Referat I 1, Justizministerium Nordrhein
Referat I 1, Justizministerium Nordrhein
Our projects … Referat I 1, Justizministerium Nordrhein-Westfalen 14.03.2016 Key figures of the project 2 /15 ➡ What we want to achieve: Building an European digital infrastructure for secure transborder communication in the field of justice ➡ Our Partners: 25 Partner out of 20 countries (incl. Norway and Turkey) and CCBE, CNUE ➡ Duration: 66 Months (December 2010 to May 2016) ➡ Start of piloting phase: July 2013 3 /15 How we proceed Use of standardized building blocks in regard to the communication between member states, citizens and businesses ➡ e-Delivery – secure electronic delivery ➡ e-Signature – electronic signatures ➡ e-Payment – electronic cross-border payment ➡ e-ID – electronic authentication ➡ e-Document – electronic translation / transcription 4 /15 How e-CODEX works Legal Practitioner Company Citizen c e i . t e s u u j r o e . w w w e c p i t o s r u t J a l e e -D e li v e r y n e t w e-C k r o y a O D E X g ate w e-CODEX Pilots I 5 /15 Civil Law ➡ European Payment Order (EPO) Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland and The Netherlands ➡ Small Claims Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Poland and The Netherlands ➡ Exchange of register information / data France, Germany, Greece Ireland and Italy § e-CODEX Pilots II 6 /15 Criminal Justice ➡ Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters Belgium, Germany and The Netherland (EuRegio) ➡ Mutual Recognition of financial penalties France, Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Hungary § 7 /15 Key figures ➡ What we want to achieve: Building an European digital infrastructure for secure cross-border communication in the public sector to strengthen the Digital Single Market in Europe ➡ Our partner: 100 Partner out of 22 countries (incl. Norway and Turkey ) as well as ETSI and OpenPEPPOL ➡ Duration: Expected 48 months (extended from 36 months) (April 2013 to April 2017) 8 /15 Tasks ➡ Consolidation and harmonisation of the achievements of the previous European Large Scale Projects ➡ Further development of the achieved results and solutions of the European Large Scale Projects ➡ Implementation and / or re-use of the outcomes of e-SENS in future European projects (e.g. in the field of education, maritime surveillance and social security data) 9 /15 Background e-SENS Existing “Large Scale Pilots” ➡ PEPPOL Pan-European Public Procurement Online ➡ SPOCS Simple Procedures Online for Cross- Border Services ➡ STORK (STORK 2.0) Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linked ➡ epSOS European patient Smart Open Services ➡ e-CODEX e-Justice Communication via Online Data Exchange 10 /15 Benefits ➡ Member States and national government receive / a platform of coreservices for eGovernment cross-border services / interoperable and efficient technical solutions for their or public services to connect their public services to ➡ Businesses get access to open source solution which they could implement in their own IT-solutions and services ➡ Citizes und Businesses could use the advantages of public services in regard to free movement or doing business within the EU and other ‘partner countries’ ➡ Students could access academic programmes in other countries and move freely between European institutions of higher education 11 /15 Pilot: e-Confirmation e-Documents e-Signature e-Delivery 12 /15 Pilot: e-Tendering e-Documents e-Delivery 13 /15 eIDAS Regulation (EU) No 910/2014 on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market and repealing Directive 1999/93/EC ➡ Scope: eIDAS does not affect national law related to the conclusion and validity of contracts or other legal or procedural obligations relating to form (Art 2 III) ➡ Mutual recognition of notified electronic identification means with the same assurance level (Art 6) ➡ Mutual recognition of trust services, i.e. electronic signatures (Art 27), electronic seals (Art 37) and electronic time stamps (Art 41) 14 /15 eIDAS: How it will benefit your business? eIDAS: HOW IT WILL BENEFIT YOUR BUSINESS ? € TAX PAYING CONTRACTS SIGNING INVOICING TENDERS A SWEDISH COMPANY WANTS TO PARTICIPATE IN A PUBLIC CALL FOR TENDER IN BEFORE Danger of UNCERTIFIED WEBSITE WEBSITE AUTHENTICATION The Swedish SME IS NOT AUTHENTICATED might be fake E-ID AUTHENTICATION CROATIA NOW EXCHANGE OF PHYSICAL DOCUMENTS... CREATION OF THE E-DOCUMENT SIGN Missing documents Confirmed time of submission Lost documents e-Acknowledgement of receipts T IM E T S O L 3 DAYS 2€ 2€ 2€ 2€ Swedish company (legally valid) DOCUMENT AUTHENTICATED NO ONE ABLE TO SIGN 09 :56 1 DAY E-SIGNATURE 4 DAYS 7 DAYS STAMP E-REGISTERED DELIVERY LESS DOCUMENTS STORAGE LESS TIME 1 - 2 WEEKS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 HOURS - FEW DAYS LOWER COST € 50 - 100 € 10 - 20 Source: Commission Staff Working Paper Impact Assessment accompanying the proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market - SWD/2012/0135 final, p.32. [email protected] [email protected]
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