December 27, 2015 - St. Catherine of Siena Parish


December 27, 2015 - St. Catherine of Siena Parish
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
547 Washington Street, Norwood, MA 02062
781-762-6080, [email protected]
Saint Catherine of Siena Parish
The Solemnity
of Mary
A Holy Day of Obligation
5:15 P.M.
10 A.M. AND 12 NOON
Sunday Masses:
Saturday: 4 p.m., 5:30 p.m.
Sunday: 7 a.m., 9 a.m., 11 a.m.
Sat: 3-3:45 p.m. or by appointment
Rosary: Daily at 6:20 a.m. and
Weekday Masses: Mon-Fri: 6:45 a.m. following the 5:15 p.m. Mass
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 5:15 p.m.
Sat: 7 a.m.
Saint Catherine of Siena Parish, 781-762-6080
Rev. Stephen Donohoe, Pastor
Rev. Jean Pierre Aubin, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Msgr. Paul Ryan, In-Residence
Mrs. Doris Hallee, Pastoral Associate 781-769-5354 x273
Mrs. Leah Ramsdell
Director of Religious Education and Youth Faith Formation x13
Mr. Kirk Hartung
Director of Music & Organist x26
Mrs. Marisa Ferrara
Associate Director of Music
Mr. Bob Calarese, Parish Business Manager
Mrs. Diane Butts, Parish Bookkeeper
Mrs. Laura Hayes, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Amy Campbell, Administrative Assistant
St. Catherine of Siena School, 781-769-5354
Mrs. Mary Russo, Principal
Mrs. Mary Beth Cox, Director of Advancement x271
Mrs. Linda Canniff, Director of Admissions x262
Mr. John Farrell, Director of Facilities & Grounds x269
December 27, 2015
Eucharistic Adoration: Thurs 7:15
a.m. - 5 p.m. First Friday/Saturday 6
p.m.-6:45 a.m.
Baptisms: 1 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th
Sunday of each month. Please contact the Rectory.
Our Mission: St. Catherine of Siena Parish is a Roman
Catholic community established in Norwood,
MA in 1890. Responding to our baptismal call to holiness, we seek to live the teachings of Christ in the Roman Catholic tradition through worship, education, service and evangelization.
All are welcome in Christ! “…To those sanctified in
Christ Jesus, called to be saints with all who are invoking the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in every place…
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from
the Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to God continuously for you because of the grace of God that has been
given to you in Christ Jesus. By that grace, in all things,
you have become wealthy in him… He too will strengthen you, even until the end, without guilt…” Introduction
of First Letter of Saint Paul to Corinthians
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
From the Pastor’s Desk
December 27, 2015
Merry & Blessed Christmas!
On behalf of Father Jean Pierre, Msgr. Ryan, myself, and
the entire staff of Saint Catherine of Siena Parish; I offer
you our prayers and fondest regards for a Merry and
Blessed Christmas.
Thank you for your prayerful presence in this Christmas
celebration. May the light and love of Christ, the gift of
God, shine brightly and warmly in your hearts and
homes, not only this Christmas but throughout the New
A special word of thanks for all who have helped in the
preparations for Christmas; the “Giving Tree,” the liturgical ministers, the choirs and cantors, the ushers and
church decoration team, the parking lot attendants and
many more whose service and efforts help us to worship
with reverence and love.
In Christmas, God offers us the greatest of all gifts, His
Divine Life and Love in Jesus Christ. God does not sit on
the sidelines of life, calling in the plays, but enters fully
into our humanity in the birth of Jesus Christ. For God so
loved the world, He sent His only Son that we might
have life and have it to the full. This beautiful gift, this
mystery of faith, takes a life time to unwrap. By devotional prayer, reflection, and the sacramental liturgical
life, we come to experience God’s love in ever new
ways. Christmas is not merely a Hallmark moment, but a
new way of life!
As we unwrap the gift of the Christmas Nativity Scene
we learn from each of the characters in this scene something more of our own vocation as Christians. Mary and
Joseph teach us courageous devotion, love, and trust in
the ways of God. The shepherds teach us to lay aside our
busy lives of work in quiet worship before the Lord. The
Kings teach us that the hope of every nation is fulfilled
in the Baby King, the Son of God - Jesus Christ. And
the tender baby Jesus Christ teaches us innocence and
humility, gentleness and strength, love and sacrifice, the
little and the great.
