Innovation Takes Off


Innovation Takes Off
Innovation Takes Off
Clean Sky 2 General Information Day
28 November 2013, Lisbon
SAT Transversal Activities
Aniello Cozzolino, Piaggio Aero Industries
Zdenek Mikulka, Evektor
Innovation Takes Off
Small Aircraft Transport
European OEM Market Position
• The European Small aircraft industry has a market
position on the global general aviation and utility aircraft
market both pistons and turboprops (excluding business
jets and new category of Light Sport Aircraft) of around
33% in value (around 5 Billions Euro last ten Years).
Potential Market of Small Aircraft Transport
for the next 10 years 2013-2022*
6. 8 Bln $
14 010 units
20.1 Bln $
6 229 units
*Forecast International Market Outlook
Small Aircraft Transport
High Level Goals
 Multimodality and passenger choice towards Flight path 2050
a. To provide accessible and affordable high speed mode of transport on
European interregional network connections with low-intensity traffic
b. 90% of travelers within Europe are able to complete their journey,
door-to-door within 4 hours
 Revitalization of European small aircraft industry, more competitive EU
 More safe and more efficient small aircraft operation
 Lower environmental impact (noise abatement, fuel efficiency, energy saving
Small Aircraft Transport
OEM R&TD Priority (2020)
HLO Priority  Technology focus  Quantitative target
• Operational Cost Reduction Airframe manufacturing & maintenance cost reduction
Engine acquisition & maintenance cost reduction
Systems HM & More Electric
25-30% on Total Operating Cost
• Safety Improvement  Systems for Pilot work load reduction  10 times fatal accident reduction
(scheduled part135 Operation)
• Cabin Improvement  Noise, Thermal, Entertainment
 80 dbA
• Community Noise  Low Noise propulsion
 -10 dbA (ICAO chapter 10)
Contributing to the ACARE Environmental Target*:
• Reduce CO2 emission by 50%
• Reduce NOX emission by 80%
• Reduce noise perception by 50%
*Impact of Small Aircraft Transport has to be discussed with Technology Evaluator CS2
Small Aircraft Transport
From EC Projects towards Clean Sky 2
Small aircraft
FSW on Fuselage
Low Noise
CleanSky 2
Small Aircraft Transport
Transversal Activity within ITD
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Airframe
• Small Air Transport Overall A/C Design and Configuration Mgt
• Interface & Cross-interaction Management
• Reference aircraft (19 seats small commuter)
• Coordination and execution (aircraft level) of demonstration activity
Reference 19 seats
High level requirements
Evektor –EV55
Demo Activity 3
Demo Activity 2
Piaggio Aero - P180
Platform 3
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Airframe
• Optimized Composite Structures (wing box, engine nacelle)
• Advanced out of autoclave (OOA) technologies
• More automation for low-volume composite production
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Airframe
• More affordable metallic manufacturing (fuselage)
• Optimization of Friction Stir Welding technologies
• Automated metal structures assembling in low volume production
Automated Assembled Fuselage
FSW Assembled Fuselage Barrel
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Airframe
• High Lift Wing (SAT)
• High/Low Speed Innovative Aerodynamic Concept
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Engine
• Develop efficient and low cost/noise propulsion is a key to create a
small aircraft transportation system.
• Small gas turbine technologies (180-650-1500 kW)
• HP compressor techniques allowing higher pressure ratio
• Combustor techniques which can provide NOX emission
• Aero thermal integration of HP turbine
• The integration of the air inlet
• An advanced low noise propeller and control system
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Engine
• Develop efficient and low cost/noise propulsion is a key to create a
small aircraft transportation system.
• Jet fueled diesel engine (200-350 kW )
• Core engine design power/weight density optimization
• Turbocharger design with use of new/alternative materials
• Low noise Propeller adapted for diesel cycles
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Systems
• Affordable health monitoring systems
• IVHM for small aircraft systems/components
• Landing Gear
• Horizontal Stabilizer Trim Actuator
• Improve Dispatch ability
• Faster return to service
• Greater availability
• Avoid AOG
• Unscheduled Maintenance
• Scheduled Maintenance
• Spare Parts
• Warranty
• Support
• Fuel
• Better Visibility
• Reduce logistics footprint
•Fleet management
Piaggio P180 Platform
+Other Platform
Higher Standard of Safety
• Avoid and Mitigate failure
• Flight Operations
• Investigations
• Training
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Systems
More electric/electronic technologies for small aircraft
• High Voltage Generation/Distribution & Batteries
• Low Power De-Icing System
• EMA /E-Brakes for landing gear
270 VDC Generation &
Energy Management
More Electric
E- Brake
Low Power
deicing system
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Systems
• Fly-by-wire for small A/C
• Cost efficient FBW architecture
• Fly By wire Control System FBW Modules (Computing, IO,
Actuators, Power Distribution)
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Systems
• Affordable SESAR operation, modern cockpit and avionic
• All Weather solutions -strategic Wx, CVS/SVS
• EFB/tablet applications & Affordable CPDLC
System Integration Laboratory
Small Aircraft Transport
Research Areas to Address in JTI CS2 –ITD Systems
• Comfortable and safe cabin for small aircraft
• Passive/active noise control
• Slim dynamic seat
• Cabin IFE
multifunctional insulation
Cabin IFE
active noise
Slim dynamic seats
Small Aircraft Transport
• The SAT transversal activity is widely open to participation of Core
Partners and Partners.
• Main expected Core Partners/Partners:
 EU small a/c manufactures
 Small gas turbine/diesel engine and propeller manufacturers
 System supplier manufacturers for small a/c
 Research Centers experienced with small aircraft
 Academic Organization experienced with small aircraft
 other SMEs aiming to be supplier of small aircraft
Further Information
• Leader PoC:
Aniello Cozzolino
Head of Research & Technology Development
Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A.
34, Via Campi Flegrei
80078 Pozzuoli (NA) (Italy)
Phone: +39 081 8676 238
E-mail: [email protected]
Salvatore Mancino
CleanSky Research
Piaggio Aero Industries S.p.A.
34, Via Campi Flegrei
80078 Pozzuoli (NA) (Italy)
Phone: +39 081 8676 234
E-mail: [email protected]
• Leader PoC:
Petr Sterba
Deputy Director
EVEKTOR, Spol. s r.o.
Letecká 1008, 686 04 Kunovice Czech Republic
Phone: +420 572 537 438
E-mail: [email protected]
Mikulka Zdenek
Business Opportunity Development
EVEKTOR, Spol. s r.o.
Třída T. Bati 5267, 760 01 Zlín Czech Republic
Phone: +420 572 537 848
E-mail: [email protected]
Thank you for your
attention !
Innovation Takes Off