

Birth of CMA CGM DANUBE, the First 9,200TEU
Container Ship Delivered Formally
December 2014 Total No. 208
CIMC and Hilton Join Hands for One More Hotel Project in UK
CIMC Marches into Brazilian Marine Oil & Gas Equipment
Market with its Combined Advantages
CIMC Completed Reversed Merger of Pteris Global Ltd.
CIMC Today Issue No.208
CIMC Today is published quarterly by
主编︱ Editor-in-Chief
马天飞︱ Ma Tian Fei
执行主编︱ Executive Editor-in-Chief
李 勋︱ Li Xun
刘坤领︱ Liu Kun Ling
编辑︱ Editor
孙霜婷︱ Sun Shuang Ting
卢思彤︱ Lu Si Tong
潘小飞︱ Pan Xiao Fei
赵振磊︱ Zhao Zhen Lei
陈永芬︱ Chen Yong Fen
丁启忠︱ Ding Qi Zhong
简 雷︱ Jian Lei
英文编辑︱ English Editor
张梦琳︱ Zhang Menglin
登记证号︱ Registration No.:
粤内登字 B 第 10163 号(内部发行)
Yue Nei Deng Zi B No. 10163
(Internally distributed)
主办︱ Sponsor
China International Marine Containers
(Group) Co., Ltd.
编辑部︱ Edit
地址︱ Add:
深圳蛇口港湾大道 2 号中集集团
CIMC R&D Center, No. 2, Gangwan
Avenue, Shekou, Shenzhen
电话︱ Tel: 0755-26802755
邮编︱ Postal code: 518067
邮箱︱ Email: [email protected]
内部资料 免费交流
Internal materials for free exchange
of RMB32.046 billion, up 12.11% year
on year; and the net profit increased
sharply by 87.51% to RMB1.035 billion.
News Updates
CIMC Releases Semi-Annual Operating Results of 2014:
Offshore Segment Turned Around on YoY Basis
Shenzhen Mayor Xu Qin Visits CIMC
CIMC Establishes Partnership with Jiangmen Municipal
People’s Government
CIMC Releases First 3D Animation Titled ”Container Changes
the World”
Birth of CMA CGM DANUBE, the First 9,200TEU Container
Ship Delivered Formally
CIMC and Enric Shortlisted in Fortune China 500 (2014)
CIMC Awarded ”5-Star Enterprise” for Corporate Social
CIMC 4th Science & Technology Festival Opens: First RMB10
Million Award to Encourage Internal Innovation
CIMC Won the First ”Shenzhen Industrial Award”
CIMC and Hilton Join Hands for One More Hotel Project in UK
Qingdao CIMC Reefer Container & Qingdao CIMC Special
Container Obtained a Big Order for Nearly 1,000 North
America’s Domestic Containers
”Power-Generating Equipment Container” of Yangzhou
Tonglee Debuted in the Second Nanjing Summer Youth
Olympic Games
Yangzhou CIMC Runyang’s Grassland Mobile Clinics Settled
in Inner Mongolia
CIMC, Investor of Ziegler, Meets Germany Delegation
in Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce
CIMC Completed Reversed Merger of Pteris Global Ltd.
28 Boarding Bridges of Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa Deployed
in St. Paul, the City for World Cup Opening Game
Surging Orders of Boarding Bridges and Stereo
Garages Obtained by CIMC-TianDa
Airport Shuttle with Two-head Manufactured by Xiefa
Co. Entering Nanning Airport
LNG Vessel Project Signed by CIMC Financing Leasing
Co., Ltd.
10 Photos
Experiencing “New CIMC”
CIMC Vehicle’s State-Level Project ”Research on Lightweight
Technology for Drop and Pull Transport Vehicles” was Accepted
CIMC Dongyue’s 1,030 Special Vehicles Setting off to Angola
”C&C Trucks” Motorcade Participating in the First Silk Road
Truck Rally
CIMC realized an operating income
Editor’s Note
As stated in the interim report of 2014,
Enric Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Signed the First Offshore EPC Project
Successful Development of Large-Volume Carbon FiberWrapped Cylinder of Enric Gas Equipment Co., Ltd.
Jingmen Honto & Huaqiang Natural Gas Built the First
Replenishing Ship in China
CIMC Marches into Brazilian Marine Oil & Gas Equipment
Market with its Combined Advantages
CIMC Raffles’ 6th North Sea Deep-water Semisub Drilling Rig
Begins Construction
CIMC Raffles COSL Platforms Honored ”Rig of the Month”
CIMC Raffles Jack-up Drilling Rig ”New Shengli #1” Delivered
CIMC Raffles 400-feet Jack-up Drilling Rig Delivered
CIMC Pride Mega Yachts: 88.8m ”Illusion Super Yacht Project” Sold
Focusing on CIMC Business Success
Editor’s Note
Looking back on 2014, thanks to a steady recovery of the global economy and growth of
emerging markets, CIMC has made major strides in multiple segments in Q1, Q2 and Q3.
Compared with 2013, CIMC has experienced a remarkable growth in the operating income this
year. By virtue of global resources integration, we acquired Pteris Global Limited in the form of
reverse takeover and established the second listed company affiliated to the Group, enhancing
our overall competitive edge within the industries we operate in. At present, we are speeding
up our business development and expansion in the Energy, Chemical and Food Equipment
Segment, the Offshore Segment, the Logistics Segment, the Airport Facilities Segment and the
Finance Segment while retaining the traditional advantages in the Containers Segment and the
Vehicles Segment, thereby tamping the foundation of CIMC as a diversified industrial group.
Moreover, the most exciting thing is that our Offshore Segment achieved dramatic
accomplishments in the first half of 2014. CIMC Raffles turned around on YoY basis by
maintaining a high growth rate in Q1, Q2 and Q3. The total value of our orders in hand
amounted to USD4 billion. Through years of business development, the Offshore Segment is
now equipped with three manufacturing bases and three R&D centers. We’re working tirelessly
for a better result that will satisfy all the partners supporting us in 2014.
Looking ahead, we’ll move forward with CIMC’s industrial transformation and upgrading in
2014 from traditional manufacture to high-end equipment manufacture and from the single
manufacture mode to the diversified mode of ”manufacture + service”. We’ll endeavor to
explore the way of collaboration among diversified industries, keeping innovating the business
model while tamping the foundation of development, so as to create more value for our
customers. 2014 will be a remarkable year for CIMC.
Editorial Department of CIMC Today
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC Releases Semi-Annual
Operating Results of 2014:
Offshore Segment Turned
Around on YoY Basis
The CIMC Semi-Annual Results Conference
2014 was held in Hong Kong on August 26,
2014, attended by President Mai Boliang,
General Manager of Financial Management
Department Jin Jianlong and Secretary of the
Board Yu Yuqun.
As stated in the interim report of 2014, CIMC
realized an operating income of RMB32.046
billion, up 12.11% year on year; and the
net profit increased sharply by 87.51% to
RMB1.035 billion.
Increases in the operating income and net
profit are mainly attributable to the following
factors: the Offshore Segment’s projects under
way had been delivered, turning around on
a YoY basis; the energy, chemical and liquid
food equipment segment sustained a growth
trend; the slow recovery of global economy
affected CIMC’s performance in 2013; and
the withholding income tax levied on an
overseas enterprise subsequently identified as
a Chinese resident enterprise was written back
in the reporting period.
Managing Director & President Mai Boliang
expressed at the conference that: despite of
uncertainty in the global economy in the first
half of the year and slow recovery of China’s
economy, CIMC recovered remarkably in
several segments, evidenced by a robust rise
in the operating income and profit on a YoY
basis. We sped up the progress of industrial
upgrading by, on the one hand, exploring
strategic emerging businesses such as
natural gas equipment and offshore facilities.
Meanwhile, we set out to develop modern
service businesses such as finance, logistics
equipment and service. CIMC has developed
diversified business portfolios and secured a
competitive edge in the domestic market.
Operating income of RMB
32.046 billion
CIMC today 今日中集
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
Shenzhen Mayor Xu Qin Visits CIMC
CIMC Establishes Partnership
with Jiangmen Municipal People’s
30 delegates led by Pang Guomei, Deputy
Secretar y of Jiangmen Municipal CPC
Committee and Mayor of Jiangmen
Municipality, visited CIMC on May 14, 2014.
They were accorded a cordial reception by
Mai Boliang, CIMC’s President, Liu Xuebin,
CIMC’s Vice President, Zhang Baoqing, CIMC’s
Vice President, Qin Gang, General Manager of
CIMC’s Strategic Development Department,
Yu Zhenfei, General Manager of CIMC’s Real
Estate Segment, Liu Jinlei, General Manager
of CIMC Modular Building Segment, Ye
Zhuo, General Manager of CIMC Vehicle Park
Segment and other relevant personnel.
The meeting was intended to further explore
new cooperation projects and fields based on
the established good partnership between
CIMC and Jiangmen Municipal Government
and to develop a for mal cooperation
mechanism so as to facilitate smooth
implementation of subsequent projects.
