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breast cancer - Media Categories
E V E RY T H I N G YO U N E E D T O K N O W T O H E L P YO U B E AT C A N C E R i c o n 2005 Issue 3 EXCLUSIVE MARSHA HUNT A solo battle with breast cancer PROSTATE CANCER LATEST An update on the newest drugs THE FOUR PILLARS OF CANCER Our prevention guide starts here TURNING UP THE HEAT How hyperthermia works IT’S ONLY NATURAL How green is your tea? i n t e g r a t e d c a n c e r a n d o n c o l o g y n e w s Essential reading on cancer A brand new bible! The fount of all knowledge. Over 80 pages more than the first edition, but still in that simple, highly usable style; all the causes, all the treatments. The ultimate guide for people who have cancer and anyone who wants to prevent it. Best seller 2003 and 2004 This is a truly inspirational step-by-step guide. It should be given out by every GP – a simple guide to help you prepare your own wholistic cancer programme. It covers absolutely everything everything from support groups to supplements. New 2004 £9 3rd edition £15 The new second edition – this book looks at the science of beating cancer through diet and then turns it into something really easy-to-read and use. This book is a genuine first: A comprehensive review of complementary and alternative therapies from all over the world. A diet of addition, not omission, with ideas and recipes and shopping lists. Much needed and long overdue. Best seller 2004 £15 Breast cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, melanoma etc. etc. This is an authoritative guide on the dangers of oestrogen in so many cancers, and how to cut it from your life. New 2004 £9 New 2005 £15 ALL PRICES EXCLUDE POSTAGE AND PACKING TO ORDER RING 01280 815 166 NOW ! You owe them to your good health. icon This magazine is dedicated to Catherine Woollams A magazine from CANCERactive Registered Charity No. 1102413 England EDITOR: Maggie Goodman CONTRIBUTORS: Melanie Hart, Madeleine Kingsley and Ginny Fraser. ART DIRECTOR: Jeremy Baker PUBLISHING TEAM: Chris Woollams & Lindsey Fealey All profits go to CANCERactive For information on how to receive i c o n regularly, please contact us as follows: 4 DR JULIAN KENYON ANSWERS YOUR PROBLEMS OUR INTEGRATIVE NURSE ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS 6 LIVING PROOF Marsha Hunt tackles breast cancer with calm and courage Visit our websites: Barbara Cox discusses JUICING in our new regular feature PREVENTION CONFERENCE Important news from CANCERactive 22 26 Every article and photograph printed in 15 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT COLON CANCER CANCERactive and may not be reproduced without prior permission. IMPORTANT NOTICE While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy, neither the magazine, its staff, nor publishers accept any responsibility for errors, omissions or consequences. Cancer is a very serious and very individual disease and readers must consult with experts in the appropriate medical field before taking any action or refraining from any action. The content of this magazine is in no way intended to be a substitute for any treatment recommended by a qualified medical practitioner or cancer specialist. Printed by: Premier Print Group, 25-31 Violet Road, Bow, London E3 3QQ LET’S BE COMPLEMENTARY 16 THE FOOD DOCTOR We would like to thank all doctors, nurses, health workers and practitioners who made this issue of icon possible this magazine is the copyright of 12 14 Gawcott, Buckingham MK18 4JB Telephone us on 01280 815166 CANCERactive: 01280 821 211 11 Turn up the heat - it’s HYPERTHERMIA! i c o n , The Elms, Radclive Road Fax us on 01280 824655 contents Ask Nurse Patricia Write to us at Email us on [email protected] i c o n A comprehensive update 21 NOTICEBOARD News and views 24 THE EU AND THE VITAMIN BAN What the new rules really mean Centrefold pin-up 35 PROSTATE CANCER DRUGS ICON INFO - Your vital reference page CANCERactive news Catch up on the latest happenings 38 CANCERactive How to join us GREEN TEA: TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE? THE 4 PILLARS OF CANCER Chris Woollams introduces a 4-part guide to prevention that could save your life 36 40 IT’S ONLY NATURAL 28 Charging up your immune system: how Bio-Bran can help CANCER WATCH 42 Latest nutition and drug findings; chemical world 47 49 HOT GOSSIP Hear it here first! i c o n 4 J U L I A N K E N Y O N ’ S C O L U M N Dr. Kenyon answers Q I have recently been diagnosed with lieomyosarcoma of the uterus. My general gynaecological consultant has given me such a bleak picture of the outcome, I almost wanted to give up there and then. My friend has been to one of Chris Woollams’ lectures and bought two of the books. They have been a little ray of hope in what appears to be a very bleak time. I would like to know if there is anything specific to these cancers that I can do for myself. I am a single parent with a 13 year old daughter. A Your gynaecologist has painted a bleak picture of the outcome and it is true that sarcomas in general are not noted for their cure rates. Generally speaking, surgery is an important option. Chemotherapy, also generally speaking, offers a four percent chance of any effect. Q I’m looking for guidance about alternative cancer treatment centres and wonder if you can offer any help. My partner has suffered from cervical cancer for the last seven years and has been treated with a combination of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. (We have also been avid readers of i c o n and have followed much of your advice on diet and healthy living.) However, it seems we are coming to the end of the line with conventional medicine and I am researching cancer hospitals that use alternative methods of treatment. For example I was very interested in Chris’s interview with Dr Contreras of the Oasis of Hope Clinic in Mexico. The biggest issue I face is how to choose between different treatment centres, and I would gratefully appreciate any advice you have. A There are many alternative cancer treatment centres worldwide. I’d look for one that has a mixture of conventional and alternative approaches. The downside of the Mexican centres is that they have relatively little in terms of conventional approaches available to them. Essentially, what we concentrate on at the Dove Clinic is safe treatments for late-stage cancers and therefore we cannot use standard chemotherapy or radiotherapy, as most of our patients have Stage 4 cancers and cannot tolerate these approaches. In terms of tumour cell destruction, our most successful approach has been with Photodynamic Therapy. We also do a great deal of work in stimulating cell mediated immunity and this relates to various sub-sets of white cells. This is a complex area and is not just a case of simply stimulating the immune system. We can do that specifically against the protein on the patient’s tumour using targeted vaccines known as dendritic cell vaccines. I hope this is helpful. I can only quote our own findings, that with Photodynamic Therapy we have managed to hold several sarcomas in a stable condition, in one case for more than a year. However, we have not cured any of them. We have had no effect using standard nutritional medicine but have had some marginal effects using angiogenesis inhibitors (preparations to stop new blood vessel formation in tumours) and vigorous stimulation of cell mediated immune function, using specific proteoglycans preparations. These I feel are the main areas to concentrate on. Q My husband has recently been diagnosed with lung cancer. Thirty years ago he worked in a boatyard building fibreglass boats and I am wondering whether the fibreglass dust contributed to his disease. I am particularly concerned because our son also works in a boatyard. Is there anything he can do to protect himself or at least build up his immune system? A The chances are that the fibreglass itself isn’t responsible, but the solvents, which are very volatile when building fibreglass boats, can be very toxic to the lungs. I personally have seen several lung cancer patients who have worked in environments with high volatile hydrocarbons such as dry cleaners. I haven’t been able to locate any epidemiological studies on this particular factor, but I feel certain they must exist. From your son’s point of view, I would get some advice on how he could best detox from the almost constant inhalation in enclosed spaces of volatile hydrocarbons. Also on methods of stimulating his cell mediated immunity. This is our main defence system against cancer. Please write to or email Dr Kenyon, c/o the i c o n office (address on Page 3). Dr Kenyon can also be reached by visiting or on 020 7580 8886 and 01962 718000. E D I T O R I A L i c o n i c o n Our biggest issue yet B ecause we are now quarterly, we have a terrific lot to say for ourselves which is why this issue is bigger than ever - 52 pages - and we still have trouble packing everything in! We are very proud to feature the story of Marsha Hunt’s battle with breast cancer; her approach is as individual as she is and although we wouldn’t necessarily recommend all her methods, our policy has always been to do what feels right for you… and she’s certainly a good example of that. In particular we admire the nonchalant way Marsha deals with losing her trademark abundant hair. It shows she has a real grip on the things that really matter at this crucial stage in her life. In this issue we publish the first part of Chris Woollams’ Four Pillars of Cancer. Long-term readers may remember the same theme in the very first issue of i c o n , and he has now expanded it into the most comprehensive guide available to prevention and taking responsibility for our own health. So comprehensive, in fact, that the whole story will be told over four issues of the magazine. Make sure you keep reading. Still on the subject of prevention, you will find information on Page 22 of our very first Prevention Conference in London on November 17th. Definitely not one to miss. Congratulations are in order to our popular columnist Patricia Peat who gave birth to a son, Alexander George last month. (See photo on page 11.) She was actually finishing this month’s column on the day the baby was due to arrive but fortunately he wasn’t in too much of a hurry! We were all very sad to hear about the death of Michael Gearin-Tosh, a great friend of i c o n and CANCERactive who has been featured many times in this magazine. Having been given six months to live after a diagnosis of multiple myeloma, he survived for many years by guts and determination and by following a tough regime based on the Gerson therapy. He died, not of cancer, but of a virulent blood infection, at a time when, apparently, his cancer test results were very good. On this page, Chris Woollams pays his personal tribute to a most remarkable man. Lindsey Fealey MICHAEL GEARIN-TOSH Michael Gearin-Tosh was, quite simply an inspiration to us all. He showed everyone with cancer that you do not have to accept the status quo of orthodox medicine and its gloomy statistics. And that by being open-minded, doing your homework and then being disciplined on a course of action you can give yourself seven or eight times more life expectancy than the world can offer. But let us be clear. Here was an exceptional man who was charming, intelligent and with a wonderful command of the English language. He chose to undertake the Gerson Therapy but not to the total exclusion of orthodox medicine, although he saw little point in taking “poisonous drugs” that would probably only extend his life by a year or so at a cost to both his general well-being and lifestyle. He became a founding patron of CANCERactive and believed fervently in an integrated approach to treating cancer. The best of all that is available. I first met him when he was speaking to a group of doctors. I was asked spontaneously to comment on his choice of self-treatment and offered that I could see why the Gerson Therapy might have a strong beneficial effect with multiple myeloma, indeed any sort of lymphoma/leukaemia/blood cancer, because it is essentially a wonderful detox and we know that such cancers are more likely caused by poisons. I then stated that, for example, farmers have a far higher incidence of multiple myeloma because of the pesticides they use. This was all greeted by howls of protest from medical professionals around the room. At this point Michael, who had been calmly sitting on stage sipping from his thermos flask of self-prepared fruit and vegetable juices, raised his six foot plus frame from his chair, looked carefully at the whole audience and said, slowly and deliberately in the voice of eminent Oxford don: “Christopher is absolutely right”. No -one uttered another word. The presence had spoken. How ironic that, in the end, he did not succumb to cancer but to an unrelated infection. CJW We're here to prevent people dying from cancer 5 i c o n 6 L I V I N G P R O O F Marsha Hunt steers it solo through breast cancer By Madeleine Kingsley ‘Young, Gifted and Black‘ – the sixties soul song title understates, if anything, what Marsha Hunt meant to that swinging decade when she and her huge halo of hair hit London, starred in the radical rock musical Hair and bore Mick Jagger his first child – a daughter, Karis. Photographed nude by Lord Lichfield, Marsha became an icon of beauty and boldness. She has since remade her name as a writer and novelist and made homes in Kent, France and Ireland where she now lives. Always health and body conscious, Marsha, discovered she had breast cancer last November. cancer, more of which you can catch in an ITV documentary Real Life: Beating Breast Cancer on September 26, 2005 and in her book UNDEFEATED (Mainstream, October) i c o n ’s Living Proofs usually feature survivors of some years, but this exclusive first interview about her journey took place as Marsha was still part-way through radiotherapy. It reflects her singular views on, and feisty approach to “I’d been working on a biography about Jimi Hendrix when I developed tenderness in my right breast. There was a lump, but I insisted on not stopping my work. I knew that I was putting my health in danger, but I decided that the book was more important. I still believe that now. It felt like my life’s work as I’d been working on it for four years. I wanted to have something tangible to come back to, not just the kernel of an idea which could easily be dissipated as treatment took over. I’m not 12; I am 59 and I’ve had a fabulous life. Although I feel a youth about me, chronologically I am old, and proud to be that. I believe that we are soldiers and we come here to do good things which can be more important than just hanging in there to live until you are 80. Photos by Derek Spiers L I V I N G B etween June and November, when I sought treatment, the lump became more swollen and irritated. The surgeon I eventually saw at the hospital, literally touched my breast and said ‘I think this is cancer.’ Within two and a half hours I had been for a mammogram, an ultra sound and a biopsy. So although the jury was still out until he saw me again three days later, cancer seemed pretty likely. My daughter Karis was at home in LA, six weeks from having a baby, so she felt troubled that she couldn’t come and take care of me. My issue was ‘Guess what! I am in Ireland with a support system to die for. You hang where you are. I’m going to be fine’ C rucial to my attitude was that I had been carer to my former partner Alan through his colorectal cancer. So the process wasn’t alien to me and I wasn’t scared. We’d met 10 years ago, when he was making a documentary about me and I moved to Ireland to be with him. Our lives were happy, but getting involved with somebody 17 years younger than yourself you assume that it’ll be you whose health suffers first. Instead, five years ago, aged 37, Alan got a major, serious cancer. He was so ill that I became very involved throughout. We really kicked ass with him and he didn’t just come through: he sailed. Through that experience I saw that crisis is also opportunity: sometimes these things happen in your life in a good way, because they force you to make changes. Alan is fine now, but thinking this was his wake-up call I felt he should afterwards go off and be with somebody his age, We parted, though we are still very good friends: he married and his baby is just a year old. Facing cancer, I’m also lucky in my philosophy which owes a lot to living in Ireland where they have very real views on life and death. Being able to say I have had a fabulous life affords one a lot less fear about death, especially as I have written books which I’d leave behind as well as children and grandchildren. So hey, my thought was, ‘If it’s my time, it’s my time.’ Living alone as I have been, you have nobody sitting waiting for breakfast giving you the impression you have to be alive for them. T here’s a lot to be said for that. Speaking as his carer, I am sure that Alan was, at the time, advantaged because he had me fighting his corner. I P R O O F i c o n 7 don’t say this vainly, I say it because I know it is true. But I also know, having done it my way, that there are huge advantages to doing cancer alone. I think it’s primary to my story that I have not had a partner; I have not had any advocate or family with me. I could not have wanted for better friends who, in true Irish fashion, exhausted me, if anything, with their coming and coming to visit, bearing flowers, grapes and gifts. U2 manager, Paul McGuinness let me stay in his house during my treatment and his wife, one of my best friends, arrived the morning of my mastectomy and did not leave until I woke. But ultimately, I have not had the pressure of someone else’s angst relating to my illness and that has been i c o n 8 L I V I N G beneficial. I did not have somebody making this a tragedy I did not feel it was. I could put my skates on and do whatever was necessary at the very moment it seemed so, without asking anyone ‘Are you ready to go? Will your job allow you time today?’ Thirdly I never had to catch anyone looking at me with sorrow. P R O O F As for my mastectomy – it was easy peasy. Having total trust in my 39 year old surgeon, I never felt adrift with my disease. My self never stopped operating. Almost immediately I came out of surgery I was walking round feeling great. Apart from the cumbersomeness of two drains, there was no problem. I had no trouble with my six months chemo or my 25 days of radiotherapy, though the steroids I had along with chemo drugs Adriamycin and taxol made me gain a lot of weight. B ut I really was neither sick nor tired during treatment: I totally had a life. Except that, come day nine or 10 post surgery, when I was supposed to be discharged, I got really sick. I didn’t discover until I moved to a different hospital – Black Rock – that my wound had been infected with MRSA. Some people fight this staphylococcus aureus for months so I was really lucky to get rid of it in three weeks. But they fill you up with designer antibiotics to fight this systemic infection. I was so weak I couldn’t even drink water. I was a mess for about a month and even though I didn’t feel sick psychologically, when I went home for Christmas, I would hear my footsteps drag across the floor and think, ‘Listen to the state of you!’ I wouldn’t necessarily recommend my way of doing cancer to other women. It’s very personal and stems largely from my three professions - as singer, actress and writer. They are all very internal, so I feel I know myself in an unusual way and know my body well enough to respond to what its needs were under the circumstances of disease. Before breast cancer, I was never into traditional medicine. I’ve always been into homeopathy and naturopathy – if there was some way not to take a pill, I would go that route. B ut with the cancer I decided immediately to go the conventional route that kept Alan alive and was therefore proven to me be the safest. I’ve gone the opposite of complementary: I was vegetarian before but I now eat a bit of meat. I’ve stopped exercising, feeling that one’s body is under a lot of pressure, so to go out walking to keep your figure – that’s nuts. I’m not sitting here eating chocolates, but I am being extremely, cautiously kind to my body and listening to myself. If I get up in the night and think I need a lamb chop, I’ll have one. I’ve stopped taking my P R O O F i c o n 9 Photos by Derek Spiers L I V I N G daily kelp, vitamin C and magnesium, because I thought ‘just eat well. Don’t put any more things in that body than all the stuff the medical profession is putting in.’ As for organic eating, I grew a vegetable garden in France and saw how properly organic produce behaved when grown from good seed. If you haven’t eaten a carrot 16 hours after pulling it from the ground, it droops, it flops and wants its mother. S o how can supermarket veg, however labelled, be properly organic when it will sit for a week, bright orange in the fridge, before it’s gone? Sometimes you feel guilty when you refuse professional advice, as I did when they suggested putting a portal in my arm to make delivery of the chemo easier. You wonder if you are putting yourself at risk or simply using your commonsense. But after MRSA I figured I didn’t want something foreign in my body that made me more susceptible to infection. I also chose to use cocoa butter on my radiotherapy site instead of the cream they suggested. I tried not to take the Pill, and I never took HRT though friends thought me crazy to go through the menopause without it. So although I take Herceptin, which is the newly acclaimed, still quite experimental breast cancer drug, I wasn’t going to take Tamoxifen as suggested for five years after breast cancer. I didn’t want any hormonal adjustment. As part of the TV documentary I met a specialist at the Charing Cross Hospital who felt that I definitely should have done the Tamoxifen. But you know what? It’s my life and I’ve made my choice. I’ll pay for it if it’s wrong, and if it’s right I won’t. At times during the past months, I’ve had to weigh up whether I’m being obstinate and ridiculous or whether I really understand my own body. I realised early on in my cancer journey that I seemed to have a totally different attitude from other people about cancer and dying, losing my hair and my breast. Before I ever went into hospital anyone I talked to looked at me bewailing ‘Oh my God, my God’ to which I replied, ‘Hey, let’s not panic, I’m not dead yet and let me just get the surgery and do the best I can do. And if I’m going to lose my hair let’s figure out a nice way to do that. It’s only my hair – what’s the big deal?’ The deal was that they saw my persona in my hair and my sexuality in my hair and my breast. But this is not the case. Some of the most beautiful people I know are 89, with spirit and experience that shines far more than surface beauty. I feel partly responsible for the notion that one’s breasts are the essence of one’s sexuality, because in the sixties we were all throwing our clothes off. I was a promoter of the ‘body liberated’ notion – that it’s your right to let it all hang out. 40 years on it seems that concept has escalated into something sick – it’s as if the medical profession has turned into a retail industry where tits are concerned. If you have a mastectomy they encourage reconstruction. i c o n 1 0 L I V I N G But you know what? My breasts are not my sexuality and never were. Yes, I took my clothes off and there was some element of allure in nudity. But that did not define me. I have no question that were I to engage in a proper relationship I would be no less the person I was before my breast was removed. The day my doctor told me it was going, I said ‘These breasts have seen some good years and now the one on the right is going to retire. She has served her time. The girl can go.’ Offered reconstruction I said ‘Absolutely not!’ I had no problem with it then, I have no problem now and I swear to you I don’t think I’m being brave. T hat said, the thought that hit me hardest once I got my diagnosis was what P R O O F my granddaughter was going to say when she saw me bald. Mazie is three and has always liked my really long hair. To stop it seeming a sad event, I organised a hair-cutting party at Karis’ house in LA, where all my friends braided my hair and everybody including Mazie and her little friends, got to cut a braid. I t was such fun and my head was then shaved while everyone watched. The whole event became a big celebration, with clapping and hooraying. I became bald in the presence of so many people exclaiming Oh, we love it! Doesn’t it look nice!’ that there was never a moment later, when I felt selfconscious about presenting myself to others. Mazie herself pronounced ‘I think Grammy looks better bald.’ C oming out of hospital, I’d say to other women, look your very best every day. Not for other people, but for yourself. I see this as part of my therapy as I must be 25 lbs heavier than normal from the steroids. I’ve bought new clothes and I have had to rethink my look and my poise to take account of the extra weight, one breast and no hair. Thinking about the possible cause of my cancer, I do wonder if we all have the potential to have it. But I’ve heard so many people who do get it talk of some traumatic experience in the recent past that goes beyond just a little distress. It seems to be trauma that’s a real silencer – something that internalises your grief and pain in a way that is intrinsically damaging and leaves you wide open to disease. Without detailing mine, I can definitely say that I had such a trauma about 18 months before cancer manifested. But the journey I’ve been through hasn’t made me feel a victim. It’s part of my life and if it’s the part that takes me out of here, then at least I’ve made my own choices along the way. Cancer has brought shared healing to my family because it has bound us together as a unit: my sister and I who would speak on birthdays and holidays now speak twice a week. My brother now calls every week. C ancer has been good to me because I have discovered things about myself and the kindness of others that I would not have missed.” BREAST CANCER - THE LATEST FACTS 41,000 new cases of breast cancer are detected every year in the UK, amounting to one in three of all cancers affecting women. The lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is one in nine, though 80 per cent of cases affect post-menopausal women. The good news is that the death rate from breast cancer has fallen by one third over the past decade and nine out of 10 lumps prove non-malignant. remainder continued to take. Those taking Arimidex were 40 per cent less likely to relapse. Breakthrough Breast Cancer is urging NICE to make Arimidex swiftly available on the NHS, but this could take another 15 months as Arimidex (costing £780 per women per year) is more than 10 times as expensive as tamoxifen. Let’s hope NICE recognise Arimidex as long term value for money –and lives. S Watch out also for further news of GW5638, a tamoxifen-like drug in development from The University of Chicago and GlaxoSmithKline. A powerful oestrogen antagonist in breast tissue, it can inhibit the growth of breast cancers already resistant to tamoxifen. It could also overtake tamoxifen as a preventative drug for high-risk women. moking, the PILL and HRT all increase the risk of breast cancer as does dairy consumption. Avoid the oestrogen mimics in anti-perspirants, nail varnish and some newer perfumes. Help your body to offload toxins by losing surplus weight. Daily fish oils should boost your protection: women with the highest levels of omega 3 do not develop breast cancer. Garlic and selenium are also safeguard supplements. Women at risk of inherited forms of breast cancer may benefit from a breakthrough at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, where a fine-targeted drug to inhibit the tumour-growth enzyme PARP is soon to begin human testing. Make room for a rival: soy. Seaweed in the diet is now being considered as the reason Japanese women have longer menstrual cycles and lower levels of the hormone oestradiol, contributing to lower levels of breast cancer. Brown seaweed, comprises 10 per cent of the Japanese diet, and research on rats, fed a daily dose of kelp, suggest that its anti-oestrogen properties could help treat hormone-dependent breast cancers. T Arimidex, also known as anastrazole is hailed as the next great breakthrough drug, more effective than tamoxifen at preventing recurrences in older women, if prescribed immediately post-surgery. Anastrazole stops the production of oestrogen from the adrenal glands, where it continues after the ovaries cease manufacture with the menopause. A trial of 3000 women at Vienna Medical university switched half to Arimidex after two years on tamoxifen., which the Herceptin (trastuzumab) (as taken by Marsha Hunt) is a monoclonal antibody drug which operates from the immune system, seeking out abnormal molecules on cancer cell surfaces and destroying them. It’s early days, but a US conference has just reported very promising results for the use of Herceptin in early-stage breast cancer, immediately after surgery, argit is an innovative and streamlined way of giving radiotherapy to women with early-stage cancer, inserting an applicator with radioactive source directly into the breast as the patient’s tumour is removed. Daily visits to hospital for radiation "zapping" could then be redundant. Q U E S T I O N S Q A I have breast cancer, and have been diagnosed with bone metastases. I have a fairly painful area in my hip, but am otherwise 0K. The doctors have suggested radiotherapy, but having heard of the side effects, I am keen to follow natural approaches. What would you recommend? Actually, when it comes to bone metastases, I would highly recommend the orthodox options, particularly when it comes to pain control. There are two main aims when someone develops bone metastases. The first is to control the pain and I have never seen anything in the complementary field that has any effect on this. Radiotherapy, on the other hand, is excellent for achieving this, and can usually be given in one dose, rather than a prolonged course. Anti-inflammatories and acupuncture can also be helpful. Pain from bone metastases can be severe, and seriously effect quality of life, so the sooner it is tackled the better. The second aim is to preserve the integrity of the bone, and prevent the density diminishing which can lead to fractures. The orthodox approach is to use biphosphonates, which have proven themselves very effective at preventing breakdown of bone, and also bring some pain relief. This can be given either orally, or as a regular intravenous treatment. Some of the latest research shows that the earlier it is used, the better the prevention. Also, zoledronic acid is looking to be very effective. On the complementary side, there has been little effect. There is a strontium supplement, which has recently been shown to be effective against osteoporosis, though research has yet to be done for bone metastases. There is hope this will be useful as strontium is used to treat bone pain as an injection (unfortunately only in prostate cancer at the moment though). On the dietary side, recent studies have shown that a combination of watercress, chives and rocket are more effective than the currently used anti-osteoporosis drug (Miacalcin, a calcitonin extract from salmon) at preventing bone breakdown. But I don’t anticipate that complementary medicine can achieve much for you with this particular problem. Q A I heard recently about a scanner for diagnosing suspicious moles, as an alternative to having to have them removed. Do you know where this is available? Yes indeed, this does look like an ideal development, preferable to taking off every suspicious area and having it analysed. It is a hand-held scanner, which is placed in contact with the skin, and directs separate impulses of infrared, red, green and blue light at it. Blood, the dark skin pigment melanin, and the skin protein collagen all absorb and reflect different wavelengths of light in different ways, and this is analysed by computers. Diagnosis is based on interpreting the distribution of the substances in the skin. The company claims imaging technique increases diagnostic accuracy from 70 to 90%. NHS machines are available at: Addenbrooks, Bedford, Norfolk and Norwich and Solihull. You do need a need a GP referral for this. Private clinics are at; Anecla Central London, Burghley Park Clinic, Swindon, Lifescan UK Guildford. Cost £200.00. & A N S W E R S i c o n 1 1 Ask nurse Patricia PATRICIA WITH HER BABY SON ALEXANDER GEORGE (SEE PAGE 5) Patricia Peat is a registered nurse. Following years of experience in oncology, combined with research into natural approaches to cancer she now runs Cancer Options. Cancer Options is a specialised team of practitioners who provide individual consultancy and coaching into treatment and making decisions for all approaches to cancer. Details of their services are available on: or by calling 0845 009 2041 Q A I have heard that PSA is not a reliable tumour marker for prostate cancer, which has me worried. How much should one rely on tumour markers and can they mislead you into making the wrong decisions? There is no simple answer to this; it is a wide and complex issue. PSA has been used for many years for both detection and management of prostate cancer and in the vast majority of cases will provide a reasonable guide to what is happening. But at times it is inaccurate and that really reflects how cancer cells behave as they develop and what elements they excrete to survive in their environment. So PSA may be an accurate guide for someone initially but become less so as time goes on. Your oncologist will be aware of this and will be skilled in adapting the assessment to look at the wiser picture. It is often the underlying trend of the marker measured over a period of time which gives a clearer picture than small rises or falls in measurement. New and more reliable markers are being discovered all the time and it should not be long before PSA is replaced. There are many tumours for which reliable markers have yet to be discovered but that will also change. Due to the nature of cancer, we are unlikely ever to achieve 100% reliability. The majority of doctors will include analysis of tumour markers into the overall picture, including scans, x-rays and how the person is feeling, and it is always best to view them as a guide rather than an absolute. For an update on the latest prostate cancer treatments, turn to Page 16 Patricia Peat can be contacted on 01623 438733, or write to her at Ask Nurse Patricia, i c o n , The Elms, Radclive Road, Gawcott, Buckingham, MK18 4JB or Email her on [email protected] i c o n 1 2 L E T ’ S B E C O M P L E M E N T A R Y M ost of us have experienced the positive effects of a hot bath on aching muscles, or the balm of holiday sun on an English winter body. Heat just feels good. Everyday Heat We use heat for healing in many ways – for instance a hot water bottle on the tummy for period pains or a microwave-heated wheat-pack on stiff and aching neck muscles. From time immemorial we have benefited from sweating – from Turkish baths to the saunas in modern spas. The Egyptians treated tumours with heat back in 5,000 BC, and the principles of tumourheating are now widely understood – that heat stimulates the tissue temperature, causing the body to react by dilating blood vessels, so that tissues get revitalised due to the improved circulation. One of the main principles of traditional Chinese medicine is that good circulation promotes health. SOME LIKE IT HOT DIY Treatments There is a whole spectrum of treatments using heat that can be applied to cancer. At one end of the scale there are the kinds of things that can be done oneself such as saunas to increase blood flow and detoxification. These are recommended in the Gerson therapy, for example. London integrated cancer specialist, Dr Etienne Callebout, also recommends DIY practices that can be beneficial – such as treatments involving very hot footbaths and alternating hot and cold pads on the back of the neck, or using an infrared lamp on tumour sites. Callebout also recommends using far infrared saunas, the principle of which is to increase blood flow and immune system activity generally. These are items that can be bought on the internet from the US for around $500 and used at home. The ceramic heaters emit infrared heat in the same range as the human body, making it easier to absorb. Easier absorption also means that the infrared heat penetrates deeper into body tissues than traditional hot air saunas up to an inch-and-a-half. This allows for greater circulation and detoxification – both good for people with cancer. According to one manufacturer, “One session in a good quality radiant heat sauna will burn as many calories as you would rowing or jogging for 30 minutes - up to 600 or more. Infrared or radiant heat warms your body directly and provides a healthy purifying sweat at much lower temperatures than standard steam saunas. Infrared saunas provide a highly enjoyable sauna environment at temperatures as low as 100F with fresh air continually circulating through its ventilation so you can still breathe normally and without the discomfort which is the case with the hot, steamy saunas found in some homes and at health spas.” I nfrared light is the lower range of the light spectrum, not visible to the eye, which generates warmth on sunny days. The wavelength of infrared waves ranges from 0.76 microns to 1,000 microns, with far infrared rays occupying the higher range. Their key attributes are the ability to radiate out from a localised spot and, unlike visible light, they can penetrate deeply into the skin and underlying tissues. They naturally generate heat by causing the body’s molecules to rapidly vibrate against each other. Helpful though these treatments may be, they will not impact on the tumour directly, unless it is, for example, a very superficial skin cancer, but they can assist with improving circulation and immune system response. Advanced treatments Way up at the other end of the scale is medically-supervised whole-body and localised hyperthermia. A much bigger gun altogether. In the last issue of i c o n , we looked at Dr Holt’s pioneering work in Australia which combines using radio waves with glucose-blocking agents like glutathione and cysteine which the cancer cell absorbs. The heat produced by the radio waves encourages their uptake and the cancer cell dies. Another variation, also covered in the last issue of i c o n , was the application of High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU) in the treatment of prostate cancer. An endorectal probe applies HIFU to the affected tissue and heats it to temperatures up to 100 degrees, liquefying the tumour cells. The treatment, called Ablatherm, lasts about an hour and a half and only requires a brief hospital stay. T here are also more generalised treatments of whole-body and external localised hyperthermia. These are used more extensively in Germany than in the UK or America, possibly due to the more lenient regulatory environment there and Germany’s long association with natural healing. There are a number of German clinics such as those operated by Drs Herzog and Douwes who practice the use of hyperthermia as an adjunct to other cancer treatments. There is now mounting evidence that hyperthermia allows very high doses of chemotherapy to be administered more successfully and sometimes without significant side-effects. L E T ’ S B E C O M P L E M E N T A R Y oxygen cells, oxygenating them and so making them more susceptible to radiation damage. Localised treatment involves the use of fine sensors, and directed applicators and tumours are heated using microwaves and radio frequencies. Hypothermia The use of heat in cancer treatment BY Ginny Fraser What does treatment consist of? Generally speaking, whole-body hyperthermia induces a fever. Patients lie naked in a structure that is like a small tent, where they are closely monitored. The idea is that the body is heated to extremely high temperatures – between 107 and 113 degrees F – not exactly a pleasant sensation, so patients are generally sedated so they can tolerate the heat. T he principle is that cancer cells react more sensitively to the effects of excessive heat than normal cells. Also, tumours have an impaired ability to adapt their blood circulation to the effects of high temperatures and thus hyperthermia can cause a reduction of blood flow to a tumour. In addition, heat at this level pushes cancer cells toward acidosis (decreased cellular pH) which decreases the cells’ viability and ability to spread. It also activates the immune system, causing both increased production of interferon alpha, and increased immune surveillance. Tumour masses tend to have oxygen deprived (hypoxic) cells within the inner part of the tumour. These cells are resistant to radiation, but they are very sensitive to heat. This is why hyperthermia is an ideal companion treatment to radiation. Radiation kills the oxygenated outer cells, while hyperthermia acts on the inner low Combination therapies The success of the treatment on its own is not significant, but it has been used most successfully in conjunction with other treatments. There is evidence that it can be successful. In March 2000, the respected medical journal, The Lancet published the results of a six year cancer study comparing the effectiveness of hyperthermia and radiation with radiation treatments alone. The trials reported are a randomised, Phase III study performed on 358 patients with cancer. Although the study showed promise for the treatment of advanced cervical, bladder and colorectal cancer, the most remarkable results were obtained with advanced cervical cancer. Complete disappearance of the tumour was obtained in 83% of those who received the combined treatment, compared to 57% who were treated with radiation alone. In addition, the three-year survival rate for those who received the combined treatments nearly doubled (improved 89%), compared with those who just received radiation. The study was well-received in the Netherlands, where it was conducted and the treatment has received government approval. The other advantage noted in the report was the fact that there was none of the nausea often experienced with radiation, and hospitalisation was not required. Other evidence of its success as a combination treatment was another Lancet article in October 2001 by Prof Rolf Issels, a well-known German practitioner, who obtained remarkable 5-year survival improvements in 59 cancer patients with soft-tissue sarcomas. Conventional surgery followed by radiation generally produces a 5-year survival rate of 15-35% for this particular form of cancer. The Issels team combined hyperthermia with chemotherapy and showed that 36 patients were disease-free at the end of treatment, and that 5-year survival rate was 49%. The Lancet reports that in an overall look at studies in USA and Europe, that response rates for chemo and hyperthermia combined are 70%, whilst hyperthermia alone gives a response rate of 15% and radiotherapy alone about 35%. i c o n 1 3 What seems to be the case is that hyperthermia overcomes tumour resistance to chemo and radiation; that it can help the performance of some chemo agents and that it helps destroy cancer cells in especially resistant phases of cell division. Issels also suggested that hyperthermia induces heat-shock proteins on the surface of the tumour, “tagging” them to be zapped by the patient’s own immune system. Where to go Patients in Britain encouraged by these findings may be disappointed to hear that hyperthermia isn’t readily available at their local hospital. There are, however, a couple of alternatives to making the trip to Germany. Dr Fritz Schellander of the Liongate Clinic in Tunbridge Wells employs a range of complementary therapies, of which whole body and localised hyperthermia is one. Although his clinic does not have the facility to offer chemo, it is used as a pre-treatment for patients receiving continuous chemotherapy. In fact, one of his patients was featured in the Living Proof section of i c o n . Hazel Scade abandoned conventional treatment for breast cancer in favour of a less-invasive route. In addition to many nutritional therapies she experienced some localised hyperthermia, and wrote about her experience in the July 2003 issue. She quoted a Dr TK Hei of the Columbia University College of Physicians who stated, “Hyperthermia is the only agent to treat cancer that does not itself appear to be oncogenic (cancer-inducing).” Five years on Hazel is alive and well. D r Clare Vernon of the Hammersmith Hospital is another enthusiast, quoted in The Lancet as saying, “I think every major cancer centre should have a hyperthermia unit.” Hyperthermia was used at the hospital for around 25 years, but it is not currently available for a variety of reasons, none to do with its efficacy. Dr Vernon says, “Hyperthermia is very effective even when other treatments have failed. It’s also relatively cheap and well tolerated.” Dr Vernon now refers patients to the Daniel den Hoed Cancer Centre, part of the University Hospital in Rotterdam, who have a large team devoted to the treatment and an increasing number of referrals. They say, “We are convinced that the increased patient referral by radiation and medical oncology reflects their confidence in the value of hyperthermia as a standard treatment for advanced cancer.” Isn’t it time the heat was switched back on in England? i c o n 1 4 T H E F O O D D O C T O R Juicing for Health & Healing THE FOOD DOCTOR Barbara Cox is passionate about food and the benefits people get from eating a healthy, wellbalanced diet. During her eight year stay in Japan, she was inspired by the fact that the Japanese have lower rates of cancer, heart disease and obesity than people in