USCGC Healy (WAGB 20)--A Case Study for Implementing
USCGC Healy (WAGB 20)--A Case Study for Implementing
© Marine Technology, Vol. 37, No. 1, Winter 2000, pp. 50-56 <1,1> USCGC Healy (WAGB 20)--A Case Study for Implementing Reliability-Centered Maintenance W i l l i a m J. R e i c k s , Jr., 1 R i c h a r d Burt, 2 J o h n P. M a z u r a n a , 3 and R u s s e l l J. S t e i n l e 3 In new ship construction, maintenance planning affords both an opportunity and a challenge. On one hand, a new ship class enables maintenance planners to start with a clean slate and consider improved and more cost-effective maintenance methods. On the other hand, new manning concepts, lack of timely technical information when maintenance planning is conducted in parallel with detail design, use of equipment new to the fleet, and the like impose a measure of uncertainty on the planning process. In this paper, we review why and how Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) techniques were applied to the new Polar icebreaker U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (CGC) Healy (frontispiece). We review how we incorporated conditionbased maintenance techniques where appropriate. We discuss the decision process used for fine-tuning the Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC) for CGC Healy's hull, mechanical, and electrical (HM&E) Preventive Maintenance Manual Finally, we share some lessons learned in the process. Lieutenant commander, U.S. Coast Guard and technical agent at the SUPSHIP New Orleans Program Manager's Representative Ofrice, Avondale Shipyard, New Orleans, Louisiana. 2 Lieutenant commander, U.S. Coast Guard and logistics director for the Joint NAVSEA/Coast Guard Program Manager's Office. 3 Senior project engineer and WAGB 20 program manager, respectively, John J. McMullen Associates. Manuscript received at SNAME headquarters February 1999. The views expressed herein are the opinions of the authors and not necessarily those of the Department of Transportation or the U.S. Coast Guard. 50 WINTER 2000 (37:1) Introduction THE U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy's primary mission is to serve as a world-class, high-latitude research platform. Deployments will support a wide range of science and engineering disciplines, including marine geology; physical, chemical, and biological oceanography; meteorology, naval architecture, and marine engineering. CGC Healy will be used in icebreaking operations during any season in the Arctic and Antarctic. All ship systems are designed to function during extended winter operations in 0025-33161200013701-0050500.39/0 MARINE TECHNOLOGY Table 1 USCGC Healy--principal characteristics 420.0 ft 82.0 ft 29.24 ft at 16,400LT Length, Overall Beam, Maximum Draft, Full Load Displacement, Full Load Propulsion Main Engines Main Generators Main Motors Shaft Horsepower Propellers AuxiliaryGenerator Bow Thruster Fuel Capacity Speed Endurance lcebreaking Capability Conning Stations Accommodations Science Labs Diesel Electric AC Cycloconverter 4 Sulzer 12ZAV40S 4 Westinghouse7200 kW, 6600V, 60 Hz, 3PH, 0.7PF 2 GEC AC Synchronous 11.2 MW 30,000 hp at 130 rpm 2 Bird Johnson Fixed Pitch, 4 Bladed EMD 16-645F7B2400 kW 450V, 60 Hz, 3PH, 0.8PF OmnithrusterJT 2200 2200 hp 3,071 LT 17 kts at 147 rpm 16,000 NM at 12.5 kts 4.5 fl at 3 kts continuous Up to 8 ft ramming 3 Integrated.Bridge DNV W1 12 Officers, 10 CPO, 53 enlisted, 35 Scientists, 15 Surge,2 Visitors Main, Wet, Biochemical, Electronics, Photography, Meteorological these areas, including intentional wintering over. Missions may include serving as a science platform or ice escort to supply vessels, transporting cargo and passengers, and supporting Antarctic Treaty inspection teams. The ship's principal characteristics are listed in Table 1. Why apply RCM? CGC Healy is quite different from the USCG POLAR class icebreakers (WAGB 10 and 11) commissioned in the mid1970s. This new design includes a considerable amount of commercial off-the-shelf and foreign-made equipment new to the Coast Guard, and so stimulated the search for an equally new and cost-effective approach to her preventive maintenance. In addition, Healy will have a crew size of only 75, slightly more than h a l f the POLAR class crew complement. Accordingly, crew maintenance during ship deployments was to be limited to emergency repairs and quarterly and more frequent preventive maintenance. But a preliminary m an n i n g study showed that a crew of this size could not complete all the intended maintenance tasks in the traditional manner. Rather than take the risk of deferring unaccomplished maintenance until return to port, the focus was put on reducing crew maintenance workload while still maintaining a high level of readiness. RCM is a disciplined technique for developing maintenance programs that minimize maintenance labor and costs, and was seen as a viable method to reduce crew workload. CGC Healy's missions may include unescorted, extended deployments in the harsh environments at the North and South Poles, requiring highly reliable ship systems and an operational availability of at least 90%. To