Spellman News - Cardinal Spellman High School | Alumni
Spellman News - Cardinal Spellman High School | Alumni
Spellman News WINTER/SPRING 2016 A P U B L I C AT I o N FoR THE A L U m N I / A E , PA R E N T S AND FRIENDS oF CARDINAL SPELLmAN HIGH SCHooL Spellman Student Meets Pope Francis Cardinal Spellman High School was given the distinct honor of sending one of our most distinguished students to greet Pope Francis during his visit to New York City. Senior Tiffany Le ’16 was one of only twelve local high school students to do so. Tiffany is an honors student who holds leadership roles in various clubs and activities here at Cardinal Spellman. Her roles include being an Altar Server, membership in the Pro-Life Club, Asian-American Club, S.T.A.R.S., and Student Government. on greeting His Holiness, Tiffany stated, “meeting him is like meeting an Apostle of Jesus. So it’s like, wow, I’m one step closer to Jesus.” The entire Spellman Community was proud to have Tiffany represent the school during the Papal visit. Spellman at Super Bowl 50! Samson Brown ’98, Denver Assistant Coach Congratulations to Samson Brown, class of 1998, a member of the Denver Broncos coaching staff, on winning Super Bowl 50! The Denver Broncos beat the Carolina Panthers 24–10 to earn their third Super Bowl title. Hired in January 2015, Brown completed his first season with the Broncos as the team’s assistant defensive backs coach. At Spellman, Brown was an honor student and played football all four years. He also ran track, participated in ITV, and was an altar server. Brown earned a B.A. in Information Science and Policy from UAlbany in 2003 and was a four-year standout for the Great Danes. The Bronx, N.Y. native was a four-time AllNortheast Conference free safety. He totaled 52 tackles, 10 pass break-ups and two interceptions, leading UAlbany to the 2002 conference championship. Named to the All-NEC first team on three occasions, Brown finished his career ranked among the school’s alltime tackle leaders with 240, and was also named to the Football Gazette mid-major All-America squad. Joining the coaching ranks, Brown began his career as defensive backs coach at Siena College in 2003. He went on to coach defensive backs and wide receivers for Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute from 2004-05 before spending the 2006 season working with tight ends at Hofstra University. Brown returned to UAlbany for the 2007-09 seasons, coaching the outside linebackers, tight ends, and corners for his alma mater. Brown, who has 11 years of coaching experience, previously worked at the NFL level with the Buffalo Bills (2013-14) and New York Jets (2010-11) after interning with the Green Bay Packers in the summer of 2009. Dear Alumni and Friends, I am thrilled to be able to say so much is happening at Spellman, sometimes it is difficult to fit it all into our newsletter. We are blessed with a thriving and successful school community that constantly aspires to greater achievements. And those achievements continue beyond the four years at Spellman. I am sure that all of you join with me in feeling pride for recent alumni like Samson Brown, ’98, who coached for the Super Bowl 50 Championship Denver Broncos and marco Castaldi, ’88, who just won a Fulbright Scholarship. What a wonderful testament to the lasting effects of the Spellman experience! We also continue to celebrate the many wonderful cultures of New York City while opening our students to the entire world. our diverse student body embraces our differences and builds a solidarity based on the one thing we all have in common, our love of Spellman. We have international students from China for the first time in Spellman’s history. We were blessed with a recent presentation by Rabbi Dr. David Fox Sandmel, the leading representative for Interfaith Dialogue at the Anti-Defamation League, who spoke to our students about Judaism and antiSemitism. Spellman has students who were born in Sierra Leone, Ghana, Jamaica, the Dominican Republic, and Nigeria. During Pope Francis’ address to the UN, the model United Nations Club was broadcast live over the BBC to an estimated 30 million listeners. our students truly have a global exposure while studying at Spellman. our success carries over to all aspects of Spellman life. one of our students was chosen for a personal meeting with Pope Francis. our Drama Club is in the last few weeks of rehearsal for “In the Heights.” Women’s Cross Country won the Bronx Championships. The JV Women’s Basketball Team is currently undefeated this season. our Freshman Boys Football Team went undefeated for their season. Spellman students have been invited to the New York Stock Exchange and the Freedom Tower. We have been the special guests on Good Morning America. Three of our seniors swept the awards at a national poetry competition for the Spoon River Anthology. What amazing things are happening in just the first semester! So much of our success is possible due to the support of people like you, the alumni and friends of the Cardinal Spellman community. Through your generosity and spirit, we are able to continue to create amazing opportunities while providing an exceptional Catholic education to the children of working class families. our tuition for the 2016-17 school year will be $8,150. However, the cost to educate a Spellman student for the year is closer to $10,000. We are a financially independent school. We receive no financial assistance from the Archdiocese of New York. We are responsible to make up the difference between the tuition and actual cost per student. It is through your constant efforts that we keep Spellman affordable. Your generosity allows Spellman to continue to lead the Bronx in success stories like those of our current students and paves the way for stories like those of our alumni, Samson and marco. They are the most recent, but they join the long list of Spellmanites who make us proud. Thank you for all that you do and help us to inspire the next great Spellman story! God bless, Dan o’Keefe President and Principal Remembering Father Francis J. Corry November 25, 1947 – September 26, 2015 Fr. Francis Joseph Corry, 67, passed away peacefully in his sleep on September 26, 2015. Fr. Corry was a graduate of Cardinal Spellman’s Class of 1965. He was ordained on December 7, 1974, and was the former pastor of St. Francis of Rome in the Wakefield section of the Bronx for 15 years. He also served as administrator of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Anthony’s, both in the Bronx, from 2004-2005. Father Corry was vice principal for academics at John F. Kennedy Catholic High School, Somers 1997-1999, and served on the faculty of Cardinal Spellman High School, 1977-1999. He was parochial vicar at St. Joseph’s, Spring Valley, 1974-1977. He was presently serving at Sacred Heart Church in Hartsdale, NY. Fr. Corry was and always will be a teacher, mentor, and one amazing man. He will be missed as greatly as he was loved. I first met Frank Corry in the late 70’s. We did not like each other and not too soon after that he came to teach at Spellman. I was the Dean of Students and still did not like him because he was annoying, a know-it-all, did not follow the rules and did what he liked and that was that. A few years later, we both became Deans of Academics and we had to put our dislike aside and work together and strangely enough we not only came to tolerate each other but became great friends. My memories of Frank are far too many for a paragraph or two but here goes. Frank came to work most mornings wearing bedroom slippers and