2015 December Kedge - Maryland Yacht Club
2015 December Kedge - Maryland Yacht Club
The Maryland Yacht Club December 2015 v2 The Bridge 2015 Commodore’s Ball Commodore Dave Perlman Vice Commodore Barbara Franklin Rear Commodore Larry Korpanty Secretary Emory Quaskey Treasurer Paul Mermelstein Power Fleet Captain Gary Bullis Sail Fleet Captain Brad Houck IPC Paul Dolan The Board of Governors Mbr. at Lg .Capt. Jim Ferrari Mbr. at Lg .Capt. Linda Grunder Mbr. at Lg. Capt. Hal McClure Mbr. at Lg. Capt. Dutch Shaffer Mbr .at Lg . Capt. Winfried Wiegmann Social Rep Barb Corkhill Special points of interest: T h e C om m od or e ’s Ball recognizing our 108th C o m m od o r e w e nt o f f wonderfully. The theme was Moonlight on the Bay. We had a very nice turnout of members and visiting dignitaries from other clubs. Also attending was the Queen of the Chesapeake, Miss Ashley Lindsay as well as five princess from around the bay representing Middle River, Neptune, Baltimore, Bodkin, and Eastern Yacht Clubs. The MYC staff did a great job offering a wide selection of cuisines at • MYC will be crowning our new Princess Friday, December 4th at 6:00PM multiple stations around the dining room and ensuring exceptional service. We even had Moon Pies as special take home. The band, XPD, with eight members including horns and sax played music that got our members up and dancing. They were great sports, staying late to ensure that everyone had a good time. Princesses flank Queen Ashley from Left to Right: MRYC Rachael Wooden; NYC De’asia Ellis: BYC Jessica Napoli: BYC Hannah Chaney; EYC Mackenzie MYC Princess Please welcome our Incoming Princess for the 2015 to 2016 Season Miss Emma Strauss. • Sign UP today for the New Year’s Eve Party • Remember, there is a special for new members: Next year’s dues are 50% off. Slips can be had for boat length plus five feet (not the normal available slip length). Meet Emma at her crowning a ceremony on Friday, December 4, Photos by Gary Bullis Please turn to Page 3 for more information. The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 2 Our Commodore’s Comments Commodore Dave Perlman I hope all had a good Thanksgiving Holiday with family and friends. It’s the end of November and we have just put Haleakula to “bed” for the winter. Reflecting back it was a great boating season for us and I hope you had the chance to explore our beloved Chesapeake Bay with your families. We are so lucky to live in a beautiful area. For us every weekend on the boat was like a mini vacation when we returned o Sundays. Of course what also makes it special is the friends we have at MYC and the time we get to spend with them both in the Clubhouse and on the water rafted up. Thank you all who came to our Commodore’s Ball. There was a great show of support from you the members mixed in with the Commodores from all the other clubs on the Chesapeake. It was great food and also a phenomenal dancing band. Everyone was up dancing. Special thanks goes to my wife Donna, Vickie Ferrari and Vicki Dulko who did all the decorating and changing the way our clubhouse looked. Also the passing of the torch to a new Emcee went flawlessly and Terri Shaffer did an excellent job in keeping things organized. So what happens to the club in the winter months? Even though many live far away, there is a great group of social members who use the club and enjoy it year round. We will close for about 3+ weeks (not the business office) to refurbish, work on projects, plan for next year. Please check the out the new hours. We will reopen the clubhouse on weekends in January for those who want to sit by the fire, watch the bowl and playoff football games, or just hang out with MYC friends. This will also allow us to capture and prospective members who are looking for a place for their boat, or are just looking for a place to have fun. The Board of Governors is working on the budget for next year. We need a Membership Chairperson as well as a few Directors. Volunteering a few hours is a great way to meet more people and have a chance to shape the direction of our club. We are a non-profit club which is run by the membership. Getting involved is a way of helping improve the Club. Vicki Dulko is working on new programs and fun events. Barb Corkhill and the Auxiliary is working on their events. They welcome new members and ideas. Stay safe and have a wonderful December Holiday and New Years The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 3 The Vice Commodore’s Voice the New Year’s Eve Party! And we are going to party again this year. Party details including the menu are included in this issue of the Kedge. So gather your family and friends together and fill up a table to bring in the New Year together. Vice Commodore Barbara Franklin Hi All – Last year, Dave Perlman brought back one of our traditions – This issue of the Kedge also includes responsibilities and descriptions of the four Director positions that we currently have opened. Voting for these positions will take place at the General Membership Meeting in January. Please review the information and see if one of these positions might be a good fit for yourself to volunteer