Beginning Again - Plymouth Housing Group


Beginning Again - Plymouth Housing Group
Beginning Again
Paul Lambros
Leslie Christian
2007 was a ground breaking year
When Plymouth Housing Group launched our ambitious $52 million “Building Hope” Capital Campaign in 2003, we
hardly dared to imagine what it would be like to say “We did it!” Yet four years later, we’ve not only raised the funds to
renovate three landmark buildings and build the new Langdon and Anne Simons Senior Apartments, but we’ve launched
an exciting new program, Begin at Home, that’s dramatically improving the lives of many long-term homeless people in
our community. (We’ll tell you more about this work in the pages that follow.)
Plymouth is now one of the leading providers of housing for homeless and very low-income people in the region.
Plymouth Housing Group works to eliminate
homelessness and stabilize homeless and very lowincome people in housing by preserving, developing
and operating safe, decent, affordable housing, and
by providing opportunities for homeless and very
low-income people to improve their lives.
We’re proud to provide homes for nearly 1,000 people in 12 apartment buildings throughout the downtown Seattle
corridor. And, more importantly, we’re successfully keeping our residents safe and secure through our innovative
“enriched housing” programs.
We’re seeing these results because of the hard work and focused commitment on the part of everyone
associated with Plymouth—from our dedicated Board of Trustees to our terrific staff, our visionary partners, and our
generous supporters.
In this last year of our building campaign, we made some significant discoveries. We learned that as an
organization we are stronger than ever—and even more committed to being part of the solution to ending
homelessness. We’ve also discovered that our friends and supporters are counting on Plymouth to take a leadership
role in this arena. In providing that leadership, Plymouth is demonstrating that our community will end homelessness
only by being courageous in approach—by asking loudly and clearly for business leaders, government officials and
community members to stand with us and commit to action.
While we can be proud of Plymouth’s gains in the last few years, there’s still much to be done. Homelessness
continues to grow as our community experiences the effects of a sagging economy, rising housing costs, and lack of
low-income housing options. There isn’t one answer, one social services organization, or one funding partner that can
solve this devastating problem. We must continue to work together, advocating for what is possible, building stronger
partnerships, and striving for innovative solutions.
It is an honor for all of us at Plymouth Housing Group to know that we have your support as we go forward to meet
this challenge.
Paul Lambros
Leslie Christian
Executive Director
President, Board of Trustees
While Plymouth is presently providing
homes for close to 1,000 people, our waiting list for
housing is now almost 800 people long, most of whom
sleep on the street or in shelters every night.
Plymouth has taken on the challenge of implementing innovative ways to bring homeless
people in our community rapidly off the streets and into permanent homes.
Our 27 years of providing housing has shown us that merely
The potential benefits of this caring and comprehensive solution
providing housing, without the necessary support services,
are simply too great to ignore. Once a person leaves the streets
results in people slipping back into homelessness. Our
or the shelters for a supportive, stable environment, the cycle
remarkable staff of case managers, building managers, and
of homelessness is broken and that person’s life changes in
mental health specialists, along with our trusted community
positive ways. This approach saves the community hundreds of
partners, work together to address the individual needs of
each resident as they first enter our program.
Our Challenge
thousands of dollars by reducing costs that are usually passed on
to local medical centers, hospitals and emergency rooms, as well
as to the criminal justice system. Key Plymouth programs are:
Coming Home Program
Our Community Challenge
This program provides six months of intensive stabilization
support services to homeless people transitioning from a chaotic
life on the streets into permanent homes.
The increasing size and prosperity of the greater Seattle region in the past decade has
been a double-edged sword. While the city has shown healthy growth, becoming
more urban and trendy, the number of homeless who live here has grown as well.
Begin at Home Program
While many people have simply moved to more affordable, outlying neighborhoods as housing prices have risen,
Housing Support Program
moving is not an option for most long-term homeless people. That’s because they rely on public transportation,
This program supports all tenants beyond their initial six months
overnight shelters, food programs, and the network of medical, mental health and social services concentrated in the
by providing on-going support services, community connections,
downtown area.
and mentoring. Staff help tenants manage their daily lives and
This innovative program provides permanent homes for the most
medically-compromised homeless people who have struggled
with long-term homelessness. (Please see page 8 for details.)
get access to medical care, counseling and financial support.
How many homeless people are there in our city? King County’s One Night Count held annually in January reports
that there are almost 8,600 homeless people—individuals and families—without a home each night. The Committee to
On-Call and Tenant Volunteer Programs
End Homelessness in King County estimates there are more than 5,000 homeless single adults in the county. They also
The On-Call and Tenant Volunteer Programs give tenants
estimate that 2,500 of these meet the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development definition of chronically
opportunities to gain job skills by training them as front desk
homeless: homeless for more than a year—or homeless more than four times in the previous three years—and living with
and janitorial staff.
at least one disabling condition.
Tenant Opportunities
These include access to computer labs, coffee hours, outdoor
While both the city’s Ten Year Plan to End Homelessness and United Way’s Campaign to End Chronic Homelessness have
done a great deal to focus our community on this issue, we are still tremendously short of effective housing options.
Ironically, the most vulnerable people—the long-term homeless with medical and/or mental health issues—fall through
the cracks of many housing programs for a variety of reasons. Lack of appropriate housing for people with disabilities,
high housing costs for rental units, difficulty transitioning from hospitals, treatment programs or jail into permanent
housing, mental health issues, and chemical dependency are just a few of the reasons why long-term homeless people
are failing to find adequate housing.
recreation, classes (such as painting, creative writing), chess club,
“Plymouth is a place
where they see
value in us.”
communal meals, legal advice, and support group meetings.
“Now I have a home and a community. I can pay the rent and I feel like I
can be successful as a human being. Plymouth is a place where they see
value in us.” —Lana Anderson, Plymouth Housing Group resident, shown
walking in a local park with her grandson.
Photo credit: Doug Plummer
Our Approach
Plymouth’s Approach
Key Achievements
2007 was a defining year for Plymouth Housing Group—a true landmark in our 27 years of
successfully serving homeless people in Seattle. We completed our very first capital campaign
and, in addition, we grew our capacity to serve residents with more focused services.
It was a year in which everyone at Plymouth worked at top capacity. Our committed Board of Trustees and remarkable staff
knew what we needed to accomplish and moved forward, deliberately and with focus, to implement our annual strategic plan.
With new initiatives like Begin at Home, the Housing Options Program, and the Jail Diversion Program, we demonstrated that
Our Successes
by improving the health and life experience of homeless people with specific needs we can be even more effective in giving the
most vulnerable citizens in our community a fresh chance.
Altogether it was a year of successes, for both Plymouth Housing Group and for our residents. Handing someone the key to
his or her own apartment—for some, the first place in their lives they’ve ever felt truly safe—is the most rewarding part of our
work. There’s no greater satisfaction than witnessing the transformations that take place when residents find their feet again,
regain purpose and dignity, and begin to heal from the trauma of homelessness.
“I go to the Pike Market
and buy my own food
and fresh fruit.”
Photo credit: Doug Plummer
Tony Bargas has been living
sucessfully at Plymouth on
Stewart after some very
rough years on the streets and
in temporary living situations.
He says his health is better
now that he has his own
kitchen. “I go to the Pike
Market and buy my own food
and fresh fruit,” he says.
We brought to a close our successful four-year $52 million Building Hope Capital Campaign, completing
construction on the campaign’s keystone project, the Langdon and Anne Simons Senior Apartments in
the Belltown neighborhood of Seattle. (see page 9)
We completed the first full year of our new, innovative Begin at Home program.
(see page 8 for details)
We implemented the Jail Diversion Program, a new approach to housing homeless people with a
history of cycling in and out of the criminal justice system for misdemeanor offenses. In 2007, the
program provided supportive housing for 15 people who had been unable to find homes due to their
criminal records.
Agency-wide, we provided new homes for 193 homeless people who were previously living in temporary
shelters or on the street. 84% of our new residents remained stable in their homes one year later.
In the first year of the new Housing Options Program, 44 long-time residents who had become more
stable and independent while living at Plymouth transitioned into other Plymouth buildings with lessintensive services. This opened up more apartments for people just coming out of homelessness.
Plymouth raised the final $1.6 million of our capital campaign, and in addition raised $1.4 million for
annual operating support. In December, a $500,000 challenge grant from the Kresge Foundation helped
top off the capital campaign.
After 27 years of cobbling together administrative space in building basements and empty storefronts,
Plymouth consolidated administrative staff in efficient new offices in the Simons Apartment building.
Plymouth residents were actively involved in building community in their residences. Residents
created and participated in a wide variety of recreational programs and served on Building Tenant
Councils. Nearly 97% of Plymouth residents participated in mainstream community services in their
first six months in housing.
Plymouth recently finalized the purchase of land at the corner of 1st Avenue and Cedar
Street in the Belltown neighborhood with initial funding from the City of Seattle. This
site will be the home of a new Plymouth residence to be completed in 2010.
Our Achievements
Our 2007 Successes
Support &
Finding a creative new
future at Plymouth
Our Residents
living on the streets,” says Keiya Russell, one of the two
personal items, a telephone, and art supplies.
case managers at Plymouth Housing Group’s Gatewood
apartments at the corner of First Avenue and Pine Street.
Moving into The Gatewood has brought about significant
“Case managers advocate, do paperwork, and address
changes in Betty’s life. “I believe that people come here to
behavioral and chemical dependency issues.”
get well,” Betty says emphatically. She tells how her onsite
case manager, Keiya who she refers to as “my little bear
Comprehensive support services, anchored by Plymouth case
cub,” saw to it that Betty enrolled in the Meals on Wheels
managers like Keiya, are what make it possible for homeless
program. “Thanks to her, now I eat three meals a day
people to make the often difficult transition from life on the
instead of one,” Betty says.
streets to life in a secure apartment community.
in a wrecking yard beside the Duwamish River in South
The meals program is more than just a convenience for
From her small shared office just off the first floor lobby
Seattle. She talks expansively about the friends she’s
Betty. It may be a lifesaver. Betty suffers from diabetes and
at The Gatewood, Keiya works with residents like Betty,
made at church, at a day shelter for homeless women,
needs to take daily medication. She is now able to get
coordinating their services with Plymouth’s partner agencies
and in the Seattle art world. But Betty skips over the
special menus designed to keep her diabetes under control.
and other Plymouth staff. She describes The Gatewood as a
details of what it was like to live for long periods
And she gets onsite medical checkups from a Plymouth
without heat, cooking facilities, or running water. She
nurse twice a week who
doesn’t talk about her grown children with whom she’s
helps Betty organize her
no longer in touch.
medications in a special
Gracious, articulate, and highly-animated, Betty likes to
talk about the eagles and redwing hawks that were her
companions when she spent five years living in a van
track of what she has to
home at The Gatewood, a Plymouth Housing Group
take every day.
building just steps from the Pike Place Market. She pays
With her blood sugar
Betty W i lli amson
levels improving, Betty is
“It’s all about being here with the
door open. Some residents rarely need
anything, but other residents need
something every day.”
optimistic. “I believe that
I can overcome this,” she says. She’s once again focusing on
and staff help each other. “It’s all about being here with the
art, applying for a grant that she hopes will enable her to
door open,” she says. “Some residents rarely need anything,
create and show her vivid paintings.
