Job Title - Pakistan International Airlines


Job Title - Pakistan International Airlines
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Flight Services Division
Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Chapter: 5
Page: 216
Flight Services Organizational Chart ..................................................... 218
General Manager Flight Services ............................................................ 219
Deputy GM Monitoring & Standards........................................................................................................................ 221
Manager Performance Evaluation ............................................................................................................................... 223
Asstt. Manager Research & Development ................................................................................................................... 226
Asstt. Manager Grooming ............................................................................................................................................ 228
Grooming Officer ......................................................................................................................................................... 230
Monitoring & Standard Officer (Complaint) ................................................................................................................ 232
Monitoring & Standard Officer .................................................................................................................................... 234
Res. & Dev. Officer ....................................................................................................................................................... 236
Performance Evaluation Officer................................................................................................................................... 239
Technical Officer (P.E) .................................................................................................................................................. 241
Log Processing Officer .................................................................................................................................................. 242
Training & Check Pursers ............................................................................................................................................. 243
Senior Purser................................................................................................................................................................ 245
Flight Purser ................................................................................................................................................................. 247
Flight Steward / Air Hostess Senior.............................................................................................................................. 249
Deputy GM Operations & Scheduling....................................................................................................................... 251
Manager Briefing Control ............................................................................................................................................ 253
Assist Manager Monitoring.......................................................................................................................................... 255
Asst. Mgr Operations/Briefing Control ........................................................................................................................ 257
Monitoring Officer ....................................................................................................................................................... 259
Scheduling Officer ........................................................................................................................................................ 261
Briefing Officer ............................................................................................................................................................. 263
AIMS Controllers .......................................................................................................................................................... 265
Scheduling Supervisor/Comp Operator ....................................................................................................................... 266
Dispatch Supervisor ..................................................................................................................................................... 269
Deputy GM Planning ................................................................................................................................................ 270
Manager Planning ........................................................................................................................................................ 272
Assist Manager Planning .............................................................................................................................................. 274
Sr. Planning Officer ...................................................................................................................................................... 276
AIMS Administrators .................................................................................................................................................... 278
Sr. Roistering Officer .................................................................................................................................................... 279
Sr. Statistical Officer ..................................................................................................................................................... 281
Programmer/Automation Officer ................................................................................................................................ 282
Deputy GM Crew Recruitment, Training & Certification........................................................................................... 284
Manager Evaluation Certification ................................................................................................................................ 286
Manager Recruitment & Training ................................................................................................................................ 288
Inspections & Evaluation Officer ................................................................................................................................. 290
Crew Welfare Officer ................................................................................................................................................... 291
Manual Officer ............................................................................................................................................................. 293
Matron ......................................................................................................................................................................... 294
Controlled Document – Do not copy or reproduce without prior permission
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Flight Services Division
Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Chapter: 5
Page: 217
Manager Flight Services ............................................................................................................................................ 296
Assistant Manager Operations /Scheduling/Monitoring ............................................................................................. 298
Asst Manager Ops/Sch/Mon ........................................................................................................................................ 300
Sr. Briefing Officer ........................................................................................................................................................ 302
Briefing Officer ............................................................................................................................................................. 304
Sr. Planning/Monitoring Officer................................................................................................................................... 306
Scheduling Officer ........................................................................................................................................................ 308
Grooming Officer ......................................................................................................................................................... 310
Scheduling Supervisor .................................................................................................................................................. 312
AIMS Controller............................................................................................................................................................ 314
Manager Quality Assurance ...................................................................................................................................... 316
Assistant Manager Res & Dev /Quality Assurance....................................................................................................... 318
Quality Assurance Officer ............................................................................................................................................ 320
Controlled Document – Do not copy or reproduce without prior permission
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Flight Services Division
Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Chapter: 5
Page: 218
Flight Services Organizational Chart
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
General Manager Flight Services
Reports to
Director Flight Services
Chapter: 5
Page: 219
Flight Services Division
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Second class/B grade graduate from any
recognized university.
Work Experience:
 5 years experience in Senior Managerial
 At least 5 years in pay group IX
 MBA/MPA/MAS degree holder will be
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Officers with initiative and are result oriented
with strong leadership and problem solving
skills, capacity to develop a strategic vision
as well as ability to inspire and influence
 Adaptability to environment shifts.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training Course
 Quality Management System Courses
 Specialized relevant training/ courses will
be preferred.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure that departmental/divisional risk management process is proactive and concurrent and that
all safety concerns/issues are dealt with on priority basis.
To be aware of all safety and service quality requirement and to be to be responsible for the
outcomes and findings of all internal & external safety/quality audits.
 To ensure that corrective and preventive actions are taken at the root-cause levels on all audit nonconformities and audit findings in an acceptable manner and within reasonable time frame.
 To ensure strict compliance (by own self and by the subordinate staff) with all QHSE standards and
other legal or regulatory requirements; applicable to operational areas under their jurisdiction at all
time during the conduct of normal operations.
 To ensure effective functioning of QHSE Steering and Working Committees. Assume responsibility
as per the Management approved system procedures.
 To ensure strict compliance to their department/division operational safety and security functions and
also ensuring operation are provided with necessary resources.
 To be aware of all safety and service quality requirement and to be responsible for the outcomes and
findings of all internal & external safety/quality audits.
 To make plans for meeting future manpower requirements and set recruitment standards.
 To develop efficient, courteous, well disciplined and motivated Cabin Crew for the various types of
PIA Aircrafts.
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 220
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
General Manager Flight Services
 To monitor and evaluate the performance of Section/Department through Standard requirement /
SOPs’. Initiates corrective action.
 To maintain passengers’ satisfaction and service quality standards by conducting ongoing evaluations
and investigating complaints, taking corrective action when required.
 Ensure timely Induction, Training and Personnel Administration of Cabin Crew.
 To develop appropriate slip patterns and the roistering of Cabin Crew to promote maximum
efficiency and economy within the terms of IATA, ICAO, F.A.R. and Corporate regulations.
 To establish strength and ‘mix’ of Crew for a balanced compliment appropriate for the different types
of Aircrafts
 To coordinate with ground support agencies such as Catering Services, Passenger Services,
Marketing and Maintenance for efficient support service.
 To establish standards of performance and it’s monitoring.
 To monitor/supervise efficiency and operation of all three bases of Lahore, Islamabad and Peshawar
with a constant feedback on daily basis.
 To develop the capabilities of Staff by identifying training needs and seeing that they are satisfactory
through the DGM Crew Recruitment Training and Certification.
 To ensure welfare and administration of personal within existing policies. Ensure that the hotel
accommodation is up to standards for Crew at all stations.
 To ensure that the section is appropriately organized and staffed.
 Effective SMS implementation through Safety Action Groups (SAG) in accordance with procedures
as defined in the Safety Management System (SMS) Manual.
 Effective implementation of awareness & operation of Safety Assessment Management System
(SAMS) throughout the department.
 Ensuring all Cabin Crew well Aware of regulations & requirements of Department of Foreign
 Ensuring all Cabin Crew is scheduled for SAFA & DFT trainings.
 Ensure that Management system should specify the levels of management with the authority to make
decisions that affect the safety and/or security of cabin operations.
 To develop annual budget proposals and monitor expenditure against agreed budget items.
 To set major objectives and allocate appropriate responsibilities and resources to organize work in
their section along optimum efficient lines.
 Responsible for ensuring cabin operations are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations
and standards of the Operator.
 Ensure compliance of corrective and preventive actions are taken at the root cause levels on all Audit
Non-Conformity requirements of Internal & External Audits of Safety and Quality.
 Ensure to provide appropriate resources to maintain existing certification of PIAC (IOSA, ISO, AOC
& OHSAS etc.).
 Any other duty assigned, from time to time by Management.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Deputy GM Monitoring & Standards
Pay Group
Reports to
GM Flight Services
Monitoring & Standards
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from a recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Team leadership and Communicative Skills.
 Analytic Skills.
 Adaptability to environmental shifts.
Chapter: 5
Page: 221
Flight Services Division
Work Experience:
 At least 08 years experience as Cabin Crew.
 At least 05 years experience in a managerial
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training
 Quality Management System
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure strict compliance to their department/division operational safety and security functions and
also ensuring operation are provided with necessary resources.
 To ensure development of standards, policies and procedures for achieving optimum level of In-flight
service efficiency within the terms of corporate regulations.
 To organize monitoring for observance of standards. Provide feedback to DGM (Recruitment &
Training), for revising refresher courses.
 To maintain liaison with CAA; GM Technical for updating /approval of changes in SEP Manual.
 To ensure that changes in Safety Equipments & Procedures as advised by CAA / Safety /
Development Engineering are developed, processed by DGM Mon & Std and provided to Manager
Evaluation Certification for insertion in the manual and is circulated by DGM Crew Recruitment,
Training & Certification
 To coordinate with support organizations for ensuring quality of product provided by them for use
during In-flight service.
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Chapter: 5
Page: 222
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Deputy GM Monitoring & Standards
 Establish standards, policies and procedures for achieving optimum level of efficiency of In-flight
service within the terms of corporate regulations in line with industry requirement.
 Ensures observance and monitor flights of the standards, policies and procedures by the Cabin Crew
and propose appropriate action for improvement of weak areas.
 Monitor at base and on line stations for better In-flight service and working of sister agencies.
 Selection of VVIP Crew.
 Coordinate with support organization, e.g. Catering Services, Passenger Services, Engineering and
Maintenance for ensuring quality of product provided by them to be used for In-flight service.
 Ensure preparation of monthly trends, charts depicting the performance of support organizations as
reported by Cabin Crew for presentation to the Management.
 Coordinate with the representatives of support organization for rectification of discrepancies reported
by Cabin crew in their flight log comments and Cabin Maintenance log book.
 If and when required dedicate responsibilities to relevant sections of Flight Services Division
regarding OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) , coordinate with these relevant sections for
documentation and communication to Crew members.
