Slant Fin Liberty oil fired boiler
Slant Fin Liberty oil fired boiler
SlantlEn ftTBERTY' {q\ SAFETYWARNING: KEEP BOILERAREE CLEAR AND FREE FROM COMBUSTIBLEMATERIALS, GASOLINE AND OTHER FLAMMABLE VAPORS AND LIOUIDS. FAILURETO ADHERETO ABOVESAFETYWARN. ING, MAY RESULTIN PERSONALINJURYOR DAMAGE. DEATHAND PROPERTY CONTENTS..... i i J'' l' j tI t a. I I I ? rI' I I .............2 R a t i n g sa n d D i m e n s i o n s . . . . . . . Requi rements: Installation ..............3 B o i l e rL o c a t i o n . . . . .3. Clearances.............. .......3 C h i m n e yR e q u i r e m e n t s . . . . . . . . . ....................'3 A i r S u p p l ya n d V e n t i n 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Cont r ols .............4 and A c c e s s o ri e s .......,.' ......4 P ipingf or S t ea mB o i l e rs ^tlrlPOiTANT: The installationof this equipment must con....................4" B lowingO f f a S te a mB o i l e r....... 'f#1i16 the requirementsof the authority having jurisdiction' . ...........5 CleaningP ipin gS y s te q n .... cir, in the absence of such requirements,to the Installation ...........5 P ipingf or W at e rU n i ts ........ of Oil Burning Equipment,ANSI/NFPA 31, latest edition, and to the NationalElectricalCode ANSI/NFPA70, latest ............ ..1............6 P ipingf or T ank fe s sH e a te r edition.The installationmust also conformto the additional .......6 I n s t a l l i nBgu r n e r . . . . . requirements in this SlanVFinlnstructionManual.Where ..........6 O i l S u p p l yP i p i n g there is any difference,the more stringentrequirement ...........6 W i r i n gt h e B o i l e r shallgovern. ...... .............6 V ent P ipingand D ra ftR e g u l a to r Operatinglnstructions: In addition,where requiredby the authorityhavingjurisdict .......6 P r ec aut ions B e fo reSta rti n 9 ........1 1 ,....... tion, the installationmust conform to American Society of MechanicalEngineersSafety Code for Controlsand Safety .........6 ...........':.... S t a r tu p Devicesfor AutomaticallyFired Boilers, No. CSD-I, latest .........7 Cleaningand Fi l l i n gN e w W a te rBo i l e r edition. ........7 Cleaningand Fi l l i n gN e w S te a mBo i l e r ........7 Low Water Cut-offch6bk-out AL MUSTBE LEFTWITHOWNERAND ..........I P r es s ur eCont ro cl h e c k -o u t BE HUNGON OR ADJACENTTO THE .......8 o f Ste a mB o i l e r Replac em ent REFERENCE. ...........9-10 Wir ingDiagr am s ........11-15 B u r n eD r ata........ be installedby a trained,exIMPORTANT:ThisOtl},il perienced, seruicetechnft,-ficensed for the installation Care and Maintenance: andservicingof oil burninffiuipment or otherwisequalified ....16 ExtendedShutdown by the authoritieshavingjurisdictionover the installation. F r eez ingP r ot e c ti o n .....16 . . . .1 6 OilBurner Printedin U.S.A.694 Part No. 43-0270 . . . . .1. 6 G e n e r aM l a i n t e n a n c. e. . . . . . . . . . LIBERTY TAPPINGS P l rop vrew FLUEcoLLEcToR FRONTVIEWWATER * * { FRONTVIEWSTEAM .& OPENINGS Ita FRONTSECTION 4 f S supply ? supplyon rearseciionI 34'steam saf€tyvalve 1/4'siphon,pressuregauge& pressurecut-out g4' alternatoelectoniclowwatercut-otf l-l/Z skimmer taDDino 1/Z low limitfor dnkte--ss 1/? tanklessinlet 1/Z tanklessoudet 1/? steamgaugeglass& 67 LWCO 1-1/? bushedto g4'lor draincock 1-1lZ condensate retum 1 2 3 5A 5B 6 7 13 14 r- r,a -:t f $ ruPPry 1/U tanklessinlot 1/Z tankl€ssoudet 1/4' prossuretemp.gauge 1/Z highlimit,hi/loor combination control 'l-1lT rcwm & 34'drain cock 1-1l2'alternate rerurn # REAR14 SteamOnly R E A R1 4 3/4'air vent or €xpansion tank 94'wator relief valve $ ' Rearsection L-50,L-60,L-70 steamboilersonly. Hgure 1 :.f ,n PRESSUFE CONTROL ,. ,f SIPHON SUPPLY GAUGE GLASS HEATER l{1,h/Lo Limit d RETURN 'D' t @ttol b."P"q-Pf bdb' l;'"'^*'" l7tlz' tvt" I LEFT EI{D - WATER& STEAM OBSERVATION PORT PRIMARY CONTROL o&sER!r'T|oN POFT DRAINC@K tAlternato112"tapgng br addilionalcirculator) Figure 2 $ gATER LINE BURNER PRIIIARY @I{TROL FRONT- WATERBOILER FRONT- STEAiI EOILER ..1 r: RATINGS D.0.E. (lnches) 0lmensions l=B=RGhlmnoy Size l=B=RBumer Tankless t=8=R Heatlng Relurn Healer Capasity llel Ralings A.F.U.E. Capaclly ilom. Rrcl. l.D. Rounr Boller olo BoilerFronll! Flue 0verall CPM-oil Inpl|| MRI{ Waler Sleam Sleam x HeighlS x Height Model Len0lhFlue0 Dia. Flange LenglhBoilel 'e' Secl. Walel Steam nnn ilo.- GPH1 BTUH ll,alel Sloafi MBH" MBH - S q . F l . ( i n x i n r f l ) (inx fi) Waler Steam "a' "c" "0" L-20 0.75 105,000 90 L-2OBK0.95 133,0001 1 0 L.3OH 1 . 0 0 140,000121 . 1 0154,000 1 3 4 1 3 4 L-30r 1 1 . 2 5 175,0001 5 1 L.4OH 1 . 5 0210,000182 1 7 4 1.60 195 195 L-40n 1 . 8 0224,000 252,000218 L-5OH 2.00 280,000243 239 2 . 1 0294,000256 L-501 2.35 329,000272+ 2.60 364,000298t 298r L-601 2.85 399,000327t 3 . 1 0434,000352t 354t L-701 3.35 469,000381t ry 79 8 x 8 x 15 5 x 1 5 83.50 11Yz Sslez JU 96 8 x B x 1 5 5 x 1 5 81.76 11112 Ssltz JU 05 8 x B x 1 5 6 x 15 86.00 144a 101lsz o 'l4Ua 1 7 101 421 I x 8 x 15 6 x 15 84.85 101laz 6 31 8 x 8 x 15 6 x 15 83.50 14la 101/sz 6 58 1 3 4 558 8 x 8 x 1 5 7 x 15 86.0084.001811q 1 1 2 3 l s z7 70 1 4 6 608 8 x 8 x 1 5 7 x 1 5 84.4583.8018lq 1123lsz 7 0n 8 x 8 x 1 5 7 x 1 5 83.33 1811c 11231v 7 211 1 7 9 746 8 x 8 x 1 5 8 x 1 5 86.0084.00 2151a 1313/s2 8 tg 8 x 8 x 1 5 8 x 1 5 84.0683.45 2151e 1313lsz 8 223 237 8 x 1 2 x 1 5 8x 1 5 2151a 1 3 1 % z 8 259 224 933 8 x 1 2 x 1 5 1 0 x 1 5 25 15%z I 284 8 x 12x 15 1 0 x 1 5 25 153lsz 8 306 11 0 8 8 x 12x 15 1 0 x 1 5 2831a 162slzz a 331 8 x 12x 15 10x 15 2B3la 16251v o r!u g T 1Ut 24!a lVq 24lt 2 2751a 3 2751a 3 27sla 3 4 31 I't4 1Vq 'lVq 11lq 1!t 1Vt 1lz 1Iz I't2 'llz 1lz 31 31 3431a 344a 3431a 37slc 37slq 41Ya 4111e a 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 -sfi 2.20 2.40 3.10 3.20 3.00 3.40 3.80 3.40 3.90 ,j, 4.15 4.30 3.90 4.40 4.70 4.90 4.50 5.20 5.45 rlt 5.70 il' Standardworkingpre$ure 30 PSI water,15 PSI steam. Nominalclaytile linerdimensions. All boilem hydrostaticalVtsted - A.S.M.E. Tankles heater rating based on inlermittentdraw. ' For forced hot water heating systems where the boiler and all piping are locatedwithin lhe fl Water boiler models L-30 and larger have trc tiring iales- Thc boiler is letory shipFd et area to be heated,the boiler may be $lected on the basis of gros D.O.E. €pacity output. t h e l o w e r t i r i n g r a t eT.o o b t a i n t h e h i g h e r t i r i n g r a t e , r e t e r t o t h e L i b e r t y b o i l e r i n s t a l l a t i o n i n The net l=B=R output ralings shown are bsed on an allowane lor piping and pickupof slructionstor the appropriatefield adjuslments. (water) (sleam). 