WORD MUNCHJB RS ~ Welcome to the World of Word Munchers!!! As the Chief Muncher, you will be challenged to use your vowel skills to eat words to get munch points. Only munch those words having the correct target vowel sounds to earn those special points as well as bonus points. You are in control. Move that muncher around the maze and be sure to stay clear of those TROGGLES!!! Troggles are not friendly creatures. They eat up your words and make you lose points. Beware, they can munch you up too! So, stay away from the Troggle monsters and munch away those vowels to get points and move up one level after another. Good luck Chief Muncher .... BEGINNER: Before you begin munching, it's important you have an understanding of what you need to do as Chief Muncher. Start off by doing a few of the vowel sound exercises to get you warmed up for the REAL MUNCH MISSION. These "Warm Up" Munchercises will get you familiar with vowel sounds that you will encounter in the game. This will give you an idea of what you already know and skills you may either need to brush up or learn. Vowe1 Munchercises: First off, how well do you know your vowels? You will need to know them before we start talking about vowel sounds. In the space below, write down all the vowels in the English language. If you don't know them, use the dictionary and look up vowel. The vowels will be listed. Write them down in the master vowel box. -.stn "olllds II II Let's see how much you know about long and short vowel sounds. If you need help, ask another Young Wizard Assistant, a UCSD Wiz Assistant, or THE WizARd itself. There are many different vowel sounds for words in the English language. The sounds of words are represented in several ways. This helps in giving the right pronunciation of a word. Do you know the symbols that represent these sounds? Below are two sound symbols that you will see very often in WORD MUNCHERS. Draw the symbol that represents the hard and soft vowel sounds. Put the symbol in the space provided below. The soft vowel sound is represented by: D The hard vowel sound is represented by : D Copyright" 1987. n..llfIgMJboln..llnltlwdyolC<*ImIaOll""bMoIoI""lDbcIaItNyolC~Human AdaplMl,f nlvlsM!: SolanaII«1ch Boy. ond GItf6 Club,IICSan1Mgo, 1996. CognIion, u.c. SanDillgo. WORD MUNCHJB RS BEGINNER: In this section you are to decide if the given word has either a long or short vowel sound. Sound out the word in your head or aloud to decide if the vowel is long or short. When you have come up with an answer, write long or short in the given space. Also, write down the vowel in the word. Lone:or Short Vowel 1. Given munch word is CAKE. 2. Given munch word is TREE. 3. Given munch word is FISH. 4. Given munch word is DUCK. 5. Given munch word is BOAT. 6. Given munch word is RED. 7. Given munch word is KITE. 8. Given munch word is BOOK. It's time to Munch Away those vowel sounds in your Word Munching Mission. Start up the game and go to the WORD MUNCHERS main menu. Select "Play Word Munchers" from the menu. From there, review the "instructions" for playing the game. This will give you more details about how to play and tells you how to move your MUNCHER. It will also give you useful Troggle info. Your mission is to survive through level five. Remember, you have 1 Troggle to start and 3 in reserve . • -~',' . .': [ffiJ : CopytlghlD 1967. 1M ~ Df1MIlnlrlwdyDfCo6omIa on 1M bMIaIDfINlDbctraIotyDfConyxIIUfIrIw ClUb, tIC San m.go, 1995. AdopllHU ,.,viMd.' Solana II«N:h IID}'# and GIdI '. -e.. """-' I· . Cognlfion, u.c. San m.go. 2 WORD MUNCH18 RS GOOD: Ok Word Muncherooo, you have completed the beginner level mission. You should be familiar with the basic vowel sounds and pronunciation of those sounds. Each level will get more difficult as you keep advancing. Watch yourself earn more and more points too! This time as you are playing the game, write down 6 words and their pronunciation. You will find the information at the top of the game screen while you are playing; it's beside the game level. What you write down should look similar to the example below: laJ as in hat (the a should have a short vowel sound symbol on top of it) Write the 6 example words and the target vowel sounds that correspond to the words. Note: make sure each