Buckling Restrained Braced Frames
Buckling Restrained Braced Frames
Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames by Walterio A. López, SE Rafael Sabelli, SE Rutherford & Chekene Walter P Moore Buckling-Restrained Braced Frames (BRBFs) • Code Intent • How BRBs work • Brief History of BRBFs in US Codes • Sample BRBF Construction • Brief treatment on testing • Building-Code Design • Design Methodology • Specification, Other Issues • Gusset Connections • Summary Code Intent Building-Code Philosophy Objective: Prevent collapse in the extreme earthquake likely to occur at a building site. Objectives are not to: limit damage maintain function provide for easy repair To survive a strong earthquake without collapse: Design for Ductile Behavior Material Ductility Member Ductility System Ductility AISC Methodology Designate fuses Members that undergo inelastic strain Provide ductility in fuse members Prevent local buckling Prevent member instability Prevent connection failure Design system to ensure ductility is concentrated in fuses How BRBs work What is a Buckling-restrained Brace? Two Definitions Stress resisted by steel core Buckling resisted by sleeve De-Coupled Stress and Buckling (Mechanics Definition) Balanced Hysteresis (Performance Definition) BRB Definitions Explained: Conventional Bracing Brace behavior is asymmetric with respect to tension and compression and is subject to strength and stiffness degradation Tension Ry Ag Fy Pcr Compression BRB Definitions Explained: Sleeved Column 2 λc ~ 0 kl/ ~ 0 r Compression Strength Steel core achieves Fy A π EI 2 L Fy A Sleeve achieves π2EI/L2 Stress is zero No material stress limit 0 1 2 Slenderness Parameter λc 3 Brief History of BRBFs in US Codes Historical Background 1st BRBF paper: 2000 SEAOC Convention BRBF design presentations: SEAOC: 2001-2006 NASCC: 2004, 2005 Steel TIPS Seminars: 2004 ASCE Structures Congress: 2005 AISC braced frame seminars: 2005, 2006 BRBFs in U.S. to date: >100 bldgs, >15,000 BRBs Background (recent past/present) SEAOC/AISC BRBF committee Background (present) Sample BRBF Construction Sample Construction Sample Construction Sample Construction Buckling-Restrained Brace Types Buckling Restrained Brace PowerCat Brace ACME Bracing Company Unbonded Brace Buckling-Restrained Brace Assembly Core Buckling-Restrained Brace Assembly Sleeve Buckling-Restrained Brace Mechanics Unbonded Brace Type Encasing mortar Yielding steel core Decoupling Debonding material between steel core and mortar Steel tube Buckling Restraint Brief treatment on testing Selected Testing Data Literature Reference Test Type Number of Tested Braces SIE, 1999 Uniaxial 3 2.1 SIE, 2001 Uniaxial 2 2.1 UC Berkeley, 2002 Frame (Subassemblage) 3 1.8 - 2.1 Merritt et al., 2003a Subassemblage 6 2.4 - 2.7 Merritt et al., 2003b Subassemblage 8 1.8 - 2.6 Merritt et al., 2003c Uniaxial 2 1.6, 1.7 SIE, 2003 Subassemblage 4 1.6 – 3.0 Brace Strain (%) BRB Tests Short Summary • About 50+ different brace tests have been performed in support of US projects • All tests results so far have met Appendix T’s acceptance criteria • Tests have included Appendix T, moment frame, near-field, and fatigue displacement protocols • Kinematic rotations of brace ends were not detrimental to brace performance Building-Code Design ASCE 7 2005 (with Supplement 1) R Values 7 for Basic BRBF System 8 for BRBF System with Rigid Beam-Column Connections 8 for BRBF/SMF Dual System ASCE 7 2005 (with Supplement 1) Ωo Values 2 for Basic BRBF System 21/2 for BRBF System with Rigid Beam-Column Connections 21/2 for BRBF/SMF Dual System ASCE 7 2005 (with Supplement 1) Cd Values 51/2 for Basic BRBF System 5 for BRBF System with Rigid Beam-Column Connections 5 for BRBF/SMF Dual System