providing warehouse lines to a nationwide customer base with
providing warehouse lines to a nationwide customer base with
Friday, September 22, 2006 Oser Communications Group Austin PROVIDING WAREHOUSE LINES TO A NATIONWIDE CUSTOMER BASE WITH ACCESS LENDING HOW TO GROW IN A COOLING MARKET: ELLIE MAE’S ENCOMPASS PROGRAM PAVES THE WAY David Fleig, founder of Access Lending Corporation, discusses the company’s incorporation into New Century Financial Corporation, as well as their approach to serving customers, large and small. Scott Everett, President of Dallas, Texas-based Supreme Lending, explains how using technology can help mortgage companies grow despite the cooling market. MDN: Tell our readers a little about Access Lending. What’s your main line of business? DF: Access Lending is a Texas-based specialty finance company providing warehouse lines to a nationwide customer base. Residential mortgage ware- house lending is our only business. We are celebrating our ninth anniversary this month! MDN: What do you consider the key technologies that brokers and bankers should be deploying to be successful in our shrinking market? MDN: What was the most significant event affecting your company in the past year? Continued on Page 14 SE: I’d say that leveraging the latest loan origination system, voice-over-IP and scanning technologies are critical in operating efficiently. Of all technologies my company leverages today, probably the most important is our loan origination system, Encompass from Ellie Mae, which has helped us to cut costs significantly. Beyond helping us Continued on Page 14 FIELD REPRESENTATIVES FROM BE SURE TO WEIGH A VARIETY OF INTERBAY MAKE AN OFFER MORTGAGE CONSIDERATIONS, CONCERNS WHEN PROFESSIONALS CAN’T REFUSE CHOOSING A WAREHOUSE LENDER By Matt Cascarino As a mortgage professional, you probably don’t have a shortage of lenders dropping by for a visit. Many lender reps are little more than window dressing with expensive wristwatches and pouty “gimme a deal” stares–not to mention their pens, paperclip holders, Frisbees and other detritus emblazoned with their logo and a catchy phrase. However, do you feel that they actually care about the success of your business? InterBay does, which is why they created the Regional Account Manager (RAM). InterBay has nearly 40 RAM’s in the U.S. and Canada. Unlike typical lender field reps, InterBay’s RAM’s are not on the ground solely to “bird dog” deals. While they are certainly capable of disContinued on Page 14 Courtesy of First Collateral Services, Inc., a member of Citigroup According to Secondary Marketing Executive (June 2006, Vol. 20), there are about 75 warehouse lenders nationally…that is a lot of competition for your business! As such, there are many considerations in determining which warehouse lender to choose as your business partner. Price is a consideration, of course, but it is only part of the equation. Prices will vary depending on line size, antici- pated turnover on the line and the assessment of risk. Price has many components—often these prices will not be apparent in an initial proposal— so you should always ask. Additional fees may include legal, wire, overline, renewal, non-usage, cancellation and annual commitment fees. Continued on Page 15 Don’t Gamble with Your Business. A SUPREME LENDING BRANCH IS A SURE BET. M O R T G A G E re ’ u Yo to 2 0 6 0 d e t i v n I t si vi us A T B M at e th nn A m te ep r be l ua 2 3 , WE’RE LOOKING FOR: v on C 0 2 nd B A N K E R on ti n e 0 B • Top producing loan officers with management, administration and operations experience who want more profits. 6 th oo • Brokers who want the ease of owning their own business while having an administrative support system. 0 4 2 r ou g in a om nch. c S e 8 ra 3 tb 2 ou ing B b a d th VD ore Len D oo m e le B arn prem tab h! e r l o ~ a P oot me Su B Co next IN Our W t o r t yer a e t gis Pla Re • • • • • Paid Weekly $300 File Fee 100% Commission FHA/VA Approved Access to Automated Underwriting • Benefits include: Health, Dental, Life Insurance & 401K 17290 Preston Road, Suite 300 Dallas, TX 75252 1 -877-350-5225 • Multi State Licensing • Mortgage Banker! No Need to Disclose Yield Spread! • In-House Underwriting, Closing & Funding Available • Product Finder • Corporate Marketing Support • Monthly Orientation Training Sessions First Collateral has the expertise to increase your lending power, strengthen your product offering and develop a partnership of success. • As a member of Citigroup, we are the nations largest leading warehouse lender. • • Offering Lines from $2MM to $250MM. • 20 years of warehouse lending, stability a partnership deserves. • Exceeding expectations in every way, one loan at a time. • We work hard to make your warehouse line work for you. 4 Friday, September 22, 2006 RESPONSE MAIL EXPRESS: DIRECT MARKETING SOLUTIONS FOR THE MORTGAGE BANKING INDUSTRY We have noticed a trend out there for the average mortgage professional. Let’s see if you fit in the demographic, answer yes or no to the questions below: • Has your lead flow started to fall off? • Have you been asked to reduce your commission to be “competitive?” • Are you concerned that you may not make as much money this year? • Is your current marketing failing you? • Is your business not growing as fast as you think it should for your efforts? If you answered yes to two or more of the questions then you need to call Response Mail Express today to find a solution that is working for mortgage brokers nationwide. Response Mail Express has successfully been in the direct mail business for more than 24 years and they know the mortgage business. The company works with mortgage brokers from around the country, so they know what works when generating qualified mortgage leads. Response Mail’s unique direct mail TAKE ACTION SO YOU DON’T END UP GETTING BURNED BY MORTGAGE FRAUD, SCAMS By Maury Veedell, Regional Sales Manager at Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. Did you know that you could “take the fall” for a fraudulent loan, even if you didn’t know the loan was false? Brokers and loan officers—at the front lines of defense in verifying—may personally be subject to fines, legal charges, license suspension and loss of employment. Contractually, you or your employer may be required to reimburse the lender for the entire dollar amount of the mortgage involved in the scam. Just the Facts, Ma’am Today, mortgage fraud is the fastest growing white-collar crime in the United States. According to the FBI, Mortgage Daily News packages are designed to stand out, get attention and get opened. Brokers using their proven services will see higher response rates and ultimately close more loans. “When you work with us, you know you’re working with professionals,” the company states. Separating yourself from your competition will get your mail opened and read. With more than 30 pre-designed and proven marketing packages, and the ability to customize packages for any Continued on Page 15 losses are an estimated $3 billion annually. Fraud for Profit committed intentionally by criminals working fraud scams, accounts for 80 percent of all fraud and the bulk of financial losses. Fraud for Property makes up the remaining 20 percent of fraud crimes and is generally committed by individuals for personal benefit. Often, the perpetrators in a fraud for profit scam are working with one or more individuals in the loan chain— buyers, realtors, brokers, loan officers, appraisers and underwriters. They may be manipulated and duped, or they Continued on Page 15 Lee M. Oser Publisher and Editor-in-Chief Michael Harris Senior Associate Publisher Kim Forrester Associate Publisher Nate Searing Senior Associate Editor Scott Smith Associate Editor Valerie Wilson Art Director Marilyn Buck Graphic Designer Lorrie Baumann Business Affairs Manager Scott Firle Senior Account Manager Harold DiCamillo Richard Mandziak Account Managers Enrico Cecchi European Sales Mortgage Daily News is published by Oser Communications Group ©2006. All rights reserved. Executive and editorial offices at: 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715 520-721-1300/Fax: 520-721-6300/ European offices located at Lungarno Benvenuto Cellini, 11, 50125 Florence, Italy. (055) 657-5629, Fax (055) 657-5631 Perseverance Troy Aikman lost the first 11 games of his professional career. However, his perseverance over the years made him one of the best quarterbacks of all-time, earning three championships along the way. Perseverance can pay off big for you too. When you’re tired of all the headaches and paper hassles of other lenders, InterBay can help. Common sense underwriting decisions and a streamlined loan process make small commercial lending fast and easy. And our dedicated staff of commercial loan experts will hold your hand every step of the way. Before you know it, you won’t just be closing a loan – you’ll be building a business. Call 1-866-INTERBAY. Perseverance leads to success. Visit the InterBay Booth (#707) at TAMB. SMALL COMMERCIAL LENDING MADE EASY® 1-866-INTERBAY (468-3722) I Troy Aikman: Hall of Fame quarterback, entrepreneur, spokesperson for InterBay Funding, LLC 2006. ©2006 InterBay Funding, LLC. All Rights Reserved. This advertisement is for mortgage professionals only. Loan programs are subject to change without notice. 