september, 2011 - Latest News from FBC
september, 2011 - Latest News from FBC
Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 170 Citronelle, AL 36522 CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED 8520 State Street Citronelle, AL 36522 Church office 866-5793 Pastor’s cell 518-8747 C. L. C. Office 866-2274 A monthly publication of FBC Citronelle C A L E N DA R First Baptist Church Staff Pastor .......…………….. Dr. Elbert Charpie Worship Leader..............Derrick Englebert Staff Evangelist… ........Rev. Johnny Tucker Youth Director……................Greg Hrinsin Financial Secretary ......... Rhonda McNees Secretary................................. Rebecca Ranes CLC Director...........................Cindy Turner Pianist........................................ Valorie Odom Organist............................................. Kim Byrd Weekly Services 8:30am 9:30am 10:30am SUNDAY Prayer w/ Pastor Sunday School Morning Worship Kid’s Church (Age 4 yrs - 5th Grade) 5:00pm 5:30pm Adult Choir Practice AWANA (Starts again in August) September Happy Birthday! September 2 3 4 5 6 7 (Age 3 yrs - 5th Grade) 6:00pm Evening Worship 7:00am MONDAY Men’s Prayer Group (At Iron Skillet) 9 10 12 WEDNESDAY 5:30pm Church Supper (Start up again August 3rd) 6:30pm Prayer Meeting Bible Study Kids Praise Choir Youth Service 13 14 15 16 Please submit your news and articles by the third week of the month for a timely delivery of the LINK. T h a n k Y o u ! ☺ 18 19 Elbert Charpie Janelle Fralic Betty Hoven William Newburn Nina Richardson Winifred Baxter Bridget Byrd Daniel Charpie Kelley Prine Margaret Turner Billy Devore Theo Lewis Gary Turner Emily Jo Anderson William Hennis Maree Landrum Leonard Prine Susan Stewart Garrett Blair Sullivan Jackson Casler Caroline Malone Stephen Barnes Ronnie Lee Young Lim Valorie Odom Timothy Turner Cathy Brannan Joan Malone Larry McClanahan P. J. Morgan Jeff Sheffield Chrissy Busby Jeffrey Jennings Rudy Willman Chuck Hendry Peyton Lee Jennifer Newburn 20 Rannel Presnell 21 Maxine Lee J. C. Turner 22 LizAnne Stewart 24 Robin Andrews James Bellew 25 Michael Ballis 26 Michelle Franks Brittany Helveston Kim Mason Ethan Prine Amanda Richardson 27 Irma Burt 28 Diane Roberts Nicole Sullivan 29 Aniston Reed Jeremy Reynolds Joe Sigler 30 Renny Odom Val Shirah October 1 2 Billy Byrd Linda Lee Phil Platt 4 Donnie McAdory 5 Jill Travis 6 Brooke Akridge Rebecca Dueitt Ricky Evans Lee Melton Madasyn Odom 8 Misty Turner 9 Colleen Bellew 10 Victoria Allen 11 Diane Barnett Billie Joe Blankinchip 12 Ken Smith 13 James Massey Carson Shirah 14 Lynn Steiner 15 Rachel Charpie Lucus Landers Malachi Taylor 16 Kristin Cobb Dylan Scruggs 17 Ashlyn Boothe Chelsea Richard Randy Stewart Loretta Wade 18 Stephanie Burnside Michael McAdory Glo Ethel Moorer 19 Lauren Averett Jessica Kynaston 24 Natalie Burnside Earline Dees Timothy Herring 25 Virginia Cobb Jason Stringer 26 Paige Bryan Kennedy Fralic 28 Marla Byrd Turner Mason Cassie Whiteley 29 Caleb Sanders 30 Debbie Giles Dennis Malone Tyler Travis Shawn Turner 31 Grace Banks Frances Bowers Sissy Giles Briana Hicks 4 NO Sept Men's Breakfast NO Christmas Choir Rehearsal 5 CLC Closed for Labor Day 7:00am Men's Prayer Grp 7 5:30pm Wednesday Night Supper 8 8:30am CLC G-parents Day 6:30pm Christmas Choir Rehearsal 11 8:00am Deacon's Meeting 4:00pm Christmas Choir Rehearsal 5:30pm Trunk or Treat Outreach Mtg @ CHS (prior to 9/11 svc) 6:30pm Citronelle 9/11 Memorial Svc 12 7:00am Men's Prayer Grp 13 5:30pm FBC Church-wide Visitation 6:30pm Christmas Choir Rehearsal 14 5:30pm Wednesday Night Supper 18 7:00am - 6:00pm Blood Drive @ Memorial Baptist 4:00pm Christmas Choir Rehearsal 19 7:00am Men's Prayer Grp 21 5:30pm Wednesday Night Supper 6:30pm Church Business Meeting 22 6:30pm Christmas Choir Rehearsal 23-25 Pastor out of town 25 4:00pm Christmas Choir Rehearsal 26 7:00am Men's Prayer Grp 27 Boston Butt - orders due 6:30pm Christmas Choir Rehearsal 28 5:30pm Wednesday Night Supper 29 6:00pm FBC feeds CHS football team October 1 FBC Work Day 2 125 Year Celebration - Homecoming ~ No Evening Services ~ 7:00am Men's breakfast@Celeste Rd 3 7:00am Men's Prayer Group 5 5:30pm Wednesday Night Supper 7 Christmas Choir Fundraiser Boston Butt Distribution/Pick-up 9 8:00 Deacon's Meeting 10 7:00pm Men's Prayer Group 11 5:30pm FBC Church-wide Visitation September 2011 Newsletter A Note from the Pastor Well, school has started and people are busy getting everything in order. In the midst of all this I am excited about several things coming up. Next week is the 10th anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11th. It just so happens that this anniversary is on a Sunday, so the Citronelle ministers have decided that this would be a great time to get together as a community and remember 9 / 1 1 a n d re n e w o u r commitment to the Lord. So, we will be having a special 9/11 memorial service on Sunday evening 9/11 at the Citronelle High School auditorium at 6:30 PM. This will take