personalize your bio music teacher memories reviews


personalize your bio music teacher memories reviews
Spring 2015
Inspiring Musicians
since 1906
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NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
All submissions must be received by the NOTES
editor by the following deadlines: May 1 (summer
issue), October 1 (fall issue), February 1 (spring issue).
The editor prefers that all text be sent by e-mail using
Microsoft Word. Reports from the Branches and
OCTA biographies are limited to 400 words. Written
permission must accompany all text where applicable.
High resolution colour photos in .jpg format
are preferred. Email photos directly to:
[email protected]
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may not be duplicated or reprinted without advance
written permission.
The views expressed in NOTES are not necessarily
those of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’
Association, neither are the products or services
appearing in advertisements and inserts endorsed by
that Association.
Calendar of Events
Privacy Policy
From the Editor
From the President
From the Branches
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Tracy Lai
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Personalise It!
Review: Peter Rudzik
Financial Reports
ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports
ORMTA – Young Artist Tour 2014
Music Writing Competition
Review: MyMuCo
Non-ORMTA members may receive NOTES by
submitting an annual fee to Ron Spadafore, Provincial
Secretary/Registrar, Box 635, Timmins, ON P4N 7G2.
The charge for Canadian residents is $20 per year,
$30 for non-residents. Please make the cheque out to
Music Teacher Memories
Review: MyMusicStaff
Awards Luncheon & Competitions
Annual General Meeting
Please send material for review to:
Patrick McCormick - Notes Editor
158 McRoberts Avenue,
Toronto M6E 4P5
Tel: (416) 554 3998
email: [email protected]
From the Registrar’s Desk
Membership Has its Privileges
Provincial Executive and Zone Representatives 35
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Calendar of Events 2015
March 1
Deadline for changes of address and/or membership status to Provincial Registrar
March 15
Deadline for Music Writing Competition submissions to CMW Chairperson
March 15
Branch concerns to Zone Representative for presentation to Council Meeting
April 1
Deadline for OCTA submissions
April 18
Provincial Council Executive Meeting
April 19
Provincial Council Meeting
April 30
May 1
May 15
Nominations for Zone Representatives, to Provincial Secretary
May 15
Branch Delegate names re Annual Meeting, to Provincial Secretary
May 31
Deadline for Zone entries in the Provincial Student and Young Artist Competitions to Provincial Chairperson
July 1
Membership fees are due
July 1
Deadline for BRANCH EXECUTIVE LISTS for 2015-2016
July 1
Branch concerns to Zone Representative for presentation to Council Meeting
July 24
Provincial Executive & Council Meetings
July 25
AGM, Awards Luncheon and Provincial Performance Competitions
August 1
Requests for ONTARIO YOUNG ARTIST RECITALS to Chairperson
The Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association respects your privacy. We protect your personal information and adhere to all legislative
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page or contact Provincial Secretary-Registrar, Ron Spadafore.
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
from your
NOTES Editor!
Welcome to the latest issue of NOTES. It’s been a long, cold winter
which, on the positive side, has given us lots of indoor time to get
together and enjoy our musical endeavours. This is certainly borne
out by the exciting activities our branches have to report.
As we head into spring, Lisa Boynton offers some very useful advice
on helping giving your ORMTA web profile a makeover to help you
stand out from the crowd.
And be sure to check out what ORMTA Branches were up to during
Canada Music Week – there’s lots of inspiration and some great
Each year we’re excited to announce a new ORMTA Young Artist
Competition winner. Charissa Vandikas is our 2014 stand-out; be
inspired by her achievements and see how what plans she has for
performing this coming year.
Of course, achievements such as Charissa’s couldn’t happen without
good teachers. In this issue, Carolynne Davy Godin (North York/York
Region Branch) shares her Music Teacher Memories.
Please make every effort to get out to workshops in your area
this Spring. Teacher development is something we all need and
professional networking remains invaluable.
Happy teaching everyone – I look forward to hearing from you all
throughout the year!
Patrick McCormick
QuenMar Music
Gayle Dunsmoor, BCRMT
Create Great
Accompaniment with
Keyboard Accompaniment
[email protected]
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
From the President
Do you ever have a bad day of
teaching? Even though I tend to be
“Mr. Happy” all the time, there are
some occasional days when I ask myself,
“How are you going to survive today???”
I had one of THOSE days recently. I was battling a cold
and my first student arrived at 8am on a Saturday morning
for what was to be a full day teaching. Meanwhile because
of being congested all night, I did not sleep a wink.
Two hours into the day, I already felt that I had taught
all day. My 10am student arrives proudly announcing
that she had not practiced all week since she was busy
organizing her friend’s surprise birthday party, which
took place the night before. So now there’s an under
slept teacher AND student. Suzie’s lesson was painful!
Her Baroque dance was hard on the ears because of
all the missing F#s and C#s from the key signature. The
Sonatina was all over the place metrically. At the start
of the Sonatina’s Development section, she asks if she
could play separate hands from that point on? As she had
played it all both hands the week before, I unintentionally
had a minor meltdown and answered, “Suzie, we can’t
be going backwards learning this piece. The festival is
only 2 months away. The recital 3 months and your exam
is 4 months!!!” Without acknowledging my answer or
reaction, she turns back to her music and proceeds to
play the Development both hands as tears gush down
her face. As not to embarrass her, we continued on
not acknowledging her tears. From that point in her
lesson and the many lessons that came afterwards, my
corrections were delivered with a tone that was much
more supportive and compassionate, despite my own
personal state of health or well-being.
It’s amazing how sometimes when we teach, we need a
reminder of why we do this? Each month, I get together
with a group of friends and ORMTA colleagues to
talk about life and teaching and to answer that very
question… Why do we teach? And the answer we always
come up with is to spread the joy and love of music to
our students. With the pressure of preparing for festivals,
NOTES Spring 2015
recitals or exams, it’s easy to lose focus of that simple, yet
absolutely essential goal, like I felt I had in Suzie’s lesson.
So what I’ve learned over the years is that you sometimes
need to throw a curve ball into that repetitive lesson
routine. Based on Suzie’s experience and the winter
ho-hums that I’ve been seeing in the body language of
many of my students lately, I decided to throw a curve
ball at my students the following week offering them the
opportunity to have us work on a song of their choosing
by rote and ear the following week. It’s amazing to see
their faces light up with excitement about some new
opportunity. The deal of course is that they have to
continue working on those spring performance pieces,
but my hope is that the diversion will help them get
excited about playing again.
After Suzie’s episode, I was determined that the next
time she left my studio would have to be with a smile.
Leaving twice in tears or a frown could be disastrous and
might cause her not to continue and I was not going to let
that happen because of my respect to my own personal
mantra of why I teach.
So now is your turn to share… What do you change up
in your students’ lesson routine when things need to be
shaken up? Is it a change in repertoire? Do you get them
to compose? Is it certain activities or games? Please share
your ideas on ORMTA’s various social media platforms,
Discussion Forum or a Reply to the Editor for the next
issue of NOTES.
Wishing you all much happiness and fun in spreading the
good of music with your students!
- Frank Horvat
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
From the Branches
A new year full of potential is upon
us and our Barrie Branch is busy
planning the many events for this
Spring Season. A new year also
allows us to reflect on the past
couple of months, as we held
our annual Canada Music Week
recital. As an added bonus to our
already successful Awards Recital
(in which we gave out $720 to our
top RCM examination students),
we had Martha Hill Duncan www. give a
workshop and masterclass on
the topic of composition. Many
thanks go out to the Barrie Branch
volunteers and to Martha, for putting
on such a lovely day.
