Girl Scout Spirit Winter 2013 (includes 2012 Annual Report)


Girl Scout Spirit Winter 2013 (includes 2012 Annual Report)
More to
On Property:
than What’s
in the Box
Member Forum Report
We Want
You Back!
and Laura
It’s a
l Rep
! 20
t I nsi
In this issue:
It’s a new year...
On Property: Member
Forum Report
More to Cookies than
What’s in the Box
We Want You Back
Special 8-page Insert:
2012 Annual Report
Yvonne and Laura
It’s a Wrap
Season of Service
Thanks to Our Donors
Hello from your PR Team
The Girl Scout Spirit newsletter
is published by the Girl Scouts
of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc.
4901 Briarhaven Road
Fort Worth, Texas 76109
800-582-7272 / F 817-732-1261
Editor in Chief
Kathleen Copeland
Regional Offices:
Abilene 325-670-0432
Amarillo 806-356-0096
Fort Worth 817-737-7272
Lubbock 806-745-2855
Wichita Falls 940-723-4336
1 The Girl Scout SPIRIT JANUARY 2013
...with lots of
new adventures
waiting ahead!
From Our CEO…
It’s hard to get bundled up and prepared for
page 3. Also, you can find the presentation that
snow when just a few short weeks ago it was 80
we used at the member forums on the website
events. Girls and
degrees outside! I think that you’ll agree with
at lll#\h"ide#dg\$egdeZgin.
their parents will
also be able to use
me that in Texas, if we don’t like the weather—
—Becky Burton
just wait a few minutes, it will change. We
This month we began building a framework to
cookie bucks for
here at Girl Scouts aren’t that quick in turning
connect with our community on issues at the
online registration.
around change but we’re trying our best to
heart of Girl Scouting. Issues like supporting
incorporate the feedback and suggestions our
girl leadership. Girl Scouts is a 100 year old
And speaking of cookie bucks, we’re so excited
members give us. We’ve had a busy last few
organization, and we are the authority on girl
to have new designs for our cookie boxes this
months. We kicked off our new membership
leadership. And the work of connecting with
year! There are more than 50 million cookie
year with a great event at Hurricane Harbor
our communities around the cause of girls
customers across the country, and the cookie
and an awesome Girl Scout 100th anniversary
leadership will see us into the next century
box is the most tangible and powerful way for
exhibit at the State Fair of Texas.
of Girl Scouting. Within the next year you will
us to communicate directly with consumers.
see information about the ToGetHerThere
So it’s no surprise that our new cookie package
At the same time we were gearing up for a new
campaign. This campaign aims to close the
tells the story of the five business skills girls
year and celebrating our 100th, we also had
gender gap in a single generation and support
learn from participating in the cookie program.
some important news about our property
the cause of girl leadership. It’s a big goal and
We want people to know that with each
plan. The decision the board made was the
we’re so excited to be taking the first steps for
purchase of Girl Scout Cookies, they are not
final step after years of research by volunteers
this great cause. Find out more about
just getting a delicious treat; they are helping
from across the council. These volunteers
ToGetHerThere on page 17.
girls to be future business leaders and to make
a difference in their communities.
each brought a specific set of knowledge to
the process and they agreed that above all we
Girl Scouting is working to bring you
must have a vision for the future. Their
convenience. We’ve got online registration in
Included in this edition is our 2010-2011 Annual
recommendations were forward thinking and
full swing including some exciting changes for
Report. It’s a glance at our celebratory year and
ensure council properties will continue to
summer camp registration like being able to
all of your accomplishments. We still have so
support the very best outdoor education
see real-time if there are spots available for
much more to be done. You are a member of
program for our girls. We held four member
your girl. Though registration is not
the largest girl serving organization in the
forums to present the information and discuss
yet open, you can go online right
country and what you do at the troop and
the changes with members. Thanks to
now to see what awesome
service unit level has impact for our council.
everyone who attended.
programs we have planned
for this summer
These decisions were not made lightly and as
we traveled out to our members to share the
process, input and critical thinking that
informed the board’s decisions we also
listened to you. As a result of your input we
clearly see ways we can communicate more
and also draw on your insights and connections
Girl Scouts don’t just
adapt to change,
we thrive with change.
With all of these amazing possibilities,
I’m excited to see what our girl and
adult members do in 2013!
to marshal resources for our girls and their
families. Of course, we heard to varying
degrees questions, concerns and ideas about
the changes. You can read more about these
member forums and the property changes
including some frequently asked questions on
JANUARY 2013 The Girl Scout SPIRIT 2
On Property: Member Forum Report
This fall, we held four member forums to
discuss the Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma
Plains Board of Directors approved property
Is there enough room at Stevens
Is this decision final?
Ranch to accommodate all of the
Yes. Since 2008 two committees
girls from Timberlake?
changes. We had lots of participation and want
and the board have studied our camp
Yes! There’s MORE than enough room. Also, to
to start by saying thank you to those members
properties, received input from girls, parents
accommodate our younger girls we’re planning
who participated in the process. They brought
and volunteers have made the decision that
to place them in units close to many of our
great points and questions that will help us
they believe meets the needs of today’s and
camp facilities and have planned shorter
address how to move forward as we embrace
tomorrow’s girls. The long-range property plan
programs so they can do the things they love
these exciting changes.
was approved by the GS-TOP Board of
to do and not be away from home very long.
Directors on September 12, 2012. It is a very
The meetings were attended by girl and adult
broad, high-level plan and there are many
members, staff, and council board members.
details to be worked out. We need and
the line?
One of the main messages from attending
welcome your input on how we will implement
Girl Scouts changes and adapts
board members was that, this decision was
this plan, so we hosted member forums this
made only in part to ensure the financial
fall to give more information and get feedback.
that this decision will not change someday.
stability of the council. The decision was also
We will continue to host forums, surveys, and
That said, this is the Long Range Property Plan
made to ensure girl interest, participation, and
discussions to keep you involved in the process.
and is the path the board has decided upon to
an impactful outdoor education program for
Will other camps close down
to the times, so we can’t promise
ensure we’re serving girls well today and into
years to come. The plan to create two premier
Who are these board members
camps was arrived at by examining market
and how are they connected to
standards and figuring out how to keep our
the ground level of Girl Scouting?
the future.
Why were Stevens Ranch and
outdoor education program competitive while
How do they know what our girls need?
reaching the broadest spectrum of girls in the
Our board members are elected each year
most powerful way. As one board member
at the Annual Meeting. These are dedicated
Two words: location and facilities. Stevens
put it, “If you wrote me a million dollar check
volunteers representing a wide swath of
Ranch and Rio Blanco were chosen because
right now, I would still make the same decision
geography, professions, and knowledge. Many
they are the most centrally located camps to
because this is the best way to serve our girls
of them were Girl Scouts and/or volunteers
serve the broadest geographies in the eastern
today and the Girl Scouts of the future.”
and they are all connected to the success of
and western halves of the councils. Both of
Girl Scouting and the council.
As we went through each of our member
forums some frequently asked questions
became apparent
Will the camp resting plan that
has been in place for 3 years
be continued?
No. These decisions end the camp
resting plan as we know it. For example, Camp
Kiwanis will now be open year round — for
troop camping and other activities during the
school year and for resident camp in the
summer (for the next two years).
Camp Rio Blanco chosen as
the premier camps?
these camps also had the greatest capacity
and most modern facilities to move us toward
what’s up
creating “premier” camps.
With your input from the member forums,
we are well into the process of planning
an awesome summer for our girls.
We want you to know about all of the
amazing summer activities being planned
for resident camps at STEVENS RANCH &
CAMP KIWANIS. Keep your eyes open
for the camp guide which will be hitting
mailboxes soon or you can go online
and see the awesome camps we have
planned at lll#\h"ide#dg\$ZkZcih!
Here’s some additional info
3 The Girl Scout SPIRIT JANUARY 2013
A Message 7N<>GAH!;DG<>GAH
A big part of the member forums was a special session just for girls. The girls went
with facilitators to ask their questions and receive direct answers. Here are some of
the questions and answers girls want to know:
What about trading swaps or other
traditions that are important to me?
For SWAPS, we will just make enough for all the
their own ongoing education and needs in the
Because of this change, what if I
don’t want to sell cookies?
It’s your choice whether or not to sell cookies,
projects so they can invest their earnings in
but remember the funds you earn by selling
girls, just like we always did. Traditions from all
of the camps will be carried on.
We want to know the main reason
we can’t go back to Timberlake?
Will we be able to have our same
counselors at new camps?
cookies helps your whole troop. You can use
them for troop trips, day camp, in the shop and
We will always invite our beloved counselors to
many things other than just resident camp.
come back to camp! Remember, though that
Selling cookies helps your troops do service
There are too many people trespassing on the
they may have other things going on in their
projects too, so it helps others in the
property, so the council took action before this
lives and not be able to be counselors, but we
community. Plus, you’re not just earning cookie
could become a problem, by stopping activity
will have a place for them.
badges and recognitions, you’re learning skills
that help you to be a great Girl Scout and a
there because we want to make sure that our
The change in programming at Camp Kiwanis
What about the specific programs,
great future leader.
like Counselor in Training (CIT) that
I was working on at camp?
