CLA Series - Air Cylinder with Lock
CLA Series - Air Cylinder with Lock
lf, I I ......... Features Product Ho*Toorder 4-5 I StandardSpecifications ....7 ! locf Specifications....... 8-9 I Circuits Recommended ..'t0 I q+"'"' A,....rrr.nv . . . 11 I List Construction/Parts I I I & *i *, tri*,€t l x}$x:? xxxs ......12 l J - l / I ........................ ications nutoSwitchSpecif 18-20 I nutoSwitchCircuitDiagrams........ ......21 I Range RutoSwitchDimensions/Operating ......22 I C o n n e c t i o. .n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R u t oS w i t c h .23 I M o u n t i n S . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R u t oS w i t c h .24 I Annaccnriac .25 I Pranar riinne .26 r"-"--'-""' * ....6 r ! "----"-" Chart UnitConversion Pro0nm: 0ption The Pmloffsd "0uick As$ttlllce" and $et'fice leliumy .ff'' r'r *x , r:r,r..t :':,:':,t OptionProgram, SMC'SPreferred Theproductseriesin thiscatalogutilizes thatare the modelconfigurations to emphasize intended a uniqueprogram -available varietyof an extensive wherethecatalogpresents mostieadily whereas theymaybe stockedin choice.All 6theroptionsareavailable, canbe to order.Specialarrangements or manufactured lesserquantities (blanket) ordersof theseproductmodels.Contactyour madefor repeating tor furtherdetails. salesrepresentative Highaccuracy of stoppage with threewaylock-upunitSeries CLA Stop Accuracy (Variationin controlsystemis not included) maintenance and Simple overhauling It is easyto disassemble lock-up andsimpleto release unitbymanual override. (mm) Air pressurelock Spring.Af pressurelock 25% of lhrustat 5kg cm2 Condition/Load: Solenoidvalve:Mounton lock-oort Max.pistonspeed: S0Amm/sec is withinthe allowablekineticenergy lf the application specilied,the FineLockCylindercanoperateat velocitiesbetween50-500mm/sec. withnoneedfor Compact mounting space additional unitaddsto len$hbutotherdimensions arethe Lock-up type(Series CA1) sameasstandard Twowaylock-up possible possible forcylinder stroke. Twowaylock-up Longerlife friction material on Thenewlydesigned diminishing pistonrodand brakeshoeservesto prevent damaging lenothens service life. Warranty 18months/l800 miles. service (2897km) Idealforfail safeapplications forceis applied to pistonroduntilbrake Highretaining andreceivesairsignalto release.ll air pressureis lost, position. cylinder willmaintain ForceOf Air PressureLock-u 1N=0.101972 kg l Mpa=t0.1972 67"r, Brake Locking Spring lock-up Sloppage accuEcy 11,omm Features Operate towards safetyride (exhaust lock) Airpressure lock-up Spdng-air pressure locK-up r0.5mm .Highaccuracy .Highaccuracy .Retaining .Retainlng force force inte(chang€able interchangeable at optionat option .Operatetowards saletyside t l l t t l i l Releasing Locking standard CLA ffi ffi withAutoswftcnCDLA ffi * Built-inmagnet Port Threads (cyl. porlMock units) Mounting B I Basrc L I Fool I (See Std. Rod Thread/ F I Frontflanoe G I Ftearflanqe C I Singleclevis O I Doubteclevis Numberot auto switch T I C€nterlrunnion Cylinderstroke (mm) Aeas6 referto page7 fo. standardstroke. Suftix symbolfor cylinder Applicable Auto Switch 'Beier b bble below tor seleclior of alDlicable aulo switch Wthoulautoswitch Typeof locking -=-T-:--i'---:-_---=:--' _ E I spnng rocK-uplExnausl rocK) P I Air pressurelock-up(Press lock) D I Spnng/Airpressu@lock-up Applicableauto switch/Tierod mounted PrcleffeC OPtiotl Pragrcr'. 2 wiresystem *For compl6te ado switch specilicaiion pla* *Lead wire lengrh0.5m..-'-....-(Exanple: A53) (E)€mple:A53L) 3m ............1 5n ............2(Example:A534 ' lf lootb€ckelis required, order2 pcs.per cylander. " Theclevismounl@meswithclevispin,llat washerandsPUlpin, $Ecillcalions Model Cylinder Specifications For Lock Unit specifications see page 8 2 1 7 P S I( 1 . 