 Effective utilization / Deployment of TCP/DCCC
 Keeps Cabin Crew informed through instructions regarding change in equipment, procedure and
corporation’s policy issued from time to time.
 Annual Performance Evaluation of all Cabin Crew including outstations (LHE, ISB, PEW).
 Participate in evaluation of new equipment.
 To review agreement / rates at the time of renewal of contracts.
 Organize awareness sessions of Safety Management System (SMS), DFT and Safety Assessment
Management System (SAMS).
 Any other assignment given by higher authorities.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
Controlled Document – Do not copy or reproduce without prior permission
Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Manager Performance Evaluation
Standards & Monitoring
Pay Group
Reports to
DGM Monitoring & Standards
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized
University, higher qualification will be
given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Chapter: 5
Page: 223
Flight Services Division
Work Experience:
At least 05 years as Cabin Crew in senior
cadre in Flight Services.
Professional Training / Courses:
Management Training.
Quality Management System.
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Plan develop and monitor standards of in-flight service and crew performance, through (KPIs) Key
Performance Indicators
 To maintain proper record of evaluation check in personal dossiers of individual crew members.
 To Develop systems for In-flight on Job Training in consultation with MFS (T & R)/ MFS (M & S).
 To keeps close liaison with Quality Control section to ensure that the established service procedures
are being followed by cabin crew.
 To initiate remedial action for weak areas identified by Quality Control in their monthly / weekly
evaluation report.
 To investigate passenger complaints and submit report for Management’s perusal with positive
 To ensure periodic performance evaluation check of individual cabin crew.
 To segregate cabin crew in the light of performance reports so that they are subjected to certain
training in PTC as well as on board the aero plane.
 To attend meeting in General Manager central Control Office in connection with VVIP flights.
 To select crew for VVIP flights and obtain necessary approval of General Manager Flight Service and
Director Flight Services.
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 224
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Manager Performance Evaluation
 To arrange security clearance of cabin crew and visit to flight kitchen to discuss meal uplift and other
 To coordinate arrangement for screening of movie on VVIP flight.
 To ensure proper text of announcement is available with VVIP crew/regular flights.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Asstt. Manager Research & Development
Pay Group
Reports to
DGM Monitoring & Standards
Standards & Monitoring
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
At least 8 years flying as cabin crew.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Team leadership and Communicative
 Computer literate
Chapter: 5
Page: 226
Flight Services Division
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Research & develop Procedures For Improvement
 Update Service Procedures, Monitor Cabin Technical Log and Evaluate Key Performance
 To Research & Develop procedures for improvement.
 To monitors and evaluate key performance indicators...
 To conduct periodical check of cabin interior to ensure serviceability of various items of
passenger facilities and safety including galleys, trolleys etc.
 To coordinate with Engineering and maintenance and representative of in-flight motion
pictures to ensure technical defects reported by cabin crew are attended to for necessary
 To handle In-flight services suggestion and complaints put forward by cabin crew with the
respective sections and initiate follow-up action.
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 227
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Asstt. Manager Performance Evaluation
 To prepare weekly / monthly trend and charts of discrepancies reported pertaining to all
technical matters.
 To coordinate with Flight Safety and PTC regarding safety matters and emergency
 To participate in evaluation of new induction of A/Cs, equipment, Galleys and Cabin Interior.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 228
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Asstt. Manager Grooming
Pay Group
Reports to
DGM Monitoring & Standards
Monitoring & Standards
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
At least 8 years flying as cabin crew in senior
Knowledge in the field of general grooming,
Hair dressing, Beauty Care, Diet & Weight
Control will be considered as added
Skills / Special Requirements:
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Diploma/courses in Beauty Care, Skin Care,
and Hair culture Cosmetics & Beautician.
Middle Management Training.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Monitoring Grooming Standard of cabin crew. Maintain up to date information on grooming.
Implement laid down policies on grooming to maintain airline standard.
 Pre-flight, on flight and out station grooming checks.
 Maintain of individual grooming sheets.
 Maintain record of all overweight Cabin Crew.
 Conduct regular weight checks and ensure implementation of weight policy.
 Issue letters to the individual Cabin Crew regarding excess weight, poor grooming and not
abiding uniform regulations.
 Advise on hair, Beauty, make-up and weight problems with practical demonstration.
 Take appropriate action based on grooming discrepancy report received from briefing room,
submitted by Grooming Supervisor
 Member of grooming board for Female Cabin Crew after long leave (Maternity) to access
present ability to resume flying duties.
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 229
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Asstt. Manager Grooming
 Member of Medical board of medically unfit Cabin Crew for clearance flying duties.
 Issuance of uniform entitlement forms to cabin crew.
 Member of interview team to induct new cabin crew.
 Co-ordination and correspond with Stores department for availability of uniform items and
accessories and resolve complaints of uniform items with concerned suppliers through stores
 Co-ordinates with Advertising department to select crew for projects i.e., Photography session
for PIA cutouts and arrange suitable Cabin Crew to attend seminars, ceremonies, air shows,
presentation, TV commercials.
 Member of Annual suitability Board to determine suitability of Cabin Crew for flying duties.
 Compiling and updating of “Grooming Standards Manual”.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned by management from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 230
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
DGM Monitoring & Standards
Grooming Officer
Monitoring & Standards
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 At least 5 years as Cabin Crew.
 Knowledge in the field of general grooming,
Hair dressing, Beauty Care, Diet & Weight
Control will be considered as added
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Diploma/courses in Beauty Care, Skin
Care, and Hair culture Cosmetics &
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Pre-flight, on flight and out station grooming checks.
 Advise crew members on hair, beauty, make-up and weight problems.
 Assist Senior Grooming Officer in maintaining high standard of grooming and uniform turnout.
 Issues notices on excess weight, poor grooming and excess hair sets.
 Maintenance of records and dossier.
 Action on grooming discrepancies.
 Suggest ways and means to improve grooming.
 Supervise tailoring of uniform and action complaints received on uniform.
 Process cases for issuance of uniform items.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 231
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Grooming Officer
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time by management.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Monitoring & Standard Officer
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Performance Evaluation
Monitoring & Standards
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Chapter: 5
Page: 232
Flight Services Division
Work Experience:
 At least 8 years flying as cabin crew
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Assist in conducting market surveys directed to explore possibilities of introducing new inflight items improving the existing ones.
 Help research and development officer in compiling, maintaining and updating specifications
of service procedures Manual.
 Coordinate with briefing control at KHI/LHE/ISB/PEW and inspects that briefing and Dbriefing are conducted in accordance with the parameters set by the Standard & Monitoring
 Conduct checks that required printed material and information is kept updated by the
respective briefing offices at all bases and provided to operating crew.
 Coordinates with Billing Supervisor for Division’s budget provisions and saleable cash
 Handle urgent operational exigencies on day to day basis.
 Plans to conduct market surveys in orders to explore and develop indigenous sources of
supply for various imported in-flight items.
 Assists in preparation of a feasibility study regarding the introduction of new in-flight items,
giving complete cost benefit analysis.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 233
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Monitoring & Standard Officer (Complaint)
 Assists in developing specification for all in-flight items in order to ensure standardization of
these items.
 To negotiate with local supplies / manufacturers to assist them in production of new or
modification in currently used / imparted in-flight items.
 Monitor in-flight performance.
 Coordinates between Standard and Monitoring Section and Briefing Control at all stations to
ensure compliance of Briefing activities.
 Coordinate with Government/Commercial agencies in respect of Duty Free Sales
merchandise on board.
 Prepare trend reports on board deduce result and suggest remedial actions.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other Job assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 234
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Monitoring & Standard Officer
Pay Group
Monitoring & Standards
Reports to
Asst Manager Performance
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Work Experience:
 At least 5 years flying as cabin crew in
senior cadre.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Investigates Pax Complaints and maintains record prepares trend chart on monthly basis.
 Investigates Pax complaints received directly or from different sources.
 Coordinates to investigate with Flight Services Bases (LHE / PEW / ISB):
Out Stations
Airport Services
Food Services
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 235
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Monitoring & Standard Officer
Customer Services
 Prepare appraisal for approval of Management.
 Follow up of all cases till they reach a logical conclusion.
 Keep complete record of all the complaint cases decided under jurisdiction.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 236
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
DGM Standards & Monitoring
Res. & Dev. Officer
Monitoring & Standards
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
 At least 5 years flying as Cabin Crew.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Actions Flight Service Log Comments Coordinates with Support agencies.
 To support & Assist AM (QA) and coordinate with QA and R & D.
 To action Flight Service Log comments on daily basis and advises support agencies of
discrepancies logged by cabin crew.
 To prepare special occurrence for the information of Management.
 To prepare summary of log report on weekly basis.
 To prepare trend and charts on monthly basis for presentation.
 To holds periodical Meeting with support agencies to discuss problems being faced by cabin
 To initiate follow up action for technical log.
 To maintains proper records of all flight service logs and actions.
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 237
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Res. & Dev. Officer
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
Controlled Document – Do not copy or reproduce without prior permission
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Performance Evaluation Officer
Pay Group
Monitoring & Standards
Reports to
Manager Performance
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Page: 239
Flight Services Division
Work Experience:
 At least 5 years flying as Cabin Crew.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Maintain Cabin Crew Dossier-in respect assessment reports-follow up of evaluation and
check reports.
 To maintain cabin crew dossiers and their personal records.
 To maintain records and charts regarding passenger complaints, M.I.S. reports etc.
 To record and maintain Cabin Crew assessment report received from T.C.P. / D.C.C.C.
 To coordinate with customer relations regarding passenger complaints.
 To handle correspondence and initiate follow up action in matters concerning passenger
 To coordinate with concerned section regarding Cabin Crew selected for VVIP / Special
 To maintain record of Cabin Crew Evaluation & Check.
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Page: 240
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Performance Evaluation Officer
 To maintain record of action takes against Cabin Crew for poor performance.
 To coordinates with training & Recruiting Cell for training needs of cabin crew, assessed
below average.
