our catalog - Engineered Roof Deicing
our catalog - Engineered Roof Deicing
1 Contents 3 4 8 8 10 14 19 20 20 22 How to Prevent Ice Dams Product Selection Guide Hydronic Heat System Heat Cables ICE FREE Eave Panels ICE FREE Zone System Accessories Controllers Color Options Easy Install About Engineered Roof Deicing As one of the nation’s leading manufacturers of innovative and high quality rooftop deicing products, we solve problems with ice dams and icicles for homes and businesses all across America. We Stop Ice Dam and Icicles Our products look great year-round and are guaranteed to keep your home and family free from the dangers of ice dams and icicles. The 4 Major Benefits of Installing De-Icing Products from Thermal Tech 1. They protect your investment 2. They save you money 3. They provide convenience 4. They provide safety We invite you to browse through our catalog and learn more about these benefits along with the details about our innovative home and business de-icing products. You don’t have to worry about ice dams and icicles anymore! Contact us today. 2 Ice dams like this one can create structural damage and can be a serious safety threat. Ice Dams Water Ice Dam At the roof’s eave, ice forms and creates a heavy pool of water. Ice dams at the roof’s edge are the major cause of winter roof damage. What is an ice dam? An ice dam is a ridge of ice that forms at the edge of a roof, cricket, or valley that prevents melting snow (water) from draining off the roof. The water that backs up behind the dam can leak into the home and cause damage to walls, ceilings, insulation, and other areas. What causes ice dams? There is a complex interaction between the amount of heat loss from a house, solar energy, snow cover, and outside temperatures that leads to ice dam formation. The dam grows as it is fed by the melting snow above it, but its growth is limited to the portions of the roof that are on average below 32° F. The moisture traveling down the roof above backs up behind the ice dam and remains a liquid. This water finds cracks and openings in roofing materials and flows into attic space. From the attic it could travel into exterior walls or through the ceiling insulation causing substantial interior damage. Preventing Ice Dams Engineered Roof Deicing’s innovative roof deicing systems are one of the best investments homeowners, builders, and businesses can make to protect against ice damage and personal injury. Innovative new systems are now available that will melt away snow and ice from critical areas of the roof. Extend the life of your roof and reduce the risks associated with snow and ice by installing a professionally designed deicing system. Myths And Facts About Ice Dam And Icicle Solutions MYTH #1: Adding more insulation to the attic or ventilating the area better will prevent ice dam formation FACT: This is a very popular myth, and although adding insulation can help mildly decrease the issue, it simply cannot stop ice dams issues by itself. MYTH #2: Installing a “cold roof” will prevent the formation of ice dams FACT: Because of the effects of solar radiation, snow melt and refreezing can never be entirely prevented by the installation of a cold roof. MYTH #3: Replacing existing shingles or installing more ice and water shield membranes on an existing roof will eliminate leakage from ice dams FACT: Water shield membranes and similar products are simply not intended to prevent damage resulting from conditions of standing water on the roof. Even if you install an entirely new roof, problems with ice dams and icicles will inevitably return. MYTH #4: Zig-zag cables on the roof and/or heating cables in the gutters are effective in the prevention of ice dams. FACT: These cables were just not designed to handle large amounts of snow. Ice dams will form above and below the melted areas surrounding the zig-zag cable. 