5M P a ) 14s PSI (1.0 t\.4Pa) 12 PSI (0.08[,4Pa) -250:'10, 251-10O0:ia,1001-1500:i" Basic,Foot. Fronl flange, Rear flange Singleclevis,Reartrunnion l M p a = 1 0r 9 7 2 lim led by the max. allowableK nelic energy. StandardStroke 25,50,75,1 00.125,150,175,200,250.300,250,400,450,500 25,50,75,1 00,125,150,175,200,250,300,2s0,400,450,500,600 25,50,75,1 00,125,150,175,200,250,300,250,400,450,500,600 25,50,75,1 00,125,1 50,175,200,250,300,250,400,450,500,600,700 25,50,75,1 50,175,200,250,300,250,400.450,500,600.700 00,125,1 MinimumAllowableStroke WhenMountingAuto Switches ' See rableon p6ge 14 ior long siroke Tube(lronTube WeighVAluminum 15.87 (16.23) Referto page24 on "MinimumAllowableStrokewhen MountingAuio Switches" 10.47 17.35 (10.s6) 117.70) : Accessories Rod end nut (Standard),single knucklejoint, Double knucklejoinl, - Standard:Onlydouble knuckleor doubleclevis See page 25 lor dimensionaldrawings Example) CLAL4o-100'E . B a s i cw e i g h t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2 l F o a l a 4 o ) . A d d i l o n aw l e i g h t . . . . . . . . . 4 8 / 5 0S t r c k e . C y l i n d esr l r o k e . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 0 0s l r o k e 4 . 4 2 + . 4 8 X ( 1 0 0 / 5 0 ) = 5l.b3s8. $eries CtA Lorltiru Srucilicalior$ 14.5(1.0)ormore 7.3 (0.5)or more 257. ol thruslal 75psi Condition/Load: Solenoidva ve: Mounl on lock-porl RetainingForceOf Air Pressure Lock-up (Max.Static Load) Pressure Lock-u O The above listed kineticenergy correspondsto a load lactor of 5070 at 5 kgf/cm, and piston speed ol 3oomm/secfrom viewpointof practicalapplicationof load. Theretore,if lhe conditionsof applicationfall withinthese factors,the calculationis nol necessary. O Kineticenergy at load will be worked out aslollows: Ek: Kineticenergy at load (kglcm) er2$v, w: Load weight (kgf) g: Accelerationof gravity980 (cm/s'z) v: Pistonspeed (cm/s) {Averagespeed x 1.2, referto particle3) O ll piston speed exceedsaverage speed before locking. The calculalionof standardpiston speed for kineticenergy at load is ihe averagespeedx1.2. e The relationbetweenspeed and load is as illustratedbelow.The range of kineticenergy is under the lineO Al locking.lock-upunit absorbs not only kinetic energy.but also thrustof cvlinderitself. Therefore,Ior securingbrake force, load has an upper limit even if it falls within allowablekineticenergy. The compatiblerangewill be under the solid line tor horizontal mounting,and under the dotted line lor verticalmounting. -:< o 1348 z ; eoo -. 675 450 225 0 14.s(01) 29 (0.2) 43.5(0.3) 58 (0.4) 0 14.5(01) 29 (0.2) 43.5(0.3) s8 (0.4) 72.5(0.5) Retainingforce is the capabilitythal can retain a static load with no vibrationor impactafter locking.Therefore,when used at near the upperlimit,the followingguidewill be helpful. a Slip exceedingretainingforce may damage brake shoe, which could lead to reduced relainingforce, resultingin its shorter lile ; (E a Cylinderloadingshould be within 35'/" of holdingforce when the brake is used for droo oroteclion, a Do not apply any impactwhen you load the cylinderin the locked position. pistonspeedin/s(mm/s) Operating $unies CLA l.oilin$ $pscilicrliors LockingMechanism/Manual OverrideOperatinglnstructions Notei The clinder is unlockedat time of shipment.The locking mechanismis disabledin this condition.After adiustingthe axial alignmentduring mounting,rememberto switch the cylinderto the locked status priorto use. Use the followingsteps: Guide to change to lock-up condiiion O Unscrewthe 2 socket head cap screws and removethe pin guide. g When viewed from the rod end, you shouldfind the pin slanting15' right of the centef axis. O Pressurizethe lock releaseport to 44 PSI (3.1 kg/cm'?)or more. O Rotatethe oin 30' counter-clockwise(when viewed trom the rod end) using a wooden or plastichandle,taking care not to damage the pin or lock unjt. Notq Do not t it the pin to rotate or the pin coutd be bent or damaged as a reault. Be careful when pushlng the pin as it may be s ppery, Lock release by manual ovefilde O Unscrewthe 2 socket head cap screws and removethe pin guide. O When viewed from the rod end, you shouldfind the pin slanting15' left of the center axis. O lt is not requiredthat the lock releaseport be pressurizedto unlock the device.but it will make the task easier.Pressurizeto 44 PSI (3.1 kg/cm,) or more if desired. O Rotatethe pin 30" clockwise(when viewed from the rod end) using a wooden or p,astic handle, taking care not to damage the pin or fock unit. Note: Do not hil the pin aorotaE or the pin could be bent or damaged as a rcsult. Be carclul when pushing the pin a€ it may be sllppery. O Align the pin with the oval hole on the bottom of the pin guide and secure the pin guide with the two cap screws.The