Multi day hikes
Multi day hikes
Multi day hikes The Kaiserkrone. Wild and free. This five day hike from hut-to-hut is one of the loveliest multi day hikes in Tirol. from hut-to-hut. The „Kaiserkrone“ takes you on a five day hike along old paths around the Wilder Kaiser massif. The mountain rules loftily over the Sölllandl valley but is inviting at the same time, rugged yet mellow. On this hike from hut-to-hut you pass rugged rock faces, cool forests, deep lakes and verdant pastures. You are surrounded by The Kaiserkrone 3 days’ hut-to-hut hike The Eagle Walk St. James Way fantastic views on the way round the Kaiserkrone, from Chiemsee to the Grossglockner and from the Rofan mountains to the Hohe Tauern range. This tour is a unique journey in a mountain world full of tales and legends, a chance to discover the varied facets of this spectacular massif with its impressive fauna and flora. Lynx Summtoitget the Collecting stamps online. Collect the Kaiserkrone and 3 days’ hut-to-hut hike digital walking badge with Summit Lynx (DetailsPage 29) 2 the way Crown Kaiser’s dge ba g in walk smart on your . e n o ph THEMEs Kaiserkrone overview Kaiserkrone stages 1–5 3 days’ hut-to-hut hike Tour planning The Eagle Walk – Adlerweg St. James Way – Jakobsweg Multi day hikes 4 8 18 20 30 31 3 a c e en -Nordgipfel 1915 Lärcheggspitze n be ler Wint iss Prostko 1219 Mautstelle h erstel gra Sc hn ap Gasthof, Pension Griesenau Griesenau t a Te u f e l Teufelskapelle l Tröglgrabenhütte Lärcheggalm sga s Teufelsgassenalm Steinstadl Ruppertsau Reitberg Predigtstuhl Spr a t lergraben b Koh b K n R inn en hgrab w a lc S t ra ß Totenkirchl tal r e n Sprissleralm n Engelbach ra ng An Aschenbrennerhaus Stripsenjoch 1577 Jagabründl Brandkogel 1411 a Mi ai Stripsenjochhaus s i a K Su zgrab l en n l erta Jäg Weinberghaus 4 b ser Fischbachalm 856 Griesener Alm 1024 l achta e Ebmah se itterndorf Taxköpfl Brentenjoch 829 Stripsenköpfl 1500 t d 1807 Stripsenkopf Anton-Karg-Haus (Hinterbärenbad) 936 Hans-Berger-Haus (Kaisertalhaus) Hörfarterkapelle ke Kohlenberg 1362 c Waldkapelle Gamskogel 1449 r g b e Feldalmsattel 1433 rü Moosbeerkopf 1183 Vorderdux K i e n b a ch raben oi Duxer Köpfl B Längegg ngrab pe Foischingalm n g 1053 Granderalm Tr r tal e al Klaushütte b Vordere Ranggenalm ent s Hintere Ranggenalm 1284 Tristecken 1710 bär m 1813 Feldberg be a 0 100 Feldalm Ropanzen 1572 1511 Wiesenalm Einwall gra G Hechleitalm a t n e r ä Feldalmer G l Dickichtkapelle pa c h (S Kerneckhütte ms Kai s ba er a Scheibenbichlberg Schneebichl 1470 Kleinbären t rc h en ba c h) l s le n Obere Scheibenbichlalm Ga parchen r Hinterkaiser K Hochalm 1402 Stei Hofinger Alm Tischhofer- Veitenhof höhle bere- N a e 1000 Antoniuskap. i Kohllahnerkopf 1556 Kohllahnersattel Kaiserquelle oß in B au Teufelskanzel 802 o d 94 1200 en Ramstalalm s Gr ufstein-Nord Schottergrube 1203 Rogerkopf 1138 Rogeralm c h be S Eichelwang se E 45 0 Feistötzalm Hinterberg Astau Heinzern Innerwies Faulern Pfarralm 1129 Grandneralm The five day tour with each stage ranging between eight and sixteen kilometres appeals to classic mountain hikers. G r Totensessel 1746 2116 en lof Bo de n 0 Kreidegraben Reiterer 176 Steinberg Kreideboden Leerberg 1212 1035 16 190 0 00 a 00 l 18 b. 17 0 200 am 0 00 00 120 Birgl Lulg 00 2000 00 el er en 20 200 799 uk Ma Kleine Halt 20 ink r W rab er G h ac 0 n 1000 We a sg L os ac 11 00 n 900 800 Ta n n b i c h l g r Hausbach 1000 900 aben Sin 700 ne r erb Sill Mühlberghof Niedermoosen Ellmau Bergdoktorhaus Widauer Au- Wander Info Ritterhof Stangl Stanglwirt Go i n ge Dorfwirt Nottenberg h l a c h Ried am Bichlach Linderbrand BichlachStadion Vorderhautzenberg 2000 m 1800 m Stage 4 Eberhartling 1600 m 1400 m 1200 m 161 1000 m Wiesenschwang 800 m 600 m 30 40 Haslach rA ch e Apfeldorf Stage 5 Weiberndorf rA c r r r r r r r `30 - 35 hours •Going, Hüttling 20 Season: depending on snow levels, from the beginning of June until mid-October. Requirements: Surefootedness and a head for heights Parking in Going: Public car park next to the fire station (free), car park at the Badesee lido (limited spaces, free) sb er 50 65 km You can find detailed information to plan your hike (access points, alternative routes, tips, GPX-Tracks etc.) on the-kaiserkrone The area hiking map Wanderkarte Wilder Kaiser (1:25.000) is available in Ellmau, Going, Scheffau and Söll tourist offices. Multi day hikes 0 c l a 0 14 0 0 130 0 120 en 110 hgrab Sa h ac h eb ch Reith We ih Se ba e b ac h 10rrr a ch ele üh zb Kit rr r r r rr r r r r 0 3 days’ hut-to-hut hike r r r r r he R ei t h e r A c he iß a c er ng n te i 4 We he Ha rtk ais erb ah n We f mp ta The Kaiserkrone (5 days) r r r r r r r Bre gr Söll Aig e ab n ch Naber *1,813 m highest point B e r g l e h e n in Hochschwendt Schadl ahn Fallbichl Hauning Heis en Kaiserstube ˜5,000 metres FitnessParcours Kle grab Fritz Gabelhof Stage 3 ba Hollenauer Achen Kreuz Sölln Hollenauer Ginsberg A s t b e r g Alpenpanorama Bergkap. Harmstätt Kreuz Hüttling Hochlechen Kirchbichl