When you’re adding electricity/AC/
For girls starting at Stevens or Kiwanis from
heat it’s not camp anymore, it feels
Timberlake, they will be able to carry on with
like home. I like to rough it.
(from only having summer resident camp to
programs like CIT. One of the awesome things
We want to make sure that girls are
now having the camp open year round) was
about this change, is that we will have Phoenix
comfortable and safe. The electricity, heat
made for other reasons, not because of the
and Pooky Bear as co-directors at Stevens
and air conditioning will be just enough to keep
need for money. We really feel that Kiwanis,
Ranch so you’ll get the best of both worlds.
girls from getting sick: like just enough AC to
being so close to Amarillo, will have much
We have two years to track all of these
cool you down, it won’t be super cold AC where
more use by being open year round. Also,
programs at Camp Kiwanis to be sure they
you’ll have to wear hoodies and sweats!
remember, that in Girl Scouting girls don’t
continue smoothly. Our aim is to have all the
“fundraise”, they participate in money earning
programs you love and some new ones too.
Although Camp Timberlake won’t have
program this summer, we are planning a
special time at the camp this spring (April 20,
2013) so mark your calendar to attend this
spectacular ceremony and celebration.
Staff has worked REALLY hard to not
increase camp fees this year. However, we’ve
had to make a slight increase in cookie bucks
for camp but using cookie bucks for camp is
still the biggest bang for your cookie buck!
Many of our members, though excited to
have “premier” camps, were concerned with
the distance that families might have to travel
in the future to get their girls to summer camp.
Because of these discussions, we are
working on a plan to provide options to help
with transportation.
GET ONLINE! Make sure your online
account is set up in advance to ease summer
camp registration because NEW THIS YEAR
we have real-time online registration for camp.
You’ll be able to see if a session is full or how
many spots remain. You will also have the
option of paying for camp online using your
cookie bucks. We will be providing a promo
girls are always safe.
Can we raise money to keep Camp
Kiwanis summer camp?
code in the camp guide to make this process
easier for you.
Also, with the new online registration, girls
using cookie bucks to register for camp will be
provided a promo code (available in the camp
guide) to waive the $25 registration fee.
Also, we’re communicating a lot online be sure that you are signed up for our
eNewsletter to get up-to-date information
on summer camp, property decisions, and all
things Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains!
JANUARY 2013 The Girl Scout SPIRIT 4
than What’s in the Box
Selling cookies teaches your girls business
who donate their funds to soup kitchens, food
cookie buck! Also, with the new online
practices that will give them a leg up into
pantries, or natural disaster relief funds (like
registration, girls using cookie bucks to register
adulthood. The FIVE SKILLS she learns
the huge response we got from our girls
for camp will be provided a promo code
while selling cookies (goal setting,
wanting to help with Hurricane Sandy relief).
(available in the camp guide) to waive the
decision making, business
ethics, money management, and
people skills) will be hers forever and are
One local cookie dad puts it so well, “We’ve
taken girls to St. Louis, Austin, and our Seniors
What She REALLY Gets
aspects essential to leadership, to success,
are going to Europe in a couple of years. We’re
When a Girl Scout sells you cookies, she’s
and to life. The Girl Scout Cookie Program
able to take this money and allow girls to see
doing more than just handing you a box. She’s
empowers a girl with the strength, abilities, and
places that they wouldn’t see without the
creating a plan, interacting with customers,
drive to become an accomplished woman who
support of their Girl Scout troop.”
and working as part of a team. She’s building a
$25 registration fee.
benefits herself, her family, and the world.
lifetime of skills and confidence.
No matter how they spend their earned funds,
A Fully Funded Year in Girl Scouting
girls realize how good it feels to work really hard
From heads of the household to Heads of
Budget relieving and goal empowering, by
to reach a goal.
State, troop leaders to world leaders, Girl
participating in the cookie sale, troops keep
Scouts touches every aspect of society. We
22% of the proceeds from the Girl Scout
Purchase Power: Cookie Bucks
think that’s why it’s such an iconic program.
Cookie Sale. Even more important? The girls
An awesome benefit of selling cookies is that in
Girls are having fun, hanging out with their
in the troop get to decide how to use those
addition to the 22% that troops earn, by selling
friends, but they’re also LEARNING and DOING
cookies, each girl earns Cookie Bucks (a
something real and lasting, something that
special credit specific to our council) to help
Girls use cookie sale proceeds to fund their
pay for resident camp, day camp, or shop
Girl Scout wish list. They buy things like
benefits them, and all of us for
years to come.
uniforms, books, supplies. Some troops
budget over many years of cookie sales to take
Some things to note: Staff has worked REALLY
big trips to places like Savannah, Georgia to see
hard to not increase camp fees this year.
the birthplace of Girl Scouts, or all of the sites
However, we’ve had to make a slight increase in
in our nation’s capital, Washington DC, or even
cookie bucks for camp but using cookie bucks
to other countries! Then there are the troops
for camp is still the biggest bang for your
\dVa hZii^c\ ™ YZX^h^dc bV`^c\ ™ Wjh^cZhh Zi]^Xh ™
bdcZn bVcV\ZbZci ™ eZdeaZ h`^aah ™ \dVa hZii^c\ ™
eZdeaZ h`^aah ™ Wjh^cZhh Zi]^Xh ™ YZX^h^dc bV`^c\ ™
\dVa hZii^c\ ™ bdcZn bVcV\ZbZci ™ eZdeaZ h`^aah ™
5 The Girl Scout SPIRIT JANUARY 2013
“ I hear my parents and
Girl Scout volunteers
use terms like
character building,
life skills, and taking
But what I’ve
learned from
selling cookies
is that no
one can
hold me
“ I thought I knew
about money. But
working with my
Girl Scout troop
to sell cookies, I’ve
learned a whole lot
about it. I now see
why money matters
not just to me but
to everyone. I see
how it can do good
for the world if
used right.”
\dVa hZii^c\ ™ YZX^h^dc bV`^c\ ™ Wjh^cZhh Zi]^Xh
bdcZn bVcV\ZbZci ™ eZdeaZ h`^aah ™ \dVa hZii^c\
eZdeaZ h`^aah ™ Wjh^cZhh Zi]^Xh ™ YZX^h^dc bV`^c\
\dVa hZii^c\ ™ bdcZn bVcV\ZbZci ™ eZdeaZ h`^aah
JANUARY 2013 The Girl Scout SPIRIT 6
Have you and your girl
re-registered for
the 2012-2013
membership year?
We Want You7VX`
Your Girl Scout may have been amazingly
we want
you back!
active as a Daisy, Brownie, Junior, enjoying
troop meetings and activities. But, girls get
older, it’s a fact of life and, we all know that
as girls get older, there is a greater demand
placed on their time. After school activities,
changing responsibilities, more demanding
schedules can put a crimp in a girl’s ability to
Did your troop not re-register
this year and you want to
join another troop?
juggle her time.
While she may still love Girl Scouting, her life
becomes more hectic as she begins taking
on more adult roles. But as she moves toward
find another
Scouting more than ever. Girl Scouting
Adults, don’t forget
to register too!
can provide a safe, stable environment, a
GS-TOP needs adult volunteers to help lead
haven where she can continue to flex her
groups of girls in K- 12 grade. As you read
leadership skills and continue reinforcing the
above, groups can now meet on a long or short
positive values that will give her a leg up in
term basis and we also have one-day or
her adulthood.
weekend events for girls. We still rely on great
adulthood, she probably needs Girl
adult partners to help us facilitate these
If your troop is retiring,
you can still participate.
Girl Scouts has options for these young
opportunities for girls. It’s a great way for you
women. If she doesn’t have time to meet all
to share your interests with girls, helping them
year long, then she can join Girl Scouts a
become the leaders of
different way – by participating in camp,
events, or a series (for example, girls in grades
6th – 8th grade can join our Best Friends First
Prefer to work with adults? How about
groups starting soon!).
volunteering to serve on the Service Unit Team
or on the Council level to provide support to
They may not have time for bi-monthly troop
leadership teams (made up of troop leaders).
meetings, but a weekend at summer
You could serve as a training facilitator, or help
camp, an event to study a topic of
interest, or even taking a trip can give
with one day events. We also need volunteers
her a much-needed reconnection with the
Sale and on task groups. There are so many
amazing Girl Scout Leadership Experience
ways to be involved, opportunities with Girl
and renew her to go back into her world as a
Scouts are tailored to fit your calendar, your
stronger, smarter young woman.
skills, and your interests.
to help on a short term basis with the Cookie
Don’t wait!
