Trust Matters September 2015
Trust Matters September 2015
September 2015 Picture special covering: Staff Awards, Recovery Games, New Beginnings open day and much more! RDaSH News for Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust staff and members issue 47 Welcome... from the Chief Executive Hello, Welcome to the September edition of Trust Matters, which is full of YOUR news, events and other useful information. We’ve had a busy month at the Trust, with some big events including the Annual Members’ Meeting, Staff Awards, The Recovery Games and the Care Quality Commission inspection. Kathryn Singh Chief Executive Don’t forget you can also follow us on social media: @Rdash_nhs Rdash nhs Thanks to everyone who attended each and every one of the events. They were all excellent,really well attended and enjoyed by all. Thanks also to all of you for your cooperation and support during the CQC inspection. I am hugely proud to be able to share with you that the inspection team found overwhelmingly that YOU are caring, passionate and compassionate. They were keen to express their thanks to everyone who has been part of the visit, commenting specifically on how well they have been welcomed into RDaSH, how well supported they have been and how well organised we were! I want to offer my personal thanks to each and every one you for all the work you do, you are what makes this organisation truly great and I’m proud to be a part of this caring and compassionate team. Staff in our Drugs and Alcohol Services have been incredibly busy celebrating Recovery Month in September. Well done to the team for their hard work and congratulations on being awarded the contract to deliver Doncaster’s Drug and Alcohol Services for the next four years in partnership with ADS. I know all teams across the Trust are busy and thank you to you all. If you’ve ever any events going off, please remember to tell our Communications Team. Ed Miliband, one of our local MPs enjoyed a visit to our hospice too, chatting with patients and staff, and viewed the extended and refurbished facility. We also held a very successful nurse recruitment event at St Catherine’s House. It was great to see young nurses ready to enter the profession and others wanting to return to the career. From the afternoon we have shortlisted 22 for interviews. You can read all about these events, and many more stories, in this edition. Thanks for your ongoing hard work Kathryn . Vote for your volunteer of the year now! We’ve launched this year’s Volunteer of the Year Awards – now we need you to tell us who you think it should be! All you have to do is complete an entry for either electronically here: Or you can print off this form: volunteer of the year nomination form and return it to Kay Batty, our events’ organiser. If you’d like to display a Volunteer of the Year poster in your area of work you can print one off here: So go on – tell us who you think should win this year! It only takes a moment to complete the entry form. If you work for us and have news to share in Trust matters please email [email protected] Or call the Communications Team on 01302 796204. 2 Chairman’s Award Winner, Sandra Black am Community Therapies Team Rotherh 3 Awards matter ership d LWQ Lea p, Runner u Director of Adult raham Dianne G lth Services ntal Hea Me ough o McDon Winner,t DJ irector DCIS Adults Assistan Care ersonalised LWQ P shman , Michael A Worker t n e m elop Runner up r Dev Service Use henson Robert Step r D r, e n in W Great Oaks Partnership Working e Teams Winner, Street Triag ncaster Rotherham and Do Runner up, Jo Painter ms s & Social Inclusion Tea Community Therapie rham the Ro n tio Ac y tar Rotherham & Volun Awards matter nce & e i r e p x E Patient volvment Carer In gall Janet Rig & e rp o ldth racey Go oir, Scunthorpe ner up, T h Run eam herapy T lation T ive Stimu ognit Winner, C ess C Togethern Howarth House e Year h t f o n ia ic Clin inson , Heidi Atk Runner up t, St John’s Hospice Consultan Nurse tano lie Napolico lnshire Winner, Ju n Li ant, North lt Nurse Consu Support Worker Winner, Sandra Black m, Rotherham Community Therapies Tea n Runner up, Tracy Gree therham Ro r, rke Wo ort pp t Su Re-enablemen Awards matter Clinical Team of the Year Runner up, Doncaster Im proving Acc Psychologic ess to al Therapie s Winner, Doncaster Adult Nursing Service Runner up, Laurel Ward at Great Oaks Quality Care Award Winner, Deborah Stocks CAIS Team Runner up, Wheelchair Technicians e year Support Team of th Wheelchair & Special Seating Services Group Wellness for Work sive ten Lodge In , Amber p u r e n m n Ru Tea Support 6 Service Transformation r Adult Community Winner, Doncaste Nursing Service 2015 Recovery matters RDaSH Drug and Alcohol Services celebrate Recovery RDaSH Drug and Alcohol Services have pulled out all the stops to celebrate and raise positive awareness of recovery. Scunthorpe team crowned champs A team from North Lincolnshire was crowned Recovery Games winners for 2015. Active Recovery, who work with GPs, medical professionals and their clients who need prescribing appropriate opiate substitution therapy in the North Lincolnshire area, won the recent Recovery Games held at Hatfield Marina in Doncaster – and at the same time helped to raise over £500 for a charity that helps people fighting cancer. Around 400 participants turned out to The Recovery Games, an event organised by our drug and alcohol staff to celebrate recovery from drug and alcohol dependency, and at the same time raised cash through sponsorship for Aurora Wellbeing Centres. RDaSH Support Worker Neil Firbank, who organises the event, said: “The Recovery Games was a huge success and raised a fantastic amount for people with cancer. “The event is about having fun and breaking down barriers, and is a chance for users of Drug and Alcohol Services to show their commitment to giving something back to others.” Active Recovery helped RDaSH staff hand over the £500 raised by the games to Aurora at New Beginnings in September. See the following recovery matters sections for photos of the day and cheque presentation. Balloon release on the day to celebrate New Beginnings 10 years of service. 7 Recovery matters 8 Recovery matters Winners Active Recovery watch Emma McKay (fourth from left) from Aurora receive the £500 raised during the 2015 Recovery Games from staff at New Beginnings. 