Reinache Wald- Rerobichl Sonnbichl 1068 Schneiderbergkopf UnterGaux Franzlhof park Blumberg er Dorf hollenau Faisten Wittberg u Rübezahl Alm Saunagarten UnterTreichlhof ng Oberndorf Hausleiten1214 Koller Griesbach Dorfbichl astberg Waldpoit1267 Au Gänsleit in Tirol Schösser Weißachgraben stube Lackneralm alm Astberg SonnenPlatten PirchKerschhacklModereralm 1140 Brenner Alm alm Blattlalm Rudl Neualm Schmiedalm Bach mooser Kap. Schröttberg Holz Wand Schleichalm moos Ötz Plattenteich Asten hfilzer Dech AhornUrschler Pirchmoos Grasser Geers- Waldhof see Ledereralm -Niederalm f Stein Berger Sonnschwendt Fuchslueg bichl Winkel Egg Adler Jägerhütte OberfaistnerUnterfaistnerObere Neualm Wies Hexenalm W Schwaiglerkogel AnzenFrauenwalden at 1415 -Hochalm Brand 1308 berg sc Stampfanger Bauernalm 1277 Auhof Röschl- Oberegg Rosenhof -Hochalm he Brandlalm Bergrestaurant Boden Nieringerwald Wald Raintal Hexen- Unternb Schweigler berg Bergkaiser Grutten Schnait ac Hauning KiKo Söll bar Lierstätt Hartkaisersee Hof niering Hirscheralm h Lindental Hartkaiser FröschlUnteregg TiefenKöpfing moos Steinbergalm StampfangerHühneralm Witzl bach 1555 Ellmi’s Penzing Brandstadl Ranhartalm ggenhof Wimmau Bergrestaurant Kathen Brantl Zauberwelt Oberhausberg kapelle Greiln Trattberg 1650 Brandlstadl Steinbruch Unterobhaus Rudorfen r S 1200 1549 Haus Kaiserwelt Rumel Eisenmann 916 946 1279 Harschbichl Sauereck Aukogel Hartkaiseralm Tanzbodenalm Wölzer Kohlhofen 00 00 Fallbichl Kleinlehen a 10 1175 Blaiken 11 B. 1130 Foisching Hausermühle 1571 GadenRueppenalm S Has l i n g er Tanzbodenteich SchwaigMarchentallzlalm Steinerbach Gadenrain Rettenberg Grübl Seilermeister hausen Gruberhof Ried a. Horn 1517 alm hofalm Bromberg ch Salvenberg rb Zimmerau n Humer1292 Höcken r 876 a e Rain Salvenmooser Kogel be bichl Lindner Riesberg 1996 ra Leiten 1238 Saukogelalm Kummereralm talbach Schmalau W e i ß a c hg Höhenangeralml Mittelfeld Hochsöll Foidinger Walswegen en Waching Au-Niederalm Streitberg h Kitzbüheler Horn c lv Salvenmoos r Höhenanger1 Hörpfing en Ma Jochstub´n 50 Hasenberg 00 bei Kitzbühel 1996 1140 au kreuz Warm- BreitenBrummeralm Saukogel 18 0 0 Oberlehen See Botenalm Stöcklalm 170 HasenbergAlpengasthof Hochsöll bach berg Schnapfl ˙5,000 metres Brand Sperten Lindern StageAchental 1 Stage B i 2c Almdorf 761 Buchberg Reisch . rB Ebner Going am Wilden Kaiser ergb Astb erg Marienkap. Wagstätt Pramakapelle Blattlhof Alexandra straße F a i s t e n Gasthof Au b i Café Bettina Oberleiten c h 910 l Prama Rieder !65 km ch Auwinkl Hasenberg Golfplatz Wilder Kaiser Golfrestaurant rA n d ba Weingrub Hausbach Steinerner Tisch R ei t h e Barnleiten Koasastadl Blaiken e le Bärbichl Bavaria Moorsee Ellmauer Hof ach Hatten Egg Schattseite Bocking Bocking Öd Stockach Rückstegen Waldegg e nb 173 178 Ralser Schwarzach Endfelden W ei ßa c he Wilder Kaiser Wolfsegg Blattlkapelle üh Waldhof Ti ef Goaßhitt’n Pölvenau Pölven Moorsee Blaiken Neuhofen Haberland Oberstegen Oberachen bäckerei zb 1000 00 Achleitnerberg Stegen Blaiken E 641 e Rie 800 00 10 R e h b a c h k l a m m 0 b. Ste he id 130 12 900 Wurzach Erlach u 900 g sc 1000 k 12 00 1200 e 130 00 t n be 0 160 200 00 15 l Medium . 10 nb 1500 0 150 un 150 0 0 1800 Br 00 10 K it a StraßwalchsJhtt. he B 2116 2190 Mitterkaiser2123 2192 Kleines Fleischbank 2186 Hintere2011 Griesner Tor 2121HintererHintere- Ellmauer Hauptgipfel Tor 2281 -Goinger Halt -Gamsflucht Fritz-Plaum-Hütte -Karlspitze 2260 2242 VordererVordereVordere2039 2121 Kleinkaiser Kopftörl 2058 Törlspitze Köpfl 220421 2028 Ackerlspitze 2329 Ho fe r Grün or be Ta r tt e nd r S t The average walking times (without breaks) are between n Sch 1106 Schaukäserei Gamskarköpfl arl Unteraigen Wilder Käser ing Gam 2040 5 and 8 hours per day. The s Hautzenhof Kaindlhütte kar ka Gamshalt 2291 Hotel Kramerhof 1293 Steinbergalm r Sonneck Pointen Ellmauer Halt Jagdschlössl Wiesberg 5 path is of medium difficulKopfkraxen W i l 1998 d e 2260 r K a i s e r Cafe Pension Hautz ach 2344 2178 i sb Winterkopf Unteranger Gasteig Hackenköpfe Maukspitze Ga e ty (red), has six different Schusteralm Rote Rinnscharte 1226 1097 kar 2231 2125 Schattern H o ch e g g ies 2171 Kleines Törl Schnee Hackeralm Duregg Im Kübel rgr Regalpspitze Kaiserkopf Stausee tte 1470 u entry and exit points and 2106 Bicheln M H o ch g r u b a ch Sonnenstein 1312 757 n 2253 Köllenbergkopf Huberhöhe 2111 rabe 1714 KaiserTreffauer 1199 2304 Altmoserg Zettenkaiser 1968 Scheffauer numerous huts along the 1748 1620 Hochalm Walleralm Jägerbrünnl 11077 Gamskögerl Multerkarwand Gruttenhütte Höl 977 Zettenkaiserkopf Grübler Kaiser lent 1586 Bacheralm Hautzenalm Tuxeck Gruttenkopf algraben Veitskirche r g route, what facilitates a very 1584 1609 Ackerlhütte a 2225 2 Einödalm Kaiserr g r Metzgeralm Wilderer Kanzel eue -Niederalm Gaudeamushütte ch s flexible and individual route G 1263 BaumBergsteigergrab Lourdesgrotte gartenalm -Hochalm Gscheuerkopf Steiner-Hochalm GraspointIn der Hochat Köllenberg Ursulakreuz Schatterberg 1572 Granderalm 