 Prepare daily schedule for crew counseling.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Technical Officer (P.E)
Monitoring & Standards
Page: 241
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Performance Evaluation
Job Code
Job Specifications:
Work Experience:
Educational Qualifications:
 At least 05 years flying as Cabin Crew.
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Process Flight Services & Cabin maintenance Log of each sector of every flight.
 Tabulate the data for record & reference.
 Keep complete record of Flight service log Day wise of all bases along with sectors and
Cabin defects for reference.
 Coordinate with Engineering for rectification of Defects noted in the Cabin Maintenance Log.
 Reproduce the defects repeatedly reported in the Cabin maintenance Log for follow up as a
reminder and necessary action.
 Retrieval of flight services log issue letters for necessary actions and make a weekly or daily
basis format of corrective and preventive action.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other job assigned from time to time.
Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 242
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Log Processing Officer
Standards & Monitoring
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Performance Evaluation
Job Code
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Work Experience:
 At least 05 years flying as Cabin Crew.
Professional Training / Courses:
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Middle Management Training.
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Process Flight Services & Cabin maintenance Log of each sector of every flight.
 Tabulate the data for record & reference.
 Keep complete record of Flight service log Day wise of all bases along with sectors and
Cabin defects for reference.
 Coordinate with Engineering for rectification of Defects noted in the Cabin Maintenance Log.
 Reproduce the defects repeatedly reported in the Cabin maintenance Log for follow up as a
reminder and necessary action.
 Retrieval of flight services log issue letters for necessary actions and make a weekly or daily
basis format of corrective and preventive action.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other job assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 243
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Pay Group
Training & Check Pursers
Cabin Crew
Reports to
DGM Mon & Std
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized university.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 At least 08 years as Cabin Crew. & 05
years as in- flight supervisor
Professional Training / Courses:
 Team leadership and communicative Skills.
 Adaptability to environment shifts.
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To conduct training and checks and evaluate performance of Cabin Crew on board.
 To operate flight and conduct training and evaluate performance of Cabin Crew.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Will be responsible for maintaining highest standard of In-flight service and In-flight safety.
 Will keep aware of the latest developments and trends in order to set examples and to impart
Highest standard of training to achieve standards set by the corporation.
 Will ensure to keep individual manual, procedure and instruction up to date and carry it on
Flights for guidance and reference.
 Will be responsible to inform the section of customer’s reaction to various services being
Provided including ground service, entertainment, food / beverage, saleable etc. in order to
Bring about changes for improvement in overall service.
 Will make all efforts to ensure the job knowledge of Cabin Crew is of required standard to
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Chapter: 5
Page: 244
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Training & Check Pursers
Achieve highest standard of service.
Job Reference No.
 Will be responsible to maintain highest standard of discipline amongst all ranks of Cabin
 Will be responsible to coordinate with Cockpit Crew and support agencies keeping in mind
Passenger’s comfort
 Will suggest ways and means to bring about improvement in In-flight service and to facilitate
Cabin Crew in obtaining laid down standards.
 Strictly follow Crew baggage regulations.
 Maintain valid emergency certificate on type / passport / visas as applicable and carry all
Relevant documents including approved torch on all flights.
 Will impart OJT in respect of safety and In-flight Services.
 Ensuring that crew is well aware of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Ensuring that crew is well aware & trained for the operation of Safety Assessment
Management System (SAMS).
 Ensuring that crew well aware of regulations & requirements of Department of Foreign
Transport. (DFT).
 Ensuring that SAFA checklist available with every crew member.
 Any other duties assigned from time to time by the Management/Capt of the flight.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Captain of the Aircraft
Senior Purser
Chapter: 5
Page: 245
Flight Services Division
Cabin Crew
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized university.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
Work Experience:
 At least 05 years as Flight Purser.
Professional Training / Courses:
 M. Business +Plus/Economy + service
 Middle management Training
 Customer care courses
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 In charge of entire cabin in general and B+ & E/Y+ class in particular for complete flight
 Service activities on board passengers handling and safety of passenger and Crew
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Plan the In-flight services.
 Deploy balanced Crew for working and safety purposes.
 Coordinates on ground with:
1. Commander of the Aircraft.
2. All back up agencies.
3. Area Pursers for satisfactory functioning of the equipment / flight.
 Supervise all in-flight services, especially in B+ & E/Y+ class and take on the spot necessary
Corrective action.
 Participates in In-Flight Services, when required.
 Responsible for the conduct, discipline of the Cabin Crew on board / out stations.
 Responsible for all aircraft documentation / ship papers.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 246
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Senior Purser
Job Reference No.
 Motivate the Cabin Crew to improve:
1. The grooming standards
2. The art of courtesy/communication
3. Positive attitude building
4. Efficiency in job performance
 Conduct OJT for regular / newly inducted Cabin Crew.
 To brief crew who lack in knowledge of Safety Management System (SMS).
 To brief crew who lack in knowledge for the operation & awareness of Safety Assessment
Management System (SAMS).
 To brief crew who lack in knowledge of regulations & requirements of Department of
Foreign Transport. (DFT).
 Ensuring that SAFA checklist available with every crew member.
 Monitor all special occurrence happened during the conduction of the flight / at out stations.
 Ensure implementation of all PIAC rules / regulations on board and at out stations.
 Perform any other duty from time to time as assigned by the superiors.
 Any other duties assigned from time to time by the Management/Capt of the flight
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Chapter: 5
Page: 247
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Senior Purser
Flight Purser
Cabin Crew
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized university.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
Work Experience:
At least 05 years as Flight Steward or Airhostess.
Professional Training / Courses:
Business +Plus/Economy + service procedures.
Middle management Training
Customer care courses.
Training on Operations of
System/Equipment on aircraft.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
Assist and implement the flight services as planned by the Senior Purser.
Assist the Senior Purser in balancing / deploying Cabin Crew for working and safet purposes.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
Strictly follow Crew baggage regulations.
Maintain valid emergency certificate on type / passport / visas as applicable and carry all
 Relevant documents including approved torch on all flights.
 Conduct a thorough pre-flight check of emergency equipment, galley / cabin / toilets in his /
her area and organize galley / of his/her ability to maintain highest standards of in-flight
Services as per the latest procedures.
Coordinate with relevant ground agencies before departure of flight and inform any
Discrepancy to Senior Purser.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Job Title
Flight Purser
Chapter: 5
Page: 248
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Reference No.
Conduct the in-flight sales as per the existing procedure.
 Responsible for the conduct, discipline, grooming of the area crew in particular and all Cabin
Crew in genera
Motivate the cabin crew to improve: performance, attitude and present ability.
Ensure implementation of all PIA / regulations in his/her area.
 To brief crew who lack in knowledge of Safety Management System (SMS).
 To brief crew who lack in knowledge for the operation & awareness of Assessment
Management System (SAMS).
 To brief crew who lack in knowledge of regulations & requirements of Department of
Foreign Transport. (DFT).
 Ensuring that SAFA checklist available with every crew member.
Perform any other duty from time to time as assigned by the Management/Capt of the flight.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Senior Purser/Flight Purser
Flight Steward / Air Hostess Senior
Chapter: 5
Page: 249
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Cabin Crew
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized university.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
Work Experience:
 At least 2 years as Cabin Crew.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Basic Flight Service course.
 Business +Plus/Economy + service
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Responsible to Senior Purser / Flight Purser for galley, up-lift of food items, all necessary
 Galley equipment, on board passenger handling, maintenance of toilets and safety of
 Passengers / Crew.
 Responsible to work in the allocated area as detailed by the Senior Purser / Flight Purser.
 Make all in-flight announcements, when detailed by the Senior Purser.
 Maintain uniform turn out, grooming standards, regulations throughout the flight.
 Strictly follow crew baggage regulations.
 Maintain valid emergency certificate on type / passport / visas as applicable and carry all
 Relevant documents including approved torch on all flights.
 Conduct a thorough pre-flight check of emergency equipment, galley / cabin / toilets in his /
 Her area and organize galley / of his/her ability to maintain highest standards of in-flight
 Services as per the latest procedures.
 Maintain and improve professional efficiency / self-conduct.
 Be honest, dedicated, disciplined courteous in discharging his/her duties and responsibilities.
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Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 250
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Flight Steward / Air Hostess Senior
Job Reference No.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Well awareness of regulations & requirements of Department of Foreign Transport. (DFT).
 Well awareness of SAFA checklist.
 Perform any other duty from time to time as assigned by the Management/Capt of the flight.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Deputy GM Operations & Scheduling
Chapter: 5
Page: 251
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
GM Flight Services
Job Code
Operations & Scheduling
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from a recognized
University, higher qualification will be
given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Work Experience:
 At least 8 years as IT Related field and or 5 yrs
in Computerized Crew Scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training
 Quality Management System
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure strict compliance to their department/division operational safety and security
functions and also ensuring operation are provided with necessary resources.
 Develop monthly Cabin Crew duty rosters and crew position. Ensure that this schedule is kept
up-to date as changes occur due to substitutions, cancellations and the like, according to the
scheduling policy.
 Work closely with the DGM Crew planning to obtain long / short term crew availability and
flight slip patterns.
 Make PIA and interline arrangements for Cabin Crew positioning for operating the onward
schedule flights.
 Supervise the maintenance of individual records of Privilege leave / Casual leave / sick leave /
rest days.
 Ensure that Crew member’s families are informed of delays and changes in schedule of Crew
 To ensure optimum utilization of Cabin Crew to meet schedule and non scheduled operations
by efficient slip patterns, roistering and monitoring to establish effective control of Crew
movement and their proper briefing.
 Ensure effective management of Crew Briefing Rooms and stations ( KHI/LHE/PEW/ISB)
 Ensure that the strength “Mix” of Cabin Crew is in accordance with the standard required.
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Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 252
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Deputy GM Operations & Scheduling
 Maintain close liaison with Situation Room for information’s pertaining to regular flight
schedule as well as day to day changes in flight schedule.