On the afternoon of September 23, 2014, a
delegation led by Mayor Xu Qin visited CIMC to
learn the Group’s operation and help address
the challenges in business development. CIMC
is one of the ten Enterprises as Mayor Service
Targets in Shenzhen. At the end of debriefing
on CIMC’s business development and Qianhai
Project particulars, Mayor Xu Qin spoke highly
of the achievements made by CIMC in the past
three decades since CIMC was incorporated in
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Following
that, he expressed his expectation on CIMC to
establish its business development strategies
that match national strategies and city demands
and to seize business opportunities and
accelerate industrial transformation. At the same
time, he hoped CIMC would play a leading role in
building the ”Maritime Silk Road”, forging China
into a maritime power and fostering marine
industry and bay area economy in Shenzhen.
Mayor Xu Qin was accompanied by Xu Anliang,
Secretary-General of Shenzhen Municipal
Government, along with representatives
from the Economy, Trade and Information
Commission of Shenzhen Municipalit y ;
S c i e n c e , Te c h n o l o g y a n d I n n o v a t i o n
Commission of Shenzhen Municipality; Urban
Planning Land and Resources Commission
o f S h e n z h e n M u n i c i p a l i t y, E d u c a t i o n
Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Foreign
Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipality,
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.,
CIMC today 今日中集
Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong
Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone and
Nanshan District Government, etc. The survey
team was accorded a cordial reception by CIMC
President Mai Boliang. Wu Fapei, Vice President
of CIMC, Zeng Beihua, General Manager of the
Capital Management Department and former
Director of Qianhai Office, Qin Gang, President
Assistant and General Manager of the Strategic
Development Department, Zheng Yuanhua,
Director of President Office and other leaders
of CIMC affiliates in Shenzhen attended the
Pr e s i d e n t M a i B o l i a n g i n t r o d u c e d t h e
management’s strategic initiatives as to
the diversified business layout, taking the
development of the Offshore Segment as
an example. Convinced that the market
tends to soar in future, the management has
undertaken a considerable strategic loss up to
RMB3 billion. On the one hand, it manifests the
Group’s powerful strength in exploring new
businesses; on the other hand, it reflects that
the management is determined to achieve the
premeditated goal.
Mayor Xu Qin spoke highly of the achievements
made by CIMC in speeding up industrial
transformation and upgrading and expressed
his confidence on CIMC’s future development.
He said, ”CIMC is one of my service targets. I
visited CIMC this time with the aim to support
the Group in growing in both scale and
strength and in rendering further innovation
development and open development.
Mr. Xu Qin stressed that CIMC had been growing
with Shenzhen and managed to improve its
level, scale and quality of development through
unceasing innovation, reform and upgrading.
He highly praised CIMC ’s achievements
made during that process and expressed his
confidence on CIMC’s future development.
Mr. Xu Qin added that, ”The spirit of the firstgeneration entrepreneurs in Shenzhen Special
Economic Zone is embodied in President Mai,
ambitious and persistent. He is typically the
first-generation pioneers and developers in
Shenzhen, and also one of the most eminent
entrepreneurs Shenzhen people are proud of.”
After the visit, Shenzhen Municipal Government
was fully updated about CIMC’s business
development, especially the Offshore Segment
development, global resources integration
capacit y and industr ial transfor mation
& upgrading strategies. In addition, the
government spoke highly of the achievements
made by CIMC in the past. Furthermore, the
government was informed of CIMC’s initiatives
on developing offshore finance and highend ser vices and had a completely new
look on CIMC’s role in promoting industrial
development of Shenzhen.
Mayor Pang Guomei and other delegates
visited CIMC’s products showroom, during
which, Mr. Qin Gang introduced CIMC’s
d e v e l o p m e n t h i s t o r y, m a i n b u s i n e s s
segments and products as well as strategic
layout of diversified businesses.
President Mai Boliang highlighted CIMC’s
industrial transformation and upgrading over
the years, multinational diversified industrial
group architecture, merits of the diversified
ow n e r s h i p s ys te m a n d co re b u s i n e s s
philosophy. Following that, President Mai
reviewed the history of cooperation between
CIMC and Jiangmen Municipal Government,
expressing his wish to develop broader
and more extensive cooperation with the
government and to advance the projects for
which the two parties have entered into a
letter of intent.
industrial upgrading progress and stressed
the government’s care for cooperation with
CIMC. He pointed out that the cooperation
was now on track and he strongly supported
the package cooperation projects launched
by CIMC, in the hope that the two parties
may, by virtue of the development of the
strategic cooperation mechanism, conduct
e f fe c t i ve c o n s u l t a t i o n s a n d e n h a n c e
communications to push forward the bilateral
Upon closure of the meeting, Vice President
Zhang Baoqing and Deputy Mayor Wu
Guojie signed a Framework Agreement on
CIMC and Jiangmen Municipal Government
Cooperation in the presence of principal
leaders of the two parties.
Mayor Pang highly commended CIMC’s
CIMC Releases First 3D Animation
Titled ”Container Changes the World”
How the Shipping Container Made the World
Smaller and the World Economy Bigger is a
book written by American economist Marc
Levinson, and it has ever been one of the
favorite readings of Bill Gates, a world famous
merchant who ever wrote a preface for the
book. Here is an excerpt from the preface: ”In
the second half of the twentieth century, an
innovation came along that would transform
the way the world did business. At first,
some people wrote it off as a fad. Others
kept at it, convinced that it was going to
have a huge impact. Some of the companies
that made big bets on this tool were very
successful, while others ended up going
under. Ultimately, it helped accelerate the
globalization that had already been under
way for centuries.”
As Bill Gates said, without containers, the U.S.
Wal-Mart and French fashion would never
flourish across the world. Containers made
shipping so inexpensive, convenient and fast
that it is far more cost-effective to produce
a commodity in China and ship it to New
York than producing the commodity in New
York suburb. With this, the world ushered in
the era of efficient global logistics and the
concept of ”global village” became a reality.
”Containers Change the World” jointly created
by CIMC’s Container Segment and Shenzhen
South CIMC Logistics Co., Ltd. gives you a
satisfactory answer.
What ’s the secret behind the success
of containers? The first 3D animation
”Please watch this animation from CIMC Official
Wechat. Wechat account: CIMC99”
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
the First 9,200TEU Container
Ship Delivered Formally
Currently, CMA CGM, French largest and
the world’s third largest shipping company
placed an order for ten 9,200TEU container
ships from CIMC. The Delivery and
Christening Ceremony of the First Container
Ship was held in Changxing Island on June
25, 2014. It is the first time a world-class
shipping company orders container ships in
large volumes from a Chinese shipbuilding
In the project, CIMC acted as the vendor of
package solution and CIMC Financing Leasing
Co., Ltd. as the shipowner who did well in
resources integration. The ship designer,
CIMC Ship and Offshore Design & Research
Institute, provided CMA CGM with financing
and ship design services. CIMC proposed a
creative solution integrating finance, service
and manufacture that are all sourced in
China, which is deeply favored by world-class
shipping giants.
Wang Zhiwu, the General Manager of
CIMC Financing Leasing Co., Ltd. and the
representatives of DSIC and CSOC signed on
the Redelivery Certificate, in the presence of
the representatives and guests from CIMC,
CMA CGM, Dalian Shipbuilding Industry
Co., Ltd. (”DSIC”), BV, China Export & Credit
Insurance Corporation, ICBC (Asia), BOC,
CDB, CCB, CMB and Reed Smith LLP and the
captain of the Container Ship. It marked
the successful delivery of the first 9,200TEU
container ship.
Standing in front of the first 9,200TEU
container ship, Zeng Beihua, General Manager
of CIMC Capital Management Department
and the guest invited for christening the ship,
excitedly announced: I hereby name you
”CMA CGM DANUBE”, wishing you good luck,
success and safe in future voyages and hoping
you can bring great honors and treasures to
DSIC, CIMC and CMA CGM. With this, Zeng
Beihua wielded the wire rope cutter. Loaded
with affections and great expectations, the
newly born CMA CGM DANUBE will sail to the
Asia-Europe Line.
As the Chief Designer of ”CMA CGM DANUBE”,
Hu Ankang feels so proud of the building
and delivery of the ship. He emphasized that
the project is the product of combination
between industry and finance and solves the
problem of scientific research production and
Mr. Lars Karstrup, SVP of CMA CGM (Asia),
highly commended the design and
construction of ”CMA CGM DANUBE”. The
delivery of the first 9,200TEU container ship
indicates that China is capable of building
high-quality ships. The crew is proud of
cooperating with CIMC and inviting Zeng
Beihua as the christening guest. Lars Karstrup
stressed that this is the first container ship
that has been built under the cooperation
between CMA CGM and a Chinese shipyard
and he hoped for further cooperation.
As one of the shipbuilding supervisors, BV
witnessed CMA CGM’s recognition of the
project. The representatives of CMA CGM
have commented that the ship is comparable
with those built by internationally wellknown shipyards of Japan and South Korea.
CIMC today 今日中集
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC and Enric Shortlisted in
Fortune China 500 (2014)
CIMC 4th Science & Technology Festival
Opens: First RMB10 Million Award to
Encourage Internal Innovation
With the operating income of
Opened on June 30, the fourth CIMC Science
and Technology Festival, with ”Grain Brains
Gather in CIMC” as the theme, aimed to exhibit
the CIMC’s latest scientific and technological
achievements. The exhibition continued to
July 2. This year, CIMC sets up and offers a
10 million-yuan technology award for the
first time. However, because of the strict
selection, only the large-volume lightweight
LNG semitrailer of CIMC Enric won the bronze
award, leaving gold and silver awards vacant.