9 Exhibition reveals the many faces of drug and alcohol recovery... Doncaster Recovery Week (7-12 September) kicked off with a unique photo exhibition, which aims to change public perception of people recovering from drug and alcohol problems. Local artist and photographer Les Monaghan was commissioned to create the ‘Faces of Recovery’ exhibition in the entrance of Doncaster Central Library to highlight addiction, promote recovery and reduce stigma by RDaSH, in partnership with Doncaster Council (DMBC) Public Health. It features 12 life-size portraits of people who have experienced addiction and each one is accompanied by a few heartfelt words written by each person describing their feelings about their individual recovery. DMBC Public Health Improvement Officer Andy Collins said: “There are over 2,500 Doncaster people in treatment for drug or alcohol misuse. For these people, learning to live again without the need to take substances is an ongoing challenge. “This exhibition is an innovative way to highlight addiction, promote that recovery is possible and hopefully make people think twice before they judge others who are trying their hardest to change their lives and become valued members of society once again.” DMBC Public Health Improvement Officer Andy Collins (left), DDAS Worker Sally Hickson-Clark (second left) and Artist Les Monaghan (fourth left) with Jason Davis (third from left), Stephen Kennedy (second right) and Richard Greening (right) who feature in the exhibition. The free exhibition will remain open until the end of September. 10 New beginnings open day Recovery matters Unit celebrates 10 years of rehabilitation and recovery. RDaSH Drug and Alcohol Service Manager Paula Brocklesby (left) greets Doncaster Civic Mayor Cllr Paul Wray (centre) and Mayoress Mrs Liz Marsden (right) to New Beginnings. Doncaster Civic Mayor and Mayoress Cllr Paul Wray and Mrs Liz Marsden visited New Beginnings drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre to celebrate its 10th Anniversary during Recovery Week. Visitors took tours of the newly refurbished facilities, sampled therapies, and were treated to live music provided by a group of peer support workers. “RDaSH Drug and Alcohol Service Manager Paula Brocklesby said: “This event was a celebration of recovery, and the significant role New Beginnings has played in helping Doncaster people with drug and alcohol issues to turn their lives around.” This was highlighted in the afternoon graduation ceremony where people who have successfully completed our detox and rehabilitation programme paid tribute to the fantastic support from our staff and the excellent facilities available in Doncaster. Service users and staff celebrate during the afternoon graduation ceremony. 11 Doncaster team takes Three Peak challenge to celebrate recovery On Wednesday 9 September a team of service users and staff from Doncaster Drug and Alcohol Services completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge to celebrate their recovery from drug and alcohol problems. The 14-strong group took less than 12 hours to scale the steep ascents and descents of Yorkshire’s three highest peaks over a 24 mile-long journey, to mark UK Recovery Month which runs throughout September. The team of service users and staff from RDaSH Doncaster Drug and Alcohol Services at the top of Pen-y-Ghent. Organiser Neil Firbank said: “Beating addiction is life changing. After finding success in their own recovery these people decided to take on the Three Peaks to celebrate getting their lives back on track and raise positive awareness of the recovery community. “Everyone put in a sterling effort and should be commended for taking on such a huge challenge.” UK Recovery Walk in Durham A group of RDaSH staff and service users (pictured) flew the Doncaster recovery flag in Durham on Sunday 12 September when they took part in the 7th UK Recovery Walk. They joined thousands of people in recovery, their families and friends for the biggest gathering of recovering people in Europe for a weekend of challenging stigma, awareness raising and celebration. 12 Drug and Alcohol Services contract awarded Recovery matters We’re delighted to announce that we’re part of an NHS and charity consortium named as the new provider of drug and alcohol services in Doncaster. The contract has been awarded to Aspire, a partnership organisation set up by RDaSH and registered charity The Alcohol & Drug Service (ADS), following a tender process by Doncaster Council’s Public Health team. The service aims to help those with drug and alcohol problems recover from these serious addictions. It will cover all aspects of drug and alcohol interventions including 24/7 care and support, needle exchange, prescribing, structured day care, recovery and aftercare support, as well as inpatient detoxification and access to residential rehabilitation. Aspire will deliver the service from April 2016 until the end of March 2020 with an option to extend for a further two full years. RDaSH Chief Executive Kathryn Singh said: “We are delighted to have been awarded this contract with ADS. “They are a longstanding valued partner of over 13 years and our Aspire partnership model uniquely brings the best of the NHS and charitable sectors together in supporting people with drug and alcohol problems to beat their addictions, and go on to successfully lead fulfilling, independent lives within their communities.” ADS Chief Executive Tim Young said: “We believe community reintegration is key to sustainable recovery and pride ourselves on being innovative and forward thinking. “There is a thriving recovery community in Doncaster and we look forward to providing flexible, responsive services, which offer all service users and their families the best possible recovery outcomes.” Councillor Pat Knight, Cabinet member for Public Health and Wellbeing, said: “At any one time almost 2,500 people in Doncaster are dependent on opiates or crack, and 5,500 people are dependent on alcohol. It is important that we can offer people a route out of dependence as that will improve their own health as well as the health of their families, reduce crime, unemployment and welfare dependency.’ Can you kick it? A team from New Beginnings (pictured) took part in the York in Recovery football tournament on Wednesday 16 September and did themselves proud. 