1.15 or 1.33 D.O.E.capacitygros outputis dividedby the allowancelo t l.B.R.grossoutput obtain net raiing. The mnufaclurer should be cssuhed before selectinga boilerlor unuO Oval sual piping and pickup requiremnls such as intermittentsystem operaiion,e)rtensivepipNOTE; All boilers under 300,000 Bluh inpul a€ tesled and rated lor epacity underihe U.S. ing,etc. Oepartmentof Energy (D.O.E.)test proceduresfor boileF. F t a t i n g s a p p v t o l h € u s e o l l i g h l o i l a t l 4 0 , 0 0 0 B t u p e r g a l l o n , a n d a p p l y o n l y w h e n b u r n e r I rcdels listedon pages 1'l-13of this mnual are used,and are properlyadjusiedto produce 13ol.CO2. ,11 ,Fti ;,1 l, ', r_ 'I 't # 1 9. il 3 LIBERW BOILER LOCATION for the boiler.Locationshouldbe Providea level.solidfoundation nearthe chimneyso thatthe FluePipeConnectoror Breechingto the chimneyis shortanddirect. A. The foundationmustbe capableof supportingthe weightof the boilerwhenfilledwithwater: Boiler Size L-20 L-30 L-40 L-50 L-60 L-70 TotalWeightol Boiler Approximate Assembly,filledwithwater MO 550 660 785 895 1000 B. The LibertyBoiler has full wet base sectionswhich surround fire-boxfor maximumheat absorbtionof burningfuel, and low floortemperature. C. lf boileris to be locatedover buriedconduitcontainingslectric wiresor telephonecables,consultlocalcodesor the National lor specificrequirements. Boardol Fire Underwriters MINIMUMCLEARANCE Provideaccessibility clearanceol24' fuomsurfacesrequiringservicing(topandfront)and 18"on any siderequiringpassage.The clearances withthefollowingMINIMUM boilershallbe installed fromcombustiblematerials: CONNECTOR.Is' A. CHIMNEY B. BACK AND SIDES-6' EXCEPTas limitedby 18' cleannce fromchimneyconnector NOTE:Exceptin closetsand alcoves,clearancesabovein (A)and (B) maybe reducedby providingformsof protectionas specifiedin NFPA31,latestedition. CHIMNEYREQUIREMENTS A. The chimneymust be constructedh accordancewith all local applicablecodesand the NationalBoardol Fire Underwriters. See boilermodelsand ratingtable shownon page2 for chimneysizes. B. Checkchimneycondition. withoutreExistingchimneysand stacksmayhavedeteriorated; pairstheirusewouldbe hazardous.Beforeconnectingto an old chimneyor stack: 1. Cleanit. 2. Inspectit thoroughly. 3. Removeobstructions. 4. Replacewornsectionsof metalstacks. 5. Sealbad masonryjoints. 6. Repairdamagedlinings. C. Wheremorethanone applianceventsintoa commonchimney, the area of the commonbreechingshouldat least equal the areaof the largestapplianceflue plus50% of the additionalflue areas. D. Breechingarea must not be reducedat connectioninto chimney. Breechingmustbe insertedinto,but not beyond,insideof chimneyliner. E. Chimneyheightshall extendat least 3 feet above where it passesthroughthe roof of the building,and at least 2 teet aboveany ridgewitl'iin10feetof thechimney. F. The use of a ventcap,wherepermittedby code,givesadditional protectionagainstadversewindconditionsand precipitation. Connectflue pipe betweentop of boilerand G. FlueConnection: chimney.Horizontalsectionsof flue pipe must be pitchedupwardto the chimneyat least 114'pet foot.Fluemustbe inserted into,but not extendbeyond,the insidewall of the chimneyflue. Installdraftregulatorin flue pipe,as shownin figure3. AIR SUPPLY AND VENTING Sufficientair for combustionand ventilalionin the boilerroommust heavy be provided.Failureto do this will resultin poorcombustion, sootingand healthhazards.Any oil{ired boilermusthavea steady air at all timesduringfirdraft'andan amplesupplyof combustion ing. lf air supplyor chimneydraft-is unreliable, COeand overfire draft' will changeunpredictably. DO NOTvent this boilerto the samechimneyflue used by a fireplace or coal or wood burningfumace or boiler.The draft' produced by solid fueleddevicesvariestremendouslybetwesnhigh lire and lowfire: energy-saving buildings,naturalinfilIn modern,weatherstripped, particularly if othtrationmaynot supplyenoughair for combustion, are comappliances, exhaustfansor draftinducers er fuel-burning petingfor the same air supply.Fireplacesand othersolid fuel bumingappliances consumegreatquantitiesof air whileat high willcreatea downlire;if air supplyis notample,suchan appliance draft in the oil fired boilerflue: DO NOT operatethis boilerand a at the sametime,unlessthe solidfuel solidfuelburningappliance burneris providedwith its own outsideair supply. '00 r,loT IMiTALL mAFT RStIU-AT(nl€RE i d ^I BAROMETRIC DMFT REGULATOR INSTALLED ON HORIZONTAL CONNECTOR BAROMETRICDRAFT REGULATOR INSTALLEDON VERTICALRISE Figure3. Barcmetic Draft Regulator tl $ '* ',IBERTY 4_ FOR THIS BOILER ONLY, a grilledopening within 12' of the floor near the boiler,direct to or ducted to outside,sized to 140 sq. inch per GPH nozzlesize, is recommendedfor air supply.lf such a direcl outside air supply is not provided,COe and overfiredraft must be checked (refer to STARTUP) after closing all doors and windows that will be closedon the coldestday, and operatingall fuel burning appliancesincludingthis boilerfor at least 30 minutesof continuous operation. lf fly screen must be used over air supply openings, areas calculated should be doubled;.thescreen shouldbe inspectedand cleanedfrequentlyto maintainfree air flow. Protectair openingsagainstclosure by snow, debris,etc. Openings such as doorsor windows,if used, must be lockedopen. The openingsize recommendationiust given is for guidanceonly. lt is an installationresponsibilityto provideair for combustionand ventilationto all appliances,under all operatingconditions,for each installation. 'Draft is negativeor suctionpressure. INSTALLING CONTROLS AND ACCESSORIES ON BOILER UNITS Notes: Jacket must be installedon boilerunits priorto installation of trim. l. STEAM BOILERTRIM, see page 2 for trappinglocations,and figr, ure 4 for illustrationof steam boiler. A. Steam pressuregauge and pressurecut-out,iristallin tapping no. 4, figure4. B. Gauge glass set - use tappingno. 12. C. Pop safetyvalve - use tappingno. 3, pipedfull size to boiler; or pipe full size into a valvelesssteam header. HIPRESSURE LIMIT PRESSUREGAUGE NIPPLE 1/l' x CLOSE ELBOW 1/4"x S" 1/4'SYPHON TAPPING '4 BOILERWALL Figure4. STEAM SUPPLY $ D. Combustionsafety control - mounted on burner. ll. WATER BOILERTRIM, see page 2 for tapping locations,and figures1 and 2lor illustrationof water boiler. A. Pressure-temperature- Altitudegauge - use tappingno. 6. B. Hightemperaturelimit- use tappingno. 7. C. Operatingcontrol(if used)- use tappingno. 7. D. Water reliefvalve- use tappingno. 3, piped full size to boiler. E. Automaticair vent or compressiontank tappings- if used,' installin tappingno. 2. F. Combustionsafety control - mounled on burner. *; PIPING FOR STEAM BOILERS ProvideHeaderand HartfordLoopas suggested.See figures4 and 5. Localcodes apply. CLEANING PIPING SYSTEM A. To clean pipingsystem,open all valvesat the heatingelements. After gettingup a good head of steam,shut the boilerdown and allow the condensateto returnto the boiler.The condensatewill carry the oil film with it. Again blow-offthe boiler.On extremely fouledsystems,it may requireseveralvisits over a few days to cleanthe system. B. When steamonly (no wate| is releasedthroughthe hand valve, the boilerwill not surgeor flood. PIPING FOR WATER UNITS NOTE: On knockdown boileronly,jacketmay be installedafter supplyand returnpipingconnection,but must be installedpriorto addingtrim. I. CIRCULATING SYSTEM A. FORCEDCIRCULATIONhot water heatingsystem: Use the top tappingas supplytapping,and use the front or rear bottom tappingsfor the return. B. A FLOWCONTROLVALVE (Seefigure6) will preventgravity circulationand usuallyis requiredwhen tanklessheateris installed. II. AIR CONTROLSYSTEMS A. DIAPHRAGM-TYPECOMPRESSIONTANKS aTe used to controlsystem pressurein an AIR ELIMINATINGSYSTEM: an automaticair vent is used to REMOVEair lrom the system water.See figure6. lf system pressureneeds further control,add an additional tank or installa largercapacitytank. The automaticair vent should be installedin the top of the boiler,as in figure6. B. CONVENTIONAL COMPRESSION TANKS (non-diaphra$m type) are used to controlsystem pressurein an AIR COLLECTINGSYSTEM.Within the system, after initialstart-up and venting,air is collectedin the tank and acts in contact with the waterto controlpressure.Air is not ventedfrom this system. lf systempressureneedsfurthercontrol,add anothertank in : I il STEAtvl SUPPLY NORMAL YiIJR v LEVEL \ r--L IT '?