April 2014 - Birdlife Cyprus
April 2014 - Birdlife Cyprus
The Monthly Checklist and society news April 2014 - Issue 4 Field Meetings and Activities May 2014 March 2014 Waterbird Count and Report March 2014 Systematic List Field Meeting Reports Karpasia Weekend Migrant Breeders and Endemics at Kannaviou Monthly Bird Quiz Looking back at May 2008 Rare Birds seen Winter 2013/14 Update on the work at Oroklini Marsh ΣΥΜΒΟΥΛΙΟ & ΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΟ ΤΟΥ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΥ COUNCIL MEMBERS & STAFF OF THE SOCIETY Πρόεδρος / President Αναστάσιος Λεβέντης / Mr. A.P. Leventis Τιμητικά Μέλη / Honorary Appointments Επίτιμοι Προέδροι / Honorary Chairmen: Δρ. Κυριάκος Πιερίδης / Dr. Kyriacos Pierides, Dr. W.R.P. Bourne, Michael Gore, The Viscount Southwell Ευρυπίδης Μιχαηλίδης / Evripides Michaelides, Jeff Gordon. Συμβούλιο / Council Πρόεδρος / Chairman Μελής Χαραλαμπίδης / Melis Charalambides, 99653205 email [email protected] Αντιπρόεδρος / Υπεύθυνος Δακτυλίωσης / Vice Chairman & Ringing Officer Alan Crabtree, 99455345 email [email protected] Γραμματέας / Secretary Σταύρος Χριστοδουλίδης / Stavros Christodoulides, 99425050 email [email protected] Ταμίας / Treasurer Χριστάκης Χαραλαμπίδης / Chris Charalambides, 99541054 Υπεύθυνη Κοινωνικών Εκδηλώσεων / Social Secretary Λόρια Φυλακτή / Loria Phylakti, 99413383 email [email protected] Υπεύθυνη BirdLine / BirdLine Officer June Neal, 25932008 email [email protected] Υπεύθυνος Εξεύρεσης Χρηματοδότησης / Fundraising Officer Ευγένιος Βενιαμίν / Eugene Benjamin, 99900177 email [email protected] Υπεύθυνος Εξορμήσεων/ Fieldtrips Officer John Stapley, 99554561 email [email protected] Μέλος Συμβουλίου / Council Member Chris Stavrou, 99530213 email [email protected] Διορισμένος Αντιπρόσωπος / Co-opted Officer Dan Rhoads, 99373349 email [email protected] Rarities Committee Colin Richardson, Melis Charalambides, Stavros Christodoulides, Jeff Gordon, Hugh Buck, Nigel Cottle Υπεύθυνη Καταγραφών / Bird Recorder Jane Stylianou, 99558953 [email protected] Προσωπικό του Πτηνολογικού Συνδέσμου / BirdLife Cyprus Office Staff Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια / Executive Director Δρ Κλαίρη Παπάζογλου / Dr. Clairie Papazoglou Υπεύθυνος Έρευνας / Research Coordinator Μάρτιν Χέλλικαρ / Martin Hellicar Διοικητικός Λειτουργός / Office Administrator Αναστασία Πατσάλη / Anastasia Patsalis Επιστημονικός Σύμβουλος / Project Scientific Officer Andy Simpkin Συντονίστρια Προγράμματος LIFE Ορόκλινης / LIFE Oroklini Coordinator Μέλπω Αποστολίδου / Melpo Apostolidou Λειτουργός Δικτύου Natura 2000 / Natura 2000 Officer Βασιλική Αναστάση / Vasiliki Anastasi Λειτουργός Eκστρατείας ενάντια στη Λαθροθηρία / Illegal Bird Killing Campaigns Officer Τάσος Σιαλής / Tassos Shialis Λειτουργός Ανάπτυξης / Development Officer Μαρία Χριστοδούλου / Maria Christodoulou P.O. Box 28076, 2090 Nicosia Tel: +357 22455072, Fax: +357 22455073 [email protected] www.birdlifecyprus.org ISSN 1986-2938 CONTENTS Page No. 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 14 18 19 20 54 BirdLife Cyprus Field Meetings & Activities May 2014 Field Meeting Report – Paphos Headland and Archaeological Site John Stapley Field Meeting Report – Cape Greco Stavros Christodoulides Invitation to the Opening of the Oroklini Lake Kiosk Update on the Work at Oroklini Lake Melpo Apostolidou Monthly Bird Quiz Stavros Christodoulides Highlights of Winter 2013/2014 Jane Stylianou The Spring 2014 Karpasia Weekend Jane Stylianou Migrant Breeders and Endemics at Kannaviou Jane Stylianou Looking Back at May 2008 Jane Stylianou Monthly Systematic List – March 2014 Jane Stylianou BirdLife Cyprus Wetland Count – March 2014 Andy Simpkin Last pages: Membership Application Forms BirdLine Operated by June Neal on behalf of BirdLife Cyprus is the bird information hotline. To hear a pre-recorded message with recent interesting bird sightings and to add your own observations, please phone 00357 25 934076. The Monthly Newsletter and Society News is compiled by Jane Stylianou (mobile phone number 99558953). Any suggestions concerning subjects for future inclusion gratefully received, as are photographs of any recent sightings. Please send to [email protected]. Cover photo: The Common Redstart Phoenicurus phoenicurus is common on spring passage through Cyprus. There are several records most years of the eastern race Phoenicurus phoenicurus samamisicus – also known as ‘Ehrenberg’s Redstart’. This race breeds in central Turkey and the Causacus and can be distinguished from the nominate race by the obvious white wing panel, absent on the Common Redstart. This individual was photographed at Cape Greco on 21st March 2014 by Stavros Christodoulides BIRDLIFE CYPRUS FIELD MEETINGS AND ACTIVITIES Spring 2014 For fieldtrips, please don’t forget your flask of coffee and sandwiches Although their higher clearance is an advantage, 4x4s are not necessary for any of the field trips unless stated otherwise below. May 2014 Saturday 3rd May: Neo Chorio Ringing Demonstration Directions for Meeting Point: Drive through Neo Chorio village passing by the village church, and follow the sign for the Smyies Picnic Area. After about one kilometre the well-made track makes a sharp turn to the right. The demonstration will be at the bend on the left. You will probably see several parked vehicles. If you reach the small Ayios Minas Church on your right, you have gone too far. Duration of the demonstration is 9.00 am -12.30 pm Leader: Alan Crabtree. Mobile: 99455345 Saturday 10th May: Kannaviou Dam & Paphos Forest Resident raptors, recent migrants and water birds Meet 9.30 am, Stroumbi, Esso Petrol Station, opposite turn off to Polemi. Leader: Colin Richardson. Home Tel: 26946682 Saturday 17th May: Akrotiri Peninsula Late spring migrants and water birds Meet 9.30 am, Phassouri Reed-beds Leader: John Stapley. Home: 26652223, Mobile: 99554561 Social Event Saturday 24th May: End of Season Get Together Lunch 12.30 pm at Kyrenia Restaurant, Avdimou A la carte menu available. For bookings please contact: Mrs Loria Phylakti, Mobile: 99 413383, email: [email protected] Important Announcement: Participation in BirdLife Cyprus field meetings is at one’s own risk. BirdLife Cyprus accepts no liability or responsibility for accidents, illness, injury or loss or damage to property that might occur. Field trips require light to moderate exercise. Please contact the field trip leader for more information on difficulty, distances and terrain of a particular field trip. Σημαντική Ανακοίνωση: Η συμμετοχή σας στις εξορμήσεις του Πτηνολογικού Συνδέσμου γίνεται με δική σας ευθύνη. Ο Πτηνολογικός Σύνδεσμος Κύπρου δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη για τυχόν ατυχήματα, ασθένειες, απώλειες ή ζημιές σε προσωπικά αντικείμενα. Οι εξορμήσεις απαιτούν ελαφριά με μέτρια άσκηση. Παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε με τον εκάστοτε υπεύθυνο εξορμήσεων για περισσότερες πληροφορίες που σχετίζονται με το βαθμό δυσκολίας, αποστάσεις και συνθήκες των εξορμήσεων. FIELD MEETING – PAPHOS LIGHTHOUSE AND ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE – 22nd March 2014 John Stapley A beautiful spring morning greeted the 24 members and visitors at the entrance to the Paphos Archaeological Site. Immediately inside, we became aware of a host of Barn Swallows and House Martins flying all around us in their search for insects. A Common Swift and a Great Spotted Cuckoo were observed in the distance towards the town by the few who reached the top of the steps first. The nearby bushes and trees contained a Sardinian Warbler with its rattling call, Great Tits with their “Teacher, teacher...” cries and the usual throng of chirping House Sparrows. Stopping in front of the Visitors’ Centre, we saw three Common Linnets while the first of many Zitting Cisticolas (Fan-tailed Warblers) seen during the tour flew its undulating way above our heads. Nicely concealed in a bush was a Eurasian Wryneck which unfortunately took off and disappeared before many had the chance to view it properly. While staring at the Wryneck, some missed a Hooded Crow chasing a Eurasian Sparrowhawk and the first of two Stone Curlews that flew behind the group along the coast. A pair of Wood Pigeons flew overhead and in the distant the sound of a bunch of keys rattling alerted us to a Corn Bunting perched on a tall stem. A little further on amongst some dried grasses, we saw a Sedge Warbler – an unexpected find – but clearly showing its long pale supercilium contrasting with its darker crown. Both Northern Wheatears and Isabelline Wheatears were spotted nearby, the female of the former creating the usual difficulty in distinguishing it from the latter. A Black-headed Yellow Wagtail (feldegg) was also seen searching relentlessly for insects. Amongst the trees close to the “House of Dionysos”, we spotted a female European Greenfinch, female Common Chaffinch, a White Wagtail, a female Black Redstart, Crested Larks, a Lesser Whitethroat and a male Blue Rock Thrush posing nicely on the corner of the building’s roof. Further along, a lone Cretzschmar’s Bunting was feeding on the edge of the footpath, but quickly disappeared from view into the long grass. A Common Chiffchaff did its best to hide amongst the leaves whilst a female Common Redstart and a shy Eurasian Hoopoe were seen. Its mate was spotted a few minutes later. Moving along the eastern boundary of the site, we came across a pair of Eurasian Blackcaps and a Common Stonechat. A pair of Eurasian Collared Doves flew overhead while a Common Kestrel was seen hovering in the distance obviously looking for its lunch. The area near the eastern gate has proved a rewarding place to wait and watch in the past and this was no exception. An Eastern Orphean Warbler, Common Whitethroat and at least one pair of Ruppell’s Warblers were observed flitting between the trees and bushes. A second pair of Eurasian Hoopoes was also in the area. In and around the garden of the abandoned cottage we noticed a Common Redstart, which showed a considerable amount of white on its wing suggesting the eastern sub-species, samamisicus, a lone male Subalpine Warbler and, surprisingly, a Bluethroat. The open area below the Lighthouse produced more Crested Larks and the two wheatear species. On reaching the crest overlooking the beach, we saw Yellow-legged Gulls flying lazily along the shore and after a discussion as to its identity from such a distance, a Great Cormorant swimming and diving for fish in the shallows. Returning via the ancient villa ruins in the south-west corner of the site, we had better views of the Northern and Isabelline Wheatears, but also ticked a Tree Pipit and at least two Red-throated Pipits. For a few moments, one of the elusive Zitting Cisticolas obligingly posed on a nearby bush, allowing some of the party a reasonable view of its streaked back. Three stunning Blackheaded Yellow Wagtails permitted great views as they searched for insects in the gravel path and grass edges in front of us whilst a number of Red-rumped Swallows joined their cousins in the aerial display above us. Forty-five species for this site is an extremely good total for the site. Unfortunately, no one saw all of them, but it would be true to say that everyone enjoyed the morning and the birds that they did see. Eight thirsty birders then retreated to one of the local restaurants for a welcome drink, a sandwich and a convivial chat. FIELD MEETING – CAPE GRECO – 5TH April 2014 Stavros Christodoulides A group of 10 members and friends met at Kermia for our early 0730 start. Given the very early start and the fact that this was a trip to the eastern end of the island (most of our fieldtrip regulars live on the western end) this was a pretty good turnout. The early morning cloud, often a good sign for migration, gave everyone hope that our extra effort would be well rewarded! We began our morning’s birding at nearby Agia Napa Sewage Works. An Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler actively feeding and calling on an acacia tree was a good start and was followed by a female Black-eared Wheatear and a Lesser Whitethroat. As the sun peeped through the clouds, a couple of Spectacled Warbler and a few Crested Lark started to sing and display but with little else in evidence we decided to continue on towards Cape Greco. On the way there, in the area of bushes opposite the Caves, we spotted a Common Cuckoo perched on the wires. We stopped our cars to have a better look through our scopes and noticed a second cuckoo, this time of the rarer hepatic (red) morph. Although rather distant the bird perched brilliantly for all to see well. At the Cape itself we first stopped at the bushes near the fenced off area at the tip of the Cape. It was quiet so we slowly moved north to the line of bushes that has been very productive in the past. Here it was pleasantly busy, with amongst other species Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, Common Nightingale, Cyprus Wheatear, Hoopoe and White Wagtail. At this point I had to leave the group and go back to Kermia for the second meeting time of 0930. There were no new participants so I went back and we continued on to the area of scattered junipers opposite Korakas Bridge, on the road towards Agioi Anargiroi Church. There were plenty of birds including Orphean Warbler, Isabelline Wheatear, a pair of Cyprus Wheatear, more Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Masked Shrike, Goldfinch and Greenfinch. A couple of Audouin’s Gull flew along the shore while a nice male Pallid Harrier patrolled the big rock above us. It was approaching 1030 and we decided to move on to the picnic site for our rest and refreshments. On our way there we noticed some activity in the bushes opposite the big rock. In a large bush we counted 4 Orphean Warbler and 2 Rüppell’s Warbler as well as a couple of Lesser Whitethroat. At this rate we would never reach the picnic site so despite the activity we dragged ourselves on to the picnic area. At the picnic site, before we sat down, we took a walk in the small juniper forest north of the parking area. We added Cyprus Warbler to our day list as well as three fly over European Beeeater, a nice surprise and a first for the year for all the fieldtrip participants. After our half hour break we decided to go back to the bushes that had been productive earlier on. On our way there we saw amongst others Northern Wheatear and Wryneck, but the bushes were very quiet so set off for our final destination, the Cape Greco Caves. At the Caves we turned right onto the path descending down to the sea to drive along a small network of dirt roads either side of some rocky fields. No sooner had we turned off the main track that we noticed a Bunting on the telephone wires. It was a Cretzschmar’s Bunting, it dropped onto a rock directly below and was joined by two other buntings. I focused on the bird on the left and to my surprise it was a female Cinereous Bunting. Unfortunately the birds took off before the rest of the group could see it and despite some searching and waiting we were unable to relocate it there. We continued on driving and just past the next corner I spotted the Cinereous again. Once again though the bird disappeared and the rest of the group only managed some poor flight views of what would have been a life bird for most participants. We continued along the network of dirt roads and saw a couple of Rüppell’s Warbler, 4-5 Black-eared Wheatear, Isabelline Wheatear and a nice male Woodchat Shrike. We returned back to the place where we first saw the Buntings and waited for their possible return. Unfortunately despite the wait we never saw them but a feeding Wryneck giving everyone great views was good consolation. On this note we said our goodbyes on what was a pretty long but productive morning. INVITATION TO THE OPENING OF THE OROKLINI LAKE INFORMATION KIOSK 6.00pm 6th May 2014 UPDATE ON THE WORK AT OROKLINI LAKE Melpo Apostolidou Information kiosk at Oroklini in operation As of mid-March 2104 the Information Kiosk at Oroklini Lake has an Officer! The Information Kiosk Officer, hired by the Voroklini Community Council as foreseen by the LIFE Oroklini project, is responsible for the operation of the information kiosk, so that it becomes the focal point for visitors who wish to receive information on Oroklini Lake and its wildlife, as well as the LIFE Oroklini project. The Officer will also act as a warden for the site, carrying out regular checks around the lake. This is a great opportunity for schools and other interested groups to organise field trips to Oroklini Lake, watch the birds from the 3 metre high observation platform, learn more about this natural wetland and its wildlife and participate in educational activities coordinated by the Information Kiosk Officer. Already, more than 200 pupils from different schools have visited the site and enjoyed birdwatching and participated in awareness raising games. The Information