7 The Girl Scout SPIRIT JANUARY 2013
Join now by going to GS-TOP
and registering online:
For more information call 800-.582-7272
Annual Report
We are…
Girl Membership Diversity
& ...... Di]ZgGVXZh
& ...... 6bZg^XVc>cY^Vc
' ...... Bjai^"GVXZ
' ...... Asian
&( ...... 6[g^XVc"6bZg^XVc
-& ...... White
i^Zh JhV
-!,.' Adults
Adult Membership Diversity
% ...... Di]ZgGVXZh
& ...... 6bZg^XVc>cY^Vc
& ...... Bjai^"GVXZ
' ...... Asian
+ ...... 6[g^XVc"6bZg^XVc
.% ..... White
Our volunteers
Girl Scout Alumnae
Association members
and Girl Scout alumnae
who wanted to “stand up
and be counted” for the
100th Anniversary of
Girl Scouting
Adult Training and
Event Participants
Volunteers Receiving Recognition
for Outstanding Service
Girl programs
Total girls served through
Events Pathway
Girls at Camp Kiw
Girls whit
ewater ra
on a High
re Trip
Totall girls
i l served
š HX\WXaf9T`cAttendance: &!,++
through Camp Pathway š >\Z[7WhXafgeXIe\c0 ),
Product program
Teaching girls 5 essential
business skills
The activity of selling product, like Girl Scout
Cookies, is directly related to our
purpose of helping all girls realize
their full potential and become
strong, confident, and resourceful
Troop Participation
citizens. For example, through the
Girl Scout Cookie Program girls develop
five essential skills:
A portion of the money earned by girls through
the product program stays with the troops
for funding their year-long Girl
Scout activities.
b off cookie
ki packages
N b off nutt and
candy items sold
Our Gold Award
Girls who participate in Girl Scouts will reach achievements that
positively influence them for the rest of their lives. A unique way girls
learn is through participating in, and achieving, recognition in the Girl
Scouts award program (Bronze, Silver, and Gold).
For a girl to earn the Girl Scout Gold Award (the highest award in Girl
Scouting), it is as challenging as it is for a boy to attain the rank of
Eagle Scout. In fact, parents with children who have done both think
it may be harder for girls to earn their Gold Award. The Armed Forces
understand this: Gold Award recipients, just like Eagle Scouts, enter
the service one grade higher in rank than other enlistees, having
already proven themselves leaders.
Join us in congratulating our 2011 Gold Award recipients and honoring
these special young women who achieved the Gold Award last year.
They join the ranks of generations of women who know the value of
leading to create sustainable, positive change.
Each of these awards represents a significant
achievement for the girls. As they fulfill award requirements, girls
learn about helping others, organization, team building and leading.
They find power within themselves to make a positive change in
their communities.
Kathryn Alvis
Jessica Anderson
Alyssa Armendariz
Alyshah Aziz
Caitlin Beavers
Marissa Bourgeois
Shelby Brown
ShyAnn Carroll
Courtney Coker
Courtney Cundall
Lauren Crews
Madeline Dahl
Samantha Dougherty
Thea Eberlein
Katy Escott
Lydia Francis
Anam Hadwani
Anjum Hadwani
Autumn Holt
Ruthie Johnson
Heather Jones
Shaila Kabani
Zahra Kabani
Geneva Kernaghan
Sarah Lake
Caitlyn Latham
Saira Madhani
Miracle Madkins
Kathryn Mansfield
Amy Marsh
Aerin Mauk
Corie McAnally
Andrea Millard
Kasey Mucher
Anoosha Noorani
Victoria Pacocha
Tegan Perry
Amy Pritchard
Ana Rais
LeeAnn Rasmussen
Leann Rego
Rachel Reich
Peyton Roennau
Kelsey Sager
April Seaman
Elizabeth Shelton
Michelle Spriggs
Katherine Stasaski
Shannon Sullivan
Chillisa Toal
Kathryn Trost
Kiana Truesdale
Amy Turner
Jaclyn Van Hauen
Jessica Vertefeuille
Traci Walterscheid
Lauren Waters
Emma Wimberg
Emily Zapinski
Rachel Ziomek
Financial Activities
Financials unaudited as of time of publication.
Audited financials are available by request.
Source of Funds
Program Related
(including Product Sales and Retail)
United Ways
Use of Funds
Other Revenue
and Oil/Gas)
Program Services
& General
Financial Position
Cash and Equivalents ................................................................................................................ $202,508
Contributions Receivable ........................................................................................................$143,059
Accounts Payable................................................................................................................... $93,255
Accrued Expenses ............................................................................................................. $278,410
Deferred Revenue ...................................................................................................................... $4,212
Inventory .................................................................................................................................................. $222,518
IdiVaA^VW^a^i^Zh .....................................................................................................................(,*!-,,
Miscellaneous Receivables ........................................................................................................$69,312
Prepaid Expenses and Other Assets ...............................................................................$87,630
Short-term Investments.......................................................................................................$1,718,069
Property and Equipment, Net.........................................................................................$2,772,034
Long-term Investments .......................................................................................................... $749,407
Investments Restricted for Endowment .............................................................. $1,223,301
Total Assets ..................................................................................................................................... ,!&-,!-(-
Unrestricted......................................................................................................................... $3,936,014
Unrestricted - Board Designated ...................................................................... $1,668,331
Temporarily restricted ...................................................................................................... $107,517
Permanently restricted .............................................................................................. $1,100,099
IdiVaCZi6hhZih ................................................................................................................+!-&&!.+&
Total Liabilities & Net Assets......................... $7,187,838
Michael & Diane Abbott
Lana Abdulrazeo
Marilyn Ackmann
Emily Adams
Ginger Adams
Monica Adams
Sueann K. Adams
Wendy Adams
Arianne Alexander
Kellie Alexander
Cathy Allen
Anna M. Alvarado
Lance Anderson
Bernard and Ellen Appel
Louise Appleman
Carrie Armstrong
Dr. Chris Aronoff
Kay Arp
Liesil Arredondo
John Askew
Alba Austin
Alexis Avila
Christi Baker
Jeanne Braniff Baker
Jacqualine Balch
Amber Barker
Rebecca Barksdale
Salee Barrick
Aisha Barron
Heather Bartko
Keali Bartkowiak
Jennifer Bartkowski
Carol Jean Bartlett
Jay Bartley
Mrs. Robert M. Bass
Susie Bell
Carl and Agatha Benjamin
Jimmy Bennett
Vickie L. Bennett