the UK, primarily because of their diet. After returning to England, Barbara set up her own company, Nutrichef, which delivers a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner every day to customers’ homes. As well as being an expert on healthy food, Barbara is a keen fan of drinking healthy juices. In this article she discusses the subject of juicing. M ore and more of us understand the importance of eating a diet rich in fruit and vegetables, but if you’d like to try an alternative way of getting your vitamins and minerals, why not try juicing? Are you aware of the wonders of juicing and the health benefits you can receive from it? There are lots of fantastic recipes and creations that you can put together to suit all tastes, and you can even get the kids involved too! Here are ten very good reasons to try juicing… Stock up on enzymes Juices are very rich in enzymes that help digest your food. A shortage of enzymes means we cannot convert T H E foods into energy or transform carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals into what we need for healthy tissue such as muscle, bone, skin, and so on. Load up on essential nutrients Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health. Vitamins fall in to two categories, water-soluble (Vitamin B & C) and fat-soluble (Vitamins A, D & E.) Many factors affect our vitamin status including inadequate diet, digestion problems, over-cooking, canned and processed foods, storage and irradiation. Fresh juicing supplies the vitamins and minerals we need in abundance. This is a popular centrifungal juicer with a powerful, efficient motor and pulp ejection, great for people just starting to use a juicer. A centrifungal juicer doesn’t give juice a shelf life, which basically means that all juices must be consumed immediately. Juices will also be less nutrient-rich when using this type of juicer. Marks out of ten = 5 Juices are filling yet low in calories. They help curb the appetite and are, therefore, an important part of many weight loss programmes. Enjoy all the tastes! Be creative and try some of the recipes below. They all taste great and will awaken your taste-buds…….so why not get juicing right now? Here are some fantastic recipes to get you started. Set your taste buds free… 1 carrot (unpeeled, topped & tailed) 1 red apple (Gala or Cox) 1 beetroot (skinned and washed but with the roots & tops on). This juice will be high in Vitamin A, C, calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron. Chlorophyll can be found in abundance in all green plants. It cleanses your digestive system and builds blood cells – making it an all-round great tonic. Alfalfa, wheatgrass, watercress and leafy greens are all high in chlorophyll and are fantastic in juices. Reduce your risk of premature disease This can be aided by the antioxidants contained in juices. Beauty, like health, comes from within so what we eat plays a vital role. Antioxidants are thought to be the secret to living longer and looking younger as they mop up harmful molecules known as free-radicals. Get your essential amino acids These are the building blocks of protein and are vital in the process of digestion and assimilation of food. Fresh raw juices are rich in amino acids and are in an easily digestible form. Balance acid/alkaline levels Western diets tend to be high in animal protein, refined sugar, artificial additives and drugs. All of these cause acidity in the cells, which, in turn, can lead to disease. It is well documented 1 5 Aid weight reduction 1. Apple, Carrot & Beetroot Get plenty of chlorophyll i c o n JUICERS TRIED & TESTED 1. L’Equip 110.5 Mini Pulp Ejector (£99) Juicing produces a high vitality “food” that’s very nourishing and revitalising to the cells. Dr Max Gerson, founder of the Institute for Cancer Treatments, found that his patients tended to recover from degenerative illnesses more quickly when put on a diet made largely from fresh raw juices. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are a must for all detox diets. Some juices have the ability to rid the body of waste and bacteria, and to deep-cleanse the body. D O C T O R that cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. Boost your vitality Eliminate toxins F O O D 2. Lemonade 1 wedge lemon (unwaxed) 2-3 golden delicious apples. Juice and serve over crushed ice. This will be a good cleanser and the lemons will have an alkalising effect 3. Popeye Special 1 apple, 1 stick of celery (with the leaves) 3ozs spinach (fresh young leaves) 1 small bunch watercress, 1 small bunch of wheatgrass (if desired) This will be rich in Vitamins A, C, folic acid and Riboflavin (B2) 4. Red Delight 4 large tomatoes, 1 carrot (topped & tailed) 1 stick of celery (with the leaves), 1 handful of basil. Add the juice of half a squeezed lemon at the end. This juice will be rich in iron, magnesium & lycopene. 5. True Blue 4ozs blueberries, 1 mango (peeled & stoned) 1 pear, 4ozs red grapes. This juice will be high in antioxidants and chase away the blues! So now you know the benefits you will receive from juicing and some ideas of what to put in your juice, but have you thought about which is the best juicer to buy? At Nutrichef we have tried and tested numerous makes and models and here are the results… 2. L’Equip Model 509 Visor Natural Food Procesor (£179) This juicer is good for vegetables and wheatgrass and also has many food processing functions. It is a masticating juicer which means that absolutely everything is pulped from the fruit and vegetables you put in it! Juices are therefore richer in nutrients and will have a shelf-life of 24 hours. 9/10 3. Champion Juicer (£249) This is a Masticating Juicer and tends to be the most reliable out of those that we tested. This juicer does everything and is good value for money. 10/10 4. Twin Healthy Living Juice Extractor (£375) An innovative twin gear juicer with heavy duty stainless steel gears. It is a masticating juicer which is also suitable for wheatgrass. 10/10 5. Green Star Gold Juicer (£450) A new, top of the range twin gear juicer which is reliable and sturdy and a good all-rounder. This would receive ten out of ten but has been marked down as it is fairly pricey. 9/10 6. Z-Star Juicer (£89) This is a perfectly acceptable budget, manual juicer, which can be transported fairly easily. It can be used for wheatgrass and leafy greens, but it can be fairly time consuming for apples and carrots. 7/10 So, not only will you start to feel great once you start juicing, but another benefit is that you can also dispose of the pulp on the compost….so now there are no excuses - you can start composting too! Juicers, Sprouters, and wheat- and dairy-free healthy snacks can all be ordered from Nutrichef along with many tips and recipes on healthy eating. You can either visit our website or call us on 01202 748400 for further information. Don’t miss the next edition of i c o n as The Food Doctor will be giving useful tips and advice on Sprouting. i c o n 1 6 S P E C I A L R E P O R T PROSTATE CANCER DRUGS The truth REPORT BY MELANIE HART Dr Robert Huddart S P E C I A L I f you, or someone close to you, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the next stage can be very confusing. Your oncologist may start you on hormone therapy, either before or after surgery or radiotherapy - or as your sole treatment. There are several kinds of hormonal therapy, as well as other drugs that you will hear mentioned in the course of treatment. There are also clinical trials underway here, and in the States, on several new ones - and on new uses for existing drugs. So read on to find out the uses, proven benefits and risks of the main prostate cancer drugs used in the UK today, with expert commentary from Dr Robert Huddart, senior lecturer and honorary consultant in radiotherapy and oncology at The Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden. Dr Huddart works in a unit which specialises in the research and management of prostate cancer and is part of the South of England Prostate Cancer Collaborative. Radical surgery (prostatectom HORMONE THERAPY LHRH-AGONISTS These stop the testes making testosterone. They will only make testosterone if switched on by leuteinising hormone (LH), which is released by the pituitary gland. LHRH-agonists reduce the production of leuteinising hormone, causing the levels of testosterone to fall. This can result in shrinkage or slowing down of the growth of the cancer. There may be a brief increase in testosterone levels and other symptoms, (flare), in the first few days or weeks of starting treatment. Zoladex (goserelin) made by AstraZeneca A pellet given by injection, in a relatively big needle, once a month, or once every three months. Side effects may include: hot flushes, mood swings, impotence, breast tenderness, fatigue, weight gain, pain in muscles and joints, nausea, vomiting and mild diarrhoea. Long-term risk: osteoporosis. Dr Robert Huddart, “The acceleration of bone loss tends to be less of a problem in men, than in the women who take Zoladex for breast cancer, because men normally have a higher base line level. Zoladex would be my first choice treatment, because the majority of men have minimal side effects, enjoy a good quality of life and their cancer is controlled extremely well. Over 90% of men with prostate cancer would expect to see a major fall in their PSA. It is used as the sole treatment for men with advanced prostate cancer, or in some older men who have more localised disease where you may not want to treat with radiotherapy or surgery. Prostap (Leuprorelin) made by Wyeth Pharmaceuticals This is a liquid that needs to be made up by the doctor and given by injection. Men on Warfarin may be given this, rather than Zoladex, which may make them bleed more with a bigger needle. Possible side effects: as with Zoladex. Also peripheral oedema, swelling, fluid retention and occasional breathless sensation. Dr Huddart, “Prostap is identical to Zoladex - it’s just a different preparation.” Triptorelin (De-capeptyl SR) made by Ipsen Possible side effects: as with previous two. Dr Huddart, “I’ve not actually used it, because it hasn’t been widely available until recently and would have exactly the R E P O R T i c o n 1 7 same side effects as the other drugs. I’m not aware of any benefits over the other two, but I’ve no reason to think it would be less successful.” ANTI-ANDROGENS These work by attaching themselves to proteins (receptors) on the surface of the cancer cells to stop the testosterone from entering. Men given hormone therapy injections will usually be given anti-androgens to avoid the effects of “tumour flare”, connected with the first dose of treatment. The tablets are given three days to a week before injections, and for about two weeks afterwards. STEROIDAL ANTI-ANDROGENS Cyprostat (Cyproterone Acetate) made by Schering Health Care Possible side effects may include: fatigue, low mood, breast tenderness and fullness, osteoporosis, shortness of breath, liver disorders, risk of thromboembolism, nausea, diarrhoea, reduced volume of ejaculation and decreased sperm count. Dr Huddart, “The volume of ejaculation and decreased sperm count are what you expect from any hormone treatment. Liver dysfunction is one to worry about with long-term treatment, and you probably shouldn’t give it to someone with a history of heart disease or blood clots. This is the oldest and cheapest anti-androgen and, despite having the most side effects, it would be my first choice as a short-term treatment to reduce flare. I would use the two drugs below for long-term treatment. NON-STEROIDAL ANTI-ANDROGENS These drugs can be used as a combination treatment with one of the LHRH-agonists in a treatment called complete (combined), or maximal androgen blockade, CAB or MAB. It blocks the testosterone produced from the testicles, and the 5% or so that’s produced by the adrenal glands and other parts of the body. You would use slightly lower doses in CAB. Another way of using these drugs is to use an LHRH-agonist, and if that treatment starts failing, then do the combined treatment. Flutamide (Chimax, Drogenil) made by Schering Health Care This is a tablet, taken three times a day with the other hormone therapy injection, as above. Possible side effects: decreased sperm count and volume of ejaculation, diarrhoea, nausea, tiredness, risk of liver dysfunction and occasionally blurred vision. Dr Huddart, “If somone has liver or bowel problems I would give them Bicalutamide instead. Some people advocate using the combined treatment, CAB or MAB, as the primary treatment. There’s a lot of debate on whether starting off using both together has an advantage over just using an LHRH-agonist on its own. There have been lots of trials on this and if there is a difference, it’s very small. I prefer to do the treatments sequentially, starting with the anti-androgens. That way you don’t have all the extra side effects of the two sets of drugs to deal with, and the treatment is not as expensive.” Bicalutamide (Casodex) made by AstraZeneca This tablet is taken just once a day, with a hormone therapy injection, or it can be used on its own to treat prostate i c o n 1 8 S P E C I A L R E P O R T cancer that has begun to spread into the tissues outside the prostate gland (locally advanced). It is no longer recommended for early prostate cancer (contained within the prostate gland) after a trial suggested a possible increased risk of heart attacks. Possible side effects: decreased sperm count etc as above, breast tenderness and enlargement, hot flushes, mild itching and dryness of skin, nausea, vomiting and mild diarrhoea, drowsiness and occasionally blood in the urine. Dr Huddart,” I think people tend to use this drug because it’s a simple once-a-day tablet and probably has fewer side effects. Bicalutamide can be used as a sole treatment, using a tablet with three times the dose of the one in CAB. It is usually used with advanced, but non-metastatic cancer, as there is some evidence that it is not as effective once the cancer has spread to the bone. This has the advantage over a LHRH-agonist of causing less of the hot flushes, fatigue, and probably less bone loss. About 30-50% of men will retain sexual activity on this drug, so it is particularly favoured by those who feel that is an important part of their lives. This is actually a surprisingly small number because the disadvantage of Bicalutamide is that it tends to cause breast enlargement in 80% of men using it as a single treatment. This can be painful and needs additional treatment, using a low dose of Tamoxifen or a short course of radiotherapy to the breast. So when given the choice, a lot of men would rather lose sexual activity than get bigger breasts.” OESTROGENS Stilboestrol (DES, Diethylstilbestrol) A synthetic oestrogen, given in tablet form, for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. By increasing the level of the female hormone, oestrogen, the production of testosterone is “switched off”. This reduced level of testosterone can help slow down the growth of the cancer cells and may cause the cancer to shrink in size. Possible side effects may include: blood clotting (thrombosis), fluid retention, breast tenderness or enlargement, lowering of libido and impotence, tiredness, nausea, mood swings and weight gain. Dr Huddart, “This drug was used as a first choice treatment because it had great success, but there were two main problems: the 5-10% risk of blood clots and breast enlargement. It went out of favour, but a lot of people are using it again because they realise it has activity you don’t see with other treatments – even men resistant to other standard hormone treatments (ie, the cancer has started growing again) will often respond to Stilboestrol. It will at least halve the PSA for the four weeks of treatment in 30-50% of men. It is given in much lower doses now, 1-3mgs, as opposed to the 5-10mgs given in the 60s. There is still a risk of blood clots, and it is contraindicated with men with a history of those, heart disease or stroke - unless they’re on full-dose anti-coagulation with Warfarin. The breast enlargement can be problematic, as with the Bicalutamide, but you can’t use Tamoxifen. Breast irradiation is used instead to try to stop that.” Oestrogen patches are also being tried with prostate cancer. Dr Huddart, “There are people saying it has less of the thromboembolic effect. We did try it at the Marsden and were less impressed with the activity than we were with Stilboestrol. Our results are very anecdotal, though. The use of oestrogen patches is still being explored, but we don’t feel we got as many responses as we expected.” PC SPES This was one of the most popular herbal treatments, a combination of eight herbs. It was withdrawn after the National Cancer Institute of the USA found it was contaminated with synthetic drugs, including Stilboestrol and Warfarin. Unknowingly taking extra doses of this drug could be dangerous for people already on them. Dr Huddart, “It was contaminated with oestrogens, which is actually why it was effective.” Another form of this herbal treatment, called PC-HOPE is available on the web. It contains 10 herbs, but its effect on prostate cancer has not been tested. STEROIDS Prednisolone made by Chauvin A type of medicine known as a corticosteroid, which is similar to a natural hormone produced by the adrenal glands which controls the inflammatory response. Prednisolone is given orally in a dose of 7.5-10mgs in the morning. It is used in prostate cancer as a treatment for men with hormone refractory disease, and also as an alternative to the anti-androgens. Steroids switch off the extra bit of testosterone produced elsewhere in the body to decrease swelling and pain. Possible side effects may include: insomnia, depression, thinning of the skin, adrenal suppression, weight gain, acne, ulceration of the stomach or intestine, increased risk of fractures of the bones, high blood pressure. Dr Huddart, “This is often used alongside chemotherapy, but it is an active agent in its own right. There are side effects but both these drugs are designed to mimic the steroids in your body, so if you take them at the same sort of level that your body produces them – a very low dose - they don’t tend to be major side effects. As well as the reasons for using it given above, it’s possible there might be a direct action on prostate cancer cells as well.” Dexamethasone made by Organon Also a tablet, but given in a dose of .5mgs. Possible side effects: stomach irritation, vomiting, insomnia, headache, dizziness, depression, acne and easy bruising. Dr Huddart, “In the past year, we have switched over to use this at the Marsden as there is some suggestion that it might be more effective than Prednisolone.” Trials: Some newer types of hormonal therapy have been developed, including Abarelix, Degarelix, Ganirelix and Cetrorelix, which are all in trials. CHEMOTHERAPY DRUGS Chemotherapy may occasionally be given if hormonal therapy is no longer effective. Although the chemotherapy cannot get rid of all the cancer cells, it can shrink the tumour and reduce symptoms. Adriamycin (doxorubicin) made by Pharmacia Adriamycin is used to treat other cancers, but is not used much to treat prostate cancer in the UK at the moment. It is administered intravenously. Side effects may include: decreased white blood cell and platelet counts, increased risk of infection, loss of appetite, darkening of nail beds and skin creases of hands, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, mouth sores and, at higher doses, it may be toxic to the heart. Patients with pre-existing heart problems may need to have a cardiac evaluation before use. S P E C I A L Epirubicin (pharmorubicin) made by Pharmacia Epirubicin has similar activity to Adriamycin. Side effects are similar to adriamycin, but it is less toxic on the heart. Dr Huddart, “Both of these drugs were used quite frequently about 10 or 15 years ago, and are possibly still being used in some areas of the UK, but we tend to use drugs with much less cardiotoxicity now like Mitoxantrone (below).” Mitoxantrone (Novantrone) made by Lederle Laboratories An outpatient treatment given once every three weeks in a short intravenous injection, over 15 to 30 minutes. R E P O R T i c o n 1 9 cells, fever (often a warning sign of infection), fluid retention, mouth ulceration, hair loss, nail and skin changes and diarrhoea. Dr Huddart, “Taxotere is used in breast cancer, and about a year ago two major trials showed that it improved survival in prostate cancer better than Mitoxantrone. The problem with Taxotere at the moment is getting funding within the NHS. I think that most men being treated privately will get it, if they are fit enough. Men have to be fitter to have it because it is more toxic than Mitoxantrone.” Cyclophosphamide (cytoxan) made by Asta Medica Like Adriamycin, Cyclophosphamide is toxic to cancer cells. It is taken orally, in tablet form, or intravenously over 30-60 minutes. Side effects may include: decreased white blood cell count, with increased risk of infection, hair loss, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, mouth or lip sores, diarrhoea. Dr Huddart, “This is not one I use regularly. It’s difficult to know how it stacks up against the others, as it’s not been particularly well studied. Some people have reported getting good responses with it, but I’m not sure it’s as active as Mitoxantrone and Taxotere.” Estramustine (Emcyt, Estracyte) made by Pfizer In tablet form, this is a combination of a chemotherapy agent, nornitogen mustard, and an oestrogen, so it has the advantages and disadvantages of both. It is not known exactly how it works. It does not directly damage DNA like other alkylating agents. It seems to act on structures in cells called microtubules in a similar way as Taxotere. Possible side effects include: all the side effects of Stilboestrol (above), particularly nausea, plus bone marrow suppression, drop in white and red blood cell count, increased risk of blood clots (thrombosis). Tell your doctor if you have diabetes, kidney or other health problems. Dr Huddart, “I never use this drug. I’ve not been convinced that it is any more active than Stilboestrol. It is more commonly used in the United States because Stilboestrol isn’t licensed there.” Side effects may include: as with Adriamycin, but less hair loss and nausea, and possibly less bone marrow suppression. Dr Huddart, “This was my first choice chemotherapy drug up until a year ago. It became the standard chemotherapy in prostate cancer after it was shown in randomised trials to improve the quality of life, when given with Prednisolone. It was better than Prednisolone on its own. About a third of people get a major benefit in terms of symptom relief and PSA falls, a third find their cancer stabilises for a period of time and a third see no benefit at all.” Taxotere (Docetaxel) made by Aventis Taxotere resembles taxol in chemical structure (Taxol is called a mitotic inhibitor because it interferes with cells during mitosis, cell