April 10, 2015 Volume 1 Issue 1


April 10, 2015 Volume 1 Issue 1
April 10, 2015
Tr u c k s
R V ’s
Mobile Homes
M o t o r c y cl e s
AT V ’s
Fa r m E q u i p m e n t
w w w. A u t o G u i d e D e a l s . c o m
Vo l u m e 1 I s s u e 1
Prices Starting at $6,499 to $10,999
Shafer Equipment LLC
1420 Bufflick Road
Clendenin, WV 25045
Barry Casto
Steve Morton
Office Phone
Customer Favorite
• Vertical Roof Style
• 22-Feet Wide
• 21-Feet Long
• 12-Feet Tall at Peak
• 2 9X8 Covered Doors
• Walk in Door
• 1 Window
Double Carports
Ins t a lle d f or FR EE
[email protected]
S al e
O wner
2007 - 650 Arctic Cat Prowler - New tires - Just had complete service - Runs great
3 0 4 -3 8 0 -4 7 6 8
1993 Eddie Bauer edition
Bronco. 5.0 automatic. New
plugs and wires. Lift kit, great
tires, good interior. $4500 neg.
call 304-651-0135 with questions.
1 9 6 5 M u s ta n g C o u p e .
2 8 9 V8
Call Jimmy at
2 0 0 8 Ka w a sa ki Te r y x
Call Jimmy at
Did you know we also offer affordable “For Sale By Owner” Ads?
Call us today to sell your Car, Truck, Boat, RV, ATV, or anything else on wheels!
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
ATV Safety Tips
From Auto Guide Deals
West V i r gi ni a AT V S tate Laws
• All ATVs must be titled.
• All riders under 18 must complete a rider safety awareness course.
• All riders under 18 shall wear helmets at all times.
• ATV use is banned from paved roads with a center line or
more than 2 lanes, except to cross and except for getting
from one trail or field to another when traveling up to 10
miles no faster than 25 mph.
• No passengers are permitted except if the ATV is designed for a passenger or if the passenger is at least age
18 and the operator is at least 18 and has a driver's license.
• ATVs shall not be operated from sunset to sunrise without
a lighted taillight and headlight.
Safety Comes First
[email protected]
Chambers Towing
Auto Repair & Body Shop
648 Shady Lane
Elkview, WV 25071
Regular & Modified Inspections
24-Hour Towing
and Lockout Service
Engine Repair • Alignments
Custom Exhaust
Oil Changes • Brake Jobs
Tire Rotations
We Have the Homes to Fit Your Lifestyle
Five Star Service
Visit Our Friendly
& Knowledgable
Freedom Homes
3097 Charleston Road
Ripley, WV 25271
Stop By or Call
for an Appointment
w w w. f r e e d o m h o m e s o f r i p l e y. c o m
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
[email protected]
West Virginia requires a routine safety
inspection every twelve (12) months.
Vehicles may be inspected at any official
inspection station licensed by the West
Virginia State Police. When a vehicle
passes the inspection, a sticker valid for
twelve (12) months will be placed on the
inside of the windshield. It is illegal to
drive a vehicle without a valid inspection
You must have a valid registration card
and a current certificate of insurance in
the vehicle at the time of inspection.
New residents have 10 days from the date
they title a vehicle to have a West Virginia
inspection. This also includes the purchase of vehicles out of state. West Virginia has reciprocity with Louisiana,
Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire,
New York, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, and
Wyoming. Therefore, out of state inspection sticker from these states is valid in
West Virginia until expiration.
Any vehicle purchased or otherwise acquired within West Virginia not having a
valid inspection sticker must be inspected
within three days.
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Yo u r A d
C a l l U s To d a y
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
Crede Tractor Sales & Service
Sickle Bar
FREE with
46 Christine Lane
Charleston, WV 25302
Your Ad
Call Us Today
[email protected]
Yo u r A d
Call Us Today
Thank You!
We would like to thank each and every advertiser, our friends, and
fellow business owners that have supported Auto Guide Deals.
A special thanks to Matt, Danny, and Gary for pitching in and
helping with everything as we have lost ourselves in
Auto Guide Deals!
We look forward to serving our community g Sams
Su ledsoe
for many years to come!
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
243 South Church St.
Ripley, WV 25271
Thousands of people are looking here!
Buildings and Truck Accessories
“We Guarantee what we sell”
[email protected]
3 0 4 - 5 1 4 - 5 5 0 5
Call today to get your
business in this spot!