Deneen Bertadillo
Diana Besherse
Jode Bielstein
Hope Bingham
Wendell and Linda K. Black
Suzanne Blaylock
Hovley Botchway
Jennifer Bowers
Sherry Bowman
Betty Bresnahan
Wendy and Haley Bridges
Michelle Bright
Barbara Brock
Dennis and Tammy Brooks
Kaitlyn Brookshire
Amanda Brown
Kathryn Bryan
Britain Buchanan
Brian Builta
Susan Bulla
Janet Bunch
Emily Burger
Dana Burghdoff
Natacha Burk
Joyce Burks
Martha Burleaud
Mary Burnette
Emily Burrows
Sally Burt
Rebecca Burton
Steve Burton
Allegra Bush
Susan Butler
Howard Calcote
Genevieve Caldwell
Viola Caldwell
Nancy Cambell
Ninet Campbell
Norma Carrell
Dr. Judith Carrier
Judith Carrier
Olivia Carroll
Katie Carter
Amanda Carter
Wanda Carter
Louise Carvey
Cindy Cason
Alexys Castle
Jan Cate
W.E. Chapman
Diana and Joe Chavez
Mary Frances Chenault
Alice Church
Paula Clymer
John and Jeanette Cocharo
Connie Cochran
Vivian Cockrell
Jim Cole
Vicky Collier
N’Denasija Collins
Alice Comacho
Blaire Cook
Cory Coons
Kathleen Copeland
Shirley Cox
Taylor Cox
Adrienne Cozart
Margareth Craddock
Heather Craig
Rene Craig
Julie Crawford
Martha and Dolph Crawley
Lillie Crumbley
Lena Crusha
Christy Cruz
Gretchen Cummings
Kim Curlee
Barbara and Mike Cutter
Christa and Rob Dam
Kelly Danann
Susan Daniel
Robert and Debbie
Diane M. Davis
Johnnie and Moylene Davis
Melanie Davis
Rhonda K. Davis
Pattilou Dawkins
Maye DeAnda
Jane Dearman
Valerie DeLaCruz
Nicole Dell
Margaret DeMoss
Karen Derrick
Bridget Dew
Joy Dibble
Lou Diekemper
Michael and Kim Dignum
Dee Dee Dodd
Marguerite Domatti
Gail Donaghey
Debra Douglass
Robin Downe
Karyn Draper
Linda Duckworth
Kathryn Duke
Jean Dunlap
Sharon Duquemin
Nicole Durham
Stephanie Dwight
Diane Dynis
Evelyn Ecker
Dr. Mark and Sarah Eidson
Betty Elfelt
Elizabeth Elgie
Fay Ellis
Jamie Elrod
Samantha English
Kaitlyn Epperson
Brandilyn Esquivel
Ana Estevez
Veronica Estrada
Marcia Etie
Maisie Everett
Frank Falbo
Kaitlyn Farringer
Martha Farris
Annie Fatima
Max Ray Faulkner
James Fay
Danette Fenstermaker
Kendall Fernandez
Lizzette Figueroa
Susan Fine
Debra Finney
Nancy Fisher
Scott Fisher
Allison Fitzgerald
Judith G. Flanders
Riley Fleming
Robyn Flores
Joe and Mozelle Foran
Cherokee Ford
Emily Ford
Dee Francis
Shelley Frank
Deborah Freeman
Mildred Freeman
Veda French
Patricia Friesen
Tahita Fulkerson
Fran Fuller
Lea Ann Fulton
Shirlee Gandy
Gay Ganske
Janet Garder
Mary Gardner
Arrissa Garrett
Lou Ann Garrett
Cherryl Gary
Maymuna Gaye
Arlis and Jane Geddie
Janet Gentry
Becky Gibson
Aiyana Gilliam
Mary Gilstrap
Girl Scout Troop 2301
Girl Scout Troop 2548
Girl Scouts - Twin Oaks
Service Unit
Christine Glasgow
Nikaella Godino
Marsha Goebel
Dr. Daniel Goggin
Dale Goldsmith
Shannon Gollihar
Alex Gonzalez
Leticia and Robert Goodrich
Shelly Gower
Kathie Grant
Amraa Green
Ari Green
Mary Green
Paul and Debbie Greenwood
Melissa Grimes
Donna Groschup
GS-TOP Troop 7018
Leanne Guhl
Angie Gunn
Russell Guthrie
Patti Haberman
Barbara Hackett
Emily Hailey
Janna Hale
Elizabeth Haley
Claudia Halman
Craig Hamilton
Dale Hamilton
Stephanie Handsome
Sharon Harberts
Dortha Hardee
Michele Hardee
Susan Hardick
Robert A. Hardwick
Angel Hardy
Judy Harman
Anna Harmon
Donna Harmon
Cathy Harrelson
Christina Harvey
Holly Hayes
Elaine Hazlewood
Stella and Lee Hecker
Rebecca Hegar
Terri Hein
Christa and Donnie
Lacy Henninger
Cassandra Henry
Stephen and Pat Henry
Virginia Hill
Joe and Caroll Hillhouse
Barry and Goldie Hines
Kristina Hippman
Priscilla Hoffman
Gigi Hollis
Grace Holman
Christina Holmes
Dugan Holt
Martha Holt
Grace Hong
Beverly D. Hottois
Amy Howe
Tatum Howeth
Brooke Hubik
Jack Hudgins
Elizabeth Huffman
Kiera Huffman
Diana Hughes
Lyla Hulse
Joyce Hunt
Florence Hunter
Madeline Husby
Julia Huseman Watson
Kimberly A. Hutchison
Megan Ibarra
Paula Jackson
Rebecca Jacobs
Heather Jacobson
Mandy Jaramillo
Brian and Kari Jenke
Melissa Jenkins
Collette and Jeffrey Jensen
Claudia Jimenez
Emillia Jiminez
Patricia Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Skylar Johnson
Vickie Johnson
Yolanda Johnson
Dr. Greg Johnson, DDS
Nancy Joiner
Anne Jones
Laura Jones
Manny Jones
Melinda Mitchell Jones
Whitney Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Jordan
Kelli Jordan
Nancy and Bob Josserand
Olivia Jowers
Diane Judy
Angela Kaplan
Andrea Karnes
Sandy Kautz
Marcy Keeney
Janette Kelley
David Kemp
Nateasie Kendrick
Susan Kennemer
Marge Kenney
Sharon Kern
Lindsey Kesterson
Georgia Kidwell
Juanita Kiesling
Andrea King
Diane Kinzlmaier
Donna Clark Kircher
Bonnie Kirk
Brenda Kirk
Beth Kirsch
Karen Knight
Velma Knudson
Amy Koo
Paulette Krehlik
Lee Ruth Krieg
Sherry Kunka
Harva Kuykendall
Elizabeth Kwasny
Orland and Lorene Lacer
Chelsea Lackey
Candace Lambert
Maureen Lambert
Barbara Lamsens
Virginia Landeros
David Lanehart
Stephanie Langhamer
Tami Lara
Naomi Lara-Turner
Bill and Linda Lardie
Sycily Lattimore
Briana and Jim Lavelle
Kristy Lawson
Michelle Lawson
Kay Layne
Sophia Lazier
Susan Leach
Madison Lear
Wyatt Leavell
Stephanie Ledak
Austyn Lehman
Linda Leonhardt
Amy Lewis
Julie Lewis
Therese Lindsay
Robyn Linn
Martha Littlefield
Summer Littlejohn
Monna Loftis
Liz Lonngren
Angela Lowe
Yvonne Lowrie
Emma Lucas
Charlotte S. Lutyens
Jennifer Lyles
Kathleen Lyons
Mary Madden
Riki Clark Malott
Wendy and Stanley Marsh
Carolyn Martchenke
Cindy Martin
Jeanie Martin
Twyla Masterson
Glenda Matthews
Janet Blacklock Matthews
Diane Mayfield
John and Coreline Mayfield
Rylee McCanlies
Holli McClain
Joanne McClendon
Mark McClendon
Kaleigh McCoy
Yanni McCray
Ann McDonald
Craig and Ann McDonald
Kaki McDuffie
Victoria McGrath
Lorna McKee
William R. McLeRoy
Myrtle McMahan
Darlene McMurray
Misty and Russell McQuiston
Sanasac Meining
Alma Melendez
Natalie Mendoza
John B. Merrick
Terri Metcalfe
Micky and Patsy Mikelson
Jannie Miller
Nellie Miller
Katherine Miner
Lori Minner
Bridgett Mizer
Mary Jean Moloney
Natalie Monroy
Emily Montes DeOca
Tommie and Sam Moon
Angel Moore
Dirrill and Brandi Moore
Etta Moore
Martha Moore
Alason Moorhead
Theresa Morales
Teresa Morenus
Joe and Betty Morgan
Jackie Mothersole
Jennifer Mountain
Tori Mulvaney
Marilyn Murray
Gabrielle Naber
Holly Nadeau
Jonna Naylor
Jasmine Ndikum
Melissa Negron
Zem Neill
Christine Nelson
Kerry Ayn Neuhardt
Joyce A. Newsom
Jenny Newton
Jere and Alan Newton
Gracie and Katelynn Nicholes
Kathleen Nichols, D.D.S.
Ny Lynn Nichols-Crowell
Melissa Nivens
B.E. Nix
Laura Nobles
Hanna Nohrenberg
Joy Norton
Blake O’Brien
Liz O’Brien
Cynthia and Cliff Odom
Lisa O’Donnell
Sharon Oeschger
Emily Olguin
Margarita Olivarez
Kim Olson
Sana Omar
Dana O’Neil
Dawn Osterhoudt
Ruth Owen
Robert Palmer
Donna Parker
Sandra Parkhill
William Pasewark
Marcy Paul
Chancey Payne
Shannon Pena
Lee Perkins
Patricia Peters
Sara Petrie
Rebecca Phipps
Helen Piehl
Jolie Pippins
Doris Polley
Keeley Posner
Mindy Pospech
Lewis Pounds
Lindsay Power
Thank you to all our donors
for your continued support!
Your generosity during our Centennial Year allowed us to provide critical programs to
girls, adult volunteers, and their communities including: powerful service to reduce
poverty, feed the hungry, and work toward environment sustainability; outreach to
alumnae; and increased awareness for the need of Girl Scouting programs
for developing girls’ leadership skills.