This is also the second big award of this year
following the Synergy Award.
RMB57.874 billion, CIMC ranked
99th, among the ”Top 100”
57.874 billion
Ranked 439th on the list with
RMB9.981 billion
9.981 billion
With the operating income of RMB57.874
billion, CIMC ranked 99th, among the ”Top
100”. CIMC Enric Holding (Shenzhen) Limited,
one of CIMC’s major eight business segments,
ranked 439th on the list with RMB9.981
billion, rising by 11 places compared with
2013 (ranked 450th). CIMC Enric achieved
a rapid growth of 20%+ in both operating
income and profit.
The total revenue and total profit of the
companies enlisted this year also achieved
”double growth”: the total revenue reached
RMB28.9 trillion, accounting for over half of
the GDP and up 10.4% compared with last
year; the total profit reached RMB2.5 trillion,
up 13.5%.
Different from the former three sessions
which were only for internal communication,
the fourth Science and Technology Festival
was open to the public and investors
for the first time. CIMC wishes to show
its outstanding innovation ideas and
achievements to all sectors of the community
with more open attitude.
During the exhibition, CIMC also held
industrial development forum, technological
innovation exhibition and segmental themed
meetings, and organized par ticipants
to communicate with and visit excellent
enterprises in Guangdong Province. In
addition to internal communication, CIMC
also invited minority shareholders, research
institutes, overseas customers and related
government and association personnel to
this exposition.
Mr. Zhang Baoqing, Vice President of CIMC
and Convener of Technological Innovation
and Informationization Committee,
announced the opening of the technological
innovation exhibition.
CIMC Awarded ”5-Star Enterprise” for
Corporate Social Responsibility
CIMC Won the First
”Shenzhen Industrial Award”
On July 26, 2014, ”Per form Corporate
Social Responsibility, Improve Quality
and Efficiency – 2014 China Industrial and
Economic Industry CSR Report Conference &
First China I ndustrial Enterprises CSR
Performance Star Evaluation List Launch
Ceremony” hosted by China Federation of
Industrial Economics opened in the Great
Hall of the People. CIMC and 92 companies
attending the conference jointly issued
2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
China Federation of Industrial Economics
and United Nations Industrial Development
Org a nizatio n o fficia lly p u b lish ed t h e
”2014 First China Industrial Enterprises
Per formance Star Evaluation List ” and
awarded ”5-Star China Industrial Enterprises
for CSR Performance” to CIMC and other 38
companies on the list.
On August 21, 2014, the Third Wuzhou
Industrial Development Forum was held in
Wuzhou Guest House in Shenzhen and the
first ”Shenzhen Industrial Award” was given
in this forum. Mr. Li Yizhong, Member of
the Standing Committee of CPPCC National
Committee, Vice-Chairman Subcommittee of
Economy and Chairman of China Federation
of Industrial Economies, Mr. Shi Dinghuan,
Counselor of State Council and Chairman of
Chinese Renewable Energy Society, Mr. Chen
Biao, Deputy Mayor of Shenzhen City, senior
embassy officials of other countries, as well as
more than 400 entrepreneurs and executives
attended the forum.
2013 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
issued on the conference fully showcased
the efforts of CIMC to seek sustainable
development for both the society and CIMC
and the achievements along with its pursuit
On July 14, 2014, Fortune (China) published
the list of 2014 Fortune China 500. Sinopec,
CNPC and CSCEC continue to rank top three
and 36 firms are listed for the first time,
including The threshold of Fortune
China 500 is also elevated this year, up to
RMB8.23 billion with a year-on-year growth
rate of 13%. Fortune China 500 is regarded
as one of the benchmarks used for assessing
listed companies and studying the economic
trends of China.
CIMC today 今日中集
for self-development in the previous year,
which served as an important means for
CIMC to fully communicate with stakeholders.
It played an important role in enhancing the
communication between enterprise and the
government, industry and society, in building
the image of responsible listed companies
and in promoting harmonious development
of economy, society and environment.
2014 First China Industrial Enterprises CSR
Per formance Star Evaluation List (”Star
Evaluation”) is the first event in China’s
industrial field to conduct complete
and comprehensive evaluation on CSR
management level and performance of
The conference was steered by relevant
departments of the State Council such
as National Development and Reform
Commission, M inistr y of Industr y and
Information Technology of the PRC, Ministry
of Human Resources and Social Security of
the PRC, Ministry of Environmental Protection
of the PRC, State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission of the
Council, General Administration of Quality
Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
of the PRC and State Administration of
Work Safety, hosted by China Federation of
Industrial Economics, and co-organized by
the China joint association of coal, machinery,
steel, petrochemical, light industry, textile,
building materials, nonferrous metals, electric
power and mining industry.
The first Shenzhen Industrial Award was
jointly hosted by the Federation of Shenzhen
Industries and Shenzhen Economic Daily.
The judging panel comprised experts and
scholars from Shenzhen government, trade
associations and research institutes. Ten
industrialists, including Mr. Mai Boliang,
President of CIMC, Mr. Hou Weigui, Chairman
of ZTE, and Mr. Wang Chuanfu, Chairman
of BYD, were honored as first ”Industrialists
of Shenzhen Industrial Award”, and ten
enterprises such as CIMC, ZTE, BYD, Skyworth
a n d M i n d r ay wo n t h e f i r s t S h e n z h e n
Industrial Awards.
On the award ceremony, the introductory
video of CIMC highlighting the ”new image
of offshore” was played, with the following
texts: ”CIMC, founded in 1980, and with
f u l l d e vo t i o n i n h i g h - e n d e q u i p m e nt
manufacturing industry, has become the
Chinese offshore leader and established
itself as the key player in the global market.
In recent four years, CIMC has succeeded in
delivery of eight deepwater semisubmersible
drilling rigs which account for 3/4 of domestic
market share. Presently, the value of total
order of the semisubmersible drilling rigs of
CIMC has exceeded RMB40 billion.”
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC and Hilton Join Hands for
One More Hotel Project in UK
Current buildings, slab-type or tower-type, are all frame style, while
the future buildings will be of modular unit structure, showing more
bionics elements. CIMC has taken lead in modular buildings. By the
end of 2013, there had been 4,080 hotels in 84 countries, with 672,000
rooms, under Hilton brand.
Hilton Hampton Hotel, cooperating with CIMC for this time, is located
near Bristol Airport in the UK. This award-winning hotel mainly
provides service to guests paying high importance to the value and
quality, and has all services and facilities expected by business and
leisure travelers.
The project is to build a 4-floor hotel with 201 clean and comfortable
rooms, with the usable floor area of each guest room being 21m2
which can fully meet all needs of business travelers. The hotel
will be built with CIMC modular building system. CIMC
Modular Building (UK) Ltd., as the developer and
general contractor of the project, provides
CIMC today 今日中集
one-stop turnkey project services covering construction approval,
design, site construction and project management.
In addition, CIMC will continue to adopt the innovative mode of
industry and finance integration under which CIMC Financing Leasing
Co., Ltd. will provide convenient, efficient and competitive financing
services to accelerate the capital turnover and shorten the payback
The sample room of Hilton Hampton Hotel, officially
completed and decorated in May this year, is the first
physical sample room built according to the new
design code of Hilton Hotel Group, and has been
highly recognized by its design director Dan Reed.
The successful acceptance of the sample room not
only proves the quality and decoration level of CIMC
modular building product, but also consolidates
Hilton’s confidence on CIMC modular architecture,
which lays a solid foundation for the future strategic
cooperation. The preliminar y design of the
project has been basically completed, and batch
production will begin in August this year.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
Qingdao CIMC Reefer Container & Qingdao CIMC
Special Container Obtained a Big Order for Nearly
1,000 North America’s Domestic Containers
Yangzhou CIMC Runyang’s Grassland
Mobile Clinics Settled in Inner Mongolia
On June 23, 2014, the Canadian Pacific
Railway (hereinafter referred to as CP) sent
back a signed contract for purchasing nearly
1,000 North America’s Domestic Containers,
which declares the success of a 40-day
bid. This time, we beat the local traditional
suppliers and obtained all orders of CP. What
is worth mentioning is that this order is the
largest one in the whole Canadian market
over years, and also the largest order for
special containers since the establishment of
Qingdao CIMC Reefer Container and Qingdao
CIMC Special Container!
On September 24-25, 2014, Wang Zhiguo
and Wang Zhanmei, superintendents of
township health clinics in Ergun, Hulunbuir
of Inner Mongolia, Director He of Local Public
Health Section of Old Barag Banner Public
Health Bureau, as well as relevant leaders of
Yangzhou Science and Technology Bureau
arrived at the Yangzhou Runyang Logistic
Equipment Co., Ltd. to attend ”Seminar
on the Application and Development of
Grassland Mobile Clinics in Hulunbuir City of
Inner Mongolia”.
CP, one of our major customers in the
Canadian market, accounts for a large
proportion of the local road transport. The
success of obtaining the order of nearly
1,000 North America’s domestic containers
is attributable to the company’s highlighting
the implementation of important strategic
measures concerning market research and
the development of special containers, forms
a good complementary with the currently
sluggish container market, and is of great
significance in the utilization of production
capacity, the efficiency improvement of
special container production line, the
training of staff, and the creation of benefits.