May our lives always find joy in unwrapping the great
mystery of this Divine Gift.
Blessings & Peace,
Father Donohoe
Baptisms 1 p.m.
Bingo: 6 p.m. Start. Doors open at 4 p.m.
SCS Basketball 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Cub Scouts 6 p.m. Cafeteria
CYO Basketball 7:30-9 p.m.
SCS Basketball 2:30-4 p.m.
CYO Basketball 7:30-9 p.m.
SCS Basketball 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Shaughnessy-Baker Wedding Rehearsal 6:30 p.m.
Adult Basketball League 7:30-9:30 p.m.
Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary 5:15 p.m.
Happy New Year! The Solemnity of Mary,
Masses at 10 a.m. and 12 noon
Shaughnessy-Baker Wedding 2 p.m.
December 27, 2015
Mass Intentions
7:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7 a.m.
9 a.m.
11 a.m.
6:45 a.m.
5:15 p.m.
6:45 a.m.
5:15 p.m.
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Emma J. Hourihan
Mary Flaherty’s Family
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Pro Populo
Philip C. Kelly, Peter J. Curran and
Edmund Jenkins
Maria, John and Antero Branco and
the Neves and Rocha Families
Monday, December 28, 2015
Michelle Horton and Family
Teresa Neary and Family
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Ernest Campbell
Lillian F. Bramlett
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
6:45 a.m.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
6:45 a.m.
5:15 p.m.
Vigil Mass for the Solemnity of Mary
Friday, January 1, 2016
The Solemnity of Mary
Masses at 10 a.m. and 12 Noon
Saturday, January 2, 2016
7:00 a.m.
4:00 p.m.
5:30 p.m.
7:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Pro Populo
Michael K. Cahill (15th Anniversary)
In Loving Memory
Please remember our beloved deceased, especially Juan Morales and Carmen Castro Buckley
who were buried from our parish recently. May
they rest in peace.
Wedding Bann 3: Robert Shaughnessy
and Stephanie Baker
Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors Schedule
Every Christmas, we join with family and friends
to honor and thank our priests. Our 614 diocesan priests celebrate our joys, comfort us in
times of crisis or sorrow, and are there during the
ordinary and extraordinary moments of life. Together, they represent thousands of years of dedicated service to Christ and to us --His Church.
Remember priests such as Msgr. Ryan and
Msgr. McRae who have made a meaningful difference in your life, and consider honoring them
with a generous gift to the Christmas collection.
You also can make a gift online at or simply text the word PRIEST to
56512 (msg and data rates may apply). Our
priests have dedicated their lives to serving the
Catholic faithful in our Archdiocese. Now, it is
our turn to serve them in their time of need.
Thank you for your prayers and generous support of our priests.
If you do not receive a copy today, please call
the Rectory at 781-762-6080 and we will
make sure you receive one.
Weekend of 12/20
Weekend of 12.27
Weekend of 1/3/16
Team 3
Team 1
Team 2
Grand Annual Update
The end of the tax year is fast approaching. Have
you made your tax deductible donation to our Grand
Annual Collection? All donations must be received by
Friday, January 8th, to be included on your 2015 tax
statement from St. Catherine’s. We currently are
$41,000 from our goal of $200,000, and 645 families
have participated. Last year, 712 families contributed, and we are hoping to exceed that number this
year. All contributions, no matter the size, help to
make our Grand Annual a success, so if you have not
yet made a pledge or donation, cards and envelopes
are available at the entrances today. Thank you to
everyone who has participated so far!
December 20, 2015: $13,982
Thank you for your continued support!
Are you living on a fixed income and would like to make a
gift to Saint Catherine’s? Consider making a gift through
your will. Contact your attorney so you can include Saint
Catherine’s among your heirs. For more information on
how to include Saint Catherine’s in your will, please visit
our website under “Planned Giving” or call Fr. Donohoe or
Bob Calarese at 781-762-6080.
The True Meaning of Christmas: Archbishop
Fulton J. Sheen's books, tapes, homilies, retreats, and television series have inspired countless souls all over the world. This digitallymastered presentation combines classic recordings of his timeless reflections on the meaning of
the Incarnation of Jesus, mixed with Gregorian
Chant and seasonal music. It is sure to become a
family favorite! This CD and others can be found
in the Lighthouse Catholic Media kiosk located in
the front entrance of the church.