13 Recruitment Fair success We recently held a recruitment event at St Catherine’s House to sign up more nurses to work for us. We were targeting newly qualified or just about to qualify nurses to work for us. The afternoon was a great success – you can see for yourself from these photos. The feedback from the event was really positive with all those who attended expressing an interest in working for us. We ran an advertising campaign on NHS Jobs and on social media and we have shortlisted 22 new nurses for interviews. If you’ve family or friends who would like to work for us visit: or follow us on Twitter @rdash_nhs and search for #RDaSHwork4us 14 matters RDaSH Will Go SmokeFree on 1 March 2016 RDaSH SmokeFree Updates Plans are moving forward for the Trust to be completely smoke free on 1st March, 2016. Some services have invited the local stop smoking services to visit and help staff to quit. Staff at Yorkshire SmokeFree Service in Rotherham have offered drop-in sessions at the Woodlands, Rotherham, to provide carbon monoxide testing for staff members who smoke. SmokeFreeLife North Lincolnshire has plans to go to Mulberry Ward to help staff quit smoking. For free advice about your smoking if you live or work in Doncaster or Rotherham: • Yorkshire SmokeFree on 0800 612 0011 but if you are pregnant phone 01302 876290 (Doncaster), or 01709 422444 (Rotherham) • If you live or work in North Lincolnshire: SmokeFreelife North Lincolnshire on 01724 642014. • Or contact NHS SmokeFree on 0300 123 1044 to find out your local stop smoking service. Stoptober support for Doncaster people beating drug and alcohol addiction People in Doncaster who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction are being offered extra support to help them quit smoking, in a bid to reduce their risks of premature death. Offering support in Rotherham: Mary George, development worker for Rotherham Stop Smoking Services, is pictured left together with Andrea Cain, modern matron at The Woodlands. than overdosing the drugs we perceive to be more dangerous. “Recent reports have suggested tackling smoking alongside other addictions can be more beneficial. This has definitely been reflected in our experience, with one of our successful quitters reducing and then stopping his heroin use while he was giving up smoking.” Since the beginning of 2015, a number of service users have successfully given up smoking with support from DDAS staff who have all been trained to give brief stop smoking advice. DDAS is now urging all smokers who use it services to take part in this year’s Stoptober challenge, and has committed to offer personal encouragement and nicotine replacement across all its Doncaster premises to help them kick the habit for good. RDaSH Service Manager Stuart Green said: “We want the best possible health outcomes for everyone involved in our services and quitting smoking is the single most important intervention to increase physical and mental quality of life.” Our Doncaster Drug and Alcohol Service (DDAS is working with service users to tackle smoking alongside their other addictions and reduce their risk of developing long term conditions such as cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). RDaSH Drug and Alcohol Practitioner Ray Worthington said: “Everyone knows nicotine is highly addictive, so people who misuse drugs are highly likely to smoke cigarettes. “Over 90 per cent of the people we treat are smokers, and we’re seeing many of them developing and dying from smoking-related illnesses, rather Gary Barker (left) and Mark Blandford (right) launch the Stoptober challenge across Doncaster Drug and Alcohol Services. 15 matters Help RDaSH go smoke free by sending in your ideas! Because our Trust is so diverse we appreciate your strength of feeling regarding going smokefree. We rolled at a staff survey in May and had a great response but recognise that not everyone took the opportunity to fill it in. Please e-mail [email protected] if you have any concerns or ideas about going smokefree. By going completely smokefree, many benefits await our patients and staff members. How can we do it in the best way possible? It’s everyone’s responsibility! Certificates for patients and staff who have quit The certificates below are for printing out and giving to patients and staff who you have helped to support to quit smoking. It’s to celebrate them being smokefree. Lookout for our RDaSH SmokeFree materials with our featurung our volunteers pictured above. 16 Where’s Colin? Quality matters Colin, our bug who promotes the key messages of our Care Quality Commission inspection – which are Safe, Caring, Responsive, Effective and Well Led – has been on his travels this past month….just look what he’s been up to. He’s also made some appearances on Twitter – just take a peak @Rdash_nhs Are you going on your travels? Why not take Colin with you and send us your photo! Either email [email protected] or Tweet us @Rdash_nhs and hashtag #RDaSHColin t’s wedding with Colin at Lindsay Wrigh rvice Team Rotherham Memory Se Colin in London lie Hall Ju anporth by Colin in Perr r cto Clinical Dire Colin in Spa in 17 Town centre move for Rotherham IAPT Service Our talking therapies service for people experiencing common mental health problems will move to new premises in central Rotherham on Tuesday 29 September. on site, giving patients more choice where and when they have their appointment.” anxiety, bereavement and self-esteem during weekly sessions in a group setting. Thanks to investment into new laptops by Rotherham Clinical Commissioning Group, the service will introduce agile working for staff, enabling them to securely update patient notes from any location within the community, and via home working and hot-desking. Jim added: “Our new central location gives us more scope to arrange activities and events to showcase our fantastic range of services which support Rotherham people to take control of their mental health.” RDaSH Service Manager Jim MacDonald said: “This is a really positive move for our patients in Rotherham. Jim said: “This will revolutionise our working practices, giving more flexibility to our staff and releasing their clinical time. They can go directly to patient venues without having to visit the office first and won’t need to travel back to our base to update notes.” The IAPT Service has written to all of its patients to inform them of the move, and rearranged appointments to avoid disruption. Anyone wishing to contact the service after 29 September should also note the telephone number has changed to (01709) 447755. “Until now we’ve operated from an office base at Nine Trees, and held all our clinics in GP surgeries. Our new building will allow us to offer therapy Following the move, the IAPT Service also plans to extend its popular group programme, which helps people tackle common problems such as stress, For more information about the service, or the planned move please contact Team Manager James Bell on email [email protected] Rotherham Improving Access to Psychological Therapies Service (IAPT) will move from its current base at Nine Trees to 23a Clifton Lane, S65 2AA to make it even easier for people who are depressed or suffering from anxiety to seek help. Burton Lifestylers help memory sufferers hit the high note A trio of big-hearted Burton Lifestylers have donated £120 to a choir for people with memory problems and their carers. Lauren Clark-Vessey, Erin Wilson-Clark and Devon Drakes (all aged 15), who attend Outwood Academy Foxhills School, organised a coffee morning and other activities to raise funds for our North Lincolnshire Memory Service’s Togetherness Choir during the summer holidays as part of the Humberside Police Lifestyle Project, which encourages 10 to 18 year olds to become actively involved in making a difference to their local communities. Choir leader, Community Mental Health Nurse Tracey Goulthorp said: “I’d like to say a big thank you to the girls for their generous donation. “The Togetherness Choir is a real lifeline for its members, giving people living with memory problems and their carers an opportunity to take part in a social activity they can enjoy together. “These funds are a huge boost for us and will go towards refreshments at our rehearsals, new song books and even help us put on a Christmas party!” Pictured (from left to right): Community Mental Health Nurse Tracey Goulthorp receives a cheque for £112 from Lifestylers Lauren Clark-Vessey, Erin Wilson-Clark and Devon Drakes. 