steuben - Corning Museum of Glass
steuben - Corning Museum of Glass
STEUBEN HOLIDAY GIFTS 2 0 0 2 • NEW P EACE O N EARTH H O LID AY OR NAMENT Angelic form s encircle th e ea rth with a message of peace, love and joy for all seasons to come. Taf Lebel Schaefer 2002 Diameter 3 Il4" $g5 8948W SP EC IAL HOLID AY OF FE R A trio of holiday cheer' Three Peace on Earth Holiday Ornaments for $260. Offer ends 1 2/3 1 / 0 2. N ot valid with any other offers. Must be shipped to some address. 2 • EW H ouo Y O R AMENT G I FT SET Silver apple, golden pear Acom, mighty oak to beai: Pinecone treasures from its tree Nature's noblest tapestry. T his collecti on of Steuben orn aments pays homage to Na ture's bountifu l offeri ngs. Each is a re-introduction of a classic Steuben design, individ uall y wrapped and packaged as a charm ing collector's set. Steuben Design Team 2002 Approx. length 3" $soo 8953W Limited to an edition of 500 sets. HOLIDAY BELL 0R 1 AMENT Joel Smith 200 I Height 4" $g5 each 8922W Available in red or white ribbon . SPECIAL HOLLDAY OFFER A trio of holiday cheer' T hree Holiday Bell Ornaments for $260 . Offer ends 1 2/3 1/02. Not valid with any other offen. Must be shipped to smne address. ste11be11.C011l 5 • N E W ARCTIC FI S H ERMAN, SP EC IAL EOlT!O (opposite) Arctic Fishemwn is an important design honorin g J ames H ouston's lifetime of achievements both in his own art and in bringing pro perity and recogniti on to Inuit people. Acquiring this special , solid 18 karat gold limited edition marks th e culmination of H ouston's life work and allows a select few coll ectors the chan ce to share in thi s tribute. lames Houston 200 2 Height 6 rlz" $g,900 0556W r 8 karat gold Red leather case Black illuminated base Numbered and limited to an edition of 40. TRO T & FLY The tro ut's characteri sti c iridescence is refl ected within th e glea m of carefu lly placed bubbl es, skil lfu ll y trapped beneath a second laye r of glass. James Houston 1966 Height 8" $J,zoo 1002W 18 karat gold 6 • EIV MOUSE & CHEE SE Retu rning to the Steuben line is the clas ic Mouse & Cheese. One of Jim Houston's persona l favorites , this whimsical design is approp ri ately re-introduced on his 40th anniversary with Steuben. A Steuben Heritage Re-introduction James Houston 197s Height 4" $5,000 1202W r 8 karat gold 2002 N11111bered and limited to so examples in ste u.ben. com 2002 and roo examples in 2003. 7 • E\V FROG P R I 1 CE In fo lk so ngs and fa iry ta les, frogs ta ke th e ro le of lover, o ften as a prince transform ed by a magic spell. T his heritage Steuben design, first crea ted by Lloyd Atkins in 1973 is crafted entirely by hand . A Steuben H eritage Re-introduction 2002 Lloyd Atkins 1973 H eight 6" $6,ooo 1 203 W 18 kamt gold Numbered and limited to 50 exam ples in 2002 and roo examples in 2003 . r . Boo.STEUBEN 8 HE A RTHSTO NE COLLECTION D esigns mea nt to echo feelings of times past-a place far from th e madding crowd-a place that warms the spirit. The reAective properties of glass create th ese stu nning three-dimensional images from a few precise cuts in th e crystal. WEL C OM E HOME Eric Hilton 2001 Width 4 J/4" $800 892 I w Wt NTE R CHUR C H Eric Hilton 2001 Width 4 J/4" $800 8932W SP EC IAL HOLIDAY OFFER Welcome Home and Winter Church for $1 ,500. Offer ends 1 2/3 1/02. Not vnlid with nny other offerr. Must be shipped to snme address. SN WFLAK Taf Lebel chaefer 200 1 Width 3 J/4" $250 each 8929W 10 • NE\V CAT H EDRAL C R OSS Eric H ilton 2002 H eight 4 3/4 " $745 895 6W • NEW CROSS Paul Schulze & Tom Hejfenrnn H eight 2 r/2" $4 00 8943 W 2002 II ME NO RAH OF LI G HT Joel Srnith I 999 Length 9 3/4 " $ 1,500 8852W Marble base, silver plate • NEW STA R OF D AV ID STA R OF D AV ID Taj Lebel Schaefei- 2002 Width 3 J/2" $245 8952W May be personalized at an additional cost. Paul Schulze & A lice Koeth 1993 Height 2 J/2" $400 8686W 1. 