division). It is usually given intravenously once every three weeks. Because the side effects can be bothersome, additional drugs can be prescribed to help counter them. For example, Dexamethasone is commonly used to prevent fluid retention while on Taxotere. Possible side effects include: decrease in white blood Chemotherapy combinations Dr Huddart, “By and large, in prostate cancer, you tend to be using single agent chemotherapy because the majority of men are elderly and often have bone disease, so are quite fragile in terms of their blood count. There hasn’t been a lot of good evidence on combination, although recently there was a combination reported as having quite impressive results: Epirubicin, Carboplatin and 5-FU (Fluorouacil). This hasn’t been compared with other treatments to see if there is an advantage in using combination, say over Taxotere. “ RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES These are used to reduce bone pain in men with prostate cancer. The radioactive isotope is given as an intravenous injection and goes into activity in the bone. Strontium (Protelos) made by Servier Laboratories Side effects may include: suppression of the bone marrow, permanently in some men. Dr Huddart, “There is pretty good evidence that it reduces bone pain with prostate cancer and may reduce the development of further bone pain. In trials, men who had Strontium as their treatment, compared to just having a bit of radiotherapy or having radiotherapy and Strontium, had i c o n 2 0 S P E C I A L R E P O R T better pain relief. We tend to be a bit reluctant to do chemotherapy after Strontium partly because a lot of our men are in trials which don’t allow you to give a radioactive isotope beforehand. We would use hormone treatment, chemotherapy and, only when that doesn’t work, think about Strontium. By then the bone marrow is a bit weak, and it’s very difficult to give, so we don’t tend to use a lot of it. It doesn’t affect survival, but symptomatically can be very effective.” BISPHOSPHONATES These may be able to control bone pain, and slow down the damage caused to the bone in men whose prostate cancer has spread there. Dr Huddart, “Using bisphosphonates is a controversial area. There is a reasonable amount of evidence that they can reduce bone pain in a proportion of people with advanced bone disease, and that is probably the commonest place to use these drugs. There is one published trial which suggests that using a bisphosphonate quite early on, after receiving some treatment for metastatic disease, reduces skeletal-related events like bone fractures and bone pain compared to not having the drug. But there is some debate about the size of the benefit and whether it is large enough to make the trouble of receiving it and side effects worth it. There are a number of different drugs, including Pamidronate – the standard NHS bisphosphonate at the Marsden – and Clodronate which is not used much now, but Zometa is probably the most potent and has the best evidence from trial. There are trials going on on another new drug, Ibandronate. Zometa (zoledronic acid or Zoledronate) made by Novartis NHS access to this drug can vary. Data from three clinical trials, involving more than 3,000 patients, have shown that Zometa is more effective at preventing or delaying complications such as bone fractures, compression of the spinal cord, and severe bone pain than Pamidronate. In the US, patients who were given Zometa also experienced longer periods before relapse than those who received Pamidronate (30 days for Zometa versus 17 days for pamidronate). Zometa can be given during a 15-minute infusion time, versus an infusion time of two to 24 hours necessary with the other. Side effects may include: fever, chills, bone pain, muscle or joint pain, nausea or vomiting. Pamidronate (aredia) made by Novartis Pamidronate is a nitrogen-containing bisphosphonate. Side effects may include: fever, fatigue, nausea and vomiting, initial bone pain, lack of appetite and anaemia (decrease in red blood cells). ENDOTHELIN BLOCKERS These may block the growth of cancer cells by attaching themselves to growth receptors (endothelin receptors) on the surface of the prostate cancer cells. The drugs are given as tablets and may be called endothelin receptor agonists. Early trials are currently under way with Atrasentan and another drug called YM598. Early results from some trials show that endothelin blockers may be able to slow down the growth of cancer in the bone and delay the symptoms of secondary bone cancer, when given to men with advanced prostate cancer. It will be some years before it is known how useful these drugs may be. Dr Huddart, “Results to date have been promising, but we will have to wait and see if they become licensed in the United States and Europe.” For more information about a particular drug use your favourite internet search engine and type in the drug you’re researching, or log onto This site provides useful tips on lessening side effects.” Questions to Dr Huddart from Chris Woollams: CW: "What is your view on the Thomson US research from Texas (MD Anderson 2003), supported by Australia and Singapore studies, that prostate cancer can be caused by localised oestrogen (oestradiol) converting ‘safe’ testosterone to the highly active and dangerous hormone DHT? How then, do doctors justify giving oestrogen injections?" Dr H:"All testosterone is converted to DHT, that is how it works. This is blocked by drugs like Finsteride. But using this drug has minimal impact on cancer. I'm not really familiar with the data you quote. We use oestrogen because it works, both as a primary treatment (although it is too toxic to use routinely) and as a second-line/third-line treatment. That it does work suggests that the above theory is wrong." CW: "Why not try to cut oestrogen out (as with women and aromatase inhibitors)?" Dr H: "We have tried and it doesn't work. The AROI are inactive." CW: "If you give men oestrogen, surely after about three years the body will just fight back and overcome the testosterone deficiency by making more so the cancer is bound to reapppear." Dr H: "How? The signal to produce testosterone is cut off and, if you measure testosterone, you can show levels remain low." CW: "What is your view on Ablatherm? (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound - HIFU) To date 7,000 patients have been successfully treated using this therapy in 61 centres in France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Russia and Switzerland. They had an 87 per cent success rate, without relapse at five years in Munich (Dr Stefan Thuroff of the Krankenhaus Munchen Harlaching)." DR H: " It's a promising alternative to surgery or radiotherapy for organ-confined local disease, or for relapse after radiotherapy. We plan a trial of this starting this year at the Royal Marsden. It is being used at the Institute of Urology, in London. CW: "Why is it not already used instead of drugs in the UK?" Dr H: "It is not an alternative to drugs. Drugs are for advanced disease largely (outside of the prostate) and HIFU is for localised disease, to treat disease in the prostate. CW: "We understand that the UK trial only started a year ago in Stockport, why have we been so slow with it when its success is way better than the 53.8% UK 5-year average?" Dr H: "You are comparing chalk and cheese here. The localised disease results, in the UK with radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy are much better than 58.3%. Standard treatments are at least as good as HIFU. The machines cost £500,000, which is a lot for a machine that only treats prostate cancer. For the same cash you can buy a radiotherapy machine which treats lots of different cancers." CW: "Can you explain why we seem to be lagging behind our peer countries in Europe (European average 65.4%)?" Dr H: "Difficult to answer. There are many reasons, apart from issues of whether treatment is better or worse here or in Europe. These include: the different ways data is collected (UK may be more accurate while other countries miss bad prognosis patients, making us look worse); less PSA testing to detect prostate cancer. PSA testing finds a lot of early asymptomatic cancers with good prognosis. The more you find of these the better the overall results look (the 'Will Rogers effect’). N O T I C E B O A R D - Thank you for my issue of i c o n … I found it compulsive reading from cover to cover. At the moment I am recovering from a stem cell transplant trying to fight multiple myeloma. With help from friends we have been raising money for the past two years to help in their research. From now on I think our energy would be better spent supporting CANCERactive. You have my heartfelt gratitude for all the help you have given me. I don’t feel as if I have to sort out this jungle of life-saving information on my own anymore now I have found you. PAULINE ANSELL, HERTS BREAST AND PROSTATE CANCER PATIENTS NEEDED FOR NEW TRIAL , an expert in Dr Eccles BSc MBBS MRCP PhD and director of the integrated cancer medicine has been et, Chiron Clinic in Harley Stre tonutrients phy of ns atio researching combin effect of these since 1998 and studying the e cancer control. nutrients in breast and prostat 30 prostate and ast bre He is now seeking 30 tment trea the er ent to rs cancer suffere clinic is The y. rap the sole a as e mm progra chosen to ady alre e hav looking for people who The cer. can ir the to tion solu pursue a natural in ol toc pro rient patients will receive the nut ” nge cha le esty addition to standardised “lif l be reviewed on a advice, and their progress wil mination, tumour monthly basis by clinical exa rmography for markers and in addition the lity of life qua as l breast cancers as wel be required to sign l wil ts ien pat assessment. All ed if they are disclaimers and will be exclud therapeutic mo che x currently taking orthodo agents. the Chiron Clinic For more information, contact on 020 7224 4622 I’d like to congratulate you on a marvellous talk in Salisbury. Your book has been my bible since I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January. Your talk was immensely engaging and informative. Some days I confess I have trouble getting every last supplement down and like everyone else I eat naughty things but thanks to you I’m back in the race again. ZENA HUMPHREY by EMAIL All contributions and comments fr om readers will most welcome. be With a magazin e and a website, i c o n really does to provide “eve aim rything you need to know to help beat cancer”. you Address details on page 3. L E T T E R S , N E W S A N D V I E W S i c o n 2 1 PROFESSOR SIR RICHARD DOLL Dr Roger Coghill is entitled to offer a rebuttal to what he sees as unfair or harsh personal comment ( i c o n 2005 issue 2). But extraord inarily he saw fit to use this as a vehicle to launch a vitriolic attack on the international reputation and inte grity of Sir Richard Doll. Among other things, he accuses Sir Richard of promoting “convenient” science . Readers of i c o n might well ask: what is “conve nient” about 20 million people dying from tobacco rela ted deaths? As to Sir Richard’s pre-eminence in the field, sadly the most eloquent defence of this will now come in the form of obituaries. Sir Richard died on Sunday 24th July. PROFESSOR MEL GREAVES, INST ITUTE OF CANCER RESEARCH, LONDON Ed: i c o n was proud to print wha t was probably the last interview with Sir Richard Doll in i c o n 2005 Issue 1. ine and your with the magaz d se es pr im ly al I am re ris’s personal also moved by Ch as w I k. or w rd ha lled your energy you have channe sadness and how informative for so positive and into something everybody else. my own website: xologist and run e I work as a refle helps inform th ch hi w xo e fle th l re al da ith fin w w. ww nefits xology and its be am te y m d an I public about refle arch rviews and rese r of latest news, inte UK’s first registe e th so al is e sit eb w e Th d d. ise can fin e recogn logies from all th l qualified reflexo le find their loca op pe s lp es and he examining bodi practitioner. ESS SUPPLIED NAME AND ADDR Bless you, Catherine and Chris, for the sacrifice you have both made to spread the truth about cancer to us mere mortals groping about in the dark for a light at the end of the tunnel. Afte r reading your book and attending your seminar in Chichester, we have hope and are optimistic about the future. You shone that light for us and we will be forever grateful. TC by EMAIL JEANS FOR GENES Jeans for Genes celebrates its 10th birthday on Friday 7th October when we are all asked to wear our jeans and make a donation to the appeal. The charity has raised over £20 million which has helped fund vital research into genetic disorders. CANCER PREVENTION CONFERENCE BRITAIN’S MOST IMPORTANT CANCER CONFERENCE. EVER. Cancer Prevention in Britain SETTING THE AGENDA Prof.Mike Richards, Dr Ian Gibson, Dr Rob Verkerk, Dr Damien Downing, Prof. Karol Sikora, National Cancer Director, Department of Health Chairman, All Party Group on cancer Director, Alliance for Natural Health President of the British Society for Allergy, Environmental and Nutritional Medicine Professor of Cancer Medicine, Imperial College, Hammersmith Hospital and Dean, University of Buckingham Medical School Prof.Tony Howell, Chris Woollams, Prof. Angus Dalgleish, Dr Rosy Daniel, Roger Coghill, Cancer Research UK, Christie, Manchester. Britain’s only cancer prevention professor Cancer Researcher, Biochemist. Founder, CANCERactive Professor of Oncology, at St. George's Hospital Medical School, London Founder – Health Creation and Former Medical Director of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre Founder Medcross Group including research into radiation, masts, mobile phones Special 'reader' offer of £125 including VAT Currently one in three women and one in two men in the UK will develop cancer at some point during their lifetime. Worse, cancer rates are forecast to double again in the next twenty years, having already doubled in the past thirty. If this happens, doctors, nurses and hospitals could not cope and the NHS could fold. Nor is the problem simply one of an ageing population. More of our young people are developing cancer, with brain tumours and leukaemia set to outstrip road accidents as the primary cause of death amongst teenagers. Meanwhile 5-year survival rates have only risen by 12 per cent in the last 30 years, and the UK lags behind all its major Western European rivals. Hardly facts to shout about or, worse, to imply that somehow cures are just around the corner. (Source – UK Government/Eurocare 3). The issues are cancer prevention, sadly neglected to date, and setting a serious agenda for the population as a whole. We simply cannot go on ignoring real cancer prevention necessities anymore IT’S TIME FOR ACTION, Central Hall Westminster, London: November 17th 2005 For more information call This is a non-profit making conference run by the new charity CANCERactive. 01280 821211/815166. Registered Charity Number 1102413 England CANCER PREVENTION CONFERENCE CANCER PREVENTION IN THE UK. IT’S TIME FOR ACTION. This crucial conference aims to pull together the people who know; the people who care; the parties truly interested in seeing true cancer prevention given the importance it deserves. This conference might not have all the answers but you can expect to hear: G What factors really do cause cancer – let’s be honest, we know it’s not just smoking and excess sunshine!! G What the Government is currently planning, for example, in education, or food standards G What experts think needs to be done: I by Schools and Local Education Authorities I by Local Health Authorities, doctors, nurses and hospitals I by Local Government and Local Councils G How each of us can take maximum preventative action to reduce the risks of this terrible disease to ourselves and our families. Then it aims to identify which factors might be part of the UK prevention agenda for the coming years, providing a focus on the issues that really matter and how to implement the strategy in our general population, our schools, our hospitals, in local government. Cancer is a modern epidemic, but it must not/cannot be accepted as the norm. We’re here to prevent you dying of cancer. Central Hall Westminster, London Thursday November 17th, 2005. 9.30am to 5.30pm Please reserve *tickets for me at the special ‘reader’ offer price of £125 including VAT. * (no. of tickets required) NAME: ORGANISATION: ADDRESS: TEL NO: E-MAIL: Return to:CANCERactive, The Elms, Radclive Road, Gawcott, Bucks MK18 4JB, with cheque made payable to CANCERactive or call 01280 821211/815166 with your credit/debit card details NOW! If you cannot attend but would like to make a donation to CANCERactive, please give us a call. i c o n 2 4 Most of us have been aware of something going on with the European Parliament and vitamins. You probably don’t know all the details, but it may have been disheartening to read in the newspapers in mid-July that a bid to have the EU lift their “ban” on many of the regular high street vitamins had failed. Anyone using a lot of supplementation as part of their cancer treatment might have been particularly worried. But the papers got it wrong. There was no wholesale ban on vitamins. The silver lining Yes, the European Court of Justice DID rule to uphold the controversial Food Supplements Directive, but the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH) along with their top European lawyers found there was a silver lining hidden within the small print of the Court’s ruling that means it is almost impossible for the feared, wide-scale exclusion to go ahead. What is the ANH? The ANH is a Europe-wide association of consumers, complementary practitioners, distributors, retailers and manufacturers who have an interest in food supplements and natural health, established to protect health freedoms threatened by moves such as the EU Directive, but also other worldwide agencies of which more later. The ANH challenged the ban implied by the Directive and achieved what they describe as “a major victory”. So what is the victory? First a bit of background. Originally, the Food Supplements Directive scraped through the European Parliament by the skin of its teeth back in early 2002. Its purpose was ostensibly to harmonise regulation across Europe and therefore benefit trade as well as protecting public safety. Like lots of the EU legislation most people were unaware of it until it was almost too late. The system proposed by the EU was going to exclude ingredients simply because the supplement companies did not have the financial capacity to meet the requirement for huge amounts of data for the scientific dossiers demanded by the EU authorities. If the directive had been unchallenged, over 5000 products would have disappeared from the shelves of UK health shops as a result of the ban removing over 300 vitamin and mineral ingredients. These included a whole range of substances, for instance, the main natural forms of Vitamin E, several forms of Vitamin C, the key natural form of folic acid and other B vitamins plus a whole range of minerals. All of them were substances that many of us have been taking daily for years with only positive effects. The three year battle When the Directive was first passed, the Alliance for Natural Health was set up specifically to oppose the restrictive parts of this legislation. It has been battling for three years and has now successfully contested the Directive, allowing many of us to continue taking responsibility for our own health and choices. In short, without the ANH’s legal challenge, the ban on thousands of products would have occurred on August 1st. It will now be very difficult, says the ANH, for the regulators to ban products unless they can produce evidence showing harmfulness of particular ingredients at specific doses One of the reasons the ANH disagrees with the media’s interpretation of events revolves around the distinction between those vitamins and minerals which are normally found in our diet and those which are derived from chemical substances (i.e. not naturally). Nothing in the former category will be banned. Those substances in the second category will only be given the green light after strenuous scientific research. Another win for the Alliance is simplification of requirements to get products on to the EU’s allowed, or on the“positive” list and the fact that the burden of proof has been transferred (to a large degree) from manufacturers (often small companies) to the regulator. Time Limit The Directive will allow ingredients available before 2003 to be used at least to the end of 2009, provided that technical dossiers had been submitted for subsequent consideration by the European Food Safety Authority. Accordingly, some 505 dossiers for vitamin and mineral ingredients were submitted by 12 July, the official deadline. To facilitate the process further, the UK’s Food Standard Agency also extended the dossier deadline until August 1st. All products containing ingredients subject to dossiers will remain on the market to at least the end of 2009 unless they are given an unfavourable review, on the grounds of risks to public health, by the European Food Safety Authority. So, is the battle over? Is everything OK now? The ANH would say a resounding NO. To begin with the Food Supplements Directive will shortly lay down terms which will limit dosages – and these terms are riddled with flawed science, says the ANH. High dosages of some substances are very effective in treating cancer, and this could still be under threat. Naturopathic cancer doctor, Etienne Callebout said, “It’s not just a case of taking a higher numbers of pills (which means greater expense) but it also means consuming greater quantities of fillers just to get the right amount of active ingredient.” Should this come into effect, it could lead to the development of a black market where we buy our supplements illegally over the internet. There is also theTraditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD), which comes into force later this year and may restrict availability of many herbal products because of the “pharmaceutical standards” set by the Directive. Again, the EU promises to provide for a “simplified pharmaceutical registration for herbal medicines” - but only for substances that have been in safe use for 30 years, 15 of them within the EU, singly or in the same combinations. Thus, medicinal herbs in centuries-long use outside the community cannot benefit from the fast-track licence procedure. Clouds on the horizon Taking a larger world-view, there are events occurring in the US that present a threat for the future. These are documented by award-winning film-maker Kevin Miller in his film called We Become Silent: the last days of health freedom. Narration is by Dame Judi Dench, a supporter of the ANH. It is a frightening, but compulsive piece of work. The film – viewable on the ANH website - looks at how the health-food industry has always been under attack, threatened, it is claimed, by the powerful pharmaceutical lobbies, particularly in the US. In 1963 a Commission was set up called Codex Alimentarius, a combination of two UN bodies, the Food and Agriculture Organisation and the World Health Organisation. Its early brief was innocuous enough – to provide nutritious food for developing nations and a guide to dangerous industrial chemicals in foods. i c o n BANNED OR NOT WHAT’S THE TRUTH ABOUT SUPPLEMENTS? The real story about the EU directive and what the future holds for anyone wanting to take responsibility for their own health By Ginny Fraser 2 5 This changed, however, to incorporate dietary (food) supplements, and Codex took on a whole new complexion, which, according to the Miller film, is a lot more worrying, although again, harmonising trade and safeguarding the public are claimed to be the motivating force. The pharmaceutical lobby In recent years the whole natural health foods and supplements industry has grown massively, and so has opposition from, claims the ANH, the interests of the pharmaceutical companies who still control the vast majority of the synthetic vitamins and minerals market. Hence the view of Codex has been that pharmaceutical drugs are safe, because they are tested, whereas supplements are not, because they haven’t been through rigorous testing. Time for action On the video, Dr Robert Verkerk, Director of the ANH, says, “People are waking up to the fact that the healthcare system they place their trust in is not delivering the health care they need.” Indeed what the campaign is bringing to our awareness is the fact that at a time when we really need to be taking better care of ourselves (cancer levels increasing; pollution decimating the vitamin content of natural foods; living in sea of chemicals and radio-waves), the very ways we can do that are in danger of being put out of our reach. The ANH’s battle has been described as a David and Goliath confrontation (remember what happened to Goliath?), and the work goes on. “We must now move from a legal battle to a scientific battle”, says Verkerk. “The risk assessment framework that is being considered by the authorities has been borrowed from those systems assessing intrinsically toxic substances such as drugs and pesticides, and has no place for use with nutrients that are essential to life. A new paradigm for safety/ benefit analysis is needed specifically for nutrients.” The ANH has commissioned a new framework that could be used EU-wide and internationally through Codex. F or any of us relying on supplements to stay healthy or get well, it’s good to know that there is a crusader out there fighting on our behalf. To support the organisation in its work or for more information go to: More on the EU Directive in Hot Gossip, Page 49 i c o n 2 6 C E N T R E F O L D P I N - U P 15 things you need to know about Colon Cancer (and they’ve all been covered in i c o n in the last two years!) C E N T R E F O L D 1 2 13 Folic acid has been clearly shown to reduce risk of colon and bowel cancers. 