Amy Prather
Ursula Rado
Myrna & Daniel Raffkind
Theresa Rakov
Ramiro and Maria Ramirez
Lori Rasey
Lois Rastatter
Jane Rector
Tracy Rector
Redbud Service Unit
Karen Reich
Millicent Reiten
Becky Remington
Ambry Reyes
Barbara Reynolds
Ann Rice
Pat and Vicky Richmond
Nancy Ritchey
Kristen Rizzo
Natalie Roberge
Melisa Roberts
Sara Roberts
Ryan Robinson
Amber Rodgers
Anita Rogers
Melody Rohmer
Debbie Roling
Deanna Rooney
Julie B. Ross
Todd Ross
David and Heidi Roupp
Betty Rowland
Barbara Rubin
Shawna Rudd
Judy Rupay
Marie Ruppert
Patricia Russ
Susan Rutherford
Michelle Sager
Tammy Saiter
Martha Salazar
Georgene Salmon
Jackie Sanders
Marcy Sanders
Mary Sanders
Merci Sandoval
Kristi Satterfield
Bob and Glenella
C. Evlyn Schmidt
Elaine Schuster
Kathi Schutz
Steavi Scott
Sherrie Scott
Susan Seaman
Betty Sefcik
Ramya Setlur
Judy and Bob Seymour
Therese M. Sharratt
Bobbye R. Shaw
Barbara Shelton
Cindy Shelton
Chris Sheppard
Mariana Simeroth
Jem Simmons
Theresa Simmons
Amanda Simon
Randall Sims
Martiza Slama
Kiley Slavin
Amber Smith
Cynthia Smith
Hannah Smithwick
Monica and Hank Smyth
Eloisa Soliz
Treva Sommers
Xochitl Soto
Julie Speed
Shannon Spencer
Kathy Spicer
Rev. Mary Spradlin
Ambika Sridhara
Amy St. Ama
Jane Stachowiak
Amanda Stallings
Carolyn Stansberry
Carol Steadham
Autumn Steele
Dennis and Natalie
Ashley Stern
Steven and Rochelle
Nina Stevenson
Jane Ann Stewart
Nicole Stice
Deborah Stich
Kathleen Stocco
Kellie Stockton
Susan Stokes
Rylee Stone
Dorothy Stowers
Michael Strausz
DJ Stubben
Barbara Sucsy
Orine Susan Howard
Amy Sutton
Elizabeth and Matt Sutton
Mildred Sutton
Roger E. Swanner
Jeanette and Albert Sweany
Mary Swords
Alisa Tatom
Ella Taylor
Patricia Teed
Patty Teichmann
Barbara Tennison
Yamilka Terrell
Shoshana Thoma-Isgur
Jean Thomas
Sandra J. Thomas
Shirley Thomas
Don and Sallie Thompson
Janette Thompson
Lindsey Thompson
Cynthia Thornton
Lyle Thornton
Bradford and D’Linda Tibbitts
Katesa Tidwell
Ginny and Joe Tigue
Julie and Cliff Tiller
Dr. Nadene J. Tipton
Dr. Roger D. Tipton
Jan Titsworth
Carol Tobias
Nora Torres
John and Doris Townsend
Judy and Terry Treacy
Susan Trumps
Debbie Turner
Christian Umphress
Jennifer Uselman
Valerie Valentine-Heath
Maribel Valladares
Monica VanCuren
Briana Vasquez
Janis Vaughn
Irasema Velasquez
Eric and Amy Vermillion
Georgia Vickery
Elizabeth Vidal
Jasmine Villarreal
Mary M. Vitek
Carlela K. Vogel
Heidi Vose
Katheryn Votaw
Kelly and Randy Wahl
Lorinda Walker
Katrina Warren-Lake
Sharon Washburn
Steve Wasson
Candace Watkins
Aimee Paulette Watson
Libby Watson
Mrs. Al Watson
Amy Watts
Donna Weathers
Elaine Weed
Lois Weeks
Amy Wehr
Zak Weis
Marilyn K. Weiss
Denise Kay Wellander
Betty Wheeler
Sue Wheeler
Lachell Whitaker
Frederic White
Tiffani White
Michelle Widner
Karmen Wilkerson
Barbara Williams
Becky Williams
Jill Williams
Sydney Williams
Lucile Sims Wise
Jennifer D. Wolf
Susan and Eric Wong
Gwen Wood
Hannah Wood
Jerry and Earline Wood
Linda K. Wood
Monika Worsley
Patty Wright
Ellen Smith Yost
Jacqueline Young
Yucca Service Unit
Debbie Zabica
Beth Zimmerman
Combined Federal Campaign
of North Texas
Cooke County United Way
Dallam-Hartley Counties
United Way
Dallas Fort Worth SECC
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex
Graham Area United Way
Hutchinson County
United Way
Lubbock Area United Way
Nolan County United Way
Ochiltree United Way
Pampa United Way
Plainview Area United Way
Scurry County United Way
Terry County United Fund
United Fund of Breckenridge
United Fund of Somervell
United Way - Metropolitan
Dallas County
United Way of Abilene
United Way of Amarillo and
United Way of Hood County
United Way of Johnson
United Way of Metropolitan
Dallas County
United Way of Metropolitan
Tarrant County
United Way of Moore County
United Way of Palo Pinto
United Way of Parker County
United Way of Southeastern
United Way of Wise County
United Way SECC/CFC Wichita Falls Area
Wilbarger County United
Abbott Laboratories
Albertsons’ Community
All State Giving Campaign
Amarillo National Bank
American State Bank
Amerigroup Corporation
AT&T Employee Giving
AT&T Employee Matching
B&W Pantex
Balloons By The Bunch
Bank of America United Way
Baptist St. Anthony’s Health
Ben E. Keith Company
Billy’s Auto Sales
Bob King Realty
Buckles Farm Partnership
Burrito King
Camper’s Coaches RV’s
Crosby County Pump Co., LLC
Crosstex Energy Services
Freese and Nichols
Frost National Bank
GE United Way Campaign
H&R Block Tax Services, Inc.
Hurst Farm Supply
I-27 Marine
IBM Employee Services
Lawrence Brothers
Laura Bush Institute of
Women’s Health
Lee Lewis Construction, Inc.
Lockheed Martin AERO Club
Lockheed Martin
Aeronautics Co.
Lockheed Missiles and Fire
Lozano Painting
M&M Tire Service
Moritz Dealerships
Mutual of America
MVC Technology Services
Network For Good
Parkhill, Smith, and
Cooper, Inc.
Pepsico Employee Giving
Perdue, Brandon, Fielder,
Collins & Mott, L.L.P.
Performance Label Co.
Pets Plus
Plains Capital Bank
Phillips 66-Borger Refinery
Roy Gurley Oil and Gas
Rylander, Clay and Opitz, LLP
Safeway, Inc. - Tom Thumb
Sarr Corporation
Schlehuber Oil
Six Flags Over Texas
Smith South Plains
South Plains Mall
Southwest Bank
Suddath Relocation Systems
of Texas
Texas Health Resources
Texas Plains Federal Credit
Texas Rangers Baseball Club
Texas Youth Development
Corporation - Stan Harrell
The Development Group
Travelers Community
Tri-County Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
Trinity HPSI
UMC Health System
United Airlines
United Supermarkets
Wells Fargo Advisors Ada Rummell
Wells Fargo Community
Wilkerson Storage
Xcel Energy
Abilene Evening Lions Club
Abilene Southwest
Rotary Club
Altrusa Foundation
Association of Fundraising
Girl Scout Troop 6254
Guymon Lions Club
Hereford Lions Club
Iron Thunder Motor Cycle
Kiwanis Club of Amarillo
Kiwanis Club of Canyon Palo Duro
Kiwanis Club of Plainview
Lubbock Region Alumnae
Old Tascosa Cycling
Rotary Club of Fort Worth
Rotary Club of Hurst Euless
VFW - Graham Memorial
Post 8567
Wheeler County Courthouse
Amarillo Area Foundation
Amarillo Downtown Kiwanis
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Bank of America Charitable
CH Foundation
Colonial Country Club
Community Foundation of
Community Foundation of
North Texas
David D. and Nona S. Payne
ExxonMobil Foundation
Garvey Texas Foundation
Gray - Pampa Foundation
Grogan Family Foundation
Helen Jones Foundation, Inc.
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Lubbock Area
Foundation, Inc.
