AGM Report - Dealey Plaza UK


AGM Report - Dealey Plaza UK
Dealey Plaza UK
Allan Johnson
4 St. Mary’s Walk
Beds. SG19 2JQ
John Wassell
9 Cranbourne Drive
Herts. AL5 1RJ
Hon Secretary:
Stuart Galloway
8 The Avenue
Beds. SG19 1ER
Minutes of the 18th Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 18th January
2014 At The Flying Horse - Finsbury, London @ 1.30 P.M.
Those present: - John Wassell, Allan Johnson, Stuart Galloway, Bill Beadle, Barry Keane, Peter Antill,
Mike Dworetsky, & Adrian Morris
1. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence had been received from: Chris Scally, Alaric Rosman, Jackie Murphy, Mark de Valk,
Ian Griggs, Jean Shields, Russell Ford, John O’Donnell, John Gill, Ricky Rooksby, Allen Peppitt, Joanne
Edgington, and Jason Wilcox
2. Chairman’s Welcome
John opened the meeting by welcoming the 8 members present and thanking them for coming. It had been an
extremely positive year for the Group, in particular the publication of our very own Book, several successful
mini-seminars, the production of three excellent Journals, and the development of the website. Thanks go to all
3. Minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting held on 20th January 2013
The minutes of the previous AGM had been copied to all members in order to save review time at the meeting.
They were adopted as a true record of the proceedings. Proposed: Barry Keane – Seconded: Bill Beadle – agreed
by all.
4. Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
1. 50th Anniversary Remembrance in London – this was very ably arranged by Barry Keane
2. Stuart Galloway had written to all, on several occasions, exhorting members to produce inputs for the Echo
3. Pole of members regarding meetings held to be held outside London still to be undertaken
Barry thanked all those who had attended the 50th Anniversary remembrance meeting in London on 22nd
November. He was very proud to have spoken for the Group as a whole and to be able to remember what JFK
means to us as a great President, his International prowess, and a man who saved the world from a nuclear
holocaust despite extreme pressure from some very dark forces.
Adrian suggested that the remembrance event be scheduled as an annual occasion. This was felt to be an
excellent idea and will be implemented.
Action: Stuart
5. Secretary’s Report
Stuart welcomed those present. 8 members were in attendance as against 11 last Year.
2013 had been the most successful year for the Group, at least since he had joined in 2004. The
enthusiasm and commitment of the members had contributed in so many ways to the success of the
year, showing that we are still eager to discover the truth surrounding the Assassination, to help put
wrongs to right, while at the same time remembering what a great President JFK had been. So much
had gone on during the last 12 months.
Thanks first of all go to the committee for all the support and ideas received from them. In particular
thanks to John Wassell our Chairman, to Allen Johnson our Treasurer and to our membership
secretaries, Peter Antill and Mark Rowe. Mark de Valk had continued to work very professionally as
the Editor of our Journal as has Bernard Wilds our Webmaster. Thanks also go to Barry Keane for
Minutes of Annual General Meeting – 18th January 2014
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having organised the visit to the Kennedy memorial near Warren Street on 22nd November. It was a
very moving and poignant occasion.
The committee had met only once officially (on 10th August) but a lot of on going business is
conducted by e-mail and telephone.
The production of the Book was discussed – its development had been watched with some trepidation
but with Mark Bridger and Barry Keane at the helm, ably supported by Peter Antill where the
publication was concerned, we need have had no worries.
The Canterbury Seminar was reviewed and a lessons learned exercise undertaken to see if future events
can be improved. It was decided to remove the slot for an “Open Forum” unless the need to fill in for a
cancelled presentation arises at the last moment. The mini-seminars seem to be working very well as
individual events throughout the rest of the year.
Possible subjects for the mini-seminars had been discussed Three had been held during the year, one on
Jack Ruby, one on Marina Oswald & Ruth Paine, and the final one on the CIA & Mexico City. The
Bay of Pigs will be the subject of the event to be held in March 2014. (Post Meeting note: now changed
to The Cuban Missile Crisis)
Another issue discussed was how to attract more members to write for the DP Echo and where to look
to other interesting sources for articles.