304-945-7579 or 304-546-9088
Visit our website www.AutoGuideDeals.com
and click on the “Trivia Challenge” logo on the
right side of our website to answer this question.
Answer correctly and you will be entered to win a
FREE gift from our contest sponsor!
Sutton Auto Parts
of Clendenin
Trivia Challenge
When was the first
Chevy Corvette Made?
1948 1953
1959 1964
1520 Buff Lick Road Clendenin, WV 25045
[email protected]
They are your neighbors. The men and women willing to leave the comfort of their homes at a moments notice and put their lives on the line
to ensure the safety of their own community. When there is a fire, they go. Without hesitation. Without pay. Volunteer fire departments provide
the reaction time necessary to stifle a burning home, rescue victims and salvage valuables in rural WV communities.
Volunteer firefighters get no personal gain for the heroic work they do. Their greatest reward is knowing they are helping their neighbors. Volunteer firefighters are called upon not only to donate an enormous amount of time and energy to fighting fires and responding to emergency
rescues but also to work to continually maintain the fundraising efforts of their department. Although some financial support is provided by
state and local funding, the amount needed to maintain the department, equipment and train firefighters is much greater.
We Thank You!
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
Spr ing is H ER E - Tim e t o D e - Wint e r iz e
Once Old Man Winter has flown the coop and the threat of frost has
passed, it’s time to de-winterize your RV travel trailer and hit the
road. De-winterizing an RV
trailer differs slightly between
makes and models, but tending
to this before heading out onto
the open road helps ensure that
any antifreeze that may have
collected over winter in your
lines is flushed out; your
propane gas lines are intact;
tires are correctly pressurized
and road-ready; and your battery is fully charged.
Step 1
Start charging the battery after you've removed winter covers from
the RV's exterior. Keep the battery charger in the "off" position while
you connect the RV to the charger. Put the RV trailer’s battery near
the charger and connect the red cable to your RV’s red terminal.
Connect the black cable to the RV’s black terminal. Adjust the
charger’s voltage to 12V at the dial and power on the charger. Allow
the RV to gain a charge while you complete other de-winterizing
Step 2
Connect a garden hose to your RV’s water hookup. Open all faucets
in your RV trailer, turn on the hose, and let fresh water flush the system. Keep track of your time with a timer and watch for the water to
go clear. Flush the toilets to clear the sewer lines and to clear any
residual antifreeze. Shut off faucets once the lines run clear, which
usually takes about 10 minutes.
Advertising in this space will cause
an extreme increase in your business.
Step 5
Remove the battery charger from the RV terminals and place the
battery in the battery compartment of your RV, according to the
manual. Attach the RV’s black cable to the battery’s black terminal
for grounding. With the black cable securely connected, continue attaching the red cable to the battery’s red terminal.
Step 6
Turn off the garden hose and detach from the RV. Check tire pressure to ensure it is filled to the recommended pressure, according to
Step 3
the RV’s make and model. Travel to a certified dump station to drain
Take the RV’s propane tanks out of storage and set them on the tank
the RV’s gray, black and fresh water tanks and replenish with fresh
mounts, usually found near the RV’s tow arm, at the rear. Attach the
propane hoses to the RV using the method required by the make
and model of your vehicle.
Step 4
Ensure there are no leaks in the hose connections. Turn on the
propane valve about one-quarter of an inch to open the line. Put a
slightly soapy, dampened sponge at the connectors and watch for air
bubbles to form. If you see bubbles, you probably have a leak in the
line and need to replace the connections. Your lines are good if no
bubbles appear.
Have an article or topic you would like
to see in the upcoming issues of
Auto Guide Deals? Email us at
[email protected]
[email protected]
Starting at
2004 Lance Truck Camper
Fits a 3/4 Ton Truck Camper
Model is an 845.
Fully self contained.
Only the camper for sale not the truck
1992 K100 LT BMW Motorcycle
42,800 miles
Runs Perfect, few scratches
on saddle bags.
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Do you have a Car,
Truck, Boat, RV,
Motorcycle, ATV, or
something else on
wheels you need
to sell?
Call us today to ask
about our affordable
advertising rates!