Photo credit: Doug Plummer
“I believe that
people come here
to get well.”
place with “a great sense of community,” where residents
box so she can keep
Betty can rewrite the past a bit now that she has a
“It’s a big adjustment for people, coming into housing after
Social Security check, using the rest of her money for food,
Photo credit: Doug Plummer
the subsidized rent on her apartment from her monthly
but other residents need something every day.”
Shared commitment is the key to Plymouth’s success, says
Keiya. “Everyone at Plymouth, all the way down the chain
of command, takes seriously the mission of providing homes
(Left) Betty proudly displays one of her large oil paintings.
(Above) Betty shares morning coffee with Gatewood staff members
Lisa Williams (left) and Keiya Russell (right).
and keeping people safe in them.”
Our Residents
Betty Williamson’s bold, bright
paintings of totemic wild animals are
all about warmth, abundance, and
protection. Clearly these themes are
paramount to the 61-year-old artist
who’s spent nearly half of her life
living on the street.
Committed Staff provide vital support
and coaching to help residents
transition from life on the streets
Capital Campaign
Creates 300 New Homes
Begin At Home shows
dramatic results in first year
Over the four years of Plymouth’s “Building Hope” Capital Campaign, which wrapped up in December
2007, we expanded our inventory of available apartments by 300—increasing the number of homeless
people served by almost 30%.
Begin at Home, Plymouth’s newest supportive housing program,
is making a dramatic difference in the lives of chronically
homeless individuals who suffer from multiple medical problems
and/or alcohol and drug addiction. And Begin at Home is not
only saving lives, it’s saving our community money as well.
Three of the campaign’s projects were major renovations—
our buildings responsibly, and by placing high-end retail in the
Haddon Hall (54 apartments), the St. Charles Apartments (64
ground floor of many of our buildings, we’ve proved that low-
apartments), and Plymouth on Stewart (87 apartments) are
income buildings actually improve neighborhoods and enhance
historic buildings which received significant upgrades. Major
the quality of life for all who live nearby.
renovations included seismic refits, new electrical systems,
new plumbing, and complete renovation of the residential
The fourth project, the Langdon and Anne Simons Senior
and comprehensive on-site support services. King County’s study of the first 12
Apartments in Belltown, was completely new construction,
months of the program (April 2006 to April 2007) found that permanent housing,
troubled lives. The program greatly decreased participants’ visits to emergency rooms
Being a good downtown neighbor is highly important to
and sobering facilities, increased their self-reported well-being, and in 12 months
Plymouth, and we’re glad that our neighbors have welcomed
saved an estimated $1.2 million over the previous year’s costs in emergency room and
the positive changes we have brought to our city through this
medical services. Begin at Home is part of the experimental Housing First initiative
campaign. We’re proud to say that not only did we create
funded by the City of Seattle.
better living spaces for our residents, but we contributed to the
ready smile, Joe, 56, came to Plymouth as part of the Begin at Home program.
After his military service in Vietnam, Joe returned to Seattle where he worked as
maintained residences out of older properties. By operating
a welder. But alcohol played a destructive role in Joe’s life. By the time he stopped
drinking in 1993, he was working only sporadically, he’d suffered a heart attack,
and he was developing other major health problems. A few years later, he found
himself homeless. His nights were spent in shelters, in the woods, or on public
transportation. “I used to ride the bus all night,” he says.
Living on the street, Joe suffered a collapsed lung and frostbite so severe that it
threatened his ability to walk. He needed regular medical care, yet often didn’t
seek help until he required emergency treatment or hospitalization. After moving
to Plymouth on Stewart, Joe’s life has changed dramatically. Most significantly, he
now receives the encouragement and structure he needs to manage his health
issues. Joe says, “This is a wonderful place to be after being out on the street.”
“This is a wonderful
place to be after being
out on the steet.”
Joe Herman Brunson
Plymouth’s newest residence designed
for homeless seniors and veterans
The fasted growing segment of Plymouth’s waiting list for housing is senior
citizens. Our newest residence, the Langdon and Anne Simons Senior
Apartments (pictured at right), has been designed specifically for seniors, and
we’ve reserved 24 of the 95 apartments for military service veterans as well.
The new apartments are equipped with full kitchens, come fully furnished
and feature wheelchair accessible bathrooms. In addition, residents can
socialize on three outdoor decks and in two common rooms, one equipped
with a comforting gas fireplace and a big-screen television.
Photo credit: William Wright
“It feels good to have my own place,” Joe says. A tall, handsome man with a
overall revitalization of downtown by creating attractive, well-
Photo credit: William Wright
creating 95 new studio apartments.
coupled with intensive support services, produced significant change in residents’
Begin at Home gave Joe Herman Brunson back his health
Our Residents
units with new bathrooms, appliances and lighting fixtures.
in and out of emergency treatment and medical facilities quickly received housing
Photo credit: Doug Plummer
Our Residents
Through Begin at Home, 20 long-term homeless people with a long history of cycling
Loretta Pl
rr y
fe r
E. Alder St
Gatewood Apartments
Across from Seattle’s
Pike Place Market,
First & Pine.
David Colwell Bldg.
In the Cascade
Denny & Stewart.
f fe
Haddon Hall
In Seattle’s retail core,
Third near Virginia.
Lewiston Apartments
In Belltown,
First & Blanchard.
Energy Star appliances and lighting fixtures were
Low toxic paints, adhesives and sealants were used,
Residential heat is provided by high-efficiency
Water-saving toilets, showerheads and faucet
Recycled content drywall was installed.
installed in all buildings.
as well as formaldehyde-free cabinets and underlays.
gas-fired hydronic systems.
aerators were installed.
Whole-building ventilation provides maximum
air changes per hour in each apartment.
Scargo Apartments
In Belltown,
First near Blanchard.
In Lower Queen Anne,
First & Denny.
E. Jefferson St
E. 11th Av
E. Cherry St
E. 10th Av
Harvard Av
Belmont Av
i ve
operating costs as well. Sustainable features include:
it A
quality of life for our residents, but save energy and lower
E. 11th Av
incorporated into these buildings not only improve the
sustainable construction. Many of the enhancements we
E. Union St
Summit Av
Crawford Pl
the City of Seattle’s Sea Green program that encourages
E. 10th Av
i ve
Langdon and Anne Simons Senior Apartments—from
E. Pike St
St. Charles Apartments, Plymouth on Stewart, and The
renovations and one new building—Haddon Hall, the
Pacific Apartments
In Downtown’s
Financial District,
Fourth & Marion.
E. Spruce St
E. Fir St
St. Charles
In Pioneer Square,
Third & Cherry.
On Capitol Hill,
18th Avenue near
East Madison.
Cal Anderson House
On Capitol Hill,
Broadway near Boren.
Plymouth on Stewart
Near Seattle’s
Pike Place Market,
Second & Stewart.
Langdon and Anne
Simons Senior
In Belltown,
Third & Blanchard.
Our Properties
Boylston Av
We received a portion of the funding for our three recent
E. Pine St
Our Properties
Bellevue Av
Melrose Av
Nagle Pl
E. Olive St
Building Green is
Building Smart
E. Howell St
Future Development
E. Denny Way
Denny Way
2007 Financial Statement
Plymouth’s annual Holiday Party would not be complete without
the Mt. Baker Boys who annually cook and serve a delicous pasta
dinner for all the residents. Pictured at the 2007 party, from left to
right: Mark DeRitis, Terry Leers (Santa), Bob Marcoe, Vince Iaci,
Operating Support & Revenue
Development Fees
Capital Campaign Grants & Donations
Private Grants & Donations for Operations
Plymouth Café Sales, Interest & Other Income
Total Revenue
Revenue &
$ 10,732,314
Plymouth’s work is not possible without the support of
hundreds of active, committed volunteers. Each year our
Operating Expenses
Program Services
Housing Management
20 07 F i n a n c i a l S t a t e m e n t
50% | Residential Rents & Fees
Social Services
community friends give generously of their time and talent
$ 5,599,748
Housing Development
18% | Public Grants
Plymouth Café Expenses
Support Services
14% | Capital Campaign
Plymouth Housing Group has always been about
8% | Commercial Rents
of many resident activities, including our Annual Tenant
partnerships. From our founding relationship with
7% | Private Donations for Operations
Holiday Party, Thanksgiving Dinner, and the Summer
Plymouth Congregational Church to our set-aside
Tenant and Staff Picnic. Volunteers improved the lives of
housing agreements with a multitude of agencies serving
residents by providing regular coffee hours, special group
low-income people, we know it is only by working
meals, conducting classes and recreational activities and
collaboratively that we will end homelessness.
2% | Café, Interest & Other Income
Fundraising & Public Relations
1% |Development Fees
Total Expenses
$ 8,747,324
Net Income Before Depreciation*
$ 1,984,990
by donating items to Carl’s Tenant Supply Closet. This year
we would especially like to recognize the following groups
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
for their on-going dedication.
Restricted cash and pledges
Accounts receivable
Property, equipment and amortizable assets
Total Assets
$ 1,236,092
$ 86,634,792
Liabilities and Equity
Accounts payable & tenant security deposits payable
$ 1,356,743
Non-controlling interest
64% |Housing Management
Net assets
15% | Social Services
$ 86,634,792
12% |Administration
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
4% | Fundraising and PR
3% |Housing Development
2% | Café
*The net income is designated for new housing development projects in the
Building Hope Capital Campaign.
Audited financial statements are available upon request.
to make life better for Plymouth residents.
Strong partnerships
expand Plymouth’s ability
to help more people
This last year, volunteers were vital to ensuring the success
Capital Campaign Expenses
Cash and cash equivalents
Plymouth volunteers make a
real difference every day
Apex Facility Resources
The following organizations and social service agencies
are just some of the many dedicated groups that help our
residents sucessfully break the cycle of homelessness. We
are deeply grateful to all of them.
Horizon House residents
Archdiocese Housing Authority
Mayflower Park Hotel
Committee to End Homelessness
Mercer Island Presbyterian Church
Community Psychiatric Center
Microsoft employees
Harborview Mental Health Services
Mt. Baker Boys Foundation
Healthcare for the Homeless
Plymouth Congregational Church
King County Criminal Justice Initiative
Seattle Hotel Association
King County Housing Development Consortium
Seattle/King County Prosecutor’s Office
King County Veterans Program
Stevens Elementary School families
Seattle Housing Authority
UW School of Business Undergraduate Business Council
Sound Mental Health
WaMu employees
United Way of King County
Woodland Park Presbyterian Church
VA Puget Sound Healthcare System
O u r P a r t n e r s & Vo l u n t e e r s
Commercial Rents
Public Grants
and Terry McKeon.
$ 5,404,146
Residential Rents & Fees
Capital Campaign Donors
Plymouth Residents and
staff enjoy old-fashioned
games at the Annual Tenant
and Staff Picnic in July
2007 at Gasworks Park.