7 Another possible cause is yeasts, and thus an imbalance between good bacteria and the bad guys like yeasts, fungi and microbes. Good bacteria are essential to good digestion and production of an essential vitamin, biotin. Antibiotics, steroids and, possibly, even statins destroy the good guys. 11 Keep a good, natural fibre intake. Fibre should be inside your foods – nuts, vegetables, fruit - not falsely added to it. 14 Watch your weight. Your fat will store excess toxins and also make oestrogen – you don’t need either. 8 4 However research has shown that aspirin, fish oils, garlic and ginger can all turn off the production. Vitamin D also has a strong protective influence. Destroying the good bacteria leaves the yeasts free to multiply and flourish, being commonly found in infected intestines. Garlic, Pau d’Arco, caprylic acid and wormwood will kill them off if you add a no-sugar, noalcohol, no-refined foods, no-yeasts, no-dairy diet. 6 Japanese research has strongly implicated salt as a major cause. Doubling your salt intake doubles your risk. 15 12 5 Polyps and inflammation are precursors to colon cancer. They too can be “calmed” by aspirin, aloe vera, garlic, ginger and fish oils. 2 7 Parasites are more common than you think. They too may be a culprit. Try Neways Purge/Parafree. Birmingham University showed localised oestrogen as a possible culprit. 3 i c o n 10 Colon Cancer has long been considered the preserve of old men although all is changing. For example, there’s a growing population of pregnant young women being diagnosed. Another likely factor is a carcinogenic bile acid that you make yourself. Its production is stimulated by animal fats and alcohol. P I N - U P 9 The Boston Nurses study showed that the only vegetable that made a significant difference to colon cancer risk rates was garlic. Smoking increases the risk of colon cancer. It’s much easier to cut out smoking! Everyone over 50 can be screened and accuracy is excellent. There are two tests: the faecal occult blood test which measures to see if there is blood in your stools and the flexible sigmoidoscopy using a long tube and camera. i c o n 2 8 THE 4 PILLARS OF CANCER ( Part 1 ) i c o n magazine is just over three years old and, judging by readers’ comments, goes from strength to strength. One of the first articles we ran was entitled The 4 Pillars of Cancer. Over the last three years a great deal of new scientific research has been reported and we have learned far more about the 4 Pillars. So much so that it was the title for the talks I recently gave on my tour of the USA, Australia, Japan, Ireland and the UK. There are thousands of ways of approaching the subject of cancer – its prevention or its treatment. The 4 Pillars is just one of them, but it is a simple and all-embracing route to help both would-be preventers and those already afflicted with this terrible disease. A few years ago the World Health Organisation opined that there were three overall causes of cancer, and tried to estimate the relevance of each: 1. 50 per cent caused by POOR DIET 2. 25 per cent caused by INFECTION 3. 25 per cent caused by TOXINS Many experts would argue that to this list of tangible reasons must be added a much harder area to estimate or quantify: 4. Unknown per cent caused by MENTAL STATE Why worry about the causes? Most people reading this magazine have cancer. A number do not, and nor do they want it. Some, however, may feel cancer runs in their family. Certainly 50 years ago those people with genetic factors (such as BRCA1 and BRCA2) had a 40 per cent chance of developing the disease. With modern environments and modern lifestyle, that figure is now just over 70 per cent. However, before those people get too depressed, please be aware that a 2001 Swedish study of identical twins across Europe showed that just because one family member with the genes developed a disease, the identical sibling did not have to, providing he or she took important lifestyle and dietary steps for avoidance. There’s the good news. T o a great degree, the power is in your own hands. The US Chief Medical Officer said that, “this study should remove the ‘fatalism’ that, because it runs in my family, I must get it too.” You do not have to get cancer as long as you are prepared to make some effort, The 4 Pillars hopefully tells you how to do the basics! But understanding the causes is also crucial to the person already diagnosed with cancer. For example, if you smoked and developed lung cancer, by and large whatever your doctor did you would expect the disease to return if you carried on smoking. What causes your cancer could well be the thing that is maintaining it too. i c o n 2 9 A report by Chris Woollams that can save your life Understanding Cause is Crucial to Treatment Take Professor Jane Plant, for example. Breast cancer was diagnosed, various orthodox treatments used and failed and with tumours behind her neck, she was told to go home and make a will. As a scientist herself, she decided to look for the cause, identified the possibility of dairy, cut this out and within six weeks the tumours had gone. But then, many breast cancers are hormonally driven and since 1991 (NCI, America) we have known that IGF1, found in dairy, can interfere with cell division causing cells to grow rapidly and even mutate. orthodox medical world just consider this? If 50 per cent of all cancers are supposedly caused by a POOR DIET, couldn’t just some of these patients benefit – even be cured – by a GOOD DIET? Cause – An approach to treating cancer? I know it sounds a bit simplistic but if I were an oncologist, or merely a GP, with a newly diagnosed cancer patient, I’d be spending serious time with them asking: What may have caused this cancer and what might therefore be maintaining it? Is it hormonally driven? (Oestrogen drives far more than breast cancer!) Changing The Odds And then I’d be saying to the patient: With every cancer there is an average 5-year survival rate. It’s a statistic. A rate that varies, often widely, by country. G Right, before we go near any surgery, radio or chemotherapy we are going to do everything in our power to boost your natural defences – your immune system. With prostate cancer in Austria the 5-year figure is 83.6%, but in England it is only 53.8%. Clearly then the package of medical treatments, your lifestyle and diet can increase, or worsen, your odds of survival. Dr Rosy Daniel, former Head of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre says that by building a complete, integrated, wholistic programme (using the best of orthodox and complementary, even alternative therapies), a patient can improve their odds of 5-year survival by as much as 60 per cent. And that sounds good enough to me! But then, if only as a piece of logic, why cannot the G And we will try and get more oxygen into your blood. Why? Well the evidence is quite clear; cancer is systemic – weak immune systems lead to more disease and more cancer. Lowered oxygen levels lead to more cancer. Look into Darkfield Microscopy or Russian algae/ photoscan diagnosis and this will become abundantly clear; or just read some of the research we’ve covered in Cancer Watch over the last three years. i c o n 3 0 T H E F O U R P I L L A R S Cancer is a whole body disease. And this dictates a whole body treatment approach. this article: Improve your statistics and make you a well-above-average case. And so we come back to you, the reader and, if you have a cancer, how you might begin adding to your doctor’s orthodox expertise. Message to Doctors Poor diet, Toxins, Infections, Mental State? Unlike the World Health Organisation, we urge you not to think of these as separate boxes. F or example, depression lowers your blood oxygen; poor diet weakens your immune system. This may be exacerbated by certain chemicals and toxins, increasing the chances of infection and tipping you over the edge into a cancer. If you are a doctor reading this, please understand that we have research that supports these pages, almost all of it is readily available on our website ( Please, please be open-minded, we are just trying to increase the odds of survival for your patient. And if you want to amplify the possible causes and actions, try reading ‘Everything you need to know to help you beat cancer’. It has been Britain’s No 1 selling cancer book for the last two years – the first 12 copies in Japan were all bought by doctors! So don’t look for one cause, examine your whole lifestyle. Go with your doctor’s orthodox recommendations, but evaluate them fully and ask objective questions. Two recent studies showed that patients did not understand “doctorspeak” when it came to cancer and were also turning more and more to the web because it empowered them and put them back in charge of their own treatment programme. However, there are great dangers in chasing around the web; some sites talk complete rubbish! Be circumspect. And always get a second opinion, on anything you consider doing! Read our 4 pillars, copy them, take them with you when you see your oncologist and tell him clearly what you intend to do to increase your own chances of survival around his plans for you. Be open, be honest. But remember, it’s your life. And you must be happy with the final plan. Managing your survival plan The fundamental truth about building a addressing the causes (and therefore any likely treatments) via the 4 Pillars of Cancer is that you are now entering a world largely outside your GP and oncologist’s medical training. Natural human nature can then sometimes play an unhelpful role. Poor diet/good diet – we know oncologists who will confirm that they have never spent a single day studying nutrition or diet (nor supplements) and therefore are simply not qualified to express an opinion. However, despite this, some will reject all supplementation and diet therapies. Toxins – the majority of these, and their links to cancer are way beyond your doctor’s knowledge or training. Infection – here your doctor should be able to advise, although science is moving very quickly and they may not be completely up-to-date. PILLAR 1: POOR DIET Diet is the most enormous subject and here we try to condense the most important issues into just a couple of pages. The Government recommends One oncologist we know told a patient that he did not recommend supplements. He preferred the Government’s recommendation of five lots of fruit and vegetable a day. However in France this figure is ten. In the USA the “prevention” recommendation until January was five lots, plus 30 minutes of exercise. But that, to judge by a quick study of the average New Yorker’s girth, was not working. So, some bright spark of a scientist with official favour decided upon a new solution: Thirteen lots of fruit and vegetables a day and 60-90 minutes of exercise! Mental State – almost certainly an area completely foreign to your oncologist. It is a new and very specialised area. We’ll, that should fix it in America, then! Don’t hold your breath. So he may encourage you, or he may try to dissuade you. All the more reason to photostat this whole article and give him a copy. Beating cancer is about risk management. And that’s all we are trying to do in We’ve also had Government endorsed healthy eating pyramids, which tell you the foods you can eat once in a blue moon (there’s lots of those) and the few you can eat daily. But that’s not a diet. A diet is not about the foods T H E you can’t eat – it’s about the foods you should eat. The MD Anderson Cancer Center – John Boik recommends And here’s the rub. There’s a chap called John Boik. He’s at the top of the prestigious MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas and in 2001 he published a book called, Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy. It’s over an inch thick and contains 4000 scientific references. Every doctor should be made to read it during their seven years at medical school because, if nothing else, it will prove to them that diet is crucial in the prevention and treatment of cancer. His belief is that cancer is a multi-step process. He cites 20 steps, for example including pre-cancer cells, cancer cells, a growth, a tumour, the need for blood supply, firing off cells round the body etc etc. And he assigns foods and supplements to fight each step. Nowhere near as comprehensive, but a lot easier to read, is my own The Tree of Life - the Anti-cancer diet which looks at the foods you must add into your diet. Foods, by and large, that we just don’t eat anymore. Foods that have a proven, well-researched, anti-cancer effect. Like fish oils with their long chain omega 3 and vitamin D, or garlic (known to reduce the formation of blood supply vessels to tumours). Foods that don’t help. There are three foods that both I and the research believe are of concern. These are dairy, salt and sugar, in excess. There is also research against eating too much meat, especially red meat, but this might not be true for every reader. I, for one, am a great believer in metabolic typing. One man’s meat is another man’s poison You may have heard of a book by Peter D’Adamo: Eat Right for your Type. In this he suggests that across the world there exists in homo sapiens several different blood types and that each flourishes on a different diet. Some prefer vegan diets, others meat based. It’s all about our ancestry. A rather more sophisticated system has been developed in America by Bill Wolcott who uses nine biochemical factors. Dr Etienne Callebout in the UK uses a similar approach at his Harley Street clinic for cancer treatment. We can give you more details if you ring the office on 01280 821211, C ertain cancer centres – for example, the Bristol Cancer Help Centre – recommend vegetarian diets for cancer patients. But our note of caution is that anyone embarking on such a programme, especially someone with breast cancer, should definitely supplement with natural vitamin B-12. (Chlorella is a good source - ring 01280 821211 for details). Women with breast cancer are invariably deficient in B-12 which occurs naturally in meats, and you wouldn’t want to make matters worse. So, back to the foods that do not help matters: DAIRY Swedish research indicates that the consumption of dairy and the incidence of prostate cancer are linked in a direct line graph. The more you consume, the higher your risk. Not quite so blatant is the link with breast cancer. Does organic, or low fat milk avoid the problem? Only slightly, because the issue is not pesticides or fat, it is IGF 1 F O U R P I L L A R S i c o n 3 1 i c o n 3 2 T H E F O U R P I L L A R S (Insulin-like Growth Factor). This makes cells divide rapidly and small calves grow to big cows in 10 months or so. But we humans grow to full size in 18 years. We don’t need our cells multiplying that fast. In biochemical terms this is dubbed “cellular proliferation” and the NCI in the US linked it to increased cancer risk as long ago as 1992. Other (Continued) Negative emotions Preservatives, jams etc Products in vinegar Salt and condiments; MSG Sauces Stress Sugar Sweets Tobacco Vinegar SUGAR Put simply, we all consume too much of it. And glucose is the favourite food of the cancer cell. Also we don’t want to cause undue stress to our pancreas, because the pancreas also produces enzymes that can switch off some cancer cells (see later – oestrogen). But the pancreas is also the organ that pumps out insulin in response to excesses of refined carbohydrates and sugars, and overload can produce both diabetes and an impaired pancreas. Acid bodies feed cancer You may not realise it but every day of our lives we each make 200 or so pre-cancer or potential cancer cells. Our immune systems deal with them day in day out. That is, as long as they are operating fully. If the immune system is defective or deficient, then problems can set in. The body, the immune system, the cellular systems all need a pH of about 7.4 (7.2 is neutral) to operate at their maximum. This means, in simple English, that they need to be slightly alkaline. Unfortunately factors such as stress, smoking, alcohol, coffee, many drugs and meats and fish all leave acid residues in the body. A list of acid and alkaline foods is shown in the box. Some foods are open to debate but it is broadly correct. Certain cancer therapies, for example Carctol, are part of an extreme alkaline producing regime. ACID RESIDUE PRODUCERS Fruits Bananas Grapefruit Oranges Plums Prunes Vegetables Asparagus tips Brussels sprouts Chick peas Dried beans Lentils Peanuts Rhubarb Tomatoes All Dairy All Fresh Foods Meats, fish, shellfish, scallops, crab. All processed and salted meats, smoked fish Cereals and nuts All packet nuts, crisps & snacks All refined flour including noodles, spaghetti, buckwheat Barley Cornflakes and most processed breakfast cereals Doughnuts Dumplings Macaroni Oatmeal Pie, pastries and bread Refined rice Other All Alcohol Chocolate, cocoa Coffee, tea Fizzy drinks Eggs Lack of sleep ALKALINE RESIDUE PRODUCERS Fresh fruits Apple Apricot Avocado Blackberries Blackcurrants Cherries Cranberries Currants, raisons Dates Figs Grapes Lemons Lychees Mangos Melon Olives Papaya Peach Pear Raspberries Redcurrants Other Alfalfa Agar-Agar Fresh cracked nuts Fresh ginger Fresh juices (own preparation) Herb teas, green tea Honey Millet Noni juice Olive oil, corn oil Other (Continued) Seeds Soya products Vegetables Beetroot Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Chard Chicory Chives Cucumber Dandelion Dill Endive Fresh green beans Garlic Kale Kelp Lettuce Mushrooms Parsnips Peppers Potatoes Radishes Sorrel Soya beans Spinach Squash Swede Turnips Watercress B ut probably the way we all make our bodies acidic is through the consumption of too much sodium. Found in salt (sodium chloride) or dried meats (sodium nitrite) or just hidden in canned food, bread, breakfast cereals or soy sauce, the largest levels are found in sausages, bacon, dried meats, but worst are processed, prepared and Chinese foods (monosodium glutamate). This acidity, I prefer to call it nutritional toxicity, occurs as follows: In our cells, we have power stations; they are called mitochondria. They take in oxygen and carbohydrate and by a complex system of chemical reactions involving potassium, they produce our energy. In many cancers, it is the power stations that are at fault working in the absence of oxygen. Now, if you consume too much sodium you can displace the potassium in your power stations. The sodium will still allow the chemical reactions to occur, but just not as efficiently. Less oxygen will be pulled into the cell, less energy produced, so the power stations have to work harder to sustain the cell. T H E Sodium by-products, sodium salts, are more acid than potassium salts. So the cell becomes more acid and draws in even less oxygen, and becomes even less efficient. And so a downward spiral sets in. F O U R P I L L A R S i c o n 3 3 prevention and treatment. We used to consume 75,000 tonnes, now it’s only 15,000 tonnes. You simply must take fish oils every day of your life! I n a very few cases, with less and less energy being produced, the cell powers down below the level of charge necessary for the repair mechanism, p 53 gene, to work. Think of it as a battery getting weaker and weaker and then the light goes out. And then you are in trouble. Low oxygen, the cell working like crazy to produce a little energy, no repair gene. Cancer is just a step away. Of course, most of us don’t poison ourselves to this extent but we certainly walk the road. On the outside of every cell is a pump, driven by magnesium and this pumps potassium into the cell and sodium out. Magnesium and a fully operating pump is an essential requirement for a healthy cell. 40 per cent of Americans (and probably us Brits too) are deficient in magnesium. Why? Too much dairy, which depresses magnesium levels, and too few magnesium foods in our diets. GARLIC – better than other members of the onion family, also reduces inflammation, and cuts formation of blood vessels to tumours. Must