Our Student Scholarship Evaluations
Day has been planned for February
and we are pleased to have Nancy
Telfer adjudicating piano and vocal.
We have a wonderful amount of
entries each year! An Awards
Recital follows for students who have
received an A+, or an A standing
in which they will also receive a
monetary award.
teaches Rudiments and Voice) to our
We wish everyone the best with
the upcoming festivals, recitals,
workshops, and exams this year.
– Sarah Lawton
Our Branch Competition has
been set for May 2 and features
our senior students. We are also
looking forward to hosting the Zone
Competition this year in Barrie on
May 23. Jennifer Knelman will be
adjudicating and giving a workshop.
We are also pleased to welcome a
new member Margot Hamilton (who
Central Toronto was thrilled to host
this year’s Young Artist, Charissa
Vandikas at the Canadian Music
Centre on October 19th. She wowed
us starting with Scarlatti, moving
through Liszt and Brahms and ending
with Canadian composer David L.
McIntyre. Our Children’s Recital
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
From the Branches
in the fall turned out to be more
adorable than ever! It was held at
The Dunfield Retirement Residents,
providing an instant and appreciative
audience as well as refreshments
after. The kids outdid themselves
by entertaining not only with their
wonderful performances, but also
in their various and imaginative
costumes. We plan to make this a
yearly tradition.
Our Fall Scholarship Recital was
a tremendous success for many
reasons. Instead of using snail
mail this year, we put all of our
registration forms online to make it
fast and easy to sign up students for
our auditions and recital program.
The Spring Recital will have the
further advantage of being able to
pay directly online too along with
the forms. Kudos to Liz Craig and
Liselotte Jongedijk! The recital,
adjudicated by acclaimed pianist and
teacher Peter Longworth allowed us
NOTES Spring 2015
to give $1,700 in scholarships. We
are hoping to do even more for our
students in the Spring.
This winter and spring are chocka-block with branch activity. Our
Winter General Meeting was held
at the Canadian Music Centre
(CMC) and the lucky attendees were
treated to Guillermo Silva-Marin
and his Toronto Operetta Theatre
singers performing a medley of
Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Mikado.
It was probably one of our best
entertainments ever! Our very own
Melissa Bencic hosted a very wellattended and enlightening Master
Class for young music theatre
students at Bravo Academy. Thanks
to Melanie Dickson-Smith, our Adult
Student Recital is now a yearly event
and we are so happy to give our adult
students a chance to shine!
March will be an incredible month for
the branch. We are hosting our first
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
ever “Cabaret”, where past branch
scholarship winners are invited to
perform in a real cabaret space: Jazz
Bistro on Victoria Street. There, the
audience gets to hear our very best
students perform while enjoying a
convivial atmosphere with food and
drink. Not only does this help us
give even more scholarship money to
our students but it is a nice variation
from the formal recital setting! On
March 22nd we are honoured to have
Valerie Tryon give a Master Class also
at the CMC. To have such venerated
artists as Ms. Tryon is definitely
motivating and inspiring for the
entire branch, students and teachers
alike. On March 29th, our Teachers
in Concert will be held at the Music
Gallery. Thank you Jeanette Roberts
and Denise Williams for organizing
this staple in our branch year. We
enjoy hearing our talented teachers
show their stuff and the many lovely
surprises that make that event so
entertaining and fun.
A big thank you to all who worked so
hard this year in the branch to make
these events come to life!
– Eric Shaw
A New Year has dawned upon us.
On Friday, January 9, 2015 our
Branch started the year off on a
very professional tone with Frank
Horvat’s Provincial Workshop
Progressive Theory Teaching. In a
very demonstrative and insightful
way, Frank shared his own personal
success in teaching Music Theory
over the years to his students.
Frankly speaking (punny?), to a
greater extent, Horvat’s approach to
teaching a potentially “dry / boring”
subject matter from a performance
From the Branches
perspective, revealed how music
theory can take on an engaging
and enlightening life force of it
own through the improvisatory /
compositional creative process.
Those Teachers who attended, no
doubt, were left feeling a little more
inspired and empowered to tackle
that subject with more “gusto”!
A new year provides the opportunity
to look back and reflect on the last
quarter of the 2014 year in which the
Branch resumed its Organizational
activities for its Members and their
Students. The President’s Tea /
BBQ-Potluck Social for the Members
(to regroup and network after the
summer break) has traditionally been
scheduled in early September. This
event is usually hosted by the current
President in his / her home setting.
With the reopening of the school
term, and in anticipation that many
Members will have a busier start to
teaching in September, our Social
was moved up to August 28th. For a
nice change of pace from the norm.,
a delectable “Wine & Cheese”,
hosted by the Executive, was held
at St. Christopher’s United Church,
following our first scheduled General
Meeting (post May, 2014 AGM).
Halloween, Canada Music Week,
and Christmas Recital programs,
held in October, November, and
December respectively, gave
participating Members along with
their Students the opportunity to
showcase their talents. These Recitals
were well attended by parents,
siblings, and friends. The Rotary
Burlington Music Festival - an event
planned out annually by our ORMTA,
Hamilton-Halton Branch and the four
Burlington Rotary Clubs - was held
from November 3 - 15; concluding
with the Grand Festival Concert on
Saturday, November 22, 2014 at the
Burlington Performing Arts Centre.
We were quite delighted that Branch
Member, Christopher Foley’s student,
Harry Lau won the top Scholarship
Award in Senior Piano. He presented
an outstanding performance of Liszt’s
Vallee d’Obermann.
The Calendar is packed with
more Student Recitals, Workshop,
Meetings, Branch and Zone
Competitions. Branch Executive and
Conveners are busy “buzzing” to get
these up and rolling in the months
– Kamara Hennessey
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
From the Branches
In November medals and certificates
were awarded to 27 HanoverWalkerton ORMTA students who
achieved excellent conservatory
exam results between August 2013
and June 2014.
Our teachers have had a jampacked fall and winter so far, with
interesting events each month.
We started off September with a
workshop highlighting the music of
Red Leaf Pianoworks in the beautiful
new Isabel Bader Centre Rehearsal
Hall with a spectacular view of
Lake Ontario. This was followed
in October by Charissa Vandikas’
polished performance at the Young
Artist tour recital.
Branch member, Sharon Johnston
joined with adult students for
their 2nd annual Harp Retreat in
Tobermory, September 2-5, 2014.
Sharon facilitated harp classes in
practice techniques, improvisation,
arranging and learning new
repertoire. Students swam, hiked,
shopped and enjoyed music-making
indoors and out. All agreed that
a relaxed learning environment
enhanced their learning experience.”
– Lisa Stewart
November brought another wellattended Canada Music Week
festival, with composer Susan
Griesdale adjudicating about 50
students and selecting some for
a celebratory recital. December’s
Candy Cane recital was a lot of fun
for 28 young performers age 9 and
In January we had the privilege
of hosting an informative and
educational workshop on the new
DREAM (Digital Resource Exchange
About Music) tool facilitated by one
of our members, Dr. Julia Brook
of Queen’s University School of
Several non-ORMTA members
attended as well, and we all came
away with some new ideas on how to
incorporate digital technology into
our teaching.
– Meg Freer
In addition to our normal business
this year, we investigated the
purchase of a used grand piano for
the purposes of student recitals,
special events such as the Young
Artist Tour as well as practical music
examinations. We though we might
have found an instrument of quality
at a good price but were surprised to
find that it was actually produced by
an inferior manufacturer other than
the one named on the instrument
itself. This was brought to light by
a trusted piano tuner/tech. who
inspected the instrument for us. We
are still looking.