1313 (nur Getränke) Hochalm Gmailkap. Kaiseralm 1280 K r u m m b a ch Lenggries Litzlfelden Ellmauer Reher planning. We recommend Brennender Palven Obere Regalm 1274 Schmiedl egg Gamsstein (Baumgartnerköpfl) Steinkreis WegscheidStiegenbach1257 SteinerGrüblerschrofen Einsiedelei Gmailköpfl Diebsöfen N i e d e r k a i s e r Hölzentalalm St. Annas t e i n ng wasserfall Maria Blut booking the overnight stay r Niederalm Aßmann Kummerstein Grotte MärchenKaiser-Niederalm Sa t e d wiese ndt WochenNiederalm n nwan Bichl Grüblern St. LeonhardSaubichl 1085 brunner Alm a Moo directly with the huts in adHinterSchönbichl Riedlhütte i g e Eibergkopf Niedere i 892 Rummlerhof l R e tt e n Josefshütte Kapelle 1224 Burgwiesen schießlingalm Regalm 3 H b 1196 Wildgehege Bärnstatt 1089 Seestüberl Maurern Lamperer hg w. Buchauer vance. Experienced alpinists Schöss H i n t e r k a i s e r Hintersteiner See r Schwentling Mautstelle o abe Maier Alm Graspointlm Beinstingl Goingstätt Treffern Hütt Niederalm 1095 Stein Waldeck Se 998 Hüttlingberg Hagenhof eb Schießling Jägerwirt Niederhofe looking for a challenge can Steinerhof Bärnstetten Steiner . ng Steinerberg Scheibelberg 1028 Biedringer Platte h Kaisern Grünberg Hinterstein ac b. r 770 b 1106 Mitte build the harder alternative Greidern e u Moor & More TannbichlAu 1048 Grub Ma 1034 BerglandRömerhof kapelle Leitenhof Gaisberg 1 GranderGrub Tischleralm Hüttling Weitau siedlung routes, impressive summits Achleitner Kogel b e r g G r e i d e r n enter höfe Recher Haflingertränke Röhrermoos Scheffau Aschinger1226 882 Ötting Vögelhof Rettenbach am Wilden Kaiser kapelle Klettergarten Hoheneiberg or a transition of the Kaiser Wildschwendt Oberbürg S o n n s e i t e Achleiten Einaten Buchau Felbenhof Bacherwirt Föhrenwald Streithausen Biedring into their Kaiserkrone itinHoadSt. Johann WiesenBaumHorngach Brenn- Riedling Fluggberg Bürg JohannesNieder- hof kapelle gartner hütte in Tirol Spital Seebach Ellmauer Kaiserbad scheffau Achleiten Auwald Endtal Lengfeldalm Gassen A s c h a sub kapelle Vierstadl Am Kögei Café auf der Weitau erary. . Mühlpoint Schwendt Wimm Föhrenhof Niederachen Trattenbach Badesee Going Erlberg Rosemarie Koasache lkg ob 7 1 l Kaiserkrone Stage 1 Going, Hüttling → Obere Regalm → Brennender Palven → Gaudeamushütte → Klamml → Gruttenhütte l Medium !8 km ˙1,250 metres ˜450 metres *1,620 m highest point `5 hours •Going, Hüttling Inns along the way: Graspoint Niederalm T: +43 (0) 664 88690750 [email protected] (open... depending on the weather) Obere Regalm T: +43 (0) 664 1309164 [email protected] (open... depending on the weather: Wed, Sat & Sun 9:30 – 17:00) Gaudeamushütte U T: +43 (0) 5358 2262 [email protected] huetten/gaudeamushuette N No dogs allowed Gruttenhütte U T: +43 (0) 5358 2242 [email protected] N Dogs allowed in rooms, not in dormitory 8 Experience the rugged rock faces close up and enjoy the best Kaiserschmarren! Start in Going, Hüttling (840 m). Forest track 817 leads over Graspoint Niederalm and onto the Wilder-Kaiser-Steig path 827 as far as Obere Regalm (1,313 m) over alpine pastures and up to Brennender Palven (1,572 m). The climb up is rewarded with stunning panoramic views, this is where the famous Bergsteigergrab is – the grave of the famous local mountain climber known as „Koasamuch“. The path 824 then drops down to the west and to the Gaudeamushütte (1,263 m) where the Leichtfried family tempt you with their delicious homemade desserts. Weary legs can have a respite and relax here at the first overnight stop, otherwise the hike continues along the trail 824/813 towards the Gruttenhütte (approx 1 – 1 ½ hours) via the Klamml gorge. The narrow trail through the steep gorge is secured with a ladder and iron clamps (be careful of falling rocks from hikers ahead on the via ferrata). After several bends, you reach the Gruttenhütte (1,620 m) with a lovely sun terrace and view over the Ellmauer Halt (2,344 m). Enjoy the amazing view as far as the Grossvenediger while indoors, pork is roasting in the wood stove. The Kaiserkrone Up close to the Kaiser – by the Regalm Tip for mountain adventurers: The Klamml Klettersteig (via ferrata) for those experienced on fixed rope routes. The bottom section is graded B/C and the upper section has parts, that are graded D and a spectacular 12 m long two rope adrenalin pumping bridge in the middle (only to be climbed with helmet, climbing harness and via ferrata set) Bergsteigergrab Gruttenhütte Graspoint Niederalm Going, Hüttling 0 1 2000 m 1800 m Gaudeamushütte 1600 m Obere Regalm 1400 m 1200 m 1000 m 800 m 600 m 2 3 4 5 6 Gruttenhütte 8 km 9 2 l Kaiserkrone Stage 2 Gruttenhütte → Kaiser-Hochalm → Steiner Hochalm → Seeweg → Lake Hintersteiner See (West bank) l Medium !13.5 km ˙550 metres ˜1,250 metres *1,620 m highest point `6 hours •Gruttenhütte Inns along the way: Steiner Hochalm T: +43 (0) 664 1757986 (drinks only) Gasthof Bärnstatt U T: +43 (0) 5358 8113 N Dogs allowed Bauernhof Beinstingl U T: +43 (0) 5358 8394 [email protected] N No dogs