Craftsman 12-inch Metalturning Lathe
Craftsman 12-inch Metalturning Lathe
MIMS Machinery Movers OPERATING INSTRuCTIONS AND PARTS LIST FOR CRAFTSMAN I2-inch JVLeTaITurning Lathe Model Number lOI.O7403 This is the Model Number of your Lathe. It will be found on the plate on the rear side of the Bed. Always mention this Model Number when communicating with us regarding your Lathe or when ordering pares. Instructions for Ordering Parts All pal.ts listecl her.ein may be o1.Clel.e(I thl.Ough any Seal.s I.etail ol. mail ol,de1. Stol.e. Pal.ts aI.e ShiPPeCI Pl.ePaiCl, t,.I.a(:Pt tfrO,`.(, )?tar.7cec??(.?t^, artt aste),isk_ WHEN ORI)EKING REPAIR PARTS, ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING INORMATION: 1. The Pal.t Numbe1. in this list. 2. The Part Name in this list. :'>. The Mo(lel h'umbe|. which is 101.074():i This list is valuable. It will assul.e your. beine,a. able to obtain pl.opel. pal.ts gel.vice at all times. \\'e suggest you keep it with other. valuable PaPe1'S. SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO. MIMS Machinery Movers HOW TO ORDER PARTS FOR CRAFTSMAN 12_lNCH METALTURNING LATHE Model No, 1O1.O74O3 All parts listed here must be ordered thr.ough an.v Scar.s 1.etail OT. mail Orde1. Stol.e. When order.i"g, alw.ays give the following : 1. P:u-t number- in this list. 2. Part name and p|-ice in this list. 3. Moclel numbel- lO1.OT40:3, which will be founcl on the. I)late On tlle Side Oil the bed. Parts a|.e shipped pr.l,paid, except thosc, marked with an asterisk. iii:.--:_::i.-:--i:::-.:--.:-ii-:.?--ii:-:--::i.ifi. -i-f-i- _ii ii.- i-.. ii-. i= i=-:iiii _i--===i±'?i----_--_-- i--_a MIMS Machinery Movers PARTS LIST FOR CRAFTSMAN 12_INCH METALTURNING LATHE Model No. 101.07403 l|Rl_I, \ll) SI LLING It^RT P\'o. I'^Rr P\RI _\O h^Nr, P\IU \\\H PRI(_I, I,\cI| lop-62 9-62 9-63 9-64 9-65 IIEAI)STOCK ASSEMBI.|' 10A.3 10A-6 i OA-6 Dust Co+,er Collar (rigllt) Spacer G|,aduated Dlal Threadmg Dial Threading Dial Bod}. Threadlng Dlal Gear Threading Dlal Shaft 9-68 ]OA.9C. 10A-llC 9-32 9.60 9-61 Splndlc Bearlng Con(, alld Cup Spindle Bearing Colle alld Cup Spindle Collar ]OF-71 (lroltt) lop-81 lop-82 (rear) ]OF-83 (left) Plunger Spring Cross Feed Gear Shift Knob ____ ]OF-85 9- 86-42 0-86-54 Gear 9-log-12S 9-1O2-24 i) cross Feed Mitre Geat. Bearing with BuElhlil_g Cl,ass Feed Mitre GeaI. (Apt.On Member)..-- lop-84 lop-87 9-87 §! Crrlss Feed Mltre Gear. (Screw Member)____ 9-103 Bear,lug Shim col.riage Rack. ------- 42" Bed o§ |'arriage Rack, 54" Bed Cat,riage Slide Nut |VasheF _ Carrlage Tray-erse Gear (2 I.eq.i- aa-a-jl CJI,riage Tra+,erse Gear (used _on lop-129 and 9-68) IIandwheel and Ball CI.ank IIandle (2 req.) each_ Sect|s:aeo¥»I:elrus#tnoio I 9-204 C/il CuI) (2 req.) lop-132R each lop-l32IJ lop-159 lop-160 §i'§ii 10-243 10-244 L4-245L lOD-246 loo-247 lO-248 10-2.54 lO-2.55 Back Back Gear Gear Back Back BacI{ Back Gear Gear, Gear Gear WII,er Retau|er VI'iI)er Retailler (2 req.) (2 I.eq.) each _ each ____ Car,rlage Shim (rear) Carrlage Slum (front) (large) |qnlall) Bracket (left) Guard (rlght) Guard (left) Sleeve wlth bushillgs drrl I:I Ecce|1trlC Handle Back Gear Qulll Gib Scre\\, Nut (]O-32 threag )H Special Ban Crank Nllt - - 10-261 Back Gear Bracket Shlm (Ja(.h _. :I:I .il a ..)2 :raae:E CI)mPOund Rest Feed Sere\`, a(""pound Rest Feed Scre``, Nut c'omr)o|Illrl TAIL. ST(lr;K ASSl.:.