3 Product Guide Water Damage Rotting Mildew Dangerous Mold Ice Hassles Falling Ice Inconvenience Gutter Damage Roof Collapse Roof Warping Product Comparison Heat Cables Benefits Inexpensive materials, quick install Snow Coverage For areas of 0-6” snowfall Eave Coverage Can be used on eaves of any size. Points to Consider Expensive Energy Costs, Not effective in many cases. Material Modified Polyolefin or other mateSelection rial Color Black Panel Types n/a Heating Systems Self Regulating Heat Trace Cable Components Heat cable, Roof clips, Heat Shrink, Components, & Control 4 Stop ice formation by choosing the correct heating element for your climate, roof type and home aesthetics. ICE FREE Eave Panels ICE FREE Zone System Adds architectural beauty, full heat coverage where heat cables alone fail. Up to 70% Energy savings over heat cables alone Strikingly attractive, Large heating area for full coverage on large eaves. Up to 70% Energy savings over heat cables alone For areas with 6” of snowfall or greater For areas with 6” of snowfall or greater For use with eaves up to 24” For use with eaves 24” or larger Moderately high startup costs, lower energy costs. Moderately high startup costs, lower overall energy costs. Aluminum Alloy Extrusion 16oz Copper, .032 Aluminum, CoreTen, Aluminum Extrusion Powder Coating Colors or Colored Cladding 16oz Copper, .032 Aluminum, CoreTen, UnaClad Colors by Firestone ICE FREE Eave 8”, 12”, 18”, Valley and Utility Panels Eave and Valley Panel Self Regulating Heat Trace Cables or Hydronic PEX Tubing Self Regulating Heat TraceCables or Hydronic PEX Tubing Aluminium Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Eave Base Panel, Aluminum Alloy Transition Eave Panel: Roof Panel, Transition Metal, Drip Edge, and Zee Metal, Aluminum Alloy Snap Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Base Panel with Heat Source (PEX or Cable) and Controller Select by Problem Area Eave Valley Select Roof Type Select Heat Source Asphalt/Wood Metal Heat Cable Heat Wave 2 2/3 Rib Panel Split Seam Roof Heat Cable Downspout/ Gutter Hydronic ICE FREE Valley Panel ICE FREE Utility Panel Typically used as part of the ICE FREE Panel System. Other: ICE FREE Eave and Zone Systems can be color matched to existing roofs with an Retro Panel OR OR ICE FREE Zone Valley Panel architectural cladding. Typically used as part of the ICE FREE Panel System. Used with other ICE FREE Zone Panels ICE FREE Zone Utility Panel Used with other Zone Panels Select Eave Size 0-12” 12-18” ICE FREE Eave 8” 18-24” ICE FREE Eave 12” 24”+ ICE FREE Eave 18” OR ICE FREE Zone ICE FREE Zone Panel System - H2O Used with other ICE FREE Zone Panels Lower energy usage with a hydronic system. Heat Cable For areas with light snowfall. ICE FREE Drip Edge Selecting a Product Tom and Judy deal with serious ice buildup issues around their home. In some instances, their roof has become a reservoir of water and ice build-up; some gutters and downspouts don’t survive the winter season. They considered a few options, but in the end, they chose the ICE FREE Zone System - H2O system over the ICE FREE Eave 18” since they felt it would complement their home architecturally and it would work with their existing radiant heated driveway system. Tom was excited and felt that it would completely eliminate the buildup of snow and ice on their entire roof overhang. The single valley panel will work perfectly for their problem roof areas. To protect their gutters and downspouts they chose our commercial grade self regulating heat cable. 5 Product Guide Understanding When to Use Heat Cables For decades, zig-zag cables have been many homeowners’ choice for keeping their roof edges and gutters free from the dangerous effects of ice dams and their accompanying icicles. These cables are extremely effective under some conditions, but homeowners should be wary of spending money on such a system if it’s not the right solution to meet their needs. Engineered Roof Deicing carries a complete line of high quality self-regulating, commerical-grade heat trace cable systems that are effective for many homeowners under specific circumstances. When and where are zig-zag or open heat trace cables the right choice? • When you live in a relatively mild climate ( some Class 2 areas) where total seasonal snow levels never exceed 50” per year • Where snowfall per storm does not exceed 3”at a time • When you only want to use the cable to keep your gutters and downspounts free from ice When and where is heat trace cable definitely not the right choice? 