ASCE 7 2005 (with Supplement 1) Height Limits Separated by Seismic Design Category: B&C D E F NL 160* 160 100 for Basic BRBF System NL 160* 160 100 for BRBF System with Rigid Beam-Column Connections NL NL NL for BRBF/SMF Dual System NL (NL = Not Limited) *Can be increased to 240 for regular buildings. ASCE 7 2005 (with Supplement 1) Coefficients for Determination of Approximate Period Ta = Cr (H/ft.)x Cr = 0.03 (ASCE to incorporate) x = 0.75 (Similar to EBF) Combined effect of R and T Design Base Shear SCBF BRBF SCBF Building BRBF Building Period Design Methodology Design Procedure Define appropriate BRB modeling Determine required brace strength Check drift Determine brace displacements at 2.0 Δm Compare required displacements to existing tests Plan and conduct new tests? Determine adjusted BRB strengths at 2.0 Δm Requires test data or manufacturer’s summary Calculate required strength of columns, beams, and connections based on adjusted BRB strengths BRBF Design Methodology • BRB is energy dissipater • Steel core material specified as mild & ductile • Design checks: • BRB φPn • Global drift • BRB deformation, ΔbM • Adjusted BRB strengths • • • Beam Ru/φRn Column Ru/φRn Connections Ru/φRn Analysis Gravity Load Size frame to resist 100% of gravity All load combinations Do not model braces as resisting gravity load Check that braces do not yield under Live Load Seismic Load Size braces for seismic load only Do not model braces to resist gravity load Size for 100% of seismic load? Or consider shear in columns Found by analysis Size frame considering plastic mechanism Design Summary Load Combination Gravity Seismic 1.2D + 1.6L 1.2D + 0.5L + E Frame Braces Design for maximum Design for 100% of brace forces, plus 100% of load gravity Check to make sure live load does not cause (cyclic) yielding Design for seismic force from analysis; do not include gravity Brace Stiffness Kbr = P/Δ Δ ~ PLy/AyE Ly = 0.5-0.8 L (depending on brace type and configuration) Kbr = 1.2 - 2.0 AyE /L Ly Flexibility E A sc L Ly EA nonyielding BRB Modeling Kbr = 1.3 AscE /L ? Kbr = 1.6 AscE /L ? BRB Modeling (Nonlinear) Isotropic and kinematic strain hardening Difference in tension/compression values Modified DRAIN, PERFORM 3D Steel Core Material • Specifications • ASTM A36 Grade 36/42 • JIS G3136 SN400B • Wide range of yield strength not desired • Solution: supplementary yield strength requirements verified by coupon tests • Current practice: material procured based on MTRs, coupon tests performed prior to fabrication Preliminary BRB Design F Pu = F 2 cosθ Asc ≥ Pu φFysc Assume braces resist 100% of story shear Design braces to calculated capacity (Pu = φPn = φFyscAsc) θ BRB Axial Deformation Check Compute elastic story drift ΔX Extract from analysis program ΔbX = Δbrace at ΔX story drift BRB Axial Deformation Check ΔbX is computed at largest elastic story drift (ρ = 1.0 for drift) Compute ΔbM = Cd ΔbX = Δbrace at ΔM story drift Compute max. brace strain εMAX= 2.0ΔbM / Lysc εMAX cannot exceed maximum value tested If εMAX exceeds tested values, resize BRB BRB Axial Deformation Comparison For a ASCE 7 earthquake (2/3 of MCE) 2.0 Δbm ~ 10 Δby (elastic methods, Ch. 16) Mean = 9-11 Δby (Sabelli, Fahnestock) For a 2%/50 year event Not addressed in codes Mean = 17-19 Δby (Sabelli, Fahnestock) • Ductilities underestimated but not forces • Solution: fabricate BRBs to Δby larger than predicted by elastic methods Plastic Mechanism All braces yielding Tension or compression Strain Hardened “Adjusted strength” = Maximum force Based on first mode BRB Adjusted Strength Compression: βωRy Fysc Asc Tension: ωRy Fysc Asc Adjusted for Various Factors ω Strain-Hardening β Compression Overstrength Ry Material Overstrength If