The DPUK Book – “JFK – Echoes from Elm Street”. So after three years it all came magnificently to fruition.
Thanks in particular to Barry Keane and Mark Bridger for driving it and keeping things on Track and then
editing it. Thanks also to Peter Antill for having arranged for it to be published so successfully. ‘A really
magnificent, well-printed and very professional looking tome. More on how it all came to fruition from Barry
under item 11 of the Agenda.
Canterbury Seminar – very successful and several very complimentary comments had been received from
quite a few folk. It was the first time that three well-known American researchers had presented to us from three
different time zones all in the time frame of one afternoon. Thanks go to them and also to all the speakers from
within our own community. All were magnificent as usual.
James Gordon - Gave us an excellent paper on the Demise of the Single Bullet Theory. In particular the
wounding of John Connally - Looking in depth at the frames of the Zapruder Film, Showing the single bullet
theory would actually have been fatal to Connally.
I sent James a video of his presentation but unfortunately, I have not heard from him since that time.
Paul Brown presented a very interesting paper on the Dal-Tex Building. ‘Who was shooting and from where,
Looking beyond the TSBD at the other buildings in the Plaza as well as the evidence of the shots.
Alaric Rosman – The Mystery of the Walker Bullet (CD573) – 10th April 1963. Looking at the Evidence of the
FBI. Was CD573 the bullet recovered from Walker’s house? Looked at the chain of evidence. How Marina
Oswald had reported that her husband had fired the shot. Suited the Government. ‘Walker’s thoughts on JFK The DPD involvement and records on the subject, showing how the FBI firearms expert had no idea as to what
actually occurred that day.
Larry Hancock – Red Bird Airfield – was Oswald due to go there by bus? - Did anybody investigate who was
trying to leave Dallas? No DPD reports. - Garrison’s investigation did talk to Redbird Tower controller (Louis
Gaudin) – Suspicious plane movement – tried to contact FBI – plane left opposite direction from filed flight
plan. Came back minus one person. FBI did investigate from an announcement on local news – Wayne January
– suspicious of those renting the aircraft – one guy resembled LHO. Plane big enough to have left USA.
Matthew Smith interviewed Wayne January. Exit plans for individuals or a team. ‘Cuba or offshore island?
Matthew had shown Wayne January the FBI report of their interview with the latter - It was not what he had
said. FBI goes off on Jack Ruby, not what January was concerned about. - Strange goings on with the sale of the
refurbished aircraft to Houston Air Services. Cuban involvement?
Jim DiEugenio – talked about his book: Destiny Betrayed – JFK, Cuba, & the Garrison Case: talked about the
Bay of Pigs and the betrayal of JFK by Dulles, Bissell and Cabell. How the CIA still blatantly lies and blames
JFK for the debacle. ‘Hunt’s involvement with Dulles - How the Cubans were made to view JFK as the culprit
in the whole show. ‘Fortune magazine article - Richard Case Nagell, Rose Cheramie affair, Banister and Ferrie
involvement, and Garrison and the Shaw trial. Witnesses who knew Oswald in New Orleans - Detailed account
of Oswald’s life and influence of James Angleton. KGB point of view - LHO found listening device in his sink!
– George de Mohrenschildt and the Paine’s involvement – who were they? Senator Russell always had
suspicions of them. All 3 were CIA - Control of LHO’s belongings in their garage. How Garrison was set up –
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evidence destroyed and Shaw found not guilty. How the CIA destroyed Garrison as a threat to others not to get
involved - Dulles as a conspirator and how he became the most active member of the Warren Commission.
John Armstrong - Harvey & Lee – How the CIA Framed Oswald. John did a question and answer session. He
spoke of his chat with Judith Vary Baker – how people mistook her for Marina. - Sept. 1963 – Marina was 8
months pregnant. When challenged Baker very quickly dropped out of the discussion with John. Two Oswald’s
in the Theatre and how they got there, Tippit’s and possibly Johnny Brewer’s involvement in monitoring the
movements of both Oswald’s.