Another focus this year has been
the production of a website for our
local branch. It was completed and
published online on January 2, 2015.
The address is:
We decided to do this in order to
increase our profile in the community.
It is based on the information found
in the provincial brochure and has
been personalized to reflect our
branch members and activities.
Members who have submitted
pictures and bios have their own
personal page. Prospective members
are directed to the provincial website
if they wish to get an application to
Our Honour Recital took place on
November 22, 2014 at Christ Church
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
From the Branches
in North Bay. The students who
received top marks in their practical
and theoretical examinations were
presented with certificates indicative
of their achievement. A number
of financial awards in memory of
deceased branch members were also
awarded, namely the Lynda Kennedy
award, the Sydna Shorse Award,
and the Jennie Morrison Award. The
North Bay Elks Club Award, an annual
award for the top grade 10 student
along with the Jennie Morrison
award for the top ARCT student went
to Gabriel C. Lavoie a student of
Doreen Bryer. The presentations were
accompanied by a short recital.
Li Fengzhe a 15 year old Grade 10
student at Ecole Secondaire Publique
Odyssee. and student of Elsa Tafel,
won the secondary school level of
a competition that was open to all
French speaking students which
showcased the talents of dancers,
musicians and others. There were
four categories and an initial night
of competition with the finalists
performing on Jan 28. Feng playing
Grade 8 level compositions, first
Étude Allegro by Nakada the first
evening and Sonata in G Major Op49
No1 First Movement for the final
event. He was rewarded with $300
and mitts.
Two of our members are quite active
in musical theatre. Frances Balodis
is the pit orchestra accompanist
for the Wizard of Oz at the Rene
Caisse in Bracebridge. It runs from
Feb. 26 – March 7th. Also, she is
pit orchestra accompanist for The
Drowsy Chaperone in Huntsville. It
is in the Algonquin Theatre and runs
from the 9th of April – 19th of April.
Susan Nicholson performed in the
band for Seussical The Musical which
was produced by Dreamcoat Fantasy
Theatre and involved 92 children
from grades 3-8. Rehearsals began
in September. The band had 10
instrumentalists playing keyboards,
percussion, strings, woodwinds
and brass. The Capitol Centre was
filled for 5 performances for school
children followed by 2 shows, Jan 23
and 24 for the public.
– Brian McDowell
The Ottawa Branch had a busy fall.
Our first event of the season was a
collaboration with Ottawa New Music
Creators. In this first of what we hope
will become an annual workshop, two
of our young composers were able
to discuss their work with ONMC
composer Christine Donkin.
The following weekend was our
turn to hear this year’s Young Artist
in concert, and what a brilliant
concert it was. In the lovely setting
of the Chapel of Tabaret Hall (now
Huguette Labelle Hall), Charissa
Vandikas thrilled her audience with
totally polished and professional
interpretations of every piece on her
A month later it was our Canada
Music Week Recital. Orleans United
Church was filled with supportive
friends and family who were treated
to an exceptional concert by thirtynine young performers ranging in
age from seven to eighteen. We
are proud to say that the concert
featured a number of original
compositions by Ottawa area
composers, including two pieces by
Christine Donkin, played by her sister,
pianist Catherine Donkin, to close the
We also held two well attended
information sharing sessions: one
on piano selections for the Kiwanis
Festival and the other on how to
develop a more vibrant and practical
relationship with harmony and
tonality in your students.
After a break for the holidays, we
began our winter with our General
Meeting on January 12th. On a cold
and snowy day, members trekked to
The Mennonite Church to catch up
with their friends and colleagues, and
to hear about the planned events for
the Winter and Spring. In addition to
the usual meeting business, we were
given a presentation by The Leading
Note music store on their on-line
services, and another by our archivist
Ann Babin.
January 18th saw Louis Trépanier
give a very successful guitar master
class at the University of Ottawa as
part of our master class series in
collaboration with both UofO and
Carleton University.
Things will stay busy through
February and March. Events include
our Variety Show, piano master
classes, a Professional Development
Workshop on Tax Benefits for SelfEmployed Music Teachers, our First
Class Honours recitals, the last of this
year’s information sharing sessions,
and Adult Workshops, Master Classes
and Recital for both piano and voice.
We have no events planned for
April, but our teachers will be busy
preparing their students for the
Competitions in May.
’Til next time ...
– Susan Blyth-Schofield
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
The Sarnia Branch of ORMTA has had a very busy fall
We were pleased to start our teaching year off to a
great start on October 18 with a double event.
We were honoured to host a Professional Development
morning with Gwen Beamish, nationally recognized
performer, teacher, adjudicator , clinician and member
of Sarnia Branch.
Gwen presented a truly inspiring workshop called
“Take 10 Take 20 Take 30”, and shared her knowledge,
during various length sessions, regarding physical
warmups before practising, analysis of the music score,
technical aspects of tone production as well as an
overview of historical styles, all during this excellent
session. Thank you Gwen!
This was followed by a wonderful lunch prepared by
the ladies of Dunlop Church. Following lunch, we
were proud to host the 2014 Young Artist, Charissa
Vandikas on her Ontario Tour. Charissa treated us to
an incredible performance of her program. We all
(teachers, students, parents and visitors) enjoyed the
concert very much. Congratulations again Charissa!
We completed the fall with an activity afternoon for our
junior students. They performed repertoire currently
being studied, followed by a rhythmic activity and
Music Bingo. They all seemed to enjoy the social
connection with other students, combined with some
learning activities and of course treats!
Spring will see an activity afternoon for our
intermediate students. We will also be hosting a
Musical Variety Show in April , featuring students,
teachers and local musicians.
I hope everyone is enjoying their teaching year, from
your colleagues at Sarnia Branch.
– Cathy Kihle
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
Looking for a way to help your ORMTA
web profile stand out from the rest?
Personalize it!
By: Lisa Boynton
One of the best ways to give potential students
a first look at what you have to offer is to add
a biography to your profile. But besides the
obvious (what you teach) what do you say?
Here are some ideas about what you could
include in your profile to help give you a bit of
an edge and get noticed.
Many students say their most memorable learning experiences
happened because they made a connection with their teacher.
That’s why it’s always best to write about yourself in the first
person. Let your potential students hear how you would best
describe you, in your own voice (not in the third person). And
strive to make that first online connection as close to an actual
one-on-one conversation as possible by keeping your writing
short, simple and friendly.
Do you especially enjoy working with gifted students? How
about students with special needs? If so, don’t forget to
highlight your specialties to attract the type of student you’re
best suited for. Teachers with expertise in specific types of
learning are always in high demand so give your specialty
prominence in your bio.
What’s your teaching style? Do you teach best with a structured
curriculum or do you prefer to take a more organic approach?
Perhaps you’re well versed in both. Whatever your style, be sure
to mention it in your biography so potential students can get an
idea if you’ll compliment how they like to learn.
This last tip is often overlooked but can be the deciding factor
REVIEW: Peter Rudzik
“Truly Astounding Animals” by Peter Rudzik is a
collection of character pieces with rhythmic drive and
chromatic harmonies for RCM levels 3 to 9. Students
who have an affinity for 20th and 21st century music
would enjoy working on these pieces. The music is
playful, percussive, and full of repetitive patterns and
sequences. Descriptive titles allow performers to tap
into their imagination to create an “Annoying Fly” or
a “Boastful Kangaroo”. Students desiring to try these
pieces should be warned of the many accidentals
strewn throughout the score, but those daunted by
accidentals can be comforted by the fact that many
of them are embedded in sequential patterns that
can facilitate learning. Most of these sequences
are chromatic in nature, resulting in interesting and
possibly novel fingering exercises. Some patterns
however present a challenge to play continuously with
a relaxed arm and hand. What these pieces lack are
long melodic lines and catchy tunes. Those looking for
diatonic harmonies with lyrical lines should start with
Orange Striped Zebra and Dancing Penguins.