 Ensure Crew is given their entitled leave keeping in the airlines operational requirements.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other assignment given by competent authorities.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Chapter: 5
Page: 253
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Briefing Control
DGM Operations & Scheduling
Operations & Scheduling
Job Code
Job Specifications:
Work Experience:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Quality & Analytic Skills.
 Computer literate
 At least 8 years as Cabin Crew and or 5 years in
Comp. Scheduling/Monitoring or 5 years in
computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training.
 Quality Management system.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To attend Briefing meeting every morning, provides Briefing points and other relevant
information concerning flights to Manager Flight Service (Ops).
Keep liaison with various agencies at the Airport to ensure departure of Flights in time
including Motor Transport Section.
 Provide flight history on daily basis (non-availabilities) on final Crew position, sick report,
transport problems etc. to Manager Flight Service (Operations).
 Monitor and maintenance and projection of chart regarding C/L, Sick Report, Refusal and
non-availability of Cabin Crew ex- Briefing Room on daily basis.
 Ensure judicious handling of change of flight duties, C/L etc. ex Briefing Room by B.O.
 Coordinate with Flight Operation Control, Ground Operation Control, and Situation Room
and ensures up to date in-flight information for Cabin Crew prior to departure of flights.
 Maintenance of B/Os flight duty roster and shift register.
 Monitor and action briefing office log on daily basis.
 Carries out non-scheduled checks of Briefing Room from time to time with a view to ensure
functioning of Briefing Room smoothly.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 254
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Manager Briefing Control
 Ensure distribution of various items including important mail, circular, briefing points
addressed to Cabin Crew and checking of emergency certificate ex-Briefing Room.
 To investigate and prepare cases of discrepancies reported by B.O. for necessary corrective
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time by competent authorities.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Assist Manager Monitoring
Operations & Scheduling
Chapter: 5
Page: 255
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
MGR Operations & Scheduling
Job Code
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communication Training.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
At least 8 yrs as Crew and or 5 years in
Automation. Scheduling &Monitoring or 5 yrs
experience of computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Prepares cabin crew slip patterns in accordance with the change in the schedules from time to
 Prepares cabin crew slip patterns in accordance with existing policy and works out cabin crew
slip hours and flying hours in accordance with the slip patterns.
 Works out the transition of the flight patterns and advises the same to all concerned well in
 Advises all concerned interline arrangement for cabin crew positioning, consequent to change
in pattern / diversion of flights.
 Works out the hotel accommodation requirement according to the slip patterns and advises to
all concerned well in advance.
 Ensures proper blocking of soupy seats for cabin crew as per requirement of slip patterns
keeps close liaison with the reservations.
 Coordinates with Scheduling and Monitoring officer for ensuring correct implementation of
transition / slip patterns and day to day operational changes in slip patterns.
 Maintain up to date record of slip stations, hotel rates, average slip hours and flying hours of
cabin crew.
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Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 256
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Assist Manager Monitoring
 Assists Assistant Manager Planning in working out the financial implications on slip
allowances, hotel accommodation, flying allowance and meal allowance of cabin crew.
 Deals with the queries from cabin crew / scheduling officers Monitoring concerning to change
in the slip patterns.
 Keeps close liaison with Central Control in the Flight Operations, Situation Room and takes
the follow up action due to change of aircraft, schedule, delays, diversions and advises revised
cabin crew movements to all concerned stations on priority.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Asst. Mgr Operations/Briefing Control
Operations & Scheduling
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Briefing Control
Job Code
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communication Training.
 Computer literate.
Chapter: 5
Page: 257
Flight Services Division
Work Experience:
 At least 8 yrs as Cabin Crew and or 5 yrs
Automation Scheduling & Monitoring or 5
years computerized scheduling
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Ensures optimum utilization of cabin crew in order to meet schedule / non-schedule
 Ensure availability of full complement of crew on each flight according to standard
requirement of crew on different aircraft.
 Maintain strict 24 hours control of daily operation, diversion, delays, re-routing with close
liaisons with Situation Room etc.
 Ensures availability of crew for any non-schedule flight such as extra section, charters, ferry /
positioning / VVIP and special flights, change of equipment etc.
 Coordinate with Assistant Manager Training and Recruitment for conducting various courses
relating to cabin crew for smooth operations.
 Make arrangements in connection with extra sections and off line operation regarding hotel,
allowances, security clearance etc.
 Makes interline arrangements for crew positioning at outstations due sickness etc.
 Assist crew for validation of their license and their travel documents.
 Maintain close liaison with Briefing Room regarding any day to day changes in the normal
schedule and supervision of operational scheduling cell located at Briefing Room.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 258
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Asst. Mgr Operations/Briefing Control
 Issues daily Final Crew Position for cabin crew pickup and drop. Monitors the crew rosters
accordingly and keeps it up to date. Supervises cabin crew mail dispatch.
 Keeps crew families informed of revised patterns on account of operational changes, sickness
and diversions.
 Coordinates with Assistant Manager (Planning) for any change in slip patterns etc.
 Assist in the preparation of monthly attendance of staff and officers working under Manager
Flight Service (Operation)
 Coordinate with Assistant Manager (Briefing Control) with regard to discrepancies reported
ex- Briefing Room.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time by higher authorities.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Monitoring Officer
Operations & Scheduling
Chapter: 5
Page: 259
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
Asst. Manager Monitoring
Job Code
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Work Experience:
At least 5 years as cabin crew and or 5 years
in automation Scheduling/Monitoring or 5
years of computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Ensures planned roistering and scheduling of cabin crew and investigate discrepancies for day
to day operation.
 Ensures systematic and planned roistering and scheduling of cabin crew.
 Coordinate with central control and Briefing Room for changes in planned schedule, delays,
diversions, cancellation, Situation Room, Extra Section and initiate necessary action.
 Actions operational telex messages and maintains proper record.
 Monitors proper utilization of cabin crew and actions day to day changes in flight pattern and
duty roster.
 Maintains and coordinates for crew required to be detailed for training.
 Ensure crew is made available for investigation / enquiries whenever required.
 Monitor preparation and circulation of final crew position and other operational duty letters.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 260
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Monitoring Officer
 Coordinates for detailing of extra cabin crew on marketing requirement.
 Monitors individual scheduling discrepancies and initiate corrective action.
 Maintains record of cabin crew passports and visa.
 Monitor preparation and submission of cabin crew attendance on monthly basis.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned by from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 261
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Scheduling Officer
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Operations & Scheduling
Operations & Scheduling
Job Code
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
At least 5 years as cabin crew and or 2 years
in Automation Scheduling and Monitoring.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System(Prefer)
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Monitors Final Crew Position to ensure full complement of crew.
 Ensures crew complement as per final crew position, arranges standby crew when required
from the list of standby.
 Coordinates with Flight Control / GOC, Situation Room regarding aircraft movement, extra
Section, delay and diversion for necessary action required in respect of crew movement.
 Coordinates with M.T. Section regarding changes in final crew position with regard to pickup
/ drop of crew.
 Make alternate crew arrangement against Casual Leave, Sick Report, Refusal and nonavailability.
 Records all changes neatly on copies of final crew position.
 Remains in contact with Head Office scheduling unit during office hours and advises changes
in final crew position and aircraft movement.
 Checks and record actual movement against out-going / in-coming crew position.
 On weak ends / holidays amends final crew position of following day / days as per actual
movement / utilization to ensure full complement and standby crew.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 262
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Scheduling Officer
 Advises names of crew for G.D. where applicable.
Prepares sick report, casual leave, refusal and non-availability Performa’s and maintains
scheduling log for information and record.
 Prepares passage authority, crew accommodation form and out station allowances form.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assign from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Briefing Officer
Operations & Scheduling
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Briefing Control
Job Code
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Chapter: 5
Page: 263
Flight Services Division
Work Experience:
At least 08 yrs as cabin crew and or 5 yrs in
briefing room monitoring
/planning/computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System(Prefer)
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Overall responsibility of Briefing Room function during his shift provides complete
information to crew prior to boarding.
 Works closely with various agencies at the Airport for assuring optimum in-flight efficiency.
 Provides all relevant information to cabin crew regarding a particular flight prior to boarding.
 Ensures full complement as per final crew position.
 Coordinates with all concerned agencies including Situation Room and Scheduling to ensure
on time departures of flight.
 Takes necessary action in case of delays, diversion of flight.
 Actions telexes and other information are pertaining to flights during off office hours.
 Takes on the spot decision regarding casual leave, change of crew etc. when necessary
particularly on holidays and during off office hours.
 Ensure maintenance of record / log of all function during his shift.
 Ensures proper handing / taking over.
 Ensures maintenance / distribution / receipt of important mail, briefing points and
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Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 264
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Briefing Officer
 Arrange tickets for crew traveling Supernumerary.
 Ensure receipt of flight service log / cabin technical log from all flights and dispatches to the
sections on all working days.
 Proper maintenance of discipline, equipment and cleanliness of Briefing Room.
 Ensure distribution of various items including important mail, circular, briefing points
addressed to cabin crew.
 Deals with crew day to day operation in respect of briefing, crew movement and roistering.
 Coordinates with Central Control, Ground Operation Control, Field Service and Motor
Transport Section to obtain relevant information regarding all flights departing / arriving in
his shift.
 Provides specific information to crew regarding a flight as per laid down procedures.
 Monitors final crew position to ensure full complement of crew.
 Arranges pick up and drop of crew as necessary. Detail and arrange standby crew.
 Maintains Briefing Log, ensures proper handing / taking over.
 Ensure cleanliness and maintenance of Briefing Room.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assign from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Asst Manager Planning & Statistics
AIMS Controllers
Chapter: 5
Page: 265
Flight Services Division
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
 Degree in relevant disciplines of IT will
be given preference.
Work Experience:
 At least 5 years as cabin crew and or 3 yrs in
Roistering, Planning /Scheduling.
