- Food Security Pillars
- Food Security Pillars
Red Sea State Food Security Technical Secretariat The Red Sea State quarterly food security bulletin (October – December 2014) Bulletin No (6) December 2014 Highlights/summary The months of October, November and December are classified as therein season in the State and particularly in Port Sudan and surrounding areas; hence livestock migration from other Localities and neighboring States in search of pasture is very common. This season, sales of animals were described to be below normal in most local markets due to availability of fodder. Generally speaking, during the period of October to December 2014, There have been no reports of epidemics or outbreak of serious diseases. However, according to health workers at rural hospitals and health units, the main reported cases in these three months includeARI, malaria, eye infection, diarrhea, measles, etc. .Sorghum prices have started the seasonal gradual decline from a number of localities falling from SDG 400 per sack in October to 250/sack in December in Sinkat and in Port Sudan from as low as 300/sack in October to a pit lower price of 260/sack SDG in December. Agricultural sectoristhe main pillar for sustainable development and food security in the country Estimates of arable landaroundthe state (1273361) acres spread overdifferentlocalities, mainly TokarDelta, which has an area of 406,000acres, a landofhigh fertility. Livestock production in the State contributes significantly to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and to the food security of the State. It is mainly nomadic, based on free utilization of rangelands through seasonal movements. Due to the long distances covered, the productivity is rather low. The semi nomadic pastoral system in Red Sea State is based on the utilization of crop residues remaining from rain fed agriculture in the Savannah region, as well arson natural grazing in the area, and the sedentary one is based on sheep and goats raised in small villages in all localities of the State. The major constraints facing livestock rearing in the State include feed shortage, overgrazing Desertification, lack of breed resources and lack of adequate veterinary services. The agricultural sector remains one of the main pillars for sustainable development and food security in the country. Estimates of the states’ arable land is around 1,273,361 Fadden spread over different localities, but mainly in Tokar Delta which has an area of406, 000feddanof high fertility land. With regards to the reported high malnutrition in the state, there are many reasons and interrelated factors that lead to the emergence of such malnutrition of various kinds, including drought, ignorance and lack of knowledge and awareness, false beliefs and current global economic situation as well as the dispersion of the population in some rural areas, making it difficult to access services feeding them, and work to raise awareness and correct misconceptions and distance. NB. For investigating the socio-economic factors behind the high malnutrition rate in the State a research sponsored by the SFP&SCBP is under process. Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Email: [email protected] The Red Sea State Food Security and Nutrition Technical Secretariat (RSSFSTS) receive weekly market price updates from all the ten Localities including the State Capital, Port Sudan using a standard methodology that ensures accuracy and impartiality. Food security has improved in November as main harvests become available as well as income from cash crop sales. The seasonal decline of cereal prices is also likely to improve access to food through market purchase. Livestock to cereal terms of trade will also improve. Food prices remained falling downwards in most Localities due to mainly an increase of the production. Significant Drop in the temperatures were Recorded during the month of November most parts of the state. According to RSSFSTS, improved rainfall in most parts of the state since August has enabled farmers to plant more land resulting more production. Along the Red Sea cost area drop in temperature and partly cloudy to cloudy with 4-5 days of rainfall in Port Sudan was observed. Fetarita * Note:- 600 400 October November 200 December 0 Portsudan Sawkin sinkat Haliab Agig Mogod 600 400 Portsudan 200 sinkat 0 October November December Wheat 400 300 October 200 November 100 December 0 Portsudan Sawkin sinkat Haliab Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Sorghum prices have started the seasonal gradual decline from a number of localities falling from SDG 400 per sack in October to 250/sack in December in Sinkat and in Port Sudan from as low as 300/sack in October to a pit lower price of 260/sack SDG in December. Similarly, in Suakin Sorghum price dropped from 450/sack SDG in October to 280/sack in December, and in Halaib drop from 430/sack in October to 320/sack in December. With regards to Mogod, prices have Increase example, from SDG 333/sack in October to 345/sack in December in Port Sudan. And in