Meanwhile, batch operation of large order
further consolidates the market position
and market share of Qingdao CIMC Special
Container in the North American market,
establishes its leadership position in North
American market, sets good examples for
future customer maintenance and stable
market pattern, and provides great support
to the construction of new plant of Qingdao
CIMC Special Container.
Yangzhou Runyang’s Grassland Mobile Clinics
are very suitable for Inner Mongolia region,
having the best advantage that medical
appliances in the clinics feature simple and
convenient application, easy operation,
high func tional integration and userfriendly interface, and adapt to the multigeographical features of Inner Mongolia such
as agricultural areas, pastoral areas, forests
and mountains, to provide the heath care for
herdsmen in a ”mobile + resident” mode.
Yangzhou Runyang is one of the only four
special container factories in the CIMC
Container Segment with focus on modular
building R & D, innovation and application.
In early 2011, at the request of Ministry of
Science and Technology, Yangzhou Runyang
and Shenzhen I nstitutes of Advanced
Technology under Chinese Academy of
Sciences jointly undertook the ”Scientific
and Technological Aids for Africa” Project and
prominently worked on the application and
development of modular building in primary
medical field. In October 2012, the sincere
cooperation of the two parties gave birth to
the world’s first modular container hospital
and monomer container clinic equipped
with advanced medical hardware and health
information technology software in Yangzhou
Runyang. In April 2013, Ya’an earthquake
happened, and Yangzhou Runyang, entrusted
by CIMC, immediately donated a set of
modular container hospital which obtained
many praises. I n July 2014, Yangzhou
Runyang started strategic cooperation with
the Neusoft Group in medical care sector.
”Power-Generating Equipment Container” of
Yangzhou Tonglee Debuted in the Second
Nanjing Summer Youth Olympic Games
On August 16, 2014, President Xi Jinping
attended the opening ceremony of the
second Summer Youth Olympic Games in
Nanjing, and announced the opening of the
games. Since then, the electricity supply
became critical for the success and safety of
the Summer Youth Olympic Games. What
is worth mentioning is that the powergenerating equipment container jointly
produced by Yangzhou Tonglee and worldrenown AGG debuted in the Nanjing Youth
Olympic Games, and became ”one of the
unsung heroes” contributing to the success
of the Summer Youth Olympic Games.
The power-generating equipment container
provided by Yangzhou Tonglee and worldrenown AGG for the 2014 Nanjing Youth
Olympic Games, featuring environmental
protection, mobility and convenience, mainly
CIMC today 今日中集
consists of a generator cabinet, a transformer
box and oil tank. With the total power of the
power generating part of the container is up
to 35 MW, the power-generating equipment
container is the main power supply and
standby power supply for the opening and
closing ceremonies, the principal media and
the game places of the Nanjing Olympic
Sports Center.
In addition to 2014 Nanjing Youth Olympic
Games, Yangzhou Tonglee and AGG have
provided product and service support for
many world-class games and events such
as Beijing Olympic Games, London Olympic
Games and Brazil World Cup, and have been
acknowledged and appreciated by the
organizers of many world-class games and
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC Vehicle’s State-Level Project ”Research
on Lightweight Technology for Drop and Pull
Transport Vehicles” was Accepted
On July 22-23, 2014, the acceptance meeting
of major special technological project in drop
and pull transport of Ministry of Transport –
”Key Technologies and Demonstration of
Drop and Pull Transport” – was held in Beijing.
The project team of CIMC Vehicle responsible
for Project III ”Research on Lightweight
Technology for Drop and Pull Transport
Vehicles” (task number: 2011 318 440 470)
rendered a report to the expert group, and
the project is successfully accepted by the
expert group. The expert group affirmed and
highly appraised the project achievements
from research on the vehicle lightweight
one of the six projects for major special
technological project in drop and pull
transport of Ministry of Transport – ”Key
Technologies and Demonstration of Drop
and Pull Transport” and the only project
undertaken by enterprise. The project covers
the lightweight technology research and
prototype development for semitrailers and
traction vehicles for drop and pull transport,
as well as the research on policies promoting
the development of drop and pull transport.
CIMC Vehicle obtained RMB3,300,000 project
funding allocated by Ministry of Finance
and this is the first time for CIMC Vehicle to
undertake state-level project.
The Project of Research on Lightweight
Technology for Drop and Pull Transport
Vehicles, initiated in July 2011 in Technology
Department of Ministry of Transport, is
The wholly-bearing lightweight van
semitrailer (Kerb weight: 7,700kg) developed
by Yangzhou CIMC Tonghua and the 6×4
lightweight traction vehicle developed
CIMC Dongyue’s 1,030
Special Vehicles Setting off
to Angola
On August 8, 2014, 1,030 special-purpose
vehicles produced under the largest order
of CIMC Dongyue since its establishment,
after gathering in Wanshida Plant, set off to
Longkou Port in Shandong with full blessing
from the cheering crowd, which then were
shipped by sea to Angola in Africa.
At t h e e n d o f 2 0 1 2 , t h e g o ve r n m e n t
of Angola, in order to achieve its postwar reconstruction as soon as possible,
dispatched its military purchaser in China
to purchase 1,000 trailers and 30 liquid tank
trucks produced by CIMC, and the latter
got in touch with business personnel of
our company through the Internet. In early
2013, a contract signed by the State Council,
Sinotruk Import and Export Co., Ltd. and
CIMC Dongyue came into force.
CIMC today 今日中集
This batch of trailer is a part of the package
purchase by Angola government from
Sinotruk. 1,000 trailers are semitrailers for
both collective and distributive transport,
with a total contract price of more than
RMB100 million Angola purchaser, based on
the actual rugged road condition in Angola,
required that all trailers should be of singlepoint suspension structure, equipped with
automatic fuel supply system and further
finite-element analysis in design to meet
the requirements of customer. This batch of
exported products met a higher standard
than that for existing vehicles in China,
having the advantages of artistic appearance,
welding quality in line with international
standards, strong weather-proof finish, and
compliance with requirements on ocean
”C&C Trucks” Motorcade Participating
in the First Silk Road Truck Rally
by FAW (Kerb weight: 8,140kg), one of
the research achievements, passed the
30,000-kilometer reliability road test in
Dingyuan test field and Changchun, and
were listed into the Directory of National
Recommended Drop and Pull Transport
By undertaking the project of ”Research on
Lightweight Technology for Drop and Pull
Transport Vehicles”, on one hand CIMC Vehicle
has accumulated experience in carrying
out national research projects and gained a
good opportunity to train its team; on the
other hand, it has provided suggestions
on the lightweight semitrailer and traction
vehicle products, lightweight technology and
development policy, improved the image of
CIMC Vehicle, and made contribution to the
development of drop and pull transport!
9:00 a.m. August 14, 2014 – The first Silk
Road Truck Rally and Logistics Management
Innovation Competition, aiming at smoothing
traffic, boosting cooperation and revitalizing
industries, was launched at Sucheng Entrance
of Dongshu Port Expressway, Lianyungang City
with the title of ”start point in the east of the
New Asia-Europe Continental Bridge”. This event
was hosted by Ministry of Transport and people’s
government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous
Region, for the purpose of promoting the
pioneering role of transportation industry in
implementation of the strategy of ”One Belt and
One Road”. The initiation ceremony was attended
and addressed by Liu Xiaoming, the leader of
Ministry of Transport, Lu Yongquan, deputy
secretary general of people’s government
of Jiangsu Province, Ye Lin, deputy secretary
general of people’s government of Xinjiang
Uygur Autonomous Region, etc. Liu Xiaoming
granted flags for the event, and pressed the start
button of the event together with the principals
of transportation departments of six provinces
which the event covers – Jiangsu, Henan,
Shannxi, Ningxia, Gansu and Xinjiang. Then,
all participating vehicles set out by whistling.
This launch ceremony was also attended by
representatives of CIMC constituting ”C&C
Trucks” motorcade, such as Ju Xiaofeng, Vice
General Manager of Nantong Tank Container
and Tank Truck Co., Ltd. and Shen Yangbo, Vice
General Manager of C&C Trucks Marketing Co.