the place of our normal Sunday night service. I am excited because this will be a time when we can all come together to worship and pray for our nation and the church. Please make plans to join us. Also, speaking of working together, we have started our Christmas music for our community Christmas program. We have had somewhere in the neighborhood of seventy people rehearsing from FBC, Memorial, Living Word, Celeste Road, and a couple of others. I think it is going to be a tremendous program this year. If you like to sing or just make a joyful noise – come join us. We rehearse Sunday afternoons and Tuesday or Thursday evenings. In the church office we have implemented Google calendar to keep up with our church calendar. What this means is that at any time you can go to our church website ( and click on the church calendar and see the absolute latest events on the church calendar. You can also right-click on the calendar and print it out. You can also move your mouse over an event and it will give you any extra details that you might need to know. As we add items to our calendar it automatically updates on our church website. This is going to help us keep everybody on the same page (pun intended) as we plan church events. If you have something you want to add to the calendar, call the church office. We have some information we will need to get, we may need to get proper approval and then we can get it on the calendar. I am excited that this will greatly aid in helping everyone know what is going on and when, so that we will have less confusion and better communication. I will be going to Atlanta to the North American Mission Board to help launch a new internet evangelism effort the weekend of September 23rd to the 25th. Greg Hrinsin will be preaching on the 25th in my absence. If you go to our church website and see a “Spirit Help” chat button – that is what we are going to be implementing hopefully all over the internet. Pray for us as we seek to use technology to reach more people for Christ. The exciting thing about this – is that it will give us to opportunity to witness to people all over the world. I cannot for get to mention that we have our Homecoming celebration coming up on October 2nd. This will be the 125 th anniversary of our church. This will be a special time of celebrating what God has done for us and through us. We will be taking up a special offering, as we have traditionally done, to help go toward our building fund. You will be hearing a lot more about this as the time draws closer. Oh, and what a blessing it has been to hear your response to our change in order of worship. Everyone has been encouraging and I have felt that it has brought a new freshness to our worship. I am so blessed to have the privilege to work with such a wonderful fellowship of God's people. God bless you, Bro. “Beaver” The Link The Link A season of change has all of the sudden changed our life styles in many different ways. We go from relaxed, somewhat comfort, to get in, get ready, and hold on! School is back, with this brings extra-curricular activities for all. Our world is driven in so many ways, heavy engines pull or vehicles, trains, planes, and even provides our every needs such as cool air and power. Are we ABLE to control these needs if they fail us… no. In our busy life styles we always find so many ways to leave God out, or put Him aside momentarily while we daily live. Sometimes we say we are not ABLE, but He is! Are you ABLE to serve him, because He is always ABLE to be there for you! The Community Choir has officially started practicing, we have around 75 singers from several different churches in our community coming together as one to serve our Savior, This year’s production “We Have Our Savior” will be December 9th, 10th, 11th - So mark your calendars and spread the word. As a fundraiser for this event, community choir members are selling Boston Butts for $25 each. If you would like to place an order, see one of the choir members or call the church office. Distribution/pick-up will be Friday, October 7th—Please save your ticket! All proceeds go to the community production. The Children’s Musical for Ages K-5th grade will be meeting on Wednesday Nights at 6:30 to practice. He is ABLE to meet your needs … are you ABLE to serve HIM? UpcomingEvents:: - Bro. Derrick F B C’s Searching for No Men’s Breakfast In September Paid Nursery Workers Happy Labor Day! For Sunday & Wednesday Services Anyone interested, please contact the church office or the children's committee. Call 1-888-Jesus-2011 Music Notes (888-537-8720) Page 2 Page 3 Childrens Learning Center & Daycare Kids Church Age: 4 yrs - 5th grade Sunday 10:30am AWANA (Starting soon!) Age: 3 yrs - 5th grade Sunday 5:30pm Kids Choir Wed. Nights 6:30pm Our new school year is underway. We are looking forward to a great year. Grandparents Day is set for Thursday, September 8th. This will be a fun day for Grandparents or special buddies to come and eat and see