Analysis of Price of Anarchy in Traffic Networks With
Analysis of Price of Anarchy in Traffic Networks With
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 23, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2015 2227 Analysis of Price of Anarchy in Traffic Networks With Heterogeneous Price-Sensitivity Populations Xuehe Wang, Nan Xiao, Lihua Xie, Fellow, IEEE, Emilio Frazzoli, Senior Member, IEEE, and Daniela Rus, Fellow, IEEE Abstract— In this paper, we investigate how the scaled marginal-cost road pricing improves the price of anarchy (POA) in a traffic network with one origin–destination pair, where each edge in the network is associated with a latency function. The POA is defined as the worst possible ratio between the total latency of Nash flow and that of the socially optimal flow. All players in the noncooperative congestion game are divided into groups based on their price sensitivities. First, we consider the case where all players are partitioned into two groups in a network with two routes. In this case, it is shown that the total latency of the Nash flow can always reach the total latency of the socially optimal flow if the designed road price is charged on each link. We then analyze the POA for general case. For a distribution of price sensitivities satisfying certain conditions, a road pricing scheme is designed such that the unique Nash flow can achieve the social optimal flow, i.e., POA = 1. An algorithm is proposed to find the price scheme that optimizes the POA for any distribution of price sensitivities and any traffic network with one origin–destination pair. Finally, the results are applied to a traffic routing problem. Index Terms— Noncooperative congestion game, price of anarchy (POA), price sensitivity, road pricing, traffic networks. V E r fr F e fe le ( f e ) lr ( fˆ) L( f ) ρe ( fe ) N OMENCLATURE Vertices representing road intersections. Edges representing road segments. Route connecting the origin and destination points. Flow on route r . Total flow on the network. An edge. Flow on edge e. Latency of edge e. Latency of route r . Total latency of the network. Road pricing on edge e. Manuscript received September 5, 2014; revised January 12, 2015; accepted February 15, 2015. Date of publication March 24, 2015; date of current version October 12, 2015. Manuscript received in final form March 3, 2015. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Singapore through the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology, Singapore, within the Future Urban Mobility Interdisciplinary Research Group Research Programme. Recommended by Associate Editor C. Canudas-de-Wit. X. Wang and L. Xie are with Exquisitus, Centre for E-City, School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798 (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). N. Xiao is with the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre, Singapore 138602 (e-mail: [email protected]). E. Frazzoli and D. Rus are with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online at Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2015.2410762 β Fj fr,β Jr,β F̄ j0 F̂ j0 p̄ j0 p̂ j0 Price sensitivity. Total flow for group with price sensitivity β j . Flow on route r contributed by group β. Cost of route r for group β. Total flow with β > β j0 . Total flow with β < β j0 . Percentage of players with β > β j0 . Percentage of players with β < β j0 . I. I NTRODUCTION A S THE technologies in transportation, communication, control, and information rapidly advanced in recent decades, the problem of how to create systems with high efficiency has attracted a lot of attention. Especially, for systems with noncooperative agents, each agent behaves selfishly without considering the overall payoff of the whole system, which may cause significant efficiency loss. This situation occurs in a variety of fields, such as communication network [1], operating temperature [2], market mechanisms [3], and traffic congestion [4]. Congestion game is a branch of game theory [5], in which the payoff of each player depends on the resources it chooses and the number of players choosing the same resource. Like all types of games, every player in a congestion game tries to minimize his/her own cost and the equilibrium point yielded in this way is known as Nash equilibrium, which is defined as the action profile of all players where none of the players can reduce his/her individual cost by a unilateral move. It is shown in [6] that any congestion game is a potential game, and the converse is proved in [7]: for any potential game, there is a congestion game with the same potential function. Therefore, congestion game inherits the desirable property of potential game—the existence of at least one pure strategy Nash equilibrium. However, it is widely known that Nash equilibria often exhibit suboptimal behavior compared with the socially optimal assignment. In the fast-developing society, it becomes increasingly crucial to improve the efficiency of the Nash equilibrium. There has been a lot of research on the inefficiency of the Nash equilibrium. Early work studying the Pareto inefficiency of the Nash equilibrium can be found in [8]. It is shown in [9] that the price of anarchy (POA) [10], which measures how the efficiency of a system degrades due to selfish behavior of its agents, can be arbitrarily large. For certain class of latency functions in networks of parallel links, an upper bound and a lower bound of the POA are given in [11]. To make the Nash equilibrium achieve the social 1063-6536 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information. 