Did you know? The Legion of Mary, Our Lady
Comforter of the Afflicted Praesidium, which
meets on Thursdays at 3 p.m. in the Siena
Room, provides prayerful and merciful service to
many area residents. This fall, members have
recited the Rosary at the Ellis Nursing Home, the
Golden Living Nursing Home, the Clark House,
and the Highland Glen Apartments. Holy Communion was administered to 40 homebound parishioners and visits were made to patients in
nursing homes and the hospital. Legionaries also attended baptisms and provided parents with
Rosary beads, a Miraculous Medal, and a pamphlet of prayers. Other works included attending
wakes and teaching Religious Ed.
It's never too late to become a part of our Catholic faith family. If you are unbaptized, or if you
are baptized in another denomination, and
would like to explore the possibility of learning
more before making your final decision, give us
a call and let us know. We can help. Just call
Doris at 781-769-5354 Ext.273 for further information.
St. Catherine of Siena Parish
Adult Confirmation Class
Are you an adult who was baptized and received First
Communion but somehow never received the sacrament of Confirmation? Have you always wanted to
receive this sacrament and wondered what preparation would be necessary to do so? As part of an effort
to reach out to adults in this situation, St. Timothy
and St. Catherine parishes work jointly to offer classes for adults seeking the sacrament of Confirmation.
Our next session of Adult Confirmation classes will be
offered at St. Timothy’s on Mondays from January 11
to March 21 and will prepare participants to receive
Confirmation this spring. St. Catherine parishioners
are welcome! If you are interested or want more information, please contact Colleen Campion at St.
Timothy’s, 781-769-2522 or by email at [email protected] .
Join St. Mary’s in Dedham for a
Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes
Join Fr. Mark Storey and Saint Mary of the Assumption Parish in Dedham on a pilgrimage to
Fatima, Lourdes and Santiago de Compostela
October 17-26, 2016. The tour will include a
stop in Santarem to visit the Church of the Holy
Miracle, candlelight processions in Fatima and
Lourdes, a visit to the birthplace of St. Ignatius in
Loyola, a tour of the Basilica of Our Lady of the
Rosary and the Basilica of St. Pius X, and much
more. For more information and a reservation
form, contact Teena at Dube Travel at 207-6260555.
Mass and Healing Service: A Mass and Healing Service will be held at the Church of the
Blessed Sacrament, 10 Diamond St., Walpole,
on Sunday, December 27th, at 2 p.m. with Fr.
Joseph P. McDermott. All those with physical
illnesses, as well as those burdened or suffering
emotionally, spiritually, psychologically or financially, are invited to come pray.
30% OFF
Do you have questions about the Bible?
Have you often found
yourself wanting to
grow in confidence in
regards to reading
and praying with Scripture? If only the complex
could be made simple… Well, it can!
Join us in this NEW program!
The Great Adventure Catholic Bible Study Program: Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible
 This is an 8-week program published by Ascension Press
 Start date: Tuesday, January 19-March 8,
from 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
 Location: St. Catherine School cafeteria
 Sign-Up-Sunday Cards: at each Mass on
January 9 & 10, 2016
The key to understanding the Bible is understanding the story that ties it all together. The Bible Timeline learning system does just that. Ascension Press tells us:
It simplifies the Bible by focusing on fourteen narrative books that tell the story of
Scripture, from beginning to end.
It divides the story into twelve time periods
that act like chapters in salvation history.
It ties all of Scripture together by following
God’s “family plan” from Adam and Eve to
Christ and the Church.
It makes it easy to remember by colorcoding each of the time periods.
The program materials include eight compelling
videos (30 minute presentations), student workbook with helpful notes, charts, maps, questions,
etc., and a wonderfully created Bible Timeline
Chart, a color-coded, easy to use chart that arranges key people and events in easily understood order to help us makes simple sense of
what would ordinarily take years to assimilate
and understand. This is, by far, the most clever,
and most useful chart of its kind! A related tool is
the Bible Timeline Bookmark, which is equally
helpful. Join us and bring a friend!
December 27, 2015
Religious Education and
Youth Faith Formation
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Upcoming Classes.
Classes for grades 1-5 resume the week of Sunday, January 10th.
Many thanks to all who contributed to our glove
and mitten drive to benefit clients of the Abundant Table in Norwood!