crown of the pin guidewillalignwiththe FREEindication. Hexagonalsockelhead O Align the pin with the oval hole on the bottomof the pin guide and securethe pin guide with the two cap screws.The crown of the pin guide will align with the LOCK indication. Construction Springlock-up t Lock releasing Locking Springtorce applied1othe taperedbrake piston is amplitiedby the wedge etlect turns into a large grippingforce which tightenson the piston rod to lock il. f;! rimes UVrne etea of on the brake shoe. then To releaselock up, apply air pressureIo reteasjngport to eljmiDalelhe sprjng torce. Air pressurelock-up Afpressure An p@ssure supPry 4rEst ! l Lock releasing Springwith air pressurelock-up Aiipresure ertausr t Airpressure st)Ppty l Locking Air pressuredrivesthe brakepiston. An pressureAirpressure s'-pp,y exhausl I t Lock releasing AirPr€ssure Airprasure erhast slppiy t l Locking Air pressureand springforcecombineto drivebrakepiston. $el'ies CtA circuil lncommsdd Recommendedcircuit . Assemble circuitas shownin diagrams1 to 6. the.eloreit Whilein lock-up,cylinderpislonreceiveson bothsides,balancepressureof loadwhichis balancedby meansol regulator@, prevents whenreleased andsafetyis insured. the pistonrodfromrapidlyadvancing of spdnglock-up,anddiagram4-6 aretor Air pressurelock-upandSprjngwithAir pressurelockDiagramt-3 willbe helptulforthe application up. . Everycircuitappliedto respective however, careshouldbe takento checkoperation nlountingwillalsobe compatible withothermounlings, positionof loadbalanceregulalor€) andfealuresof circuilsbeforeuse. willbe . Whenair-pressure the useol regulator@ components, or loseits balancedueto the useof otherpneumatic on mainlinetluctuates recommenoeo. Diagram 1. Holizonlal mounling (Use Spring lock-up) Diagram4. Horizontalmounting(Useair pressurelock-upor springwlth air pressurelock-up) ON Locking ON Backwad withtwo signalof thiscircuitis designedto synchronize Lockreleasing Butit is thiscircuitis of higherSafety. therefore, waysignalsol cylinder, commonthatthedistancebetweencylinderandsolenoidvalve becomelonger,whichmaydelaythestartol locking. sometimes a timedelay whenusedlor vedicalmounting, Especially Therefore, be sureto keepthe dropping. can resultin proportionate distancebetweencylinderandsolenoidvalveandpipingconnections as shortas possible. be sureto keepload Whenthecircuilis usedtor verticalapplication, lactors3 kgllcm?or moresincebalancepressulesetby regulatorq) is pressure. BothSolA andSolB canacceptdirectto becomereleasing type. typeor pilotoperated operated OFF Locking As compared withDiagram2, thiscircuitemployss-portvalveinstead ot SolA leavingthe otherschanged. or morefor Springwithair 3.5 kgf/cm2 Be sureto setregulator@ pressurelock-upand 1 kgt/cm'? or morefor Air pressurelock-up.SolA type,whileSolB directtypeor pilot-operated accepldirect-operaled typeonly. operated Diagram2. veriical upwardmounting(UaeSpringlook-uP) g Y ; Since this circuitis not designedfor the lock releasingsignal to be synchronizedwith iwo way signals ol cylinder,control systemside shouldsend lock releasingsignal belore or in time with t'l/o way signalsof cylinder,if delayed rod will rapidlyadvance,which should be taken into your consideration. withDiagram3, thiscircuitemployss-portvalveinstead As compared theothe(unchanged. ot SolA l€aving 3.5kgf/cm':ormorefor springwithair Besureto set regulator@ pressurelock-upand 1 kgf/cm'?or morefor Air pressurelock-upSolA, type. typeor pilotoperated B & C acceptdirect-operated As you find that Solenoidvalve Sol A for lock releasingis independent, you can use a compact 3-way valve and mount it dkeclly io lock-po[i by means of a nipple so that you can get the time delay of lockingas short as possible. Diagram6. Venicaldolnward mounting(Useair pressurelock-up or springwith air pressurelock-up) Operationof Sol A can releaselockingindependently.Sol A can accept direcFoperatedtype or pilot-operaledtype, while Sol B direct-operated type only. Diagram 3. Vertical downward mounting (use Spring lock-up) ON OFF E E Locking ON Extendup OFF Lockinq wilh Diagram3, thiscircuitemploys5-portinstead As compared A and s-port 3 positionsolenoidvalve (pressurecenter) insteadof Sol As compared with Diagram 2, this circuit employs 3-port 2 position