-_-\ tt^ 251h', Y 0 RETURN LINE ModelsL-50 thru L-70 Figure5. Reommended&eam Pipingat biler ModelsL-30thru L-40 .1 LIBEBTY parallelwith the originaltank or installa largecapacitytank. Locatethe tank at the inletend of the pumpnearthe boiler. (Seefigure7) C. HOT WATER RADIATIONVENTING- Manualair vents should be installedat the top of all 'drops' (wherepiping goesdownward).Air mustbe ventedor purgedfromall zone linesto permitpropersystemheating. - Locatinglow-headpump(s)on returnto D. PUMPLOCATION for smallerboilersizesin residences boileris acceptable ol one or two stories.(Seefigure6) The pumplocationshown in figure7 is requiredin large,multi-story buildinginstallapumpsareused. whenhigh-head tions,especially E. A conventional compression tankmay be connected to the U4'tappingas shownin figure7. IMPORTANT:Hot waterheatingsystemscontaininghighwater requirespevolume,suchas wouldoccurwithcastironradiation, cialcarewithair elimination. Thecirculatorpumpshouldbe locatedon the boilersupplypipe andthe expansiontankand air scoopshouldbe locatednearthe pumpsuction.(SeeFigure6, Alternate PumpLooation.) PIPINGTANKLESS HEATER (lf used) l. Heatercapacities arelistedon Page2. ll. Pipethe built-intanklessheaterusingthe inletand outlettappingsindicated on theheater(figure8). valve(illustrated, is suggested A. Tempering but not furnished) to providemore volumeof temperatewaterto kitchenand bath. B. Hightemperature water,for dishwasherand laundry,may be pipeddirect. C. A flowcontrolvalveshouldbe usedto controlthe rateof flow of waterthroughthe coil, otherwisethe heatingcapacityof the coil will be exceeded.To insuresutficienthot water.the flow ratethroughthe coil shouldbe limitedto a maximum shownfor intermittentdrawin the ratingstableon page2. E; PRESSURE BEDUCING RELIEF VALVE VALVE (byothers) AUTOMATIC AIR VENT WIRINGTHE BOILER A. The wiringdiagramsfor the bumerand boilermaybe foundon pagesI &10. B. 24 volt controlwiring should be approvedSafetyCircuitwire, protectedas needed. C. Powersupplywiringto the bumermustbe '14gaugeor heavier, as required,and should have a properlyfused disconnect switch.120voltwiringto pumpsand safety controlsmustalso be 14 gaugeor heavier.Wire must be enclosedin approved conduit. D. All wiringmustbe installedin compliancewiththe NationalElectricCode,or anylocalor insurance codeshavingjurisdiction. t ' r l +L+ -V- SHORT NIPPLE , CIRCULATING PUMP v -^-rcm*b i-_) DIAPHRAGM> COMPRESSION TANK \I L-r r--J I SUGGESTED LOCATION OF OPTIONALAIR SCOOP, TANK AND AIR VENT PACKAGE. ALTERNATE1 W A T E RI N L E T \ (by olhsE) ::: Figure6. Air EliminatingSystem TO COMPRESSION TANK L RELIEF VENT I I *i': INSTALLINGTHE BURNER See BurnerData,pages11-15,and BurnerManualsuppliedwith burner.lf burneris not mountedas received, mountto boiler,placing flangeover mountingstuds.Use gasketbetweenflangeand boiler.Distancebetweenflangeand nose of burnermust be as shownon pages11-15.Checkto see that nozzleand settingsare as givenin burnerdatatables,pages11-15. OIL SUPPLYPIPING lnstallthe oil tank or tanksand pipingfromtank to burner. Follow localcodesand practices,NFPANo. 31, INSTALLATION OF OIL BURNINGEQUIPMENT and the instruction sheetattachedto the oil burnerpump. A one-pipesystemshouldbe usedfor gravityfed fuel systemsand for lift systems,wherethe total lift is lessthan 8 feet. Wherethe total lift is greaterthan I feet, a two-pipesystem mustbe used. In someinstances, localcodesmay requirea twopipesystemfor belowgradefuel oil tanks. Be sure to set-upthe fueloil pumpfor the pipingsystemused;followthe instructions attachedto the pump. Be sureto includea goodquality,low pressuredropfueloil filterin the supplylinefromthetank. Thisis necessary,especially at low fueloil flow rates(smallnozzlesizes),to prevenlnozzleplugging.SeeSlanVFin publication on one-pipe and two-pipefueloil systems. FLOWCONTROL VALVE I I rozoNES I .tl ALTERNATE CONNECTION Figure7. Air CollectingSystem HIGHTEMPERAruRE WATER (TO APPLIANCES) TEMPEREO J- 7 wlrrn (TO FTXTURE) "0 "o" COLO WATER SUPPLY VALVE Figure8. RecommendedPipingto TanklessHeater q 6 r rorow VENT PIPINGAND DRAFT REGULATOR A. Vent pipes must be installedhavingthe samediameteras the boileroutlet.(Seepage2.) B. Vent pipes and breechingmust be pitchedupwarda minimum of 1/4' perfoot. C. Connectvent pipeto the chimneyusingas lew elbowsas possible. D. Horizontalvent@nnectorintothe chimneyshouldnot be inserted beyondthe insidewallof the chimney. E. Installbarometricdraft regulatoron horizontalbreeching,near chimney,with hingehorizontaland face vertical.See manufacpackedin cartonwith barometricdraftregulaturer'sinstructions tor. F. It two or moreappliancesare used on the samechimney,see page3. CHIMNEY, G. Makeup alljointswithminimumair leaks,securewith sheetmetalscrews PRECAUTIONSBEFORESTARTINGOIL BURNER Makea positivecheckof A throughF beforestartingburner: A. Boilerand systemare full of water. All air is ventedfrom system. Seebelow. B. All wiringis completed. SeepagesI & 10. C. Oil supplyis connectedto the burner;nozzleis installedcorrectly; oil valveis openat tank. D. Smokepipeis connectedto chimney. E. All combustible materialsare clearedaway. F. Combustion air supplyis provided. Seepage3. G. Burnersettingsare adjustedas per pages11-15andas shown on boilerjacket. WARNING:NEVEROPERATEany naturaldraff boiler(Liberty boileris a naturaldraft boiler)with zero draft or overfirepressure:earlyfailureof the burner,nozzleand chamberis inevitable if you do. Use a draft gauge,and make sure that overfire draf is .02',minimum, duringall operating conditions. t Draftis negative or suctionpressure. (COMBUSTTON STARTUP TESTTNSTRUMENTS MUST BE USED) A. Makesuretheboileris installed andwiredproperly andis fu{lof waler. B. Openthe observation door(onthe front,abovethe burner). C. Startthe oil burner(seeburnerinstructions for bleedingair from oil,etc.).IMMEDIATELY, set burnerair bandsto obtaina bright firewithoutsmokeor oil stain.Setthe DRAFTREGULATOR to obtain.02"overfiredraft'. Takedraft readingthroughslot in observationdoor. D. Closethe obs€rvationdoor.Allowthe burnerto fire for at least one hourtotalfiringtime,to bakeout the volatilebindersin the combustion chamberbeforetakingfinalcombustion readings. E. By alternateadjustmentof the barometricdraft regulator,the burnerair regulation andheadregulation devices(whichever apply),set for a trace of smokeand as closeto 13%COzas you can.Thenopenthe air bandsor shutter(whichever apply)an additional 1/8'.Thisshouldresultin zerosmokewithNOrawoil on the smokepaperand a smoothlight-off.DO NOTATTEMPT TO SETFIREBY EYE.Flameretention burnersmayappearefficientand smokefree from an inefficient7o/oup lo an ovedy high14%COz.However,a verylow COecan also resultin poor ignitionand raw (unburned)oil enteringthe fire box.At veryhigh COz,anyslightdecreasein air flowfor anyreasonwillcauseincompletecombustion, withhighsmokeand dry sootformationin thefirebox. F. lf smokereadingis satisfactory,but COecan not be increased to a satisfactorylevel'(12o/o ot better)or ovefire draftof 0.02' W.C. can not be obtained,checkfor propersealingbetween sections,between bumer mountingplate and front section, aroundburnerblasttubeandaroundfluecollector andcollar.ll seal is not satisfactory, resealwithfurnaceputtyor siliconewith a temperatureratingof at least400' F. (All safetyprecautions indicated on materialpackagemustbe followed.) G. Onceburnerand drafthavebeenset-up,thensmoke,COeand stacktemperature shouldbe checkedand recorded.lf smokeis greaterthan trace, reviewthe burnerinstructions;replacethe nozzleit necessary.Normalsmoketo be expectedat approximalely13olo COzis zeroto a trace. CLEANINGAND FILLINGA NEW WATER BOILER I. BEFOREFILLINGWATERBOILER. A. Check burnerto be certainit is ready for firing. DO NOT FIREintoan emptyboiler. B. Be preparedto heatraw waterto at least180" soonas it is introducedinto the boiler.This procedurewill remove gases. dissolved, corrosive C. Providedrainline,with valve,from boiler.Use a bottomtapping.Lineanddrainmustbe suitablefor handlingcausticsolution. II. CLEANING WATERBOILERSYSTEM A. Preparea boil-outsolutionol sodium hydroxide(caustic soda)or ti-sodium phosphate. NOTE:Use cautionin handlingchemicals.Causticsodais harmfulto skin,eyesandclothing. 