and make our Club the best it can be. I will be chairing a meeting soon to plan three additional Open Houses to attract new members. I am going to suggest that the Open Houses be on January 17th, February 21 and March 20. We need member support and participation in planning these events and members present to welcome prospective new members. Our challenge will be advertising since we will not have the boat shows to feed from. Miss Emma Strass to be MYC’s Princess for the Please welcome our MYC Princess for 2015-2016 Emma Strauss. She attends Northeast Senior High School and majors in sciences. Emma plays the clarinet in the marching band and also belongs to a number of academic clubs. Her goal is to have a career in medicine as a neurologist. Emma participated in assisting the Junior Sail Camp last summer. Emma loves the water and boating. She has two younger sisters and is the granddaughter of Social Members Bernie and Hannelore Strauss from Pasadena. The following is a quote from Emma. “My passion in life is to learn and discover new things in the world that I may not know about. The charity that I would like to support is the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.” Emma’s crowning will be Friday December 4 at 6:00 PM. When you see her around the Club stop and chat with her. She is an interesting young lass. Emma Strauss, MYC Princess 2016 The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 4 Rear Commodore’s Ruminations Rear Commodore Larry Korpanty The winter is coming on and the typical club activities are starting to slow down. On the other hand, this is the time for our big push to bring in new members. Our Board of Governors continues to follow up on the contacts that we made at the boat shows and open houses. Growing our membership must be the major drive for the year. I ask that each of you help us by making sure that the word goes out about our club. Remember, as members, you are the greatest marketing and sales tool that the club has. Potential members expectations are set by the conversations that you have with them. Additionally, conversations with friends can turn into indirect marketing as they convey your words about the club to others. If you find an area that is erroneous or out of date, please let me know so that we can update it. Let all work together to build the club! If you missed this years ball, you missed a good one. Kudos to Terri Shaffer on bringing a new energy to the proceeding. The only low point of the night was when someone took my Moon Pie! To that person: if it is dropped off in my mail bin, no more questions will be asked. If I have to find you, things will not go as well for you! The club has a number of activities and parties coming up before the end of the year, with Christmas Party for the kids and VC Barb Franklin is throwing the New Year’s Eve Party this year. She even has an arrangement with a local hotel to shuttle attendees to the party and back to the hotel at the end of the night. So don’t miss out on the fun that the club has to offer just because the weather is getting colder. If you have not checked out the website recently, please do so. Carl Treff (just back with his new boat) has done a great job streamlining and simplifying it. We are working to keep the calendar up to date for events and you can check the club hours there. On a personal note I want to with a happy and safe holiday season to all of our members and staff. It is you that makes Maryland Yacht Club what it is and what it will be. Cindy, Julia, and I love our time at the club and it is you all that we have to thank for that. So no matter how you celebrate the season, I wish you and your families peace and happiness. The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 5 Money Matters CPAs and 2 MBAs) but it is a good chunk of work to accomplish in a very short period of time. Treasurer Paul Mermelstein We have some challenges and opportunities, of course, which will drive the budget process and its outcome. We forecast membership numbers based on anticipated attrition and new members, especially from our recent membership drive. We also forecast staffing requirements and costs. And we look for cost efficiencies as appropriate. mine ways to save money, we also consider cost increases in food and labor to run the club. Additionally, we need to fund improvements to the “plant”. The assessment fee paid by resident members for the bathhouse renovation was minimal and easily approved by the members last January. We may want to continue it, or another similar assessment, for some upcoming improvement projects. So, as we put our boats to bed for the season, we are sharpening our pencils (actually, firing up the spreadsheets) and going to work. When you see any members of the Finance Committee, say Hello and give them a pat on the back for their hard work. For most members, things wind down as the season closes. However, not so for your MYC Finance Committee; we have a lot of work to do. The budget process begins now and continues to the January General Membership Meet ing where it is presented and approved. The committee consists of Hal McClure, Jim Ferrari, Dave