solenoidvalve insleadof s-port 3 positionsolenoidvalve leavingthe others unchanged. Sol A, B and C can acceptdirect-operatedtype or pilot-operatedtype. Be sure to use a regulator @ that has check valve. {reversetlo$r)Set regulator@ 3.5 kgt/cn2 or more for spring with air pressurelock-up and 1 kgf/cm' or more lor air pressurelock-uP.Sol A acceptdirectoperatedlype and pilot-operatedtype. Senies CLA SlUlmunmy -. I- Stopaccuracvand overrun Dueto mechanical lock-up,thiscylinderhastimedelaybeforeit stops dueto stopsignal.Cylinderstrokesub,ected to thistimedelayis reterredto as "overrun". ,6Thisdistancebetweenmax.andmin.overrunis stoppageaccuracy. This relalionis as illuslnled below. Set limit switch in tront of exoectedstoD oositioneoual to ovefiun. Limit switch should have such a detectionlength (dog lenglh) as overrunplus q.. SMC auto switch oDerateswithinthe range of 8-14 mm (dependingupon the type of switch).When overun exceeds this range,contacl selt retajningshould be worked out on th€ switch load side. Overrun X Formoredetailsaboutstoppage pleasereferto series accuracy, cLA 1P8). Precautionson stoppageaccuracy Oln orderto get higherstoppag€accuracy,we rccommendai pressurelock-upor springwithair youeven wanthigherstoppageaccuracy, it is important to cutthe lime is as follows.Select betweensignalandstop.Thecounter-measure controlcircuitandsolenoidvalvethatare ol directcurrentdriveand time. ol goodresponse Makethe distancebetweensolenoidvalveandcylinderas shortas possibleandespecially theiock-upsolenoidvalveshouldbe connected to lockportas directlyas possible. eLoadfluctuation duringtwowayskokeol rylindercancausepiston to changeits speed,whichmakesthe stoppositionof cylinder fluctuate. Therefore,adjustmountingpropeflyso that load fluctuationmay just nevertakeplaceduringtwowayslrokeol cylinder, especially beforeit stops. Osincespeedof cylinderchangesconsiderably duringthe processof cushionandduringits startandnextstop,stopposilionvaries widely.Therefore, in thecaseof shortstepmovement duringits start andnextstop,accuracy uponthecases,but specified(depending 300mmwillbe thestandard) sometimes willnotcometrue,please takeintoconsideration. $eries CLA Co||sill|ctiol|4ill$ lisl Longslrokedesign Parts List Rod cover Aluminumalloy Head cover Aluminumalloy Cover Aluminumalloy Pistonnut Rolledsteel Zinc chromale Non-rotatingpin Carbonsteel Inductionhardening Hard black anodized Pin guide Carbonsteel Nitrided Cr. Mb. steel Black zinc chromate Hard black anodized Cylindertube Aluminumalloy Hard anodized Hexagonsockel Pislon rod Carbon sleel Hard chrome plaled Element Bronze Chromate lte-roo nuI Carbon steel Blackzincchromate Lock nut Carbon steel Nickel plating Cr lMb.steel Black zinc chromate Prston Aluminumalloy Brakepislon Brakearm Carbon steel Nikided Carbonsteel Nitrided Arm holder Ca(bon steel Nitrided Brakeshoehoder Carbonsleel Brakeshoe maie al Specialbrake Roller Cr.Mb.steel Pin Carbon steel Stainless Nickel plated Springwasher Steelwire Blackzinc chromate Springwasher Steelwire Blackzinc chromale Nitrided Spring washer Steelwire Black zinc chromate heat lreatment Spring washer Steel wire Blackzincchromate Nickelplated Springwasher Steel wire Zinc chromale Wearing Phenol NBB Nitrided Snap ring Carbonsteel Brakespring Nosecap Springwire Flollersteel Zinc chromateplated CushionringA Rollersteel Zinc chromateplated Pistonseal RodsealA ringB Cushion Rollersteel Zinc chromateplated Rod seal B NBR Bronze casiing Brake piston seal NBR Bushing Brcnzecastinq Cushionseal NBR Cushionvalve Rolled bronze Electrolessnickel Pistongasket Carbonsleel uni-chromate -Iubegasket NBR te-roo Uni-chromale Cushionvalveseal NBR Bushing loctuounil Carbonsteel IFrcdiorlirinq Seal Kit List NBR NBR Note: There arc no reDlacementparts available {or brake. Entire brake unit must be replaced. Ex: Set of the No. 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46 100 'The s€alkjl includes:1-pistonseal, 1-rodseal A, 2-rod seals B, 1-breakpistonseal, 2-tub€ gaskets,and 2-cushionvalve s€als Bore Lock type XC18for NPT $enies CLA Ii|l|sffiio1l$ Basic Type/CLAB With Rod Boot tv8x1.25 M8X1.25 M10xt.25 M12x'1.75 M12Xt.75 M14X1.5 Series CIA 0inm$iors Foot type/CLAL with Rod Boot Long Stroke (050-61O0) M1 4 X 1 . 