The Icefields Parkway
The Icefields Parkway
130 Photo: Travel Alberta As t o River 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 3109 m KAUFMANN 2996 m ARIES 2917 m CALDRON 3197 m 205 KM FROM TRANS-CANADA 210 Bow Lake Crowfoot Glacier Helen Lake Bow Summit Mosquito Creek and Peyto Lake 215 220 2100 m Herbert Lake Icefield 1000 m 225 230 3543 m TEMPLE LAKE LOUISE Lake Louise Banff Également offert en français YOU ARE WELCOME TO TAKE THIS BROCHURE HOME AS A SOUVENIR BUT IF YOU ARE FINISHED WITH IT, PLEASE DROP IT OFF AT ANY PARK INFORMATION CENTRE OR CAMPGROUND SO IT CAN BE USED AGAIN 3459 m Herbert Lake 14 DALEY r No 3155 m TOTEM 3333 m 2067 m 3174 m 2902 m REDOUBT 3059 m Sa 11 Major Highway LEGEND MAX 25 FT 2 10 Tramway Telephone Fuel Lodging Food Visitor Centre Hostel Picnic Site RV Max 25 ft RV Camping Campground McCONNELL Trailhead Viewpoint Attraction Athabasca Falls Hostel Athabasca Falls Junction with Hwy 93A Mount Christie Goats and Glaciers Mount Kerkeslin (mid-June to early Sept.) 3 Athabasca Pass Wabasso Lake Valley of Five Lakes Tangle Falls. Watch for sheep! Stutfield Glacier Beauty Creek Beauty Creek Hostel Mushroom and Diadem Peaks Jonas Creek (mid-May to early Sept) 6 Wilcox Pass Wilcox Creek (early June to Sept.) Coleman Creek Weeping Wall Bridal Veil Falls Nigel Pass Parker Ridge 10 MAX 25 FT Bow Summit Peyto Lake 14 Herbert Lake Hector Lake Hector Lake MAX 25 FT Mosquito Creek (June-Sept.) Mosquito Creek Hostel (year round) Molar Pass 13 Bow Lake Crowfoot Glacier Helen Lake, Dolomite Pass 12 11 Bow Glacier, Bow Glacier Falls Num-Ti-Jah Lodge (May-Oct.) 9 Silverhorn Creek Chephren Lake, Cirque Lake Waterfowl Lakes (end of June to early Sept.) Mistaya Canyon Saskatchewan River Crossing Junction: David Thompson Highway (#11) The Crossing Resort (mid-Mar. to mid-Nov.) Howse Pass Rampart Creek Hostel (year round) Rampart Creek (early June to Sept.) MAX 25 FT Glacier Lake Sunset Pass and Sunset Lookout 8 7 Hilda Creek Hostel SUNWAPTA PASS (Banff and Jasper boundary) MAX 25 FT Icefield (mid-May to mid-Sept.) ICEFIELD CENTRE (mid-April to mid-Oct.) Parks Canada information Glacier View Inn MAX 25 FT 4 Sunwapta Falls Sunwapta Falls Resort (mid-May to mid-Oct.) Poboktan Creek Honeymoon Lake (mid June to early Sept.) MAX 25 FT MAX 25 FT 2 Junction with Highway 93A Access to: Ski Area, Cavell Road Wabasso, (mid-June to early Sept) rejoins Parkway at Athabasca Falls 1 Wapiti (Summer and Winter) Whistlers (May to Oct.) Jasper International Hostel Jasper Tramway (April to Nov) RCMP JASPER TOWNSITE 10 20 30 20 40 30 50 134 127 126 124 122 119 118 114 117 106 99 93 88 78 77 76 71 57 40 37 34 33 24 18 16 3 0 103 104 106 108 111 112 116 117 124 131 137 142 152 153 154 159 173 190 193 196 197 206 212 214 227 230 136 143 145 146 153 158 176 180 189 193 196 198 200 205 216 221 224 226 228 230 96 94 87 85 84 77 72 54 50 41 37 34 32 30 25 14 9 6 4 2 0 LAKE LOUISE 2 km RCMP BANFF 59 km RCMP Guide Junction: Trans-Canada Highway and Icefields Parkway Glacier/Icefield Mountain Peak DRUMMONDMinor Highway Kilometres 0 0 Miles sk 5 Brazeau Lake POBOKTAN 3525 m BRAZEAU TO ROCKY MOUNTAIN HOUSE NATIONAL HISTORIC SITE (175 km) North CYCLONE 3002 m PTARMIGAN HECTOR ek MOLAR Mosqui t 2782 m DOLOMITE Lake Katherine 2993 m CIRQUE 3042 m OBSERVATION 3084 m NOYES BOW PASS Pinto Lake Saskatchewan River Crossing 3261 m WILSON WILSON ICEFIELD R a rt am p 3135 m COLEMAN Weeping Wall Waterfowl Lakes 3080 m 3394 m 3270 m CIRRUS MURCHISON WEED i lve 2030 m SUNWAPTA PASS 3200 m MALIGNE MONKHEAD 3211 m 3260 m CHARLTON SAMSON 3076 m Beaver Lake Jacques Lake Maligne Lake Medicine Lake JASPER Icefield 6 Wilcox e VICTORIA Ka m lo op s ty Cr Hector Lake Mosquito Creek 2868 m BOW 3050 m CROWFOOT Peyto Lake PATTERSON 93 Mistaya Lake Chephren Lake Cirque Lake 3317 m SUNWAPTA o WAPUTIK ICEFIELD R Waterfowl Lakes 3266 m CHEPHREN 3095 m EPAULETTE 3127 