Chris Scally - The Great Oak Cliff Mystery – What was Tippit doing in Oak Cliff at the time of the
assassination? Conflicting DPD radio transcripts – could not be explained. -Warren Commission interviews of
officers – Murray Jackson’s explanation. Oak Cliff was being drained of support. Chris postulated that the
orders to Tippit and Nelson were apparently genuine.
Ian Griggs – The Dallas Police: The Forgery Dept. – held back for emergencies – responsible for non-fatal
shooting offences (e.g. Walker shooting): DPD Reserve Battalion – rather strange criteria to join – duties – had
to act with a regular officer – details of signals and codes used. Ian gave an excellent impromptu question and
answer session. It was good to see him so laid back and relaxed answering all the questions thrown at him with
aplomb. He is a wealth of information across every facet of the Assassination.
Thanks go to Mike Dworetsky for having again acted as our auctioneer and to his wife, Isabel, for having
procured all the lovely food on the Sunday lunchtime. Thanks also to Allan Johnson for having kept track of all
the money rose during the auction and of course thanks to everybody who contributed the items in the first
place. Details will be highlighted in the Treasurers Report. It was another excellent Saturday evening meal from
the Pilgrims – reasonably priced and, as usual, Pinocchio’s was a superb venue to start the weekend.
It is planned to continue with both this year.
General Points - It is also pleasing to note the on going popularity of the mini-seminars.
It is still disheartening that a few members never bother to respond to any e-mail sent out to them in the name of
DPUK – not even to acknowledge that an event is taking place and attendance is not possible. Hopefully they
still appreciate the content of the Journal.
Concern was expressed at the loss of membership in the USA – what could we do to improve? Mark Rowe
continues to beaver away on the task of recruiting new members and retaining existing ones. It is all down to the
regularity of production and quality of the Journal. Unfortunately we are not able to involve our American
members in any of our local activities.
Thanks go to Bernard Wilds for continuing to act as our Webmaster.
The individual committee members were all willing to stand again in their current posts but any others were
invited to stand for election if they so wished.
6. Treasurer’s Report
Allan tabled copies of the accounts for the year ending 31st December 2013 – a copy is attached to these
The year had begun with £1347 in the bank and had ended with £1824, a surplus of about £477. However, it
should be noted that only two issues of the Journal were accounted for during 2013. The third issue had actually
been published and invoiced during the current year (2014). The cost of printing each issue varies slightly but
normally amounts to about £300 and the cost of postage amounts to about £100. The surplus £477 should easily
cover the latest issue. Allen congratulated those who had sold copies of the DPUK book over in the USA.
£131.43 had been realised.
Auction proceeds from Canterbury amounted to £215, slightly up on the previous year when the sum was £192.
UK Subscriptions and donations had amounted to about £770: USA Subscriptions contributed £215.
The accounts remain in a satisfactory state of affairs and it was agreed that an increase in the cost of
membership would not be necessary in 2015.
The accounts were proposed for adoption by Peter Antill and seconded by Bill Beadle. All agreed.
7. Membership Secretary’s Report
Peter reported that the total number of members who had joined/re-joined/or who are Life members in the UK in
2013 had amounted to 52. One person had intended to re-join and another 4 had failed to renew. Membership
levels remain static but it is hoped that the website will continue to attract more people who are interested in the
case. Peter will send out reminder e-mail to those who have not yet re-joined in 2014. The number of
subscription payments by bank transfer continues to slightly increase.
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8. Journal Editor’s Report
Three issues of the Journal had been produced – one was slightly late and had been published at the beginning
of this month. (Jan. 2014). The quality of the inputs was again excellent but it is becoming more and more
difficult to get members to submit articles. Hopefully, 2014 will again be a successful year for this superb
Mark pointed out that he is currently sending several copies of the Journal to colleges and other places of
learning in an attempt to encourage more interest in the Group.