5 M18X1.5 CLA Senies 0lll|H$iols Front flange/GLAF to indicale locking with Rod Boot Efl€ctv€ t!t41x1.5 M18X1.5 M18Xl.5 M22X1.5 t\r26x1.5 n6-?a 3/.- 16 27 30 37 4D v4 ls 20 1 0 21 23 48.5 55 1 5 23 56.5 1 5 25 42 46 45 50 60 70 80 153 8 168 0 142 0 208 0 226 0 80 I 90 I 1.5 1 5 105 1 3 . 5 1 8 130 1 6 13.5 1 8 150 60 70 86 102 42 100 50 1 1 0 58 59 130 58 76 1 6 0 7 1 92 180 59 2t5 52 43 237 58 52 1 5 66 254 58 52 17.5 66 296 80 65 21.5 80 3 1 5 80 65 2 1 . 5 8 1 v. $eries CLA lllmensions RearFlangeType/CLAG with Rod Boot tvt14x1.5 M18X1.5 rv18x1.5 M22)r.1.5 t\426X1.5 I n - 2 0 27 ,/. 42 I I 20 45 1 5 3 30 46 1 0 21 50 1 6 8 ?i- 16 31 % 44.5 1 3 23 60 1 8 2 37 % 55 1 5 70 208 -14 40 12 1 5 25 80 226 8 0 0 0 0 60 70 86 9 I 1 2 80 12 90 42 100 5 1 50 1 0 5 8 1 0 5 59 1 3 0 58 1 8 130 1 6 0 71 1 1 6 1 3 . 5 t 8 1 5 0 92 1 8 0 72 '102 216 43 238 52 52 65 65 297 316 1 . 2 59 1 . 2 66 1 1 . 2 66 ra 't2.5 80 Svoke 14.0 81 SingleGlevisType/CLAC with Bod Boot M 1 4 xr . 5 M18X1.5 M18X1.5 M22X1.5 M26X1.5 CIA $enies Dill|o||$io[$ DoubleGlevisTyPe/CLAD with Rod Boot M14X1.5 M18X1.5 M18X1.5 M22X1.5 t\,126X1.5 ' , u ' 2 O 27 30 % - 1 6 31 37 40 42 /a ,s ', 46 1 0 48.5 55 56.5 20 21 23 23 25 50 60 70 80 10 153 12 168 1 9 ' 1 6 182 23 20 2Ca 2A 25 226 36 I 0 0 0 0 104'- r u : 3 j 38 261 49 58 290 7 1 327 72 273 296 347 241 1.2 59 1 . 2 66 52 1 . 2 6 6 65 12.5 80 6 5 1 4 . 0 81 242 234 244 43 52 1t4 269 2Aa 336 365 TrunnionType/CLAT with Rod Boot M14X1.5 M18X1.5 [418X1.5 M22X1.5 1,I26X1.5 7t-2O t. 16 14 27 n 30 3l 37 40 20 45 1 5 3 a 50 1 6 8 0 60 142 0 70 204 0 80 226 0 46 1 0 48.5 5 5 1 5 23 1 5 25 22 rE ;ij;5 85 95 10 34 140 40 162 22 28 tiz 74 90 117 162 127 58 1 8 1 1 4 4 58 1 9 1 1 0 192 71 ?21 235 1 3 0 214 209 4 3 232 52 244 52 286 306 6 5 1.2 '|.2 59 66 1 . 2 66 1 2 . 5 a0 14.0 8 1 170 189 199 230 244 $et'ies CtA [ul0$wllrh Standard ifications- Reed oil 300m/S3 5Ol\rO or moreunderthetest Nole l) 1500 VAC 1 min 1 4 - 1 , 1 0 . F{ Note 2) IEC spec 1P67,JlSC0920 Oil Prool Note l) Lead wire entry:conneclortype and D-9 type: 1000VAC 1 min (Bet/veencase and cabte). Nole 2) Teminal conduittype (D-A3,A3.A, A3'C, G39, c39A, c39C, K39A, and K39C) are compiledwilh lEC529, tp63, and JlSC0920(Waterproof)structure.D'Fg'V complywith lEC529, tP65, and J|SC092OJet stream proot structure. Standards on - Solid State 1000m/S, 50MQ or more underthe test 1000vAc 1 s00vDc case ano Nore1)IEC Jtsc0920 Note1)Terminalconduit lype(D-A3,A3'A,rcrc, G39,G39A,G39C,K39A,andK39C)arecompiled withtEC529,tP63, (Waterproo{)structure. andJ|SC0920 D-Fg'VcomplywilhlEC529,1P65, andJISCO920 Jetstreamproofstructure. Auto switchmounting ' D-A3DC/444C/G39C/K39C| come with mouniingbrackets.Pleasespecilythe mountingbracketby cylindel l)ore size shown lollowing€xample, exanple) o40-DA3O-4, o50-D-A3trC-5,66'D-A3OC'6, o80-D,A3EC-8,a100.D-A3trC-10 ll exlra mountingbracketis required,pleaseoder by specityingparl numbercshown in lable above. Auto Switch Specifications ReedSwitch T Builtin 2.4V or less Gromm€t 1 . 2m S '18 CtA Sel'ies mhSulilch Reed Switch Sequenceconlrol 24 VDC B u i l li n ON: red light emittingdiode Red: ON ON: red lighl emittingdiode 1 . 2m S Solid StateSwitch 2 Wire 5-80mA 24 VDC: 1opA or less 24 VDC: 10l1Aor less 24 VDC:lmA or less tuo vAU: lmA or ess 200 VAC: 1.smA or less 5 mS or less solid stateswitchT 2 4 V D C : 1 o F Ao r l e s s 24 VDC:l0|lA or Less 2 4 V D C ( 1 0 - 2 8V D C ) 24 VDC (10-28VDC) 24 VDC: 1 mA or less 24 VDC: 1 mA or less R€d:( ri Best 1 mS or less $erios CLA A||l0 $t/t|ilcfi Solid State Switch .,:,. 2 4 V D C ( 1 0 - 2 6V D C ) 28 VDC 24 VDC:10!A or less 1.5V or less(1omA: 0.8V or less) 1 . 5 V o r l e s s( 1 0 m A :0 . 8 V o f l e s s ) 24 VDCj 10pA or less 24 VOCj 1opA or less Red:ON 1 mS or less solid stateswitch 3 Wirc lC circuit 28 VDC l5OmA 2 V o r l e s s( 1 0 m A :0 . 