2228 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 23, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2015 optimum, a distributed method is proposed in [12] to help players find their paths. In [13], two models (latency model and pricing model) are introduced in a routing network to discuss the efficiency of the Nash equilibrium. In the latency model, it is proved that the price of stability (POS), which is defined as the best ratio between the cost of a Nash equilibrium and the socially optimal cost, is unbounded, while in the pricing model, all Nash equilibria have optimal flow under certain conditions. To improve the efficiency of the Nash equilibrium and the performance of a network, Stackelberg game [14] is introduced, in which a fraction of the players (leaders) are assumed to be centrally controlled, while the rest of the players (followers) are considered to react selfishly based on the actions of the leaders. The main idea of Stackelberg game is to find a leader strategy that induces the followers to react in a way that minimizes the total cost of the system. The existence and uniqueness of maximally efficient Stackelberg strategy that leads the system to the global optimum is investigated in [15]. For Stackelberg routing games on parallel networks, an algorithm is introduced to compute the best Nash equilibrium in [16], and the POS of this network is analyzed, which is proved to be sensitive to demand change when link flows are close to their capacities. In [17], the largest latency first strategy is proposed to ensure that the POA of the network be no more than 1/θ , where θ is the proportion of leaders. In [18], a game theory controller is constructed based on the feedback Stackelberg equilibrium framework to reduce fuel consumption and oxides of nitrogen emissions. However, Stackelberg game generally deals with networks with homogeneous players. To promote the efficiency of the Nash equilibrium in networks with heterogeneous players, road pricing is introduced. Road pricing has been implemented to many modern cities all over the world. A case study on the traffic system in California, USA, documented in [19] shows that transportation pricing, such as congestion pricing, parking pricing, fuel-tax pricing, vehicle miles of travel fees, and emissions fees, can better manage the transportation systems to a great extent. As another example, the electronic road pricing system in Singapore is designed to charge motorists when they use the road during peak hours, and it is effective in maintaining an optimal speed range for both expressways and arterial roads [20], [21]. In general, road price on each link of the traffic network is a function of the flow on this link. Due to individual user’s failure to share the cost he/she imposes on other users, marginal cost pricing (first-best pricing) is introduced, which illustrates that road user using congested road should pay a fee that is equal to the difference between the marginal social cost and the marginal private cost [22]. The marginal cost pricing is established in the case with homogeneous players and the Nash equilibrium can achieve the social optimum by charging a marginal-cost price on each link in the network [23]. For the case with heterogeneous players, many road pricing schemes are designed to improve the network performance. In [24], the existence of optimal static tolls that optimize the behavior of a single commodity network is shown. For multicommodity networks, Fleischer et al. [25] show that there exist static tolls making selfish users act in a way that minimizes the average latency. To get a desired equilibrium flow for traffic networks, the influence of static tolls on drivers’ decisions is discussed in [26]. In [27], a dynamic road pricing is established to achieve socially beneficial trip timing in average strategy fictitious play. To spread out players’ choices, weighted entropy is applied to the dynamic road pricing [28]. A pricing-based energy control strategy is proposed in [29] to remove the peak load for smart grid. However, we cannot ensure that there always exists a road pricing which can eliminate all the efficiency losses resulting from selfish routing. In this paper, we quantify the effect of road pricing by the POA for the case when players have heterogeneous price sensitivities. The main contribution of this paper is summarized as follows. First of all, we formulate the routing problem on a traffic network with one origin–destination pair as a congestion game, in which the scaled marginal-cost pricing is charged on each link to affect road users’ routing choices. To be close to reality, road users are assumed to have heterogeneous price sensitivities and are divided into groups accordingly. Second, we analyze the Nash flow and the POA for the network. Some preliminary work about the conditions for the POA to reach 1 can be found in [30], while the present paper includes refined results, additional case studies on two group players, and an algorithm for finding the best POA. For two groups case, we show that the POA can always achieve 1 by an appropriate scaled marginal-cost pricing on each link. For general case with more than two groups, the existence and uniqueness of Nash flow is discussed. If the distribution of price sensitivity satisfies certain conditions, we prove that there exists an optimal road pricing such that POA = 1. Otherwise, the POA cannot achieve 1. For any traffic network and distribution of price sensitivity, an algorithm is given to calculate a scaled marginal-cost that minimizes the POA. Finally, we apply the results to the traffic routing problem, and numerical examples and real data simulation verify that the designed scaled marginal-cost pricing indeed reduces the total latency of the network and the optimal POA depends on both the distribution of price sensitivities and the topology and parameters of the traffic network. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the problem of POA of a traffic network with scaled marginal-cost pricing on each link is formulated. How to design the optimal road pricing is discussed in Section III. In Section IV, we present numerical examples and real data simulations. The conclusion and future work are stated in Section V. II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION Consider a traffic network (V, E) with one origin–destination pair (Fig. 1). Each player chooses his/her route from a common set of routes R = {r1 , . . . , r N }, where each route r ∈ R consists of one or several links. Define the vector of route flows asfˆ = ( fr1 , . . . , fr N ) and the total flow of all routes as F = r∈R fr . WANG et al.: ANALYSIS OF POA IN TRAFFIC NETWORKS 2229 Fig. 1. Simple traffic network (V, E) with V = {v 1 , v 2 , v 3 } and E = {e1 , e2 , e3 , e4 }. In this example, R = {r1 , r2 , r3 } is described by r1 = {e1 , e2 }, r2 = {e1 , e3 }, and r3 = {e4 }. Note that a link e ∈ E, e.g., e1 in Fig. 1, can be contained by more than one route. The latency of one link e ∈ E is associated with the total flow on this link as l e ( f e ) = d e f e + ce (1) where f e = r∈R:e∈r f r is the total flow on link e, and de ≥ 0 and ce ≥ 0 are known constants. Note that a given flow on a road can correspond to either a high density of vehicles on a congested road, in which case the latency is large, or a low density of vehicles on a free-flow road, in which case the latency is small [31]. Due to this phenomenon, the latency is not uniquely determined by the flow, and depends on the congestion state of the road. However, in our formulation, we try to grasp the main features of the relationship between the traffic flow and travel time before congestion. Therefore, we adopt the linear relationship between delay and flow used in [9] and [32] to formulate our problem. The latency on route r ∈ R is the sum of the latencies of links on this route le ( fe ). (2) lr ( fˆ) = e∈r Suppose that the road manager charges a toll ρe ( fe ) on each link e ∈ E to affect road users’ routing behaviors, and each road user has a price sensitivity β > 0 which may be different for different road users. We consider the case where there are finite possible values for β and all road users are classified into groups according to their price sensitivities. Let B = {β1 , . . . , β M } denote the set of price sensitivities and P = { p1, . . . , p M } be the corresponding distribution. Therefore, the total flow for group with β j ∈ B is F j = p j F. Denote fr,β by the flow on route r ∈ R contributed by group with β ∈ B and f = ( fr1 ,β1 , . . . , N = fr1 ,β M , . . . , fr N ,β1 , . . . , fr N ,β M ). Note that i=1 f ri ,β j M f = f for all p j F = F j for all β j ∈ B, and ri j =1 ri ,β j ri ∈ R. By incorporating the price sensitivity, we define the cost of route r ∈ R for group with β ∈ B as Jr,β ( f ) = (le ( f e ) + βρe ( f e )). (3) e∈r For the noncooperative congestion game formulated above, we assume that each player selfishly chooses to travel on route with minimal individual cost (3). A Nash flow is defined as follows. Definition 2.1: A flow f ne is called a Nash flow if for any β j ∈ B and r1 , r2 ∈ R frne > 0, frne > 0 ⇒ Jr1 ,β j ( f ne ) = Jr2 ,β j ( f ne ) 1 ,β j 2 ,β j frne 1 ,β j > 0, frne 2 ,β j = 0 ⇒ Jr1 ,β j ( f ne ) ≤ Jr2 ,β j ( f ne ). (4) (5) Note that Nash flows always exist for congestion games of the type considered in [6] and [7]. In [23], it is shown that games with homogeneous players, i.e., all players have the same price sensitivity (M = 1), can achieve the social optimum by charging all players a marginal-cost price. The marginal cost for the latency function given in (1) is de f e . However, in our general formulation with M > 1, the social optimum cannot be achieved by charging de f e on each link e ∈ E, since each group of drivers have different price sensitivity. Therefore, we redefine the pricing function as the scaled marginal-cost toll as ρe ( f e ) = μde f e (6) where μ ≥ 0 is a parameter to be designed. Note that Nash flow is a function of the toll ρe ( f e ) which is a function of μ. Therefore, Nash flow is also a function of μ. In this paper, we will use f ne (μ) and f ne interchangeably when no confusion is caused. The total latency of the network is given by fr · lr ( fˆ). (7) L( f ) = r∈R Then, the socially optimal flow f ∗ , which is defined as the flow that minimizes the total latency of the network, is described by f ∗ = arg inf L( f ) f with (8) fr = F. r∈R The POA, which is the worst possible ratio between the total latency of a Nash flow and that of the optimal flow, is defined as L( f ne ) . (9) POA = sup ∗ f ne L( f ) The POA characterizes the worst case efficiency loss of all possible Nash flows, and the larger the POA, the larger the efficiency loss. Obviously, POA is always larger or equal to 1 and POA = 1 indicates that the social optimum is achieved. In this paper, we seek to design the pricing function to minimize the POA for a given distribution of price sensitivities. Namely, our goal is to find μ∗ for (6) such that L( f ne (μ∗ )) = inf L( f ne (μ)). μ≥0 (10) In other words, the Nash flow f ne obtained after introducing the designed road pricing ρe ( fe ) = μ∗ de f e leads to the minimal worst case efficiency loss. III. D ESIGN OF O PTIMAL ROAD P RICING In this section, we aim to design the optimal scaled marginal-cost pricing that minimizes the POA for networks with heterogeneous players. Without loss of generality, we assume β1 > β2 > · · · > β M . Denote F̄ j0 = F1 + · · · + F j0 −1 by the total flow with β > β j0 and F̂ j0 = F j0 +1 + · · · + FM 2230 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 23, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2015 by the total flow with β < β j0 . Let p̄ j0 = F̄ j0 /F and p̂ j0 = F̂ j0 /F. For route ri ∈ R, define Vi = e∈ri ce . For any ri , r j ∈ R, denote di j = de . (11) e∈ri A. Nash Flow Analysis for Case With Two Groups and Two Routes First, we consider the special case where there are two routes R = {r1 , r2 } in the network with two different groups B = {β1 , β2 }. We will show that, for any distribution of B, there always exists μ∗ such that POA = 1. In the following lemma, the existence and uniqueness of Nash flow for the special case is guaranteed. Lemma 3.1: Under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, the Nash flow of the two groups case always exists and is uniquely determined as follows. V −V frne = 0, 1 ,β1 frne = 1 ,β2 frne = 2 ,β2 2 1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 2 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) V2 −V1 1+μβ2 d11 + d22 − 2d12 p2 F(d11 − d12 ) − p1 F(d22 − d12 ) − V2 −V1 1+μβ2 frne = 0, 1 ,β1 3) If V2 −V1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 1 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) frne 1 ,β1 frne 2 ,β1 = = 2 frne (d1k − d2k ) = k k=1 V2 − V1 . 