18 Gardeners and patients mark National Allotment Week Gardeners and patients who volunteer at a Sandal Beat allotments project have marked National Allotment Week by having a get together and harvesting some of their produce. The get together by patients, our staff and the local community was to celebrate what they achieve by coming together to run the allotment project. Colin Mounfield, who helps manage the project for RDaSH, said: “The project aims to increase patients’ motivation, help them to gain confidence, to recover and to Patients, staff and local community members are pictured with some of the produce. break down the stigma of mental health. They benefit so much by seeing what they can achieve by working together on the allotment.” Produce grown at the allotment includes rasberries, beans, potatoes, leeks, celery, apples, radish and much more. Are you a breastfeeding mum? If so, we need you! Doncaster mums who breastfeed their babies are being asked if they want to learn how to help other mothers. Mums are being invited to join a free training course to learn how to offer breast feeding support. Once the mums have completed the training they are able to help new mothers who would like a little extra advice and support. Called Breastfeeding Peer Supporters, the mums can be vital in helping a new mother get breastfeeding off to a good start. Jayne Mundy, one of our health promotion nursery nurses, said: “We always encourage breastfeeding due to the many benefits for both the baby and mum. “Our volunteer mums offer fantastic help and support to other mums across Doncaster. They help new mums who are breast feeding, and because they have all breastfed their own babies, they can pass on really good ideas and tips,” added Jayne. “They offer an excellent service. The new mums we will train will be a vital asset to Doncaster.” The course lasts for 10 weeks and is held on Wednesdays. It started September 16, and is run between 9.30am and 12 noon at The Central Children’s Centre, Welcome Way, Doncaster, DN1 3LE. If you are a mum and would like to get involved with breastfeeding support please call Jayne or the Health Promotion Team on 07795367051 19 Helping shape mental health services The Rotherham Transformation Team hosted a patient and carer workshop on 27 August as part of a series of stakeholder events to shape plans for the next phase of the Adult (18+) Rotherham Transformation Plan. There are three themes in Phase 2: improving access to services; service re-design to reduce artificial barriers between services and a more integrated offer between mental health and social care. There was a clear message from those who attended – the service is good once you can access it, but getting in can be a problem. There is a need for simplified pathways and improved discharge pathways. There were lots of positive suggestions including how we can work more closely with carers going forward. Some things, like ensuring there are named photos of the team on display, will be acted on quickly. The feedback will be developed into high level recommendations which will be considered by commissioners next month. At the end of the session a carer said that it had been a good afternoon and that she had felt listened to and it had definitely been worth attending. A voluntary care colleague said that ‘ the staff are extremely open and friendly - I thought the information was clear and well-structured and that carers made some valuable observations. ‘ New baby drop-ins launched Baby clinics across Doncaster are being re-designed. Our Health Visitors will be launching the new clinics after listening to what parents have had to say. Instead of concentrating on the weight of babies, the new style baby clinic re-named “Growing friends “will offer a range of acitvities to do either during the session or to take home that help children’s physical, social and emotional development. As part of the changes every family will have a named health visitor from the antenatal period through to their child’s first birthday, this will enable RDaSH to provide a personalised service in the home which will include growth monitoring. Pam Ley, RDaSH Manager, said: “We have been listening to our families in Doncaster and made changes to modernise the service we offer. We’ve responded to the positive comments received from parents since the introduction of our healthy child drop in 20 A further stakeholder event will be held on: Friday 25 September 1.30pm – 3.30pm at the Unity Centre Rotherham To book a place please contact [email protected] People can also leave online feedback via a special page on the RDaSH website for local people to tell them what they feel they are getting right and more importantly – what needs to change. To take part in the survey please visit: Paper copies are available by ringing Denise Holden on (01709) 447046 or in writing to Denise Holden at The Woodlands, Oakwood Drive, Rotherham S60 2UD. sessions a couple of years ago and want to build on that success. “We’ve also made it easier for working parents to attend as they can now go to any of our groups across Doncaster, not just their local one.” The sessions will be held in a range of venues across the borough and for dates, times and locations parents can call 01302 890167. The Health Visitors are also sharing information about the sessions on Facebook. Simply search for Doncaster Health Visitors. Deaf mental health awareness event in Doncaster An event for the borough’s Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) community was held at Doncaster Deaf Trust to raise awareness of mental health and general wellbeing on Wednesday 16 September. Organised by South Yorkshire Service for Deaf People with Mental Health Needs, which is run by RDaSH, the event included stalls and presentations offering a whole host of advice including mental and physical health, drug and alcohol services and stopping smoking. The service is jointly commissioned by clinical commissioning groups in Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield. It works with mental health teams across South Yorkshire to support the care and treatment of deaf people, as well as working with deaf and hearing carers to support them in looking after their relatives with mental health problems. RDaSH Service Manager Michaela Power said: “This event was a one-stop shop to give health-related help and advice to the borough’s Deaf community to showcase the wide variety of services available to them and their carers.” For more information about the South Yorkshire Service for Deaf People, please email [email protected], or send an SMS to 07810 855987. RDaSH Grounded Research shortlisted in HSJ Awards 2015 Congratulations to the RDaSH Grounded Research team who have been shortlisted in the Clinical Research Impact category of this year’s Health Service Journal (HSJ) Awards for their work to develop research in RDaSH over the past year. On Wednesday 7 October they will head to London along with Doncaster and Bassetlaw Hospitals Foundation Trust and eight other trusts in their category to present their entry to a judging panel. The HSJ Awards recognise, celebrate and spread best practice and leading edge performance. They have grown to become the largest celebration of UK healthcare over the last thirty four years. The winners will be announced at a glittering awards ceremony at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London on Wednesday 18 November. An example of the RDaSH team’s fantastic achievements is the third annual Grounded Research Conference taking place on 15 October 2015 at Castle Park, Doncaster. The Conference provides an opportunity for all parties interested in research in RDaSH to come together to share ideas, hear from partners, showcase their work and network with other people. There’s still time to book your place – please follow this link 21 Youngsters graduate Youngsters attending a Doncaster nursery have graduated in style. The little ones, who attend The Warren Nursery, on the Tickhill Road Hospital site, which is run by Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust (RDaSH), enjoyed a party with their parents after being handed their graduation certificates by RDaSH Chairman Lawson Pater. Sharon Gladwin, Nursery Manager, said: “We’ve had a lovely day and the youngsters have had a great time. They told a story called ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ to their parents and visitors. We’re going to miss them all so much and wish them all the best of luck at their new schools.” The youngsters are pictured with their graduation certificates together with Lawson Pater, RDaSH Chairman (back) and nursery staff. Could your new baby be Doncaster’s tiniest teacher? A leading UK charity is calling for babies from across Doncaster to help primary school pupils understand their feelings and the feelings of others. Action for Children wants parents and their babies to volunteer with Roots of Empathy, an internationally-acclaimed programme which encourages children to interact in a nurturing manner by taking a baby – known as a ‘Tiny Teacher’ - into the classroom throughout the school year. Twenty Roots of Empathy programmes will be delivered in ten schools across Doncaster funded through our RDaSH NHS innovation fund and Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council’s Collaborative Partnerships Fund During classroom visits, the Roots of Empathy instructor guides children to observe, consider and comment on how the baby is feeling using toys, song, reading, artwork and discussion. This helps pupils to describe and understand their own feelings and those of others, raising levels of empathy amongst classmates and encouraging more respectful relationships, therefore reducing bullying. Tiny Teachers need to be between 2-4 months at the start of the programme, meaning they will have been born in June, July or August. If you think your newborn has what it takes to be a Tiny Teacher, please contact Charlotte Dack on 0191 2724990 or email [email protected] 22 Caterers recipe for success A caterer from Doncaster has the recipe for success when it comes to Tae Kwon Do and is now trying to raise sponsorship to compete in America. Audrey Parker (pictured) is part of the Tickhill Road Hospital catering team where she has worked for 29 years. Now Audrey has qualified for the World Tae Kwon Do Championships, to be staged in the USA in October this year, and has to raise £1300 to be able to travel and stay there. Audrey, who is a senior instructor of Martial Arts and a grading examiner, has trained for over 20 years and holds a 6th degree black belt in the sport, as well as many other qualifications. She is also the WTKA England Team Coach for Tae Kwon Do and in 2013 she was awarded the top instructor award in The Martial Arts Illustrated UK Hall of Fame. Audrey said: “I’ve worked so hard to reach this level and it would be a dream come true to compete in America. I’m trying really hard to raise the cash and would appreciate any sponsorship to help me achieve my goal.” Anyone who can help sponsor her should call 01302 858335 or email [email protected] SPA relaunched The Single Point of Access is being re launched and extended to provide call management, clinical triage and assessment for community nursing services and adult mental health services in Doncaster. The new service will be launched on Monday 28th September for patients, carers and GP referrals requiring the existing community nursing service and access to Adult Community Mental Health Services. In addition it will also provide a mental health crisis service hub for all ages accessible 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Nursing Services and Mental Health Services should contact the Single Point of Access in one of the following ways: Please note the introduction of this service does not affect routine referrals for Older People’s Mental Health Services or Children and Young People’s Mental Health Services. • Patients, their carers and professionals wishing to access Doncaster Community • • • • By telephone on 01302 566999 Fax on 01302 566789 By task on SystmOne to the Single Point of Contact task group By secure email to mailbox - [email protected] Electronic Referral Form to mailbox All enquiries will be answered by staff who have had specific training in handling physical and mental health related calls who will direct them to the most appropriate place at the right time whether the issue be one of physical or mental health need. Referrals will be assessed and clinically triaged by appropriately trained registered nurses who will then decide on the most suitable service to meet the individuals needs at that point in time. Referrals which are assessed as not requiring input from services may be signposted to the correct team or agency .The referrer may be contacted by a triaging clinician for further information in order to accurately ensure that the person receives the most appropriate service. 