allowed Café Restaurant Seestüberl U T: +43 (0) 5358 8191 [email protected] N No dogs allowed Pension Maier U T: +43 (0) 5358 8203 N Dogs allowed Pension Hagenhof U T: +43 (0) 5358 8204 N Dogs allowed Bauernhof Goingstätt U T: +43 (0) 5358 8202 N No dogs allowed 10 Harp playing, fresh buttermilk and cool refreshment for tired feet! Head west from Gruttenhütte along the farm track 14a then join the track marked Wilder-Kaiser-Steig (WKS) 823. Enjoy the fantastic views as you walk through fragrant mountain pines and wooded slopes below the Kaiser peaks of Treffauer and Tuxeck. The wildly romantic Kaiser-Hochalm (not tended) is an ideal photo stop. Continue along the WKS 821/823 to the Steiner Hochalm (1,257 m), where the innkeepers Maridi and Peter serve drinks (no food) accompanied by spontaneous harp playing and singing. The next stage of the journey continues down the high path 821 towards Bärnstatt to the chapel St. Leonhard Kapelle. There are two overnight possibilities for the leisurely hiker (Gasthof Bärnstatt and Bauernhof Beinstingl) or you can follow the road along to the Café Restaurant Seestüberl on the east bank of lake Hinstersteiner See. Other welcoming beds at the end of stage 2 (Pension Maier, Pension Hagenhof or Bauernhof Goingstätt) you will find on the west bank of the crystal clear mountain lake – just follow the idyllic path 822 around the lake. Lake Hintersteiner See Wilder-Kaiser-Steig Steiner Hochalm Gruttenhütte 0 1 The Kaiserkrone Cool tip for hot days: Lake Hintersteiner See. The turquoise crystal clear mountain lake offers a welcome cooling dip for tired feet. The lake is fed from an underground spring producing high quality water, what enables a 10 metre underwater visibility. The lido on the eastern bank is the perfect place to recover from a strenuous day’s hike. 2 3 4 2000 m 1800 m 1600 m 1400 mSteiner Hochalm Pension Maier, Bärnstatt, Hagenhof, Beinstingl 1200 m SeeGoingstätt, stüberl Hintersteiner See 1000 m 800 m 600 m 5 6 7 8 9 10 13,5 km 11 3 l Kaiserkrone Stage 3 Hintersteiner See (West bank) → Walleralm → Kaindlhütte → Bettlersteig → Anton-Karg-Haus → Hans-Berger-Haus → Stripsenjochhaus l Medium !15.5 km ˙1,600 metres ˜1,000 metres *1,577 m highest point `7 hours 30 mins • Lake Hintersteiner See (West bank) Inns along the way: Walleralm T: +43 (0) 664 9858139 Kaindlhütte U T: +43 (0) 664 1686568 [email protected] N Dogs allowed on request in one room Anton-Karg-Haus (Hinterbärenbad) U T: +43 (0) 5273 62578 [email protected] N No dogs allowed Hans-Berger-Haus (Kaisertalhaus) U T: +43 (0) 5372 62575, T: +43 (0) 676 5802000 [email protected] N Dogs allowed on request € 4,– only one dog per night Stripsenjochhaus U T: +43 (0) 5372 62579 [email protected] N Dogs allowed in rooms, € 5.– 12 Hike through the extensive nature reserve of the Kaiser mountains, which is just celebrating fifty years since its creation. Behind Pension Maier the forest path 45 leads up to Walleralm alpine pasture and hut. Continue along path 827 to the cross on the Hochegg (1,470 m). The path takes you across grassy meadows to the cosy Kaindlhütte (1,293 m) on the idyllic high plateau of Steinbergalm. Leisurely hikers can spend a relaxing afternoon here and also have the opportunity to plan an extra overnight stay. Path 827 leads eastwards to the Bettlersteig – Beggars track – which snakes steeply down, mostly in steps and over 8 dips with a section secured with cable and three iron clamps, into the Kaisertal valley and the Anton-Karg-Haus (829 m). This hut nestels picturesquely in a basin above the Hörfarter chapel. Continue along the footpath 96/901 to the Hans-Berger-Haus (936 m) with its mountaineering library and Silvias’ (innkeeper) organic cooking. Then path 801 becomes quite steep compelling attraction as you go past clumps of dwarf pines up to Stripsenjochhaus (1,577 m). The view of hundred metre high rock walls from the saddle at the foot of the Totenkirchl and Fleischbank, is an overwhelming one. The Kaiserkrone Kaindlhütte Anton-Karg-Haus Tip for mountain adventurers: Crossing the Ellmauer Tor. Experience the compelling attraction of Wilder Kaiser with its imposing rock faces steeped in history by crossing over the massif from north to south. You can find further details of this alternative route on the-kaiserkrone. Hans-Berger-Haus 2000 m 1800 m Stripsenjochhaus 1600 m Kaindlhütte Walleralm 1400 m Pension Maier, Lake Hintersteiner Anton-Karg- Hans-Berger1200 m See Haus Haus 1000 m 800 m 600 m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15,5 km 13 4 l Kaiserkrone Stage 4 Stripsenjochhaus → Stripsenkopf → Feldberg → Scheibenbichlalmen → Griesenau → Gasteig l Medium !16 km ˙650 metres ˜1,450 metres *1,813 m highest point `7 hours •Stripsenjochhaus Inns along the way: Gasthof Pension Griesenau U T: +43 (0) 5352 64180 [email protected] N Dogs allowed Hotel Gut Kramerhof U T: +43 (0) 5352 6901 [email protected] Cafe Pension Hautz U T: +43 (0) 5352 64136 [email protected] N No dogs allowed Frühstückspension Hautzenhof