6 Friday, September 22, 2006 THE INTERFIRST EDGE: CREATING REPEAT CUSTOMERS, REFERRALS JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT EASIER To succeed in today’s market you need repeat customers and referrals. In fact, industry studies show that repeat customers and referrals account for 83 percent of brokers’ business. But getting there isn’t always easy—you need to stand out, get noticed and have an edge over the competition. InterFirst has made this easier with The InterFirst Edge. “The InterFirst Edge puts three critical components for success right into the broker’s and correspondent’s hands, says Fred Freeman, South East Regional Manager of InterFirst. These key components are Service, Control and Opportunity. InterFirst puts the Service component in your hands by enabling easy access to an account executive that is an experienced, responsive problem solver, quick access to experienced customer service professionals and an expert technical support team that is committed to FAST-GROWING SUPREME LENDING OFFERS MANY OPPORTUNITIES FOR NEW BRANCH MANAGERS Supreme Lending is one of the fastest growing Mortgage Banking Affiliate Branch operations in the United States. With over 150 branches, Supreme Lending prides itself on staying ahead of the ever changing market by using progressive technology and a personalized TEAM approach. Supreme Lending was established in 1999 by Scott Everett, who has been in the mortgage brokering and banking industry since 1993. His vision and goal when instituting Supreme Lending was to offer a place where the needs of every loan officer were met in a timely and efficient manner. Supreme Lending is heading in the direction of being one of the premier branches in the nation. Currently, they are licensed in 27 states with offices in each and looking to expand that number to more than 40 states by year’s end. Mortgage Daily News helping get your loans processed and closed. This commitment helps ensure your customers are satisfied with their loan experience, which may mean repeat customers and referrals for you. Moreover, you can count on InterFirst to deliver on customer satisfaction. In 2005, the company, which is a division of ABN AMRO Mortgage Group, was lauded by J.D. Power and Associates for having the “highest in customer satisfaction in primary mortgage sales.” InterFirst also provides the Control component by giving you productivityboosting technology and a continuously expanding product portfolio. MOAI, InterFirst’s revolutionary technology, is one of the easiest systems in the industry to use when submitting a loan or checking the status of an existing file. Loan documents and funds are also available at your fingertips within minutes and can be ordered online anytime, day or night. Additionally, PRICEFIRSTSM, InterFirst’s easy-to-use, online pricing engine gives you a complete price quote for all eligible products in their product portfolio that has been noticeably expanding. “Our ever expanding product matrix has allowed us to become a much larger piece of our clients overall business model,” Freeman says. InterFirst has made significant changes to their product portfolio Supreme Lending believes that their commitment to technology and their progressive thinking will enable them to cut costs, become more efficient and consequently grow faster and smarter than any other net branch. The initial technological advancement that Supreme has implemented is Encompass via the Internet. This enables all loans officers, processors and anyone employed at the company to access all critical data from anywhere in the world. The second piece of essential technology that Supreme deploys in their branches is the use of a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) system that eliminates long distance charges, gives a fixed cost per phone per month (which is substantially cheaper than the typical phone company), and they even provide an entire phone system for free to any new branch. It is almost impossible to believe that any company would be so committed to any new branch, that they would give them a phone system. “Since we installed the phone system [that the company paid for] we have literally saved 50 percent per month on our phone bill,” says Kevin Bostad, a Branch Manager at Supreme Lending. The company is looking for individuals that have a minimum of three years of mortgage experience and desires to Continued on Page 19 Continued on Page 19 Mortgage Daily News Friday, September 22, 2006 STAFF AT KEN HUGHES & ASSOCIATES, PC KNOWS THE BROKER, BANKER BUSINESS FIRST HAND Ken Hughes & Associates, PC has built a tradition of excellence spanning more than 34 years. Fourteen CPA’s and a trained professional staff provide innovative solutions specifically designed for each client. KHA specializes in comprehensive audit, tax and consulting services for clients ranging from individual taxpayers through clients in excess of $50 million in sales. KHA’s professionals stay ahead of trends to meet and exceed expectations through their unique combination of personal service and expertise. Dedicated to providing a complete financial solution, KHA is more than just a typical accounting firm—they are a trusted advisor to their clients. KHA demands objectivity, competence and due care from its personnel in the conduct of all of its engagements. The firm takes steps to ensure that all personnel assigned to engagements have the professional and specialized knowledge required to carry out their YOUR LOAN ORIGINATION SYSTEM CAN HELP YOU AVOID HEFTY FINES AND JAIL TIME by David Lewis, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Ellie Mae The time has come to pay close attention to today’s stricter compliance laws. The United States is waging a battle against fraud, which is now ranked the number one white-collar crime in America. To do so, the government is focusing on strictly enforcing compliance by auditing companies one by one. The good news is that it’s not that hard to be compliant if you’re equipped with the right tools. While antiquated loan origination systems can leave you dangerously exposed to a wide range of compliance issues and mortgage fraud, a couple of the newer loan origination systems can automate compliance and shield you and your company from fraud. Here are six must-have capabilities that you can now expect from a good responsibilities. Additionally, established policies and procedures guarantee that professional engagements are properly planned and executed, and that decisions are based on the substance of issues, not on form. The firm has adopted policies and procedures that implement the quality control standards for conducting accounting and auditing engagements as established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Above all, KHA seeks to provide the confidence and comfort of knowing that you have placed your trust in the right hands. Ken Hughes & Associates, PC has experience in the accounting, audit and day-to-day operations of mortgage brokers and bankers. KHA works regularly with mortgage broker clients throughout the state of Texas in providing business planning, quality control plans and compliance, warehouse line accounting and payroll issues relating to the payment of loan officers. loan origination system: loan files in a non-secure format. These loan files can be opened using Windows Notepad, the simple text editor that comes with Microsoft Windows. Unencrypted borrower files expose companies to all kinds of security issues. As such, using a loan origination system that automatically encrypts all sensitive files is essential. Not only will it protect companies from hackers, it will also protect companies in the event of computer theft. Automated Forms Updates With so many new forms continually being produced, how do you make sure you’re being compliant by using the most current and accurate form? Today, loan origination systems can automatically update forms; much like virus software automatically downloads the latest virus updates. Gone are the days of depending on people to manually download and install updates. Encryption It may seem hard to believe, but one of the most popular loan origination systems currently used by brokers stores KHA Knows the Broker and Banker Business First Hand The firm has become the referred auditor of choice by industry experts for providing audited financial statements for initial approval and annual recertification for the U.S. Department of HUD. KHA understands HUD requirements and has experience in dealing with HUD staff to Continued on Page 19 Protection of Loan Data Beyond outright computer theft, preventing loan data from falling into the wrong hands can be difficult, especially when Continued on Page 19 CHOOSING YOUR AUDIT FIRM SHOULDN’T BE SUCH A TAXING PROCESS Services we Provide to Mortgage Brokers: Ken Hughes & Associates, PC is regarded as one of the top HUD Audit Firms in the nation and we are located right in your backyard. 7 • Audited financial statements as required by HUD for initial approval and annual recertification • Quality Control Plans updated with current HUD changes • Accouting related to your business including recording of warehouse lending • Experience in dealing directly with HUD in resolving Mortgage Broker issues • Effective Tax Planning • Certified QuickBooks Advisors Ken Hughes & Associates, PC 4880 Long Prairie Road, Suite 100, Flower Mound, TX 75028 972-221-2500 or 800-221-2509 Wells Fargo Wholesale Lending Easy Combination Financing One call connects you to all the Wells Fargo Wholesale Lending resources you need to offer your borrowers 100% financing on conforming loans. Introducing the 80/20 and 90/10 options. By combining a Wells Fargo first mortgage with a Wells Fargo home equity loan or line of credit,* you can offer your borrowers 100% financing with no minimum down payment and no multiple-closing headaches. Wells Fargo and Wells Fargo Home Equity work together to smooth the way to homeownership for your borrowers – and for you. • New 80/20 and 90/10 combination financing means no minimum down payment. • For LP loans, just a two-month reserve and a 660 Loan Score requirement applies for DU Approve loans (Fannie Mae restrictions may apply). • Innovative secondary financing choices let borrowers use their home's equity as a financial resource. • Simultaneous closing makes combination financing more convenient. • 80/20 and 90/10 options are available on a range of first mortgage product choices including 10-, 20-, or 30-year fixed, 5/1, 7/1 and 10/1 Treasury-indexed, and 5/1 LIBOR-indexed ARMs. • Available on single-family primary residences. For more information, contact a member of your Wells Fargo Wholesale Lending sales team and ask about the 80/20 and 90/10 options. 80/20 and 90/10 options combine a first mortgage with a home equity loan or line of credit to provide 100% financing through Wells Fargo. • Minimum Upfront Cash. No waiting to accumulate a big down payment. • Potentially No MI. 80/20 financing may avoid mortgage insurance requirements. • Simultaneous Closings make 100% financing easy and convenient. The information contained in this flyer is a summary and is not complete. Refer to the Wells Fargo Wholesale Broker Guide for complete guidelines. This information is for use by mortgage professionals only and should not be distributed to consumers or other third parties. Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without notice. *Home equity financing may be provided by Wells Fargo Home Equity, a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Member FDIC and Equal Housing Lender. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2006 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. #102157-6/05 Wells Fargo Wholesale Alternative Lending Looking For Alternatives? Look No Further Than Our Alternative Lending Division Wells Fargo Home Mortgage offers the solutions-oriented loan products you need – with competitive rates and flexible programs. Traditional NonprimeSM Program Highlights: • Up to 100% LTV/CLTV • Purchase, Rate/term, and cash-out transactions • Up to 95% LTV for cash-out • Products offered: - 15 and 30 year fixed - 30/15 and 40/30 Balloon - 2/28 and 3/27 ARMS • SFR, 2-4 Units, PUDs, and Condos • Loan amounts up to $2,000,000 with Full Documentation • Loan amounts up to $1,000,000 with Stated Income • Up to 55% debt-to-income allowed • Collections over 36 months old are not required to be paid • Medical collections (not affecting title) allowed to remain open • Bank statement programs (business and personal) • 6 month seasoning on appraised value • Broker’s dual or tri-merged credit reports used (the lower of the two or the middle of three for the primary wage earner on 1003) • No borrower paid mortgage insurance • Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Buyout up to 100% LTV (Full Doc only) Expanded Financing AlternativesSM– Alt-A Minus Highlights: • Products offered: - 15, 20 and 30 year fixed, 40/30 Balloon - 2/6, 3/6, 5/6, 7/6, 10/6 ARMs – LIBOR • Purchase, rate/term, and cash-out transactions • SFR, condo, condotel, 2-4 unit, and PUD • Manufactured Home, minimum 680 FICO • Full Doc, Stated, No Ratio, and No Doc • Primary residence, second home, and non-owner occupied • Minimum 620 FICO and above • Loan amounts up to $4,000,000 • Up to $400,000 cash-out • Up to 55% debt-to-income allowed • Up to 100% LTV/CLTV • No borrower-paid mortgage insurance • Foreign National borrower eligible • Interest-Only payment feature1 available • No sourcing/seasoning required1 • Up to 2x30 mortgage lates in the last 12 months • Rolling 30's allowed up to 6:1 ratio • Up to 9% seller concessions For Complete Details, see the Wells Fargo Wholesale Alternative Lending Broker Guide on Contact your Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Wholesale Alternative Lending Account Executive Today! Or call 1-800-340-0465 1 Restrictions Apply This information is for use by mortgage professionals only and should not be distributed to or used by consumers or other third-parties. Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without notice. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. © 2006 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All Rights Reserved. 10 Friday, September 22, 2006 ACCESS LENDING HELPS BANKERS COPE WITH CHANGING FACE OF WAREHOUSE LENDING If you are a mortgage banker, chances are your warehouse lender has changed names, changed ownership, changed leadership, changed business plans or all of the above in the past year or so. Numerous entities have entered or exited the business during the same period. Change is not always a bad thing, but if it has resulted in your loans not being funded or shipped on time, you are probably not amused. It’s enough to cause rational mortgage bankers to wonder what is going on! At Access Lending, they are cele- brating their ninth anniversary this month. Access is a Texas-based specialty financing company providing warehouse lines to a national customer base. They have experienced change themselves—as the company became part of New Century Financial Corporation in February, 2006. But despite that change, Access Lending has maintained substantial autonomy, operating as a separate division. Yet, having the backing of one of the nation’s premier finance companies has helped them become much more CITIGROUP EXPANDS, COMBINES FIRST MORTGAGE OPERATIONS UNDER CITIMORTGAGE NAME To better meet the needs of customers, Citigroup recently announced the combining of its two first mortgage businesses, CitiMortgage and CitiFinancial Mortgage under the CitiMortgage name. Before the alignment, CitiMortgage handled prime residential mortgages through retail, wholesale and correspondent loan origination channels. CitiFinancial Mortgage specialized in non-prime residential mortgages through those same distribution channels. CitiMortgage will now originate both prime and non-prime residential mortgages. “This customer-focused initiative provides consumers, brokers and correspondents with a broader range of products across a wider credit spectrum,” says Carl Levinson, President and Chief Executive Officer of Citigroup’s Consumer Lending Group of which CitiMortgage is a part. “More simply put, it will be easier and more convenient for customers to do business with us.” “This integration makes sense on several levels,” says Bill Beckmann, President of CitiMortgage. “It allows us to present a consistent face to the market, increase our national presence via greater distribution and offer more complete solutions to customers. All of this is critical in the challenging market we are in today.” By uniting CitiMortgage and EQUIFIRST TRIPLES ITS PRESENCE IN TEXAS: ISN’T IT TIME YOU TOOK A CLOSER LOOK, TOO? By Michael Abernethy, Regional Marketing Analyst EquiFirst It’s time to switch to EquiFirst, where you’ll receive Non-Conforming ResultsSM with every loan you submit. In today’s market, many of the lenders are cutting back, downsizing or even shutting down branches. EquiFirst is here to stay! In the ever-changing mortgage industry, EquiFirst has the sta- bility to keep relationships alive and help you do the same. While many other lenders have chosen to downsize, which in turn affects the quality of their service, EquiFirst is expanding by tripling our presence in Texas over the last year. Our management team in Texas is there to make sure you are given the best possible service. We have brought in some of the top account executives to ensure our customers are taken care of. FRAUD-PREVENTION TOOLS NO LONGER A LUXURY FOR THOSE IN THE LOAN INDUSTRY By Julie J. Jordan of Advantage Credit In a May 2006 survey of Advantage Credit customers, 80 percent said fraud prevention was generally or critically important to their business, but a much smaller number reported regular use of electronic fraud-prevention tools. The industry needs to connect their desire to prevent mortgage fraud (with losses of $86 billion in 2004, according to the FBI) with a commitment to screen every loan. Mortgage Daily News competitive on larger deals. “It is essential that we maintain our reputation for excellent service, no matter the loan type or investor,” the company states. At the same time, there are some very compelling value propositions for warehousing New Century loans, including automatic approval as a New Century correspondent, up to 100 percent financing, minimal documentation and flexibility on leverage. The initial response from their customers has been very positive. Access Lending has earned a reputation over the years as a trusted advisor to brokers making the transition to banker. “I believe we are the best in the business at this and it will continue to be an important part of what we do,” says David Fleig, founder of Access Lending. “Having the financial strength of New Century behind us also gives us the opportunity to be very competitive with larger customers. We are having a lot of success with $20 million to $75 million deals and we are very excited about the ability to expand our market share over the next several years. Our plan is to become the premier warehouse lender in the middle market space.” If all of the changes in the world of warehouse lending have left you concerned about service levels or reliability, call Access Lending at 281207-7000 or visit their Web site, “Our name, leadership, business plan, and singular focus on providing consistent, excellent service remains unchanged,” Fleig says. CitiFinancial Mortgage into one business, it will allow the company to: • Move to a common, customer-focused business model. • Migrate to integrated computer platforms/infrastructure leading to deployment of unique technologies that enable improved and more consistent customer service. • Capitalize on expanding product sets and pricing. • Fully leverage distribution channels and strengths of both companies. “This allows us to better serve our customers as well as provide a complete product line for new customers,” Levinson adds. The CitiMortgage headquarters will remain in St. Louis with originations operations centers in Dallas; Southfield, Mich., Brea, Calif., Burbank, Calif., Concord, Calif., and Sacramento, Calif. CitiFinancial Mortgage employees became employees of CitiMortgage on July 1 of this year. In Dallas, where CitiFinancial Mortgage had been headquartered, the number of mortgage employees is expected to remain the same as before. Numerous parts of the mortgage business will continue to be located in Dallas, including significant human resources, marketing and originations operations. In 2005, CitiMortgage, CitiFinancial Mortgage and Citi Home Equity, an additional line of Citigroup’s real estate lending business, posted over $130 billion in originations volume. This integration has no impact on the CitiFinancial branch network, as the business will continue to provide a full suite of services to consumers throughout its branch distribution network in the United States and Canada. For more information on CitiMortgage’s expanded products, technology advancement and streamlined operations, visit https://broker Customer satisfaction is a top priority and EquiFirst feels each of our clients deserve the best. We want to make sure your questions are answered and your loans are funded and ready for the closing table. Our operations team has decision-making authority to streamline the funding process to provide the best service in the industry. With our online submission tool, iquick, you can submit loans and get pricing anytime. Our AEs are always accessible, but iquick will let you have 24-hour-a-day access to our rates and programs that best fit your needs. With this tool you can lock credit to ensure you get the rate and pricing you have quoted to your customer. This is just one of the many ways EquiFirst provides great customer service. We strive to create a strong business relationship so we can help your business succeed, which is why EquiFirst stands above all the rest. Our goal is to develop a relationship with our customers, and we know what it takes to build a strong relationship. It’s not rocket science, it’s simple: provide excellent customer service, deliver as promised and provide competitive programs. This is the key to success in our industry for both brokers and lenders. Take a minute to give us a call at 800-272-3477, and find out what EquiFirst can do for your business. It’s time to switch! Electronic fraud prevention is the easiest, most cost-effective step you can immediately take to prevent fraud and reduce losses from flipping, straw buying, ID theft, insider activity and more. Why? The sheer number