1 + μβ2 (13) Since β1 > β2 and V1 < V2 , (V2 − V1 )/(1 + μβ2 ) > (V2 − V1 )/(1 + μβ1 ). Therefore (1 + μβ1 ) 2 d1k frne + V1 > (1 + μβ1 ) k k=1 2 d2k frne +V2 . (14) k k=1 = 0 and frne Thus, frne 1 ,β1 2 ,β1 ne and fr2 ,β1 + frne = 2 ,β2 ne ne fr1 ,β2 + fr2 ,β2 = p2 F, we = p1 F. Insert frne + frne = frne 1 1 ,β1 1 ,β2 ne fr2 into (13) and note that obtain frne = ( p1 F(d22 − d12 ) + 1 ,β2 p2 F(d22 − d12 ) + (V2 −V1/1 + μβ2 ))/(d11 + d22 − 2d12 ) = ( p2 F(d11 − d12 ) − p1 F(d22 − d12 ) − (V2 − V1 / and frne 2 ,β2 > 0. 1 + μβ2 ))/(d11 + d22 − 2d12 ). Obviously, frne 1 ,β2 ne ne ne Under Assumption 3.2, fr2 = fr2 ,β1 + fr2 ,β2 > 0 when μ = 0. Thus, (d11 − d12 )F > V2 − V1 . Therefore, > 0. Since (d11 − d12 )F − (V2 − V1 /1 + μβ2 ) frne > 0, 0 ≤ p < (F(d − d12 ) − 1 11 2 ,β2 The Nash (V2 − V1 /1 + μβ2 ))/(F(d11 + d22 − 2d12 )) . flow 1) is proved. Similarly, we can show 2) and 3). Based on Lemma 3.1, we give the total latency of the Nash flow. Lemma 3.2: Under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, the total latency of the Nash flow for the two groups case is as follows. frne = p2 F, 1 ,β2 μβ2 (V2 −V1 )2 d11 + d22 − 2d12 (1 + μβ2 )2 L F (F) = . (15) (d11 − d12 )(d22 − d12 ) 2 F d11 + d22 − 2d12 (d11 − d12 )V2 + (d22 − d12 )V1 + F. (16) d11 + d22 − 2d12 V −V frne = 0. 2 ,β2 < p1 ≤ 1 V2 −V1 1+μβ1 d11 + d22 − 2d12 p1 F(d11 − d12 ) + p2 F(d11 − d12 ) − V2 −V1 1+μβ1 d11 + d22 − 2d12 frne = 0. 2 ,β2 2 1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 2 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) L( f ne ) = L F (F)− V −V p1 F(d22 − d12 ) − p2 F(d22 − d12 ) + frne = p2 F, 1 ,β2 By the definition of the Nash flow, if frne > 0, frne >0 1 ,β2 2 ,β2 2 1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 1 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) frne = p1 F, 2 ,β1 (12) with d11 + d22 − 2d12 ≤ p1 ≤ rk :e∈rk frne dik + Vi . k V −V p1 F(d22 − d12 ) + p2 F(d22 − d12 ) + 2 1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 2 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) r k ∈R 1) If 0 ≤ p1 < frne = p1 F 2 ,β1 V −V 2) If e∈ri = (1 + μβ j ) rj If Vi = V j for some ri = r j , then there exist infinite Nash flows as defined in Definition 2.1. However, the total latency is identical for all these Nash flows, and so is the POA. For the special case with Vi = V j for all ri = r j , there exist infinite Nash flows for any distribution of B, but the POA can always = fr∗k , rk ∈ R. In most achieve 1 for any μ ≥ 0 since frne k practical cases, Vi are different for different routes. Therefore, we make the following assumption. Assumption 3.1: Vi = V j for all i = j . To further ensure the positivity property of the Nash flows with road pricing, we give the following assumption. Assumption 3.2: For the untolled situation with μ = 0, any Nash flow f ne has frne > 0 for all r ∈ R. Under Assumption 3.1, we can let V1 < V2 < · · · < VN . Assumption 3.2 indicates that every route will be in use when all routes are free of charge. 1) If 0 ≤ p1 < Proof: First, we prove the Nash flow 1). By the price function (6) and fe = r∈R:e∈r fr , we rewrite (3) as Jri ,β j ( f ne ) = frne + c (1 + μβ j )de e k 2) If 2 1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 2 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) V −V ≤ p1 ≤ 2 1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 1 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) L( f ne ) = (d11 − d12 )F 2 + (V2 − V1 − 2(d11 − d12 )F)F p1 + (d11 + d22 − 2d12 )F 2 p12 . (17) V −V 3) If 2 1 F (d11 −d12 )− 1+μβ 1 F (d11 +d22 −2d12 ) < p1 ≤ 1 L( f ne ) = L F (F) − μβ1 (V2 − V1 )2 . d11 + d22 − 2d12 (1 + μβ1 )2 (18) WANG et al.: ANALYSIS OF POA IN TRAFFIC NETWORKS 2231 ne in Lemma 3.1 into (7) and Proof: Substitute all fr,β j ne simplify to obtain L( f ). In the following theorem, we give the main result of this section. Theorem 3.1: Under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, for any given p1, there always exists μ∗ satisfies L( f ne (μ∗ )) = inf μ≥0 L( f ne (μ)) = L( f ∗ ), i.e., POA = 1. Furthermore L( f ne (μ∗ )) = L( f ∗ ) = L F (F) − 1 (V2 − V1 )2 4 d11 + d22 − 2d12 (19) where L F (F) is as defined in (16). Proof: The optimal flow of this network is: = (V2 − V1 + 2F(d22 − d12 )/2(d11 + d22 − 2d12 )) fr∗1 and fr∗2 = (V2 − V1 + 2F(d11 − d12 )/2(d11 + d22 − 2d12 )). Thus, L( f ∗ ) = L F (F)−(1/4)((V2 − V1 )2 /d11 + d22 − 2d12 ). For 0 ≤ p1 < (F(d11 − d12 ) − (V2 − V1 /2))/(F(d11 + d22 − 2d12 )), if we set μ∗ = (1/β2 ), the Nash flow is as in Lemma 3.1 1). Based on the total latency (15), it is easy to verify that the social optimum is reached at μ∗ = 1/β2 , i.e., L( f ne (μ∗ )) = L( f ∗ ) and POA = 1. Similarly, for (F(d11 −d12 )−(V2 − V1 /2))/(F(d11 + d22 −2d12)) < p1 ≤ 1, the social optimum can be achieved at μ∗ = (1/β1 ) with the Nash flow as shown in Lemma 3.1 (iii). If p1 = (F(d11 − d12 ) − (V2 −V1 /2))/(F(d11 + d22 −2d12 )), for any μ∗ ∈ [(1/β1 ), (1/β2 )], the Nash flow is as in Lemma 3.1 2), substitute p1 into (17), we can check POA = 1. B. Nash