Kiosk opening hours are Monday to Friday 08:30 – 12:00 and 14:00 – 14:45. Interested groups or individuals can contact the Information Kiosk Officer, Mrs Margarita Agathokleous on 97 819636 and arrange a visit outside these hours. The Information Kiosk Officer will be employed by the Voroklini Community Council until the end of the LIFE Oroklini project in December 2014. The birdwatching hide at Oroklini Lake is ready for use Visitors and especially birdwatchers will be happy to hear that the Game and Fauna Service has placed improved stairs at the birdwatching hide located at the south side of the lake. Soon, interpretation panels will be placed inside the birdwatching hide. The panels will include information on which birds can be seen at Oroklini Lake during different times of the year. To find out more on LIFE Oroklini project, please visit www.orokliniproject.org The LIFE Oroklini project entitled ‘Restoration and Management of Oroklini Lake Special Protection area in Larnaca, Cyprus’ is a three year project implemented with the contribution of the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union. BIRD PHOTO QUIZ Stavros Christodoulides PHOTO # 17 Last Month’s Quiz answer The brown and white plumage, long, narrow wings and tail, small bill and long, slender body suggest that March’s mystery bird is a “ringtail” Harrier. Harriers are quite distinctive amongst birds of prey and their shape as well as their low hunting flight (wingbeats followed by short glide with wings held in shallow V) usually quite easily separate them from other similar sized raptors. Four species occur on the island with one, the larger Marsh Harrier being easy to identify in all plumages. The other three species have greyish-silver males which are rather similar but can be reasonably straightforward to identify, especially given good views of the wingtips and underwings. Nonmales of the three species, known as ringtails, however pose a much tougher identification challenge and good, long views, experience and careful observation are needed for correct identification. Of the three species Hen Harrier is the only one expected to occur in winter. The other two are seen mostly on passage, Montagu’s being much the commoner bird in autumn and late spring while Pallid most common in early spring. Time of year can therefore be important in identification but in early April, for example, any one of the three species could occur. Key to their identification is the head and underwing pattern as well as their structure. Hen Harrier is slightly larger and bulkier than the other two species, with broad wings and five rounded fingers (projecting primaries at the wing-tip). The photographed bird shows narrower wings and only four pointed fingers, hence Hen Harrier can be eliminated. The other two species have a more similar shape but have a number of small but discernible differences. Pallid Harrier shows a pale neck collar, a feature usually absent from Montagu’s. Montagu’s shows extensive dark wingtips (often in juveniles covering the whole finger) to outermost primaries and dark trailing edge to inner 5-6 primaries. Montagu’s also usually shows a larger pale area around the eye and more densely barred underwings. Some of these features are rather subjective and can be very hard to make out in the field but fortunately, in our case, they can be easier to pick out in a photograph. In our photograph, our ringtail shows barred fingers (only the edge of the wingtip is dark), pale edge to innermost primaries, more irregular barring to primaries (showing a boomerang effect - a pale crescent at the base of the under-primaries immediately next to the dark carpal) and a pale collar, all features of adult female Pallid Harrier. HIGHLIGHTS OF WINTER 2013/14 Jane Stylianou A look back at the winter of 2013/14 – a review of the sightings of less common birds and other notable events. This resumé refers to reports that may not yet have been verified, some of which are under consideration by the Rarities sub-committee. Observers’ names have not been included. Covers December 2013 – February 2014. March 2014 records are not included. GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus Σκουφοβούττης: Four were at Asprokremmos Dam on 24th December 2013 with three there on 30th, with up to five present during January 2014 and five seen 4th February 2014. One was at Akhna Dam between 29th -31st January and up to two were noted there between 6th to 21st February. A single was at Kanli Dam on 18th and 31st January with two at Kourris on 15th January. Two were offshore at Kermia Beach on 5th February with a single seen at Potamos Liopetri on 9th and 12th February. GREAT WHITE PELICAN Pelecanus onocrotalus Ροδοπελεκάνος: Four adults and one sub-adult were at Larnaca Sewage Works on 14th December 2013. EURASIAN BITTERN Botaurus stellaris Βουρωδιός: Single birds were seen at Phassouri Reed Beds and the Finikaria end of Germasogeia Dam during December 2013 and January 2014. LITTLE BITTERN Ixobrychus minutus Νανορωδιός: An adult was seen at Athalassa Park, Nicosia on 9th and 15th December 2013. WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia Ασπροπελαργός: Four were on Akrotiri Salt Lake on 14th December 2013. GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser Σπιτόσιηνα: The first record of this species since 2005 was first seen at Larnaca Sewage Works on December 19th 2013 and was present throughout the period under review. FERRUGINOUS DUCK Aythya nyroca Βαλτόπαπια: A high count of 110 birds at Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant on 17th January 2014 follows on from the highest count on record of 144 at Agia Eirini Dam on 20th October 2013. TUFTED DUCK Aythya fuligula Ππισκουντούρα: A single was seen at Bishop’s Pool on 29th December 2013, while 11 were on Agia Eirini Dam on 12th January 2014 and eight there on 31st. RED-BREASTED MERGANSER Mergus serrator Θαλασσοβουττηκτής: Four females were offshore at Agios Trias, Paralimni 15th, 17th & 18th February 2014. BLACK KITE Milvus migrans Γυπογεράκα: Singles were at Phinkas on 7th December and Akrotiri Salt Lake on 13th December 2013. LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE Aquila pomarina Φλυαρογεράκα: Following on from the good numbers in autumn 2013 and several long staying individuals around the Akrotiri Peninsula, two young birds were still around Phassouri Reed Beds in December with two sightings on 2nd & 14th. BOOTED EAGLE Aquila pennata Νανογεράκα: A pale phase bird was seen on the east of the island during January and February moving between Akhna Dam where it was observed on 11th January and 26th February 2014. It was reported at Fresh Water Lakes (south) on 18th and 20th January. A dark phase bird was seen around the Kouklia area of Paphos during the same time with confirmed sightings at Acheleia Bridge and Paphos Sewage Works on February 24th. COMMON CRANE Grus grus Γερανός: The adult and juvenile long stayers from autumn 2013 remained at Phassouri Reed Beds throughout December 2013. The juvenile was also seen on several dates in January 2014 and was last there reported on 16th and 17th February. LITTLE BUSTARD Tetrax tetrax Νανόγαλος: A juvenile bird was found outside Geri, Nicosia on 3rd December 2013 where it remained until 15th when it was almost certainly shot. This was the first confirmed sighting of a live bird since 1979. CREAM-COLOURED COURSER Cursorius cursor Αμμοδρόμος: A single was found at Akrotiri Gravel Pits on 25th February 2014 and was also seen there on 26th and 27th. GREAT SNIPE Gallinago media Διπλοπικάτσονο: One was seen at Phassouri Reed Beds on 3rd January 2014 which is thought to be the only record of this species for January. GREAT BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ichthyaetus Αετόγλαρος: One was seen in flight at Kensington Cliffs on 24th December 2013 with another at Lady’s Mile at Lady’s Mile on 28th December and 3rd January 2014. One was briefly at Larnaca Airport Pools South on 2nd January and at Oroklini Marsh on 18th January. BLACK-BELLIED SANDGROUSE Pterocles orientalis Πουρτάλλα: An interesting report of six of these birds near Vrysoulles on or around 22nd December 2013 was received. WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER Halcyon smyrnensis Σμυρνονέρουππος: One was seen at Phassouri Reed Beds on 5th & 6th January 2014 and again on 5th February. PIED KINGFISHER Ceryle rudis Κήρυλος: The bird that had been present at Evretou Dam during November 2013 was seen there again on 15th & 18th December 2013. At least one bird was in the Zakaki/New Port area of Limassol during the period under review. One was seen at Lady’s Mile on 6th December and at Zakaki Marsh on 13th. During January 2014 one was at Moni Beach on 9th. On 15th of that month two were present – one seen at Zakaki Marsh and another near the Limassol Port Road. On February 26th the female near the Limassol Port Road was re seen. Pied Kingfisher at Zakaki Marsh photographed by Filippos Georgiades on 15th January 2014. EURASIAN WRYNECK Jynx torquilla Θερκοπούλλι: Two December records for this species – one at the Agios Georgios Church at Akrotiri on 19th and another at Larnaca Salt Lake on 21st. BUFF-BELLIED PIPIT Anthus rubescens: The bird first seen at Akhna in November 2013 was also recorded there on three dates between 8th and 27th December. DUNNOCK Prunella modularis Κελαηδόστρουθος: Two individuals were seen in December 2013. One at Marathounda Hills on 14th and another at Tsada on 30th. One was found in Tsada again on 5th February 2014 with another seen at Kapedes on 16th February. SIBERIAN STONECHAT Saxicola maurus Σιβηρική Παπαθκιά: A bird displaying characteristics of this race was at Kensington Cliffs on 23rd and 26th February 2014. NORTHERN WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe Στακτοσκαλιφούρτα: A late record of this species was of an individual photographed at Mandria on 8th December 2013. FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris Τρυγονότζικλα: Only two records of this wintering thrush during the winter of 2013/14. One was at Avagas Gorge on 3rd December 2013 and two were seen at Akrotiri Salt Lake on 21st December. GOLDCREST Regulus regulus Βασιλογιαννούδι: The one record of this elusive winter visitor was of a single bird at the Giant Juniper picnic area at Troodos on 15th January 2014. WALLCREEPER Tichodroma muraria Βραχοβάτης: At least one bird was present on the island throughout the winter at the usual Avagas Gorge site. It was reported there on 1st & 26th December 2013, 21st & 22nd January and 19th February 2014. One – maybe the same bird – was seen at White River Cliffs on 6th December 2013. STEPPE GREY SHRIKE Lanius meridionalis pallidirostris Νότιος Διπλοκεφαλάς: First seen in the garden of a local resident in Perivolia an individual of this race was in the area between 12th & 26th February 2014. DEAD SEA SPARROW Passer moabiticus Βαλτόστρουθος: A female of this species was reported at Oroklini Marsh on 10th December. The last record of this one time breeder was in 2008. BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla Χειμωνόσπιννος: Only recorded during February 2014. One was at Livadi tou Pashia, Troodos on 13th February with another on the Peresphone Trail, Troodos the same day. The latter individual was also seen on 21st February. RED-FRONTED SERIN Serinus pusillus Μαυροκανάρινο: One seen on 31st January 2014 at Anarita Park would be the 11th Cyprus record for this species. PINE BUNTING Emberiza leucocephalos Πευκοπιτίλλα: A possible 7th record of this species was of a first winter female seen with Yellowhammers at Troodos on 12th February 2014. YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citronella Κιτρινοπιτίλλα: Seven birds overflew the observer near the Troodos Weather Station on 9th January 2014. At least twenty were in the same area on 12th February with one, maybe two, seen the next day. ROCK BUNTING Emberiza cia Βουνοπιτίλλα: One was seen at Pentadactylos on 29th January 2014 and re seen on 1st February when it was felt that two individuals could be present. The eighteenth record for Cyprus. KARPASIA WEEKEND TRIP 11th – 13th APRIL 2014 Jane Stylianou The spring weekend in the Karpasia Peninsula took place between Friday 11th and Sunday 13th April. Another enjoyable few days organised by Melis Charalambides which were blessed with good weather, good company and of course good birds! A reminder of how little rain we have had this winter could be seen when comparing the birds seen in April 2013 to those seen this year. Last spring a trip to Kouklia reservoir and the usual lunch time stop at Fresh Water Lake had provided us with many waders and terns and even two Eurasian Spoonbills. This spring we still had a presentable total of 107 species seen but so many of the usual water birds were missing. The rains of the Friday last year had put down many Red-footed Falcon, European Roller and Golden Oriole and although we saw several of the first two species many were disappointed to not see Golden Oriole this trip. However we did see good variety of raptors– Pallid, Montagu’s and Western Marsh Harrier, Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Peregrine Falcon, Common Buzzard, Red-footed Falcon and one female Lesser Kestrel. The Saturday lunchtime picnickers had the best views of several of these though – including a Bonelli’s Eagle. The site of several of these thermalling up together was the highlight of the trip for some. It was picked as the best moment by both Jim Muncey and Patricia Stavrou. Patricia said “My best birds were nearly the first and last of the trip; the Rufous Tailed Rock Thrush and the singing Black headed Bunting. But the most exciting was the kettle of raptors at the picnic site. First a Common Buzzard flew over very low, then suddenly the sky was full of raptors; four male Pallid Harriers, at least six ringtail of which one was a Montagu’s and a Bonelli’s Eagle flew right over our heads. Super! ” The Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, seen on the Friday afternoon at Clapsides, was the favourite bird of the trip for Michael Gore, Sue & Alan Colquhoun and Clairie Papazoglou. As Clairie said the bird was “a very cooperative, male, Rufous-tailed Rock thrush on a fence near Klapsides, eating a juicy caterpillar.” (A photograph of the bird taken by Michael Gore appears opposite). Sue & Alan also liked the rufousmorphed Common Cuckoo that the group saw on the electricity wires as they drove towards Apostolos Andreas on Saturday morning. This was also the trip’s best bird for Melis. Sue Todd had enjoyed seeing one of her favourite birds – the Spur-winged Lapwing at Fresh Water Lake. The early morning walk on Sunday produced Anne’s favourite bird – the Ortolan Bunting and we were able to watch two on the top of a hawthorn bush soaking up the early sun. There were lots of warblers, shrikes and Whinchat on both the Saturday and Sunday morning walks and a Syrian plum tree at the start of the track attracted both Wood and Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler which we were able to see well both mornings. As Panicos Panayides said of the Wood Warbler there: “Although not a rare species it was definitely one of the highlights of the Karpasia trip as this Wood Warbler was fully cooperative for a long time in front of us on a Syrian plum tree. The right light helped make some nice pictures. If only the poor bird knew what this tree is used for in Cyprus...” Wood Warbler in the Syrian plum tree photographed by Panicos Panayides. Patricia’s sister Linda gave a different perspective on our trip. As a visitor to the island who is based in Spain she sees different birds than those here in the eastern Mediterranean and her bird of the trip reflected this: “I have chosen the Roller as my special bird as I thought the local birders might overlook it through familiarity, but I appreciated not only its outstanding plumage but also the way 4 Rollers were on the wires outside the hotel to welcome us back in the afternoon and 2 were on the wires in the morning. On the Sunday, when some birds were observing a day of rest from being watched, if there were telephone wires we were likely to be treated to a Roller. I lost count when I ran out of fingers but I saw at least a dozen and enjoyed each one. Having spent many summer holidays in Cyprus, the sound of the Black Francolin calling between Pomos and Pachyammos was the sound of Cyprus for me. So it is lovely to be here in spring when we were treated to a Black Francolin standing proudly, and oh so handsome, on a bush, calling loudly. On Saturday afternoon we saw one on the north coast on the branch of a dead tree and it was in the same spot on Sunday morning still calling. I was impressed (I can't speak for their potential mates as did not see any). Wheatears, wheatears everywhere when we went to the picnic site near Cape Andreas. Northern, Isabelline, light and dark phase Black-Eared and Cyprus Wheatears all in one spot for the