vowel sound is different. For each vowel sound, think up 5 words having the same vowel sound. There is an example below that will give you a better idea. EXAMPLE: word & target vowel sound: a (hard vowel symbol on top of the a); face other words with hard a sound: race, cane, wave, scale As Word Muncheroo, your mission is to play through level 10, Don't forget to write down the target word and the vowel sound as you are playing, and make sure you write 6 different vowel sounds • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WORD MUNCHER FILES * Here you may safely store the target words and vowel 1. word & target vowel sound: sounds * 2. word & target vowel sound: Write Your Sample Words Below Write Your Sample Words Below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copydgh/~1987. TMhgMIbolTM lInWwdyolCaa:mIaOll"'l»IIoIoI""lDbotr1ItNyolC~Humon AdaplMl6 lflriMd: Solano I«H:h 10". and GItII CUI, IIC San m.go, 1995. u.c. SanDltlgo. Cognillon, 3 WORlD MUNCHJB RS GOOD: 3. word & target vowel sound 4. word & target vowel sound Write Your Sample Words Below Write Your Sample Words Below 5. word & target vowel sound 6. word & target vowel sound Write Your Sample Words Below Write Your Sample Words Below 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5. Before you move on, write a note to 'Iha Wizard about Word Munchers. Be sure to include the following pieces of information: • What vowel sounds have you learned so far? Name 4 different vowel sounds from your list. Include a word for each voel sound as an example. • Why do you think it is important to know the symbol and pronunciation of the vowel sounds? • Which vowel sound(s) were most difficult for you to recognize in the game? Copydghl" /987. ThflllflgtHlb 01 1M VnNwsly 01Ca6Iom/a 011IN bMIt# olIN Adopltxf. IfIVlstxf: Solano 8«1ch IDYl and GIIII ClUb, tIC San /995. m.go. l.obomIoty 01CDI1J1QIr1IIvtIHuman Cognlion, V.C. San DitIgo. 4 WOJRD MlUNCCHE JRS EXPERT: All right Expert Word Muncher!!! Are you ready for the real test of your munching skills? Your expertise in vowel sounds and pronunciation should be at its best. Beware of those word munching and point snatching Troggles. As you know, they can really mess up your act. Look out for the Helper Troggle that munches up the words from the cells and dosen't bother to replace them. Also, there is the Smarty Troggle that ''homes in after you" and will try to gobble you up. Use your vowel sound skills along with your quick thinking skills to outsmart the devious Troggle monsters. First write down 2 ways (strategies) that have helped you in solving the game at each level. 1IJo~~.uu~be~ .t~«U'V .«tetv ~b«lIbe~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • 1. • 2. • •• •• • • • As an Expert Word Muncher, your task is to reach through level 15. Each level gets more difficult, but "he Wizard has faith in YOU. Keep those strategies in mind, especially those safely tucked away in the Strategy Chamber. To complete the Expert Level of Word Munchers, you will need to complete "he Wizard'S expert Wisdom exercises. Exoert Wisdom Exercises •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• In these exercises, you are to circle ALL words with the target vowel sound in the grid. The target vowel sound is written above grid. 1. 2. fuilij as in DIG Hard a as in RACE fish six nail dance scale peace tongue jail smile wave flame crept roam knit glide clean nail train ghost chip pride boat ghost cane Copytigh/~ 1987. 1H~~"oI1H AdaplMl4 lInNwdyolCaIIomIaDIIII»l»haIoIII» trI.,/ud: Solana II«H:h IoYl and GItIIClub,IICSan 1Mgo, 1995. LabotrIIOIyolCOI'1pQIr1/itI_1hInan Cognllon, u.c. San 1Mgo. 5 WORD MUNCHE IRS 3. 5. r-- Hard 0 as in BOAT * Soft u as in CUFF 4. sock good home mule must wolf cloak beam pinch view stuff would dome roam ox pond knot glove trot fox dome chunk blond frog * Hard 00 6. as in TWO au sound as in HAUNT bloom sulk most arm squaw sharp good screw chute false chart malt tune raise flame smart paw taunt fruit brook stood yarn churn word Copytfghl" 1987. ""1i~of""lInIrMaIyofCaIIomIaonll»bMlalofll»lDbomItNyofC~Human AdaplMl4 ", ••isll<l: Solana IIMK:h IDYl and GItiI Clt.tb, tIC San 1Mgo, 1995. Cognllon,u.c. SanDt.go. 6
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