Fy is used as core yield strength Fysc, Ry is > 1.0 If Fysc is taken from material coupon test, Ry = 1.0. BRB Adjusted Strength Factors Factors Taken from Test Results within 2.0 Δm. Compression Strength Adjustment Factor β = Cmax/Tmax Strain-Hardening Adjustment Factor ω = Tmax/FyA Provided by brace manufacturers BRB Uniaxial Test Results Hysteresis courtesy of SIE, Inc. BRB Adjusted Strength (example) εMAX = 0.98 % at 2.0ΔbM Go to graph from BRB manufacturer and obtain: ω = 1.22 ωβ = 1.25 β = ωβ/ω = 1.25/1.22 = 1.03 BRB Adjusted Strength Case at inverted-V beam Frame Design: Model BRB Forces Directly ωRyFyscAsc βωRyFyscAsc βωRyFyscAsc ωRyFyscAsc ωRyFyscAsc βωRyFyscAsc βωRyFyscAsc ωRyFyscAsc ωRyFyscAsc βωRyFyscAsc Column flexural forces not calculated Combine with 1.2D + 0.5 L + 0.2 Sds D Frame Design: Model BRB forces Using Temperature E = 1 ksi α = 1/oF ΔT = ωRyFysc Tension ΔT = βωRyFysc Compression Axial force approximation Column flexural forces not calculated Combine with 1.2D + 0.5 L + 0.2 Sds D Specification, Other Issues Use of Proprietary BRBs Engineer Specifies: Brace Strength Brace Core Area (or stiffness) Maximum and Minimum Fy Displacement range Manufacturer Provides: Braces that meet the specification Test data that qualifies the braces Typical Specification of BRB Size- ASC Uncertainty in strength (example) Calculations φPn Ry = 0.9Aysc (38 ksi) = 46 ksi/38 ksi = 1.21 Drawings Asc = 8.5 in.2 (for example) Specifications 38 ksi ≤ Fysc ≤ 46 ksi Manufacture Asc = 8.5 in.2 323 kips ≤ Pysc ≤ 391 kips Proportioning of strength likely similar to design Alternate Specification of BRB Size- Pysc Uncertainty in stiffness (example) Calculations φPn = 0.9Asc Fysc Ry Asc = 1.0 = φPn /0.9 (44 ksi) [reasonably low stiffness for analysis] Pysc = 323 kips Drawings Specifications where Fysc is measured during manufacture and Asc is adjusted accordingly (= Pu /φ) 38 ksi ≤ Fysc ≤ 46 ksi Manufacture Pysc = 323 kips 7.0 in.2 ≤ Asc ≤ 8.5 in.2 Proportioning of stiffness likely similar to design Construction Administration General contractor Steel fabricator BRB Detailer Drawing Exchange Fabricator Detailer Coordinated submittals: BRBs, gusset plates, frames Code Issues • • • • • • BRB is a better brace that doesn't buckle. BRB is a performance-specification item. Single diagonals in one direction and stacked chevron allowed without penalty. BRB and gussets often need not be fireproofed. If manufactured in approved shop, inspections may be waived. Non-structural attachments to casing not prohibited. Gusset Connections Sample Connections Alternative Connections Direct welding of core Direct bolting of core Courtesy of CoreBrace Courtesy of STAR Seismic Gusset Plate Design Issues • Adjusted BRB strengths readily determined from backbone curve (first validation of methodology) • Frame fixity must be acknowledged in analyses • Recognize that cyclic testing of gusset plates not fully developed • Avoid unnecessary connection restraint Potential Connection Issues Beam (or column) yield at <1% Rotation ductility not tested These issues apply to all gussets at large drift SCBF and OCBF drift likely to be greater than BRBF EBF rotations may be much greater Potential Connection Issues Courtesy of K.C. Tsai Pin Connection Courtesy of L. Fahnestock Summary BRBF Design Summary • BRB is energy dissipater • Check BRB ductility demands • Check surrounding elements for adjusted BRB strengths Overall Summary BRBs harness steel ductility to provide member ductility BRBF provide a ductile system if Connection failure is precluded Braces are proportioned to earthquake demand Frame is designed for plastic mechanism Braces are properly specified. Thank You
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