visitor to compare and contrast. With Whinchats, Masked Shrikes and Tree Pipits also to watch this was a splendid birding spot even before the raptors arrived! Not as striking as the Masked, not as handsome as the Woodchat, but the Red Backed Shrike was my favourite. As children we used to drive past Beachy Head and have a picnic in a sheltered valley round the corner. In my memory there was always a Red Backed Shrike on a gorse bush. I am not sure how many I have seen since so it was definitely worth getting up at dawn to see this one”. A selection of photographs taken by several of those on the trip are shown below. A list of the species seen by the participants over the weekend follows: Little Grebe, Great Cormorant, European Shag, Black-crowned Night Heron, Squacco Heron, Cattle Egret, Little Egret, Great Egret, Grey Heron, Purple Heron, Glossy Ibis, Greater Flamingo, Mallard, Garganey, Red-crested Pochard, Western Marsh Harrier, Pallid Harrier, Montagu’s Harrier, Eurasian Sparrowhawk, Common Buzzard, Bonelli’s Eagle, Lesser Kestrel, Common Kestrel, Red-footed Falcon, Peregrine Falcon, Chukar, Black Francolin, Common Moorhen, Eurasian Coot, Black-winged Stilt, Eurasian Stone Curlew, Kentish Plover, Spur-winged Lapwing, Black-tailed Godwit, Ruff, Rock Dove, Common Woodpigeon, Eurasian Collared Dove, Eurasian Turtle Dove, Great Spotted Cuckoo, Common Cuckoo, Barn Owl, Eurasian Scops Owl, Little Owl, Common Swift, Alpine Swift, Common Kingfisher, European Roller, Eurasian Hoopoe, Eurasian Wryneck, Common Snipe, Common Greenshank, Wood Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Common Black-headed Gull, Audouin’s Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Crested Lark, Barn Swallow, Red-rumped Swallow, Common House Martin, Tree Pipit, Yellow Wagtail, White Wagtail, Common Nightingale, Common Redstart, Whinchat, Common Stonechat, Isabelline Wheatear, Northern Wheatear, Cyprus Wheatear, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Blue Rock Thrush, Cetti’s Warbler, Zitting Cisticola, Eurasian Reed Warbler, Great Reed Warbler, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, Spectacled Warbler, Sardinian Warbler, Cyprus Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Eurasian Blackcap, Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler, Wood Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Collared Flycatcher, Eurasian Pied Flycatcher, Great Tit, Red-backed Shrike, Woodchat Shrike, Masked Shrike, Eurasian Magpie, Western Jackdaw, Hooded Crow, House Sparrow, Spanish Sparrow, European Greenfinch, European Goldfinch, Ortolan Bunting, Cretzschmar’s Bunting, Black-headed Bunting, Corn Bunting. Breakfast and evening meal at the Koca Reis hotel photographed by Lucy Monk Corn Bunting by Jim Muncey and the rufous morph Common Cuckoo by Melis Charalambides Above: The northern Karpasia coast by Clairie Papazoglou. Below: The group bird watching from the tip of Cape Andreas by Lucy Monk. THE KANNAVIOU AREA – GOOD FOR MIGRANT BREEDERS AND ENDEMICS Jane Stylianou Kannaviou Dam is one of the sites regularly surveyed for the Waterbird Count by BirdLife Cyprus volunteers. A review of the sightings there show that it is not possibly the first place that you would think to visit to see a variety of species or something out of the ordinary. Last winter it did produce a Ferruginous Duck but the regulars there are Little Grebe and Eurasian Coot with the odd Squacco Heron or Little Egret on migration. The area around the Dam however, especially just to the north in the forested area, are well worth a visit during late spring and early summer. The village of Kannaviou is off the road to Panagia and Stavros tis Psokkas that leads from Stroumbi. As is usual in this area of Cyprus both Bonelli’s Eagle and Long-legged Buzzard may be seen in the valleys as you drive towards Kannaviou. Large flocks of Common House Martin can be found over the utility area of the dam and this is a good place to view the general area. During May Black-headed Bunting can be heard singing from here and European Roller can be seen on the higher surrounding ridges. In the pines there are breeding European Serin as well as many European Greenfinch and Goldfinch. One of the stranger sights of the area is Corn Bunting singing from the top of the pines. The sound of calling Cyprus Wheatear resounds throughout – both near the dam and in the surrounding forest too. This endemic migrant breeder has been present in the area since early April setting up territories and as May progresses the sound of their contact calls as family parties move through the vegetation can be heard. There are a few pairs of the endemic sub-species of the Coal Tit and Eurasian Jay present and both can be seen with patience in the pines. Other migrant breeders include Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, while the more colourful European Hoopoe, Cretzschmar’s Bunting and Masked Shrike can all be found there from now until late summer. Masked Shrike will be probably the most visible and can be seen feeding young as we move into summer. Red-rumped Swallow also breed in the area and it is one of the location where European Hobby have also been seen during the summer – although without proof of breeding yet. BirdLife Cyprus has a field trip to this area on 11th May (see page 4) but even if you can’t make that try and visit Kannaviou this summer. Photograph of Masked Shrike by Dave Nye and Cretzschmar’s Bunting by Alison McArthur LOOKING BACK AT MAY 2008 Jane Stylianou A look at the birds that were seen on Cyprus this time of year in the past. This month featuring May 2008 Migration comes slowly to its end during May but there will still some interesting migrants around in May 2008. A Richard’s Pipit was at Paphos Headland on May 1st, five very late Penduline Tit were at Phassouri Reed Beds the next day and a Thrush Nightingale was in the Chrysochou area on the 3rd . Two Semi-collared Flycatchers were a good find at Troodos on 11th and a Marsh Warbler was ringed at Bishop’s Pool on 14th May. Two Lesser Short-toed Lark were seen in the Akamas at Fontana Amarosa. A Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush seen late in the migration period on May 11th and in an unusual location – near Mount Olympus – raised suspicions that it could have been breeding but it was not seen again. A female was seen at Cape Pyla on 28th. Five Eurasian Crag Martin were at Avagas Gorge on 19th. Unusual raptors included a Merlin at Akhna Dam on May 1st and an interesting sighting of a Northern Goshawk north of Stavros tis Psokas on 27th. Four Scopoli’s Shearwater were spotted off Cape Greco at the start of the month and a Great Black-headed Gull was at Zakaki. Waders of note included two Great Snipe – one at Paphos Sewage Plant on May 1st and 2nd and another at Phassouri Reed Beds on May 2nd. Forty two Collared Pratincole were counted at Larnaca Sewage Works on May 1st and could have been the same group of forty three seen the next day at Phassouri Reed Beds. A Broad-billed Sandpiper was at Larnaca Sewage Works on 17th May. SYSTEMATIC LIST FOR MARCH 2014 Jane Stylianou 9058 bird records received 231 species and forms recorded in March 2014, compared to 231 in March 2013 [Please note, the list has been edited for the purposes of this newsletter and contains records that have not been corrected or corroborated] LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis Νεροβούττης Largest counts: Agia Napa Sewage Works c250 23-Mar ME-AOS Athalassa Dam 36 22-Mar MH Larnaca Sewage Works 44 13-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh 27+ 8-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/JN Paralimni Lake 20 8 & 30-Mar AKe Tsadha Golf Club Track, Paphos 20 8-Mar MSS Vathia Gonia Water Treatment Plant, Nicosia 23 29-Mar JS GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus Σκουφοβούττης Akhna Dam 1 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19. 21 & 22-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/JN/KH/ME/BB/AKe Mandria 1 on sea, seen first in am, still present in pm 23-Mar-14 IB/KR BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis Μαυροβούττης Larnaca Sewage Works 1 In breeding plumage 13-Mar JS/ME SCOPOLI'S (CORY'S) SHEARWATER Calonectris diomedea Πελαγόμυχος Elia 1 Sea watching from 9.00 to 17.00hr 17-Mar NCP Mandria 8 pairs west, at 15.55, 16.10, 16.12 and 16.29 24-Mar IB/KR Mandria 2 west at 07:29 30-Mar IB/KR Mandria 2 west at 19.05 30-Mar IB/KR YELKOUAN SHEARWATER Puffinus yelkouan Θαλασσόμυχος Elia 1 Sea watching from 9.00 to 17.00hr 17-Mar NCP Mandria 2 west at 07:37 30-Mar IB/KR NORTHERN GANNET Morus bassanus Σούλα Mandria 1 2nd winter, west at 07.45 (photo) 30-Mar IB/KR GREAT CORMORANT Phalacrocorax carbo Κορμοράνος Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 263 Seen between 1115 and 11.59 3-Mar JN Amathus Hill 55 flying over 25-Mar KH Curium, Ancient Stadium 110 Heading west along coast 11-Mar JS Evretou Dam 60 Flying north over dam 18-Mar IKB Kensington Cliffs 71 flying over 15-Mar RAt Mandria 120+ Migrating 22-Mar HSt Oroklini Marsh c60 Migrating NE 8-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/JN Paphos Headland 231 Flocks of 20 + 37 + 174 heading NW over area 7-Mar JS Perivolia c100 Migrating in NE direction over area 2-Mar JS Timi Beach 151 115, then 36 heading off sea north over airport, 13.00h 11-Mar CR EUROPEAN SHAG Phalacrocorax aristotelis Θαλασσοκόρακας Max count per location: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 flying along coast from W to E 23-Mar JN Apostolos Andreas to Cape Andreas 16 31-Mar CR Cape Drepanum 2 5-Mar CR Coral Bay 2 22-Mar DJW Elia 2 Sea watching from 9.00 to 17.00hr 17-Mar NCP Kensington Cliffs 2 14-Mar MSS Mandria 3 13-Mar LAC Petra tou Romiou 3 2 ads, 1 juv 9-Mar CR Pioneer Beach 1 13-Mar DJW Spiro's Pool and Beach 1 On offshore buoys 2 & 13-Mar JS Timi Beach 1 3, 11, 16 & 29-Mar CR BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERON Black-crowned Night Heron, Paphos Lighthouse, March 21st. Photograph by Dave Walker Max count per location: Akhna Dam 25 29-Mar ME-AOS Asprokremmos Dam 13 roosting in trees, car park 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Athalassa Dam 2 1 adult, 1 juvenile 22Mar MH Evretou Dam 3 14-Mar DJW Ezousas Valley 1 24-Mar MSS Fresh Water Lakes (South) 9 incl. 2 in Cattle Egret colony 31-Mar CR Karpas Peninsula, Kiles Point 10 20.00h came out of trees 31-Mar CR Kouklia Soak-aways 1 adult 27-Mar IB/KR Mandria 50+ west, at 17.45 25-Mar IB/KR Oroklini Marsh 4 28-Mar SC Paphos Lighthouse 11 21-Mar DJW SQUACCO HERON Ardeola ralloides Βορτακοφάγος Squacco Heron, Finikaria, March 28th. Photograph by Raija Howard. Akhna Dam 1 31-Mar JP Akrotiri 1 23-Mar JE Finikaria 1 28 & 31-Mar ME-AOS/KH Phassouri Reed Beds 3 31-Mar KH Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS CATTLE EGRET Bubulcus ibis Γελαδάρης Largest counts per location: Akhna Dam 50 21-Mar AKe Aradippou Slurry Pits c60 21-Mar SC Frenaros 8 15-Mar AKe Fresh Water Lake South c400 On Nests 13 & 29-Mar ME/ ME-AOS Kouklia Soakaways 1 31-Mar LAC Latchi, Aphrodite Hotel 2 Flew over 18Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Mandria 6 At the coast - Migrants? 26Mar ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh c60 1-Mar JS Paphos Sewage Plant 4 6-Mar RAt Phassouri Reed Beds 9 13-Mar CR/WAS Zakaki Marsh 1 13-Mar CR/WAS LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta Χιονάτη Max counts: Athalassa Dam 10 22-Mar MH Cape Greco, Kermia Coast 16 29-Mar SC with F Georgiades Mandria 15 on the rocks 26-Mar IB/KR Phassouri Reed Beds 8 31-Mar KH Silver Beach & Marsh 6 31-Mar CR GREAT EGRET Ardea alba Χανούμισσα Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 14-Mar KH Akrotiri Salt Lake 3 25-Mar ME-AOS Asprokremmos Dam 1 22-Mar HSt/IB/KR Elia 2 Sea watching from 9.00 to 17.00hr 17-Mar NCP Fresh Water Lake South 2 9 & 14-Mar ME/NCP Fresh Water Lake South 1 13, 21 & 31Mar ME/CR Kannaviou Dam 1 14-Mar DJW Timi Beach 1 flying west along coast 11Mar CR GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Ψαροφάς Largest counts: Agios Georgios Church, Akrotiri 45 19-Mar FGe Akrotiri Salt Lake 127 25-Mar ME-AOS Asprokremnos Dam wall east 32 28-Mar AMcA Cape Drepanum 25 Flocks of 17 and 8 migrating N off shore 19-Mar JS Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 18 14Mar NCP Timi Beach 29 3+ 26 flying into west wind 16-Mar CR Zakaki Marsh 19 24-Mar CR/WAS PURPLE HERON Ardea purpurea Πορφυρός Ψαροφάς Akhna Dam 2 31-Mar JP Akrotiri 10 19-Mar JE Akrotiri 11 28-Mar JE Akrotiri Gravel Pits 2 29-Mar ADT Asprokremnos Dam 1 north 26-Mar IB/KR Asprokremnos Dam 35 Flying over Dam Wall area and roosting in trees 31-Mar JS Bishop's Pool 2 25-Mar ME-AOS Finikaria, Germasogeia Dam 1 31-Mar KH Mandria 50 west in distance then turned in to coast past airport 26-Mar IB/KR Oroklini Marsh 1 ad. 19-Mar CR/WAS Oroklini Marsh 3 28-Mar ME-AOS Paphos Headland 3 24-Mar JS Paphos Lighthouse area 2 25-Mar AMcA Paphos Sewage Plant 16 28-Mar MSS Paralimni Lake 2 25-Mar ME-AOS Paralmini Lake 1 31-Mar ME Petounta Point 1 31-Mar FGe Phassouri Reed Beds 1 31-Mar KH WHITE STORK Ciconia ciconia Ασπροπελαργός Germasogeia Dam 2 Thermalling up over ridge to west of dam 16-Mar JS Karpasia Peninsula 1 24-Mar MH GLOSSY IBIS Plegadis falcinellus Χαλκόκοτα Akhna Dam 1 29-Mar ME-AOS Asprokremnos Dam 1 28-Mar IB/KR Fresh Water Lake South 8 In the Cattle Egret Colony 13-Mar ME Mandria 1 30-Mar IB/KR Mandria 26 west at 19.10 30-Mar IB/KR Oroklini Marsh 2 8 & 28-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/JN/ ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh 3 29-Mar KH Phassouri Reed Beds 1 18-Mar KH Phassouri 11 31-Mar JE/KH Timi Beach 13 1 east, then 12 flying high north 29-Mar CR Zakaki Marsh 1 31-Mar TRe EURASIAN SPOONBILL Platalea leucorodia Κουταλάς Eurasian Spoonbill, Zakaki Marsh, March 15th. Photograph by Dave Walker. Fresh Water Lakes (South) 1 31-Mar CR Zakaki Marsh and Pool 2 15 & 22-Mar DJW/JN/RAt Zakaki Marsh and Pool 1 21-Mar JS/DGr GREATER FLAMINGO Phoenicopterus roseus Φλαμίνγκο Greater Flamingo, Larnaca Salt Lake, March 13th. Photograph by Jane Stylianou Akrotiri Gravel Pit 2 in Episkopi bay 13-Mar MH Akrotiri Salt Lake c8 1-Mar SC Akrotiri Salt Lake 9 13-Mar CR/WAS Akrotiri Salt Lake 1 15-Mar SC with F Georgiades Akrotiri Salt Lake c100 21-Mar JS Akrotiri Salt Lake 284 24-Mar CR/WAS Akrotiri Salt Lake c250 25 & 28-Mar MEAOS Cape Greco Sea Caves c250 Flying SE at 1330 14-Mar ME Cape Greco 19 31-Mar FGe Lady's Mile 1 Adult 16-Mar ME Larnaca Airport Pools North c34 8-Mar FGe Larnaca Airport Pools North 101 13-Mar JS Larnaca Airport Pool North 149 24-Mar ME-AOS Larnaca Airport Pools North c40 31-Mar FGe Larnaca Salt Lake 908 13-Mar JS Meneou Pool 3 Immature birds 2-Mar JS Meneou Pool 56 31-Mar ASt Oroklini Marsh 23 1-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh 11 10, 12 & 13-Mar JS/ME Oroklini Marsh 12 16, 19 & 24-Mar ME/MH/CR/WAS/ ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh 10 28 & 29-Mar MEAOS/SC/FGe COMMON SHELDUCK Tadorna tadorna Αλάουρτος Akrotiri Salt Lake 132 13-Mar CR/WAS Akrotiri Salt Lake 85 24-Mar CR/WAS Akrotiri Salt Lake c30 25-Mar MEAOS/ADT Akrotiri Salt Lake 10 29-Mar ADT Cape Greco Sea Caves c250 Flying SE 9Mar ME Cape Greco 70 From W along coast to south of Cava Viewpoint. Turned NE and gained some height above sea before continuing 10-Mar JS Lady's Mile 29 2-Mar KH Larnaca Airport Pool North 13 13-Mar ME Larnaca Salt Lake 209 13-Mar JS Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 1 14-Mar NCP Oroklini Marsh 1 12 & 28-Mar ME/SC EURASIAN WIGEON Anas penelope Αρμαπάσσιης Larnaca Sewage Works 2 Pair 16-Mar ME Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 6 14-Mar NCP EURASIAN TEAL Anas crecca Σαρσέλλι Largest counts: Akrotiri 97 Offshore raft, Shipwreck Bay 7-Mar JE Clapsides Pond 13 9-Mar ME Larnaca Sewage Works 33 13-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh 50+ 5-Mar JS Zakaki Marsh 10 13-Mar CR/WAS MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos Πρασινοτζέφαλη Largest counts: Evretou Dam 16 4 male, 12 fem 14-Mar DJW Germasogeia Dam 10 14-Mar JS Larnaca Sewage Works 76 13-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh 48 All together in a field opposite derelict houses 5-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh c60 12-Mar ME Phassouri Reed Beds 12 24-Mar CR/WAS Zakaki Marsh 17 13-Mar CR/WAS NORTHERN PINTAIL Anas acuta Σουβλονούρα Curium Bay 7 13-Mar CR/WAS Elia 3 Sea watching from 9.00 to 17.00hr 17-Mar NCP Evretou Dam 2 Male 17, 18 & 29-Mar IKB/RAt/VP Evretou Dam 1 Male 19 & 25-Mar JS/RAt Germasogeia Dam 1 Male 14 & 21-Mar JS Larnaca Airport Pools North 1 8-Mar FGe Larnaca Sewage Works 1 13-Mar ME/JS Larnaca Sewage Works 2 Drakes 24-Mar ME-AOS Mandria 38 17-Mar CR/LAC Oroklini Marsh 7 5m and 2f 1-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh 4 8 & 12-Mar JN/KH Oroklini Marsh 2 9, & 16 -Mar CP/MH Oroklini Marsh 1 10, 13, 28 & 29-Mar JS/ME/AOS/KH Oroklini Marsh 6 12 & 24-Mar ME/MEAOS Oroklini