The Priddy Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Volunteer Center of Lubbock
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Xcel Energy Foundation
In Kind
Chuy’s Tex Mex Restaurant
D’Vine Wine - Amarillo
Experience Arlington
Fort Worth Texas Magazine
Funky Door Bistro
Lubbock Avalanche Journal
Manna Bread and Wine
Maragarita Olivarez
McInturff Conference
Center - Lubbock
McPherson Cellars
Merry Maids
Monroe’s Day Spa
Ocean’s Day Spa
Office of Randy Naugebauer
Pressman Printing
Sam’s Club - Lubbock
Stars and Stripes Drive-in
Amarillo College
Birdville Independent School
Texas Christian University
Texas Tech University
UNT Health Science Center
Lana Abdulrazeo
Sarah Adams
Sueann K. Adams
Alana Alexander
Brittany Arellano
Abby Arredondo
Alexis Avila
Alexandra Bangert
Amber Barker
Laura Bartko
Elissa Bartkowski
Hovley Botchway
Jennifer Bowers
Carolina Bowman
Wendy and Haley Bridges
Emma Bright
Kaitlyn Brookshire
Britain Buchanan
Catherine Marie Burleaud
Karli Butler
Olivia Carroll
Dera Carter
Alexys Castle
N’Denasija Collins
Taylor Conlon
Blaire Cook
Taylor Cox
Gillian Crist
Lillie Crumbley
Denise Cyr
Skylar Davis
Aracelilara DeLaCruz
Nicole Dell
Bridget Dew
Mikayla Dibble
Ashanti Douglass
Ashley Downe
Emma Duncan
Caroline Dwight
Abby Elrod
Dana Endsley
Kaitlyn Epperson
Kaitlyn Farringer
Annie Fatima
Lizzette Figueroa
Amanda Fitzgerald
Reagan Fitzgerald
Riley Fleming
Mia Flores
Cherokee Ford
Emily Ford
Lillian Frank
Micah Freeman
Veda French
Meagan Gardner
Amanda Suzanne Garner
Arrissa Garrett
Aiyana Gilliam
Girl Scout Troop 1904
Girl Scout Troop 2562
Christine Glasgow
Nikaella Godino
Shannon Gollihar
Alexis Gonzalez
Amraa Green
Ari Green
Grace Gunn
Pfeiffer Halman
Solenne Halman
Trinity Hamm
Stephanie Handsome
Makinna Hardee
Rooke Lee Hardwick
Angel Hardy
Christina Harvey
Lauren Hecker
Virginia Hill
Claire Hines
Truth Hippman
Ivy Holloway
Grace Holman
Carolina Holmes
Grace Hong
Blair Hottois
Elizabeth Huffman
Diana Hughes
Lyla Hulse
Madeline Husby
Rebecca Jacobs
Mandy Jaramillo
Emillia Jiminez
Abriyeh Johnson
Skylar Johnson
Nancy Joiner
Alexandra Jones
Taylor Jones
Alexis Jordan
Olivia Jowers
Ashley King
Natalie Kircher
Ali Kirsch
Amy Koo
Candace Lambert
Virginia Landeros
Sophia Lazier
Madison Lear
Austyn Lehman
Savannah Leslie
Lainy Lewis
Amy Lewis
Hailey Lowe
Sarah Lucas
Chelsea Lyles
Savannah Mayfield
Rylee McCanlies
Kaleigh McCoy
Yanni McCray
Victoria McGrath
Lorna McKee
Skye McKeon
Natalie Mendoza
Amye Metcalfe
Katherine Miner
Emily Montes DeOca
Nicole Morales
Caitlin Mountain
Gabrielle Naber
Emily Nadeau
Jasmine Ndikum
Jackie Newton
Audra Nivens
Hanna Nohrenberg
Erin O’Donnell
Emily Olguin
Sana Omar
Maleah Osterhoudt
Chancey Payne
Katy Pena
Brianna Perkins
Alexia Petrie
Vivian Phipps
Tessa Phongvichitu
Jolie Pippins
Kylee Pospech
Cassie Pounds
Theresa Rakov
Kayleigh Rasey
Reaghan Rasey
Ambry Reyes
Amy Risk
Erin Risk
Bailey Rizzo
Allison Roberts
Ryan Robinson
Angelina Rodgers
Megan Rohmer
Deanna Rooney
Todd Ross
Addyson Rudd
Riley Saiter
Mary Elizabeth Sanders
Lauren Sanders
Kristi Satterfield
Kathi Schutz
Ramya Setlur
Alyssa Simmons
Kiley Slavin
Emily Sleek
Stean Slott
Hannah Smithwick
Alidyn Smoot
Treva Sommers
Logan St. Ana
Miley Stallings
Autumn Steele
Rebecca Stern
Ashley Stice
Rylee Stone
Miya Tanizaki
Alisa Tatom
Sarah Teichmann
Kristen Terrell
Lindsey Thompson
Lisa Thornton
Laramie Tidwell
Tara Tiller
Katherine Ann Trimble
Morgan Trumps
Katherine Umphress
Addiston Uselman
Maribel Valladares
Sarah Vickery
Angelina Vidal
Taylor Vincent
Bridgette Watson
Allison Wellander
Laney Widner
Brooke Wilkerson
Alexandria Williams
Kenna Wong
Gwen Wood
Hannah Wood
Molly Worsley
Thank You to our Centennial Sponsor
For more information about Planned Giving or if you have included Girl Scouts in your
will or estate plan, please let us know! Contact Barbara Shelton, CFRE,
at 817-735-5313 or [email protected]
When you include Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains
in your will or estate plan, please use the following description:
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc.,
a Texas nonprofit corporation.
This list contains donors who made contributions during the
October 1, 2011 – September 30, 2012 fiscal year. We make every effort to
accurately thank our donors. Please contact Mary Burnette at [email protected]
for corrections or updates on recognition preferences.
Girl Scout
I will do my best to be honest and fair, friendly
Girl Scoutt
On my honor, I will try:
and helpful, considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and responsible for
what I say and do,
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to, respect myself and others, respect
authority, use resources wisely, make the
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
world a better place, and be a sister to
every Girl Scout.
2012-13 Board of Directors
Senior Staff
Chair — Robert Palmer
Becky Burton - Chief Executive Officer
First Vice Chair — Adrienne Cozart
Susie Bell - Chief Mission Delivery Officer
Second Vice Chair — Scott Fisher
Cynthia Odom - Chief Financial and
Secretary — Cathy Allen
Administrative Officer
Treasurer — Libby Watson
Barbara Shelton, CFRE - Chief Development
Members at Large
Debbie Zabica - Chief Operations Officer
and Communications Officer
Anna Alvarado
Melinda Mitchell-Jones
Rebecca Barksdale
David Kemp
Carol Jean Bartlett
Ny Lynn Nichols
Jimmy Bennett
Cindy Martin
Sheryl Harris
Jeanie Martin
Terri Hein
Judy Rupay
Carl Henderson
Gwen Stafford
Julia Huseman
Nina Stevenson
Wichita Falls
4901 Briarhaven Rd.
Fort Worth, TX 76109
817-737-7272 800-582-7272
Fort Worth
Yvonne and AVjgV
Girl Scouts has been an American tradition for decades. While many things change over the
years, the most important things about Girl Scouting remain unchanged. We interviewed two
Girl Scouts, Yvonne Lowrie, who has been active in the organization for the past 70 years, and
Laura Ullery, who joined as a Daisy Girl Scout last June. Our three basic questions got
some great answers. Amazingly, though 70 years of experience separate
these two, their responses had some striking
commonalities. What both love about Girl
Scouting: learning new things, making friends,
and exploring the world around them.
Girl Scout in the Guymon,
Oklahoma area. Her big
sister, Claire, is a Girl Scout
and her mom, Jennifer is
a Lifetime Member. Laura
Scouts in 1942 in Knoxville,
was super excited last June
Tennessee. She is still an active
to finally become a “real”
member of the Girl Scout Alumnae
Girl Scout – she’s been
Association. From time to time, she
attending meetings since
can be seen portraying Girl Scout
she was two months old!
founder, Juliette Gordon Low.
Girl Scouts: What was your favorite part of
Girl Scouts: What part of Girl Scouting do
Girl Scouts: What part of the Girl Scout
the 100th celebration?
you like best?
year do you look forward to most?
LAURA: My favorite part was the flag
LAURA: When we get to do crafts and play
LAURA: Camping and seeing flowers at
burning ceremony (a ceremony used to
games with friends.
YVONNE: I like the friendships I’ve built
YVONNE: Well, this year, partly because
YVONNE: Well, I loved the State Fair, of
over the years. I still keep in touch with five
of the 100th, I got to take five trips for Girl
course. I also really liked celebrating at the
women from my first days of Girl Scouting
Scouts. I go to New York two times a year
Girl Scout office on March 12th. There
back in Knoxville. In fact, I just had one call
for the WAGGGS board meeting, but I
was a room with a great display full of
me the other day from Florida!
also got to visit the Girl Scout birthplace in
properly, and respectfully retire a US flag)
memorabilia and I loved sharing my Girl
Savannah, Georgia with the alumnae group,
Scout memories with all of the girls present.
I went to an Olave Baden-Powell society
Then we all got together and made the Girl
meeting in Philadelphia, and I got to go to
Scout promise and it was wonderful doing
the Girls World Forum in Chicago. It was a
that with girls, adults, troops, and families. It
jam-packed year of travel and I hope to do
was such a special moment.
some more Girl Scout traveling next year!
JANUARY 2013 The Girl Scout SPIRIT 16
We’ve got a big challenge ahead of us. The Girl
of girls do say leadership is important to them,
Scouts 100th anniversary is wrapping up, but
only 21 percent—just one in five girls—believe
we don’t want to lose the momentum and
they have what it takes to lead. We can’t
public awareness that we gained during this
transform the entire landscape in a single year,
huge celebration. How do we do that? We
but we can turn it around in a single generation.
take our place at the head of the table as the
authority on girl leadership.
As we move out of our 100th year, our
national organization, Girl Scouts of the USA,
We’re proud of our century of trailblazing, but
has started a cause campaign with a big goal:
it’s time to do more. To take bold steps. To
making sure all girls born this year have every
rally the nation around the cause of girls’
door open to them by the time they grow up.
leadership. We need girls standing up, standing
out, and standing tall.
The need for female leadership is clear, both
17 The Girl Scout SPIRIT JANUARY 2013
Sixty-one percent of girls are either deeply
on the political stage and in the private sector.
ambivalent about leadership or say it’s not
At present, only 17 percent of U.S. senators,
important to them at all. And while 39 percent
representatives and governors are women –
even though women are consistently rated
women leaders, recently launched the
This local launch is part of Girl Scouts of the
higher than men on character traits highly
TOGETHERTHERE campaign in Fort Worth
USA’s national TOGETHERTHERE campaign.
valued in political leaders. Just 3 percent of
with a luncheon focused on convening
Launched in the twilight of the Girl Scouts
Fortune 500 CEOs are women, and women
community leaders from the private sector,
100th Anniversary, TOGETHERTHERE is the
make up only 15 percent of corporate boards
education, government and nonprofits to
largest, boldest advocacy cause campaign
– yet stocks of companies with more female
discuss the factors that are holding our girls
dedicated to girls’ leadership issues in the
senior executives consistently
back, how we can influence these factors and
nation’s history. This multiyear effort will help
outperform industry peers.
to hold a community-based conversation that
break down societal barriers that hinder girls
will mobilize our adult leaders to take action.
from leading and achieving success in
everything from technology and science to
Our long-term goal is ambitious and urgent: to
business and industry.
create balanced leadership in one generation.