of loans in wholesale and correspondent pipelines makes the market an obvious target. With over 20 million loans last year, fraud infested loans could easily slip through any process that is not comprehensive and electronically assisted. Fraudulent loans don’t always clock to conventional risk profiles; the sophistication of modern perpetrators guarantees that an “eyeball” review or basic checklist isn’t enough. Hidden fraud can slip through if 1003 data is not compared with sources that reveal the histories of borrowers, properties and participants. In today’s contracting market, the effects of fraud are more keenly felt; repurchases, lawsuits, revenue hits, loss of lender or wholesaler partners, Continued on Page 15 Mortgage Daily News Friday, September 22, 2006 ELLIE MAE LAUNCHES NEW EDITION OF ACCLAIMED ENCOMPASS LOAN ORIGINATION SOLUTION There are some things that are better left unchanged—and others that just keep getting better. When Ellie Mae first launched its Encompass loan origination system two years ago, mortgage originators were introduced to an innovative new technology for the marketing, origination and processing of loans. Now, two years later, the Encompass Mortgage Automation System has established itself as the new standard for loan origination. Seven of the top ten brokerages use the technology, as well as over 119,000 mortgage originators of all sizes nationwide. So what’s the latest news with Ellie Mae’s Encompass? They’ve added a new edition to their repertoire of Encompass products. Recently, they launched Encompass Professional Edition, a deluxe version of Encompass Standard Edition. It is a multi-user program which adds substantial marketing and productivity tools beyond those included in Encompass Standard Edition. Choices for Every Originator With this latest addition, Ellie Mae now offers four editions of its acclaimed Encompass solution: Encompass Personal Edition for the company of one, Encompass Standard Edition for multiple users, Encompass Professional Edition and Encompass Anywhere for Webbased anywhere access. With the launch of Encompass Professional Edition, Encompass Anywhere has been upgraded to become a Web-based version of Encompass Professional Edition. Encompass Professional Edition Encompass Professional Edition features an advanced marketing campaign manager, contact synchronization with Outlook® MORTGAGE LENDING BACKED BY A CENTURTY OF HERITAGE AT AMERICAN STERLING BANK Are you trying to find a mortgage lender that is backed by nearly 100 years of success? Then look no further than American Sterling Bank. State chartered in 1907, American Sterling Bank launched its Mortgage Lending Division in 1984 and deems it to be their strongest asset for future growth. The industry is taking notice, too. From corporate offices in Foothill Ranch, Calif., and a satellite office in Las Vegas, Nev., American Sterling Bank lends in 42 states offering a full array of loan products. These products include A through sub prime mortgage programs, a unique Premier Loan and a HELOC 5 that is exclusive to American Sterling Bank. Also offered are standard second mortgages which include lines of credit and closed-end equity loans. First-time homebuyer programs are also available, as well as commercial mortgages. For the size of its asset base, American Sterling Bank is quite unique in the industry. This is due to the incorporation of a large volume mortgage loan origination division as a key facet of its banking services. Also, this division operates a high-speed automated loan processing and tracking system, 11 and ACT®, and a software development toolkit enabling users to develop custom applications around Encompass. The campaign management tool within Encompass Professional Edition empowers mortgage originators with the ability to easily create, manage and execute marketing campaigns. It automates any number of campaign tasks including sending emails, printing letters, sending faxes, scheduling phone calls and getting reminders on the calendar or task list. With Encompass Professional Edition, brokers and loans officers can define and execute multi-step marketing campaigns. For instance, if a loan officer wants to send scheduled monthly communications to his clients or referral partners, he can simply create one or a series of e-mails, and then load them into the campaign. Once the loan officer sets when the emails should go out, Encompass Professional Edition will automatically send the emails at the scheduled time. It is also ideal for planning and executing lead follow-up campaigns. Encompass Professional Edition is the only Encompass product to include contact and task list synchronization with Outlook and ACT. With this capability, mortgage professionals can synchronize their contacts and tasks within these popular applications, without having to manually update one or the other. Having the task list automatically synchronized with Outlook or ACT makes great sense for originators who use these software programs as part of their marketing campaigns. As more and more loan officers are using PDAs and handheld devices to store their contacts, this synchronization allows them to take Outlook or ACT contacts and tasks with them on the road. Encompass Professional Edition also includes Ellie Mae’s software developer kit, which enables companies to build custom applications in house. It can be used for integrations with the user’s Web site, for sending and receiving data with other applications, for exchanging Encompass data with other systems such as accounting systems and much more. Encompass Professional Edition is now available for purchase. For more information, originators can visit or call 888-955-9100. dramatically increasing the efficiency of loan brokers. Currently, the Mortgage Lending Division of American Sterling Bank has account executives in California, Nevada, Colorado, Georgia, Florida and North Carolina. Service opportunities for experienced account executives are now available in Arizona, New Mexico, Missouri and Hawaii, as well as the currently-serviced areas of California, Nevada, Georgia, Florida and North Carolina. American Sterling Bank strives for excellent service, therefore operation centers employ highly-qualified staff members to assist customers in getting files closed. American Sterling Bank is a financial services organization within the privately-held American Sterling Corporation. In addition to American Sterling Bank and its Mortgage Lending Division, are American Sterling Insurance Company, American Sterling Insurance Services and American Sterling Productions. American Sterling is About Opportunity Employees are positive thinking professionals who value integrity and thrive in a culture that is highly collaborative and supportive. As a company, American Sterling Corporation advocates the strategic acquisition and creation of diversified companies. These companies are intertwined and can be leveraged to promote development and financial success. For further information about the Mortgage Lending Division of American Sterling Bank or to inquire about service opportunities, call 888-762-7788 or visit ARGENT UNIVERSITY HELPS MORTGAGE BROKERS GAIN COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE DECENTRALIZED BRANCH NETWORK HELPS MORTGAGEIT WHOLESALE BETTER SERVE LOCAL COMMUNITIES Argent University—a groundbreaking educational resource designed exclusively for Argent-approved brokers, bankers and loan officers—burst onto the mortgage scene this summer, drawing widespread industry attention for its convenient and affordable approach to professional development. The online powerhouse is packed with professional courses and information about the mortgage industry designed to help busy mortgage professionals sharpen their skills, build their business and respond quickly to changing market conditions. Argent University features multitiered resource materials and industry reference links at no charge for its approved mortgage professionals, as well as online courses at an incredibly Sharon Bitz, Western Divisional Manager for MortgageIT Wholesale Lending Division, explains the company’s rapid national expansion and the effectiveness of the PriceIT•LockIT program. MDN: What would you say makes your company unique? SB: We are a publicly traded company, MHL on the New York Stock Exchange. Our diverse mortgage origination channels—wholesale, retail and correspondent—produced more than $29 billion in fundings in 2005. We were one of the fastest growing mortgage companies nationally last year, placing among the top 25 overall and top 10 for wholesale lenders. MDN: What was the most significant event or series of events affecting your company in the past year? affordable rate. The free resources available include: • Continuing education license requirements listed by state and license level. • Links to industry data including Congress and federal agencies, mortgage market news and data, homebuyer assistance and other mortgage-related sites. • The Industry Campus–Campus MBA’s weekly industry electronic newsletter. In addition, the Argent University Web site offers more than 50 online courses designed and regularly updated by experts at CampusMBA, the educational arm of the Mortgage Bankers Association, which powers the site. Continued on Page 15 MDN: Tell our readers a little about your company. What’s your main line of business? SB: We consider our people to be our greatest asset. They make doing business with us easier for our customers. Also, our originations have consistently increased during periods of industry contraction. SB: The addition of products like our Pay Option ARM product line, our PriceIT•LockIT technology—a pricing, product eligibility and rate-locking Continued on Page 21 Artfully Designed with You in Mind When You Choose Taylor Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. llection. the TB&W art co Commissioned for e. lich Ca by ”, llo “Casa de Amari Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp. recognizes that each mortgage lender is unique - like a piece of art. That's why we designed a complete online solution to service your needs; Taylor-Made with you in mind. • Originate, underwrite, and close loans online at no cost to you • Online conforming and non-conforming underwriting approvals • Wide variety of products including conventional, ARMS, ALT-A, Jumbo, A-Minus, Home Possible, and FHA/VA TB&W is the largest privately held wholesale lender and is currently ranked in the top 15. • We are strictly wholesale, so your customer remains your customer • Working with Mortgage Originators for 25 years • Big Technology. Bigger Results Go