6 • When you live in harsher winter climates (Class 1 areas and Class 2 areas) where total seasonal snowfall often exceeds 50” per year • Where carrying 6-8” or more accumulated snowfall on the roof is typical • When you live in a mountainous area • When you live in a “lake effect” area • When you want to be absolutely certain that you will never have rooftop ice problems again, no matter where you live Zig Zag cables are great for mild climates, gutters and drains Simply put, zig-zag cables are simply not engineered to handle large amounts of snow. They are only capable of melting within a 2” radius of the wire core, creating cavities and channels of water in deep snow instead of melting it altogether. In fact, instead of preventing or eliminating ice dams and icicles, these dangerous winter occurrences will simply form above and below zig-zag cables. If a zig-zag cable system meets your needs based on the above criteria, contact Engineered Roof Deicing right away and we will fulfill your de-icing needs. Engineered Roof Deicing is a leader in the deicing industry, and our ICE FREE systems provides TOTAL ICE AND SNOW MELT for roof overhangs and gutter areas no matter where you live and under even the most extreme of winter conditions. Zig-zag Zig-zag heat heat cables cables were were not not effective effective on on this this roof. roof. Heavier icing can be prevented with heat panels. Zig-zag heat cables prevent freezing at the roof’s edge in most mild climates. Installing heat cables can reduce or eliminate ice dams. Roof Damage Potential Extreme THE BENEFITS OF USING HEATED ROOF PANELS OVER ZIG-ZAG CABLE Strong Mild Zig-zag heat cables were not effective on this roof. • Our heated roof panels are easily installed along your roof line and look attractive in any season • The heated roof panels provide complete ice and snow melt where you need it most: along the overhang • Heat from enclosed cables is conducted throughout the total surface area of the panels providing total melting capabilities instead of just melting around the immediate vicinity like with an open cable Heat cables are not 100% effective in areas of strong & extreme snow and ice accumulation. T-Zone & T-Panel Systems from Engineered Roof Deicing remove snow & ice with complete coverage for extreme situations. Did you know? Zig-Zag heat cables aren’t the most efficient way to solve the problem of snow load, icicles and ice dams. And in many areas, heat cables alone will not solve these problems. Engineered Roof Deicing offers heated panels in a variety of widths to fit any roof. ICE FREE Eave Panels are available for roofs with eaves up to 24”, while the ICE FREE Zone Systems fit roofs with eaves 24” and larger. While these options have a higher up-front price, they will eliminate your winter problems and offer significant energy cost savings over zig-zag heat cables. • Cables passing through our state-of-the-art heated roof panels use 70% less energy than exposed zig-zag cables, so heating panels are more cost-effective and energy efficient • The panels absorb all the heat from the cables whereas open-air cables waste energy • Heated roof panels are a preventive rather than a repair solution: ice dams never get a chance to form. • No matter how much snow or ice you get in a given winter, you will have no more problems with ice dams and icicles • Thanks to heating panels, you can enjoy winters free from the stress caused by ice dam-related issues Our heated roof panels warm the entire depth and length of the roof’s freeze zone. 7 Heat Options Modified polyolefin jacket Tinned copper wire shield Radiant Roof De-Icing Go green and cut operation expenses with Engineered Roof Deicing’ Radiant Roof Heating Systems. Engineered Roof Deicing Hydronic Control Panel completely manages the melting away of large roof area with snow and ice build up. By integrating our aluminum alloy panel system with radiant PEX tubing, we have developed a de-icing system that is 90% more efficient than any electric roof de-icing system on the market to date. Our custom engineered radiant roof heating systems offer the most technically advanced, highly scalable and eco-friendly de-icing solution. We offer roof heating systems for all types of applications, including new construction, remodelling, and existing roofs. Installing radiant roof heating can extend the life of your roof as well as enhance the value of your home or commercial property. Modified polyolefin cover Carbon Bus (Heating Element) Core Wire Heat Cable Heat cable is designed to serve the most demanding environments including hazardous and non-hazardous areas, as well as areas where corrosives may be of concern. The heat trace cable is certified to all applicable CSA (CUS) standards for use throughout North America. National Electrical Codes require ground-fault protection of equipment. Specifications Minimum bend radius 1.18 in (30 mm) @68°F (20°C) Buss wire size 16 AWG Outer jacket color Black Traced Surface Type Metal, Asphalt and Plastic Heat Cable by the Spool 120 Volt Each pump, manifold and heat system is custom built to meet the requirements