2008-2009 Alabama Education Report Card
2008-2009 Alabama Education Report Card
April 2, 2010 b Riley The Honorable Bo ate of Alabama Governor of the St State Capitol ma 36130 Montgomery, Alaba y: Dear Governor Rile 1975, Code of Alabama, 1, -2 -3 16 n io ct Se pleased to In accordance with d of Education, I am ar Bo e at St e th of ions for the and by direction cial report of operat an fin d an al tic tis submit this sta the Federal ation. It also meets uc Ed of t en tm ar blic State Dep hind Act of 2001, Pu Be ft Le ild Ch No e activities requirements of the ports summarize th re d ne bi m co e es Law 107-110. Th ation for the epartment of Educ D e at St e th of ns and operatio e fiscal year ending ne 30, 2009, and th Ju ng di en ar ye c scholasti . September 30, 2009 itted, Respectfully subm Joseph B. Morton t of Education State Superintenden ALABAMA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, JOSEPH B. MORTON, STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION APRIL 2010 No person shall be denied employment, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity on the basis of disability, gender, race, religion, national origin, color, age or genetics. Ref: Sec. 1983, Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C.; Title VI and VII, Civil Rights Act of 1964; Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sec. 504; Age Discrimination in Employment Act; The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and The Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008; Equal Pay Act of 1963; Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972; Title II of the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008: Title IX Coordinator, P.O. Box 302101, Montgomery, Alabama 36130-2101 or call (334) 242-8165. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ TABLE OF CONTENTS ALABAMA STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION PUBLIC EDUCATION IN ALABAMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND (NCLB) STATE REPORT CARD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 MISSION STATEMENT To view the NCLB State Report Card CLICK HERE To provide a state system of education which is committed to academic excellence and which provides education of the highest quality to all Alabama students, preparing them for the 21st century. RANDY MCKINNEY Vice President District I BETTY PETERS District II STEPHANIE W. BELL District III DR. ETHEL H. HALL V. P. Emerita District IV STUDENT INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Average Daily Membership Average Daily Attendance and Graduation Rate Safety and Discipline Percent of AP Exams Taken That Were Scored at 3, 4, or 5 2009 Graduating Class Took at Least One AP Exam Druing High School Student Access to Technology Free or Reduced Meals Reading Academic Achievement for English Language Learner (ELL) Students Projected Four-Year Dropout Rate Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Report for Alabama . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 AYP Summary/Schools in School Improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Alabama High School Graduation Exam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 ARMT Academic Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 Alabama Science Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 Alabama Alternate Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 National Assessment of Educational Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 General System Information - County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 General System Information - City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 STAFFING INFORMATION Highly Qualified Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Certification of Professional Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 ELLA B. BELL District V DAVID F. BYERS JR. District VI GOV. BOB RILEY President GARY WARREN District VII JOSEPH B. MORTON Secretary and Executive Officer DR. MARY JANE CAYLOR President Pro Tem District VIII FUNDING INFORMATION Foundation Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Statement of Revenues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Revenue by Source - County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Revenue by Source - City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Per Pupil Expenditure - County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Per Pupil Expenditure - City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Expenditures by Function - County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Expenditures by Function - City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27 Expenditures by Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Expenditures by Fund Type and Object . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Career and Technical Education Funds - 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29 Information in this 2008-2009 Alabama Education Report Card meets the requirements of the Code of Alabama (1975), Section 16-3-21 and the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110. 1 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 2 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... PUBLIC EDUCATION IN ALABAMA Year after year, the goal of educators, parents, and concerned citizens throughout Alabama is to provide this state’s children with the highest level of quality education possible. The future of Alabama’s businesses, industries, commerce, labor force, arts, humanities, and countless other areas are determined by the education that is provided to students today. This publication is a compilation of student, staffing, and funding information for the 2008-2009 school year in all Alabama public schools. Great effort was put forth to compile the most accurate information in each area and to provide the reader with an honest and transparent reflection of public education in Alabama. In the face of mounting expenses, coupled with back-to-back years of proration cuts, we are all expected to do more with less. Despite challenges of historic proportions, dedicated teachers, school leaders, and parents continue to move forward with a steadfast resolve to improve education and to do so in a fiscally conservative manner. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ PUBLIC EDUCATION IN ALABAMA The design and production of this official document is just one change that reflects the Alabama Department of Education’s commitment to free-flowing public information and practical efficiency. This report combines what were previously two separate documents: the federally mandated Alabama Education Report Card and the Annual Report. All of the information meets the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, Public Law 107-110, and the Code of Alabama (1975), Section 16-3-21 . This document is also available for viewing online at the Alabama Department of Education’s Web site www.alsde.edu. Alabama is moving in the right direction in many ways by reducing the achievement gap amongst students, elevating standardized test scores, implementing new and innovative programs and policies, and increasing graduation rates to name a few. Still, the amount of work needing to be done to ensure an educational experience that is second to none is monumental. Although public education in Alabama stands at the cusp of groundbreaking progress, the unwavering support of lawmakers, educators, administrators, and parents is needed now more than ever. Together, we can achieve our goal of providing a state system of education that is of the highest quality to all Alabama students, preparing them for college, work, and adulthood in the 21st century. 3 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND STATE REPORT CARD The federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires public accountability reports at the school, district, and state levels that include the status of adequate yearly progress (AYP), attendance and dropout/graduation rates, student assessment data disaggregated into subgroups, and information on “highly qualified” teachers. To meet these requirements, the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) incorporates the NCLB Education Report Card in the Alabama Education Report Card, which provides statewide information incorporating all NCLB conditions. The NCLB Education Report Card is available on the ALSDE Web site at http://www.alsde.edu. Click on the eGAP button on the Home page then click on the Document Library link to access the NCLB Education Report Card. A password is not needed to access the document library. YOUR GUIDE TO DATA FIELDS IN THIS REPORT Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Status Local Education Agency Status and AYP Adequate yearly progress (AYP) is calculated primarily on the state assessment results for reading/language arts and mathematics. These results are presented for the total school population and disaggregated by subgroups as performance indicators. Assessment participation is also included for the total student population and the disaggregated subgroups. In addition to these indicators, a secondary indicator is used for the final AYP calculation. Attendance is used as the additional academic indicator for Grades 3-8; dropout/graduation rate is used for Grade 11. More detail on how AYP is calculated is provided in the Interpretive Guide available on the ALSDE Web site at http://www.alsde.edu/ Accountability/preAccountability.asp. The NCLB Education Report Card includes a state summary showing the comparison between the actual achievement levels of each group of students and the state’s annual measurable achievement objectives (AMO). The results are presented by content area and the state standard is given. The proficiency percentages reflect state assessment data by Grades 3–8 and 11. The percent of students not tested is also shown. This information is available at http://www.alsde.edu/Accountability/ Accountability.asp. You must select each grade level and assessments for reading, mathematics, and science separately. Information on the performance of local educational agencies in Alabama regarding making AYP, including the number and names of each school identified for school improvement under Section 1116, is also included. Certification of Highly Qualified Teachers Information is provided about the percentage of teachers holding emergency or provisional certificates. The NCLB Education Report Card provides the percentage of teachers who meet the federal government’s definition of highly qualified. The law requires the state to report the percentages of classes that are not taught by highly qualified teachers in the highest and lowest quartiles of the state based on poverty. To view the NCLB State Report Card CLICK HERE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ STUDENT INFORMATION AVERAGE DAILY MEMBERSHIP 2006-2007 2007-2008 739,552 96.0% 743,704 97.8% Average Daily Membership Percent Average Daily Attendance STUDENT ACCESS TO TECHNOLOGY 2008-2009 742,789 95.8% 5 This data shows student accessibility to Internet and general computer use in the classrooms. AVERAGE DAILY ATTENDANCE AND GRADUATION RATE 2008-09 Average Daily Attendance 2009 Graduation Rate All Students 96% 86.7% American Indian/ Alaska Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White 95% 97% 96% 96% 96% 91.5% 95.7% 82.1% 81.9% 89.2% Female Male 96% 96% 89.2% 84.0% Poverty Special Education Limited English Proficient Migrant Homeless 95% 94% 97% 96% 94% 85.1% 61.2% 72.0% 84.9% 89.3% SAFETY AND DISCIPLINE This table shows the type of discipline problems that have occurred in public schools in the state and what actions were taken in 2008-2009. An incident may involve one or more students. ACTION TAKEN Action Taken Incident Type ELEMENTARY Assault Bomb Threats Drug-Related Weapon-Related Number of Incidents Reported Suspensions Expulsions Sent to Alternative School 946 34 1,506 1,578 849 28 1,321 1,370 40 2 207 138 149 13 721 387 FREE OR REDUCED MEALS This is the percent of students that applied for and were approved for free or reduced meals as reported on the Fall Attendance Report. It is an indicator of poverty. 100 80 60 50 51.2% 40 51.3% 52.7% 2007-08 2008-09 20 0 2006-07 READING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNER (ELL) STUDENTS PERCENT LEVELS III and IV This table shows the percent average daily attendance rate by subpopulation and the graduation rate by subpopulation. GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 LEGEND PERCENTAGE OF AP EXAMS TAKEN THAT WERE SCORED AT 3, 4, OR 5 2009 GRADUATING CLASS TOOK AT LEAST ONE AP EXAM DURING HIGH SCHOOL 46.4% 16.3% PROJECTED FOUR-YEAR DROPOUT RATE Please note: This is NOT the annual dropout rate. 9.8% 8.4%% 6.0% 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009 2008 2007 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 6 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ADEQUATE YEARLY PROGRESS (AYP) REPORT FOR ALABAMA State accountability in Alabama is based on the federal law known as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). NCLB uses the term Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) to describe whether a school or system has met all of its annual accountability goals. The state met all 38 of 38 goals (100%)! ASSESSMENTS USED IN DETERMINING AYP COMPONENTS OF AYP 1. 2. 3. Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test (ARMT) • Reading: Grades 3-8 • Mathematics: Grades 3-8 Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) • Reading: Grade 11 • Mathematics: Grade 11 Alabama Alternate Assessment (AAA) • Reading: Grades 3-8 and 11 • Mathematics: Grades 3-8 and 11 Annual Goals for Reading and Mathematics • Percentage of students scoring proficient or higher (Levels III and IV) Participation Rate • Percentage of students participating in assessments Additional Academic Indicators • Attendance • Graduation Rate For more detail on the Alabama Accountability System, please reference the 2009 Interpretive Guide for State Accountability, which can be found on the SDE Web site www.alsde.edu. Select the Accountability Reporting option on the Home page. Then select school year 2008-2009 Report. Then select 2009 Interpretive Guide (Adobe Acrobat File). MATHEMATICS READING Percent Met Proficiency Participation Participation Index Goal = 95% Goal Goal = 0.00 Made AYP All Students Special Education American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Limited-English Proficient Free/Reduced Meals 100 99 100 100 99 99 100 99 99 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 13.94 -11.86 16.04 18.46 8.96 10.31 16.99 7.74 10.15 Additional Academic Indicator - Attendance Rate Additional Academic Indicator - Attendance Rate All Students Additional Academic Indicator - Graduation Rate All Students The 2% rule only applies to the special education subgroup. IM–Improvement Met Proficiency Goal Percent Met Proficiency Participation Participation Index Goal = 95% Goal Goal = 0.00 Made AYP All Students Special Education American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian/Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Limited-English Proficient Free/Reduced Meals Yes Yes (2%) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 99 99 100 100 99 99 100 99 99 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2004-2005 2007-08 Attendance Rate Rate Attendance Goal 95% Goal == 95% 2003-2004 2008-09 Attendance Attendance Rate Rate Met Met Attendance Attendance Goal 97% 96% Yes 2006-07 Graduation Rate Goal = 90% 82% 2007-08 Graduation Rate Goal = 90% 85% Met Graduation Rate Goal Yes (IM) 20.36 -5.00 23.65 29.04 13.94 17.40 24.11 15.86 15.58 Met Proficiency Goal Yes Yes (2%) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ AYP SUMMARY PERCENT OF GOALS MET NUMBER OF SCHOOLS 2007-08 PERCENT MEETING GOALS 2008-09 2007-08 2008-099* 100 PERCENT 1,143 1,193 83.61 86.70 90 TO 99.99 131 104 9.58 7.56 80 TO 89.99 54 41 3.95 2.98 70 TO 79.99 18 17 1.32 1.24 60 TO 69.99 11 13 0.80 0.94 LESS THAN 60 10 8 0.73 0.58 1,367 1,376 100% 100% TOTAL SCHOOLS ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... SCHOOLS IN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT A school must meet 100% of its goals in order to make Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). A school that does not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same component (reading, mathematics, or the additional academic indicator) will be identified for School Improvement Year 1. If the school does not make AYP the next year in the same component, it will move to School Improvement Year 2, etc. Once in School Improvement, if a school makes one year of AYP in the same component, it does not advance to the next level of improvement, but retains it current improvement status in the component – also known as the delay provision. For a complete list of the status for all the schools, link to the Web site http://www.alsde.edu/ Accountability/preAccountability.asp. Once on the page, under “Select School Year” choose 2008-2009 and under “Select Report” choose 2009 Adequate Yearly Progress Status of Schools List. SYSTEM NAME SCHOOL NAME OVERALL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM NAME Autauga County Billingsley High School* School Improvement - Year 1 Choctaw County** Baldwin County Baldwin County High School School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Clarke County** Bibb County Bibb County High School* School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Clarke County Blount County Blount County Multi-Needs Center School Improvement - Year 1 SCHOOL NAME OVERALL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT None in School Improvement None in School Improvement Clarke County High School School Improvement - Year 1 Clay County Lineville High School School Improvement - Year 2 Central Middle School* School Improvement - Year 4 Bullock County South Highlands Middle School* School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Coosa County Butler County Greenville High School* Greenville Middle School* School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Covington County Straughn High School School Improvement - Year 2 (Delay) Cullman County Calhoun County Wellborn High School School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Chambers County Valley High School School Improvement - Year 1 Cold Springs High School Cullman Child Development Center Vinemont High School West Point High School School School School School Cherokee County Sand Rock High School* School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Dale County Dale County High School George W Long High School School Improvement - Year 2 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Chilton County Chilton County High School Jemison High School Thorsby High School* School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 1 Dallas County Dallas County High School* Keith Middle-High School* Southside High School* School Improvement - Year 5 School Improvement - Year 2 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) * Schools that are Title I schools ** Systems that did not make AYP Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement - Year - Year - Year - Year 2 (Delay) 4 2 (Delay) 4 (Delay) 7 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 8 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... SCHOOLS IN SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM NAME SCHOOL NAME OVERALL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEM NAME SCHOOL NAME OVERALL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT Dekalb County Crossville High School* Fyffe High School* Geraldine School* School Improvement - Year 4 School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 4 (Delay) Sumter County Livingston High School* Sumter County High School* Livingston Junior High School* School Improvement - Year 3 School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 1 Elmore County Stanhope Elmore High School School Improvement - Year 4 Talladega County Winterboro High School* School Improvement - Year 1 Escambia County Escambia County High School* W S Neal High School School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 2 Tallapoosa County Edward Bell High School* Tallapoosa County Alternative School School Improvement - Year 3 School Improvement - Year 1 Etowah County Gaston High School* School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Tuscaloosa County Fayette County Berry High School* School Improvement - Year 3 Holt High School Sprayberry Regional Education Center Tuscaloosa County High School School Improvement - Year 3 School Improvement - Year 4 School Improvement - Year 2 Franklin County Phil Campbell High School School Improvement - Year 1 Walker County Geneva County Geneva County High School Samson High School School Improvement - Year 2 School Improvement - Year 2 Curry High School Parrish High School* School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Washington County** Non in School Improvement Henry County Headland High School School Improvement - Year 4 (Delay) Anniston City Anniston High School* Houston County Houston County High School School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay)* Attalla City Etowah High School School Improvement - Year 1 Jackson County Pisgah High School* Section High School* Skyline High School* Woodville High School* School School School School Birmingham City Jefferson County Erwin High School Hueytown High School Minor High School School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 4 George Washington Carver High School* Huffman High School-Magnet Jackson-Olin High School Robinson Elementary School* Wenonah High School* School School School School School Daleville City Daleville High School* School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay)* Dothan City Lawrence County Hazlewood High School* (Closed) Dothan High School* Northview High School* School Improvement - Year 4 (Delay)* School Improvement - Year 4 (Delay)* Lee County Sanford Middle School School Improvement - Year 1 Enterprise City Enterprise High School School Improvement - Year 1 Limestone County Ardmore High School School Improvement - Year 3 Fairfield City Fairfield High Preparatory School* School Improvement - Year 4 Lowndes County Calhoun High School* School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Florence City Macon County Booker T Washington High School School Improvement - Year 4 Florence High School Florence Freshman Center School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Madison County Madison County High School Sparkman High School Sparkman Ninth Grade School School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 1 Marengo County John Essex High School* Sweet Water High School* School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 1 Marion County Marion County Alternative School Marion County High School School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement - Year - Year - Year - Year 2 (Delay) 3 (Delay) 1 (Delay) 1 Marshall County Asbury School* Brindlee Mountain High School School Improvement - Year 2 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 2 (Delay) Mobile County Augusta Evans School Continuous Learning Center Hillsdale Alternative School Mobile Mental Health Center School School School School Monroe County Frisco City High School* (Closed) Montgomery County Childrens Center Fews Secondary Alternative School* Jefferson Davis High School* Lee High School* Paterson Elementary School* School Improvement School Improvement School Improvement School Improvement (Closed) Russell County Russell County High School School Improvement - Year 3 St Clair County Moody High School Springville High School School Improvement - Year 2 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 2 (Delay) Shelby County Linda Nolen Learning Center School Improvement - Year 2 Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement School Improvement - Year 4 Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement - Year - Year - Year - Year - Year 1 1 1 1 1 Gadsden City Gadsden City High School School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Huntsville City SR Butler High School* Davis Hills Middle School* The Seldon Center JO Johnson High School* Roy L Stone Middle School* School School School School School Leeds City Leeds High School School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Midfield City Midfield High School* School Improvement - Year 1 School Improvement - Year 1 Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement - Year - Year - Year - Year - Year 2 4 (Delay) 1 1 5 Opelika City Opelika High School - Year - Year - Year - Year 5 1 1 4 Ozark City Carroll High School School Improvement - Year 1 Pell City Pell City High School School Improvement - Year 3 (Delay) Sheffield City WA Threadgill Primary School* L E Willson Elementary School* School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) - Year - Year - Year - Year 4 5 4 (Delay)* 5* Talladega City Talladega High School School Improvement - Year 1 Tarrant City Tarrant High School* School Improvement - Year 1 Tuscaloosa City Central Primary School* Paul W Bryant High School Northridge High School Oakdale Primary School* Oak Hill School Martin L King Jr Elementary School* Westlawn Middle School* School School School School School School School Deshler High School School Improvement - Year 1 (Delay) Tuscumbia City Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement Improvement - Year - Year - Year - Year - Year - Year - Year 4 2 2 4 2 4 4 (Delay) (Delay) (Delay) (Delay) (Delay) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ALABAMA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION EXAM Students must pass the Alabama High School Graduation Exam (AHSGE) to earn a high school diploma. The chart shows the percent of 11th and 12th graders who passed each subject-area test of the exam. The percent passing reflects Levels III and IV (meeting or exceeding academic achievement standards). Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) are the annual requirements for the percentage of students in Grade 11 at Levels III and IV for AYP. Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) are the annual requirements for the percentage of students in Grade 11 at Levels III and IV for AYP. (To view additional years of student achievement information, go to http://www.alsde.edu/Accountability/Accountability.asp. Student achievement is disaggregated and displayed by school year, assessment, grade, and subject.) PERCENT MEETING OR EXCEEDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS (LEVELS III AND IV) Percent Levels III and IV 84% 84% 85% 86% 81% 77% LEGEND LEVEL I Does Not Meet Standards READING LEVEL II Partially Meets Standards LEGEND MATHEMATICS LEVEL III Meets Standards GRADE 11 2007-08 GRADE 11 2008-09 AMO 2008-09 Grade 11 Reading AMO is 86. Grade 11 Mathematics is 77. LEVEL IV Exceeds Standards AHSGE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE READING G R A D E 11 MATHEMATICS Number Tested All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty 47,471 4,228 23,352 24,119 463 643 16,431 1,175 28,699 43 534 20,173 Percent Tested* Levels I & II 99 90 99 99 99 99 98 99 99 100 98 98 18 71 86 15 17 12 29 28 12 30 56 29 Level III Level IV 69 28 67 71 69 66 66 64 71 65 44 66 12 <5 11 14 14 21 <5 8 17 <5 <5 5 Number Tested 47,469 4,222 23,339 24,130 464 642 16,427 1,176 28,700 43 534 20,163 Percent Tested* Levels I & II 99 90 98 99 99 99 98 99 99 100 98 98 READING G R A D E 11 14 64 16 13 11 <5 23 17 10 26 30 22 All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty 44,50 3,153 21,524 22,976 471 529 15,391 922 46 364 17,091 Percent Tested* Levels I & II 96 64 95 97 97 99 94 97 96 97 94 6 46 7 <5 <5 <5 11 12 <5 33 10 PERCENT Level III Level IV Number Tested 65 33 63 67 67 44 68 66 64 65 58 67 20 <5 20 20 22 53 9 18 26 9 12 11 45,407 4,112 22,348 23,059 446 610 15,705 1,142 27,450 41 527 19,429 Percent Tested* Levels I & II 94 87 94 95 96 94 94 96 95 95 97 95 MATHEMATICS Level III 75 52 75 76 79 66 82 74 83 65 81 12 44 14 11 14 6 19 17 9 12 35 18 Level IV 19 <5 18 20 18 29 7 14 13 <5 9 Number Tested 44,519 3,153 21,533 22,986 471 527 15,419 921 46 363 17,101 Percent Tested* Levels I & II 96 64 95 97 97 98 94 97 96 97 94 * Includes all students tested but does not include special education students who took the Alabama Alternate Assessment. <5 41 6 <5 <5 <5 8 <5 <5 10 8 Level III Level IV 69 53 65 73 67 56 75 70 66 80 61 73 18 <5 21 16 19 38 6 13 25 7 <5 9 SCIENCE PERCENT PERCENT Number Tested BIOLOGY PERCENT PERCENT PERCENT Level III Level IV 74 55 73 76 75 46 82 76 89 80 81 21 <5 22 21 23 51 10 19 7 10 12 Number Tested 44,468 3,142 21,504 22,964 471 527 15,376 924 45 365 17,071 Percent Tested* Levels I & II 96 64 95 97 97 98 94 97 94 98 93 6 36 6 6 <5 6 13 12 <5 31 11 Level III 71 58 66 75 73 55 79 70 87 64 77 Level IV 23 6 27 19 24 39 9 18 11 <5 11 9 ... ... ... ... ALABAMA READING AND MATHEMATICS TEST The Alabama Reading and Mathematics Test (ARMT) provides an assessment of students’ mastery of the content standards contained in the Alabama courses of study for reading and mathematics. The ARMT is administered in Grades 3-8. Annual Measurable Objectives (AMOs) are the annual requirements for percentage of students at Levels III and IV for AYP and are displayed in the graphs below along with students’ actual achievement. (To view additional years of student achievement information, go to http://www.alsde.edu/Accountability/ Accountability.asp. Student achievement is disaggregated and displayed by school year, assessment, grade, and subject.) PERCENT MEETING OR EXCEEDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS (LEVELS III AND IV) READING 87% 86% 81% PERCENT LEVELS III and IV 10 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 85% 77% 81% 86% 81% 81% 74% 75% 59% LEGEND GRADE 3 4 5 6 7 READING 8 Percent Levels III & IV AMO MATH MATHEMATICS 79% PERCENT LEVELS III and IV ... ... ... ... 74% Percent Levels III & IV AMO 80% 79% 72% 71% 75% 74% 66% GRADE 3 4 5 6 63% 57% 56% 7 8 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ARMT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE READING MATHEMATICS PERCENT Number Tested G R A D E 3 G R A D E 4 G R A D E 5 G R A D E 6 G R A D E 7 G R A D E 8 All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty 58,392 5,674 29,810 28,582 440 730 20,202 2,656 34,102 119 2,077 33,845 57,905 5,753 29,515 28,390 447 656 20,001 2,400 34,202 115 1,578 33,124 57,173 5,784 29,247 27,926 501 661 19,954 2,213 33,662 102 1,243 32,429 56,349 5,550 28,941 27,408 467 697 19,801 2,010 33,240 90 1,069 31,136 56,387 5,731 29,117 27,270 504 649 19,853 1,954 33,314 120 984 30,794 56,221 5,705 28,815 27,406 554 627 19,930 1,849 33,173 73 919 29,844 Percent Tested* LEVEL I 99 92 98 99 98 98 98 98 99 95 99 98 99 92 99 99 99 97 99 97 99 96 100 99 99 92 99 99 99 97 99 98 99 97 98 99 99 91 98 99 99 98 98 97 99 97 100 98 99 91 98 99 99 98 98 98 99 99 99 98 98 91 98 99 99 99 98 97 99 96 99 98 <5 6 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 8 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 7 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 LEVEL II 13 47 17 10 12 6 21 21 9 23 26 19 13 51 16 10 9 7 21 21 8 21 31 19 14 51 18 11 10 5 22 21 10 17 35 20 13 52 18 9 9 7 21 20 9 29 37 20 18 62 23 13 12 9 28 25 12 34 46 26 24 67 29 20 20 12 37 31 16 41 57 34 PERCENT LEVEL III Number Tested LEVEL IV 33 29 35 32 25 24 42 42 28 45 47 40 33 31 34 31 29 21 43 41 27 37 44 40 33 28 33 32 26 23 41 39 27 34 42 40 27 29 29 25 24 16 36 32 22 36 38 35 35 26 36 34 33 25 42 40 30 38 41 41 38 21 38 39 36 30 43 39 36 40 30 43 * Includes all students tested but does not include special education students who took the Alabama Alternate Assessment. 53 18 48 58 62 70 36 36 63 31 26 40 54 16 49 58 62 72 35 38 65 43 24 40 52 13 47 57 63 70 35 38 62 49 20 39 59 16 53 65 68 77 43 47 69 36 24 45 46 7 40 53 55 66 29 33 57 25 10 32 37 <5 32 41 43 57 18 28 47 16 8 22 LEGEND LEVEL I Does Not Meet Standards LEVEL II Partially Meets Standards LEVEL III Meets Standards LEVEL IV Exceeds Standards 58,536 5,708 29,884 28,652 440 741 20,247 2,695 34,150 123 2,128 33,933 57,898 5,750 29,502 28,396 445 669 19,979 2,437 34,167 118 1,630 33,127 57,131 5,760 29,224 27,907 502 673 19,935 2,242 33,597 104 1,288 32,400 56,289 5,544 28,928 27,361 466 701 19,765 2,035 33,188 91 1,100 31,099 56,332 5,717 29,091 27,241 505 659 19,819 1,978 33,257 120 1,023 30,764 56,161 5,697 28,799 27,362 554 628 19,909 1,876 33,107 73 951 29,809 Percent Tested* LEVEL I 99 92 99 99 98 99 99 99 99 98 100 99 99 92 99 99 98 99 99 99 99 98 100 99 99 92 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 100 99 99 91 98 99 99 99 98 99 99 98 100 98 98 91 98 99 99 99 98 99 99 99 100 98 98 91 98 99 99 99 98 99 98 96 100 98 6 27 6 <5 <5 <5 9 7 <5 <5 9 8 <5 16 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 6 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 LEVEL II 15 27 16 15 11 7 22 19 11 25 22 20 19 45 20 17 16 7 27 25 13 30 32 25 19 57 22 17 12 6 29 25 13 26 38 26 25 66 27 22 13 9 39 32 17 30 48 35 34 81 38 30 27 7 47 41 27 46 57 46 26 72 29 23 23 8 40 33 18 36 48 37 LEVEL III 29 25 29 29 29 18 33 32 26 31 34 32 28 22 28 29 24 19 34 31 25 27 33 32 35 26 34 36 32 20 39 39 32 37 37 39 45 27 43 47 44 28 45 48 45 47 39 47 39 15 37 41 41 30 38 39 39 36 33 38 47 25 45 50 47 34 47 49 47 48 42 49 LEVEL IV 51 21 49 52 56 73 35 41 60 41 36 40 51 17 50 52 59 74 35 41 60 42 30 39 45 11 43 47 55 74 30 35 54 38 23 33 30 6 30 30 43 63 15 21 38 23 12 18 27 <5 25 29 32 63 15 20 34 18 9 16 26 <5 26 27 30 58 13 18 35 16 10 14 11 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 12 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ALABAMA DIRECT ASSESSMENT OF WRITING Alabama students in Grade 5, 7, and 10 take the Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing (ADAW) each year to measure their writing skills. This table shows how well students met the performance standards for composition on this test. (To view additional years of student achievement information, go to http://www.alsde.edu /Accountability/Accountability.asp. Student achievement is disaggregated and displayed by school year, assessment, grade, and subject.) WRITING G R A D E 5 G R A D E 7 G R A D E 10 PERCENT Number Tested All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty 55,675 5,526 28,445 27,230 482 650 19,455 2,181 32,710 113 1,205 31,382 54,637 5,432 28,134 26,503 503 640 19,201 1,927 32,244 108 960 29,532 49,876 4,881 24,994 24,882 491 577 17,646 1,398 29,680 65 718 22,565 Percent Tested* 96 88 96 97 95 96 96 96 96 100 92 95 95 86 95 96 98 96 95 96 96 89 93 94 91 79 90 92 91 95 87 91 93 93 89 87 LEVEL I <5 21 5 <5 <5 <5 5 6 <5 <5 11 5 <5 19 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 7 <5 13 13 <5 <5 19 5 <5 <5 5 5 8 <5 <5 17 5 LEVEL II LEVEL III 31 50 37 26 29 19 38 35 27 37 45 38 31 56 37 25 26 20 40 36 26 37 47 39 20 46 24 16 13 14 27 25 15 26 36 26 53 26 50 56 51 54 49 51 55 57 41 50 60 25 54 66 67 62 53 54 64 49 39 53 56 31 53 59 62 44 55 53 57 62 43 56 LEVEL IV 12 <5 9 16 18 24 7 8 15 <5 <5 7 6 <5 <5 7 <5 16 <5 <5 8 <5 <5 <5 20 <5 18 23 21 37 12 14 25 9 <5 12 LEGEND LEVEL I Does Not Meet Standards LEVEL II Partially Meets Standards LEVEL III Meets Standards LEVEL IV Exceeds Standards * Includes all students tested but does not include special education students who took an alternate assessment. PERCENT MEETING OR EXCEEDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS (LEVELS III AND IV). 65% 66% 76% Passed at Levels III and IV for Grade 5 Passed at Levels III and IV for Grade 7 Passed at Levels III and IV for Grade 10 ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ALABAMA SCIENCE ASSESSMENT Alabama students in Grades 5 and 7 take the Alabama Science Assessment (ASA) each year to measure their mastery of content standards contained in the Alabama Course of Study for Science. (To view additional years of student achievement information, go to http://www.alsde.edu/Accountability/ Accountability.asp. Student achievement is disaggregated and displayed by school year, assessment, grade, and subject.) SCIENCE G R A D E 5 G R A D E 7 PERCENT Number Tested All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty 56,095 5,527 28,720 27,375 490 670 19,595 2,202 32,945 104 1,256 31,697 54,940 5,391 28,338 26,602 505 647 19,289 1,935 32,449 116 1,003 29,746 Percent Tested* 97 88 97 97 97 99 97 97 97 99 96 96 96 86 96 96 99 97 95 97 96 96 97 95 LEVEL I LEVEL II LEVEL III <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 9 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 <5 26 61 27 25 16 10 41 35 17 28 51 36 28 67 31 25 23 12 41 34 20 40 53 38 42 26 39 46 44 37 43 44 42 38 37 44 40 20 37 44 44 30 41 42 40 40 35 41 LEVEL IV 31 9 33 28 39 51 14 20 41 33 10 19 30 5 30 30 31 58 16 22 39 18 8 18 LEGEND LEVEL I Does Not Meet Standards LEVEL II Partially Meets Standards LEVEL III Meets Standards LEVEL IV Exceeds Standards * Includes all students tested but does not include special education students who took the Alabama Alternate Assessment. PERCENT MEETING OR EXCEEDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS (LEVELS III AND IV) 73% 70% Passed at Levels III and IV for Grade 5 Passed at Levels III and IV for Grade 7 13 ... ... ... ... 14 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ALABAMA ALTERNATE ASSESSMENT The Alabama Alternate Assessment (AAA) is designed for special education students in Grades 3-8 and 11 whose Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams determine that the students will not participate in the regular student testing program. The AAA measures a student’s mastery of academic goals based on the state content extended standards. (To view additional years of student achievement information, go to http://www.alsde.edu/Accountability/Accountability.asp. Student achievement is disaggregated and displayed by school year, assessment, grade, and subject.) PERCENT MEETING OR EXCEEDING ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS (LEVELS III AND IV) 76% 74% 73% 70% 68% Percent Levels III and IV ... ... ... ... 63% 61% 59% 59% 53% 46% 68% 69% 62% 71% 67% 56% LEGEND GRADE 3 GRADE 4 GRADE 5 GRADE 6 GRADE 7 GRADE 8 GRADE 11 PERCENT Number Tested Percent Tested* LEVEL I LEVEL II LEVEL III LEVEL IV 7 7 9 <5 12 11 11 46 25 32 22 27 27 20 40 56 47 61 47 54 50 6 12 12 13 14 9 20 6 <5 13 6 11 8 10 31 43 29 21 14 21 19 46 40 44 53 57 58 54 16 13 15 21 19 12 17 10 13 9 34 20 25 47 58 56 9 10 11 READING A L L S T U D E N T S GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 453 459 485 510 481 508 409 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 MATHEMATICS GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE GRADE 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 453 459 484 510 481 508 409 GRADE 5 GRADE 7 GRADE 11 480 481 409 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCIENCE 1 1 1 * Does not include special education students who took the regular assessments. LEGEND LEVEL I Does Not Meet Standards LEVEL II Partially Meets Standards LEVEL III Meets Standards LEVEL IV Exceeds Standards READING MATHEMATICS SCIENCE NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL PROGRESS for 2009 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ — Also known as the Nation’s Report Card — The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) is the largest nationally representative and continuous assessment of what America’s students know and can do. There are differences in NAEP and Alabama’s assessments. NAEP is not aligned to any particular content standards, whereas Alabama’s assessments are all aligned with the Alabama courses of study. Proficient as defined for NAEP is “competency over challenging subject matter,” whereas proficient (Levels III and IV) for Alabama’s assessments is defined as “at grade level.” All Alabama students participate in Alabama’s assessments every year at each subject and grade level, but only a small representative sample of Alabama students participate in NAEP reading and mathematics every other year. READING MATHEMATICS PERCENT G R A D E 4 PERCENT Below Basic At Basic At Proficient At Advanced Below Basic At Basic 38 79 43 32 ‡ ‡ 56 57 27 N/A ‡ 51 34 13 32 36 ‡ ‡ 31 25 36 N/A ‡ 33 22 6 20 25 ‡ ‡ 12 14 28 N/A ‡ 14 6 1 4 7 ‡ ‡ 1 4 8 N/A ‡ 2 30 71 30 29 ‡ ‡ 51 39 18 N/A ‡ 43 46 24 45 47 ‡ ‡ 41 50 48 N/A ‡ 45 All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty READING At Basic At Proficient At Advanced Below Basic At Basic 34 83 41 28 ‡ ‡ 54 47 23 N/A ‡ 48 42 16 40 44 ‡ ‡ 37 30 46 N/A ‡ 39 22 2 19 26 ‡ ‡ 9 19 30 N/A ‡ 12 1 0 1 2 ‡ ‡ 0 4 2 N/A ‡ 0 42 87 42 42 ‡ ‡ 66 51 28 N/A ‡ 56 38 12 38 38 ‡ ‡ 28 39 44 N/A ‡ 34 NAEP PARTICIPATION RATES 4 8 READING MATHEMATICS Special Education Students 70% 83% Limited English Proficient 84% 94% Special Education Students 70% 77% Limited English Proficient 83% 92% ‡ Reporting standards not met (too few students). NA NAEP does not collect migrant information. 