Marsh 8m 15-Mar KH Paralimni Lake 2 Pair 23-Mar ME-AOS GARGANEY Anas querquedula Μασουρατζής Akrotiri Fish Farm c2000 Between 13.00 to 14.00 flocks totalling this number in bay 13-Mar NK/GF/MH/KH Akrotiri Gravel Pits c300 In bay 16-Mar JS Akrotiri 220 Offshore raft, Shipwreck Bay 27-Mar JE Asprokremmos Dam 9 13-Mar PSa Asprokremnos Dam 11 30-Mar IB/KR Curium Bay 1800 4 big rafts, 400+ 300+ 700+ 400+ in bay, overcast but calm. 13Mar CR/WAS Germasogeia Dam 3 Two male and one female 14-Mar JS Larnaca Sewage Works 1 Drake 13 & 16Mar ME/JS Oroklini Marsh 1m 15 & 28-Mar KH/MEAOS Oroklini Marsh 8+ 29-Mar KH Paphos Shipwreck Coast 1 Drake 27-Mar ME-AOS Phassouri Reed Beds 1 Female 21-Mar JS Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS NORTHERN SHOVELER Anas clypeata Σαξάνα Agios Sozomenos 12 2-Mar FGe Akrotiri Salt Lake 5 13-Mar CR/WAS Cape Greco Sea Caves c150 Flying SE 9-Mar ME Curium, Ancient Stadium 14 Heading west along coast 11-Mar JS Larnaca Airport Pools North c14 8-Mar FGe Larnaca Sewage Works 297 13-Mar JS Mandria 3 m, 2f heading west 12-Mar CR Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 20 14Mar NCP RED-BREASTED MERGANSER Mergus serrator Θαλασσοβουττηκτής Kermia Coast 3 female 21-Mar SC Oroklini Marsh 550 19-Mar CR/WAS Oroklini Marsh c50 24-Mar ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh c15 28-Mar SC Paralimni Lake 3 8-Mar AKe Phassouri Reed Beds 1 11-Mar JS GOOSANDER Mergus merganser Λιμνοβουττηκτής Fresh Water Lake South 1 Drake photographed/Description Submitted 9 & 13-Mar ME/NCP Duck species migrating: Mandria 4 flying east into wind 12-Mar CR EUROPEAN HONEY BUZZARD Pernis apivorus Μελισσοσιάχινο Phassouri Reed Beds 1 Ringed and released after rehab by Game and Fauna Service 13th March 14-Mar MSS RED-CRESTED POCHARD Netta rufina Κοτσινοτζέφαλη BLACK KITE Milvus migrans Γυπογεράκα Kouklia 1 2-Mar LAC th Red-crested Pochard, Oroklini Marsh, March 12 . Photograph by Raija Howard Oroklini Marsh 2 pair 8-Mar JN/ MH/BC fieldtrip Oroklini Marsh 3 10, 16 & 28-Mar JS/MH/ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh 5 3 Drakes 12-Mar ME Oroklini Marsh 4 2 pairs 12, 13 & 15-Mar KH/ME Oroklini Marsh 7 4 Males 16-Mar ME Oroklini Marsh 9 4m 19-Mar CR/WAS Oroklini Marsh 11 4 Males 24-Mar MEAOS Oroklini Marsh 12 6 male, 6 female 28Mar SC FERRUGINOUS DUCK Aythya nyroca Βαλτόπαπια Akhna Dam 1 21, 29 & 30-Mar AKe/MEAOS/BB Athalassa Dam 5 22-Mar MH Bishop's Pool 12 13-Mar NK/GF Bishop's Pool 11 24-Mar KH Bishop's Pool 13 25-Mar ME-AOS Evretou Dam 1 14-Mar DJW Kannaviou Dam 2 14-Mar DJW Larnaca Sewage Works 2 Pair 13-Mar ME Larnaca Sewage Works 3 Drakes 24-Mar ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh 1 29-Mar KH EURASIAN GRIFFON VULTURE Gyps fulvus Γύπας Agioi Vavatsinias 1 10-Mar MN Diarizos Valley, Xtreme View café 4 1+3 over Dora ridge 10-Mar CR Diarizos Valley 1 over wind turbines 27Mar CR/ME/AOS Diarizos Valley, Xtreme View café 11 all appeared over Dora rising from behind hill 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Kensington Cliffs 4 9-Mar KH Kensington Cliffs 1 14 & 15-Mar MSS/IKB Kidasi 3 26-Mar ME-AOS WESTERN MARSH HARRIER Circus aeruginosus Βαλτοσιάχινο Largest counts: Akhna Dam 6 1 female over deserted village, 1 female over dam and Bob/Roz saw 4 others at shallows 8-Mar JN Akrotiri Gravel Pits 10 Seen between 0826 and 1146 3-Mar JN Akrotiri Salt Lake 3 20-Mar ADT Mandria 3 (on passage together) 16-Mar LAC Phassouri Reed Beds c4 1 & 14-Mar SC/JS HEN HARRIER Circus cyaneus Ορνιθοσιάχινο Agios Georgios Church, Akrotiri 1 immature 19-Mar FGe Akrotiri 1 7-Mar JE Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 3, 10, 13, 14, 16 & 21-Mar JN/CR/WAS/JS Anarita Park 1 m 11, 14 & 31-Mar CR/HSt/JS Arodhes 1 Ringtail 19-Mar JS Asprokremnos Dam 1 22 & 23-Mar IB/KR/RAt/AMcA Curium 1 3-Mar JE Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 28-Mar MSS Drouseia 1 14 & 19-Mar DJW/JS Ezousas Valley 1 24-Mar MSS Geri , Nicosia 1 ringtail 23-Mar FGe Germasogeia Dam 1 Female 14-Mar JS Kouklia Soakaways 1f 24-Mar LAC Larnaca Airport Pools South 1 Ringtail seen flying over fields after sunset 5-Mar JS Mandria 2 ringtails 3-Mar CR Mandria 1 4, 11, 12, 14, 21, 25 & 26-Mar DJW/CR/IKB/IB/KR/LAC Nicosia, Makedonitissa Fields 1 ringtail 9Mar SC with F Georgiades Old Kivides village fire trail area 1 ringtail quartering area 24-Mar JN Orounda and Mitsero 10X10km Atlas Square 1 female 22-Mar CP Petounta Point 1 adult male 22-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Phassouri 1 Female, mobbed by 25 Hooded Crows, possibly not the bird seen near the Gravel Pits 3-Mar JN Phassouri Reed Beds 1 13-Mar NK/GF Trachoni Pools 1 Male 14-Mar NCP Tsada Oak Valley 1 8-Mar MSS Tsadha Golf Club Track 1 8, 17, 21 & 24Mar MSS Vougies 1 Adult male 16-Mar FGe Zakaki Marsh 1 Male 31-Mar TRe PALLID HARRIER Circus macrourus Ασπροσιάχινο Pallid Harrier, Akrotiri, March 19th. Photograph by Raija Howard Akrotiri 1 ad.m. 19 & 28-Mar JE/KH Akrotiri Salt Lake 1 Ringtail 28-Mar MEAOS Anarita Mast 1 (male) 29-Mar LAC Asprokremnos Dam 1 29 & 31-Mar DJW/JS Cape Greco Park 1 28, 30 & 31-Mar SC/JP/FGe Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 28-Mar MSS Kadares 1 Male 25-Mar ME-AOS Karpasia Peninsula 1 19, 21, 24, 25 & 31Mar NCPMH/CR Kiti Fields 1 Male 13-Mar ME Larnaca Airport Pools South 1 Male flying over area 9.30am 18-Mar JS Mandria 1 m 17, 29 & 30-Mar CR/IB/KR Meleti Forest 1 fem 22-Mar DJW Minthis Hills 1 m 28-Mar CR Paralimni Lake 1 8, 23 & 31-Mar AKe/MEAOS/ME Peristerona, Nicosia 1 male 25-Mar CP MONTAGU'S HARRIER Circus pygargus Καμποσιάχινο Akhna Dam 1 Fem 10-Mar ME Asprokremmos Dam 1 male 19 & 27-Mar HSt/ME-AOS Peristerona, Nicosia 1 male 25-Mar CP NORTHERN GOSHAWK Accipiter gentilis Διπλοσιάχινο Argaka Dam 1 19-Mar RAt Kadares 1 25-Mar ME-AOS Steni 1 3-Mar RAt EURASIAN SPARROWHAWK Accipiter nisus Τζικλοσιάχινο Agia Varvara 1 5 & 20-Mar DJW/CR Agios Minas 1 6-Mar CR Akhna Dam 1 Fem 21-Mar ME Akrotiri Salt Lake 1 15-Mar SC with F Georgiades Anarita Park 1 27-Mar DJW Anavargos Hills 1 8 & 18-Mar MSS/CR Asprokremnos Dam 1 female 23-Mar IB/KR Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 14-Mar JS Ezousas Valley 1 24-Mar MSS Filani 1 male 25-Mar FGe Fresh Water Lake South 1 Fem 9-Mar ME Goudhi 1 Seen from the bridge. Flew from Skoulli direction, and headed along path of river to Chrysochou and out of sight. 8-Mar RAt Karpasia Peninsula 1 19-Mar NCP Kensington Cliffs 1 14-Mar MSS Kouklia Soakaways 1 1-Mar CR Mandria 1 13, 19 & 25-Mar LAC/MSS/HSt Nikokleia 1 female low over the villa swimming pool 25-Mar IB/KR Paphos Sewage Plant 1 29-Mar CR COMMON BUZZARD Buteo buteo Ποντικοσιάχινο Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 13 Between 0804 and 1143 23-Mar JN Goudhi, Paphos 4 7-Mar DJW Limasol Port Canal 5 25-Mar ME-AOS Paphos Sewage Plant 4 28-Mar MSS Phassouri Reed Beds 5 4 together, including 2 grappling and joined by 5th bird around 1130 1-Mar JN Rizokarpasos 6 19-Mar NCP Tsada Oak Valley 4 8-Mar MSS STEPPE BUZZARD B.b.vulpinus Στεποσιάχινο Droushia 3 Three passing over 18-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Lower Ezousas 1 Dark phase 15-Mar PSa LONG-LEGGED BUZZARD Buteo rufinus Σιαχινολάγουδο Largest counts: Armou Hills 2 2, 4 & 8-Mar CR/MSS Dhiarizos R. Kouklia, Paphos 2 1-Mar DJW Evretou Dam 2 19-Mar JS Ezousas Valley 3 24-Mar MSS Kathikas - Arkourdaleia – Pegeia 3 21-Mar PSa Koili, Paphos 2 7-Mar DJW Kouklia Soakaways 3 1-Mar CR Peristerona, Paphos 2 23-Mar HSt Tsadha Golf Club Track 2 8-Mar MSS Tunnel Beach 3 25-Mar ME-AOS Vougies 2 16 & 22-Mar FGe Buzzard spp - Phassouri Reed Beds 5 4 seen and another heard calling 15-Mar JN LESSER SPOTTED EAGLE Aquila pomarina Φλυαρογεράκα Fresh Water Lakes (South) 1 came low chased by hoodies, juv bird 31-Mar CR BOOTED EAGLE Aquila pennata Νανογεράκα Akhna Dam 1 pale phase 8-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/JN Asprokremmos Dam 1 Dark phase over 22-Mar PSa Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 2 & 14-Mar LAC/MSS BONELLI'S EAGLE Aquila fasciatus Περτικοσιάχινο th Bonelli’s Eagle, Evretou Dam, March 25 . Photograph by Ray Atkinson Agia Paraskevi Gorge, Paphos 1 3-Mar CP Akoursos 2 27-Mar LAC Anarita Park 1 15, 18 & 23-Mar PSa/DJW/CR Argaka Dam 1 adult 19-Mar RAt Arodhes 1 7-Mar DJW Arodhes 2 2 adults, 2 chicks 14-Mar DJW Asprokremmos Dam 1 imm. 26 & 27-Mar CR/ME-AOS Circling High between Argaka & Limni 2 7Mar AD Diarizos Valley, Xtreme View café 2 ads. 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Droushia 2 Pair 18-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Evretou 1 25-Mar RAt Ezousas Valley 4 24-Mar MSS Fasoula 1 imm. North of village, hunting pigeons unsuccessfully 30-Mar IB/KR Inea 1 17-Mar HSt Kamares 2 adult pair 24-Mar DJW Kidasi 2 26 & 27-Mar IB/KR/CR/ ME-AOS Lasa 1 21-Mar AD Mesogi 1 25-Mar HSt Monagroulli Hills 1 18-Mar ADT Pafos Forest above Argaka 1 Possibly 1 of those seen on 07 Mar 14-Mar AD Phassouri Reed Beds 1 Juvenile 14-Mar JS/MSS Tsadha Golf Club Track 2 21, 24 & 28-Mar MSS Xtreme View Café, Diarizos Valley 2 ads. 10 & 27-Mar CR/ME-AOS OSPREY Pandion haliaetus Ψαραετός Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 0926-0929 flew off sea over bay, towards Kensington Cliffs heading N/NE 10-Mar JN LESSER KESTREL Falco naumanni Κιρκινέζι Karpasia Peninsula, Golden Beach Valley 11 31-Mar CR COMMON KESTREL Falco tinnunculus Κίτσης Cape Greco 1 10, 14 & 17-Mar JS/ME Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 1-Mar DJW Kensington Cliffs 1 9 & 15-Mar KH/RAt/IKB Kensington Cliffs 2 14-Mar MSS Kidasi 2 At Nest Hole 26-Mar ME-AOS Kidasi 1 At Nest Hole 27-Mar CR/MEAOS Kouklia Soakaways 1 1 & 2-Mar CR Mandria 1 in off 23-Mar IB/KR Oroklini Marsh 1 10-Mar JS Paphos Sewage Plant 1 flying over 29Mar CR Paralimni Lake 1 Male 31-Mar ME CHUKAR Alectoris chukar Περδίκι Largest counts: Cape Greco c30 23-Mar ME-AOS Kornos 24 3-Mar FGe Nicosia, Makedonitissa Fields c5 9-Mar SC with F Georgiades Old Kivides village fire trail area 7 24-Mar JN Orounda and Mitsero 10X10km Atlas Square 6 22-Mar CP Souni 8 5-Mar JN Common Kestrel, Goudhi. Photograph by Ray Atkinson Largest counts: Agioi Trimithias 5 22-Mar CP Akrotiri Gravel Pits 8 Between 0817 and 1225 10-Mar JN Anarita Park 10 31-Mar JS Anavargos Hills 6 8-Mar MSS Armou Hills 5 hunting together 4-Mar CR Kivisili Fields c5 25-Mar SC with L Sergides Mandria c5 8-Mar SC MERLIN Falco columbarius Νανοφάλκονο Lady's Mile 1 28-Mar NK/GF Mandria 1 26-Mar ME-AOS/IB/KR PEREGRINE FALCON Falco peregrinus Τζάνος Agia Varvara 1 18-Mar LAC Agios Sozomenos 2 8-Mar FGe Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 10 & 13-Mar JN/CR/WAS Anarita Mast 1 22-Mar IB/KR Asprokremnos Dam 2 two females fighting 29-Mar IB/KR Baths of Aphrodite 1 male flying over sea 6-Mar CR BLACK FRANCOLIN Francolinus francolinus Φραγκολίνα Black Francolin, Perivolia, March 22nd. Photograph by Stavros Christodoulides Largest counts: Agios Sozomenos 4 21 & 29-Mar JS Argaka Area 3 11-Mar AD Karpasia Peninsula, Golden Beach Valley 3 pair on road 31-Mar CR Larnaca Sewage Works 7 4 Males 24Mar ME-AOS Mandria 3 1 seen 21-Mar CR Palaiometocho 3 15-Mar FGe Peristerona, Nicosia 3 25-Mar CP Petounta Point 3 All calling 3-Mar JS Phassouri Reed Beds 4 heard calling 3Mar JN COMMON QUAIL Coturnix coturnix Ορτύκι Largest counts: Agia Varvara 4 calling 20-Mar CR Agios Philonas 3 heard 19-Mar NCP Akrotiri Gravel Pits 3 heard calling, possibly more 3-Mar JN Armou Hills 4 heard 25-Mar CR Mandria 4 at least calling from different sites 18-Mar DJW Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus Μαυροπουλλάδα Akrotiri Gravel Pits 2 heard calling in vegetation around pools 3-Mar JN Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 Seen 31-Mar JS Kofinou Abattoir recycled water ponds 2 heard only 2-Mar FGe Kouklia Soak-aways 2 possibly 3 27-Mar IB/KR Limassol Port Channel 1 24-Mar KH Paralimni Lake 1 9-Mar AKe Petounta Point 1 Heard 3, 16 & 24-Mar JS/ME/ME-AOS Phassouri Reed Beds 1 Heard 11, 13, 14, 16 & 21-Mar JS/CR/WAS/MSS/JN COMMON CRANE Grus grus Γερανός Akrotiri Gravel Pits 65 ( two groups 38 + 27 ) 9-Mar KH Klavdhia 30 Heading NW over motorway 14-Mar JS Kyperounda/Karvounas heard Circling and calling before roosting at 21.00 9-Mar NK/GF Lefkara motorway turn off 11 Flying towards Larnaca 8-Mar KH Orounda and Mitsero 10X10km Atlas Square 60 22-Mar CP SPOTTED CRAKE Porzana porzana Στικτοπουλλάδα Goudhi Bridge 1 21-Mar DW Petounta Point 1 31-Mar FGe BLACK-WINGED STILT Himantopus himantopus Καλαμοκαννάς Largest counts: Akhna Dam 12 21-Mar AKe Akrotiri 18 on beach Shipwreck Bay 21Mar JE Asprokremnos Dam 12 late pm 26-Mar IB/KR Larnaca Sewage Works 12 20-Mar JS Mandria 18 20-Mar IKB Meneou Pool 18 31-Mar ASt Oroklini Marsh c40 24-Mar ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh c40 28-Mar ME-AOS Paphos Headland 12 26-Mar ME-AOS LITTLE CRAKE Porzana parva Μικροπουλλάδα Agia Varvara 1 male 17-Mar LAC Goudhi 1 27-Mar RAt Larnaca JUMBO Drainage Canal 1 Fem 24-Mar ME-AOS Limassol Port Road 1 27 & 31-Mar WAS/KH Record from Feb 2014 omitted from last months Sys List: Finikaria 1 13-Feb KH CORNCRAKE Crex crex Ορτυκομάνα Paphos old airport 1 Flew in and landed in field 24-Mar RAt COMMON MOORHEN Gallinula chloropus Αρκοπετείναρο Largest counts and ringing record: Agia Varvara 6 27-Mar DJW Kofinou Abattoir recycled water ponds c72 probably even more 2-Mar FGe Kouklia Soak-aways 8 27-Mar IB/KR Paralimni Lake 16 30-Mar AKe Partenitis Dam c10 21-Mar SC EURASIAN COOT Fulica atra Καραπαττάς Largest counts: Akhna Dam 66 14-Mar BB Evretou Dam 24 14-Mar DJW Larnaca Sewage Works 27 13-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh c60 1-Mar JS Paralimni Lake 25 8-Mar AKe Crane sp: Limassol East 27 flying north in one flock, in the afternoon 9-Mar WAS PIED AVOCET Recurvirostra avosetta Αβοκέτα Larnaca Salt Lake 17 27-Mar NK/GF Larnaca Sewage Works 1 16-Mar ME EURASIAN STONE-CURLEW Burhinus oedicnemus Τρουλλουρίδα Akhna Dam 2 21-Mar ME Akhna Dam 1 22-Mar AKe Anarita Park 2 pair, seem to be on territory 20, 23 & 26-Mar CR/ME-AOS Anavargos 1 flushed 18-Mar CR Asprokremnos Dam 1 23-Mar RAt Ay Nik (ESBA) 1 Heard 8-Mar ME Cape Aspro 2 3-Mar MH Kivisili Fields 1 25-Mar SC with L Sergides Larnaca Salt Lake North 1 24-Mar MEAOS Mandria 1 3, 21, 25 & 27-Mar SC/PSa/IB/KR/ME-AOS Meneou Pool 4 13-Mar JS Nikokleia 2 heard 21-Mar IB/KR Paphos Lighthouse 1 22-Mar CR Timi Beach 2 in ploughed field, probable nest site 29-Mar CR CREAM-COLOURED COURSER Cursorius cursor Αμμοδρόμος Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 About 1/2K From where bird seen on 27 Feb, and very wary. Flushed from trackside by car,flew 100M Then flew high towards Curium 3-Mar JN/JE/KH LITTLE RINGED PLOVER Charadrius dubius Λιμνοπλουμίδι KENTISH PLOVER Charadrius alexandrinus Πλουμίδι Largest counts: Akrotiri Salt Lake 90 24-Mar CR/WAS Lady's Mile c30 11 & 15-Mar JS/SC with F Georgiades Larnaca Salt Lake 72 13-Mar JS Neapollis Pond 18 13-Mar NCP Paralimni Lake 30 12-Mar AKe GREATER SAND PLOVER Charadrius leschenaultii Βραχοπλουμίδι Agia Trias 1 5-Mar AKe Akrotiri Salt Lake 2 crassirostris 25-Mar ME-AOS Kermia Beach 1 25-Mar AKe Lady's Mile 2 28-Mar NK/GF Larnaca Airport Coast 2 20-Mar JS Mandria 1 probable crassirostris 14-Mar CR/IKB/LAC Moni Beach 1 15-Mar WAS Paphos Headland 2 1, 3, 5, 7, 8 & 15 -Mar MSS/JNas/CP/CR/JS Petounta Point 1 breeding plumage 22Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Spiros Pool 2 Non breeding plumage 4Mar JS CASPIAN PLOVER Charadrius asiaticus Στεποπλουμίδι Paralimni Lake 1 Adult 24-Mar JDo Little Ringed Plover, Petounta Point, March 3rd. Photograph by Jane Stylianou Largest counts: Akhna Dam 30 27 & 28-Mar AKe Akrotiri Salt Lake 9 24-Mar CR/WAS Asprokremnos Dam 5 23-Mar IB/KR Larnaca JUMBO Drainage Canal 8 12-Mar ME Oroklini Marsh c6 28-Mar SC Paralimini Lake 6 18 & 23-Mar ME/MEAOS Zakaki Marsh 11 22-Mar KH COMMON RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula Αμμοπλουμίδι Akrotiri Salt Lake 16 24-Mar CR/WAS Lady's Mile 1 11 & 21-Mar JS Larnaca Salt Lake North c40 24-Mar MEAOS Neapollis Pond 8 13-Mar NCP Paphos Headland 1 15-Mar MSS Paralimni Lake 6 11-Mar ME EURASIAN GOLDEN PLOVER Pluvialis apricaria Χρυσοπλουμίδι Akrotiri Gravel Pits 7 1-Mar SC Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 non-breeding plumage 15-Mar SC with F Georgiades Latchi 1 12-Mar RAt Mandria 5 1-Mar DJW Paphos Headland 2 1 & 3-Mar MSS/JNas/CP Paphos Headland 1 5-Mar MSS/CR Paralimni Lake 3 14-Mar AKe Spiro's Pool and Beach 30 1-Mar KH Spiro's Pool and Beach 25 2-Mar JS Spiros Beach 2 9-Mar CP GREY PLOVER Pluvialis squatarola Στακτοπλουμίδι Agia Trias 6 5-Mar AKe Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 3-Mar KH Kermia Beach 1 19-Mar CR/WAS Silver Beach & Marsh 1 31-Mar CR SPUR-WINGED LAPWING Vanellus spinosus Πελλοκατερίνα Max count per location: Akhna Dam 4 19 & 29-Mar AKe/ME-AOS Aradippou Slurry Pits 2 21-Mar SC Ezousas River: lower 2 11-Mar DJW Fresh Water Lake South 4 13-Mar ME Larnaca JUMBO Drainage canal 4 12 & 24-Mar ME/ME-AOS Larnaca Salt Lake 2 13-Mar JS Larnaca Sewage Works 8 13 & 16-Mar JS/ME Leivadia 7 29-Mar FGe Limassol Port Road Canal 1 in garden of small house beyond canal 24-Mar CR/WAS Mandria 1 in fields between polytunnels and Mandria Gardens 26-Mar IB/KR Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 30 14Mar NCP Neapollis Pond 4 9-Mar ME Oroklini Marsh 10 12-Mar ME Palaiometocho 12 15-Mar FGe Paphos Sewage Works 9 20-Mar LAC Paralimni Lake 10 30-Mar AKe Partenitis Dam 4 21-Mar SC Silver Beach & Marsh 2 pair 31-Mar CR Spiros Pool 2 13 & 22-Mar JS/SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Timi 1 29-Mar DJW Zakaki Marsh 1 26 & 31-Mar LAC/TRe NORTHERN LAPWING Vanellus vanellus Γιαννής Mandria 1 4 & 6-Mar DJW/ASt Petounta Point 1 Adult 16-Mar ME Petounta Point 1 Heard 23-Mar ME-AOS SANDERLING Calidris alba Aσπρονεραλλίδι Larnaca Salt Lake North 2 24-Mar MEAOS LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta Νανονεραλλίδι Max count per location: Akhna Dam 8 22-Mar AKe Akrotiri Salt Lake 12 24-Mar CR/WAS Asprokremnos Dam 1 26-Mar IB/KR Evretou Dam 1 29-Mar VP Lady's Mile 70 13-Mar CR/WAS Larnaca Salt Lake 16 13-Mar JS Neapollis Pond 12 13-Mar NCP Paralimni Lake 3 31-Mar ME Spiro's Pool and Beach 5 2-Mar JS TEMMINCK'S STINT Calidris temminckii Στρουθονεραλλίδι Akhna Dam 4 31-Mar JP Larnaca JUMBO Drainage canal 9 12-Mar ME Larnaca JUMBO Drainage Canal 1 24-Mar ME-AOS Paralimni Lake 3 11-Mar ME Paralimni Lake 1 17 & 23-Mar ME/MEAOS CURLEW SANDPIPER Calidris ferruginea Κοτσινονεραλλίδι Lady's Mile 3 15-Mar JN DUNLIN Calidris alpina Λασπονεραλλίδι Max counts per location: Akrotiri Salt Lake 6 24-Mar CR/WAS Asprokremmos Dam 1 31-Mar LAC Ayia Thekla 1 14-Mar ME Lady's Mile 20+ 11 & 15-Mar JS/JN Larnaca Salt Lake 84 13-Mar JS Neapollis Pond 27 9-Mar ME Paphos Headland 1 1-Mar MSS Spiro's Pool and Beach 62 1-Mar KH Zakaki Marsh and Pool 4 15-Mar JN Sanderling, Lady’s Mile, March 18th. Photograph by Raija Howard RUFF Philomachus pugnax Μαχητής Largest counts: Akhna Dam 74 14-Mar BB Lady’s Mile 40 21-Mar JS Larnaca Salt Lake 27 13-Mar ME Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 20 14Mar NCP Paralimni Lake 15 25-Mar ME-AOS Spiro's Pool and Beach 43 2-Mar JS Akrotiri Salt Lake 4 24-Mar CR/WAS Lady's Mile 3 16-Mar ME/KH Lady's Mile 7 18-Mar KH JACK SNIPE Lymnocryptes minimus Μονοπικάτσονο Akhna Dam 1 27 & 31-Mar AKe Oroklini Marsh 1 22-Mar BB COMMON SNIPE Gallinago gallinago Πικατσόνι Largest counts: Agia Varvara 7 17-Mar LAC Akhna Dam 7 31-Mar Ake Larnaca JUMBO Drainage Canal 4 24-Mar ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh 3 8 & 12-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/JN/KH/ME Petounta Point 7 16-Mar ME BLACK-TAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa Βαλτομπεκάτσα Max counts per location: Akhna Dam 1 27 & 28-Mar AKe/ME-AOS Akrotiri Salt lake 79 Photographed 25Mar ADT Larnaca Airport Pools North 1 8-Mar FGe Meneou Pool 7 31-Mar ASt Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 2 14-Mar NCP Oroklini Marsh 4 24-Mar ME-AOS WHIMBREL Numenius phaeopus Θαλασσομπεκάτσα Whimbrel, Larnaca Airport Coast, March 20th. Photograph by Jane Stylianou Akrotiri 2 7-Mar JE Akti Beach, Paphos 1 19-Mar MSS Larnaca Airport Coast 4 On shore near old airport perimeter fence. Flew off north when patrol car drove near by. 13-Mar JS/ME Larnaca Airport Coast 1 20-Mar JS Oroklini Coast 1 19-Mar AKe Paphos Headland 1 5-Mar JNas/CR Paphos Shipwreck Coast 1 27-Mar MEAOS Petounta Point 1 22-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis EURASIAN CURLEW Numenius arquata Νερομπεκάτσα Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 3, 9 & 14-Mar JN/KH/JS SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus Μαυρονεραλλίδα Asprokremnos Dam 1 30-Mar IB/KR Oroklini Marsh 1 13-Mar ME/ME-AOS COMMON REDSHANK Tringa totanus Φλυαρονεραλλίδα Max count per location: Akhna Dam 6 12-Mar KH Akrotiri 5 27-Mar JE Lady's Mile 2 22-Mar RAt Larnaca Salt Lake North 1 13-Mar ME Larnaca Sewage Works 1 20-Mar JS Oroklini Marsh 4 12-Mar ME Paphos Sewage Plant 1 7-Mar CR Paralimni Lake 1 31-Mar ME Spiro's Pool and Beach 1 1-Mar KH MARSH SANDPIPER Tringa stagnatilis Βαλτονεραλλίδα Akhna Dam 1 12 & 13-Mar KH/ME Lady's Mile 2 24-Mar IKB Oroklini Marsh 1 19-Mar CR/WAS Oroklini Marsh 2 24 & 29-Mar MEAOS/KH Phassouri Reed Beds 1 24-Mar IKB COMMON GREENSHANK Tringa nebularia Στακτονεραλλίδα Akhna Dam 1 22, 24 & 31-Mar AKe/MEAOS Asprokremnos Dam 1 22-Mar IB/KR Larnaca Airport Pool North 4 24-Mar MEAOS Larnaca Airport Pools North 2 31-Mar FGe Mandria 1 on beach 21-Mar CR Mia Milia Water Treatment Plant 1 14-Mar NCP Paralimni Lake 1 8-Mar AKe Phassouri Reed Beds 1 31-Mar KH Silver Beach & Marsh 2 31-Mar CR GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus Πρασινονεραλλίδα Largest counts: Agia Varvara 9 17-Mar LAC Akhna Dam 20 19-Mar AKe Aradippou Slurry Pits c8 21-Mar SC Evretou Dam 7 18-Mar IKB Paralimni Lake 10 8 & 18-Mar AKe Partenitis Dam 6 21-Mar SC WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola Δασονεραλλίδα Largest counts: Akhna Dam 3 21-Mar ME Evretou Dam 2 29-Mar VP Petounta Point 2+ 8-Mar KH Phassouri 4 27-Mar JE Vathia Gonia Water Treatment Plant, Nicosia 2 29-Mar JS Zakaki Marsh 5 28-Mar ME-AOS COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos Μικρονεραλλίδα Largest counts: Agia Napa Sewage Works 2 9-Mar CP/ME Akhna Dam 2 30-Mar ME-AOS Finikaria 3 28-Mar ME-AOS Paphos Headland 2 5-Mar MSS RUDDY TURNSTONE Arenaria interpres Βραχονεραλλίδα Paphos Headland 3 1-Mar MSS Paphos Headland 1 3-Mar JNas GREAT BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ichthyaetus Αετόγλαρος Great Black-headed Gull, Mandria, March 8th. Photograph by Stavros Christodoulides Elia 7 Sea watching 9.00 to 17.00hr 17Mar NCP Mandria 1 adult breeding 8-Mar SC MEDITERRANEAN GULL Larus melanocephalus Μαυροκέφαλος Γλάρος Oroklini Beach 2 One in full breeding plumage 5-Mar JS Oroklini Coast 5 (4 adults) 6-Mar AKe Oroklini Coast 4 11-Mar AKe Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 1 Adult 12-Mar ME Oroklini Marsh 1 In full breeding plumage 1-Mar JS LITTLE GULL Larus minutus Νανόγλαρος Larnaca Sewage Works 1 1st Winter 24Mar ME-AOS Oroklini Marsh 1 1 & 2-Mar JS/KH/BB COMMON BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ridibundus Χωραφόγλαρος Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 50 In bay 16-Mar JS Cape Greco 52 Flying over sea heading E and then turning at Cape tip and heading N along coast 5-Mar JS Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front c220 12-Mar ME Larnaca Airport Pools North c80 8-Mar FGe Larnaca Salt Lake 718 13-Mar JS Larnaca Sewage Works c60 24-Mar MEAOS Oroklini Coast 400 11-Mar AKe Oroklini Marsh c300 12-Mar ME SLENDER-BILLED GULL Larus genei Ροδόγλαρος Akrotiri Salt Lake 45 24-Mar CR/WAS Clapsides Beach 3 29-Mar ME-AOS Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 6 12Mar ME Larnaca Airport Pools North 22 with pink tinge 8-Mar FGe Larnaca Airport Pool North c20 24-Mar ME-AOS Larnaca Salt Lake 255 13-Mar JS Larnaca Salt Lake 14 24-Mar ME-AOS Larnaca Sewage Works 18 16-Mar ME Larnaca Sewage Works 1 24-Mar MEAOS Oroklini Coast 24 11-Mar AKe Oroklini Marsh 7 12-Mar KH Oroklini Marsh c50 16-Mar ME Oroklini, beach breakwater 3 19-Mar CR/WAS AUDOUIN'S GULL Larus audouinii Νησόγλαρος Agia Trias 3 5-Mar AKe Agia Trias 2 9-Mar AKe Agios Philonas 2 21-Mar NCP Apostolos Andreas to Cape Andreas 7 on small isle 31-Mar CR Cape Greco 2 10-Mar JS Dhekelia, Larnaca 2 22-Mar FGe Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 2 Adults 28-Mar ME-AOS Elia 11 Sea watching 9.00 to 17.00hr 17Mar NCP Karpasia Peninsula 6 21-Mar NCP Karpasia Peninsula 5 25-Mar MH Karpasia Peninsula, south side 9 on rocks, near Livana Hotel 31-Mar CR Kermia Beach 3 ads. on rocks 19-Mar CR/WAS Kermia Coast 2 adult 21, 25 & 29-Mar SC/AKe/FGe Neapollis Pond 1 13-Mar NCP LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL Larus fuscus Μελανόγλαρος Elia 2 Sea watching 9.00 to 17.00hr 17Mar NCP Timi Beach 2 flying over 11-Mar CR BALTIC GULL Larus fuscus fuscus Μελανόγλαρος Asprokremnos Dam 1 23 & 29-Mar IB/KR Cape Greco 2 Flying off shore heading E to NE around cape 17-Mar JS Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 2 Adults 24-Mar ME-AOS Elia 13 Sea watching 9.00 to 17.00hr 17Mar NCP Karpasia Peninsula, south side 1 on rocks, near Livana Hotel 31-Mar CR Kermia Coast 1 adult 24-Mar SC with A Leventis Konnos Bay 1 14 & 30-Mar ME/ME-AOS Mandria 12 west 25 & 30-Mar IB/KR Mandria 5 west 26-Mar IB/KR Paphos Shipwreck Coast 1 Adult 27-Mar ME-AOS Zakaki Marsh 1 ad. 24-Mar CR/WAS Zakaki Marsh 1 Adult flew in and left again after 10 minutes 26-Mar JS/LAC Elia 185 Sea watching 9.00 to 17.00hr 17Mar NCP Klidhes Islands 50 some pairs mating 31Mar CR Timi Beach 120 circling over Paphos airport 11-Mar CR CASPIAN GULL Larus cachinnans Κασπικός Γλάρος Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 3 12 & 28-Mar ME/ME-AOS Karpasia Peninsula, south side 1 on rocks, near Livana Hotel 31-Mar CR Larnaca Sewage Works 2 1W 24-Mar ME-AOS Mandria 6 imms 17-Mar CR Oroklini Marsh 1 1W 13 & 28-Mar ME/ME-AOS Oroklini, beach breakwater 1 imm 19-Mar CR/WAS ARMENIAN GULL Larus armenicus Αρμενικός Γλάρος Clapsides Beach 2 Adults 9-Mar ME Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 1 Adult 12-Mar ME Lady's Mile Marshes 4 3 subadult, 1 1st spring 1-Mar SC Lady's Mile 1 15-Mar SC with F Georgiades Larnaca Airport Pools North 3 8-Mar FGe Larnaca Salt Lake 7 13-Mar JS Larnaca Sewage Works 1 Adult 24-Mar ME-AOS Limassol Seafront c4 15-Mar SC with F Georgiades Oroklini Beach 1 5-Mar JS Oroklini Coast 2 6-Mar AKe Oroklini Coast 6 19-Mar AKe Oroklini Marsh 1 ad. 19-Mar CR/WAS Oroklini, beach breakwater 5 2ads, 3 imms 19-Mar CR/WAS HEUGLIN'S GULL Larus fuscus heuglini Σιβηρικός Γλάρος Cape Greco 3 Flying off shore heading E to NE around cape 17-Mar JS Larnaca Salt Lake 1 13-Mar JS Timi Beach 1 ad. 16-Mar CR Timi Beach 3 imms. 29-Mar CR GULL-BILLED TERN Gelochelidon nilotica Γελογλάρονο Akrotiri Salt Lake 1 25-Mar ADT Akrotiri Salt Lake 2 29-Mar ADT YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus michahellis Χιντιανόγλαρος Largest counts: Asprokremnos Dam 195 23-Mar IB/KR Cape Drepanum c60 19-Mar JS Cape Greco 176 in groups flying offshore W to E to NE around Cape between 8.30 – 12.30 17-Mar JS SANDWICH TERN Sterna sandvicensis Χειμωνογλάρονο Agia Trias 1 5 & 11-Mar AKe/ME Agia Thekla 1 14-Mar ME Cape Greco 2 9-Mar ME Curium 1 31-Mar JE Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 3 12Mar ME Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 5 24Mar ME-AOS Dolphin Rocks Larnaca Sea Front 1 28Mar ME-AOS Konnos Bay 1 30-Mar ME-AOS Lady's Mile 3 2-Mar KH Larnaca Airport Coast 3 Fishing offshore 4-Mar JS Mandria 3 west 24-Mar IB/KR Oroklini Beach 3 Roosting on rocks with gulls 5-Mar JS Oroklini Coast 7 6-Mar AKe Oroklini Coast 2 11-Mar AKe Oroklini Coast 4 19-Mar AKe Oroklini Coast 1 24-Mar AKe Oroklini, beach breakwater 3 19-Mar CR/WAS Petounta Point 1 1-Mar KH Spiro's Beach 2 16-Mar ME Spiros Beach Buoys 5 25-Mar SC with L Sergides ROCK DOVE Columba livia Αρκοπέζουνο Agia Paraskevi Gorge 15 3-Mar CP Akrotiri Gravel Pits 2 11-Mar JS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 10 16-Mar JS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 40 some wild looking birds feeding in ploughed field near fish farm 24-Mar CR/WAS Avagas Gorge 50 2-Mar CP Cape Drepanum 2 15-Mar JS Nikokleia 2 looked like good ones, flying up the valley 27-Mar IB/KR Phassouri Reed Beds 10 14-Mar JS Phassouri Reed Beds 4 21-Mar JS COMMON WOODPIGEON Columba palumbus Φάσσα Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 200 flying over reedbeds, probably more 1-Mar JN Lower Xeros Potamos 130 together on wires 9-Mar CR Phassouri Reed Beds c100+ in large eucalyptus trees on eastern end of reedbeds 1-Mar SC Timi Beach 120 11-Mar CR EURASIAN COLLARED DOVE Streptopelia decaocto Φιλικουτούνι Largest counts: Agia Napa 20 13-Mar AKe Asprokremnos Dam 12 29-Mar DJW Palaiometocho c24 15-Mar FGe Paphos Sewage Plant 12 24-Mar JS EURASIAN TURTLE DOVE Streptopelia turtur Τρυγόνι Phassouri Reed Beds 1 31-Mar KH LAUGHING DOVE Stigmatopelia senegalensis Φοινικοτρύγονο Limassol 1 Near Debenhams 26-Mar JS/LAC Limassol Port Canal 1 16, 18, 25, 26 & 28Mar ME/PSa/ME-AOS/LAC/JS GREAT SPOTTED CUCKOO Clamator glandarius Καλοχρονιά Great Spotted Cuckoo, Agia Varvara, March 27th. Photograph by Jan Walker Many records of single individuals and pairs this month. Largest counts: Agia Varvara 5 pair copulating 20-Mar CR Anarita Park 5 11 & 26-Mar DJW/AMcA Anavargos Hills 6 13-Mar MSS Ezousas Valley 4 24-Mar MSS COMMON CUCKOO Cuculus canorus Κούκος Agia Varvara 1 19-Mar LAC Akhna Dam 1 28 & 31-Mar ME-AOS/JP Asprokremmos Dam 1 on way to mast 26 & 31-Mar CR/JS Cape Greco 1 Heard calling across area for five minutes 11.30am 17-Mar JS Cape Greco 1 In off the Sea 30-Mar MEAOS Cape Greco Army Camp 1 30-Mar MEAOS Paphos Sewage Plant 1 29-Mar CR BARN OWL Tyto alba Ανθρωποπούλλι Filani 1 25-Mar FGe Kouklia 1 heard after dark 28-Mar IB/KR Nikokleia 1 heard 23-Mar IB/KR EURASIAN SCOPS OWL Otus scops Θουπί Anavargos 2 21-Feb MSS Armou 3 including 1 seen 24-Mar CR/WAS Armou 1 At least 6 Heard 26-Mar MEAOS Arodhes 1 heard 7-Mar DJW Goudhi 2 Heard calling throughout the night. 19 & 20-Mar RAt Kamares,Tala 1 heard 19, 21, 22 & 30Mar DJW Kritou Terra 1 heard only 13-Mar PSa Limassol coast 1 h 6-Mar ADT Marathounta 3 16 & 18-Mar CR Marathounta 2 pair in palm tree, calling as duet, 20.50 - 21.00h 20-Mar CR Marathounta 1 calling in our garden almond tree 24-Mar CR/WAS Nicosia, Old University of Cyprus Campus Forest 1 heard only 25-Mar SC with L Sergides Nikokleia 3 heard everyday of visit, seen mating on 3 dates 21-Mar IB/KR Souni 1 heard calling 5, 6, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27 & 31-Mar JN Souni 2 heard calling 11, 14, 23, 28 & 29-Mar JN Troodos Leave Centre 3 Heard 25-Mar ME-AOS Tsadha Golf Club Track 2 28-Mar MSS LITTLE OWL Athene noctua Κουκκουφκιάος Little Owl, Arodes, March 14th. Photograph by Dave Walker. Agios Elias 1 20-Mar ME Agia Varvara 1 heard 20-Mar CR Anarita mast 1 22, 23, 24 & 29-Mar IB/KR/LAC Anarita Park 1 1, 14, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27 & 29-Mar CR/LAC/DJW/JS/HSt/ME-AOS Anarita Park Area 2 two territories 26-Mar AMcA Anarita Park 2 27-Mar DJW Anavargos Hills 1 3 & 17-Mar MSS Anavargos Hills 2 8 & 17-Mar MSS Androlikou 1 26-Mar HSt Anthoupolis, Nicosia 1 15-Mar FGe Armou Village 1 15-Mar CR Arodhes 1 7 & 14-Mar DJW Asprokremmos Dam 1 20, 22, 23 & 31Mar IKB/HSt/RAt/JS Asprokremmos Dam 2 Dam wall 20-Mar HSt Ayios Sozomenos 1 2, 21 & 29-Mar FGe/JS Kathikas 1 Sat in the road after dark. 23Mar RAt Larnaca Salt Lake 1 13-Mar JS Nikokleia 2 heard 21-Mar IB/KR Souni 1 heard calling 11 & 20-Mar JN Souni 2 possibly 3 calling 20, 23 & 31Mar JN Vrysoulles 1 10, 21, 23, 28 & 30-Mar ME/ME-AOS/AKe Xeros Potamos 1 sitting under motorway bridge 24-Mar IB/KR SHORT-EARED OWL Asio flammeus Βαλτόθουπος Mandria 1 19-Mar ASt/FGe Paphos Headland 1 (Flew in off the sea being mobbed by Crows) 2-Mar JNas COMMON SWIFT Apus apus Πετροχελίδονο Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 280 sky full, probably 1000+ 13-Mar CR/WAS Apostolos Andreas to Cape Andreas 66 31-Mar CR Avgorou 50 6-Mar AKe Mandria 1000's Big movement over period of five hours 13-Mar LAC Petounta Point c70 In off the Sea 13-Mar ME Phassouri Reed Beds 86 moving N 15Mar JN PALLID SWIFT Apus pallidus Στακτοπετροχελίδονο Akrotiri Gravel Pits 3 13-Mar KH Asprokremnos Dam 1 27-Mar ME-AOS Limassol 2 Debenhams area 26-Mar LAC/JS Mandria 1+ 13-Mar PSa Paphos Lighthouse 6 21-Mar DJW Paralimni Lake 1 12-Mar AKe Troodos 32 above village, calling and chasing 9-Mar CR Troodos Leave Centre c20 25-Mar MEAOS 1-Mar ALPINE SWIFT Tachymarptis melba Ασπροπετροχελίδονο PIED KINGFISHER Ceryle rudis Κήρυλος Limassol Port Canal 1 12 & 18-Mar LHe/PSa EURASIAN HOOPOE Upupa epops Πουπούξιος th Alpine Swift, Mandria, March 11 . Photograph by Dave Walker Earliest and largest counts: Asprokremnos Dam 10 30-Mar IB/KR Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 15+ 1-Mar DJW Kensington Cliffs 10+ 21-Mar JS Kouklia 20+ Probably far more 2-Mar LAC Kouklia Soakaways 20 1-Mar CR Mandria 40 min counted, probably more 11-Mar DJW Timi Beach 40 flying off sea over Mandria ahead of storm 11-Mar CR WHITE-THROATED KINGFISHER Halcyon smyrnensis Σμυρνονέρουππος Limassol Port Channel 1 24, 25 & 26-Mar CR/WAS/KH/LAC/JS COMMON KINGFISHER Alcedo atthis Αλκυόνη Akrotiri 1 3-Mar JE Asprokremmos Dam 1 26 & 30-Mar CR/IB/KR Cape Greco, Agia Paraskevi Pond 1 21Mar SC Cape Greco, Kermia Coast 1 29-Mar SC with F Georgiades Kermia Beach 2 29-Mar ME-AOS Kouklia Soakaways 1 1-Mar CR Limassol Port Road Canal 1 24 & 25-Mar CR/WAS/ME-AOS Mandria 1 23-Mar LAC Manglis dam 1 12-Mar JS Paralimni Lake 1 31-Mar ME Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS Zakaki Marsh 1 2, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25 & 28-Mar KH/CR/WAS/JN/ME/TRe/JS/RAt/MEAOS/ADT Eurasian Hoopoe, Mandria, March 5th. Photograph by Albert Stöcker Many records of this species during March. Largest counts: Agios Philonas 6 21-Mar NCP Anarita Park Area 9 26-Mar AMcA Cape Greco 12 Including 6 together 17Mar JS Lemba, Paphos 6 5-Mar MSS Paphos Lighthouse 9 7 feeding in one field 13-Mar DJW Souni 8 21-Mar JN EURASIAN WRYNECK Jynx torquilla Θερκοπούλλι Eurasian Wryneck, Cape Greco, March 23rd. Photograph by Mary Loutsios Agios Georgios Church, Akrotiri 1 19, 21, 22 & 26-Mar FGe/KH Akrotiri 1 19 & 21-Jan JE AKrotiri Gravel Pits 1 13, 25 & 26-Mar KH/ME-AOS/WAS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 3 2 seen by Peter then me later around Agios Georgios church garden 23-Mar JN Anarita Park 1 26, 27 & 30-Mar HSt/DJW/LAC Anarvargos 1 27-Mar CR/MSS Aspro Dam mast 2 20-Mar IKB Asprokremmos Dam 1 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 22-Mar ME Ayios Sozomenos 1 29-Mar JS Cape Greco Caves 1 21 & 28-Mar SC Cape Greco 1 22 & 29-Mar ME/FGe Cape Greco Pines 1 22 & 23-Mar ME/ME-AOS Cape Greco Park 1 28 & 29-Mar SC Mandria 1 27-Mar ME-AOS Nikokleia 1 24-Mar IB/KR Paphos Lighthouse 1 22, 23 & 25-Mar CR/KH/AMcA Phassouri Reed Beds 1 17, 23 & 26-Mar JN/WAS/KH Polis Reedbeds 1 27 & 31-Mar BCRS CALANDRA LARK Melanocorypha calandra Μαυροτράσιηλος Geri c15 23-Mar FGe Larnaca Airport Coast 1 Display flight 4Mar JS Mandria 2 flew east calling, joined by 5 s t larks 30-Mar IB/KR Perivolia 1+ 2-Mar JS Pervolia 2 In Display Flight 16 & 24-Mar ME/ME-AOS BIMACULATED LARK Melanocorypha bimaculata Ασπροτράσιηλος Cape Greco 1 Very early morning. Flushed. Noted calandra style in voice and call. Noted specifically the white tip of the tail and the lack of obvious white trailing edge to the wings. 