23 Hospice matters Ed visits hospice to view £1.8 million revamp Doncaster MP Ed Miliband has paid a visit to our Balby-based hospice, meeting patients, volunteers and staff and viewed the extended and refurbished facility. Ed, who is a Patron of the St John’s Hospice Appeal, visited the hospice off of Weston Road, to chat to patients and to see the £1.8 million pound extension, of which £500,000 was funded through donations, legacies and fundraising by Doncaster residents. Thanks to the improvement work the hospice now provides a more modern, welcoming, comforting and supportive environment for Doncaster’s patients facing a life-limiting illness. The extensive work has seen the main entrance relocated to provide easier access. The former ward area has been transformed to provide ten en-suite 24 Patient Dorothy Richards is pictured with Ed Miliband MP at St John’s Hospice. single rooms and the day care area has also been completely refurbished. campaigns and fundraising drives that help with their upkeep. Ed also met with St John’s Information Centre staff, meeting the team who provide information, counselling and support to patients. “People right across Doncaster have supported the hospice for many years and I’m happy to play my part too.” Doncaster North MP Ed Miliband said: “I’ve always been hugely impressed by the care and compassion shown by the team at St John’s, and the work it does for people across Doncaster, and beyond. “I believe it is crucial to highlight their work and raise awareness of the Chairman of RDaSH, Lawson Pater, said: “It was a pleasure to take Ed on a tour of our hospice. The patients and their carers, the volunteers and staff enjoyed meeting our local MP and talking about their experiences of hospice care. It was also a honour to show Ed the extension – which was partly funded by Doncaster residents. We are so grateful for the support of our local residents.” Hospice matters Best foot forward for hospice appeal A Doncaster woman has put her best foot forward to raise at least £1,412 for our St John’s Hospice Appeal. Cat Sharp, originally from Sprotbrough but now lives in York, took part in a 100 kilometre walk from London to Cambridge, which she completed in 23 hours. Cat raised £1,162, plus gift aid, and her employer, Aviva, will be donating a further £250. The money has been raised through the walk and a variety of other fundraising events. Cat decided to raise the money after her dad Carl Wood sadly passed away at the hospice in May 2014, after losing his brave battle with bowel cancer. Cat said: “After raising £1,375 last year for the hospice by doing a skydive I knew I had to do something different to Cat is pictured at the finish line with her St Johns Hospice T-shirt. keep the fundraising coming in. St John’s Hospice and their amazing staff have been an incredible support to me and my family, ensuring that my dad passed away with dignity and comfort. They have continued to give us support over a year later and I am eternally grateful. Knowing that this money will go towards helping others is a great comfort and made the challenge worth doing. “ Chris Smith, of the hospice appeal, said: “I want to say a huge thank you to Cat for this donation. It’s a magnificent amount and every penny will go towards making our patients’ lives more comfortable.” Donations can still be made to Cat by visiting 25 Membership matters What have we been up to? Nicola, our Learning Disability Service User Governor has been working with the Learning Disability Business Division to help improve written communication with service users. Thanks for your input Nicola. Nicola is pictured with Glynis Smith, who works in the Learning Disabilities Team. Members’ opinions matter... Why not have your say on the surveys below. Fairness is Everbody’s Business This survey is about working towards making Doncaster a fairer place to live and work. You can comment here: Shaping Mental Health in Rotherham Members in Rotherham were recently invited to a workshop to comment on how to shape mental health services in the borough. There’s still time to have a say here: Dates for your diary If you would like to be more involved as a member, why not come along to one of our meetings or events. Public Board of Directors meetings: 29 October at 9 am at the Spectrum, Rotherham. Council of Governors meeting: 18 November at 9.30am at the RED Centre, Tickhill Road Hospital, Balby, Doncaster. Monthly members Drop in: Third Tuesday of each month, 2pm to 4pm at Swallownest Court, Aughton Road, Rotherham. Watch out for details of similar sessions coming soon in Doncaster. Out on the road with the #membershipselfie campaign...Watch out for the Foundation Trust team and get involved! See some more examples at: #membershipselfie You can now find out more about what Governors and members have been up to at: @ FTMembership Rdash Members Page Contact us... If you have a question about Trust services or would like to share your views then your Governor is there to help. All our Governors can be contacted through the Foundation Trust Office on Freephone 0800 015 0370 or email [email protected] Find out who your Governor is by visiting: 26 Flu fighter is back We’re launching our flu fighter campaign on October 1…so why not pencil in your diary to arrange to get your flu jab now and you might win £250 of shopping vouchers. From October 1 there will be clinics across the Trust where staff can go to get this year’s flu jab. We’re also taking the health bus out and about to make it easier for you to access the flu vaccination clinics. On some of the health bus sessions staff who smoke can also receive support if they wish to quit smoking. And if you have your jab there’s a range of fantastic prizes to win. We will be running a weekly draw with the winner receiving a £10 Love to Shop gift voucher. In addition, 3 grand prize draws will take place where you will have a chance to win a £250 Love to Shop gift voucher. The draws will take place at the end of October, end of November and mid-December and will include all staff vaccinated since the start of the campaign. For full information on the flu vaccinations please click here: Staff Survey Update The 2015 Staff Surveys will be arriving shortly and as in previous years our Staff Survey coordinator is Quality Health. For all staff in Corporate Directorates with the exception of Estates & Facilities all employees will receive the survey electronically. For staff in Operational Directorates they will be as follows: Mental Health Directorate Adult Metal Health – combination of online and paper based questionnaires Forensics – all paper based questionnaires