1. Proportions: 1 lb. of eitherchemicalper 50 gallonsof system water. 2. Stir chemicalin water until dissolvedand pour into the boilerthrougha toptapping.Replaceplug. B. Fillthe entiresystemwithwater. c. Stanthe burner,usingthe start-upprocedure. D . Circulatethe waterthroughthe entiresystem. E. Ventthesystem,including the radiation. F, Allow boilerwaterto reachoperatingtemperature,if possible. G . Continueto circulatethe waterfor a few hours. H . Shutoffthebumer. L With CAUTION,drain the boilersolutionto a safe location. DO NOTLEAVESOLUTION SITTINGIN SYSTEMOVER2 HOURS. J. Wash the water-side of the boilerthoroughlyusing a high pressurewater stream. Fill and drain the boiler several times. III.TREATING WATERFORCORROSION CONTROL (Thisis not ScaleControl) A. Preparea solutionol sodiumchromate. Proportions: 6 oz. per 50 gallonsof systemwater. B. Stirchemicalintowateruntildissolvedand oourintothe boiler througha toptapping.Replaceplug. IV.FILLING ANDVENTING THEWATERBOILER. A. Refillthe systemwithfreshwater. B. Bringwatertemperature to at least180"F promptly. il a j I * { * WATERCONTENT OF BOILER(GALLONS) L-20 L-30 L-40 L-50 L-60 L-70 WaterBoiler 8 . 3 10.7 1 3 . 1 1 5 . 5 1 7 . 8 22.6 Steam Boiler 6.9 8.8 10.7 Iz.o t 14.5 VOLUMEOFWATERIN STANDARD PIPEOR TUBE Standard Steel Pipe Nominal Inside Gallons Pipe ichedule Diameter per Size No. Inches Lin.Ft. lnches 318 1t2 5/8 3t4 1 1 114 1 1t2 2 2'v2 3 40 0.622 0.0157 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 0.824 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 o.0277 0.0449 o.0779 0.106 0.174 0.249 0.384 TypeL CopperTube Inside Dia. lnches 0.430 0.545 0.666 0.785 1.025 1.265 1.505 1.985 2.465 2.945 Gallons per Lin.ft.. 0.0075 0.0121 0.0181 0.0251 0.0429 0.0653 0.0924 0.'t61 0.248 0.354 $ i!g: $ o q !l .4 { { LIBERTY c. Circulatewaterfiroughehtiresystem. D . Ventthe system,includingthe radiation. E. The boileris nowreadyto be put intoserviceor on standby. air-controldevicesare used,ventinginstrucF. lf brand-name tionsfumishedwiththedevicesshouldbe followed. SYSTEM V. SAFETY CHECKFORCONTROL Highlimitcontroltest Setthermostathighenoughfor boilerwato reachhigh limit controlsetting. Whenthis ter temperature is reached, the highlimitswitchshouldopen,and temperature the burnershouldshut off automatically.lf the high limit does notoperate to shutoff the burner,the highlimitor the wiringis faulty.Repairor replaceimmediately. CLEANINGAND FILLING A NEW STEAM BOILER I. BEFORE USINGSTEAMBOILER. A. Checkburnerto be certain it is readyfor firing. DO NOT FIREintoan emptyboiler. B. Be preparedto heatraw waterto at least180"Fas soonas it is introducedinto the boiler.This procedurewill removedissolved,corrosivegases. C. Providedrainline,with valve,from boiler.Usea bottomtapping. Line and drain must be suitable for handlingcausticsolution. D. Checkfor low water cut-offoperation,see sectionbelowfor checkout. II. CLEANSTEAMBOILERSYSTEM. on theboiler. A. Fillthe boilerto waterlineindicated B. Followstart-upprocedurefor burnerand operatethe boiler with steamin the entirs systemtor 2 or 3 daysto bringoil and dirt fromthe systemto the boiler.Whilesystemis in operation,maintain the properwaterlevelin theboilerby slowly addingwaterto lhe boiler. C. Shutdownbumer,cooldownboileranddrainsystem. D. Procedure to dissolveoil andgreasein boiler: 1. Fillboilerto properwaterline. 2. Preparca boil-outsolutionol sodiumhydroxide . phosphate: (causticsoda)and tri-sodium NOTE:Usecautionin handling chemicals. Caustic sodais harmfulto skin,eyesandclothing. . (a) Proportions:1 lb. of eachchemicalper 50 gallons of systemwater. (b) Stir chemicalsinto wateruntildissolvedand pourinto the boilerthrougha toptapping.Replaceplug. 3. Startthe burner;boilthewaterforat least5 hours; shutoff the burner. E. WithCAUTION,drainthe boilersolutionto a safelocation. DO NOTLEAVESOLUTION SITTINGIN SYSTEMOVER2 HOURS. F. Washthe waterside of the boilerthoroughly usinga high pressurewater stream. Fill and drain the boiler several times. III.TREATING WATERFORCORROSION CONTROL (Thisis notscalecontrol). A. Preparea sofutionol sodiumchromate. Proportions: 1 lb. per50 gallonsof boilerwater. B. Stir chemicalin water until dissolvedand pour into boiler througha toptapping.Replaceplug. IV.FILLINGANDVENTINGTHESTEAMBOILER. A. Refillthe boilerto the indicated waterline. promptly. B. Bringwaterto boilingtemperature, C. The boileris now readyto be put intoserviceor on standby. BLOWING OFF A LOW PRESSURESTEAM BOILER A. A 1-112'NPTtappingis providedin the frontof the boiler(tappingno.9, figure1) for use as a surfaceblowdownto provide rapidskimmingof oil and greasewhichaccumulateon the surfaceof the water. The boilershouldbe blowndownas outlined below. B. Turn off electricalpower supplyto boiler.Allow boilerto cool down and steam pressureto reduceto zero beforeremoving skimmertappingplug.Checkfor steampressureby testingthe pop safetyvalve.Keep your handsand all parts of your body away from the dischargeend of the safetyvalve.Drainboiler down one to two inches below skimmertapping.The water mightbe hot. Removeskimmerplugslowlyand carefullyinstall a 150psi malleable iron 1-112'NPTstreetelbow,a 1-112'NPT skimmervalve and lengthof pipe and place a bucketunderneaththe open end of the pipe. Coverbucketwith a pieceof cloth.(Seefigure9.) C. Fillboilerslowlyuntilwaterlevelis two inchesfromtop of gauge glass.