2 0 3 2 ‡ ‡ 0 1 4 N/A ‡ 0 PERCENT Below Basic All Students Special Education Students Male Female American Indian / Alaskan Native Asian / Pacific Islander Black Hispanic White Migrant Limited English Proficient Poverty GRADE 22 5 23 22 ‡ ‡ 7 10 30 N/A ‡ 12 MATHEMATICS PERCENT G R A D E 8 At Proficient At Advanced At Proficient At Advanced 17 1 17 17 ‡ ‡ 5 10 24 N/A ‡ 9 4 0 4 3 ‡ ‡ 1 0 5 N/A ‡ 1 15 ....... ....... ....... ....... .... .... .... .... 16 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... GENERAL SYSTEM INFORMATION - COUNTY System Name Autauga County Baldwin County Barbour County Bibb County Blount County Bullock County Butler County Calhoun County Chambers County Cherokee County Chilton County Choctaw County Clarke County Clay County Cleburne County Coffee County Colbert County Conecuh County Coosa County Covington County Crenshaw County Cullman County Dale County Dallas County Dekalb County Elmore County Escambia County Etowah County Fayette County Franklin County Geneva County Greene County Hale County Henry County Houston County Jackson County Jefferson County Lamar County Lauderdale County Lawrence County Lee County Limestone County Lowndes County Macon County Madison County Marengo County Marion County Marshall County Mobile County Monroe County Montgomery County Morgan County Perry County Pickens County Pike County Randolph County Russell County Shelby County St Clair County Sumter County Talladega County Tallapoosa County Tuscaloosa County Walker County Washington County Wilcox County Winston County Average Daily Membership Percent Average Daily Attendance 9,854.10 26,733.95 1,051.10 3,737.45 8,399.15 1,611.40 3,348.25 9,255.95 4,045.00 4,071.55 7,626.30 1,886.50 3,390.30 2,133.80 2,620.40 2,192.65 2,908.25 1,701.60 1,331.85 3,102.60 2,365.30 9,889.20 2,863.40 4,213.55 8,923.30 11,214.55 4,682.50 9,159.80 2,515.65 3,230.15 2,710.65 1,422.15 2,989.15 2,780.15 6,292.25 5,925.20 36,245.65 2,343.85 8,905.25 5,429.05 9,745.20 8,734.70 1,971.65 2,964.00 19,386.50 1,562.95 3,747.00 5,733.00 62,207.15 4,155.75 31,588.45 7,723.15 1,942.15 3,020.90 2,196.75 2,306.60 3,387.20 27,122.00 8,331.95 2,329.95 7,843.20 3,038.05 17,452.80 8,273.80 3,485.55 2,090.90 2,732.00 95.44 96.43 95.23 95.79 95.73 95.04 94.77 95.75 95.60 95.91 95.34 95.11 96.81 95.92 96.47 96.14 94.70 96.65 95.34 95.52 94.76 95.97 95.78 94.65 95.91 95.82 95.26 95.77 96.13 95.03 96.36 94.80 95.02 95.93 95.59 96.35 95.66 96.68 95.57 95.27 95.32 95.95 95.63 95.08 96.06 95.82 95.79 95.06 95.19 95.79 96.01 95.89 97.12 96.00 95.30 95.95 95.02 96.23 95.72 96.15 95.86 94.69 95.85 94.95 95.45 95.51 95.01 Percent Eligible for Free or Reduced Meals 37.55 37.53 98.77 61.03 49.90 92.33 74.42 51.33 65.73 53.97 52.41 75.77 72.16 60.80 58.79 50.98 62.31 87.48 71.24 56.33 59.63 54.39 52.17 83.28 63.08 44.23 73.56 44.15 49.68 64.33 56.19 92.43 73.97 64.31 54.21 59.64 39.90 52.13 38.22 52.13 46.39 39.30 95.25 99.90 29.12 81.79 54.77 64.98 65.97 65.76 70.11 42.31 99.59 70.35 72.58 56.45 73.12 25.93 38.58 86.54 69.75 62.44 45.19 58.08 55.18 100.00 58.20 Students Per Computer with Internet Access Students Per Computer in Classroom 5.4 4.1 3.5 3.4 3.4 3.9 4.1 3.2 2.8 2.2 4.5 3 4.5 5 3.3 2.6 2.5 3.2 5.2 2.9 1.9 2.6 5 2.7 4 3.3 3.1 5.1 4.5 3.1 2.2 3.5 3.1 4.1 3.5 2.4 5.7 3.4 4.3 3 5 3.6 2 2.7 4.1 3.2 4.5 3.5 3.5 4.7 4.4 3 3 3 3.4 3.7 3.5 3.2 5 3.9 3.2 3 4.7 3.3 3.4 2.8 3.2 5.1 4 3.3 3.2 3.5 3.9 4.1 3.2 2.6 2.2 4.5 3 4.5 5 3.3 2.6 2.5 3.2 5.2 2.6 1.9 2.6 5 2.7 3.8 3.3 3.2 5 4.3 2.7 2.2 2.7 3.1 4.3 3.5 2.4 5.5 3.4 4.3 3 4.7 3.4 2 2.7 4.1 3.2 4.4 3.6 3.4 4.1 4.4 3 2.7 3 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.2 5 3.9 3.1 3 4.3 3 3.1 2.8 3.1 Percent of CTE Business/Industry Cert. Program Compliance 100 93 50 83 100 100 91 96 100 95 100 80 100 100 100 63 100 100 100 100 78 100 100 56 100 100 100 97 88 92 90 60 100 82 76 96 85 100 100 100 100 96 57 100 94 83 100 94 98 100 100 100 92 100 88 100 44 94 86 85 100 100 93 96 80 67 91 Percent of Positive Placement in CTE Programs Percent of High School Students Enrolled in CTE Programs 98.69 97.51 100.00 88.38 96.21 98.92 100.00 71.75 84.62 86.95 94.90 94.55 92.05 87.84 93.41 76.85 96.89 85.00 85.93 89.13 97.97 93.70 100.00 98.94 84.76 97.54 100.00 89.71 81.40 94.71 97.70 80.81 93.48 91.58 97.61 97.22 97.42 99.22 98.14 99.64 91.52 98.52 92.13 96.18 92.04 97.06 80.00 82.98 96.40 100.00 95.46 100.00 91.45 100.00 97.20 100.00 91.41 91.99 82.08 98.68 88.26 95.76 89.29 98.45 76.27 99.05 93.94 25.81 55.47 27.26 45.99 44.89 62.15 56.22 53.64 58.11 69.31 41.45 61.21 49.06 57.97 58.33 76.66 51.03 33.42 46.77 49.83 87.19 41.72 54.77 33.02 36.53 41.22 60.19 34.07 61.29 68.86 63.40 80.31 53.51 73.53 47.15 52.95 60.78 43.22 55.35 36.16 44.52 25.69 64.00 12.06 40.20 78.90 57.50 39.85 38.25 62.82 45.37 53.69 75.76 74.89 56.66 64.60 17.63 48.79 37.24 44.90 57.39 65.06 44.21 57.46 58.64 82.42 80.60 Projected Four-Year Dropout Rate 4.52 2.74 15.98 9.81 4.18 7.54 1.23 8.13 10.55 4.37 8.21 7.04 2.78 2.47 2.36 2.45 15.94 10.11 17.17 1.68 0.55 9.70 4.16 6.59 2.37 6.08 7.79 1.58 7.66 6.88 4.27 8.75 1.09 8.84 3.26 6.80 5.75 8.83 7.01 2.51 1.36 6.83 3.58 1.77 7.86 4.85 9.35 5.06 5.27 7.62 2.53 11.60 0.64 3.42 8.80 9.69 12.86 2.73 6.62 4.60 7.19 5.39 11.07 9.98 1.82 5.03 1.51 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ GENERAL SYSTEM INFORMATION - CITY System Name Albertville City Alexander City Andalusia City Anniston City Arab City Athens City Attalla City Auburn City Bessemer City Birmingham City Boaz City Brewton City Cullman City Daleville City Decatur City Demopolis City Dothan City Elba City Enterprise City Eufaula City Fairfield City Florence City Fort Payne City Gadsden City Geneva City Guntersville City Haleyville City Hartselle City Homewood City Hoover City Huntsville City Jacksonville City Jasper City Lanett City Leeds City Linden City Madison City Midfield City Mountain Brook City Muscle Shoals City Oneonta City Opelika City Opp City Oxford City Ozark City Pell City Phenix City Piedmont City Roanoke City Russellville City Saraland City Scottsboro City Selma City Sheffield City Sylacauga City Talladega City Tallassee City Tarrant City Thomasville City Troy City Trussville City Tuscaloosa City Tuscumbia City Vestavia Hills City Winfield City Average Daily Membership Percent Average Daily Attendance 3,842.75 3,446.05 1,678.75 2,377.55 2,392.90 3,058.55 1,715.95 5,973.75 4,380.30 27,525.15 2,229.05 1,197.75 2,865.10 1,229.95 8,723.15 2,425.05 9,223.50 809.40 6,228.10 2,751.50 2,303.20 4,129.05 2,930.25 5,623.05 1,249.25 1,886.55 1,618.90 3,178.90 3,449.45 12,541.65 22,971.95 1,699.60 2,664.70 899.45 1,434.90 502.00 8,520.25 1,230.00 4,366.90 2,750.25 1,406.85 4,279.95 1,371.80 4,002.35 2,498.75 4,151.10 6,045.40 1,067.05 1,518.15 2,429.45 1,518.65 2,667.90 3,815.05 1,172.45 2,401.20 2,576.25 1,998.80 1,400.60 1,548.65 2,232.25 4,118.55 10,026.35 1,561.75 5,960.90 1,289.90 95.96 95.71 96.27 94.26 97.26 96.27 94.83 96.65 94.67 95.70 96.76 96.67 96.79 94.37 95.75 95.68 95.50 94.53 95.80 95.46 94.10 94.79 97.37 95.74 95.12 95.72 95.62 95.70 96.76 96.73 95.90 96.14 96.11 95.76 93.61 95.74 96.75 94.64 97.51 96.44 97.22 96.27 95.53 95.82 95.25 95.23 94.47 95.36 96.37 96.37 95.84 96.10 95.87 95.02 95.71 94.80 95.38 95.36 96.74 96.09 96.64 95.64 95.09 97.24 96.19 * Data reported in 2008-09 for 2007-08 graduates Percent Eligible for Free or Reduced Meals 59.21 50.86 52.26 87.25 24.76 43.73 65.19 25.73 84.62 83.00 52.38 38.33 28.59 58.46 53.06 53.97 58.49 68.18 40.58 64.48 82.70 52.79 55.50 69.56 50.64 39.63 54.07 24.73 26.48 16.58 43.43 42.33 39.14 87.82 54.51 91.37 16.63 73.14 0.07 28.64 37.14 60.71 51.94 45.60 60.56 47.50 66.94 60.26 61.14 60.49 55.60 45.91 86.11 72.07 47.57 72.11 47.15 88.11 52.97 59.49 8.70 65.01 47.78 5.67 38.01 ** New system, no data for report period Students Per Computer with Internet Access Students Per Computer in Classroom 5.9 3.6 2.2 3.6 3.1 3.3 2.6 1.9 2.3 5.8 2.2 2.3 1.5 2.8 3.2 4.3 4 2.1 5.6 3.6 4 2.7 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.4 2.2 4 1.6 3.1 3.6 7.1 2.2 2.6 6.2 1.3 2.6 3.7 2.3 4.3 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.9 3.1 3.4 2.7 7.3 1.8 5.2 4.9 2.5 2.1 2.2 3.1 4 3.1 1.1 2.5 6 2.6 3.5 4.7 2.3 4.4 5.9 3.5 2.1 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.4 1.9 2.2 5.5 2.2 2.3 1.5 2.8 3.2 4.3 4 2.1 5.6 3.1 2.6 2.7 3.7 3.4 3.1 2.4 2.2 4 1.6 3.1 3.6 7.1 2.2 2.6 4.3 1.3 2.6 3.6 2.3 4.3 2.8 2.5 2.2 1.9 3.1 3.3 2.7 7.3 1.8 5.2 4.9 2.5 2.3 2.2 2.8 4 3.1 1.1 2.5 6 2.6 3.5 3.2 2.3 4.4 *** No data reported Percent of CTE Business/Industry Cert. Program Compliance 100 89 100 100 100 100 100 100 89 83 100 100 100 100 100 100 89 100 100 100 75 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 100 100 57 88 100 100 64 100 86 60 100 100 100 64 100 100 86 ** 100 88 100 100 89 100 100 100 100 88 100 100 100 100 Percent of Positive Placement in CTE Programs* Percent of High School Students Enrolled in CTE Programs 99.51 52.88 46.89 62.50 55.26 79.52 59.63 46.47 33.78 49.02 57.51 55.91 23.55 58.62 65.95 45.16 43.20 39.18 59.85 32.69 73.87 51.24 64.80 44.16 64.68 49.28 50.53 94.74 45.88 25.77 28.35 39.58 52.62 70.16 36.79 43.17 82.48 28.38 40.97 13.22 56.88 41.65 49.77 55.03 57.64 50.56 32.77 60.05 47.52 31.96 54.60 23.84 50.00 74.73 51.34 69.36 55.89 41.16 36.32 52.17 62.94 32.74 63.56 50.36 17.06 59.78 *** 100.00 100.00 99.48 96.36 96.88 95.83 *** 81.48 89.90 100.00 93.80 100.00 95.65 85.71 90.02 100.00 92.71 96.40 80.95 100.00 84.55 91.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 90.67 *** 100.00 87.27 100.00 99.37 83.33 60.00 100.00 100.00 *** 100.00 98.69 82.61 99.67 *** 90.32 96.69 86.05 95.77 88.89 *** ** 76.47 99.33 100.00 100.00 97.12 100.00 93.15 100.00 100.00 97.60 96.58 87.80 95.16 100.00 91.35 Projected Four-Year Dropout Rate 9.67 6.19 3.45 12.81 6.05 2.80 7.65 3.41 3.07 15.64 6.63 0.94 6.65 2.15 4.67 1.65 16.79 10.89 8.60 11.11 2.15 9.76 3.73 0.00 2.26 1.63 5.38 9.07 7.42 3.18 5.84 1.83 8.21 0.00 12.01 0.00 2.77 2.56 0.65 5.38 2.11 1.02 10.16 0.00 2.10 0.00 10.08 5.87 3.87 0.00 0.00 5.16 0.00 14.58 4.96 7.64 7.94 5.07 1.90 6.38 1.69 11.04 6.64 2.35 2.42 17 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... STAFFING INFORMATION HIGHLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS (HQT) The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) requires that teachers demonstrate subject knowledge and teaching skills in the subject(s) and grade level(s) they teach. The graphs below represent the percent of current core academic subject classes taught by highly qualified teachers as well as the percent of current teachers who have met NCLB requirements. PERCENT OF CLASSES TAUGHT BY HQT All Schools Elementary High-Poverty Low-Poverty All Elementary Schools Secondary High-Poverty Low-Poverty All Secondary Schools 2004-2005 81.8% 2005-2006 90.8% 2006-2007 94.5% 2007-2008 94.3% 2008-2009 94.8% 75.0% 85.1% 85.0% 89.0% 94.0% 94.5% 95.2% 98.1% 97.1% 95.9% 96.4% 96.4% 96.8% 98.3% 97.6% 66.5% 83.6% 77.9% 78.4% 89.6% 84.2% 79.3% 93.2% 90.1% 83.0% 90.2% 90.1% 80.8% 93.0% 90.0% PERCENT OF CLASSES TAUGHT BY NON-HQT All Schools Elementary High-Poverty Low-Poverty All Elementary Schools Secondary High-Poverty Low-Poverty All Secondary Schools CLASSROOM INFORMATION Schools are staffed with full-time and part-time faculties and staff. The schools in Alabama employed the following professionals in 20082009. 2004-2005 18.2% 2005-2006 9.2% 2006-2007 5.5% 2007-2008 5.7% 2008-2009 5.2% 25.0% 14.9% 15.0% 11.0% 6.0% 5.5% 4.8% 1.9% 2.9% 4.1% 3.6% 3.6% 3.2% 1.7% 2.4% 33.5% 16.4% 22.1% 21.6% 10.4% 15.8% 20.7% 6.8% 9.9% 17.0% 9.8% 9.9% 19.2% 7.0% 10.0% CLASSIFICATION CLASSIFICATION Superintendents Assistant Deputy Superintendents and/or Administrative Assistants Principals/Assistant Principals Supervisors Teachers Counselors Librarians Other Certificated Support Personnel TOTAL STATE STATE 131 131 2,627 327 49,364 1,871 1,431 2,389 38,400 97,003 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ STAFFING INFORMATION CERTIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL STAFF Percentage of certified personnel (administrators, counselors, teachers, and other certified personnel) holding each type certification/degree in 2008-2009. Six-Yr Doctorate 7.5% Not Specified 1.2% Bachelor’s Degree 39.4% Master’s Degree 51.9% 91% OF ALL ALABAMA TEACHERS ARE HIGHLY QUALIFIED PROFESSIONAL DEGREES Six-Yr Doctorate Degree Master’s Degree Bachelor’s Degree Not Specified 4,214 29,238 22,191 660 ALTERNATE CERTIFICATES Emergency Certificate Alternate Baccalaureate Degree 519 899 19 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 20 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... FUNDING INFORMATION FOUNDATION PROGRAM - FY 2009 (Before proration) STATE TOTALS FY 2008 FY 2007 STATE TOTALS Total ADM Change FY 2009 743,703.51 FY 2008 743,297.65 Change 405.86 43,125.91 1,354.00 723.50 1,474.50 1,725.50 73.00 54.79 48,531.20 43,124.04 1,291.50 718.00 1,474.50 1,726.50 73.00 54.79 48,462.33 1.87 62.50 5.50 0.00 -1.00 0.00 0.00 68.87 2,244,390,811 821,265,112 5,777,248 -4,396,647 -4,800,152 25,442,734 16,961,830 9,692,466 4,361,624 9,692,466 55,747,491 4,096,825,682 -6,030,254 -4,829,012 -1,199,520 -2,663,050 -3,626,057 -12,984,460 -34,751,904 3,668,476,912 33,777,343 5,385,927 22,443,919 5,661,022 -65,064,304 0 -2,442,963 57,768 -950,000 299,706,994 45,874,080 42,229,172 150,000,000 30,278,405 3,572,334 4,307,406,108 -4,409,076 -4,790,896 -36,321,691 15,000,000 -1,825,000 -1,477,925 -102,224,087 428,348,770 37,866,031 466,214,801 30,312,400 4,490,266 34,802,666 342,478,952 342,479,712 -6,289,407 -6,290,167 Foundation Program Units Teachers Principals Assistant Principals Counselors Librarians Career Tech Directors Career Tech Counselors Total Units Foundation Program (State and Local Funds) Salaries Fringe Benefits Other Current Expense Classroom Instructional Support Student Materials Technology Library Enhancement Professional Development Common Purchase Textbooks Total Foundation Program ($16,824/unit) ($400/unit) ($250/unit) ($175/unit) ($35/unit) ($125/unit) ($57.5/ADM) 2,250,168,059 904,874,501 816,464,960 19,412,480 12,132,818 8,492,946 1,698,574 6,066,409 42,763,031 4,062,073,778 909,271,148 ($16,946/unit) ($525/unit) ($350/unit) ($200/unit) ($90/unit) ($200/unit) ($75/ADM) State Funds Foundation Program - ETF School Nurses Program High Hopes Salaries - 1% per Act 97-238 Technology Coordinator Transportation Operating Allocation Fleet Renewal Current Units (FY 2009 Projected) Capital Purchase At Risk Preschool Program Total State Funds 3,603,412,608 33,777,343 2,942,964 22,501,687 4,711,022 ($5,864/bus) 295,297,918 41,083,184 5,907,481 * 165,000,000 * 28,453,405 2,094,409 4,205,182,021 ($6,660/bus) ($83,386/unit) * * Local Funds Foundation Program Capital Purchase Total Local Funds (10 Mills) (.924059 Mills) 458,661,170 42,356,297 501,017,467 (10 Mills) (.884 Mills) Monthly Allocation = (Foundation Program - ETF, School Nurse, High Hopes, 1% Salaries, Tech Coordinator, Transportation, At-Risk, and Preschool) Month 1 - 11 336,189,545 11 months Month 12 336,189,545 12th month * Not included in monthly allocation of funds. Note: Due to rounding, some line items may not calculate to exact dollar amount shown. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ STATEMENT OF REVENUES STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES, AND CHANGES IN FUNDS BALANCES Other Revenue 8% Federal Revenue 10% State Revenue 53% Local Revenue 29% GENERAL SPECIAL REVENUE REVENUES STATE FEDERAL LOCAL OTHER TOTAL REVENUES 3,685,106,933 10,565,151 1,507,224,069 24,729,993 5,227,626,146 1,148,448 750,692,782 406,749,968 12,892,411 1,171,483,609 EXPENDITURES INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES AUXILIARY SERVICES GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES CAPITAL OUTLAY - REAL PROPERTY DEBT SERVICE OTHER EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES 3,370,834,264 922,625,194 497,061,726 308,249,999 213,032,676 5,476,307 21,369,090 51,166,983 5,389,816,240 416,110,873 152,735,459 47,953,389 510,830,847 32,024,553 2,092,291 1,037,028 106,972,194 1,269,756,634 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES Transfers In Other Financing Sources Transfer Out Other Fund Uses TOTAL OTHER FINANCING SOURCES/USES 130,310,064 69,344,656 252,192,891 322,744 (52,860,916) DEBT SERVICE CAPITAL PROJECTS EXPENDABLE TRUST TOTAL (MEMO ONLY) 29,213,766 440,534,502 35,172,064 6,203,744 70,589,574 215,574,323 31,761,868 687,870,693 80,225,664 30,345 80,256,008 4,156,003,650 761,257,934 2,244,946,086 75,618,361 7,237,826,031 675,550 312,680,946 28,508,683 6,965,494 82,436,343 27,290,911 12,933,588 852,265,303 129,785,854 898,428 1,141,084,604 27,061,752 21,943,243 1,396,023 1,844,222 35,771 317,696 163,760 20,959,459 73,721,925 3,843,191,123 1,104,269,391 628,847,481 849,205,398 258,069,179 860,151,597 463,329,116 179,997,064 8,187,060,350 196,203,858 1,073,691 120,527,208 26,210 76,724,131 238,426,226 111,193,357 32,789,193 75,491,304 241,339,085 48,360,371 368,640,414 202,031,410 3,168,918 211,800,456 4,840,637 111,965 10,686,158 9,633 (5,743,190) 618,141,156 550,364,083 618,226,861 79,018,810 471,259,567 (215,051,010) (21,548,893) (752,287) (241,413,455) 790,893 (477,974,752) BEGINNING BALANCE - OCTOBER 1 798,643,586 319,671,611 151,122,655 1,318,929,145 47,841,048 2,636,208,045 ENDING BALANCE - SEPTEMBER 30 583,592,576 298,122,718 150,370,368 1,077,515,690 48,631,941 2,158,233,294 EXCESS REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES OVER (UNDER) EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES 989,420 42,592 310,973,384 21 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 22 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... REVENUE BY SOURCE - COUNTY System Name Autauga County Baldwin County Barbour County Bibb County Blount County Bullock County Butler County Calhoun County Chambers County Cherokee County Chilton County Choctaw County Clarke County * Clay County Cleburne County Coffee County Colbert County Conecuh County Coosa County Covington County Crenshaw County * Cullman County Dale County Dallas County DeKalb County * Elmore County Escambia County * Etowah County Fayette County Franklin County * Geneva County Greene County Hale County Henry County Houston County Jackson County Jefferson County Lamar County Lauderdale County * Lawrence County Lee County Limestone County Lowndes County Macon County * Madison County Marengo County Marion County * Marshall County Mobile County Monroe County Montgomery County * Morgan County Perry County Pickens County Pike County Randolph County * Russell County Saint Clair County Shelby County Sumter County Talladega County Tallapoosa County * Tuscaloosa County Walker County Washington County Wilcox County Winston County 20 Day ADM State Revenue 9,854.10 26,735.95 1,051.10 3,737.45 8,399.15 1,611.40 3,348.25 9,255.95 4,045.00 4,071.55 7,626.30 1,886.50 3,390.30 2,133.80 2,620.40 2,192.65 2,908.25 1,701.60 1,331.85 3,102.60 2,365.30 9,889.20 2,863.40 4,213.55 8,923.30 11,214.55 4,682.50 9,159.80 2,515.65 3,230.15 2,710.65 1,422.15 2,989.15 2,780.15 6,292.25 5,925.20 36,245.65 2,343.85 8,905.25 5,429.05 9,745.20 8,734.70 1,971.65 2,964.00 19,386.50 1,562.95 3,747.00 5,733.00 62,207.15 4,155.75 31,588.45 7,723.15 1,942.15 3,020.90 2,196.75 2,306.60 3,387.20 8,331.95 27,122.00 2,329.95 7,843.20 3,038.05 17,452.80 8,273.80 3,485.55 2,090.90 2,732.00 58,929,886 121,881,287 6,522,910 22,031,108 47,726,282 9,911,670 19,882,964 52,208,346 23,817,576 27,536,002 46,369,215 11,151,850 20,987,245 14,340,343 16,079,174 12,913,394 16,963,410 11,848,663 7,647,637 18,569,578 13,425,983 62,125,760 16,722,472 25,765,358 50,338,297 60,947,030 26,867,329 57,482,069 14,918,183 19,429,722 15,746,115 9,126,707 20,867,861 19,127,255 31,475,221 39,002,884 200,659,525 15,866,817 49,757,734 36,165,830 51,639,967 51,851,461 12,635,453 17,795,207 101,330,902 10,196,399 23,634,315 33,734,474 346,999,748 26,382,058 180,679,170 39,910,120 11,918,680 19,067,150 12,959,858 12,986,249 19,325,109 48,332,370 140,016,497 13,270,456 41,348,376 17,204,778 99,208,516 58,882,524 20,437,764 14,056,035 18,402,897 Local Revenue 17,333,096 115,756,584 1,819,969 6,074,619 12,217,329 2,418,852 6,165,180 19,013,523 7,308,797 9,581,102 11,470,770 4,734,519 6,511,152 3,285,163 4,440,044 4,232,407 9,359,540 4,452,098 2,547,252 7,101,248 4,062,123 17,864,461 6,379,300 4,708,269 15,015,875 23,140,615 11,320,852 14,641,234 5,571,236 6,649,765 3,843,051 3,801,744 4,248,361 4,453,764 13,852,562 13,763,206 115,526,553 4,056,153 19,713,040 12,894,489 27,265,153 23,278,592 3,430,438 5,701,144 54,313,144 3,050,267 6,463,874 11,641,344 155,582,556 6,417,149 109,592,854 28,200,226 2,191,526 4,570,731 5,345,509 5,006,696 6,522,011 17,656,779 113,761,004 3,544,911 21,915,813 8,159,489 51,441,710 22,308,043 7,570,891 3,558,221 7,283,450 Federal Revenue 6,080,065 19,498,959 2,888,219 3,935,973 7,096,512 3,088,110 5,389,253 7,477,272 4,217,109 3,993,214 7,079,983 2,838,304 4,562,903 1,874,222 2,423,777 2,035,077 3,225,874 2,873,024 2,192,038 4,024,210 2,830,188 8,992,737 2,442,289 7,644,820 10,163,823 10,127,975 6,511,491 7,454,130 2,957,354 3,940,593 2,951,686 3,014,037 4,470,697 3,090,750 5,551,509 6,727,462 31,605,026 2,251,404 6,002,490 5,842,144 6,191,920 5,379,534 6,063,004 5,428,372 12,075,578 2,191,220 3,322,421 7,448,038 82,138,495 5,038,491 40,318,077 6,165,577 3,731,311 3,796,355 3,764,666 2,291,161 3,912,364 6,556,799 15,949,217 4,527,189 8,765,268 4,265,590 14,080,735 10,098,982 3,977,183 4,161,868 2,990,019 Other Revenue 1,062,594 5,474,888 4,262,166 1,913,907 551,581 283,431 358,828 3,029,294 653,553 547,869 599,987 2,024,180 587,789 6,860,793 7,028,720 173,111 430,008 515,147 2,752,527 464,418 401,558 7,132,211 445,634 1,911,863 1,044,973 822,485 7,692,548 4,566,392 358,351 312,787 431,268 230,059 1,629,577 366,898 15,805,037 231,883 4,143,744 786,687 1,023,238 5,817,675 27,579,718 8,782,107 889,060 585,652 42,822,767 652,069 308,623 936,637 107,757,589 429,652 10,095,849 6,641,100 664,643 331,300 617,046 235,223 1,135,415 850,257 73,048,372 16,539,733 9,408,330 414,267 2,184,845 2,700,903 725,383 402,616 331,209 Total Revenue 83,405,641 262,611,718 15,493,264 33,955,608 67,591,705 15,702,063 31,796,225 81,728,435 35,997,035 41,658,186 65,519,955 20,748,852 32,649,089 26,360,522 29,971,715 19,353,989 29,978,833 19,688,932 15,139,454 30,159,455 20,719,852 96,115,169 25,989,696 40,030,311 76,562,968 95,038,105 52,392,220 84,143,826 23,805,124 30,332,868 22,972,120 16,172,546 31,216,496 27,038,668 66,684,328 59,725,436 351,934,848 22,961,061 76,496,502 60,720,139 112,676,757 89,291,693 23,017,955 29,510,376 210,542,391 16,089,955 33,729,234 53,760,493 692,478,388 38,267,349 340,685,950 80,917,023 18,506,161 27,765,536 22,687,079 20,519,329 30,894,898 73,396,205 342,775,090 37,882,288 81,437,787 30,044,124 166,915,806 93,990,452 32,711,221 22,178,740 29,007,575 State Revenue Per ADM 5,980.24 4,558.70 6,205.79 5,894.69 5,682.28 6,150.97 5,938.32 5,640.52 5,888.15 6,763.03 6,080.17 5,911.40 6,190.38 6,720.57 6,136.15 5,889.40 5,832.86 6,963.25 5,742.12 5,985.17 5,676.23 6,282.18 5,840.08 6,114.88 5,641.22 5,434.64 5,737.82 6,275.47 5,930.15 6,015.11 5,808.98 6,417.54 6,981.20 6,879.94 5,002.22 6,582.54 5,536.10 6,769.55 5,587.46 6,661.54 5,299.02 5,936.26 6,408.57 6,003.78 5,226.88 6,523.82 6,307.53 5,884.26 5,578.13 6,348.33 5,719.79 5,167.60 6,136.85 6,311.74 5,899.56 5,630.04 5,705.33 5,800.85 5,162.47 5,695.60 5,271.88 5,663.10 5,684.39 7,116.74 5,863.57 6,722.48 6,736.05 Rank State Revenue Per ADM 41 128 28 52 75 30 47 79 54 8 36 50 29 11 33 53 60 5 65 40 76 26 59 34 78 95 66 27 49 38 61 18 4 6 124 15 88 7 83 14 107 48 19 39 112 16 25 55 85 23 69 116 32 24 51 80 71 63 117 72 110 77 74 3 57 10 9 Local Revenue Per ADM 1,758.97 4,329.62 1,731.49 1,625.34 1,454.59 1,501.09 1,841.31 2,054.19 1,806.87 2,353.18 1,504.11 2,509.68 1,920.52 1,539.58 1,694.41 1,930.27 3,218.27 2,616.42 1,912.57 2,288.81 1,717.38 1,806.46 2,227.88 1,117.41 1,682.77 2,063.45 2,417.69 1,598.42 2,214.63 2,058.66 1,417.76 2,673.24 1,421.26 1,601.99 2,201.53 2,322.83 3,187.32 1,730.55 2,213.64 2,375.09 2,797.80 2,665.07 1,739.88 1,923.46 2,801.60 1,951.61 1,725.08 2,030.59 2,501.04 1,544.16 3,469.40 3,651.39 1,128.40 1,513.04 2,433.37 2,170.60 1,925.49 2,119.17 4,194.42 1,521.45 2,794.24 2,685.77 2,947.48 2,696.23 2,172.08 1,701.77 2,665.98 Rank Local Revenue Per ADM Federal Revenue Per ADM Rank Fed Revenue Per ADM 105 11 108 116 126 125 102 85 103 61 124 51 99 120 114 96 28 50 100 70 111 104 73 132 115 83 58 118 74 84 128 46 127 117 78 64 29 109 75 60 38 48 107 98 37 95 110 89 52 119 26 20 131 122 55 81 97 82 13 121 39 44 34 43 80 113 47 617.01 729.32 2,747.81 1,053.12 844.91 1,916.41 1,609.57 807.83 1,042.55 980.76 928.36 1,504.53 1,345.87 878.35 924.96 928.14 1,109.21 1,688.43 1,645.86 1,297.04 1,196.55 909.35 852.93 1,814.34 1,139.02 903.11 1,390.60 813.79 1,175.58 1,219.94 1,088.92 2,119.35 1,495.64 1,111.72 882.28 1,135.40 871.97 960.56 674.04 1,076.09 635.38 615.88 3,075.09 1,831.43 622.89 1,401.98 886.69 1,299.15 1,320.40 1,212.41 1,276.36 798.32 1,921.23 1,256.70 1,713.74 993.31 1,155.04 786.95 588.05 1,943.04 1,117.56 1,404.06 806.79 1,220.60 1,141.05 1,990.47 1,094.44 119 112 2 65 98 9 19 103 67 74 81 25 32 92 83 82 56 15 18 35 46 85 97 11 51 87 31 102 48 44 62 3 27 55 91 52 93 77 115 63 117 120 1 10 118 30 90 34 33 45 38 105 8 41 13 72 49 108 122 7 54 29 104 43 50 6 58 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ REVENUE BY SOURCE - CITY System Name Albertville City Alexander City Andalusia City Anniston City Arab City Athens City Attalla City Auburn City Bessemer City Birmingham City Boaz City Brewton City * Cullman City Daleville City Decatur City Demopolis City Dothan City Elba City Enterprise City Eufaula City Fairfield City Florence City Fort Payne City Gadsden City Geneva City Guntersville City Haleyville City Hartselle City Homewood City * Hoover City Huntsville City Jacksonville City Jasper City Lanett City Leeds City Linden City Madison City Midfield City * Mountain Brook City Muscle Shoals City Oneonta City Opelika City Opp City Oxford City * Ozark City Pell City Phenix City * Piedmont City Saraland City Roanoke City Russellville City Scottsboro City Selma City Sheffield City Sylacauga City Talladega City Tallassee City Tarrant City * Thomasville City Troy City Tuscaloosa City Tuscumbia City Vestavia Hills City Winfield City * Trussville City * Counties Total/Average Cities Total/Average State Total/Average 20 Day ADM 3,842.75 3,446.05 1,680.90 2,377.55 2,392.90 3,058.55 1,715.95 5,973.75 4,380.30 27,525.15 2,229.05 1,197.75 2,865.10 1,229.95 8,723.15 2,425.05 9,223.50 809.40 6,228.10 2,751.50 2,303.20 4,129.05 2,930.25 5,623.05 1,249.25 1,886.55 1,618.90 3,178.90 3,449.45 12,541.65 22,971.95 1,699.60 2,664.70 899.45 1,434.90 502.00 8,520.25 1,230.00 4,366.90 2,750.25 1,406.85 4,279.95 1,371.80 4,002.35 2,498.75 4,151.10 6,045.40 1,067.05 1,518.65 1,518.15 2,429.45 2,667.90 3,815.05 1,172.45 2,401.20 2,576.25 1,998.80 1,400.60 1,548.65 2,232.25 10,026.35 1,561.75 5,960.90 1,289.90 4,118.55 490,178.20 253,086.75 743,264.95 State Revenue 22,893,974 17,887,644 9,676,674 12,360,355 13,427,007 16,607,464 10,239,455 30,048,280 21,959,392 149,041,668 12,423,271 7,290,488 12,711,459 7,319,160 46,413,014 13,537,564 47,398,623 5,148,766 33,978,269 14,659,866 12,431,142 22,717,441 16,407,518 28,396,948 7,146,778 10,029,439 9,950,582 16,911,081 13,222,309 63,395,490 118,731,438 9,415,133 15,823,967 6,035,523 7,642,661 4,148,196 42,572,639 6,662,182 19,897,393 14,977,700 8,247,577 21,945,173 8,265,058 21,151,516 14,939,913 24,362,339 33,306,835 5,709,943 5,629,032 8,811,174 13,815,738 15,254,691 24,415,256 8,390,813 13,078,496 16,430,022 10,587,616 7,338,777 10,085,114 12,133,326 57,404,632 