Older Peoples – combination of online and paper based questionnaires Business Support Unit – all online questionnaires Children and Communities CAMHS – all online questionnaires DCIS – combination of online and paper based questionnaires Drug and Alcohol Services – all paper based questionnaires Learning Disabilities – all paper based questionnaires Business Support Unit – all online questionnaires Staff are reminded that any information provided on the questionnaire is confidential and is only seen by Quality Health who are running our staff survey this year. Please take the time to complete and return your survey as this is an ideal way to ensure the trust is aware of your views and thoughts. To find out about the latest updates about our Clinical Systems Review, read the latest edition of Connect here: More than £600 raised Nursing assistant Simon McFarlane hosted a fundraiser recently to raise money for Weston Park Hospital in Sheffield…..and raised £663. Simon, of Doncaster, who works at Sapphire Lodge, held a coffee morning and tombola at Our Lady’s Church Hall in Bentley as a way of saying thank you for the care a family member had received at the hospital. Your chance to shape strategy with NHS England The future for Nursing, Midwifery and Care Staff is at an exciting point in time as NHS England come to the end of Compassion in Practice in March 2016. They now have the opportunity to develop a follow-on strategy that provides NHS England with a greater voice as well as harnesses and strengthens the collective clinical contribution to ensure we continue to deliver the best possible health and care for people in England now and in the decades to come. We have given this national strategy the working title of ‘Our Vision’ recognising that this is both a reflection of the need to respond to the challenges we face as well as a chance to be aspirational and shape a future that we and future generations can be proud of. To add your comments click here: Your opinion counts! Have your say The Health and Wellbeing Board is currently refreshing the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Doncaster to ensure that it is focusing on the right priorities for its residents. Before publishing the final Strategy we would like your opinion on the content of the draft. To do this we have created a short survey for you to complete. Access to the draft Strategy and the survey can be found here. Your answers will enable us to make sure the Strategy is fit for purpose and is clear about the vision and actions being taken to improve health and wellbeing in Doncaster. Thank you for taking time to complete the survey. 27 Staff matters Professional strategy approved Our Professional Strategy has now been approved and can be found here The aim of this strategy is to support staff from all professional groups to provide safe, effective and caring services. It sets out a framework for RDaSH to deliver the highest professional standards of care. New starters... John Lancaster, at Jubilee Close; Oliver Davis, Kiran Mirza, Brian McGregor, Abby Baker, Tasha Bolton and Liam Taylor at Amber Lodge; Lisa Sharp, Sarah Carter, Beverley Walls and Hayley Whatley, who join the Central District Nursing Team; Kelly Deehan, joins Community Drugs Team; Maurice Murphy, Domestics; Helen Lynch, Doncaster Access Team; Karen McIvor, Doncaster IAPT; Hayley Blades, Great Oaks; Joshua Fellingham-Boyce and Christopher Lovell join IT; Emma Chinn, Adam McShane and Norman Pepper, John Street; Katherine Burnett, LD Speech Therapy; Adele Holt and Caroline Jones, join Nurse Bank; Debra Eyre, Nursing and Partnerships; Sarah Sharratt, Older People’s Doncaster Community Care Home Liaison; Dr Ina Sawhney and Dr Alison Wood join Older People’s MHS Management Team; Joanne Lloyd, Older People’s North Lincolnshire Inpatients Management; Rebecca Braisdell, Older People’s Rotherham Community AHP; Sarah Watson, Older People’s Rotherham Community Care Home Liaison; Terri Harban, Osprey Ward; Anders Cox, Rotherham Access Team; Joanne Ramsden, Rotherham Intensive Community Therapy, and Alison Oakley, South Children’s School Nurses. Farewell to… Scott Phillips, Sandra Jackson, Ellery Fiddler, Stephen Turner, Michael Copley, Gillian Smith, Hayley Wright, Simone Harrison, Joanne Clark, Lisa Poxton, Marline Stone, Francine Washington, Robert Murray, Lee Kelly, Christina Parkinson, Jill Shakespeare, Tessa Mullinger, Graham Titterton, Rebecca Goodwin, Dr Elizabeth Gilham, Dr Helena Cobb, Dr Yetunde Eribake, Margo Grierson, Rebecca Parry, Michael Evans, Damian Krysztofiak, Rachael Watson, Dr Rachel Keighley, Alice Hanning, Janine Smith, Dr Arran Marriott, Dr Natalie Roberts, Matthew Parker, Miranda Tuxworth, Sarah Bell, Debbie Lunt, Emily Drury, Dr Soumya Rao, Dr Tissa Weeratunge, Lee Kelly, Richard Thompson, Claire Pipe and Lesley Wise. Diary dates latest news RDaSH Research Café – Wednesday 30 September, 2pm to 4pm – Opal Centre, Doncaster. Please follow this link to find out more: Grounded Research Conference 15 October Interested in Research? Why not attend this year’s RDaSH Grounded Research Conference, which is happening on 15 October 2015 at Castle Park, Doncaster. Book your place: 28 World’s Biggest Coffee Mornings: Diary dates Macmillan fundraiser will raise awareness of mental health Sandfield House - Ashby Cuppas and cakes will be on offer at a coffee afternoon to raise funds for Macmillan Cancer Support in Ashby on Friday 18 September. The charity event will be held between 1pm and 3pm at Sandfield House on Ashby High Street by staff from North Lincolnshire’s Adult Mental Health Services, who will also be offering visitors advice on how to look after their general mental wellbeing. Park Lodge Park Lodge staff are holding a coffee morning in support of Macmillan. A variety of cakes and baked goods will be on offer, Staff also have the opportunity to win a cash prize in the sweepstake! Please feel free to drop in and join the staff in the Boardroom at Park Lodge between 10:00-13:30 on the Friday 25th September for a cuppa and cake! Coffee Lounge, 41 Thorne Road, Doncaster RDaSH staff will be holding a coffee morning and cake sale on September 25th between 10.30am until 1pm at The Coffee Lounge, 41 Thorne Road, Doncaster. Last year the staff raised £326.91 and want to raise the same or beat it this year! EVERYONE welcome. Jubilee Close Patients at Jubilee Close are holding an Afternoon Tea Treat on Friday 25 September between 1pm and 3pm. They will have a range of cakes and buns and would like to see as many of you as possible. There is an opportunity to take part in a „Guess the Number of Spots on the cake. The suggested donation is £2 and the person who gets closest to the actual number will receive half of the sweepstake money. This is available in the reception area at Jubilee Close, so pop in and see if you can guess how many spots are on the cake. So pop the date in your diary and visit Jubilee Close: Friday 25 September 2015 between 1-3 pm. Promoting cancer support On Friday, September 25, RDaSH staff will be on the health bus celebrating the nationwide Macmillan coffee morning. Armed with tea, coffee and cakes they will be targeting men during Blue September – which raises awareness of male cancers - at the Lakeside Village, Doncaster, during the morning and outside The Servery during the afternoon. While on Saturday October 3, they will be at the Doncaster Rovers and Belles home matches at the Keepmoat Stadium promoting breast cancer awareness. Cheering up Coral Lodge garden A big thanks to patient Nigel Sherburn who helped spruce up the raised beds in the Coral Lodge garden. Thanks also to Reablement workers Julia Kellock and Ally Breadlin for their support. 