Read the brochure ERO: Fifty years
Read the brochure ERO: Fifty years
50 1964 - 2014 ERO : Fifty years The European Regional Organization of the FDI World Dental Federation is a non-profit association established in accordance with the FDI Constitution, registered in the Swiss Canton of Geneva. It associates FDI member organizations from the European Area. Contents n n n n 2 preface evolution picture gallery annex p ref a c e «laudamus veteres sed nostris utimur annis» Ovid «fastes» 1,225 «We praise our past but are acting in the present» Dear Colleagues The ERO is fifty years old and it is time to celebrate this event. For 50 years colleagues have worked intensively to promote oral health and defend our professional interests. Of course our history is strongly related to the FDI, which celebrated its first century in 2000 in Paris. It seems that Paris is the place to highlight jubilees. This brochure is published to summarize the history of the ERO, to show the huge evolution since its beginnings and to remind us of the colleagues who have worked for us. In the historic part you can see that our evolution is intimately correlated with the development of the EU. Since the fall of the iron curtain in 1989 our regional organization has dramatically changed and now we are very proud and satisfied that the Eastern European countries have joined the ERO and are regular members. More than ever we presently feel a dramatic change in dental practice. Globalization also has implications in our daily dental life. The traditional “one man practice” seems to belong to the past, advertising is changing our way of interacting with our patients, wild liberalisation without ethical guidelines brings a lot of new problems, the free moving of workforces in dentistry leads to conflicting situations. The shift “patient to client” represents a pioneering challenge. We have to face all these aspects and defend more than ever the values of our profession. Philippe Rusca, ERO president, January 2014 3 evolu t i on ERO objectives ERO early days The ERO aims at promoting the concept of dentistry as an inde- Special Commission for European Cooperation pendent profession based on the principle of freedom of choice in the relationship between the dentist and the patient. Regional Commission for Europe The ERO works under the supervision and mission of FDI, developing policies, reports and resolutions in order to influence the activities of FDI. Regional Organisation for Europe of the FDI The ERO supports its member organizations by providing the best possible oral and general health to patients. European Regional Organisation of the FDI The ERO promotes and supports European and national health policies that respect ethical principles and professional standards. The beginnings of the ERO date back to 1955 when the Special Commission for European Cooperation was established in resThe ERO resolutions, expressing the views of European dentists, ponse to the request of some European member associations of are valuable documents serving as background and supportive the FDI to have a common body to defend their interests and views papers for national dental organizations in their contacts with and to foster their cooperation and links. The Commission took up local authorities. its activities in 1956 and focused in particular on matters related to social security and illegal dental practice. In 1958, the Commission was renamed as the Regional Commission for Europe and its activities were orientated primarily towards the development of the necessary conditions of a common health policy of the member countries of the European Economic 4 evo lu ti o n . ERO development Community (EEC) and the coordination of the dental curricula of the six member countries at that time. However, difficulties concerning dental studies in Italy led to the establishment of a Dental Liaison Committee (DLC) charged in particular with