8 V o r l e s s ) 0.8V or less 24 VDC: 10pA or less 24 VDC] 10llA or less ON: red light emilUngdiode ON: red lighl €millingdiode 1 mS or less CIA Smies ftlo$I{ildl ReedType InternalCircuit D-B53,D-A53 0-A64. D-864 D-A59W.D-859W surgeabsolber D.A54,D-854, D-A44(C),D-A34(C) D-467 Feed switch D-A33(C) Solid StateType InternalCircuit D-F59,D-G59,D-G39(C) D-FsPWD-GsPW o Lalchtyp€d agnoss oinput Biue o D-GsP D-FsP, D.FsBAL,D.GsBAL,D-K59W, D-J59W D-F5NTL,D-GsNTL @ D-J59,D-K59,D-K39(C) ffit*' iffil. D-F59WD-G59W ,ffi":: D-F59F,D-G59F $el'ies GIA lumMml Most SensitivePosition/OperatingRange ReedSwitch Type o-85 D.As. A6 Solid State Type D"F59.J51. J59. FsP DG59.K59.G5P D.c39. K39 Two Color SignsType O-G59W.K59W.GsPW G59F.GsBAL D-F59W.J59W. F59F FSBAL . F5PW Indicatorlight / Operation D-A59WD-859WD-F5-W, D- Gs',W,D-J59W,D-Fs'F,D-.J59W, D-K59W.DJsBAL ON operarios f------l-l t u s e l t l l o r r Caution a Never use load exceedingmaximum conlact capacityof switch. O Always connectswitchto load b€fore turnrngon power O D-A57 and D-A59 have poladty.The red lead wire is (+), and black lead wire is C). lf conneclionis roversed,switch will operate, but lighi emittingdiode will not tum on, and if operaled in excess of the operating currenl range, LED will be damaged. O For the D-As'model (with indicatorlamp), if used at less than the operatingcurrent range, LED will not tum on, but switch will operaie properly. 6 When handling,pleaseavoid dropping, cylindernicks,and excessiveshock. O The switchesof this series have no leakagecurrent.Therefore,they work properlyeven if used in parallel,however, O lf auto switch cylindersare used in parallel,maintaina dislancebetween tubes of 40mm or greater. lf D-As. model is incompatibledue to the internalresistanceof LED, D-A6- model will take the place. O Avoid use in magneticallycontaminated areas. Smies 8LA lfioStlitc|| Auto Switch Connection/ Solid StateType 3 Wife lwnen powersourcefor switchand load is common.) Red lead wire: Connectto power source @ (Powersource@terminal)to operate main circuitol switch. In case of 2 wire systems connectwith Oside of load. 3 Wife (wtrenpowersourqefor switchand load ls not @mmon.) White lead wire: Connectto load (to input of programmablecontrollerand outlet relay). Black lead wirel Connectto power soufceo(Power sourceGND terminal)- ContactProtection D-A33(c),A53, 853, A56, and A67 type have no built-incontactprotectioncircuit.Use this box for inductionloads, 5 meters or more of lead wires, or 100VACaoolications. D-A8 type switchesare used for 1oOVACor less: since there is no voltage limitalion,you can select a suitablemodeltoryoua needs. ContactProtectionBoxnnternalCircuit Ssries CU luloSniftlr AutoSwitchMounting Position(AtStrokeend) D-A5.A6 D-F5.J5 MinimumAuto Switch MountableStroke Minimumauto switch mountingstrokesare as lollows due to the space necessarvto mount it. n: No, of auto switches With 2 swilches with I swilch 15 90 100 '120 110 15+559 90+55!11 100+55!fl 1 1 0 + 5 5 9 120+559 (same surface) n=l.2.8,4... Differenl 15 100 90 110 Same Ditterent 90 100 Same 7s+50(n-2) 90+s0(n-2) surface n = 2 , 3 , 4 , , . . with 1 D-A4 Wi$l2 Differenl sudace Same surface Different 10 90 100 110 75 80 90 100 100 r00 100 7s+30(n-2) 80+30(n,2) l0 Withn with 1 40 B B 0(0) 1(0) 83 0(0) 0 1.5(O) 1.5 38 88 ,t3.5 40 3 43.5 B 3(0) 38 3 B 3(0) B =Hs 49 42 55.5 84.1 92.5 50 I (O) 71.5 B rr3.5 3(O) 40 43.5 35 o 12. 0(3) s.st2) 2 10(6.5 't! 4(7.a 8 10{6. 104 2.5{6.5) 4.5 8.s{4.5) 1 0 . 5 50.5 49 42 7 50.5 7.4 4S 42 10{6) 55.5 12i3. 10(6) 59 12 50 1 0 . 5 ( 6 ) 12.5 55.5 50 35 75 80 90 80 90 80 90 Ditlerenl 35+30(n-2) 80+30(n-2J n = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4n=2,4,6,a.. .. E2,4,6,8... Same 90+30(n-2) - 2),n=2,4,5,8... 100+100(n Different Same 1 1 0 + 5 0( n ' 2 ) 35 Same D-B5.86 D-G5.K5 110 110+100111 15+5d!4 E1,2,3,4... 90+30(n-2) 75+so(n-2) s0+50(n-2) 5s+50(n-2) B0+50(n-2) n = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4n=2,4,6,8.., ,, 1=2,4,6,4... n= 10 80 90 CLA $eries Acrtssofies DimensionsOf Accessories lType SingleKnuckleJoint Y TypeDoubleKnuckleJoint Malerial:Free cuttingsulfer steel l\,,lalerial: Casl iron I Type Single KnuckleJoint Y Type Double Knuckle Joint Material:Rolledsleel $eries CLA Fscottlionr Precautions C Flushing When mounting,completelyflush the piping and be carefulthat dusl and chips do not enter the cylinderand valve. e Load on Diston rod Pay special attentionto the lact that the load of piston rod should always be alignedparallelwith lhe cylinderaxis. O Rotational torque to piston rod Avoid applyingrotationaltorque to the piston rod, especiallyduring lockng. I Avoid damaging(Scratches,nicks)on the piston rod which, could Iead to damage of rod seal, resultingin air leakageand disabling tocK-uo, C Lubrication <Lube type> Use non-additiveturioineoil No. 1 (|SOVG32). Never use machineoil, nor soindleoil. <Non-lube type> Lubricationis not required. Althoughline system may need lubrication,this lock-upunit has nothingto do with it, and please note that overlubricationand suspensionof lubricationshould be avoided. 