help meet such operational challenges, the expanded use of equipment condition monitoring would better reveal the state of the machinery plant, aid underway troubleshooting, and enable the operators to make better-informed decisions about where to WINTER 2000 (37:1) apply limited maintenance resources. Automatic data collection would also aid the development of operational reliability databases for new equipment types. Condition monitoring CGC systems considered for Healy Once the decision was made to develop a maintenance plan for the Healy based on RCM principles, we explored alternatives to traditional time-directed maintenance. One of the most significant alternatives was condition monitoring. We reviewed available condition monitoring technologies to determine how they could be used for the Healy. It was critical to establish which technologies we could use before the RCM analysis, so the analysts could be trained accordingly. Vibration monitoring Before this RCM p l a n n i n g effort, the g r o u n d w o r k for condition monitoring had already been laid by the Coast Guard project office. During the early phase of the detail design, requirements were added to the ship specifications to incorporate a vibration monitoring system, which is the cornerstone of any condition monitoring system for rotating machinery. This was confirmed by an informal survey of commercial ship operators, which revealed that 46% of those contacted use vibration monitoring as a routine part of their machinery preventive maintenance program. Prior Coast Guard efforts to establish a vibration monitoring program had mixed results, due largely to the lack of expert diagnostics onboard, inability to train crew members to be experts, and a lack of acceptance by the crew. To overcome these difficulties, it was decided that vibration monitoring on the Healy would be performed by the crew using easier to interpret expert software. This would allow the monitoring system to be used for both routine condition monitoring and for diagnostic troubleshooting. Vibration training for the operators would also be given high priority. In addition, a number of key decision-makers were briefed on the merits of vibration monitoring at industry seminars. These approaches facilitated acceptance of this technology. We also considered w h et h er vibration monitoring should be performed continuously or by portable sampling equipment. For key capital equipment such as the main propulsion generators and motors, a dedicated system providing realtime feedback of possible machinery problems was selected. For most of the remaining rotating machinery, a portable vibration monitoring system was considered the most costeffective approach. Another important consideration for implementing vibration monitoring is to ensure that a baseline vibration survey is conducted on all significant machinery during ship trials. This survey would not only validate that the equipment was properly installed and balanced, but would also establish a benchmark for comparing future vibration data for equipment. Oil analysis Oil analysis is another i m p o r t an t condition monitoring technology considered for the Healy since onboard machinery systems include medium-speed diesel engines, starting and ship service air compressors, hydraulic systems using two types of hydraulic fluid, and oil-filled electrical transformers. Our informal survey of commercial marine operators revealed that 69% use some form of oil analysis. The Military Sealift Command has successfully used oil analysis as a means of extending oil change intervals and tear-down intervals for equipment inspections [1]. MARINE TECHNOLOGY 51 The Coast Guard has long used oil analysis by sending samples to a laboratory ashore [2]. Given the unique mission of the icebreaker and her extended deployments to remote areas, a shipboard oil analysis system was sought to complement the existing program and to provide valuable real-time feedback. In some cases, oil analysis may identify a problem before vibration analysis. Immediate feedback would give the crew advance warning that a problem may be developing. Other complementary diagnostic tests could be performed to confirm the oil analysis diagnosis. In selecting suitable oil analysis equipment, we emphasized identifying an integrated system, including expert software to detect oil contamination, oil chemistry changes, and viscosity changes. We wanted a system that could detect contamination of the oil by ferrous and nonferrous wear particles, by water, and by glycol. We felt that the system should also detect oil chemistry changes such as oxidation, sulfaction, and nitration. We decided on a sampling approach using bench-top testing. This would minimize cross-contamination risks. Ease of use of both the equipment and software was seen as critical for crew acceptance. The system should perform the test quickly, and automatically store and trend the data. Oil analysis results should be easy to understand. Infrared thermography Infrared (IR) thermography was the next technology considered. Coast Guard shore-based m a i n t e n a n c e personnel have