U T: +43 (0) 5352 64137 N No dogs allowed Hotel Gasteiger Jagdschlössl U T: +43 (0) 5352 64532 [email protected] Bauernhof Einödhof U T: +43 (0) 5352 64440 N No dogs allowed 14 Magnificent views from the Kaiser to lake Chiemsee. Follow path 82/825a northwards and keep west towards Stripsenkopf (825a). After a short section with secured rope and iron clamps to help your step, head east at the next fork along the normal path. The viewing pavilion at the Stripsenkopf (1,807 m) offers breathtaking views of the Kaiser peaks, on a clear day you can even see as far as the Chiemsee to the north. Further along the ridge, past the „Frankenländer Nadel“ you reach the Feldberg (1,813 m), with a stunning view of the Ellmauer Tor. Carry on to the Obere Scheibenbichlalm and take the forest track 76, with some shortcuts, down into the Kaiserbachtal valley. Follow the asphalt road to the east, if the water is low enough you can cross the stream after about 100 m and walk along forest path 801 to Griesenau (otherwise just keep on the asphalt road). Gasthof Griesenau, which doesn´t only offer excellent trout and comfortable rooms, is a heaven for tired hikers. If your legs still have a bit more power, you can carry on to the end of the stage by turning to the south in front of the first house before the main road and heading towards Gasteig with several overnight possibilities (approx 1 – 1 ½ hours). The Kaiserkrone Stripsenjochhaus View towards the Inn valley Tip for the tired and hungry: public bus and exhibition dairy. To rest tired legs you can catch the bus for the last part from Griesenau to Gasteig and visit the exhibition dairy „Wilder Käser“. Details to opening hours and bus schedule (bus nr. 4,000) you can find on the-kaiserkrone. View towards Steinerne Rinne 2000 m 1800 m 1600 m 1400 m Einödhof, Gasteiger Jagdschlössl, 1200 m Hautzenhof, Pension Hautz, Gut Kramerhof, 1000 m Griesenau Gasteig 800 m 600 m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 km Stripsenjochhaus 15 5 l Kaiserkrone Stage 5 Gasteig → Wilder-Kaiser-Steig → Ursulakreuz → Gscheuerkopf →Graspoint Hochalm → Graspoint Niederalm → Going, Hüttling l Medium !11.5 km ˙950 metres ˜850 metres *1,380 m highest point `6 hours •Gasteig Inns along the way: Graspoint Niederalm T: +43 (0) 664 88690750 [email protected] (open... depending on the weather) 16 Varied paths, soft forest floors and all the while with a view of the mighty Maukspitze! From Gasteig follow the signpost to Niederkaiserkamm. Take the path nr. 8 through the woods and bear left at the fork in the path. Passing the Rodelhütte, Bacheralm and Metzgeralm keep heading for the Niederkaiserkamm, after several curves take the path to 819 on the right. Walk uphill through the woods until you reach the Wilder-Kaiser-Steig (WKS) 823, follow this through a section secured with steel ropes and iron clamps westwards to the Ursula cross and take in the magnificent view. Heading down the WKS over several steps and then uphill to the Gscheuerkopf (1,280 m). The track is secured with steel ropes and iron clamps and is exposed in parts then carries on over soft forest floors to a pleasant pasture landscape. Follow the forest path and track 819/824 past the Einödalm and the Kaiser Niederalm to the Granderalm (none of these huts are tended). Track 819/824 leads northwards past the Schleier Waterfall and the Graspoint Hochalm at the foot of the Maukspitze. Then take path 817 southwards and walk over the Graspoint Niederalm to Going. Ursulakreuz: view towards Kitzbüheler Horn Niederkaiser View towards Ackerlspitze Gasteig 0 The Kaiserkrone Tip for mountain adventurers with a good head for heights: The descent down the approx 6 m long ladder passes by the unique natural spectacle and well known climbing arena of the Schleier Waterfall. Further descents to Going and details to this alternative route can be found on the-kaiserkrone. 1 2 3 4 2000 m 1800 m 1600 m 1400 m 1200 m 1000 m 800 m 600 m 5 6 7 Graspoint Niederalm Going, Hüttling 8 9 11,5 km 17 1-3 l 3 DAYS’ HUT-TOHUT HIKE This hike is a shortened version of the Kaiserkrone, ideal for a long weekend trip. It leads from Going to Lake Hintersteiner See then over the Walleralm and Jagersteig to Scheffau. From there you can return to your starting point with „KaiserJet“, the free hikers and bathers bus. Stages 1 and 2 are the same as the Kaiserkrone. (Pages 8 to 11) Stage 3: Hintersteiner See (West bank) → Walleralm → Jagersteig → Steiner Hochalm → Hinterschießlingalm → Rehbachklamm → Scheffau, Village l Medium !11 km ˙800 metres ˜1,000 metres *1,333 m highest point `5 hours •Lake Hintersteiner See (West bank) Inns along the way: Walleralm T: +43 (0) 664 9858139 Steiner Hochalm T: +43 (0) 664 1757986 (drinks only) Hinterschießlingalm T: +43 (0) 676 3274850 [email protected] 18 Plentiful views and nature experience, homemade specialities and wild water! Behind Pension Maier you will find the forest path 45, which leads up to the Walleralm at the foot of the Zettenkaiserkopf where