of each heating system. ECD-1205 120V 5 watts per foot ECD-1206 120V 6 watts per foot ECD-1208 120V 8 watts per foot ECD-12010 120V 10 watts per foot ECD-12012 120V 12 watts per foot 240 Volt ECD-2405 240V 5 watts per foot ECD-2406 240V 6 watts per foot ECD-2408 240V 8 watts per foot ECD-24010 240V 10 watts per foot 8 ECD-24012 240V 12 watts per foot When ordering heat cable, calculate for one continuous length of cable. It’s simpler and quicker to install if you don’t need to splice together two lengths of cables. Cable overhang: Allow for an extra 2” for roofs without gutters. Roofs with gutters need an extra 5” to create drip channels. The height of the heat cables should extend the entire area above eave overhang. Calculating Amount of Cable Used in a Zig-Zag Cable Pattern Heat Cables Project Materials Worksheet Item Model # Unit Heat Cable Total Length (use table at right) _____ ft Power & End Termination Kits (1 per control box) EPE ea End Seal Kits EES ea Splice Kits ESP ea Tee Splice Kits ETK ea Roof Clips (Typically 10 clip-pack per 7 feet of roofline) ERC 10/bag _____ ea HEAT CABLE Controller Unit (Compatible with Heat Cable Controllers on page 20) QTY The table below shows how to determine the length of cable required per foot of roof line. Example: If you have an 24” eave, your multiplying factor is 4.5. For a roof edge of 100’, just multiply the two numbers: 100’ x 4.5 = 450 feet cable. This does not include length required for the roof edge or gutter. Multiplying factor to determine amount of cable needed per foot of roof line. Zig-Zag Multiplying Factor Height Needed To Clear Eave Overhang Heat Cable Route on a Panel System 6” x 2.2 12” x 2.8 18” x 3.6 24” x 4.5 30” x 5.4 36” x 6.3 42” x 7.3 48” x 8.3 Cable Length Requirements Worksheet Cable Fitting Guide 3/8 PEX tubing 14mm 11mm cable cable Section Calculation Gutters Gutter length feet _______ft Downspouts (Downspout length x 2’) + 4’ extra _______ft Valleys (Valley Length x 0.7) x 2’ _______ft Zig-Zag Roof line Roof line Length x Multiplying factor (See table above) _______ft Number of Power Connections x 6’ _______ft Length to Control Box If multiple sized channels are available, only fill one size on each side of the panel with the correct cable or tubing. This picture shows the correct cable in the correct channel. The separation between the snap-loc top and base unit are designed and manufactured within tight tolerances. This separation eliminates the characteristics of a cover panel supported by the base panel, yet enables direct thermal conductivity. Total Heat Cable Required Length _______ft 9 ICE FREE Eave Efficient Direct Heat Engineered Roof Deicing’ revolutionary, state-ofthe-art aluminum alloy panels are designed for maximum heat transfer. Unlike other products, Engineered Roof Deicing’ innovative roof ice melting systems do not rely upon passive or indirect heat transfer through air space. We create direct heat transfer by completely encasing our heat source with our aluminum alloy, providing much greater efficiency and more effective energy usage. Engineered Roof Deicing’ energy efficient ICE FREE Systems can save you up to 70% energy consumption compared to alternatives. How ICE FREE Panels Work Heat from the sun and warmth from the attic partially melt roof snow, creating a trickle of water which freezes at the roof’s edge. If left untreated, ice dams and icicles can form. The Ice Free System prevents property-damaging ice dams, the formation of dangerous icicles and heavy snow load. There’s no longer a need to shovel and scrape away snow and ice. TWO WAYS TO HEAT A PANEL Hydronic Tubing Self Regulating Cable GENERAL T-PANEL SPECIFICATIONS Material Selection Color 10 Recycled Aluminum Alloy 6063 Temper - T5 Spray Powder Coating Colors Configuration options 3”, 6”, 8”, 12” and 18” Panel sizes available. Architectural Decorative cover option available. Heating Systems Commercial Grade-Self Regulating Heat Cable (5, 8 or 10 Watt per foot in 100-130 VAC or 208-277 VAC) or 3/8” PEX Hydronic Radiant Tubing Product Finish High Grade Powder Coating or Architectural Decorative Cover Optional Items System controller, Self regulating heat trace for gutters and downspouts Electrical Requirements N.E.C. 426-28 requires 30 mA Ground Fault circuit protection for snow and ice melting applications Internal aluminum extrusion disperses heat across the entire panel. Multiple channels for different types of heat sources. The Expansion Joint Cap bridges between two 5-foot panels. Architectural covers are essentially large joint caps the cover the entire span of the panel. Our energy efficient roof ICE FREE Panel Buying Guide Worksheet Item Code Unit QTY ICE FREE Valley IFV-03 ft ICE FREE Valley Utility IFU-06 ft ICE FREE 8” Eave T-Panel IFE-08 ICE FREE 12” Eave T-Panel IFE-012 ft ICE FREE 18” Eave T-Panel IFE-018 ft EPE End Seal Kits EES ea Splice Kits ESP ea Tee Splice Kits ETK ea Roof Clips ERC 10/ bag (Compatible with Heat Cable Controllers on page 20) ENERGY USAGE COMPARISON 12 ft Power & End Termination Kits (1 needed per control box) Controller Unit 70% compared to heat cables. 