Zoomers Exhaust Works Performance Cat-Back
Zoomers Exhaust Works Performance Cat-Back
ZoomersExhaustWorksPerformance Cat-Back Instructionsfor 2008-12DodgeChallengerSRT86.lL & 6.4with X-pipe Removalof OriginalSystem 1) Startunderthe vehicleandSpraytheRubbersuspenders usedto hangthe stock exhaustsystemwith sometype of lubricantthis makesit mucheasierto removethem. Next removethetwo 13mmbolts securingthe driver'ssidetail pipeto the stockmuffler at the centerofthe vehicle.Now you canremovethethreehangersfrom the rubber suspenders andremovedriver'ssidetail pipe. 2) Loosenthetwo clamps(i5mm socket)securingthe stockexhaustto the CAT pipesat thefront ofthe vehicle.Next removethe remainingthreehangerson the passenger side from the rubbersuspenders andremovethe restofthe stockexhaust. 3) IMPOBTANT!!! The stocktips canbeusedon theZoomerssystemit is designed to utilizethemif you wish to keepthingslookingstock.Ifyou planto usethemloosen clampswith a 13mm-*rench.Theyattachusinga ball andsocketjoint andarefully adjustable. After removalsmakesureto removethe clampsyou'll needthemto reinstall the stockor Zoomerstips to the newCAT back.The clampsaretack weldedon but they easilybreakoffby hand.Thereis a left andright tip somakesureyou markthembefore removing. Installation of ZoomersCAT Back ExhaustSvstem 1) Startwith the 2-3/4" clampssupplied,slideclampsoverthe two X-pipeinlets.Next installthe X-pipeby slidingoverexistingCAT-pipesandlightly securein place.DO NOT TIGHTEN CLAMPS! SeeDiagram 1 2) Sta.rtwith the 3" clampssupplied,slideclampsoverthe two X-pipeoutlets.Next slip pipesoverthe pipesyoujust slidthe clampsovermakingsurethe fit thetwo S-connector slip fits arebottomedout.Lightly securein place.DO NOT TIGHTEN CLAMPS! SeeDiagram 2 3) Slip 3"clampssuppliedoverconnectorpipesfirst. Next attachtheZoomersExhaust Chambers (with the Flat capfacing the front of the vehicle) over the connector pipes making sure the slip fits arebottomedout.Lightly secureclampsin place!O NO|ffIGHTE\ CLAMPS! SeeDiagram 2 and 3 4) Slip 3"clampssuppliedoverthe inletsof tail pipe assemblies. Now Attachthe Tail PipeAssemblies(onesideat a time)by slip fitting the pipeoverthe outlettubeof the ExhaustChambermakesuretheyarebottomedout.Next installhangerson tail pipe into OE rubbersuspender locationsandlightly secureclampsin placeDO NOT TIGHTEN QIAIIBSLSee Diagram 3, 4 and pagethree diagrams 5) Repeatstep4) on otherside. O 9-fAfli.gg-Qllbg-dliydgsdg, get the clampsjust snugsothe pipesstill move and rotate.Adjustandcheckfor alignmentandclearance startingat the x-pipeandwork your way to the rear,thenfinishtighteningthe clampsstartingat the front andworkingyour way back.An Imnact is recommendedto properlytightenall clamps.Thetail pipesdo rotateon the muffler outletsandusuallyall it takesis a slightrotationup or downto get the centerofthe rearresonatoroutletin the centerofthe tiD cut out. 7) Repeatstep6) on otherside. 8) InstallZoomersor Stocktips overmalesocketat the rearofboth resonators using stockclampsthat wereremovedfrom OE exhaust.Thereis a left andright tip so make in the sureyou havethemon the properside.The malesocketsarepre-installed in andout, soifneededloosenthe resonators at the factorybut arefully adjust4ble clampsto adjust.Checkall clampsto makesuretheyaretight... Seepage3 Diagrams Notes: o A tack weld at all clampjoints is recommended. o Mufllers shouldbe leveland tight to the heat shieldingno more than 1" of space. r Noticethe driver's siderear pipe hasa slight bend in it after the mufller so it doeshanga bit Iowerto helpclearthe sparetire well, Diagram3 Driver'ssideandpassenger tail pipeswith stocktipsinstalled. Closeup ofball andsocketjointusingstock tip andclampon passenger side.
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