Capital Campaign Donors
Leadership Circle
$25,000 - $49,999
Neighborhood Heroes
Bill & Ruth True
Catherine & Scott Gelband
Sandy Linderman
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
AvStar Seattle LLC
Stan Gent & Susan Morrow
Mike & Midge Litke
David & Joyce Veterane
City of Seattle
Steve & Connie Ballmer
Gary Gigot
Mike Litke & Kristin Adams Litke
Doug & Maggie Walker
Federal Home Loan Bank
Laura Livingston
Richard & Catherine Wilson
King County
Employees Community Fund of
Boeing Puget Sound
Chuck Gilman & Ken Bengtson
D. Wayne & Anne Gittinger
Lovsted-Worthington LLC
National Equity Fund
Kelly Foundation of Washington
Jill Zaremba
Goodman Real Estate
Mack Family
The Norcliffe Foundation
Key Foundation
Alan & Kathleen Grainger
Carolyn MacKay
Seattle Housing Authortiy
Shaula & Darrin Massena
$5,000 - $9,999
Gail & Phillip Gray
Chad & Jennifer MacKay
Community, Trade &
Economic Development
Housing Trust Fund
Sarah E. Meyer
Anonymous (2)
Jamie & Lynn Greene
Timothy Manring
Donald & Pamela Mitchell
$1,000 - $4,999
Friends of PHG
Bank of America
Bert Gregory
Douglas J. Mar
Nesholm Family Foundation
Anonymous (9)
Daphne Guericke
Valerie Newman
M. Acevedo & J. Kephart
The Mar Family
Washington State Housing
Finance Commission
Judi Beck & Tom Alberg
Donald P. Chamberlain
Lynn Beck
Sheila Gulati
Marguerite Casey Foundation
Bruce & Jeannie Nordstrom in
honor of Marlys Erickson
Bob & Marcia Almquist
Citigroup Foundation
Paul Brenneke & Ellen Dunavan
Patricia Hall
Lisa Martin & Ken Fabert
Thomas & Lisa Brenneke
Robin, Alison, Charlie &
Peter Amadon
Dennis Clark
Clark Nuber P.S.
Peter & Ann Hanson
Mayflower Park Hotel
Ken & Jennifer Carter
Spike & Carol Anderson
Barb & Jay Congleton
Bill & Mary Jo Harbold
Michael & Gail McCormick
Charis Fund
Apex Facility Resources
Costco Wholesale
Jeanette Henderson
Tina & Chad Urso McDaniel
Clise Properties, Inc.
Apex Foundation
Colette Courtion & Todd Marker
Emily Hine
Mark & Michelle McGregor
Teresa & David Donovan
Lyle & Betty Appleford
Calvin & Lois Crow
Patricia Hochstat
Marcie & John McHale
Marlys Erickson & Chris Hurley
Karla Armstrong
Mark Houtchens
Medina Foundation
Daniel & Nancy Evans
Family Foundation
Ray & Edith Aspiri
John & Carolyn Cunningham &
Bill Hallerman
Peter & Melissa Evans
Barton Family Foundation
Jean Gardner
Roger J. Bass &
Richard B. Nelson
The Glaser Foundation
Linette Beaudry
Gordon Derr LLP
Jim & Sue Bechtold
Edward & Audrey Gruger
Jean Bell
Esther Instebo
Patricia Belyea & Michael Stone
Paul Lambros
Mike & Carol Benecke
Lorig Associates LLC
Alan & Sally Black
Lovett McLuckie Family
Yvonne Blumenthal
Theresa Naujack & Lee Hartwell
Elizabeth & Michael Boone
$100,000 - $999,999
Urban Champions
Anonymous (2)
The Boeing Company
Angus & Cynthia Cunningham
Erich & Hannah Sachs
The Kresge Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Neukom Family Foundation
Opus Northwest, LLC
Mary Pigott & Roger Giesecke
Andrew & Marianna B. Price
Stickney Murphy Romine
Triad OK LP
Vulcan, Inc.
$10,000 - $24,999
Community Builders
Anonymous (2)
Paul G. Allen Family Foundation
Chap & Eve Alvord
The Seattle Foundation
David & Joanna Beitel
Seattle Hotel Association
Bethany Presbyterian Church
Langdon & Anne Simons
Beatrice & T. Wm. Booth
Bob & Jane Ann Bradbury
Jeff & Susan Brotman
Banner Bank
$50,000 - $99,999
Downtown Visionaries
Leslie Christian &
Heather Andersen
John Akin & Mary Stevens
Christopher Kelly Family
Norman Archibald
Charitable Foundation
Stephanie Bowman
Matthew Clapp, Jr.
Piper Jaffray
Herb & Shirley Bridge
Ellen Ferguson
Harry & Ann Pryde
Mark & Brigid Britton
Robert & Micki Flowers
Adrienne Quinn &
Marianne Jones
Bruce Brooks & Debra Prinzing
SAMIS Land Co.
Carol Burkhart
Robin Appleford &
Charles Rosenberry, II
Dr. & Mrs. Ellsworth C.
Alvord, Jr.
Brettler Family Foundation
Dorothy F. Thorne Foundation
Joshua Green Foundation
Marpac Construction, LLC
Phoebe W. Haas
Charitable Trust
Daryl & Tricia Wray
Gretchen & Lyman Hull
K&L Gates
Kantor Taylor McCarthy, P.C.
Tim Kerr & Cynthia Wells
Edie, Ann & BJ Lackland
The Lovett-Rolfe Family Trust
Judy Pigott
Puget Sound Energy
Craig & Lisa Schafer
Seattle Steam Company
Payton & Patsy Smith
Warren & Nancy Smith
Cynthia & Brien Stafford
United Way of King County
Vance Corporation
Julie Wade
Wells Fargo Foundation
Janna Wilson & Annette Joyce
Susan & David Boyd-Fliegel
Dan Bross & Bob Cundall
Kris & Alan Bushley
Gretchen Reade
Jenise & Jim Sweeney
$1 - $999 Supporters
Fred Reebs
David & Dana Taft
Anonymous (59)
Lincoln Y. Reed
Tami Talman
Don & Jane Abel
David & Marcia Regnier
Judy Tassone
Maria Abramova
James & Adele Reynolds
Steve & Jennifer Taylor
Seiichi & Yoko Adachi
Rebecca A. Riesen
James Tjoa & Jeanne Ryan
Carol & Steve Adams
Richard & Bonnie Robbins
Gillian & Rob Toledo
David Adams
Kathy & Bob Roseth
Chris Tompkins & Mimi Winslow
Edie Adams
William & Jill Ruckelshaus
Russell Tousley
Greg & Anne Adams
Ann & Wayne Sandstrom
TRUEBenefits LLC
Roslyn & Kirk Adams
Tal Saraf & Irene Basloe Saraf
Uptown Espresso
Kim Addy
Brent & Susan Schlosstein
URS Corporation
Bruce Agnew
Alan & Susan Schulkin
Andrea Vanecko & Dennis Traut
Gordon & Marilee Ahalt
Seattle Rotary Service
V. James & Jeanette Vinson
Robert Ahearn
Betty L. Wagner
Verneil Aitken
Seattle’s Convention &
Visitors Bureau
John & Marilyn Warner
Annie Akin
Watson & McDonell, PLLC
John & Beth Alberti
Amy Wellons & Eric Copenhaver
Dick & Connie Albrecht
Constance S. Wentzel
Kathleen Albrecht
The Westin Seattle
Anita Albright
Weyerhaeuser Company
Kevin Alexander & Ann Muno
Michael Whalen
Tammy Alford
Snell Partnership
Tracey Wickersham &
Steve Marcus
Jack C. Alhadeff
Rebecca Snellenberg
Williams & Associates
Soapbox Communications
Mohamed Ait Allaoula
Tamara & Wayne Wilson
Megan Allen
Barbara & Howard Wollner
Ellen Alpert
Caroline Woodward &
Carlos Gasca
Rhoda Altom
Tripp Hunter & Val Thomas
Laurie & Gary Milligan
Will & Jennifer Daugherty
I. L. Gross Structural Engineers
Michael & Phyllis E. Mines
George & Junella Daum
Impact Capital
David & Susan Moffett
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP
Rita Inoway
Sarah Morford
Interiors Fund
Carla & Tom Murray
Sara Nelson & Cyrus Rafii
Isabel Joyce Piliavin
Charitable Trust
Hal & Peggy Newsom
Steve & Mary Hyatt Doerrer
Tamara Donaghy
Deborah L. Jacobs
Teri Nist
Donworth Family Foundation
Dorothy & Jim Jambor
Ed & Maurine Noble
The Downs Family
Elisabeth James
One Beacon
Maria Driano & Chris Kelly
Lew & Sonia Johnson
Kenneth & Pamela Eakes
Floyd U. Jones
Ecodura Furniture
Steve & Stephanie Jones
Tom English & Penny Stansberry
David & Wendy Keene
Pacific Office Automation
Enterprise Community
Reed & Jill Keeney
Erin Page
Kennedy Associates
Ewing & Clark
Sue Painter
David Kirchner
Dave & Stephanie Farrell
Craig & Tara Parsons
Robert & Ruth Kirk
Jim Feldman & Liz Fitzhugh
Barbara Peltzer
Frank & Virginia P. Kitchell
Ken & Michele Ferguson
Kelly Pelz
Martha Kongsgaard &
Peter Goldman
James Solimano & Karen
Marcotte Solimano
Perbix Bykonen
Ann-Marie & Ben Speirs
David & Mary Pembroke Perlin
Cloud 9 & Churchwomen
of St. Stephen’s
Episcopal Church
Cheryl DeBoise & Thom Rose
Patricia & Brewster Denny
Susan Dittig & Jim Gore
Joan Caine & André Kahr
Mercedes Fernandez &
Jeffrey Grant
Tim Callahan & Dulcie Claassen
Fonte Coffee
Lyn & Richard Krizanich
Stuart Campbell
Mary Ann Fordyce
Mike Kunath & Kate Harrison
Tom & Sonya Campion
Anita L. Franklin
Frances J. Kwapil
Capitol Hill Housing
Donald & Ann Frothingham
Joan F. Carpenter
Cerulean Advised Fund
Stephanie & Erik Kristen
Craig Neyman
Maura O’Neill & Vaho Rebassoo
John & Deanna Oppenheimer
Perry Ortiz-Williams
Diane Pietrowski & Mark Young
Pine Street Group L.L.C.
Sheraton Seattle Hotel
Jon & Mary Shirley
Alice Shobe & Eric Svaren
Bob & Dee Simmons
George & Kathy Smith
Joanna & Scott Smith
Sue & Stan Pocock
Phyllis Lamphere
Carole Fuller & Evan Schwab
Tina Podlodowski &
Barcy Fisher
Sterling Savings Bank
Suzanne Stevens
M.A. Leonard
Dan & Mareth Fulton
Bjarne & Lyndsey Rasmussen
Donna & Scott Stirton
Betsy Lieberman &
Richard Groomer
Charles K. & Doris D. Ray
Suyama Petersen Deguchi
World Inspection Network
H.S. Wright & Kate Janeway
Jeff & Korynne Wright
Reyn Yates
Margaret Yung
Jane Zalutsky & Mark Kantor
ZymoGenetics, Inc.