A discussion ensued around the format of the Journal. The educational/historical aspect of the content is felt
important. Should there be a Kindle style or pdf version? Maybe offer it to members in an electronic format if
they so wish. A hard copy would always be available as well unless a person specifically stated that it was not
necessary. Access through a secure section of the website would be another option.
How can regular inputs to the Journal be obtained? Encourage presenters at Canterbury to write up their papers
afterwards – some contributors achieve this already. Nominate guest contributors – perhaps use Tree Frog.
Submit material that was written some time ago but which is still important and relevant to today. The teaching
of history to succeeding generations is still vital.
It is very important that we continue to produce this excellent Journal.
Thanks go to all those who have contributed articles during 2013.
9. Election of Management Committee.
It was declared that all the existing officers were willing to stand again for election. It was therefore proposed by
Bill Beadle, and seconded by Barry Keane, that each person be re-elected to the post that they held last year.
This was agreed by all present.
The 2014 Committee therefore comprises the following members: Chairman: John Wassell
UK Membership Secretary: Peter Antill
Vice-Chairman: Barry Keane
US Membership Secretary: Mark Rowe
Hon. Secretary: Stuart Galloway
Journal Editor: Mark de Valk
Hon. Treasurer: Allan Johnson
President & Committee Member: Ian Griggs
Committee Member: Bill Beadle
Committee Member: Russ Ford
The meeting was also pleased that Bernard Wilds is willing to continue as our Webmaster.
10. Update on Arrangements for the Canterbury Seminar – 25th/27th April 2014
So far nearly 30 people have said that they would like to attend – an excellent response for this time of year. The
cost of booking Canterbury Christchurch University facilities will be £30 a head. Currently trying to get a menu
from The Pilgrims Hotel for the Saturday Dinner. Joan Mellen is coming to join us for the weekend and has
agreed to give two presentations. Joan has personally invited John Simkin and Malcolm Blunt to come to
Canterbury. Hopefully they will attend the event.
It has been decided not to include an Open Forum in the programme. The very popular Mini-seminars provide
the occasion for open discussion.
11. The DPUK Book – “JFK: Echoes From Elm Street”
Barry reported that he was delighted with the way things had turned out. It has been a four-year task to produce
the book but it is now out in the bookshops and on Amazon. A kindle edition has also been produced. Thanks go
to all those who contributed the chapters. There is a well-structured index and the quality of the finished item is
superb. Thanks go to Peter Antill for having arranged publication. The deadline had been met – published in
time for the Dallas 50th Anniversary visit. Thanks go to Peter and to Russell Kent for having taken books out
there and having sold 18 copies. More copies were needed, really. Finally, thanks go to Mark Bridger for having
driven the project to its successful conclusion. It was a fitting commemoration of the 50th Anniversary from the
United Kingdom.
It was suggested that a copy of the Book be signed by all the authors and then auctioned at Canterbury. Copies
at authors’ price could also be obtained for those members who would like a copy. Stuart will send out e-mail.
Action: Stuart
Barry finished by saying that the whole project had been a fitting tribute to the enduring memory of JFK.
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12. A Second Book
There is a vast amount of material from past Journals, which is buried in the archives. All of it is available
through the Mary Ferrell website. It might be feasible to call upon this material in order to turn it into a second
book to be published by the Group. Many who are new to the case over the past decade or so would not be
aware of much of the research that has been undertaken. Future generations need to be educated. There was
nothing original on TV over the time of the 50th Anniversary. The large media establishments will gaily turn out
the propaganda fed to them by politicians and intelligence agencies, but do not seem to want to consider
publishing any of the serious research undertaken during that time.
It was agreed that we should wait and see how well the recently published book sells and then make a decision.
13. Annual Achievement Award
After some discussion it was agreed that the Annual Achievement Award would be opened up to the whole
Group and voted upon. Barry kindly agreed to produce the trophy as he has done in past years.
14. Date of the Next AGM
This was set for Saturday 17th January 2015 at 1.30 P.M. in The Flying Horse –
Finsbury, London
The meeting was declared closed at 3.15 P.M.
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