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
[email protected]
6448 Sissonville Drive • Charleston, WV
$ 6,50
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11am-4pm
Thursday 11am-5pm
Friday 3pm-5pm
Saturday 11am-5pm
Sunday Closed
1988 Corvette
New Re-built
2002 Sebring
1950 Chevy • 2-Door • Sedan Deluxe.
6-cylinder • 3 speed
$ 7,90
$ 7,90
2005 Mustang
101K Miles
2010 Chevy
92K Miles
Auto, AC
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
V-6 Auto
117K Miles
1995 C Class
118K Miles
Runs Good
2005 Ford
Runs Great
83K Miles
$ 6,
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
Diana Thomas
Your Business Ad
Could be HERE!
Call 304-945-7579
Nettles Equipment
1394 Case Cab Tractor
Ford Dump Truck
I-79 Exit 46 - Servia Rd.
2644 Servia Elmira Rd.
Duck, WV 25063
1981 Ford F7000, 308 Caterpillar Engine, 99K miles. $8,500
Massey Ferguson
Bush Hog
Land Pride
Lee Boy Paver
2010 Chevy Equinox LT AWD,
automatic, Loaded. $13,000
1976 Ford 350, 360 engine, automatic with 12’ bed $2,500
[email protected]
Get Better Gas Mileage and Save
Keep Your Engine Properly Tuned
Fixing a car that is noticeably out of tune or has failed an
emissions test can improve its gas mileage by an average
of 4%, though results vary based on the kind of repair and
how well it is done.
Auto Guide Deals
Word Search
Fixing a serious maintenance
problem, such as a faulty oxygen sensor, can improve your
mileage by as much as 40%.1
last longer.
Keep Tires Properly Inflated
You can improve your gas
mileage by up to 3.3% by keeping your tires inflated to the
proper pressure. Under-inflated
tires can lower gas mileage by
0.3% for every 1 psi drop in
pressure of all four tires. Properly inflated tires are safer and
The proper tire pressure for your vehicle is usually found
on a sticker in the driver's side door jamb or the glove box
and in your owner's manual. Do not use the maximum
pressure printed on the tire's sidewall.
Use the Recommended Grade of Motor Oil
You can improve your gas mileage by 1%–2% by using the
manufacturer's recommended grade of motor oil. For example, using 10W-30 motor oil in an engine designed to
use 5W-30 can lower your gas mileage by 1%–2%. Using
5W-30 in an engine designed for 5W-20 can lower your
gas mileage by 1%–1.5%. Also, look for motor oil that says
"Energy Conserving" on the API performance symbol to be
sure it contains friction-reducing additives.
Replacing a Clogged Air Filter on Modern Cars Improves Performance but Not MPG
Replacing a clogged air filter on vehicles with fuel-injected, computer-controlled gasoline engines—such as those manufactured from the early
1980s to the present—or diesel engines does not improve fuel economy, but it can improve acceleration.
Replacing a clogged air filter on an older vehicle with a carbureted engine can improve both fuel economy and acceleration by a few percent
under normal replacement conditions.
All details in this article were supplied from the US Department of Energy. Auto Guide Deals is not responsible for the content.
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
Boat Safety Tips
From Auto Guide Deals
West Virginia Boating Safety
Education Requirements
All boaters born after December 31, 1986 are required to
carry the West Virginia Boating License on board to satisfy state boating regulations while operating on West Virginia's waters.
There are several online West Virginia Boating License
Tests that satisfies this state requirement. Passing the online exams allows you to obtain the West Virginia Boater
Education Card and get out on the water right away!
Age Restrictions
• No one under the age of 12 may operate a powered
vessel, including personal watercraft (PWC).
• No one who is 12 through 14 years old may operate a
powered vessel, including PWCs, greater than 10 horsepower unless they are under the direct supervision of a
responsible and competent adult who is at least 18 years
• Anyone born after December 31, 1986 must have a
boater education card to operate a motorized vessel, or
supervise an underage operator of any motor powered
vessel in West Virginia.
• All boaters or passengers 12 years of age and younger
on the deck or cockpit must be wearing their PFD while
the vessel is underway.
Most of the online boating safety courses covers a wide
range of operating laws in West Virginia. For a complete
listing of West Virginia's boat operating rules and regulations, please consult the West Virginia Division of Natural
Resources website at www.wvdnr.gov
Practice Safe Boating and Boat Sober!
[email protected]
Highway officials in West Virginia say changes in driver behavior and awareness helped to bring the total number of traffic fatalities down 18
percent in 2014.