the negotiations with the EEC authorities in Brussels in this respect and the development of the directives on recognition of qualifications of dentists. In 1962, a permanent Secretariat of the Regional Commission was established in Cologne in Germany at the headquarters of the German Dental Association (Bundesverband der Deutschen Zahnärzte). Its successor, the Bundeszahnärztekammer took over the task of running and financing the Secretariat. The political change in Europe and the fall of the Iron Curtain also had a great impact on the functioning of the ERO. Dental organizations from Central and Eastern Europe applied for membership and the ERO quickly expanded both in terms of membership as well as in the scope of its activities. The new member associations requested assistance in establishing their own dental care systems and their organisational structures, sometimes within national medical organizations. Assistance was also sought in adjusting and modifying national dental curricula and examinations. The ERO provided experts for specific professional topics who co-operated with new member organizations – visiting these countries and giving valuable advice. In 1964 the FDI General Assembly adopted a resolution setting up In addition some ERO associations from Western Europe gave Regional Organisations within the FDI. Accordingly, in January 1965 their direct assistance within a mutual partnership or within the the Regional Organisation for Europe of the FDI, later renamed framework of specific cooperation agreements. “European Regional Organisation of the FDI (ERO)”, was effectively established. It was the first regional organisation of the FDI and thus served as a model for the other regional organisations to be created later in Latin America, the Asian-Pacific Region and more recently in Africa and North America. 5 evolu t i on ERO membership ERO governance Before 1998, the stakeholders of the ERO formed its Executive Body, which was composed of 3 officers – President, Vice-president and Secretary General. It developed a Constitution following the FDI-Statutes and a Standing Order for the routine work and the running of meetings. This Constitution was modified and adjusted Following the fall of communist regimes in Central and Eastern several times. In 1965 - its first official year - the ERO had 12 member associations. The number of members has increased continually . In 1966 the dental organization from Israel was admitted – the first country beyond the physiographic Europe. Europe and the opening of Europe towards the East in 1989 organizations from most of the former Communist countries also A far-reaching reform was completed in 1998 which had been prepared by a working group on the ERO-Constitution and which gradually joined the ERO, incl. the former USSR republics from led to the adoption of a new Constitution which was more in line Caucasus and Central Asia (WHO European Region). with the FDI-Statutes than the former one.The Standing Order was replaced by the Rules of Procedure. Currently the ERO counts member associations from 37 countries and has set as a goal to help dental associations The most significant constitutional innovation was the establishfrom all 53 European countries (WHO European Region) to join ment of a Board consisting of five members: President, Presidentthe ERO. Elect (following the FDI model), Secretary General and two Board members (in particular responsible for the working groups). Secretary General and Board members are re-eligible in their functions. This new enlarged Board was first elected in 1998. The next elections took place in 2001. The President-elect took over the presidency and all other Board members were new in their functions. The ERO is financed only by fees of the member associations. A budget is prepared annually and the effective expenses are 6 evo lu ti o n . ERO office assessed to the member associations on the