carrying a cup of tea. He knew the lyrics to hundreds maybe thousands of songs and loved to sing them even if you didn’t want to listen. Anything that did not fit on a table, desk top, bookcase, or chair, landed on the floor and stayed there until the debris became a real safety hazard. He was the world’s fastest typist and would not touch a computer until the computer won him over and then he was addicted to the computer. Frank was fascinated by trains. He traveled on the big trains all over the country and the little train sets took over rooms in his rectory at St Frances of Rome. He was addicted to mysteries and could read two or three a day while traveling on the trains. His meal of choice was usually Italian, Jack Daniels with olives on toothpicks, only white wine and no vegetables or salad and a very sweet dessert. He was attached to the Zerox machine and probably ran off hundreds of thousands of copies. He used the salmon colored paper to such a degree that the office had a joke about “saving the salmon” from Fr Corry. He worked very hard at improving anything I had to write, from grammatical usage to punctuation. He was convinced that I had skipped English class during the sixth, seventh and eighth grades. He once gave me a book titled, Commas are Your Friends. He loved to teach Christian Humanism and the CCD course and he particularly liked to teach Bronx kids and to open their eyes to the world around them. He kept in contact with many of his former students and would have been stunned to see so many come to his wake and funeral. He never understood the impact he had. He was proud to say he was the smartest kid who ever graduated from Spellman. I told him that might have been true but perhaps it was not necessary to tell the student who just graduated first in her class with a suitcase full of medals. True to form, he was still annoying even in the last year but dislike had developed into a wonderful friendship. Anne Gevlin Former Assistant Principal at CSHS “From your ordination in ’74, to Brighton Beach Memoirs in ’83, thru Christian Humanism and Spring Break in Quebec in ’84, to California in 2000 and straight up to the Book of Mormon in 2014 and all the weddings, funerals and fine meals in between; it was always a pleasure to stick with you, Fr. Corry. Rest in Peace” Billy Grimes Class of ’84 Above all, Fr. Corry was a teacher who loved cultivating the minds—and souls—of the students in front of him. He taught me how to learn, how to think, how to ask questions, and how to challenge the answers I got back. Then, he taught me that learning means nothing if you don’t teach it to others. A line from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales captures what I mean. Writing about the character called the Clerk, Chaucer said, “And gladly would he learn, and gladly teach.” That’s Fr. Corry. Christopher Bellitto Class of ’83 Trying to sum up Fr. Corry’s influence on my life is more challenging than one of his incredible classes. As his student in Religion 11 and Christian Humanism, I learned about church history, theology, Broadway, opera, how to find God in the every day, and that asking challenging questions about my faith was one of the best ways to grow in my faith. Over the many years since graduation, I was blessed to include him as an honorary member of our family; Father Corry was there for our celebrations and life’s challenges, guiding us with his quiet strength, strong faith, and wise words.Fr. Corry was always known for his intellect. I learned that his humor and heart far surpassed his knowledge. Patrice (Liquori) Athanasidy Class of ’84 I was Father Corry’s student in the 1981-82 school year at Cardinal Spellman High School. No teacher has had a greater influence on my life or approach to teaching. Father Corry introduced our class to the wonderful cultural riches of New York. I will never forget entering the Pierpont Morgan Library and seeing the fantastic illuminated manuscripts for the first time, watching Brideshead Revisited, or seeing Tom Courtenay in “The Dresser” on Broadway. These experiences profoundly changed my life. Every year, I have my students access the cultural treasures of the city where I teach, Kyoto. Students visit a museum, temple or shrine. They research one site and make a presentation. This activity basically reflects the lessons learnt from Father Corry: Learn something and share it with others. In fact, the greatest gift he gave his students was his love of learning. I am eternally grateful for the lessons he shared with us. Paul Carty ’82 Lecturer in the Faculty of Humanities at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan I was fortunate enough to have Fr. Corry as my Junior year religion teacher. He was not the easiest teacher. His infamous matching column test was a trial for all who took it. My student teacher relationship with Fr. Corry later turned into a friendship. He was consistently honest. When I sported a new hair color citing that I wanted a change, he only deadpanned “Why?” After I moved to Chicago, he continued to keep in touch. He enjoyed taking cross-country rail trips. Every time he passed through, we met for a meal, sometimes at a restaurant and sometimes at my home. © Maria Bastone Fr. Corry’s legacy lives on through his students and colleagues. .. He came armed with presents for my children (always books!) When my daughter was born, I received a sweater hand-knit by his mother. It was the last thing she ever knit. I still treasure it. His visits brought me news from home and kept me apprised of the comings and goings of other Spellmanites. He always asked after my parents, but sometimes he had seen them more recently than I. Fr. Corry can be described as many things —a teacher, priest, scholar, but I will always remember him as a dear friend. I miss him. Margaret Hickey Marco Class of ’84 “Let us welcome Deacon Corry.” “Dad, what’s a ‘deacon’?” More than forty years in my life: pastor, teacher, mentor, role model, friend. Sharing a ‘few’ of your favorite things. Canard à l’orange. Faust. Not just part I, but II as well! Brideshead. The power and the glory. The hound of heaven chasing me toward a vocation. Without you, I wouldn’t be me. I wouldn’t be here, now. Your last words to me: ‘Ah, God is good!’ Faith-full, hope-full, always. Not really gone. You never have been. Here you are! Now, … John LoBreglio Class of ’82 Never wanting to diminish the level of respect and value Father Corry placed on my work at Spellman, I was always a little nervous when he would observe my class. One such day I was explaining how Dmitri Mendeleev, credited with the Modern Periodic Table, got the idea of rows of different lengths while listening to a piece of classical music that had the characteristic melody repeated in different increments of time. “Mendeleev was listening to a Schumann piano concerto,” I told the class, “I am not sure which piano concerto but that is the composer who inspired the Periodic Table.” On his way out Father Corry leaned in and said, “Great class Trudy. Schumann wrote only one piano concerto!” This speaks to the breath and depth of Fr. Frank Corry’s knowledge. But Father Corry was more than just a brilliant man. He was a compassionate, understanding, kind priest who had a wonderful sense of humor. Though I never geographically lived within the confines of any of his parishes, he nevertheless was my parish priest. Truanne Keane CSHS Faculty, Science Department Father Corry was a kind, understanding and compassionate priest. He embraced his vocation with a wonderful sense of humor. Frank had a