first consultative meeting of “challenge
first consultative meeting of “challenge
APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND ..................................................................................2 FINDINGS OF CONSULTATIVE MEETING – 15th DECEMBER 2012 ..................................3 SESSION 1- INTRODUCTORY SESSION ........................................................................3 SESSION 2- PRESENTATION ON POPULATION BEING A HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE ......................................................................................6 SESSION 3 - PARTICIPANTS’ DISCUSSION ...................................................................6 SESSION 4: KEY RECOMMENDATIONS AND WRAP-UP ..............................................9 ANNEX A-LIST OF PARTICIPANTS .............................................................................11 ANNEX B-AGENDA....................................................................................................12 ANNEX C-GLIMPSES OF CONSULTATIVE MEETING ..................................................13 1|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign FIRST CONSULTATIVE MEETING OF “CHALLENGE JOURNALISTS FORUM” INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND According to the Population Census of Pakistan we have an estimated population of 181.68 million people1. The majority of this burgeoning populace lives in abject poverty. It is not a surprise, therefore, that Pakistan ranks poorly on the Human Development Index (HDI) scale2. Parallel with this Pakistan’s health indicators are some of the worst in South Asia. It is second only to Afghanistan in its infant mortality rate (IMR) and has among the highest Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in the region (higher than India and Bangladesh), with one mother losing her life every 20 minutes during childbirth. The current scenario makes it highly improbable that Pakistan will achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) related to IMR, MMR and under 5 morality rate (U5MR) by 2015. . These bleak facts were shared by Dr. NaeemuddinMian at the First Consultative Meeting of Challenge Journalists Forum in Islamabad. The forum, under the aegis of “APNA Pakistan- Advocacy for Population & National Advancement” met on the 15th of December 2012 at Islamabad and involved seasoned journalists and media practitioners from prominent news outlets. “APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement” is a National Advocacy Campaign which aims to generate sustained political will and commitment within the current and future governments for universal coverage of family planning services to manage the population growth and the social and economic development of the country. The campaign, funded by UNFPA, is being implemented by a Contech International led consortium, which includes CRS (Communications Research Strategies Pvt. Ltd.), 1 As of December 2012 th st Pakistan ranked 145 in the Human Development Index (HDI) in the world in 2011, falling from 141 place in 2009 2 2|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign JHUCCP (Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs), CCPPakistan (Center for Communications Programs Pakistan), and Adetude. CRS is engaged as the advocacy partner in the consortium. FINDINGS OF CONSULTATIVE MEETING – 15thDECEMBER 2012 SESSION 1- INTRODUCTORY SESSION CEO CONTECH, Dr. NaeemuddinMian, a renowned Health Specialist, delivered a comprehensive presentation highlighting issues related to rapid population growth in Pakistan. The huge gap which the country was facing in terms of providing its citizens with basic quality amenities,including education, water and sanitation, health services and other social sector services was due to overstretching of our resources. Unless we address the issue of population as a priority there is a grave danger that as a nation we would not be able to take benefit from the potential of our large young population. The resultant increase in poverty would not only be reflected as lack of income but also the lack of power, participation, dignity and access to basic services. According to Dr.Mian, maternal and child health and birth spacing are challenges in Pakistan’s existing socio-economic context. Facilities providing comprehensive reproductive health services are limited at the primary care level and one out of every four women has an unmet need for contraception – the highest rate in the region. Misconceptions about birth spacing, as advocated by 3|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign selected religious ulema, make the task further difficultof unmet need for contraception. Other challenges include dearth of human resource, commodity security, monitoring and evaluation, financial constraints, weak linkages with other sectors and most importantly inconsistent political will and commitment. APNA Pakistan is a National Advocacy Campaign on Population and National Advancement which aims to build political will and commitment by engaging the media as a key influencer to: Influence political leadership; and Raise awareness and bring about behavior change among the masses. It is believed that change will only come by adopting a top-down approach. Through this the will of political leadership and commitment to the cause will be gained, followed by engaging the planners, managers and service providers in devising policy to accommodate positive change and also involve in service delivery of the same. The effects of that will then trickle down to communities and households, who will then gain awareness on the issue and begin to challenge existing norms regarding birth spacing. 