basis of the number Since December 16th 2010 the ERO’s official headquarters are, at of their members. the FDI headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The ERO-Secretariat, initially located in Germany, is located in Bern, Switzerland The Plenary Session – the ERO’s supreme authority composed of since 2004 and hosted by the Swiss Dental Association SSO. delegates of all member organizations – gathers twice a year. According to its Constitution, the ERO holds at least one plenary ERO activities session per year in one of the member countries (traditionally in April). Another Plenary Session takes place within the FDI World The ERO sticks to its mission of being a forum for information and Dental Parliament and Annual World Dental Congress. experience exchange and a means for distributing papers on these topics as well as of giving support to the new countries in their negotiations with public authorities. The ERO publishes presidential letters (formerly circular letters) 3 to 4 times per year. The ERO has a website with comprehensive information about the organization (documents, contact details of Board members and member organizations, Working Groups etc.): 7 evolu t i on ERO resolutions ERO Working Groups Since 1982 at the request of many member organizations the ERO and in particular its working groups have developed and adopted several resolutions and statements on key issues of national and European interest and concern. Due to the manifold and great variety of topics of general interest, it was considered necessary to establish working groups within the ERO to study specific matters in detail and to report to the plenum at the meetings. These documents are meant to serve as a background and as supportive papers for member associations and countries in potential controversies and negotiations with national health and governmental authorities. In particular they are of help for Central and Eastern European countries in their endeavours to reform their dental care systems. Working Groups are set up and composed of experts nominated by the Plenary Session. Working Groups consider and examine in detail matters of particular importance to the dental profession, gather relevant information and elaborate drafts of ERO resolutions and other documents. Following completion of their mandate, Working Groups either focus on other issues or are dissolved. Much of ERO work is carried out by the Workin Groups in the period between the plenary sessions – members of the Working Groups who are colleagues from ERO member associations work on voluntary basis without remuneration. There are currently 7 ERO Working Groups: 1. Prevention 2. Relation between dental practitioners and universities 3. Liberal Dental Practice in Europe 4. Integration 5. Dental Team 6. Continuing Medical Education 7. Quality 8 evo lu ti o n In the past a number of other Working Groups were set up which having completed their mandate either switched their attention to other issues or were dissolved. For example, the following Working Groups: WG Demography, WG Dentists, WG Telematics, WG Entry, WG for Constitutional Revision, WG Parity, WG Women in Dentistry. The role and tasks of Regional Organisations of the FDI have been discussed over the past and are still subject to changes. The European Regional Organisation of the FDI associates National Dental Organizations from the entire European geographic area as defined by the WHO. Thus the area of the ERO’s activities reaches far beyond Western Europe, the European Union or the European Economic Area. Consequently, as there are significant differences between the European regions and countries represented in theERO, the scope of the ERO’s activities and goals to be achieved is large enough for the next 50 years of successful work. 9 ga lle r y 1975 Stuttgart / T. Aggeryd, W. Eggers, R. Braun, E. Huber, Minister Mrs. A. Griesinger. 