This community conversation took place on
We all have a role to play in helping girls achieve
November 28th, and featured Cathy Coughlin,
their full leadership potential, because when
Girl Scouts of the USA Board Member and
Keep watching as we move forward in this
girls succeed, so does society.
Senior Executive Vice President and Global
exciting campaign. We hope you’ll join us
Marketing Officer for AT&T Inc., as the keynote
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains, in
conjunction with a steering committee of local
JANUARY 2013 The Girl Scout SPIRIT 18
It’s a Wrap!
As we close the books on Girl
Scouts 100th year, we have some
great memories to look back on.
The strongest and best memories
include our girls doing great things.
Girls and adult volunteers worked
very hard this year to promote
Girl Scouts and show their
communities our timeless mission
by participating in high visibility
events (like parades), they spread
the word to Girl Scouts alumnae
about the 100th anniversary and
how to get re-engaged in the Girl
Scout Movement, they participated
in some truly special programs
like the Stand Up and Be Counted
100th anniversary events on March
12, 2012, and they did an amazing
amount of service during our
100 Days of Service (over 10,000
We couldn’t be more proud of all of
our girls and adults. But the exciting
thing to see is that the community is
recognizing all of the amazing
accomplishments of our Girl
Scouts too!
On October 30, 2012 Congressman
Kenny Marchant (who serves the
24th District of Texas—suburbs and
metropolitan areas between Dallas
and Fort Worth) hosted a special
ceremony in recognition of the Girl
Scouts 100th Anniversary. Girls
Scouts from Girl Scouts
of Texas Oklahoma Plains
council and Northeast
Texas council who
earned their 100th
Anniversary patch
were invited to attend.
To earn the centennial patch, Girl
Scouts from our council had to
fulfill certain requirements
including participating in a Stand
Up and Be Counted 100th
anniversary event on March 12, 2012
and participating in the 100 Days
of Service. Congressman
Marchant presented copies of the
Congressional Record that honored
the Girl Scout Centennial to the
CEOs from both councils.
We interviewed sisters Katherine
(a Daisy Girl Scout) and Elizabeth
Dalton (a Junior Girl Scout) who
attended. The girls did a number
of activities to earn their Centennial patch including attending church
with their vests on for Girl Scout
Sunday, a recycling
project for the 100
Days of Service,
walking in a parade
to promote
visibility of the
Girl Scout 100th
anniversary, and
speaking to Girl
Scout alumnae
(teachers at
their school) to
encourage them
to participate in this
historic year. Their mom said
they were surprised and flattered
by the invitation from
Congressman Marchant and
excited to attend.
Girls like Katherine and Elizabeth
Dalton make us so proud. We know
that even though the 100th
anniversary is drawing to a close,
19 The Girl Scout SPIRIT JANUARY 2013
It’s a well known fact that Girl Scouts
serve their communities. This past
spring,our girls completed well over
10,000 hours of service during the
100 days of service. But they didn’t
stop there! Our girls are doing
amazing things to help those in
need and to better their
communities. As the holidays approach and families get busier, Girl
Scouts don’t neglect their
service, if anything, they ramp up
the help they’re providing. Here’s
one such story:
This year the Girl Scouts of
Texas Oklahoma Plains joined
with Sleep Experts in their 9th
Annual Share the Warmth
Blanket Drive. “As the holiday
season approaches, we ask the
community to
help us give the
gift of warmth
and comfort to
to Share the Warmth with a growing
number of families each year.”
1,005 girls
participated in
Share the Warmth
1,713 items!
these girls, and thousands like them,
are not done. They will continue
to rock the Girl Scout Movement
and even the world with their
accomplishments for years
to come.
That being said, we want to extend a
special thank you to our members.
It’s been a magnificent year, and
we are so happy that you were
there every step of the way
because having you there is what
made it so very special. Happy
100th Girl Scouts, and onward
into the NEXT great century!
families in need,” said Christine
Cook, wife, mom and president of
Sleep Experts. “With the help of the
Girl Scouts we continue to expand
the reach of this program and hope
This year, Cook made the
partnership between Girl Scouts
and Sleep Experts even more
powerful. On November 10, she
met with girls making their blanket
donation drop off. She visited with
the girls, and offered some
encouragement and leadership
advice. The younger girls
really enjoyed meeting her
(they see her on TV all the time
and thin she’s a TV star!) The
high school scouts had a chance to
talk with Cook about her personal
experiences in the business
world and her views on leadership,
core values in the Girl Scout
Do you have a story about service?
We started an awesome online reporting
function for our 100 Days of Service, but
did you know you can still use it? We’d
love to hear from you and feature your
stories, so let us know what you and
your girls are up to by visiting
and sharing your service stories
with us!
January 2013 The Girl Scout SPIRIT 20
Your generosity
allows us to provide
programming and
outreach to girls
throughout Girl Scouts
of Texas and
Oklahoma Plains.
When you include Girl Scouts
of Texas Oklahoma Plains in your
will or estate plan, please use the
following description:
Girl Scouts
of Texas Oklahoma Plains, Inc,
a Texas nonprofit corporation.
For more information about Planned Giving
or if you have included Girl Scouts in
your will or estate plan,
please let us know!
Barbara Shelton, CFRE
at 817-735-5313 or
[email protected]
This list contains donors who
made contributions between
September 1 - December 31, 2012.
We make every effort to accurately thank
our donors. Please contact Mary
Burnette at [email protected]
for corrections or updates on
recognition preferences.
21 The Girl Scout SPIRIT JANUARY 2013
Don and Sally Abbe
Michael R. Abbott
Cathy Allen
Leigh Altman
Anna Alvarado
Emily Amidon
Lance Anderson
Lisa Anderson
Lisa Armstrong
Christi Baker
Rebecca Barksdale
Salee and Wendell Barrick
Susie Bell
Elizabeth Ann Bender
Agatha Benjamin
Jimmy and Debra Bennett
George Ann Benson
Bibi Berry
Deneen Bertadillo
Amy Bickle
Ann Bopp
Michelle Bright
Barbara Brock
Lisa Brown
Mary Burnette
Rebecca Burton
Tosha Callaway
Ninet Campbell
Sherry Cannedy
Alice Cantu
Katie Carter
Jessie Cavazos
Diana Chavez
Laura Clegg
John and Jeanette Cocharo
Vivian Cockrell
Robin Kay Coffey
Christine Cole
Mava Cooper
Kathleen Copeland
Nancy Cox
Adrienne Cozart
Dana Cozby,
Julie Crawford
Martha and Dolph Crawley
Lena Crusha
Christy Cruz
Kim Curlee
Caroline Cushman
Barbara and Mike Cutter
Susan Daniel
Robert and Debbie Daugherty
Amy Davis
Melanie Davis
Raylon Davis
Wendy De La Torre
Maye DeAnda
Sara Delp
John and Jill Demel
Margaret DeMoss
Lou Dunn Diekemper
Marguerite Domatti
Gail Donaghey
Diane Dynis
Fay Ellis
Brissa Espinoza
M.Carmen Facundo
Frances Falbo
Lisa Farnsworth
Ann B. Fields
Scott Fisher
Judy Flanders
Ann Fleming
Joe and Mozelle Foran
Chad Ford
Teisha Foster
Emily Franda
Amanda Fullbright
Cindy J. Gaither
Gay Ganske
Cherryl Gary
Arlis and Jane Geddie
Ruthann Geer
Becky Gibson
Marsha Goebel
Shannon Gollihar
Leticia and Robert Goodrich
Amanda Graves
Stella Greer
Maria Gregorio
Amberly Griffin
Curtis and Cynthia Griffith
Melissa Grimes
Donna Groschup
Leanne Guhl
Barbara Hackett
Janna Hale
Katelynn Haralson