Rudzik’s “Wild Rose Suite” is a more advanced
collection of descriptive pieces for RCM levels 10
and up. The music is generally more dissonant in its
chromaticism and more challenging to read because
of the abundance of accidentals. Perhaps the most
accessible pieces in this collection are “Mountain
Creek”, “Soaring”, and “New Day Toccata”. Mountain
Creek (Gr.9 level) and New Day Toccata (Gr.10 or ARCT
level) both employ repeated patterns in one hand
with melody lines in the other. The New Day Toccata
also includes crossovers between hands. Soaring is
an imaginative and lyrical piece with interesting key
changes that work well. It could be an option as an own
choice selection for RCM grade 10, list E.
If you’re searching for alternative options for 20th and
21st century music, these two collections are worth
a look. All of these works and recordings can all be
found online at Just search under
“Peter Rudzik”. Happy listening and happy learning!
– Dorothy Francis, MMus, ARCT
for many potential students when selecting an instructor. Be
sure to say a few words about why you enjoy teaching. What
does teaching bring to your life? How does teaching make you
feel? Many students like to understand what compelled their
instructors to pursue teaching in the first place. If you’re at a loss
for words, you could add a famous quote or your favourite words
of wisdom. Just be sure to personalize it and say it from the
heart. If you can make a connection where others don’t, you’re
one step ahead of the game.
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Financial Reports
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Financial Report
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Integrate your studies in performance, music history,
and theory while exploring the edges of music.
Discover music’s relationships to technology, film,
gender, and global culture.
Each year, thousands of dollars in scholarships and
awards are given to new and returning music students!
Morningside Music Bridge
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July 2-31, 2015
Calgary, Canada
An international
classical music festival
and training program
for the world’s best
emerging young artists.
Apply by Feb. 18, 2015
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
ORMTA – Canada
Music Week Reports
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports
Central Toronto Branch
Hamilton-Halton Branch
Hanover-Walkerton Branch
For Canada Music Week, Central
Toronto Branch hosted our first ever
(we think!) Composition Master
Class, on Saturday, November 22.
The event was graciously hosted at
the home of branch president Eric
Shaw. Eight composers, from teens
to adults, had their works critiqued by
Dr. Roger Bergs. One participant, as
well as one of the auditors, was from
another branch. As well, one of the
(Toronto-based) adult composers was
in Hong Kong, and one of the teenage
composers participated by Skype from
Thunder Bay, so the event had a truly
broad outreach!
The Hamilton-Halton Branch held its
annual Canada Music Week recital at
St. Matthew’s Church in Burlington
on Sunday, November 23 at 3:00 p.m.
There were over 30 participants all
performing music by Canadian
composers. Convenors Leslie Polci and
Natalie Spurrell ran a well organized
recital that featured 20 vocalists and
only 10 pianists! President Janice
Beninger brought greetings from the
branch. One of our newest members,
Keisha Bell-Kovacs, performed Place
St. Henri by Oscar Peterson and several
vocal students performed songs written
and accompanied by their teacher,
Linda Fletcher. One of the highlights
of the program was a performance of
the Spurrell Studio Choir and Training
Chorus, led by member Natalie
This year to celebrate Canada Music
Week the Hanover-Walkerton ORMTA
branch started up a new and innovative
initiative called Patriotic Performance
Partners. We decided to match up
students of similar age groups and
have them share a video of themselves
performing a Canadian piece. The
hope of our teachers is that this
initiative will continue throughout the
year, or perhaps several years, allowing
students to share more performances
of their music and develop peer
relationships – something like a musical
pen pal of the 21st century.
The works presented were for piano,
choir, electronic instruments, and full
Dr. Bergs kept everyone engaged as
he gave advice on dealing with issues
of form, phrasing, notation, building
energy levels, communicating with the
audience, etc.
We are pleased with how the event
turned out, and hope to have one
involving younger composers in the
– Alice Dearden, Central Toronto
Branch Secretary
These are the children who sang us
out so beautifully at the 2012 ORMTA
Provincial Convention in Burlington.
Once again, they performed a stunning
rendition of David McIntyre’s Ave Maria
and ended with a beautiful setting of
Jack Layton’s “To Young Canadians”
set to music by James Wright. It was a
moving and fitting end to the concert.
Afterwards, we all enjoyed a Canada
Music Week cake, which was devoured
by the hungry choristers, students and
teachers alike.
The Hamilton-Halton ORMTA also
co-runs the Burlington Rotary Music
festival, which finished on November
15. As part of this festival, anyone
wishing to win a scholarship must
perform a Canadian composition.
As a result, we have heard wonderful
performance of Canadian music for
the past several years in all disciplines
at the festival and it has encouraged
teachers to research new compositions.
– Andrea Battista, Hamilton-Halton
Branch Recital Convenor
NOTES Spring 2013
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
Several of our branch members set
to work on finding a user-friendly and
secure site for the video sharing, which
is now up and running. Students in our
area are excited to “meet” other music
students. With our large geographical
area, the Hanover-Walkerton branch felt
that it was time to develop another way
for students to get together and share
music in a supportive and motivating
environment that today’s students can
relate to easily.
Teachers are finding new and exciting
ways of using technology in their
studios, and supporting our colleagues.
As one teacher said, “Why wouldn’t
students participate in this great
initiative? They (the students) get to
give a performance without parents
having to drive anywhere, spend any
money, dress up, feel the pressure
of a live audience, and in addition to
the video they make, they will get to
watch and learn to comment on other
student’s videos at their leisure. They
will be exposed to various instruments
and new music. How much easier does
it get?”
Our branch submitted a proposal for
the William Andrews Award, but did not
receive the grant this year.
We look forward to seeing the ideas
of the recipients in the next CFMTA
– Laura Gray, Hamilton-Walkerton
Branch President
Kingston Branch
The Canada Music Week Festival in
Kingston went very well. Adjudicator
Susan Griesdale heard students on
Friday evening and Saturday and
was very impressed with the level of
teaching and performing here. She
offered lovely and encouraging words
to the students who participated. The
love and care brought forward by the
piano students in particular showed
that contemporary Canadian music
clearly resonates well with our youth
(and young at heart) today. Such
wonderful colours and interest for
everyone in attendance!
We had a really good finale concert on
Sunday. We also held a draw for tickets
for Kingston Frontenacs hockey games.
This opportunity to celebrate Canadian
Music and our young Canadian
musicians is so important in today’s
climate where there is so much distrust,
fear and lack of communication. The
power of music truly crosses all borders
and creates happiness. Our teachers
sent home lots of smiling students
proud of their accomplishments.
recital held at 5 pm. So many Canadian
composers were represented! This
event has become a tradition for
our branch. It gives our students an
opportunity to perform in a comfortable
setting early in the school year, and to
receive constructive feedback.
Teachers appreciate the chance to
hear new music and to learn new ways
of teaching and interpretation. At the
end of the day, we all feel proud of our
branch and of the tremendous talent
we have in our Canadian music scene!
We look forward to our next celebration
of Canada Music Week!