As the first modern logistics road show in China,
the Silk Road Truck Rally attracted the people
of all walks to gather in Lianyungang. At the
crowded ceremony, advanced domestically
trucks including FAW J6P 350 hp, excellent
logistics enterprises and truck drivers not only
directly demonstrated the new achievements of
our transportation and logistics industries, but
also fought off a keen competition before the
The two trucks of ”C&C Trucks” motorcade,
traction vehicle K13N and traction vehicle K12
420 hp respectively, stood out in the competition
because of imposing appearance, extraordinary
essence and eye-catching design style. Traction
vehicle K13N just won ”Prize of 2014 China Green
Logistics Optimum Technology Equipment” in
Beijing, under the context where international
truck rally advocates ”green and safe driving”. In
the competition, it was loaded with refrigerated
(LNG) carrier vehicle ”Jienengrui” of Nantong
CIMC under CIMC ENRIC, while traction vehicle
K12 420 hp of C&C Trucks, the champion of
China Fuel Saving Competition, was loaded
with van truck of Silver Brand produced by CIMC
Vehicle. It’s reported that these two traction
vehicles deserve watching very much. They not
only aroused media’s interest on the spot, but
also drew pedestrians’ attention on the way from
Wuhu, Anhui Province to Lianyungang, Jiangsu
Province. Besides ”C&C Trucks” motorcade, the
participating motorcades included PAW JiefangHezhong Logistics, China Post, COSCO LogisticsFoton Daimler, JiYun Group, Shiqiao Logistics,
Shanghai Sansi, TNT-Hoau and Deppon Express,
etc. They would gallop through more than half
of China from east to west.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
Enric Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Signed
the First Offshore EPC Project
Jingmen Honto & Huaqiang Natural Gas
Built the First Replenishing Ship in China
On April 5, 2014, Enric Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Gas Equipment Co.,
Ltd. affiliated to CIMC successfully signed the project of the first
compressed natural gas carrier (CNG Carrier) worldwide for the
natural gas transportation from Gresik Island to Lombok Island in
After the successful building of first onshore replenishing station and
offshore LNG transport vessel, Jingmen Honto, through cooperation
with Anhui Huaqiang Natural Gas Co., Ltd., builds China’s first 500
M3 replenishing ship in line with the national industry standard.
Jingmen HONTU and Huaqiang Natural Gas successfully signed a
strategic cooperation agreement in the field of LNG through friendly
consultation. Deng Jinshu, Chief Engineer of Wuhan Classification
Society, and Wu Huafang, Director of Product Inspection, attended
the signing ceremony.
The project is an international bidding project jointly constructed by
CIMC Enric, CIMC Ship and Offshore Design & Research Institute and
Indonesia EPC, which is mainly coordinated and managed by Enric
Gas Equipment Co., Ltd.. The project includes three major works:
compressed natural gas storage device for primary replenishing
stations, CNG transport ship and gas storage device onboard, and gas
storing and discharging devices in sub-stations.
This project is the first oversea EPC project of Enric Gas Equipment
Co., Ltd., opening a new chapter of the business of Enric Gas
Equipment Co., Ltd. Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. At present, Enric Gas
Equipment Co., Ltd. is redoubling its efforts in the design work of
compressed natural gas storage device for primary replenishing
stations and gas storage device onboard.
Jingmen Honto began the research and development of LNG river
(inland waters) transportation equipment and technology in 2009. In
the passing 5 years, the company has invested over RMB10 million in
the R&D, successfully accumulated rich experience in the building of
LNG shipping equipment, and gradually extended the whole solution
for onshore gas replenishing station to water replenishing station,
thus forming a series of LNG water transportation technology and
equipment industry chains with representatives such as ship-based
LNG storage tank, LNG ship, onshore LNG replenishing station and
LNG replenishing ships.
This time, Jingmen Honto takes the lead, by cooperation with
Huaqiang Natural Gas, in the batch building of 500 M3 replenishing
ship and waterborne LNG replenishing stations, in order to further
promote the sound development of waterborne LNG replenishing
industry and fulfill social responsibilities as the industry leading
company. Mr. Huo Lating, General Manager of Jingmen Honto said:
with the implementation of the national air pollution control policies,
the development and promotion of natural gas in ships and the ”oil
to gas” alteration project will become an irresistible trend. ”Oil to gas”
alteration project is promising. Jingmen Honto, based on this, is willing
to make new contributions to the promotion and application of new
energy in China!
Successful Development of
Large-Volume Carbon Fiber-Wrapped
Cylinder of Enric Gas Equipment Co., Ltd.
On October 30, 2013, Enric Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. officially initiated
the ISO 11515 wrapped cylinder certification work, and with the
great efforts on various links from the drawings design to release of
technical processes, trial production, inspection and consolidation,
certification and audit, finally received type-test certificate and
product approval certificate respectively issued by TUV SUD and
BV Classification Society for ISO 11515 Wrapped Cylinder design
(Note: Gas cylinders – Refillable composite reinforced tubes of water
capacity between 450 L and 3000 L – Design construction and
testing) and on August 4, 2014 and August 7, 2014.
CIMC today 今日中集
This means that Enric Gas Equipment Co., Ltd. Gas Equipment Co., Ltd.
has become the world’s first company designing and manufacturing
large-volume carbon fiber-wrapped cylinder according to ISO 11515
standard, and takes the lead again in the design and production of
large-volume cylinder in the industry.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC Marches into Brazilian
Marine Oil & Gas Equipment
Market with its Combined
The delivery ceremony of the deep-water semisubmersible crane & accommodation drilling
rigs ”OOS Gretha” and ”OOS Prometheus”,
both designed and built by CIMC Raffles and
financially leased by CIMC Financing Leasing,
kicked off on the afternoon of May 22 local
time in Rio de Janeiro. Attended the ceremony
we re H a ro l d o L i m a , fo r m e r p re s i d e nt
of Agencia Nacional do Petroleo (ANP);
representatives of Petroleo Brasileiro SA and
OOS Netherlands; Wang Qingyuan, Economic
and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy
of PRC in Brazil; Song Yang, Consul-General
of PRC in Rio de Janeiro; Yu Ya, Vice President
of CIMC; Zhang Yang, Manager of Offshore
Vessels Department of CIMC Financing Leasing
Co., Ltd., in addition to representatives of China
Development Bank, cooperative corporations
and Chinese enterprises.
The t wo deep -water semisub crane &
accommodation drilling rigs delivered this time
were independently designed with complete
intellectual property rights. They arrived in
Brazil in March 2014 and successfully passed
all tests in less than one and a half months
before they began operation for Petroleo
Brasileiro SA on April 18. Once in operation,
”OOS Gretha” has become the largest deepwater semisub crane & accommodation
drilling rig in Brazil Sea. The successful delivery
of the two drilling rigs in Brazil has proved the
fact that China-designed deep-water semisub
crane & accommodation drilling rigs has been
recognized by international mainstream users
for the first time, marking a breakthrough
for offshore engineering equipment
manufacturers of China.
ANP former president Haroldo Lima, who had
paid an investigational visit to CIMC Raffles
in 2010, applauded the successful delivery
at the ceremony and said the program was
a landmark of energy cooperation between
China and Brazil. Mr. Lima wished that, given
CIMC today 今日中集
the huge market potential of Brazil for offshore
equipment and the perfect timing for the
moment, Chinese enterprises would constantly
strengthen cooperation with local companies
in terms of offshore equipment design and
manufacturing to truly achieve complementary
advantages and win-win cooperation.
Song Yang, Consul-General of PRC in Rio
de Janeiro, pointed out that the delivery
of the two deep-water semisub crane &
accommodation drilling rigs this time
was another token of expanding energy
cooperation between the two countries. He
believed that the successful operation of
the two platforms would contribute to the
exploitation of offshore oil and gas resources
for Brazil.
Yu Ya, Vice President of CIMC, expressed his
wish to further tap the market demand for
deep-water platforms in Brazil, strengthen
the cooperation with Brazilian enterprises,
and provide customers with a full package
of services including financing, design and
The OOS Gretha measures 137.5 meters in
length, 81 meters in beam, and 39 meters
in depth (base line to main deck). It has a
maximum variable load of 7,070 tons and can
accommodate 618 people. The maximum
lifting capacity is 3,600 tons. The semisub is
the first asymmetric semisubmersible unit
without bracing in the world, which reduced
the towing resistance and dynamic positioning
load, improved the sailing speed greatly and
made its average transit speed from about 8
knots to more than 12 knots. The improved
movement performance can withstand over 22
meters high sea wave. All of the features enable
this vessel to serve in West Africa, Brazil, Gulf of
Mexico and the North Sea. The sister semisub
OOS Prometheus measures 118 meters in
length, width 70 meters and depth 38 meters.
It has a maximum variable load 5,000 tons
and can accommodate 500 people. The ABSclassed semisub can operate at a maximum
depth of 1,000 meters. It is equipped with a set
of 1,100 ton deck crane. We have independent
intellectual property rights in 12 areas in China
and abroad.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC Raffles’ 6th North Sea
Deep-water Semisub Drilling
Rig Begins Construction
CIMC Raffles began to build North Sea deepwater semisub drilling rig Beacon Atlantic for
Norway Beacon on June 18, 2014 in Yantai.
It is the sixth deep-water semisub drilling
rig built by CIMC Raffles for Norway Beacon
and will be delivered in 2016. Attended
the commencement ceremony were Heidi
Baugsto, President of North Sea Rigs; Sun
Guang, DNVGL Yantai Regional Manager; and
Yu Ya, President of CIMC Raffles, together
with CIMC Raffles Vice Presidents Jiang Jun,
Zhao Hui and Liu Yanjia.
Beacon Atlantic has an overall length of
CIMC today 今日中集
106.75 meters, a molded width of 42 meters,
and a molded depth of 42 meters, with a
maximum operating water depth of 500
meters and a maximum drilling depth
of 8,000 meters. CIMC Raffles drew the
experience of building the previous 5 series
North Sea deep-water semisub drilling rigs
and adopted the GM4-D design which was
upgraded and optimized in cooperation
with Global Maritime, a European design
company. CIMC R affles has 80% of its
intellectual property rights in GM4-D. This
platform is specially designed for Norwegian
continental shelf and North Sea waters, and
can be operated in all Norwegian Sea areas
including Barents Sea in the Arctic Circle.