Victoria Alie
Humberto Alvarez
Greg Anacker & Lora Bennet
Amy & Geoff Anderson
Helen & Dan Anderson
Martin & Beth Anderson
Pamela Anderson
Robert Anderson
Stella Anderson
Capital Campaign Donors
Thank you to the generous donors of the
Building Hope Capital Campaign 2004-07
Jim & Cathy Bauer
Kenan Block
Betsy & Chris Brooks
Susan & John Cary
Thomas Anderson &
Lynn Tchobanoglous
Michael Bayless
Bruce & Ann Blume
Jane Broom
Cascadia Consulting Group
Beacon Development Group
Becky Bogard
Virginia & Maile Anderson
Kim & David Brotherton
Cascadia Revolving Fund
Larissa Bean
Janet Boguch
Antioch University - Seattle
Brotherton Strategies
Don & Jennifer Castle
Steve & Stacey Bean
Russell M. Aoki
Josh Brower
Beth & Savannah Castro
Frank & Ann Beck
Amy Bohutinsky &
Francesco Crocenzi
Michael Aoki-Kramer
Chris & Ginger Brown
Kristi Ceder
Gary Beck
Patricia Boies
David & Karen Aoyama
Michael Brown
Patricia Chacon
Katherine Beck
Tony Bollen
Michelle & Jeff Brown
Sai & Debbie Chaleunphonh
Gretchen Bruce
Paula Chan
Jana Brumbaugh
Katy Chaney & Phil Frederick
Anita Gras Bryant
Stella Chao & Mike Smyser
Robert & Willye Buchanan
Paige Chapel
Jonathan & Carol Buchter
Dick & Ginny Chappelle
Kerri Bucklin
Emily Chen
Anne Buckner
Charles & Anna Chesnut
Kristine Bueche
LeeAnn Chew
The Bullitt Foundation
Richard Chirillo
Susan B. Apel
Rosemary Beck
Dana Bollinger
William & Hallie Rive Appel
Virginia Beck
Chris Appleford & Marcia Bruno
Karl Beckley
Christina Bollo &
Rebecca Morton
Peter & Diana Argeres
Dana & Rena Behar
Gerri Armbruster
Kathryn Armstrong
Sharon Armstrong
Rev. & Mrs. Loren E. Arnett
Terry Arntz
Margery Aronson
Capital Campaign Donors
John & Betty Behmke
Shari Behnke
Dean & Carolyn Behse
Don & Mae Bell
Denise & Greg Books
Evelyn Borgerson
Brad Borland
Karen Bosley
Brad Boswell
Edgar & Elisabeth Bottler
Dorothy S. Bell
Merlyn & Maury Bell
Rhonda Aronwald
Ben Bridge Jewelers
Erika Arthun
Michael Beneke
Maxine & Svend Asp
Margaret Bennett
Malika Atiwanakul
Elissa Benson
Patrick & Susan Bouker
The Rev. Vivian Bowden
Jim Bowles
Paul & Patricia Boys
Alice Boytz
Greg & Betsy Atkinson
Nancy Atwood
Leslie Aungst
Sean Austen
Aventis Pharmaceuticals
Merrilee & George Avila
Bill & Pam Ayer
Matt Babcock
Debbie Baden
Sally Bagshaw
“This is a real
new start.”
Lori Q uimb y, r esiden t
S imons S e nior Apar t m en t s
Desi Bailey
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Bakke
Michael Baldwin
Mrs. Page H. Ballard
Hank Balson
Phyllis Bannister
Louis Baransky &
Michelle Phillips
Mark Barbieri
David & Kimberly Barenborg
Maura Barnes
Barnes & Noble
Ellen Barnett
Joan & Larry Barokas
Bob & Bobbie Baronsky
Theresa Barreras
Scott & Diane Barron
Nancy Barry
Peter & Vaughnetta Barton
Basic Business Systems
William Bass
Bateman Consulting LLC
Lisa Berger
Dave Berkson
Peter Berliner
The Berman Family
Susan Berry
Christine Bertany
Sarah Beshlian
Bethany United Church of Christ
Carol Binder
Eric & Tannon Bird
Brian Birtwistle
Bob & Elinore Bisnett
Bruce & Jill Bjerke
Kristi Anderson Bjornerud
Bonnie & Ken Blachly
David & Inez Black
James & Hilda Blaikie
Jane & Watson Blair
David Blandford
Barry Blanton
Eric & Dana Blazevic
Paula Brady
Brainerd Foundation
Anita Braker-Olsen
Jennifer Brandon & Ken Gordon
Julie Brandsness
Mary & Kurtis Bray
Paul & Karen Breckenridge
Miriam Breidenstein
Steven Bremner
Gretchen & Sean Brennan
Brettler Family Foundation
Don Brewer
Eileen Brewer &
Charlie Kollmeyer
David & Joyce Brewster
Vanessa Brewster
Jon & Bobbe Bridge
Thomas Bridgman, D.D.S.
Charles Brighton
Bryan, Christi & Emily Bristow
Nicole Brodeur
Dorothy C. Bullitt
Judy Bunnell & Joseph Olchefske
Sung-Eun Choi
Rep. Frank Chopp
Langdon and Anne Simons, Mayor Greg Nickels, and Plymouth Board of Trustees
member Mary Stevens at the ground breaking for the Langdon and Anne Simons Senior
Apartments in March 2007.
Joyce Connors
Katherine Delimitros
Wendy Ehringer
B. JoAnne Conrad
David Della
Erin Eiseman & Travis Fleck
Dow Constantine
Don Dennis
Monika Elgert
Sheldon Cooper
Bill DePaso & Barbara Ricker
Roy & Nancy Cope
Greg DeRitis
Mark Ellerbrook &
Kristen Spangler
Diane Corbett
Susan Derrick
Roy Elliott
Tim Cordoror
John & Roberta Devine
Marc & Pam Elvy
Larry & Amy Corey
John Dew
Sara Elward
Peggy & George Corley
Sally Dewitt
John & Sarah Epstein
Jack & Judy Cornwall
Wilma Dick
Alan Erhart
Jim & Ann Crabtree
Timothy Dickerson
Ann Erhart
Emily & Kip Cranford
Carol Dickinson
Cecelia & Andy Erickson
Anne Crary & Sandy McDonald
Joe & Sue Diehl
Peter Erickson
Stacey & Jeff Crawshaw Lewis
David Dillman
Jared Erlandson
Jerry Creim & Sarah Hrobsky
Martha Dilts
Honorable John Erlick
Debra Crespin
Barbara & Dan Dingfield
Jennifer Ernst
Evelyn Crichton
Mia Doces
Karen & Stephen Ernst
Jim Flynn
Margaret & John Gibson
Anne Fontaine
Dan Gietzen
Charlie Fontaine
Greg & Lanice Gillard
Susan Ford & Geoff Ogle
Melanie Gillespie
Stephen C. Forman
Kenneth J. Gish, Jr.
Anne Fortun
Stevie Glaberson
Jody Foster & John Ryan
GlaxoSmithKline Foundation
Judy Fox
Jan Gleason
Laureen France
Helen Goehring
Mary Franck
Peter & Beth Golde
Beulah Frankel
Beverly Goldsmith
Jesse & Katie Franklin
Marty Goodman
Phil & Hedy Fredrickson
Sheryl Goong
Renee Freier & David Tiemann
Della & Al Gordon
Dick & Sharon Friel
Slade & Sally Gorton
Cheryl & Bill Frizzell
David Gow & Heather Mueller
Tom Graff & Tracy Waggoner
Erin Burchfield
Yolanda Christianson
Tom Burley
Deane & Carole Burnside
Mary Anne Christy &
Mark Klebanoff
Blair Burroughs
Janet Chung
Maryann & Sten Crissey
Elinor Dofredo
Jane & John Estes
Jeanne Buse
Sarah & Steve Church
Steven Crosby
Muriel Dohrmann
Juleen Esvelt
Stephen & Kristen Bush
Carole Claassen
Margaret & Glen Cross
Mary Beth Dols
Kim Etherton
William & Janet Bush
Jacqueline Clapp
Dave & Liz Crossman
Karen Donahue Robinson
Ellen Evans
Natalie Butto
Phillipe & Clara Claringbould
Barbara Glenn Crowe
Mike Donegan
Susan Evans
Sarah Butzine
Sally Clark
Crowne Plaza Hotel
Andrew Donlen
Trevor Evans
Nathan Byers
John Clarke
Jody Cunningham
Peter Donnelly
Patrick Evatt
Dennis & Margaret Byrne
Lynn Claudon
Suellen & Tom Cunningham
Julieann Donohue
The Everard/Kaplan Family
Barbara Cairns
Clayton Group Services
Peter Dorogoff
Frank E. Everett III
Sue & Bryan Cairns
Cushman & Wakefield of
Washington, Inc
Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Express Personnel Services
Michael Caldwell
Clegg & Associates
Maria Dailey
Daniel & Kathleen Dow
Ezell’s Famous Chicken
Philip & Deanne Calvert
Marci & Michael Clevenger
Debbie Dain
Deirdre Doyle
Aaron & Susan Fairchild
Larry Fung &
June Hayakawa-Fung
Barbara Campbell
Laura Clinton
Suzanne Dale Estey
Frank & Anne Drumm
Marlene Falkenbury
Roberta Fuhr
Michele Clute
Lisa Dam
Michael Duckworth & Rosa Joshi
Walton Fangman & Janice Flynn
Graham & Dunn PC
Marilyn Campbell
Phillip Fuji
Rep. Eileen L. Cody
Karen Dambacher
Darryl & Kathleen Duke
Joan Fanning & Paul Fishman
Terry Granillo
Michael & Debbie Campbell
Funke Investment Group LLC
Victoria Campbell
Phyllis & John Daniels
Roger T. Dunaway
Richard Farr & Kerry Fitzgerald
Laurel Grant
Melissa Coffman
The Gagnaire Family
Linda Cannon
Edward & Michelle Danyluk
Janet Duncan
Frances Fawcett
Richard B. Grass
Jerry Cohen
Randy Gainer
Lisa & Tom Cohen
Jason Dardis
Nancy Dunn
Tom Gaisser
Tess Colby
Joan Dash
Erika Grayson
Alice Carle
Todd Dunnington
Federated Department
Stores Foundation
Amy Gray & Jonathan Wall
Jennifer Cargal & David Bley
Diane Gallegos
Nancy Cole
Maud & Marc Daudon
Catherine Greene
Paul Carlson
Susan Duren
Helen Gamble
Nate & Sara Cole-Daum
Laura & Roger Davidheiser
Duncan Greene
Rich Carlson
Marvin & Jean Durning
Denise Gangnes
Jean Carpenter
Fran & Denny Davidson
Beth Greenley
Janene Collins
Sue Dybbro
Honorable Booth Gardner
Peter Carpenter
Richard Davies
Anthony & Jean Greenwald
Chris Colman & Steve Johnson
Sean Dyers
Leonard Garfield
Catherine Colwell
Allison Davis
Bill & Sammy Greenwood
Glenda Y. Carper
Suzanne Garland
David G. & Susan A. Colwell
Don & Marilyn Davis
Sharon & Gary Greenwood
Paul Carr
David Easton
Bill Gartz & Robin Holt
Leann & William Colwell
Lynn Davison & Judith Clegg
Henrietta Griffith
Rebecca Carr
Josh Eckels
Gary Manuel Salon
Susan B. Colwell
James Dawson
Glen & Joan Griswold
Dvorah Carrasco
Amanda Gaudet
Brent Carson &
Jill Burday Carson
Tania Fernandez De Castro
Lois Juno Griswold
Thomas & Rebecca Colwell
Greg Eckerman &
Janice Kennedy
Joe De Maris
Paul & Lauren Edlund
John Flanagan
Bill & Lindy Gaylord
Cathy Gromley
Molly & Jerry Cone
Dayna Dealy
Ted & Nancy Edquist
Kenneth & Anita Gronvold
Chris Carter
Donald & Florine Fleck
Jeffrey & Bonnie Geers
Anne Conkle
Beverly DeCook
Earl Edwards
Kenneth & Ruth Gronvold
Alice Carter-Carle
Lisa Fleek
Ellen Germain
Tara Connor & Liam Boyle
Amy & Chris Dee
Rukshana Edwards
Ira & Gail Gross
Joan Carufel
Jane Fleming
Jayasri Ghosh
Katharine Gibson
James Gross
Communications Ward Inc.