– Joanne Bender, Kitchener-Waterloo
London Branch
The London, Ont. ORMTA branch was
thrilled to give the Young Artist Award
Winner, Charissa Vandikas ( student
of Dr. Michael Esch) the Aeolian Hall
performance experience and felt it was
perfect to host it during Canada Music
Week allowing students to hear and
see what others their age were able to
Four of Marion Miller’s piano students,
Hannah, Clara, Angela and Susannah
Salamon, best summoned up the
evening with the following:
“My sisters and I really enjoyed
Charissa’s performance. It was so
inspiring and we learned so much
from watching her. The ease and
maturity with which she plays the
most demanding piano repertoire is
astonishing. Her performance made
us want to go home and practice even
– Debbie Talbot and Bev Barrett
Newmarket and Area Branch
The Newmarket & Area Branch got an
early start to 2014 Canada Music Week
events this year. Three separate events
featuring teachers, clinicians, students
and a general audience were the focus
of our CMW activities:
Our initial celebration began at our
final branch luncheon in June. Two of
our branch members, Paulette Popp
and Dianne Hughes, were invited to
perform some of their own piano
– Meg Freer, Kingston Branch President
Kitchener-Waterloo Branch
Nov. 22 was a wonderful celebration
in Kitchener Waterloo! A full day of
Canadian music was presented by 65
students from beginners to advanced at
Wilfrid Laurier University. Master
classes with clinician Dr. Marnie Van
Weelden were fun and informal,
and very helpful for students who
had prepared Canadian pieces. The
highlight was the Canada Music Week
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2013
ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports
works. Paulette performed pieces for
beginner students in solo and duet
format from her beginner book
The Peter Linden Piano Course, while
Dianne showcased two of her own
compositions entitled Spanish Fantasy
and The Ancient Dance.
As members of the Association of
Canadian Women Composers, both
were encouraged to look into having
their works published!
Our teachers were also encouraged to
get an early start on music selection
for the CMW recitals in the Fall. On
September 19, our branch hosted a
workshop with Red Leaf Composers
and clinicians Susan Griesdale and
Martha Hill Duncan. We heard a
variety of performances from several
new Canadian composer collections;
Creatures Great and Small by Joanne
Bender, Journey Through The Galaxy
by Irene Voros, Precipitations by Martha
Hill Duncan, Arctic Voices, by Susan
Griesdale, and many others. Martha
and Susan enjoyed performing both
solos and duets!
Compositions for violin and flute
were also made available to those in
The workshop was very well attended;
20 people, including both ORMTA and
non-ORMTA teachers, as well as one
student. It was inspiring and fun. We all
had an opportunity to browse and/or
purchase many composer collections
after the workshop.
Many thanks to those teachers who
helped make this event a success. The
$300 that was raised will be awarded
to students at the Newmarket & Area
Awards Festival held each May.
– Sheila McLean, Newmarket and Area
North Bay Branch
On November 8th, the branch hosted
our annual Recital of Canadian
Composers and Their Music. Eighty
students took part in three back-toback recitals featuring performances
by piano, vocal, harp, cello, and flute
It has become a tradition at our recitals
to include our “So You Think You Know
Your Canadian Composers” matching
game, and to serve Canadian cupcakes
and refreshments after our recitals.
All who attended had an enjoyable
afternoon of performance and
Canadian celebration!
The North Bay Branch of ORMTA
celebrated Canada Music Week with
an Honour Recital. All students who
received honour marks in examinations
throughout the year were invited to
perform and students who received
the highest marks in practical and
theory examinations were presented
with certificates and awards. The
Mayor of North Bay presented us
with a Proclamation and the Supreme
Ruler of the Elks Lodge presented
Gabriel Lavoie with the Grade Ten
award in memory of Ernie Ervine (who
was married to one of our members).
I mention Gabriel, student of Doreen
Bryer, as he received the award for
both Grade Ten piano and ARCT as
well as our ORMTA Advanced Theory
award. What a busy year for him!
We celebrated the efforts of all our
students, memories of past teachers
and Canadian composers.
– Nancy Hughes, North Bay Branch
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
North York/York Region Branch
Every year for Canada Music Week,
the North York/York Region Branch
gives a special trophy for the highest
mark of the performance of a Canadian
composition during the Fall Auditions
(which fall during Canada Music
Week). All levels are involved, and one
performer of each Junior, Intermediate
and Senior Piano and Voice will receive
a special trophy. Thus six trophies
are awarded.
– Carolynne Godin, North York/York
Region Branch President
Ottawa Region Branch
Wow, what a night! Orleans United
Church was jam packed with supportive
family and friends Sunday November
23rd for the 2014 Canada Music Week
recital. The crowds were treated to
the music performed by 39 young
musicians ranging in age from 7 to 18
and featuring a variety of instruments:
voice, harp and piano. We even had a
few original compositions by Ottawa
composers Kelly-Marie Murphy,
Colin Mack, Claudia Cashin-Mack,
Anita Schlarb and young composer
Abbey Sugars-Keen. They were all
The last performers were voice student
Cassidy Van Bavel and the amazing
harpist Caroline Leonardelli performing
Frozen Fire, an incredible piece written
for Cassidy by her mother, Kelly-Marie
Murphy – it was riveting! As a way
of furthering our ONMC/ORMTA
collaboration, pianist Catherine Donkin
performed two pieces of Christine
Donkin’s to close the concert. It
brought the crowd to their feet! We
are definitely a city that exudes musical
talent. President and Canada Music
Week convener Tania Granata wants to
thank all the volunteers who helped her
organize the students, the reception,
those who brought items for the
reception and those who helped with
cleanup. I am so grateful for your help.
All the participants received a
certificate of participation and ORMTA
Voice teacher Misty Banyard helped
hand out the “Obama” cookie to all
the has become a small
– Tania Granata , Ottawa Region Branch
Owen Sound Branch
Our Canada Music Week recital on
Friday November 21st was a complete
success! We had about twenty students
performing works by Canadian
composers (including local composer
Debra Wanless) and a fabulous
audience turnout.
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
ORMTA – Canada Music Week Reports
Tour 2014
After the performance we had a draw for two paintings that were
generously donated by composer Rémi Bouchard. The reception was
a hit as always, due to the enormous celebratory cake and take-home
Canadian souvenirs. We got to hear a great variety of Canadian music,
and I think everyone in attendance enjoyed themselves and learned
something new.
– Jen Smith Lanthier, Owen Sound Branch Secretary
Young Mozarts Wanted...
or Even Salieri’s!
Many students love to
compose – and how better
to encourage them than
by entering their music in
ORMTA’s Music Writing
Competition? Musical genius
or not, any student will benefit
from the advice given by this
year’s wonderful adjudicator,
composer Christine Donkin.
Compositions for voice or any
instrument or ensemble are
Students awarded first,
second or third place in
various classes based on
age and genre are awarded
scholarships. First place
winners of various classes
will have part of their score
NOTES Spring 2015
published in a future issue
of NOTES Magazine and
will represent Ontario in the
CFMTA National Student
Composer Competition.As
well, the first place winner
of the Open Class will
receive the Eleanor Marzetti
Scholarship, named in
honour of one of ORMTA’s
distinguished past provincial
Details are available here:
Deadline is March 15, 2015.
– Alice Dearden
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
Our ORMTA Young Artist for 2014 was Charissa
Vandikas, a student of Michael Esch of Markham.
Charissa had a very successful tour this past fall and
received glowing reviews from every participating
branch. Stops on the tour included North Bay, Sarnia,
Central Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Markham and
Newmarket and area. A busy schedule for a busy
young musician!
Charissa had her work cut out for her keeping up her
Young Artist repertoire while learning new pieces for
her many upcoming auditions and performances.