(Ihis is the startingwater level for skimmingonly).Fire boilerto producesteam.lf the systemis heavilyladenwithoil, it may be difficultto obtainmuchmorethana poundor so of pressure. Set the pressurecontrolat about 7 psi. The higherthe steampressureyoucan use,the betterand fasterthe cleaning. D. As steamdevelops,opsn the SKIMMERdrain valve with caution to skimthe oil and film fromthe top of the water.DO NOT openthe boilerdrainvalve.Closethe skimmerdrainvalvewhen the water level drops to about 5' from the top of the gauge glass.The watermaystopbeforethe leveldropsto 5' belowthe top of theglass.Refillboileruntilwaterlevelis againtwo inches fromthe top of the gaugeglass. E. Repeat(D)aboveuntilall film is skimmedoff and the watersettlesto a normalmovement.Add makeup freshwaterto the boiler as describedin (D) above,duringthe blow-offoperation,to maintainthe properskimmingwaterlevelin the vessel.Empty in orderto seethe ditference bucketfrequently in watercleanliness. F. Whensurginghas stoppedand wateris clean,and no filmcan be seenfloatingin the bucket,shutoff boiler,draindownto level of skimmertapping,removevalve,plugskimmertappingahd refilftheboilerto24-1/2'waterlevel. After15 minuteoperation,readjustlevelto normaloperatinglevel ol 25-112'from bottomof boiler(seefigure9). Checkthe pop safetyvalvefor properoperation. Checkfor lowwatercutdf operation,see nextpage. G. The entireprocessmay haveto be repeatedovera periodof a tew dayson extemelyfouledsystems. POPSAFETYVALVE CTAUGEGL SS F L U EP I P E I T 2s 1l? NORMAL OPERATING WATER LEVEL STARTOF SKIIMIT.IG IEVEL. ? BELOW TOPOF GAUGEGLASS 1 I/z MALLEABLE IRoN 150PSISTREET ELBOW I lrr SrhrttvtER DRAINVALVE COVERED BIrcKET Figure9, LOW WATER CUT.OFF CHECK.OUT Electronicprobetype low watercut-off. lf this boileris factory equippedwithan electronicprobetypelow watercut-otf,operationol cut-offshouldbe checkedat leasttwicea yearas follows: A. While boiler is running,drain down boiler water slowly throughBoilerDrainCockshownon page4, just untillight goeson.Boilershouldshutdown10 secondsafterlightgoes on. B. Be surethat it is the low watercut-offand not the roomthermostat,pressurecut-out,or other controlthat has shut-off theburner. C. Refillthe boilerand repeattest. D. Refilltheboilerandresetcontrolsfor normaloperation. il. Floattypelowwatercut-ofl lf this boileris factoryequippedwitha McDonnell & Millerfloat typelowwatercut-ofi,the lowwatercut-offmustbe blowndown (flushed), at leastoncea week. d LIBERTY CAUTION: Whenflushingtloat type low watercut-offcontrol, hot water and steamwill flow out the blow down valve. Blow downvalveis illustratedbelow. INSTRUCTIONS A. SPECIALFLUSHING Fornewboilerinstalled in oldsystem. Installation of newboilermaybreakloosea heavyaccumulationof sedimentand scalefromold pipingand is extremelyimportantto blow down your McDonnellcut-off morefrequentlythe firstweek. Firstweek-3times - at leastoncea week. Thereafter B. As boilerwatercirculatesthroughthe float chamber,dirt or other sedimentmay be deposited. This chamberis extra deep. Butthe only sureway to keepany accumulafonfrom interfering withfloatactionis to "blowdown',or flushout,the controloncea week. Do it whileboileris in operation.Firstnotewaterlevelin gaugeglass. Openblow-offvalveat bottomof control;water will pourout, flushingaway sediment.Drainuntilwateris clear- abouta pail- thenclosevalve. lf levelin gauge glasshas dropped,add waterto boilerto restorelevel. C. NOTE: Openingblow-offvalvecheckscut-offoperationtoo. As float dropswith fallingwaterlevel,burnerwill stop. After burneris off and normaloperatingconditionsrestored,burner willresumefiring. D. Be surethat it is the low watercut-offand notthe roomthermostiat,pressurecut-out,or other controlthat has shut off the burner. PRESSURECONTROL CHECK.OUT A. Checkbumerto be certainit is readyfor firing. DO NOTFIRE intoan emptyboiler. B. Set thermostathigh enoughfor boilerto make steam. Set the pressurecontroldownto its lowestsetting. As the boilerstarts to producesteam,the steampressurewill start to build. The burnerwill shut-offwhenthe steampressureexceedsthe pressuresetting(plusdifferential if controlhasthis feature). C. Adjustthe pressure controlto a highersetting.The highersetting shouldbe abovethe steampressurein the boiler. This shouldturntheburnerbackon. D. Resetthe pressure controlas neededfor thesystem.Thepressurecontrolshouldbe checkedat leasttwicea year. NIPPLE j' 8'F;l",,J"* |b.o. ruee LOV' WATER CUT 6F UATERLE\€L WATER LEVEL GAL'G€ BLOWDOWN---------------> VALVE DRAIN PIPE I REPLACEMENTOF STEAM BOILERS Anytimean oldersteamboileris removedfromthe heatingsystem and replacedwitha new boiler,thereare certainconditionsthat haveto be examinedon the heatingsystem. A. Steamsystemshavea tendencyto developscaleinsidethe wet returnlinesandthe boiler.Theolderthe systemthegreaterthe accumulation of scalethat can existinsidethe piping. Therefore,it is necessary whenreplacing a steamboilerto checkthe pipingfor blockageor restrictions. Cleanor replacethe piping as required.(Seespecialflushinginstructions above.) B. Replace all buriedwet returnlines. (airvents,radiation C. All equipment equipment, etc.)in the steam heatingsystemshouldbe checkedfor properoperation.All pipingshouldbe checkedfor properpitch. practiceto repackor tightenthe packing D. lt is goodengineering nutson all valvesin the heatingsystem. STEAMCONTROLASSEMBLY InstalledMcDonnell & Miller67 lowwatercut-offandwaterlevelgauge. S P E C I A LF L U S H I N GI N S T B U C T I O N S Installationot new boiler may break loose a heavy accumulatronol sedimentand scalelrom old pipingand radiators.ll rsextremelyimportantlo blowdownyourMcDonnell Cut-olfmore lrequentlythe lirst week. Firstweek-3 times Therealter-at leastonce a week. See CARE& MAlNTENANCE sectiontor inslructions. \ 5. rxo o { 1 9: LIBERTY BASIC WIRING DIAGRAMS L8124Cor A (withtanklessheater) L8't48A (withouttanklessheater) I I I 'G I FE Q U I P P E D L I N EH E A T E R NOZZLE Overload protection and disconnect switch must be provided as requiredby localcodes. MULTIPLE ZONEWIRINGDIAGRAM, ZONEVALVEMETHOD ZONE WIRINGDIAGRAM, CIRCULATORMETHOD (L8124) l "Tt\ NOTES: highlimitset1. Recommended tingis 200'F.Lowlimitmust be set at least20'F below highlimitsetting. ZR, 2. Pumpzoningterminals on L8124conZC furnished trolsonly.Seepumpzoning diagrambelow. f l* ."O Zone 2 Zone 1 ra22D rSuo t 120vAc/6oHz L81244 or C to Primry Cootrol t 120VAC/60H2 G NOTES: 1. R€comm€nd€d high limil s€ning is 20O"F. Low limit must b€ sot at least 2O'F bolow high limit sefing. Zono l Circrrlator To zon€3. it used' Note: Total cirdllator load not to exceed I amp full load. for cirqjits shown. WIRINGFOR L8148A PUMP ZONE DIAGBAM I I <- Ll (HOr) A A *,/i\ pRovroE DrscoNilEcr MEANs AND ovERLoAD ,o*a^ rrrra". PROTECTIONA5 REQUIREO. -/ 2 \ C O N T R O LC A S EM U S TB E C O N N E C T E 'OO E A R T HG R O U N O .U S E c n o u x o r n c s c R E wP R o v r o E o . 2. Pump zoning torminalsZR, ZC turnish€d m L8124 trlDls only. See pump zoning diagam b€low. t Overload prolsction and disconnocl switcfi must bo p.ovided as rsquifed by bcal cod€s. WIRINGFOR PACKAGEDSTEAM BOILER EQUIPPEDWITH MC DONNELLNO.67 L.W.C.O. High-PressureLimit .recommendedsetting0.5 PSI .differential5 PSI A ,tou^.r.or, lH rlA?:T^T Low Limit (tanklessmodel only) .recommendedsetting'l60"F -orER s^FETy co{THLs \J (t-t) Pi | | L(tI TAIER ALAFi (n UAIER FM (0fi1o{ L) rIa-o c(llccTltr6 3 CONO. 8X. CABLE STEAMHARNESS,5 BLUE I.IIRE AVAILABLE OR (PTIONAL ALARMOR TER FEEDERIF USED) [tt-+l L:J t+-l L4006A L O WL I M I T FOR TANKLESS ( oPT I ONAL) FLA'€ SEilS(n ) F T Solenoid valve if equipped. a Splice o Terminal A A A 2 CONO.BX. C^BLE STEAMHARNESS '2 FIELD CONNECT ON PRESS. CUT OUT END Overloadprotectionanddisconnectswitchmustbe providedas requkedby localcodes. Nozzlelineheater,if equipped. On burners without nozzle line heater, fietd connect hot line to single black wire from 3 conductor box cable in 4 x 4 junction box. WIRINGFORPACKAGEDSTEAMBOILER Foralternate optionPS-801-120 L.W.C.O. High-PressureLimit Recommendedsetting- 0.5 PSI Differential- 5 PSI Lorivlimit (Tankless Model only) Recommended setting - 160eF 4x4 JUNCTION BOX ON BURNER THERI'OSTAT Y6 Y LOI/VWATERALARM OR WATERFEEDER (oPTroNAL) FIELD CONNECTIONS PS-801-120L.W.C.O. LOOSE WH]TELEAD CONNECT TO PROBE L ._ - l L 4006A LOW LIMIT FOR TANKLESS (oPTroNAL) i PROBE -Lr E6Jilmt i BURNER MOIOR HEXNUT ! I FLAlvtESENSOR I Overload protectionand disconnectswitch must be provided as required by local codes. . N O Z Z L EL I N EH E A T E R IF EQUIPPED / +coND. , BX.CABLE STEAMHARNESS'1 (BLUEWIREAVAILABLE FOROPTIOI.IAL ALARM OR WATERFEEDERIF USED') _- L_-':__.i PRESS.CUTOT.IT ..J 2COND. BX.CABLE STEAM HARNESS tr2 F I E L DC O N N E C T ON PRESS CUT OUT END. o' ffi Ed 11 LIBERTY BURNERDATA _ CARLIN BURNERSFOR PACKAGEDBOILERSONLY (For knockeddown & boiler burner units see publicationno. L-42KB) * FIRING RATE stzE BURNER NO.2otL (GPH) (GPH) MODEL' BOILER MODEL ffi, ;'1 ,A' OIL PUMP APPROX. PRESSURE APPROX. AIRBAND o/ SETTING HEAD SET- OPENING (PSrG) T I N GN O . f NOZZLES ANGLE& TYPE MFR. L-20 71357 99.FRD .75 75 70'A DELAVAN 100 1.0-2.0 45-50 L.3OH 71357 99-FRD 71357 1.00 1.00 600 A DELAVAN 100 2.H.0 7H0 1.10 1. 