6 Ha,mtul environment When used in a dusty environment,a shield should be used to preventdust trom enteringthe cylinde..Ambienttemperaturerange shouldbe 14-140"F1-10^60'C). PleasecontactSIVICfor cases other than this ranoe. O Operating alr pressure circuit Air pressurecircuit should be in accordancewith the ones recommendedas per page 10 which is designedto preventpiston rod from flying out after.eleasinglock-up. e Maximum soeed and maximum load Be careful not to exceedallowablekineticenergy indicatedin the specificationson page L Chart Conversion Metric to English (l,tultiply by _ Length mm mm cm m Area mm2 cm2 m2 0.0394 0.0394 0.3937 3.2810 0.0016 0.1550 10.765 Vofume mm3 6.'10x 10-5 cm3(cc) 0.0610 m3 35.320 L 0.0353 L 0.2642 Weight g 0.0353 2.2046 kg ToObtainmils in in ft in2 in'? ft2 Torque N'm kg. m 0.7375 7.2330 tt. lb Pressure mm(H,O) mm(Hg) torr kPa bat kg cm'? alm 0 00142 0.0197 0.0197 0.145 14.50 14.224 14.7 psi psi psi psi psi psi psi 0.7375 0.7375 0.2774 tt. lb ft. lb 0.7376 1.341 ft . lb/s np in3 in3 Energy N. m fts ft3 J gal (U.S.)MJ Power W oz lb kW Force gl 2.205 x '10-3 lbf 2.2046 lbl kSt N 0.2248 lbf English to Metric (Multiply by- ) Temperatule 'F=(1.8x'C)+32 Flow raie Nl/minx0.035=SCFlVl Toobtain- Length mils in in ft 2.54 25.4 2.54 0.3048 mm mm cm Area in2 in'? ft2 645.16 6.4516 0.0929 mm2 cm2 m2 Volume ins 16387 in3 16.387 ft3 0.0283 ft3 28.329 sal(U.S.)3.78s m ) Torque 1.3559 0.1383 Prcssure in(H,O) in(Hg) psi psi ps, 2.5357 x 1o-3kg/cm'z kglcm'? 0.03518 6.897 kPa 0.06897 bar 0.0703 kgy'cm2 Energy mm3 tt. lb cm3 (cc) ft. lb L L Power ft. lb/s hp 1.356 1.356 3.6 N.m J MJ 1.356 0.7457 W kW Weight 24329 oz tb 0-4536 s Kg Force tbf tbf tbl Temperature "c = 5/sfF-32) gt kgf Flowrale 453.6 0.4536 4.4482 N. m kg. m SCFMx28.57=Nl/min Cv1.O= Kv 0.456 Key gm = micron (micrometer) mm = millimeter cm = centimeter mils= 0.001inch in = inch It = foot cc = cubic centimeter L = liter Qal(U.S.)= U.$.931161 g = gram kg = kilogram oz = ounce lb = pound gt = g@m- force kgl=kilogram-force lbf=pound-torce N.m=n€wton-meter kg.m=kilogram-met€r It. tb = foot- pound water mm(HrO)= millimeter column in (HrO)= incheswatercolumn mercury mm(H)= millimeter column in (Hg)= inchesmercury column psi = pounds per square inch kPa = kilopascals atm = atmospheres J : joute MJ = megajoule kW = kilowatt kwh = kilowatt-hour np = norsepower 'C = degreesCentigrade "F = degrees Fahrenheit S = SeCOndS NUmin= Normalliters per mlnute SCFM= Std.cubicleetper mrnule Basic Fomulas = 'tD = 2t Circlecircumference Circlearea= rr2 Force=PressurcxArea CylinderVolume(rodside)= (pistonarea- rodcross-section area)x stroke CylinderVolume(headend)= Pistonareax stroke Torque= forcex perpendicular disiancetrom shafl WorldWideQS\E Support... (762-7621) North American Branch Offices Fora branchofficenearyoucall:1-800-SMC-SMC1 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Atlanta) 1440 Lakes Parkway,Suite 600 Lawrenceville,GA 30043 Tel: (770) 624-1940 FAX: (770) 624-1943 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cleveland) 2305 EastAurora Rd., Unit A-3 Twinsburg,OH 44087 Tel: (330) 963-2727 FAX:(330) 963-2730 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Milwaukee) 16850W. Victor Road New Berlin.Wl 53151 Tel: (414) 827-0080 FAX: (414) 827-OO92 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Richmond) 5377 Glen Alden Drive Richmond,VA 23231 Tel: (804) 222-2762 FAX: (80a) 222-5221 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Austin) 2324-D Ridgepoint Drive Austin,TX 78754 Tel: (512) 926-2646 FAX: (512) 926-7055 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Columbus) 3687 Corporate Drive Columbus,OH 43231 Tel: (614) 895-9765 FAX: (614) 895-9780 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Mnpls.) 