routinely used IR thermography for electrical inspections. Like vibration and oil condition monitoring, we wanted IR thermography to be an onboard system. For CGC Healy's integrated electric ship propulsion and ship service power systems, designed to operate in high vibration environments during icebreaking, detecting loose electrical connections and other hot spots will be critical. Also, avoiding routine tightening of all electrical bus joints and terminal connections will result in substantial time savings and will avoid new problems when routine maintenance is performed. Benefits of IR thermography are not limited to electrical applications. IR thermography can be used to detect mechanical hot spots such as hot bearings and deteriorating insulation. Again, the diagnostic value of the equipment is viewed as being as important as its condition monitoring value. Furthermore, IR thermography can be used to cross-check vibration diagnostics. Technical considerations for selecting IR thermographic equipment include a focal plane array design, a noncryogenically cooled unit, radiometric capability, durable design, and low maintenance. In recent years, IR camera technology has improved considerably, and increasingly affordable systems are now commercially available. As a first step, several members of the pre-commissioning crew, the Coast Guard project office site team, and electrical systems experts were given IR Thermographic Certification Training. Since an IR thermographic survey is a shipbuilder requirement, having Coast Guard team members skilled in this technology will also be beneficial during the ship's quality assurance testing. Since the Healy's main electrical power generation and high-voltage distribution system operates at 6600V, safety is considered extremely important. Since IR surveys need to be conducted with the equipment energized to observe loose connections and hot spots, guidelines for safe use of the IR thermographic equipment are being developed. Electrical meggering The Coast Guard's preventive maintenance practices of meggering electrical equipment to determine insulation con52 WINTER 2000 (37:1) dition are similar to the U.S. Navy's, except that the Coast Guard appeared to perform this task much more frequently. Test results can vary dramatically depending on environmental conditions so the usefulness of this procedure is questionable. Due to this consideration and to reduce crew maintenance requirements, we sought to decrease the frequency of electrical meggering. The possibility of using an automated meggering system on larger equipment was explored. This would not only reduce the crew workload but also improve the likelihood of obtaining more consistent results. Under normalized testing conditions, such as when the equipment has j u s t been shut down, the warm temperatures will minimize the effect of moisture on test results. Performance testing Performance testing of pumps and heat exchangers is also being considered for condition monitoring of these equipment types. Pump performance tests will measure pressure versus flow against initial baseline data. We also plan to measure heat exchanger fouling based on temperature and flow data. Strap-on ultrasonic flow meters could be used to supplement permanently installed pressure and temperature instrumentation. Diesel engine monitoring Perhaps the greatest challenge has been condition monitoring for the main and auxiliary diesel engines. The diesel engines constitute a significant portion of the total preventive maintenance for machinery. Furthermore, most diesel engine preventive maintenance traditionally has been timedirected. Any improvements in this area could result in substantial time and cost savings. Furthermore, with a limited crew size and a commercial diesel engine that is new to the Coast Guard inventory, there was concern about how best to approach this preventive maintenance. The mission requirements and likelihood of long deployments into inaccessible areas necessitated focusing on providing the crew with the best tools possible to ensure that they could handle unexpected problems. As a minimum, we plan to use cylinder firing pressure measurements as key indicators of engine performance. We are also considering measuring and trending fuel efficiency at repeatable engine power settings. Additional shipboard i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n will be required to implement this basic engine monitoring. Serious consideration was given to incorporating an expert system for the diesel engines. We examined both rule-based and neural network system approaches. Given the cost of providing these systems, which includes developing expert rules for each engine type, we decided to defer implementing any expert system. Visual inspections As long as they do not require significant tear-down or interference with equipment operation, visual inspections are also a valid condition monitoring approach. In many instances, visual inspections remain the most cost-effective approach available. With these condition monitoring tools at our disposal, we could begin the RCM analysis process. H o w RCM a n a l y s e s w e r e p e r f o r m e d Since the RCM analysis was performed in parallel with the ship's detail design, complete technical documentation for much of the equipment was unavailable. To overcome this, MARINE TECHNOLOGY Table 2 SWBS 233 235 235 235 235 235 243 244 256 HM&E systems analyzed using RCM SYSTEM MainDiesel Engines Cycloconverter CycloconverterTransformers MainGenerator MainMotor HighVoltageSwitchboard MainPropulsion Shafting PropulsionShaft BearingAnd Seals MainSeawater 256 Auxiliary Seawater 259 262 262 CombustionAir And Exhaust MainDieselEngineLube Oil MainMotor, Thrust, & Line Shaft Bearing Lube TRADITIONAL ,' ,/ / / , // ... <4,1> /~-" / / ../ /" //" // • / / / ,// ./-'" .