8,309,764 28,783,059 8,643,594 20,083,020 2,797,343,223 1,358,660,427 4,156,003,650 * Financial Statement Approval process not completed. Local Revenue 32,983,825 8,059,566 4,041,855 6,563,870 6,408,929 12,761,312 2,584,231 40,849,863 8,608,591 95,572,336 6,576,331 4,445,983 10,128,572 2,467,234 37,115,060 6,858,548 21,383,890 1,785,198 34,802,800 6,672,790 3,174,999 18,593,679 6,889,344 12,282,195 2,453,062 5,932,215 3,930,672 9,448,629 28,999,811 85,770,639 95,204,100 3,856,221 9,640,733 1,572,336 3,990,794 1,150,573 31,606,141 2,526,051 36,635,784 9,700,079 3,185,318 15,885,294 3,180,562 22,810,091 5,761,258 8,443,652 13,880,287 2,125,339 5,491,717 2,601,995 5,955,048 7,754,318 5,406,959 4,026,194 6,612,800 5,174,068 4,066,604 3,087,046 2,893,303 5,934,630 46,589,532 4,875,383 38,481,846 3,170,337 16,420,241 1,277,103,423 967,842,663 2,244,946,086 Federal Revenue 4,186,152 2,812,174 1,843,154 4,849,605 1,558,292 2,535,785 2,175,048 3,486,029 6,652,727 45,482,553 2,171,880 885,208 2,742,186 2,078,323 8,246,304 2,180,746 11,376,287 1,259,141 6,108,362 3,272,861 2,475,128 6,354,606 2,534,134 9,030,551 1,180,998 1,677,079 1,639,756 1,686,174 1,858,849 5,067,734 19,984,275 1,031,753 1,828,866 1,328,357 1,309,607 1,037,806 3,720,064 1,239,393 813,866 1,456,149 769,273 4,451,058 1,190,659 3,040,736 3,213,666 3,392,520 7,770,712 1,778,235 1,202,887 1,655,974 2,357,671 2,413,503 6,113,572 2,100,275 2,515,440 2,898,523 1,545,230 2,097,408 1,687,322 2,276,765 12,615,685 1,235,621 1,507,261 900,171 1,373,670 505,996,139 255,261,795 761,257,934 Other Revenue 587,196 1,722,010 266,327 316,534 177,314 7,260,014 303,284 2,163,224 1,772,034 7,742,474 313,148 854,798 1,193,072 5,852,659 1,001,562 234,272 1,125,906 103,618 180,890 311,964 237,943 8,793,089 419,360 3,932,478 48,077 110,442 209,985 436,781 294,286 1,114,162 63,163,571 210,965 375,143 140,554 344,901 141,902 54,438,050 471,344 68,603 492,372 70,012 2,265,441 195,751 616,686 1,422,069 608,788 779,385 110,099 18,462,787 481,609 365,177 1,657,817 2,269,379 216,196 259,166 375,415 133,705 289,868 323,602 245,095 11,649,756 282,060 1,515,221 201,696 459,332 411,800,026 214,182,418 625,982,444 Total Revenue 60,651,147 30,481,394 15,828,010 24,090,364 21,571,542 39,164,575 15,302,018 76,547,396 38,992,744 297,839,031 21,484,631 13,476,477 26,775,290 17,717,375 92,775,940 22,811,129 81,284,705 8,296,723 75,070,322 24,917,480 18,319,211 56,458,815 26,250,355 53,642,173 10,828,915 17,749,174 15,730,994 28,482,664 44,375,256 155,348,024 297,083,384 14,514,071 27,668,710 9,076,769 13,287,962 6,478,478 132,336,893 10,898,970 57,415,646 26,626,301 12,272,180 44,546,966 12,832,030 47,619,030 25,336,906 36,807,299 55,737,217 9,723,616 30,786,423 13,550,752 22,493,635 27,080,330 38,205,166 14,733,478 22,465,901 24,878,029 16,333,154 12,813,098 14,989,341 20,589,815 128,259,603 14,702,828 70,287,386 12,915,797 38,336,263 4,992,242,811 2,795,947,303 7,788,190,114 State Revenue Per ADM 5,957.71 5,190.77 5,756.84 5,198.78 5,611.19 5,429.85 5,967.22 5,030.05 5,013.22 5,414.74 5,573.35 6,086.82 4,436.65 5,950.78 5,320.67 5,582.39 5,138.90 6,361.21 5,455.64 5,327.95 5,397.33 5,501.86 5,599.36 5,050.10 5,720.85 5,316.29 6,146.51 5,319.79 3,833.16 5,054.80 5,168.54 5,539.62 5,938.37 6,710.24 5,326.27 8,263.34 4,996.64 5,416.41 4,556.41 5,445.94 5,862.44 5,127.44 6,024.97 5,284.77 5,978.95 5,868.89 5,509.45 5,351.15 3,706.60 5,803.89 5,686.78 5,717.86 6,399.72 7,156.65 5,446.65 6,377.50 5,296.99 5,239.74 6,512.20 5,435.47 5,725.38 5,320.80 4,828.64 6,700.98 4,876.24 5,706.79 5,368.36 5,591.55 Rank State Revenue Per ADM 44 114 64 113 81 96 43 122 123 98 86 35 130 45 104 84 118 22 91 101 99 90 82 121 68 106 31 105 131 120 115 87 46 12 102 1 125 97 129 93 58 119 37 109 42 56 89 100 132 62 73 70 20 2 92 21 108 111 17 94 67 103 127 13 126 Local Revenue Per ADM 8,583.39 2,338.78 2,404.58 2,760.77 2,678.31 4,172.34 1,506.01 6,838.23 1,965.30 3,472.18 2,950.28 3,711.95 3,535.15 2,005.96 4,254.78 2,828.21 2,318.41 2,205.58 5,588.03 2,425.15 1,378.52 4,503.14 2,351.11 2,184.26 1,963.63 3,144.48 2,427.99 2,972.30 8,407.08 6,838.86 4,144.36 2,268.90 3,617.94 1,748.11 2,781.23 2,291.98 3,709.53 2,053.70 8,389.43 3,526.98 2,264.15 3,711.56 2,318.53 5,699.17 2,305.66 2,034.08 2,296.01 1,991.79 3,616.18 1,713.92 2,451.19 2,906.53 1,417.27 3,434.00 2,753.96 2,008.37 2,034.52 2,204.09 1,868.27 2,658.59 4,646.71 3,121.74 6,455.71 2,457.82 3,986.90 2,605.39 3,824.15 3,020.38 Rank Local Revenue Per ADM Federal Revenue Per ADM Rank Fed Revenue Per ADM 1 63 59 41 45 14 123 5 93 25 33 17 23 91 12 36 66 76 8 57 130 10 62 79 94 30 56 32 2 4 15 71 21 106 40 69 19 86 3 24 72 18 65 7 67 88 68 92 22 112 54 35 129 27 42 90 87 77 101 49 9 31 6 53 16 1,089.36 816.06 1,096.53 2,039.75 651.21 829.08 1,267.55 583.56 1,518.78 1,652.40 974.35 739.06 957.10 1,689.76 945.34 899.26 1,233.40 1,555.65 980.77 1,189.48 1,074.65 1,539.00 864.82 1,605.99 945.37 888.97 1,012.88 530.43 538.88 404.07 869.94 607.06 686.33 1,476.85 912.68 2,067.34 436.61 1,007.64 186.37 529.46 546.81 1,039.98 867.95 759.74 1,286.11 817.26 1,285.39 1,666.50 792.08 1,090.78 970.45 904.65 1,602.49 1,791.36 1,047.58 1,125.09 773.08 1,497.51 1,089.54 1,019.94 1,258.25 791.18 252.86 697.86 333.53 1,032.27 1,008.59 1,024.21 61 101 57 5 116 99 39 123 24 17 75 111 78 14 80 88 42 22 73 47 64 23 96 20 79 89 70 126 125 129 94 121 114 28 84 4 128 71 132 127 124 68 95 110 36 100 37 16 106 59 76 86 21 12 66 53 109 26 60 69 40 107 131 113 130 23 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 24 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... PER PUPIL EXPENDITURE - COUNTY System Name Autauga County Baldwin County Barbour County Bibb County Blount County Bullock County Butler County Calhoun County Chambers County Cherokee County Chilton County Choctaw County Clarke County * Clay County Cleburne County Coffee County Colbert County Conecuh County Coosa County Covington County Crenshaw County * Cullman County Dale County Dallas County DeKalb County * Elmore County Escambia County * Etowah County Fayette County Franklin County * Geneva County Greene County Hale County Henry County Houston County Jackson County Jefferson County Lamar County Lauderdale County * Lawrence County Lee County Limestone County Lowndes County Macon County * Madison County Marengo County Marion County * Marshall County Mobile County Monroe County Montgomery County * Morgan County Perry County Pickens County Pike County Randolph County * Russell County Saint Clair County Shelby County Sumter County Talladega County Tallapoosa County * Tuscaloosa County Walker County Washington County Wilcox County Winston County 20 Day ADM State Revenue Local Revenue Federal Revenue State Funds PPE Rank State Local Funds PPE Rank Local Federal Funds PPE Rank Federal All Funds PPE 9,854.10 26,735.95 1,051.10 3,737.45 8,399.15 1,611.40 3,348.25 9,255.95 4,045.00 4,071.55 7,626.30 1,886.50 3,390.30 2,133.80 2,620.40 2,192.65 2,908.25 1,701.60 1,331.85 3,102.60 2,365.30 9,889.20 2,863.40 4,213.55 8,923.30 11,214.55 4,682.50 9,159.80 2,515.65 3,230.15 2,710.65 1,422.15 2,989.15 2,780.15 6,292.25 5,925.20 36,245.65 2,343.85 8,905.25 5,429.05 9,745.20 8,734.70 1,971.65 2,964.00 19,386.50 1,562.95 3,747.00 5,733.00 62,207.15 4,155.75 31,588.45 7,723.15 1,942.15 3,020.90 2,196.75 2,306.60 3,387.20 8,331.95 27,122.00 2,329.95 7,843.20 3,038.05 17,452.80 8,273.80 3,485.55 2,090.90 2,732.00 56,104,056 138,458,258 6,758,758 21,008,585 47,116,650 9,930,991 20,218,945 52,564,143 22,785,606 24,771,982 41,275,425 11,866,289 18,835,945 12,425,387 15,724,477 12,334,524 17,753,785 12,409,720 8,297,698 18,292,418 13,977,238 59,054,024 16,618,173 25,598,797 49,405,529 61,382,347 26,182,541 51,933,951 15,274,718 19,661,397 15,303,516 9,117,778 18,106,859 16,371,844 34,080,438 37,254,634 200,346,952 13,737,968 51,389,243 31,892,645 52,732,274 47,765,573 12,666,242 17,522,007 103,758,564 10,120,554 22,735,465 33,019,136 367,461,996 25,584,763 180,362,877 43,019,836 11,871,858 19,386,003 12,807,886 14,994,036 19,836,096 46,437,835 137,610,560 13,424,203 44,440,801 18,453,839 91,060,796 47,732,517 21,850,238 13,583,222 17,311,720 7,992,796 86,582,642 1,192,045 5,045,909 7,599,461 1,824,029 3,843,078 13,598,264 4,291,955 6,353,884 8,007,633 1,880,671 5,229,083 2,854,179 2,930,986 2,047,329 6,446,055 3,595,945 1,415,618 4,496,501 2,734,969 13,464,215 3,831,009 4,462,816 16,040,577 12,760,219 9,270,096 9,253,794 3,530,495 5,383,620 2,126,951 2,126,681 3,162,021 2,934,091 7,844,985 10,331,404 75,649,775 2,414,258 13,471,152 9,637,484 19,678,357 17,335,564 2,881,207 3,771,607 37,646,855 1,670,310 3,048,592 8,334,019 84,776,930 4,656,715 49,676,963 19,627,469 2,034,511 2,632,593 5,142,178 1,941,208 4,229,348 8,963,966 74,929,241 3,595,631 12,205,847 6,224,596 26,606,985 16,887,749 3,780,084 2,024,486 4,950,684 9,264,146 25,250,472 2,796,749 5,233,638 9,527,368 3,451,178 5,821,881 9,985,232 4,960,696 5,600,942 9,408,212 3,248,197 5,901,548 2,467,930 3,365,429 2,638,419 4,363,863 2,817,797 2,624,494 4,070,624 2,896,295 12,048,968 3,449,827 8,651,896 11,979,815 12,622,839 7,088,553 9,976,582 3,476,911 4,735,861 3,836,793 3,122,425 5,203,471 3,871,969 7,316,352 9,056,082 44,757,583 3,265,362 9,546,766 7,433,759 9,268,243 8,787,722 4,647,203 5,377,610 19,396,807 2,703,344 4,506,486 8,642,154 91,968,099 5,837,204 45,897,192 9,768,194 4,188,587 4,851,800 4,424,920 2,953,063 5,265,412 9,393,109 27,587,694 4,783,913 12,034,346 4,648,678 21,334,197 12,075,520 4,727,858 4,391,325 3,957,617 5,693.47 5,178.73 6,430.18 5,621.10 5,609.69 6,162.96 6,038.66 5,678.96 5,633.03 6,084.16 5,412.25 6,290.11 5,555.83 5,823.13 6,000.79 5,625.40 6,104.63 7,292.97 6,230.20 5,895.83 5,909.29 5,971.57 5,803.65 6,075.35 5,536.69 5,473.46 5,591.57 5,669.77 6,071.88 6,086.84 5,645.70 6,411.26 6,057.53 5,888.83 5,416.26 6,287.49 5,527.48 5,861.28 5,770.67 5,874.44 5,411.10 5,468.48 6,424.18 5,911.61 5,352.10 6,475.29 6,067.64 5,759.49 5,907.07 6,156.47 5,709.77 5,570.24 6,112.74 6,417.29 5,830.38 6,500.49 5,856.19 5,573.47 5,073.76 5,761.58 5,666.16 6,074.24 5,217.55 5,769.12 6,268.81 6,496.35 6,336.65 62 118 7 75 77 16 30 64 71 23 97 12 83 50 32 74 21 1 15 39 37 34 51 24 87 91 78 65 26 22 68 10 28 40 96 13 90 45 52 42 99 92 8 36 107 6 27 57 38 17 61 81 20 9 49 4 47 80 125 56 66 25 116 53 14 5 11 811.11 3,238.44 1,134.09 1,350.09 904.79 1,131.95 1,147.79 1,469.14 1,061.05 1,560.56 1,050.00 996.91 1,542.37 1,337.60 1,118.53 933.72 2,216.47 2,113.27 1,062.90 1,449.27 1,156.29 1,361.51 1,337.92 1,059.16 1,797.61 1,137.83 1,979.73 1,010.26 1,403.41 1,666.68 784.66 1,495.40 1,057.83 1,055.37 1,246.77 1,743.64 2,087.14 1,030.04 1,512.72 1,775.17 2,019.29 1,984.68 1,461.32 1,272.47 1,941.91 1,068.69 813.61 1,453.69 1,362.82 1,120.55 1,572.63 2,541.38 1,047.56 871.46 2,340.81 841.59 1,248.63 1,075.85 2,762.67 1,543.22 1,556.23 2,048.88 1,524.51 2,041.11 1,084.50 968.24 1,812.11 131 9 106 90 127 107 104 80 115 71 119 124 74 92 109 126 30 32 114 83 103 89 91 116 57 105 44 123 86 64 132 78 117 118 98 60 33 122 76 58 41 43 81 96 49 113 130 82 88 108 70 17 120 128 26 129 97 111 13 73 72 37 75 38 110 125 56 940.13 944.44 2,660.78 1,400.32 1,134.33 2,141.73 1,738.78 1,078.79 1,226.38 1,375.63 1,233.65 1,721.81 1,740.72 1,156.59 1,284.32 1,203.30 1,500.51 1,655.97 1,970.56 1,312.00 1,224.49 1,218.40 1,204.80 2,053.35 1,342.53 1,125.58 1,513.84 1,089.17 1,382.11 1,466.14 1,415.45 2,195.57 1,740.79 1,392.72 1,162.76 1,528.40 1,234.84 1,393.16 1,072.04 1,369.26 951.06 1,006.07 2,357.01 1,814.31 1,000.53 1,729.64 1,202.69 1,507.44 1,478.42 1,404.61 1,452.97 1,264.79 2,156.68 1,606.08 2,014.30 1,280.27 1,554.50 1,127.36 1,017.17 2,053.23 1,534.37 1,530.15 1,222.39 1,459.49 1,356.42 2,100.21 1,448.62 123 122 1 48 99 7 18 107 83 57 81 20 17 96 71 89 37 23 12 67 84 87 88 9 64 102 35 106 54 40 45 5 16 51 95 33 80 50 108 58 120 116 2 14 117 19 90 36 38 47 42 77 6 25 11 73 29 101 114 10 31 32 86 41 60 8 43 7,444.72 9,361.60 10,225.05 8,371.52 7,648.81 9,436.64 8,925.23 8,226.89 7,920.46 9,020.35 7,695.90 9,008.83 8,838.92 8,317.32 8,403.64 7,762.42 9,821.61 11,062.21 9,263.66 8,657.11 8,290.07 8,551.47 8,346.37 9,187.86 8,676.83 7,736.86 9,085.14 7,769.20 8,857.40 9,219.66 7,845.82 10,102.23 8,856.15 8,336.93 7,825.78 9,559.53 8,849.46 8,284.48 8,355.43 9,018.87 8,381.45 8,459.23 10,242.51 8,998.39 8,294.55 9,273.62 8,083.95 8,720.62 8,748.30 8,681.63 8,735.38 9,376.42 9,316.97 8,894.83 10,185.49 8,622.35 8,659.32 7,776.68 8,853.61 9,358.03 8,756.76 9,653.27 7,964.45 9,269.72 8,709.72 9,564.80 9,597.37 * Financial Statement Approval process not completed. Rank All Funds 132 31 11 96 130 26 55 111 119 50 129 52 63 102 91 125 18 5 37 77 105 83 99 42 73 127 47 124 58 40 121 13 59 100 122 23 61 106 98 51 94 88 10 53 104 35 115 68 65 71 66 30 33 57 12 79 76 123 60 32 64 19 118 36 69 22 21 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ PER PUPIL EXPENDITURE - CITY System Name 20 Day ADM State Revenue Albertville City Alexander City Andalusia City Anniston City Arab City Athens City Attalla City Auburn City Bessemer City Birmingham City Boaz City Brewton City * Cullman City Daleville City Decatur City Demopolis City Dothan City Elba City Enterprise City Eufaula City Fairfield City Florence City Fort Payne City Gadsden City Geneva City Guntersville City Haleyville City Hartselle City Homewood City * Hoover City Huntsville City Jacksonville City Jasper City Lanett City Leeds City Linden City Madison City Midfield City * Mountain Brook City Muscle Shoals City Oneonta City Opelika City Opp City Oxford City * Ozark City Pell City Phenix City * Piedmont City Saraland City Roanoke City Russellville City Scottsboro City Selma City Sheffield City Sylacauga City Talladega City Tallassee City Tarrant City * Thomasville City Troy City Tuscaloosa City Tuscumbia City Vestavia Hills City Winfield City * Trussville