DMV Commissioner Pat Reed says there were 271 highway fatalities in 2014, down from 332 deaths the year before. Reed says recent state
legislation to combat distracted driving and make seat belt use a primary enforcement law contributed to the decline.
"In 2012, the Legislature passed Governor Tomblin's distracted driving legislation, which bans texting while driving and is a primary enforcement
offense. In 2013, West Virginia's seat belt law was changed to become a primary enforcement law. In addition, the distracted driving legislation
added primary enforcement to prohibit hand held cellphone use while driving, in addition to the ban on texting already in place," says Reed.
Reed believes safety awareness campaigns like "Click it or Ticket" and "Turn it Off. Put it Down. Just Drive" have made a big impact as well.
“Losing even one life is too many,” she said, “but knowing that we are moving in the right direction towards our goal of zero fatalities is encouraging.”
More more information visit the website www.dmv.wv.gov.
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
Clendenin, WV
Motorcycle Repair
UTV Repair
Side-by-Side Repair
ATV Repair
“Poke” Derrick
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
We repair ATV’s, Motorcycles, UTV’s, Side-by-Sides
We sell parts and accessories for all makes and models
[email protected]
Nettles Equipment
Elk Beauty Salon
Ginos/Tudors - Clay
Harding’s Restaurant
Go-Mart - Clay
JU-G’s Pawn
Headhunters Salon
Clay County Courthouse
Bullard’s Exxon
Clendenin Library
Crossings Restaurant
Four Traxx Garage
McDonalds - Elkview
Angela’s Cut & Tanning
Frank’s Body Shop
Rogers Hardware
Smith’s Food Fair
Liberty Tax Service
Olin’s Market
Adkins Family RV Center
Go Mart - Bigley Ave.
Randolph Pre-Owned Auto Sales
Jackson County ATV’s
MJ Automotive
Ripley Leonard
Tops Off Barber Shop
Rick Miller Used Cars
Clendenin Auto Body
R&R Auto Sales
OV Smith’s Hardware
Chambers Towing & Auto Repair
The Calwell Practice
Rope Inc.
Sams Auction and Bargain Barn
Shafers Equipment LLC
Town of Reedy
Charleston Home Center
Cooters Auto Repair
Casto Motocycle Sales
Stowers Body Shop
Big Chimney Auto and Diesel Repair
BTO Auto Sales
Hardees - Big Chimney
Scarlett Motors
Kroger’s - Elkview
Ponderosa - Elkview
7-11 - Elkview
Cooters Auto Repair
Dean Jeffries-State Farm Insurance
Elkview Library
Giovanni’s Pizza
Clendenin Laundromat
Crede Tractor Sales & Service
Jeff’s Auto Parts
Capital Flea Market
Jeff’s Auto
Chambers Auto Repair & Towing
Clendenin Pharmacy
Freedom Homes - Ripley
Shafer’s Super Stop
Jon’s Barber Shop
Save-A-Lot - Clendenin
Twin Hills Family Restaurant
Pinch Exxon
Elk River Auto
Capital Flea Market
Shop Local Businesses
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Pick Up a FREE Copy
of Auto Guide Deals
at these great
local locations!
Your business not
listed here but
should be?
Call Us!
Want copies of Auto
Guide Deals Delivered
to your business?
Call Us!
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
[email protected]
Are you ready to start saving today?
We may not be superheroes but we can
save you!
Pioneer WV Federal Credit Union is celebrating 75 years of delivering awesome
service to its members and communities.
If you’re searching for a great place to do
your banking it’s time to check us out!
All things being similar to that of a bank,
you might be wondering why Pioneer
WV Federal Credit Union is so different, we’d like to give you a
little background on the differences in credit unions and banks:
Credit Unions are different from other financial institutions in many
important ways. Communities at large still have a misconception of
what credit unions are and how they are different. We’re hoping to
show you that credit unions are in fact a vital alternative to that of your
large banks. Many people who join a credit union fall in love with it
once they do but we realize before you’re willing to commit you’ll need
all the facts!
Our Members Own the Credit Union:
A credit union is a democratic, member-owned cooperative. When you join a credit union, you’re more than a
member; you’re an OWNER. That means you have a say
in how the credit union is run!
The Members of our Board of Directors are UNPAID –
they are Volunteers
A volunteer board of directors is elected by the members
and they govern the credit union. This is different than a
bank because we do not have paid stockholders. Each credit union
member has a direct impact on the direction of the credit union as
they vote for those on the Board. As part of the democratic process
we hold an annual meeting each year where members select candidates for the Board of Directors. This is very different from a bank,
where stockholders vote according to the number of shares of stock
they own.