Flow Analysis for General Case In this section, we will analyze the POA for the case with several groups and routes connecting one origin and one destination. Let {A1 , . . . , A N } and {B1 , . . . , B N } be the set of solutions to the following equations: Ak = 1 (20) r k ∈R Bk = 0 r k ∈R r k ∈R Ak dik = r k ∈R Bk dik + Vi = (21) Ak d j k ∀ri = r j (22) Bk d j k + V j ∀ri = r j . (23) r k ∈R r k ∈R We can see from the proof of Lemma 3.3 that {A1 , . . . , A N } and {B1 , . . . , B N } always exist. The following lemma, whose proof is given in the Appendix, shows that under certain conditions, a Nash flow always exists and it is unique. Lemma 3.3: Under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, for any μ ≥ 0 and a given distribution of B, if there exists a group with β j0 ∈ B satisfying ⎧ B1 ⎪ ⎪p̂ j0 < A1 + ⎨ (1 + μβ j0 )F (24) BN ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ p̄ j0 < A N + (1 + μβ j0 )F then a Nash flow always exists and it is uniquely determined as follows: 1) the Nash flow for group β j0 is given by ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ A1 F − F̂ j0 + B1 , if k = 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 + μβ j0 ⎪ ⎨ 1 B N , if k = N frne (25) = A N F − F̄ j0 + k ,β j0 1 + μβ j0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ Bk , otherwise; ⎩Ak F + 1 + μβ j0 2) all players with β < β j0 choose route r1 , i.e., frne = F j0 +1 , . . . , frne = FM ; 1 ,β j0 +1 1 ,β M 3) all players with β > β j0 choose route r N , i.e., frne = F1 , . . . , frne = F j0 −1 . N ,β1 N ,β j0 −1 Based on the proof of Lemma 3.3, the properties of the Nash flows can be concluded as follows. 1) If there is a group choosing more than one routes at Nash flow, it must choose several successive routes, e.g., {r1 , r2 } and {r2 , r3 , r4 }. 2) If players with β j ∈ B choose routes {r j1 , . . . , r j2 }, then players with β > β j choose some routes r ∈ {r j2 , . . . , r N } and players with β < β j choose some routes r ∈ {r1 , . . . , r j1 }. Consider the case where players with β j0 ∈ B choose routes {rk1 , . . . , rk2 } with k1 ≤ k2 and {k : 1 ≤ k < k1 } ∪ {k : k2 < k ≤ N} = ∅, and all other players choose only one route r ∈ R at Nash flow. Based on the properties of the Nash flows described above, all players with β < β j0 only choose a route r ∈ {r1 , . . . , rk1 } and all players with β > β j0 only choose a route r ∈ {rk2 , . . . , r N }. Therefore, for route rk ∈ / {rk1 , . . . , rk2 }, frne is the sum of certain groups’ total k flow. k1 −1 ne /F, Fk1 = Denote p̃k = frne k=1 frk , Fk2 = k N ne ˆ∗ k=k2 +1 f rk , ρk1 = Fk1 /F, and ρk2 = Fk2 /F. Let f be the vector of route flows corresponding to the socially optimal flow. A distribution of B is called a critical point, if it satisfies ⎧ ∗ ⎪ ⎪ p̃k = frk /F, for 1 ≤ k < k1 or k2 < k ≤ N ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ Bk p̂ j0 − ρk1 < Ak1 + 1 (26) 2F ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ B ⎪ ⎩ p̄ j − ρk < Ak + k2 0 2 2 2F where Ak1 , Ak2 , Bk1 , and Bk2 are the k1 th and k2 th elements of the sets {A1 , . . . , A N } and {B1 , . . . , B N }, respectively. Note that (24) and (26) are exclusive with each other. The next theorem, as the main result of this paper, shows how the road pricing and the distribution of price sensitivities influence the POA. Theorem 3.2: Under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, for a given distribution of B, if: 1) there exists a group β j0 ∈ B satisfying ⎧ B ⎪ ⎨p̂ j0 < A1 + 1 2F (27) ⎪ ⎩ p̄ j < A N + B N ; 0 2F or 2232 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 23, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2015 2) the distribution of B is a critical point with ⎧ ∗ ⎪ ⎪ p̃k = frk /F, for 1 ≤ k < k1 or k2 < k ≤ N ⎪ ⎨ Bk p̂ j0 − ρk1 < Ak1 + 1 2F ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ p̄ − ρ < A + Bk2 j0 k2 k2 2F then μ∗ = 1/β j0 satisfies (28) L( f ne (μ∗ )) = L( f ∗ ) N N N Bk Vk = Ak dk1 F 2 + Ak Vk F + 4 k=1 k=1 k=1 (29) i.e., POA = 1. Otherwise, POA > 1. Proof: First, we consider case 1). From Lemma 3.3 and the definition of L( f ) in (7), if group β j0 ∈ B satisfies (24), then the total latency of the Nash flow with road pricing is L( f ne ) = N Ak dk1 F 2 + k=1 N Ak Vk F + k=1 N Bk Vk μβ j0 . (30) (1 + μβ j0 )2 k=1 Taking the partial derivative of (30) with respect to μ, we can see that the minimum of L( f ne ) is achieved at μ∗ = 1/β j0 . Substitute μ∗ into (30), we have L( f ne (μ∗ )) = N Ak dk1 F 2 + k=1 N Ak Vk F + k=1 N Bk Vk . (31) 4 k=1 Furthermore, we can check that the total latency of the Nash flow is equal to the total latency of the socially optimal flow, i.e., POA = 1. For case 2), only players with β j0 ∈ B choose more than one routes. Based on the definition of critical point, the Nash flow is determined as ⎧ ∗ f rk , if 1 ≤ k < k1 or k2 < k ≤ N ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨F̂ j0 − Fk1 + f ne , if k = k1 rk1,β j0 = (32) frne k F̄ j0 − Fk2 + frne , if k = k2 ⎪ ⎪ k2,β j0 ⎪ ⎩ f ne , otherwise rk ,β j 0 where k2 frne k ,β j 0 > 0 for all k1 ≤ ≤ k k2 and frne = F j0 . k ,β j0 Similar to case 1), under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, we can show that μ∗ = 1/β j0 can lead to L( f ne (μ∗ )) = L( f ∗ ), i.e., POA = 1. If the distribution of B does not satisfy (i) or (ii), there are at least two groups choosing more than one routes at any Nash flow. Assuming that group β j1 chooses ri1 and ri2 , and group β j2 chooses ri1 and ri2 , by the definition of a Nash flow, we have Vi − Vi1 frne (di1 k − di2 k ) = 2 (33) k 1 + μβ j1 k=k1 r k ∈R r k ∈R frne (di1 k − di2 k ) = k Vi2 − Vi1 1 + μβ j2 . (34) The total latency of a Nash flow L( f ne ) is a function of both 1/(1 + μβ j1 ) and 1/(1 + μβ j2 ). It follows from β j1 = β j2 that POA > 1. Remark 3.1: Note that for critical point, under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, if