m SARBACH er Glacier Lake 3265 m ERASMUS A rctomys Cre e k Bow Lake11 Crowfoot Glacier 12 Helen Lake 13 3272 m 7 Rampart Creek 3329 m AMERY Jonas Creek Pob okta n Cre ek 3300 m UNWIN ICEFIELD CENTRE 5 Coleman Creek 8 Silverhorn Creek BALFOUR Tangle SASKATCHEWAN 3344 m 93 Osprey Lake Buck Lake Parker Ridge ATHABASCA 3493 m WOOLEY Bow Glacier 10 WAPTA ICEFIELD 3622 m 3121 m 3405 m Peyto Lake 9 3612 m Alexandra River BANFF NATIONAL PARK COLUMBIA ICEFIELD 3459 m 2715 m 2624 m CURATOR 2693 m TEKARRA Wabasso Lake 2 Valley of Five Lakes Honeymoon Lake MUSHROOM KITCHENER 3505 m 3453 m 3622 m SNOWDOME FORBES GEC 3130 m STUTFIELD 3561 m / 3686 m 3750 m 3150 m NELSON M 16 JASPER NATIONAL PARK 2955 m GONG Gong Lake ALBERTA THE TWINS a ab Ch iver R 3102 m CHRISTIE ha i ve r Wapiti aR sc HARDISTY KERKESLIN A 93 Sunwapta Falls 4 3160 m BRUSSELS 3360 m Kerkeslin FRYATT COLUMBIA G es ak Mount eL n ldi era Athabasca Falls 3 Whirlpool 1 Wabasso 2469 m Moab Lake EDITH CAVELL 3367 m a R i ver 2880 m ek AQUILA rtal C r e Po 16 Pyramid Lake 2762 m JASPER Whistlers WHISTLERS Prince George PYRAMID Ed mo nto n THE ICEFIELDS PARKWAY Driving Photo: A. ZierVogel Photo: Travel Alberta ba At 230 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 185 180 175 170 165 160 155 150 145 140 135 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 125 90 120 85 115 80 110 75 105 70 100 65 95 60 90 55 85 50 80 45 75 Waterfowl Lakes 40 70 Coleman Creek 35 65 S 30 60 horn 25 55 Rampart Creek s Cr ye 20 50 Wilcox Creek r 15 45 R i ve r 40 sca 35 Ath aba 30 Jonas Creek ve 10 Sunwapta Falls Ri 5 Athabasca Falls Wilcox Pass Parker Ridge Icefield Centre Riv 25 ek Cr e ek C re Be a u Cree k Howse 20 Honeymoon Lake k n wa R i ver 15 Mount Kerkeslin J ree r ee dD Re Mi s taya 10 r Whistlers Wapiti r GE pta R iv e 5 ve IN RID S unwa 0 Ri CHA sC ch e at i ver Junction with 93A Valley of Five Lakes a ESS ENDL a on el Cr KM FROM JASPER r Nig 1200 m ive r ICEFIELDS PARWAY ELEVATION PROFILE eR 1400 m ri A tha ba s c lign 1600 m ve Ma 1800 m Ri eek 2000 m e KM FROM JASPER T THE MOS L U BEAUTIF IN ROAD D! L THE WOR gn ali KM FROM TRANS-CANADA The Icefields Parkway 0 KM FROM JASPER B ow KM FROM TRANS-CANADA CHECK OUT THESE ROADSIDE ATTRACTIONS: Athabasca Glacier A magical area that can be seen from the road, explored with a commercial guide or visited on a special bus tour. Walking on the glacier is not recommended; crevasses and other hazards can be deadly. A century ago when this was named, three “toes” of the ice clung to the mountainside. Since then the lower toe has melted and the middle toe is slowly disappearing. Crowfoot Glacier Herbert Lake A photographer’s favourite. The still waters of Herbert Lake provide a perfect panoramic reflection of the stunning Main Range peaks, including Mount Temple. The picnic area provides an ideal place for a picnic stop. NEED TO STRETCH YOUR LEGS? TRY ONE OF THESE SHORT STROLLS: Athabasca Falls Feel the spray of the Athabasca River as it thunders into the canyon below. Stay behind railings and on designated trails. The rock beyond is slippery and dangerous. Sunwapta Falls A torrent of plunging water not far from the highway, Sunwapta Falls are just one of the many waterfalls in Jasper created by hanging valleys. Bow Summit and Peyto Lake A short uphill walk from the parking area leads to a view of the glacial-fed, brilliantly turquoise Peyto Lake. Bow Lake and Bow Glacier The source of the Bow River, Bow Lake is one of the more scenic and accessible lakes for fishing. Photo: R. Gruys LOOKING FOR A VIEW FROM THE EDGE? Grizzly Bear Wilcox Pass Athabasca Falls Photo: R. Gruys Photo: P. Zizka Photo: R. Gruys Photo: A. ZierVogel Photo: M. Bradley Photo: A. ZierVogel B Coyote Peyto Lake R IT A IS LB H E R C B O TA LU M B R I S TI H C A O LU LB E M R B IA TA 3741 IA Athaba Mount Columbia Legend sca Hiker only trail R Bighorn Sheep iv