Membership Requirements:
Credit Unions are limited in how members can join. Some credit
unions serve select employee groups (SEGs), however the good
news is that many credit unions have been granted community charters, which means they can serve specific counties that they are chartered in.
For example, 75 years ago Pioneer WV Federal Credit Union was
originally chartered in 1940 for the teachers of Kanawha County, however through the years we have been granted a community charter
and can now serve anyone that lives, works,
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
or worships in the following counties: In West Virginia - Kanawha,
Putnam, Roane, Clay, Fayette, Greenbrier, Cabell, and Wayne. In
Kentucky - Boyd County. In Ohio - Lawrence County
We are Not-for-Profit
Credit unions provide the same products and services as other financial institutions but credit unions are not for profit and exist to help
people. As such, any profits that the credit union makes are returned
to the members in the form of higher dividends paid on deposit products, it allows us to set lower rates on loans than most financial institutions, also, any additional profits are used to keep abreast of new
advances in technology, services and security.
Credit Unions Put People First
Credit Unions live by the philosophy of “People Helping People.”
We are committed to our communities, and offering the best possible
financial alternatives to our members. Every decision made is made
locally by real people, just like you. We make a commitment to financial education and doing what is best for each member’s individual situation.
About Pioneer WV Federal Credit Union
Pioneer opened its doors in 1940 and is now a credit
union with an asset base in excess of $195 million. Pioneer is headquartered in Charleston, WV and currently
has 7 branches from Oak Hill, WV to Huntington, WV and
in between. Pioneer provides a full range of financial
services to over 17,000 members. Our services are
available to anyone who lives, works, worships or volunteers in Kanawha, Putnam, Fayette, Greenbrier, Clay,
Roane, Wayne, Cabell, Lawrence (OH) & Boyd (KY) counties. Although most of our members reside within the boundaries of our field
of membership, we have many active members throughout the United
More information regarding Pioneer WV Federal Credit Union can be
located at www.pioneerwv.org
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
FREE Classifieds
A listing of pre-owned vehichles for sale
here in your own back yard!
1999 Olds Cutlass it has just over 200,xxx
miles but runs great, The tires are fairly new
on back. It gets about 26 miles to a gallon.
Oil has been changed every three thousand
miles. New Alternator, Belt and Fuel Pump
just been replaced. 304-634-3957
02 ford Taurus.newly rebuilt engine new
brakes new front tires..power every thing
nice car the brake and gas paddles r adjustable.every day driver trade for nice street
bike 750 or bigger .more info call
my uncle has a 99 chevy lumina for sale, he
is asking $800 its white in color located in
Braxton county wv, if interested please call
or text 304-678-8103
STREET/STRIP 82 camaro!!!!406 small
block !!! Details listed in picture. 304-2221813....$8000,will consider trades. NO
2002 Chevy venture, 3rd row, rvhac, 170 k
miles, good body and interior, sell or trade for
e cab dodge truck, pm or text 304/642/4084
xlt,automatic,4x4,fully loaded,3rd row
seat,166000 miles,cold ac,cloth interior,driving daily,needs a little cosmetic work. Trade
for full size truck or full size car. I'm not traveling 200 miles. But can meet if not too far.
New sticker located in jackson county. Call
or text 304-531-1499.
2000 Nissan Maxima GLE: 162K miles,
auto, A/C, leather, power everything, sliding
sunroof:new rear brakes, tires less than 2K on
them: will need an O2 sensor and a bulb for
the Bose radio: looking for a small truck or
selling outright for 2700.00
Visit our website AutoGuideDeals.com to place your FREE Classified
ad in the next issue. No businesses or dealers please.
1999 Dodge Neon-33 MPG and runs great.
All scheduled maintenance, including regular
oil changes. Ice cold A/C. Non-smoker. Interior in excellent shape. Perfect first car. Price
negotiable. 65K miles. 304-555-1234
1999 Dodge Neon-33 MPG and runs great.
All scheduled maintenance, including regular
oil changes. Ice cold A/C. Non-smoker. Interior in excellent shape. Perfect first car. Price
negotiable. 65K miles. 304-555-1234
Tr u c k s
1994 jeep 4cly 4x4 runs good got good tires
rims needs some frame work be good on a
farm $1650:00 Tornado Wv 304 722-6621
97 dodge 4x4 long wheel base 360 automatic
have extra rims, 2extra bumpers, if interested
1,250 located in Ashford call 304-836-5327
1996 International 8100 M11 Cummins
Motor 10 Speed Runs & Drives good For
parts or could be fixed Located in Sissonville
304 549-0716 $3200 OBO
2011 Ford Ranger 2wd 4cyl 5sd has a/c, CD
player, bed liner, tow package, and comes
with aluminum camper topper located in
Gordon asking for payoff or take over payment, but must be refinanced. For more info
please call 1-304-245-8156 after 6pm or 1304-688-4165.
1993 bass tracker 17ft ,25hp Johnson with
9.9 cover ready to go fishing, needs nothing
$3995 obo. Located in Huntington, call or
text (304)412-4901
List your Boat for FREE by visiting our website at www.AutoGuideDeals.com Hurry,
spaces go fast!
1989 Coleman pop up camper for sale
$1000.00 OBO no trades
call 304-626-5922 ask for Tim or 304-6251831 ask for Roger if no asnwer leave msg
List your RV for FREE by visiting our website at www.AutoGuideDeals.com Hurry,
spaces go fast!
AT V ’s
Kawasaki mule 3010 for sale. It needs the
steering fixed. 1800.00 for more info 304208-2467
Dune buggy for trade .... Son lost his truck in
flood looking for a good vehicle to trade ...
For any info please call (304)524-7296 and
please no calls after 9pm
For Sale 2007 Arctic Cat New tires 4200.00
Runs Great! 304-380-4768
$375 Polaris RZR Racing Doors. Will fit 570,
800, 800s, and 900XP. Located in summersville W.V. 26651. Local pick up only.
text 304-880-8854. thanks.
2008 Honda rebel runs good has dent in the
tank and needs a mirror $1200 304-533-5947
2007 Harley for sale low miles 6878 $12500
Tornado Wv 304 722-6621
For sale 2001Harley Davidson Sportster
For more information call 304 649-2100
My dad has a 2009 Kawasaki Vulcan for sale.
It's fully loaded and has really low miles.
Ready to ride as is, no work needed. He is
selling it for pay off which is $2,900. For
more information call or text 304-410-9933
Located in Clendenin, WV. NO TRADES!
I have lots of 02-05 Ford Explorer parts still
to sale!! Rear end with axles! Radiator,fuel
pump,brand new tires and rims,headlights,tail
calipers,doors,seats, windows and much
more call or text 304-400-3868 prices cheap
to move!!!
John Deere farm tractor 4cly runs good three
point hitch wet line hook up on back asking
$4500:00 or best offer Tornado Wv 304 7226621
Rear end for sale out of a 1997 Ford Ranger
2 wheel drive hundred and seventy five dollars phone 304 541 7163
6x10 all metal trailer. Metal flooring..title in
hand great for hauling big side by sides.$650
boone county more info call 304/524/2451
lawn boy yard tractor v twin industrial engine
all steel body nice tires runs and cuts great
$400 call james at 304-320-2385 located in
i have for sale a set of 305/75/r22 i will take
375.00 cash money for them today.....and
there is nothing wrong with them for more
information text 304-642-2014 they are located in elkins wv... they came off of a 6 lug
chevy so thats what they will fit
Set of 4 aluminum Ford F250 Rims -16 inch
factory Center caps & Lug nuts included All
for $100. Sam Black WV Call 304-667-6561
2004 Ez Go Harley Davidson edition golf
cart. Like new, excellent condition. Newly
upholstered seats $3000 Please call
(304)776-1345 for more info
For sale front and rear drive shaft for 2001
ford f150 150.00 for both or will sell seperate. 304-854-1438 Naoma
[email protected]
Event Calendar
April 11, 2015 Spring Fever Car Show - Sissonville Middle School - 9am-3pm
May 23, 2015 2nd Annual Reedy Truck Pull - Reedy,
June 7, 2015 Graffiti In The Park 8am – 5pm
June 27, 2015 Clendenin Independence Day Celebration - Clendenin, WV
Email details of your event to
[email protected] or visit
our website to get your event listed!
Visit our website for a
full listing of local auto shows
and related events!
Want to partner with Auto Guide
Deals for your next event?
Call us today! 304-945-7579
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
Involved in an Accident?
The moments immediately following a car, truck or
motorcycle accident are shocking
and frightening.
Thus, the steps
you take next can
make the difference in minimizing your injuries
and those of the
other people involved. Your decisive actions
can also preserve evidence of the other driver’s negligence. Having a plan of action in
place can help you make the right decisions
during a chaotic and difficult time.
Yo u N e e d a P l a n o f A c t i o n !
The Calwell Practice helps injury victims in
West Virginia and other states recover compensation from negligent people and corporations. Our Charleston legal team aggressively
pursues the maximum damages possible from
careless drivers and their automobile insurance companies. We hope you will never need
it, but we recommend a 10-point plan of action
(see below) if you are involved in an auto accident. to help guide you through this difficult
process. Follow this plan, or simply take one
step and call our office and we will handle all
of your needs relating to the accident.
The Calwell Practice has the substantial resources to build a strong accident claim. We
conduct a thorough investigation of the facts
Your Accident 10-point Plan of Action
1. Call 911 for medical treatment — If you suspect that you or another person has sustained serious injuries, call 911 immediately.
2. Seek medical treatment as soon as practicable — Because you may suffer severe injuries even in a seemingly minor collision, you should seek medical treatment as soon as
possible after any auto accident.
3. File a police report — A police report is an important neutral record that can support
your claim with the insurance company and in the court of law.
4. Exchange insurance information with the other driver — Make sure you have the
other driver’s complete insurance information to collect damages if the other driver is
found at fault.
5. Take photos of the accident scene — Use your cell phone to take pictures of your car,
the other driver’s car, skid marks, road conditions and other relevant evidence.
6. Collect names and contact information of witnesses — Other drivers or pedestrians
who witnessed the accident may be helpful in providing accurate information and possibly
testifying at trial.
7. Record the details of the accident —Write down the information as soon as you can
while your memory of the incident is still fresh.
8. Notify your insurance company — Report the accident to your insurance company
right away to begin the process of filing your personal injury and property damages
9. Obtain an independent mechanic’s quote — In addition to providing proof of property
damage, a detailed mechanic’s quote can be used to demonstrate the speed and angle
of the cars as well as corroborate the extent of the injuries you suffered.
10. Consult a personal injury lawyer — At your first meeting with The Calwell Practice,
we can analyze the facts of your case, strategize our next steps and explore the possible
and work together to resolve challenging issues. Our team approach means that you
benefit from almost a century of combined
legal experience.
Our Charleston law firm also maintains close
relationships with prominent medical professionals and accident reconstructionists who
assist us in lawsuits involving car, bus, truck
and motorcycle accidents. These experts’
opinions are often instrumental in increasing
our negotiating power. They also present
compelling testimony to juries and judges at
Insurance companies typically lowball
claimants and pressure them to settle quickly.
Although you may be anxious to collect damages, you may be settling for too little. Before
you sign an agreement, let our personal injury
attorneys review the terms. We can assess
what your claim is worth and determine if your
settlement offer is just. Once you sign a
waiver, you may be forfeiting your right to pursue additional damages.
You paid your insurance premiums every
month. If you are involved in an accident, the
company is contractually obligated to compensate you, according to the terms of your
policy. We demand that the insurance company abides by its contract. Although we successfully settle most of our cases out of court,
we never accept less than you deserve and
are prepared to pursue damages at trial.
If you have been involved in an accident, call
us for a free consultation. 1-800-876-5529 or
To learn more, go to www.calwellpractice.com
or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/TheCalwellPractice
[email protected]
Injured in a Car Accident?
I n N eed of S ome Advice?
Need to Know the
Next Steps to Take?
•The Calwell Practice is a dedicated
team focusing on providing topnotch legal representation to
clients across West Virginia.
• A hallmark of our firm is our tenacious search for the truth; you have
the right to answers, and we are determined to find them.
•The Calwell Practice has nearly a
century of combined legal experience representing hardworking
West Virginians.
• Whether you’ve been injured in the
workplace, received inadequate
medical or nursing home care, or
were simply injured in an accident
through no fault of your own, The
Calwell Practice has a reputation for
aggressively representing our
• Knowledge. Approachability. Advocacy. West Virginia Personal Injury
and Product Liability Attorneys with
Nearly a Century of Combined Experience.
C a l l To d a y f o r a
free consultation!
500 Randolph Street
Charleston, WV 25302
Call to Advertise 304-945-7579
Volume 1 Issue 1 April 10, 2015
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