you will have stunning views as far as the Inn valley. At Walleralm turn on to the Jagersteig 823 (Wilder-Kaiser-Steig). The path meanders mainly through cool woods and leafy glades with views over Lake Hintersteiner See and heads south eastwards to the Steiner Hochalm (1,257 m) and further to the Hinterschießlingalm (1,020 m). Soak up the tranquility at the foot of Scheffauer, the beautiful panoramic views and the homemade specialities prepared by the Steiner family. The way back down to the valley and Scheffau passes through the glorious Rehbachklamm gorge. Return to your starting point in Going by the free bus for hikers „KaiserJet“: Multi day hikes Hinterschießlingalm Tip for sporty mountain enthusiasts: Summit the Scheffauer Walk from Walleralm to the Kaindlhütte and climb up the Widauersteig to the summit of the highest of the western peaks in the Kaiser mountains, the Scheffauer at 2,111 m. hut-to-hut Musical: Steiner Hochalm Rehbachklamm Walleralm PensionMaier, LakeHintersteiner See 0 1 2 3 4 2000 m 1800 m 1600 m 1400 m 1200 m 1000 m 800 m 600 m 5 6 Steiner Hochalm Hinterschießlingalm Scheffau, Dorf 7 8 9 11 km 19 Good to know! Orientation, degree of difficulty and hiking with a guide. How to find the path? The Kaiserkrone route is signposted with special stickers (a white crown on a blue background). Kaiserkrone You can find the GPS-Tracks on the internet: Who is the Kaiserkrone suitable for? Hiking paths are basically divided into three classifications: Hiking paths (easy), Mountain paths (medium to difficult) and Alpine Routes (very difficult). All stages of the Kaiserkrone are of tours of medium difficulty (red mountain path) Definition according to the hiking and mountain path concept of Tirol province: 20 „Mountain paths of medium difficulty (red) are often narrow and steep and can be exposed in parts. They can include secured sections where it is advantageous to use the hands for additional support. These paths should only be attempted by sure-footed, hardy hikers who have alpine experience and are suitably equipped for the mountainous terrain. The appropriate signs are coloured yellow and indicate the difficulty with a red dot.“ Route planning The Kaiserkrone with a Guide? You haven´t much experience of long distance hikes and would like some extra security on the route around the Wilder Kaiser massif? Then complete the Kaiserkrone with a certified mountain or walking guide from the region. As well as the additional safety in every situation, you will be spoiled with many fascinating tales about the areas and people along the way. Free from the organisation and difficult decision making you can concentrate on the beauty of the tour. Arriving by train The best starting point for train travellers is Kufstein. It is about half an hour from Kufstein station to the bottom station of the Kufstein Kaiserlift. The new one man chair lift takes you quickly up to Brentenjoch, then it is an hour’s walk to the Kaindlhütte which is on stage 3 of the Kaiserkrone. The first night is spent at the Stripsenjochhaus and five days later the Kaiserlift can be used again to get back down to Kufstein. Attention passionate hikers: It is particularly worthwhile to use the services of a certified mountain guide for difficult alternative routes, climbing summits and tackling the via ferrata. You can find all contact details on mountain-guides Tip: Use the mountain taxi to Going/Hüttling, the starting point of the Kaiserkrone and the 3 days’ hut-to-hut hike. Stadttaxi Ellmau T: +43 (0) 5358 3912 21 Properly prepared? What you should take with you on a multi day hike. Clothing: →→ Sturdy hiking boots with ankle protection and a nonslip treaded sole. →→ Breathable outdoor clothing appropriate for the weather over the next few days. We recommend the light, quickdrying clothing made of merino wool by ORTOVOX which remain odour resistant for several days eg. Merino Cool print short sleeve „friendsheep“ Addtional equipment: →→ Walking poles (Telescopic are recommended) →→ Sun protection (Sunglasses, sun cream and lip balm, headgear) →→ Rain protection (Poncho, folding umbrella, Rucksack cover) →→ Against the cold (Hat, gloves!) →→ First aid kit including space blanket and bivouac bag →→ Mobile phone with full battery and charger →→ Hiking map and information, route description, GPS (optional) →→ Overnight kit (Hut sleeping bag, toiletries, comfortable shoes, change of clothes, towel etc.) →→ Personal medication (Ear plugs, headache tablets, blister plasters, magnesium tablets etc.) →→ Cash (Most huts do not accept credit or debit cards) →→ ID, insurance, (eg. alpine association membership card) 22 Route planning Packing tip: Pack clothing, hygiene articles, medication, food etc. in different colour bags →→ Head lamp/small torch (also for in the huts) →→ Camera, binoculars →→ Batteries →→ Penknife →→ Plastic bags for rubbish and laundry →→ Possibly diary/trip record, playing cards etc. →→ Pack enough provisions for the whole trip, muesli bars, nuts, dried fruit are perfect snacks →→ Don’t forget to take enough to drink on each of the stages (at least 1.5l) How should I pack my rucksack? The weight of the rucksack should not exceed a quarter of your own body weight. Heavy articles should be packed near your back and around the middle of the rucksack. Make sure that the rucksack is not packed lopsided. Pieces, which you may need frequently, should be placed at the top the rucksack or in side pockets. 