~ "DAILY BWEEKLY RCM n MONTHLY {3 QUARTERLY Oil 262 310 3 l0 314 314 320 324 512 516 517 521 529 531 532 533 541 541 542 551 555 556 561 568 573 573 591 593 593 593 LubeOil Fill,Transfer, And Purification Aux Generator(Generator) Aux Generator (Diesel Engine) MotorGenerator Sets ShipServiceTransformers MotorControllers Low VoltageSwitchboard Heating Ventilation And Air Conditioning RefrigerationPlants And Equipment SteamAnd Condensate SeawaterService(Firemain) DrainageAnd Ballasting Distilling Plant Main Diesel Engine Fresh Water(Jacket Water And Injector)Cooling Hot And Cold Potable Water And Bromination Fuel Fill And Transfer FuelService GasolineAnd JP-5 ShipServiceAnd ControlAir Firefighting HydraulicSystems SteeringGear ManeuveringThruster KnuckleBoomCranes Telescoping Cranes Science Winches OilyBilge Collection And Transfer OilyWater, Waste Oil Waste Water Collection ! 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 NO. OF PEOPLE (PERCENT) Fig. 1 Comparison of RCM and trad,tional preventive maintenance maintenance recommendations. This documentation is essential for others to understand and accept the results of the analysis, and to facilitate future revisions t h a t incorporate design changes or operational experience. Only at this point did the analysts compare their preliminary maintenance recommendations with the maintenance procedure cards for similar equipment on the POLAR class icebreakers. This "sanity check" served to ensure that no important failure modes were overlooked, and made the analysts reconsider w h et h er their recommendations were truly appropriate for the failure mode, maintenance frequency, and cost. The preliminary RCM analysis was then validated by an independent contractor with considerable logistics analysis experience. This review consisted of a thorough analysis of six selected systems typical of the entire HM&E population• While offering some useful maintenance suggestions, this check revealed no systematic or significant errors in the original RCM analyses. PlumbingInt. Deck Drains And Sewage Results the analyses were conducted by system technical experts who substituted their experience with similar equipment for detailed documentation on the Healy systems. For most systerns, these experts developed comprehensive analyses using system diagrams and vendor catalogs, and by some consultation with the major equipment manufacturers. The analysts were provided with guidelines summarizing potential condition monitoring technologies and standardized times for estimating labor hours required to perform the task. In addition, the analysts participated in discussions with potential condition monitoring equipment vendors to become more familiar with the technologies available and how they should be applied. The scope of the analysis included the major hull, mechanical, and electrical (HM&E) systems listed in Table 2. For each system, we applied the methodology in Smith [3], but a b b r e v i a t e d the process to meet cost and schedule constraints. Since the analysis was conducted by experts very familiar with the design and operation of each system, eraphasis was placed on the development of comprehensive failure modes and effects analyses, followed by careful selection of the most cost-effective maintenance procedures. The methodology was not abbreviated, however, in the thorough docum e n t a t i o n of the decision-making process leading to the WINTER 2000 (37:1) of RCM analyses Once the 42 major HM&E systems were analyzed and maintenance procedures were selected for comparison with corresponding traditional procedures from the POLAR Class Icebreaker Preventive Maintenance Manual, we consolidated the information in an RCM database. This allowed us to easily sort the data using different criteria. To determine the overall preventive maintenance workload, we added the required crew m a i n t e n a n c e to be performed daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly, and compared the annualized hours for the Healy against the traditional estimate. For quarterly and more frequent maintenance, Fig. 1 shows that our RCM approach reduced the crew preventive maintenance workload by approximately 51%. For all maintenance frequencies, the RCM approach reduces the overall (crew and shorebasedl preventive maintenance workload by 49%. When substituting condition monitoring tasks for traditional time-directed tasks, it is important