we set μ∗ = 1/β j0 , then the Nash flow is uniquely determined as follows: 1) for group β j0 ⎧ 0, if 1 ≤ k < k1 or k2 < k ≤ N ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ Ak1 F − F̂ j0 + Fk1 + 2 Bk1 , if k = k1 frne = 1 k ,β j0 ⎪ Ak2 F − F̄ j0 + Fk2 + Bk2 , if k = k2 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 2 ⎪ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎩ A k F + Bk , otherwise; 2 (35) 2) all players with β < β j0 only choose one route = fr∗k for 1 ≤ k < k1 ; r ∈ {r1 , . . . , rk1 } and frne k 3) all players with β > β j0 only choose one route r ∈ {rk2 , . . . , r N } and frne = fr∗k for k k2 < k ≤ N. From above, we conclude that, if the distribution of B satisfies certain conditions, we can always find a μ∗ ≥ 0 such that the POA can achieve 1 by charging the designed toll ρe ( f e ) = μ∗ de f e on each link e ∈ E. Moreover, in the following theorem [9], it is shown that the POA can be bounded by 4/3 if the network has linear latency functions. Theorem 3.3 [9]: For networks with multiple origin– destination pairs, if the latency functions are linear, then POA ≤ (4/3). The game we considered is a congestion game and it is well known that any congestion game is a potential game [6], which possesses a desirable property—the existence of a pure Nash equilibrium [7]. Therefore, for any distribution of B and any given μ ≥ 0, we can always find a Nash flow. Under Assumptions 3.1 and 3.2, we provide a method to design the optimal μ∗ that minimizes the POA as summarized in Algorithm 1. IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS AND R EAL DATA S IMULATIONS In this section, we first use numerical examples to illustrate that whether the POA can achieve 1 for any given network depends on the distribution of B. Then, based on the real traffic data in Singapore, we analyze the POA for two different traffic networks with identical distribution of B, which indicates that whether the POA can reach 1 also depends on the topology and parameters of a traffic network. A. Numerical Examples Consider the road network with three routes, as shown in Fig. 1, and suppose that there are five groups of drivers with a total flow F = 2. The parameters of the network are given by {de1 = 25, de2 = 68, de3 = 47, de4 = 86}, {ce1 = 10, ce2 = 21, ce3 = 85, ce4 = 98}, and B = {100, 1, 0.35, 0.18, 0.01}. The total latency of the Nash flow without tolls is L( f ne (0)) = 290.7, and the socially optimal flow on each route is fr∗1 = 0.8277, f r∗2 = 0.5166, f r∗3 = 0.6557 with L( f ∗ ) = 280.3. Next, we analyze the POA for three different distribution of B. WANG et al.: ANALYSIS OF POA IN TRAFFIC NETWORKS Algorithm 1 Best POA For the first case, the distribution of B is given by P = {0.25, 0.46, 0.04, 0.20, 0.05}. Based on Algorithm 2, condition 1) in Theorem 3.2 is satisfied. Therefore, we can set μ∗ = 1/β2 = 1 to obtain L( f ne (μ∗ )) = L( f ∗ ), i.e., POA = 1. As expected, the road pricing decreases the total latency. For the second case, the distribution of B is P = {0.1225, 0.2053, 0.2972, 0.2735, 0.1015}. There exists a group β3 such that p̂3 < fr∗1 /F = 0.4138, p̃3 = p1 + p2 = fr∗3 /F = 0.3278, i.e., condition 2) in Theorem 3.2 is satisfied, which can be checked by Algorithm 2. Thus, we can set μ∗ = 1/β3 = 2.857 to achieve POA = 1. For the third case, the distribution of B is P = {0.35, 0.40, 0.11, 0.09, 0.05}. In this case, according to Algorithm 2, the conditions in Theorem 3.2 are not satisfied. Using Algorithm 1, we get μ∗ = 0.9729 and L( f ne (μ∗ )) = 281.0. The road pricing reduces the total latency, but POA = 1.003 > 1. Note that the results in this paper can be applied to any road network with one origin–destination pair and to the case with more user groups. B. Real Data Simulations For real data analysis, we consider two road networks in Singapore. One road network is in the east of Singapore (Fig. 2), and the other one is in central business 2233 Algorithm 2 Condition Checking of Theorem 3.2 Fig. 2. Traffic network in the east of Singapore. district (CBD) (Fig. 3). Assume that road users are divided into groups according to their vehicle modes—car, motorcycle, taxi, and bus. According to the 2004 stated preference survey data, the price sensitivities (min/cent) for these four groups are 0.25, 0.36, 0.20, and 0, respectively. The vehicle distribution of these four vehicle types provided by Singapore land transport statistics in brief 2005 is {0.7239, 0.1884, 0.0281, 0.0596}. Assume that the total flow of the network is 500. In the following simulation, we will show that for the network, as shown in Fig. 2, the POA cannot achieve 1 since both conditions 1) and 2) in Theorem 3.2 are not satisfied. While for the CBD road network, as shown in Fig. 3, the distribution of B satisfies condition 1) in Theorem 3.2. Therefore, we can find μ∗ such that POA = 1. 1) East Road Network of Singapore: To see the road network in Fig. 2 clearly, we extract its structure and show 2234 Fig. 3. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 23, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2015 Fig. 6. Relationship between μ and POA for road network in Fig. 2. Fig. 7. Relationship between μ and POA for road network in Fig. 3. Traffic network in the CBD of Singapore. Fig. 4. Structure of the east road network of Fig. 2. In this traffic network, R = {r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 } is described by r1 = {e8 , e9 }, r2 = {e1 , e2 , e3 , e10 }, r3 = {e4 , e5 , e10 }, and r4 = {e4 , e6 , e7 , e3 , e10 }. Fig. 5. Relationship between the traffic flow and travel time for edge e1 (i.e., le = 0.0932 fe + 5.5409) in Fig. 4. it in Fig. 4. For each edge e in Fig. 4, we fit the latency function le ( f e ) to real traffic data (e.g., the loop count data to record the traffic flow and the taxi data to record the average speed). Then, we get the value of de and ce for each