4|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign Dr. NaeemuddinMian cited many communication challenges and information gaps regarding Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) behaviors, including diversity, cultural barriers, mass media penetration and reaching out to women behind walls. He defined the strategy of APNA Pakistan to tackle the issues as illustrated in figure below. Dr. Mian elucidated on the course of action that APNA Pakistan will take, including forming a network or coalition of Journalists (a working group of challenge journalists), strengthening linkages (with population advocates and journalists), establishing a resource center (content and knowledge store), influencing political leadership and communities through innovative ways, and thus increasing the quality and quantity of media coverage on population and development. In the end Dr. Mian urged the participants that it’s time to take action. Saving a mother’s life will be translated into ensuring a better upbringing for her childrenwho in turn would meanto contribute in national development and prosperity. 5|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign SESSION 2-PRESENTATION ON POPULATION BEING A HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGE Dr. HumaHaider, Public Health Specialist from CONTECH delivered a presentation on how the increasing population of Pakistan poses a health and development challenge. Key issues discussed were birth spacing, population growth rate, contraceptive prevalence rate, unmet need for contraceptives and the opportunity for demographic dividend. Dr. Huma stated, Pakistan is currently the 6th largest country in the world and the 3rd largest contributor to global population. It is estimated that it will be the 5 th largest country in the world by 2050, with a projected population of 450 million people. According to Dr. Huma, 68 percent of families in Pakistan do not use contraceptives, while a mere 32 percent use some form of birth control. She also defined what “unmet need for birth spacing was” and elucidated on the reasons and consequences of unmet need. Dr. Huma then provided an overview of the benefits of birth spacing, which she summarized as: “Meeting the need for birth spacing will have widespread impact, affecting families, communities and economies, not to mention individual health and wellbeing!” SESSION 3- PARTICIPANTS’ DISCUSSION Session 3 of the meeting was participatory and involved participants’ feedback on key issues. Fahd Husain, a veteran Journalist, facilitated the session and asked participants following three key questions: 6|P a g e the APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign 1. How many participants feel the issue of population (and birth spacing)should be a national agenda in the news cycle? 2. How do we make it an issue? 3. How can this issue be brought on to the national agenda? In response to the above, below are questions asked during the session and their summarized answers: Q1: How many participants feel the issue of population (andbirth spacing) should be a national agenda in the news cycle? The panel agreed that the issue is of paramount importance and must be made a national agenda. The media, especially television, can play a vitalrole in this regard. However, the superficial nature of television poses a significant challenge as” breaking news”and day to day developing stories are far more eye catching for the viewers and therefore producers and anchors both pay far less attention to social issues prevalent within the country. Q2: How do we make reproductive health and birth spacing an issue and ensure that the media gives it coverage? Issues need to be packaged in the language of television. They need to be sensationalized. Q3: How Do We Make a Story Out of an Issue for the Television? We can make any story out of an issue by following some key steps: Do Background Work Collect visual evidence of a story – police reports, FIRs, photographs, footage of crime scenes, sound bites, interviews with family members, eyewitnesses. These will strengthen the story and use the televisions primary strength of visuals. Get a Panel of experts ready Include religious scholars, physiatrists/doctors, social activists, journalists, gender experts, NGOs, parliamentarians. 