Oswald, and me. We are well qualified (2 We first present the results of deliberations and a draft to the Board of Governors, and then a final recommendation to the members at the January meeting. Please come and participate. A quick thank you to our bar and wait staff who have done a great job for our this year. Thanks to Our Wait and Bar Staff All the best to Josh as he goes on with his career and to Lisa (far left ) as she moves on to other adventures. The best to all, have a great Holiday Season and we look forward to seeing you next year! As part of the budget process, we also address dues and fees. Of course we try to hold it down; none of us likes to pay more. As we deter- The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Power Fleet Ponderings Power Fleet Captain Gary Bullis December. Seems like a good time to reflect on the past year. 2015 saw 50 days cruising at sea and 137.5 cruising hours aboard Believe a Bull. A pretty good year all in all! Some MYC memories are shown below. Looking to make even more in 2016! The more, the merrier! With Thanksgiving approaching, here’s to the holiday season and to a fantastic New Year! May we & our vessels all fare well this winter and until Spring, think of boating on the Bay. Page 6 The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 7 Sail Fleet Salutations Well here we are at the last month of the 2015. Where did the year go? Where did the summer go? Hopefully you have some fond memories of cruises and events at the MYC this year that will tide you over the winter. Sail Fleet Captain Brad Houck For us, Seaduced Too, is on the hard and prepared for the cold weather to come. We have some minor projects for the spring and are looking forward to getting next year’s cruising season started. We are planning some interesting events for the sail fleet during the 2016 cruising season. At the next General Meeting we will meet to discuss the cruising schedule, cruise themes and destinations for next year. Please plan on attending the meeting and bring your ideas for the cruising schedule. Until then, have a Happy Holiday Season. Hope to see you at the New Years Eve Party Check Out the New Year’s Eve Menu—Don’t Miss It! COCKTAIL HOUR Assorted cheeses accompanied by fresh fruit Smoked Salmon Mousse on English Cucumbers garnished with caviar and dill Bruschetta Duo – Green Oliver Tapenade/Roasted Traditional Tomato Basil Cherry Tomatoes infused with Poached Pear and Bleu Cheese Greek Skewers – Sliced Apple, Feta Cheese, Wine cured Olives and Roasted Peppers Pinwheel Bursts – Sliced Wraps with roasted Turkey, Spinach, Horseradish Cheese dressed with honey mustard DINNER ENTREES Pepper Crusted Tenderloin of Beef with Horseradish sour cream Whole Roasted Rock Fish Chicken Marsala Vegetarian Lasagna ACCOMPANIMENTS Creamy Mashed Potato Bar with assorted garnishes of bacon, cheese, chives, sour cream, horseradish/ mayonnaise and gravy Fresh Garden Salad topped with peppercorn parmesan or raspberry vinaigrette dressing Colorful Cauliflower, Broccoli, Carrots and Squash Medley Assorted Dinner Rolls DESSERT Cheesecake Bites swirling with chocolate, raspberry & cherry German Chocolate Cake Apple Crumb A’la Mode Cannolis Fresh Fruit with assorted sauces BEVERAGES Coffee-Tea-De-café Unlimited Tap Beer and House Wine Champagne Toast Bottle Beer and Mixed Drinks upon request – Member # or credit card Special New Year’s Eve Cocktail—to be Announced The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 8 House & Grounds (and Basin) We are starting to get ready for winter at the club. Basin water will be turned off and winter water will be working after the Commodore’s Ball. It may take a few days to complete and for this winter, all water valves will be removed from the pedestals. If you leave your personal hose attached it will be left on the pedestal. This is being done to keep the valves from freezing. The grounds crew has almost completed repainting the parking lot and we have had many compliments on the job. Thank you all and we will be finishing the last few lines as the cars are moved. I would like to schedule a day to split the firewood that we have accumulated up on the hill. If you are available on December 5th please let me know. My email is: Our Parking Lot Before Painting could get a discount. Contact me for details. As always please fill out a work order for any repairs. Greg Franklin Director Building and Ground Acting Basin Director [email protected] I will also be making some phone calls to members that have helped out in the past. The basin is looking pretty bare now that many have moved their boats for winter storage. For those that are staying all winter please make sure your boat is prepared for the cold. We do have several ice eaters but we cannot cover the entire basin. I do have a company that will sell Ice Eaters and if several members want to place an order we Our Parking Lot After Painting The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 9 What’s Happening? We also had the old stand by events, 4th of July Pot Luck at the pavilion, in August we had the annual Luau. Program Director Vickie Dulko Hello Everyone, Another boating