the children’s classrooms. CLC Each day remember us in prayer that we will be role models for each child at our center. Lord, I lift up my child to you and ask that you bring godly friends and role models unto his or her own life. Give my child to wisdom he or she needs to never compromise his walk with you in order to gain acceptance. (The Power of a praying parent—Stormie Omartian) In Christian Service — Cindy Turner Hello FBC!, . Summer is coming to an end and school has started again. The summer has been great in our Youth and Children ministries. Youth camp at Covenant College and Kid's Camp at Camp Whispering Pines both full of the Spirit. Looking forward to the fall for some cooler weather and some greats events planned for our young people. Coming up in the future are fall festival, Trunk or Treat, Fifth quarter after the football games and lots more so stay tuned for coming announcements and join us as we reach people for Christ. In Christ - Greg Hrinsin, Pastor of Students and Children TUESDAY EVENING September 13that 5:30 pm Wednesday Night Suppers are Back! Join us starting at 5:30pm For a time of food and fellowship before we feed our souls with God’s word. Join us as we celebrate our heritage of faithful service and a tribute to all the saints that have gone on to before us and those still serving the Lord. Family, friends, neighbors - All are invited to this day full of former pastors, guest speakers, music and good old Southern Baptist cooking. A special offering will be taken for the Church Building fund. Worship Service: 10:15am Covered dish lunch: 12:15pm followed by more singing. ‘The life of all flesh is the blood” Lev 17:14 125 Years of Faithful Cooking “Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord thy God which he has given thee” Deut 16:17 Cookbooks on sale now! All Citronelle area churches are challenged to donate blood. Lets show Mobile county how mighty we can be! Please sign-up so we’ll have supplies to meet the donations. More info - See church office. * Proceeds go to Church Building Fund. * Serving: Alabama, Florida & Georgia Locally: Providence Hospital, Springhill Hospital, USA Health Systems, infirmary Health Systems Life South is a Non-Profit Organization—this is not a paid ad. $20.00 Topurchase purchase yours, yours, please To pleasesee see Rhonda McNees, Loretta Rhonda McNees, LorettaWade, Wade, PennyPlatt Platt or or the the Church Penny ChurchOffice. Office. Need Spiritual Help? In Memory of Ira Smith Donations Building Fund and Others Mr. & Mrs. Beverly Platt Mr. & Mrs. George Rowell Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rowell Mr. & Mrs. Ranell Presanell Mrs. Joyce Graves Mrs. Emily Jo Anderson Rev. & Mrs. Johnny Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Slay Mrs. Alma Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James Massey Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Boothe In Honor of our Military In Memory of Fannie Welford Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rowell Mrs. Gladys Walker Mr. & Mrs. George Rowell Rev. & Mrs. Johnny Tucker Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Slay Mr. & Mrs. Ranell Presanell Mrs. Alma Johnson Mr. & Mrs. James Massey Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Boothe In Honor of Bob Hovatter & Jack Barnett Meinhardt Farm Inc. In Honor of Tim & Julie Lee, Joe & Kathy Brannon, Joe & Debbie Giles Mrs. Gladys Walker In Memory of Ethel Gatlin Mrs. Gladys Walker In Memory of Fannie Mae Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Renny Odom In Memory of Mary Masson Mr. & Mrs. Ranell Presanell In Memory of Dora Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Ranell Presanell In Memory of Luther Giles Birthday Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Giles In Honor of our mothers Addie Mason & Jessie Lee Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Mason In Honor of Mrs. Alma Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Phil Platt In Memory of Jessie Lee Mr. & Mrs. Ronnie Lee In Memory of Wayne Bellew Haven of Hope Mt. Ver non . Home for Women The Haven has several PRAYER REQUESTS to help them function and continue their ministry to the women and children that come to stay with them. White twin sized bed sheet sets White bath towels, wash clothes and hand towels Kitchen Linens (towels, pot holders, aprons) White square table clothes 12oz. Commercial grade drinking glasses Bath rugs Shower Curtains Large food storage containers (1 to 5 gallon) Pillow & Blankets Twin Mattress covers Door mats Large sized pots and pans Kitchen utensils Dish Sets All types small kitchen appliances Hand soap dispensers Garden tools and hoses Laundry baskets All office equipment Digital Cameras Two-way radios Rocking Chairs - for rocking babies Pressure Washer Mr. & Mrs. James Bellew In Memory of Gilbert Flores Carole Reid For more information please call Jeannie at the Haven of Hope 649-5108.
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