Virginia Felton
Margaret & Kenneth Ferguson
Mark Filipini
Jonathan Fine
Laura Fine-Morrison
Ellen Morford Fisher
James & Sally Fitch
Lynn Fitch
W.J. Fitch
Courtney Flora
Kirsten Graham
Capital Campaign Donors
Tad & Cindy Anderson
Connie & Bob Harvison
Terra Holcomb
Diane Istvan
Brian & Rosetta Kastama
June Krumpotick
Marita Lo & Tracy Simpson
Jane & John Marshall
Paul & Alice Meyer
Will Ng
Cheryl & Richard Gruger
Michele Hasson
Grace Holland
Douglas Ito
Deirdre Katt
Arlys Kruse
Andrew Lofton
Peter S. Marshall
Nhat Nguyen
Enzo & Janet Guarda
Wesley & Hisae Hatch
Mike Hollingsworth
Carol & Doug Jackson
Rodney & Jennifer Kauffman
Michael & Kaycee Krysty
Karen Lonergan
Lillian Martinez
Robert Meyer &
Michiyo Morioka
Kurt, Deb, Kate & Jack Guenther
Vernon & Genevieve Hathaway
Roy W. Holmlund
Fiona Jackson
Anne Kearney
Dave Kumar
Cathy Long
Victor & Stephanie Martinez
Stacy Meyer
Michael Nielsen
Mark & Amy Guistino
Geoff Hatler
Stephen Holt
R.G. Jacobsen
Jeanne Keenan
Robert Kunold, Jr.
Bill & Martha Longbrake
Harium Martin-Morris
Janet Michaelsen
Mickey Niland
Christian Gunter
Florence Haugen
Katie Hong & Harold Taw
Mary & Daniel Jacobson
Vic Keeran
Jill Kurfirst
Richard Loo
Virginia Mason
Pauline Michela
Kirt Nilsson
Joshua Gurnee
Craig Hawley
Lisa Hoonan
Peter H. Jacoby
Aileen Kelly
Marie Kurose
Laurie Lootens Chyz
Whitney Mason
Paul Mickley
Eric & Lisa Nobis
Lisa & Bill Gustaveson
Alice Hayakawa
Rick Hooper & Nancy Silberg
Rhe & Satish Jain
James Kelly
Rebecca Kwan
Ted Lord & Chris Cooper
Phil Masters
Don & Pamela Miles
Barbara Nombalais
Janet Gwilym & Bing Tso
Janet Hayakawa & Lee Lyttle
Heather Hope & Noel Miller
Mia Jalbing
Sandy Kemper
Rhona Kwiram
Alison Lorig
Ann Matheson
Doug Miller
Anne Noris & Jeffery Slayton
Karen & Don Gwilym
Andrea Manolides Hayford
C. David Hopkins
David & Lucille James
Tim Kenison
Kristin Lamson
Betsy Losh
Deborah Matlick
Katy Miller
Tom Norwalk
Kathryn Gwilym
Matt Hays
Akira & Lillian Horita
Cris Janzen
Dennis & Diane Kenny
David Landers
Matthew G. Norton Co.
Maxine Miller
Lane Nothman & Marty Perlman
Ann Gygi
Ed & Peggy Haywood
Mari Horita & Stephen Fina
Joey Jeannot
Stephen T. Kerr
Dan Landes & Angela Deppe
Marilyn Loveness &
Tom Schlosser
Peter Miller & Jean Johnson
Evelyn Hazell
Moselle Horiuchi
Teri Jelinek
Kristine Kertson
Jerri Lane
Donald & Carol Lovett
Heidi Noun & Michael Collins
Jerry & Susan Haas
Vince Matulionis &
Marsha Heaton
Millionair Club Charity
Mrs. Chauncey Hazen
Doris A. Horn
Michelle Jensen
Susan Kese
Pamela Lang
Amy Low
Dan Novack
Paul Haas
Trish & Peter May
Kollin Min
Philip Head & Naya Keyahes
Steven & Susan Horton
Rob Jensen
Leilani Kesler
Norm & Jane Langill
Carole Lowe
Megan Nyce
Audrey Haberman &
Marge McGinty
Lee & Robert Minto
Hotel 1000
Anne Kiemle & Kael Sherrard
Gerry Ann Lanphier
Frank & Heather Minton
Hacienda Builders, LLC
Kristin Johnsen
Rita Lowe
Marianne & Kenneth O’Bara
Debby Heath
The Rev. Dr. Donald &
Lynnea Mayer
Hotel Ändra
David Kile
David & Cindy Lantry
Tony Mazella & Jean Ferguson
Joseph & Rosalind Mintz
Mary Hackley
Beverly Johnson
Vesta & Everil Loyd, Jr.
Josh Obendorf
Rev. Raymond Hedberg
Howard Anderson & Associates
Vicky Killian
Mary Lou LaPierre
Brandy McAniff
Robert C. & Jo Bennett Mitchell
Marcia Gamble Hadley
Elizabeth Johnson
Donald Luby
Dorothy O’Brien
Dick & Betty Hedreen
John Hoyt & Lisa Fitzhugh
Michael Killoren
Jay Larson
Karen McAniff
Rita Hagen
Pam Johnson
Dianne Ludwig
Donald & Rose Obuchowski
Lucy Helm
Todd Johnson
Gloria & Gordon Kinney
Margaret & Tim Larson
Garrett McAuliffe
Medora Moburg
John & Jean Haigh
Rachel & Rick Klausner
Laura Larson
Kevin & Sarah McCain
Patricia Moe
David H. Haley
David Hudacek
Martha Mae Lasche
Angie McCarrell
Jill Mogen
Jim & Louisa Halfaker
Denise Klein & David Soper
Ilene Lund
Brendan O’Donnell
Irene Henninger
Spencer Johnson &
Braiden Rex-Johnson
Amity Lumper
Ms. Sylvia Odom
George & Patricia Henderson
Meagan, Jasmin, Nuh, Enisa,
& Sule Hrlc
Ed Luera
Clare O’Connor
Marjorie Kennedy Hemphill
Kerra Michele Huerta
Kate Joncas
Kathryn Lasek
Janet McCarthy
Betty Moll
Jonathan F. Hall
Claire Klinker
Elliot Lurie
Helen George Oechsli
Marilyn Herman &
Robert Anderson
Jon Hughes
Dean Jones
Jennifer Laslovich
Joe McCarthy
Carol Mooney
Linda Hall
Derek Hermsen
Sally Knodell
Elizabeth Luthy
Keith Oelrich
Katharine Hull
Joanne LaTuchie & Gary Ireland
Michael McCarty
Stephen Mooney
Kim Halvorson
Stephanie Ko
Linda L. Lynch
Colette Ogle
Jon Jones
Nell Hummell
Brien Lautman
Pam McClusky
Beverly Moreland
Kari Hammett-Caster
Doris Hickman
Emily Koft
Anne Lyons & Christopher Voss
Therese Ogle
Kevin Jones
Linda Humphrey
Liam Lavery & Yazmin Mehdi
Linda McColgan
Veda & Robert Moretti
Poppi Handy
Stephen A. Hicks
Vivie Kollias
Becky MacCamy
Colleen Oglesby
Roger Jones
Matthew Hunt
Molly & Frank Lawrence
Audrey McCombs
Susan & Issac Mortgansztern
Debra Hansen
Leigh Ann Higashi
Laura & Gabriel Kompkoff
Cathleen MacCaul
Marian Ohleson
Stephanie J. Jones
Betsy Hunter
JJ Leary & Dottie Hall
Jack McCullough
Janice Morris
Bertha Hanson
Libby Hill & Tom Biehl
Jenny Konway
Glen Macdonald
Jon Okada
Steven Jones
Daniel Hurley
Ashley & Lance Leasure
J. Joseph McDermott
Paul Hanson & Kari Stover
Melora & Henryk Hiller
Doris Koo & Edward Chu
Tom & Frances Mack
Carla Okigwe
Tanya Hurst
Susan Delanty Jones &
Larry A. Jones
Denise McDonald
Harbor Properties
Andria Hillman
Christine Hynes
Dale & Emmy Jordan
Elizabeth Y. Leckenby
Mary MacLachlan
David Okimoto
Kerry Kooistra
Royce Morrison &
Glenda Williams
Bill & Cory Maclay
Patricia McInturff
Helen & Charles Moure
Hilltop Yarn, Jennifer Hill
Vince & Mary Pat Iaci
V. Evonne Jordan
Michelle LeClech
Yolande Y. Hargraves
Maureen Kostyack &
Jonathan Olver
Lisa MacLean
Robert McKay
Marcelle Moutier
Daniel & Lois Harless
William Hilton
Melinda Iacolucci
Chris Jowell
Jani Lee
Kerry Kozuki & Brian Denhart
Macy’s Foundation
Paul & Anna McKee
Kitty Harmon & John Fulford
Elizabeth & Allen Hilton
F. Samuel Iaquinta
Bryan Joyner
Jerry & Charlene Lee
Nancy & Walt Krajewski
Dan Madsen
Donald McKim
Steve Harmon
Shana Hinds
Jennifer Ichelson
James Judson
Glenn Leimbacher
Bob Mucklestone &
Megan Kruse
Dean Kralios & Scot Partlow
Joel Madsen
Herman McKinney
Gary Murphy
Helana Harper
Nancy Hirsh & Doug Howell
Gorden & Cathy Iles
Bassam Jurdi
Patricia Lein
Tracy & Miles Krauter
Sharon Maeda
Harr Family Homes
Doug & Kimberly Hixson
Industrial Communications, LLC
Walter & Carol Krengel
Beverly Magee
Susan J. Murphy &
Dean von Kellenbach
Gerhard & Eunice Letzing
Darrell McKissic & Leslie
Aleana Harris
Tom & Margaret Hodnett
Louise Inlow
Valerie Kampe &
James O’Donnell
David Lenci
Pearl Leung
Gary Magnuson & Sharon Masse
Kathy & Gary McLean
Ann Schroeder Osterburg
George Kresovich
Rep. Edward Murray
Susan Harris
Marilyn Hoe & Philip Wells
Integrated Site Design
Ann LeVasseur
Robyn L. Mah
Richard & Kathleen McNeill
Dena & Tom Owens
Alan & Kim Krogness
Lee Murray
Duane Hartman
Harris Hoffman
Paul & Jane Ishii
Andrew & Ingrid Krueger
Irene Mahler
Peter & Kelly Murray
Al Levine
Patricia McShea
Karl & Nandy Kruger
Lori & Jeff Main
Mary Lynn Myslewicz
Renee Lewis
Joseph & Susan McWilliams
Margot Page &
Anthony Salisbury
Michal & Margaret Makar
Albert & Kelly Na
Jane Lewis
Mollie & Dan Means
Tim Lewis
Jennifer Mamary
Susan Mecklenburg
Mr. & Mrs. John Nagy
“Evening of Hope” Gala in partnership with
the Seattle Hotel Association a great success
Chris & Tiffany Megargee
Christina Narr
Marcia McGreevy Lewis &
Robert D. Lewis, M.D.
Jacqueline & Arthur Mampel
Sarah Lewontin
Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet
Our local Seattle Hotel Association really knows how to throw a great party!