edge e. For example, as shown in Fig. 5, de = 0.0932 and ce = 5.5409 for edge e1 in Fig. 4. The socially optimal flow for this network is fr∗1 = 176.7981, f r∗2 = 198.0003, fr∗3 = 114.2368, and fr∗4 = 10.9648 with L( f ∗ ) = 35922.807. We can check that this network does not satisfy either condition 1) or 2) in Theorem 3.2. Through Algorithm 1, we get μ∗ = 3.394 and the corresponding Nash flow is frne = 177.028, frne = 197.966, frne = 113.710, and 1 2 3 frne = 11.296. We can further check that motorcycle group 4 chooses routes r3 and r4 , car group chooses routes r1 , r2 , and r3 , and both taxi and bus groups choose route r1 . The total latency of the Nash flow without toll is L( f ne (0)) = 35 950.711 and with toll is L( f ne (μ∗ )) = 35 922.899. Compare L( f ne (μ∗ )) and L( f ∗ ), we have POA > 1. As shown in Fig. 6, the POA achieves its minimal point at μ∗ = 3.394, where the POA slightly deviates from 1. It is also verified that the POA is bounded by 4/3. 2) CBD of Singapore: In the CBD network, there are three routes R = {r1 , r2 , r3 }. Similar to the east road network case, we fit the latency function le ( f e ) to real data for each edge e in Fig. 3 and get the value of de and ce . Then, we can calculate the socially optimal flow for this network is fr∗1 = 160.9258, f r∗2 = 226.7071, and fr∗3 = 112.3671 with L( f ∗ ) = 12 532.291. It is easy to check that this network satisfies condition 1) in Theorem 3.2. Therefore, we can find μ∗ = 4 such that POA=1, which is shown in Fig. 7. At the Nash flow, only car group chooses more than one routes, i.e., r1 , r2 , and r3 . The motorcycle group chooses route r3 and both taxi and bus groups choose route r1 . The total WANG et al.: ANALYSIS OF POA IN TRAFFIC NETWORKS latency without toll is L( f ne (0)) = 12 547.216 and with toll is L( f ne (μ∗ )) = 12 532.291. Obviously, the designed toll improves the social welfare. Remark 4.1: The simulation results coincide with conditions in Theorem 3.2 since Ak , Bk , k = 1, and N are related with the traffic network parameters de , ce , e ∈ E. To be precise, both the distribution of B and the topology and parameters of traffic networks affect the POA. V. C ONCLUSION In this paper, we have analyzed the Nash flow and the POA for traffic networks with one origin–destination pair. The scaled marginal-cost road pricing has been introduced to optimize the POA for the case where all players in the noncooperative congestion games have heterogeneous price sensitivities. It has been shown that for two groups and two routes case, the social optimum can always be achieved after charging the designed toll on each link. For general case, if the distribution of price sensitivities satisfies certain conditions, the designed toll can guarantee the unique Nash flow approaches the optimal flow, i.e., POA = 1. However, the optimal POA cannot always achieve 1. For any traffic network with one origin–destination pair and any distribution of price sensitivities, an algorithm is introduced to find a road price that minimizes the POA. Note that our model assumes that the road manager has perfect information on the distribution of price sensitivities. However, in real traffic systems, the distribution of players’ price sensitivities may be unknown to the road manager. Therefore, one of our next steps is to estimate the distribution of price sensitivities and analyze the robustness of the POA. In addition, nonlinear latency functions and pricing schemes will be considered. 2235 For groups with β j > β j0 , (VN − Vi /1 + μβ j0 ) > (VN − Vi /1 + μβ j ), for all i < N. Therefore, Jr N ,β j ( f ne ) < = 0, frne = F j , and Jri ,β j ( f ne ) for all i < N, i.e., frne i ,β j N ,β j ne ne fr N = F̄ j0 + fr N ,β j . Similarly, for groups with β j < β j0 , 0 (V1 − Vi /1 + μβ j0 ) < (V1 − Vi /1 + μβ j ), for all i > 1. Thus, Jr1 ,β j ( f ne ) < Jri ,β j ( f ne ) for all i > 1, i.e., frne = 0, frne = F j , and frne = F̂ j0 + frne . In conclusion, 1 i ,β j 1 ,β j 1 ,β j0 the Nash flow is given by ⎧ ne ⎪ ⎨ F̂ j0 + fr1 ,β j0, if k = 1 , if k = N frne = F̄ j0 + frne (37) N ,β j0 k ⎪ ⎩ f ne , otherwise. rk ,β j 0 From (36), each {i, j } forms an equation. Take any distinct = F j0 , N − 1 equations and combine them with rk ∈R frne k ,β j0 we obtain a N-dimension linear equation. The solution of this system uniquely exists and any solution frne must be a linear k ,β j 0 combination of F j0 , F̄ j0 , F̂ j0 , and 1/(1 + μβ j0 ), and we denote them as 1 = A k F j0 + Bk + Ck F̂ j0 + Dk F̄ j0 (38) frne k ,β j0 1 + μβ j0 where Ak , Bk , Ck , and Dk are independent of μ, β, F j0 , F̄ j0 , and F̂ j0 . Since potential game guarantees the existence of a pure Nash equilibrium, the solution to the above system always = F j0 , we have exists. Substituting (38) into rk ∈R frne k ,β j0 ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ 1 ⎝ A k − 1⎠ F j0 + ⎝ Bk ⎠ 1 + μβ j0 r k ∈R r k ∈R ⎛ ⎛ ⎞ ⎞ +⎝ Ck ⎠ F̂ j0 + ⎝ Dk ⎠ F̄ j0 = 0. (39) r k ∈R A PPENDIX Proof of Lemma 3.3: We first show the construction of a Nash flow. Consider the group with the price sensitivity β j0 . Assume frne > 0 for k = 1, N for any μ ≥ 0. We will k ,β j0 show later that under (24), frne > 0 and frne > 0 always 1 ,β j0 N ,β j0 ne hold. If frk ,β j = 0 for some rk = r1 or r N , by the definition 0 of the Nash flow, we have Jri ,β j0 ( f ne ) ≤ Jrk ,β j0 ( f ne ), for all i = k. Note that β j and V j are ordered as β1 > β2 > · · · > β M and Vr1 < Vr2 < · · · < Vr N , respectively. For groups with β j > β j0 , i.e., β1 , . . . , β j0 −1 , since frne > 0, N ,β j0 we have Jr N ,β j ( f ne ) ≤ Jri ,β j ( f ne ), for all i = N, which = 0 for all β j > β j0 . For groups with indicates that frne k ,β j β j < β j0 , i.e., β j0 +1 , . . . , β M , since frne > 0 we have 1 ,β j0 Jr1 ,β j ( f ne ) ≤ Jri ,β j ( f ne ), for all i = 1, which also indicates that frne = 0 for all β j < β j0 . Thus, we can conclude