to recognize t h a t eventually condition monitoring will detect the need to repair or replace the equipment• Accordingly, the labor required for this effort will reduce the overall benefit of condition monitoting compared to time-directed tasks. We at t em p t e d to compensate for some of this reduced benefit by including labor hours for replacing consumables such as filters. A more accurate estimate of the true benefit of condition monitoring MARINE TECHNOLOGY 53 Other CM Electrical Test 10% IR Scan 1% 3% <5,1> Visual Inspection 67% Performance Monitoring 9% Oil Testing 2% Vibration Monitoring 8% Fig. 2 Condition monitoring task breakdown (by % annual hours) will require operational data on how the intervals between overhauls are extended by condition-based maintenance. Sorting the data by type of maintenance (time-directed, condition-directed, fault-finding, or run-to-fail) and again comparing it with traditional approaches showed a similar distribution of maintenance types between the RCM and traditional approaches. For both approaches, time-directed maintenance is about 46%, condition-directed maintenance is about 49%, and fault finding is about 5% of the total. This similar mix of the two approaches resulted from incorporating new condition-based m a i n t e n a n c e techniques on the Healy such as vibration monitoring, onboard oil testing, IR thermography, and performance testing, while reducing visual inspections and electrical meggering. Nonetheless, the breakdown of condition-directed maintenance for the Healy (Fig. 2) shows that looking, touching, and listening (visual inspection) still accounts for the greatest portion of the total because it frequently remains the most cost-effective method for determining equipment condition. While vibration monitoring, oil analysis, and IR scanning are powerful monitoring tools, as Fig. 2 shows, these technologies are not very timeintensive. This means that for a nominal labor investment, significant improvements in equipment condition assessment can be achieved. A breakdown of time-directed tasks for our RCM approach is shown in Fig. 3. The workload has been shown by functional area to illustrate which ship systems require the greatest labor. In addition, the generic task of sensor calibration has been shown separately. Sensor calibration is a timeconsuming task currently being reexamined to reduce it to the absolute minimum. The steam and condensate system requires daily boiler blowdowns and periodic cleaning of uptakes. The firefighting system still requires a significant effort to visually inspect hose stations weekly. This task is also being reevaluated for less frequent visual checking. Finally, we compared the differences is annualized maintenance hours for the RCM and traditional approaches. We sorted the data to identify where RCM promises the greatest benefits, and also where condition monitoring results in additional maintenance effort. One of the greatest benefits of RCM is in the water sampling area. Once we quantified the burden of taking daily water samples to check boiler feedwater chemistry and potable water quality, we explored the feasibility of automating the water testing using on-line analyzers. Automated water sampling promises to save over 720 maintenance hours a year. The extensive i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n provided for machinery plant automation on the Healy also permitted us to safely reduce daily routine piping leak inspections on the cyclocon54 WINTER 2000 (37:1) verter deionized water system to a m o n t h l y check. This amounts to an additional a n n u a l savings of over 700 maintenance hours. Other significant maintenance savings were achieved by reducing excessive maintenance practices. Consistent with the manufacturers' recommendations and Navy practice for large electrical motors, we recommended reductions in megger testing on the main motor and generators from weekly to quarterly. This will save over 370 hours annually. Consistent with Navy practice, we also reduced firefighting hose station cleaning and lubrication (a separate task from weekly inspections) from monthly to quarterly. This saves over 1000 hours annually. A n n u a l performance testing of the steering gear hydraulic pumps was recommended to replace daily checks for this equipment, saving over 170 hours annually. Similarly, we substituted s e m i a n n u a l heat exchanger performance testing for routine s e m i a n n u a l cleaning, saving over 448 hours annually. All the savings described above are reflected in Figs. 2 and 3. Incorporating RCM on board Although we were encouraged by the results of our RCM analysis, we still faced several challenges. We needed to convince our project team members, including program management, that RCM could substantially benefit the Healy. Also, the Coast Guard logistics community that would be respons i n e for m a i n t a i n i n g the Healy needed to buy into our approach and findings. To convince our program management, we not only explained the approach to the RCM analysis and presented the findings, but included an RCM training element to ensure that