29 Their opinion counts It’s morale-boosting to get a pat on the back, or a ‘thank you’ from colleagues, managers – and perhaps especially, patients and service users. Here, in ‘Their opinion counts’, a new regular feature in Trust Matters, is a selection of comments and compliments from the Your Opinion Counts forms. ison me Lia o Care H t my its kep he is v e e hom a year – if t ere pportiv The su ome for over dn’t been th a h h t e a dad y mum into a hom g t for m e suppor ld have gon hey are willin u t o t a w h dt – he – a big It’s goo family sooner. rt extended po to sup u to them. yo k n tha Bereavement Counselling (IAPT) The counsellor was extremely good at her job and has made a great difference to my life. The Occup ational Th erapist wa friendly, k s nowledge a b le and explained about the dif we felt th at she ensu ferent chairs – red that w the chair th e had at best su it ed us – it all good. was Carers’ Support Team llege y Co ver Reco They were very supportiv c e and gave theti . really helpf a p ul advice. They listened to em or me O d n e a Th ject f ndly s me and gave me a chance to say how y frie ficult sub chnique r e v I felt. te sa dif It wa ach to a ed some you. rn o appr inely lea e. Thank u if I gen p in my l l e to h St John’s Hospice s ption One Team Working ed for better care I couldn’t have wish the nurses and and treatment – all re excellent. They nursing assistants we d everyone involved are there for you an s a lot of care and understands and ha you all – thank you compassion. So, to of my heart. – from the bottom As my wife is bedboun d, your care and service helps me k eep my wif at home an e d us togeth er. Your reassuranc e and supp ort contrib greatly to m utes y welfare. 30 Wheelcha ir and Spe cial Seatin Services g Memory Clinic Every part of the se rvice and treatment is extremely good an d we are always treated very well. M y mother has her assessment done in her own home and I feel this is a lot be tter as she is seen in her own environm ent and she feels more comfortable. We are always given any information that is relevant to us and our questions are always answered fully. Thank you to th e team. Commun ity (Mindfuln Therapies ess Practi ce) I loved th is group – it so much to unders helped me tand how mind wo the rks yourself s and how to give ome help . T trainers w ere just th he fantastic e best I’v ever know e n. ’s St John Care e Day Hospic erapies tary th ular, the n e m le rtic mp The co anding, in pa wonderful, t s t i. u eik A are o y and R service given g lo o x Refle ional praise profess annot caring, actitioner – c pr by the ough. en ly high rvices ohol Se d Alc Drug an e back. e my lif ve m They ga 31 Trust services for all... Did you know that these services are available to the public too? sewing service 01302 796009 the service 01302 796014 Sew & Sew We have an onsite sewing room for work for wards and departments, ordering/altering staff uniforms. We also provide this service to external customers. From curtain making/alterations, soft furnishings, embroidery, to garment repairs and alternations, why not contact them today for more information or a quote on 01302 796009. The Laundry The Tickhill Road Laundry offers a personal laundry washing and ironing service. Staff can drop their dirty laundry at work and collect it the next working day, clean and folded. Visit the laundry website for details and prices: Contact the laundry for information on the laundry delivery service. It’s only £7 for a bag of 30 items, including local collection and delivery. Contact the team on 01302 796014. 01302 796125 Print Services Based at Walnut Lodge at St Catherine’s, our in-house print service prides itself on quality and a quick turnaround. If you need any printing for business cards, invitations, flyers, greeting cards, calendars or catalogues, contact the team for a quote. We will price match any orders. If you require design services please contact the RDaSH Communications Department on 01302 798053. the 01302 n 796030 Nurser e r y War Trust Catering Visit one of our three retail catering outlets on the Balby site. The Food and Drink Café is based on the Tickhill Road Hospital (TRH) site and serves hot and cold freshly produced meals and snacks. The Coffee Shop is based in the main entrance rsery rren N of TRH and serves a arange ofubeverages and sandwiches. Or why not visit the Victorian Tea The W Room in St Catherine’s House for a speciality coffee and a slice of cake? While you are there you could pop into the Walled Garden Centre and take a browse in the gift shop and garden centre. services Warren Nursery The en Nurser Warr y 01302Th796451 e en Nursery Warr a utch Pl ysceme The H Warren Nursery The Warren Nursery is a well-established, award winning 89 place nursery, which is open Monday to Friday between 7.30am to 5.30pm. We cater for children from four months to four years in two purpose-built buildings. Nursery Our aim is to provide a safe, caring and nurturing environment for our children and strive to deliver an outstanding service to parents. We offer affordable quality childcare with highly experienced staff, all qualified to a minimum of level 3. We also have an early years professional. The Hutch The Hutch play scheme is a 40-place holiday play scheme, operating during Doncaster school holidays, from 7.30am to 5.30pm. We cater for up to 40 children aged from four years (in full-time education) to 12 years, in a newly refurbished building. 01302 796451 RDaSH We offer affordable quality childcare with our dedicated team of play leaders and assistants, boasting a wide range of skills to help devise activities to entertain our children - from arts and crafts and sport, to cookery and days out - all in the care of qualified and caring staff. For more information about the Warren Nursery and the Hutch Playsheme visit:
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