1 0 60'A DELAVAN 100 2.H.0 80-90 1.25 1.25 60'A DELAVAN 100 2.H.0 90 1.50 1.50 450 ES HAGO 100 3.0 50 113 4.0 60 105 5.0 90 100 3.0 40 110 3.0 50 DELAVAN 109 5.0 60 108 5.0 50 L-30 99.FFID 71357 99.FRD 71373 L.4OH qq-trFlT) 71373 L-40 1.60 700 B DELAVAN 1.50 7O'SS 1.75 70'w 70"ss HAGO DELAVAN HAGO 60"w DELAVAN Oq-FFID 71373 1.80 9q.FFID L-sOH L-50 71399 99-FRD 2.OO 71399 99.FRD 2.10 71399 99-FRD 71316 L-60 102-CRD-3 71316 102-CRD-3 L-60 87189 BARN.Y,C. 102-CRD-3 2.00 450 P HAGO DELAVAN 2.35 2.25 600B 700w 700ss 700w 2.60 2.50 70" P HAGO 70'w DELAVAN 700 P HAGO DELAVAN HAGO 107 6.0 80 107 5.0 50 HAGO 125 8.0 90 HAGO 125 10.0 90 DELAVAN DELAVAN 107 8.0 90 2.85 2.00 2.75 60'w 2.60 2.50 45'SS 3.10 2.75 60'SS 600w 60'SS DELAVAN HAGO ONLY 71332 102-CRD 71332 102-CRD L-70 78790 L-70 BARN.Y.C. 102-CRD ONLY t n 3.35 3.00 60'w 3.10 3.00 60" B 60"ss DELAVAN HAGO Headandair bandsettingsareapproximate ONLY. SeeSTARTUP on page6 andbumertigurebelow. Allburn€rmodelsshownaresinglestage. NOTE: 1. The air shutters on the bumers tor models L-20, L-30 and L-40 are blank (closed). 2. The air shutterson the bumersfor modelsL-50. L-60 and L-70 are full open. 3. Singleslottedair band for L-20 and L-30. 4. Doubleslottedair band L-40. L-50.L-60 and L-70. * hble lot aryuhaft sctff,rlB HEAD ADJUSTMENTSCREW AIR BAND AA'USTMENT Examplg shown at op€n (50%) oosition.Band closes when mov6d clockwise(right). HEAD ADJUSTMENT Examols shown al no. l. AIR TUBE FOB L-60 & 1.70 i 12 , ueentY BURNERDATA- BECKETTBURNERSFOR PACKAGEDBOILERSONLY (For knockeddown & boilerburner unitssee publicationno. L-42KB) BOILER MODEL L-30 L-40 L-50 BURNER MODEL' BURNER HEAD AFG-SF-11-07 F4S AFG.SF.11-02 AFG-SF-11-05 F120 F164 FIRING RATE SIZE (GPH) (GPH) 1.00 1.00 1.10 ' |. 1 0 1.25 1,25 1.60 1.50 1.80 1.75 2.10 2.00 ANGLE &TYPE 2.25 HAGO 80'A DELAVAN DELAVAN HAGO DELAVAN HAGO DELAVAN 80"w 80'ES 80" w 80' ES 80'w APPROX. AIR BAND SETTING No.t 100 I CLOSED 't00 9 CLOSED 100 10 'v2 3 80'ES 80" B 80" SS HAGO DELAVAN 113 113 HAGO 105 10 10 't0 80'B DELAVAN 80' P HAGO DELAVAN HAGO DELAVAN 110 10 1-112 109 10 3-112 80" P 80"w t Air shutter and air band settings shown are approximateONLY See STARTUP page 6. " All bumer modelsshown are singlestage. MFR. 80'ss 80'w 2.35 OIL PUMP APPROX. PRESSURE AIR SHUTSETTING TER SET(PStc) T|NG NO.t NOZZLES 1-1t4 1-1t2 i$ {r ,$ NOTE: 1. Extonded heads on all units 2. No static plate for L-50 only. insertiondepth 2-5132for L-30 and L-40;2-21/32 for L-50. 4. Air Band: 2 slot for L-30, 4 slot for L-40, I slot for L-50 .ll .:5 q 4 &€ tabletor dpryxlmald setfng'. 1/16' ElectrodeAdustments I in ..' s SHUTIEF AD.'USTMENT ShutteroD€nsclockwis€ (right). Exampleshown at no. 6 position. (0) is not imprinlodon burner, but isths first mark on the left EMBOSSED AIR SAND AD.'USTMENT Examplo shown in closed (0) position. Band opens when moved clockwise(right). -i .: AIR BAND ra q 13j LIBERTY I' & BURNERDATA- RIELLOBURNERSFORPACKAGEDBOILERSONLY (Forknoc{<ed no.L-42KB) down& boilerburnerunitssee publication BOILER iilODEL FIRING RATE BURNER DESCRIPT. NO.2oll (GPH) toN zuRNER I/|ODEL' L.3OH 40 Series F-5 L.3OHF 40 Series F-s 40 Series L-30 F-s with shorttube with shorttube with shorttube NOZZLES SIZE (GPH) ANGLE& TYPE MFR. 1.00 .75 60" ES HAGO 178 2.40 0 .95 .75 60OES HAGO 160 2.20 0 1.10 .85 7OOES HAGO 160 4.50 2 160 4.00 2 145 2.OO 0 160 2.50 1 180 3.00 1 't7s 3.00 1 700 B 1.25 1.00 7OOES 70'W L-4OH 40 Series withshort F-10 lube 40 Series withshort L-40 F-10 tube 1.50 1.25 70'B 1.60 1.25 600 FS withshort tub€ withshort tube wilhshort tube HAGO DELAVAN DELAVAN HAGO 2.OO 1.50 45'B 1.90 1.50 4508 DELAVAN 160 2.60 1 2.10 1-6s 600w DELAVAN 160 4_OO 2.3s 1.7s 60" W DELAVAN 170 4.00 2 4 1.35 70'ES 700 B 40 Series F-10 L.5OHF 40 Series F-10 L-s0 40 Series F-10 DELAVAN DELAVAN HAGO DELAVAN DELAVAN 700 B 1.80 L.5OH ONLY. See STARTUPpage6. f' Air shutterandheadsettingsshownare approximate All burnermodelsshownaresinglestage. NOTE: Forproperinsertionintocombustionchamberseefigure12. * Flgure 9A Rlelto 40 Serles MODEL F-5 ELECTROOESETTING dF. -a- OIL PUMP APPBOX. PRESSURE APPROX. SETTING AIR SHUTTER HEADSET. (PSIG) SETTINGNO.t T|NGNO.t :lt ,"'-- q 1 Flgure 98 MOOELF.1O ELECTRODE SETTING lmportant: Forproperinsertionintochamberseefigure '12. *Tl*5n2' q+FD a- NOTE:ELECTRODES ARE PRESETAT THEFACTORY. REGULATION OF THETURBULATOR ANDAIR SHUTTER FOR PROPER COMBUSTION TurbulatorSettlng 1. Loosonnut, 1, thenturnthe screw,2, untilthe indexmarker,3, is alignedwith the correctindexnumber. 2. Retighten theretaining nut,1. TURBULATOR SETTINGS.RIELLO40 SERIES The numberson the castingare thereto denotetre highand low end of thescale- in all casesthefirstmarkif 'Zero'. Theairloilratiodependson a@uratesettingof the turbulatordisc. Becarefulwhenmakingthisadjustment as an incorrect settingwill resultin an unsatisfactory installation. Seefigures10A& B. SETTING THEAIRADJUSTMENT PLATE (Seefiguret 1) 1. Thehydraulic AIR SHUTTER(A)is operatedby the HYDMULIC JACK (F), assuringcompleteopeningof he oombustionair intake. Regulationof the combustionair flow is madeby adjustmentof the manualAIR ADJUSTMENT PLATE(D)afterloosening the FIXINGSCREWS(C & E). The initialsettingof the air plateshouldbe madeaccording adjustment to page13. 2. Thepropernumberon themanualAIRADJUSTMENT PLATE(D) shouldline up with the SETTINGINDICATOR(B) on the fan housingcover. Once set, the air adjustmentplateshouldbe securedin placeby tightening SCREWSC and E. Manually open and releasethe hydraulicair shutterto ensureit has free movement. 3. The finalpositionof the air adjustmentplatewill varyon eachinstallation. Use instrumentsto establishthe propersettingsfor maximumCO2anda smokereadingof zero. NOTE: Variations in fluegas,smoke,CO2and temperature rea& ingsmaybe experienced whenhe burnercbveris putin place. Therefore,the burnercovermuet be in placewhen makingthe finalcombustion instrument readings, to ensure propertestresults. . I t! l; ix { ": 'j j 4 't t :I Flgure 11 $ I i Flgure 10A 3 Flgure 12 2 FoR PROPERINSERTION INTOCOIT|BUSTION CI{AMER 1 $ , u fi 1 o* { Flgure 108 FoR BotLERMoDELSL-,o & L-io usE RELLOEXTENSION FLANGENO.RG$lgc FORMECTRON 10 BURNER. MODEL F.lO ,*ll 54 210 lll--, ooilBuslloN CHAMBER rr j' il BOILERS ONLY FORPACKAGED BUBNERDATA_ WAYNEBURNERS (Forknockeddown& boilerburnerunitssee publication no.L-42K8) BOILER MODEL L-50 FIRING NOZZLES RATE SIZE ANGLE& BURNER NO.20tL (GPH) (GPH) TYPE MODELEH 2.15 2.35 2.O0 2.25 80'B 80" B 80'P L-60 EH 2.60 2.50 800 w 80" SS 2.85 L-70 t EH 3.00 3.10 3.35 2.75 3.00 3.00 3.00 MFR. DELAVAN DELAVAN HAGO DELAVAN HAGO HAGO '. .,i OIL PUMP PRESSURE SETTING (PSrG) 115(BAR)I 109 'A' APPROX. HEAD SETTINGT APPROX. AIR BAND SETTING 3/8" Back 112" 314" 1/8" Back 108(BAR)t 1/8" Forward t 314', 1-118" 1/8" Forward 107 DELAVAN DELAVAN 100(BAR)I 1/8" Forward 107 1/8" Forward HAGO 1-1l8" 1-1l8', 70'w DELAVAN DELAVAN 1-7t8" 70'SS HAGO 800 P 80'w 70'w 70'SS 700w 107 125 113 1/8" Forward ' Ghoke3' (Waynepartno. 