be fresh. Also kills microbes and yeasts in the body. How to correct? US research suggest that you consume no more that 1.5 gms of sodium per day. That’s six slices of bread, or one small sausage and a slice of bacon. A Chinese meal might be 15 gms! Meanwhile increase your intake of pulses, nuts, muesli, whole grains, green leaf vegetable, carrots, apples, pears and potatoes for your essential intake of potassium and magnesium. Foods that help If they could be categorised simply, I’d say that they are the foods we used to eat 50 years ago, but have since forgotten. All have been covered in detail in i c o n before. All and more are in The Tree of Life. Here are the main ones. PULSES – 100 years ago 30 per cent of our protein came from pulses. Now it’s only 2 per cent. Beans, peas, chickpeas, kidney beans, soya etc. Excellent source of phytoestrogens. (see box on Oestrogen). GREENS – You must eat your greens. Vitamin K is now being shown as a strong cancer fighter especially for lung and liver cancers. Most of us do not even eat the miniscule RDA any more. Then there are polyphenols, for example in green tea, which has been shown effective against skin, breast and prostrate cancers, and more recently against leukaemia. Or Indole 3 Carbinol, typically in broccoli, which has been shown effective against breast and prostate cancer FISH OILS – great source of long chain omega 3. Shown by Nobel Prize winner John Vane in 1982 to help reduce inflammation, often the precursor to cancer. They help reduce negative hormones around cells. Excellent for colon cancer etc – great source of vitamin D (the only other major source is the effect of sunlight on the cholesterol layers under the skin). Research in just the last three years has shown the crucial importance of vitamin D in cancer i c o n 3 4 T H E F O U R P I L L A R S The oestrogen family O estrogen is not a single hormone, but a family of hormones. The nastiest, most potent form is oestradiol). It can be converted to a much safer variant, oestrone, by Indole 3 Carbinol. About 40 times safer than even this are phytoestrogens, the oestrogens of plants and pulses. Oriental women have up to a 1000 times the levels of phytoestrogens in their blood of Western women. We have recently covered all the important supplements in i c o n and they are extensively covered on our web pages and in our books. The most relevant are – and please be sure to take the natural not the synthetic form, where appropriate: Some chemical ingredients in pesticides and in-home products like toiletries or household products can also mimic the effects of oestradiol. On the surface of your cells you have receptor sites. Oestradiol and some chemical mimics can bind these receptor sites causing the systems inside the cell to change fundamentally, for example lowering oxygen levels by up to 40 per cent. Oestrone, and phytoestrogens can also bind to the same receptor sites but because they are so much weaker they do not have the same cataclysmic effect inside the cell and, so to varying degrees, these variants afford protection. BETA-CAROTENE Best taken as natural Chlorella (300 times the level of carrot), or in red peppers. VITAMIN E NUTS – Excellent sources of B vitamins, selenium and vitamin E; crack them where possible as see-through packaging and heavily lit store shelves can result in rancidity. Ideally natural and containing all four tocopherols and all four tocotrienols. (But the EU current plan is to allow only synthetic version of one tocopherol) COENZYME Q10 Important to the power stations ZINC Important aid to Vitamin C VITAMIN C POLYSACCHARIDES – Four Nobel Prizes in the last 10 years can’t be wrong! Naturally occurring long chains of glucose – you can’t make them or break them. They clean up cellular membranes improving receptor site functions, aiding communication and your immune system. In medicinal mushrooms, aloe vera, noni juice, mothers’ milk, onions, garlic, turmeric, oats, psyllium, echinacea, whole brown rice, and good old apples and pears. Why not just eat red peppers and berries? Supplement is best in ester form, as it is kinder on the stomach than the acid form, and take one with bioflavenoids. (But the Current EU plan is to ban ester Vitamin C) SELENIUM Increasingly being shown to be influential against cancer, and good (as with Chlorella) at displacing toxic, heavy metals like mercury from the body. In conclusion It is absolutely impossible to cover the whole area of poor diet in just a few pages. It is however important to know that a nutritional therapy, run by Dr Nicholas Gonzalez in New York, and featuring a defined, metabolically-typed personal diet, 130 supplements and pancreatic (also called digestive) enzymes is nearing the end of clinical trials in the US. It has already, impressively completely outperformed orthodox medicine in the treatment of pancreatic cancer. Dismiss the effects of diet, at your peril. LYCOPENE is not just an excellent anti–oxidant, it binds to fats in the body and helps remove them. Linked to lower rates of prostate cancer. Eat tomatoes, especially cooked tomatoes. In the next issue of i c o n we will have extensive coverage of Pillar 2 - Infection. i c o n 3 5 icon info Our directory of cancer helplines, charities, websites and other useful information GENERAL SUPPORT National Association of Citizens’ Advice Bureau 020 7833 2181 (Local branch in Yellow Pages.) The Patients’ Association Helpline 0845 608 4455 or 020 8423 8999 Royal Marsden Hospital The UK’s top cancer unit; good information and news CANCER SUPPORT Cancer Bacup Helpline 0808 800 1234 Trained nurses provide emotional and practical help Cancer Research UK Information service line: 020 7269 3142 The largest cancer charity in Europe. Funds lots of research. PAC Project-Positive Action on Cancer. Free professional counselling service. Tel: 01373 455255 SPECIFIC CHARITIES Brain Tumours (Samantha Dickson Trust) 0845 130 9733 Breast Cancer Care Helpline 0808 800 6000 Childhood Brain Tumours Ali’s Dream 0208 863 6068 Colon Cancer Concern Helpline 08708 50 60 50 International Myeloma Foundation 0800 980 3332 Kidney Cancer UK 024 7647 4993 Leukaemia Care Line 0800 169 6680 Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation O800 358 7200 Lymphoma Association Helpline 0808 808 5555 Ovarian Cancer 020 7600 5141 Pancreatic Cancer 0121 449 0667 Health Creation Helpline 0845 009 3366 The Cancer Lifeline Kit, created by Dr Rosy Daniel, aims to transform the experience of cancer through the integration of complementary, alternative and self-help approaches. Breast Cancer Haven Helpline: 020 7384 0099 Information, advice, counselling, holistic treatments and therapy for breast cancer patients. Gerson Support Group UK POB 406 Esher, Surrey KT10 9UL. Tele: 01372 464 557 New Approaches to Cancer Freephone: 0800 389 2662 Therapy, caring support plus residential courses with yoga and other healing therapies. CARE FACILITIES Macmillan CancerLine Helpline 0808 808 2020 Comprehensive practical help on all aspects of living with cancer. Marie Curie Cancer Care 0800 716 146 Care for cancer patients in their own homes, in hospices and day therapy centres . Carers UK Helpline: 080 8808 7777 Teenage Cancer Trust 0202 7387 1000 Funds and organises support to improve the lives of teenagers with cancer CLIC (Cancer and leukaemia in childhood) 0117 311 2600 Delivers practical and emotional care to young cancer sufferers and their families. 2Higher Ground Free coaching for cancer carers. OTHER USEFUL NUMBERS Prostate Cancer 0845 300 8383 British Acupuncture Council 020 8735 0400 COMPLEMENTARY HEALTH British Association of Nutritional Therapists 0870 606 1284 Bristol Cancer Help Centre Helpline 0845 123 2310 email: [email protected] website: The gold standard for complementary therapies, counselling and learning to live with cancer through self-help. The Dove Clinic for Integrated Medicine 020 7580 8886 & 01962 718000 Screening, complementary treatment and counselling in London and Winchester. Institute for Optimum Nutrition 020 8877 9993 The Society of Homeopaths 01604 621 400 Cranial Osteopathy - The Sutherland Society. 01225 869100 ADVERTORIAL CHARGE UP YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM! B iobran is a serious immune system food supplement and is being used as a powerful support tool for both conventional and complementary cancer treatments. Biobran MGN-3 was developed by Daiwa Pharmaceutical in Tokyo, after it became known that polysaccharides (plant fibre) could strengthen the immune system. This small pharmaceutical company, committed to developing and manufacturing natural solutions, created Biobran by breaking down rice bran using powerful plant enzymes. The resulting compound, a patented arabinoxylan compound, has since been clinically shown to powerfully boost the immunity. This is an important development because conventional cancer treatment regimes, which focus on destroying cancer cells with little regard to the overall health of the immune system, are struggling in their fight against cancer. The Immune System The immune system is the collective army of a trillion white blood cells, the bone marrow, antibodies and the thymus gland that identifies and then destroys the millions of microbes (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) that penetrate our bodies every day. This system also needs to eliminate 500 to 10,000 of our own cells that have become genetically abnormal or cancerous. Central to the immune system are the lymphocytes which include the T-cells, B-cells and NK cells. These cells are able to identify and destroy almost every intruder or infected/ cancerous cell in the body. NK cells are of particular importance because they are able to work more or less independently, without special instructions from the immune system, to recognize and destroy many types of cancerous cells. They are therefore considered the body’s first line of defence against cancer. When the body is stressed or unwell, the immune system suffers, particularly the activity of these protector cells. This can be made worse by some medical treatments – such as chemotherapy – which further depress the immune system. Effects of Dietary Fibre The benefits of a high-fibre diet have been known for at least a century: Fibre helps speed the passage of food through the intestinal tract, removing toxic waste; it inhibits the re-absorption of cholesterol in the intestinal tract lowering cholesterol levels. It also improves blood sugar control as dietary fibre slows down the release of glucose into the blood stream. However, it is now known that a number of almost indigestible polysaccharides have immune benefits. Echinacea, Noni juice, shitake mushrooms and other natural health supplements are also believed to derive much of their health benefits from their polysaccharide component. Unfortunately, plants fibres are mostly indigestible, and so this immune enhancing effect tends to be quite small. Daiwa, however, have come up with a process whereby the long chain polysaccharides (plant fibre) in rice bran are broken down by the action of shitake mushroom enzymes into hemicelluloses, so they could pass into the blood stream and reach the cells of the immune system. Effect of BioBran Supplementation When taken as a food supplement, BioBran MGN-3 increases the activity of the body’s white blood cells – particularly T and B cell and especially Natural Killer (NK) cell function. With supplementation, NK cell activity is increased by more than 300%, B-cell activity by more than 250% and T cell activity by 200%. NK cell activity is particularly essential because NK cells specifically target many types of cancer and the blood of cancer patients typically has less than half the NK cell activity of a healthy individual and often even less if conventional treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy have weakened the immune system. Lack of Toxicity BioBran MGN-3 has no toxic side-effects, which is unusual for a substance that can enhance the immune system. There are no contraindications except obviously when taken in conjunction with immuno-suppressants. Research has also shown that, provided BioBran MGN-3 is regularly included in the diet, the stimulation of the immune system need not decrease over time. Research with Cancer Patients There are now over 15 published studies in scientific journals to support the claim that BioBran MGN-3 is one of the most effective and safe immunomodulators available, and this number of studies is increasing every year. The chief researcher of BioBran MGN-3 has been Dr. Ghoneum – a world authority in the emerging field of cancer immune therapy and considers Biobran ‘’ the most powerful immune complex he has ever tested.’’ One of the first studies Dr. Ghoneum undertook with cancer patients was with five breast cancer patients, the results of which were presented at the AACR Special Conference in Maryland in 1995. Three grams of BioBran MGN-3 were administered to these five patients alongside the conventional chemotherapy. Within a week or two, NK cell activity was enhanced, and with continued supplementation it was able to rise from a baseline range of 12.7% - 58.3% to 41.8% 89.5%. Within 6 to 8 months, two of the patients were in complete remission, and another two were in remission after the conference. D r. Ghoneum states that the clinical data so far collected suggests that BioBran MGN-3 supplementation can help in the reduction of tumour markers and other pathology markers, helping in the long-term stabilisation or remission of disease in the majority of cases (>85%). It is also important to consider the quality of life of a patient. Biobran is often recommended to keep white cells levels up when chemotherapy and radiotherapy are doing their worst. Interestingly, for instance, recent research has examined BioBran’s role in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy such as tiredness, nausea and weight loss – symptoms which severely reduce quality of life. More recent research has shown that Biobran also seems to lower the inflammatory responses of the immune system. As inflammation promotes the cancer process, reducing inflammation may be an important means of protection against cancer. Professor Ben Pfeifer has recently been published in ADVERTORIAL the Swiss Journal of Urology, having undertaken a successful trial in which he used Biobran and other phytonutrients on prostate cancer patients. Additionally, Dr Nyjon Eccles of the Chiron clinic, an expert in Integrated Cancer medicine, will be running a case-study-based research programme using Biobran in conjunction with phytonutrients on 30 breast cancer and 30 prostate cancer patients- the results to be published next year. Here are some of the case studies already available in medical literature. Case Studies CASE 1 In March 1996, a 53 year old female patient was diagnosed with terminal stage stomach cancer that had severely metastasised. Abdominal surgery was attempted but when the doctors opened the abdomen they realized there was nothing they could do as the tumours were too numerous and extensive to remove. Chemotherapy was suggested but declined as it would not have been very effective in this situation. Shortly after this time, the patient started taking 3 grams of BioBran MGN-3 per day. Within one week her appetite, which had waned, started to return and she had more energy to walk around the house. Over the next six months, she visited the hospital once a week for checkups and had X-rays taken periodically. At the end of this period her X-rays showed a substantial reduction in tumour shadow and it was agreed to perform another operation. This operation was successful because of the major reduction in the tumours present, and it was the first time that the doctors in question had seen such a substantial recovery. CASE 2 A 60 year old male with prostate cancer, diagnosed in 1994, was unable to have surgery due to moderate aortic stenosis and was reluctant to have radiation as the long-term prognosis with this treatment in his particular situation was very poor. He was therefore put onto hormone therapy to try to control the spread of the cancer. The patient started BioBran MGN-3 supplementation at 3g per day in April, and by October, nine biopsies showed a negative result – his cancer was in remission. The hormone therapy was stopped in October. Since that time the patients NK cell activity and health has remained high. CASE 3 A 44 year old female was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 1994. She received surgery and chemotherapy, after which her NK cell activity baseline was 39.9% as of May 1995. One month after starting BioBran MGN-3 supplementation, it was 48.9%. By October 1995 it was 83.5%. Since then this level has been maintained and all follow-up mammograms have shown no sign of relapse. CONCLUSIONS BioBran MGN-3 is a very effective and safe immune supplement with a very impressive track-record which, in the short time it has been available, is rapidly becoming one of the leading immune system supplements around the world. Numerous published studies have shown that this supplement is able to significantly boost important parameters of immune function and therefore can play an important supportive role in the treatment and recovery of certain diseases such as cancer. Ghoneum, M. One Sizeable Step for Immunology, One Giant Leap for Cancer Patients. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. pp 58-62. Jan 2000. CANCERactive NEWS were put at ease after speaking to several successful climbers of all ages and nationalities, all of whom looked to be in a pretty good shape – not quite what we are expecting from ourselves when we return to the hotel in a few days time! The following morning we were met at the hotel by our guide Bruce who took us to the gates of Kilimanjaro National Journey to the top of Africa H ow many times have you heard someone say they are ‘on top of the world’? Metaphorically speaking, probably dozens of times, but in reality it is a rarity to physically be on top of the world – unless of course you have reached the summit of Everest. KILIMANJARO FROM THE PLANE We decided to take this metaphorical phrase and put it into reality knowing that in late June 2005 we would be attempting to literally be on top of the world – well at least the top of Africa. Park. We were at 1800m and about to start our climb up the Umbwe route. There waiting for us were our porters and chef. Within an instance they had balanced our rucksacks, tents, cooking equipment, water and food for the five days on their heads and were almost running up the mountain towards the first camp – these guys really are incredible! The summit of Mount Kilimanjaro is 5895m above sea level or 19,340 ft and often can be as cold as -40 degrees Celsius! Once prepared, we started our climb. To begin with we raced up the track in anticipation of getting up as quickly as possible. Bruce had other ideas and After months of planning and several gym training sessions, our adventure to climb to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro actually began on 23rd June 2005. The two weeks prior to our departure were fairly daunting as the scale of this adventure sunk in. However, nothing can prepare you for the daunting sight of the mountain whilst flying from Nairobi to Kilimanjaro International Airport in Tanzania. Cruising at 17,000 ft, high above the clouds, the mountain came into sight for the first time – the sheer size of this beast filled most of us with fear as it towered a further 2,340 feet above us – how was anyone supposed to get to the top of that?! However,once we landed and had reached our hotel in Moshi our minds had to slow us down saying we were going far too fast if we actually wanted to get to the top – of course we did so had to follow his lead and walk at a snail’s pace! A fter about 4-5 hours, trekking through the muddy rainforest the sun started to go down and it appeared we would be walking in near darkness. However round the next corner we arrived at our first camp at 2940m. The porters had already put up our tents and our dining tent was set for dinner for four! Following a pretty impressive meal, under the circumstances, we retired early in order to prepare for an early start and a more strenuous trek the next day. With the first day being all rainforest and pretty damp, it made a pleasant change to exit the forest after a couple of hours and enter the dryer, more arid moorland. It was on this day that we actually got our first view of the summit and were still pretty daunted by the prospect – it seemed so far away and still so much higher! After six hours, we arrived at our second camp (3950m) and could certainly tell we were getting higher as it was much colder and we could tell the air was becoming thinner. After a pretty sleepless night in the cold and thin air, another early start led us towards the Arrow Glacier at 4800m. Although the sun was up, it was necessary to wear our fleeces for the first time during the day. For a couple of hours we followed one of the streams coming off the glacier whilst making sure we avoided the icy patches. As we left the moorland and entered the semi-desert the gap in the clouds below us gave us stunning views THE WESTERN BREECH i c o n 3 9 TOP TEAM: STEPHEN KING, RICHARD COLLETT, HARNISH PATEL AND EDWARD KING In memory of Catherine People ask us how we feel and that we must have such a sense of achievement. I must admit that we are all pretty pleased to have climbed the world’s highest free standing mountain, but we did this for a reason and were inspired to do it by a friend who died last year from cancer. This achievement will not bring Catherine back, but hopefully the funds we raise will go towards helping provide information for others who have cancer and make sure that they receive the best treatment possible to help them beat this illness. RC of the rainforest and Moshi in the very far distance! We reached our camp at the base of the western breach around 2pm, had a quick warming soup for lunch and got our heads down for some much earned rest. At this altitude, your appetite is totally lost, but after forcing down dinner in the evening and breakfast the following morning, the real mental challenge was about to begin and the climb up the Western Breach. Even the warning from guide books “this route is very steep and is recommended only for very fit and capable climbers, as exertion is necessary” did not prepare us for the climb. The Western Breach is the steepest part of the mountain with loose rocks and boulders and whilst the climb is non-technical, the altitude combined with the incline was a significant barrier to pace. H owever, after serious exertion and six hours of climbing this almost vertical wall, we reached a ridge like staircase and scrambled up onto the crater floor at 5700m. Due partially to exhaustion and partially to the lack of oxygen, it is hard to describe the view except that of true amazement both back down to the camp below and further up. Again our camp was