Neuroimaging deviations in bipolar disorder: genetic liability
Neuroimaging deviations in bipolar disorder: genetic liability
Neuroimaging deviations in bipolar disorder: genetic liability and structural disconnectivity Colm McDonald National University of Ireland, Galway Schizophrenia - distributed grey and white matter deficits Meta-analysis of 8327 medicated and 771 antipsychotic naïve scz patients Haijma et al, Scz Bulletin 2013 Meta-analysis of voxel based morphometry studies of 1195 patients with schizophrenia and 1262 healthy volunteers Glahn et al, Biological Psychiatry 2008 GM increased in patients when proportion using lithium increased VBM meta-analysis of 660 bip patients and 770 controls Bora et al, Biol Psych 2010 Heterogeneity of neuroimaging results in casecontrol studies of bipolar disorder • clinical heterogeneity • illness course/episodes of mood exacerbation • psychotropic medications - lithium associated with increased GM, especially limbic system (Hafeman et al, Bipolar Disorders, 2012) • genetic liability/environmental risk factors • Individual regional volumetric data on 321 patients with bipolar disorder and 442 healthy volunteers • Enlarged right lateral ventricle and left temporal lobe in patients with bipolar disorder • Those patients on lithium had larger cerebral volume, temporal lobe, hippocampus, amygdala Mega-analysis of ROI studies of bipolar 1 disorder – effect of lithium 7.5 p=0.002 p<0.001 7.0 Total Hippocampal Volume (ml) p=0.04 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 Healthy Comparison (n = 298) Bipolar not on lithium(n = 68) Bipolar on lithium(n = 94) Hallahan et al, Biol Psych, 2011 Galway Bipolar Disorder Study – 60 euthymic bipolar disorder patients vs individually matched controls Reduced global white matter in bipolar patients (F=5.742, p=0.018) * Reduction in hippocampal volume in bipolar patients (F=4.07, p=0.046) Excess lateral temporal grey matter in patients taking lithium, cluster-level corrected p<0.002 Emsell et al, Bipolar Disorders 2013 Diffusion tensor imaging Fractional Anisotropy (FA) is a marker of WM microstructural integrity. Ranging from 1 (perfectly anisotropic) to 0 (perfectly isotropic) Diffusivity – overall degree of diffusion (mean, axial, radial) FA reductions in distributed commissural, association and projection tracts; meta-analysis identified reduced FA in left cingulate, right posterior temporoparietal regions GBS - 35 euthymic bipolar 1 disorder compared with 44 controls A Fractional anisotropy B Corpus callosum (splenium) Cingulum C D Radial diffusivity Emsell et al, Bipolar Disorders, 2013 constrained spherical deconvolution tensor based tractography Neuroanatomical connectivity - network analyses through graph theory based metrics - Characteristic path length (CPL) is calculated by averaging the graph distances of shortest paths between all pairs of nodes - Global efficiency calculates the average inverse shortest length between all pairs of nodes - Clustering Coefficient (CC) is equivalent to the fraction of the node’s neighbours that are also neighbours of each other 0 .3 5 5 .0 p = 0 .0 1 7 E g lo b a l p = 0 .0 1 5 CPL 4 .5 0 .3 0 0 .2 5 4 .0 B C H D B C H D 0 .2 0 3 .5 D ia g n o s is D ia g n o s is 0 .2 8 p = 0 .0 4 7 Euthymic bipolar patients: characteristic path length 0 .2 6 0 .2 4 CC global efficiency 0 .2 2 clustering coefficient 0 .2 0 D B H C 0 .1 8 D ia g n o s is O’ Donoghue et al, in preparation Genetic liability for bipolar disorder associated with white matter abnormalities - white matter volume and FA are heritable - twin and sib studies - twin studies shows high genetic liability associated with reduced white matter volume (Hulshoff Pol, Arch Gen Psych 2012) - distributed reduced FA in high risk unaffected relatives of bipolar disorder patients (Sprooten et al, Biol Psych 2011) and siblings (Sprooten et al, Am J Psych 2013) - reduced FA in left posterior corona radiata and genu in relatives of psychotic bipolar disorder patients (Skudlarski et al, Am J Psych 2013) Reduced fractional anisotropy with increasing genetic liability for bipolar disorder in patients with bipolar disorder and their unaffected relatives inferior longitudinal fasciculus genu cerebellar peduncle uncinate fasciculus internal capsule Chaddock et al, BJPsych 2009 corpus callosum superior longitudinal fasciculus Emsell et al, Psychological Medicine, in press Increased genetic liability associated with reduced fractional anisotropy in left uncinate fasciculus/superior longitudinal fasciculus Emsell et al, Psychological Medicine, in press Conclusions • Bipolar disorder associated with heterogenous grey matter abnormalities – grey matter preserved/deficit reversed by lithium • White matter disorganisation of longitudinal, commissural and anterior limbic system tracts are trait abnormalities of bipolar disorder • Genetic liability linked to white matter disorganisation in distributed tracts • Bipolar disorder – a heritable disorder of neuroanatomical dysconnectivity Acknowledgements NUIG Dara Cannon Louise Emsell Camilla Langan Cathy Scanlon Peter McCarthy Brian Hallahan Natalie Forde Stefani O’Donoghue IoP Chris Chaddock Robin Murray Gareth Barker Muriel Walshe Elvira Bramon International Alexander Leemans Ben Jeurissen Funding sources: Brain and Behaviour Research Foundation (NARSAD) Medical Research Council (UK)
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