12329);StaticDisc2-112',6"airtube;1-3/4'insertion fortheweldedflange. for usein Bureauof Air Resources. arefor Libertyboilersapproved marked'BAR" f Burnerspecifications I v ABOVE CENTER 4'DIA. TUBE 6'LONG + i -l s'cHoKE FI 'f SETTli,lG: SHOWN lN FORI 'ARD POSITION.SEE TABLE ABOVE VIEW A-A A A % , d j 1 ' .:i rli: :a d{ 16 LIBERTY CARE AND IIAINTENANCE l. EXTENOED SHUTDOWN,OR REIvIOVAL OF BOILERFROM SERVTCE. A. Flushsltdge frombotbm of bdl€r. Whil€$e boileris stillhot (180" to 2@" F), drain water trofn the bottom of he boilor untilit runscbar. B. ProvirJeconosion protectionb wat€r (this is not scah conrol): 1. For steam bclilers,maintaina sodum chrynala.solut'nn sbengthof 16 oz. per 50 gallonsof wator;and refillto the Op of the gaugeghse. 2. For wabr boibrs, maintain a sodum chromatesolutinn stenglh of 6 oz. per 50 gallonsof wabr, and refill to normalfill-pressurewitrsysom wnted. 3. Raisewetertemgeraur€to at least180"Ffor one hourto releaseclssolvedgases. 4. Strutdownbumerby dsconnectingthe mainswitch. C. Cleanboilerheatingsurfacesthoroughly,dorvno cleanmetal. 1. Remow flueand c-leantroroughly. ' 2. Remow bp flue colleaor b facilitab cleaningsoot and scah from the heatirB eurfms. To remove the frue collector, the top rear jacket panel mustftrstbe remowd. The ffuecollectoris heH in place by a single caniage bolt and wing nut at tre rear of the boiler. Removethe wing nut and pull up firmlyon the rear of he frue colledor tipping it forward to keak the seal betweenit and the boiler. Then,pull it out fromunder th€ lip in the front bciler section. .3. To gain ac€ss to the combUstionchamberfor deaning, he burnermustbs removed.The flexibleelgcficalaonduits frorn the burnerb the limit ontrols are long enough to allowremovingthe bumerwilhoutdisconnecting them. The cast iron burnermountingplao shouldbe remocd,. , aloogwih the bumerto compl€tolyexposefre combuslion chamberfor thoroughdeaning and foqinspectionof the targetwall. 4. Use the flue brush b c-leanthe pinnedfluerrvays b€tweon the sections. A wire brushmay be usedto rcmoveany carbon aocumulatbn hat may have developed in the combus$onchamber. Vecuumtre loose soot and debris from he boiler. 5. Insped fie refracbry target wall in he redr of the combustionchamber. lf bady deteriorat€d,it shouldbe replaced. Inspectthe bumer oombustionhead. Cleanlf necgssaryand make sure all the adjustmsntsarc con€€i. (See bumer data pages for the burnerinstalled.) Replaceoil nozzlewith a newone. To insureproperburner , operationONLY THE NOZZLESSPECIFIEDlN THIS MANUALOR ON THE BURNERI.ABELSHOULDBE USEDFORREPIACEMENT. \ 6. Protsctall of dp firesidesurfacesby swabbingwih neuUalmineraloil. 7. Replaceburnerand iue collecbr. In most casg6,tho flue collecbr €ealantcan be reused. Smootr the sealant in the groove around he top of he boiler sectionsand under the lip in the front sec{ion. Be sureftat trere aro no gap6. The hed of the caniage bolt frts into tho slot on tre bp of the rear seclion. Insert the front edge of the flue collector underhe lip on the front section. Push forward and dovn on the flue collector,guidingthe bolt into f€ bracketon he flue cotlector. Add tre washerand wing nut andtightenuntila propersealis obtained.lf boilerroomis damp,provkleventilation. II. PrcUDNG PrcTECTIONFORFREEZING Anti-freezeis sometimeeusd in hydronb heating systemsto probct againstfreeze-upin the event of ponuerfailure,or safety controlshudownwhen the buiklingis shouldbe reognized that unlessthe buildingis kept abovefreezingtemp€rat.neby somem€ans,he plumbingsystemis not protected. Two Spes of anti-fieezemay be used: ETHYLENEGLYCOL, used in automobiles,has desirableprops,rti€s, but is toxic. lb uss may be prohibitedwhen sysbm water/glycolsolufronis in contactwith a potrablewater vessel (as with a tianklessheabr). PROPYLENEGTYCOLis used in tre quick-freezetood indusfy; it is prrcti<;allynon-toxic. lts use may be permitrd when tanklessheatersare us€d.Whenanti-freezemust be used,inhibitedpropyl€rnglycolie rscomm€nded. Usefulinformation on mixingproportions,etc. of glycolin heating . the characteristics, _ : systsmsis given in TechnicalTopicsNo 2A, availablefromtre . . HydronicsInstitub, 35 Russo Place, Berkel€yHeights,N.J. - 07922.Consultglycol manufacturers for souroesof propylene glyool. * -tr ltiJo|LTBURNER Inspgctand dean annuallyand bllowingany pefud of improper operation.Recfi€ck and adjuet setings as specifiedfor burner modelard nozzlesize. Sst bumer air ard draft rcgulator,using test instrumentsb obtrainreommendedCOzand draftwithoutsmoke.Referto pag€ 6. n ' IV.GENERAiIUAINTENANCE Theseoperationsare recommend€dto be p€rformedat regular inbnrals: A. BOILERHEATINGSURFACES:cleanoff all coatingsforqd. Resealcovers. . ":. B. BOILERCONTROLS: c*t€ckcontac-t6, settings,conectfunc.lioning. C; PIPING:dreck p*5ting ard accessories for leaks. D. CHIMNEY or STUBVENTand BREECHING: cfreckfor obstruclionsand leaks. E. COMBUSTION AIR TO BURNER:checkfor continuedPO$ ITIVE supplyof air as required.Air needsare greatestin coldestweather.Refero AIR SUPPLY,page3. F. WATERSYSTEM:check 1. Sysbm b be full of w$r and pressureto remainslable (botween12 psi and25 psi). 2. Air-control'systsm:noise and air binding in racf,atkrn shouldnotoccur. 3. Waterlines:slighbstleaksshouldbe corrected. 4. Lowwatercutoff,for operation(seeinstructions fumished with unit). See page7. G. STEAMSYSTEM:check 1. Lowwatercutoff,for operation(seeinsUuctions furnished with unit). See page7. 2. CheckF€ssurecut-oftfor opsration.See page8. 3. Any unusualwaterconditions.Obtainwateranalysisand treatwabr. H. BOILERRooM AIR SUPPLY:air wnts shouldbe ooenand free of obstruction.See pag€3. *.' f A fluebrush(2-114'dia.)is suppliedwith boiler.Replacemgnb are availablefrorrrdeal€ror hardwarestores. i i { I I i I : q J *l l i ; d _l il-.. .,dr. !t ,n4t I SlantlEn, 100FoWDRlvE, GREENVA , NY 11548(516)484-2600 { { .q p-kE ffi PARTSLIST -- frfBERTY 'A.KAGED cASr-rRoN orl B.TLERS Table1: WATERBOILERPARTSLIST.P ANDPT ow L-20 L-30 L-40 L-s0 L-60 L-70 1 A Castingsubassemblywater, less plate 1 B Castingsubassemblywater, extendedboss 1 430712 430713 430714 4307't5 4307't6 430717 less plate Casting subassembly water, solid front (NO provisionfor tankless) BumermountingplateC.l. Front refractoryinsulation 1 430712 430713 430714 430715 430716 430717 1 1 1 430702 430014 430018 430703 430014 43001I 430704 430014 430018 430705 430014 43001I 430706 430014 430018 430707 430014 43001I 4 4A 5 6 7 I 9 Target wall Blanket,insulation Stud 3/8-16x 1-7l8 steel intemrptedthread Sealantmaterial1/4"dia.50"long,mtg.plate Hex nut 3/8-16steel Washer flat 3/8 nom. steel Blank olate.tankless 1 430029 430029 430029 430029 4 1 7 13 1 430115 430136 400328 430117 430031 430115 430136 400328 430117 430031 430115 430 136 400328 430117 430031 430115 430136 400328 430117 430031 430029 430059 430115 430136 400328 430117 430031 430029 430060 430115 430136 400328 430117 430031 10 'I 1 Gasket 1/8 thick Cap screw3/8-16x 314lng. hex hd. Flue collector Flue collectorsealant Caniage bolt 1l4-2Ox 2-112long Wing nut 1/4-20 Washer 1/4" 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 Cleanout door CRS Observationdoor C.l. Self tapping screw, 114-20x 1 long hex slotted hd. Stud 3/8-16x 1-3/8 steel interruptedthread Jacket.insulatedtop Jacket,insulatedside Jacket,insulatedrear Jacket.insulatedfront. water Emblem- SlanVFin Sheetmetal screw #8 x 3/8 AB hex slot hd. Reliefvalve - H.W. 30 PSI Conbracoor Watts Nipple3/4 x 2 long (for reliefvalve) Drainvalve 3/4 NIBCO #74 Reducingbushing1-1l2NPTx3/4 NPT Tridicator(0-75 PSI) 30 30A 308 30c 31 32 Control,hi limitHon. L408081253or W/RI 1883-1 Control,high/lowlimit La081A (PT) Control,hi limitcirc.HON L8148A(P) (PT) Control,hi-lolimit-circ.HON 18124C1094 W e l l 1 / 2N P T x I - 1 1 2i n s . Thermostat - 24V Hon. T822D1537 1 1 1 1 1 1 33 34 34A 348 Primarycontrol,Honeywell R8184G Bumerassembly:Beckett Bumerassembly: Carlin Bumerassembly: Riello heaterassy.