Sinkat Mogod price has dropped from 430 per sack in October to 390/sack in December . And this can be attributed to agood harvest and improved transport. Similarly, Wheat prices have slightly fallen in Sinkat from SDG 200 per sack in October to 160/sack in December. And in Halaib Locality dropped from 143/sack in October to SDG 115/sack in December, on the contrary, wheat prices have Increase from SDG 200/sack in October to 210/sack in December in Port Sudan. “Expected more than this price drop in coming month. Email: [email protected] 25 * The price of Okra Remained in October and December (20/kg SDG) However, Tomato prices have declined from SDG 20 per kilogram in October to as low as to 12\Kg in December 2014, resulting a 40 % decline of market prices. On the contrary, Onion prices have Decrease from 9/kg in October and November, to 8/kg in December Resulting an increase of 11%. SDG 20 okra 15 tomato 10 onion 5 0 October November December 100 SDG 80 October 60 November 40 December 20 0 Nagel Hagare Arabi gambry Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat * It is also reported that the increase and high prices of Nigel, Hagare, Arabi fish species during the month of December from 65, 18, 12 in October to 95, 22.5, 17.5 SDG/kg in December respectively. This increase in prices can be attributed Increase demand for the commodity and the lack of production. However, there was a decrease of price in Gambari from SDG 70/kg in October to 55/kg in December in Port Sudan. Email: [email protected] * the price of Beef Increase from 46 SDG in October to 48 SDG in November and 100 SDG Dropped again to 46 in December, However of Mutton Increase also from 60 SDG in 50 Beef 0 October November Mutton December Sheep 1500 SDG November 500 December 0 Sawkin sinkat Agig Algonob Caw Generation SDG 20000 10000 Agig 0 November Algonob December Goats 800 SDG 700 600 500 November 400 300 200 December 100 0 Portsudan Sawkin sinkat Dropped again to 60 SDG in December This is due to the Increasing the feed rate. * We find that the animals of varying 1000 Portsudan October to 70 SDG in November and Algonob price between localities, in port sudan price of Sheep 900 SDG in November and December, and Algonob dropped from 1040 SDG in November to 900 SDG in December, However of Goat dropped from 600 SDG in November to 450 SDG in December in Algonob, and Sinkat dropped from 340 SDG in November to 323 SDG in December, port sudan and Suakin the price remind 800 , 325 respectively in November and December, Also the Caw generation increase from 400 SDG in November to 550 SDG in December in Agig, in Algonob 12000 in November and December, The camels price remind in port sudan and Agig 9000 , 6000 respectively in November and December, affected the harvest season and the holidays and the issued and that means that prices go up in the holidays and quantity issued and vice versa for the decline. Camels 10000 8000 6000 4000 November 2000 December 0 Portsudan Agig Algonob Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Email: [email protected] 25 SDG 20 15 10 5 October 0 Eltaib 1 Sabah 1 Shams1 Surgam Olien 1 Litre Litre Litre 1 Litre Litre Delta Fool 1 Litre November December * The price of oil fell in December compared with that Of November and December. For example, Eltaib and Sabah oils decreased from 16.5 SDG per liter in November to 16.2/liter in December Similarly, the price Of Fool decreased from 16.1 SDG/liter In No to 15.8 SDG/liter in December. Equally, Olien oil dropped from 12.75/liter in November to slightly lower price of 12.7/liter in December. Surgam and Shams oil prices have also dropped from 12.75 and 17.5 per liter in November to 16.2/liter in December. Tokar project:- The agricultural sector is the leading sector is the engine of the economy in terms of contributing to GDP ratio depends upon the ability of the total population in the provision of livelihoods and the agricultural sector is the main pillar for sustainable development and food security in the country Estimates of arable land around the state (1273361) acres spread over different localities, mainly Tokar Delta, which has an area of 406,000 acres, a land of high fertility. The total arable land in the Tokar Delta and one is estimated at 406.000 Fadden of which the irrigated land is 139595 Fadden and land planned for planting is around 90225 Fadden. The estimated total area of producing astute and corn, cotton, millet and vegetables 20337. Weather: - Northeasterly sdniw causing dust and Altria. Rain: - Rain did not remember. Relative humidity: - Center Irrigation payments: - Payments amounted irrigation31 Batch in season 2014/2015 m Irrigated areas: The total irrigated spaces in season 2014/2015 m is 139 595. Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Email: [email protected] The table below shows the planned cultivation spaces of different crops for the season 2014/2015 m :- Crops Areas/ Tons Cotton corn millet vegetables total 10000 50000 24731 5492 90225 Seeds: I arrived the following seeds through the Ministry of Agriculture mandate details as follows :- Seeds Quantities (Tons) Cotton Corn Tabat Corn wed Ahmed Corn Higery 31 25 53 70 Sacks The distribution of all quantities of seed to harvest corn either cotton distribution is still ongoing for farmers. Crops: Began farming in the second week of September in the Delta Central and Eastern and lasted until the second half of the month, most of the spaces winds Alhbabaa were affected and that caused the death and burial of seedlings in most prescribed cultivated in the first inspection and second spaces due to frequent floods, which affected the crops and damaged by either Western Delta does not Agriculture continues and the percentage of the damage as follows: - Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Email: [email protected] Crops Affected% Reasons 35 % Alhbabaa winds were affected and that caused the death and burial of seedlings + frequent floods Alhbabaa winds were affected and that caused the death and burial of seedlings + frequent floods Ratio to be cultivated in low-lying areas always Cotton Corn 50 % Vegetables 100 % 0 millet Alhbabaa winds were affected and that caused the death and burial of seedlings + frequent floods Notes:Delays in the production of vegetables this season compared to the previous season, with income producing the previous season in the month of October and the beginning of production this season, entered the market from the third week of October and quantities simple, generally due to the frequent floods and Alhbabaa winds. Insecticides:There locusts sparse in Western Delta Basin private Kjryay (under control) Suakin Locality:- Suakin Locality is the coastal Locality food security position is affected by the lack of rain and drought cycles, such as convergence of the rest of the state's localities especially in terms of traditional agriculture and animal husbandry in the area of either wealth fishers there is a large untapped resource. Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Email: [email protected] The agricultural side of the Locality: Table (1) shows the agricultural areas, safe spaces for agriculture, and beneficiary households, cultivated areas, and irrigated areas Balfdan, and the method of irrigation:- location Arable area (Fadan) Beneficiary households Cultivated area(Fadan) Irrigated area (Fadan) Hambokab Handob 350 350 150 250 200 350 50 250 Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Otor salo deeb Tobeen Kajarit Shata Hadayt Geba Geb Gabool Tahily Nolabat Erim Taharoy Dahant 1150 650 150 200 700 600 250 350 150 120 130 75 0 450 150 150 350 250 150 0 150 150 150 150 450 450 8 15 400 300 200 250 50 50 100 15 100 150 100 150 200 100 50 45 50 30 10 10 Floods rain across bridges Wels Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Floods rain across bridges Total 5525 2500 2,738 1,295 Floods rain across bridges Irrigation method Table 2 shows the types of crops that are grown in the domestic, agricultural equipment used, diseases Insecticides, and productivity (fadan). Types of agricultural crops Millet Maize Vegetables Water Melon, Cucumber, Okra, Beans, Shmam Agricultural equipment used Loader for bridges Metaphase Alchorak Almlod Alsloch Karak Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Insect diseases The most prevalent species of locusts Productivity (fadan) The productivity of the previous year in local North Mobile 2.3 Either in the local South 3-5 in 2010 Email: [email protected] Livestock Condition:- The livestock condition is noticed very well due to available of rich pastures and water resources. Lack of adequate of veterinary extension:- For the above mention reason the World Food Program (WFP) is established to implement many activity to enhance the extension sector by holding more training for CARDA and veterinary staff. Artificial Insemination:- In spite of lack of breed resources and lack of adequate veterinary services, the State is demonstrated the artificial insemination project. There were 9 cows artificially inseminated and 21 cows had burned (21 kids). This means the owners had adopted the new methodology or new idea. Livestock Vaccination:Second dehorning campaigns started at 16/12/2014 ( ongoing ) by veterinary department in both Toker and Agig localities targeting 15600heads of milky goats/ sheeps. Feed Shortage:Feed Shortage is the main strain faced in this state, for this reason the emergency project / FAO had distribution of 651 MT of kenana fodder in Agig and Toker localities. On the other side 17,5MT of mineral salt licks delivered to AbuHadia and WHH IN Toker and Agig localities respectively to be distributed to the targeted 28 villages in both localities. Gender Balance:86 women trained in food processing and nutrition by ( Extension unit at state level and MoH nutrition department at locality level trainers) .Oslo nutrition awareness session to targeted communities organized by our implementing partners SRCS,Abu Hadia and WHH and carried out by nutrition speclalistists at localities levels in Haya, Toker and Agig. Total attendance was 6402 from them 4133 were woman.1212men 1057child.