Equipped with NOV newly designed derrick
system and DP3 dynamic positioning system,
it meets the strict requirements of Norwegian
Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA), Norwegian
Maritime Directorate (NMD) and Norwegian
Offshore Industry Standard (NORSOK), and
passes Det Norske Veritas (DNV).
CIMC Raffles COSL Platforms Honored
”Rig of the Month”
The quality and work ing per formance
of the deep-water semisub drilling rigs
delivered by Chinese offshore enterprises
are highly recognized by the mainstream
customers of Norwegian North Sea. In May
2014, COSL Innovator, the second deep-
water semisub drilling rig delivered to CDE
by CIMC Raffles, ranked the first in terms of
overall performance in a Statoil-sponsored
evaluation of 22 offshore platforms operated
in North Sea, and thus was awarded ”Rig of
the Month”.
Previously, the deep-water semisub drilling
rig COSL Pioneer delivered by CIMC Raffles
was awarded ”Rig of the Month” in May 2012
and February 2013, opening new chapters
for China-built deep-water platforms on the
Ms. Heidi Baugsto, Board Chairman of
North Sea Rigs, said at the commencement
ceremony that it was a right choice to build
Beacon Atlantic here.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC Raffles Jack-up Drilling Rig
”New Shengli #1” Delivered
”New Shengli #1”, a jack-up drilling rig
designed by Sinopec Shengli Petroleum
Drilling Technology Institute and built by
YCRO, was delivered to Sinopec Shengli
Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. on June
6, 2014. As the seventh jack-up drilling
rig delivered by CIMC Raffles, it will soon
be put into operation in Bohai Bay. Yong
Ziqiang, Deputy General Manager of Sinopec
Oilfield Service Corporation; Han Laiju,
Deputy General Manager of Sinopec Shengli
Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd. (SSPE); Zhang
Jinlong, Manager and Deputy Party Secretary
of SSPE Offshore Drilling Company; Mo
Jianhui, Vice President of China Classification
Society (CCS) and Yu Ya, President of CIMC
Raffles attended the delivery ceremony.
So far, ”New Shengli #1” is the largest and
most advanced offshore drilling rig owned
by Shengli Oilfield. With a molded length
of 56 meters, a molded width of 54 meters
and a molded depth of 5.5 meters, it has
a maximum operating water depth of 50
meters and a maximum drilling depth of
7,000 meters, accommodating 100 staff and
allowing it to drill 30 wells at the most for
each placement. It has registered in CCS.
Optimized and upgraded on the basis of
”No.10 Victor”, the ”New Shengli #1” has
improved layout in addition to a DCS ESD
system that enables remote diagnosis and
emergency control of equipment.
”New Shengli #1” was begun construction
on June 25, 2013 and lots of new processes
and new technologies were adopted to
meet higher quality standard. The first time
pass rates of such main structures as pile
leg, cantilever beam and segmented trunk,
as well as appearance inspection, reached
100%, while the first time pass rate of NDT is
above 98%. During the construction, the onsite team of Shengli Oilfield and the project
construction team of CIMC Raffles worked
together to overcome difficulties and thus
guaranteed safety, quality and progress of the
construction. As a result, the whole project
only took 346 days, the shortest construction
period among all platforms of the same type.
CIMC today 今日中集
CIMC Raffles 400-feet Jack-up
Drilling Rig Delivered
CIMC Raffles delivered a 400-feet JU2000E
jack-up drilling rig Coastal Driller 4001
to Costal Contracts Bhd (CCB) on August
13, 2014 in Yantai. It is the ninth jack-up
drilling rig delivered by CIMC Raffles. Huang
Zhenxing, President of CCB; Eric Kleess,
President of Greater China Region, American
Bureau of Shipping (ABS); Yu Ya, President of
CIMC Raffles, and Jiang Wei, Vice President of
Shanghai CIMC Vessel Offshore Engineering
Institute attended the delivery ceremony.
With a molded length of 70.36 meters, a
molded width of 76 meters, and a molded
depth of 9.45 meters, Coastal Driller 4001 has
167-meter-long pile legs, 18-meter-diameter
pile shoes, and 6.7-meter designed draught
and can accommodate 140 people. Classified
i n A B S , t h e p l at fo r m h a s a m a x i m u m
operating water depth of 122 meters (400
feet), a maximum drilling depth of 10,668
meters (35,000 feet) and a lowest operating
temperature of -20 . F&G provided basic
design, AKER MH offered drilling package,
CIMC Ship and Offshore Design & Research
Institute and Yantai Offshore Institute worked
together to finish detailed design and
construction design, and CIMC completed its
construction and deliver.
Yu Ya, President of CIMC Raffles, showed that
Coastal Driller 4001 was its first project in
cooperation with CCB and he expected that
the subsequent JU2000E drilling rig and gas
compression platform built for CCB would be
delivered in a timely and satisfactory manner.
CCB President Huang Zhenxing said that the
successful delivery of Coastal Driller 4001
further verified the offshore EPC competence
of CIMC Raffles and thus enhanced the
confidence of CCB in the development of
offshore engineering.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC Pride Mega Yachts: 88.8m
”Illusion Super Yacht Project” Sold
CIMC, Investor of Ziegler, Meets
Germany Delegation in Hong Kong
General Chamber of Commerce
What is the context of CIMC Group? What
is the plan of this company which keeps
growing and expanding? Will the job position
of Germans in the merged enterprises be
affected? In Hong Kong, Mr. Qin Gang,
general manager of Strategic Development
Department of CIMC answered the questions
raised by delegation members from Giengen
in Heidenheim, Germany. The meeting
has enhanced the mutual understanding
and trust, especially for the guests from
CIMC, acquired Ziegler Group on November 8,
2013, a Heidenheim-headquartered bankrupt
company focusing on manufacturing of
firefighting and rescue vehicles. Not long
before the acquisition, CIMC also invested a
factory of semitrailer in Gunzburg.
CIMC Pride Mega Yachts announced on
August 4, 2014 that its 88.8-meter Illusion has
been sold. The sale of the 6-deck super luxury
yacht marks the successful entry of Pride
Mega Yachts into the large super luxury yacht
market in the world and that it becomes
a yacht brand with unique competitive
advantages and mature technologies.
”The deal shows that the super yacht market
is rebounding and the market is flourishing
again with favorable momentum. From
numerous inquiries sent to us, we see the
enthusiasm of potential buyers is growing,
especially their interest in large luxury yacht.
Meanwhile, we are really glad to see that the
owner of Illusion is very experienced and
passionate about yachts. He appreciates the
uniqueness of Illusion very much,” said Brand
spokesperson of Pride Mega Yachts.
As the largest yacht built by China so far,
CIMC today 今日中集
Illusion fully demonstrates the shipyard’s
unremitting effor ts in innovation and
persistent pursuit of craftsmanship. She has
an unrivalled 3,603 GT huge inner space
with the widest stretch reaching 15.8 meters,
and its body is spacious with joinery, rare
stones and metallic materials. AZURE NAVAL
ARCHITECT, a famous Netherlands company,
provides engineering design, RAINSFORD
SAUNDERS DESIGN of the UK provides
exterior style design and SINOT EXCLUSIVE
YACHT DESIGN of the Netherlands provides
interior design for this yacht. Adopting RollsRoyce diesel-electric propulsion, dynamic
positioning and control system, Illusion will
be delivered in October 2015.
”Illusion is the third super yacht over 85
meters long delivered by Pride Mega Yachts.
The success of this project proves that our
products meet the strict quality requirements
of the super luxury yacht market. It is also a
CIMC is now an active leading company
in all continents of the world, with a goal
to create synergies, to enhance efficiency,
and to maximize profits. When Mr. Qin
referred ”synergies”, he commented that
the development and great performance
achieved in the past few decades in CIMC
has brought it to reality. The CIMC synergies
dated back to the 1980s, which started
with marine containers, to airport facilities,
vehicles, energy and chemical and food
transport and storage facilities, offshore
drilling rigs, heavy-duty trucks and so on.
According to the strategic layout of CIMC, the
heavy manufacturing industries are deployed
in East China where all the products can be
sold to the world by sea transport. ”The price
of steel and aluminum is competitive in Asia,
so is the cost of skilled workers,” said Mr. Qin.
CIMC planned to organize the professional
manufacturers all over the world to localize
the production – for example, Ziegler Group
in Giengen, Germany.
During the meeting, the members of the
delegation, such as Mr. Rudi Neidlein,
representative of Labor Union; Mr. Helmut
Althamer, chief of the Chamber of Commerce
and Industry; Mr. Thomas Reinhardt, member
of County Council and Mr. Bernhard Ilg,
mayor of Heidenheim raised a number of
questions to Mr. Qin, who provided them
with satisfying answers.
demonstration of our constant pursuit of the
philosophy of innovation and development
that guided through the entire process of
shipbuilding. We have kept our promise to
provide our customers with top-quality super
yachts,” the brand spokesperson added.
Located in Yantai of China and having a
team with more than 25 years of experience
in yacht design and building, Pride Mega
Yachts is a world-class super yacht builder
with unique competitive advantages. It is
specialized in R&D, building and marketing
80m-120m super yachts and continually
meets the growing market demand for super
yachts. From semi-customized yachts to fullycustomized yachts, Pride Mega Yachts applies
the state-of-the-art shipbuilding engineering
technology, interior design and equipment
to assure its yachts conforming to European
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
CIMC Completed
Reversed Merger of Pteris
Global Ltd.