(optional) Tankless 1 1 1 1 1 Gasket,Beckettbumer Gasket,Carlinburner Circulator, Taco007-F4 Circulator, Gruqrdfos UP-15-42F Circulator, B&GSLCaO Circulator. Taco0010 1 1 1 1 1 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1c 2 J 12 124 13 13A 13B .A \-, 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 J5 36 36A 37A 378 37c 37D { '| J 3 1 2 1 1 'I 14 1 I 1 1 430071 430071 400200 400200 430032 430033 430137 430137 430108 430108 4@147 400147 909783071 909783071 430019 402185 400217 430107 430362 430372 430371 430370 430019 402185 400217 430107 430363 430373 430371 430370 430071 430071 430071 430071 400200 400200 400200 400200 430034 430035 430036 430037 430137 430137 430137 430137 430108 4301C8 430108 430108 400147 400147 400147 400147 909783071 909783071 909783071 909783071 430019 402185 400217 430107 430364 430374 430371 430370 430019 402185 400217 430107 430365 430375 430371 430370 430019 402185 400217 430107 430366 430376 430371 430370 430019 402185 400217 430107 430367 430377 430371 430370 401020 401020 40'1o20 401020 401020 401020 so8116021 9081t6021 908116021 908116021 908116021 908116021 400103 400103 400103 400103 400103 400103 400225 400225 400225 400225 400225 40022s 400201 400201 400201 400201 400201 400201 902179321 902179321 902179321 902179321 902179321 902179321 910373061 910373061 910373061 910373061 910373061 910373061 410699 410529 +ooogo aoooso aooogo aoooso 410529 400096 400095 4 10569 400095 410569 400101 400095 410569 400101 400095 410569 400101 410569 400101 410569 400101 4 0 0 11 9 400119 4301542 4301540 4301543 430084 400119 4301552 4301550 4301553 430084 400119 N.A. 4301 560 4301570 $ooaz 400119 4301532 4301530 4301533 430083 430173 7902022 7902021 7902023 430172 430173 7902022 7902021 7902023 430172 430173 7902022 7902021 7902023 430172 430173 7902022 7902021 7902023 430102 430 t 530 1 +sooes +eooes 430173 7902022 7902021 7902023 430102 430173 7902022 7902021 7902023 ."-,**u"* Replacement Parts are available from SlanUFinCorporation 100 Foreot Drive at East Hills Greenvale.NY 11548 SlantfEn. PUBLICATIONNO. L.lOPL Printed in U.S.A. 294 Part No. 430309 # 1 i Table2. STEAMBOILERPARTSLIST,PZ AND PZT QTY L-30 L-40 L-s0 L€O L-70 1 1 1 1 4 1 4dt2033 430014 43001I 430029 430115 430136 432034 430014 430018 430029 430115 430136 432035 430014 430018 430029 430115 430136 432036 430014 430018 430029 430115 430136 432037 430014 43001I 430029 430115 430136 7 19 1 1 12 1 400328 430117 430021 430070 400200 430033 400328 430117 430021 430070 400200 430034 400328 430117 430021 430070 400200 430035 400328 430117 430021 430070 400200 430036 400328 430117 430021 430070 400200 ,f30037 Fluecollectorsealant Caniage bolt 1/4-2A x 2-112 long Wingnut 1/4-20 Washer1/4" Cleanout door CRS Observationdoor C.l. 1 1 1 1 1 1 430137 430108 400147 909783071 430019 &2185 Selftappingscrew, 1/4-2Ox 1 long hex slotted hd. Stud3/8-16x 1-3/8steel interruotedthread Jacket,insulated top Jacket, insulated side Jacket,insulatedrear Jacket. insulated front, steam Emblem- SlanVFin Sheet metal screw #8 x 3/8 AB hex slot hd. Safety valve Conbraco 13-501 or Watts 315 Water gauge set 1/2 NPT Glass - 5/8 dia. x 5-3/4 long Flod- 3/16 dia. x 7-314lonq 3 3 1 2 1 1 400217 430107 430363 4if0373 430371 430360 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 2 3 4 5 6 Casting subassemblysteam, less plate Bumermountingplate C.l. Front refractory insulation Targetwall Stud 3/8-16 x 1-7l8 steel interupbd thrcad Sealantmaterial1/4" dia.50' lonq. mtq. plate Hexnut3/8-16 steel Washerffat3/8 nom.steel o Blankplate,tanklesssteam 1 0 Gasket1/8thick 1 1 Capscrew3/8-16x 3/4 longhex hd. 1 2 Fluecollector 7 I 124 13 13A 138 14 15 16 17 18 to 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2t 32 JJ 34 J5 JO 37 38 39 40 4'l 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 48A 430137 430137 430137 430108 430108 430108 400147 400147 400147 909783071 909783071 909783071 43001I 430019 430019 402185 402185 402185 400217 430107 430364 430374 430371 430360 400217 430107 430365 430375 430371 430360 400217 430107 430366 430376 430371 430360 430137 430108 400147 909783071 430019 402185 400217 430107 430367 430377 430371 430360 1 1 2 401020 401020 401020 401020 401020 908116021 908116021 908116021 908116021 908 t 16021 400't07 400107 400107 400107 400107 402036 402036 402036 402036 402036 430132 430132 430132 430132 430132 430134 430134 430134 430134 430134 Pressuregauge - 30 PSI 2-18 PressuretrolPA404A1009 Siphon- 1/4 NPT Tee - 1/4 x 1/4 x 1-1/4 brass Nippfe- 114x2-1l2long Nipple- 1/4 x close brass 1 1 1 1 1 1 9103740s1 910374051 400117 400117 400222 400222 400223 400223 400224 400224 400240 400240 Elbow - 1/4 x 90 deg. brass Drain valve 3/4 Reducingbushing - 1-112NPT x 3/4 NPT Plug square hd. - 1-112NPT (skimmertapping) Thermostat - 24V hon T822D1537 Primarycontrol,White-Rodgersno. 668-415 Primarvcontrol,HonevwellR8184G 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 400232 400201 902179321 902342051 400101 4001191 400119 Bumer assembly,see #34 table 1 Tanklessheater assy. (optional) Control,low limit HoneywellL4006A2049(optional) Well 112NPT x 1-112ins. (optional) Plug 3/4 (for altemate L.W.C.O.) 1 1 1 1 1 Low water cut-offM&M PS 801-120(optional) Low water cut-otfM&M 67 (standard) Gasket,Beckettbumer Gasket,Carlinbumer 'l 1 14 1 1 1 910374051 410374051 400117 400117 400222 400222 400223 400223 400224 400224 400240 400240 400232 400232 400201 400201 902179321 902179321 902342051 902342051 400101 400101 4001191 4001191 400119 400119 400232 4@201 902179321 902342051 400101 4001191 400119 +sooSoooo+sooSoooo+sooSoooo430080000 410527 410569 902340051 4',t0527 410569 902340051 430130 400116 430172 430173 430130 400116 430172 430173 410527 410527 410569 410569 902340051 902340051 430 t 30 400116 430172 430173 i 910374051 400117 400222 400223 400224 400240 400232 400201 902179321 902342051 N.A, N.A. N.A. 430080000 410527 410569 902340051 430130 400116 430130 400116 430173 430173 ,$ :.! WATER BOILER (explodedview) Referto tablel for detaileddescriptionof parts. Figure 1. ,4 lnstalltankless coil plate with inlet and outlet fittings on top Optional e'. @t \l w Kil Seeligure3 for detailof this assembly LOW WATER CUT-OFF STEAM BOILER (explodedview) Referto table2 for detaileddescriptionof parts. @ @Install lanklcs coil plate with inlet and outlet filtings on top Figure 2. SEE 46 FOR L.W.C.O --- o- .-o!\d--9 "l .'('\{ r,oj ?+,' // (64 t- Seefigure3 for detailoflhis assembly u : DETAILOF CLEANOUTAND DOORASSEMBLY OBSERVATION Figure 3 /tna,;tL.r ) Slant,-,,, b r=, SLANT/FINCORPORTATION,100 Forest Drlve, Greenvale,New York 11548 . (516) 484-2600 *-