1978 Brussels / R. Braun, T. Aggeryd, H. Freihofer, J. Ahlberg. 10 ga ller y 1986 Munich / H. Zedelmaier, P. Schulz, A. Schneider, G. Sauter, H. Sebasstian, B. Bergmann-Krauss-Trump 1986 Munich / J. Jardiné, J. Monnot, P. Colombet, V. Pellegrain. 1986 Munich / R. Freiding A, R. Matheis A, W. Hägler CH. 11 ga l le r y 1992 Herzliya / ERO board and FDI invitees. 1992 Herzliya / S. Hanson, A. Schneider, J. Bjørnvad, M. Bader. 1992 Herzliya / New ERO board : S. Hanson, A. Schneider, J. Bjørnvad. 12 ga ller y 1997 Istanbul / common meeting ERO-DLC C. Genin, C. Gersching, J. Reignault, J. Monnot, S. Hanson, H. Schneider-Chaloux. 13 gal le r y 1998 Reykjavik / ERO board with guests. 1998 Reykjavik / old and new Presidents. 14 1998 Reykjavik / new ERO board J. Reignault, E. SchmØlker, P. MüllerBoschung, E. Cimbura, E. Filippi and B.Bergmann-Krauss, M.Bader. ga ller y 2000 Paris / 100 Years FDI / J. Monnot, H. Benessianno representing mayor of Paris, P. Müller-Boschung. 15 ga lle r y 2001 Berne / new ERO board : P. Hescot, A. Rodica, E. SchmØlker, A. Mersel, J. Font-BuxÓ. 2005 Athens / S. Dianiskova, P. Hescot, J. Font BuxÓ, Ph. Rusca and M. Lang (secretary) 16 2002 Dubrovnik / M. Bader, A. Rodica. ga ller y 2007 Moscow / new ERO board : B. Griffa, Ph. Rusca, P. Hescot, M. Lang, G. Seeberger, V. Sadovski. 2008 Istanbul / Bosphoruscruise : P. Hescot, T. Yücel, Ph. Rusca. 17 ga lle r y 2009 Rome / busy board members. 2009 Rome / ERO board. 18 2009 Rome / Plenary session.. ga ller y 2009 Rome / ERO family. 19 ga lle r y 2010 Yerevan / Gala dinner. 20 ga ller y 2010 Yerevan /new ERO board : B. Yavru-Sakkuk, Ph. Rusca, A. Lella, M. Frank, M. Lang, G. Seeberger. 2010 Yerevan / German delegation. 2011 Sofia / Plenary session. 21 ga lle r y 2012 Prag / Ladies’ discussion. 2012 Prag / Plenary session. 22 ga ller y 2013 Potsdam / Plenary session. 2013 Munich / new ERO board : M. Frank, A. Lella, H. Schrangl, Ph. Rusca, T. Yücel, M. Lang (secretary). 23 a n n ex 1. Main (spring) meeting venues of the European Regional Organisation (ERO) of the FDI Year Venue Country Year Venue Country 1965 Luttich Belgium 1990 Corfu Greece 1966 Copenhagen Denmark 1991 Francfort/M. Germany 1967 London U.K. 1992 Herzliya Israel 1968 Vienna Austria 1993 Zurich Switzerland 1969 Stockholm Sweden 1994 Budapest Hungary 1970 Zurich Switzerland 1995 Sliema Malta 1971 Amsterdam Netherlands 1996 Sevilla Spain 1972 Oslo Norway 1997 Istanbul Turkey 1973 Helsinki Finland 1998 Reykjavik Iceland 1974 Tel Aviv Israel 1999 Bled Slovenia 1975 Stuttgart Germany 2000 Prague Czech Republic 1976 Paris France 2001 Berne Switzerland 1977 Rome Italy 2002 Dubrovnik Croatia 1978 Brussels Belgium 2003 Warsaw Poland 1979 Dublin Ireland 2004 Bucharest Romania 1980 Zurich Switzerland 2005 Athens Greece 1981 London U.K. 2006 Porto Portugal 1982 Copenhagen Denmark 2007 Moscow Russia 1983 Athens Greece 2008 Istanbul Turkey 1984 Lisbon Portugal 2009 Rome Italy 1985 Nice France 2010 Yerevan Armenia 1986 Munich Germany 2011 Sofia Bulgaria 1987 Scheveningen Netherlands 2012 Prague Czech Republic 1988 Salzburg Austria 2013 Potsdam Germany 1989 Rome Italy 2014 Paris France 24 a n nex 2. List of FDI Dental Parliaments and AWDC in Europe since 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1970 1971 1974 1976 1978 1979 1980 1982 1984 1985 1989 1991 1992 1993 1998 2000 2002 2008 2013 Vienna, Austria Tel Aviv, Israel Paris, France Varna, Bulgaria Bucharest, Romania Munich, Germany London, UK Athens, Greece Madrid, Spain Paris, France Hamburg, Germany Vienna, Austria Helsinki, Finland Belgrade, Yugoslavia Amsterdam, Netherlands Milan, Italy Berlin, Germany Gothenburg, Sweden Barcelona, Spain Paris, France Vienna, Austria Stockholm, Sweden Istanbul, Turkey Next FDI Dental Parliaments and AWDC in Europe: 2016 Poznań, Poland 25 a n n ex 3. ERO-Stakeholders - Executive and Board (1956 - 2013) Day-to-day management of ERO is the responsibility of the Board – President, President-Elect, Secretary