Outdoor Lighting for the Airport Environment and impact on IESNA


Outdoor Lighting for the Airport Environment and impact on IESNA
Outdoor Lighting for the
Airport Environment
and impact on IESNA RLC documents
Miami, Florida September 14, 2012
IES Aviation Lighting Committee (ALC)
Recommended Practice Subcommittee
 The scope of outdoor lighting in the airport environment
includes aircraft stands and apron areas, roadways,
vehicular parking facilities, passenger loading and
unloading areas and pedestrian walkways. The
recommendations included in this IESNA RP provide guidance
for lighting of these areas while emphasizing the
restrictions, regulations, and best practices for the safe
movement of aircraft.
 This IESNA RP does not provide guidance for Aeronautical
Ground Lighting systems, such as Runway, Taxiway and
Approach Lighting. This IESNA RP is not to be used for
lighting design in the vicinity of Heliports.
Scope RP-37
 Structure of RP-37
Foreword, introduction, purpose and scope
Characteristics of Airport Areas
Visual Issues
Specific Area Design Criteria
Essential Safety and Security Lighting
Maintenance Considerations
Lighting Equipment
Glossary – 28 airports and 71 more generic
+ 70 References and additional reading and http for many
4 Annexes
34 Pictures, 7 tables, 26 drawings - on going
RP-37 Recommended Practice
 Aprons
 Aircraft stands; commercial (air carrier), general aviation, cargo & hangar
 Aircraft parked position & Aircraft service area
 Passenger, baggage, catering, cargo, ramp services, mechanical checks,
maintenance and repair, fueling operations
 Other Airport Facilities
 De-icing/anti-icing facilities (remote, storage and truck loading), fuel
facilities, Ground Service Equipment (GSE) areas, engine run-up test area
 Roadways and pedestrian ways
 Departure, arrival, walkways from parking facilities, surrounding
roadways, roadway signage, secure access point
 Parking
 Surface parking lot, top level garage, toll plaza
 Other exterior lighting
 Laser sensitive area, landscape, façade illumination, signs, flagpole,
temporary construction lighting, cart entrance/exit, …
 Pictures and drawings to illustrate
2. Characteristics of Airport Areas
RLC documents and
airport environment
RP-08 – Roadway Lighting
RP-19 – Sign Lighting
RP-20 – Lighting for Parking Facilities
RP-22 – Tunnel Lighting
RP-33 – Lighting for Exterior Environments
DG-23 – Toll Plaza Lighting
DG-26 – Work Zone Light
DG-__ – High Mast Lighting
 Obtrusive light - Tower control
 Line of sight and visibility points
STBA vigie et bloc technique - 1998
Visual Issues - ATCT
airport outside
Stray light from outdoor
lighting system
lighting system
Visual Issues – Pilot and tower control
 Approaching the airport
 Protection of approach
 Coverage and limitation
Bounderies of
CASA (Australia)
• 6 km radius
• To include tower control
Visual Issues - Pilot
Regulation about obstacle limitation
Regulation about obstacle limitation
Transport Canada
Regulation about obstacle limitation
FAR PAR 77 imaginary surfaces
Source http://www.michigan.gov/documents/FAA-Part77-BASICS_105811_7.pdf
Regulation about obstacle limitation
 Tunnel underneath approach, taxiway or
Regulation about obstacle limitation
Source http//ops.fhwa.dot.gov
Regulation about obstacle limitation
 Toll plaza and lighting
 Position of signs and frangibility!
Regulation about obstacle limitation
Source: Google map Miami International Airport
Regulation about obstacle limitation
Runway lights or roadway lights?
Roberval airport
Light and fog condition
 Variable message signs and high brightness
Source: http//www.centurycommunications.us
No up light !
Imagine in fog condition
Source: msvd.org
Light and fog condition
Source http//ops.fhwa.dot.gov
lighting system
Flag pole – facade illumination
Source http://flagpolelights.net
Source http://megaluxlightings.com
Stanstead Airport UK
Richard Larivée, eng,
Chair IESNA RP-37
IESALC recommended practices
[email protected]

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