Paperless today. Visit us at or call 800.728.1129 Perfecting the Art of Mortgage Lending Visit us at TAMB, Booth 513 14 Friday, September 22, 2006 Access Lending (Con’t. from p. 1) DF: Access Lending became part of New Century Financial Corporation in February, 2006. We have maintained substantial autonomy, operating as a separate division. Yet, having the backing of one of the nation’s premier finance companies has helped us become much more competitive on larger deals. It is essential that we maintain our reputation for excellent service, no matter the loan type or investor. At the same time, there really are some compelling value propositions for warehousing New Century loans, including automatic Everett (Con’t. from p. 1) market, originate and process loans, it really helps us maintain control over our business. Possibly the biggest benefit we get from using Encompass comes from the fact that it stores all our loan files in an Internet-accessible repository which all our branches can access. This allows us to operate as one unified organization, rather than as a loose network of 140 branches. VoIP is another great cost-cutting tool and scanners are essential, too. We are such strong believers in working efficiently that our company doesn’t own a fax machine anymore. For inbound faxing we have incoming fax numbers, and everyone gets their faxes through email by way of an inhouse solution. For outbound documents, we scan and send. It’s great. MDN: Compliance is a big issue for InterBay Funding (Con’t. from p. 1) cussing active loan files, their primary objectives are to educate mortgage brokers on the InterBay product and to assist them with developing and implementing marketing initiatives. Translation: they want to help you grow your business. Education Product knowledge is always the first step when cultivating a relationship with a new lender. The RAM is not only available to review product and program highlights. In addition, they also discuss exactly what you want to get out of small commercial lending. Some brokers want to close the occasional deal that comes across their desk, while others wish to create an entirely new approval as a New Century correspondent, up to 100 percent financing, minimal documentation and flexibility on leverage. The initial response from our customers has been very positive. MDN: Describe to our readers your current marketing strategy. DF: Access Lending has earned a reputation over the years as a trusted advisor to brokers making the transition to banker. I believe we are the best in the business at this and it will continue to be an important part of what we do. Also, having the finanmortgage companies these days. How does technology help you in this regard? SE: Technology can be a savior when it comes to compliance. It has alleviated us from having to worry about compliance so that we can concentrate on growth. As companies start to branch out, the first thing they’ll probably notice is the prevalence of state-specific license requirements. Rather than operating in the dark and risking noncompliance, sophisticated software programs such as Encompass address state-specific requirements for you. For example, Louisiana is state-specific, so each broker has to be licensed. In Encompass, we address specific requirements by state so we circumvent the problem before it begins. Therefore, Encompass keeps us from falling into the trap and getting fined. With our Encompass loan origination system, we are also assured that all our product line. The RAM is there to listen to your business goals and couple them with the appropriate levels of training to help you achieve them. Marketing Prospective commercial borrowers will not light up your switchboard if you are not actively marketing for their business. A RAM’s job is to ask you about how you currently generate business and help you to increase your revenue with stated small commercial. They can do this by recommending modifications to your current marketing initiatives or suggesting additional ways to drive in leads. Keep in mind that the RAM is not asking you to reveal trade secrets so that they can share them with other brokers. They QUALITY HOME LOANS TRANSFORMS HARD MONEDY NICHE INTO MAINSTREAM SPECIALTY Before Quality Home Loans, the hard money lending niche was dominated by a fragmented group of small local private investors who lent money at exorbitantly high interest rates. Under the leadership of founder and Chief Executive Officer John T. Gaiser, Quality Home Loans of Calabasas, Calif., aims to institutionalize ‘hard money’ lending, transforming the niche into a mainstream specialty. “Our goal is to be the low-cost leader and set the industry standard for hard money equity loans,” says Gaiser, whose Quality Home Loans recently completed the first all hard-equity securitization by a single originator in the mortgage lending industry. “We want to educate the mortgage brokerage community about our product and competitive pricing so that they will originate loans to our guidelines. We are working to make our product Mortgage Daily News cial strength of New Century behind us gives us the opportunity to be very competitive with larger customers. We are having a lot of success with $20 million to $75 million deals and we are very excited about the ability to expand our market share over the next several years. Our plan is to become the premier warehouse lender in the middle market space. expect, and deserve, a different approach. We have created Access Elite which substantially reduces pre-funding documentation requirements. Combined with our online technology, ease of funding is maximized. All loan information and documentation required to fund a loan can be uploaded electronically from our customer’s LOS or database software. DF: Yes. We understand that more creditworthy and sophisticated customers DF: Call us at 281-207-7000 or visit MDN: Do you approach customers differently? larger branches are always using the most current forms, so we don’t have state regulators breathing down our necks for something as simple as not using the latest form. Encompass literally helps us stay in business. We hear about big companies going under because they didn’t have systems like Encompass. That’s just not something we have to worry about. MDN: What differentiates Supreme Lending from other companies? SE: At the end of the day, it’s the little things that differentiate Supreme Lending from the competition. We’re very well aware that things like making the transaction 10 minutes faster for a loan officer or 15 minutes faster for an underwriter, make a world of difference. The bottom line is that time equals money, money equates to rates and rates equate to better programs and better savings for borrowers. Time mansimply want to learn more about your business to help you realize your full potential in small commercial lending. Sales Once you begin driving in small commercial business, the next step is converting those leads into loan applications. RAM’s have an encyclopedic knowledge of borrower objections, common appraisal questions and other challenges often associated with selling the deal. They will coach you through the sales process and prepare you for what many brokers typically face when speaking with small commercial prospects. The RAM’s sole purpose is to help you to become a more successful mortgage broker. Think of them as someone who can train your loan offimore and more mainstream, and exceptionally competitive.” Quality Home Loans specializes in originating non-prime mortgage loans through its wholesale broker network. It underwrites and securitizes its own loans, with its stated goal to become the industry’s number one originator and purchaser of what are traditionally known as Hard Money Loans. The loans that are financed by Quality Home are secured by first trust deeds that generally do not conform to the underwriting guidelines typically applied by banks and other lending institutions. The company’s typical borrowers have significant derogatory credit due to an adverse financial condition, delin- MDN: How can our readers find out more about Access Lending? agement means more loans for our loan officers. By addressing the little things, we’re able to create a winning situation all the way around. MDN: Many companies are reluctant to switch loan origination systems. What piece of advice would you give them? SE: Honestly, they don’t have a choice. The industry is moving in that direction and finally realizing that they cannot depend on outdated loan origination systems. Currently, about one third of brokers use Encompass. Within a year, I expect that to grow to 80 percent. If mortgage companies don’t have a system that addresses compliance, growth and expansion, they won’t be able achieve them, period! They’ll be dead in no time. I really believe that. Encompass addresses all of these issues like no other loan origination system on the market. cers if you don’t have the time; a second opinion when working on a new marketing strategy; and a sounding board when honing your sales pitch. For more information on your Regional Account Manager or InterBay’s loan programs, call 866-INTERBAY. However, if you’re looking for a hand-knit stapler cozy with very little support behind it, you may want to go with another lender. About the author Matt Cascarino, Marketing Manager for InterBay Funding, LLC, consults with mortgage brokers in the United States and Canada on their small commercial sales and marketing efforts. He also authors the InterBay Blog at www.inter Contact Cascarino at m [email protected]. quent or charged-off trade lines, recent foreclosures, recent bankruptcy filings or current Notice of Default or Notice of Sale recorded. In most states, the maximum LTV is 70 percent. Quality Home’s loan product generally has a two-year, interest-only period which is fully amortized over 30 years. In most cases, the minimum loan amount is $50,000.00. Generally, a maximum debt-to-income ratio (DTI) of 50 percent is allowed, but the company will review a DTI of up to 55 percent on a caseby-case basis. All of its loans are stated income stated asset. Quality Home does not originate or purchase high-cost loans. Continued on Page 18 Mortgage Daily News First Collateral (Con’t. from p. 1) The value of a warehouse line involves other considerations. Some of the questions you should ask yourself when considering a line include: Has the company been around for a long time? Does it have the wherewithal to be there for you in the future? Always look for a lender with stability. If pricing and product needs change, will this fit your business? Make sure you have flexibility in the products you can put on the line. Some lines are committed and require that certain percentage of Response Mail Express (Con’t. from p. 4) need, Response Mail Express is in the perfect position to provide uniquely-designed materials and strategies so that your mailings “make the cut.” Remember, most people take only three to five seconds to decide what mail to open. So why is Response Mail Express the best direct marketing company in the country for mortgage professionals like you? “Because we are continuously Taylor, Bean & Whitaker (Con’t. from p. 4) might even be involved. Protecting Yourself, Protecting Others According to Everett Ives, Director of the Texas Association of Mortgage Brokers, “The best defense is upholding established best practices and following your gut instincts. If something doesn’t ‘feel’ right to you, pay attention! This is the core guideline bankers have been using for thousands of years, and it still serves us well today.” Ives recommends that brokers and loan officers scrutinize every document and fully investigate irregularities. “Confirm and re-confirm everything,” Ives Jordan (Con’t. from p. 10) and branch closings litter the field. Business survival necessitates protecting all loans against fraud with appropriate due diligence. The rise of insider fraud is also a huge factor. The FBI reports that it Argent University (Con’t. from p. 11) Many of the courses qualify for state CE requirements. Also, mortgage professionals can take courses to earn Friday, September 22, 2006 loans on the line be delivered to the same company’s investor conduit. Think about the long term. How many investors will the warehouse lender allow you to deliver your loans to? Are there credit score restrictions? If so, what will you do if you need to close a loan that falls outside of those guidelines? How does the warehouse lender handle your loan? Will every loan be reunderwritten before you can fund? Or will the loan be acceptable as long as you meet investor guidelines? Will the warehouse lender be willing to contribute resources to help you grow your business? Does the warehouse line have the resources to grow with you? Does the warehouse lender provide you with the ability to submit files for funding electronically? Does the warehouse lender have a website that assists you in monitoring the activity on your line and does it have the capability to run and create specific reports based on your needs? Is there a fee to use it or have it maintained? What will be the warehouse period? If you are selling loans on a best effort basis, 45 days should be more than ade- quate. If you are selling significant size bulk trades, then you may need a longer period. What will the warehouse lender do when loans become “stale”? Your warehouse line is an integral part of your business, and it is important that you choose someone who is willing and able to stick with you not only when the market is booming, but when the market retracts as well. Your warehouse lender is your business partner, and the lifeblood of your banking operations. It is a relationship you should choose carefully. For more information, visit researching the latest in technology to improve response rates and your bottom line,” says Chad Montgomery, Mortgage Sales Manager. “Our mission is to continuously bring you the latest innovations, reach the most qualified prospects, and maximize your lead generation quantity while at the same time seeking ways to reduce your cost per lead.” Response Mail Express offers tested and proven direct mail lead generation packages that make your marketing more effective so you can work smarter, not harder. “You’ll see higher response rates and ultimately close more loans,” Montgomery says. high impact priority “Our envelopes, forms and Snap Packs are designed to catch your prospects attention and consistently generate quality leads,” Montgomery says. “We only need four to five business days to get your mailing out the door.” What’s more, paying for your marketing just got easier as Response Mail now offers 90 days same as cash financing. Prospect Today. Sell Tomorrow. Pay Later. With two production facilities in Tampa and Daytona Beach, Fla., totaling 250,000 square feet and more than 700 employees, Response Mail Express prides itself on the ability to execute every direct mail campaign accurately, on time and at a fair price. “We can say that with confidence because we’ve done it for more than 24 years,” Montgomery exclaims. For more information, call 800-2738866 or stop by the booth at the show. says. Work with people you know and trust. If you receive an appraisal on a property from an appraiser you don’t personally know, order a second appraisal. If anyone provides you with comparable home prices in a neighborhood you are not familiar with, double-check those comparables through another, more trusted source. Choose wholesale lenders with a demonstrated commitment to fraud prevention. They should have fraud prevention mechanisms built into their technology systems, verification redundancies and computer modeling to identify red flags—all fraud prevention policies embraced by Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp early on. Suspect Fraud? Take Action! If you suspect fraud, report your suspicions immediately to your management, or report anonymously to your state or the National Association of Mortgage Brokers. They will alert the proper authorities. Most often, this will be the FBI, which recently launched “Operation Quick Flip,” a comprehensive, multi-agency effort to combat this growing peril. To learn more about fraud and how you can prevent it visit and download Preventing, Detecting & Reporting Mortgage Fraud, a free report Visit with useful information. and search the topic “mortgage fraud” for a wealth of information. Most important: Be proactive! Otherwise, you could be left holding the bag. accounts for 80 percent of mortgage fraud activity. Insiders know how your business works, so they can most easily short-circuit review methods that rely on human discernment. Electronic tools allow for prevention of fraud prior to funding. This is the most logical place to intercept and stop for- profit fraud syndicates. Electronic data sources allow the detection of anomalies in the process to be instant. Manual information gathering makes comparison of disparate data sources impossible, owing to the staggering volume of data that must be analyzed. Advantage Credit and DocuTech are good examples of an industry partnership geared towards fraud prevention. The comAdvantage’s panies incorporated LoanShield product into DocuTech’s ConformX document platform for wider awareness and use. Steps like these will help weave a tight safety net around loan transactions to reduce this serious problem. industry certificates and designation levels that will foster career growth, establish expertise and build credibility among consumers. The cost of professional courses at Argent University is only $350 per student for twelve months of unlimited access to every single course—which is about what it costs to access just one traditional online course. Any broker or banker who does business with Argent can take a selfguided tour of this new online university by visiting and clicking on “Argent University.” to their long-term financial success. “Clearly, renters see homeownership as a key path to financial well-being and stability,” says Cara Heiden, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Division President. “That’s likely shaped by their exposure to homeownership, and seeing how family members or friends have benefited from owning their own homes.” To Heiden’s point, six of every ten renters say the purchase of real estate— either as a primary residence or as an investment property—was the best investment their parents ever made, compared to only four percent of renters who said the same thing about a stock purchase. While they understand why and how homeownership is important, not all are willing to compromise on certain amenities to get into their first home and on the path to financial well-being. Among the renters surveyed who say they want to buy a home, four of every ten are unwilling to buy a home that is smaller than they’d like or one needing significant improvements. Forty-six percent are unwilling to buy at a distance RENTERS: TOO MANY SEEK ‘DREAM’ FIRST HOME RATHER THAN SOUND INVESTMENT Some experts claim the slowdown in the U.S. real estate market is due to rising home prices and interest rate increases, but new research indicates high expectations of homebuyers may play a role as well. A national survey by Wells Fargo Home Mortgage shows few homebuyers 15 are willing to compromise on certain key characteristics of their first home, which may prolong the time they spend renting. According to the research, almost nine of every ten renters in the U.S. believe a home is a good financial investment, and almost seven of every ten believe owning a home is very important About Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Privately held Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., is a top15, fully-integrated national wholesale lender headquartered in Ocala, Fla. TB&W is perfecting the art of mortgage lending by providing technology driven solutions that streamline the mortgage process from origination and underwriting to closing and funding. Big Technology. Bigger Results. For more information, call 888-678-8542 or visit Continued on Page 21 2006 TAMB Option One helps you SCORE BIG with your borrowers. Get your borrowers over the goal line using Option One. Make sure to ask your Account Executive for more details on these and other Texas specific Option One products and programs. • 95% LTV with a 560 credit score • Texas Cash Outs – as low as a 500 credit score for stated wage earners • 80/20 backpack – 100% LTV purchase-money with a 570 credit score • Score Booster – Increase your borrower’s credit score up to 4 points • Score Advantage – Use the higher co-borrower credit score to qualify • Legacy – Up to 95% LTV, full doc with a 500 credit score • Never pay collections, charge off’s or profit & losses at any LTV Stop by the Option One booth and ask your Account Executive or visit us on the web. Option One Mortgage Corporation, 3 Ada, Irvine, CA 92618, is an Arizona Mortgage Banker #BK15204; Loans made or arranged pursuant to a Department of Corporations California Finance Lenders License; Option One Mortgage Corporation is a Georgia Residential Mortgage Licensee; is an Illinois Residential Mortgage Licensee; is a Massachusetts Mortgage Lender #ML0863; is licensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department; is a licensed Mortgage Banker - NYS Banking Department; is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Banking; is a Rhode Island Lender Licensee; is licensed by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, license number MLB-599. Not all programs available in all areas. Option One underwriting guidelines apply to all loan programs. Program restrictions apply. Programs subject to change at anytime and without advance notice. ©2006, Option One Mortgage Corporation. All rights reserved. Kellner Mortgage Investments For more information please visit our booth at TAMB 06 or visit our web site: 18 Friday, September 22, 2006 cent down payment, that’s $10,000 out-of-pocket at the settlement table (and this does not include standard closing fees). Rehab Funding requires no down payment. Also, no bank or lending institution that would possibly do this type of loan would fund 100 percent of the acquisition cost and 100 percent of the repair costs—but if a property is bought for the right price, Rehab Funding will. Rehab Funding really helps real estate investors to maximize their cash flow. The 100 percent financing previously mentioned is great, but is only the beginning. We also offer deferred pay plans to approved borrowers. Our “Half Pay” and “Six Month–No Pay” plans will allow borrowers to defer half or all of their interest-only payments to the end of the loan, allowing them to pay out of profits (after selling or refinancing the property) instead of out-of-pocket each month. Investors who have worked on properties know how difficult cash flow can be to manage. These plans alleviate this problem, and only a company like Rehab Funding, who deals with real estate investors day in and day out, would provide such a great program. Another huge advantage of using Rehab Funding is a quick loan turnaround. If your client is bidding on a foreclosure property, an estate sale or any property from a motivated seller, your ability to move fast will often determine their ability to “steal” a property. Banks will normally take 30–60 days to close. This will rob you and them of a competitive edge. Rehab Funding can close within two weeks—now that’s a hammer to use to get the price down when bidding on a property! Finally, another reason your clients will want to deal with us is that we never charge prepayment penalties. Real estate investors should never deal with a loan that includes such a penalty. The faster they work, the more their investment will pay off. Real estate investors must be aware that each day, they will be paying interest, taxes, insurance, utilities and contractors. This comes right off their bottom line, so all of their incentive should be to to better reach its broker audience. The jumbo wholesaler is poised to grow despite a shrinking marketplace and layoffs across the industry. “At No Red Tape, we strive to continually maintain our focus of exceptional service for our brokers with a prepared staff and sales infrastructure,” says Blake Scheifele, President and Founder of No Red Tape Mortgage. “Our expansion plans are ongoing, as we recognize that it’s crucial we continuously and consistently build upon our relationships, and adding to our already stellar sales team will enable us to do just that.” In March 2006, No Red Tape experienced a more than 35 percent increase in funding volume, over the previous month. In 2005, the company funded a record $3 billion in loans, an increase of nearly 60 percent from 2004. For more information write to 15301 Ventura Blvd, Suite D310, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403, call 866-2-U-CLOSE or visit Florida, Maryland, Texas, New York, and Virginia, among others. “Quality Home Loans is looking to build and develop strong broker relationships, including expanding its correspondent lending division, so we can buy closed loans at a competitive price from mortgage originators who may not be able to sell their loans to a traditional investor,” Gaiser says. “Quality also intends to roll out a private label warehouse line, which will allow smaller originators in its niche to fund their own loans and choose to sell them to Quality Home or any other investor.” Quality Home will do all of the due diligence, including appraisal review, compliance audits and other pre-funding checks. Currently, the company employs approximately 160 account executives, operations staff, review appraisers, compliance auditors, administrative staff and technical specialists. For more information, write to 27001 Agoura Rd., Suite 325 Agoura Hills, CA 91301, call 818- 206-6600 or visit REHAB FUNDING OFFERS ‘REHABBER-FRIENDLY’ TERMS THAT MAXIMIZE CASH FLOW By Bob Beckman of Rehab Funding Do you work with real estate investors that need a source that can finance 100 percent of acquisition *and* repair costs? How about two-week closings? Could they use deferred interest plans and “proof of funds” letters? Rehab Funding can do this and more for your clients. Every day, I talk to different brokers across the country looking for funding for their real estate investor clients. They are surprised when I tell them about our programs and how we can help them close more deals. We protect all our licensed brokers, and they are paid on every deal they refer, including all repeat deals the investor does. As the broker, all you do is submit the investors file—we do the rest. You become the broker of record on every deal they do, and your payment will be reflected on the HUD1. Rehab Funding also offers marketing materials for the broker to use in order to solicit more business from local investors. All the marketing collateral can be customized to have your information on it. We can also provide Web site content you can use on your own site. For those of you who work with real estate investors, you need a highly specialized source, one who thinks outside the box. Let’s take a look at some examples. Most banks and lending institutions don’t want to touch rehab projects. In stark contrast, this is our specialty (100 percent of the acquisition and repair money for rehab projects). Even if you have a bank willing to do a deal, they will usually require a down payment. If you are buying a property for $50,000, and they require a 20 per- NO RED TAPE MORTGAGE PLANS MAJOR NATIONWIDE EXPANSION, DOUBLES SALES STAFF No Red Tape Mortgage™, one of the nation’s premier jumbo wholesale lenders, is doubling its sales staff and rolling out plans for nationwide coverage Quality Home Loans (Con’t. from p. 14) In 2005, Quality Home originated $385 million of these mortgage loans in California. The company is currently expanding its reach, with operations in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington. In the near future, Quality plans to move into Mortgage Daily News Continued on Page 21 Mortgage Daily News Friday, September 22, 2006 TAMB SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Please note that TAMB education sessions and social activities will be held at the Hilton Austin Hotel. The TAMB Marketplace will take place at the Austin Convention Center. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2006 7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Convention Registration 7:45 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Education Sessions 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. Exhibit Set-Up/Move-In 12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. Welcome Lunch, TA.M.B Business Meeting & Installation 6:45 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. President’s Reception Supreme Lending (Con’t. from p. 6) work with a company that is 110 percent committed to your success. If you meet that criteria or already have a branch established, Supreme will put an underwriter in your branch at their cost. Lewis (Con’t. from p. 7) many loan origination systems provide users access to all loan data, and even let users save loan data on a CD-ROM to take away with them. But this need not be the case. Today’s great loan origination systems provide selective access to employees depending on their role and access level. Even better, they store all loan data in a secure centralized repository which cannot be downloaded onto a CD-ROM without authorized access, thereby limiting the chances that a fraud- 7:15 p.m. – 9:45 p.m. President’s Dinner & Entertainment by Billy Riggs SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2006 19 LOGIC C@LL’S TELEMARKETED LEADS YIELD AN ASTOUNDING 12–14 PERCENT CLOSE RATIO by David Lewis, Vice President of Operations for Logic C@ll, Inc. tion, the company prides itself in an 80–85 percent client retention and renewal rate and steadily increasing profitable growth. 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Exhibit Dismantling/Move-Out As you are no doubt aware, there are several lead-generation venues in the industry—everything from TV and radio ads to Internet engines to newspapers and magazines to e-mail blasts to, yes, telemarketed leads. Each of these venues has potential to make you money. But who knows what will work best for your company? Logic C@ll is recognized as a leader in lead generation and one of the fastest-growing call centers in the nation providing telemarketed leads to the mortgage industry. The company’s clientele includes Fortune 500 companies and small to medium-sized firms that experience a 12–14 percent close ratio and one of the lowest costs per funded deals in the industry. In addi- “When we joined Supreme, they saw our volume at 4 million a month and determined that we would be a great candidate to have an underwriter in our office,” says Luc Larose, a Branch Manager at Supreme Lending. “As soon as they did, we nearly doubled our pro- duction without any additional costs! It was incredible. I wish I would have found them sooner!” Supreme Lending also has a company Bulldog named Booda, Everett says. “He runs around the office every day and keeps everyone in great spirits. Come and visit us for one of our orientations and you can meet the little guy!” For more information about Supreme Lending, call 214-340-5225, email [email protected] or stop by their booth so they can tell you about these and many other benefits. ster or disgruntled employee can cause irreparable damage. License Checks Making sure that a loan officer is licensed in the state in which he’s about to originate a loan can be tricky, especially when companies have several branches nationwide, but doing so can save thousands in fines. That’s why it’s essential that companies use loan origination systems that have the checks in place to prevent a loan officer from originating a loan in a state in which he is not licensed. originators to electronically send and receive loan files securely to intended recipients without using e-mail. SDD also prevents the possibility of borrower data being intercepted over the Internet. 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Convention Registration 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Broker Roundtables 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Town Hall Meeting 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Exhibit Staffing Hours 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. TA.M.B 2006 Marketplace Centralized Quality Control Meeting regulatory requirements depends on strict quality control. Yet, many origination systems don’t enable management to monitor the quality of company loans since loan files are stored locally on the desktops of many different computers. In contrast, loan origination systems that use a centralized database to store all of a company’s loan files enable mortgage companies to monitor all loans in the pipeline. Secure Document Delivery (SDD) Most originators are unaware that email is not a secure way to transfer data from one source to another. Not only is it not secure, it can also be illegal to transfer unencrypted loan data through email since it compromises the privacy of the borrower. To avoid this, the best option is to use secure document delivery, which is included in some of today’s loan origination systems. This technology empowers InterFirst (Con’t. from p. 6) including Stated programs, Jumbo, Interest-Only, HELOC, CES and Correspondent CES. Opportunity is another component that InterFirst puts in your hands by providing you with cutting-edge marketing tools like: BoomerangSM, eCards and Ken Hughes (Con’t. from p. 7) resolve issues. Ken Hughes has been a speaker at TAMB and various continuing education events, as well as an annual speaker at the Lender Conference for a national CPA organization. Win ’Em by Price, Lose ’Em by Price In business, we all push our vendors for the lowest cost and the highestquality products and services. Logic C@ll is no exception. This is not a problem until price becomes the major factor in purchasing leads. We have all heard it before: “You get what you pay for.” When purchasing leads, it is important to understand what you are truly getting for the price. Are your leads branded for your company? Are they exclusive? Are they generated real-time? Are they generated in the U.S.? Continued on Page 21 Unless you think you’re immune to fraud and compliance checks, it’s time to give your loan origination system a second look. Are you protected? About the Author David Lewis is Senior Vice President of Marketing at Ellie Mae, makers of the Encompass® Mortgage Automation System. Used by seven of the nation’s 10 largest brokerages, as well as thousands of small brokerages nationwide, this award-winning loan origination system has the fastest-growing adoption of any LOS on the market. For more information, email david [email protected] or at 925-227-7000. SuccessFirst. These tools can help you maximize your market presence, capture more business, convert your leads into loans and build relationships with customers and business professionals like builders, financial planners and real estate agents. For more information, visit or stop by booth 412. Ken Hughes & Associates, PC can provide solutions for all of your tax, audit, accounting and business planning questions. For more information, call 800-221-2509, or take the time to stop by their booth at the TAMB Convention Marketplace. Mortgage Daily News LogicC@ll (Con’t. from p. 19) Logic C@ll is an American company that operates as an extension of your company and brands each lead with your company’s name. Paper leads sent by fax or e-mail are provided within 24 to 48 hours of generation and are triple-verified to ensure each person wants to speak with you and is qualified according to set parameters. Renters (Con’t. from p. 15) farther from work than they would like; and 70 percent are unwilling to move to a less-desirable neighborhood than they would ideally like. For financial coach and bestselling author David Bach, the research results verify observations he has made during the past few years while speaking to thousands of people across the United States on how to live and finish rich. Bach says these findings reinforce what he calls the “dream home trap.” “Many renters today have a list of ‘must-haves’ for their first home,” says Rehab Funding (Con’t. from p. 18) flip the property, or finish and refinance it as soon as possible. Why would they ever take a loan that penalizes them for finishing quickly? Rehab Funding has never and will never charge a prepayment penalty or have Friday, September 22, 2006 Through DirectLink by Logic C@ll, you can have an interested party transferred directly to your loan officers— it’s as “real-time” as it gets! Quantity and Quality The key to keeping your loan officers busy closing deals is consistency in both quality and quantity of leads provided. While radio, TV, Internet, and print campaigns cast the proverbial net over large Bach. “It’s got to have a kitchen with a dishwasher, a two-car garage, and a master suite with a full-bath and walk-in closets. You can have those things eventually, but it’s unlikely that someone who’s renting and has no equity can afford that mortgage right out of the gate. Renters need to be told that their first home should not be their dream home, but a stepping stone to their dream home.” Bach believes renters may need to take a step backward when buying their first home. “It’s almost always better to cut the renting cycle as soon as you can and to continue to upgrade from there,” he says. “Buy what you can afford now, any seasoning issues. Remember, Rehab Funding’s programs are tailored to fit the needs of real estate investors, and as their broker, you can offer these services and become invaluable to your clients. For more information, visit populations, customers must either wait for prospects to swim their way or wade through respondents that are not qualified or ready to do business. Return on Investment Many lead-generation engines pride themselves on close ratios of 1–5 percent. Logic C@ll’s telemarketed leads help our clients close 12–14 percent of their campaigns, and in most cases have a cost per funded build equity, and move closer to that dream home.”Other key findings from the survey include: • Ninety-seven percent of first-time homebuyers would never go back to renting. • Seventy-seven percent of first-time homebuyers believe buying their home is the best investment they ever made. 21 deal under $1,000! This ratio is much higher with our hot transfer program. To partner up for success as so many small, medium and Fortune 500 companies have, visit About the Author David Lewis is Vice President of Operations for Logic C@ll, Inc. He can be reached at 888-740-1900. believe that it is generally true that people cannot obtain mortgages without perfect credit, and 52 percent of renters believe that they personally can’t get a mortgage because of credit issues. But 46 percent of the first-time homebuyers surveyed didn’t believe their credit was “excellent” or even “very good.” • Nearly 75 percent of first-time home buyers believe that the value of their home will go up in 2006. • Fifty-six percent of renters believe that a down payment of 15 percent or more is required when buying a home, and 55 percent believe that size of a down payment is a personal barrier for them. However, 74 percent of first-time homebuyers reported they put less than 15 percent down. MortgageIT (Con’t. from p. 11) expands our product line and offers greater flexibility. • Seventy-eight percent of renters engine—and longer amortization-term products, like our 40-year ARM, to further empower our business partners have all been very significant. MDN: Did your marketing strategy in the past year provide you with the overall position you had projected? SB: Yes, the addition of new products, PriceIT•LockIT, and our decentralized branch platform were helpful. In addition, we were able to more deeply penetrate markets by the addition of wholesale account executives and new branches in markets such as San Jose, which gives us a total of seven branches in California alone. Another major change in our marketing strategy was my promotion to Divisional Manager of the Western Region and the addition of three Regional Vice Presidents, including Rouvaun Walker for Northern California and Jay Talbert for Southern California. These moves were made to provide more branch focus to better meet customer needs. MDN: Describe to our readers your current marketing strategy. MDN: Where is your company’s current product emphasis? SB: While we continue to have a balance between A products and Alt A, our primary focus is on POA, Alt A and piggyback junior-lien loans, including HELOCs and fixed-rate seconds. MDN: What products do you see as being hottest this year? SB: POAs, HELOCs/fixed-rate seconds, interest-only and 40-year ARMs. MDN: What would you say differentiates you from the competition? SB: Our decentralized branch operations allow us to better serve local communities. MDN: What is the nature of your company’s distribution? SB: We are a national player, with 34 decentralized wholesale branches across the country, and we service all 50 states. But we are also seeking to grow deeper in these markets where the population dictates. SB: We are continuing the same strategy mentioned previously while expanding our participation in national, state and local broker events. We are also partnering with industry speakers in many metropolitan areas nationally to help educate and motivate local brokers. In addition to those marketing initiatives, the insertion of an additional layer of sales management helped us tremendously. SB: We have a decentralized sales staff that is in the field, interacting with our business partners every day. In my opinion, these account executives are the best there are, and have the ability to be in the field because they are supported by equally strong branch operations staff. SB: We continually work with our product development department to ensure we have the range of products that most brokers need to be successful. We recently released a new second, which SB: We attribute it to People & Opportunity. We hire the right people that have and develop long-term relationships with loan officers, and then empower them. MDN: Have you introduced any new products this year? MDN: How do you handle sales? MDN: To what do you attribute your company’s success?