18 Extra Heat Cable needed for gutters, downspouts and leads to controller unit (see page 6) HEAT CABLE deicing system saves you up to 36 40 ea 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Watts per foot Engineered Roof Deicing ICE FREE Eave 12” 12” Heated Surface Area Engineered Roof Deicing ICE FREE Eave 18” 18” Heated Surface Area Competitor Panel 6” Heated Surface Area Zig-zag Cables ea Product Comparison for 50 ft of roofline. Figured with an outside temperature of approximately 20° Fahrenheit. 11 ICE FREE Eave Up to 12” ICE FREE Valley The valley panel system is designed to work with heat cables. This panel is guaranteed to heat the entire length of the panel. The valley panel can be custom-cut to fit the length of your roof’s valley. POWDER COAT -or- PAINTED ALUMINUM ICE FREE Valley Utility The utility panel offers a larger area to accommodate hydronic tubing. This panel is 6” wide and is guaranteed to heat the entire length of the panel. The utility panel can be custom-cut to fit any area of your roof. POWDER COAT -or- PAINTED ALUMINUM The 8” Eave Panel helps protect roofs with eaves up to 12” ICE FREE Eave 8” The 8” Eave panels’ simple onepiece aluminum alloy panel system is designed to eliminate icicles, ice dams, and snow at the roof’s edge. POWDER COAT -or- PAINTED ALUMINUM 90° 2.44” 6.079” 0.73” 2.50” 0.73” 2.86” 0.7” IFV-03 12 Valley Panel System requires 2’ electric heat cable per foot of Panel. Includes Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Base Panel IFU-06 Utility Panel System. Includes Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Utility Base Panel. System is requires either 2’ electric heat cable or 2’ of hydronic PEX tubing per foot. 7.50” IFE-08 ICE FREE Eave 8” (8”x5’ Panel) includes Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Eave Base Panel. System requires 2’ electric heat cable Multiple channels for different types of heat sources. T-Panels can be installed on new or existing roofs. The 12” Eave Panel helps protect roofs with eaves up to 18” Up to 18” Up to 24” The 18” Eave Panel helps protect roofs with eaves up to 24” ICE FREE Eave 18” ICE FREE Eave 12” The 12” Eave panel is a double panel system designed to be installed on the eave of your roof. The system is 12” wide and is guaranteed to eliminate ice and snow from the entire area of the panel. POWDER COAT -or- PAINTED ALUMINUM The 18” Eave panel is a triple panel system designed to be installed on the eave of your roof. This system is 18” wide and is guaranteed to eliminate ice and snow from the entire area of the panel. Each system can be installed on new or existing roofs and the heating system is self regulated, saving you time and money. POWDER COAT -or- PAINTED ALUMINUM 13” 6.42 6.4” 12.63 0.7” 2.297 2.9” IFE-012 ICE FREE Eave 12” (12”x5’ Panels) include Aluminium Alloy Snap-Loc Top, 6” Aluminum Alloy Eave Base Panel, 6” Aluminum Alloy Transition. System requires either 2’ electric heat cable or 2’ of hydronic PEX tubing per foot. 2.297 IFE-018 ICE FREE Eave 18” (18”x5’ Panels) include Two 6” Aluminium Alloy Snap-Loc Top, 6” Aluminium Alloy Extension Panel, 6” Aluminum Alloy Eave Base Panel, 6” Aluminum Alloy Transition. System requires either 2’ electric heat cable or 2’ of hydronic PEX tubing per foot. 13 ICE FREE ZONE Right Product Right Place Right Price™ The T-Zone System Engineered Roof Deicing’s ICE FREE Zone Systems utilize energy efficient, technically advanced aluminum alloys. Engineered Roof Deicing is known for carefully engineered roof ice melt systems that come in elegant, aesthetically appealing options. We are pleased to offer innovative roof ice melt systems made from 100% recycled aluminum alloy; proprietary energy management systems and controls; with an industry leading commercial grade self-regulating heat trace cable warranty. Go Green, Save Money! Engineered Roof Deicing is pleased to offer the ICE Free Zone