On February 6, 2007, Plymouth Housing Group was honored to be the recipient
of the proceeds of the association’s 10th annual fundraising gala where over 350
guests enjoyed an elegant evening dinner and auction at the Fairmont Olympic
Hotel. Plymouth supporters, Dan and Cindy Brettler, were honored for their
commitment to our community and to the fight to end homelessness.
Tom Douglas Restaurants
Richard Mar & Susan Taoka
Arnetta Libby
Frances Marazzi
Liberty Pacific Media LLC
George Marble
Nick Licata
Steve Maris
Sandra Lilligren
Stewart & Heidi Marr
Kelly Lillis
Don & Ruth Marsh
Jim & Janet Linardos
Chris & Dick Marshall
Linda Hoffman
Photo credit: Team Photogenic
Georgene Karambelas
Julie & Dave Karle
Susan Menig Karstetter
Plymouth Executive Director Paul Lambros with “Evening of Hope”
honorees, Cindy and Dan Brettler
Dorothy H. Mann
Larry Nash
Shelindra Melton
Susie Naticy
Merck Partnership for Giving
Anna Nelson
Nicholas A. Merriam
Rev. David & Georgia Nelson
Carol Merry
Margie Nelson
Nancy Mertel
Geri Nelson
Jane Meseck & Cathy Schick
Muriel & James Nelson
Bettiemae & Frank Metheny
Thomas Nelson
Gloria Metzger
John Nettleton &
Bryan Hathaway
David Meyer
John & Joann Nicon
The Smith-O’Leary’s
Don Olson
Leif Ormseth
Anne O’Rourke
Steve Orser & Ann Hollar
Shelby Osborne
George Osborne
Melissa Pailthorp
Alan Painter & Jackie Der
Marianne Painter &
Harry Edwards
Jon & Ann Palmason
Michael Parham
Karol Park
Cynthia Parker
Jeffrey A. Parker
Bob & Annette Parks
Chris & Juliana Parsons
Parsons Public Relations
Melinda Partin
Capital Campaign Donors
Capital Campaign Donors
Tess Gruenstein
Scot Partlow
Barbara Pringle
Robert & Deborah Rifkin
George & Athena Sarantinos
Bill Sils
Virginia Stout
Jason Thompson
The W Foundation
Karen Westwood
Lisa Young
Laura Paskin
E. W. Proctor
James & Doreen Rigos
Andrew Sargent
Dr. Carol Simmons
Joe Strang
Sara Thompson
Jorie Wackerman
Judith Whetzel
Patricia Young
Lee & Robin Pasquarella
Sarah & Todd Prodzinski
Richard Riley
Andrea Sato & Russ Borgmann
Bill Singer & Cindy Irwin
Laura Streichert
Steve & Jackie Thompson
Patricia & Edward Wagner
Ellen White
Mona Yurk
Tejal Pastakia
Bob & Sherry Prowda
Sharon Rindal
Lester & Mary Ann Sauvage
Daryl Stromswold
Dinah Thoreson
Jackson Wagstaff
Edith G. Wieland
Sue Yuzer
Val & Eddie Pate
Paul & Mary Margaret Pruitt
Jim Robart & Mari Jalbing
Daryl Savidis
Theodore Sive &
Ted Kennedy Watson
Helen Stusser
Jena Thornton
Alan & Debra Wahl
Erica Wiley
Maria Zazycki
Harlan Patterson
Janice Prussic
Lexie Robbins
George Scarola
Mike Sivia & Nancy Field
Victoria Stuth
Tom Tierney & Carolyn Wood
Susan Wake
Jim & Pat Williams
Lenny & Anni Zilz
Natalie Patterson
Jack & Charlotte Robins
Carol & Gary Schaefer
Jeff & Maureen Skall
Diane & Richard Sugimura
Jeff Tilden
Connie Waks
Kathi Williams
Andrea Akita & Walter Zisette
Nikki Patterson
Curt Pryde &
Fawn Johnson Pryde
Jeanne & Randy Robinson
JoAnn Schindler
Thomas & Barbara Skoda
Matthew Sullivan
Anne Tillery
Carol Walery
Larry & Pamela Williams
Dennis & Wendy Zook
Sally Patterson
Carianne & Brad Pugh
Jeff Robinson
Susan Schlatter
Vassie Skoulis
Tip Top Creative LLC
Brian & Stacey Zuber
Marc & Nikette Pujalet
Lisa Robinson
Dianne Schlicke
Christine Skrak & Javier Nieva
Bruce & Katy Titcomb
Steve Walker &
Laura Hewitt Walker
Marcus Williams
Frank & Harriet Pattison
Judith Summerfield &
Walter Kopf
Anne & Marcos Zuniga
Jamie Pedersen & Eric Cochran
Mark Putnam
Tom Robinson
Steve & Liz Schmidt
Caren Skube
Rick & Sharon Sundberg
Melinda Williams
Brad Tong & Nanette Fok
Jesse Wallace
Mary Pedersen
QPS Financial
Tony & Linda Robinson
Marlene Schneider
Norma & Al Slatin
Scott Surdyke
Todd Williams
Mary Totten
Susan Wallace
Christina Rockrise
John Scholl
Mark Smedley
Alan & Tricia Svendsen
WilliamsWorks LLC
Lars Pederson
Michael Quinn
Greg & Carolyn Tow
Walsh Construction Company
John Pehrson
Stella Rabaut &
Donald Williamson
Oscar & Doris Rolander
Andrew Schoneberg
Andrea John Smith
Kara Svendsen
Harriet M. Trabert
Anne R. Waltz
Catherine Willis &
Douglas Cleveland
Michael Romine
Julia & Chris Schroeder
Cristy & Terry Smith
Cheryl Swab & Gavin Layton
Dan Tracy
Wendy Waltz
George & Colleen Willoughby
Elizabeth Romney
Greg Schuler
Doris Smith
Elizabeth Swain
Kirsten Tucker
Bob Ward
Heidi Wills & Kobi Yamada
Tracy & Michael Romoser
Sarah Schuyler
Gretchen Smith
Erika Sweet
Roger Tucker & Rebecca Barnett
Jennifer Wilmoth
Kathryn Rood
JoAnn & Peter Schwabland
Kevan & Priscilla Smith
Phil Sweetland & Judy Pickens
Patty Turnberg
Wilma Warshak &
Colleen Heberer
Katherine Ropp &
Jonathon Castrodale
Adam Schwank
NJ & Walt Smith
Swenson Say Faget
Heidi Turner
Scott Washburn
Retta & Myles Winbigler
Karen Scott
Norene Smith & Paul Overvold
Rodney & Allison Swift
U.S. Bank
Bob & Andrea Watson
Windermere Real Estate
Joshua & Katie Rosen
Vollie Scott
Robert & Akemi Smith
Lara Swimmer
UBS Financial Services
Jared Watson
Aimee Windmiller-Wood
Peggy Rosenberry
Greg Scully
Stephanie & Douglas Smith
James & Camille Uhlir
Helen Wattley-Ames
Connie Wing
Miriam Roskin
Sylvia See
Mrs. Dean Snyder
Sheryl Symonds &
Steve Kissinger
Tamara Watts
Grace Ross
Detra Segal
Marj Snyder
Warren & Frances Weatherill
Deborah Winter &
Tayloe Washburn
Theresa Segal
Russell & Rebecca Snyders
Sarah Weber
Jen & Ken Wolcott
Bryce Seidl
Catherine Sommer
James & Kathleen Webster
Sally & Richard Wolf
Robert Seidl
Sorrento Hotel
Linda Weedman & Ethan Vaneck
Sue Wolthausen & Tony Leamer
Elaine F. Sells
Mike & Vickie Soule
Josephine Wong
Jo & John Semingson
Gary Southerton
Seneca Real Estate Group, Inc.
Mark & Rian Speidel
Khanty Sengpraseuth
Lynn Spohn
Herman Setijono
Daniel Spurgeon
Damian Sevilla
Elisabeth & Randy Squires
Louise Shaffrath
Vicky Stamolis
Tina Shamseldin
Catherine Stanford
Shelly Shapiro
Molly & Jim Stearns
Sarah G. Sharp
Deborah Stednick
Daniel Shea
Marty & Jacque Steele
J.K. Sheely
Jeff Stegelman
Nancy J. Sheets
Peter Steinbrueck
Viet Quoc Shelton
Josh & Christine Stepherson
Susan & Alan Sherbrooke
Sterling Realty Organization
Sudha Shetty & Jeff Edleson
John & Marcia Stevens
Karyn Shirbroun
Vincent & Christina Stevens
Richard & Barbara Shobe
Elizabeth Stevenson
Paul Shoemaker
Richard & Wendy Stevenson
Franklin Shoichet &
Shelley Lance
Robert I. Stier
Susan Shyne & Kirk Dawson
Kevin & Patricia Stock
Carrie Sibold
Diane & Larry Stokke
Robin Siegl
Sara Stolte
Joanna Sikes
Dorothy Storer
Matt Sikes
Kristin Storm
Peter & Marcia Sill
Jerry Stotler
Steven Peltin
Janet Pelz
Steve Perlmutter &
Diane Douglas
Capital Campaign Donors
Steve Perovich
Hank & Janet Perry
Alison Peters
Kyle & Sue Peters
Melba Petersen
Jamie Peterson
Marian & Dick Peterson
Gordon & Nancy Ragan
Suzanne & Brooks Ragen
Rainier Investment
Management, Inc
Joseph & Barbara Rait
Daniel Rameras
Erin Randall
Deb Raney
Gail Ransom
Thomas Rasmussen
Lori Rath
Jennifer Rau
Claire Raven
Jack & Jo Anne Rossi
Rotary Club of Seattle International District
Judith Raymer
Stephen Rothrock &
Tessa Keating
Real Retail Inc
Tim & Nicole Rothrock
John Reed
Evelyne Rozner & Matt Griffin
David & Jillayne Reeder
Bill & Eve Rumpf
Andrew Phillips
Dorothy Regal
Christine & Matthew Rush
Kit & Bill Phillips
John Rehr
Shawn Rush
Shannon Phillips & Tarik Burney
Anne Reid
Mike & Mary Louise Rust
Janet Pierson
Mary Bencket Reis
Richard & Nancy Rust
Mike Pierson & Caroline Becker
Shirley Reiss
Bryan Rutberg
Laura Pinones & Bryan Freeman
Bob Rench
Ernestine Rutledge
Kathleen Pittis
Gail Resnik
Timothy Rutledge
Evelyn T. Pittman
Resource Consulting Group, LLC
Majken Ryherd
Michelle Platter
Jeanne & Howard Reynolds
Barbara Sacerdote
Deborah Poletti
Marilyn Reynolds
Heidi Sadler
Al Poole
Bob Rhodehamel & Dana Snyder
Wendy & Hugh Saffel
Martha Poolton
Barbara & Kenneth Rhoe
Susan & Bruce Saffery
Benjamin Porter
Richard & Donna Riccobono
Sharon Sakamoto
David Poston & Paul Tonnes
Constance Rice
Joseph Sakay & Lisa Lee
Barbara Potter Jaech
Steven & Fredrica Rice
Jeff Sakuma
Catherine Potts
Tim Rice
Susan Powers
Donald Rich
David Salesin &
Andrea Lingenfelter
Andrew & Dinah Prather
Byron & Diane Richards
Murl Allen Sanders
Pressler Engineering
Jan & Kerry Richards
Guillermo Sandoval
Wallace & Marilyn Prestbo
Mary Richardson
Mary Margaret Sandoz
Dwight Prevo
Carole Riddle
Mark & Connie Sandstrom
Mrs. James F. Price
John Riess
Mark & Barbara Santos-Johnson
Sue Peterson
Rod & Lynda Petrenchak
Faith & Phil Pettis
Pharmaceutical Research &
Manufacturers of America
Marla Saperstein
Marc Stiles
Mark Szczepaniak
Alice M. Takashima
Lee Chan Tan
Quinnie Tan
Odd & Georgette Valle
Jacqueline L. Van Anda
Carvel Van Der Burch
Kristen Van Dinter &
Theodore Fitch
Mary Sue Wilson
Priscilla Tanase
Jan Van Pelt
Paula Weese
Lyn Tangen & Richard Barbieri
Cathryn Vandenbrink
Jay Wehr
Anita Woo
John Tarrant
Mary Ann Vandengriff
Alexis Weil & Brad Laesch
Jim & Nancy Woods
Tory Laughlin Taylor
Angela & Jorrit Vandermeuven
John Woodworth
Sue Teismann
Nancy & Richard Vanderpool
Chuck Weinstock &
Kim von Henkle
Bill & Kristina Weise
Kim Wright
Jules Weisfeld & Rebecca Woods
Marni & Charles Wright
Karen & Mark Weisman
Wright Runstad
Jan Weldin
Richard Kolpa & Julie Wroble
Laura Wells & Reid Yamamoto
Abebech Yalew
Don & Jean Welsh
Mariah Ybarra
Edward Wenk, Jr.