 IT & Data control skills
Skills / Special Requirements:
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Coordination with DGM
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To coordinate with IT department for any updating / modification requirement in AIMS
required by user department.
 They can be assigned in briefing / scheduling / planning for different assignments.
 Updating data of Cabin Crew regarding duty / qualification / training etc
 To assist DBO’s / Scheduling Officers & Planning officers.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 To ensure equal distribution of flying hours.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 266
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Briefing Control
Scheduling Supervisor/Comp Operator
Operations & Scheduling
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University.
Skills / Special Requirements:
At least 5 yrs as Cabin Crew and or 2 yr in
Automation scheduling and monitoring.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Handle cabin crew duty rosters and maintains record of duty performed, leave, sickness etc.
 Will be responsible to handle and maintain cabin crew duty roster.
 Will maintain proper record of duty performed, Privilege Leave, Casual Leave, Sick Leave,
Rest Period and Off Days.
 Will submit report for irregularities in duty.
 Will detail crew for various courses in PIA Training Centre.
 Will be responsible to record and action individual cases for restricted duty.
 Will maintain record of request flights, mutual change of flights and other pertinent
 Will prepare duty letters, final crew position and return crew position as per existing policy.
 Will prepare monthly attendance of cabin crew.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 267
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Scheduling Supervisor/Comp Operator
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
D. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 269
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Operation & Scheduling
Dispatch Supervisor
Operations & Scheduling
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Intermediate and preference will be given to
Skills / Special Requirements:
 At least 01 years experience in Courier
Professional Training / Courses:
 Aware of locations/areas in city of
 Knowledge of retrieving data from
relevant database
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Familiarization of locations of Crew residence.
 Coordinate with Scheduling, Briefing and Monitoring & Standards for any relevant document
that needs to be delivered to Cabin Crew.
 Coordinate availability of Dispatch riders.
 Ensure D/Rs deliver letters/document to crew in time.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Manage received and dispatch office mail.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Deputy GM Planning
Chapter: 5
Page: 270
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
GM Flight Services
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from a recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Work Experience:
 At least 08 years as Crew and or 3 yrs
in Computerized Crew Scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training
 Quality Management System
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure strict compliance to their department/division operational safety and security
functions and also ensuring operation are provided with necessary resources.
 Analyze the effect of changes to routes and schedules and equipment on Cabin Crew
requirements. Develop Crew Manpower projections for these needs in both, the short and
long term.
 Develop cost effective crew slip patterns to meet schedule requirements, ensuring optimum
crew utilization. Arrange Hotel accommodation for Crew at out stations for new schedules.
 Develop Manpower projections for Cabin Crew requirements, to be met by recruitment and
up-grading, recognizing the lead time required to train Cabin Crew for advanced and
sophisticated equipment.
 Analyze proposed monthly schedules and suggest adjustments to maximum Crew utilization.
 Ensure that passports / documents and necessary visas are current for Cabin Crew.
 To ensure optimum utilization of Cabin Crew to meet schedule and non scheduled operations
by efficient slip patterns, roistering and monitoring to establish effective control of Crew
 Develop efficient and economic slip pattern to meet the schedule requirement.
 Prepare crew roster ensuring equitable, efficient and economic utilization of cabin crew
within the terms of corporate regulations.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 271
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Deputy GM Planning
 Monitor the implementation of cabin crew roster and provide replacement where necessary.
 Maintain close liaison with Corporate Planning, Flight Control and Situation Room for
information’s pertaining to regular flight schedule.
 Ensure that the hotel accommodation for Cabin Crew at foreign stations and within Pakistan
is up to the standard.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other assignment given by competent authorities.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Chapter: 5
Page: 272
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
DGM Planning
Manager Planning
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Quality & Analytic Skills.
 Computer literate
Work Experience:
 At least 08 years as Cabin Crew and 3 yrs in
computerized Scheduling/Monitoring or 5 year
computer scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Prepare Cabin Crew rosters in accordance with laid down policy to ensure equitable flying
duties to all crew and arrange built-in training, leave etc. in the roster.
 Plan Crew pattern for extra sections, special and VVIP Flights as per Corporations
 Prepare Cabin Crew hotel room requirement at all slip stations.
 Evolves most feasible Crew slip pattern for the forthcoming schedule of the airline.
 Makes the transition arrangements with close liaisons from Situation Room for switching
over and schedule to the other.
 Ensure proper blocking of seats for Cabin Crew proceeding supernumerary as per schedule
 Provides proper standby system so as to avoid changes in the roster.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 273
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Manager Planning
 Keep close liaison with the office of Assistant Manager (Crew Recruitment, Training &
Certification) and Assistant Manager (Monitoring & Standards).
 Keeps up to date record of roster so as answer various queries and certify hotel bills etc.
 Ensures printing and distribution of crew roster well in time.
 To arrange hotel requirement at all cabin crew slip stations and make arrangements for its
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other assignment given by competent authority.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Assist Manager Planning
Chapter: 5
Page: 274
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
MGR Planning & Statistics
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communication Training.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
At least 08 yrs as Cabin Crew and or 3 years
in Automation. Scheduling & Monitoring or
08 yrs experience of computerized
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Prepares cabin crew slip patterns in accordance with the change in the schedules from time to
 Prepares cabin crew slip patterns in accordance with existing policy and works out cabin crew
slip hours and flying hours in accordance with the slip patterns.
 Works out the transition of the flight patterns and advises the same to all concerned well in
 Advises all concerned interline arrangement for cabin crew positioning, consequent to change
in pattern / diversion of flights.
 Works out the hotel accommodation requirement according to the slip patterns and advises to
all concerned well in advance.
 Ensures proper blocking of supernumerary seats for cabin crew as per requirement of slip
patterns keeps close liaison with the reservations.
 Coordinates with Scheduling and Monitoring officer for ensuring correct implementation of
transition / slip patterns and day to day operational changes in slip patterns.
 Maintain up to date record of slip stations, hotel rates, average slip hours and flying hours of
cabin crew.
Assists Assistant Manager Planning in working out the financial implications on slip
allowances, hotel accommodation, flying allowance and meal allowance of cabin crew.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 275
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Assist Manager Planning
 Deals with the queries from cabin crew / scheduling officers Monitoring concerning to change
in the slip patterns.
 Keeps close liaison with Central Control and Situation Room in the Flight Operations and
takes the follow up action due to change of aircraft, schedule, delays, diversions and advises
revised cabin crew movements to all concerned stations on priority.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
B. Job Objectives (if defined):
Controlled Document – Do not copy or reproduce without prior permission
Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Sr. Planning Officer
Chapter: 5
Page: 276
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Planning & Statistics
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
 At least 5 yrs as cabin crew and or 5 years in
planning /roistering or 5 yrs of computerized
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System (Prefer).
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Prepares duty cycle roster for cabin crew in accordance with the changes in slip patterns from
time to time.
 Prepares cabin crew duty cycle rosters in accordance with the Management’ s policy
regarding duty time limitations and assuring equitable flying hours and slip hours to all cabin
 Prepares separate duty cycle roster for foreign airhostesses, keeping in view their marketing
requirement to cover specific routes due to language problem.
 Prepares separate duty cycle rosters for Training & Check Pursers for in-flight performance
check and on the job training of cabin crew.
 Works out monthly average slip hours and flying hours on each and every duty cycle roster of
cabin crew.
 Works out transitions in consequent to changes / revisions of duty cycle roster.
 Prepares day wise time table for cabin crew as advised by Assistant Manager Planning.
 Assists Assistant Manager Planning for analyzing cabin crew requirement in accordance with
fleet plan of the Corporation.
Maintains up to date record of duty cycle rosters so as to have a proper flights sequence in
future roistering.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 277
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Sr. Planning Officer
 Keeps close coordination with the Scheduling Officers in the Scheduling Cell of Flight
Services to ensure proper implementations of duty cycle rosters.
 Keeps up to date category-wise data of cabin crew.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Chapter: 5
Page: 278
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
Asst Manager Planning & Statistics
AIMS Administrators
B. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
 Degree in relevant disciplines of IT will
be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Coordination with DGM
Work Experience:
 At least 5 years as cabin crew and or 2 yrs in
Roistering, Planning /Scheduling.
 IT & Data control skills.
 Supervisory skills.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software.
 IT management courses.
C. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure equal distribution of workload / international & domestic layover hours among
Cabin Crew & all bases.
 To supervise roistering.
 To prepare cost effective crew routes.
 To coordinate with IT department for any updating / modification requirement in AIMS
required by user department.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Managing & Updating data of Cabin Crew regarding duty / qualification / training etc
 To assist DBO’s / Scheduling Officers & Planning officers.
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Chapter: 5
Page: 279
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Planning
Sr. Roistering Officer
A. Job Specifications:
Work Experience:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
 At least 5 years as cabin crew and or 2 yrs in
Roistering, Planning /Scheduling
Professional Training / Courses:
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System(Prefer)
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Prepares duty cycle roster for cabin crew in accordance with the changes in slip patterns from
time to time.
 Prepares cabin crew duty cycle rosters in accordance with the Management’ s policy
regarding duty time limitations and assuring equitable flying hours and slip hours to all cabin
 Prepares separate duty cycle roster for foreign airhostesses, keeping in view their marketing
requirement to cover specific routes due to language problem.
 Prepares separate duty cycle rosters for Training & Check Pursers for in-flight performance
check and on the job training of cabin crew.
 Works out monthly average slip hours and flying hours on each and every duty cycle roster of
cabin crew.
 Works out transitions in consequent to changes / revisions of duty cycle roster.
 Prepares day wise time table for cabin crew as advised by Assistant Manager Planning.
 Assists Assistant Manager Planning for analyzing cabin crew requirement in accordance with
fleet plan of the Corporation.
Maintains up to date record of duty cycle rosters so as to have a proper flights sequence in
future roistering.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 280
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Roistering Officer
 Keeps close coordination with the Scheduling Officers in the Scheduling Cell of Flight
Services to ensure proper implementations of duty cycle rosters.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Keeps up to date category-wise data of Cabin Crew.