Hydronic Radiant roof ice melt system. This provides an innovative, eco-friendly, ultra-energy efficient roof ice melting system. Go green with Engineered Roof Deicing’ hydronic radiant roof ice melt system. KEY FEATURES Effective roof de-icing for any size roof overhang Melts more snow and ice with less energy Fully automated Elegant, classy design Electric & Hydronic version available 14 ICE FREE Zone Eave Panel The aluminum alloy panel surrounds the available PAINTED heat source; the top, bottom and sides are in di- ALUMINUM rect contact with the heat source at all times. This is the most efficient use of energy and offers the best results available. This system is an excellent choice for homes that are located in higher elevation, for homes with eaves over 24”, or for those who prefer the attractive look of the ICE FREE Zone System. Panel Size Panels come in standard 24”, 36” 48” or 60” High (or custom length). They are designed to help eliminate icicles, snow load, and ice dams on roof eaves of any size. IFZ-24 IFZ-36 IFZ-48 IFZ-60 ICE FREE Zone System: Roof Panel, Transition Metal, Drip Edge, and Zee Metal, Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Base Panel. The ICE FREE Zone System prevents the formation of property-damaging ice dams, heavy snow load, and the formation of dangerous icicles. ICE FREE Zone Hydronic Panel Engineered Roof Deicing’s ICE FREE Zone panel PAINTED innovative roof de-icing systems are at the top ALUMINUM of their class in performance, efficiency, ease of installation and energy conservation. By integrating our aluminum alloy panel system with radiant PEX tubing, we have developed a de-icing system that is 90% more efficient than any electric roof de-icing system on the market today. Our custom engineered radiant roof heating systems offer the most technically advanced, highly scalable and eco-friendly de-icing solution. We offer roof heating systems for all types of applications, including new construction, remodeling, and existing roofs. Panel Size Panels come in standard 24”, 36” 48” or 60” High (or custom length). They are designed to help eliminate icicles, snow load, and ice dams on roof eaves of any size. IFZ-24-H IFZ-36-H IFZ-48-H IFZ-60-H ICE FREE Zone Hydronic Roof System Panel: Roof Panel, Transition Metal, Drip Edge, and Zee Metal, Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Utility Base Panel. For use with Hydronic PEX tubing. 15 ICE FREE ZONE ICE FREE Zone Double-Heated Valley Panel PAINTED ALUMINUM Engineered Roof Deicing double heated valley panel replaces the standard “W” metal and is designed to be installed on new roof or new construction applications. The double heated valley is the perfect choice for ice dam elimination where extremely large amounts of snow and ice accumulate. Panel Size Flat sheet panels are manufactured and sized to fit. Aluminum alloy channel is manufactured in 6 ft lengths, can be cut to length. IFZ-D 16 ICE FREE Zone System Double-Heated Valley Panel System: Custom “W” Metal, Transition Metal, Aluminum Alloy Snap Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Utility Base Panel. For use with Hydronic Pex Tubing or Heat Trace Cable. ICE FREE Zone Utility Panel The ICE FREE Zone valley panel systems are designed PAINTED ALUMINUM to work with heat cables or pex tubing. This panel comes in a variety of widths and is guaranteed to heat the entire length of the panel. The valley panel can be custom built to fit the length of your roof’s valley. Panel Size Architectural Decorative Covers are manufactured sized to fit. Aluminum alloy channel is manufactured in 10 ft lengths, and can be cut to length. IFZ-06-C Thermal-Loc Architectural Decorative Cover, Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Utility Base Panel. For use with Hydronic PEX Tubing. ICE FREE for Metal Roofs ICE FREE Drip Edge The ICE FREE Drip Edge Panel offer integrated heated drip edge and easy attachment cleat. Thermal-Edge systems are designed for low pitch and flat roof buildings utilizing asphalt, metal or EPDM membrane roofing products. Its PAINTED simple integrated drip edge and color matched cover ALUMINUM is designed to eliminate ice and snow, keeping your buildings safer and reducing the risk of winter damage and dangerous snow and ice buildup. Each system can be installed on new or existing roofs and the heating system is self regulated, saving you time and money. Panel Size Panels custom cut and modified to fit installation. IFDE-03 ICE FREE Drip Edge, Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Utility Base Panel, Decorative Cladding. 