Dacula Soccer Club Winter Programs and Spring 2016 Registration
Dacula Soccer Club Winter Programs and Spring 2016 Registration
Dacula Soccer Club Spring 2016 Registration is Now OPEN! In partnership with gwinnettcounty parks & recreation DSC REVOLUTION FROM THE BASICS OF SOCCER TO COMPETITIVE PLAY SOCCER IS OUR P A S S I O N www.dscrevolution.com Registration DSC 2015-2016 Winter Programs: The registration fee covers the costs of officials, field equipment, insurance, all administrative costs, and our affiliation with Georgia Soccer. Rec Registration Begins: November 14 at 10 am. DSC will be hosting several camps & training opportunities this Winter. Please visit our website for further information. Winter Skills Program: Dec. - Jan. Winter Futsal League: late Nov. - Feb. DSC College ID Camp: Jan. 7th - 8th Onsite Registration: November 14, 10:00 - 2:00 December 19, 10:00 - 2:00 Uniform The Uniform fee is an additional $70 for US-U19 players and must be ordered through Soccer.com. The uniform consists of two Adidas jerseys, one pair of Adidas shorts, and one pair of socks. Recreational Soccer DSC age groups are split into gender specific divisions. Gwinnett County Parks and Rec Out of County fee = $90 U-4 U-5 U-6 U-7 $95 $105 $105 $120 U-8 U-9 U-10 U-12 $120 U-14 $120 $120 U-16 $120 $120 U-19 $120 $120 RABBIT HILL PARK 400 Rabbit Hill Road, Dacula, GA S p r ing 201 6 Seas o n Rec U5-U12 practice begins: 2/8 Rec U14-U19 practice begins: 2/1 Games begin: 2/20 U4 Soccer Starts begins: 3/5 TOPSoccer begins 2/28 In partnership with gwinnettcounty parks & recreation Affiliate of Georgia Soccer FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT US AT: www.dscrevolution.com www.dscrevolution.com