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Sr. Statistical Officer
Chapter: 5
Page: 281
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Planning
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
At least 05 years in data collection or 5 years of
computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Update and monitor the block hours as per Flight Log.
 Plans to verify check certify International Slips.
 Keep close liaison with Flight Operation to monitor Cabin Crew block hours as per official
Flight Log.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Update the record for Cabin Crew allowances.
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Planning & Statistics
Programmer/Automation Officer
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Chapter: 5
Page: 282
Flight Services Division
Work Experience:
 At least 5 years as Cabin Crew and or 2 years in
Automation/Scheduling & Monitoring.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System(Prefer)
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Keeps the computer updated for all necessary information regarding Cabin Crew.
 Plans Maintains record of leave e.g. P/L M/L LWP C/L of the Cabin Crew and sends the
same to mainframe computer.
 Prepares attendance sheets/registers every month as per duty rosters provided by Roistering
officer for Cabin Crew.
 Ensures printing of duty rosters of all Cabin Crew every month.
 Maintains history of all transfers/joining reports with effective dates.
 Responsible to record and action individual cases for restricted duty.
 Ensures on time completion and printing of final Crew position.
 Prepares duty letters, final Crew position and return Crew position as per existing policy.
 Prepare monthly attendance of Cabin Crew.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 283
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Programmer/Automation Officer
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
D. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Deputy GM Crew Recruitment, Training &
Crew Recruitment, Training& Certification
Chapter: 5
Page: 284
Flight Services Division
Pay Group
Reports to
GM Flight Services
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from a recognized
University, higher qualification will be
given preference.
Work Experience:
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
At least 08 yrs as Cabin Crew or 05 yrs as
senior cabin crew or 08 yrs as Training
Instructor in Flight Service.
Minimum 3 years Training Experience as a
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training
 Quality Management System
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure strict compliance to their department/division operational safety and security
functions and also ensuring operation are provided with necessary resources.
 To coordinate Crew certification as per CAA requirements.
 To develop and Plan Manpower Recruitment and Training requirement after the receipt of
approved Manpower requirement of the Cabin Crew from Scheduling and Operations.
 To ensure Crew are trained and certified as per the airline policy and CAA requirement.
 To ensure that all subordinates staff performs their duties as per their job descriptions.
 To develop new courses for the development of Cabin Crew.
 To develop long and short term job succession plans for Training, Development and
Development of existing Staff.
 To establish Recruitment Standard of different categories of Staff and process Cabin Crew
recruitment as and when required.
 To plan yearly training programs for all categories of Cabin Crew in coordination with Chief
Instructor Flight Service, DGMs (Operations/Standards) and ensure its implementation.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 285
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Deputy GM Crew Recruitment, Training & Certification
 To revise Refresher courses for Cabin Crew in the light of feedback provided by Performance
/ Quality Control for achieving optimum level of productivity.
 To ensure that changes in Safety Equipments & Procedures are developed, processed by
DGM Monitoring & Standard and after printing are provided to DGM Crew Recruitment,
 Training & Certification for insertion in the manual and is circulated by DGM Crew
Recruitment, Training & Certification to all the Cabin Crew.
 To prepare Revenue / Capital Annual Budget estimates in coordination with other DGM’s
FSD and Finance Manager (Flight Service Division)
 To ensure adequate welfare activities in the division for maintaining high moral of the Cabin
 To ensure expeditious disposal of Administrative and disciplinary cases of the division.
 To develop Training Syllabi for different basic/refresher development courses for different
cadres of Cabin Crew.
 To monitor the Training as per syllabus in the PTC.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other assignment given by competent authority.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 286
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Manager Evaluation Certification
Crew Recruitment/Training/Certifications
Pay Group
Reports to
DGM Recruitment/Training/Certifications
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
 At least 08 yrs as Cabin Crew or 05 yrs as
senior Cabin Crew or 05 yrs in flight services.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.(Prefer)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure all requirements of CAA are met regarding Competency of Cabin Crew.
 To ensure that Crew are detailed on flights holding valid Competency Certificate for type of
 To coordinate with PTC, Flight Operations, Corporate Safety, CAA.
 To develop training program to meet short term and long term requirements based on the
operating plans. Coordinates with all concerned in this regard.
 To develop new / revised service procedures in the syllabus in coordination with AM (QA)
and AM (Training & Certification).
 To develop and organize Safety Equipment & Procedure (SEP) drills (Mandatory requirement
by CAA).
 To develop and ensure maintenance of accurate and up to date record of validity of
competency certificate of Cabin Crew for all types of aircrafts that are required as per CAA
 To develop recruitment standard of Cabin Crew as and when required.
 To develop and plan yearly training program for all categories of Cabin Crew in coordination
with Chief Instructor (Flight Services), DGMs (Operations & Scheduling / Standards ) and
ensure its implementation.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 287
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Manager Evaluation Certification
 To revise refresher courses for Cabin Crew in the light of feedback provided by Performance
Evaluation / Quality Assurance for achieving optimum level of productivity.
 . To ensure that all subordinating staff performs their duties as per their Job Description.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other assignment given by the Management.
D. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 288
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Pay Group
Manager Recruitment & Training
Crew Recruitment/Training/Certifications
Reports to
DGM Recruitment/Training/Certifications
A. Job Specifications:
Work Experience:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
At least 08 yrs as Cabin Crew or 5 yrs as Senior
Cabin Crew and 5 years in flight service.
Professional Training / Courses:
Communicative Skills.
Computer literate.
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.(Prefer)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure recruitment and training of Cabin Crew as per requirement of Corporation and
 To develop syllabi and training programs in coordination with PIA Training Centre.
 To coordinate with PTC, Scheduling / Standards , Employment Section, Corporate Safety,
Chief Flight Surgeon, and CAA for above functions.
 To ensure highest standard of training to PIA Cabin Crew.
 To ensure that all subordinating staff performs their duties as per their job description.
 To ensure quality Management at PIA Trainees Hostel.
 Any other assignment given by the management.
 To ensure Recruitment of competent hands against available vacancies according to the
Recruitment policy.
 To ensures completion of employment formalities on priority basis.
 To ensure maintenance of all pertinent personal data of new entrant in the personal files and
Personal Evaluation dossiers through prescribed set of employment forms.
 To maintain up to date statistical information regarding approved strength and vacancy
position of the Department / Section (HRB).
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Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 289
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Manager Recruitment & Training
 To initiate, process and follows up with employment / personnel section on filling up of staff
vacancies, promotion and transfer.
 To develop training syllabi in coordination with PIA Training Centre so as to ensure highest
standards of training to PIA Cabin Crew in accordance with CAA requirements.
 To monitor the implementation of training programs so as to ensure availability of trained
crew as per laid down standards.
 To ensure incorporation of new / revised safety and flight services procedures in the syllabi
developed for training of cabin crew. Coordinates with the Assistant Manager Quality
Assurance in this connection.
 To coordinate with PIA Training Centre in all practical class room / mock up training for
effective implementation of training programs.
 To assist new entrants with various formalities such as employment ID card, Medical Card
approval etc.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
D. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 290
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Evaluation Certification
Inspections & Evaluation Officer
Crew Recruitment/Training/Certifications
C. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
At least 05 years as Cabin Crew or 2 years as
Flight Purser in flight services
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.(Familiarization)
D. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To monitor cabin crew operate flights with valid competency certificates.
 To maintain crew records for validity of competency certificates.
 To coordinate with PTC, Scheduling and Standards & Monitoring.
 To plans training of Cabin Crew as per recruitment plan given by Assistant Manager Training
& Recruitment.
 To assess and program training schedule with PIA Training Centre.
 To plan program and monitor evacuation drills and coordinate on the job training for all
categories of Cabin Crew.
 Maintain training records of all Cabin Crew and coordinate with performance cell for dossier
entry for safety and In-flight Services.
 Incorporate new procedures into training program.
 Inspects bases to check, coordinate and evaluate training programs and schedule.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 291
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Crew Welfare Officer
Crew Recruitment/Training/Certifications
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager & Recruitment Training
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
 At least 05 yrs as Cabin Crew or 02 yrs as
Senior Cabin Crew.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Assist Manager Training & Recruitment in matters pertaining to welfare, grooming, saleable
and establishment / assessments.
 Ensure development of long term Cabin Crew welfare planning.
 Work closely with other assistant Managers of the section in matter related to Crew and Staff
 Assist the family of Crew members in case of any emergency while they are on out station
 Initiate cases for approval and procurement of capital items. Maintain inventory of office
equipment, furnishers and other assets.
 Handle all matters regarding saleable, investigate shortages including write off / recovery
action in coordination with support agencies.
 Deal with peculiar problems of Female Cabin Crew.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 292
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Crew Welfare Officer
 To conduct all interviews of Cabin Crew with regard to redress of grievances with Director
Flight Operations and General Manager Standards Inspections.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned by competent authority.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 293
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Manual Officer
Crew Recruitment/Training/Certifications
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Evaluation Certification
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
At least 05 yrs cabin crew or 2 yrs as Senior
Cabin Crew or 5 yrs in Flight Services.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Assist Assistant Manager-Performance Evaluation of certification in matter related to SEP
Manual insertions, Updates and distribution among the Cabin Crew and all concerned.
 Ensure printing of SEP insertions and follow-up.
 Ensure timely distribution of insertions/manual to all Cabin Crew and PTC (Trainees).
 Co-ordination with concerned sections or department for manual updates and insertions.
 Co-ordinates with CAA Pakistan for SEP Revisions or insertions.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned by the competent authority.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 294
Flight Services Division
Job Title
Crew Recruitment/Training/Certifications
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Training & Recruitment
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
At least 5 years as Matron in reputable
Organization or 2 years as Cabin Crew in
officer cadre
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Middle Management Training.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Complete management and maintenance of Hostel Affairs.