17 ICE FREE for Metal Roofs ICE FREE Retrofit Panels lay on top of existing standing seam metal roofs. ICE FREE Retrofit Retro fitting an existing metal roof with heat PAINTED ALUMINUM panels couldn’t be easier with the Retro Panel’s simple design. New heated panels are retrofit on top of the existing metal roof. Colors can be matched to your existing roof. The aluminum alloy panel surrounds the available heat source; the top, bottom and sides are in direct contact with the heat source at all times. IFE-Retrofit ICE FREE Retrofit: Thermal-Loc Architectural Cover, Thermal-Loc Architectural Base, Aluminum Alloy Snap-Loc Top, Aluminum Alloy Utility Base Panel. For Use with Heat Trace Cable Heating Elements On 18 Engineered Roof Deicing’ Retro Zone System fits between existing split-seam or standing-seam metal roofs, and prevents the formation of property-damaging ice dams, heavy snow load and dangerous icicles. Heating Elements Off Accessories Roof Cable Clips (10 Pack) The Roof Cable Clip is used to attach heat cable to most types of roof surfaces. This kit contains 5 double clips. Each clip can be split into two, for a total of 10 clips, which is enough for approximately seven linear feet of roof edge when securing zig-zag cable. Product code: ERC Power & End Termination Kit Engineered Roof Deicing’ Power Connection Kit includes: moisture seals for the end of the heat cable as well as a water-tight entry seal into a junction box. It is recommended that a NEMA 3R, 4 or 4X box be used and mounted under an eave or other protected area. Tee Splice Kit Engineered Roof Deicing’ Tee Splice Kit includes: zip ties, cable splices, T-Boot, end seal, and moisture sealant. Used to create a “T” junction in heat cables. Product code: ETK Product code: EPE Splice Kit Engineered Roof Deicing’ Splice Kit includes: inner & outer heat shrink, moister sealant, and wire splices. This is used to splice together two heat trace cables. End Seal Kit Engineered Roof Deicing’ End Seal Kit with moisture sealant. This is used to terminate heat cables. Product code: EES Product code: ESP 19 Controls Two Types of Controllers MANUAL PLUG-IN CONNECTION HEAT CABLE HEAT CABLE HYDRONIC 120VAC code: EGFI-120 10 Foot Pig-Tail Power Cord w/ Molded Plug 240VAC code: EGFI-240 Product code: EPT-10 20 AMP 30mA GFCI Plug Kit HEAT CABLE TEMPERATURE CONTROL HEAT CABLE Fixed 40° F Temperature Thermostat Automatic Freeze protection 22 amp Electric Rating @ 125/250/480 VAC 40°F (4.4°C) set point Product code: E-4x40 FULLY AUTOMATIC TEMPERATURE & MOISTURE CONTROL Heat Cable Controller with Integrated Sensor Hydronic Controller with Integrated Sensor Integrated Sensor The CDP-2 Snow Sensor Display Panel This optional accessory provides convenient indoor monitoring and control for the DS-2B, DS-8, DS-224 or DS-824 controllers. Integrated Sensor The DS-2B Rain/Snow Sensor Controller The DS-224 Rain/Snow Sensor Controller Integrated Precipitation Sensor 100-120/200-240 VAC Operation Product code: E-DS-2B HEAT CABLE For Low Voltage or Hydronic Systems Integrated Precipitation Sensor 24 VAC/VDC Operation HYDRONIC Product code: H-DS-224 Hydronic Controller with Remote Sensor Heat Cable Controller with Remote Sensor Product code: E-CDP-2 HEAT CABLE HYDRONIC The DS-824 Rain/Snow Sensor Controller The DS-8 Rain/Snow Sensor Controller Remote Precipitation Sensor 100-120/200-240 VAC Operation 20 Product code: E-DS8-LD HEAT CABLE For Low Voltage or Hydronic Systems Remote Precipitation Sensor 24 VAC/VDC Operation Product code: H-DS-824 HYDRONIC Powder Coat Color Options POWDER These are the standard powder-coat color options used on the ICE FREE Eave System. The spray powder coatings carry a 10-year limited warranty. Colors are digitally reproduced and may vary from actual product. COAT Moccasin Speckled Bronze Copper Tex Copper Vein Jade Crater Green Splatter Moon Dust Speckled Gray PAINTED ALUMINUM Standard Stock Color Lead Time Required Premium Color Painted Aluminum Cladding Options These are the standard painted-aluminum color options used on the ICE FREE Zone Products, and can be used on the decorative cladding for any ICE FREE Eave system. The siliconized-modified coating carries a 20-year limited warranty. Stone White Sky Blue Teal Regal Red Bone White Regal Blue Hemlock Green Brandywine Almond Electric Blue Tropical Patina Colonial Red Sandstone Award Blue Patina Green Terra Cotta Slate Grey Extra Dark Bronze Dark Ivy Silver Metallic Cityscape Dark