Caterpillar Antique Tractor Auction
Caterpillar Antique Tractor Auction
Caterpillar Antique Tractor Auction Unreser ved April 6, 2013 10:00 AM Caterpillar collector tractors plus thousands of used parts for Caterpillar 10, 15, 20, 22, 30, 35, 40, 60, D2, D4, John Deere MC and Lindeman crawlers! Best 60 Runs excellent 1 of 3 Cat 15’s—All run Cat 20—Runs good D2 5U 15155 Late series Cat 22—Runs excellent Cat 9 Motor Patrol Cat 2—Runs good JD420 5 roller Excellent Sale conducted by John D4 5T Runs excellent D4 7U Orchard model D2 5U with Holt Dozer Cat 11 Motor Patrol Coote Auctions 541-975-2255 Cat 30 chassis 2 each Cat 60 chassis 3 each Cat 60 engine parts 1,000’s of used Caterpillar parts D4 Parts Cat 10 Parts Cat 30 Parts Cat 30 Parts Cat 60 parts Miscellaneous Parts Cat 60 Parts Cat 2-Ton Parts Caterpillar Antique Tractor Auction Viewing available April 5, 2013 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM 68287 Lower Cove Road Cove, Oregon 97824 Omnitrac 541-568-4735 Check out our website for listing Extra Auction Items Shop Equipment & Tools Gas Welder/Compressor on trailer Track Wrenches Miscellaneous Hand Tools 1/2” Drill SkilSaw Irriga on Hose Banding Machine Hydraulic Pump Numerous Starters for JD & IHC Floor jacks Miller Thunderbolt Welder Milling Machine Porta‐Power Miller Thunderbolt Welder Farm Equipment 500 Gallon Water Tank on trailer JD Kilifer Disk 8 foot ‐ 2 each JD Harrows Tractor Wheels Truck Tires Flail Mower—12 foot 3 Point Fer lizer Spreader JD Kilifer Disk 3 Point Fertilizer Spreader Flail Mower – 12 foot Miscellaneous 1986 Ford Bronco Loading Dock—adjustable Tow Bar Magnetos—dozens Tractor Radio Speakers Case, JD & Cat Parts & Service Manuals Sale conducted by John Office Furniture & Items Desks File Cabinets Chairs Shelving Miscellaneous furniture Coote Auctions 541-975-2255 Caterpillar Antique Tractor Auction with extra items April 6, 2013 Parts Machines 10:00 AM Running Tractors D2/D4 Starting Motor Parts Sale conducted by John Coote Auctions 541-975-2255
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