already set up and except for pounding headaches due to the altitude, we felt pretty good! Having forced some more food down, we had another early night in preparation for an early start and the attempted climb to the summit. A fter waking at 4am to find the condensation inside the tent frozen, we got up and put on every item of clothing we had in preparation for the climb to the summit. It is not often you experience weather this cold – especially for a Brit! It must have been -15 degrees C! The final 195m to the top took 2 hours, but what a reward once you actually get to the summit. We were the first group to the top for the day and witnessed a stunning sunrise without other groups fighting for the perfect photo opportunity. Being so cold at the summit, it is hard to stay too long or take gloves off to use your mobile phone to let people know you are on top of Africa. The brief pause did not last long as the long walk down was about to start. After eight hours we reached 3100m and our final camp. What we had achieved over the last few days was beginning to sink in, but we still looked forward to the hotel, showers and a few beers the following evening. The final day took us from camp to the gates in around three hours. We had completed what we set out to do and can now say that we have physically been on top of Africa. Maybe the next adventure will take us to the top of the world! THE SUMMIT FORTHCOMING FUND RAISING EVENTS INCLUDE: 11TH SEPTEMBER Experian Robin Hood Marathon, Nottingham 18TH SEPTEMBER Great North Run, Newcastle 2ND OCTOBER Bristol Half Marathon 9TH OCTOBER Great South Run, Portsmouth – only 2 places left – call Adele on 01280 821211 to reserve now! 22ND – 30TH OCTOBER Great Wall of China Trek 200 CLUB £100 Winners this year so far are: MAY - Dee Steed JUNE - Dr J Millward * Bonus Winner of £200 - Syd Wall JULY - Diana Richardson If you would like to be on the list of winners, join our 200 Club now by calling us on 01280 821211! Every day, more and more people hear these three words than ever before: "You have cancer" It’s an epidemic, and it’s growing fast. Some people would have you believe we’re winning the war on cancer. But what’s the truth? G In the next twelve months 270,000 men, women and children will be diagnosed with cancer in the UK. G Well over 1 million men, women and children in the UK are currently living with cancer. G These numbers are forecast to triple in the next 20 years, according to a recent report by a panel of cancer experts and Macmillan, unless something substantial is done to prevent it. The past 30 years have seen little real improvement in survival rates. Some people would have you believe that we are fast ‘curing’ cancer; that with new drugs many more people are surviving. But what’s the truth? The National Audit Office reported in early 2004, that the 5-year survival rate for cancer in England had increased by just 12 per cent in 30 years. All this despite billions of pounds being spent in the UK and the USA on research into new drugs. In terms of survival rates, the UK is worse than the majority of Europe. Some people would have you believe that the UK is leading the field in cancer cure. But what’s the truth? G The Eurocare-3 study showed that 5-year survival rates in the UK were below the European average. In fact we were often way behind the likes of France, Sweden, Germany and Austria (but just ahead of Poland, Latvia and Estonia). The risks leading to cancer are becoming clearer. Some people believe the only causes of cancer we know about are smoking and over-exposure to the sun. But what’s the truth? Firstly, there are several studies showing sunshine can be very good for you, so it's not as simplistic as people are suggesting. The World Health Organisation say that cancers are caused by toxins, poor diet and infection. To which one would have to add 'mental state'. The suggestive finger has pointed at tobacco; but now it can also point at toxins in toiletries, synthetic oestrogens, pesticides and even masts and mobile phones. Isn’t it time people heard the whole truth? We’re here to PREVENT people dying from cancer. It's time for action - join the new force in cancer For less than 60p per week you can become a Cancer Activist – a member of our charity. For this you will receive i c o n magazine mailed to your UK address unlimited access to the CANCERactive website a monthly e-newsletter discounts on a variety of health products Of course we would love you to give more. We would love donations, tax free regular pledges, payroll giving, bequests and legacies! Please call us for more information on 01280 821 211. Our aim is to provide information - all the information - on cancer, so that people can make more informed decisions. About their health, their cancer, their lives. Please complete the Direct Debit form below or, if you prefer, make out a cheque to CANCERactive and send it to the address below. Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit YES! Please make me a CANCER ACTIVIST now by setting up the direct debit to my account. I would like to make an annual donation of (minimum £30) to be taken annually/six monthly/ quarterly/monthly (delete as appropriate) unless I write to you to tell you otherwise. Gift Aid: So that CANCERactive can claim back 28p for every £1 donated, I confirm that I am a UK tax payer, who has paid over enough tax for you to reclaim this amount. Signed: Bank Direct Debit Details Please fill in this form and send to: CANCERactive, FREEPOST ANG7812,The Elms, Radclive Road, Gawcott, Buckingham MK18 4BR. YOUR DETAILS (Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TITLE: INITIAL: SURNAME: ADDRESS: POSTCODE: EMAIL: TEL: Tick box if you do not wish to receive CANCERactive e-newsletters Tick box if you DO NOT wish to receive information by post/e-mail about products and services relating to CANCERactive. Instruction to your Bank or Building Society to pay by Direct Debit. Originator’s Identification No. To the bank manager: (Bank Name) 6 4 7 5 7 9 Branch Address: Ref No to be completed by CANCERactive Postcode: Please pay CANCERactive direct debits from the account detailed in the instruction subject to the safeguards assured by the Direct Debit Guarantee. I understand that this instruction may remain with CANCERactive and, if so, details will be passed electronically to my bank/building society Account in the name(s) of Branch Sort Code Signature(s) Account number: Signature(s) Date Charity Registration No: 1102413 i c o n 4 2 C A N C E R W A T C H surgery cannot be, since in wonderful “catch 22” fashion, there are quite large numbers of kidney surgeries and hence data on survival rates, but little knowledge of survival for ablation. However, already some 80 per cent of kidney tumours appear to be destroyed by the technique. (Ed: the figure was much the same for prostate cancer). Oesophageal cancer test CANCER WATCH “Our aim is to bring you the latest information that can help you beat cancer” Professor Gareth Williams and Dr Kai Stoeber of UCL’s Wolfson Institute for Biomedical research have developed a test that is 85 per cent accurate at diagnosing oesophageal cancer in its early stages. General oesophageal tests are nonspecific and the cancer is rarely caught at an early stage resulting in low levels of survival (8 per cent in the UK). When diagnosis catches it early and chemotherapy and radiotherapy are used, claims of 80 per cent are being made for 5-year survival. We are very proud of Cancer Watch. LATEST WORLD CANCER NEWS The new test takes fluid samples from the oesophagus and is claimed to be simple enough to encourage regular cancer screening. It brings you the latest information from all over the world but it does take a lot of time to pull it all together. Nanotechnology to fight cancers Carboplatin use in testicular cancer A new technique, published in Nature by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology involves combining two methods of combating cancer (poisoning the tumour whilst cutting off the blood supply) uniquely delivered by nanotechnology. Professor Tim Oliver of Barts’ Hospital has completed a large research study over the last 20 years on testicular cancer across 14 countries and concluded that one dose of carboplatin is as effective as three weeks of radiotherapy in treating testicular cancer. From this issue on we will be breaking it up and putting more and more of it on the website under the various cancer headings, prevention, nutrition etc. To make it simpler for you we will also segment it in the magazine too, and include a section on ‘Latest Nutrition Findings’ – including exercise and supplements (one of the UK’s leading charities recently told us that there was “no research information on vitamins or exercise helping cancer”) and a section called Chemical World which will be helpful to those trying to prevent just as much as those currently with cancer. (The leading cancer charity recently told one of our people that there was “no research information that toxins contributed to cancer”). What world do these major charities live in??? Not ours. Here CANCERactive brings you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth… These particles are so small they can invade cells easily, and the nanocells can also be wrapped in a special coat to avoid detection by the body’s immune system. Tests in mice with melanoma tripled their life expectancy. The tests with lung cancer did not work as well, leading the team to consider other drug combinations. Lead researcher Professor Sasisekharan says that this is just the beginning. Ultrasound more widely used Our recent reports on the use of Ablation, (the use of radio-frequencies to liquify prostate tumours), may have been specific to prostate cancer treatment in the UK but other cancers have also used it successfully. Take Professor Andy Adam at Guys and St Thomas who uses it on kidney tumours. The technique is only used when Radiotherapy is known to have serious side effects with testicular cancer patients, like temporary infertility and even heart disease. Patients on carboplatin were also less lethargic and returned to work earlier. Breast cancer gene research Scientists at Cambridge University led by Professor Carlos Caidas have pinpointed four new genes likely to be involved in the development of breast cancer. The overwhelming majority of breast cancers are apparently known to be caused by damage to genes during a woman’s lifetime. Identifying the genes is apparently the next step. The research published in Oncogene uses ‘DNA microarrays’. Breast cancer rates now exceed 41,000 cases per year in the UK – it accounts for a third of all female cancers. C A N C E R New study on mobile phones and cancer Professor Lawrie Challis, Chairman of the Mobile Telecommunication Health Research programme committee feels more research is needed on phones and health particularly with children and cancer, which he says could take up to ten years to develop after first exposure. Ten million pounds of government funding is being provided and the study will link into a WHO study comprising 250,000 people in Sweden, Germany, Finland and Britain. Only recently a study at the University of Western Australia concluded that mobile phones damage male fertility. Leigh Simmons the lead biologist said, “After other lifestyle factors have been accounted for, storage of mobile phones close to the testes had a significant negative impact on sperm concentration and the percentage of mobile sperm”. Cancer therapies can cause cognitive defects A new study comparing twins where one was a cancer survivor, shows that the survivor is likely to develop long-term cognitive defects (J Nat Cancer Inst 2005, 97, 854-56). No one is exactly sure why, although more research is now being conducted to look for particular drug or radiotherapy links. Another possible cause could be chronic stress caused by having cancer. Finsteride can help prevent prostate cancer We’ve covered this before in i c o n . Localised oestrogen causes prostate cancer; there are lots of studies confirming this. Finsteride, an anti-oestrogen drug, can reduce the occurrence of prostate cancer by 24.8 per cent (Cancer, Feb 28, 2005), as it can reduce the size of the prostate and also cut localised oestrogen levels. However in some unexplained and extremely rare cases it can cause high-grade prostate cancer. This new research says benefits outweigh risks. (Ed: See our special feature on Prostate cancer drugs) Harvard Professor confirms sunshine benefits Dr Giovannucci is a Harvard Medical School Professor keen to debunk the “sunshine is bad for you” myth. Whilst acknowledging the dangers of melanoma, in a recent speech (L.A Times June 20th 2005) Giovannucci said that staying out of the sun increases cancer deaths by 70 per 100,000 people per year. He challenges anyone to find an area or a nutrient that has such clear and consistent anticancer benefits. (Ed. We’ve debunked this myth before with articles on Vitamin D, and the work of Professor Hollick - avoid burning but for goodness sake do not stay out of the sun. The advice of some charities is positively loony). Protein cause in liver cancer Professor John Mayer, form Nottingham University, working in conjunction with a team from Kyoto Japan, has been studying a protein called gankyrin. The protein seems to act in two ways. Firstly, it encourages DNA synthesis so cells can grow and divide unchecked. Secondly, it binds to an enzyme called mdm 2, which causes the p53 gene (the gene that normally repairs the cell DNA, or causes death in defective cases) to be broken down. This allows the cell to grow unchecked. Next step is to work out a structure for gankyrin and then try to make a drug to block it. Currently there are few drugs for liver cancer and no orthodox cure. HPV infection depends on your immune system Cancer Research scientists at the University of Birmingham have shown that some people can prevent HPV causing them cervical cancer by developing a natural immune response. Those people who developed full cervical lesions had far less T-cell activity. The theory now is to develop vaccines to boost -cell activity (Ed. But I thought that’s what polysaccharides and vitamins did anyway. See previous reports on research into Ellagic acid). Ovarian cancer – new diagnostic tests Yale Medical School has developed a new test, which is 95 per cent accurate and measures four key proteins – leptin, prolactin, osteopontin and insulin-like growth factor II. All are associated with ovarian cancer. Yale found that although each protein had been previously associated with the W A T C H i c o n 4 3 disease, using any single one as a marker simply was not accurate enough. Lead researcher is Dr Gil Mor. LATEST NUTRITION FINDINGS Red meat increases risk of colorectal cancer... A study involving 148,610 men and women in the USA aged 50-74 and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association has confirmed that the group that ate the most red meat had a thirty to forty percent increased risk of cancer of the distal colon or rectal cancer, compared with the group whose consumption was lowest. ...BUT magnesium-rich foods reduce risk A study from the Karolinska Institute of Sweden involving 61,000 women has shown that the higher the magnesium consumption the less the risk of colorectal cancer. (Magnesium sources include whole grains, nuts, jacket potatoes, greens, pulses and some fish). Fruit and vegetable consumption and breast cancer risk In another very large study, this time with 285,526 European women and published in JAMA, researchers from the University Medical Centre in Utrecht, Netherlands looking at women aged 25 to 70 exploded the myth that lots of fruit and vegetables afforded protection for breast cancer. The risk was no different between those who ate a lot and those who ate a little. Prostate Cancer Risk Outlined In May 2005 the Fox Chase Cancer Centre in Philadelphia published a study on prostate cancer, calcium and dairy (3,600 men). Men having the highest dairy consumption were 2.2 times more likely to develop cancer than those who consumed the least. Men with the highest intake of dietary calcium were also 2.2 times more likely than the lowest consumers, to develop the disease. (Ed: We have already run articles and research studies on the link between i c o n 4 4 C A N C E R W A T C H IGF-1, found in dairy, and cancers like breast and prostate. For example, Swedish research in 2001 showed a direct line graph link between volume of dairy consumed and risk of prostate cancer) England’s overweight teenagers The European Conference on Obesity in Athens has heard that 25 per cent of England’s 13-17 year olds are overweight or obese. Next comes Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Ireland at 23 per cent but Germany has only 11 per cent and Holland just 9 per cent. Type 2 diabetes, also called late-onset diabetes because it typically occurs in people in their 50’s, is rising rapidly in England’s teenagers. In the USA 30 per cent of teenagers are overweight and 16 per cent of under 12’s have late onset diabetes. (Ed: When you read the next piece you’ll understand why!!!) Boys don’t eat their greens Recent research has shown the real importance of vitamin K in liver and lung cancer. But at levels far higher than the RDA which is currently small at 65 micrograms. One helping of greens will provide this RDA but this falls far short of the anti-cancer levels being used in research in Washington and Japan. Worse, our children are not even eating that much, with boys far worse than girls. Lucy Cooke of CRUK has shown that girls eat fruit and vegetables far more than boys. Mums, schools – watch out for this!! Sadly the current young person’s diet is awful. Top Ten Foods BOYS GIRLS 1. Pizza 2. Chocolate 3. Ice Cream 4. Chocolate biscuits 5. Fruit juice 6. Ice lollies 7. Fizzy drinks 8. Pasta 9. Cakes 10. Crisps 1. Chocolate 2. Strawberries 3. Fruit juice 4. Pasta 5. Pizza 6. Ice Cream 7. Grapes 8. Ice lollies 9. Chocolate biscuits 10. Cakes Is there any hope? Trans-fats to disappear from US foods After January 1st 2006, trans-fats (actually proven to be worse for you than saturated fats) have to be declared on packaging and labels. Various crisp, snack and fast food products plus baked, microwave and processed foods contained the fats created when vegetable oils undergo a chemical process called hydrogenation. Currently manufacturers are rushing to add “zero trans-fats” to their labelling. So what are we doing about this in the UK? CHEMICAL WORLD Environmental toxins affect your health significantly Washington State University (Science magazine) has shown that, sadly, exposure of your parents or even grandparents to environmental toxins may be currently affecting your health. Dr Michael Skinner of Washington feels that such toxins may have even altered DNA lines. The evidence is irrefutable, he says, calling it a “chemical modification of DNA”. (Ed: Dr Vyvyan Howard will be speaking on this at our Cancer Prevention Conference on November 17th – have you got your ticket yet??) Chromosomal damage from plastic coatings Nagoya City University Medical School in Japan has been researching bisphenol A (BPA) Levels in pregnant women. Their findings were very clear. Women with a history of miscarriages had three times as much BPA in their blood as women who’d never had a miscarriage. BPA is used to make plastic coatings on the inside of food and drink cans, and even babies’ bottles. WWF have called for a ban on the use of BPA, which the Japanese research showed could lead to chromosomal damage. Chemical link to breast cancer Scientists in Texas and South Carolina have found that one chemical, 4-Nonyphenol, can trigger breast cancer in mice. 4-Nonyphenol is similar to bispherol A in structure. Both are hormone disrupters. 