Shenzhen CIMC-Tianda Airport Support Co.,
Ltd., a member corporation of CIMC Group,
completed the reversed merger of Pteris
Global Ltd. (Singapore) Group on August
21, 2014. Executives from the two sides
attended the merger ceremony, including
Mr. Li Yinhui, vice president of CIMC Group
and president of CIMC-Tianda; Mr. Yu Yuqun,
secretar y of Board of CIMC Group and
executive of CIMC-Tianda; Mr. Zheng Zuhua,
executive of CIMC-Tianda and CEO of Pteris
Global; Mr. Zeng Beihua, general manager of
Department of Funds Management, and Mr.
Wang Yu, general manager of Department
of Legal Affairs, and other senior executive
representatives of CIMC-Tianda.
As one of the multinational conglomerates
aiming for global market, CIMC has been
listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and
the Hong Kong Exchange. In September
2012, CIMC became one of the shareholders
of Pteris Global. While, in February 2013, CIMC
intended to complete the reversed merger of
Pteris Global. The success of the deal would
certainly promote the performance of Airport
Facilities Segment of CIMC.
CIMC today 今日中集
Founded in 1992, Shenzhen CIMC-Tianda
Airport Support Co., Ltd. has grown into
the world’s largest and most competitive
manufacturer of boarding bridges. At the
same time, it is continuously expanding the
scope of airport ground equipment business.
For CIMC-Tianda, the success of backdoor
listing in Singapore Stock Exchange in the
name of Pteris Global becomes an important
milestone since the foundation of the
company. After the merger with CIMC-Tianda,
Pteris Global will become the second public
listing company under CIMC Group.
Upon completion of the transaction, the
premium resources of CIMC can better
meet the needs of business of Pteris Global.
The existing business in Pteris Global and
CIMC-Tianda will be better integrated with
additional benefits. This will not only enhance
the competitiveness of existing business
of Pteris Global, but also consolidate the
global leading position of CIMC-Tianda in its
industry. Therefore, Pteris Global will expand
the market of Airport Facilities Segment
in the world, enhance its comprehensive
competitiveness and achieved greater
combined results.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
集团动态︱ News Updates
28 Boarding Bridges of
Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa
Deployed in St. Paul, the City
for World Cup Opening Game
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil catching global
attention will be held in St. Paul, the
largest city in Brazil and South America,
on June 12. As an important airport pivot
of Latin America, the Viracopos-Campinas
International Airport (VCP) in St. Paul has
been developing very rapidly since the start
of this century.
VCP is badly in need of equipment and
facilities including boarding bridges to satisfy
the operation requirements during this World
Cup. Under such a context, Shenzhen CIMCTianDa Airport Support Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen
CIMC-TianDa), a branch of CIMC, seized keenly
this business opportunity by launching market
exploitation in Brazil in 2010. In fact, the origin
of connection between CIMC and World Cup
can be traced back to 2010 FIFA World Cup
South Africa. Owing to the city infrastructure
construction requirement driven by the World
Cup, Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa obtained an
opportunity to supply Cape Town International
Airport (CPT ) with 8 boarding bridges in
2008. Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa won the bid of
CIMC today 今日中集
boarding bridge project of VCP at the end of
2013, by virtue of remarkable performances
in the international market, competitive
products, and favorable brand images. In
this project, all of 28 full electromechanical
drive boarding bridges with steel side walls
are equipped with advanced Internet of
Things through which the management of
the terminal can master dynamic data and
system data of boarding bridges in real time
so as to ensure that the boarding bridges can
cope with the challenges of different climates
and provide travelers with a stable, secure and
reliable service.
VCP will serve 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
to be held as an airport base for 7 teams
and as a transfer station for all teams. 28
full elec tromechanical drive boarding
bridges have been installed in VCP. From
the nameplates of ”CIMC” on the boarding
bridges, Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa boarding
bridges and CIMC will be known by World
Cup players, fans and travelers worldwide.
CIMC today 今日中集
集团动态︱ News Updates
Surging Orders of Boarding Bridges and
Stereo Garages Obtained by CIMC-TianDa
LNG Vessel Project Signed by
CIMC Financing Leasing Co., Ltd.
August 1, 2014 – Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa
obtained M748-3 project contract from Hong
Kong International Airport (HKIA) amounted
to over USD20 million, the subject matter of
which includes supply, installation of 20 new
boarding bridges, overhaul and renovation of
57 old ones, etc.
With the delivery of CIMC 9,200TEU container vessel on June 25, 2014,
CIMC realizes its plan of building vessels, which can be attributed to
integration of manufacture and financing. Another fruit of ”boosting
business with financing” is the financing leasing project signed on
June 28, 2014 concerning the first domestic LNG carrier vessel with
14,000m3 branch lines. More and more fruits achieved by integration
of manufacture and financing constantly provide new businesses for
CIMC and have a far-reaching influence on the core competitiveness
of CIMC.
August 6, 2014 – Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa
won the bid of boarding bridge project of
T2 Terminal in the second phase extension
project of Zhengzhou Xinzheng International
Airport, which includes 128 fixed passages,
83 boarding bridges (including an A380
boarding bridge) and monitoring systems.
This is a project with the largest amount for a
single contract among all projects obtained
by Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa.
September 4, 2014 – Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa
obtained a purchase contract of mechanical
parking equipment used in No. 1 entrance
and exit of Daming Palace West Station of
No. 2 Metro in Xi’an City, the subject matter
of which includes a set of moving intelligent
stereo garage system and 3 tower-type
intelligent stereo garage systems. With an
amount of nearly RMB15 million, this contract
sets the highest sale record in intelligent
garage of CIMC-TianDa in Xi’an market
and thus makes Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa a
manufacturer supplying most tower-type
stereo garages there.
Boarding bridges and supporting fixed
bridges supplied by Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa
to Liupanshui Yuezhao Airport have been
assembled before September 1 and will be
examined by the airport before September
19. It is estimated that industry inspection
for acceptance will be completed before
September 28. Afterwards, the auxiliary
engineering equipment including boarding
bridges will be installed at Liupanshui
Yuezhao Airport, which can meet the use
requirement of Liupanshui Yuezhao Airport.
Through negotiation for two days from
September 10, 2014, Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa
gained a contract amounted to nearly
RMB10 million from Guiyang Longdongbao
I nternational Airpor t to overhaul and
renovate the existing boarding bridges of
No. 1 Terminal. Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa also
obtained a project to overhaul 12 boarding
bridges of Haikou Meilan International
Airport in August 2014.
August 2014 – The orders obtained
by Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa from three
international airports of Bahrain, Norway and
Cambodia mark that the business of Shenzhen
CIMC-TianDa concerning boarding bridges has
spread throughout 200 airports worldwide.
The addition of these orders is another
performance milestone achieved by Shenzhen
CIMC-TianDa since Nanping Wuyishan Airport
became the 100th airport using CIMC-TianDa’s
boarding bridges in 2013.
The signing ceremony for the financing leasing project concerning the
first domestically-made LNG carrier vessel with 14,000m3 branch lines
was held in Dongguan, Guangdong Province in the morning of June
28, 2014. Mr. Cao Zewen, the Vice General Manager of CIMC Financing
Leasing Co., Ltd, on behalf of CIMC, signed the agreement with the
representatives of Qidong Fengshun Ship Heavy Industry Co., Ltd.
and Zhejiang Huaxiang Ocean Transport Co., Ltd., which symbolizes
that CIMC enters the big LNG vessel market formally and wins an
opportunity to benefit from it, through integration of manufacture
and financing.
This is the first domestically-made LNG carrier vessel with 14,000m 3
branch lines. Zhejiang Huaxiang Ocean Transport Co., Ltd. is the only
private enterprise with LNG transportation qualification in China.
In fact, another enterprise, one owned by CNOOC, has also been
granted by the Ministry of Transport LNG transportation qualification,
but it only serves the enterprises under CNOOC. Therefore, from
the perspective of market competition, the LNG carrier vessel with
14,000m3 branch lines signed by CIMC almost enjoys a monopoly
position in the market, which raises its market value to some degree.
ENRIC intends to enter into water transport market by undertaking the
business of liquid tank container of LNG carrier vessel from Zhejiang
Huaxiang Ocean Transport Co., Ltd.
After on-the-spot investigations and business negotiations, the two
enterprises under Enric, SANCTUM and Honto dispatched a delegation
to compete with China First Metallurgical Group Co., Ltd. and finally
won the order of manufacturing two liquid tank containers of 7,000m3
each for the LNG carrier vessel.
In this cooperation, CIMC plays a role of participant and integrator
of the industry chain upstream and downstream of financing for
vessel building, vessel tank container manufacture and technological
service, providing clients with one-stop service during the complete
period. The two tank containers will be manufactured by SANCTUM
and Honto, under the technological support of CIMC Ship and
Offshore Design & Research Institute and financing leasing support of
CIMC Financing Leasing Co., Ltd. during the periods of manufacture
and operation. The advantages of integration of manufacture and
financing will be shown fully.