personnel had an accurate u n d e r s t a n d i n g of RCM history, philosophy, and terminology, as well as how the various condition monitoring technologies could be applied. We then made similar presentations to the Coast Guard Chief of Navel Engineering and his senior advisory staff. In response to reductions in Coast Guard m a i n t e n a n c e budgets, Coast Guard Naval Engineering was examining similar issues across the Coast Guard fleet. Due in part to the success of the RCM analysis of the Healy, RCM analysis of existing maintenance procedures on all Coast Guard ships was u n d e r t a k e n through the new PMS 2000 initiative to eliminate ineffective and excessive preventive maintenance practices. To assist in translating our RCM findings into the Healy MARINE TECHNOLOGY Main Diesels 12% Other 13% Aux. Diesel 5% HVAC 8% <6,1> Sensor Calibration 21% I~refighting 26% Fig. 3 Time directed task breakdown (by % annual hours) maintenance procedures manual, a Maintenance Procedures Card (MPC) Development Team was chartered. Careful attention was paid to ensuring significant participation by all potential stakeholders in the Healy maintenance. The team included members from Coast Guard Headquarters, CGC HeaIy Program Management (PMS 373), the technical team from the Program Manager's Representative Office at the shipyard, Coast Guard E n g i n e e r i n g Logistics Command, Maintenance Logistics Command Atlantic, Maintenance Logistics Command Pacific, Naval Engineering Support Unit (NESU) Seattle (the command responsible for augmenting icebreaker HM&E support), and engineering and logistics support contractors. The group's objective was to develop the MPCs for the Healy' s HM&E Preventive Maintenance System (PMS) Manual. The group was empowered to challenge conventional maintenance practices, and encouraged to take appropriate, calculated risks. The first step was to give the MPC Development Team RCM training to ensure that all members understood RCM principles, how RCM analysis was conducted, and the condition monitoring techniques available to reduce traditional time-directed maintenance levels. Concurrently, the shipbuilder was developing MPCs for the Healy. Fortunately, the shipbuilder also believed that the RCM approach had merit. The shipbuilder's effort considered existing Coast Guard and Navy PMS cards and the recommendations of the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). He applied an RCM logic process to determine which maintenance procedures would be recommended. Background data such as excerpts from equipment technical manuals were also provided. Prior to each MPC Development Team meeting, a readahead package for each system was prepared. This package included the shipbuilder's MPCs and background data, the RCM analysis, and a s u m m a r y of the similarities of and differences between the RCM and traditional approaches. This provided members with an opportunity to carefully review and consider alternate m a i n t e n a n c e strategies before the meeting. At the meetings, the team not only considered the MPCs proposed by the Coast Guard RCM effort and shipbuilder, but also allowed team members to contribute MPCs based on their own experience and perspective. This ongoing process has been a satisfying experience for all team members, because producing MPCs based upon consensus results in a better overall product that incorporates m a n y points of view and experiences. The MPC Development Team was not the only initiative to assist in preparing Healy for her first deployment. A second WINTER 2000 (37:1) Steam & Condensate 15% initiative was the implementation of a new m a i n t e n a n c e m a n a g e m e n t system. The Coast Guard was already actively developing a new maintenance m a n a g e m e n t software program to track maintenance actions and spare parts. This new CMplus m a i n t e n a n c e m a n a g e m e n t information system is currently being developed and fielded across all Coast Guard cutter classes. Coordination meetings were held with the developers to share our needs a n d better u n d e r s t a n d the planned features of this new m a n a g e m e n t tool. A third initiative has focused on providing the crew" with adequate support tools for corrective maintenance. An enhanced data collection and archiving system, and a real-time remote troubleshooting capability are being implemented for the Healy. The expanded data archiving capability will enable both equipment diagnostics and performance trending for prognostics. Remote troubleshooting will provide the crew access to expert assistance from the OEMs. The remote mission requirements, limited crew size, and complexity of the highly automated central power plant make these enhancements highly desirable. Lessons learned Selling the RCM concept • The maintenance community is very receptive to work reduction if it makes sense. As a minimum, RCM analysis should identify ineffective or excessive maintenance practices that can be eliminated. • Bias may need to be overcome if an organization has previously tried a condition monitoring technology that was judged to be unsuccessful. For