7|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign Plan Verify all facts, script writing and line up the shortlisted experts, etc. Air the Story Air the story;run it first at 9 am, then interview the panel at 12 (noon), at 3 pm with questioning the parliamentarians and NGOs, conduct a walk at 6 pm and recap at 9 pm. That’s how all of Pakistan will give attention. Q4: What is the Journalists Responsibility in All of This? Journalists and anchors are responsible to first, understand the severity of the issue, and second, push it forth with conviction and passion. They must also follow up on stories of social importance and sell them to their channels and the larger public. They must add shock value and use live feed when possible to further sensationalize stories and convert them into issues of national interest. Journalists and anchors must use the language of television to sell stories. Q5: How to get the Issue of reproductive health and birth spacing to the National Agenda? We must fully understand the severity of the issue. Pakistan’s current population is 210 million. Population is the nations biggest threat as it is closely linked with, and the cause of, other issues, including: o Economy (and Poverty); o Terrorism; o Food shortage; o Electricity; o Water; o Gas; and o Education. Journalists (Print &Electronicespecially Television) can: o Highlight economic issues and show that their cause is population; o Engage with parliamentarians and key policy makers; 8|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign o Organizeconsultations and follow up with them; o Push them to take concrete measures; and o Keep highlighting the significance of the issue. SESSION 4: KEY RECOMMENDATIONS AND WRAP-UP Session 4, the last session of the meeting, was chaired by Mr. AniqZafar, CEO CRS. He recapped the proceedings of the day and stated, that reproductive health and birth spacing isparamount as it islinked with Pakistan’s overall well-being. Journalists and anchors areresponsible for highlighting its importance and engaging policy makers and influencers to take action. He reiterated that they must carefully package their stories and do ample background research, and they must also follow up on their stories. Key Recommendations of the Meeting (as agreed by the participants): 1. Journalists and media practitioners must understand their responsibility and also the significance of the issue. 2. Journalists and media managers must be sensitized properly on the impact of unrestrained population growth on the country’s resources. 3. Packaging social issues in the language of the media (sensationalizing them where necessary and using visual evidence). 4. Establishment of a media watch. 5. Population is linked with the economy, democracy, electricity, gas, water and terrorism. 6. Parliamentarians and policy makers can be engaged by drawing these correlations and then pushing them to take concrete measures. 7. Use social media (blogging, Facebook, twitter, Youtube) to take stories viral, in addition to traditional media. 8. Link with citizen journalists. 9|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign 9. Mobile phones – create awareness 10. The way forward would include a consultative sessions with politicians where they would be held accountable against their manifestos);Social policy audit. 11. To hold consultative sessions which would involve – 4 anchors – 4 maulvis and 4 politicians. 10|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign ANNEX A-LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Sr. # Name of Journalists Designations &Organization 1. ZameerHaider Bureau Chief (Dunya TV) 2. Faisal Rehman Ancorperson (PTV) 3. TanzeelaMazhar Anchorperson (PTV) 4. BeenaQuyum Anchorperson (Samaa TV) 5. SaadiaSeharHaidari Reporter (APP) 6. AsmaAmeen Analyst (Monthly Dastak Karachi) 7. WajahatMasood Columnist (Jang) 8. Ali Abbas Magazine Editor (Daily Dunya) 9. Said Alam Khan Bureau Chief Peshawar (The Nation) 10. Khalid Khaishgi Reporter Peshawar (The News) 11. ShahzadaZulfiqar Bureau Chief Quetta (Pakistan Today) 12. Fahd Husain 11|P a g e Anchorperson (ARY News) APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign ANNEX B-AGENDA Time Program Speaker/Moderator 010:30-11:00 Registration 11:00-11:10 Welcome and introduction of participants AniqZafar 11:10-11:45 Presentation “Call for Action” Dr. MianNaeemuddin 11:45-12:15 Presentation “Population being a Health Dr. HumaHaider and Development Challenge” 12:15-12:30 Tea and Coffee 12:30-01:00 Discussion and Q & A 01:00-02:00 Inputs and ideas from the plenary“Making Moderated by Fahd Husain the Governing elite responsive to social agenda for the nation” 02:00-2:45 02:45-03:45 03:45-04:15 12|P a g e Lunch Finalization of recommendations and Moderated By Mr. Aniq suggestions Zafar Wrap Up/ Thanks Tea-Coffee APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign ANNEX C-GLIMPSES OF CONSULTATIVE MEETING 13|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign 14|P a g e APNA Pakistan – Advocacy for Population & National Advancement National Advocacy Campaign 15|P a g e