4-Nonyphenol seems to stimulate oestrodiol production, and then binds to receptor sites on breast cells and stimulates cancer growth. Male breast reduction operations increase The number of men using cosmetic surgery to reduce the size of their breasts has jumped in the UK. (Ed: No, this is not April 1st) A number of Harley Street surgeons are witnessing the same phenomenon. The cause is being centred on the increase in the level of female hormones in the environment. Hormones in fast food, in drinking water and oestrogen mimics were all named by these surgeons as possible causes. American groups link Teflon to cancer risks The US Environmental Protection Agency has now ruled that exposure to perfluoro-octanoic acid (PFOA), a chemical used to make Teflon non-stick coating, by Dupont, could induce human cancer risk (Dr Mercola). Even that ruling is too weak for the EPA Scientific Advisory Board who say that it is highly carcinogenic to humans, and risk assessment studies are urgently required. (Liver, breast, pancreatic cancers plus immune system weakness are to be studied). A kick in the teeth for Fluoride Scientists at the Harvard School of Medicine have shown that boys between ages 10 and 18 have increased risk of bone cancer if they are exposed to fluoridated water before the ages of five and ten. Apparently there is no such effect with girls. Dr Vyvyan Howard, a senior ‘toxicologist’ at Liverpool University, felt the research evidence was “pretty strong”. Are you listening Mr Blair? US research on Ibuprofen and breast cancer risk We have covered the use of salicylin (aspirin - willow bark - aloe vera) to reduce risk of inflammation, which is often a precursor to tumours. Unfortunately, all such anti- C A N C E R W A T C H i c o n 4 5 inflammatories (especially the synthetic ones) do not appear to have been created equal. Research at the University of Southern Carolina concludes that ibuprofen, often taken for conditions such as headaches or arthritis, may increase the risk of breast cancer. The study involved 100,000 women aged 2085 all of whom were cancer-free in 1995, when the research began. matched equivalent was taken. Sander Greenland (UCLA) believes that the study “simply adds to the evidence that the association is real”. been linked to cancers and there is also extreme concern about their effect on aquatic life after they are washed down the sink. According to Heather Dickenson (Newcastle University, UK), the study is the largest case-controlled study of childhood cancers ever conducted in the world. Aspartame doubts – this time it’s cancer! Further research has been recommended. Triclosan dangers accented Phthalates should be ‘eradicated’ says Professor Professor Shanna Swan, at the University of Rochester has been studying how phthalates, (found in liquids from plastic bottles, like drinking water, shampoos or liquid soaps) give rise to new born boys with “less masculine” characteristics. Study leader Swann says, “we need to eradicate these chemicals,” but fears it will be a slow process. Phthalates are produced as a result of the plasticisers used to make the plastic bottles and the thickness or thinness of the plastic bottle is irrelevant. Previous work at the Athlone Institute of Technology, Ireland has shown the same effects in animals and fish, while Swedish and US research has also confirmed the negative and dangerous effects of phthalates in humans. A study by Virginia Polytechnic University showed that washing dishes by hand and using a liquid with anti-bacterial properties and the ingredient Triclosan, could cause a reaction with the chlorinated water and produce chloroform, which is easily inhaled and highly toxic. Triclosan is in many products, from toothpastes to detergents, from deodorants to cosmetics. Triclosan also “sticks” to the skin and is not easily washed off. Chloroform is a Trihalomethane (TTHM) and a chlorophenol. Chlorophenols have A report by Italian researchers in the European Journal of Oncology (2005) shows that 8-week old rats fed a diet of aspartame at the levels most mere mortals consume produced leukaemia and lymphomas in some females and brain tumours in some rats of both sexes. Aspartame is now in approximately 6500 products: From low-fat yoghurt to sugar-free gum; in diet cola and even some vitamins. The European Food Safety Authority has ordered a thorough and expert assessment of the aspartame research “as a matter of high priority”. The same authority recently stated that aspartame had been considered safe. Scientists have long studied the effects of these gender bender hormone disrupters but little action has been taken by European governments. A spokesman for WWF has called the industry regulation in these chemical, “woefully inadequate”. A bill has now been tabled in California seeking to ban BPA and phthalates “in toys and childcare products for infants and children under three years of age”. Power lines could cause Leukaemia In a new study by Gerald Draper (Oxford – BMJ 2005, 330, 1290) and his colleagues, living within 200 metres of high voltage power lines could cause a 70 per cent increased risk of developing leukaemia amongst children. “The finding is not likely to be explained by magnetic fields but by some other direct consequence of power lines”, he says. The study involved 29,083 children in England and Wales between 1962 and 1995 and for each cancer patient, a controlled, If we haven’t covered your personal subject matter in this issue, check our back issues on TO ORDER (Donation £5.00 per copy incl. p&p) ring 01280 815166 REMEMBER – ALL PROFITS FROM i c o n AND OUR BOOKS GO TO OUR CHARITY CANCERactive i c o n 4 6 I T ’ S O N LY N AT U R A L GREEN TEA R eally, it’s hard to know where to start. Perhaps, given the myriad of claims for green tea, with a small note of caution. It is true that the people of South East Asia, Japan and China drink green tea and develop less cancers. But their environments at home are less toxic, their meat consumption less, garlic, vegetable and fruit consumption higher, stress less etc. And when they come to live in the West, even the green tea drinkers develop more cancers. Having said that, there is no doubt in my mind that green tea affords a real plus in the fight against cancer. What is it? It will surprise most people to know that both green tea and the black stuff we’ve been drinking in the UK for several hundred years come from the same plant, Camelia Sinensis, found in tropical and sub-tropical regions like India and China. Black tea when dried is fermented and oxidised. Green tea is left unfermented, and then merely steamed. Many experts now believe that green tea is thus a better, more whole, source of natural chemicals like proteins, sugars and vitamins and, in particular, natural antioxidants. The History of Green Tea Legend has it that green tea was “discovered” by Emperor Shea Nung in 2737 BC in China, by accident when some wild tea leaves ended up in the water he was boiling. Around AD 800 Buddhist monks took the drink to Japan, where the tea drinking ceremony (the cha-no-yo) evolved. By the 16th century tea was heading West as explorers visited Asia. Active Ingredients The active ingredients vary considerably depending upon where the tea was grown. Young leaves and buds are the usual parts used. Green tea contains caffeine and thus has a mild stimulating effect. But the greatest benefits are due to a group of flavenoids called polyphenols, which the lack of processing in green tea leaves unaltered whilst the drying process concentrates. Polyphenols are potent antioxidants and have been shown to protect against heart disease, as they can prevent the oxidation of LDL, so called “bad” cholesterol. By preventing this oxidation, the polyphenols prevent plaque building and fatty deposits forming on the walls of the arteries, as well as lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels overall (Cedars-Sinai Medical Centre), whilst increasing “good” HDL cholesterol (Saitama Cancer Centre Research Institute, Japan). These effects are particularly noticeable when consumption exceeds 10 cups per day. I T ’ S O N LY N AT U R A L i c o n 4 7 Too good to be true? Green tea is claimed to improve skin tone, smooth out wrinkles and even to help you slim. Some of the polyphenols, called catechins are known to be up to five times more potent as antioxidants than Vitamin E. They are important in maintaining metabolic pathways and can stop the uptake of glucose by fat cells. Green tea and catechins can also reduce appetite according to research in the International Journal of Obesity. A balancing effect on blood sugar levels may also be of significance in diabetes, and the limiting effect on glucose uptake, the reduction in appetite and the stimulation of energy production in cells due to caffeine levels all can result in weight loss (University of Geneva, November 1999 – American Journal of Clinical Nutrition). In the latter study, researchers found that men who were given a combination of caffeine and green tea extract burned more calories than those given only caffeine or a placebo. Green Tea and Cancer One polyphenol, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), seems the most relevant and the most potent. Early studies used it topically in the prevention of UV-induced skin cancer, while other studies (Nature 1997, Jankun) have shown that it can inhibit the spread of cancer. Research from Perth University in 2002 showed drinking just one cup per day reduced ovarian cancer risk by 60 per cent, and in 2003 the same group showed it reduced prostate cancer risk by 33 per cent. Research from the Shanghai Cancer Institute looked at oesophageal cancer among those who neither drank alcohol nor smoked (two of the main causes). They found drinking green tea further and significantly reduced risk, starting at 57 per cent in the no alcohol group and 60 per cent amongst the non-smokers. Overall the more green tea drank, the better the results. (Journal of the NCI). EGCG has been found to block an enzyme, ornithine decarboxylase, which tells cells to multiply at cancer cell rates. By blocking this enzyme, cell death occurs. EGCG is also known to cause good bacteria in the intestine to flourish, thus aiding your first line of defence. But perhaps the research of most significance was reported in i c o n last year (July/August 2004). The prestigious Mayo Clinic in the USA researched green tea with leukaemia patients and concluded that “4-7 cups per day stops leukaemia in its tracks”. I’m not sure whether it does or not but I think if I had leukaemia, I’d try it! Other studies have suggested that green tea has a positive effect in breast cancer, liver cancer and colon cancer prevention, and there is also work showing it improves the positive effects and reduces the negative effects with people undergoing radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Intake should probably be around two to three cups per day, although some experts recommend ten. Other factors It does contain relatively high levels of caffeine and you may prefer to drink decaffeinated versions. The bitter taste can be offset in other blends, for example green tea with jasmine or with the powerful antioxidant lemongrass, or by sweetening with honey. The Japanese in particular have a whole range of soft drinks based on green tea but these do have quite high sugar content. One downside of green tea is that it can cause discolouration of the teeth, turning them yellow or even green. One cup of green tea can contain as much as 130 mgs of polyphenols. But how you store it, how you brew it, the source and age of the tea are all factors in this. Green tea is also available in supplement form and the recommended dose is about 300 mgs once per day. Finally, white tea is now growing fast in the popularity stakes, being made totally from the unopened tea buds. It has even more polyphenols than green. White tea gets its name from the white hairs on the buds but it makes a golden coloured tea. Laboratory studies suggest a positive effect with colon polyps (UCLA). Side Effects Green tea has been drunk for 5000 years without ill effects. But there are side effects, the most obvious being from the caffeine content, like tremors and sleeplessness at high levels of consumption. Other side effects like diarrhoea and stomach irritation have been reported. Overall The main objection to green tea is its taste. Once you overcome that dry, blotting paper effect, the real question is, “why not?”. It clearly does have health benefits, and good antioxidant content, and should be a part of your natural antioxidant repertoire. A dedicated team of specialists providing conventional and complementary healthcare led by Wholistic GP Dr Shamim Daya BM DRCOG. How Toxic Are You? We specialise in finding the answers We treat a variety of conditions including: G Cancer G Heart disease, Diabetes G Tiredess, Fatigue G Hormone imbalances G Skin and Gut Problems G Weight Issues G Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia THE DOVE CLINIC FOR INTEGRATED MEDICINE Dr Julian Kenyon MD MB ChB Dr Cornelia O’Leary MB, BCh, DCH, FFRCA, FFPM A Professional trained team of Doctors and Nurses Conventional medicine combined with a range of complementary therapies Female Doctor specialising in safe natural alternatives to HRT Individual tailored treatment regimes based on the tests performed at the clinic Conditions treated include life-threatening illness, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME), Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, IBS, migraine, arthritis, chronic pain, eczema, autism and depression "I treat a patient as a whole being and like a detective I explore all possible explanations for a person’s symptoms, especially when conventional medical tests come back as normal" To find out more send for Dr Daya’s FREE CD and clinic information pack Tel: 020 7580 7537 57 Harley Street London W1G 8QS [email protected] Hockley Mill Stables, Church Lane,Twyford, Hampshire, SO21 1NT. Tel: 01962 718000, Fax: 01962 718011 19 Wimpole Street, London,WIG 8GE, Tel: 020 7580 8886, Fax: 020 7580 8884 All Enquiries: E-mail; [email protected] Or follow our procedure on contacting us on our website: Cancer Options The Integrated Cancer Consultancy Orthodox? Alternative? Integrated? Need help with your cancer treatment decisions? Cancer Options is the professional service providing Consultancy, Research and Coaching in all approaches to cancer Patricia Peat RGN. Dip Pall C Dip UTR Specialist in Cancer Consultancy and Dr Chris Etheridge MRSC CChem We provide a personal and professional service to ensure you have all the up to date knowledge and support for your treatment choices Personal and telephone consultations available ADDITIONAL SERVICES Individualised dietary and supplement advice service for chemotherapy and radiotherapy support. We also offer longer term lifestyle regimes, and integrated symptom control advice for all stages of cancer Contact Cancer Options Ltd Tel/Fax 0845 009 2041 Email: [email protected] Active Health Imaging, Grafton Place, Worthing, West Sussex 01903 234490 Wholistic Medical Centre, 57 Harley Street, London W1G 8QS 07000 388 388 i c o n HOT GOSSIP from Chris Woollams Real Cancer Prevention draws closer. November 17th, London. Britain’s most important cancer conference. Ever. Hardly an overclaim, really. Cancer Research UK (and its predecessor charities) has been around for many years. Professor Markham, its chief executive, has openly declared he wants more people on clinical trials than anywhere else in the world. CRUK are trying very hard to beat cancer. But the figures, the Government figures, show that we have only improved 5-year survival rates by 12 per cent in the last 30 years. Eurocare-3 says we are way behind our peers in other countries. Can we rely on finding a cure? It really doesn’t help when leading lights from CRUK say that treatments are close and patients are going to have to learn to live with cancer just as people do with diabetes. Personally I’d rather not get it in the first place, thank you. And there’s the rub. Everyday more people hear the words “All clear” than ever before, according to Cancer Research. I’m not surprised. Cancer has doubled in the UK in the last 30 years, and if Professor Sikora, the panel of experts and Macmillan are correct, it will double again by 2025. So twice as many people in 2025 will, anyway, hear “All clear”. And that will be four times as many as did in 1975. Hardly anything to shout about, really, is it? The pitiful percentage spent by UK charities and government bodies on prevention in comparison to that spent in Europe is all too apparent. CRUK advocates avoidance of smoking, care in the sun. And screening. But screening isn’t prevention; it merely tells you earlier that you’ve got it. And makes you more likely to survive five years because the date of diagnosis is earlier. Where are the effective prevention plans for our school children, for our doctors, for our teachers, for the man in the street? Where is the honesty about causes? I’m fed up with reading yet more studies on power lines; or on toxic toiletries. When is someone actually going to do something? November 17th, London. Britain’s most important cancer conference. Ever. (See pages 22 and 23.) Are you going to be part of the solution? Or are you part of the problem? New Web Site Well it’s finally arrived. The partner to We’ve deliberately removed some of the flash and razzamatazz, but doubled the number of pages. Now if you want to know about radiotherapy, breast cancer drugs, acupuncture, yoga, vitamin D or hands on healing, you are just one click away. We get massive numbers of hits per day. Try the site for yourself you will find we are quite different to other sites. Easy to read, user-friendly, full of solutions not problems. Catherine Corners Very shortly Chichester and the Wirral will have a big advantage to offer cancer patients in their areas. A Catherine Corner. In October we will be launching the first two of these informative centres, with computers, books, i c o n magazines, in time printable leaflets, even a helpline phone. And one day we hope to offer advocates who can build your ‘personal prescriptions’, planned personalised programmes of supplements, mind-body therapies, exercise etc around your doctor’s orthodox medicine. Ring 01280 821 211 to find out more. Codex, supplements and you. Well you may know that the European Court decided it would uphold the EU law to limit vitamins, with some modifications. It seemed to me to be a compromise ruling to avoid politicians losing face. A few days before the ruling, however. There was a full meeting of Codex where the decision was made to press on with legislation to restrict the free sale of vitamins, herbs, and indeed all such supplements worldwide. 4 9 Let me repeat our views here. 1. We too believe that restriction/legislation is necessary. For example, too many people are making too many claims both for, and against, all manner of supplements especially on the web; it’s all far too misleading. We believe that the EU legislation was ill conceived, the approval methods sloppy to say the least, and the way the first list of approved supplements was drawn up was amateurish and lacked objectivity and basic scientific understanding. The EU Advocate General stated that the arbitrary way the list was drawn up was “about as transparent as a black box”. Experts believe he was referring to the long list of chemical products from the large pharmaceutical companies that did pass muster at this stage. We worry that research on certain vitamins, like vitamin D and vitamin K with cancer (as opposed to bones etc) is just in its infancy. All the real discoveries have been in the last three years or so and show - for cancer - that RDA’s are woefully inadequate. But some vitamins like folate, even vitamin K, might not pass muster in round one and then the onus is on the manufacturers to produce copious scientific research on forms covering reams of paper, at great expense. New legislation might take five years and cost £500,000 before such vitamins at the correct RDA levels were revised and allowed for sale on the High Street. Fortunately this part of the EU law was modified by the European Court. i c o n 5 0 H O T G O S S I P And who could afford these sorts of sums? Certainly not the small provider of natural products. So we’d be left increasingly with synthetic only products on the High Street and as readers well know we are concerned that research suggests synthetic vitamins are simply not as good as natural. Fortunately the Court has modified this to allow much simpler application process but it does assume that the approval committee are not as biased or daft as the first lot! Let me give you some practical examples of the mess we are now in, illustrated by supplements you may need to help with your cancer. VITAMIN E Cancer Facts A great number of studies, usually at the 100-200mg levels have shown the effectiveness of vitamin E in the cancer process. i c o n has covered these. Unfortunately, soil depletion, vegetable and fruit importation etc. means if I start eating vitamin E rich foods tomorrow morning, I’ll be lucky to get to 40 mgs by midnight, making supplementation essential for cancer protection. There are 4 tocopherols, and 4 tocotrienols. A review of 12 studies on tocotrienols in 2003 in Life Extension showed just how important they were in breast cancer, whilst tocopherols have little effect. Recent “metastudies” by Collins USA, reviewing 14 studies showed some concerns over taking just one form, a synthetic vitamin E alpha-tocopherol. Our view: Take mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols. available for sale. Synthetic alpha tocopherol. Maximum dose 10 mgs. Sources. Vegetable oils - palm, olive, sunflower, wheatgerm (but to get the RDA you would need about 13 tea-spoons, so it would be very fattening!), green leafy vegetables, egg yolks, nuts, seeds, wholegrain, liver. SELENIUM Cancer facts Powerful helper to vitamin E and other anti-cancer (eg glutathione peroxidase) and metabolic processes. Recent US and French antioxidant studies show that it is a very effective anti-cancer agent. But there are no real measures on exact anti-cancer amounts to take. (100 micrograms is normal, 200 micrograms may well be upper limit). It also helps detox the body of heavy metals like mercury. Best absorbed is selenium in yeast or methionine format. In US research it was shown to be very hard to take in the optimal daily allowance by diet alone. Post August 1st ruling Selenium is on the approved list. But in its “naked” state only, so yeast from selenomethionine versions not approved. The RDA is about 60-70 mgs, probably nowhere near enough in the cancer fight. Sources Cracking brazil nuts is one option, but whole nuts were banned last Christmas by the EU! Also they came from non-selenium rich areas. The shelled nuts or bags originally have more selenium, but lose it after exposure to light. Try fish, crab, oysters, cashews, pulses and kidney beans. VITAMIN C Cancer facts Post August 1st ruling Only one vitamin E is now of vitamin C, recommended 4-10 gms per day if you were ill. It seems excessive, but vitamin C is vital, and our poor diets are seeing a decline. You also need it regularly throughout the day as it is a water-soluble and washes through you in about three hours. Large doses can be very acidic on the stomach and it is far safer and gentler to take ester-C. Best with bioflavenoids. Linus Pauling, the pioneer Post August 1st ruling Ester C banned. RDA 40 mgs-far too low to do anything as US research on cancer in China proved. Sources Red peppers then berries; then a long way behind: citrus fruits, kiwis. VITAMIN A / BETA-CAROTENE Cancer Facts The jury is still out on vitamin A; research rarely totally conclusive. Retinoids, from animal sources, are the pre-formed version of vitamin A. Carotenoids and beta-carotene are the precursors to vitamin A: they do have clear research on their benefits. Vitamin A in excess can cause liver problems, which is why people recommend beta-carotene. But smokers and people working with asbestos should not take beta-carotene as there is clear research indicating it increases cancer-risk. Post August 1st ruling Pro vitamin A banned. Sources Vitamin A is in cod liver oil, eggs, dairy, liver and other organs. For beta-carotene: We are always concerned about synthetic vitamins so at i c o n we recommend Chlorella (300 times the concentration of beta-carotene of a carrot) and it is all natural. Other sources: Red peppers, carrots, cherries, apricots, watermelon, sweet potatoes, green leafy vegetables. ZINC Cancer facts Synergistic with vitamin E and C. Important in synthesis of DNA/RNA. Deficiency is shown by white ‘flecks’ in your nails. Also involved in a great many enzymes and metabolic processes, antibodies and white cells. Post August 1st ruling Allowed in pure mineral form only. Twenty or more forms, zinc compounds, more easily absorbed or more useable by the body, are now banned. Sources Optimal daily levels are about 15 mgs. Zinc is plentiful and found in red meat, poultry, fish and seafood, egg yolks, nuts, seeds, dairy. In pulses, the phytates limit its absorption; and the fibre in whole grains can have a similar effect. Vegetarians have to ensure they get adequate levels. Alcohol reduces levels. MAGNESIUM Cancer facts 40 per cent people are deficient in magnesium - US research recommended supplementation in absorbable compound form. Used in every cell of the body. Helps operate the sodium/potassium pump on cells. Involved with over 300 enzymes. It is crucial to the mitochondria, metabolic processes and energy production. Post August 1st ruling Now only available in pure mineral form. More that 30 compound forms banned. Sources Nuts (especially cashews and almonds), greens, pulses, baked potatoes, whole grains, seafood and Epsom Salts (or is that now banned too? Now Open Registered Charity Number 1102413 England NO formaldehyde NO sodium lauryl sulphate NO propane NO pesticides NO sodium hydroxide NO problem! NATURE, Science and Neways working hand in hand for you. Discover more by exploring our website at: Or by calling us direct on 01480 861 764 Neways - for a better life