great respect for the religious at Spellman. God bless him. May he enjoy everlasting bliss with the God he served in an excellent manner. Well done, good and faithful servant! Sister Philip Dolores, S.C. CSHS Bookstore WI N TE R / SP RI N G 20 1 6 3 Alumni Return to Spellman to Speak with Students Representatives of Northwestern Mutual and Spellman Alumni, Mr. David Alvarado and Mr. Cadell Canzius, both members of the class of 2013, visited with students in the class of 2016. Cardinal Spellman High School would like to thank Donato Settanni ’73, Leonard Boccia, Jr. ’85, Aaron Gibbs ’97, Christopher Romita ’11, David Alvardo ’13, Cadell Canzius ’13 and ShirBriya Fletcher ’14 for visiting mr. Schoenberg’s Personal Finance, Economics and marketing classes throughout this school year. Don Settanni ’73 spoke about being a Certified Public Accountant, investments, and opportunities in the financial world. Through an essay contest, he awarded two seniors with an iPad. Leonard Boccia, Jr. ’85 is the managing Director of Investments for the Boccia Quinn Wealth management Group. He spoke of his experiences on Wall Street, the Stock market, networking, and college. Aaron Gibbs ’87, Assistant Dean at Rutgers Business School, has participated in Spellman’s Alumni Career Day and has spoken with seniors about the college application process and college life. Christopher Romita ’11 is a 2015 oswego College graduate. He is currently employed as the dining room manager of the Forest Hills Tennis Club. mr. Romita always enjoys coming back and speaking to the students. David Alvardo ’13 and Cadell Canzius ’13, are both representatives with Northwestern mutual. They spoke to the students about life after Spellman, motivation, networking, setting goals and working hard for success. ShirBriya Fletcher ’14 is an accounting major on scholarship at Howard University. She was kind enough to discuss her personal and professional experience in college. If you are interested in speaking with a class, please contact Delia Rivera, Director of Annual Giving, in the Alumni/Advancement office at (718) 881-8000 x213 or [email protected]. motivation, networking, working hard, setting goals 4 SPELLMAN NEWS PEP PRoGRAm Summer Pilots Enrichment Program for 7th and 8th grade students What is it? The PEP program is a summer enrichment and TACHS review program at Cardinal Spellman High School that consists of four weeks of learning and athletic activities supervised by the caring and excited staff of Cardinal Spellman High School. Who is it for? Incoming 7th and 8th graders How much for all of this? $400 per student, includes two t-shirts that will be their “uniform” for the summer. Registration open Registrationopen Today! Up Up SignSign Today! When does it run? July 1st through July 29th 2016 Where can I get more information? www.cardinalspellmanpep.com Proud Alumnus Paying it Forward mr. Don Settanni ’73 visited the seniors in the Personal Finance and marketing classes. He spoke of being a Certified Public Accountant as well as investments and opportunities in the financial world. He has visited Spellman for many years now. Last year, he sponsored an iPad contest for Spellman students and awarded free iPads. mr. Settanni, once again, sponsored this initiative. The recipients for this year were seniors Brianna manns ’16 and Joseph Gallo ’16. The students enjoyed his visit and we all thank him for going above and beyond to help assist current Spellman students’ growth and development. Spellman Students Visit the New York Stock Exchange Cardinal Spellman students, participating in the Common Cents Program, visited the New York Stock Exchange in December. The students toured the trading floor, visited the boardroom and enjoyed lunch at the Exchange’s private luncheon club. Additionally, they received personal attention and instruction from numerous floor personnel. The Common Cents financial workshop instructs the students on personal finance, investing basics, entrepreneurship and business management. WI N TE R / SP RI N G 20 1 6 5 9th Annual Support our Spellman Students Scholarship Brunch is past october, Cardinal Spellman High School welcomed alumni, students, family, and friends to the New York Athletic Club in midtown manhattan for the school’s 9th Annual Support our Spellman Students (S.o.S.S.) Brunch. Praised for their amazing dedication to Spellman, Terence “Terry” mcCormack ’63 and John B. Rice ’65 were presented with the Alumni Leadership Award and Dawn DiGiacomo was presented with the Community Leadership Award. Founded in 1998, the S.o.S.S. Fund offers partial aid in tuition payments to students who would not otherwise be able to complete their Spellman education. e fund has rapidly established itself as an essential component to the continued success of the school. Guests were entertained by wonderful performances by the renowned Spellman Gospel Sensations, under the leadership of faculty member and alumna, mila Bello ’00. Daniel o’Keefe, President/Principal, thanked those in attendance for their support and generosity, informing the audience that since 1998, the S.o.S.S. Fund has generated more than $1.6 million and has benefited more than 650 students and their families. Former Spellman President Rev. Trevor Nicholls was also in attendance and provided the invocation for the brunch. A high point of the day was the thankful words from several Spellman scholarship recipients where they discussed first-hand how important this financial help is to them and their families. Terence mcCormack ’63 is a proud member of Spellman’s first graduating class of 1963. Affectionately known as “mr. Spellman”, Terry completed many Spellman firsts, including first student body president, first quarterback and first recipient of the Spellman Trophy (the top award at graduation). In addition to his 48-year career as a Consumer Products Sales & marketing Executive, Terry was the founding President of the Alumni Association and most recently, Chair of the 1963 50th Anniversary Reunion, spearheading the establishment of the “Spirit of ’63” Scholarship Fund. John Rice ’65 grew up in the Bronx and graduated from Cardinal Spellman in 1965. He enjoyed a long career as a tax partner with Coopers & Lybrand, retiring in 2007. John’s commitment to Spellman has been unwavering as both a founding member of Spellman’s Foundation Board and Board of Trustees. As a longtime supporter of Spellman’s SoSS-Partnership of Support program, John has had a direct impact on the lives of many students and families, assisting with tuition for those in need. Dawn DiGiacomo has been an integral member of the Spellman community for more than 10 years. As the Finance office’s Tuition manager, a critical position that has grown in importance since Spellman became financially independent from the Archdiocese in 2009, Dawn helps families on a daily basis who require assistance to help keep their child enrolled at Spellman. For many struggling families, tuition is quite a burden and Dawn goes above and beyond to try and match up resources whenever possible. Spellman is grateful for having such wonderful people as part of its family! The Cardinal’s Players proudly announce the 2016 production of Directed by ms. Nikita Francois Once again, tick three perform ets for all ances will be available on line. Visit cardinal spellman.org for more info ! Performances will be: Friday, March 11th at 8 p.m. Saturday, March 12th at 8 p.m. (Alumni Night) Sunday, March 13th at 2 p.m. A L U M N I N I G H T AT T H E P L AY Don’t miss an opportunity to reconnect with your former castmates! on the night of the Saturday production, as is a Spellman tradition, we will host an hour-long wine and cheese reception, in the cafeteria, prior to the show, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The cost of this reception is included in the price of your Alumni Show Ticket. All Alumni/ae are encouraged to come back— See the play and attend the reception! 6 SPELLMAN NEWS Ann’s Lunch Box Imagine… By Kathleen Alexander, Founder – Ann’s Lunch Box, Director of Christian Service Program & Theology Faculty Imagine that you are sitting at a lovely desk, in a comfortable chair. You are sitting in a mini-kitchen, business office, with murals that the Community Art Club has created and you are simply waiting. Imagine that the 4th period bell rings. This is the first of three lunch periods. Students have three minutes to get to their next class. The table is set. The morning volunteers have placed the food offerings for the day on a six foot, seasonal cloth-covered table. The appearance of Ann’s Lunch Box is very inviting. There is water, fruit cups, soup, mini-bagels, granola bars, paper plates, utensils and napkins. You sit ready for what has become a count of 90-140 students, daily. Imagine – you pray that no one takes advantage of these services. There are so many students who need help. You are the guardian of the generosity of so many alumni, parents, and friends; besides the need – this is the only other reason the Lunch Box exists. The adrenaline begins to kick in. Suddenly, you are welcoming in the most interesting young men and women. For some students, this is the first meal they have had all day. You quickly notice anyone who seems shy or hesitant, uncomfortable or embarrassed. You say “Good morning, I am so glad you are here. This is what we have for lunch.” You realize how important it is to greet every single student. With Spellman students you know you will be greeted with questions or comments – because you have taught students over the years, or because you were their Club moderator, the greeting gets personal. You do not know every student’s name, but you know the face. You are their Christian Service Director. It is your responsibility to help them get into the world and give their time and talents. There is the senior boy who has invited you ten times to be his date this year for the Senior Prom. You ask him why he would plan to take his grandmother. There is also the girl who wonders if they need any help at PS. 111; she hears tutoring is going on and she would like to work with kids. Imagine the student who tells you that his grandfather died after a long illness and he is sad and wants you to pray for his family. You promise to do so and you ask for his home address so you can send a sympathy card. After a while you look at the clock – you have been feeding, listening, talking, responding, learning, and being fed through three lunch periods. Imagine the best part – you get to do Ann’s Lunch Box again tomorrow. Serving for a Purpose Directed by faculty member and alum ms. Jaclyn Cullen ’95, Spellman’s Service Society participated in the making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk held on Saturday, october 17th at orchard Beach. over 150 members of the Spellman community were present. Students raised over $3,500 for the American Cancer Society through various activities including bake sales and selling Spellman merchandise. The entire Spellman community is inspired by the spirit of giving consistently displayed by the Service Society. Passing the Torch of Wisdom Spellman’s Young Alumni Panel Addresses the Current Senior Class Quickly becoming a new Spellman tradition, alumni that are currently in college are invited back during winter break to give Spellman seniors advice and tips on how to thrive at the next level. ms. Anne-marie Norberto ’82, Assistant Director of Guidance, worked diligently to put the young alumni panel together, consisting of students of various disciplines – including psychology, sports management, physics, and biomedical sciences. Former Spellman Development Associate, Qadry Harris ’10 facilitated the discussion, being the lone graduate student on the panel. Panel speakers included Yougnand Paul ’13, John Thomas ’13, Christa mattis ’15, miranda Reyes ’12, Jelani Wheeler ’12, Qadry Harris ’10. Topics addressed included adjusting to the academic rigor of college, importance of efficiently utilizing time, and maintaining a moral compass in a new social setting. The panel will commence again in may to speak with current Spellman Juniors on expectations for their senior year. Left to Right: Yougnand Paul ’13, John Thomas ’13, Christa Mattis ’15, Miranda Reyes ’12, Jelani Wheeler ’12, Qadry Harris ’10 WI N TE R / SP RI N G 20 1 6 7 Recent Grads Return to Spellman For the Annual Thanksgiving Mass on Wednesday, November 25th more than 200 Alumni/ae came back to Spellman to celebrate the Annual Thanksgiving mass with their former classmates and teachers. The Advancement office makes a conscious effort to reach out to those who graduated within the last five years. However, this year, graduates from as far back as 2009 graced the Spellman community with their presence. Immediately following the mass, alumni/ae and faculty were invited into the cafeteria for a complementary networking reception. PRAY 1,, A Day of Continuous Prayer in the Student Chapel To Support The Emmaus Program ••• In 2014, President/Principal Daniel o’Keefe initiated a fundraising opportunity called “Achieve 100”. mr. o’Keefe ran 400+ laps in a little under 24 hours on the school track to raise money for the student sports and activities programs. He inspired students to give 100% in all they do and challenged alumni and friends of the school to donate $100. It was a great success raising more than $130,000 for the sports and activities programs. In keeping with the “100” theme, “Pray 100” helped raise much-needed funds for the Emmaus program. Emmaus is a spiritual retreat attended by Spellman 8 SPELLMAN NEWS students which provides an opportunity for a community of participants to deepen their relationship with God and to share their faith with others. on November 6th, students, faculty and staff, along with alumni prayed in the Chapel throughout the day. People were encouraged to sign up for a block of time – fifteen minutes, a half-hour, or even an hour, so that we could make sure that prayer was continuous throughout the day from 7am to 7pm. These funds will be used to purchase Bibles and crosses for students, provide meals for retreat participants, and update the “Emmaus Room” in the Spellman building. Cardinal Spellman High School announces the winners of the John F. Ward Scholarship Cardinal Spellman High School is pleased to announce the recipients of the John F. Ward ’66 Vietnam Veteran Patriot Award for 2015-2016. The $5,000 annual scholarship, based on an essay competition, DUTY: God, Honor and Country, has been awarded to Gabrielle Bryan and Timothy Torres. The scholarship has been made possible from a generous donor in memory of his friend, P.F.C. John F. Ward. After graduating from Cardinal Spellman in 1966, John Francis Ward attended basic training at Fort Jackson, South Carolina and was designated ‘11 Bravo 40’ light weapons infantry. He then completed Advanced Individual Training in infantry tactics and advanced weaponry, and arrived in Vietnam in early July 1969. P.F.C. Ward was killed during nighttime combat operations in Vietnam on october 6th of that same year, 25 days before his 21st birthday. Gabrielle Bryan lives in the Wakefield section of the Bronx and has been an honors student each year. She is a member of the Spoken Word Poetry Club and also participated in the Drama monologue competition. Next year, Gabrielle hopes to major in Psychology, possibly at the University of Pennsylvania. Timothy Torres graduated from St. Francis Xavier Elementary School and is a member of the Yearbook committee, Spoken Word Poetry Club, and Service Society. He has also received honors all four years. After graduation, Timothy is planning to major in Criminal Justice at John Jay College in New York City. Block S Dinner Honoring Spellman Student Athletes Saturday, May 7, 2016 6:00 p.m. Alumni Cocktail Reception 7:00 p.m. Dinner & Awards Ceremony 2016 HALL OF FAME INDUCTEES Fred Opper Coach, Boys’ Basketball, Celebrating 30 Years Fred Opper Coach, Boys’ Basketball, Celebrating 30 Years Joanne Perricone ’75 Basketball & Softball Joanne Perricone ’75 Basketball & Softball Support our Student Athletes and Hall of Fame Inductees with a journal ad! JOURNAL ADVERTISEMENT RATES (Full page is approximately 6 ¼” x 9 ¼”) Gold Page….…...................$200.00 Silver Page .........................$150.00 Full Page ............................$100.00 Half Page ............................$ 50.00 Quarter Page......................$ 30.00 Ticket for Dinner & Alumni Cocktail Reception $30.00 Enclosed, please find my check for $______, payable to Cardinal Spellman High School for _______ dinner tickets and/or the journal advertisement selected. (please check one) q Ad copy or business card attached q Emailing copy to [email protected] Name________________________________ maiden__________________________ Class Year___________ Please submit your payment and ad copy by Monday, April 20, 2016 Please return completed form with payment to: Cardinal Spellman High School Advancement office one Cardinal Spellman Place, Bronx, NY 10466 Address________________________________________________________________ City____________________________________ State___________ Zip____________ Daytime #_________________________ Email_______________________________ WI N TE R / SP RI N G 20 1 6 9 CAR DI NAL SP ELLMAN H IGH SCHOOL ALU M N I & F R I EN DS GOLF OUTING FOR TH E B EN EF IT OF TH E STU DENT SCHOL ARSH I P F U N D Wednesday, June 29, 2016 2016 “Sequere Deum” Honoree Leewood Golf Club Eastchester, New York Cost per person: Dinner Only Price: $325 $100 Schedule for the Day 10:00 am to 11:45 am: Registration Driving Range/Putting Green Open 10:45 am: BBQ lunch on patio overlooking course Coach Fred Opper B OYS’ AT H LE T I C D I R E C TO R & COAC H , B OYS’ BA S KE T BALL This year we honor Coach Fred Opper as the “Sequere Deum” Award recipient for his 30 years of dedication to Spellman athletics. Special Guest Golfer To Be Announced! Previous Celebrity Guests: 11:15 am: Putting Contest - Win a Cash Prize 12:00 pm: Shotgun start 5:30 pm: Cocktail Hour & Silent Auction 6:30 pm: Dinner & Awards Ceremony NEW THIS YEAR! Barbecue lunch on the course throughout the day. Dwight “Doc” Gooden NY Yankees NY mets Carl Banks NY Giants Otis “O.J” Anderson Superbowl mVP, NY Giants Bucky Dent NY Yankees Martin Scorsese Acclaimed Film Director GOLF COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Liam McLaughlin ’85, Chairman Joseph Alfano Lou Brescia Susan Cardillo ’88 William Cawley Joe DeFazio ’71 Tom Delaney ’66 Dan Eagel John Endres ’71 John Farrell Frank Granito ’77 Robbin Harrison ’81 Liz (McKiernan) Healy ’84 Frank Leone ’77 Terry McCormack ’63 Phil McGrath ’74 Kieran McTague ’76 Dan O’Connell ’72 Dave Oniffrey Fred Opper Donald Van Bomel, Sr. Robert Vessecchia ’83 SPONSOrSHIPS THE ULTIMATE CARDINAL SPONSOR INCLUDES 2 FOURSOMES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000.00 Name recognition as Title Sponsor at Golf Tournament & Dinner, Play with Celebrity Golfer TBD (4) Hole Sponsorships; Premiere Table at Dinner ALL-STAR SPONSOR INCLUDES 2 FOURSOMES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000.00 Sponsor Identity at Lunch, (3) Hole Sponsorships, Reserved Table at Dinner DIAMOND “S” SPONSOR INCLUDES 1 FOURSOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,500.00 Sponsor Identity at Cocktail Hour, (2) Hole Sponsorships, Reserved Table at Dinner, (4) additional Dinner Tickets MIGHTY PILOT SPONSOR INCLUDES 1 FOURSOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000.00 Prime Sponsor Identity at Registration Table,(1) Hole Sponsorship, Reserved Table at Dinner and (2) Additional Dinner Tickets CORPORATE SPONSOR INCLUDES 1 FOURSOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000.00 Recognition as Corporate Sponsor in event materials, (1) Hole Sponsorship (2) Additional Dinner Tickets PRACTICE GREEN SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,000.00 Prime visibility signage for Individual/Company at Putting Green. Recognition in event materials DRIVING RANGE SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000.00 Prime visibility signage for Individual/Company at Driving Range. Recognition in event materials CLOSEST TO PIN SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,000.00 Recognition of Individual/Company on signage located by the tee box of the exciting closest-to-the-pin contest. GOLF CART SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $750.00 Recognition of Individual/Company on signage at outing and event materials BEER HOLE SPONSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00 Recognition of Individual/Company on signage at beverage cart on course FACULTY SPONSOR HOLE SPONSOR PUTTING CONTEST SPONSOR Golf & Dinner @ $325 pp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_______ Cocktails & Dinner Only @ $100 pp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $_______ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00 Registration form due by June 3, 2016 or register online at www.cardinalspellman.org/golfouting Please fax (718)-547-4760 or mail completed registration form to: Cardinal Spellman High School 1 Cardinal Spellman Place Bronx, New York 10466 Attn: Golf Outing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $300.00 Company Name _________________________________________________________________ Contact Name _________________________________________________ Class Yr. ________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ State ________ Zip _______ Email _____________________________________ Day Phone _________________________ Name of Player(s) *If you are a single player, we can match 1._________________________________________________ Class 2._________________________________________________ Class 3._________________________________________________ Class 4._________________________________________________ Class you with a foursome. Year ______________ Year ______________ Year ______________ Year ______________ Method of Payment: □ Check Enclosed (Payable to Cardinal Spellman High School) □ Credit Card (mC, Visa, Discover, Amex accepted) Total amount of transaction $________________ Credit Card #______________________________________________ Exp. Date___________ 3-digit Security code _______________________ (Amex has a 4 digit # located on the front of the card.) Name as it appears on card ______________________________________________________ Billing address (if different from above)___________________________________________ Signature__________________________________________________________________________ Newly Established Scholarship Dominick DiFebo Memorial Scholarship Establishing a scholarship is a wonderful way to honor the memory of a loved one. Recently, the DiFebo family founded the Dominick DiFebo Scholarship after his passing last year. Knowing how much their father valued a Spellman education, daughters, Valerie ’80, Stephanie ’81, Elizabeth ’85, and Vanessa '87 designated the scholarship to benefit young women, honor students involved in the Cardinal’s Players, who need financial support for their Spellman tuition. Dominick was raised in the Bronx and attended Christopher Columbus High School. While competing in the Golden Gloves, Dominick was known as “The Windmill.” He also served his country during the Korean conflict in the United States Navy as a radio man on the destroyer the U.S.S. Charles J. Badger. Dominick had a strong work ethic and an eclectic business career. His first job as a teenager was at one of his favorite places, The Bronx Zoo. He was a licensed hairdresser and a UPS man prior to building his own businesses. He joined the Bricklayers union and had entrepreneurial success founding a construction and waterproofing company. In the confection industry he launched The Yummy Shop, which was a Bronx landmark. He retired from the Bay Club where he managed the maintenance crew. Dominick’s obituary noted, “his generosity was endless and he always helped people he thought needed it most.” This scholarship will continue his legacy and help generations of girls with dreams, become women of vision. If you would like to establish a scholarship in honor of a loved one, please contact the Advancement office at 718-547-4732. 50th Anniversary Reunion – Class of 1966 Saturday, October 15, 2016 To join the reunion committee, please contact the Alumni office at 718-547-4732 or [email protected] Anniversary Classes of 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, and 2011 THE CHALLENGE CONTINUES Spellman has been blessed with a challenge grant from a very generous donor who will give us $1 million over the next ten years! As we continue this effort, we need your help – in order to secure this generous gift, we must increase the amount of gifts received from our Anniversary Classes. Please make your Annual Fund gift, in honor of your anniversary reunion, to Cardinal Spellman today by visiting www.cardinalspellman.org and clicking the “Donate Now” button. 12 S P E L L MA N N E W S Cerullo Family Scholarship Fund Benefit Reception Gaspare J. Cerullo, class of ’72, and his wife, Francesca, established the Cerullo Family Scholarship Fund to benefit Spellman students by providing scholarship awards and tuition assistance to students with parents who are currently undergoing or have already endured cancer treatment. Both Gaspare and Francesca are cancer survivors, Gaspare a brain tumor and Francesca, breast cancer. This is an initiative close to their hearts, as both mr. and mrs. Cerullo were diagnosed and treated while their two daughters attended high school. A benefit Cocktail Reception at the New York Athletic Club will take place on June 9, 2016 - which coincides with the 20th anniversary of Gaspare’s remission – to raise funds for this worthy cause. For more information or if you would like to donate to this scholarship fund please visit www.cardinalspellman.org/cerulloscholarship. Class of ’71 Endowed Scholarship Celebrating 15 Years of Providing the Gift of Education In 2001, on the occasion of the Class of 1971’s 30th Anniversary, an Endowed Scholarship was established with the goal of providing tuition assistance to students, enabling them to complete their education at Spellman. over the last 15 years, more than $80,000 in the form of partial scholarships has been awarded to more than a dozen students on the basis of academic merit and financial need. As we say, the gift of education is the gift of a lifetime and the ’71 Scholars are eternally grateful for the support. over the years, recipients have relayed the importance of this scholarship to them and their families through thank you letters to the class. Diandra Rivera ’08 said, “I am writing you now as the official President of Student Government. A great accomplishment that could not have been achieved without your help. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for easing my years in Spellman with financial aid, and making my last year of Spellman even greater.” Joseph Smith ’13 wrote, “I am very happy and blessed to be able to stay in Cardinal Spellman High School. With your help it is possible for me to delve further into this wonderful Catholic education.” Even parents have expressed gratitude to the Class of ‘71, “thank you for making this opportunity possible. It is the generosity of special people like you who make a difference in the education of children. Your scholarship helped make rising tuition payments easier to handle and for that we are very grateful. It is nice to know that even after graduation day the Spellman family lives on for the love of the school and through the generosity of its alumni.” The current recipients, Tiffany Le ’16 and Adam Greene ’18 shared their feelings in thank you letters. Tiffany relays that, “you’ve all inspired me to achieve my goals and I look forward to being able to help others like you have helped me.” Adam said, “the 1971 Endowed Scholarship will help my family to keep me in Spellman for these next few years.” As the Class of ’71 approaches their 45th anniversary reunion this fall, it is important to recognize the impact this scholarship has made on the lives of Spellman students and their families. It is also a wonderful opportunity to continue to build this scholarship so that it can continue the legacy of helping Spellman students. If you’d like to make a donation, please visit www.cardinalspellman.org/ 71scholarship Thank you for always keeping Spellman close to your heart! WI N TE R / SP RI NG 20 1 6 13 19th Annual Alumni Memorial Mass & Brunch Sunday, November 8th – Spellman hosted its 19th Annual Alumni memorial mass and Brunch. This service of fellowship is commenced each year to celebrate the lives of those in the Spellman community that have gone before us into eternal paradise. The mass was originally scheduled to take place in the mercedes & Rafael Collado memorial Chapel. However, due to significant alumni attendance, the service was moved to the Anne Gevlin Little Theater to accommodate the larger group. Reverend John monaghan served as the chief celebrant of the mass and was assisted by Deacon Paul Carris ’73. During the mass, Sister Philip Dolores Cacciatore, S.C. and Brother Bernard Hanson, F.S.C. were invited to participate in the blessing of plaques of Saint John Baptist De La Salle and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton that will be hung in the corridor by the Chapel. Following the mass, alumni and friends joined together for a wonderful brunch in the cafeteria. Thank you to all who came out to support this Spellman tradition. 14 S P E L L MA N N E W S Planting the seed in “good soil” Spellman’s 4G Club Experiments with Cutting Edge Agriculture The award-winning 4G Club (Go Green Gardening Group), under the direction of science faculty members mrs. Rita Piliero and mr. mark Basa ’04, is leading Spellman into a new era of sustainability and eco-friendly practices. For the past year, the students have been spearheading efforts to promote recycling in the building while also fermenting food waste from the cafeteria as fertilizer for crops in the Green House. During the winter season, students began researching and implementing the harvesting technique of hydroponics – a process that grows plants in a nutrient solution with microorganisms, but without the use of soil. If successful, the utilization of hydroponics will allow the 4G Club to produce crops year-round. As of now, the club is using the technique to grow lettuce which is on schedule to be reaped in a few short weeks. We are all looking forward to another successful harvest! “They bestowed many honors on us…” ~ Acts 28:10 Honors Night Spellman Rejoices in Academic Achievement Cardinal Spellman High School decorated 400 of our finest students with academic honors pins at a ceremony held this past fall. The night of celebration was attended by family, friends, staff, and faculty to recognize the scholarly perseverance displayed by the students in the previous academic year. This year, 32 seniors were presented with the Diamond “S” award, one of Spellman’s most noteworthy educational achievements. These students will join an elite group of Spellman scholars that have their names engraved on the Diamond “S” board located in the main hallway. These students are a living testament to the standard of excellence that Cardinal Spellman High School has maintained since opening its doors in 1959. Congratulations to all of them! They carry on the great legacy of this prestigious institution. WI N TE R / SP RI NG 20 1 6 15 Sports manhertz moves to the Big Easy The New orleans Saints signed tight end Chris manhertz ’10 to a reserve/future contract for the upcoming 2016 season. manhertz spent the entire 2015 season on the Saint’s Practice Squad. He was free to sign with any team but opted to remain in New orleans. Last January, following a successful college basketball career at Canisius, manhertz was invited to try out for the Buffalo Bills. He spent eight months with the team before being waived in August. The Saints swooped in and signed him as training camp was ending – giving him just a few short practices before final roster cuts had to be made. The former Spellman standout must have made a remarkable impression. At the conclusion of this season, Franchise Quarterback Drew Brees personally thanked Chris for all his hard work and acknowledged how much progress he had made. The Spellman Community looks forward to seeing many more great accomplishments from Chris! “Contribute to the needs of the Saints” ~ Romans 12:13 ALL-BrONx FOOTBALL SELECTIONS ALL-BrONx SOCCEr SELECTIONS Senior Lenward Williams ’16 was selected to the Catholic High School Football League’s All-Bronx 1st Team! As an offensive and defensive playmaker, Williams was a huge bright spot for the Pilots all season. He posted almost 500 yards of total offense along with 8 touchdowns and recorded 67 solo tackles which included 4 quarterback sacks. Lenward’s efforts helped Spellman to reach the ‘A’ Championship for the first time since 2009. Joining Lenward on the All-Bronx Team was sophomore michael Booth ’18, as an honorable mention. With only one year of high school football experience coming into this season, Booth gained a reputation as one of the most tenacious offensive linemen in the league – commanding the trenches for the best offensive attack that Spellman has seen in years. With michael leading the way for two more years and a pipeline of young talent coming from this year’s undefeated freshman team, the Spellman Football Program is definitely rising in stock. We are all looking forward to the many great things to come. Junior Jacinta Addo-Badu ’17 was named to the All-Bronx Soccer 1st team! The swift striker was the main scoring option for the Pilots, who moved into the top division of Catholic High School ‘AA’ Teams. With a unique combination of athleticism, ball skills, and accurate kicking, Jacinta scored a team – leading 11 goals and accumulated 3 assists. Listed as an honorable mention for the All-Bronx Soccer team was senior Rebecca D’Aloia ’16. All season long, Rebecca used her incendiary speed to play great defense and also to contribute offensively occasionally. Spellman is extremely proud of both Jacinta and Rebecca! VOLLEYBALL HONOrS Spellman Junior Nicole Hill ’17 was named to the NY CHSAA Volleyball Bronx Westchester All Division 1st team. A dominant force on the court, Nicole led her team in kills with 119. This was after her position was switched from setter, where she accumulated 26 assists, to outside hitter. She rounded out her performance with 47 service aces, 52 digs and 11 blocks. Last year as a sophomore Nicole was on the NY CHSAA Bronx Westchester All Division 2nd team. 16 S P E L L MA N N E W S Senior Tye Addison ’16 is also a repeat nominee moving from Honorable mention last year to the 2nd team as an outside hitter this year. Quiet until she calls for the hit, Tye’s stats include 35 kills and 61 digs. Coming back from two years of injury, senior Janiffe Frett ’16 made her presence known this season. Intense and serious, Janiffe was all about the win. She pushed herself and her teammates and gained the notice of several coaches in the division making an Honorable mention nod for her final season. Left to right: Janiffe Frett ’16, Tye Addison ’16, Nicole Hill ’17. Spellman Celebrates Homecoming Spellman’s annual homecoming continues to outshine itself each and every year. Homecoming 2015 was a day-long event with fun-filled activities and games to be enjoyed by all. The morning started off with a Celebration Run in loving memory of Spellman Alumnus michael Scott ’87. michael entered into eternal rest in the fall of 2014, falling victim to a Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism (blood clot). The Celebration Run was a 400-meter sprint; since this was michael’s best event when he ran for Spellman’s track team. All proceeds brought in from the run benefited the scholarship fund set up in his honor. michael’s former track teammate Dean meminger ’88, reporter for NY1 served as the Special Guest mC for the run. Following the run, former Spellman football stars took the field to participate in the 6th Annual Alumni Flag Football Game. The broad range of alumni spanned from as recent as the class of 2015 to the class of 1985. The varsity football team faced off against St. Dominic High School. It was apparent that The Pilots had the upper hand in the match up from the very beginning – Spellman did not trail in the game after the 1st quarter, going on to win by a score of 22-8 in convincing fashion. Senior Lenward Williams ’16 played a game for the ages. Dominating on both sides of the ball, Lenward recorded 12 solo tackles which included 4 quarterback sacks, along with 80 receiving yards for 2 touchdowns. At half time of the varsity game, the Spellman community paused to honor Hall of Fame Coach Fred “Fritz” Calaicone. Coach Calaicone was instrumental in the lives of many students, coaching both football and baseball at Spellman from 1968 to 1980. In the years that followed, Fred continued to be an active member of the Spellman community, returning often to watch games, attending the annual golf outing, and visiting with his Spellman family. Coach Calaicone also served as an assistant coach for the Championship Varsity Football Team of 2009. Fred’s family was present to witness a tree being blessed in his memory and planted near the monsignors’ Field. In addition to the sports related activities, for the 1st time Spellman’s Homecoming included a carnival theme. The family-friendly atmosphere integrated festival games, snacks, and a bouncy house! The highlight of the carnival was the dunk tank. Students had the opportunity to drench their favorite teachers and administrators if they could hit the target. When Spellman Legend Jeri Faulkner ’75 stepped into the dunk tank, the waiting line extended almost to the parking lot. Everyone that was present had an amazing time. WI N TE R / SP RI NG 20 1 6 17 Girls Basketball Reunion on Saturday, November 14th, Spellman hosted a Girls’ Basketball Reunion. In full basketball uniform and ready to greet were 10 current girl basketball players. Former faculty, which included Sr. maryanne Garisto, Sr. margaret Carmel Kelly and ms. Anne Gevlin joined the festivities. Former coaches ms. Nancy Johnson, and ms. Roseanne Plaviack Hughes joined current Coach Jane (Lacey) morris ’71 and Assistant Coach Christine Tolan ’00 in reminiscing about all alumnae basketball years here at Spellman. A great time was had by all! Alumni Lacrosse Game Sign Up Today! The third annual alumni lacrosse game will take place at Cardinal Spellman on Saturday may 7th at 9:30am. It will be a fun morning of good food, good friends, and hopefully some good lacrosse which will be followed by a girls’ game! Please email [email protected] to be a part of the ALUmNI TEAm. The cost is only $20, which will include a pinnie and it will also help the program that you helped built up! Show this new generation of Spellmanites what it means to truly KILL THE mooSE!!! Support Spellman with AmazonSmile Gospel Choirs • Praise Dances • Spoken Word Poetry • Step Teams GOSPEL FEST 2016 Friday, May 6th 2016 Auditorium 7:00 p.m. Join the Spellman community for a night of prayer, praise and worship. Tickets will be available for purchase at the door. 18 S P E L L MA N N E W S AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Cardinal Spellman High School. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Spellman when you shop at smile.amazon.com. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know, same products, same prices, same service, with the added benefit of supporting Cardinal Spellman High School. marco J. Castaldi ’88 Fulbright Global Award Winner Congratulations to marco J. Castaldi, Spellman class of 1988 and Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at The City College of New York's Grove School of Engineering, on being awarded a Fulbright Global Award for his work on converting solid waste materials to energy, chemicals or fuels. “This is a great opportunity as it is perfectly aligned with my research on utilizing materials typically considered wastes for useful applications,” Castaldi said. “At the end of this project, I hope that we will be able to show that many materials now considered a waste can be used as a resource in another application.” The Fulbright Program aims to increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries, and it is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. government. Fulbright alumni have become heads of state, judges, ambassadors, cabinet ministers, CEos, and university presidents, as well as leading journalists, artists, scientists, and teachers. They have been awarded 53 Nobel Prizes. Since its beginnings in 1946, more than 360,000 Fulbrighters have participated in the Program. IN MEMOrIAM Sr. Kathleen Doherty, S.C. (Former Faculty Member) Sr. Rosemary o’Donnell, S.C. (Former Faculty Member Sr. Regina Joseph) Rev. Francis J. Corry ’65 (Former Faculty & Administrator) James D. Carey ’68 Angelo L. moliterno ’70 James J. Giorgi ’71 James P. Heekin, Esq. ’73 (husband of Dorothy Krynicki ’70 and brother of Francis J. Heekin ’80) michael A. manganiello ’75 Thomas J. Sheridan ’78 Lisa Lippman Lemone ’79 Anna mangano ’79 Alten L. Williams ’98 Luis A. Inoa ’10 Angelikque D. Sutton ’11 Postscripts Class of 1970 Class of 1974 Congratulations to Lizbeth Gonzalez on her election to the Supreme Court 12th Judicial District in New York during the general election on November 3, 2015. Prior to this she was a judge on the New York City Civil Court from 2005 to 2015 and an acting justice on the Supreme Court 12th Judicial District from 2012 to 2015. regina DeMarco relays that the class of 1974 has been getting together every year since the 35th reunion. Every effort has been made to contact all classmates to invite them. Please contact [email protected] and join the Facebook group under "Spellman74". Class of 1971 rosemarie (Modica) Cober spent 30 years as a clinical psychologist in California before finding love and her own piece of heaven in Elora. Cober is the owner and operator of Log Cabin Heaven, a country spa resort and bed and breakfast. The retreat operates year round and attracts visitors from near and far. She was featured in an online article, check it out at: http://www.guelphmercury.com/newsstory/5973004-elora-spaattracts-visitors-from-afar-and-not-so-far/ Jim Murphy, DVM relays that he has fulfilled two dreams later in life thanks in large part to a solid educational foundation begun at Cardinal Spellman. Jim graduated from manhattan College in 1978 (BS, biochemistry) and from the Virginia-maryland Regional College of Veterinary medicine (DVm, 1997). He credits his Spellman and manhattan education with his admission to veterinary medical school, and the rigors of that curriculum, so long after high school and undergraduate years. Building upon a love of reading and literature begun at Spellman (thank you John Palencsar, third year English Literature teacher), he recently penned Becoming the Beach Boys, 1961-1963, about the iconic band’s origin and early history. Class of 1990 Frank Scalzo and the Class of 1990 enjoyed a fabulous 25th Anniversary reunion at the Radisson in New Rochelle, this past September. The class gift was donated in memory of Fr. Corry. Class of 2007 Congratulations to Ashley Dandridge and Jonathan Bell on their engagement and upcoming wedding! Ashley and Jonathan met while students at Spellman. They returned recently for their engagement photo shoot. Ashley relayed, “we couldn’t think of a better place to have a photo shoot than through the halls where we met.” WI N TE R / SP RI NG 20 1 6 19 Cardinal Spellman High School Non-Profit Org. US Postage One Cardinal Spellman Place Bronx, New York 10466-5897 www.cardinalspellman.org White Plains, NY Permit #1782 PAI D ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED SPELLMAN NEWS WINTER /SPRING 2016 Daniel O’Keefe, President/Principal Jennifer Rivera ’96, Vice President, Advancement Delia Rivera, Director of Annual Giving Design: Rosemary Campion Blackbird Creative Services A PUBLICATION FOR THE ALUMNI/AE, PARENTS AND FRIENDS OF CARDINAL SPELLMAN HIGH SCHOOL Visit us on /cardinalspellman @spellmanbx UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS: Friday, March 11th Opening Night of In the Heights CSHS Auditorium Saturday, March 12th Alumni Night at the Play – In the Heights CSHS Auditorium Sunday, March 13th Matinee Performance of In the Heights CSHS Auditorium Sunday, March 13th Bronx St. Patrick’s Day Parade Throggs Neck Thursday, March 17th NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade 5th Avenue Saturday, March 19th St. Patrick’s Day Parade on McLean Avenue Yonkers Friday, May 6th Gospel Fest CSHS Auditorium Saturday, May 7th 3rd Annual Alumni Lacrosse Game CSHS Monsignor’s Field Saturday, May 7th Block “S” Dinner & Awards Ceremony CSHS Gymnasium Saturday, June 4th Graduation CUNY Lehman Thursday, June 9th Cerullo Family Scholarship Fundraiser New York Athletic Club Wednesday, June 29th Alumni & Friends Golf Outing Leewood Golf Club Check Out the New Alumni Website! This innovative website will allow alumni to interact with each other in brand new and exciting ways while also retaining your favorite aspects of the former website. Visit www.cardinalspellman.org/alumni to gain full access to the online community and everything that it has to offer. DON ONL ATE INE