All of this and homework too! Her teacher said
“Charissa had a super tour and the concerts have
inspired her since to win a concerto spot with the
Toronto Sinfonietta this coming February, and to find
that extra gas in the tank for her upcoming B Mus
auditions and Lic Dip exam. It makes me exhausted
just observing all of her goings on! I am very excited
for her future and the Tour was an incredible boost
to her confidence! We are very thankful for this
wonderful opportunity, and for the myriad people
across the Province and behind the scenes who
worked so hard to make it come to fruition.“
Thank you especially to the participating branches for
supporting the Young Artist Tour. I would encourage
all branches to consider hosting a top notch recital for
the upcoming 2015 tour – it is worth it! Applications
for branches who wish to host a concert are available
on our website.
For Charissa’s biography, programme and
performance video, visit
– Susan Robinson
(ORMTA Young Artist Tour convener)
If you are looking to motivate your
students to practice more often,
MyMuCo app has a winning solution
for you. Families are busier than ever
these days and unless music practice
becomes engaging and fun, it’s
likely that little to no practicing will
be accomplished. With the use of
technology, MyMuCo app provides
students and teachers with a valuable
tool for learning.
MyMuCo is designed as two different
apps. One for the students and
another for the teacher. MyMuCo
Kids app creates an avatar in a virtual
music room. New lessons are sent to
the student via bluetooth and each
week the student is responsible for
completing their planned days of
practice. Students are excited to
earn points and can buy different
avatars. They also enjoy seeing their
progress on the weekly tracking and
can rate how well their practice went.
MyMuCo Teacher app is a great way
for teachers to organize and keep
everything on hand and in one spot.
You can see all past lessons, create
goals for students, keep notes, and
create a library that makes typing
lesson material much faster and
easier. The app is extremely user
friendly and I love the email feature.
With the touch of a button, I can let
the parents know what is expected
that week and what their child has
committed to.
The results have been amazing!
Not only are students motivated to
practice, they are now learning how
to set their own attainable goals,
plan out their week and assess how
they feel about what they were able
to accomplish. In my experience,
students have excelled at least three
times faster than the students who
don’t use MyMuCo app. They are
starting to realize just how attainable
the goals they set are if they commit
the time into their talent. Most
importantly, they are proud of their
I would love to see a recording
option built into the app for
providing at home exercises and
accompaniment. I am also looking
forward to seeing new options for
the students to purchase with their
points. It has been very exciting to
see the joy students are receiving
from their practice time. They come
to their lessons practically bursting to
show what they accomplished during
the week. The MyMuCo app is
changing practicing into a rewarding
and fun activity that fosters a lifelong
love of music.
– Jennifer McKillop, BMus
The FUN School of Music,
Grimsby, ON
Morningside Music Bridge
au Conservatoire Mount Royal
2-31 juillet 2015
Calgary (Canada)
Festival et
programme de formation
de musique classique
pour les meilleurs jeunes
artistes du monde entier.
Date limite d’inscription: 18 février 2015
Avec le soutien de
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Carolynne Davy Godin,
North York/York Region Branch
Nobody ever told me that I would
become a 2nd mother, a specialist
counselor, and a doctor all in one when
I became a private music teacher!!
I’ve been teaching voice and piano
for almost 40 years, and during that
time, have had some wonderful &
thrilling musical experiences with my
students – special moments ranging
from the excitement of having students
win provincial competitions to the
very special times when my “learning
disabled” children have taught me
It’s also very special when a student
who began studying with me as a
young adolescent comes back to
lessons after graduating university,
and working for 10 years, having two
children and misses her music!
Adult students are especially wonderful
to work with. They have the passion
to learn and to simply enjoy the
process of music-making. They are
not interested in winning awards for
their performances, but are so keen to
develop their skills and knowledge on
their own merits – to achieve their goal
of being the best they can be.
One of my “maxims” in the studio is
to do the best you can with what you
have. This is particularly essential
for the emotional health of the voice
students, and for them to learn to
work as a team. There have been
the fantastic voices in the studio
over the years, but they almost don’t
compare with the voices that are so
very “average” – those who struggle
to sing a scale in tune, or those who
struggle even to match a pitch. We
all celebrate their successes – such
as those who make me get “misty”
and cry a few tears, because they
have produced in performance that
which we work so hard in the studio to
I had a young “learning disabled”
student who came in for her lesson
one day, and she told me she had
been given an assignment in her
high school voice class to choose an
operatic aria to learn for fun. She
promptly produced a copy of the
NOTES Spring 2015
“Queen of the Night” aria from
Mozart’s The Magic Flute. I began to
play the accompaniment for her, and
she sang it almost picture perfectly. I
asked her when she had been given
this assignment and she responded
that it was just one week ago! An
amazing gift for one who had not been
considered “gifted”!!
I have had wonderful experiences
working with autistic students, one
of whom will remain very special
in my memory. His great gift is his
music, and his ability to focus and
concentrate when he is in the studio
and when he begins to sing it is
amazing. During one studio operetta
production, I gave him a challenge to
learn another part of a “role”, since we
had lost a character a week before the
performance. This young gentleman
stepped up to the bat, and memorized
it in two days. However, there was also
the time when he had prepared an
entire recital program, and arrived for
the performance carrying the wrong
binder of music, and had to perform
a half an hour program from memory
(not having ever done this music off
book!) Needless to say, there were a
few whispers from me accompanying
at the piano to prompt words!
The first time I knew my calling as
a private teacher included being a
counselor was the day that a young
teenager came into my studio and
began telling me her life story during
our first lesson. I learned about her
love life, her struggles at school, her
challenges with peer pressure to drink
and do drugs, and her sex life…. all in
the first 20 minutes of her first lesson!
Apparently she felt comfortable
enough with me to “bare all” to
her new second mother. As private
teachers, we share a special bond
with our students, and indeed, often
become a special mentor in their lives.
Even as an examiner and adjudicator,
there have been numerous incidences
of encouraging students to do their
best. One time, I had a young lady
who was so obviously scared to
perform, and she had what we might
describe as a “melt-down” in front of
the audience. I truly wanted this to
be a positive experience for this girl,
so I cleared the hall (almost unheard
of!!) and had her try and perform
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
her chosen selections just for me. I
received a lovely note from her and her
parents a couple of days later, telling
me that this had been a wonderful
opportunity for her to grow, and
that they so very much appreciated
that I was able to go out of the way
to help her have a positive learning
experience. (It could have been a
disaster for this girl’s future memories,
as many of us know!)
During one piano examination, I have
fond memories of one gentle piano
student who was SO slow with his
scales and pieces, but who was totally
correct in his performance: the notes,
the dynamics, and musical nuances
were excellent but PAINFULLY SLOW.
I think we went about 15 minutes
overtime for a 20 minute exam. As an
examiner, my comments reflected this
performance, but I certainly had to
pass him for his wonderful effort and
I have also had the great experiences
of playing “doctor” in the studio it’s a good thing that I have my St.
John Ambulance first aid training! – I
would recommend this for teachers
– can’t hurt!. One of my teenagers
was prone to looking gray during her
singing lessons. One day, she was
preparing herself to begin a song,
and she looked at me, rather shyly,
and obviously turning a shade of light
blue, and said, “I think I’m going to
faint” and she gently slid to the floor.
Another time, one of my adult students
came in for her piano and voice lesson,
and told me that she might have to lie
down on the couch today, and that she
was hearing voices again, since she
had begun some new medications.
She did, indeed, have a few minutes on
the couch that day, as she told me her
medical history with schizophrenia.