 Implementation of Hostel rules applicable to residents of hostel
 Ensure all applicable facilities are available
 Responsible to maintain discipline in the hostel.
 Any other assignment given by the management
 Complete Management, control of hostel. Allocation and supervision of duties and leave.
 To issue daily stores and supervise daily operation.
 To conduct spot check to ensure cleanliness of premises, bed rooms, common room, kitchen
and gardens.
 Maintenance of crockery, linen etc.
 Preparation and submission of inventory on quarterly, half yearly and yearly basis.
 Control wastage of electricity and water.
 To maintain account and record of purchases, budget control and exercise economy by
controlling wastage.
 To exercise Inventory control of all assets in hostel.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 295
Flight Services Division
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
 To implement Hostel rules applicable to residents, submit report on residents when action
 To suggest ways and means to bring about improvement.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Manager Flight Services
Chapter: 5
Page: 296
Director’s Secretariat
Pay Group
Reports to
GM Flight Services
Cabin Crew Bases
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Management, Tech, Communication
Training. Computer literate of computerized
Work Experience:
 At least 08 years as Cabin Crew and or 5 yrs
in Computerized Scheduling &Monitoring.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management
 System.(Familiarization)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure strict compliance to their department/division operational safety and security functions
and also ensuring operation are provided with necessary resources.
 Monitors Cabin Crew Performance and ensures implementation of In-flight standard on board
PIA flights, operated by LHE/ISB/PEW based crew. Supervise Hotel and Cabin Crew on slip
and in transit.
 To ensure that Cabin Crew layover pattern and flights are done according to the plan laid down
by the Head Office.
 Coordinates with the Head office in the event of any dislocation of duties and movement of
Cabin Crew.
 Coordinates on Cabin Crew pickup and drop and other transport requirements.
 Make alternative arrangements in the events of any sick reports, non-availability of Crew
members etc.
 Coordinates with the Traffic and Immigration for any Supernumerary travels and keep them
informed as to which Crew are operating flights.
 In emergency make Visa arrangements whenever required.
 To keep the Crew informed of any delays changes in time of operations etc.
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Chapter: 5
Page: 297
Director’s Secretariat
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Manager Flight Services
 Briefing and de-briefing of Cabin Crew at ISB/LHE/PEW Airports and keep a check on their
grooming and uniform turn out.
 To make and supervise Cabin Crew accommodation arrangements and ensure that
Crew members are not kept waiting for their rooms.
Coordinate with hotel management for proper utilization of rooms.
Check that bills and invoices submitted by the authorities are in order and that they are
promptly paid.
 Inspects the aircraft on arrivals and departures ensuring cleanliness and that equipment is
supplied according to laid down standards.
 Coordinates with Catering Services, Passenger Service and Flight Operations for smooth
 Process Flight Service Technical Log and Coordinates with support agencies for timely
corrective action.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time by competent authorities.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 298
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Base Manager Flight Services
Assistant Manager Operations
Cabin Crew Bases
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
At least 08 yrs as Cabin Crew and 5 yrs in
briefing room monitoring
/planning/computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management
 System.(Familiarization)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Overall responsibility of Briefing Room function during his shift provides complete information
to Crew prior to boarding.
 Works closely with various agencies at the Airport for assuring optimum In-flight efficiency.
 Provides all relevant information to Cabin Crew regarding a particular flight prior to boarding.
 Ensures full complement as per final Crew position.
 Coordinates with all concerned agencies including scheduling to ensure on time departures of
 Takes necessary action in case of delays, diversion of flight.
 Actions telexes and other information are pertaining to flights during off office hours.
 Takes on the spot decision regarding casual leave, change of Crew etc. when necessary
particularly on holidays and during off office hours.
 Ensure maintenance of record / log of all function during his shift.
 Ensures proper handing / taking over.
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Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 299
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Assistant Manager Operations /Scheduling/Monitoring
 Ensures maintenance / distribution / receipt of important mail, briefing points and instructions.
 Arrange tickets for crew traveling Supernumery.
 Ensure receipt of flight service log / cabin technical log from all flights and dispatches to the
sections on all working days.
 Proper maintenance of discipline, equipment and cleanliness of Briefing Room.
 Ensure distribution of various items including important mail, circular, briefing points addressed
to Cabin Crew.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assign from time to time.
D. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Asst Manager Ops/Sch/Mon
Chapter: 5
Page: 300
Director’s Secretariat
Pay Group
Reports to
Base Manager Flight Services (ISB/LHE/PEW)
Cabin Crew Bases
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Work Experience:
 At least 08 years as Cabin Crew and or 5 yrs in
Comp. Scheduling/Monitoring
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management system.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To attend Briefing meeting every morning, provides Briefing points and other relevant
information concerning flights to DGM (Ops).
 Prepare Cabin Crew rosters in accordance with laid down policy to ensure equitable flying duties
to all crew and arrange built-in training, leave etc. in the roster.
 Provides proper standby system so as to avoid changes in the roster.
 Provide flight history on daily basis (non-availabilities) on final crew position, sick report,
transport problems etc. to the DGM (Operations).
 Prepares Cabin Crew slip patterns in accordance with existing policy and works out Cabin Crew
slip hours and flying hours in accordance with the slip patterns.
 Ensures proper blocking of Supernumerary seats for Cabin Crew as per requirement of slip
patterns keeps close liaison with the reservations
 Monitor and maintenance and projection of chart regarding C/L, Sick Report, Refusal and nonavailability of cabin crew ex- Briefing Room on daily basis.
 Coordinate with Flight Operation Control, Ground Operation Control, and ensures up to date Inflight information for Cabin Crew prior to departure of flights.
 Maintenance of B/Os flight duty roster and shift register
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Chapter: 5
Page: 301
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Asst Manager Ops/Sch/Mon
 Ensure distribution of various items including important mail, circular, briefing points addressed
to cabin crew and checking of emergency certificate ex-Briefing Room
 To investigate and prepare cases of discrepancies reported by B.O. for necessary corrective
 Deals with the queries from Cabin Crew / Scheduling Officers Monitoring concerning to change
in the slip patterns.
 Verifies and certifies allowances claimed by Crew under various heads as admissible in the
working agreement.
 Assist Manager (Briefing Control) for Crew requirement in case of delays, diversion and rerouting.
 Works out Cabin Crew requirement on future planning accordance with fleet plan of the
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Responsible for Cabin Crew duty rosters and maintains record of duty performed, leave, sickness
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 302
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Briefing Control (ISB/LHE/PEW)
Sr. Briefing Officer
Cabin Crew Bases
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
At least 05 yrs as Cabin Crew and 5 yrs in
briefing room monitoring
/planning/computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management
 System.(Familiarization)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Overall responsibility of Briefing Room function during his shift provides complete information
to Crew prior to boarding.
 Works closely with various agencies at the Airport for assuring optimum In-flight efficiency.
 Provides all relevant information to Cabin Crew regarding a particular flight prior to boarding.
 Ensures full complement as per final Crew position.
 Coordinates with all concerned agencies including scheduling to ensure on time departures of
 Takes necessary action in case of delays, diversion of flight.
 Actions telexes and other information are pertaining to flights during off office hours.
 Takes on the spot decision regarding casual leave, change of Crew etc. when necessary
particularly on holidays and during off office hours.
 Ensure maintenance of record / log of all function during his shift.
 Ensures proper handing / taking over.
 Ensures maintenance / distribution / receipt of important mail, briefing points and instructions.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 303
Director’s Secretariat
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Sr. Briefing Officer
 Arrange tickets for crew traveling Supernumerary.
 Ensure receipt of flight service log / cabin technical log from all flights and dispatches to the
sections on all working days.
 Proper maintenance of discipline, equipment and cleanliness of Briefing Room.
 Ensure distribution of various items including important mail, circular, briefing points addressed
to Cabin Crew.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assign from time to time.
B. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 304
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Briefing Officer
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Flight Services
Cabin Crew Bases
All Stations
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
Work Experience:
 At least 05 yrs as Cabin Crew and 5 yrs in
briefing room monitoring
/planning/computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System.(Familiarization)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Overall responsibility of Briefing Room function during his shift provides complete information
to crew prior to boarding.
 Works closely with various agencies at the Airport for assuring optimum in-flight efficiency.
 Provides all relevant information to Cabin Crew regarding a particular flight prior to boarding.
 Ensures full complement as per final Crew position.
 Coordinates with all concerned agencies including scheduling to ensure on time departures of
 Takes necessary action in case of delays, diversion of flight.
 Actions telexes and other information are pertaining to flights during off office hours.
 Takes on the spot decision regarding casual leave, change of crew etc. when necessary
particularly on holidays and during off office hours.
 Ensure maintenance of record / log of all function during his shift.
 Ensures proper handing / taking over.
 Ensures maintenance / distribution / receipt of important mail, briefing points and instructions.
 Arrange tickets for crew traveling Supernumery.
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Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 305
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Briefing Officer
 Ensure receipt of flight service log / cabin technical log from all flights and dispatches to the
sections on all working days.
 Proper maintenance of discipline, equipment and cleanliness of Briefing Room.
 Ensure distribution of various items including important mail, circular, briefing points addressed
to Cabin Crew.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assign from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Sr. Planning/Monitoring Officer
Cabin Crew Bases
Chapter: 5
Page: 306
Director’s Secretariat
Reports to
Base Manager (ISB/LHE/PEW)
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communication Training.
 Computer literate.
Work Experience:
 At least 05 years as Cabin Crew and or 5 years
in Automation. Scheduling &Monitoring or 5
years experience of computerized scheduling.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Training.
 Quality Management System (Familiarization)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Prepares Cabin Crew slip patterns in accordance with the change in the schedules from time to
 Prepares Cabin Crew slip patterns in accordance with existing policy and works out Cabin Crew
slip hours and flying hours in accordance with the slip patterns.
 Works out the transition of the flight patterns and advises the same to all concerned well in
 Advises all concerned interline arrangement for Cabin Crew positioning, consequent to change
in pattern / diversion of flights.