City * Counties Total/Average Cities Total/Average State Total/Average 3,842.75 3,446.05 1,680.90 2,377.55 2,392.90 3,058.55 1,715.95 5,973.75 4,380.30 27,525.15 2,229.05 1,197.75 2,865.10 1,229.95 8,723.15 2,425.05 9,223.50 809.40 6,228.10 2,751.50 2,303.20 4,129.05 2,930.25 5,623.05 1,249.25 1,886.55 1,618.90 3,178.90 3,449.45 12,541.65 22,971.95 1,699.60 2,664.70 899.45 1,434.90 502.00 8,520.25 1,230.00 4,366.90 2,750.25 1,406.85 4,279.95 1,371.80 4,002.35 2,498.75 4,151.10 6,045.40 1,067.05 1,518.65 1,518.15 2,429.45 2,667.90 3,815.05 1,172.45 2,401.20 2,576.25 1,998.80 1,400.60 1,548.65 2,232.25 10,026.35 1,561.75 5,960.90 1,289.90 4,118.55 490,178.20 253,086.75 743,264.95 21,289,311 19,108,516 8,962,797 14,199,129 14,713,112 16,665,633 9,808,478 31,756,849 22,891,734 160,772,504 12,340,189 6,813,706 14,648,669 7,230,479 47,209,798 12,317,191 50,388,128 5,661,734 33,560,364 13,864,250 11,549,998 23,230,668 15,580,992 30,404,809 7,030,141 10,599,108 8,293,049 17,047,199 16,939,952 70,928,726 118,999,116 8,798,474 15,365,048 5,279,095 8,015,983 3,326,731 43,670,118 7,203,849 22,817,770 15,313,742 7,941,981 23,665,210 8,046,946 21,128,324 15,129,539 22,319,181 30,516,830 5,824,904 6,757,704 8,139,302 13,139,818 16,327,299 23,000,113 6,997,797 13,786,304 14,540,062 10,123,433 7,395,772 8,902,011 11,956,728 55,559,842 8,011,190 28,307,504 7,433,240 21,957,355 2,783,175,130 1,381,505,527 4,164,680,657 * Financial Statement Approval process not completed. Local Revenue 6,497,983 6,813,510 3,408,550 2,883,379 3,140,999 10,414,691 2,760,520 19,236,110 9,011,458 68,675,138 3,532,760 2,827,222 7,161,268 2,382,793 28,596,546 3,376,523 17,118,008 1,304,689 11,423,327 6,313,713 4,759,341 13,244,114 4,382,925 8,395,203 2,095,875 4,135,032 3,098,244 6,356,519 21,544,575 58,925,234 86,508,385 3,001,120 6,925,849 1,269,469 3,366,905 1,023,013 20,945,885 1,321,674 28,679,694 6,835,661 1,669,831 10,676,940 1,686,894 8,914,680 4,682,589 6,985,008 12,545,052 1,314,240 4,147,367 1,991,333 3,954,565 5,279,540 3,961,580 3,579,302 4,712,001 5,082,856 3,165,511 3,308,805 2,025,037 4,321,309 23,162,710 4,245,629 34,022,341 1,852,249 14,360,865 816,912,368 675,342,134 1,492,254,501 Federal Revenue State Funds PPE Rank State Local Funds PPE Rank Local Federal Funds PPE Rank Federal All Funds PPE 5,187,332 3,352,924 2,187,740 5,319,802 2,507,429 3,741,502 2,371,555 5,565,737 6,816,790 46,466,681 2,853,167 1,035,032 3,050,803 1,707,872 10,747,191 2,740,531 11,813,956 1,422,382 6,161,210 3,837,170 3,009,212 6,343,474 3,445,799 8,797,905 1,465,607 2,399,961 2,275,117 2,773,174 3,488,119 11,333,647 26,514,386 1,611,276 2,841,184 1,503,178 1,789,286 1,164,785 7,365,975 1,656,248 686,770 2,904,544 1,215,788 5,513,059 1,615,497 4,501,507 3,693,920 4,773,225 7,603,501 1,455,634 1,609,356 2,176,031 3,223,829 3,613,271 6,102,798 2,210,116 3,327,590 3,904,780 2,177,103 2,268,517 1,981,792 2,959,003 13,823,257 1,863,403 3,635,562 1,439,015 3,295,238 640,555,222 312,239,244 952,794,465 5,540.12 5,545.05 5,332.14 5,972.17 6,148.65 5,448.87 5,716.06 5,316.07 5,226.07 5,840.93 5,536.08 5,688.75 5,112.80 5,878.68 5,412.01 5,079.15 5,463.02 6,994.98 5,388.54 5,038.80 5,014.76 5,626.15 5,317.29 5,407.17 5,627.49 5,618.25 5,122.64 5,362.61 4,910.91 5,655.45 5,180.19 5,176.79 5,766.15 5,869.25 5,586.44 6,626.95 5,125.45 5,856.79 5,225.16 5,568.13 5,645.22 5,529.32 5,865.98 5,278.98 6,054.84 5,376.69 5,047.94 5,458.89 4,449.81 5,361.33 5,408.56 6,119.91 6,028.78 5,968.52 5,741.42 5,643.89 5,064.76 5,280.43 5,748.24 5,356.36 5,541.38 5,129.62 4,748.86 5,762.65 5,331.33 5,677.88 5,458.62 5,603.22 86 84 108 33 18 95 60 111 114 48 88 63 123 41 98 124 93 2 102 128 129 73 110 101 72 76 122 104 130 67 117 119 54 43 79 3 121 46 115 82 69 89 44 113 29 103 127 94 132 105 100 19 31 35 59 70 126 112 58 106 85 120 131 55 109 1,690.97 1,977.19 2,027.81 1,212.75 1,312.63 3,405.11 1,608.74 3,220.11 2,057.27 2,495.00 1,584.87 2,360.44 2,499.48 1,937.31 3,278.24 1,392.35 1,855.91 1,611.92 1,834.16 2,294.64 2,066.40 3,207.54 1,495.75 1,493.00 1,677.71 2,191.85 1,913.80 1,999.60 6,245.80 4,698.36 3,765.83 1,765.78 2,599.11 1,411.38 2,346.44 2,037.87 2,458.37 1,074.53 6,567.52 2,485.47 1,186.93 2,494.64 1,229.69 2,227.36 1,873.97 1,682.69 2,075.14 1,231.66 2,730.96 1,311.68 1,627.76 1,978.91 1,038.41 3,052.84 1,962.35 1,972.97 1,583.71 2,362.42 1,307.61 1,935.85 2,310.18 2,718.51 5,707.58 1,435.96 3,486.87 1,666.56 2,668.42 2,007.70 61 46 40 101 93 7 67 10 36 19 68 24 18 50 8 87 54 66 55 28 35 11 77 79 63 31 52 42 2 4 5 59 16 85 25 39 22 112 1 21 102 20 100 29 53 62 34 99 14 94 65 45 121 12 48 47 69 23 95 51 27 15 3 84 6 1,349.90 972.98 1,301.53 2,237.51 1,047.86 1,223.29 1,382.07 931.70 1,556.24 1,688.15 1,279.99 864.15 1,064.82 1,388.57 1,232.03 1,130.09 1,280.85 1,757.33 989.26 1,394.57 1,306.54 1,536.30 1,175.94 1,564.61 1,173.19 1,272.14 1,405.35 872.37 1,011.21 903.68 1,154.21 948.03 1,066.23 1,671.22 1,246.98 2,320.29 864.53 1,346.54 157.27 1,056.10 864.19 1,288.11 1,177.65 1,124.72 1,478.31 1,149.87 1,257.73 1,364.17 1,059.73 1,433.34 1,326.98 1,354.35 1,599.66 1,885.04 1,385.80 1,515.68 1,089.21 1,619.67 1,279.69 1,325.57 1,378.69 1,193.15 609.90 1,115.60 800.10 1,306.78 1,233.72 1,281.90 62 119 69 4 113 85 55 124 28 21 74 129 110 52 82 100 72 15 118 49 68 30 93 27 94 76 46 126 115 125 97 121 109 22 79 3 127 63 132 112 128 70 92 103 39 98 78 59 111 44 65 61 26 13 53 34 105 24 75 66 56 91 131 104 130 8,581.00 8,495.22 8,661.48 9,422.43 8,509.15 10,077.27 8,706.87 9,467.87 8,839.57 10,024.08 8,400.94 8,913.35 8,677.09 9,204.56 9,922.28 7,601.59 8,599.78 10,364.23 8,211.96 8,728.01 8,387.70 10,370.00 7,988.98 8,464.79 8,478.39 9,082.24 8,441.79 8,234.58 12,167.92 11,257.50 10,100.23 7,890.60 9,431.49 8,951.85 9,179.86 10,985.12 8,448.34 8,277.86 11,949.95 9,109.70 7,696.34 9,312.07 8,273.32 8,631.06 9,407.12 8,209.25 8,380.82 8,054.71 8,240.49 8,106.36 8,363.30 9,453.17 8,666.86 10,906.41 9,089.58 9,132.54 7,737.67 9,262.53 8,335.54 8,617.78 9,230.26 9,041.28 11,066.35 8,314.21 9,618.30 8,651.23 9,360.77 8,892.83 Rank All Funds 82 85 75 28 84 15 70 24 62 16 92 56 72 41 17 131 81 9 112 67 93 8 117 87 86 48 90 110 1 3 14 120 27 54 43 6 89 107 2 45 128 34 108 78 29 113 95 116 109 114 97 25 74 7 46 44 126 38 101 80 39 49 4 103 20 25 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 26 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION - COUNTY System Autauga County Baldwin County Barbour County Bibb County Blount County Bullock County Butler County Calhoun County Chambers County Cherokee County Chilton County Choctaw County Clarke County * Clay County Cleburne County Coffee County Colbert County Conecuh County Coosa County Covington County Crenshaw County * Cullman County Dale County Dallas County DeKalb County * Elmore County Escambia County * Etowah County Fayette County Franklin County * Geneva County Greene County Hale County Henry County Houston County Jackson County Jefferson County Lamar County Lauderdale County * Lawrence County Lee County Limestone County Lowndes County Macon County * Madison County Marengo County Marion County * Marshall County Mobile County Monroe County Montgomery County * Morgan County Perry County Pickens County Pike County Randolph County * Russell County Saint Clair County Shelby County Sumter County Talladega County Tallapoosa County * Tuscaloosa County Walker County Washington County Wilcox County Winston County ADM Instructional Services 9,854.10 26,735.95 1,051.10 3,737.45 8,399.15 1,611.40 3,348.25 9,255.95 4,045.00 4,071.55 7,626.30 1,886.50 3,390.30 2,133.80 2,620.40 2,192.65 2,908.25 1,701.60 1,331.85 3,102.60 2,365.30 9,889.20 2,863.40 4,213.55 8,923.30 11,214.55 4,682.50 9,159.80 2,515.65 3,230.15 2,710.65 1,422.15 2,989.15 2,780.15 6,292.25 5,925.20 36,245.65 2,343.85 8,905.25 5,429.05 9,745.20 8,734.70 1,971.65 2,964.00 19,386.50 1,562.95 3,747.00 5,733.00 62,207.15 4,155.75 31,588.45 7,723.15 1,942.15 3,020.90 2,196.75 2,306.60 3,387.20 8,331.95 27,122.00 2,329.95 7,843.20 3,038.05 17,452.80 8,273.80 3,485.55 2,090.90 2,732.00 45,063,986 146,924,201 5,945,873 17,355,652 39,166,835 7,533,658 16,758,813 43,176,229 17,754,253 21,248,782 35,572,540 8,925,882 16,484,295 10,839,011 12,515,345 9,778,883 15,448,547 9,223,543 6,512,688 15,394,045 11,305,497 49,796,741 14,350,097 20,238,773 48,654,162 53,493,051 23,862,324 42,644,806 12,412,724 17,011,665 12,101,341 7,202,981 15,575,791 13,588,541 29,791,850 30,483,644 191,068,676 11,156,133 46,437,568 28,443,144 50,697,868 46,700,442 9,925,643 13,360,522 94,404,212 8,040,300 18,771,100 28,009,164 302,004,666 21,550,597 156,254,899 41,880,383 10,169,942 15,644,173 11,957,141 11,812,183 15,933,065 40,966,622 144,422,609 11,507,412 35,292,171 17,459,337 79,894,692 42,273,089 18,843,332 10,272,236 14,161,593 * Financial Statement approval process not completed. Instructional Support 10,083,397 46,907,619 1,841,141 4,945,233 9,908,685 2,591,191 5,744,733 13,999,638 5,509,924 6,077,992 9,029,957 2,736,021 5,413,257 2,213,583 3,789,488 2,849,962 4,613,116 2,766,643 2,138,223 4,221,026 2,815,539 14,236,508 3,024,908 7,158,417 10,357,537 13,557,124 7,044,762 12,186,305 3,199,940 4,311,158 3,804,804 2,554,811 4,190,010 3,525,376 6,312,753 9,762,125 55,199,978 3,153,983 10,018,442 7,097,170 10,811,001 10,162,218 3,588,803 4,694,350 27,205,976 2,292,059 4,510,764 7,899,594 88,705,341 6,184,081 51,435,913 12,112,767 2,639,413 3,954,599 3,441,264 2,911,025 4,454,450 8,623,922 41,854,054 3,313,943 14,129,949 4,040,968 23,880,990 12,224,413 3,993,253 3,405,142 4,387,581 Operations and Maintenance Transportation Services Food Services 6,017,120 28,039,741 800,189 2,779,566 5,138,684 1,295,511 1,947,885 6,744,090 2,757,887 3,076,919 4,345,776 1,200,836 2,238,929 994,954 1,538,464 1,444,284 2,931,206 3,242,307 889,108 2,383,644 1,446,352 7,984,129 1,768,918 3,584,499 6,214,075 6,153,302 3,831,273 5,582,293 2,348,645 2,503,718 1,531,048 1,362,074 1,813,772 1,690,235 3,930,628 6,482,559 25,570,642 1,276,081 6,115,720 4,443,324 7,112,692 5,875,561 2,174,274 2,758,469 15,025,039 1,019,616 2,002,948 5,072,759 60,212,850 2,467,425 27,430,351 7,084,278 1,325,945 1,830,223 1,962,606 1,388,433 2,457,362 5,007,197 20,989,372 1,899,295 6,554,328 2,558,654 11,177,739 8,833,701 2,351,414 1,635,556 2,029,434 5,127,130 11,863,798 792,366 2,005,449 4,205,224 1,178,164 1,538,562 6,550,271 2,115,849 2,095,081 3,129,100 1,561,080 2,332,991 1,849,478 2,491,402 917,183 2,277,070 1,236,548 1,098,404 2,381,581 1,359,926 4,742,344 1,659,537 4,470,686 4,761,003 6,344,493 3,261,234 4,341,989 1,377,298 2,359,376 1,340,459 1,234,322 2,737,256 1,724,298 3,180,294 3,595,717 19,502,562 1,491,074 3,863,525 3,373,762 5,713,725 4,573,407 1,742,779 2,193,329 11,125,939 1,747,804 1,828,833 2,791,239 26,770,406 2,357,527 10,763,117 5,000,555 1,528,345 2,172,351 1,972,928 1,491,504 2,357,871 3,037,320 14,154,419 1,665,647 4,559,794 1,804,421 7,752,821 4,325,069 2,286,661 1,640,102 2,398,861 5,982,795 13,846,853 1,093,753 2,991,474 4,428,527 1,485,550 2,341,923 5,591,891 2,836,402 3,220,353 5,392,836 1,474,493 3,154,948 1,424,818 2,077,556 1,294,041 2,292,873 1,429,008 1,000,698 2,095,841 1,922,191 6,442,993 1,983,043 3,156,973 6,266,354 6,011,690 3,227,289 5,619,837 2,027,515 2,623,292 1,903,070 1,261,106 2,153,896 2,162,808 4,531,376 5,042,417 24,358,801 1,804,467 5,868,461 3,919,041 6,246,440 5,391,671 2,013,120 2,436,447 11,929,094 1,371,643 2,231,686 5,229,070 41,370,990 2,744,909 21,163,488 5,961,063 1,777,465 2,221,306 1,812,589 1,442,081 2,920,929 5,319,885 17,976,354 1,910,561 6,533,443 2,572,059 13,440,090 6,336,807 2,385,862 1,952,319 2,334,153 Administrative Services 1,826,803 7,659,844 466,439 1,475,541 1,745,365 1,219,823 1,590,360 2,180,207 1,441,788 1,688,520 1,732,605 1,199,798 708,020 898,898 883,275 777,350 1,607,522 1,182,603 712,080 1,237,677 1,003,097 1,701,455 1,472,402 1,656,983 2,610,322 3,195,518 1,600,283 2,442,423 1,143,089 1,195,965 939,006 971,896 1,298,646 1,010,906 1,990,700 1,670,617 9,546,319 708,806 2,292,166 1,906,233 2,576,200 1,480,692 1,232,662 1,720,606 4,650,714 545,291 1,089,524 1,938,976 28,757,293 988,554 10,088,256 1,851,818 988,762 1,060,355 1,358,476 894,422 1,232,279 2,179,307 3,956,267 1,574,531 2,210,970 1,172,350 4,231,505 2,976,357 991,482 1,162,197 1,267,464 Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Expenditures Total 10,669,214 49,794,695 51,465 4,484,727 1,256,742 129,021 16,347,041 1,798,941 1,595,484 12,015,798 6,112,999 950,420 2,389,403 623,120 7,153,968 1,383,554 482,042 644,897 739,496 1,051,335 233,406 15,218,293 978,522 303,223 3,995,504 13,325,610 1,326,889 8,865,909 36,284 0 687,981 663,950 2,523,516 3,062,461 84,405 4,811,767 134,713,515 1,776,296 1,209,424 5,839,600 5,647,556 6,433,002 390,420 2,950,410 16,556,766 964,398 2,357,459 2,295,095 13,853,207 1,532,190 69,908,420 4,835,896 0 109,749 351,229 336,464 3,066,258 9,122,037 12,810,806 958,418 2,543,766 1,177,353 12,530,857 5,904,086 89,409 1,060,778 5,007,100 5,056,285 17,715,578 443,701 1,577,018 1,278,181 428,434 2,499,360 1,095,892 7,028,056 548,526 1,235,322 1,433,995 501,473 1,155,867 1,717,806 1,118,884 864,500 1,030,639 345,351 687,152 532,759 472,792 280,460 1,091,183 895,864 216,350 1,472,613 1,315,464 1,622,297 571,548 817,068 1,150,829 2,848,468 1,241,578 1,284,366 1,166,089 1,840,052 579,660 231,196 769,771 609,588 861,229 763,208 6,483,738 743,696 1,441,188 1,590,493 1,273,665 1,442,235 2,524,739 959,289 5,247,761 252,000 897,469 2,110,690 11,364,850 1,216,791 5,423,837 765,473 486,626 802,268 206,606 274,098 671,542 1,874,417 8,402,884 513,872 895,904 1,044,248 3,362,707 3,009,185 946,584 486,703 747,016 90,922,621 329,780,385 11,983,452 38,849,982 68,562,238 16,362,826 49,924,543 81,759,072 36,959,704 51,677,626 68,423,370 20,246,105 34,671,681 20,950,063 31,999,232 18,995,640 