Grades 6-8
Classes for grades 6-8 resume on Sunday, January 24th
Confirmation I and II
Classes for grades 9 and 10 will resume on Sunday, January 31st
Confirmation II Retreat
Sunday, January 10th, 2016
9-3 p.m.
Betania II Retreat Center, Medway, MA
Students in grade 10 MUST attend the retreat.
We will attend the 9 a.m. Family Mass together
and a parent and/or the student’s sponsor MUST
attend the Mass ONLY.
Lunch as well as transportation to and from the
retreat center will be provided.
Many thanks to all who contributed to our sock
and chapstick collection to benefit a men’s satellite shelter of the Pine Street Inn.
Attention Parents:
If children need to use the restrooms in the sacristy before, during or after Mass, we strongly encourage you to accompany them. St. Catherine
of Siena Parish is a safe and nurturing environment, and we want to do everything to protect
our children.
Almighty God,
As we are on the brink of a brand New Year,
we thank you for all the blessings you have given
us this year.
Father, please forgive us for all that we have
that we should not have done,
for the things we should have done and did not.
Please wipe our hearts clean
and make us pure again and free in You.
We ask that in the New Year
you will Guide us in our Choices and Decision
so that we will choose wisely
with the Help of Your Holy Spirit.
Help us to acknowledge you in everything we do
and then we will succeed in our Plans.
Help us to Delight ourselves in you
and you will give us the Desires of our Heart!
Help us to Love, show compassion
and help others as your Son did.
We thank you for the Gift of Jesus
and for His life given for our Eternal Salvation
and Freedom.
We ask all in the Savior's Name!
Reprinted from
Catholic Doors Ministry
News from
Saint Catherine of Siena School
See Christ in Others.
Be Christ for Others.
St. Catherine School Celebrates Christmas with Annual Concert
St. Catherine of Siena’s Annual Christmas Concert this past
week gave our students, parents, and alumni the wonderful
opportunity to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas - the
great gift of the Lord coming into our world as a little child
to live with us and to work for our salvation. The theme,
selected by Music Teacher Mrs. Ferrara, was The Christmas
Story. All grade levels, from Pre-School – Grade 8, participated in the medley of Christmas carols, religious songs, and
instrumental music that made up the program. In addition,
Grade 5 students had the special privilege of reenacting the
story of Jesus’ birth in the form of a pageant with Scripture
readings. Rev. Stephen Donohoe, Pastor of St. Catherine of
Siena Parish, began the program with a prayer. Students in
the Youth Choir and Student Council welcomed families
and alumni. Other classes followed with carols and songs.
Among the highlights were a haunting version of Child of
the Poor /What Child Is This? performed by Grade 5 and
Grade 6 and a show-stopping rendition of How Far Is It to
Bethlehem?/Echo Carol by Grade 1 with Grade 8. Special
thanks and recognition go to Mrs. Ferrara for her inspired
work with the students. Speaking for many in the appreciative audience, Father Donohoe said, "It was wonderful. The
children are so talented. It really captured the message of
Special Thanks
In addition to appreciation for Mrs. Ferrara’s spectacular
work, we want to thank Kirk Hartung and Greg Gonser for
musical and technical assistance and our Pre-School students who performed for the very first time in a Christmas
Concert. The performance was videotaped and can be seen
on Norwood Public Access TV.
Grade 8 and Kindergarten Students Pair Up
to Work on Gingerbread Houses
One of the longest running traditions at St. Catherine of
Siena School is the pairing up of Kindergarten students and
Grade 8 students to make gingerbread houses at Christmas
time. As they constructed their festive, edible houses in the
cafeteria this year, the junior architects had dozens of candies to choose from to build and decorate their creations,
from gum drops to candy canes, as well as cookies and frosting to add to the exteriors and create a variety of house
styles. Other building materials included pretzels, crackers,
marshmallows, and chocolate chips. Stained glass windows
were made of Jolly Ranchers; log cabins were made of pretzels; trees were made of spearmint leaves; and graham
cracker teddy bears were yard toys. As the houses took
shape, so did the synergy and teamwork between the Kindergarteners and their Grade 8 friends.
St. Catherine of Siena School’s
Christmas Wish
On behalf of the faculty and support staff, the parents, and
the children of St. Catherine of Siena School community, we
pray that the Lord will grant to all parishioners at St. Catherine of Siena Parish a Blessed and Holy Christmas and a
New Year filled with joy and peace!