Hiker and horse only trail er 93 Highway Restricted access road er ci la G an ew Glaciers form where more snow falls in winter than melts each summer. As the snow gets thicker and heavier, it compacts into dense glacial ice that slowly flows downhill, like a river of taffy. Stutfield Peak Commercial accommodation Restaurant ie r Hostel ac Gl Tents-only campground Dump station e GLACIERS AND RIVERS 3505 m 3450 RV-tent camping Mount Kitchener Water flows to three different oceans from this area, known as a hydrological apex. On the British Columbia side of the icefield, meltwater flows into the Columbia River and eventually to the Pacific Ocean. 3450 Summit and elevation point Contour intervals 50 metres Mount Athabasca 3491 On the Alberta side, the North Saskatchewan and Athabasca rivers feed into the Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean, respectively. Hilda Peak These rivers provide fresh drinking water for millions of people, and are crucial to agriculture and countless ecosystems. That’s why their source is protected in a national park. Sunwapta Lake S u nw 3058 n R iv rth S sk wa er Pa No WILDLIFE a Rid Icefield Sunwapta Pass ilc o Pa ss 2884 Tr a i l Wilcox Pass iv Wilcox Peak er Cr e Sunw Tangle Falls I c e fi (2375 m) W i l co x el ap ta ds (2035 m) ay 3211 Wilcox Lake 3000 r Nigel Peak ve Ice fiel ds Ri Parkw 1620 93 (2000 m) d R ay Wildlife sightings are one of many reasons the Icefields Parkway is known as the best drive in the world. Bears, sheep, wolves and even elusive caribou are often spotted on the roadsides—keep your eyes peeled and drive slowly, especially early morning and evening. Never approach or feed wildlife. r rke ta Icefi eld Cent re W ge ap rkw Enjoy your lunch at one of the most breathtaking lakes in the rockies. The vibrant blue colour set against a magnificent mountain backdrop is sure to dazzle you. 3450 (3451 m) Pa Bow Lake Snow Dome Mount Andromeda Coleman Creek Sit next to the edge of the water and listen to the relaxing gurgle of the river. Look for mountain goats on the cliffs. Disabled access washroom x VISIT ONE OF OUR SCENIC PICNIC SITES: WHAT’S A GLACIER? ek TIME FOR LUNCH? Trailhead Lookout l A breathtaking lake in a valley abounding with alpine wildlife and grand vistas. Exhibit Stutfie 6.0 km one way; 455 m elevation gain; 4 to 5 hr round trip Trailhead: across from Crowfoot Glacier Viewpoint. Hotel parking Washroom ted tric Res ess Acc Helen Lake 3627 Glacier After a series of switchbacks you’ll be rewarded with dramatic views of the Saskatchewan Glacier. 3731 Twins Tower Do 5.4 km return; 250 m elevation gain/loss; 3 hr round trip Trailhead: 9 km south of the Icefield Centre North Twin Icefield k Parker Ridge Columbia Athaba sca Rise quickly above treeline to the expansive meadows of this glacier-carved landscape. This icefield feeds several large glaciers, including the Athabasca, the Columbia and the Saskatchewan. ch 2.4 km (1 hr) return to first viewpoint, 8 km (2-3 hrs) return to the pass Trailhead: 3 km south of Icefield Centre at Wilcox Campground. H Ice explorer at Wilcox Pass Disabled access parking South Twin Information a Cr ee Five small, brilliantly blue-green lakes are the highlights of this outing, considered a local family favourite. 3580 sk 4.5 km loop; 66 m elevation gain/loss; 2 hours Trailhead: 9 km south from Jasper on Highway 93. Castleguard Mountain 3083 With a total area of 200 km2, the Columbia Icefield is one of the largest masses of glacial ice outside the Arctic Circle, surrounded by some of the highest mountains in the Canadian Rockies (Athabasca, Columbia, Snow Dome). Hild Valley of the Five Lakes ABOUT THE ICEFIELD Sa STEP INTO THE WILD WITH ONE OF THESE CLASSIC DAY HIKES: Parking atche LOOKING FOR ADVENTURE? 1560 0 1 2 3 4 5 Km Nigel Pass (1.6 km) BANFF JASPER NATIONAL NATIONAL PARK PARK Be Cr ty au eek Ja sp er (8 4 km ) 93