800.STEUBEN 12 O LD EN A N EL Taf Lebel chaefer 1999 lleigh1 7 r/4" $goo each 8853 W 18 karat gold vermeil LOV I N A .EL Tnf l.ebel chaefer 2000 Width 6" $4 50 each 89 1 r W s1eubeu.co111 13 • N E W WITH LOVE Joel Smith 2002 H eight 4 dz" $soo each 8933W May be personalized at an additional cost. F OREVER MORE Eric Hilton zoo r Length 3Il2" $4 ooeach 89 r4 W May be personalized at an additional cost. • NE\V AMER I CA T H E B EAUT I FUL In designin g this sacred emblem, E ri c Hil ton carved a strong, solid representati on made fluid with an undul ating form and its magical abili ty to refl ect light throughout th e design. Eric Hilton 2002 Length 5 Il2" $795 893 6W Optional black granite base $ 150 2930 W Base may be personalized at an additional cost. • E\V AM E RI CA Eric Hilton 2002 Length4 3/4 " $150 89 61 W Optional black granite base $ s o 293 I W Base m ay be personalized at an additional cost. • N £ \V SHI N I NG STA R Spi ra ling upwa rd in a burst of energy and li ght, thi s sculpture represents heights yet to be reached and gu idance to those in its luminous path . H and-fo rm ed, each Shining Star is uniqu e. David Dowler 2 oo 2 H eight 7 I/2" $745 8947W Optional 6" black aluminum base (not shown) $85 2923W Base may be personalized at rm additional cost. I. 800.STEUBEN 16 EAGLE EAGLE James Houston r964 Wingspan 12" $850 8 r30W Optional base $zoo 2902W Base may be personalized at an additional cost. L/oydAtkim r985 Width 4 114" $450 8496W Optional maple base $70 2925W Base may be personalized at an additional cost. TORCH OF STRENGTH APPLE Taf Lebel Schaefer 200 I Angus McDougall 1940 H eight 4" $400 7874W H eight 8 114" $600 89r8W Mahogany base may be personalized at an additional cost. SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFF ER A pair of Apples for $750. Offer ends r 2/3 1/02 . Not valid with 1my other offers. Must be shipped to same address. steuben. com 17 STAR-SPANGLED B A NER David Dowler 1991 Width 6" $z,250 8623W T/Valnut base may be personalized at an additional cost. 18 STARL I G HT Dan Mehlinan 200I Width 3 Il4" $JOO each 8920W May be personalized at an additional cost. • NEW GOLF B ALL STAR S & STRIPE S D esigned to scale, the three-sided base of Steuben's Golf Ball is perfect for an inscription. Our sym bol of independ ence and freedom holds meaning for people around the world. Joel Smith zoo 2 H eight 3 I/2" $z 50 each 8960 W May be personalized at an additional cost. Peter A ldridge 2001 Width 3 Il2" $400 Steuben. com 89 15 W 19 STAR STREAM Two strea min g, sparkling sta rs are linked by a trail of shimmerin g li ght, refl ectin g the bond between two entiti es. Each Star Stream is hand -formed and th erefo re unique. Neil Cohen 1988 Height 5 1/4 " $650 8567W 1. 