30-Mar JP Mandria 2 flying over 17-Mar CR Mandria 1 then another, possibly same bird, or 2 21-Mar CR Mandria 1 Probable flyover 21-Mar PSa Mandria 2 22-Mar PSa Mandria 1 flew off north-west, calling 3Mar IB/KR Mandria 2 feeding with Short-toeds, 1 then another overflew 26-Mar CR Mandria 1 in mixed flock , flew around showing white tail spots 30-Mar IB/KR GREATER SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella brachydactyla Τρασιηλούδα Earliest and largest counts: Akrotiri 20 27-Mar JE Akrotiri Gravel Pits 6 2-Mar KH Asprokremmos Dam 22 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Larnaca Desalination Plant c20 23-Mar FGe Mandria 14 21-Mar CR Paphos Headland 1 3-Mar JNas Pervolia c20 24-Mar SC with A Leventis Petounta Point 1 4-Mar JS LESSER SHORT-TOED LARK Calandrella rufescens Στικτοτρασιηλούδα Akrotiri Gravel pits 2 20 & 25-Mar ADT CRESTED LARK Galerida cristata Σκορταλλός Largest counts: Anthoupolis, Nicosia c14 18-Mar FGe Astromeritis 13 25-Mar CP Ayioi Trimithias 16 22-Mar CP Cape Greco c25 including a pair carrying nesting material 21-Mar SC Geri c20 23-Mar FGe Larnaca Desalination Plant c15 23-Mar FGe Orounda and Mitsero 10X10km Atlas Square 14 22-Mar CP Palaiometocho c20 15-Mar FGe Paphos Headland 14 7-Mar JS WOODLARK Lullula arborea Πευκοτρασιήλα Max count per location: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 4 13-Mar KH Anarita Park 7 1-Mar CR Anavargos Hills 8 13-Mar MSS Armou Hills 12 4-Mar CR Arodhes 5 7-Mar DJW Asprokremmos Dam 4 1-Mar CR Droushia 3 18-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Evretou 1 18-Mar RAt Mandria 2 17-Mar JE Paphos Lighthouse 8 13-Mar DJW Souni 4 12-Mar JN Timi Beach 8 4-Mar CR EURASIAN SKYLARK Alauda arvensis Τρασιήλα Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits c20 16-Mar JS Mandria 68 3-Mar CR Paphos Lighthouse 15 3-Mar CP Perivolia c40 2-Mar JS Timi Beach 25 16-Mar CR SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia Βαλτοχελίδονο Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 21-Mar JS Cape Greco 2 23-Mar JS Evretou Dam 4 14-Mar DJW Finikaria, Germasogeia Dam 31-Mar KH Oroklini Marsh 5 9-Mar CP Oroklini Marsh 1 12-Mar ME Phassouri Reed Beds 2 11-Mar JS Tsadha Golf Club Track 2 21-Mar MSS Zakaki Marsh 2 22-Mar KH Zakaki Marsh 4+ 23-Mar WAS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 400 probably 1000+ 13-Mar CR/WAS Asprokremmos Dam 160 12-Mar CR Chrysochou 100 4-Mar RAt Mandria 1000's Big movement over period of five hours 13-Mar LAC Troodos Environmental Centre c150 25Mar ME-AOS EURASIAN CRAG MARTIN Ptyonoprogne rupestris Βραχοχελίδονο Germasogeia Dam 1 16-Mar JS Phassouri Reed Beds 17 moving N 1-Mar JN RICHARD'S PIPIT Anthus richardi Διπλογαλούδι Mandria 1 22-Mar PSa BARN SWALLOW Hirundo rustica Χελιδόνι Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 150 13-Mar CR/WAS Asprokremnos dam wall east c100 22-Mar AMcA Frenaros 200 11 & 21-Mar AKe Mandria 1000's Big movement over period of five hours 13-Mar LAC Paralimni Lake 300 14-Mar AKe Phassouri Reed Beds 137 initial flock of 100+ moved N after feeding by 1130 1-Mar JN Vrysoulles 100 27-Mar AKe RED-RUMPED SWALLOW Hirundo daurica Μιλτοχελίδονο Red-rumped Swallow, Steni, March 29th. Photograph by Nigel Bennett. Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 40 13-Mar CR/WAS Mandria 130 rough count, continuous movement 14-Mar CR Petounta Point c25 In off the Sea 13-Mar ME Phassouri Reed Beds 20 13-Mar CR/WAS Tsadha Golf Club Track 30 21-Mar MSS COMMON HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbicum Ασπροχελίδονο Largest counts: TAWNY PIPIT Anthus campestris Καμπογαλούδι Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 3 18-Mar KH Anarita Park 6 31-Mar JS Cape Greco 5 23-Mar ME-AOS Cape Greco Pines 5 29-Mar ME-AOS Cape Greco Rubbish Tip 5 9-Mar ME Karpasia Peninsula, Golden Beach Valley 6 flew over 31-Mar CR Lady's Mile 3 22-Mar RAt Mandria 3 flying over 3-Mar CR TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis Δενδρογαλούδι Largest counts and ringing records: Asprokremnos Dam 7 31-Mar JS Cape Greco Sea Caves c30 30-Mar MEAOS Karpasia Peninsula 11 21-Mar NCP Marathounta 5 flying in, probably 10+ but overflew 30-Mar CR Polis Reedbeds 4 24-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 2 27-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis Χωραφογαλούδι Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 24 at least, 1 flock of 15+ 10-Mar JN Anarita Park 60 large flock of migrants 20-Mar CR Cape Greco 25 5-Mar JS Larnaca Desalination Plant c20 23-Mar FGe Mandria 30 7-Mar JS Paphos Headland 18 7-Mar JS Petounta Point 16 3-Mar JS Phassouri Reed Beds 50 17-Mar JN Timi Beach 18 11-Mar CR RED-THROATED PIPIT Anthus cervinus Κοτσινογιαλλούδι Red-throated Pipit, Mandria, March 8th. Photograph by Albert Stöcker Largest counts: Astromeritis, Nicosia 10 25-Mar CP Larnaca Sewage Works c20 Flying around area near hide 2-Mar JS Mandria 40 20-Mar JE Paphos Lighthouse 12 22-Mar CR Spiro's Pool and Beach 10 13-Mar JS WATER PIPIT Anthus spinoletta Νερογαλούδι st Water Pipit, Petounta Point, March 1 . Photograph by Raija Howard. Largest counts: Akhna Dam 10+ 13-Mar ME Karpasia Peninsula 6 21-Mar NCP Larnaca Sewage Works c10 22-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Phassouri Reed Beds 6 24-Mar CR/WAS Zakaki Marsh 10+ 22-Mar KH YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava Κίτρινος Ζευκαλάτης Akhna Dam 25 Several different races, most common Feldegg 31-Mar JP Akrotiri Salt Lake 5 24-Mar CR/WAS Gialia 1 3-Mar AD Latchi 1 5-Mar RAt Mandria 150+ Near Lifeguard platform 20-Mar IKB Mandria 67 25-Mar IB/KR Mandria 85 26-Mar IB/KR Mandria 400+ mostly black headed and blue headed 29-Mar IB/KR Paphos Sewage Plant 20+ 24-Mar JS Zakaki Reed Beds 3 20-Mar ADT BLUE-HEADED WAGTAIL Motacilla f.flava Γαλαζοκέφαλος Ζευκαλάτης Max count per location: Anthoupolis, Nicosia 6 18-Mar FGe Cape Drepanum 1 15 & 19-Mar JS Evretou Dam 2 25 & 29-Mar RAt/VP Germasogeia Dam 1 21-Mar JS Leivadia 1 29-Mar FGe Mandria 20 21-Mar CR Paphos Headland 2 24-Mar JS Paralimni Lake 3 23-Mar ME-AOS Petounta Point 6 22-Mar FGe Risokarpaso 1 31-Mar CR Zakaki Reed Beds 1 25 & 29-Mar ADT xanthrophys Paralimni Lake 1 23-Mar ME-AOS GREY-HEADED WAGTAIL Motacilla f.thunbergi Γκριζοκέφαλος Ζευκαλάτης Akhna Dam 1 21-Mar ME Mandria 1 7 & 14-Mar CR Paphos Sewage Works 1 13-Mar LAC Paralmini Lake 1 23-Mar ME-AOS Petounta Point 1 male 25-Mar SC with L Sergides Zakaki Marsh 1 26-Mar JS dombrowskii Agia Varvara 2 17-Mar LAC Larnaca Sewage Works 1 22-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Mandria 1 7-Mar JNas Petounta Point 1 male 25-Mar SC with L Sergides BLACK-HEADED WAGTAIL Motacilla f.feldegg Μαυροκέφαλος Ζευκαλάτης Black-headed Wagtail, Anarita Park, March 26th. Photograph by Albert Stöcker Largest counts: Akhna Dam 10 27-Mar AKe Cape Drepanum 20 Maybe more 19-Mar JS Ezousas River: lower, Paphos c20 11Mar DJW Lara 100+ 18-Mar IKB Larnaca Sewage Works c50 22-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Mandria 150+ 20-Mar IKB Paphos Lighthouse 18 22-Mar CR Paralimni Lake c100 17-Mar ME Petounta Point c30 22 & 25-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis/ with L Sergides superciliaris Akhna Dam 2 21-Mar ME Anthoupolis, Nicosia 1 18-Mar FGe Kermia Beach 1 22-Mar FGe Larnaca Sewage Works 2 22-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Leivadia 1 31-Mar FGe Mandria 1 2 & 9-Mar LAC/CR Paphos Headland 1 24-Mar JS Paralimni Lake 2 14-Mar ME Paralimni Lake 3 17 & 23-Mar ME/MEAOS Paralimni Lake 1 18-Mar ME Petounta Point 1 16, 22 & 25-Mar ME/FGe/SC with L Sergides Zakaki Marsh 1 28-Mar ME-AOS CITRINE WAGTAIL Motacilla citreola Ικτεροζευκαλάτης Paralimni Lake 1 Male 23-Mar ME-AOS Petounta Point 1 22, 24 & 25-Mar FGe/ME-AOS/SC with A Leventis/with L Sergides Phassouri Reed Beds 1 14-Mar MSS Polis Reedbeds 1 6-Mar BCRS Zakaki Marsh 1 Male 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28 & 29-Mar JS/KH/PC/WAS/CR/MEAOS/ADT/TRe/JE Zakaki Marsh 3m 25-Mar KH Zakaki Marsh 3 (2 male, 1 female) 26-Mar LAC/JS Zakaki Marsh 2 Male 28-Mar ME-AOS GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea Ποταμοζευκαλάτης Argaka Area 1 3-Mar AD Avagas Gorge 1 2-Mar CP Chrysochou Ford 1 14-Mar PSa Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 1-Mar DJW Kefalos Beach Village Hotel 1 8-Mar JNas Kouklia Soakaways 1 1-Mar CR Limassol Docks 1 Channel opposite port entrance 11-Mar JS Mandria 3 1-Mar DJW Polis Reedbeds 1 27-Mar BCRS WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba Άσπρος Ζευκαλάτης Largest counts: Akhna Dam 50 22-Mar AKe Asprokremnos Dam 120+ 23-Mar IB/KR Kouklia Soak-aways 76 in to roost 27-Mar IB/KR Mandria c50+ 8-Mar SC Paralimni Lake 200 10, 12 & 14-Mar AKe MASKED WAGTAIL Motacilla alba personata Citrine Wagtail, Leivadia, March 31st. Photograph by Filippos Georgiades. Akhna Dam 1 14, 24, 27, 28, 29 & 31-Mar BB/ME-AOS/AKe/JP Larnaca JUMBO Drainage canal 1 Male 24-Mar ME-AOS Larnaca Sewage Works 1 1st spring male, ssp werae 22-Mar SC with M Charalambides & A Leventis Leivadia 1 29-Mar FGe Leivadia 2 male and female 31-Mar FGe Masked Wagtail, Mandria, March 3rd. Photograph by Albert Stöcker Mandria 1 flew out of verge and landed on road, group achieved good photos! 1-Mar DJW/CR/BC fieldtrip Mandria 1 adult male 3-Mar SC with A Stöcker (Probable 4th record for Cyprus) WINTER WREN Troglodytes troglodytes Τρυποκάρυδο Anoygra 1 Heard 16-Mar ME Avagas Gorge 1 2-Mar CP Caledonian Falls Trout Farm 1 26-Mar ME-AOS Levadi Tou Pasha 1 26-Mar ME-AOS Prodromos Dam 2 Heard 26-Mar MEAOS Troodos Environmental Centre 2 6.40h 10-Mar CR EUROPEAN ROBIN Erithacus rubecula Κοτσινολαίμης Largest counts, latest reports and ringing records: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 heard calling 23Mar JN Asprokremnos Dam 1 22-Mar IB/KR Germasogeia Dam 3 16-Mar JS Neo Horio 5 21-Mar BCRS Nikokleia 1 22-Mar IB/KR Phassouri 5 unseen 1-Mar JN Polis Reedbeds 1 18 & 24-Mar BCRS Souni 23 5-Mar JN COMMON NIGHTINGALE Luscinia megarhynchos Αηδόνι Adonis Falls track 1 27-Mar AMcA Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 18, 19 & 23Mar ME/CR/WAS/ME-AOS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 23-Mar JN Anavargos 3 30-Mar AMcA Asprokremmos Dam 1 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Cape Greco Park 2 28-Mar SC Cape Greco Park c5 1 seen, c4 heard only 29-Mar SC with F Georgiades Cape Greco 4 2 seen also 31-Mar FGe Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 2 Heard 31-Mar JS Mandria 1 21 & 26-Mar CR Marathounta 1 singing 29 & 30-Mar CR Nikokleia 1 22-Mar IB/KR Paphos Headland 2 24-Mar JS Petra Tou Romiou ravine 1 29-Mar AMcA Pegeia east Xeros valley 2 27-Mar AMcA BLUETHROAT Luscinia svecica Γαλαζολαίμης Akhna Dam 1 8, 13 & 28-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/ME/ME-AOS Akhna Dam 2 12 & 21-Mar KH/ME Akhna Dam 3 23-Mar ME-AOS Akhna Dam 1 white spotted 29-Mar MEAOS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 white spotted 20Mar ADT Anarita Park 1 male 1-Mar DJW Asprokremnos Dam 1 white-spotted male 22-Mar IB/KR Cape Greco Army Camp 1 white spotted 30-Mar ME-AOS Germasogeia Dam 1 Male red spotted 16 & 21-Mar JS Limassol Port Road Canal 1 m, red-spot 13-Mar CR/WAS Mandria 1 11-Mar DJW Oroklini Marsh 1 Mar 12-Mar ME Paphos Lighthouse 1 red-spotted male 22-Mar CR Petounta Point 1 13-Mar ME Phassouri Reed Beds 1 14, 15 & 17-Mar MSS/JN/JS Phassouri Reed Beds 1m ( white spotted) 16-Mar KH Zakaki Marsh 1 24-Mar TRe WESTERN BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros Καρβουννίαρης Largest counts and latest reports: Agios Antonios (Sotira) 2 23-Mar AKe Amathus 4 16-Mar JS Anarita Park 1 24-Mar JS Cape Greco 4 1m and 3f 17-Mar JS Paphos Headland 12 7-Mar JS Paphos Lighthouse area 1 25-Mar AMcA COMMON REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus Κοτσινονούρης Achelia Dam 1 22-Mar AMcA Adonis Falls track 1 27-Mar AMcA Akrotiri Gravel Pits 2 1m and 1f 21-Mar JS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 3 females together 23Mar JN Cape Greco Pines 1 Male 18 & 22-Mar ME Cape Greco 1 19, 22 & 23-Mar CR/WAS/FGe/ME-AOS Karpasia Peninsula, Golden Beach Valley 1 31-Mar CR Meleti Forest, Paphos 2 male 22-Mar DJW Paphos Lighthouse area 1 25-Mar AMcA EHRENBERG'S REDSTART Phoenicurus phoenicurus samamisicus Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 Male Report submitted 1 Apr 14 with supporting images 23-Mar ME-AOS Cape Greco 1 Male 23-Mar ME-AOS Cape Greco 1 female 29-Mar FGeME/AOS/BB/SC CASPIAN STONECHAT Saxicola maurus variegatus Κασπική Παπαθκιά Cape Greco 1 female 29-Mar FGe/SC Cape Greco 1 male 31-Mar FGe th Ehrenberg’s Redstart, Petounta Point, March 20 . Photograph by Raija Howard. Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 m, samamisicus 19-Mar CR/WAS Cape Greco Park 1 male 21, 22 & 28-Mar SC/FGe Karpasia Peninsula, Golden Beach Valley 1 m 31-Mar CR Kritou Terra 1 13 & 16-Mar PSa Latchi, Aphrodite Hotel 1 male 19-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Petounta Point 1 Male 20-Mar KH/JS ISABELLINE WHEATEAR Oenanthe isabellina Διπλοσκαλιφούρτα More than 220 records of this species received. Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 10+ 2-Mar KH Cape Greco 25 25-Mar AKe Lady's Mile 14 28-Mar JE Mandria 12 26-Mar JE Petounta Point c15 22-Mar FGe NORTHERN WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe Στακτοσκαλιφούρτα WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra Βοσκαρούδi Akrotiri 2 31-Mar JE Asprokremnos Dam 1 23-Mar IB/KR Asprokremnos Dam 1 Near to mast 31Mar JS Karpasia Peninsula, Golden Beach Valley 1 31-Mar CR Mandria 1 18-Mar PSa COMMON STONECHAT Saxicola rubicola Παπαθκιά (Περιπεκτούδι) Largest counts and latest records: Agia Varvara 1 male 27-Mar DJW Akrotiri Gravel Pits 20 3-Mar JN Armou Hills 8 large numbers 14-Mar CR Cape Greco 10 5-Mar JS Mandria 10 6 males, including male with much white on rump and tail and very black head, but extensive red breast 17-Mar CR Paphos Headland 14 7-Mar JS Paphos Headland 1 24-Mar JS SIBERIAN STONECHAT Saxicola maurus Σιβηρική Παπαθκιά Anarita Park 1 Male. Large white patches on neck. White rump very prominent in flight. Small patch of bright orange on chest 31-Mar JS Northern Wheatear, Mandria, March 3rd. Photograph by Albert Stöcker Largest counts: Agios Philonas 25 19-Mar NCP Cape Greco Park c30 28-Mar SC Evretou Dam 15+ Male 17-Mar IKB Karpasia Peninsula 25 19-Mar NCP Mandria 36 27-Mar IB/KR Petounta Point c12 22 & 25-Mar FGe/SC with L Sergides CYPRUS WHEATEAR Oenanthe cypriaca Σκαλιφούρτα First records and largest counts: Agios Antonios (Sotira) 6 23-Mar AKe Apostolos Andreas to Cape Andreas 9 31Mar CR Cape Greco 2 9-Mar ME Cape Greco 1 Singing male 10-Mar JS Cape Greco 9 19-Mar CR/WAS Kannaviou Dam area 5 pair plus 3 singing males 30-Mar AMcA Souni 1 heard calling, not found later 11Mar JN Souni 7 20-Mar JN Sykopetra 11 3 together, remainder were singles 25-Mar JN EASTERN BLACK-EARED WHEATEAR Oenanthe melanoleuca Ισπανική Σκαλιφούρτα Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, Larnaca Salt Lake. Photograph by Agamemnon Loutsios First records and largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 4 All dark throated males 21-Mar JS Anarita Mast 4 24-Mar LAC Anarita Park 5 dark throated, 2 male, 3 fem 27-Mar DJW Cape Greco 4 21 & 28-Mar BB/SC Karpasia Peninsula 4 Two dark throated, two pale throated 19-Mar NCP Karpasia Peninsula, Golden Beach Valley 4 3 black-thr males 31-Mar CR Paphos Headland 1 1sum male 3-Mar JNas Perivolia 1 Male. Dark throat 2-Mar JS Asprokremnos Dam 1 female 29-Mar IB/KR Kefalos Beach Village Hotel 1 male on bare ground next to Kefalos Beach Village Hotel 2-Mar JNas Mandria 1 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 19 & 28-Mar TRe/ASt/CR/JNas/JS/MBe/LAC/MSS Paphos Headland 1 male 7-Mar JS Petounta Point 1 Male 4-Mar JS FINSCH'S WHEATEAR Oenanthe finschii Βουνοσκαλιφούρτα Agia Varvara - Nata 1 main road, adjacent Anarita Park 20-Mar CR Anarita Park 3 m 1, 11 & 13-Mar CR/DJW/PSa Anarita Park 1 Male 5, 15 & 19-Mar TRe/JS/PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Anarita Park 2 m 11, 14, 25 & 27-Mar CR/LAC/IB/KR/HSt Anavargos Hills 1 8-Mar MSS Ayios Sozomenos 1 2-Mar FGe Cape Greco 1 Female 5, 9, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18 & 29-Mar JS/ME/KH/BB Evretou 1 male 14-Mar RAt Marathounta Hills 2 m,f 11-Mar CR HOODED WHEATEAR Oenanthe monacha Σκουφοσκαλιφούρτα Cape Greco Army Camp 1 Adult Male Report with images submitted 30-Mar MEAOS RUFOUS-TAILED ROCK THRUSH Monticola saxatilis DESERT WHEATEAR Oenanthe deserti Ερημοσκαλιφούρτα Desert Wheatear, Akrotiri Gravel Pits, March 2nd. Photograph by Raija Howard Agios Philonas 1 male 19-Mar NCP Akrotiri 1 7-Mar JE Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 2, 3 & 15-Mar KH/SC with F Georgiades Top: Female Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Curium, March 31st. Photograph by John East. Below: Male Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush, Anarita Park, March 29th. Photograph by Dave Walker. Agios Philonas 1 Male 19 & 21-Mar NCP Akamas,10km north of Lara 1 Male 18Mar IKB Anarita Park 1 male 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 & 31 -Mar IB/KR/HSt/DJW/LAC/JS Anarita Park 2 Males 26-Mar MEAOS/CR/HSt/LAC Cape Greco 1 North of the road. Male. Photo 30-Mar JP Curium 1f 31-Mar JE Droushia 1 Female in company of at least six Blue Rock Thrush 18-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Rizokarpasos 1 Male 19-Mar NCP BLUE ROCK THRUSH Monticola solitarius Γαλαζοκότσυφας Kathikas 1 in song 6-Mar CR Kornos, Larnaca 1 3-Mar FGe Lemba 1 5-Mar MSS Livadi Tou Pasha 1 Male 26-Mar MEAOS Mandria 1 h 7-Mar CR Mavrokolymbos Dam 1 fem 9-Mar DJW Neo Horio 1 21-Mar BCRS Old Kivides (derelict village area) 1 heard calling 24-Mar JN Persephone Trail, Troodos 5 9-Mar CR Phassouri 1 male 1-Mar JN Phassouri Reed Beds 1 male in flight 3 & 15-Mar JN Troodos Environmental Centre 7 10-Mar CR Troodos Environmental Centre 1 Male 25Mar ME-AOS Tsada Oak Valley 1 8-Mar MSS Tsadha Golf Club Track 2 8 & 17-Mar MSS SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos Τζίκλα Blue Rock Thrush, Anarita Park, March 27th. Photograph by Albert Stöcker Single birds widely recorded throughout the month. Largest counts: Agios Antonios (Sotira) 2 (1 in song) 23Mar AKe Anarita Park 3 14 & 30-Mar LAC Cape Greco 4 3 Males 23-Mar ME-AOS Droushia 6 Around African Limestone rocks. At least this number 18-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Vougies 2 16 & 22-Mar FGe EURASIAN BLACKBIRD Turdus merula ♂ Μαυρόπουλλος (♀ Μαυρότζικλα) Agia Paraskevi Gorge 2 3-Mar CP Akrotiri Salt Lake 1 h 13-Mar CR/WAS Arakapas 1 male in flight 13-Mar JN Armou Hills 1 m 2-Mar CR Artemis Trail, Troodos 5 mostly on north face 10-Mar CR Ayios Sozomenos 1 21-Mar JS Chrysochou, Paphos 1 fem 14-Mar DJW Kannaviou Dam 1 heard 14-Mar DJW Karpasia Peninsula 6 19-Mar NCP Song Thrush, Lakatameia. Photograph by Agamemnon Loutsios Largest counts : Akhna Dam 7 21-Mar ME Akrotiri Gravel Pits c8 1-Mar SC Anavargos Hills 5 3-Mar MSS Avagas Gorge 5 2-Mar CP Karpasia Peninsula 8 19-Mar NCP Kornos, Larnaca c15 3-Mar FGe Mandria 5 several in song 7-Mar CR Phassouri Reed Beds 9 5 in flight together and others in twos 3-Mar JN Souni 13 20-Mar JN Tsadha Golf Club Track 21 17-Mar MSS MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus Τριζάρα Agia Varvara 3 17-Mar LAC Agia Varvara 1 28-Mar LAC Ezousas Valley 1 24-Mar MSS Goudhi 1 In neighbouring garden 2-Mar RAt Troodos Environmental Centre 1 10-Mar CR Polis Reedbeds 1 18-Mar BCRS Zakaki Marsh 1 heard 23-Mar WAS CETTI'S WARBLER Cettia cetti Ψευταηδόνι Largest counts and ringing records: Akhna Dam 5 heard 8-Mar JN Diarizos Valley, Nikoklia – Kidasi 8 heard singing along valley 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 6 Heard 31-Mar JS Lemba 5 5-Mar MSS Old Kivides village fire trail area 6 heard calling 5, other heard then seen 24-Mar JN Paralimni Lake 6 in song 8-Mar AKe Phassouri Reed Beds 10 heard calling 23-Mar JN Polis Reedbeds 1 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 3 24-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 4 27-Mar BCRS Tsada Oak Valley 7 8-Mar MSS MOUSTACHED WARBLER Acrocephalus melanopogon Μουστακομουγιούδι Limassol Docks 1 Channel opposite port entrance 11 & 13-Mar JS/CR/WAS Oroklini Marsh 2 1-Mar KH Oroklini Marsh 1 12-Mar KH Phassouri Reed Beds 1 11, 14 & 16-Mar JS/MSS/JN Trachoni Pools 1 Singing 14-Mar NCP ZITTING CISTICOLA Cisticola juncidis Δουλαππάρης Largest counts and ringing records: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 8 including 2 on possible nest site 10-Mar JN Armou Hills 5 with food in bill 30-Mar CR Ayioi Trimithias 6 22-Mar CP Mandria 5 21-Mar CR Orounda and Mitsero 10X10km Atlas Square 7 22-Mar CP Paphos Headland 6 24-Mar JS Paphos Plain IBA 5 20-Mar JN Peristerona, Nicosia (Troodos foothills) 10 25-Mar CP Phassouri Reed Beds 6 10-Mar JN Phassouri 6 10-Mar JN Polis Reedbeds 1 27-Mar BCRS SAVI'S WARBLER Locustella luscinioides Νερομουγιούδι Anarita mast 1 reeling 24-Mar IB/KR Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 27 & 28-Mar IB/KR/MSS Latchi, Aphrodite Hotel 1 singing. This was fourth day it was observed 14-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Limassol Port Channel 1 heard 24 & 31Mar KH Mandria 1 reeling 26-Mar IB/KR Nikokleia 1 reeling 24-Mar IB/KR Nikokleia 2 one below the villa, one up the hillside 25-Mar IB/KR Paralimni Lake 1 reeling 14-Mar AKe SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Σκλοινικομουγιούδι Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 4 28-Mar MSS Dhiarizos R. Kouklia 1 Seen 31-Mar JS Kouklia Soak-aways 1 23-Mar IB/KR Kouklia Soak-aways 2 27-Mar IB/KR Limassol Port Road Canal 1 13, 25, 26 & 29-Mar CR/WAS/ME-AOS/LAC Limassol Port Road Canal 3 in song 24Mar CR/WAS Mandria 2 subsong, seen 9-Mar CR Mandria 1 23 & 24-Mar LAC Mandria 3 all in verge and singing 26Mar CR Nikokleia 1 singing 24-Mar IB/KR Oroklini Marsh 1 22-Mar BB Oroklini Marsh 2 26-Mar BB Paphos Lighthouse 1 22-Mar CR Paphos Sewage Plant 1 singing 29-Mar CR Paralimni Lake 1 11 & 17-Mar ME Phassouri Reed Beds 1 13, 14, 15 & 16Mar CR/WAS/MSS/JN/DJW Phassouri Reed Beds 5 14-Mar MSS Polis Reedbeds 1 6, 10 & 31-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 7 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 4 24 & 27-Mar BCRS Zakaki Marsh 1 13-Mar CR/WAS EURASIAN REED WARBLER Acrocephalus scirpaceus Καλαμομουγιούδι Largest counts,earliest records and ringing records: Akhna Dam 4 23-Mar ME-AOS Ezousas Valley 4 24-Mar MSS Larnaca Salt Lake 4 13-Mar JS Limmassol Port Road 37 territories (birds singing) over 2km 23-Mar WAS Mandria Canal 1 singing in small reed bed near Anarita 7-Mar CR Paphos Headland 1 3 & 8-Mar JNas Polis Reedbeds 3 6-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 4 10-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 6 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 8 24-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 9 27 & 31-Mar BCRS GREAT REED WARBLER Acrocephalus arundinaceus Τζικλομουγιούδι Kouklia Soakaways 1 28 & 31-Mar MSS/IB/KR/LAC Limassol Port Channel 1 25-Mar KH Mandria 1 26-Mar CR Mandria Canal 1 leapt out of grass near pond 17-Mar CR Nikokleia 1 male, singing 29-Mar IB/KR Petounta Point 1 Heard 24-Mar ME-AOS EASTERN OLIVACEOUS WARBLER Iduna pallida Τριβιτούρα Asprokremnos Dam 1 Seen near carob grove towards mast 31-Mar JS SPECTACLED WARBLER Sylvia conspicillata Κοτσινοφτέρι Largest counts: Anthoupolis 4 15-Mar FGe Asprokremnos Dam 6 Four males and two female. All males with food 31-Mar JS Agioi Trimithias 8 22-Mar CP Cape Greco 9 17 & 22-Mar JS/FGe Orounda and Mitsero 10X10km Atlas Square 8 22-Mar CP Peristerona, Nicosia (Troodos foothills) 15 25-Mar CP Vougies 5 16-Mar FGe SUBALPINE WARBLER Sylvia cantillans Μαυροφτέρι Subalpine Warbler, Cape Greco, March 28th. Photograph by Stavros Christodoulides Agia Napa Sewage Works 2 9 & 19-Mar CP/CR/WAS Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 9, 22 & 23Mar ME/ME-AOS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 13, 14, 18 & 21-Mar CR/WAS/JS/KH Akrotiri Gravel Pits 3 2m 1f 19-Mar KH Anarita Park 2 26-Mar ME-AOS Anarita Park 1 30-Mar LAC Anavargos 2 males 15-Mar CR Anarvargos 3 2m 27-Mar CR/MSS Asprokremnos Dam 2 1 male in am, 2 in pm, fighting each other 22-Mar IB/KR Asprokremnos Dam 1 male 25-Mar IB/KR Cape Drepanum 1 Male 15-Mar JS Cape Drepanum 2 Male 19-Mar JS Cape Greco 1 male 21, 22, 23, 28 & 29Mar SC/ME/ME –AOS/FGe Cape Greco Army Camp 2 Male 23-Mar ME-AOS Chrysochou Waste Transfer Plant Road 1 Male in song 14-Mar PSa Droushia 1 female 18-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Germasogeia Dam 1m 18-Mar KH Lady's Mile 1m 21-Mar JE Larnaca Sewage Works 1 Male 13-Mar JS Mandria 1 5 & 21-Mar KH/IKB Minthis Hills 2 One male and one female 19-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Paphos Headland 1 8, 13, 15 & 23-Mar JNas/DJW/JS/KH Paphos Lighthouse 2 22, 24 & 25-Mar CR/JS/AMcA Roudhias Bridge, Xeros Potomas, Paphos 1 19-Mar MSS Tomb of the Kings 1m 6-Mar JNas Tsadha Golf Club Track 2 21-Mar MSS SARDINIAN WARBLER Sylvia melanocephala Τρυποβάτης Largest counts and ringing records: Akoursos to Peyia 14 singing males over 400 metres 21-Mar AMcA Anavargos 10 15-Mar CR Evretou Dam southeast 17 singing males over 800 metres 24-Mar AMcA Mavrokolymbos Dam 10 7 male, 3 fem 9Mar DJW Paphos Headland 10 8m and 2f: one with faecal sac 15-Mar JS Polis Reedbeds 1 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 5 27-Mar BCRS Tsadha Golf Club Track 10 21-Mar MSS CYPRUS WARBLER Sylvia melanothorax Τρυπομάζης Cyprus Warbler, Souni, March 15th. Photograph by Albert Stöcker Cape Drepanum 3 2m and 1f 19-Mar JS Cape Greco Park c8 21-Mar SC Karpasia Peninsula 1 19 & 21-Mar NCP Kensington Cliffs 1m 9-Mar KH Kouklia Soak-aways 2 male and female 27-Mar IB/KR Lady's Mile 1 18, 28 & 31-Mar TRe/JE Mandria 1 male 23 & 28-Mar IB/KR/MEAOS Mavrokolymbos Dam 1 16-Mar DJW Meleti Forest, Akamas 2 male 22-Mar DJW Minthis Hills 1 m 28-Mar CR Moni Coastal Strip 1 31-Mar ADT Paphos Lighthouse 3 2m 22-Mar CR Largest counts and interesting reports: Amathus Hills 8 15 & 16-Mar WAS/JS Anavargos Hills 18 17-Mar MSS Cape Drepanum 1 Male 15-Mar JS Kofinou Abattoir recycled water ponds c8 probably more 2-Mar FGe Old Kivides village fire trail area 15 24-Mar JN Smygies Picnic Site (area above) 1 male singing, a real surprise so far west 20-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Souni 23 21-Mar JN EASTERN ORPHEAN WARBLER Sylvia crassirostris Θαμνογιαλλούρα RÜPPELL'S WARBLER Sylvia rueppelli Εληοβάτης Eastern Orphean Warbler, Cape Greco, March 21st. Photograph by Stavros Christodoulides Rύppell’s Warbler, Paphos Headland, March 21st. Photograph by Dave Walker. Max count per location: Adonis Falls track 1 27-Mar AMcA Agia Varvara 1 19-Mar MSS Agia Napa Sewage Works 2 m,f 19-Mar CR/WAS Akhna Dam 1 Male 29-Mar ME-AOS Akoursos road west gully 1 27-Mar AMcA Akrotiri 3 2m. 1f. 19-Mar JE Anarita Park 3 28-Mar LAC Anarvargos 4 3m 27-Mar CR/MSS Armou Hills 1 m 25-Mar CR Asprokremnos Dam wall east 3 22-Mar AMcA Cape Aspro 1 3-Mar MH Akhna Dam 2 31-Mar JP Agia Napa Sewage Works 2 Male 22-Mar ME Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 29-Mar BB Agios Antonios (Sotira) 1 23-Mar AKe Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 13, 28 & 29-Mar MH/KH/ME-AOS.ADT Anarita Park 1 27-Mar DJW Anavargos Hills 1 13 & 27-Mar MSS/CR Agioi Trimithias 1 22-Mar CP Cape Greco 1 21, 22, 23, 24 & 28-Mar BB/SC/ME/ME-AOS/APL Cape Greco 2 Males 23-Mar ME-AOS Karpasia Peninsula Present 24-Mar MH Minthis Hills 1 f 28-Mar CR Paphos Lighthouse 1 22-Mar CR Paphos Sewage Plant 1 29-Mar CR LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca Συκαλλίδι Lesser Whitethroat with deformed bill, Akrotiri, March 28th. Photograph by John East. Largest counts, earliest records and ringing records: Akrotiri 6 27-Mar JE Anarvargos 7 27-Mar CR/MSS Armou Hills 1 early bird 4-Mar CR Cape Greco Park c10 28-Mar SC Paphos Lighthouse 7 22-Mar CR Paralimni Lake 6+ 17-Mar ME Polis Reedbeds 1 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 2 24-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 3 31-Mar BCRS COMMON WHITETHROAT Sylvia communis Διπλοσυκαλλίδα Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1m 18, 19 & 21-Mar KH/RAt Anarita Park 1 13, 18, 30 & 31-Mar PSa/DJW/LAC/JS Anavargos 1 18-Mar CR Armou Hills 1 25 & 30-Mar CR Asprokremnos Dam wall east 1 22-Mar AMcA Cape Greco 2 15 & 21-Mar KH/SC Cape Greco 1 17 & 28-Mar JS/SC Karpasia Peninsula 1 21-Mar NCP Lady's Mile 1 18-Mar TRe Mandria 1 21-Mar CR Meleti Forest, Akamas 1 22-Mar DJW Nikokleia 1 22-Mar IB/KR Nikokleia 2 25-Mar IB/KR Paphos Headland 1 8, 24 & 25-Mar JNas/JS/AMcA Paphos Lighthouse 2 21-Mar DJW Paphos Lighthouse 3 22-Mar CR Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS Roudhias Bridge, Xeros Potomas 1 19Mar MSS EURASIAN BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla Αμπελοπούλλι Largest counts and ringing records: Engomi, Nicosia 5 10-Mar FGe Kouklia Soak-aways 6 at least 27-Mar IB/KR Mandria 10 26-Mar CR Neo Horio 6 18 & 21-Mar BCRS Nikokleia 16 or more 26-Mar IB/KR Paphos Headland 6 15-Mar JS Polis Reedbeds 2 6-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 11 24-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 6 27 & 31-Mar BCRS EASTERN BONELLI'S WARBLER Phylloscopus orientalis Πευκογιαννούδι Eastern Bonelli’s Warbler, Akrotiri Gravel Pits, March 2nd. Photograph by Raija Howard. Agia Napa Sewage Works 2 9 & 19-Mar ME/CR/WAS Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 11-Mar ME Agia Napa Sewage Works 4 1 Singing 18-Mar ME Akhna Dam 1 10 & 13-Mar ME Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 2, 23 & 28-Mar KH/JN/ME-AOS Anarita Park 1 27 & 31-Mar DJW/JS Anarita Park 2 30-Mar LAC Anavargos Hills 1 13 & 15-Mar MSS/CR Anoygra 1 16-Mar ME Armou Hills 2 calling 30-Mar CR Asprokremnos Dam 1 27-Mar ME-AOS Bishop's Pool 1 25-Mar ME-AOS Cape Greco 1 19, 22, 23 & 30-Mar CR/WAS/ME/ME-AOS Cape Greco 2 22-Mar FGe Fresh Water Lake (South) 1 13-Mar NCP Karpasia Peninsula 1 25-Mar MH Kiti Dam 1 13-Mar JS Mavrokolymbos Dam 1 16-Mar DJW Paralimni Lake 1 31-Mar ME Peyia east Xeros valley 1 27-Mar AMcA Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS WOOD WARBLER Phylloscopus sibilatrix Δασογιαννούδι Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS COMMON CHIFFCHAFF Phylloscopus collybita Μουγιαννούδι Largest counts and ringing records: Agia Napa Sewage Works 15 9-Mar CP Anavargos Hills 50 13-Mar MSS Germasogeia Dam 10 16-Mar JS Neo Horio 1 21-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 4 6-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 5 10-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 13 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 1 24 & 31-Mar BCRS Souni 16 5-Mar JN St Pauls Pillar, Paphos 40+ (in wooded area opposite ) 4-Mar JNas WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus Θαμνογιαννούδι Ayia Napa Sewage Works 1 14-Mar ME Ayia Napa Sewage Works 3 18-Mar ME Cape Greco Pines 1 23-Mar ME-AOS Petounta Point 1 24-Mar ME-AOS Anarvargos 3 probably this sp, legs appeared pale 27-Mar CR/MSS Kidasi 1 male singing in deciduous oaks, c.1km N of Dora turn 28-Mar IB/KR Akrotiri 4 27-Mar JE SEMI-COLLARED FLYCATCHER Ficedula semitorquata Πατσαλομαντού Cape Greco 1 19-Mar CR/WAS Droushia 1 Male seen well in oak trees near village 18-Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel Mandria 1 (female) 25-Mar LAC Paphos Lighthouse 1 21 & 23-Mar DJW COLLARED FLYCATCHER Ficedula albicollis Κολλαρομαντού Agios Georgios Church, Akrotiri 2m 18Mar KH Anavargos 1 30-Mar AMcA Cape Greco Pines 2 Males 18-Mar ME Paphos Lighthouse 2 21-Mar DJW Paphos Lighthouse 1 24 & 25-Mar JS/AMcA EURASIAN PIED FLYCATCHER Ficedula hypoleuca Μαντού Agia Varvara 1 male 18-Mar LAC Agios Georgios Church, Akrotiri 1m 30Mar KH Akrotiri Salt Lake 1 22-Mar RAt Asprokremmos Dam 2 males, in wood 27Mar CR/ME/AOS Cape Greco Pines 2 Male & Fem 18-Mar ME Cape Greco 1 m 19-Mar CR/WAS Cape Greco Pines 1 Fem 22 & 23-Mar ME/ME-AOS Kathikas - Akourdaleia – Pegeia 1 21-Mar PSa BEARDED REEDLING Panurus biarmicus Καλαμογιαννίτσαρος Polis Reedbeds 1 10-Mar BCRS COAL TIT Parus ater Πέμπετσος Arakapas 1 25-Mar JN Artemis Trail, Troodos 19 10-Mar CR Giant Junipers, Troodos 5 26-Mar MEAOS Livadi Tou Pasha 1 26-Mar ME-AOS Persephone Trail, Troodos 18 6km, only noted when seen, many more calling 9-Mar CR Prodromos Dam 4 Nesting in Dam Wall 26-Mar ME-AOS Profitis Ilias, Limassol 2 6-Mar JN Sykopetra 1 at least heard calling 13 & 19-Mar JN Troodos Environmental Centre 12 10-Mar CR Troodos Environmental Centre 3 25-Mar ME-AOS EURASIAN COAL TIT Parus ater Possible bird of nominate race. Details submitted for assessment: Cape Greco Army Camp 1 Report Submitted 1 Apr 14 23-Mar ME-AOS Collared Flycatcher, Akrotiri Gravel Pits, March 18th. Photograph by Raija Howard. Agia Varvara 1 male 18 & 27-Mar LAC/DJW GREAT TIT Parus major Τσαγκαρούδι Largest counts: Armou Hills 10 5 prs 25-Mar CR Lemba, Paphos 16 5-Mar MSS Mavrokolymbos Dam 11 16-Mar DJW Paphos Lighthouse 11 13-Mar DJW Souni 20 at least 14-Mar JN SHORT-TOED TREECREEPER Certhia brachydactyla Δενδροβάτης Artemis Trail, Troodos 11 10-Mar CR Giant Junipers, Troodos 1 26-Mar MEAOS Persephone Trail, Troodos 5 9-Mar CR Troodos Environmental Centre 2 10-Mar CR Troodos Environmental Centre 1 At Nest Box 25-Mar ME-AOS EURASIAN PENDULINE TIT Remiz pendulinus Υφάντρα SOUTHERN GREY SHRIKE Lanius meridionalis Διπλοκεφαλά Southern Grey Shrike – aucheri , Mandria, March 17th. Photograph by Albert Stöcker. Ayia Napa Sewage Works 1 Not seen well enough to assign to race 23-Mar ME-AOS Mandria 1 aucheri 16, 17 & 18-Mar LAC/DN/CR/ASt/PSa/DJW STEPPE GREY SHRIKE Lanius meridionalis pallidirostris Νότιος Διπλοκεφαλάς Agios Philonas 1 Further details submitted 21-Mar NCP (Probable 12th record of this sub-species) Eurasian Penduline Tit, Goudhi, March 9th. Photographed by Ray Atkinson Akrotiri Gravel Pits 16 14-Mar MSS Goudhi 1 On river by bridge, among the reeds. Photographed. 