Holly Hayes
Stella and Lee Hecker
Lacy Henninger
Tammy Hester
Kristina Hippman
Marley Hoggatt
Michelle Hoggatt
Dot Hogue
Pam Holman
Dugan Holt
Beverly Hottois
Amy Howe
Joyce Hunt
Mary Huntington
Jennifer Hurley
Julia Huseman Watson
Rebecca Ibarra
Megan Ibarra
Paula Nelson Jackson
Claudia Jimenez
Yolanda Johnson
Alex Jones
Glenn and Melinda Jones
Laura Jones
Robyn Jorgensen
Leticia Juarez
Angela Kaplan
Sandy Kautz
Marcy Keeney
David Kemp
Nateasie Kendrick
Lindsey Kesterson
Dr. Robert and Patricia Key
Dr. Sumi King
Tammy King
Brenda Kirk
Bonnie Kirk
Velma Knudson
Etta Korenman
Kathy Krammes
Paulette Krehlik
Chelsea Lackey
Mrs. Maureen Lambert
Donald Lane
Kristy Lawson
Michelle Lawson
Susan Leach
Elizabeth LeBlanc
Stephanie Ledak
Marife Lee
Catherine Lewis
Sherri Little
Summer Littlejohn
Ida Lopez
Connie Maldonado
Simone Marino
Wendy Marsh
James L. Marshall
Jeanie Martin
Eddilisa Martin
Twyla Masterson
Holli McClain
Purse with Purpose
Kaki McDuffie
Darlene McMurray
Alma Melendez
Samuel and Tommie Moon
Angel Moore
Alason Moorhead
Teresa Morenus
Jackie Mothersole
Tori Mulvaney
Krishnakumari Nallakumar
Melissa Negron
Krystyna Norman
Melissa Norton
Cynthia Odom
Elisha Odums
Nicketta Osborn
Ben and Lori Osborn
Ann Owens
Sanu Pandey
Beth Payne
Roger Phillips
Heather Phillips
Lindsay Power
Amy Prather
Frank and Martha Ray
Jane Rector
Susana Reyes
Victoria Reyes
Barbara Reynolds
Gaynelle and Donald Riffe
Yolanda Rivera
Karl Rivers
Michelle Roadifer
Natalie Roberge
Melissa Roberts
Sara Roberts
Patricia Robles
Amber Rodgers
E. Joan Rollins
Rafael and Mary Rondon
Barbara Rubin
Ada Rummel
Tammy Saiter
Laura Sandate
Janet Sandin
Kathi Schutz
Blake and Jeannie Scott
Sherrie Scott
Betty Sefcik
Melissa Selkey
Barbara Senatore
Therese Sharratt
Barbara Shelton
Jennifer Siler
Jeffrey Skrocki
Jody Slaten
Cynthia Smith
Angela Smith
Eloisa Soliz
Treva Sommers
Karen Spears
Shannon Spencer
Amy St. Ama
Jane Stachowiak
Gwen Stafford
Chad Stauffer
Lori Stein
John Stephens
Arlene and Tom Stephenson
Natalie Stephenson
Steven and Rochelle Sternblitz
Janet Steury
William Stewart
Michael Strausz
Matt Sutton
Mildred Sutton
Tiffany Taylor
Crystal Thompson
Don and Sallie Thompson
Bradford and D’Linda Tibbitts
Julie and Cliff Tiller
Jim and Jan Titsworth
John and Doris Townsend
Judy Treacy
Debbie Turner
Mary Helen Vaught
Elizabeth Vidal
Heidi Vose
John W. Walker, Jr.
Lorinda Walker
Patty Walker
Katrina Warren-Lake
Steve Wasson
Robert Watkins
Libby Watson
Aimee Paulette Watson
Donna Weathers
Lois Weeks
Roxanne Welch
Betty Wheeler
Sue Wheeler
Michelle Widner
Lucile Sims Wise
Susan Wong
Melissa Wood
Jerry and Earline Wood
Steve and Darla Young
Debbie Zabica
Becky Zeller
Liberty Adams
Elizabeth Adkins
Sara Anderson
Brittany Arellano
Kassy Armstrong
Alexandra Bangert
Marin Baucom
Julissa Bautista
Elizabeth Ann Bender
Isabelle Berry
Lindsey Bickle
Hailey Bopp
Nicky Brasuell
Emma Bright
Zoe Brown
Nevaeh Bryant
Rebecca Buffington
Maricella Bustmank
Lauren Callaway
Jackie Cantu
Dera Carter
Elizabeth Casanova
Ariana and Alessandra Cerreta
Caroline Clegg
Taylor Conlon
Blaire Cook
Taylor Cox
Gillian Crist
Caroline Cushman
Hannah Davis
Abigail Demel
Devina Devagharan
Emma Duncan
Addison Eichler
Dana Endsley
Brissa Espinoza
Lisa Everett
Evie Fleming
Liv Florie
Avery Fullbright
Milena Gandera
Amanda Suzanne Garner
Elise Gillespie
Madelyn Gollihar
Kloe Graves
Laura Greer
Kirstin Hamilton
Trinity Hamm
Lauren Hecker
Amy Heick
Alanna Hill
Claire Hines
Amelia Hippman
Krystal Holcomb
Alana Holland
Alexis Holland
Brooke Holman
Blair Hottois
Kimber Johnson
Layla Joslin
Kaitlyn Juarez
Makena Kao
Riley King
Macy Lane
Althea Lee
Meg Lewis
Alyssa Little
Sarah Lucas
Giovanna Macias
Emilie Marino
Alexis Martin
Hope Martin
MacKenzie Matwick
Grace McIntosh
Skye McKeon
Kaitelyn McKnight
Julia Norton
Nevaeh Ormsby
Natalie Orozco
Graci Osborn
Madison Osborn
Cheyenne Overstreet
Lyla Pankey
Kylie Payne
Tessa Phongvichitu
Gia Ramirez
Haylie Reese
Vanessa Reyes
Brileigh Riera
Amy and Erin Risk
Natalie Roadifer
Allison Roberts
Amaya Robles
Angelina Rodgers
Karyme Rojo
Charlotte Rondon
Rebecca Sanchez
Hilary Sandate
Samantha Scott
Lisa Sellers
Katie Slaten
Emily Sleek
Brooklynn Smith
Alidyn Smoot
Niki Sommers
Logan St. Ana
Skye Stauffer
Avery Stein
Ava Stephens
Madison Strybosch
Alisa Tatom
Isabelle Taylor
Tabitha Thompson
Tara Tiller
Lauren Titsworth
Angelina Vidal
Taylor Vincent
Han Vo
Bridgette and Meghan Watson
Lindsey Wilkerson
Keira Wood
United Way
In Kind
Combined Federal Campaign of North Texas
Cooke County United Way
Dallas Fort Worth SECC
Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex CFC
Graham Area United Way
Hutchinson County United Way
Lubbock Area United Way
Nolan County United Way
Ochiltree United Way
Pampa United Way
Plainview Area United Way
Scurry County United Way
United Fund of Breckenridge
United Fund of Somervell County
United Way - Metropolitan Dallas County
United Way of Abilene
United Way of Amarillo and Canyon
United Way of Hood County
United Way of Johnson County
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas County
United Way of Metropolitan Tarrant County
United Way of Moore County
United Way of Parker County
United Way SECC/CFC - Wichita Falls Area
United Way of Wise County
Wilbarger County United Fund
Abbot Laboratories
Albertson’s Community Partners
AT&T Employee Giving Campaign
Bank of America
First Care
GE United Way Campaign
Great Plains Ag. Credit
Happy State Bank
IBM Employee Services
JP Morgan Chase
Legends Hospitality, LLC
McDuff Spraying
Plains Capital Bank
Safeway, Inc. - Tom Thumb
Stallton Group
Texas Health Resources
United Airlines
Wells Fargo Advisors
Wells Fargo Community Support
West Texas Realtors
Chuy’s Tex-Mex Resturant
Experience Arlington
Funky Door Bistro
Lubbock Avalanche Journal
Manna Bread and Wine
Margarita Olivarez
McPherson Cellars
Merry Maids
Monroe’s Day Spa
Ocean’s Day Spa
Office of Randy Naugebauer
Robert H. Watkins
Sam’s Club - Lubbock
Stars and Stripes Drive-In Theater
Civic Groups
Altrusa Foundation
Amon G. Carter Foundation
Bonnie K. Nutting Chartiable Trust
CH Foundation
Colonial Country Club Charitable Fund
Community Foundation of Abilene
Kimble Foundation Trust
Wal-Mart Foundation
Women’s Policy Forum Foundation
Communities Foundation of Texas
St. Joseph Catholic Church
JANUARY 2013 The Girl Scout SPIRIT 22
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Girl Scouts is a 501 c 3 nonprofit organization. For more
information on how you can support our mission through
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800-582-7272 or visit
from the
GS-TOP Public
Relations team!
Pictured left to right: Melessa Negron, Web & Digital Media Coordinator
Chelsea Lackey, Internal Public Relations Coordinator
Maria Gregorio, External Public Relations Coordinator
Kathleen Copeland, Special Projects & Public Relations Editor
We’re busy all year long communicating with
You make it easy by giving us great stories
We hope you love hearing from us,
our 30,000+ members, Girl Scout alumnae,
to tell! We love hearing from you, so keep the
make sure we have your up-to-date
the media, and the public. We love our jobs
stories coming by reporting your service on
email and mailing address so you can get the
because the Girl Scouts in our council are
the website (read more about the online
magazine and our enews. You can update
doing great things and we get to spread the
service reporting function on page 20),
your information easily and at any time
sending stories and pictures to [email protected],
through our online registration portal
and posting to our facebook page at