 Works out the hotel accommodation requirement according to the slip patterns and advises to all
concerned well in advance.
 Ensures proper blocking of Supernumerary seats for Cabin Crew as per requirement of slip
patterns keeps close liaison with the reservations.
 Coordinates with Scheduling and Monitoring officer for ensuring correct implementation of
transition / slip patterns and day to day operational changes in slip patterns.
 Maintain up to date record of slip stations, hotel rates, average slip hours and flying hours of
Cabin Crew.
 Assists Assistant Manager Planning in working out the financial implications on slip allowances,
hotel accommodation, flying allowance and meal allowance of Cabin Crew.
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Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 307
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Sr. Planning/Monitoring Officer
 Deals with the queries from Cabin Crew / Scheduling Officers Monitoring concerning to change
in the slip patterns.
 Keeps close liaison with Central Control in the Flight Operations and takes the follow up action
due to change of aircraft, schedule, delays, and diversions and advises revised Cabin Crew
movements to all concerned stations on priority.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Job Title
Pay Group
Scheduling Officer
Cabin Crew Bases
Chapter: 5
Page: 308
Director’s Secretariat
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Reports to
Base Manager Flight Services (ISB/LHE/PEW)
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 At least 5 yrs as Cabin Crew and or 2 yrs in
Automation Scheduling and Monitoring.
Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.(prefer)
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Monitors Final Crew Position to ensure full complement of Crew.
 Ensures Crew complement as per final Crew position, arranges standby Crew when required
from the list of standby.
 Coordinates with Flight Control / GOC regarding aircraft movement, extra Section, delay and
diversion for necessary action required in respect of Crew movement.
 Coordinates with M.T. Section regarding changes in final Crew position with regard to pickup /
drop of crew.
 Make alternate Crew arrangement against Casual Leave, Sick Report, Refusal and nonavailability.
 Records all changes neatly on copies of final Crew position.
 Remains in contact with Head Office scheduling unit during office hours and advises changes in
final Crew position and aircraft movement.
 Checks and record actual movement against out-going / in-coming Crew position.
 On weak ends / holidays amends final Crew position of following day / days as per actual
movement / utilization to ensure full complement and standby Crew.
 Advises names of Crew for G.D. where applicable.
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 309
Director’s Secretariat
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Scheduling Officer
 Prepares sick report, casual leave, refusal and non-availability preformed and maintains
scheduling log for information and record.
 Prepares passage authority, Crew accommodation form and out station allowances form.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assign from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Job Title
Pay Group
Grooming Officer
Cabin Crew Bases
Chapter: 5
Page: 310
Director’s Secretariat
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Reports to
Base Manager Flight Services ISB/LHE/PEW)
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 At least 05 years flying as Cabin Crew.
 Graduation from recognized
University, higher qualification will be
given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Diploma/courses in Cosmetics & Beautician.
 Management Training.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Assist Senior Grooming Officer in implementing laid down grooming policy in order to ensure
highest standard of grooming.
 Pre-flight, on flight and out station grooming checks.
 Advise crew members on hair, beauty, make-up and weight problems.
 Issuing of coiffure cards and wings.
 Checking of Hair dressing bills.
 Assist Senior Grooming Officer in maintaining high standard of grooming and uniform turn-out.
 Issues notices on excess weight, poor grooming and excess hair sets.
 Maintenance of records and dossier.
 Action on grooming discrepancies.
 Suggest ways and means to improve grooming.
 Supervise tailoring of uniform and action complaints received on uniform.
 Process cases for issuance of uniform items.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 311
Director’s Secretariat
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Job Reference No.
Grooming Officer
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Asst Manager Ops & Scud (LHE/ISB)
Scheduling Supervisor
Cabin Crew Bases
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 At least 5 yrs as Cabin Crew and or 2 yr in
Automation scheduling and monitoring.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
Chapter: 5
Page: 312
Director’s Secretariat
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software
Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Handle Cabin Crew duty rosters and maintains record of duty performed, leave, sickness etc.
 Will be responsible to handle and maintain Cabin Crew duty roster.
 Will maintain proper record of duty performed Privilege Leave, Casual Leave, Sick Leave, and
rest Period and Off Days.
 Will submit report for irregularities in duty.
 Will detail Crew for various courses in PIA Training Centre.
 Will be responsible to record and action individual cases for restricted duty.
 Will maintain record of request flights, mutual change of flights and other pertinent information.
 Will prepare duty letters, final Crew position and return Crew position as per existing policy.
 Will prepare monthly attendance of Cabin Crew.
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Chapter: 5
Page: 313
Director’s Secretariat
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Scheduling Supervisor
Job Reference No.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duty assigned from time to time.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 314
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Pay Group
AIMS Controller
Cabin Crew Bases
Reports to
Base Manager FSD (LHE/ISB/PEW)
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University.
 Degree in relevant disciplines of IT will
be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Coordination with DGM.
Work Experience:
 At least 5 years as Cabin Crew and or 2 yrs in
Roistering, Planning /Scheduling.
 IT & Data control skills.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Computerized scheduling on AIM Software.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To coordinate with IT department for any updating / modification requirement in AIMS required
by user department.
 They can be assigned in briefing / scheduling / planning for different assignments.
 Updating data of Cabin Crew regarding duty / qualification / training etc
 To assist DBO’s / Scheduling Officers & Planning officers.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 315
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Scheduling Supervisor
Job Reference No.
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS)
 To ensure equal distribution of flying hours.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Manager Quality Assurance
Reports to
Director Customer Services
General Manager Flight Services
Director Corporate Safety & QA
Corporate Safety & QA
Chapter: 5
Page: 316
Director’s Secretariat
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
Work Experience:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 At least 5 years as Cabin Crew in senior cadre
in Flight Services.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate.
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 To ensure strict compliance to their department/division operational safety and security functions
and also ensuring operation are provided with necessary resources.
 Carry out Research & Develop improvement / changes plans.
 Develop policies and procedures on Technical, Quality Control and In-flight Service aspects,
develop and maintain in-flight service manual, circulates general guidance circulars for the
information and implementation by the Cabin Crew.
 To develop policies and procedures on the technical, quality control and other In-flight services
 To develop galleys and flight equipment plans in conformity with the required service standards
 To ensure development of flight service manual.
 To develop and circulate general circulars literature beneficial to Cabin Crew in the better
understanding of the laid down policies and procedures.
 To work closely with the Assistant Manager Performance Evaluation to ensure that the laid
down policies and procedures are effectively followed.
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 317
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Manager Quality Assurance
Job Reference No.
 To ensure that effective methods are evolved with regard to handling and maintenance of service
 To carry out feasibility studies of technical projects.
 To process cabin technical log, prepare monthly returns of cabin defects to develop trends for
monthly presentation.
 To handle new projects and participates in evolution and induction of A/C equipment.
 To assist Manager Flight Service (Monitoring / Scheduling / Training) to develop TCPs flying
procedure with optimum utilization.
 To perform any other assigned to him by the Manager Flight Service (Monitoring & Standard).
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 To maintains liaison with CAA / Flt. Ops / Airport Services.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 318
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Quality Assurance
Assistant Manager Res & Dev /Quality Assurance
Corporate Safety & QA
A. Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Team leadership and communication
 Analytic Skills.
 Adaptability to Environment shifts.
Work Experience:
At least 5 years as Senior Cabin Crew and 2
years in quality department as a Quality
Auditor and done at least 2 quality audits.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Middle Management Courses.
 Quality Management system all courses.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Establish Quality and Performance Standards.
 Revising of Performance Standards for improvement of in-house monitoring methods.
 Establish Reports/Inspections technique and other Procedures necessary to monitor service
 Prepare and monitor Quality performance objectives, set targets and implement a measurement
system in Airport Services Department in coordination with CQA in line with the departmental
and PIA’s Quality Policy.
 Measure performance, compile and analyze the data of all areas on a regular basis including the
customer satisfaction indices.
 Identify the critical areas, determine root cause of the problem and Initiate corrective actions in
coordination with concerned heads and CQA.
 Perform any other tasks/duties on special projects as assigned by GM (FSD) from time to time.
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Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Chapter: 5
Page: 319
Director’s Secretariat
Job Title
Assistant Manager Res & Dev /Quality Assurance
Job Reference No.
 Schedule Internal Quality Audit as per IOSA/ISO-9001-2000 Standards.
 Perform Internal Quality Audit as per schedule with quality control team.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Suggests modifications or changes in system and procedures, to enable to airlines to meet
changing conditions.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
Controlled Document – Do not copy or reproduce without prior permission
Rev. 0
Dated: 18-12-2012
Customer Services Department
Job Descriptions Manual
Doc # HRA/JDM/04
Job Title
Pay Group
Reports to
Manager Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance Officer
Chapter: 5
Page: 320
Director’s Secretariat
Corporate Safety & QA
Job Specifications:
Educational Qualifications:
 Graduation from recognized University,
higher qualification will be given preference.
Skills / Special Requirements:
 Communicative Skills.
 Computer literate
Work Experience:
 At least 05 years flying as Cabin Crew.
Professional Training / Courses:
 Management Training.
 Quality Management System.
B. Job Description & Responsibilities:
 Supports & Assist AM (QA) and coordinate with QA Department.
 Prepare trend charts on performance of Flight Service Division.
 Maintains records of his/her section.
 Revising of Performance Standards for improvement of in-house monitoring methods.
 Establish Reports/Inspections technique and other Procedures necessary to monitor service
 Measure performance, compile and analyze the data of all areas on a regular basis including the
customer satisfaction indices.
 Prepares for Internal and external audits.
 Assists Manager to perform internal audits as per schedule with quality assurance team.
 Well awareness of Safety Management System (SMS).
 Well awareness of the operation of Safety Assessment Management System (SAMS).
 Any other duties assigned from time to time. Establish Quality and Performance Standards.
C. Job Objectives (if defined):
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