9-Mar RAt Limasol Port Canal 1 Heard 25-Mar MEAOS Oroklini Marsh 1 Calling Male 12-Mar ME Phassouri Reed Beds 3+ 11 & 14-Mar JS/MSS Phassouri Reed Beds 10+ 16-Mar KH Polis Reedbeds 1 6-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 3 10-Mar BCRS Zakaki Marsh 1+ heard 25-Mar KH ISABELLINE SHRIKE Lanius isabellinus Ξανθοκεφαλάς Cape Greco 1 Daurian Shrike still present 26th March 25-Mar JDo/JLo WOODCHAT SHRIKE Lanius senator Κοτσινοτζεφαλάς Akrotiri 2 27-Mar JE Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 26-Mar LAC Anarita Park 1 17 & 27-Mar JE/DJW Anarita Park 2 27-Mar HSt Anavargos Hills 1 8 & 27-Mar MSS/CR Asprokremnos Dam 1 28-Mar IB/KR Cape Greco 2 10-Mar JS Cape Greco 1 11, 30 & 31-Mar ME/MEAOS/FGe Fresh Water Lake North 1 Male 29-Mar ME-AOS Mandria 1 27-Mar LAC Moni Beach 1 27-Mar WAS Paphos Sewage Plant 1 f 29-Mar CR Souni 1 on wires 17-Mar JN MASKED SHRIKE Lanius nubicus Δακκαννούρα Agia Napa Football Pitches 1 Male 23Mar ME-AOS Agia Napa Sewage Works 1 Male 9 & 23Mar ME/ME-AOS Agia Napa Sewage Works 2 Males 29Mar ME-AOS Agios Georgios Church, Akrotiri 1 19, 21 & 24-Mar KH/IKB Akhna Dam 1 31-Mar JP Akrotiri Gravel Pits 1 19, 21, 24 & 28-Mar KH/JS/CR/WAS/IKB/TRe/ME-AOS Akrotiri Gravel Pits 2 20-Mar ADT Asprokremmos Dam 1 28-Mar LAC/MSS Cape Greco 1 10 & 29-Mar JS/MEAOS/SC with F Georgiades Cape Greco 2 21, 23, 30 & 31-Mar SC/JS/JP/FGe Cape Greco Park c3 28-Mar SC Dali 1 31-Mar MH Finikaria, Germasogeia Dam 1 16 & 31Mar JS/KH Giant Junipers, Troodos 1 Male 26-Mar ME-AOS Karpasia Peninsula, Kiles Point 1 31-Mar CR Kathikas - Akourdaleia – Pegeia 1 21-Mar PSa Lady's Mile 2 19-Mar JE Lady's Mile 1 24-Mar JE Souni 1 male 31-Mar JN Zakaki Reed Beds 1 29-Mar ADT EURASIAN JAY Garrulus glandarius Κίσσα Giant Junipers, Troodos 1 Heard 26-Mar ME-AOS Lysos 1 23-Mar HSt Persephone Trail, Troodos 4 9-Mar CR Prodromos Dam 1 26-Mar ME-AOS Troodos Environmental Centre 2 10-Mar CR Troodos Environmental Centre 3 25-Mar ME-AOS Tsadha Golf Club Track 2 21-Mar MSS Tsadha Golf Club Track 4 24-Mar MSS EURASIAN MAGPIE Pica pica Κατσικορώνα Largest counts: Anarita Park 20+ 24-Mar JS Anavargos 16 18-Mar CR Anthoupolis, Nicosia 16 15-Mar FGe Nicosia, Makedonitissa Fields c30 9-Mar SC with F Georgiades Orounda and Mitsero 10X10km Atlas Square 25 22-Mar CP Palaiometocho c35 15-Mar FGe WESTERN JACKDAW Corvus monedula Κολοιός Largest counts: Agia Paraskevi Gorge, Akamas 100 3-Mar CP Agia Varvara c60 1-Mar DJW Ayios Sozomenos c200 2-Mar FGe Kidasi 60 27-Mar CR/ME/AOS Mavrokolymbos Dam c100 9-Mar DJW Meleti Forest, Akamas c70 22-Mar DJW Nata c100 29-Mar DJW HOODED CROW Corvus cornix Κοράζινος Largest counts: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 22 includes 14 together in 1 group 1-Mar JN Athalassa Dam c20 22-Mar MH Cape Drepanum c20 15-Mar JS Larnaca Salt Lake 20+ 13-Mar JS Mandria 25 18-Mar DJW Palaiometocho c30 15-Mar FGe Paphos Headland 20+ 24-Mar JS Paphos Sewage Plant 80 16-Mar CR Phassouri Reed Beds 20+ 14 & 21-Mar JS COMMON STARLING Sturnus vulgaris Λαζούρι Akhna Dam 3 8-Mar MH/BC fieldtrip/JN Akhna Dam 1 10 & 23-Mar ME/ME-AOS Geri c8 1-Mar SC Lemba 2 11-Mar DJW Mandria 1+ 3-Mar SC with A Stöcker Paphos Headland 2 7-Mar JS Paphos Sewage Plant 2 16-Mar CR Phassouri Reed Beds c5 1-Mar SC Phassouri 5 1-Mar JN HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus Στρούθος Largest counts: Akhna Dam c50 10-Mar ME Astromeritis, Nicosia 99 25-Mar CP Frenaros 500 10-Mar AKe Peristerona, Nicosia 57 25-Mar CP SPANISH SPARROW Passer hispaniolensis Αρκόστρουθος Largest counts and ringing records: Kouklia Beach Fish Farm 240 several male 3-Mar CR Mandria 270 9-Mar CR Nata c50 29-Mar DJW Paralimni Lake c60 23-Mar ME-AOS Polis Reedbeds 5 6-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 3 10 & 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 9 24-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 24 27-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 12 31-Mar BCRS Timi Beach 250 bushes full of them migrants and breeding birds? 29-Mar CR COMMON CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs Σπίννος Largest counts and ringing records: Armou Hills 261 flying in groups across fields - migrants? 2-Mar CR Arodhes 20 19-Mar JS Mandria 44 3-Mar CR Mavrokolymbos Dam c30 9-Mar DJW Paphos Headland 24 7-Mar JS Phassouri 276 1-Mar JN Polis Reedbeds 4 6 & 10-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 2 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 1 31-Mar BCRS Souni 33 11-Mar JN Troodos Environmental Centre 22 2+ males, resident population probably 10Mar CR EUROPEAN SERIN Serinus serinus Μπασταρτοκανάρινο European Serin, Agios Sozomenos. Photograph by Agamemnon Loutsios. Largest counts and ringing records: Agia Varvara c50 15-Mar DJW Akrotiri Gravel Pits 94+ 10-Mar JN Anoygra c80 16-Mar ME Ezousas River: lower c80 11-Mar DJW Mandria 50 17-Mar CR Paphos Sewage Plant 250 in flocks in fields 7-Mar CR Polis Reedbeds 1 10-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 7 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 3 24 & 27-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 10 31-Mar BCRS Souni 70 5-Mar JN EUROPEAN GREENFINCH Carduelis chloris Λουλουδάς Largest counts and ringing records: Akrotiri Gravel Pit c100 13-Mar MH Kiti Lighthouse Fields c120+ large flock 25-Mar SC with L Sergides Mandria 55 large numbers 9-Mar CR Paphos Headland 30 7-Mar JS Polis Reedbeds 5 6-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 1 10-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 6 24 & 27-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 2 31-Mar BCRS EUROPEAN GOLDFINCH Carduelis carduelis Σγαρτίλι Largest counts and ringing records: Anarita Park 20+ 15 & 31-Mar JS Kouklia Beach Fish Farm 74 3-Mar CR Mandria c30 3-Mar SC with A Stöcker Paphos Lighthouse 37 5-Mar CR Phassouri 35 at least on track 1-Mar JN Polis Reedbeds 1 6 & 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 4 10-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 2 24-Mar BCRS EURASIAN SISKIN Carduelis spinus Θκιολαρούδι Argaka Area 10+ 14-Mar AD Kidasi 4 vocal flock in tree tops but only 4 seen 26-Mar IB/KR COMMON LINNET Carduelis cannabina Τσακροσγάρτιλο Largest counts and ringing records: Akrotiri Gravel Pits 49+ at least, several large flocks 10-Mar JN Kouklia Beach Fish Farm 64 3-Mar CR Mandria 37 2-Mar LAC Polis Reedbeds 2 10-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 1 18-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 5 24-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 4 27-Mar BCRS Polis Reedbeds 3 31-Mar BCRS Timi Beach 60 4-Mar CR RED CROSSBILL Loxia curvirostra Σταυρομούττη Artemis Trail, Troodos 4 including ad. feeding juv 10-Mar CR Giant Junipers, Troodos 3 1 Male & 2 Fems 26-Mar ME-AOS Persephone Trail, Troodos 2 9-Mar CR Troodos Environmental Centre 5 in flight 10-Mar CR HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes Κεφαλόσπιννος Troodos Environmental Centre 1 calling in low bush, seen well 10-Mar CR ORTOLAN BUNTING Emberiza hortulana Τσακροπιτίλλα Anarita Park 4 26-Mar CR/ME-AOS Cape Greco 1 Fem 23-Mar ME-AOS CRETZSCHMAR'S BUNTING Emberiza caesia Σιταροπούλλι Souni 11 21-Mar JN COMMON REED BUNTING Emberiza schoeniclus Καλαμοπιτίλλα Larnaca Salt Lake 4 Seen together 13Mar JS Petounta Point 1 1 & 3-Mar KH/JS Phassouri Reed Beds 1 15-Mar JN th Cretzschmar’s Bunting, Anarita Park, March 27 . Photograph by Jan Walker Largest counts and first records: Agia Varvara 10 at least, possibly dozens flying around 20-Mar CR Agios Georgios Church, Akrotiri 7 23-Mar KH Anarita Park 2 6-Mar RAt Anarita Park 13 20-Mar CR Cape Greco 1 Appeared to have just arrived 5-Mar JS Cape Greco 10 23 & 29-Mar ME-AOS/SC with F Georgiades Neo Chorio 5 just outside the village 20Mar PP/YC/Wildlife Travel CONTRIBUTORS AD ADT AgL AKe AMcA APL ASt BB BCRS CP CR DGr DJW DW FGe GF HSt IB/KR IKB JDo JE JLo JN JNas JP Alan Davies Alan Turtle Agamemnon Loutsios Andreas Kephalas Alison McArthur Tasos Leventis Albert Stöcker Bill Barker BirdLIfe Cyprus Ringing Scheme Clairie Papazoglou Colin Richardson David Griffin Dave & Jan Walker Judy Dawes & David Whaley Filippos Georgiades Game Fund & Fauna Service Harry & Jacky Stanford Ian Barton/Kathleen Rosewarne Ian & Kate Bloomer Joe Donaldson John East John Lovatt June Neal Jonathan Nasir Jan Pålsgård CORN BUNTING Emberiza calandra Τσακρόστρουθος Largest counts: Agia Varvara 250 incl. 3 in song 20-Mar CR Agios Antonios (Sotira) 30 23-Mar AKe Anarita Park 53 3 in song 20-Mar CR Anthoupolis, Nicosia c40 15-Mar FGe Asprokremnos Dam wall east c25 4 singing 22-Mar AMcA Paralimni Lake 70 on passage 8-Mar AKe Probable escapee: Barbary Dove 1 Frenaros 7,8, 9-Mar AKe JS KH LAC LHe LSe MBe MC ME MH MN MSS NCP NK PPa PSa PC PP RAt SC TRe WAS VP YC Jane Stylianou Keith & Raija Howard Alan & Lynn Crane Lesley Henderson Lefkios Sergides Maggie Berry Melis Charalambides Mark Easterbrook Martin Hellicar Marinos Neokleous Matt Smith Nick Pegler Nikos Kasinis Panicos Panayides Phil Saunders Peter Chambers Philip Preecy Ray Atkinson Stavros Christodoulides Tony Reeves Bill Stacey Vakis Papanastassiou Yiannis Christofides MONTHLY WATERBIRD COUNT Andy Simpkin March 2014 The monthly count of waterbirds organised by BirdLife Cyprus collects results from important wetlands around the island, as part of a long-term waterbird population monitoring programme. The presentation of these preliminary results in the Monthly Checklist is to acknowledge the efforts of the volunteer observers and to inform the rest of the birdwatching community of wetland bird numbers and distribution. Thanks to the wetland monitoring volunteers for their continued participation in this programme. A total of 40 sites were counted in March with 7,268 birds of 62 species recorded. The top sites were Larnaca Salt Lake (2,395 birds) and Oroklini (868). Oroklini was good for diversity too with 25 species recorded. Coot was top species this month (1351) closely followed by Greater Flamingo (1278). Numbers for the commoner ducks were Shoveler (671), Mallard (357), Shelduck (323) and Teal (203). The commonest waders were Kentish Plover (163), Little Stint (136), Dunlin (127) and Ruff (122) along with Spur-winged Lapwing (102) and Black-winged Stilt (49). The other high counts included Black-headed Gull (787), Slender-billed Gull (255), Cattle Egret (430) and Little Grebe (239). Site, recorder and dates for the March 2014 Waterbird Count Site Recorder Date Paphos Lighthouse Headland M Smith 15/03/2014 Phassouri Reedbed A Simpkin 15/03/2014 Akrotiri Meras, Salt Lake and Lady’s Mile A Simpkin 15/03/2014 Bishop’s Pool J Stapley/A Stapley 15/03/2014 Zakaki Pond A Simpkin 15/03/2014 Larnaca Salt Lake J Stylianou 13/03/2014 Larnaca Sewage Works J Stylianou 13/03/2014 Oroklini Marsh A Simpkin/M Apostolidou/M Agathokleous/F Mogford 19/03/2014 Achna Dam B Barker 14/03/2014 Mia Milia Sewage Works N Pegler 14/03/2014 Agios Loukas Marsh N Pegler 13/03/2014 Klapsides Pool N Pegler 13/03/2014 Klapsides Saltmarsh N Pegler 23/03/2014 Silverbeach Saltmarsh N Pegler 13/03/2014 Paphos Sewage Farm P Evans 14/03/2014 Evretou Dam D & J Walker 14/03/2014 Asprokremos Dam and Pools P Evans 14/03/2014 Athalassa Dam M Hellicar/A Simpkin/M Christodoulou 22/03/2014 Kiti Dam J Stylianou 13/03/2014 Aradippou Slurry Pits S Christodoulides 21/03/2014 Partenitis S Christodoulides 21/03/2014 Agia Eirini Dam N Pegler 15/03/2014 Kanli Dam N Pegler 16/03/2014 Kioneli Dam N Pegler 16/03/2014 Mavrokolymbos Dam D & J Walker 16/03/2014 Lower Ezousas Soakaways P Evans 14/03/2014 Asprokremos-Geroskipou canal P Evans 14/03/2014 Agia Varvara Soakaways P Evans 14/03/2014 Kouklia Soakaways P Evans 14/03/2014 Kannaviou Dam D & J Walker 14/03/2014 Kalo Chorio Dam A Tye/D Azuero 22/03/2014 Klirou Dam A Tye/D Azuero 10/03/2014 Manglis Dam J Stylianou 12/03/2014 Kormakitis Dam N Pegler 15/03/2014 Panagra Dam N Pegler 15/03/2014 Trachoni Pools N Pegler 14/03/2014 Klepini W Dam N Pegler 14/03/2014 Klepini E Dam N Pegler 14/03/2014 Sygkrasis Dam N Pegler 13/03/2014 Ovgoros Dam N Pegler 23/03/2014 17 11 1 2 1 1 44 26 1 1 17 5 20 4 2 1 1 2 Spoonbill Glossy Ibis Purple Heron 1 1 Grey Heron 8 Great White Egret Little Egret Black-crowned Night Heron Shag Great Cormorant Black-necked Grebe Great Crested Grebe 1 Cattle Egret Paphos Lighthouse Headland Phassouri Reedbed Akrotiri Meras, Salt Lake and Lady’s Mile Bishop’s Pool Zakaki Pond Larnaca Salt Lake Larnaca Sewage Works Oroklini Marsh Achna Dam Mia Milia Sewage Works Agios Loukas Marsh Klapsides Pool Klapsides Saltmarsh Silverbeach Saltmarsh Evretou Dam Asprokremos Dam and Pools Athalassa Dam Kiti Dam Aradippou Slurry Pits Partenitis Agia Eirini Dam Kanli Dam Kioneli Dam Mavrokolymbos Dam Agia Varvara Soakaways Kannaviou Dam Kalo Chorio Dam Klirou Dam Manglis Dam Kormakitis Dam Panagra Dam Trachoni Pools Klepini W Dam Klepini E Dam Ovgoros Dam Little Grebe SITE 33 1 350 7 11 8 1 6 18 2 15 2 7 3 3 36 4 2 10 3 60 1 25 1 4 2 7 8 1 1 5 1 3 2 2 25 5 10 1 1 1 10 239 6 1 78 1 3 430 24 3 68 2 7 4 Common Shelduck 112 1009 1 1278 323 210 12 6 14 20 4 7 1 6 4 11 33 82 76 36 1 1 40 18 100 2 5 7 8 2 3 203 357 8 1 3 25 30 25 1 297 352 671 20 6 11 16 1 9 5 6 59 5 11 1 5 1 2 30 1 Hen Harrier 3 2 9 2 2 14 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 5 1 4 20 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 8 2 2 4 27 184 66 320 25 1 9 15 10 6 15 420 50 50 2 1 50 30 8 4 2 20 82 1351 Black-winged Stilt Common Coot Common Moorhen Spotted Crake Western Marsh Harrier Goosander Tufted Duck Ferruginous Duck Red-crested Pochard Northern Shoveler Garganey Northern Pintail Mallard 1 Eurasian Teal Eurasian Wigeon Greater Flamingo 257 1 27 1 32 3 24 1 1 10 13 49 Curlew Sandpiper Dunlin Ruff 1 1 108 3 24 11 10 65 4 8 39 80 16 84 30 4 6 2 3 18 4 2 74 20 7 8 12 Whimbrel Little Stint 1 Black-tailed Godwit Common Ringed Plover 3 Great Snipe Little Ringed Plover 2 Common Snipe Greater Sand Plover Kentish Plover Spur-winged Lapwing Paphos Lighthouse Headland Phassouri Reedbed Akrotiri Meras, Salt Lake and Lady’s Mile Bishop’s Pool Zakaki Pond Larnaca Salt Lake Larnaca Sewage Works Oroklini Marsh Achna Dam Mia Milia Sewage Works Agios Loukas Marsh Klapsides Pool Klapsides Saltmarsh Silverbeach Saltmarsh Evretou Dam Asprokremos Dam and Pools Athalassa Dam Kiti Dam Aradippou Slurry Pits Partenitis Agia Eirini Dam Kanli Dam Kioneli Dam Mavrokolymbos Dam Agia Varvara Soakaways Kannaviou Dam Kalo Chorio Dam Klirou Dam Manglis Dam Kormakitis Dam Panagra Dam Trachoni Pools Klepini W Dam Klepini E Dam Ovgoros Dam 2 3 1 2 18 1 2 4 3 3 1 5 4 5 5 102 163 2 17 10 136 3 127 122 5 4 2 9 3 2 718 3 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 8 6 3 34 1 1 4 1 1 1 7 787 2 255 255 1 4 1 1 93 2 1 1 7 1 62 1 2 1 7 1 4 34 1 1 5 25 2 2 1 18 1 2 4 50 3 1 2 1 1 1 4 16 36 UNIDENTIFIED SPECIES Reed Warbler Yellow Wagtail Common Kingfisher Sandwich Tern Armenian Gull Caspian Gull Yellow-legged Gull Heuglin's Gull Audouin's Gull Slender-billed Gull Common Blackheaded Gull Common Sandpiper Wood Sandpiper Green Sandpiper Marsh Sandpiper Common Greenshank Common Redshank species count 2 2 4 TOTAL 1 7 39 643 61 30 2395 509 868 166 614 506 66 7 4 44 43 100 3 76 39 560 88 84 10 9 35 2 8 5 108 44 49 6 5 35 4 10 17 9 11 15 14 25 11 20 19 7 3 2 4 5 12 2 6 6 10 5 6 3 3 7 2 4 4 5 7 9 2 3 4 7268 62 BirdLife Cyprus Subscription Form Your support for Cyprus nature 1. 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