And there are all those wonderful
students that you just know you are
going to love working with - whether
they are adolescents or adults: they
come into the studio with music
prepared, talking a mile-a-minute
about their experiences that week, and
they have called you or emailed you a
dozen times about this or that musical
challenge! You know that you are both
in for a wonderful learning experience
that day!
REVIEW: MyMusicStaff
by Kathy Schmidt, ORMTA Thunder Bay Branch
My Music Staff has all you need to keep your studio
running efficiently and smoothly each week at a very
low cost of $12.95 per month. For that price a teacher
receives a website with unlimited pages and media
storage which is extremely user friendly. This program
is internet based so you can access it from any
computer anywhere. It allows a teacher to keep track
of student attendance and repertoire, both in progress
and completed,with source details. Student and parent
contact information can quickly be inputed during
a lesson, and the program keeps track of all email
threads. A generic or specifically designed greeting is
sent to all students on their birthday. Students can log
in and record their practice minutes each day along
with comments or questions. One can hide or reveal
all lessons and events to students through the calendar
reminder system. The library lending feature allows you
to keep track of all loans and returns.
Simplify your business
with My Music Staff!
There are some things only a
teacher can do. For everything
else, there’s My Music Staff.
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The best part of this program in my opinion is the
accounting. My Music Staff allows a teacher to
bill students, keep track of payments, credits and
discounts. Parents can pay directly though PayPal.
Invoices and receipts can be sent to families instantly.
All your expenses and income are kept in one
convenient place and stored safely. Reports can be
generated for year end taxes or just weekly/monthly
assessments. My Music Staff now is able to send out
Canada Revenue Agency tax receipts to families with
all the required information for the Child Recreation
Tax credit.
The calendar shows all regular lessons and special
events. Students receive email reminders of their
lessons, but have the option of turning that feature off.
Each day the home page shows all booked lessons
and the teacher can mark in attendance, tracking
billable and non-billable absenteeism. It is extremely
simple to change lesson times, and to alert the teacher
about any cancellations including where they might
be able to fit another student in. My Music Staff has
many templates for reports and backgrounds for
website pages, including a feature to upload your own
favourites. It is highly recommended that teachers take
advantage of the 30 day free trial. Teachers will be
amazed at how well it keeps the studio organized and
avoids paper and hand-written notes.
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Sandman Signature Mississauga Hotel
5400 Dixie Road, Mississauga ON
(18 & under)
Young Artist
Competition &
Combo Pack
Online only
Full Day Pass
Online only
• ONLINE using credit card/paypal – visit
• Cash or cheque at the door – Competitions only
• Mailing a cheque – Awards Luncheon only (see below)
No refunds or exchanges for online ticket sales.
Awards Luncheon RSVP via MAIL
Please detach the completed form, include cheque (payable to “ORMTA”) and mail to
Ron Spadafore, Box 635, Timmins, ON, P4N 7G2, before July 1, 2015.
I would like to reserve the following….
place(s) at $45 per ticket X
people = $_________
Branch (if you’re an ORMTA member):
I would like to sit with:
Dietary Restrictions:
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
Sandman Signature Mississauga Hotel
5400 Dixie Road, Mississauga ON
To be handed to the Secretary or Chair of the Meeting within 48 hours of the Meeting
(excluding Saturdays and holidays).
I, __________________________________________, certify that I am entitled to vote at an
ORMTA meeting, and do hereby give my proxy to
____________________________________________, who may or may not be a member
entitled to vote at an ORMTA meeting, but with this proxy is entitled to attend and act at
the meeting in the manner, to the extent and with the authority conferred by this proxy.
This proxy holder shall attend in person, or cause an alternate proxy holder to attend, the
meeting in respect of which the proxy is given and shall comply with the directions of the
member who appointed the person.
This proxy is only valid for the Meeting dated ________________. It may be revoked by the
member or the member’s attorney signing a note of revocation up to an including the day
of the meeting, and received by the chair of the meeting.
Signed (by the member or by the member’s attorney)
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Sandman Signature Mississauga Hotel, 5400 Dixie Road, Mississauga ON
5. Election of Zone Representatives
1. Call to Order
7. Open Forum
2. Introduction of Council Members
8. Results of Voting as Presented by Scrutineers
3. Minutes of the last Annual Meeting (July 2014)
9. Announcements
4. Matters for Voting
10. Adjournment
6. President’s Report
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The following bylaws be amended to include the words in italics to
comply with the Ontario Not-For-Profit Corporations Act, otherwise known as ONCA, which
will soon be coming into effect:
41. Notification of the Annual meeting, an Agenda, any Matters for Voting or discussion and
Proposed Amendments to the By-laws and forms for proxies shall be published and circulated in
an Issue of the Association magazine and/or by electronic or any other means by the Provincial
Secretary at least one month but not more than 50 days in advance of such meeting.
42. All Matters for Voting or discussion or proposed Amendments to the By-laws shall:
1) be in the hands of the Provincial Secretary in writing not later than seven months prior to the
Annual Meeting;
2) be sent to all local Branches in the form of a ballot not later than three months prior to the Annual
3) be discussed and voted on by each Branch and the Branch Ballot recording the number of votes
“For”, “Against”, and “Abstain” be sealed in an envelope marked “BALLOT-ANNUAL MEETING”.
This envelope to be returned to the Provincial Secretary at least one month prior to the Annual
Meeting or given to the Branch Delegate(s) to be delivered to the Annual Meeting.
76. Removal of registration:
1) The name of a member shall be removed from the Register by Council and a member shall be
expelled from the Association after 15 days written notice from ORMTA, and the member has had
not less than 5 days before the end of the 15-day period to respond:
for unethical conduct, in respect of another member, that in the opinion of Council justifies
upon conviction for any offence under the Criminal Code of Canada or under the law of
expulsion from the Association; OR
Ontario, which, in the opinion of Council, indicates that the member has not continued to
be of good character or where, in the opinion of Council, continuance of membership after the
conviction would be detrimental to the Association.
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The following bylaw be deleted on the grounds that ORMTA should
not force local Branches to send delegates to the Annual Meeting.
43. Every local Branch shall appoint delegates to the Annual Meeting.
1) Subject to 43.2), a Branch is entitled to one delegate for:
(a) each unit of up to twenty-five Active members; and
(b) the fifteen or more Active members remaining after the membership has
been divided into units of twenty-five
2) No Branch is entitled to appoint more than six delegates.
3) Members of Council cannot be appointed branch delegates.
4) All Active members except Associate Active members are counted when
determining delegate representation to the Annual Meeting.
This bylaw should be replaced with the following bylaw:
43. A quorum at a meeting of the members is a 15% majority of the members entitled to vote at
a meeting, whether present in person, or has voted at the branch level and was duly recorded on
the ballot for Matters For Voting, or by proxy.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The following in italics be deleted from this bylaw on the grounds
that ORMTA should not legislate how a branch does its business.
44. Any delegate(s) from a local Branch may attend any business meeting. The local branch may
decide to reimburse any delegate(s) for expenses incurred while attending said meetings. An
appointed delegate by the branch shall present in writing a report back to the branch on the
Annual Meeting and/or the Convention.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The following bylaw to be amended to clarify the process by which a
branch closes. Changes are shown in italics and strike-through.
53. Where it becomes necessary to close a Branch and transfer members to another branch, these
procedures must be followed:
1) the local branch shall be closed upon written approval by more than 50% of the membership
of the branch, and then by a majority vote of Provincial Council. at the Annual Meeting of the
2) the memberships will be transferred to the branch(es) closest to where the members reside
and/or teach or if the distance is more than 80 kilometers (50 miles) they will become Non-Branch
members (PART II 8G);
3) the assets of the branch shall be divided on a per member basis to the branch(es) receiving new
members and to Provincial Council for the Non-Branch members;
4) the records and documents of the branch shall be sent to the Provincial Secretary for the
Association archives.
At present all Leaves of Absence must, at the recommendation of the Registrar, be passed by
Council. It is an Executive recommendation that the Secretary/Registrar be given the authority
to grant leave of absence requests for the following reasons: medical, maternity, paternity and
continuing studies. This will streamline the process for granting Leaves of Absence.
BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Bylaw Part Ix Section 72 Be Amended to Read as the Following:
“To Allow the Secretary-Registrar the Authority to Grant Leave of Absence Requests for the
Following Reasons: Medical, Maternity, Paternity, & Continuing Studies.
ORMTA is pleased to welcome the following
new members approved since last October...
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
Nancy Dale, Provincial Treasurer PO Box 1639 Niagara-on-the-Lake ON L0S 1J0
The 2015-16 membership fees have
been prepared. The invoices will be
generated on the ORMTA website
( in April. Traditional
paper invoices will be mailed for those
who do not have an email address or
access to a computer.
There are three available methods of
payment: email transfer, PayPal (debit
[email protected]
or credit card) through the new ORMTA
website and cheques/money orders
sent by mail.
The CFMTA 2015-16 fees will remain the
same/$26.00 per member (optional for
The Ontario Consumer Price Index (CPI)
for the year 2014 has been officially
confirmed at 1.9 %. This percentage
has been applied to the Provincial and
Branch fees. (The 2013 CPI was 1.5 %.)
Westland Insurance Company rates will
also remain the same ($32.40) for the
July 1, 2015-June 30, 2016 fiscal year.
ORMTA MEMBERSHIP FEES 2015-16/ Increased by Ontario 2014 CPI 1.9%
(Provincial & Branch increase in brackets)
***Notes Magazine hard copy subscription/not included in total
Included in
all 5 totals
Hard Copy subscription
53.51 (1.00)
21.15 (.39)
63.44 (1.18)
21.15 (.39)
63.44 (1.18)
21.15 (.39)
48.51 (.90)
18.53 (.35)
27.37 (.51)
32.36 (.60)
The OH!CANADA! Convention held in Toronto, July 2014 was a financial disappointment despite high praise and very positive feedback. After
careful analysis, ORMTA has decided to continue with the popular streamlined two-day option (hosted in even numbered years).
Careful adjustments have been made to keep targeted expenses within the budget restraints.
ORMTA Toronto Convention July 2014 – Income-Expense Report
Exhibitor Fees:
Special project fund:
$ 11781.00
$ 2525.00
$ 2330.00
$ 1431.00
$ 2500.00
$ 20,567.00
Clinicians’ Fees:
Clinician Expenses:
Halls/Rooms/Meals/Tech ($530):
$ 500.00
$ 1,588.00 (Travel/Accommodations)
$ 25,245.00
$ 650.00
$ 28,143.00
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015
Dear Teaching Colleague
Do you need advice on
overcoming a tricky teaching
situation? Have you exhausted all
techniques in trying to help that
student and nothing seems to
You’re invited to email your story
and question to NOTES editor,
Patrick McCormick, and he’ll have
a colleague provide suggestions in
a future issue of NOTES Magazine.
You and your students’ names will
remain confidential.
NOTES Spring 2015
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
Don’t let unpaid fees
impede opportunities
for your students!
Every year, ORMTA gives out many prizes
to the winners of our Music Writing
competition and the Provincial Student/
Young Artist competitions.
We also give the ORMTA Pedagogy Award
to the student who has obtained the
highest mark in the written portion of the
Associate Pedagogy exam.
Only students of ORMTA teachers who are
members in good standing (all dues paid in
full) will be considered for any awards that
are given by ORMTA.
It is sad to say, but in the past students have
missed out on opportunities to win prizes
because their teachers’ dues have been in
arrears. Please take this into consideration
when it is time to pay your membership
dues this coming spring.
ORMTA Provincial Council 2014-2015
Frank Horvat - 503-16 Brookers Lane, Toronto ON M8V 0A5; Phone: 416-503-4789
E Mail: [email protected]
CFMTA Delegate
Elizabeth Tithecott – 34 Gladstone Ave., Chatham, N7L 2C1; Phone: 519-351-6387
E Mail: [email protected]
Convention, Finance Chair
Sue Jones - 259 Crocus Ave., Ottawa, K1H 6E7; Phone: 613-523-5317
E Mail: [email protected]
Performance Competitions; CFMTA Delegate
Nancy Dale - Box 1639; (58 Shakespeare Ave.); Niagara – on – the - Lake; L0S 1J0
Phone: 905-468-5639
E Mail: [email protected]
NOTES Advertising
Ron Spadafore - Box 635 Timmins, P4N 7G2; Phone: 705-267-1224 Fax: 705-264-0978
E Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours - Monday - Friday - 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
(year 1) Susan Robinson - 147 Brookside Cr.; Kitchener, N2N 1H2 Phone: 519-742.4129
E Mail: [email protected]
Young Artist Tour
(year 2) Judy Home - 4-110 Mary St. West; Whitby; L1N 8M5; Phone: 905-665-8484;
Cell: 905-903-8484; E Mail: [email protected]
(year 1) Alice Dearden - 2 Norval St., Toronto, M6N 3Z2; Phone: 416-763-0490
E Mail: [email protected]
Canada Music Week/Music Writing Competition
Zone Representatives
(year 1) Irene Fong Leung - Box 23552 Dexter, 5899 Leslie St., Willowdale, M2H 1J0;
Phone: 416 496-9680; E Mail: [email protected]
Affiliate Teacher Liaison
(year 1) Eric Shaw - 172 Redpath Ave.; Toronto; M4P 2K6; Phone: 416-884-4846
E Mail: [email protected]
(year 3) Tracy Lai - 2754 Dempster Ave., Innisfil; L9S 1C1; Phone: 705-436-2236
E Mail: [email protected]
(year 1) Frances Balodis - 1204 Ed Briese Rd. (Ullswater) R. R. #1 Utterson; P0B 1M0;
Phone: 705-769-3449; E Mail: [email protected]
(year 2) Kathy Schmidt - 588 Riverview Dr.; Thunder Bay; P7C 1R7; Phone: 807-577-6999
E Mail: [email protected]
Professional Development
(year 1) Tania Granata - 89 Switch Grass; Nepean; K2J 5Z3; Phone: 613-447-2618
E Mail: [email protected]
ORMTA Contribution to Teaching Award
(year 3) Sandra Menard - 6023 Meadowglen Drive, Ottawa, K1C 5V4; Phone: 613-834-3052
E Mail: [email protected]
ORMTA Pedagogy Award
(year 1) Jacqueline Huffman-Krisza - 1026 Earl Cres.; Burlington: L7T 3P9;
Phone: 905-333-3128; E Mail: [email protected]
College/University Liaison
(year 6) Elizabeth Tithecott - 34 Gladstone Ave., Chatham, N7L 2C1; Phone: 519-351-6387
E Mail: [email protected]
Convention, Finance Chair
(year 2) Ian Green - 214 Huxley Ave. South; Hamilton; L8K 2R3; Phone: 905-483-2776
Email: [email protected]
Nancy Hughes, Derek Oger, Audrey Jean Wells
The definitive information source for Ontario Registered Music Teachers
NOTES Spring 2015