example, if the vibration monitoring analytical software results were considered too complex for a crew to u n d e r s t a n d and interpret, and required data analysis to be performed by experts ashore, then the crew could never develop a sense of ownership of this technology. In contrast, CGC Healy's improved analytical software combined with operator training will enable the crew to interpret its own data and will make vibration monitoring a useful onboard tool. • When thorough, well-designed m a i n t e n a n c e analysis identifies realistic savings, upper m a n a g e m e n t may not only support b u t also adopt an RCM approach and apply it globally. Due in part to the maintenance savings predicted for the Healy, the Coast Guard is currently performing RCM analysis of preventive maintenance proMARINE TECHNOLOGY 55 cedures for all cutters in the fleet u n d e r the PMS 2000 initiative. RCM team d e v e l o p m e n t • RCM familiarization t r a i n i n g is necessary. Don't assume that everyone speaks the same language at the outset. For example, "system functional failure" may be misinterpreted to mean "equipment destruction." Preserving system functionality does not always require preserving all equipment. • In the maintenance p l a n n i n g team, include a variety of skills such as system engineers who u n d e r s t a n d how the equipment is designed, maintenance engineers who understand maintenance implementation issues, operators who use the equipment, and m a n a g e m e n t who understand the infrastructure. • Work to gain the ownership of all stakeholders. This way, even an imperfect m a i n t e n a n c e system will be implemented and improved until it works well. The RCM process • The methodical RCM review process itself provides the biggest benefit when hidden opportunities to eliminate ineffective or excessive preventive maintenance practices are discovered. Thus, RCM analysis can be useful, even if condition monitoring is applied sparsely. For the Healy, 8.0% of the total predicted preventive maintenance savings are attributable to simply eliminating excessive m a i n t e n a n c e practices. Another 4.2% results from automating feedwater and potable water sampling tasks alone. • Document the decision process at all stages of the RCM analysis to capture the logic behind the recommendations. • Talk to OEMs because they can provide valuable information about their equipment and the likely success of applying a condition monitoring strategy to it. • Expect resistance from some OEMs who would rather sell you time-directed maintenance support contracts. As the RCM philosophy is accepted by manufacturers, this practice is expected to decline. The end is only the b e g i n n i n g • Expect the implemented shipboard PMS to evolve based on technology advances and operator experience. Condi- 56 WINTER 2000 (37:1) tion monitoring technology is constantly advancing~ resulting in better hardware and software at lower cost. Also, experience will permit revision of monitoring and maintenance frequencies through evaluation of equipmerit failure histories. Make the maintenance process flexible enough to respond to these changes. Consider ongoing, periodic review of preventive maintenance procedures. While maintenance p l a n n i n g to date for the Healy has focused on operational-level maintenance, the total lifecycle maintenance should be considered. Based on other studies beyond the scope of this paper, we feel that significant opportunities exist for minimizing restricted availabilities and overhaul maintenance costs as well. Conclusions RCM is a promising approach to reduce the preventive maintenance workload for ship machinery systems. We expect that such a preventive maintenance system aboard the Healy will not only permit her reduced crew to operate with high levels of readiness, but to also be better informed about the current condition of the machinery plant. Both crew readiness and extensive crew knowledge of machinery plant conditions are considered essential for successful extended deployments to remote and harsh polar regions. Of course, even the best plans are worthless unless they are implemented with skill and conviction. Skill results when experienced professionals are trained in new technologies, such as RCM, that enhance their effectiveness. Conviction follows from a good u n d e r s t a n d i n g of how RCM can be successfully applied to CGC Healy, together with a sense of ownership derived from active participation in the process. While significant benefits are expected from the application of RCM principles and condition monitoring techniques, this is only the start. A p e r m a n e n t effort will be required to consider improvements due to operating experience and technology advances. References 1. Baetsen, K. and Fry, R., "The MSC Worldwide Lube Oil Management Program," JOAP International Condition Monitoring Conference, Nov. 1994. 2. Naval EngineeringManual, COMDTINSTM900O.6/series), Chapter 262, "Lubricating Oils." 3. Smith, A. M., Reliability-Centered Maintenance, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1993. MARINE TECHNOL,OGY