David Yeaworth
David Wertheimer
Sarah Yeo
Ginger Wesley
Sherri & Dan Youmans
Dan Temkin
Jennifer Teunon
Moya Vasquez
Karen Veitenhans
Jim Tharpe
Jennifer Venzke
Debbi & Brad Thiele
Frank C. Vibrans, Jr.
Carolyn Thomas
Carl & Christine Vinson
Cynthia Thomas
Donald Vinson
Katy Thomas Miller
John & Jean Voeller
Rick Thomas
Carla Thompson
Todd Vogel & Karon Hust
Susan Voorhees
C.J. & Maryhamilton Worm
J.D. & Linda Wessling
Annual Fundraising Luncheon raised $334,000
to top off capital campaign
Nearly 900 guests attended the annual lunch on September 14, 2007 at
the Westin Hotel. Keynote speaker, actor and social activist Martin Sheen
(right), offered an inspirational talk about the power of the individual
to make a difference. Top sponsors of the event included lead sponsors
WaMu, MarPac Construction, National Equity Fund, Boeing, Vulcan,
Kantor Taylor McCarthy, and Opus Northwest as well as many other
community sponsors.
Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of
this list. Please contact us at
206-374-9409 if you have any
questions or corrections.
Capital Campaign Donors
Susan Pelaez
Photo credit: Nancy Treder
Christiane Pein & Steven Bull
This list reflects gifts to
Plymouth Housing Group’s
Capital Campaign received
January 1, 2004 through
December 31, 2007.
2007 General Operations Donors
Thank you to the many people who made gifts in 2007
to support the on-going operations of Plymouth Housing Group.
Anonymous (1)
Adobe Fund: Silicon Valley
Community Foundation
Amgen Washington Foundation
General Donors
Corporation for
Supportive Housing
The W Foundation
Dorothy S. Bell
Laura Kimble
J.K. Sheely
Comedy Underground
Mayflower Park Hotel
Yuen Lui Studio
Michael Whalen
Susan & David Boyd-Fliegel
Nancy J. Sheets
Stephanie Cooper
Patricia McShea
Dennis & Wendy Zook
In memory of Richard T. Manion
Jayasri Ghosh
Karen Dambacher
Lyn & Richard Krizanich
Retta & Myles Winbigler
Paul & Patricia Boys
Jeff Lewis & Joe Fugere
Loren A. Shekell
Roy & Nancy Cope
Costco Wholesale
Mercer Island
Presbyterian Church
Gifts in Memory
In memory of Dan K. Mar
Don & Edith Mar
In memory of Bill
Tamara & Tom Spiller
In memory of Richard Okada
Jon Okada
In memory of Lillian
Paul & Jane Ishii
In memory of
Barbara Carlyle Reed
Robert & Nancy Becker
DeBolte Plumbing &
Heating, Inc.
Robin Appleford &
Charles Rosenberry, II
Martha L. Donworth
Enterprise Foundation
Helen Gamble
Medina Foundation
Neukom Family Foundation
George S. Lundin &
Associates, PS
OneFamily Foundation
Rita Inoway
Phoebe W. Haas Charitable Trust
Mike & Midge Litke
Plymouth Congregational
Carolyn MacKay
Raikes Family Foundation
Michael & Phyllis E. Mines
Schultz Family Foundation
Carol Ottenburg
Sue Painter
Dan & Mareth Fulton
Tina & Chad Urso McDaniel
Barbara Peltzer
$5,000 - $9,999
Walter Pietrowski
Capitol Hill Housing
Terry Prether
Catherine Holmes
Wilkins Foundation
Steven & Fredrica Rice
James & Virginia Dean
Family Fund
Fales Foundation Trust
Ken & Michele Ferguson
Housing Development
Consortium of SeattleKing County
Cynthia & Brien Stafford
Stevens Elementary School
Todd & Sarah Stine
David & Dana Taft
Chris Tompkins & Mimi Winslow
Betty L. Wagner
Frieda Wallace
Lyman & Gretchen Hull
Lawrence Wangen
Marpac Construction, LLC
Linda Wilcox &
Richard I. Sedgley
Martin-Fabert Foundation
Employees of Olson Sundberg
Kundig Allen Architects
Edward Yoshida
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
$500 - $999
Anonymous (3)
$2,500 - $4,999
Jean Bell
Ruth McLuckie
Dan & Cindy Brettler
Nonprofit Assistance Center
Dick & Ginny Chappelle
RBC Dain Rauscher
Citizens for a Better Waterfront
Vance Corporation
Calvin & Lois Crow
Wells Fargo Foundation
Horsley Bohart, Inc.
ZymoGenetics, Inc.
Jill Jansen
Quentin King
$1,000 - $2,500
Douglas Klunder
Mary Jane & Gilbert Anderson
Jim Miersma
Ray & Edith Aspiri
Elaine F. Sells
Steve & Jackie Thompson
Bryan, Christi & Emily Bristow
Tim Lewis
Peter & Marcia Sill
$250 - $499
Anita Gras Bryant
Linda Lightfoot
Bob & Dee Simmons
Cheryl DeBoise & Thom Rose
Mt. Baker Boys Foundation
Leslie Aungst
Philip & Deanne Calvert
Bill & Martha Longbrake
Mike Sivia & Nancy Field
Duke’s Chowderhouse
Valerie Heide Mudra
Patricia Belyea & Michael Stone
Stuart Campbell
Veronica Lujan & Walter Korman
Thomas & Barbara Skoda
Bill & Diana Dunnell
Museum of Flight
Perbix Bykonen
Paul Carlson
Michael Mabrito
Ormond Smythe
Essential Baking Company
Museum of History & Industry
Mary Anne Christy &
Mark Klebanoff
Darlene & Thomas Carlson
Mack Family
Ellen M. Soter
Executive Hotel Pacific
Tom Nickels
Wendy Cheu
John & Judi Mack
Stannard Conway Architects
Fairmont Olympic Hotel
Northland Communications
Teresa & David Donovan
Peggy & George Corley
Kevin McCall & Vickery Prongay
Marc Stiles & Matthew Haggerty
Frontier Room Restaurant
Northwest Trek Wildlife Park
Bill Gillespie
Jim & Ann Crabtree
Carlos Mendez
Donna & Scott Stirton
Denise Gangnes
Heidi Noun & Michael Collins
Jamie & Lynn Greene
George & Junella Daum
Gloria Metzger
Daryl Stromswold
Delia Girbard
Open Door Foundation
Pamela & W.R. Greenwood
Ms. Barbara Garrison Denis
Jennifer R. Miller
Gloria Sutton
The Gode Family
Pacific Science Center
Matt Hays
Alissa Dersom
Frank & Heather Minton
Annika Pollock & Casey Trupin
Grand Hyatt Seattle
Pan Pacific Hotel
Gary Henry
John Dew
Michelle M. Morgan
United Way of Central Maryland
Queen City Grill
I. L. Gross Structural Engineers
Susan Dittig & Jim Gore
Susan & Issac Mortgansztern
Susan Wake
Greek Orthodox Church
of the Assumption
Albert Niemoller
Anne R. Waltz
Lois Juno Griswold
Nancy Regensburg
Half Price Books
Renaissance Seattle Hotel
Dale & Norm Kaneko
Rob Dolin
Barbara Ranta
David Klein & Virginia Rankin
Marvin & Jean Durning
John Nyce
Edward Wenk, Jr.
Tracy & Miles Krauter
Marlys Erickson & Chris Hurley
Randolph & Shellie Oakley
Barbara White
Jim & Louisa Halfaker
Resources Global Professionals
Michael & Gail McCormick
Walton Fangman & Janice Flynn
Donald & Rose Obuchowski
Tyler & Sharon Whitney
Michael Harris
Howard & Jeanne Reynolds
Mary McWilliams
Mary Franck
Brendan O’Donnell
Williams & Associates
Jessica Herman
Guy Roberts, DDS
Stephen Mooney
Anita L. Franklin
Yvette A. O’Meally
Janna Wilson & Annette Joyce
Hotel 1000
Jack & Charlotte Robins
John & Linda Murtfeldt
Friends for a Better Waterfront
Ann Schroeder Osterberg
Kathrin Young
Hotel Ändra
Dottie Pearson
Suzan Young & Charles West
Betsy & Bruce Hubbard
Vollie Scott
Gorden & Cathy Iles
Seattle Aquarium
Gifts In Kind
Seattle Hilton
Sheraton Hotel
Craig & Tara Parsons
Melissa & Jeremy Stone
Phil Sweetland & Judy Pickens
Ellen Fung
Margaret & John Gibson
Jen & Ben Glass
Hank & Janet Perry
Marian & Dick Peterson
Warren & Frances Weatherill
Della & Al Gordon
Kit & Bill Phillips
5th Avenue Theatre
Ivar’s Inc.
Aimee Windmiller-Wood
Richard B. Grass
Harry & Sally Prior
Bob & Marcia Almquist
Payton & Patsy Smith
Daryl & Tricia Wray
Louise Hadlock
Todd & Sara Prodzinski
Henry M. Aronson
Judy James
Racine Snyder
David H. Haley
Gordon & Nancy Ragan
Linette Beaudry
Jillian’s Billiards
Space Needle
Peter & Ann Hanson
Kathleen Randall
Best Western Executive Inn
Therese Joyce & Neal Piliavin
Mrs. Chauncey Hazen
Deb Raney
Ron Butler
Alissa Karl
Stevens Elementary School
Key Bank of Washington
Dorothy Swarts
$1 - $249
Anonymous (8)
Don & Jane Abel
Jessica Herman
Claire Raven
Linda Campbell
Jack C. Alhadeff
Nancy Hirsh & Doug Howell
Mary Richardson
Cardwell Architects
Kira Stewart Photography
Taco Del Mar
Ellen Alpert
C. David Hopkins
John Riess
CB Richard Ellis
The Laurel Foundation
Dan Temkin
Layne E. Anderson
Tri M. Hua
Jeanne & Randy Robinson
Tillicum Village & Tours, Inc.