31,481,279 21,148,597 13,896,194 30,747,732 21,866,734 104,358,237 26,768,955 42,759,415 84,790,972 109,129,500 46,376,548 86,361,970 24,092,477 33,620,134 23,569,729 15,717,758 31,644,270 28,151,865 56,583,893 63,163,646 479,362,708 23,029,055 77,748,469 58,543,358 94,887,539 85,663,013 24,259,755 33,083,297 196,252,472 16,849,941 34,170,715 57,480,696 704,401,553 39,042,074 358,682,433 86,248,043 19,598,106 28,197,621 23,639,135 20,720,784 35,249,504 79,996,767 288,236,926 35,933,718 77,443,775 32,395,128 172,628,256 88,522,342 33,825,740 22,628,151 34,265,086 1,829,233 1,389,683 2,076,918 1,852,224 1,262,687 1,573,443 1,076,941 269,921 737,721 527,184 589,147 509,969 465,261 2,613,475 959,978 1,372,791 781,187 4,200,244 980,916 3,394,041 380,892 1,774,908 682,361 235,420 581,613 777,651 5,900,659 551,589 12,918,476 918,518 501,976 1,930,591 4,808,392 3,603,785 667,315 2,009,875 10,106,972 616,830 480,931 2,134,109 131,361,951 6,214,152 6,755,811 681,609 402,598 576,296 170,575 2,155,749 3,866,059 23,670,162 12,590,039 4,723,451 565,739 16,356,854 2,639,634 1,937,743 1,013,117 1,931,884 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION - CITY System Albertville City Alexander City Andalusia City Anniston City Arab City Athens City Attalla City Auburn City Bessemer City Birmingham City Boaz City Brewton City * Cullman City Daleville City Decatur City Demopolis City Dothan City Elba City Enterprise City Eufaula City Fairfield City Florence City Fort Payne City Gadsden City Geneva City Guntersville City Haleyville City Hartselle City Homewood City * Hoover City Huntsville City Jacksonville City Jasper City Lanett City Leeds City Linden City Madison City Midfield City * Mountain Brook City Muscle Shoals City Oneonta City Opelika City Opp City Oxford City * Ozark City Pell City Phenix City * Piedmont City Saraland City Roanoke City Russellville City Scottsboro City Selma City Sheffield City Sylacauga City Talladega City Tallassee City Tarrant City * Thomasville City Troy City Tuscaloosa City Tuscumbia City Vestavia Hills City Winfield City * Trussville City * TOTAL ADM 3,842.75 3,446.05 1,680.90 2,377.55 2,392.90 3,058.55 1,715.95 5,973.75 4,380.30 27,525.15 2,229.05 1,197.75 2,865.10 1,229.95 8,723.15 2,425.05 9,223.50 809.40 6,228.10 2,751.50 2,303.20 4,129.05 2,930.25 5,623.05 1,249.25 1,886.55 1,618.90 3,178.90 3,449.45 12,541.65 22,971.95 1,699.60 2,664.70 899.45 1,434.90 502.00 8,520.25 1,230.00 4,366.90 2,750.25 1,406.85 4,279.95 1,371.80 4,002.35 2,498.75 4,151.10 6,045.40 1,067.05 1,518.65 1,518.15 2,429.45 2,667.90 3,815.05 1,172.45 2,401.20 2,576.25 1,998.80 1,400.60 1,548.65 2,232.25 10,026.35 1,561.75 5,960.90 1,289.90 4,118.55 743,264.95 Instructional Services Instructional Support 19,785,785 18,652,512 8,996,257 11,786,920 12,600,418 19,352,175 8,794,898 34,518,490 21,676,855 144,107,935 10,559,202 6,818,471 15,752,469 6,440,346 52,823,266 11,913,584 46,852,129 4,823,215 31,823,096 14,062,345 10,953,059 25,542,778 14,376,543 27,000,594 6,806,756 10,100,716 8,766,101 16,524,327 26,807,573 82,410,717 135,130,625 8,468,117 14,877,963 4,702,429 6,995,195 2,683,931 43,751,500 5,484,069 33,222,222 14,511,792 6,907,325 24,276,500 6,563,011 20,692,967 12,903,238 20,527,974 29,076,275 5,066,074 5,845,210 7,620,019 12,697,701 14,237,593 18,852,937 7,539,798 13,408,591 13,454,575 10,139,392 7,368,038 7,905,201 12,164,460 51,110,845 7,689,245 43,226,115 6,484,634 22,724,066 3,843,191,123 4,742,027 4,788,729 1,967,465 3,902,800 3,180,231 3,655,683 2,140,508 11,190,665 7,008,466 62,828,643 3,093,385 1,514,830 3,420,355 1,896,252 13,491,064 3,197,679 13,733,714 1,405,722 8,390,462 3,854,177 3,456,520 7,209,743 3,189,965 10,096,414 1,422,626 2,983,794 1,949,840 3,715,043 6,152,718 23,986,475 40,318,840 2,169,804 4,489,163 1,184,949 1,966,046 1,291,162 12,586,014 1,767,844 9,264,908 4,203,915 1,541,950 6,072,233 1,642,067 5,387,766 4,493,143 4,776,657 7,465,913 1,532,375 1,837,095 1,814,841 2,615,510 3,965,070 5,522,060 2,117,445 3,133,715 3,755,634 2,061,645 2,028,559 2,271,631 3,149,160 17,248,032 2,425,523 9,143,144 1,551,960 6,157,312 1,104,269,391 * Financial Statement approval process not completed. Operations and Maintenance 3,284,992 2,155,349 1,444,279 2,158,234 1,737,060 3,043,548 1,164,098 5,154,394 3,597,743 35,271,183 1,638,683 948,914 2,292,192 822,828 9,218,452 1,186,350 6,510,176 745,360 3,393,348 1,907,226 2,075,596 4,399,276 1,761,023 4,073,148 646,322 1,605,363 1,015,927 2,123,400 5,318,423 17,528,743 30,270,990 937,230 2,388,984 540,260 1,455,161 442,786 6,322,960 1,108,256 5,656,783 2,989,917 781,875 3,427,439 1,271,297 2,800,689 2,253,349 3,280,526 5,390,470 762,677 739,112 1,002,946 1,533,010 2,842,774 3,755,345 1,274,437 1,522,877 2,484,976 1,086,956 1,174,211 849,449 1,435,946 9,077,008 1,879,908 6,876,700 848,550 4,482,095 628,847,481 Transportation Services Food Services 1,341,593 1,021,892 450,272 1,109,836 874,218 1,144,860 594,321 2,714,134 1,379,411 8,252,577 641,421 291,808 280,291 681,821 3,067,787 95,503 3,494,217 293,089 3,508,464 584,460 163,747 1,707,057 1,089,559 886,806 534,438 486,493 161,288 1,027,321 447,365 7,228,349 6,330,241 456,252 912,284 372,265 788,143 317,058 3,570,524 191,225 239,140 403,337 322,089 1,452,310 351,913 1,770,728 1,433,076 1,845,553 2,477,515 10,615 709,201 145,272 241,605 1,356,897 526,102 91,845 712,332 881,813 220,759 329,269 409,406 329,508 4,255,925 78,827 526,765 469,862 2,492,085 345,800,797 2,703,083 1,568,745 1,028,844 1,967,833 1,459,958 2,026,460 1,243,160 3,521,615 3,418,936 18,191,289 1,718,059 447,827 1,877,309 723,137 6,274,297 1,409,739 6,520,868 702,344 3,433,810 2,164,755 1,531,916 3,019,886 2,230,247 3,814,380 643,259 1,284,919 1,174,794 1,797,115 2,173,008 8,046,482 13,466,210 973,397 1,769,086 737,527 975,767 532,342 4,439,723 1,123,947 1,989,366 2,140,323 783,968 3,265,133 948,412 2,679,455 1,906,463 2,673,056 4,690,837 711,456 938,724 1,019,754 2,028,240 2,193,958 3,311,126 990,703 1,790,330 2,135,242 1,185,633 1,184,765 1,017,024 1,406,135 6,432,768 1,204,325 2,544,856 871,748 2,455,892 503,404,541 Administrative Services 1,321,269 1,364,242 767,020 1,477,767 785,828 1,783,497 1,231,321 2,052,213 1,884,722 10,378,685 1,111,801 726,146 1,399,405 803,552 2,198,619 789,019 2,778,541 504,445 2,091,912 1,482,179 1,148,867 1,170,676 1,113,700 1,820,925 629,483 774,713 733,166 1,081,197 1,331,407 2,737,546 6,876,437 509,106 1,019,958 646,432 1,131,462 392,746 2,502,288 586,602 2,200,197 1,106,817 512,036 1,562,808 689,839 1,345,096 769,161 1,086,419 1,810,160 566,991 2,541,835 730,688 1,436,714 918,279 1,720,659 857,928 1,387,993 871,813 792,508 997,922 604,576 955,175 4,690,702 1,049,482 4,025,941 561,788 2,368,099 258,069,179 Capital Outlay Debt Service Other Expenditures Total 16,159,869 16,672 1,186,416 0 55,401 3,737,053 395,899 6,769,331 27,631,853 55,967,759 55,580 1,394,738 432,323 1,395,373 4,494,682 4,270,060 262,870 445,444 1,866,599 544,141 75,792 38,512,396 576,412 1,322,801 4,987,808 1,609,194 2,907,137 3,394 1,251,919 5,134,905 0 4,423,162 5,680,668 26,376,884 833,120 1,946,362 689,894 129,565 744,894 10,743,586 0 5,247,409 972,685 1,338,047 243,000 6,123,086 7,643,199 879,274 2,977,944 5,487,718 1,340,936 15,315,637 1,546,492 1,920,867 59,219 3,195,834 1,591,346 346,864 1,750,603 697,620 14,935,526 1,710,797 634,272 16,891,563 319,979 28,730,646 1,092,919 2,934,088 860,151,597 1,214,450 970,559 479,788 336,429 438,624 519,728 530,511 400,663 1,653,933 995,154 8,725,107 985,341 111,572 1,579,330 464,599 2,123,100 842,030 3,265,359 254,549 804,797 1,224,263 306,907 2,253,596 695,567 2,251,607 169,193 541,702 331,892 327,709 1,322,480 6,028,475 3,785,990 54,212 753,110 126,860 123,245 196,510 1,194,096 268,697 1,942,363 798,600 530,557 1,822,368 338,622 325,468 318,009 481,954 3,272,091 178,815 235,337 377,954 472,639 569,123 1,897,187 592,201 778,882 532,660 334,656 445,964 515,772 318,203 3,218,619 324,456 1,697,489 389,791 989,591 179,997,124 50,754,620 31,914,528 16,721,122 22,917,806 21,212,843 37,169,059 16,637,441 72,820,771 69,013,784 348,834,516 21,102,499 12,614,844 28,149,303 13,866,476 97,609,346 23,845,270 85,292,435 8,728,723 93,172,735 25,855,818 21,319,178 57,039,043 27,155,120 54,785,830 11,380,223 19,345,483 19,998,423 28,000,244 50,859,013 169,579,737 264,739,904 14,695,628 28,167,182 9,220,828 13,927,999 6,668,050 119,308,647 10,893,023 61,804,674 27,127,386 13,103,589 44,321,259 18,732,705 44,791,031 25,325,954 39,344,354 62,042,702 10,269,929 29,657,144 14,415,859 24,110,675 28,556,027 39,360,154 15,255,702 23,081,586 26,354,825 16,693,214 28,776,762 15,546,198 21,213,759 129,366,183 15,243,862 97,823,288 12,759,796 45,379,633 8,187,060,350 1,895,272 672,573 5,245,995 1,420,645 5,111,338 1,299,027 360,539 1,115,629 638,569 3,918,077 141,306 1,874,560 359,766 6,748,223 1,089,322 1,934,818 524,753 315,866 730,509 1,404,133 2,882,877 15,932,284 2,183,687 294,390 10,274 220,213 363,417 66,622 34,197,955 362,384 2,042,285 385,743 2,199,469 804,457 2,145,665 370,241 1,694,269 2,371,724 99,989 1,494,995 157,894 1,164,387 2,413,113 578,904 200,000 487,508 174,046 312,507 262,342 820,900 16,440,721 272,117 1,051,631 488,544 776,404 463,329,116 27 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 28 ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................ EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION Capital Outlay 10.5% Debt Service 5.7% Other Expenditures 2.2% Administrative Services 3.2% Food Services 6.1% ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................ EXPENDITURES BY FUND TYPE & OBJECT Federal Funds 17.63% Other Funds 3.09% Education Trust Fund 79.28% Instructional Services 46.9% Transportation Services 4.2% Operations and Maintenance 7.7% Instructional Support 13.5% Pie chart compiled from Tables on pages 26 and 27. TOTAL EXPENDITURES = $4,804,790,107 EDUCATION TRUST FUND: Personnel Costs Employee Benefits Travel - In State Travel - Out of State Repairs and Maintenance Rentals and Leases Utilities and Communication Professional Services Supplies, Materials, and Operating Expense Transportation Equipment Operations Grants and Benefits Other Equipment Purchases Miscellaneous Transfers TOTAL EDUCATION TRUST FUND EXPENDITURES 13,821,749 4,353,263 1,346,270 73,705 12,903 1,412,755 309,648 15,734,880 15,900,776 1,944 3,755,550,126 125,876 356,000 $3,808,999,895 FEDERAL FUNDS: Personnel Costs Employee Benefits Travel - In State Travel - Out of State Repairs and Maintenance Rentals and Leases Utilities and Communication Professional Services Supplies, Materials, and Operating Expense Transportation Equipment Operations Grants and Benefits Other Equipment Purchases TOTAL FEDERAL FUNDS EXPENDITURES 25,040,913 8,865,192 685,215 262,031 10,033 2,831,382 689,787 14,944,043 9,987,808 (254) 783,694,631 196,059 $847,206,840 OTHER FUNDS: Personnel Costs Employee Benefits Travel - In State Travel - Out of State Repairs and Maintenance Rentals and Leases Utilities and Communication Professional Services Supplies, Materials, and Operating Expense Transportation Equipment Operations Grants and Benefits Transportation Equipment Purchases Other Equipment Purchases Interest TOTAL OTHER FUNDS EXPENDITURES 8,483,551 2,783,617 175,716 35,291 46,607 1,151,520 344,695 8,521,837 3,891,992 19,858 s122,485,634 0 110,190 532,864 $148,583,372 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION (CTE) FUNDS - 2009 FY 2008 State Funds Encumbered in FY 2008 and Expended in FY 2009 FY 2009 State Funds Expended in FY 2009 Available $5,105.62 1,112,321.62 $1,117,427.24 Federal Funds 19,931,499.03 Total Funds Available $21,048,926.27 County and City Boards of Education Postsecondary Schools Special Schools and Postsecondary Dept State Department of Education Salaries State Department of Education Other Expenses State CTE EXPENDITURES Federal CTE Total $521,538.69 595,888.55 $1,117,427.24 $11,462,766.84 5,375,066.10 300,800.06 1,617,699.71 1 1,175,166.32 2 $19,931,499.03 $11,462,766.84 5,375,066.10 300,800.06 2,139,238.40 1,771,054.87 $21,048,926.27 1. Includes $1,058,590.27 for salaries for Leadership activities and is not an administrative cost. 2. Includes $731,054.36 for other expenses for Leadership activities and is not an administrative cost. NOTE: The total State Expenditures included on the 2009 Annual Federal Financial Status Report is $1,125,913.43 EXPENDITURE LIST All LEAs expended state funds for use on Career and Technical Education programs. The following LEAs expended Federal funds for use on Career and Technical Education programs: COUNTY SYSTEMS Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount Bullock Butler Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Coffee Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw Cullman Dale Dallas Dekalb Elmore Escambia Etowah Fayette Franklin Geneva Greene Hale Henry Houston Jackson Jefferson Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Limestone Lowndes Macon Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobile Monroe Montgomery Morgan Perry Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St. Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox Winston CITY SYSTEMS Albertville Alexander City Andalusia Anniston Arab Athens Attalla Auburn Bessemer Birmingham Boaz Cullman Daleville Decatur Demopolis Dothan Elba Enterprise Eufaula Fairfield Florence Ft. Payne Gadsden Geneva Guntersville Haleyville Hartselle Homewood Hoover Huntsville Jacksonville Jasper Lanett Leeds Linden Madison Midfield Mountain Brook Muscle Shoals Opelika Opp Oxford Ozark Pell City Phenix City Piedmont Roanoke Russellville Scottsboro Selma Sheffield Sylacauga Talladega Tallassee Tarrant Thomasville Troy Tuscaloosa Tuscumbia Vestavia Hills Winfield Trussville 29 .. .. .. ..
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