Copies of warranties. A simplified description of the operation of each system including the function of each piece of equipment within the system. Emergency procedures for equipment operation during a fire or following the failure of major equipment. Describe procedures for normal starting, operating, shutdown, and long-term shutdown. Complete maintenance instructions for all equipment. System balancing report. Temperature controls, cut sheets, and record drawings. Equipment certifications. 1.04 DEFINITIONS: Not used 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. General: Refer to DIVISION 1 for construction phasing and time increments. B. Installer qualifications: 1. Workmanship shall conform to the highest industry standard for each specific type of work. 2. Perform work in accordance with standard commercial practices. 1.06 WARRANTY: A. All mechanical equipment, materials, workmanship warranties shall be provided in accordance with the following: 1. Warranty all equipment, materials, workmanship, and proper operation of equipment and apparatus for a period of one year from date of final acceptance. Extended warranty periods may be identified elsewhere. 2. Compile and assemble the warranties specified into the operating and maintenance manuals. 10/18/11 3. Provide complete warranty information for each item to include date or beginning of warranty or bond; duration of warranty or bond; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers and procedures for filing a claim and obtaining warranty services. B Products: 2.01 MANUFACTURERS: A. As specified in individual sections. 2.02 MATERIALS: A. Provide material and equipment new and free from defects. B. Install all equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s current published recommendations. C. Where no manufacturer is listed, provide a standard product meeting the requirements of the drawings and specifications, and manufactured by a firm regularly engaged in the manufacture of such products. C Execution: 3.01 EXAMINATION: A. Visit site and ascertain existing conditions prior to submitting bid. Include in bid all considerations necessary to accomplish the work under the existing conditions. 3.02 INSTALLATION: A. Permits and inspections: 1. Secure and pay for all required permits and licenses. 2. Pay all applicable royalties, inspection fees, and taxes. B. Scaffolding, Rigging, and Hoisting: 1. Provide all scaffolding, rigging, and hoisting necessary to safely accomplish the work following OSHA requirements. a. Remove from premises when no longer needed. 2. Provide necessary services to deliver, erect, place, and install all equipment and apparatus furnished. C. Damaged Surfaces: 1. At completion of the work, all mechanical material and equipment furnished shall be inspected for damage. a. Repair damaged factory finishes to match adjacent, undamaged areas. b. Replace deformed metal cabinets, jackets, and enclosures with new items. Finish shall match similar undamaged items. 3.03 TESTING, CLEANING AND CERTIFICATION: A. Cleanup: 1. At completion of the work, check and thoroughly clean all equipment. a. Clean coils and plenums. b. Clean in, under, and around equipment. c. Clean exposed surfaces of piping, ducts, and hangers. d. Clean equipment cabinets and enclosures. e. Provide and install new filters for equipment. B. Project Closeout: 1. Verify that all work has been completed prior to requesting final walkthrough, including Contractor’s preliminary review of mechanical system start-up and acceptance checklists. 3.04 COMMISSIONING: A. Training and Demonstration: Schedule instructional meetings for the project’s facilities and maintenance personnel on the proper operation and maintenance of mechanical systems. Provide the project manager a minimum of 5 days notice prior to any training, demonstration, or testing. 15010-1 15010 BASIC MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS A General: 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Basic Mechanical Requirements specifically applicable to Division 15 Sections, in addition to Division 1 - General Requirements. 1.02 RELATED DOCUMENTS: A. The uniform general conditions, supplementary general conditions, and Division 1 of the Specifications apply to the work specified in this Section. B. All work covered by this Section of these Specifications shall be accomplished in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Contract Documents and any addenda or directives which may be issued herewith, or otherwise. 1.03 GENERAL: A. The Contractor shall execute all work hereinafter specified or indicated on accompanying Drawings. Contractor shall provide all equipment necessary and usually furnished in connection with such work and systems whether or not mentioned specifically herein or on the Drawings. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for fitting his material and apparatus into the building and shall carefully lay out his work at the site to conform to the structural conditions, to avoid all obstructions, to conform to the details of the installation and thereby to provide an integrated satisfactory operating installation. C. The Mechanical, Electrical, and associated Drawings are necessarily diagrammatic by their nature, and are not intended to show every connection in detail or every pipe or conduit in its exact location. These details are subject to the requirements of standards referenced elsewhere in these specifications, and structural and architectural conditions. The Contractor shall carefully investigate structural and finish conditions and shall coordinate the separate trades in order to avoid interference between the various phases of work. Work shall be organized and laid out so that it will be concealed in furred chases and suspended ceilings, etc., in finished portions of the building, unless specifically noted to be exposed. All exposed work shall be installed parallel or perpendicular to the lines of the building unless otherwise noted. 1.04 DEFINITIONS: Not used 1.05 PERMITS, INSPECTIONS: UTILITY CONNECTIONS AND A. General: Refer to DIVISION 1 for construction phasing and time increments. B. Fees and Costs: If, during the course of the construction, a need arises to buy utilities, the Contractor shall pay all fees attendant thereto. If City or privately owned utility piping or electrical cable needs to be extended, relocated, or terminated, the Contractor will pay all permits and construction/inspection fees associated with that particular work. C. If inspections by City personnel are specifically required, then the Contractor is responsible for any fees or permits in connection to those requirements. D. Compliance: The Contractor shall comply in every respect with all requirements of National Fire Protection Association, local Fire Department regulations and utility company requirements. In no case does this relieve the Contractor of the responsibility of complying with these Specifications and Drawings where specified conditions are of higher quality than the requirements of the above-specified authorities. Where requirements of the Specifications and Drawings are more lenient than the requirements of the above authorities having jurisdiction, the Contractor shall make installations in compliance with the requirements of the above authorities with no extra compensation. 1.06 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: A. All dimensional information related to new structures shall be taken from the appropriate Drawings. All dimensional information related to existing facilities shall be taken from actual measurements made by the Contractor on the site. B. The interrelation of the Specifications, the Drawings, and the schedules are as follows: The Specifications determine the nature and setting 10/18/11 of the several materials, the Drawings establish the quantities, dimensions and details, and the schedules give the performance characteristics. If the Contractor requires additional clarification, he shall request it in writing, following the contractually prescribed information flow requirements. C. Should the Drawings or Specifications conflict within themselves, or with each other, the better quality, or greater size or quantity of work or materials shall be performed or furnished. 1.07 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP: A. All materials, unless otherwise specified, shall be new, free from all defects, suitable for the intended use, and of the best quality of their respective kinds. Materials and equipment shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and the best standard practice for the type of work involved. All work shall be executed by mechanics skilled in their respective trades, and the installations shall provide a neat, precise appearance. Materials and/or equipment damaged in shipment or otherwise damaged prior to installation shall not be repaired at the job site but shall be replaced with new materials and/or equipment. 1.08 7. NFPA No. 54, Gas Appliances, Piping, National Fuel Gas Code 8. NFPA No. 70, National Electrical Code 9. NFPA No. 72D, Proprietary Signaling Systems 10. NFPA No. 78, Lightning Protection Code 11. NFPA No. 88A, Standard for Parking Structures 12. NFPA No. 90A, Air Conditioning Systems 13. NFPA No. 91, Blower & Exhaust Systems 14. NFPA No. 99, Health Care Facilities 15 NFPA No. 101, Life Safety Code 16. NFPA No. 200, Series, Building Construction 17. NFPA No. 211, Chimneys, Fireplaces, Vent Systems 18. NFPA No. 241, Standard for Safeguarding Construction, Alteration and Demolition Operations 19. NFPA No. 255, Method of Test of Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 20. NFPA No. 258, Standard Research Test Method for Determining Smoke Generation of Solid Materials C. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): 1. A40.8, National Plumbing Code 2. B31.1, Power Piping 3. B9.1, Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration D. American Gas Association Publications (AGA): Directory of Approved Gas Appliances and Tested Accessories REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. The "Authority Having Jurisdiction" over the project described by these documents is the Owner. As such, it is required that the installation shall meet the minimum standards prescribed in the latest editions of the all relevant codes and standards, which are made a part of these Specifications. All referenced codes and standards shall be those current at the date of issue of the design documents. B. National Fire Standards (NFPA): Protection Association 1. NFPA No. 13, Sprinkler System, Installation 2. NFPA No. 14, Standpipes and Hose Systems 3. NFPA No. 20, Centrifugal Fire Pumps 4. NFPA No. 37, Stationary Combustion Engines & Gas Turbines 5. NFPA No. 45, Fire Protection for Laboratories Using Chemicals 6. NFPA No. 51, Welding & Cutting, Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems E. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME): Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes F. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute Standards (ARI): All standards related to refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and piping furnished under these Specifications. G. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, Inc. (SMACNA): All current editions of applicable manuals and standards (See Sections 15890 and 15910). H. Air Moving and Conditioning Association (AMCA): All current editions of applicable manuals and standards. I. American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM): All current editions of applicable manuals and standards. J. American Water Works Association (AWWA): All current editions of applicable manuals and standards. K. National Electrical Manufacturers' Association (NEMA): All current editions of applicable manuals and standards. L. International Building Code, (Includes the International Mechanical and International Plumbing Codes) M. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) N. ADA and ANSI Standards. protect equipment from rust, drip, humidity, and dust damage. B. Verification of Dimensions: The Contractor shall be responsible for the coordination and proper relation of his work to the building structure and to the work of all trades. The Contractor shall visit the premises and become thoroughly familiar with all details of the work and working conditions, to verify all dimensions in the field, and to advise the Architect/Engineer of any discrepancy before performing any work. Adjustments to the work required in order to facilitate a coordinated installation shall be made at no additional cost to the Owner or the Architect/Engineer. Q. Refer to Specification Sections hereinafter bound for additional Codes and Standards. 1.09 COOPERATION BETWEEN TRADES AND WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS: R. All materials and workmanship shall comply with all applicable state and national codes, Specifications, and industry standards. In all cases where Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. have established standards for a particular type material, such material shall comply with these standards. Evidence of compliance shall be the UL "label" or "listing" under Re-Examination Service. A. Each trade, subcontractor, and/or Contractor must work in harmony with the various other trades, subcontractors and/or Contractors on the job as may be required to facilitate the progress to the best advantage of the job as a whole. Each trade, subcontractor, and/or Contractor must pursue its work promptly and carefully so as not to delay the general progress of the job. This Contractor shall work in harmony with Contractors working under other contracts on the premises. S. The Contract Documents are intended to comply with the aforementioned rules and regulations; however, some discrepancies may occur. Where such discrepancies occur, the Contractor shall immediately notify the Architect/Engineer in writing of said discrepancies and apply for an interpretation. Should the discovery and notification occur after the execution of a contract, any additional work required for compliance with said regulations shall be paid for as covered by Division 1 of these Contract Documents, providing no work of fabrication of materials has been accomplished in a manner of noncompliance. Should the Contractor fabricate and/or install materials and/or workmanship in such a manner that does not comply with the applicable codes, rules and regulations, the Contractor who performed such work shall bear all costs arising in correcting these deficiencies to comply with said rules and regulations. 1.08 GENERAL MATERIALS REQUIREMENTS: AND EQUIPMENT A. Storage at Site: The Contractor shall not receive material or equipment at the job site until there is suitable space provided to properly 1.10 SUPERVISION: A. Each Contractor and subcontractor shall keep a competent superintendent or foreman on the job at all times. (Refer to the Uniform General Conditions for additional information concerning supervision.) B. It shall be the responsibility of each superintendent to study all Drawings and familiarize himself with the work to be done by other trades. He shall coordinate his work with other trades and before material is fabricated or installed, make sure that his work will not cause an interference with another trade. Where interferences are encountered, they shall be resolved at the job site by the superintendents involved. Where interferences cannot be resolved without major changes to the Drawings, the matter shall be referred to the A/E for ruling. 1.11 SITE OBSERVATION: A. Site observation by the Architect/Engineer is for the express purpose of verifying compliance by the Contractor with the Contract Documents, and shall not be construed as construction supervision or indication of approval of the manner or location in which the work is being performed as being a safe practice or place. 1.12 PRECEDENCE OF MATERIALS A. The specifications determine the nature and setting of materials and equipment. The drawings establish quantities, dimensions and details. 1.13 RECORDS FOR OWNER: A. The Contractor shall maintain a set of "blueline" prints in the Field Office for the sole purpose of recording "installed" conditions. Daily note all changes made in these Drawings in connection with the final installation including exact dimensioned locations of all new underground utilities, services and systems and all uncovered existing active and inactive piping outside the building. B. At Contract completion the Contractor shall provide a set of reproducible photographic mylar drawings, plus the photo negatives of the revised drawings. The contractor shall transfer the information from the "blueline" prints maintained as described above, and turn over this neatly marked set of reproducible Drawings representing the "as installed" work to the Architect/Engineers for verification and subsequent transmittal to the Owner. The Contractor shall refer to Division 1 of these Specifications, and to the Uniform General Conditions, for additional information. These Drawings shall include as a minimum: 1. Addendum written drawing changes. 2. Addendum supplementary drawings. 3. Accurate, dimensioned locations of all underground utilities, services and systems. 4. Identification of equipment work shown on Alternates as to whether alternates were accepted and work actually installed. 5. Change Order written drawing changes. 6. Change Order supplementary drawings. C. Electronic Media: 1. In lieu of the drawings described above in 1.33B, it is preferred the contractor submit one set of blueline prints, one set of vellum reproduciables, and one set of discs containing all the drawings in AUTOCAD 14 format. D. "As installed" mylars shall bear a stamp, "stick on decal", or lettered title block generally located in lower right hand corner of Drawing entitled "AS INSTALLED DRAWING" with Company name of the installing trade Subcontractor and with a place for the date and the name of the responsible company representative. E. In addition to the above, the Contractor shall accumulate during the progress of the job the following data, in duplicate, prepared in a neat brochure or packet folder and turn over to the Architect/Engineer for review, and subsequent delivery to the Owner. 1. All warranties and guarantees and manufacturers' directions on equipment and material covered by the Contract. 2. Two sets of operating instructions for heating and cooling and other mechanical and electrical systems. Operating instructions shall also include recommended preventative maintenance and seasonal changeover procedures. 3. Valve tag charts and diagrams specified herein. 4. Approved wiring diagrams and control diagrams representing "as installed" conditions. 5. Copies of approved Shop Drawings. 6. Any and all other data and/or drawings required as submittals during construction. 7. Repair parts list of all major items and equipment including name, address and telephone number of local supplier or agent. F. All of the above data shall be submitted to the Architect/Engineer for approval, and shall be corrected as instructed by the Architect/Engineer prior to submission of the final request for payment. 1.14 CUTTING AND PATCHING: A. General: Cut and patch walls, floors, etc., resulting from work in existing construction or by failure to provide proper openings or recesses in new construction. B. Methods of cutting: Openings cut through concrete and masonry shall be made with masonry saws and/or core drills and at such locations acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. Impact-type equipment shall not be used except where specifically acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. Openings in pre-cast concrete slabs for pipes, conduits, outlet boxes, etc., shall be core drilled to exact size. C. Restoration: All openings shall be restored to "as-new" condition under the appropriate Specification Section for the materials involved, and shall match remaining materials and/or finishes. 1.15 surrounding EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILL: A. Excavation (See Divisions 0 and 1 for special requirements related to excavation and trenching.): 1. The Mechanical and Electrical subcontractors shall perform all excavations of every description, for their particular installations and of whatever substances encountered, to the depths indicated on the Drawings and/or required for the installation of piping, conduit, utility systems, etc. All exterior lines shall be installed with a minimum cover of 24", unless otherwise indicated. Generally, more cover shall be provided if grade will permit. All excavation materials not required for backfill or fill shall be removed and wasted as acceptable to the Construction Inspector. All excavations shall be made only by open cut. The banks of trenches shall be kept as nearly vertical as possible and where required, shall be properly sheeted and braced. Trenches shall be not less than 12" wider nor more than 16" wider than the outside edges of the pipe to be laid therein, and shall be excavated true to line so that a clear space not less than 6" nor more than 8" in width is provided on each side of the pipe. For sewers, the maximum width of trench specified applies to the width at and below the level may be made as wide as necessary for sheeting and bracing, and the proper installation of the work. 2. All grading in the vicinity of excavation shall be controlled to prevent surface ground water from flowing into the excavations. Any water accumulated in the excavations shall be removed by pumping or other acceptable method. During excavation, material suitable for back-filling shall be stacked in an orderly manner a sufficient distance back from edges of trenches to avoid overloading and prevent slides or cave-ins. Material unsuitable for backfilling shall be wasted and removed from the job site as directed by the Construction Inspector. 3. All shoring and sheeting required to perform and protect the excavations and to safeguard employees and/or adjacent structures shall be provided. 4. All surplus materials removed in these trenching operations becomes the property of the contractor, and shall be disposed of at the expense of the contractor, at a legal disposal site, off of the campus. B. Back-filling: 1. Trenches shall not be back-filled until all required tests are performed and until the piping, utilities systems, etc., as installed are certified by the Owner's inspector to conform to the requirements specified hereinafter. The trenches shall be carefully back-filled with sand to a depth of 12 inches above the top of the pipe. The next layer and subsequent layers of backfill may be excavated materials approved for back-filling, consisting of earth, loam, sandy clay, sand and gravel, soft shale, or other approved materials free from large clods of earth or stones larger than 1 1/2" in diameter, flooded until the pipe has cover of not less than one foot. The remainder of the backfill material shall then be thrown into the trenches, moistened, and tamped or flooded in one foot layers. Blasted rock, broken concrete or pavement, and large boulders shall not be used as backfill material. Any trenches improperly back-filled, or where settlement occurs, shall be reopened to the depth required for proper compaction, then refilled and mounded over, and smoothed off. 2. Backfill under concrete slabs-on-fill shall be as specified above, shall be gravel, or shall be other such materials more suitable for the application. Installation and compaction shall be as required for compatibility with adjacent materials. C. Opening and Reclosing Pavement and Lawns: Where excavation requires the opening of existing walks, streets, drives, other existing pavement, or lawns, such surfaces shall be cut as required to install new lines and to make new connections to existing lines. The sizes of the cut shall be held to a minimum, consistent with the work to be accomplished. After the installation of the new work is completed and the excavation has been back-filled and flooded, the area shall be patched, using materials to match those cut out. The patches shall thoroughly bond with the original surfaces and shall be level with them, and shall meet all the requirements established by the authorities having jurisdiction over such areas. Excavation in Vicinity of Trees: All trees including low hanging limbs within the immediate area of construction shall be adequately protected to a height of at least 5 ft. to prevent damage from the construction operations and/or equipment. All excavation within the outermost limb radius of all trees shall be accomplished with extreme care. All roots located within this outermost limb radius shall be brought to the attention of the Construction Inspector before they are cut or damaged in any way. The Construction Inspector will give immediate instructions for the disposition of same. All stumps and roots encountered in the excavation, which are not within the outermost limb radius of existing trees, shall be cut back to a distance of not less than 18" from the outside of any concrete structure or pipeline. No chips, parts of stumps, or loose rock shall be left in the excavation. Where stumps and roots have been cut out of the excavation, clean compacted dry bank sand shall be back-filled and tamped. 1.16 EXISTING FACILITIES The Contractor shall be responsible for loss or damage to the existing facilities caused by the Contractor and the Contractor’s workers, and shall be responsible for replacing or repairing such loss or damage. The Contractor shall send proper notices, make necessary arrangements, and perform other services required for the care, protection and in service maintenance of all plumbing, heating, air conditioning and ventilating services for existing facilities. The Contractor shall erect temporary barricades, with necessary safety devices, as required to protect from injury, removing all such temporary protection upon completion of the work. The Contractor shall provide temporary or new services to all existing facilities to remain as required to maintain their proper operation when normal services are disrupted as a result of the work being accomplished under this project. 1.17 DEMOLITION AND RELOCATION The Contractor shall modify, remove and/or relocate all materials and items so indicated on the Drawings or required by the installation of new facilities. All removals and/or dismantling shall be conducted in a manner as to produce maximum salvage. Salvage materials shall remain the property of the Owner, and shall be delivered to such destination or otherwise disposed of as directed by the Owner. Materials and/or items scheduled for relocation and which are damaged during dismantling or reassembly operations shall be repaired and restored to good operative condition. The Contractor may at his/her discretion, and upon the approval of the Owner, substitute new materials and/or items of like design and quality in lieu of materials and/or items to be relocated. All items which are to be relocated shall be carefully removed in reverse to original assembly or placement and protected until relocated. The Contractor shall clean and repair and provide all new materials, fittings and appurtenances required to complete the relocations and to restore to good operative order. All relocations shall be performed by workers skilled in the work and in accordance with standard practice of the trades involved. When items scheduled for relocation and/or reuse are found to be in a damaged condition before work has been started on dismantling, the Contractor shall call the attention of the Owner to such items and receive further instructions before removal. Items damaged in repositioning operations are the Contractors responsibility and shall be repaired or replaced by the Contractor as approved by the Owner, at no additional cost to the Owner. Service lines and wiring items to be removed, salvaged or relocated shall be removed to points indicated on the Drawing specified or acceptable to the Owner. Service lines and wiring not schedules for reuse shall be removed to the points at which reuse is to be continued or service is to remain. Such services shall be sealed, capped, or otherwise tied-off or disconnected in a safe manner acceptable to the Owner. All disconnections or connections into the existing facilities shall be done in such a manner as to result in minimum interruption of services to adjacent occupied areas. Services to existing areas or facilities, which must remain in operation during the construction period, shall not be interrupted without prior specific approval of the Owner as hereinbefore specified. 1.18 TESTS: A. The Contractor shall make, at no additional cost to the Owner, any tests deemed necessary by the inspection departments having jurisdiction, and in the National Fire Protection Association, ASTM, etc. Standards listed. The Contractor shall provide all equipment, materials, and labor for making such tests. Reasonable amounts of fuel and electrical energy costs for system tests will be paid by the Owner. Fuel and electrical energy costs for system adjustment and tests which follow beneficial occupancy by the Owner will be borne by the Owner. B. Additional tests specified hereinafter under the various Specification Sections shall be made. C. The Construction Inspector shall be notified in writing at least 10 working days prior to each test and other Specification requirements requiring action on the part of the Construction Inspector. All equipment shall be placed in operation and tested for proper automatic control requirements before agency starts their work. the balancing D. Maintain specified. as hereinafter Log of Tests E. See Specifications hereinafter for additional tests and requirements. 1.19 LOG OF TESTS: A. All tests shall have pertinent data logged by the Contractor at the time of testing. Data shall include date, time, personnel, description, and extent of system tested, test conditions, test results, specified results, and other pertinent data. Data shall be delivered to the Architect/Engineer as specified under "Requirements for Final Acceptance". All Test Log entries shall be legibly signed by the Project Contractor or his authorized job superintendent. 1.20 COOPERATION AND CLEANUP: A. It shall be the responsibility of each trade to cooperate fully with the other trades on the job to help keep the job site in a clean and safe condition. At the end of each day's work, each trade shall properly store all of his tools, equipment and materials and shall clean his debris from the job. Upon the completion of the job, each trade shall immediately remove all of his tools, equipment, any surplus materials and all debris caused by that portion of the work. B Products: Not Used C Execution: Not Used 15050-1 15050 BASIC MECHANICAL MATERIALS AND METHODS A. – General: 9. Steel butt welding fittings: ANSI B16.9; ASTM A234 Class B. 10. Cast iron threaded fittings: ANSI B16.4; ASTM A126-66 Class B. 11. Malleable iron threaded fittings: ANSI B16.3 or ANSI B16.39; ASTM A197. 12. Mechanical grooved joints: a. Couplings (malleable): ASTM A47, Grade II. b. Gaskets: Molded synthetic rubber, ASTM D735, Grade No. R615BZ. c. Bolts and nuts: Provide oval neck track head type bolts with hexagonal heavy nuts, ASTM A183. d. Fittings (malleable): ASTM A47, Grade II. 13. Seamless copper water tube: ASTM B88. 14. Wrought copper or bronze solder-joint pressure fittings: ANSI B16.22. 15. Cast copper alloy solder-joint pressure fittings: ANSI B16.18. 16. Cast copper alloy fittings for flared copper tubes: ANSI B16.26. 17. Red brass pipe: ANSI H26.1; ASTM B43. 18. Cast bronze threaded fittings: ANSI B16.15. 19. Bronze flanges and flanged fittings: ANSI B16.24. 20. Weldolets, threadolets and sockolets: ANSI B16.9 and ANSI B31.1; ASTM A105G2. 21. Wrought copper and wrought copper alloy solder-joint drainage fittings: ANSI B16.29. 22. Plastic pipe: Virgin PVC 1120 2120; Dept. of Commerce Standard No. 256-63 and 20760; ASTM D1785-64T; or CPVC; approved by National Sanitation Foundation Laboratories, Inc. for potable water. 23. Plastic pipe fittings: Virgin PVC, Type I or Type II, Grade I injection molded; ASTM D1784-60T; or CPVC; approved by National Sanitation Foundation Laboratories, Inc. for potable water. 1.1 SUMMARY A. Except as otherwise approved in advance by the Architect, or called for elsewhere, provide labor and materials for the work of Division 15 as described in this Section or otherwise required for a complete and proper installation. B. Related work: 1. Documents affecting work of this Section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. 1.2 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with pertinent provisions of Section 01340 of these Specifications, and make submittals required in other Sections of these Specifications. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Use adequate numbers of skilled workmen thoroughly trained and experienced in the necessary crafts and completely familiar with the specified requirements and the methods needed for proper performance of the work. B – Products: 2.1 PIPE AND FITTINGS A. Provide items complying with the current issue of the following standards: 1. Copper drainage tube (DWV): ASTM B306. 2. Cast bronze solder joint drainage fittings (DWV): ANSI 16.23. 3. Steel pipe: ANSI B36.20; ASTM A120; ASTM A53, Grade "B", Schedule 40 or 80 as specified. 4. Cast iron threaded drainage fittings: ANSI B16.12. 5. Cast iron flanged joint fittings: ANSI B16.1 or B16b; AWWA C100; ASTM A126 Class B. 6. Ductile cast iron flanged joint fittings: ANSI B16.1 or B16.5; ASTM A395. 7. Ductile cast iron threaded fittings: ASTM A395. 8. Steel flanged joint fittings: ANSI B16.5; ASTM A105, ASTM A181. 2.2 UNIONS A. Required on inlet and outlet of all apparatus or equipment having screwed and/or soldered connections 50 mm (2") and smaller. 1. Steel pipe: a. Malleable iron, 300 pound AAR railroad type; brass to iron seat, ground joint; b. Stockham Fig. 895 or Fig. 896 or equal, or ductile iron, 300 pound; brass to iron seat, ground joint; Stockham Fig. D-694, or equal. 2. Copper tubing: 10/18/11 01421-2 a. Ground joint, cast bronze; b. Mueller Type C-107, Nibco No. 633 or equal, except for refrigeration. 3. Grooved pipe couplings: a. Where specified elsewhere, or shown on Drawings, provide Victaulic No. 75 or 77, Stockham, or equal couplings. b. Provide couplings of cast malleable iron ASTM A47, or ductile iron ASTM A536, with elastomer type ASTM C2000 gasket used for water service to 109.8 degrees C (230 oF), and with bolts and nuts conforming to ASTM A183. 2.3 FLANGES AND GASKETS A. Required on inlet and outlet of all apparatus or equipment having screwed, welded and/or soldered connection 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger. 1. Welded steel pipe: a. Class 68 or 136 kg (150 or 300 pound) ANSI forged steel welding type. b. Provide flat face when used with companion flat face cast iron flange and raised face when used with companion raised face flange. 2. Threaded steel pipe: Class 150 ductile cast iron or 113.4 kg (250 pound) ANSI threaded cast iron type. 3. Copper tubing: Class 68 or 136 kg (150 or 300 pound) ANSI bronze companion flanges, except for refrigeration piping. 4. Gaskets: a. 1.6 mm (1/16"), suitable for service intended; factory cut for 57 kg (125 lb) (SWP), 68 kg (150 lb) (WWP) or 113 kg (250 lb) or 136 kg (300 lb) flange size. b. Provide gasket of full flange width with bolt holes when flat face flanges are used, and provide ring type gasket when raised face flanges are used. 2.4 DIELECTRIC UNIONS AND FLANGES A. Sizes 13 mm through 50 mm (1/2" through 2"): 1. Ferrous pipe to copper tubing: Epco Model FX, or equal. 2. Ferrous pipe to brass pipe: Epco Model EA, or equal. B. Sizes 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger: 1. Ferrous pipe to copper tubing: Epco Model GX, or equal. 2. Ferrous pipe to brass pipe: Epco Model GA. 2.5 NIPPLES A. Comply with requirements of U.S. Dept. of Commerce Commercial Standard CS-5, "Pipe Nipples: Brass, Copper, Steel". 1. Use nipples from packages which bear manufacturer's label or tag reading: "Guaranteed pipe nipples conforming to CS5 made from new pipe" or other words to this effect. 2. Provide nipples of same material and weight as connecting piping system. 3. The use of close nipples is prohibited. 2.6 VALVES A. Identification: Manufacturer's name and model, figure or drawing number specified are for identification of types, quality, and construction. B. Working pressures: 1. Provide valves for not less than specified ANSI classification. 2. Provide higher working pressure where called for in this Specification or on the Drawings. 3. Provide valves designed for the service in which installed. C. Connections: 1. Valves 50 mm (2") and smaller shall have threaded end connections or solder end connections where copper tube is permitted. 2. Valves 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger shall have flange or steel butt weld end construction, where applicable. D. Hot water supply and return: 1. Ball valves 50 mm (2") and smaller: a. Provide Class 150 bronze valves (600 psi WOG) with TFE seats, bronze trim and threaded ends. b. Valves shall be 3 piece. c. Nibco T-595Y, Apollo 82, Powell 4201T, or equal. 2. Gate valves 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger: a. Provide class 125 iron body, bronze mounted, non-rising stem, bolted bonnet, solid wedge disc, flange end, furnish complete with needle and slot indicator; b. Stockham Fig. No. G-612, Nibco F-619 or equal. 3. O.S.&Y. valves 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger: a. Provide class 125 iron body, bronze mounted, outside screw and yoke, rising stem, bolted bonnet, solid wedge disc, flange end; b. Stockham Fig. No. G-623, Nibco F-617-0 or equal. 4. Globe and angle valves 50 mm (2") and smaller: 10/18/11 01421-3 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. a. Provide class 150 bronze, inside screw, rising stem, union bonnet, renewable and regrindable stainless steel disc and seat ring, heat treated to 500 Brinell hardness, screw end; b. Stockham Fig. No. B-22T, Nibco Fig. No. T-235Y, Stockham B222, Nibco T-335Y or equal. Globe and angle valves 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger: a. Provide class 125 iron body, bronze mounted, outside screw, rising stem, bolted bonnet, renewable and regrindable disc and seat ring, flange end; b. Stockham Fig. No. G-512, Nibco F-718B or equal. Butterfly valves shall have drilled and tapped lugs to permit operation as an effective shutoff valve when connecting piping or equipment is removed. a. Wafer type butterfly valves shall not be used. b. For butterfly valves 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger, provide 150 psi positive bubbletight shutoff, class 125 cast iron or ductile iron construction with aluminum bronze disc, Type 316 stainless steel stem, self-lubricating bushings, resilient seat suitable for at least 250 oF. c. Valves 63 mm through 150 mm (2-1/2" through 6") used for shutoff: (1) Provide Stockham LG762, Nibco LD 2000, Centerline Series LT or equal. Lubricated plug valves 50 mm (2") and smaller: a. Provide 90 kg (200 lb) WOG, iron body, lubricated tapered plug, screwed gland, regular pattern, wrench operated, screwed end; b. Nordstrom Fig. No. 114 or equal; c. Balancing valves shall have indicator arc and adjustable stop. Lubricated plug valves 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger: a. Provide 90 kg (200 lb) WOG, iron body, lubricated tapered plug, screwed or bolted gland, regular pattern, wrench operated, flange end; Nordstrom Fig. No. 115 or Fig. No. 165 or equal; b. For valves 200 mm (8") and larger, provide gear operation; Nordstrom Fig. No. 169 or equal; c. Balancing valves shall have indicator arc and adjustable stop. Nonlubricated plug valves 50 mm (2") and smaller: a. Provide eccentric action, 80 kg (175 lb) WOG, iron body, wrench operated, permanently lubricated bearings, screwed end, viton resilient seat and stem seal; b. De Zurik Series 400 or equal; c. Balancing valves shall have indicator arc and adjustable stop. 10. Check valves, swing type, 50 mm (2") and smaller: a. Provide class 200 bronze, Y-pattern, renewable and regrindable disc, screw end; b. Stockham Fig. No. B-345, Nibco T-473 or equal. 11. Check valves, swing type, 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger: a. Provide class 125 iron body, bronze mounted, bolted cap, renewable and regrindable bronze seat ring, composition disc, flange end; Stockham Fig. No. G-931, Nibco F-918 or equal. 12. Check valves, non-slam type: a. Provide 57 kg (125 lb) WOG, iron body, bronze trim, spring loaded, center guided flange end. b. Size 63 mm (2-1/2") and smaller: WilliamsHager Fig. No. 329, Miller 162 or equal; c. Sizes 75 mm (3") and larger: WilliamsHager Fig. No. 636, Miller 162 or equal. 2.7 HANGERS A. Manufacturer's name and figure number specified are for identification of types, equality and construction. B. Except as otherwise indicated or shown on the Drawings, provide hangers for horizontal pipe sizes 250 mm (10") and smaller as follows: 1. Steel pipe over 75 mm (3") pipe size: Carbon steel, black, clevis type, PHD No. 450, Grinnell 269 or equal; except that adjustable carbon steel band hanger, PHD No. 180, Grinnell 269 or equal may be used for pipe sizes 75 mm (3") and smaller. 2. Uninsulated copper tubing over 75 mm (3") pipe size: a. Copper plated or plastic coated carbon steel, clevis type, PHD No. 442 or 453, Grinnell CT-65 or equal. b. PHD No. 182 or 183, Grinnell CT-269 or equal may be used for pipe sizes 75 mm (3") and smaller. 3. Plastic pipe and tubing: Carbon steel, black, clevis type in conjunction with 2.4 m (8'-0") long plastic pipe channel. 4. Use trapeze hangers for all pipe sizes 300 mm (12") and larger. 10/18/11 01421-4 2.8 ATTACHMENTS TO BUILDING STRUCTURE A. Concrete slabs: 1. Inserts set in forms before concrete is poured. 2. Phillips "Red Head", Hilti-Kwik Bolt, or equal, self drilling anchors as approved by the Architect. B. Structural steel members: 1. Bottom flanges of beams: a. Grinnell Figure 228, Elcen 95/207P or equal carbon steel adjustable beam clamp, size as required by beam flange. b. Rod tapping as required by hanger or support. 2. Bottom flanges of channel iron: a. Grinnell Figure 226 or equal, malleable iron clamp and hook rod adapter plate, Figure 157 extension, carbon steel rod and nut; b. Size as required for flange, rod size as required by hanger or support. C. Structural wood members: 1. Hangers supported by wood structure shall be attached by manufactured steel or malleable iron side beam brackets or connectors. 2. Secure bracket to wood structural member by wood screws or lagscrew of size and quantity as recommended by the manufacturer for the load to be carried. 3. Thread hanger rods into angle bracket and secure with lock nut or provide nut top and bottom of the angle bracket. 2.9 SUPPLEMENTARY FRAMING A. Where piping or equipment is to be supported and no structural support member is available to fasten to, provide supplementary structural framing to accommodate supports. 1. All supplementary framing shall be approved by the Architect before installation. 2. Contractor shall provide information as to load to be carried and method of fastening the supplementary framing to the primary structural framing. C – Execution: 3.1 GENERAL A. All materials and installation shall be in accordance with the ANSI B31.1 Code for Pressure Piping for the particular field of service intended. B. Threaded joints for steel pipe: 1. Threaded ends shall conform to the ANSI Standard for Pipe Threads B2.1. 2. Ream each piece of pipe carefully prior to erection, and cut threads with new, clean dies. 3. Carefully inspect each piece of pipe or fitting before installing. 4. Piping compound shall be compatible with fluid to be contained within pipe; use red lead or teflon unless otherwise required to meet criterion. 5. Apply compound smoothly and uniformly over male pipe threads; female pipe threads in fittings and valves shall not have compound applied. 6. After jointing, not more than two threads shall remain exposed. C. Threaded joints for brass pipe: 1. Same as for threaded steel and wrought iron pipe, except use friction clamps and friction wrenches to minimize marring of pipe. D. Solder joints for copper tubing: 1. Solder ends shall conform to ANSI Standard for Solder Joint Fittings B16.18. 2. Surfaces to be joined shall be free of oil, grease and oxides. 3. Suitably clean socket end of fittings and end of piping with emery cloth to remove oxides. 4. Carefully measure male and female ends to be jointed to assure proper fit for capillary action. 5. Use flux compatible with and recommended by the solder manufacturer for the solder to be used. 6. Sparingly apply flux in an even coat to the inside of the socket and the outside of the tube. 7. Insert tubing into socket to shoulder, and slightly rotate to ensure even distribution of flux. 8. Open valves during soldering, and remove portions of valves and appurtenances which could be damaged by heat during soldering. 3.2 WELDED JOINTS FOR STEEL PIPE A. Perform all welding in accordance with American Welding Society (AWS) and governing codes and regulations for pressure piping conforming to ASME Code. 1. Quality and appearance of welds shall be subject to the approval of the Architect. 2. Only employ welders who have current certification from an independent testing laboratory stating that they have passed the qualification test in reference to the type of welding to be utilized and the material to be 10/18/11 01421-5 welded and in accordance with ASME Section 9. 3. Present the certification to the Architect upon demand. 4. Butt welds shall be of the single "V" type with ends of pipe and fittings beveled approximately 37-1/2 degrees. 5. Carefully line up piping before welding is started and maintain the alignment during welding. 6. Welds for flanges and socket fittings shall be of the fillet type with a throat dimension not less than the pipe wall thickness. 7. Where slip-on flanges are called for, they shall be welded inside and out. 8. Welding carbon steel pipe 63 mm (2-1/2") and larger by the coated metallic arc welding process using electrodes. 9. Make the hot pass immediately following the cleaning of the stringer bead. 10. Keep welding generators in first-class condition so they will supply welding current having satisfactory characteristics. 11. Welding on carbon steel pipe 50 mm (2") and smaller may be done with the oxyacetylene process. 12. Keep welding rod in sealed containers, protected from moisture. B. Make joints in welded pipe by the oxyacetylene or electric arc process as described below; all welding shall be continuous around the pipe. C. Make repair of welds either from the inside or the outside of the pipe, whichever method is most accessible. 1. Remove defects and prepare the pipe for rewelding by chipping or by torch gouging. 2. If the pipe is chipped, the bead shall first be chipped flush with the pipe wall; then the defect shall be completely removed by chipping with a sharp nosed tool; the diameter of the chipping edge shall not exceed 9.5 mm (3/8"). 3. Maintain all chipping tools in the best condition. 4. Immediately prior to rewelding any cutout defect, preheat the pipe to at least 93 degrees C (200 o F), but not in excess of 204 degrees C (400 o F). 5. Use tempil sticks to determine the proper preheating temperature. 6. Perform all repair welding using an electrode not exceeding 4 mm (5/32") in diameter. 7. Make the junctions of the final bead or repair welds with the pipe wall or with old weld material smooth and free of any abrupt change in contour. 3.3 MECHANICAL GROOVED JOINT A. Pipe grooving shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications contained in latest published literature. 1. Before assembly of couplings. lightly coat pipe ends with cup grease or graphite paste to facilitate installation. 2. Perform the entire coupling installation in accordance with the manufacturer's published literature. 3. Ream each piece of pipe carefully prior to erection. 4. Carefully inspect each piece of pipe or fitting before installing. 3.4 PVC PLASTIC PIPING JOINTS A. All fittings shall be socket type for solvent welding, except as specifically indicated otherwise below. 1. Cut and square the pipe to exact lengths; use sandpaper, file or a sharp knife to remove burrs and saw marks. 2. Clean both joining surfaces with acetone, methyl, ethyl, ketone, or a cleaner supplied by the pipe manufacturer. 3. Solvent shall be Industrial Polychemical Service #711, Manville Blue Solvent or equal, and applied to outside of end of pipe and to inside of fitting, uniformly covering the entire area to be joined, plus a slight overlap. 4. Use a natural bristle brush for applying the cement. 5. Insert piping into socket to shoulder, giving a half turn as it is being seated into the socket. 6. Allow 48 hours or more to dry before pressure testing. B. Use molded threaded fittings where a transition from socket to N.P.T. thread is required. 1. Do not cut pipe threads into the plastic pipe. 2. Use teflon tape as thread lubricant on all threaded joints, manufactured by Saunders Engineering, pipe thread lube #783-B, manufactured by Industrial Polychemical Service, or equal. C. On plastic to ferrous connections, work the ferrous connection first; on plastic to copper connections, work the copper connection first. D. Do not use pipe wrenches in assembling plastic pipe or fittings; where light wrench pressure is required, use a strap wrench only. 3.5 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. General: 10/18/11 01421-6 1. Hold piping firmly in place by approved hangers, supports and anchors. 2. All hangers and supports shall be of design which will support the weight of pipe, fluid and insulation. 3. Perforated steel band straps or hangers shall not be permitted. B. Hanger spacing: Support all horizontal mains and pipes at maximum center distances as indicated hereafter: C. Locate supports or hangers adjacent to fittings and, in addition to above hangers, support piping at each offset or change of direction, at ends of branches, at the base of riser pipes, and along piping as required to prevent sags, bends or vibration. D. Hanger Rods: 1. Provide hanger rod of sizes not less than those indicated below: Pipe Size Minimum Rod Diameter 20 mm to 50 mm (3/4" to 2") 9.5 mm (3/8") 63 mm to 88 mm (2-1/2" to 3-1/2") 13 mm (1/2") 100 mm and 125 mm (4" and 5") 16 mm (5/8") 150 mm (6") 20 mm (3/4") 200 mm and 250 mm (8" and 10") 22 mm or two 20 mm (7/8" or two 3/4") 300 mm (12") Two 20 mm (Two 3/4") 350 mm and 400 mm (14" and 16") 22 mm (Two 7/8") 450 mm (18") Two 25 mm (Two 1") 500 mm and 600 mm (20" and 24") Two 31 mm (Two 1-1/4") 2. Fabricate hanger rods from threaded hot rolled steel conforming to ASTM A107. Use copper plated hanger rod and bolts when connecting to copper plated hangers. 3. Increase hanger rods supporting trapeze hangers in size as required to handle added weight of multiple pipes. When trapeze hangers are used for multiple pipes, individually clamp or guide each pipe at each trapeze hanger. Loading per hanger rod shall never exceed the following: Rod Diameter lb) lb) 9.5 mm (3/8 in) 13 mm (1/2 in) 16 mm (5/8 in) 20 mm (3/4 in) 25 mm (1 in) 31 mm (1-1/4 in) 38 mm (1-1/2 in) 227 kg (500 lb) 454 kg (1000 lb) 770 kg (1700 lb) 1180 kg (2600 lb) 2175 kg (4800 lb) 3630 kg (8000 lb) 4990 kg (11000 45 mm (1-3/4 in) 6800 kg (15000 50 mm (2 in) E. 9100 kg (20000 lb) 4. Where spring hangers are required, support only one pipe from a hanger or trapeze hanger. Inserts and beam clamps: 1. Support and guide all pipes from building structural construction. 2. Furnish approved inserts or anchor bolts in poured concrete. 3. Weight on any insert shall not exceed maximum value recommended by the manufacturer. 4. Where the load on the insert exceeds the maximum recommended by the manufacturer, install multiple inserts and fasten adequate structural steel tee or other adequate structural member to the underside of concrete by use of bolts or studs and nuts attached to the inserts. 5. Attach hanger rod to the structural steel member using a fitting adequate for the load. 6. In no case shall the load on the insert be greater than the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. 7. Pipe hangers supported from structural steel shall utilize beam and channel clamps. In no case shall the load on the clamp be greater than the maximum recommended by the manufacturer. 3.6 SUPPORT SHIELD FOR INSULATED PIPING AND TUBING A. Provide a support shield at each hanger and support location for all insulated chilled water and refrigeration piping and all insulated copper tubing. 3.7 PIPE COVERING PROTECTION SADDLE A. Provide a pipe covering protection saddle at each hanger and support location for all insulated steel warm and hot pipes, except where "Support Shields" are otherwise called for. Maximum Load 10/18/11 01421-7 3.8 PIPE ANCHORS, GUIDES AND EXPANSION LOOPS A. Provide pipe anchors and guides where shown on drawings and where they are otherwise needed to prevent excessive movement of piping and/or excessive strain on piping and equipment connections. 1. Provide expansion loops and offsets in piping as required to prevent excessive strain or pipe displacement between anchors, at piping take-offs, and at equipment connections. 2. Provide spring hangers and guides where shown on Drawings to prevent excessive forces from being transmitted to building structure. 3.9 MISCELLANEOUS REQUIREMENTS A. Slope steam and steam condensate piping in the direction of flow. B. Pipe steam relief valves without restrictions (full size outlet area or greater) to discharge above roof. Provide a cast iron drip pan elbow at each steam relief valve. C. Pipe water relief valves without restrictions (full size outlet area or greater) and without traps to an approved below-roof disposal area which is remote from traffic patterns. 1. If an approved below-roof disposal area is not available, pipe discharge from relief valve without elbows to a steam blowdown separator. 2. The vent from the steam separator shall discharge above the roof, and the drain shall discharge to an approved alternate disposal area. D. Pump piping and fittings: 1. Run line size piping to pumps as close as possible to pump connections. 2. Run line size pump shutoff valves, strainers and flexible connections, when required. 3. Provide eccentric reducer, flat on top, at pump suction to reduce from line size to pump suction connection size. 4. Provide concentric increaser at pump discharge to increase from pump discharge connection to line size. 5. Long radius reducing elbows may be substituted for reducers and increasers specified above if radius of turn is in the vertical plane. E. Removable piping connections: 1. Make all connections to apparatus and equipment with flanges, unions, etc., for easy removal. 2. Where equipment or heads must be removed for maintenance or inspection purposes, arrange connecting pipe so that a minimum amount of this piping must be disconnected or removed to permit the maintenance or inspection. 3. Use double flanges, unions, etc., if required. 4. In no case shall the removal of piping greater than six feet measured along the center line be required for access, removal of tubes, etc. 5. Where marine water boxes are specified or called for on Drawings, no disconnecting or removal of piping shall be required for inspection or tube removal. 3.10 SLEEVES A. For concrete construction, set sleeves in forms before concrete is poured. 1. For insulated pipes, allow for insulation in sleeves, and size for full insulation plus 38 mm (1-1/2") clearance. 2. Provide 13 mm (1/2") clearance between sleeves and non-insulated piping. 3. In slab construction: a. Galvanized steel pipe, Schedule 40. b. Sleeves shall extend 50 mm (2") above finished floor and upper surface shall be sealed with mastic. c. For floor with membrane and wearing surface, provide approved clamping ring. d. For other type waterproofed floors, provide waterproofing. 4. In concrete walls: a. Galvanized steel pipe, Schedule 40. b. For sleeves set in fire walls, caulk space between pipe and sleeve with Pipe Shields Incorporated "Cerablanket". c. For sleeves set in outside walls, caulk space between pipe and sleeve with approved caulking material and seal outer surfaces with mastic. 5. In lath and plaster partitions and ceilings, and in metal stud and gypsum board partitions, use 26-gage galvanized steel. 6. Machine Room floors: Sleeve through machine room area floors shall have space between pipe and sleeve caulked with approved material with upper surface sealed with approved mastic. 7. Waterproofing: Pipe or sleeve passing through any waterproofed floor, deck, wall or bulkhead shall be waterproofed. 3.11 ROOF FLASHINGS 10/18/11 01421-8 A. Furnish to the roofer for his installation, the following roof flashings for pipes passing through roof. 1. Cold pipes: Four pound, one-piece lead flashing assembly with 200 mm (8") skirt and cast iron counterflashing. 2. Hot pipes, steam and hot water boiler relief valve discharge pipes and vents to have galvanized steel flashing with at least 25 mm (1") air space between roof construction and exterior of pipe or pipe insulation. 3. Galvanized steel counterflashing shall have adjustable clamp to provide tight closure. 10/18/11 15330-1 15330 FIRE PROTECTION SPRINKLER SYSTEM A. General: 1. Design, fabricate, install, and secure required approvals of a complete fire protection automatic sprinkler system where shown on Drawings, as specified herein, and as needed for a complete and proper installation in accordance with pertinent requirements of Fire Rating Bureau and governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. In addition to complying with pertinent codes and regulations of governmental agencies having jurisdiction, comply with: a. Recommendations of Fire Rating Bureau having jurisdiction; b. Pertinent recommendations contained in NFPA Pamphlet No. 13, "Standards for Sprinkler System Installations." 3. Certified plans and hydraulic calculations shall be submitted to the Architect for review and to the local Fire Marshal for approval. Approval from the Fire Marshal and from any local authorities having jurisdiction over this project shall be secured by the contractor before any fabrication or construction work is commenced. 4. Buildings not approved for high-piled combustible storage. Materials in closely packed piles shall not exceed 15 feet in height, 12 feet on pallets or in racks, and 6 feet for tires, plastics, and some flammable liquids. 5. Fire sprinkler system(s) per UBC std. 38-I and NFPA Std 13 shall be provided to protect the entire structure. 6. Fire sprinkler system(s) and all control valves, including exterior, shall be supervised by AUL listed central alarm station or per UFC, art.10. 7. Private fire hydrants, sprinkler control and post indicator valves, and risers to fire department connections shall be painted safety red. 8. Automatic extinguishing system(s) shall be installed per UFC, art. 10 and NFPA std. 96 to protect cooking equipment and exhaust system. 9. Hydrants and fire service line with detector check valve are a part of this contract. B. Products: 1. Provide a design which is complete in all regards including, but not necessarily limited to: a. Underground piping pertaining to the work of this Section including required pipe, valves, trenching, backfilling, and similar items; 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. b. Connection to utility main including required valves, fittings, and similar items; c. Overhead sprinkler system. Arrangement: a. In areas having ceilings, conceal all pipes. b. In storage and service areas, pipe may be exposed but hold to minimum practicable distance below ceiling. c. Pipe shall be black steel with black cast iron or other approved fittings in accordance with NFPA 13. Sprinkler heads: a. Provide 1/2" automatic closed type sprinkler heads of "ordinary degree" temperature rating, complying with NFPA Pamphlet No. 13. b. Above ceilings, provide standard upright type. c. In finished ceilings, provide semirecessed type, as selected by Owner. d. In ground floor Lobby, provide type as selected by Owner. e. Do not locate sprinkler heads in any luminous ceiling. Devise methods for sprinklering such areas as approved by Fire Rating Bureau and governmental agencies having jurisdiction. Valve seals, tags, and charts: a. Seals: Provide brass cross-link chain, all brass padlock, and two keys for each manually operated shutoff valve required to be sealed in open position. b. Signs: Provide identification signs of standard design, fastened securely at designated locations in accordance with NFPA Pamphlet No. 13. c. Tags. Provide 2" diameter brass tags, stamped with designation numbers, secured with 12 gage copper wire to spindle of control valves. d. Charts: (1) Provide two copies of approved "AsBuilt" sprinkler system diagram and valve chart, giving designated number, function, and location of each valve; (2) Mount in painted glass frames, and locate where directed by Architect. Water motor alarm: a. Provide motor alarm valve complete with alarm and alarm gong valves, pressure gages, and fittings. b. Locate and install in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Provide supports, hangers, inserts, and associated items to properly support sprinkler 10/18/11 01421-2 10/18/11 piping in accordance with pertinent provisions of NFPA Pamphlet No. 13. 7. Provide control valve, detector check, post indicator valve, vault, and associated items, and connect to water main. 8. Provide flush type Fire Department connection, with all exposed parts brush chrome plated where located on wall of building. 9. A sprinkler cabinet with an assortment of twelve sprinkler heads of the type and temperature installed throughout the building shall be provided. Two wrenches for the Owner's use shall be located in the cabinet. Cabinet shall be minimum 18 gauge steel with hinged door and latch, surface mounted painted red. Locate according to owner's direction. C. Execution: 1. Coordinate as necessary with other trades to assure proper and adequate provision in work of those trades for interface with work of this Section. 2. Perform trenching and backfilling required for work of this Section in strict accordance with pertinent provisions of Section 02220 of these Specifications. 3. Install work of this Section in strict accordance with approved design drawings and requirements of Fire Marshal, governmental agencies, and Fire Rating Bureau having jurisdiction. 4. Upon completion of installation, provide necessary personnel and equipment and test and retest complete system, making adjustments as required, and secure all necessary approvals as required by NFPA 13. 5. When system has been completely approved, secure a letter of final acceptance from Fire Rating Bureau having jurisdiction, and forward two copies of letter to Architect. 15400-1 15400 PLUMBING A. General: 1. Provide complete design, secure all needed permits and approvals, and provide a complete plumbing system for services shown on Drawings, operating, tested, and approved. furnish all labor, materials, equipment and appliances required for all plumbing in buildings, as shown and described on plans. Furnish and install all fixtures, except cooking, refrigerator and freezer. Obtain and pay for all permits and licenses, give all notices and comply with all rules, regulations of the applicable plumbing code and all ordinances in effect at site of construction. Dig all trenches for plumbing work and backfill as required and supervised by soils engineer. make connection to sewer per plans, as closely as possible to plumbing layout. Make water connection to service per plans, make gas connection to service per plans. 2. Location of equipment and appliances as indicated on the drawings is approximate and may be changed to suit the conditions of the building. Locate all items as nearly as possible, as extras will not be allowed for change in location unless such equipment and appliance have been set and connected before a change is ordered. Cooperate with the general contractor in obtaining all openings required through walls and slab floors for pipe lines, etc. General contractor shall furnish any and all forms required for such openings and shall provide lintels, sleeves and other indicated supports. B. Products: 1. Except as may otherwise be called for on Drawings or in this Section, provide only such materials and methods as are required to comply with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Prior to proceeding with installation of work of this Section, submit design drawings and specifications to Architect for approval. a. Fully describe materials and methods proposed to be used. b. Include catalog cuts of plumbing fixtures. c. Show on data that design has been approved by all governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 3. Provide all personnel and equipment, pay all fees necessary, fully and completely install, test, and adjust all work of this Section, and secure necessary approvals from governmental agencies having jurisdiction, all at no additional cost to Owner. 4. Soil, waste and vent pipe lines above ground floor are to be no hub cast iron pipe, standard weight. 5. Underground sewer lines in building area and six feet outside of exterior walls are to be standard weight no hub cast iron pipe, or ABS if approved by the agency having jurisdiction. 6. Water pipes are to be type M copper above slab and type L below slab. 7. Gas pipe is to be standard weight, black steel screw pipe. 8. Propane pipe is to be standard weight, galvanized steel screw pipe. 9. Steel piping in the ground shall have a shop coat of asphalt and wrapped. 10. Galvanized pipe laid underground to be machine wrapped. Fittings shall be coated with same materials. 11. Hot water piping in the ground shall be installed in fiberglass pre-sealed insulation. 12. Fittings on water pipe shall be beaded, malleable iron, standard weight, galvanized; fitting on gas pipe shall be similar except black iron. 13. All fittings in the soil, waste and vent piping shall be of the same weight and type of materials as pipe on which they are installed. 14. Provide sleeves for plumbing. 15. Provide trenching, backfilling and compaction report of backfill acceptable to soils engineer. 16. Provide all access doors necessary to service fixtures, appliances, equipment and trap primers. 17. 16. Provide all roof drains, deck drains, overflows, sumps, scuppers, piping and flashing as necessary for a complete installation. 18. Hot water delivered from public-use lavatories shall be limited to a maximum temperature of 120° F. The water heater thermostat shall NOT be considered a control for meeting this provision – lavatories are to be equipped with thermostatic mixing valves capable of maintaining water discharge temperatures at not to exceed 120° F. C. Execution 1. All work shall be performed in a competent, workmanlike manner by licensed contractor and shall be approved by a local building official. 2. All materials, workmanship and equipment furnished or installed shall be guaranteed to be new, free from all defects, left in perfect condition when accepted by owner, and shall be guaranteed in writing for a period of one year. 3. Offset all plumbing out of building wall footings. 4. See notes under heating & A/C RE: Plumbing. 10/18/11 15400-2 5. All space heating and hot water piping and supply air ducts shall be insulated in accordance with the State of California Energy Conservation Standards. 6. Service hot water piping shall be insulated in accordance with Section 150J & 118d table 2-4 of the California Energy Conservation Standards. 7. Shower heads and faucets shall have flow control devices to limit flow to a maximum of .5 gpm. 8. Electrical contractor a. Is to provide the proper electric circuits, including disconnect switches at equipment locations, and any other protective devices. b. Is to also furnish and install all conduits and terminal boxes for low voltage control wiring and low voltage 6 conductor wire. 9. Plumbing contractor a. To provide proper size gas main to supply specified number and sizes of gas outlets. Each outlet under the heating and air conditioning contractor's direction is to be left within six inches of each furnace location and as indicated on the heating and/or air conditioning layout. b. To also provide condensate outlet adjacent to the air conditioning equipment as required by local codes. 10. Heating and air conditioning contractor a. Coordinate work of plumbing and electrical contractor. b. Schedule three service calls during the first year of operation to assure proper performance of the engineered heating and air conditioning system. c. Furnish all manufacturer's written warranties and to replace without charge any defective parts during the first year of operation starting with the day of final completion. 11. All dimensions are approximate and are given for estimating purposes only. Carefully check and verify all dimensions and sizes, and assume all responsibility for the fitting of materials and equipment to other parts of the equipment and to any structures involved. the drawings are essentially diagrammatic and locations shall be adjusted in field as required. provide a written warrantee and attach any manufacturers warrantee. contractor warrantee shall be for 2 years and start with final acceptance of the work (not completion). 10/18/11 15440-1 15440 FIXTURES & TRIM A. General 1. Fixtures shall be American Standard, or equal, unless noted otherwise, white, with chrome trim and fittings. Any substitutions must prove to be equivalent. State reason for substitution. 2. Cut sheets in Appendix A (at end of specifications). 10. B. Products j. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. Urinals-Stallbrook 6400.014 top spud with sensor activated automatic flush valve siphon jet flushing action. Water Closet - 2234.013 Madera Elongated flush valve toilet 1.6 gpf. H.C. Water Closet 3043.102 Cadet Elongated flush valve toilet 1.6 gpf (Note: in H.C. compartment install W.C. with flush control on the access side of the W.C.) Note: Provide this toilet only in handicapped stalls and single accommodation toilet rooms. Toilet accessories: a. Seat-Olsonite No 126-CC open-front less cover b. Valve: Sloan #158-DC c. Supply & stop - Brasscraft. Lavatories (Countertop) - 0475.047 Aqualyn self-rimming vitreous china. a. Faucet - 1340.000 metering faucet and grid drain. b. Supply pipes - Brasscraft. Lavatories (Wall-hung) – 0356.066 Lucerne 11. 11. 12. 14. 15. 16. a. Faucet - 1340.000 metering faucet and grid drain. b. Supply pipes - Brasscraft. Janitor's sink – Floor Well by Commercial Enameling #871 or equal by CECO – submit catalog info. a. Rim guard – 7745.811 by CECO or equal – submit catalog info. b. Faucet – 8344.002 by CECO or equal – submit catalog info. c. Drain – 7721.038 by CECO or equal – submit catalog info. Drinking fountainsModel HRFE ADA Bi-Level (Hi-Lo) barrier free cooler by Halsey Taylor. Trap Primer – PPP Model ULP-500LP. Hose Bibb: Arrowhead Brass model 353LKBCLD ¾” FPT. Water heater: A.O. Smith model PEC-66 electric. Water heater shall have a recovery efficiency of not less than 75% and a standby loss not to exceed 2.3 + 67/rated volume as required by the State of California Energy Conservation Standards. Contractor shall submit mfr's. compliance certification w/equipment submittals. Classroom sink - Elkay model PSDKR-2517, with LK20888, LK1141A, and LK35. Glass filler to have hot and cold faucet.C. Execution Contractor to verify that all plumbing fixtures meet all local codes. 10/18/11 15500-1 15500 HVAC A. General: 1. Secure all needed permits and approvals, and provide a complete heating, ventilating, and air conditioning system for areas shown on Drawings, operating, tested, and approved. B. Products: 1. Except as may otherwise be called for on Drawings or in this Section, provide only such materials and methods as are required to comply with pertinent requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction. 2. Prior to proceeding with installation of work of this Section, submit design drawings and specifications to Architect for approval. a. Fully describe materials and methods proposed to be used. b. Show on data that design has been approved by all governmental agencies having jurisdiction. C. Execution: 1. Provide all personnel and equipment, pay all fees necessary, fully and completely install, test, and adjust all work of this Section, and secure necessary approvals from governmental agencies having jurisdiction, all at no additional cost to Owner. 10/18/11 15880-1 15880 AIR DISTRIBUTION A. General 1. Supply all equipment as listed on contract documents. Equipment and duct work as noted on the plans with allowances made for the construction where necessary. Provide all rigging and/or hoist to set equipment in place. Hoist to be used at the option of the Heating. & A/C contractor. 2. It shall be the responsibility of the heating and air conditioning contractor to guarantee adequate heating and air conditioning for the building. Bring to the attention of the owner anything that would not be in compliance with good heating and air conditioning practice or code requirements. Guarantee heating and air conditioning system for a period of one year from the date of acceptance. B. Products 1. Honeywell automatic change-over thermostat model #T872 with model #Q6720 - 1025 sub base unless noted otherwise on plans. 2. Vibration isolation mounting of equipment as follows: Spring isolation system engineered by manufacturer for weight. (submit to architect) 3. Filters of standard glass fiber throwaway type. 4. All supply and return air plenums and ducts are to be of galvanized iron material. Weights, gauges, and size are according to local codes. Flex duct and fiberglass ductboard plenums are allowed if permitted by local jurisdiction. 5. All branch ducts to have volume control dampers for proper balancing of system. throat dampers will be used where ducts are inaccessible. It is the responsibility of the contractor to provide a balanced system. 6. To minimize transmission of equipment noise through metal duct system connections of duct to equipment are made with a flexible neoprene cloth. (Not required if flex duct is used) 7. Room thermostats shall be capable of being set to space temperature set points from 55F to 85 F and shall be capable of operating the heating and cooling in sequence. Thermostats shall be adjustable to provide a temperature range of up to 10F between full heating and full cooling being supplied and have the capability of terminating all heating at a temperature no more than 70F and cooling at a temperature of not less than 78F. 8. A maintenance label shall be affixed to mechanical equipment, and a maintenance manual shall be provided for the owner's use. The label shall clearly indicate the routine maintenance actions which must be performed to maintain the equipment in efficient operating condition, or indicate by number which maintenance or operational manuals explain the maintenance requirements in greater detail. 9. All equipment shall comply with the state of California energy conservation standards. Equipment manufacturers and suppliers shall provide all necessary data for compliance. Data shall include full and partial capacity inputs and performance data under all modes of operations and ambient conditions. Provide compliance certificates with equipment submittals. 10. All duct work shall be constructed, erected and tested in accordance with the standards adopted by SMACNA and shall comply with the State of California Energy Conservation Standards. 11. All space heating and hot water piping and supply air ducts shall be insulated in accordance with the State of California Energy Conservation Standards. 12. Service hot water piping shall be insulated in accordance with section T20-1521(c) of the California Energy Conservation Standards. 13. All registers to be "ADP" or approved equal. Sidewall ADPK135, R.A. KR 300 ceiling: use "V" series. Stamped registers not acceptable. 14 All duct work above roof shall be water tight at the transverse and longitudinal seams. Use only canvas and Arabol or equal at these seams and paint ducts to match stucco color. Where ducts penetrate roofing use pitch pockets and counter flashing. Solder counter flashing to the duct. Use pitch packets at all roof top duct supports. 10/18/11 C. Execution 1. Electrical contractor is to provide the proper electric circuits, including disconnect switches at equipment locations, and other protective devices external to unit required by code and to make a connection to the equipment, but is not to start equipment. Guarantee will be null and void if equipment is started without supervision of heating and air conditioning contractor. Electrical contractor is to also furnish and install all conduits and terminal boxes for low voltage control wiring and low voltage 6 conductor wire. Heating and air conditioning contractor to make all connections of low voltage wiring to equipment thermostats. 2. Plumbing contractor a. To provide proper size gas main to supply specified number and sizes of gas outlets. Each outlet under the heating and air conditioning contractor's direction is to be left within six inches of each furnace location and as indicated on the heating and/or air conditioning layout or designer's plans. b. To provide the proper gas supply in accordance with the code and locate the required gas outlet within 2' of the furnace gas connection. Provide & install the flexible connector after furnace is installed. Provide and install the flexible connector after the furnace or boiler installed. c. To also provide condensate outlet adjacent to the air conditioning equipment as required by local codes. 3. Heating and air conditioning contractor a. Coordinate work of plumbing and electrical contractor. b. Schedule three service calls during the first year of operation to assure proper performance of the engineered heating and air conditioning system. c. Furnish all manufacturer's written warranties and to replace without charge any defective parts during the first year of operation starting with the day of final completion. 01421-2 10/18/11 4. All sealed and figured dimensions are approximate and are given for estimating purposes only. Carefully check and verify all dimensions and sizes, and assume all responsibility for the fitting of materials and equipment to other parts of the equipment and to any structures involved. The drawings are essentially diagrammatic and locations shall be changed as required to meet physical requirement. Obtain written permission from architect to cut any structural member. No crimping or sharp bends in ductwork will be accepted. Submit for approval all equipment, valves, diffusers, grilles, access panels. Obtain approval of solutions to interference problems prior to installation or covering of work by other trades. All equipment to be installed with allowance for means to access the equipment for service. 5. Work in other sections a. See notes in Division 15 regarding electrical work. Electrical contractor is to provide and install conduit for sound system. See sound engineering plans for these sizes and locations and Section 16700. 15950 - 1 15950 TEMPERATURE CONTROLS A. General: 1.01 SCOPE OF WORK: A. Provide temperature controls meeting the requirements contained herein and as indicated on drawing schedule. 1.02 WARRANTY: A. Provide a minimum of 3 years parts and labor warranty from the date of acceptance. B. Products: 2.01 GENERAL: A. Unit shall be UL listed. B. The unit shall have a dedicated terminal block for all external inputs and outputs. C Coordinate power requirements with the electrical engineer. C. Execution: 3.01 INSTALLATION: A. Unit installation, including mounting and supports, and wiring to motor shall be by the Electrical Contractor, in compliance with Division 16. Coordinate with the Electrical Trades and Control Trades as required. 3.02 TESTING: A. Provide the services of a factory-trained technician to supervise check, test and start. Technician shall check and test all controls, interlocks, safeties and control parameters, and submit written start-up report. Notify Owner’s representative 5 days in advance of the start-up. 3.03 TRAINING: A. Conduct training for maintenance staff on operation, programming and service of temperature controls. Training shall be conducted by factory trained service technician. B. Training shall not be performed until system is operational and functional and two (2) weeks after receiving approved job specific technical manuals. 16010-1 16010 ELECTRICAL GENERAL PROVISIONS A. General: 1.01 WORK INCLUDED A. The electrical work described by these drawings and specifications shall include all labor, materials, tools, equipment, services and facilities for the complete and operating installation of the electrical power, and control systems for two water pumping stations. B. Electrical system layout indicated on the drawings is diagrammatic and locations of outlets and equipment are approximate unless dimensioned. The exact locations and routing of conduit shall be done in a neat arrangement and shall overcome local difficulties of structural nature. No change in the work shall be done without the written approval of the engineer. 1.02 RULES AND REGULATIONS A. All work shall be done in accordance with the latest revisions of the State of California Administrative Code, Title 8, Chapter 4; National Electric Code, IEEE, NEMA, ANSI and local ordinances. All permits and inspections shall be obtained by this Contractor and certificates of all inspections shall be delivered to the City. No inspection fee will be charged for this project. 1.03 APPROVALS A. All material listed as "or approved equal" must be furnished as specified unless written approval from the engineer is obtained for use of a substitute material. If contractor desires to furnish material other than specified material for items specified "or equal", this contractor must demonstrate that the material furnished is equal to specified material in all respects. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Within 30 days after award of contract, the contractor shall submit in six copies the following items to the engineer for approval with complete descriptive literature, outline drawings, fabrication details, wiring diagrams, external connection diagrams or any other information that is helpful to the engineer in determining that the items meet the requirements of the specifications: 1. Automatic Transfer Switch 2. Conduit and Wire 3. Junction and Splice Boxes. B. If contractor wishes to submit equipment other than as specified and submittal or equipment is found to be not acceptable, the specified equipment shall be furnished at no change in contract price. The decision of the engineer on acceptability shall be final. 1.05 SITE INSPECTION A. Contractor shall be responsible for examination of the sites prior to submission of bid to note existing conditions and take all necessary measurements. No allowance or payment will be subsequently made for any site condition that would have been ascertainable by making this site inspection. 1.07 SEISMIC PROTECTION A. The Contractor and equipment supplier shall provide seismic analysis of automatic transfer switch for design, bracing and anchors to resist seismic forces in accordance the requirements of the latest UBC for Seismic Zone 4 with an importance factor of 1.5. B. Seismic calculations shall be submitted for review by the Engineer to show compliance with the seismic requirements. Calculations shall be signed by a registered civil or structural engineer in California. B. Products: 2.01 CONDUIT A. All conduit shall be code size per N.E.C. Table 3c, 3/4" minimum or larger as noted on the drawings and shall be of types listed below: B. Location or Use Type 1. Underground outside building - Schedule 40 PVC or PVC concrete encased 2. Conduit turn-ups at Grade Rigid galvanized steel wrapped w/20mil x 2"PVC tape half lapped 3. Exposed outdoors Rigid galvanized steel 4. Equipment connections Weatherproof flexible metallic conduit 2.02 CONDUIT FITTINGS AND OUTLET BOXES. A. All exposed conduit fittings and outlet boxes shall be corrosion resistant cast metal with neoprene gaskets and metal covers. 2.03 CONDUCTORS. A. All conductors shall be copper of the AWG (American Wire Gauge) noted on the plans. Conductors #8 AWG or larger shall be stranded. Minimum size conductors shall be 10/18/11 #14 AWG and shall be color coded by phase and voltage. Neutrals shall be white and equipment grounds shall be green. B. All conductors shall be type THHN/THWN or XHHW, 600 volt insulated. 2.04 TERMINALS AND SPLICING DEVICES A. Only compression type terminals or mechanical splicing devices shall be used. Mechanical lugs shall be as provided with equipment. All equipment grounding terminals shall be made with mechanical lugs. 2.05 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH A. If and where required on the drawings an automatic transfer switch shall be installed for connection of the existing Motor Control Center to the standby engine-generator under conditions of normal power failure. The transfer switch shall be double-throw, mechanically held, inductive rated with interrupting capacity six times rated current with thermal capacity 29 times rated current. Main switch contact shall have a spring loaded arcing contact in addition to heavy load contact. Operation shall be with a single solenoid momentarily energized. The switch shall be mechanically locked without use of hooks, latches, semi-permanent magnets or springs. B. The automatic transfer switch shall be equipped by the manufacturer of the transfer switch with the following features: 1. Normal voltage sensing relays (3 required) to be easily adjustable for drop-out at approximately 90% rated voltage. Pickup shall be at least 95% rated voltage. 2. In-phase monitor for transfer from normal power to emergency power. Programmed transition providing time delay disconnection from both power sources may be used in place of in-phase monitor. 3. In-phase monitor for transfer from emergency power to normal power. Programmed transition providing time delay disconnection from both power sources may be used in place of in-phase monitor. 4. Control transformers for operation of sensing relays from 480 volts normal service. 5. Test switch to simulate normal power failure. 6. Adjustable non-thermal time delay transfer normal to standby, 0-3 minutes maximum. 7. Adjustable non-thermal time delay transfer emergency to normal, 0-30 minutes maximum. 8. Adjustable non-thermal time delay engine cool down after transfer back to normal power after power failure, 0-30 minutes maximum. 9. Auxiliary normally open dry contact to signal engine start circuit upon normal source failure; adjustable non-thermal time delay, 0-6 seconds maximum. 10. Auxiliary single pole double-throw dry contact. 11. Heavy duty weatherproof Nema 12 enclosure with inner panel for operator controls, hinged door with hasp for shackle padlock. C. Auxiliary contacts shall be rated at least 10 amperes at 120 volts, 60 hertz. D. Transfer Switch Prototype Models Tests 1. Prototype samples, representative of the production transfer switches supplied, shall have been tested as defined in UL 1008, including but not limited to: 2. Overload tests for the capability to make and break six (6) times the transfer switch rated current at low power factor without any electrical or mechanical malfunction. 3. Temperature rise test at 100% of rated current without exceeding temperature rise limits as established by UL. Transfer switches incorporating integral overcurrent devices in the main power circuit and tested at 80% of rating shall not be permitted. 4. Endurance tests for a minimum of 3,000 mechanical operation cycles. 5. A dielectric voltage withstand test of 1000 volts plus twice rated for one minute. 6. Withstand and Closing Tests with specific overcurrent devices. All withstand and closing tests shall be performed with the overcurrent protective devices located external to the transfer switch. Tests conducted with overcurrent protective devices internal to the switch, in such a manner that the transfer switch interrupts the current rather than withstanding the current, are not acceptable under this definition of withstand. 7. The entire transfer switch shall be performance tested per the requirements of IEEE-587-1980, for voltage surge withstand capability. E. Automatic transfer switches manufactured by Asco, Kohler or Onan are acceptable. C. Execution: 3.01 AS BUILT DRAWINGS A. Corrections and changes made during the progress of the work shall be recorded on a set of blue-line prints of the Contract Drawings which shall finally show all work as actually installed. Two sets of prints showing this information shall be furnished to the Owner at completion. Prints for this purpose will be furnished by the Owner upon request and at the cost of reproduction. 3.02 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. The contractor shall not do any cutting and patching unless obtaining previous approval of the engineer; and should approval be given, the contractor shall patch, repair and replace such work altered so that it is equal to its original state. B. The contractor shall be responsible for setting of necessary sleeves for electrical work and locating where chases are to be left for conduits, junction boxes, panels, switchgear and underground services. 3.03 EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL A. The contractor shall do all excavation and backfill required for the electrical work. Trenches shall be straight and true of the proper depths to obtain the minimum cover required by the utility companies and the N.E.C. except shall not be less than that shown on the drawings. Trenches shall have smooth bottoms. Trenches in paved areas shall be saw cut. Trenching shall be in accordance with Section 02202 - Trenching and Backfill specification. B. Backfill materials shall be approved material free of rocks and organic matter. Backfill shall be in accordance with Section 02202 Trenching and Backfill specification. Trenches shall be backfilled immediately upon approval. C. Resurfacing of trenches in paved areas shall be in accordance with Section 02500 Asphalt Paving and Surfacing specification. 3.04 GROUNDING A. All metallic conduit, cabinets, fixtures, equipment and services shall be grounded in accordance with the latest edition of the applicable codes. All ground clamps shall be mechanical pressure type. The use of strap type ground clamps will not be approved. Ground wire connections in concealed locations shall be made by the use of a thermalweld process such as "Cadweld" or approved equal. 3.05 CONDUIT A. All steel conduit in contact with ground shall be wrapped with Scotch No. 51 plastic tape, 20 mil, half lapped. All conduit turn-ups shall be made with steel elbows. B. Top of duct banks shall be 24 inches below grade except, to avoid obstructions, may be 18 inches below grade if concrete encased 3" all around. C. A code size copper ground conductor shall be installed in each non-metallic conduit. All plastic conduits or ducts shall be joined with solvent-weld couplings by coating both the inside of the coupling and the conduit or duct end with solvent and joining with a single firm twisting stroke. D. Total conduit bends in one run shall not exceed 270°. Conduit which has been crushed or deformed in any way shall not be used. E. Conduits shall be exposed and be secured by means of toggle bolts on hollow masonry units, expansion shields in concrete or machine screws on metal surfaces. All conduit fasteners, bolts, washers, screws, etc., shall be rust proof. All conduit fasteners and supports shall be as manufactured by Kindorf, Unistrut or approved equal. The type of support shall be selected to provide proper strength and neatest appearance. All supports shall be subject to approval by the engineer. F. The contractor shall exercise the necessary precautions to prevent the lodgement of dirt, moisture or trash in conduit, fittings and boxes during the course of construction. A run of conduit, which has been clogged shall be entirely free from these accumulations or shall be replaced. 3.06 AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH A. Automatic transfer switch shall be bolted to unistrut supports mounted on wall of existing pump station. 16111-1 Section 16111 CONDUIT AND WIRE Part 1 – GENERAL 1.1 Scope A. Work included: All labor, materials, appliances, tools, equipment, facilities, transportation and services necessary for and incidental to performing all operations in connection with furnishing, delivery and installation of the work of this Section, complete as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1. 2. Examine all other sections for work related to those other sections and required to be included as work under this section. General provisions and requirements for electrical work. 1.2 Submittals (Additional Requirements) A. Submit product data sheets for all wire, supports, conduit, fittings and splicing materials. Submit material list for all conduit and conduit fittings. Submit details and structural engineering calculations for conduit support systems. B. C. Part 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 Conduit A. General 1. The interior surfaces of conduits and fittings shall be continuous and smooth, with a constant interior diameter. Conduits and conduit fittings shall provide conductor raceways of fully enclosed circular cross section. The interior surfaces of conduits and fittings shall be without ridges, burrs irregularities or obstructions. Conduits and fittings of the same type shall be of the same uniform weight and thickness. 2. Type of conduit, type of conduit fittings and conduit supports shall be suitable for the conditions of use and the conditions of locations of installation, based on the manufacturer’s recommendations and based on applicable codes. 3. All fittings for metal conduit shall be suitable for use as a grounding means, pursuant to the applicable code requirements. All metal conduit and metal conduit fittings shall provide 3 second duration ground fault current carrying ratings, when installed and connected to the respective conduit as follows: A. RMC and EMT conduit fittings B. Rigid metal conduit (RMC) 1. Rigid metal, round tubing, machine threaded at both ends. · · The conduit and conduit fittings shall comply with the requirements for an equipment grounding conductor, pursuant to applicable codes. The conduit shall be watertight and airtight without cracks and pinholes. 10/18/11 16111-2 C. For RMC to RMC conduit-to-conduit coupling. · · · Erickson – 674 (threaded) Series OZ/Gedney Type 4 (threaded) Series Threaded RMC conduit couplings, product of the same manufacturer as the RMC conduit. D. Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT) 1. 2. 3. 4. Rigid metal round tubing, “thin wall” steel construction, with nonthreaded ends. · The conduit and conduit fittings shall comply with the requirements for a equipment grounding conductor pursuant to applicable codes. · The conduit shall be watertight and airtight without cracks and pinholes. EMT shall be allowed for conduit size ranges from 0.5 Inch through 4.0 inch Comply with ANSI C80.3, C80.4, and ANSI C33.98 (latest revisions); UL 94 and UL 797 (latest revisions); CEC Section 12500 (latest revision). EMT Fittings · Connectors and couplings for terminating, connecting and coupling to EMT conduit shall be non-threaded steel fabrication. · EMT termination connector fittings shall be as follows: 1. 5. E. Set screw type “concrete tight” when installed in dry interior locations. 2. Compression types “raintight” and “concrete tight” when installed in wet or damp locations, outdoors and in concrete or masonry construction. · Fittings shall comply with ANSI C33.84 (latest revision); UL 514 (latest revision); NEMA FB-1 a. For EMT to EMT conduit-to-conduit coupling: · Thomas & Betts-TK121 (set screw type) Series (with locknut) · OZ/GEDNEY-5000 (set screw type) Series (with locknut) · Thomas & Betts-5120 (compression type) Series. · OZ-Gedney-6000S (compression type) Series. b. For EMT to RMC conduit to conduit combination coupling: · Thomas & Betts-HT221 (set screw type) Series. · OZ/Gedney-ESR (set screw type) Series. · Thomas & Betts-530 (compression type) Series. · OZ/Gedney-ETR (compression type) Series. Flexible Metal Conduit (FMC): 1. Round flexible conduit, fabricated from a single continuous steel strip. The steel shall be factory formed into continuous interlocking convolutions to form a complete lock between steel strips and provide raceway flexibility. 2. Metal to metal grounding contact shall be maintained throughout the length of the FMC conduit. 3. FMC shall be allowed for conduit size ranges from 0.5 inch through 4.0 inch. 4. FMC shall comply with ANSI –C.33.84 and ANSI C33.92; NEMA FB-a; CEC 12-1100. 5. FMC Fittings · FMC fittings shall be malleable iron construction or steel 10/18/11 16111-3 · · F. construction Fitting shall automatically cause the FMC raceway throat opening to be centered with respect to the fitting throat opening. Straight and angled connector termination fittings shall be threaded on one end and shall include a threaded locknut, suitable for connection to threaded and unthreaded enclosures. Fasteners 1. 2. 3. Channel Fasteners · Channel fasteners shall “pre-locate” and lock into the channel “turned lips” and channel “walls” · A separate metal strap shall “tie” each conduit to each channel with conduit channel fasteners. Structure Fasteners · Structure fasteners for wall and floor mounted conduit attachments shall attach to existing masonry and concrete structure with structure fasteners using drilled, mechanical, expansion shield anchors. · Structure fasteners for wall and floor mounted conduit attachments shall attach to new masonry and concrete structures with structure fasteners using steel threaded inserts precast into the structures. · Structure fasteners shall attach to steel structural members with “swing-beam clamps”, with set-locking screw structure fasteners. Beam clamps shall include integral safety rod, strap or “J” hook to secure the clamp to the beam flanges on both sides of the beam. · Structure fasteners for wall and floor mounted conduit attachments shall attach to wood structural members with flush “through-bolted” wood beam/wood framing stud structure fasteners. · Structure fasteners for wall mounted conduit attachments shall attach to steel framing studs and steel structural elements with spot welded steel structure fasteners or drilled and bolted structure fasteners. Brace Fasteners 1. Provide lateral brace connectors to resist horizontal, lateral and vertical movement of suspended conduits during seismic earthquakes. 2. The braces shall connect from each conduit support, attach as close to the conduit as possible, and attach to fixed rigid, non-suspended building “main” structural elements with fixed anchoring. 3. Brace attachment connectors and fasteners shall be rigid preformed steel channels or flexible #10 gauge steel hanger wire. 4. Connect and attach the brace connectors to fixed structural elements in the same manner as conduit support hangers. The connection of braces to structural elements shall be independent of the conduit support hanger structure fasteners. 10/18/11 16111-4 2.2 Wire and Cable A. All wire and cable shall be copper, 600 volt, #12 AWG minimum unless specifically noted otherwise on the drawings. Conductors #10 AWG and smaller shall be solid. Conductors #8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. Type of insulation as noted on drawings as follows: Insulation of conductor connected to circuit protection devices required to be “100%” rated, shall be 90 degree rated insulation: · Type THHN/THWN insulation used for #4 AWG and smaller. · Type THW/XHHW or THHN/THWN insulation used for #2 AWG and larger. · Type THWN or XHHW insulation used for all panel feeders’ switchboard feeders, motor control center feeders, transformer feeders and service conductors. · Type THHN insulation used for circuit conductors installed in fluorescent lighting fixture raceways, for conductors connected to the secondary of fluorescent or mercury vapor fixture ballast or other hot locations. · Type XHHW or THWN insulation shall be used where conductors are installed in conduit exposed to the outdoor weather. · The following color code for branch circuits: Neutral…White (Tape feeder neutrals with white tape near connections) a. Normal Power 120/208 Volt Ground Green Phase A Black Phase B Red Phase C Blue b. Isolated ground insulation shall be green with a longitudinal yellow stripe. · When individual neutral conductors are shown for each branch circuit, the color code for the neutral conductors shall be as follows: a. 120/208 volt; Phase A – White with Black stripe; Phase B – White with Red stripe; Phase C – White with Blue stripe. · Feeders identified as to phase or leg in each panelboard with printed identifying tape. · Fire alarm conductors: Use 600-volt, type THHN/THWN conductors and color-coded per equipment manufacturer’s recommendations and approved and listed for use on fire alarm systems by the State Fire Marshal. · Panel feeders, copper or aluminum: Wire size shown on the drawings is for copper; If aluminum wire is proposed, increase wire size to ampere capacity of copper wire and voltage drop not to exceed that of copper feeders indicated on drawings. Increase conduit size and quantity as required by code. Provide feeder calculation sheet, 8 copies, if aluminum percentage for original copper feeders and for equal aluminum feeders. Aluminum conductors smaller than #2 AWG shall not be used. · Color coding for mechanical and plumbing control wiring shall be an agreed upon color code between the Mechanical Plumbing CONTRACTOR and the Electrical CONTRACTOR, and color code shall be submitted to the OWNER’S REPRESENTATIVE in writing for approval prior to installation. 10/18/11 16111-5 · B. 2.3 Conductor insulation and jacket shall be all resistant, complying with “Oil Resistant=1” and “Oil Resistant-2” UL 83. Aluminum Conductors (600 Volt or Less Only): CONTRACTOR has the option of using aluminum conductors in lieu of copper conductors for feeders only to panels, distribution boards/panels, transformers, motor control centers, and dimmer switchboard. If aluminum conductors are used, the following requirements shall be followed: · Conductors shall be Aluminum Association 8000 Series Alloy, with the same (XHHW, THW, THWN) insulation as called for under copper conductors. Aluminum conductor larger than 750 kcmil shall not be used, aluminum conductors smaller than #2 AWG shall not be used. · If the conductor termination is to be made on a bus bar or similar flat surface, a Burndy Type YA-A HYPLUG compression terminal intended for the specific conductor size, factory filed with oxide inhibitor compound shall be used. Terminal must be installed using a hydraulic compression tool equipment with a die head for the particular terminal used. Only Burndy Hypress tools shall be used for compression. · If the conductor termination is to be made into a circuit breaker or similar insert compartment it shall be terminated by use of a Bundy AYP HYPLUG compression connector intended for the specific conductor size, factory filled with oxide inhibitor compound. Connector must be installed using only Bundy Hydraulic compression tool specifically approved for each respective connector. · Connector aid shall be used for all terminations and connections. Connector aid shall be Bundy Petrol A, NO-OX-1D Grade “A” · When a aluminum lug is terminated to a copper bus with a steel or copper stud or bolt place aluminum lug on stud or bolt followed by a flat steel washer, and steel or copper nut, in that order. GROUND ROD A. General 1. Self contained ground rod(s) using chemically enhanced grounding shall be provided where specifically indicated on the drawings. As manufactured by Lincoln XIT Grounding Systems, 22412 South Normandy Avenue, Torrance, CA Tel# (800) 962-2610; Superior Grounding Systems, Irwin dale, CA Tel# (800) 747-7925; ERICO The ground rod shall operate from changes in atmospheric pressure pumping air through the ground rod, hygroscopically extracting moisture from the air to activate the ground electrolytic chemicals and improve the ground rod performance. Ground rod system shall be U.L. listed Ground rod system shall be 100% self-activating, sealed and maintenance free. The addition of chemical or water solutions shall not be required. 2. 3. 4. B. Ground Rod 1. Ground rod shall consist of a 2 inch nominal diameter hollow, copper tube. The tube shall be permanently capped on the top and bottom, air breather holes hall be provided in the top of tube. Draining holes shall be provide in the bottom and sides of the tube for electrolyte drainage into the surrounding soil. The ground rod shall be chemically filled at the factory with environmentally non- 2. 10/18/11 16111-6 3. 4. hazardous water-soluble metallic salts to enhance electrical grounding performance. Ground rod shall be a minimum of ten feet long for straight (vertical) installation; or “L” shape minimum twenty feet long for horizontal installation. Ground wire clamping “U-Bolt” with pressure plate on the top end of the tube size for 1#2 thru 500 MCM AWG ground electrode conductor connection, and stranded 4/0 AWG copper pigtail exothermically welded to the side of rod for ground electrode conductor connection. C. Ground Box 1. Pre-cast concrete box with slots for conduit entrances. Approximately ten inch diameter by twelve inches high. Cast iron grate flush cover with “Breather” slots XIT Box #XB-12. D. Backfill Material 1. 2. Natural volcanic, non-corrosive Betonies Clay backfill material. Shall absorb water at a minimum of thirteen times its dry volume or approximately 14 gallons for 50 pounds of clay. PH value 8-10 with maximum resistively of 2.5 OHMS-M at 300% moisture content by weight. 3. Part 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 TRENCHING, FOOTINGS,SLEEVES A. Provide trenching, concrete encasement of conduits, backfilling, and compaction for the underground electrical work, in accordance with applicable sections of this specification. B. Provide footings for all post and/or pole-mounted lighting fixtures: concrete shall conform to the applicable sections of this specification. C. Sleeves 1. Provide sleeves for raceways and conduit passing through the following construction elements: Concrete and masonry foundations, floors, walls and slabs. Lath and plaster walls and ceilings. Building structures (i.e., foundation, walls, floors, ceilings, and roofs) with a fire rating exceeding 20 minutes Sleeves shall extend 1.5 inches above floors, except under floor standing electrical equipment. Sleeves shall be flush with wall ceiling foundations and partitions exposed to public view and extend approximately 0.5 inch past penetration in fire rated construction. Sleeves shall be installed at exact penetration locations and angles to accommodate raceway and conduit routings. Joists, girders, beams, columns or reinforcing steel shall not be cut or weakened. Where construction necessitates the routing conduit or raceways through structural members, framing or footings, written permission to make such installation shall first be obtained from the OWNER’S REPRESENTATIVE. Such permission will not be granted, however, if any other method of installation is possible. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.2 GROUNDING 10/18/11 16111-7 A. Grounding shall be executed in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations, both of the State of California and local authorities having jurisdiction. B. Where nonmetallic conduit is used in the distribution system, the CONTRACTOR shall install the proper sized copper ground wire in the conduit with the feeder for use as an equipment ground. The electrical metallic raceway system shall be grounded to this ground wire. C. The maximum ground/bond resistance to the grounding electrode shall not exceed 1 ohms from any location in the electrical system. The maximum ground resistance of the grounding electrode to earth shall not exceed 5 ohms. D. Feeder, Sub feeders & Branch Minimum Equipment Circuit Protection 15 Amp 20 Amp 30 to 60 Amp 70 to 100 Amp 101 to 200 Amp 201 to 400 Amp 401 to 600 Amp 801 to 1000 Amp 1001 to 1200 Amp 1201 to 1600 Amp 1601 to 2000 Amp 2001 to 2500 Amp 2501 to 4000 Amp Ground Wire Size #12 #12 #10 #8 #6 #2 #1 2/0 3/0 4/0 250 MCM 350 MCM 500 M 10/18/11 16400-1 16400 SERVICE & DISTRIBUTION A. General 1. Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and appliances for a complete electrical job, including all controls and fixtures as shown on the plans. Obtain and pay for all permits and inspections which are required for the work by legally constituted authority having jurisdiction. Deliver all certificates of inspections which are required for the work by legally constituted authority having jurisdiction, and deliver all certificates of inspection to the owner or his representative. The contractor is to provide lighting fixtures as noted on plans, with energy saving lamps included. 2. Furnish and install all conduit and wiring for power and control of mechanical equipment, including thermostat wiring. 3. Furnish and install all conduit and wiring for owner furnished equipment such as kitchen equipment. 4. Furnish and install all control devices, conduit, and wiring as indicated on mechanical drawings. 5. Furnish and install approved duct smoke detectors for A/C units of 2000 cfm or more. 6. Furnish and install approved smoke detectors for elevator recall purposes at each elevator lobby, per UBC Sect. 3003.2. 7. Furnish and install all required circuit breakers, disconnect switches, fuses, motor starters (manual and magnetic) , and time clocks to provide code approved power to all mechanical devices and owner furnished equipment. 8. Furnish and install dimmers and dimmer controls at sound console or as shown on plans. 9. The entire electrical system is to be installed in accordance with all of the requirements of all legally constituted authorities having jurisdiction, including all local ordinance, the safety orders of the state industrial accident commission, and all rules and regulations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. Where plans and specifications differ from code requirements, furnish and install the higher quality or more conservative design. 10. All materials and equipment used in installation of the work will be new and in perfect condition when installed. All equipment used for the same purpose shall be of the same make. All materials used in the fabrication and construction of the work shall be in accordance with the latest standard specifications of the American Society for Testing Materials, and the National Board of Fire Underwriters, as they apply. B. Products 1. The main switch board and service section shall be factory-assembled voltage, phase, wire, location, arrangement and components shall be as shown on the drawings. 2. Securely anchor switchboard to a minimum 1 x 2 inch channel base (1-inch vertical; 2-inch horizontal), which shall be furnished with, and form part of the switchboards and shall be fastened securely to the floor to meet seismic conditions for respective zone. 3. Transformers: Shall have rated KVA, primary & secondary voltage, and phase as indicated on drawings. All transformers 30 KVA or larger shall be provided with 2 - 2-1/2% above and below normal primary taps minimum. transformers shall have class 1 insulation with average temperature rise not to exceed 150 degrees centigrade based on 40 degree centigrade ambient temperature, with 100% of the rated nameplate load connected to the secondary. Transformers mounted from underside of building steel shall be supported by vibration isolators between transformer enclosure & hanger rods. Structural calcs shall be supplied with submittals. Floor mounted units shall be installed in vibration pads. Transformer core & coil shall be contained within a steel, properly ventilated enclosure. Enclosure shall be thoroughly cleaned & corrosion treated, primed with rust-inhibiting primer & finished with two coats of manufacturers standard gray enamel. Enclosure shall be provided with lifting brackets. Provide NEMA 3R enclosure where indicated on drawings. Sound levels shall be guaranteed by the manufacturer not to exceed the following values: 10 to 45 KVA, 45 db.; 50 to 300 KVA, 52 db. 4. Panelboards: Shall have galvanized cabinet with dead front, dead rear, as shown on drawings with bolt on breakers as shown on panel schedules, hinged, lockable doors, index card-holders, bussing and lugs as required. Buses shall be full panel height. Panelboards shall have flush catch and lock and operate from one key. Provide NEMA 3R enclosures where indicated on drawings. Panels shall have a minimum width of type as shown on plans. Door hinges and front clamps shall be completely concealed when door is in closed position. Circuit breakers shall be automatic, molded case, quick-make, with handles indicating tripped position and indicating breaker size. Breakers shall be ambient compensated. Minimum interrupting capacity 10,000 amperes symmetrical, or as indicated on drawings. Contractor shall provide typewritten index cards for all panelboards. All busses must be copper. - 16400-2 5. Disconnect switches: 30 amp to 600 amp capacity shall be of the enclosed quick-make and quick break type, horsepower-rated, complete with fuse clips as required. Switches to be heavy duty type, as manufactured by Square-D or equal. Waterproof (nema 4 or 12) where indicated on drawings. 6. Fuses: Shall be provided for all switches. Fuses shall be as designated on drawings by bus manufacturing co. All installed fuses shall be of one manufacturer. 7. Grounding materials: Grounding clamps, hubs, fittings and connectors shall be solderless pressure type, copper alloy, specifically manufactured for ground connection purposes. Wire shall be soft- drawn copper, green insulated where installed in conduit. All grounds for transformer shall be exothermic or mechanical connections. 8. Conduits and raceways: Shall include the following types and shall be used where specified herein or indicated on drawings: 9. Galvanized rigid metal conduit, galvanized intermediate metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing, flexible metallic conduit and liquid tight flexible metal conduit. 10. Rigid metal, intermediate metal and i.m.t. conduit shall be zinc coated, hot dip galvanized. Weights and dimensions shall be within tolerances protective coating. Conduit shall be as manufactured by National Electric or accepted equal. Flexible metallic conduit shall be zinc coated, hot dip galvanized, continuous steel strip, spiral-wound and interlocked. Flexible metallic conduit shall be as manufactured by National or accepted equal. Liquidtight flexible metallic conduit shall be similar in construction to flexible metallic conduit, except with a continuous pvc jacket. Liquidtight flexible metallic conduit shall be as manufactured Anaconda or accepted equal. 11. Boxes and fittings: General use junction and pull boxes shall be the galvanized steel type for dry locations for use with E.M.T. and the cast metal, threaded hub type for wet or damp locations for use with rigid or intermediate metal conduit. Minimum size box shall be 4" square by 1-1/2" deep. Larger sizes shall be provided as necessary to comply with NEC space requirements. Extension or plaster rings shall be compatible with boxes and provided as necessary. Fittings for rigid or intermediate metal conduit shall be malleable iron with sharp, clean cut threads. All couplings and connectors shall be concrete-tight type where used in masonry or concrete and shall be raintight where installed in wet locations. Fittings for flexible and liquidtight flexible metallic conduit shall be as manufactured by Ideal or accepted equal. 12. Conductors: All wire and cable to secondary power and light distribution shall be new, annealed soft-drawn copper, 600v insulated and shall be U.L. listed for types listed below for use in accordance with the NEC. For all feeders less than 100 amps and lighting circuits, type THHN, 90 degrees centigrade dry and 75 degrees centigrade wet. Conductors shall not by less than #12 awg. Low voltage wiring shall not be less than #18 awg unless specifically noted otherwise. Conductor sizes indicated on homeruns on the drawings is the minimum size for the entire circuit up to the connection of the last load. Conduit sizes may be reduced according to the NEC as the quantity of conductors are reduced, unless noted otherwise. All wire and cable shall be color coded per NEC requirements. 13. Wire joints and connectors: For connections to c/b's and wiring devices; Conductor sizes #12 and #10; Formed clockwise around binding post or screw. for #8 or #6 , crimp on ring terminal as manufactured by Ideal or accepted equal. For terminations of #4 or larger; compression solderless type or Ideal "Surlock". Circuit wiring connections to fixtures, devices or circuiting joints; Conductor sizes #12 through #8, threaded pressure-type with insulator, Ideal "wing-nut" or accepted equal. Branch circuit wiring connections within multi-outlet assemblies, shall be "Scotch-lock". All feeder splices for cable sizes #6 or larger shall compression type applied with tool and die, or mechanicallybolted type specifically made for the purpose. 14. Wiring devices: All duplex receptacles shall be equal to Hubbell #5262-1. All switches (120v277v) shall be equal to Hubbell #1221-1. Device plates for interior finish shall be phenolic plastic, ivory color unless noted otherwise. Telephone outlets shall be provided with single hole wall plates. 15. Tapes: Corrosion protective tape shall be pressure sensitive, pvc, plastic backed 20-mil adhesive. (Scotchwrap #51, Slipknot #200). Color coding tape shall be pressure sensitive, vinyl, 5-mil adhesive. (Slipknot #45.) 16. Test: C. Execution 1. Carefully examine each of the relevant drawings and notify the designer of any discrepancies. Examine the building site and compare the drawings with existing conditions in order to determine the best methods, exact locations, routes, building obstructions, etc., and include the installation of all equipment in available locations. 2. Receiving the bids will indicate that such examinations have been made, conditions - 16400-3 have been accepted and allowances have been made in preparing bid. 3. It is the intention of this specification and accompanying plans that all equipment, conduit, wiring systems, fixtures, etc., be left complete and in operating condition, unless specifically mentioned otherwise. If the contractor does not call any discrepancies to the attention of the owner or his representative before accepting the contract, the electrical contractor shall be required to make corrections at his own expense. - 16425-1 Section 16425 SWITCHBOARDS Part 1 – GENERAL 1.1 Scope A. Work included: All labor, materials, appliances, tools, equipment necessary for and incidental to performing all operations in connection with furnishing, delivery and installation of the work of this Section, complete, as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: · Examine all other specification sections and drawings for related work required to be included as work under Division Sixteen · General provisions and requirements for electrical work. 1.2 Submittals (Additional Requirements) A. Provide schematic “ladder type” logic control wiring diagrams and “point-topoint” control wiring diagrams showing control and protective systems interlocks. B. Provide nameplate engraving schedule. C. Factory Tests: Switchgear tests – ANSI C37.20 Certified copies of design tests, production tests, and conformance tests of the switchgear shall be submitted and review comments shall be received before delivery of equipment to the project site. In lieu of the above test, a report of these tests previously performed on identical units of each rating will be acceptable. 1.3 Applicable Standards A. The switchgear equipment shall be designed, tested and assembled of ANSI, IEEE, and NEMA and U.L. B. Equipment components/devices, switchboards and/or switchgear shall be manufactured by Cutler Hammer. Other acceptable manufacturer’s are General Electric, Square-D or Siemens provided that equipment does not exceed sizes shown on drawings. Part 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 Bussing A. Horizontal and vertical busses shall be full lengths in each equipment section. Buses shall have a minimum withstand rating equal to available fault current indicated on drawings, but in no case shall the rating be less than 65,000 amperes, symmetrical B. Provide interconnected full capacity neutral bus in each section with the same ratings and construction as the phase busses. C. Provide interconnected ground bus in each section. D. Provide space and all hardware and mounting attachments for future devices as 10/18/11 16425-2 indicated on the drawings. E. Main horizontal bussing shall be full capacity in all switchboard sections. F. Vertical buss may be tapered, to not less than one third the ampacity rating of the main horizontal buss; but in no case shall the vertical buss be of less capacity than the sum of the frame size ampacities of overcurrent devices mounted in the respective sections including any indicated spares and spaces. G. The switchboard bussing shall be of sufficient cross-sectional area to meet UL Standard 891 on temperature rise Bus shall be copper with silver plated bus joints or extruded aluminum with tin plated bus joints. The through bus shall have provisions for the addition of future sections. The through bus supports connections and joints are to be bolted with grade 5 hex head bolts and Belleville washers to minimize maintenance requirements. 2.2 CIRCUIT BREAKERS A. General · · · · · B. Circuit protective devices as indicated on the drawings. All devices shall have an interrupting capacity not less than the maximum available fault current at the circuit breaker as indicated on the drawings, but in no case shall the interrupting capacity be less than 65,000 ampere symmetrical for 208/120 volt devices. Provide padlock-off devices on each device. Breakers shall provide time over current and instantaneous circuit protection. Circuit breakers shall employ a stored energy, quick make-quick break, and trip free operating system on each phase, with common trip. Breakers shall comply with U.L. 489 and NEMA AB1 latest revisions. Circuit breakers noted as “100%” on the drawings shall be tested and rated to carry the breaker full rated (100%) ampere load continuously including the assemblies the circuit breakers are installed into. Provide conductor lugs on circuit breakers to accept conductor sizes and quantities shown on drawings. Performance requirements for circuit breakers conforming to one or more of the following applications: · 600 Ampere or larger frame size · Larger than 400 Ampere trip · Service entrance in main switchboard · Noted as main circuit breakers on the drawings Part 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Install switchboards in accordance with manufacturer’s written instructions and applicable portions of NECA’s “Standards of Installations” for switchboards and motor control centers. 3.2 Bolt switchboard to floor and wall where wall exists. Where units are free standing provide preformed steel channel or angle iron bracing to nearest wall or building structural member. Switchboard anchoring shall be designed for a 1.0 gravity lateral acceleration of the equipment. Submit structural calculations and details. 3.3 Testing (Additional Requirements) Adjustable settings shall be set and tested after the equipment installation is 10/18/11 16425-3 complete, for proper operation at set pickup and/or drop-out points, by an independent test laboratory. Testing shall comply with the equipment manufacturer recommendations. Submit three copies of all test results to Owner’s Representative. Correct any deficiencies and retest. 3.4 Identification (Additional Requirements) Manufacturer shall stencil the equipment name on each device and equipment section to correspond to the identification of the drawing. Devices mounted in equipment controlling protective devices shall be provided with nameplates indicating device controlled or monitored. 10/18/11 16500-1 Section 16500 LIGHTING FIXTURES Part 1 – GENERAL 1.1 General Provide light fixtures complete including lamps, ballasts, lamp sockets, housings, ceiling trim rings for special ceilings, mounting and adapter support brackets, diffusers/lenses and outlet boxes. The catalog numbers included in the description of the various types of lighting fixtures shall be basically considered to establish the type or class of the fixture with a particular manufacturer only. The fixture length, number of lamps, component materials, accessories, mounting type and all other features required to fulfill the total description of the fixture based on all drawing and specification information shall be compiled with regardless of whether or not the catalog number specifically includes these features. If any conflict exists between the catalog number and the description, the CONTRACTOR shall either resolve the conflict with the ARCHITECT prior to submittal of his bid or furnish the fixture to meet the intent as later interpreted by the ARCHITECT without change in contract price. 1.2 Scope Work included: All labor, materials, appliances, tools, equipment necessary for and incidental to performing all operations in connection with furnishing, delivery and installation of the work of this Section, complete, as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: 1. Examine all other specification sections and drawings for related work required to be included as work under Division Sixteen. 2. General provisions and requirements for electrical work. 1.3 Submittals (Additional Requirements) Submit certification letter from manufacturers of lamps and Ballasts stating the specific lamp and ballast combination comply with manufacturer approval for the combined use, shown on the drawings. Submit manufacturers certified lamp and ballast tests report data showing compliance with contract document. If requested by the ARCHITECT, provide a sample of any fixture proposed as a substitution for a specified fixture. Sample fixture shall be complete with lamps, cord and plug for 120-volt operation. Fixture shall be delivered to the ENGINEER’S office for review and shall be picked up within ten (10) working days after review comments have been receive; any samples left over this time will be discarded by the ENGINEER. Decision of 10/18/11 16500-2 ENGINEER regarding acceptability of any fixture is final. Provide complete manufacturers catalog data information for each light fixture, ballast and lamp. Part 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 Ballasts (Hid and Fluorescent) General Fluorescent lamp lighting fixtures shall be equipped with UL, ANSI ETL approved C.B.M. certified high power factor (90% minimum) Ballasts, Class “A” or better sound rating. Fluorescent fixtures shall be designed to accommodate rapid start T-12 460 mA or 430 mA. and T-8 lamps except where specified otherwise. Ballast shall provide Class “P” thermal protection. Ballasts shall be full light output rated with specified lamps. Ballasts shall comply with FCC Part 18 and NEMA limits as to EMI or RFI and not interferes with normal electrical or electronic data processing equipment. Ballast open circuit voltage, crest voltage and lamp-operating voltage shall comply with requirements of the manufacturer of the installed lamps. Fluorescent lamp ballasts shall be for use with the specific fluorescent lamps provided as part of the Contract. Fluorescent Ballasts rated for use with instant start fluorescent lamps or othger non-rapid start fluorescent lamps are not acceptable unless instant start or other types of fluorescent lamps are required in the Contract Documents. Ballasts shall be suitable for use with automatic sensing occupancy type switching “on-off” control systems with multiple “on-off” cycles per hour, on a 24 hours a day basis, without loss of performance in ballast and/or lamp operating characteristics. Ballasts shall be high power factor (H.P.F.), with lowest sound rating available. Ballast fusing 1. Each HD ballast shall be independently fused on the incoming line side within ballast compartment. 2. Alternately the ballast manufacturer may install the equipment fuse inside the ballast. 3. Provide a label next to ballast cover reading: Ballast is fused, check fuse prior to relamping”. Provide an additional quantity of 10% spare fuses and deliver to Owner. Ballast, which are judged by the ARCHITECT to be excessively noisy, shall be removed and replaced at the CONTRACTOR’S expense with low noise ballasts. 10/18/11 16500-3 Solid State Electronic Fluorescent Lamp Ballast Fluorescent Ballasts shall be electronic type for straight or “U” lamps, T12 and T8 series lamps, as manufactured by Triad-Utrad Ballastar series, Advance, Motorola or equal. Ballast manufacturer shall have been producing electronic ballasts for a minimum of five years. Ballast shall operate lamps at frequency of 20 to 35 kilohertz without visually detectable flicker and shall deliver lamp manufacturers normal rated lamp file. Multi-lamp ballasts shall provide continued operation of remaining lamps after one lamp has failed. Ballasts shall not be affected by lamp failure. Ballast shall be surge and transient protected to 6000 volts, provide soft/stable start of rapid start lamps and maintain cathode heat during operation. Maximum total harmonic distortion created on the line (input) side of the ballast shall not exceed 25% (20%). The ballast shall provide an isolated output to the lamps. Ballast case shall be positively grounded to the light fixture metal housing. The ballast shall incorporate transient surge protection to prevent damage to the ballast due to line side transients complying with IEEE 587. The ballast lamp current crest factor shall be 1.6 or less. The ballast factor shall be not less than 87. Normal rapid start (continuous full filament voltage) Rapid Start F40 T12 Rapid Start (RS) Lamp Wattage Average Input Watts Three- 40W (Standard) Three- 34/35W (Energy Saver) Two- 40W (Standard) Two-34/35W (Energy Saver) One- 40W (Standard) One- 34/35W (Energy Saver) 109 96 71 60 38 34 T-8 rapid Start Lamps Lamp Wattage Four- 32W Three- 32W Two- 32W One- 32W Average Input Watts 124 93 62 32 10/18/11 16500-4 T-8 Rapid Start Lamps Lamp Wattage Four- 32W Three- 32W Two- 32W One-32W Average Input Watts 112 91 66 44 Note: Both standard and energy savings ballast are identified. H.I.D. lamp Ballasts including mercury vapor, metal halide and highpressure sodium fixtures shall be provided with constant wattage Ballast. Light fixtures shown connected to both normal power and emergency power branch circuits, shall be furnished with separate lamp ballasts for the normal and emergency power circuits. The ballast(s) for the lamps connected to the emergency branch circuit shall be in a separate wireway isolated and barriered from the ballast(S) for the lamps connected to the normal power branch circuits. b. Lamps Lamps shall be new, of wattage indicated and shall be as manufactured by General Electric, Phillips, Osram or Sylvania. Each fixture or lighting outlet shall be supplied with the proper lamp. General-purpose incandescent lamps shall be inside frosted, medium base for 200 watts and smaller. Reflector lamps shall be PAR-20, PAR-30 or PAR-38 as required, unless otherwise specified in fixture schedule. Fluorescent lamps shall be energy saving type, bi-pin, rapid-start, T-8, 48”, 32 watt, 265 ,m.a., minimum CRI of 75 except as specified differently, General Electric, Philips, Osram/Sylvania or equal. c. Light Fixtures Lighting fixtures shall have all parts, Ballasts, sockets, support attachments, trim flanges and fittings necessary to complete and properly install the fixture at the indicated installation locations. All fixtures shall be provided with lamps of size and type specified. Fixtures shall be wired from outlet boxes supplied with fixture to socket with #14 AWG Underwriters’ Type “AF” or “CF” fixture wire. Surface and/or wall mounted lighting fixtures shall not have any exposed chase nipples or conduit knockouts visible to view within fixture housing. Lighting fixtures mounted in continuous rows shall have chase nipples or conduit knockouts between lighting fixture housing, but shall not have visible chase nipples/conduit knockouts on the visible ends of the continuous row of lightning fixtures. Where fixture color is indicated to be selected by the ARCHITECT, provide two color chip samples for review. Recessed fixtures where noted to have attached junction box shall be 10/18/11 16500-5 provided with a junction box permanently attached to the plaster ring so that the junction box is accessible through the fixture opening when the fixture is removed. Connection between fixture and pull box shall be flexible conduit and 2 #14 AWG “AF” wires. The flexible conduit shall be sufficient length, so that when the fixture is removed, the pillbox is readily accessible. Recessed fixtures shall be Underwriters’ Laboratory approved for recessed installation with plaster frame and attached pull box. Lamp enclosure, reflectors and finish wiring shall not be installed until plastering is completed. Finish trim shall not be installed until finish painting of the adjacent surface is completed. The fixture shall bear Underwriters’ Laboratory label of approval for the wattage and installation indicated. Light fixtures installed outdoors in damp or wet locations shall be U.L. labeled for said location. d. Lens and Diffusers Whenever this specification calls for acrylic, acrylic plastic or Plexiglas for the diffusers or lighting fixtures, these diffusers shall be manufactured by Rohm and Haas Company, called Plexiglas G, or specifically approve equal. Diffusers shall be formed from cast sheet having a minimum unpenetrated thickness of 0.125” and in any event, shall be of sufficient thickness and or proper construction and camber to prevent the diffusers from having any noticeable sag over the entire normal life of the installation. Diffusers shall be formed from cast sheet by a vacuum and/or pressure technique. Acrylic lenses shall be manufactured from 100% acrylic as manufactured by Rohm & Haas, called Plexiglas V, V Type 920, VM, or an approved equal by either injection molding or by extrusion. e. Lighting Standards (Poles) Lighting poles pole bases, pole arms, lighting fixture supports with all lighting pole attachments and anchors shall be designed and constructed to withstand 100 mile per hour steady horizontal wind loading and 130 mile per hour horizontal wind gust loading, without any damage to the lighting standards. Anchor bolts shall be threaded the entire bolt length, not less than four (4) bolts for each pole equally spaced around the pole base. Provide a minimum of two threaded nuts for each anchor bolt. Install a nut on the top and bottom sides of each base plate anchor bolt location. Not less than three (3) threads shall be exposed after pole is installed and leveled. Provide a base plate at the bottom of each pole to attach the pole to the pole anchor bolts. The base plate shall be permanently attached to the bottom of the pole. Part 3 – EXECUTION 3.1 Light Fixture Installation It is the CONTRACTOR’S responsibility to verify actual ceiling construction type as defined on the Architectural drawings and furnish all lighting fixtures with the 10/18/11 16500-6 correct mounting devices and proper operating voltage whether or not such variations are indicated by fixture catalog number. The CONTRACTOR shall verify depth of all recessed lighting fixtures with Architectural drawings prior to ordering fixtures. Any discrepancies that would cause recessed lighting fixtures not to fit into ceiling shall be reported to the ARCHITECT prior to ordering of the fixtures. Lighting fixtures installed in ceiling grade – suspended lay-in “T-bar” and concealed spine ceilings. Provide two seismic clips at opposite ends of each recessed light fixture, the clip shall connect to the ceiling grid main runners and the light fixture. The light fixture, seismic clips and ceiling grid runner connections shall resist a horizontal seismic force equal to the total weight of the light fixture assembly. Each light fixture weighing 40 pounds or less and where the ceiling grid system is “heavy duty” type, shall be suspended directly from the ceiling grid or suspended independent of the ceiling grid support system. Each light fixture weighing more than 40 pounds or where the ceiling grid system is not a “heavy duty” type, shall be supported independent of the ceiling grid and ceiling grid and ceiling grid support system. Each light fixture supported directly from the ceiling grid or ceiling grid support system shall be additionally connected with a minimum of two independent slack safety support wires. One wire at each opposite diagonal fixture corner. Each 4 ft x 4 ft light fixture shall be supported in the same manner, except provide a minimum of four independent slack safety wires, one at each fixture corner. Each light fixture supported independent of the ceiling grid system shall be supported with a minimum of four taut independent support wires, one wire at each fixture corner. Light fixtures surface mounted to a suspended “tee” ceiling shall be installed with a one and one-half inch steel channel or angle which spans across and above the main ceiling grid runners. Each channel or angle member shall be provided with a minimum of two threaded studs for attaching to the fixture housing through the lay-in ceiling tile. Two members shall be installed for each four-foot fixture. Install the channels or angles within six inches of each end of the light fixture to span a minimum of two ceiling grid main runners. Provide two seismic clips connecting the ceiling grid main runners to each channel or angle. Provide support wires connecting to the channels or angles in lieu of connecting to the light fixtures. Bolt the light fixtures to the threaded studs on the channels or angles. The support wires for light fixture support shall be 12-gauge steel (minimum). The wires including their building and light fixture attachments shall provide support capacity of not less than four times the weight of the light fixture assembly. Provide additional light fixture support wires and building anchors to meet these requirements, as part of the contract. The support wires shall be anchored to the building structural elements above the ceiling. Pendant mounting fixtures shall be supplied with swivel hangers. Fixtures shall swing in any direction a minimum of 45 degrees of gravity, position. Fixtures shall have special stem lengths to give the mounting height indicated on the drawings. Stem to be 1-piece without coupling, and to be finished the same 10/18/11 16500-7 color as the canopy and the fixture, unless otherwise noted. The CONTRACTOR shall check all lock nuts and set screws to rigidly secure the socket to the stem, and the stem to the outlet box. Fixtures to be plumb and vertical. Where obstructions occur restricting 45 degrees swing of fixtures, the fixtures shall be guy wired to prevent fixtures from striking obstructions. The ARCHITECT shall approve Method of guying. Swinging fixtures shall have a safety hanger cable attached to the structure and the fixture at each support, capable of supporting four times the vertical weight of the light fixture assembly. Suspended fixtures weighing in excess of 40 pounds shall be supported independently of the fixture outlet box. Provide “air craft” (minimum 12 gauge) steel hanger cable for suspended fixtures route cable concealed or in pendant where possible. Each cable attachments shall support four times the weight of the fixture assembly. Securely attach the cable to the building structure. On acoustical tile ceilings, fixture outlets shall be accurately located in the center, at the intersection of the four corners or at the center of the joints of two tiles. Surface mounted fixtures installed on drywall or plaster ceilings and weighing less than 40 pounds may be supported from outlet box. Provide structural supports above drywall or plaster ceilings for installation of fixtures weighing more than 40 pounds and secure fixture to structural supports. The use of toggle bolts is prohibited. The CONTRACTOR shall aim the exterior adjustable lighting fixtures after dark in the presence of, and at a time convenient to the ARCHITECT. Recessed lighting Fixtures – Fire Rated Building Surfaces 1. Lighting fixtures recessed in ceiling or wall which has a fire resistive rating of 1 hour or more shall be enclosed in a fully enclosed box (except over fixture lens/diffuser) which has a fire rating equal to that of the ceiling or wall. The space from the fixture to the box enclosure shall be a minimum of 3 inches. The light fixture shall be provided with Advance Mark III KookKoil ballast (full light output). 3.2 Lamps Fluorescent and H.I.D. lamps controlled by dimming equipment shall be operated (aged) for 100 continuous hours without interruption, at 100% output prior to occupancy of the building by the OWNER. Energy saving fluorescent lamps shall not be used in dimming systems unless specifically recommended by the dimming system manufacturer. 3.3 Lens and Diffusers Lens and diffusers shall be completely cleaned of all dust, dirt and fingerprints after the installation of the light fixture, ceiling, painting, lamps and prior to occupancy of the facility by the OWNER. 3.4 Ballasts 10/18/11 16500-8 Ballasts remote from the lighting fixture, mounted as shown on the drawings and designed for remote operation. Additional wiring and conduit shall be provided whether shown on the drawing or not, between lighting fixture and remote Ballasts with required quantity of “THHN” wire to operate said fixture(s). Provide proper type and quantity of conductors with conduit system for proper operation of dimming system, whether or not shown on drawings. 10/18/11 16700-1 16700 SOUND REINFORCEMENT SYSTEM A. General 1. The purpose of this specification is to provide the general specifications for the sound system performance specifications. 2. The contractor shall engineer the sound system for the sanctuary in accordance with the performance specifications and general specifications as detailed herein. 3. The contractor shall furnish all equipment, material, cable, conduit, and supplies required to effect the complete installation of the sound system. B. Products 1. The contractor shall provide two complete sets of the following data: Installation wiring diagrams, complete instruction manuals, schematic drawings, service instructions, and test documentation. 2. The system shall be guaranteed for a minimum of one year from the date of acceptance against defective materials, design, workmanship and improper adjustment. Any defective material shall be replaced at no expense to the owner, provided it does not show abuse. C. Execution 1. The work herein specified shall be performed by fully competent workmen, in a thorough manner. All materials furnished by the contractor shall be new and "UL" listed. 2. All equipment, except portable units, shall be held firmly in place. This shall include loudspeakers, amplifiers, cables, console. etc. Fastenings and supports shall be adequate to support their loads with a safety factor of at least three. All switches, connectors, outlets, etc., shall be clearly, logically, and permanently marked during installation. 3. The contractor must take such precautions as are necessary to guard against electromagnetic and electrostatic hum, to supply adequate ventilation, and to install the equipment so as to provide maximum safety to the users. 4. All speakers, horns, wire, junction boxes, jacks, etc., shall be decoratively baffled, covered, or painted so that they fit into the decor of the building. 5. Final tests & demonstration shall be made in the presence of a representative of the contractor, owner, and owners audio consultant. See minimum performance specifications. 6. The quantity and location of the microphone jacks shall be determined by a representative of the church. 7. The system shall be of modular design to facilitate both expansion and service and shall be completely transistorized. 8. A "central loudspeaker cluster", mounted from the ceiling above the front of the platform, shall be used. 9. Room equalizers shall have active filters of the minimum-phase, band-rejection type. Any filter whose impedance changes at its resonant frequency will not be accepted. 10. The sound system shall not produce audible noise (hiss and hum) or distortion within the seating area to exceed the average acoustic ambient noise level in the room. 11. A wooden control console shall be designed and shall be provided by the sound or furniture contractor and located in the seating area. Only the components necessary to operate the system shall be accessible, such as the mixer, recorder and jack panel, etc. The console shall have a locking cover to protect the components from theft, damage and readjustment. a The remainder of the system, including the equalizers and amplifiers, shall be mounted in a locked rack in a remote and accessible area as near to the speakers as possible. This method will reduce cable losses to the speakers and reduce the size of the control console in the seating area. The amps and equalizers in the remote rack shall be adjusted only by a qualified audio engineer with test equipment including a 1/3 - octave analyzer. 12. All microphone and line level cables over 20 feet shall be low impedance and balanced to reduce cable losses and interference. 13. Care shall be taken in wiring so as to avoid damage to the cables and to the equipment. All joints and connectors shall be made with resincore solder or with mechanical crimp connectors. 14. Microphones for hand held (solo) use shall be of heavy duty construction, have very low handling noise and include a pop (blast) filter. These mics shall typically be of uni-directional dynamic type. 15. Microphones for choir, instrument, pulpit and recording use shall be chosen for their flat (natural) response and sensitivity. These mics shall typically be of the condenser type. The condenser mics shall be powered by internal batteries or (for higher performance and freedom from batteries) a "phantom power" supply. - 16700-2 16. Any wireless microphone system to be used with this sound system shall be crystal-controlled and of professional quality, VHF Hi Band type. Tuneable or 49 Mhz type units are not acceptable under this specification. 17. If high quality recordings are required, a recording room shall be provided by the owner. A mixer, recorder, compressor monitor amp and speakers shall be installed. This recording system shall be totally isolated from the main reinforcement sound system acoustically and electrically. 18. Final tests shall be made in the presence of a representative of the contracting officer and the audio contractor/consultant, who shall be notified of the test date a minimum of five days in advance. 19. The sound consultant or contractor shall perform all tests necessary to verify and document performance of sound system as outlined in paragraphs 5A-5F including level settings and polarity. Copies of these tests shall be given to the system owner and the audio consultant or architect. 20. Performance specifications: a. Even distribution of sound. The system shall provide even distribution of the reinforced sound throughout 90% of the seating area typically +2db for the 500-5,000 Hz range. Total variation shall not exceed +3 db. b. Frequency response. A response of 50 - 15 Khz+3db shall be provided by the system, thus assuring full range music and vocal reproduction. c. Sound level. The system shall provide a concert sound level of at least 80 db-spl average program level and an additional 10 db-spl peaking margin at any seat (d2). d. Distortion. Total harmonic distortion (thd) shall be below 5% at 90 db-spl. e. Signal to noise. S/N shall be 25 db minimum. f. Articulation loss. Al-cons loss shall not exceed 15% within the seating area. - 16720-1 16720 ALARM AND DETECTION SYSTEMS A. General: 1. Items specified in this section are to be provided by the installer as part of a designbuild contract. 2. Items in question include: Fire alarm systems. 3. Submit Shop Drawings showing fabrication, installation, anchorage and interface of work of this Section with work of adjacent trades. 4. A fire alarm system shall be provided in compliance with Title 24, California Building Code, UBC and Uniform Fire Code Article 14. 5. Security alarm systems: Coordinate requirements of owner for security alarm as an additive alternate. (N.I.C.) 10/18/11 16931-1 SECTION 16931 OCCUPANCY MOTION SENSORS Part 1 – GENERAL 1.1 Summary A. 1.2 Submittals (Additional Requirements) A. 1.3 Work included: All labor, materials, appliances, tools, equipment necessary for and incidental to performing all operations in connection with furnishing, delivery and installation of the work of this Section, complete, as shown on the drawings and/or specified herein. Work includes, but is not necessarily limited to the following: · Examine all other specification sections and drawings for related work required to be included as work under Division Sixteen. · General provisions and requirements for electrical work. Submit data sheets on sensors, wiring diagrams, relays, transformers, junction boxes and mounting accessories, specific to this installation. Instruction of Owners Personnel A. Provide training, at the OWNER’S facility, the training necessary to familiarize the OWNER in the operation and adjustment of the devices. Provide a minimum of one 2-hour class. Part 2 – PRODUCTS 2.1 Motion Sensors A. General · Motion sensors shall be self-contained, solid state low voltage devices designed specifically for energy conservation lighting control. Units shall be U.L. listed. Housing shall be white and impact-resistant. Coverage of sensors shall remain constant after sensitivity control has been set. No automatic reduction in coverage shall occur when air conditioning or healing fans are in operation or when sensor has turned off lighting due to not sensing motion. Sensitivity and time-on after activation shall be such that there will be no nuisance on/off switching of the lights by the motion sensor while the room is occupied. Motion sensors shall be compatible with all electronic ballasts. All sensors shall be provided with an indicator light to verify that motion is being detected and that the unit is operation. All sensors shall be California Energy Commission Title 24 approval and certified. · · · · · B. Wall Mount Motion Sensors · Wall mount motion sensors shall be passive infrared type, capable of detection of motion at desk top up to 200 square feet within a volume dimension of up to approximately 20’ x 25’. Wall switch sensors shall be 10/18/11 16931-2 · · · · C. Ceiling Mounted Motion Sensors · Ceiling mounted motion sensors shall be ultrasonic type. One way type shall be capable of detection of motion up to 600 square feet. Two-way types shall be capable of detection of motion up to 2000 square feet. Corridor type shall be capable of detection of motion up to 90 linear feet. Ceiling mounted motion sensors shall operate with power pack capable of switching up to 20 amps of ballast lighting load or 15 amps of incandescent load and shall be compatible with all types of electronic ballasts. The power pack shall provide the required low voltage control power to operate a minimum of two (2) occupancy sensors. Power packs shall be powered from the lighting circuit, which they control. Ceiling mounted motion sensors shall be Watt Stopper #WT-2200 UNICCO #C800-1500 or Levittown #ODC20-UDW. · · · 2.2 U.L. listed and have a load capacity of 0-800 watts, 120V, 0-1200 watts, 277V. Wall mounted motion sensors shall allow choice of automatic-on of manual-on operation and shall be equipped with push-button to turn “on” the lights and turn “off” the lights. Sensor shall automatically turn “off” lights if there no movement after the preset time delay interval, yet lights shall remain “on” with movement. In the manual-on mode, there shall be a “grace” period after the unit turns itself off (because of lack of motion) during which a new motion will automatically turn lights on without the push-button having to be pressed. Light level sensing feature shall hold lighting off when user-adjusted level of ambient light is available. Switching by motion sensor shall occur at voltage zero crossing to reduce relay stress. Wall mount motion sensors shall be Watt Stopper #WI-300, UNICCO #SOM10-2 or Levittown #ODSOD-ID. Wiring A. Wiring between sensors and power packs shall be #18AWG; stranded U.L. listed for plenum use. Part 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 Installation A. 3.2 Install motion occupancy sensor’s in accordance to manufacturer’s recommendations. All power packs shall be mounted to junction boxes in accessible ceiling spaces. Adjust and test each sensor/control unit in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Be certain that no obstructions block proper sensor coverage of areas desired, and minimize sensor pickup zone. Warranty A. CONTRACTOR shall warrant all equipment furnished in accordance to this specification to be undamaged, free of defects in materials and workmanship, and in conformance with the specifications. The suppliers obligation shall include repair or 10/18/11 16931-3 replacement, and testing without charge to the OWNER, all or any parts of equipment which are found to be damaged, defective or non-conforming and returned to the supplier. Warranty on sensors and control units will be for a period of two years. The warranty shall commence upon OWNER’S acceptance of the project. Warranty on labor shall be for a period of minimum one year. 10/18/11