Airport Shuttle with Two-head Manufactured
by Xiefa Co. Entering Nanning Airport
July 8, 2014 – The first airpor t shuttle
with t wo -way driving func tion in the
Chinese Mainland entered Nanning Wuxu
International Airport, marking a higher level
of flight support capability of this airport.
This shuttle, manufactured by Civil Aviation
Xiefa Airport Facilities Co., Ltd (Xiefa Co.), is
equipped with Cummins ISDE160-40 engine
standardized in emission and friendly to
environment. With a driver’s seat on the head
end and rear respectively, it can be driven
at the two ends, saving the trouble of backup. Its advantages are more prominent on
aprons and narrow roads. Therefore, the
airport shuttle will contribute to a safe
and effective flight support.
Xiefa Co., founded in 1997, is the largest
domestic enterprise specializing in R &
D, manufacture and service of airport
shuttles. It is a joint venture operated by
Shenzhen CIMC-TianDa and Beijing Bowei
Airport Support LTD. By now Xiefa Co. has
manufactured nearly 500 airport shuttles of
all models which have been sold to domestic
CIMC today 今日中集
airports and airlines of all scales and to more
than 20 countries and regions in Europe,
Oceania, Middle East, Asia, Latin America and
Xiefa Co. adopts the latest ideas of vehicle
manufacture in the world and integrates
the special requirements of airport working
condition into the design of their productAero Abus. The main components of the
vehicle body are originated from domestic
and overseas name brands, so as to ensure
advanced performance of the whole vehicle,
convenient operation, safety, reliability and
comfort. Focusing on specialized needs of
different clients in the respect of design
of airport shuttles, Xiefa Co. has obtained
professional qualification certifications in
China and market access certifications of
Russia and some members of European Union.
CIMC today 今日中集
Offshore Engineering Reached
New Height
In 2008, CIMC began to get involved in the offshore engineering business. With
six years’ exploration and development, CIMC Raffles has become an industrial
leader in the field of China’s offshore equipment and started to turn losses into
gains in 2014. As the core products of CIMC Raffles, deep-water semi-submersible
platforms and jack-up platforms had been successfully delivered and reached 17
sets in total. The products have been delivered to North Sea, Caspian Sean, Gulf of
Mexico, Brazil seas and other mainstream gas production areas around the world.
By virtue of excellent stability, CIMC Raffles COSL series semi-submersible drilling
rig in North Sea has been awarded as “Rig of the Month” for five times. Currently,
the semi-submersible drilling platform projects in construction accounted for
nearly 20% of the global market share, ranking third in the world with core product
orders in hand amounted to $9 billion (including options).
10 Photos
Experiencing “New CIMC”
Through the integration of global resources, CIMC has initially formed the whole
industrial chain pattern with the coverage of R&D and design, construction, supply
of support equipment, operation service and financial service, gradually becoming
a noticeable important force in the global offshore engineering market.
Conditions change constantly in today’s world and various historic changes are shaping the world
Today’s CIMC is confronted with both tremendous challenges and unlimited opportunities. In order to
enhance CIMCs’ global competitive edge and promote CIMC’s everlasting cause, CIMC has proactively
started its journey of transformation and upgrading. On one hand, we always change with customers’
changing needs, promote industrial upgrading and dig the new values of traditional businesses, such as
our Container Segment, Vehicle Segment and so on. On the other hand, through diversification strategy,
we continue to extent our businesses towards the higher end of the value chain, striving to develop the
high-end manufacturing business in energy, chemical and food equipment, offshore engineering, fire
rescue equipment, etc. In addition, CIMC’s business has gradually been extended from manufacturing to
service industry, standing at the forefront of global logistics and energy industries and providing global
customers with professional logistics and financial services with a competitive edge.
Upon the 32nd anniversary of CIMC, we hope to use this photo exhibition of New CIMC to show all our
employees the solid steps taken by CIMC in the journey of transformation and upgrading, and summon
up the determination and courage of all CIMC people to realize the dream of becoming a world-class
Container Vessels
Successfully Delivered
CIMC has obtained the orders of more than 20 large container
vessels from CMA CGM shipping and Mediterranean Shipping from
2012 to 2013. This is the first time that CIMC completely integrated
Chinese capital, Chinese technology and Chinese manufacturing
and successfully delivered to customers. CIMC, as the integrator
of resources, has successfully acquired orders through high valueadded financial and design services, integrated domestic and
foreign resources and contributed relatively greater value to the
group and customers with minimum resources, setting a feasible
model for CIMC’s integration of industry and finance and its
industrial upgrading.
CIMC today 今日中集
Under the downturn of global shipping and ship market, guided by
CIMC finance and CIMC design, leveraged by Chinese capital, CIMC
drove Chinese design with independent intellectual property to the
international stage, promoted China’s shipbuilding industry to step
into a new mileage, and successfully led Chinese capital, Chinese
technology and Chinese manufacturing to the world stage.
LNG Industrial Chain Achieved
Rapid Growth
LNG (liquefied national gas) is a clean and efficient energy. With ten years’ exploration,
CIMC Enric’s service capacity has reached the world’s leading level in LNG industrial
chain, of which the production and sales of ISO liquid tank ranked the world first,
the scale of high-pressure gas storage equipment business ranked the world first,
the scale of low-temperature equipment business ranked China’s first, and the
production and sales of CNG, LNG and LPG storage equipment ranked China’s first.
It has established relatively systematic and complete industrial chain in equipment
manufacturing together with the efforts made in enhancing engineering service and
system solution capacity in an attempt to provide customers with a whole series of
safe and efficient LNG storage equipment and turnkey project services such as LNG
terminal, gas station, refueling station, etc. In recent years, with the rapid growth of
national gas energy, CIMC Enric has achieved explosive growth owing to its complete
LNG industrial chain pattern. In the future, it would follow the development mode of
“key equipment + engineering service + total solution” to achieve the development
goal of promoting green energy, clean logistics and better life.
“Modular Building Leads the Future”
With more than 30 years’ experience in container manufacturing, CIMC
created new modular building. Compared with traditional architecture, the
transformation function of modular building can be showed in greatly reducing
the delivery time and lowering the environmental disruption to the spot through
prefabrication and on-spot setup. Meanwhile, the excellent seismic performance
enables modular building to better withstand various national disasters.
Currently, modular building has been widely applied in the United Kingdom,
Australia Japan and other countries with the coverage of four-star hotels, camp
buildings, student apartment, etc.
CIMC today 今日中集
业务聚焦︱ Business focus
C&C Trucks: High-End
In December 2010, C&C Trucks targeted at high-end
market, were officially rolled off, which means that
after three years’ preparation, CIMC officially joint
the competition of domestic heavy truck market.
Currently, the main heavy trucks of C&C Trucks
include tractors, mixers, dump trucks, power tank,
LNG tank, etc. The 1st phase of C&C Trucks factory
has the annual production capacity of 30,000 units
heavy trucks, with hundreds of robots distributing
in welding, coating, frame, combined power and
other workshops. Either in production equipment
or in manufacturing technology, C&C Trucks has
reached and even exceeded the national standard
of passenger car, ranking first nationally and
reaching the world’s advanced level in heavy truck
manufacturing equipment.
Finance Promotes Business Take Off
In recent years, CIMC financial service, as the new force supported the Group’s manufacturing
business development, continues to boost the Group’s industrial development and upgrading,
and become a new profit growth point. With its industry experience and its advantages
in resources, CIMC Finance provides customers with competitive financial solutions and
improves customers’ efficiency and effectiveness in the uses of funds.
Fire Rescue Equipment
Represents the World’s
Highest Quality
CIMC acquired German company Ziegler in 2013.
With more than 120 years’ history, Ziegler Company
is the industrial leader in German market with the
capability of providing fire and rescue equipment
with the world’s highest quality, ranking among
the world’s top five in the industry and selling its
products to over 70 countries and regions worldwide.
Its products include city fire engines, airport fire
engines and other special fire engines, providing
customers with customized product solutions.
Looking forward, through seizing the strategic
opportunities of the accelerated urbanization in
China, fire rescue equipment business can achieve
rapid growth.
Logistics Service Presents Impressive
Elegant Demeanour
The services of CIMC Logistics cover port integrated logistics, engineering logistics, freight
forwarding, manufacturing and leasing of logistics equipment, etc. The business has formed
comprehensive network covering China’s major ports, established a network of over 100
distribution centers, and has built a worldwide network of overseas agents.
Modern logistics industry has a bright and prosperous future. Therefore, CIMC is playing an
indispensable role. CIMC integrates the concept of containerization into different industries,
realized the standardized transportation of heavy truck, large bus, engineering machinery
and other heavy products, reduce the delivery time and transportation cost through strong
capacity of R&D and manufacturing.
“DreamWorks Leads
Manufacturing Upgrading”
With 30 years’ accumulation of manufacturing technology and the advanced
manufacturing concepts learnt from the automobile industry, we renovated
the production and manufacturing processes in an effort to build a complete
automatic factory, which is called as our “DreamWorks”. Compared with our
traditional factories, the new mechanized, automatic and digitized processes
and facilities can effectively improve the safety and efficiency of production.
In addition, the new automatic factory adopts internationally advanced
biochemical treatment system and ultimately realized the zero discharge of
waste water through the recycling of waste water.
CIMC today 今日中集
CIMC today 今日中集