( emergency program project/ FAO) Capacity Building :Funding training costs for 3participants nominated by DG sMoA to attend the livestock emergency guidelines and standards ( LEGS) training ( TOT) in WadMadani. Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Email: [email protected] Fisheries Production:- Fresh Fish Imported:- The Marine fresh Fish imported between October to December Month 2014 amounted to 28566 ton In October and 93000 ton in November2014. On the other hand, imported fresh Fish has increased sharply to double compared to last reporting period of April- September 2014. Ornamental Fish Export:- The ornamental fish exported between Octobers to December2014 amounted to 3130 pieces in October month and 5640 pieces in November 2014. The export of ornamental fish has, however increased about 80% compared to last month. The Marine Fish Fresh Exported:- The marine fresh fish exported between Octobers to December2014 amounted to 10ton in November and zero export in October 2014. The export of marine fresh fish has decreased sharply to ten ton compared to last reporting period of April- September2014. Suakin Production:Suakin is important site for fish production; it is production is dropped by approximately 20% (from 23500 ton in October to 18650 ton in November2014). Leather Production:October Month/ Head November 7500 1600 The leather production have jumped from 7500 heads in October to as 1600 heads in November2014, indicating of increased100%. Fodder Exported:- Type October-ton November Dry Fodder 6507 11581 Millet 0 450 Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat The dry fodder export reached 6507 ton in October and 11581 ton in November2014, an increase of more than 80%. Similarly the millet is jumped from zero in October to as high as 450 in November2014, indicating an increase of 100%. Email: [email protected] Nutrition indicators are international standards that define the extent of the development of peoples and underdevelopment which is considered one of the most important metrics that determine the food security status. There are many reasons and interrelated factors that lead to malnutrition including: drought, ignorance and lack of knowledge and awareness, the false beliefs and current global economic situation as well as the dispersion of the population in some rural areas, making it difficult to access services feeding them and work to raise awareness and correct misconceptions and distance. That's where:- SAM: Sever Acute Malnutrition / GAM: Global Acute Malnutrition MAM: Moderate Acute Malnutrition Nutrition Status (October):- Persenteg This chart shows the level of follow-up nutritional feeding centers in the all localities: 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 sawakin SAM port sudan 3.6 MAM 5.3 GAM 8.9 - senkat haya dordaib tokar agig 8.2 algoneb &alolib 0 halaib 1.8 jabet almaden 0 7.6 3.9 18.8 4.1 12.2 5.8 12.6 7.8 25 5.7 2.7 8.1 20.4 5.8 20.3 11.7 43.9 9.8 2.7 4.5 8.1 4.2 1.5 Overall, we find that poor global acute malnutrition (GAM) each state during the month of October averaged 11.8 %. He also noted that the highest severe acute malnutrition (SAM) has reached 18.8 % was locality Dordaib. Therefore, we find that local Dordaib is the most localities that have a high rate of malnutrition as a result of the drought and the dispersion of villages and the lack of farmland. We find that the lowest rate of malnutrition reached 4.2% recorded in the local Halayib proportion of it commercial border area. Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat Email: [email protected] Nutrition Status (November):- This chart shows the level of follow-up nutritional feeding centers in the all localities: 40 35 Persenteg 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 - sawakin SAM port sudan 5.6 senkat 14.1 algoneb &alolib 2 MAM 6.9 GAM 12.5 haya dordaib tokar agig 12.8 9.7 12.9 7.7 2.7 jabet almaden 0.3 14.5 4.7 28.6 6.7 halaib 13.6 15.1 24.5 9.3 4.8 10 5 26.5 24.9 37.4 17.1 7.5 10.4 15.7 10.7 Overall, we find that the global acute malnutrition (GAM) of the mandate of the Red Sea during November averaged 16.6 %. We find that the local Sawakin the highest severe acute malnutrition (SAM) rate of 14.1% as a result of the lack of health education for mothers. We find that the local Dordaib has the highest rate of Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) where she was 24.5%. Nutritional status for 2014: This chart shows rates malnutrition since the beginning of the year until the month of November 2014. *Overall High rates of GAM in 100% 80% 15.2 11.6 9.3 9.8 10 9.8 8.3 11.2 13.7 11.7 15.2 9.9 7.2 6.2 6.9 6.7 6.6 5.9 7.1 8.8 7.3 8.5 5.3 4.4 3.1 2.8 3.3 3.2 2.3 4 4.9 4.4 6.7 60% 40% 20% 0% SAM MAM GAM Red Sea Food Security Technical Secretariat January and November, the beginning and end of the year as it reached 15.2%. *And also noted high rates of severe acute malnutrition SAM in the month of January and November, the beginning and end of the year where it reached in January 5.3% In November 6.7%. Email: [email protected]