Bronze Sherwood Green Classic Copper Charcoal Gray Medium Bronze Hartford Green Champagne Metallic Standard Stock Color Lead Time Required Premium Color Sierra Tan Matte Black Colors are digitally reproduced and may vary from actual product. Additional charges may apply for & colors. Mansard Brown 21 Easy Install Engineered Roof Deicing helps you install its products quickly and easily Our systems are designed for easy installation. Your materials arrive custom-made for your house and include easy-to-follow instructions that will help you breeze through the process as quickly as possible. You will have a state-of-the-art roof deicing system that looks great in any season and that will give you years of freedom from the dangerous effects of ice dams and icicles. 1 Consultation: Call Engineered Roof Deicing today and speak with one of our experienced professionals. We will walk you through the measurement process, help identify the types of de-icing products you need, and then work with you to design your own custom engineered de-icing system. 2 Review: Once your materials arrive from Engineered Roof Deicing, take the time to review the installation guide thoroughly in order to get familiar with the process before getting started. Our systems are designed for easy installation. They arrive custome-made to the measurements of your structure. 3 4 22 Get ready: Gather all the necessary tools that you will need during installation. In most cases, only four tools are required: a ladder, a drill, a putty knife, and a caulking gun. Follow directions: You can follow the hard copy instructions included with the materials or view the step-by-step guide online. 5 Install: You will first mount your base panel along the edge of your roof; insert heat cables into the aluminum casing, and then snap-lock the top in place. Yesit’s just that easy! 6 Connect to power source: Once your system structure is in place, all you have to do is connect it to your power source, and forget it! Your high quality de-icing system from Engineered Roof Deicing will silently and efficiently keep your home free from ice dams and icicles all winter long, so you can enjoy a less stressful snow season. Getting the most from your System The system you purchase should be sized to cover the entire soffit (length of roof overhanging the exterior wall) of your eave: this helps your system to achieve total ice melt along the whole roof edge area. What to Expect • When snow begins to fall and temperatures hover near the freezing point, the initial precipitation that falls on the panels will begin to melt right away due to the natural solar heat gain that occurred before the storm and because the system has been automatically preheating. • This rapid melt will most likely continue for the duration of a ‘normal’ storm. • If the storm is very heavy or lasts for a long time, eventually snow may begin to build on the panels. This is perfectly normal even while the system is operational. Rest assured that the system is still working and heating: in fact, if you were to put your hands on the cables themselves they would be warm. • The goal is to keep the cables heating the panels to just above the melting point for snow: this way the panels are not being overheated during the storm itself and electricity is not being wasted. • Once the snow storm stops, the system will continue heating and melting any buildup on the panels: keeping that water warm and draining it off into your gutters or off the edge of your roof. The panels will be clear of snow within a few minutes or a few hours depending on the amount of snowfall received during the storm. Temperature control • We recommend an ambient temperatures-sensitive controller with a low temperature cutoff like the DS-2B. • This control starts the heating cycle of your product whenever the outside ambient temperature falls below the set point you control (adjustable between 34-44 degrees F). More importantly it also turns the system off once temperatures drop below 15 degrees. This prevents it from running all winter long and keeps the system actively operational only during the times when temperatures are most conducive to ice dam buildup. Under these conditions the panels will stay totally free and clear of any ice or snow. • The control also has a feature for a 40-hour manual run so that you can force run the system whenever you’d like even below that 34-44 degree temperature block. 23 9531 South 560 West Sandy, Utah 84070 1-801-872-8800 www.meltyourice.com 24