990 Lone Oak Road, Suite 162 Eagan,MN 55121 Tel: (651) 688-3490 FAX:(651)688-9013 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Rochester) 245 Summit Point Drive Henrietta,NY 14467 Tel:(716)321-1300 FAX:(716)321-1865 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Boston) Zero CentennialDrive Peabody,MA01960 Tel: (978) 326-3600 Fax: (978) 326-3700 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Dallas) Ste.815 12801N. StemmonsFrutry, Dallas,TX 75234 rel: (972\ 406-0082 FAX: (972) 406-9904 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Nashville) 5000 LinbarDrive,Suite 297 TN 37211 Nashville, Tel:(615)331-0020 FAX:(615)331-9950 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (S.F.) 85 NicholsonLane San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: (408) 943-9600 FAX: (408) 943-9111 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Charlotte) 5029-8 West W.T.Hanis Blvd. Charlotte,NC 28269 Tel: (704) 597-9292 FAX: (704)596-9561 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Detroit) 2990 TechnologyDrive RochesterHills,Ml 48309 Tel: (248) 299-O2O2 FAX: (2a8) 293-3333 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Newark) 3434 US Hwy.22 West, Ste. 110 Somerville,NJ 08876 Tel: (908) 253-3241 FAX: (908) 253-3452 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (St. Louis) 4130 RiderTrail North Earth City, MO 63045 Tel: (314)209-0080 FAX: (314) 209-0085 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Chicago) 27725 Diehl Road Warrenville,lL 60555 Tel: (630) 393-0080 FAX: (630)393-0084 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Houston) 9001Jameel,Suite180 Houston,TX77O4O Tel: (713) 460-0762 FAX:(713)460-1510 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Phoenix) 2001 W. MelindaLane Phoenix,AZ85027 Tel: (623)492-0908 FAX: (623) 492-9493 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Tampa) 8507-HBenjaminRoad Tampa,FL 33634 Tel: (813)243-8350 FAX: (813) 243-8621 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cincinnati) 4598 OlympicBlvd. Erlanger,KY 41018 Tel: (606) 647-5600 FAX: (606) 647-5609 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (L.A.) 14191MyfordRoad Tustin.CA 92780 Tel: (714\ 669-1701 FAX:(714)669-1715 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Portland) 14107N.E.AirportWay Portland,OR 97230 Tel: (503) 252-9299 FAX: (503) 252-9253 SMG Pneumatics Inc. (Tulsa) 10203A East 61st Street Tulsa.OK 74146 Tel: (918) 2s2-782O FAX: (918) 252-9511 Europe ENGLAND SMC Pneumatics(U.K.) Ltd. GERMANY SMC Pneumatik GmbH ITALY SMC ltalia SpA FRANCE SMC PneumatiqueSA HOLLAND SMC Controls Bv SWEDEN SMC Pneumatics Sweden AB SWITZERLAND SMC PneumatikAG AUSTRIA SMC Pneumatik GmbH SPAIN SMC Espafra,S.A. IRETAND SMC Pneumatics (lreland) Ltd. Asia JAPAN SMC Corporation KOBEA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. CHINA SMC (China) Co., Ltd. HONG KONG SMC Pneumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. SINGAPORE SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Pte. Ltd. PHILIPPINES SMC Pneumatics (Philippines),Inc. MALAYSIA SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Sdn. Bhd. TAIWAN SMG Pneumatics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. THAILAND SMC Thailand Ltd. INDIA SMC Pneumatics (lndia) Pvt., Ltd. North America CANADA SMC Pneumatics (Canada) Ltd. MEXICO SMC Pneumatics (Mexico) S.A. de C.V. South America AFGENTINA SMC Argentina S.A. CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) Ltda. Oceania AUSTRALIA SMC Pneumatics (Australia) Pty. Ltd. NEW ZEALAND SMC Pneumatics (N.2.) Ltd. SMCoffers the samequality and engineeringexpertisein many other pneumaticcomponents Valves DirectionalControlValves ManualValves Mufflers ExhaustCleaners Quick ExhaustValves Valves ProoortionalValves MechanicalValves MiniatureValves FluidValves Cylinders/Actuators CompactCylinders MiniatureCylinders RodlessCylinders RotaryActuators PneumaticGrippers Vacuum VacuumEjectors VacuumAccessories Instrumentation Pneumatic Positioners Pneumatic Transducers SMC PneumaticsInc. P.O.Box 26640, Indianapolis,lN 46226 Tel:(317)899-4440.FAX:(317)899-3102 O 1978-1999SMC Pneumatics,Inc.All RightsReserved. RevisedOctober1999 Air PreparationEquipment Filters-Regulators-Lubricators Coalescing Filters MicroMistSeDarators Fittings Air Fiftings
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