General and 2 Board members (one as Treasurer) elected for 3 years at the Plenary Session. President, Vicepresident, Secretary General 1956 Dr. E. Müller (Germany) Dr. Stork (Netherlands) 1962 Dr. H. Freihofer (Switzerland) Dr. W. Brenner (Austria) Dr. R. Braun (Germany) 1971 Dr. T. Aggeryd (Schweden) Dr. R. Allen (U.K.) Dr. J. Jardiné (France) 1980 Dr. R. Allen (U.K.) Dr. H. Zedelmaier (Germany) Dr. J. Jardiné (France) 1982 Dr. R. Allen (U.K.) Dr. H. Zedelmaier (Germany) Dr. H. Erni (Switzerland) 1992 ZA A. Schneider (Germany) Dr. St. Hanson (Belgium) Dr. J. Bjørnvad (Denmark) 1996/97 ZA A. Schneider (Germany) Dr. St. Hanson (Belgium) Dr. E. Cimbura (Czech Republic) 1998 ZA A. Schneider (Germany) Dr. E. Cimbura (Czech Republic) Board President, President-elect, Secretary General, 2 members) 1998 – 2001 Dr. P. Müller-Boschung (Switzerland) Dr. E. Schmølker (Denmark) Dr. E. Cimbura (Czech Republic) Dr. J. Reignault (France) Dr. E. Filippi (Italy) 2001 – 2004 Dr. E. Schmølker (Denmark) Dr. J. Font-Buxó (Spain) 1986 Dr. Rodica Aldica (Romania) Dr. J. Monnot (France) Dr. P. Hescot (France) Dr. E. Karlsen (Norway) Dr. A. Mersel (Israel) Dr. H. Erni (Switzerland) 26 2004 - 2007 Dr. J.Font-Buxo (Spain) Dr. P.Hescot (France) Dr. Ph.Rusca (Switzerland) Dr. S.Dianikova (Slovakia) Dr. B.Yavru-Sakkuk (Armenia) 2007 - 2010 Dr. P.Hescot (France) Dr. G.Seeberger (Italy) Dr. Ph.Rusca (Switzerland) Dr. B.Griffa (Italy) Dr. V. Sadovski (Russia) 2010 - 2013 Dr. G.Seeberger (Italy) Dr. Ph.Rusca (Switzerland) Dr. A.Lella (Poland) Dr. M. Frank (Germany) Dr. B.Yavru-Sakkuk (Armenia) 2013 Dr. Ph. Rusca (Switzerland) Dr. A. Lella (Poland) Dr. H. Schrangl (Austria) Dr. M. Frank (Germany) Dr. T. Yücel (Turkey) a n nex 4. Presidents 1956 – 1962 1962 - 1971 1971 – 1980 1980 – 1986 1986 – 1992 1992 – 1998 1998 – 2001 2001 – 2004 2004 - 2007 2007 - 2010 2010 – 2013 2013 Dr. E. Müller (Germany) Dr. H. Freihofer (Switzerland) Dr. T. Aggeryd (Sweden) Dr. R. Allen (U.K.) Dr. J. Monnot (France) ZA A. Schneider (Germany) Dr. P. Müller-Boschung (Switzerland) Dr. E. Schmølker (Denmark) Dr. J.Font-Buxo (Spain) Dr. P.Hescot (France) Dr. G.Seeberger (Italy) Dr. Ph. Rusca (Switzerland) Acknowledgments The ERO thanks all the contributors to the edition of this document, particularly Marion Bader and Anna Lella. 27 ERO members Armenian Dental Association Österreichische Zahnärztekammer Azerbaijan Stomatological Association Verbond der Vlaamse Tandartsen Chambres Syndicales Dentaires Belgium Dental Chamber of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgarian Dental Association Croatian Dental Chamber Croatian Dental Society Cyprus Dental Association Czech Dental Chamber Danish Dental Association Ass.of Public Health Dentists Denmark Estonian Dental Association Association Dentaire Francaise Bundeszahnärztekammer Georgian Stomatological Association Hellenic Dental Association Stomatological Society of Greece Icelandic Dental Association The Israeli Dental Association Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani Associazione Italiana Odontoiatri Kazakhstan Stomatologial Association Stomatological Association of the Kyrgyz Rep. Latvian Dental Association Association des Médecins-Dentistes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg Dental Association of Malta Moldavian Association of Stomatologists Dutch Dental Association Polish Chamber of Physicians+Dentists Polish Dental Society OMD - Ordem dos Medicos Dentistas Sociedade Portuguesa de Estomatologia e Medicina Dentária Romanian Dental Ass.of Priv.Pract. Romanian Society of Stomatology Russian Dental Association Slovak Chamber of Dentists Slovenian Dental Association Consejo Gen. Colegios de Odontologos Schweiz. Zahnärzte-Gesellschaft (SSO) Turkish Dental Association British Dental Association Ukrainian Dental Association Uzbekistan Dental Association Freier Verband Deutscher Zahnarzte European Society of Dental Ergonomics