800.STEUBEN 20 FLOW ER VASE (opposite left) The entwined glass at its base requires enormous skill from our glassworkers. George Thompson 1942 Height 8 l lz" $600 79 13W May be personalized at an additional cost. 0 LIV E DI SH (opposite center) First unveiled at the 1939 World's Fair, this classic bowl features the scrolled glass bit for which Steuben is renowned. Joh n Dreves r939 Diameters rlz" $400 7857W HELLE N I C URN (oppositeright) The scroll handles on this handsome vase must be shaped with skill and agi lity. Robert Cassetti l 99 o Height 9 r/2" $1,200 8592W MINT B OWL T hree hand-formed scrolls provide th e support for this delicate bowl. David Dowler 2000 Diameter 6" $400 8888W 22 • EW HERITAGE SCROLL PL ATE A Steuben H eritage Re-introduction 2002 George Thompson 1952 Diameter 8 rh " $695 894 6W N umbered and limited to an edition of 500. --- SM LL ORBIT BOWL Joel Smith 2000 Diameter 6 Il4" $400 8908W ORBI T B O WL J oel Smith 1999 Diameter 8 3/4" $650 8849W steuben. co111 23 R OSE VASE George Thompson 1959 Height 1 1 Tlz" $goo 8090 W 1. 800.STE UBEN 24 CA MED I M SKYLI E DLESTICK II (left) Height 13 1h" $800 8901W C L ARGE SKYL I NE NDLEST I CK I (center) Height 16 J/2" $900 8902W SMALL SKYLI E CANDLESTICK III Height 11 " (right) $700 8900W David Dowler 2000 $z,200 set 8903 W ll 25 TEARDROP Buo VASE David Hills r949 H eight 8" $350 7989W May be personaliz ed at an additional cost. LYRE VA S E Lloyd Atkins 1962 H eight 7 3/4" $so o 8113W May be personalized at an additional cost. 26 • NEW M OUNTA I L I ON P o ised as if to po unce, th e muscu lar fo rm s, in terplay of convex cu 1-ves and asymm etry o f th e mo untain li o n lend to the imm ediacy o f th e d sign. Trrf Lebel Schaefer 2002 Length 3 3/4 " $150 8963 W D O VE Joel Smith r999 Length 7 J/4 " $500 ench 8846W ste11be11 .co111 27 • E\\' AMER ICAN EAGLE H AN D COOLER • NE\\' P ANDA H A TD COOLER Stands fo r ratriotism, freedom and co urage . Height 3 ii{' $ 195 each 5545W Represents success in business. Height 2 J/2" $ 195 5546W D OVE H AND COOLER CAT H AND COOLER A symbo l of uni versa l peace. Length 3" $ r95 5532W To ensure a happy marriage. Width 2 J/2" $ r95 5520W H ARE H AND COOLER T URT L E HA For good fortun e and longevity. Length 3" $ t 95 5543W Em bod ies strength and patience. Length 3 J/2" $ 195 5542W D COOLER I . 800.STEUBEN 28 • NEW AFRICA Z E BR AS Steuben glassworkers use diamond wheels to ca refully cut by hand th e massive shape of Mt. Ki lima njaro out of perfect crysta l. Dashi ng forward is a herd of startled zebras, engraved by copper wheel. J ames Houston 2002 Width 11 " $ r5,ooo Red leathe1- case 0555W Numbered and limited to an edition of 2 5. steuben. com 29 • EW M O TH ER G IR AFFE (left) Height r6 • NE IV i/2" Y ou NG Height 12 i/2" $1,400 8949 W G I RA FFE (right) $ 1,600 8950W A youn g giraffe's curi osity draws its moth er's pro tecti ve attenti on. Steuben 's newest add itions to its beloved anim al collecti on are entirely hand - form ed. Each sculpture is a one-of-a-kind masterpi ece th at artfully ca ptures th e grace and bea uty of th ese elega nt crea tures. Taf Lebel Schaefer 2002 Pair $J,900 8954 W 30 GAZELLE BOWL T his Art Deco pi ece, Steuben's first major engraved design, is currently in the permanent collection of several major museums including The Metropolitan Museum of Art in ew York. Sidney Waugh 1935 Height 6 3/4 " $30,000 0053W Red leather case EXCAL I BUR T his magnificent wo rk is highly decorati ve as a sculpture, o r remarkabl y fun cti onal as a paperweight and letter opener. James Houston r963 Height 8" $3 800 IOooW Sterling silver, r 8 karnt gold Sword may be personalized at rm additional