23 Tips for your safety. © Österreichischer Alpenverein, 2014 (These recommendations were internationally agreed by the members at the 2012 AGM) The Wilder Kaiser is fascinating with stunning views, unusual rock formations and gentle pastures. When you are hiking you feel the effect of the weather a lot more than you do down in the valley. Good planning and adhering to important codes of conduct in the mountains greatly increase your safety. For a safe hike around the Kaiserkrone please follow the Austrian Alpine Association’s 10 recommendations for safe hiking in the mountains Correct conduct in the mountains 1. Health in the mountains: Mountain hiking is an endurance sport. Good health and a realistic evaluation of your own condition are preconditions for the activity to have a positive effect on the heart and circulation. Avoid time pressure and go at a speed that none of group gets out of breath 2. Careful planning: You can get information about length, height difference, difficulty and current conditions from walking maps, guide books, internet and experts. Always make sure the tour is suited to the group. Pay particular attention to the weather forecast as rain, wind and cold can increase the chance of accidents. 3. Adequate equipment: Make sure your equipment is suited to your venture and keep the weight of your rucksack down. Protection against rain, cold and sun should always be in your rucksack as should a first aid kit and mobile phone (European emergency number 112). Map or GPS facilitate orientation. 4. Suitable footwear: Good walking boots protect the foot, are comfortable and help towards being surefooted. When choosing walking boots make sure they fit well, have a slip resistant treaded sole, are waterproof and lightweight. 5. Being surefooted is the key: Falls as a result of slipping or stumbling are the most common cause of accidents. Take into account that going too fast and tiredness have a big effect on your sureness of foot and concentration. Beware of falling rocks: by walking mindfully, you can avoid kicking off loose stones. 24 Route planning 6. Stay on marked paths: The risk of losing your orientation, falling and rock fall increases in unmarked terrain. Avoid shortcuts and if you stray off the path return to the last known point. Steep patches of snow which have been lying for some time are often underestimated and dangerous. 7. Regular breaks: Timely breaks are good for respite, appreciating the countryside and socialising. You need to eat and drink to maintain energy levels and concentration. Isotonic drinks are ideal thirst quenchers and muesli bars, dried fruit and biscuits stave off the hunger pangs. 8. Responsibility for children: The most important thing for children is variety and a playful approach. In sections where there is a risk of falling, one adult can only watch over one child. Very exposed tours that need long periods of concentration are not suitable for children. 9. Small groups: Small groups are good for flexibility and enable mutual assistance. Make sure you let a trusted person know your planned destination, route and return, keep together in the group. Solo hikers should beware that even small incidents can lead to serious distress situations. 10.Respect for nature: To protect nature in the mountains: Don’t leave litter, avoid noise, stay on the marked paths, do not disturb wild or grazing animals. Do not disturb plant and respect protection areas. On arrival use public transport or car share. 25 Do I need insurance? What to do in an emergency? Planning, self-evaluation and provisions are the most important factors for safety in the mountains. Again and again hikers are suddenly left asking themselves „what now?“ when an unexpected storm comes on or slight accident happened. Mountain operations and rescues are not free of charge. Arranging mountain rescue insurance in advance (eg. Europäische Reiseversicherung, or as member of the Alpine Association, ÖAMTC or ADAC) means, that the rescue costs up to a certain limit will be paid by the insurance. Beware: regular health insurance does not pay for rescue from alpine distress. Emergency call: 140: The number for the Tirolean mountain rescue is 140 (no dialing code) Reporting an accident: 1. Where has it happened? 2. What has happened? 3. How many people injured? 4. What injuries? 5. Who is reporting the accident? Don’t hang up until told to do so! No reception? 