\lnI.I 9-7 9-8 Tallstock Tailstock 9-42A Ram IJr)Ck M6-44 Ram Lock }I6-45 Ram Lock Sleet-a (upper) ]OD-60 Tailstock Ad_l. 9-88 9.90 Nut Slec\e Base Gib |\ith IIandle (lot+'e|-) Screw (2 req ) eacl\ ::::;: Screw Thrust Th'ashcr 942C L6-]50L 42', .54'' Thrust- Flat_a_ _- Bed Leg T(lt)I T/)ol Post \Vasher Post Rocker Tool Post Anchor =ee:g, ssecrg"e'arBearu'#l:: Bed Bench Scre1+. IJ+;AI) SCREWY AND FEED GEAR ASSF;nIBI'Y Feed Screw Bearmg (right) _ L.5-35-42A L.i-35-54A +9S4C' Feed ClaltIP P+am Center-No. 2 Norse Taper Rat,/ Rest Compo|md Rest Feed Screw Ball Crank__ _ S\`1\el Lock Plutlgel- Pm (2 req') eacll _ Feed Screw, Feed Screw. i: 42w Bed 54'/ Bed S8-45 L3-47A Reverse Tumbler Plunger Knob Spindle Gear Stud L3-48A L3-49 Re`eI,Se Idlel. Stud (2 I+a.) Rc,I-erse Idler Stud Washer each (2 red.)_ :ash- L3-6O s8-6.? CARRIArI|i A>'l) ItACK A*t)E}II}I,1' 9-69_i 9-Tr)A IJ.3-7lA L6-9A lop-I I fl-73A lrtFi4 lop-7.i ]OF-12 0-1.3 Change Geal, R(" BI,ac.ket Tumb1", Bnlt _ Plunger Sjriilg_ Cha1|gt. Gear IdleI, Br)1t (3 req,) each Compnulld 6eal, Busllil Geal, BuslllIlg (2 req.) Cr)mrIOuI|CI Geal- Stud (3 req.) each Fe(.d Screw Thl,ust VI-ashen (left) Ft,ed Scre\\, Thrust \\,a.9hel, (I.ight) Change (}eal, |^/ashel, (4 I,eq ) each 9-9.3 10-10]-16A 9-]Ol-20A i)-lot-24A 9-lO1-32A 9-lot-36A 0-lot-40A ComI)Ound Gear u,lth Bus]1mg I Change Gear (.3 I,eq.) each Chang(, Geal Challge Gear (2 I,.q ) (,a(,h Cha"glJ GeaI, I OF-36 L6-38 9-101-44A Chall.are Geal- Change Gear lop-45 9-lot-48A Ch<r\IlitC G(,al- tl.]4 ur30-1 6 ]OF-17 lop-19 9-23 ]0-29 ]OF-3.3 lop-46 ;;§i (left) 9-lot-16A lop-54 Carnage Bearlng P!atc (front) ]OF-55 CElrriagC Bearlng (I'Car) PIate q-101-rJ2A 9-101-54A 9-lot-56A Cbangc Gear Challge CI`ange Change I Gear Gear Gea]. 10-56 I)-113.i lop-57 9-114 9-6l lop-loo L2-61 Fl3ed S(le``- Feed ScI\J\\- Lead Sc|,e\y IS CO]\TIP\'UED O\_ PAGE 4 -3- Goal. Spa(cl GI`al- Stud (2 \|-asller lan) I,aCh _ Jam i-ut (2 req-) eaah - MIMS Machinery Movers J|R£l'.\llt SELLINC, I|+Rl \O P\Rl P\uI \O \\\H P\RI \\\II PRl(I I.+{H L3-lot CIIAP|'GE GEAR GL'ARD ASSE_\II''I'1' Change Gear Guard L5-28A 9-92A Cha]1ge Gear Guard I,5-95 L5-96A 9.154 Change Gear Guard B|'a(,ket Change Geal, Guarrl Bl,arket Plate C.hangs Gear Guard Latch IIandlf_I L5-152 Change L3-99D Threading Chart 9-l2l Motol. Base Brace Gear GuaI,d IIlngc Countershaft Tension Rod I.3-lO,i Cc)untershaft TeIIS10n Roll __ $15O 125 75 2.20 Nut Plll .5O (mnCl-) I.3-109 Count(.I.shaft L.3-Ilo L3-l2.'l 0-427 C(tuntcrshaft TellSi(" P.od KtlOh Countershaft Bracket HI|\ge PH\ C'(l\"tel.qhart Pulk`1- - 2 step Bracket Bushilt.a- (2 I.Cq ) .70 7.7O I:i :; (2 I.a.) each 50 90 (.aCh O|:?NJ 9-428 Tr)ol TTnllleI, M(ltoI. Pull(,\- i: L2-21 Oiler (2 req.) each 10-80 L3-98 Countershaft Pulle}Countershaft Collar :` 9-729 ; K ll all IJ6-73O i Spr"tg IMPORTANT.. ADJUSTMENT OF TIMKEN BEARING Adjustment o£ Timken Bearings is not often necessary) but if the spindle spins COO freely Or Play iS nOCiCeable When the SPindlC ig I,u9hed back and forth, the following Simple PrOCed``re Will adjust the head stock bearings: Run the lathe between thirty minuccs and an hour.a warm up the spindle (a temperature I.ise of 50o Fahr. increases the length of the spindle about.002 inch between bearings). Then loosen the set screw B (Fig. 2) om clle chrust nut, C, at the extreme left cnd of.he spindle, A, and turn ic uI, tO a paint Where nO Play Can be deCeCCed in the spil.die. Advance this.hrusc nut 1/l6 turn (equal to.wo ccecl` on .he spindle gear) past ¢hac I,Din. in order to I,rovide.he correct pro-load. Tighten the set screw. All ¥((;,|f¥c:E wT`?lil l`l *T`..l`\Il`(ii( I,::lh :l1/1: l'\lI'th`: brlces are s"bject to Fig. 2 cl)altge I.,ill,a"I :\ ,l\l`th`eT``h(".`lT..`::I. hI:(I):(I "lt`eC(1lu(;kl"I:ce(::`,o:\Il:`l (hat "otlce. i I\,a n{:bCle,:I`al lI`) I ::Ill:y Of th1` tot 1