season has come to an end. This season we had plenty of activities for the members. Some of the new activities that took place this year are in March we had a Sip and Paint class, May we had our first Preakness Party, August there was a comedy show with Al Ernst, for Labor Day we had a Pot Luck up at the patio by the pool. Please keep February 13, 2016 we are going to have a dinner and dance. More information to come. I would like to do an event for the Fathers this coming year. Please let me know what you as father's would like to do for your day. If you have any events that you would like to see this coming year I would like you to let me know as soon as pos- sible as I am making the calendar for the next year. Please check the club house, the pier's bathrooms for the calendar of events in the club. All of the activities will also be in the Kedge, and Blasts. Please read the postings to keep informed of club activities. what is going on in the club. If you have any ideas that you think would be fun or exciting please feel free to contact me at [email protected] or call me at 410-212-9180. I would really enjoy having people join me in making the programs highly successful. The more people that help, the easier it is for everyone. December December 4 Pasadena Seniors Holiday Luncheon 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM Private Party Auxiliary Meet and Greet 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM The Crowning of the MYC Princess at 6:00 PM December 5 Chesapeake Bay Yacht Club 8 AM – 12:30 PM December 6 Ravens Game 1:00 PM December 12 Children’s Holiday Party 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM December 13 Club closed Chesapeake Cruise Association Luncheon Private 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM December 18 Executive Board Meeting 6:30 PM and BOG 7:30 PM December 20 Ravens Game 1:00 PM December 31 New Years Eve Party—7:00 PM The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 10 MYC Auxiliary Auxiliary President Barbara Corkhill I find each time I write this article time is going faster and faster, October and November have come and gone. We had a successful adult Halloween party this year. Many came and enjoyed themselves and it was fun to see so many people get in the spirit with the fantastic costumes. We had three winners, Linda Grunder for funniest in her Dolly Parton outfit, Robbie did a great job while sporting his Zombie wear and a friend of the Howell’s, Karen Schaffer in the lovely Queen of Hearts attire. We want to thank Bob and Kat and Henry Quaskey for being our judges. When I looked around the room that night I realized next year we need to add a category of winners to the list for best couple. Thank you all who participated and we look forward to next year being bigger and better. Felicia and Vickie Dulko did a fantastic job in getting the party off and running, we applaud you both!!!! We are working on the Kids Holiday party set for December 12th, we have a fun day planned for the little ones, please remember to bring a gift wrapped and marked with your child’s name and RSVP so we are sure to have enough for everyone. The auxiliary is growing every day we have a few new members, Pam Jendrek and Randi Chidekel. We are up to 17 members now and that is awesome. As always we “Thank You” for your support. We are always looking for new members in the auxiliary, so feel free to join us, we promise to have fun. We want to wish you all a great Holiday and A Happy New year! Please be safe and we look forward to having some exciting new events in the New Year. The Ships Store is on the website for you to browse and purchase items. Go in and take a look, we need to have a minimum order of at least 24 items when placing an order, so we will probably be sending in an order at least once a month if the demand is there. It doesn’t take long for turnaround. If anyone wants to order for someone special this Holiday The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 11 Social Media It was great to see so many people come out and support our Open House. We had a lot of potential new members come to visit us and I think we did an excellent job promoting MYC. I have had a few possible people who have shown sincere interest in joining our club. I am still working with outside groups and promoting the club. I truly hope that we can have another Open House in February to continue our quest, so please keep your eyes and ears open for a date. It’s the current members’ involvement that will make a difference. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and an enjoyable time with family and friends. The Holiday season is always a time to reflect on years past and the future to come, remember to love your family and friends and be safe! I look forward to seeing everyone this year at the New Year’s party and hoping we can get a large member participation. This was a really great event last year and I know it will be as good this year. Have your friends and family join us as well, it’s a safe place to ring in the New Year. Meet Our New Members If you happen to see Chuck Chidekel or Rani Chidekel around the club house please take a few minutes to introduce yourself. Remember, we were all new once and it can be hard to meet new people. So reach out to them and make them feel welcome. Chuck and Randi, it is great to have you with us! Social Notices In this new section we will recognizing Birthdays, Anniversaries, Recognitions, and any other announcements that you feel might be relevant to our membership. If you have would like to submit and announcement, please send to: [email protected] Birthdays: Linda Grunder December 18th Weddings: Past Commodore Warren Robinson (1997) is pleased to announce the marriage of Past Princess Jennifer Robinson to Michael Andriany. The wedding took place September 18th in Annapolis, Maryland. Jennifer holds a degree in communications is a program director in the insurance industry. Michael Andriany holds a degree in international relations and is employed by the Defense Department. They spent their honeymoon in Eastern Europe and now reside in Alexandria, Virginia. The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 12 Director’s Committee Report Our Director’s Committee is looking for a few good men and women to fill four of our Director positions. I am including here the description and responsibilities of each of these four positions. Please consider volunteering some of your time for the betterment of our Club. All Directors meet reporting the status of their particular areas at 6:30 pm on the 3rd Friday of each month. The Directors are elected by secret ballot at the regular January General Membership Meeting. Newly elected Directors assume office immediately and serve two year terms. DIRECTOR OF MARKETING & PUBLIC RELATIONS Description and Responsibilities: With the approval of the Board of Governors, the Director of Marketing & Public Relations may appoint other members to assist him/her. The duties of the Director of Marketing & Public Relations shall include coordinating with the Kedge Editor, the Secretary, the General Manager, the Commodore, the Vice Commodore and all committees for the purpose of consolidating to the extent possible, the efficient organization of mailings and other communications with the membership. This shall also include such other similar duties as directed by the Board of Governors. The Director of Marketing & Public Relations works alone or with a volunteer committee to aggressively market the Maryland Yacht Club to keep the slips full and our facilities bringing in events revenue. The Director of Marketing & Public Relations also serves to increase resident and social membership. He/she also communicates with such dignitaries, etc. necessary to promote the Maryland Yacht Club. BASIN DIRECTOR Description and Responsibilities: The Basin Director governs the leasing and assigning of slips, shall maintain the proper operation of the basin and shall enforce the basin rules and policies. He/she is responsible for publishing a list of available slips in the monthly Kedge Anchor and posting this list in the Clubhouse. The Basin Director shall report to the General Manager the status of the basin on a monthly basis, and other matters pertaining to the basin as dictated by the Board of Governors. He/she will notify the membership, in writing, giving the following information: Pier and slip number, as well as current information, designating the current lessee, slip length and width, the type of contract which can be issued (Permanent or Temporary), and the reason for the vacancy. PROGRAM DIRECTOR Description and Responsibilities: The Program Director may appoint other members to assist him/her as needed. The duties of the Program Director shall be to consult with the Officers, members and Directors of the Club as well as coordinate with the Kedge Editor, the Secretary and the General Manager for the purpose of scheduling various group activities in a manner that does not create a financial loss for the Club. Upon completion of each scheduled program, a prompt financial report on said program is to be submitted to the Board of Governors. Any such program may be advertised and open to non-members for a fee that may be profitable for the Club. The Kedg e Anchor December 2015 v2 Page 13 The Maryland Yacht Club Kedge Anchor Maryland Yacht Club 1500 Fairview Beach Road Pasadena, Maryland 21122-3219 Phone: 410-255-4444 Maryland Yacht Club covers over eight acres of beautiful waterfront at the end of Fairview Beach Road in Pasadena Maryland. It is situated at the entrance to Rock Creek and commands a grand view of the Patapsco River on one side and Rock Creek on the other. Maryland Yacht Club has great facilities and numerous social events, we are much more than a marina. Your editor can be reached at: [email protected] We’re on the Web! WWW.MDYC.ORG You’re always among friends at MYC Who Else Is Helping Out Pam Schuller MYC Auxiliary President Members at Large Barbara Corkhill Mary Dolan Vickie Dulko Vice President Vickie Ferrari Cheryl Hook Barb Franklin Nancy Gorman Secretary Linda Grunder Barb Ballengee Pam Jendrek Cindy Korpanty Treasurer Danee Mermelstein Brenda Howell Donna Perlman Susan Zelenakas
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