1. If you have an emergency but no signal, turn your phone off and back on again. Instead of the PIN number enter the European emergency number 112. This number works with every network provider free of charge (even without roaming) 2. If this doesn’t work, find a better more exposed point and keep dialing 112 3. Make your presence known by calling, banging or light signals, every 10 seconds for a minute then pause for a minute etc. Tirolean Mountain Rescue emergency app If you have a smart phone, download the Tirolean Mountain Rescue App before you set off on your tour. It helps when sending an emergency call and automatically notifies your position. You can download the Tirol Mountain Rescue Emergency App free here. 26 Frankenländer Nadel Route planning 27 POWERWOOL Collecting stamps online. The digital walking badge from SummitLynx! UNSER ROBUSTESTER MERINO-MIX If you use the free SummitLynx app to collect points along the Kaiserkrone or the 3 days’ hut-to-hut hike, you don’t just get a digital walking badge but also a souvenir* of your hike full of experiences in the Wilder Kaiser. With the SummitLynx app you can also make your own virtual summit book. Checkin by GMS on every climbed mountain in the world and SummitLynx the way to get share your achievements with the Kaiser’s your Facebook friends. Crown walking *available from the tourist offices in Ellmau, Going, Scheffau und Söll. FOTO Hansi Heckmeier Online stamping points along the Kaiserkrone: →→ Graspoint Niederalm →→ Stripsenjochhaus →→ Obere Regalm (Tavonarokreuz) →→ Bergsteigergrab →→ Stripsenkopf →→ Gaudeamushütte →→ Feldberg →→ Gruttenhütte →→ Obere Scheibenbichlalm →→ Kaiser Hochalm →→ Gasthof Griesenau →→ Steiner Hochalm →→ Bacheralm →→ Lake Hintersteiner See →→ Granderalm (lido) →→ Graspoint Hochalm →→ Walleralm 3-Tage-Hüttenwanderung: →→ Kaindlhütte →→ Hinterschießlingalm →→ Anton-Karg-Haus →→ Scheffau Village (bus stop) →→ Hans-Berger-Haus MERINO MOUNTAIN PANTS (MI) SHORTS VINTAGE CARGO 28 Erfahre mehr über den Ursprung unserer Wolle auf badge on your smart phone. Route planning 29 The Eagle Walk “Adlerweg” The outline of the tirolean long distance hiking route symbolises the wings of an eagle, as the name suggests. St. James way “Jakobsweg” A pilgrimage is a holiday for the body, soul and spirit and a path to oneself. The Jakobsweg leads through the Kaiser villages along the valley. The eagle, symbol of freedom and independence, range and strength circles majestically high over the tirolean mountains. You get the same sublime feeling when you hike along Tirol’s Adlerweg. The routing stretches over 410 km crossing the whole of Tirol and East Tirol. The first three of the 33 in total stages lead through the imposing Kaiser mountains from St. Johann in Tirol over the Gaudeamushütte and the crystal clear Lake Hintersteiner See to the fortress town of Kufstein. Jakobsweg are paths, on which pilgrim throngs have already been walking traceable along over centuries. The Jakobsweg mostly follow valleys and their exact routes are always changing according to political (eg. war) and geographic (eg. flood, rockfall etc.) factors. The history of the Jakobsweg is also a part of the history of Tirol. Signposted with the symbol of a shell, the Jakobsweg leads through the whole of the Tirol from east to west and further into the neighbouring countries. Several inns along the route have specialised in catering for needs of the pilgrims that walk the Jakobsweg. Your can find detailed information on or on You can find further details on or on Up close to the Kaiser 30 The map Hiking along the Eagle Walk which includes all the important information about the stages and overnight possibilities is available at Wilder Kaiser Tourist Board. Multi day hikes Going church sweg unter Auf dem Jakob wegs durch Tirol. The Jakobsweg Tirol brochure includes all the important information about the stages and overnight possibilities and is available at Wilder Kaiser Tourist Board. 31 Tourismusverband Wilder Kaiser 6352 Ellmau · Dorf 35 Tirol · Austria T: +43 (0) 50509 F: +43 (0) 50509 190 [email protected] Wien (380 km) Salzburg (80 km) Wilder Kaiser Innsbruck (80 km) München (120 km) CZ SK D HU CH I Wien (380 km) Salzburg (80 km) Wilder Kaiser Innsbruck (80 km) München (120 km) SL CZ SK D HU CH I SL München Kufstein A12 Wörgl Innsbruck Söll Salzburg Scheffau St. Johann in Tirol Ellmau Going Kitzbühel Fieberbrunn Lienz München Editor: Tourismusverband Wilder Kaiser Images: Reiter/von Felbert, Andreas Kranzmayr, Maria-Luise Handl, Marion Salzburg Bichler, MichaelKufstein Thaler, Lukas Krösslhuber, Simon Oberleitner, Roland Schonner, Emanuel Adensam, Ortovox, Norbert Eisele Hein A12 Scheffau Cartography: Alpenwelt Verlag, Bruneck St. Johann in Tirol SöllWilder Kaiser, Bergverlag Eberharter, Jochberg Text: Tourismusverband Wörgl Ellmau Grafic Design: Tourismusverband Wilder Kaiser Going InnsbruckConcept: hœretzeder grafische gestaltung, Scheffau / Tirol Grafic Fieberbrunn Kitzbühel Printer: RB Druck GmbH, Saalfelden Changes, errors an omissions excepted. © 05.2015 Lienz
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