cost. 1 ste11ben.co111 32 CITY L I G H TS: MANHATTAN David Dowler & Robert Cassetti r995 Width IO" $7,500 I 167W Granite base may be personalized at an additional cost. C US TOM ER S E RV I CE Steube n 's com mi tme nt to exce ll en ce also m ean s a commitm ent to providing exceptiona l custome r service. To simpli fy your sho pping, Steuben also o ffers rush shi pm ents, ove rseas deli very (a t an additional cost) and gift certificates. H OLIDAY CUSTOMER S E RV I CE H OU RS Beginning November 1, 2002: Monday-Friday, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm EST Sa turdays an d Sundays, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm EST T hanksgivi ng Eve, Wednesday, ovember 27, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EST C losed T hanksgivin g Day, T hursday, November 28 Open Christm as Eve, Tuesday, December 24, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm EST C losed C hristmas Day, Wednesday, December 25. Beginning December 26, 2002: Monday-Sunday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm EST To ensure Chri stm as deli very via our sta ndard Federal Express 3-Day Service, please place you r order by Wed nesday, Dec. 18 by 3:00 pm EST T he last order date for C hristmas de livery via overnjght service is Monday, Dec. 23, by 3:00 pm EST STOR E LO C.\T I 0 :'\' S F L \ c; S 111 P STORE Co R :'\' I :'\'< ; R ETA I L 667 .\l adison Ave nue at 6 1st Street New York, 1\'Y 21 2 . 752 . 14-+I or 800.42.+.42.+0 One Museum Way Corning, 1\'Y 607. 97.+ . 858.+ or 800.42.+.42.+0 Also available at: Neiman i\larcus Bergdorf Good man The Brea kers J.E. Caldwell & Co. Atl anta, GA; Bal H arbour, FL; Beachwood, OH; Beverly Hills, CA; Boston, MA; C hi cago, IL; Cora l Gables, FL; D allas , T X; D enver, C O ; H onolulu, JU; H ouston, TX; M cLea n, VA; Minnea polis, M N; Newport Beach, CA; Palo Alto, CA; San D iego, CA; Sa n Fra ncisco,CA; Scottsdale, AZ; Short Hills, 1\'); Troy, MI; Washington, D C . New York, 1\rY Palm Beach, FL Ardmore, PA; King of Prussia, PA; Philadelphi a, PA; Princeton , NJ ; \ Vi lmington, D E C arlyle & Co. D avid .\1. Brian El izabeth Bruns, Inc. Gearys T he G reenbri er Halls L.\'. Harkness & Co. The League Shop Lee ,\lichae ls Fine J ewelry London J ewelers Louis Anth ony J ewelers Lux Bond & G reen M arshall Field 's ,\liss Jackson 's O .C. Ta nner Park Promenade J ewelers Perlman Fine Jewelry Pi tt Petri Schwarzschild J ewelers Shreve, Cru mp & Low G eorge \ \'atts & Son, Inc. Lucy Za hra n & Co. Asprey London, Ltd. Lane Crawford ,\ !eister J uwelier \ \',1ko Co., Ltd . Durh am , NC \ Va lnut C reek, CA; G reenbrae, C A C harlotte, NC Beverly Hills, CA White Sulphur Springs, \ VV Kansas C ity, MO Lexington , KY Grosse Pointe Farms, 1'11 Baton Rouge, LA; 1\1etairi e, LA; Sa n An tonio, TX East H ampton, 1\'Y; ,\1anhasset, 1\'Y Pittsburgh, PA G reenwi ch, CT C hi cago, IL; O akbrook, IL; Skoki e, IL; Edina, M N T ul sa, OK Salt Lake C ity, UT; Park City, UT O rl ando, FL Geneva, IL \\'illiamsvi lle, 1\'Y Ri chmond, VA Boston, MA; C hestnut H ill , .\IA ,\1ilwaukee, \\1 Los Ange les, CA; Costa Mesa, CA London, Un ited Kingdom Ca useway Bay, H ong Kong Zurich, Switzerl and Osaka, J apan; Tcikyo, J apa n © 1001 Corning lntorpomted Prices sul!iect to change. STEUBEN Prsrt STD US Postage One Steuben Way Corning, NY 14830-2265 Change Service Requested PAID STEUBEN
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