Susan B. Apel
David Jayo
Trader Joe’s
William & Hallie Rive Appel
Beverly Johnson
Katherine Ropp &
Jonathon Castrodale
Artcraft Printing Company, Inc.
Todd Johnson
Bette & Ralph Rose
Maxine & Svend Asp
Steve & Stephanie Jones
Peggy Rosenberry
Emeron Bachhuber
Reed & Jill Keeney
Murl Allen Sanders
Jim & Cathy Bauer
Stephen T. Kerr
Mark & Barbara Santos-Johnson
Robert & Nancy Becker
Susan Kese
Meg Sassaman
Melissa Beehner
Anne Kiemle & Kael Sherrard
Nancy Schoettler
John & Betty Behmke
Elizabeth Kier
Diane Shambaugh
“This is the best place
I’ve ever been
in my life.”
W Hotel
Steve Walker &
Laura Hewitt Walker
Washington Athletic Club
J.D. & Linda Wessling
The Westin Seattle
Richard Leyda, resident
Simons Senior Apartments
Woodland Park
Presbyterian Church
In memory of Tim
Rebecca A. Riesen
In memory of
Josiah Bennett Adams
David Adams
In memory of
Dr. Dean “Skip” Berg
Bill Gillespie
Frieda Wallace
Suzan Young & Charles West
In memory of Lenard Burnell
Carol Binder
In memory of David Colwell
John & Beth Alberti
Susan B. Colwell
Thomas & Rebecca Colwell
George & Margaret Corley
Albert & Della Gordon
Harold A. Jambor
Susan Menig Karstetter
In memory of Harry DeRitis
Greg DeRitis
In memory of Arlie C. Dickinson
Carol Dickinson
In memory of Domingo Dofredo
Elinor Dofredo
In memory of
Mildred Rita Gannon
Tara Connor & Liam Boyle
In memory of Cynthia Grund
Ann Schroeder Osterberg
In memory of Terry Haberbush
Mary Ann Fordyce
In memory of Mr. Isadore Rhonda Aronwald
In memory of Martin A. Joyce
Therese Joyce & Neal Piliavin
In memory of Ruby Kiser
Jennifer Wilmoth
In memory of Mary Kubale
Catherine & Scott Gelband
In memory of Ian Shephard
Patty Turnberg
In memory of
Lawrence & Maria Tuffs
Kim Wright
In memory of
Mildred Irene Williams
Todd Williams
Honor Gifts
In honor of Bob Almquist
Michael Quinn
In honor of Robin Appleford &
Charley Rosenberry
Lyle & Betty Appleford
Karen & Don Gwilym
Gordon & Nancy Ragan
Peggy Rosenberry
Philip & Elizabeth Rosenberry
In honor of Dr. &
Mrs. Lucius O. Baird
Joan F. Carpenter
In honor of Shirley Bridge
Sally & Richard Wolf
In honor of Joan Caine
Lynn Spohn
In honor of Blanche Campbell
Susan & John Cary
In honor of Carl’s Closet
Linette Beaudry
In honor of
Jim & Joan Coatswold
Fred Reebs
In honor of Tara Connor
Michael Quinn
In honor of Michael Dalke
Bill & Cory Maclay
In honor of Tom English
Katy Chaney &
Phil Frederick
General Donors
In honor of Jesse O. Franklin III
Jesse & Katie Franklin
In honor of Duncan Green
Linda Lightfoot
In honor of Anna Hansen
Andrea Manolides Hayford
In honor of Catherine Harkins
Michelle LeClech
In honor of Jun Hayakawa
The Alice Hayakawa Family
In honor of Morri P. Hazell
Evelyn Hazell
In honor of Erin Healy
Lori Rath
In honor of Jean McKee Hickey
Greg & Carolyn Tow
In honor of Liz Hilton
Tom Burley
General Donors
In honor of Esther Instebo
Alice M. Takashima
In honor of Carol Jackson
Alissa Dersom
In honor of George &
Theresa Jeannot
Joey Jeannot
In honor of Sieg & Ruth Kiemle
Anne Kiemle &
Kael Sherrard
In honor of Emma Starr Klein
David Klein &
Virginia Rankin
In honor of Paul Lambros
Ellen Alpert
Jane Broom
Darlene & Thomas Carlson
Michael Duckworth &
Rosa Joshi
In honor of Margaret Levis
Elizabeth Kier
In honor of Grace Levit
Tania Fernandez De Castro
In honor of Sarah Meyer
Deborah L. Jacobs
David Meyer
Paul & Alice Meyer
In honor of Don & Pam Mitchell
Diane Gallegos
In honor of Jeff Morgan
& Hank Balson
Susan & David Boyd-Fliegel
Jen & Ben Glass
Jeff Lewis & Joe Fugere
John & Judi Mack
Michelle M. Morgan
Bette & Ralph Rose
Meg Sassaman
Annika Pollock &
Casey Trupin
In honor of Goldie Morris
Harium Martin-Morris
In honor of Rusty Myers &
Bill Lafferty
Stella Chao & Mike Smyser
In honor of Su & Mickey Niland
Laura Kimble
In honor of Thomas Kress
Anita Gras Bryant
In honor of Sylvia &
Fred Nothman
Lane Nothman &
Marty Perlman
In honor of Stephanie Kristen
Elizabeth Halloran
In honor of PHG Staff
Stanley & Priscilla Orr
In honor of PHG Tenants
Nancy Cole
Matching Gift
In honor of Steve Patt
Glenda Carper
Adobe Systems Incorporated
In honor of Plymouth Church
George Lundin
In honor of Plymouth Church
Music Program
Murl Allen Sanders
Bank of America
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Lakeside Industries
Lease Crutcher Lewis
Marguerite Casey Foundation
In honor of Michael Quinn
Kevin Jones
Matthew G. Norton Co.
In honor of Ann &
Wayne Sandstrom
Dale & Norm Kaneko
In honor of Alice Shobe
Ted Lord & Chris Cooper
In honor of Langdon
& Anne Simons
Dick & Connie Albrecht
Jeff & Susan Brotman
Patricia & Brewster Denny
Peter Donnelly
Martha L. Donworth
Alan Grainger
Wilbur Greenwood
Patricia Hall
Lewis & Sonia Johnson
Carol & Gary Schaefer
Helen Stusser
Caroline Woodward &
Carlos Gasca
Merck Partnership for Giving
Mutual Materials Company
Plymouth Housing Group Board of Trustees
Leslie Christian
Portfolio 21 Investments
Craig Neyman
Nature Conservancy
Vice President
Lynn Beck
Pine Street Group, L.L.C.
Immediate Past President
Ken A. Carter
RBC Dain Rauscher
Angus Cunningham
Microsoft Corporation
Regence Blue Shield
Stephanie Bowman
Port of Tacoma
Reed Keeney
University of Washington
George D. Smith
City of Shoreline
Stuart C. Campbell,
Davis Wright Tremaine, LLC
Tim Kerr
Community Volunteer
Mary Stevens
Community Volunteer
Barbara Congleton
Columbia West Properties, Inc.
Lyn Krizanich
Clise Properties
Tyrone Edwards
Tenant Representative
Don Mitchell
Retired Physician
Tracey Wickersham
Seattle’s Convention &
Visitors Bureau
Marlys Erickson
Pike Place Market Foundation
Kevin Patz
Tenant Representative
Paul Ishii
Mayflower Park Hotel
Charles Rosenberry
Jill Zaremba
Community Volunteer
The Dwelling Company
This list reflects gifts to
Plymouth Housing Group’s
General Operations received
January 1, 2007 through
December 31, 2007.
Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy of
this list. Please contact us at
206-374-9409 if you have any
questions or corrections.
In honor of Nancy &
Warren Smith
Karen Scott
In honor of Kerry Taylor
Laura Wells &
Reid Yamamoto
In honor of Barbara White
Andrew & Marianna Price
Microsoft employees and Plymouth Staff helped clean and replant the garden courtyard at the Pacific Apartments as
part of the 2007 United Way Day of Caring.
Plymouth Housing Group Staff
Paul Lambros
Kathy Roseth
Judy Fox
Theresa Albo
Kimberly Barker
Dvorah Carrasco
Eric Chau
Alan Erhart
Michael James
Gretchen Reade
Laura Schaack
Diane Pietrowski
Karla Armstrong
Lisa Dam
Tanya Hurst
Deborah Raney
Khanty Sengpraseuth
Ana Zhu
Marianne Painter
Diana Argeres
Rebecca Pogany
Mary Ann Treder
Housing Programs
Gregory Eckerman
Tom English
Anita Franklin
Michelle Laird-Lewis
B.J. Houston
Social Services
Christine Hollinger
Bob Almquist
Tara Connor
Solana Booth
Jenea Bradford
Annette Dawson
Ewnetu Ejigu
Darcy Jo Gedrose
Laura Jones
Jonathan Kilian
Holly Kintner
Marilyn Mitchell
Megan Nyce
Clarissa Ochoa
Michael Quinn
Rebecca Reynolds
Jennifer Rinehart
Keiya Russell
Jan Sennott
James Smith
Courtney Speigner
Allison Vrbova
Shelter Plus Care
Sheila Fries
Andrew Byrum
Richard Liranzo
Dusty McNeill
Samantha Sauer
Cheryl Collins
Rental Office
Don Markey
Michael Diaz
Angela Ortez
Wendy Ptak
Michael Niland
Gerald Booth
Trinh Ho
Dale Johnson
Israel Quijada
Broderick Russell
Bounma Siboliban
January 1, 2007 to April 1, 2008
Cal Anderson House
James Elliott
Heather Rinehart
Brian Sheinkin
Kerriann Suglia
David Colwell Building
Charles Bailey
Jason Nutter
Dennis Pernell
Lewiston Apartments
Nicholas Lukosik
Edward McLaughlin
Gatewood Apartments
Randy Cain
Monika Hedstrom
Claudia Holm
Peter Madril
Laurie Sharp
Lisa Williams
Haddon Hall
Barbara Garrison
Langdon & Anne Simons
Senior Apartments
Percy Adams
Chelsea Godwin
Cassandra Jones
Abasse Ndiaye
Pacific Apartments
Michael Campbell
Jill Cummings
Joseph Esquibal
Eric Farnsworth
Carl Rainey, Jr.
Samuel Rude
Christopher York
Plymouth Place
Keith Berry
Andy Groch
Swatantra Hudon
John Hutto
John Lopez
Hiet Pham
Plymouth on Stewart
Nathan Davis
Laura Ditsch
Steven Ortega
Mark Peters
Jacquelyn Rome
Dwayne Stelivan
Floyd Twyman Jr.
Ponderosa Apartments
Alem Fanta
Scargo Apartments
Jane Di Nunzio
Kevin Quane
St. Charles Apartments
Brian Brady
George Crawford
John Epps
Brandon Getz
Shah Murtaza
Ronnie Payton
Rachael Rinehart
Karen Anderson
Marianne Painter
Tara Connor
Paul Lambros
Marianne Painter
Rebecca Pogany
Mary Ann Treder
Doug Plummer
Nancy Treder
William Wright
Building photos:
William Wright
Cover photo:
Doug Plummer
Graphic Design
Effective Design Studio
Thank You
Thank you to the
Plymouth residents who
generously shared their
stories with us for this
annual report.
Our Board & Staff
In honor of John Epps
Jennifer Mamary
Non-Profit Org.
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