that k ,β j frne = 0, which implies frne = 0 when μ = 0. This contradicts k k Assumption 3.2. Therefore, frne > 0 for all rk ∈ R. k ,β j0 By the definition of the Nash flow, for any ri = r j , we have V j − Vi frne (dik − d j k ) = . (36) k 1 + μβ j0 r k ∈R r k ∈R Since (39) holds for any F j0 , F̄ j0 , F̂ j0 , and μ, we obtain Ak = 1 (40) r k ∈R Bk = 0 (41) Ck = 0 (42) Dk = 0. (43) r k ∈R r k ∈R r k ∈R Substituting (37) and (38) into (36), similarly to the above, we obtain Ak dik = Ak d j k (44) r k ∈R Bk dik + Vi = r k ∈R Ck dik + di1 = r k ∈R r k ∈R Dk dik + di N = r k ∈R Bk d j k + V j (45) Ck d j k + d j 1 (46) Dk d j k + d j N . (47) r k ∈R r k ∈R r k ∈R 2236 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, VOL. 23, NO. 6, NOVEMBER 2015 For β j1 ∈ B By (42) and (44) N Ci i=1 N Ak dik = N k=1 Ak d1k N k=1 Ci = 0. (48) i=1 By (40) and (46) N i=1 Ai N Ck dik = k=1 = = N i=1 N k=1 N Ai N Ck d1k + d11 − di1 1 k=1 Ck d1k + d11 − Ck dik + di1 − N i=1 N k=1 (50) 0 Thus F j0 = F − F̂ j0 − F̄ j0 ≥ F − (A1 + A N )F − (B1 + B N ) > 0 F − A N F − B N ≤ F̂ j0 ≤ A1 F + B1 (Ak − Ck )dik = 0. F ≤ (A1 + A N )F + (B1 + B N ) F > (A1 + A N )F + (B1 + B N ). that is (A1 − C1 − 1)di1 + 0 that is Ak dik k=1 N 1 F̄ j1 = F − F̂ j0 ≤ A N F + B N . (49) N N N N Ci k=1 Ak dik = i=1 Ai k=1 Ck dik , combinSince i=1 ing (48) and (49), for all ri ∈ R N (56) F̄ j0 ≤ A N F + B N k=1 Ck dik + di1 = if k = N otherwise. F̂ j0 ≤ A1 F + B1 Ai di1 Ak dki . if k = 1 Without loss of generality, we assume that group β j1 is next to group β j0 and β j1 < β j0 . Thus, F̄ j1 = F − F̂ j0 . Since frne ≥ 0, frne ≥ 0, frne ≥ 0, and frne ≥ 0, we have 1 ,β j N ,β j 1 ,β j N ,β j k=1 N frne k ,β j1 ⎧ ⎪ ⎨ A1 F − F̂ j1 + B1 , = A N F − F̄ j1 + B N , ⎪ ⎩A F + B , k k (51) This is a contradiction. Therefore, the Nash flow is unique for a given distribution of B satisfying (24). k=2 Since (51) holds for all ri ∈ R, we have A 1 = C1 + 1 Ak = Ck for all k = 1. Similarly to the above, we have Ak = Dk for all k = N A N = D N + 1. R EFERENCES (52) (53) Insert (52) and (53) into (38), we obtain (25). According > 0 for k = 1, N is guaranteed. to (24), frne k ,β j0 By Assumption 3.2, frne > 0, rk ∈ R for μ > 0 is k ,β j 0 guaranteed. For the special case when F̂ j0 = 0 or F̄ j0 = 0, the results are the same. Next, we show the uniqueness of the above Nash flow. For the given distribution of B, we assume that there exists another > 0 for all rk ∈ R, thus group β j1 ∈ B satisfying frne k , j1 ⎧ 1 ⎪ ⎪ A1 F − F̂ j1 + B1 , if k = 1 ⎪ ⎪ 1 + μβ j1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ 1 frne (54) A N F − F̄ j1 + = B N , if k = N ,β k j1 ⎪ 1 + μβ j1 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 1 ⎪ ⎪ Bk , otherwise. ⎩Ak F + 1 + μβ j1 Since (25) and (54) also holds for μ = 0, we consider the case when the routes are free of charge. Therefore, for β j0 ∈ B ⎧ ⎨ A1 F − F̂ j0 + B1 , if k = 1 = frne (55) A F − F̄ j0 + B N , if k = N k ,β j0 ⎩ N otherwise. A k F + Bk , [1] R. Johari and J. N. Tsitsiklis, “Efficiency loss in a network resource allocation game,” Math. Oper. Res., vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 407–435, 2004. [2] B. J. Brinkworth and M. 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He was a Research Associate and a Research Fellow with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is currently a Post-Doctoral Associate with the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology Centre, Singapore, where he is involved in the Future Urban Mobility IRG Research Program. His current research interests include networked control systems, multi-agent systems, transportation networks, and game theory. 2237 Lihua Xie (F’07) received the B.E. and M.E. degrees from the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China, in 1983 and 1986, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia, in 1992, all in electrical engineering. He has been with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, since 1992, where he is currently a Professor. He served as the Head of the Division of Control and Instrumentation from 2011 to 2014. His current research interests include robust control and estimation, networked control systems, multiagent networks, and unmanned systems. Prof. Xie is a fellow of the International Federation of Automatic Control. He has served as an Editor of IET Book Series in Control and an Associate Editor of a number of journals, including the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATIC C ONTROL, Automatica, the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C ONTROL S YSTEMS T ECHNOLOGY, and the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON C IRCUITS AND S YSTEMS -II. Emilio Frazzoli (SM’07) received the Laurea degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Rome Sapienza, Rome, Italy, in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA, in 2001. He is currently a Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics with the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, and the Operations Research Center with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His current research interests include autonomous vehicles, mobile robotics, and transportation systems, and the area of planning and control for mobile cyber-physical systems. Prof. Frazzoli is currently an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2002. Daniela Rus (F’10) received the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. She was a Professor with the Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA. She is the Andrew and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. Her current research interests include robotics, mobile computing, and data science. Prof. Rus was a Class of 2002 MacArthur Fellow, a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery and the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering.