the poetic and moral values analysis seen
the poetic and moral values analysis seen
THE POETIC AND MORAL VALUES ANALYSIS SEEN ON SONG LYRICS OF FORGIVE ME ALBUM BY MAHER ZAIN GRADUATING PAPER Submited to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in the English Department of English of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga BY: ARISTA NIKEN KARTIKA SARI 113 08 088 ENGLISH AND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE INSTITUTE FOR ISLAMIC STUDIES (STAIN) SALATIGA 2014 i ii iii iv MOTTO Every choice has responsibility (Joger) v DEDICATION This research is dedicated for My Beloved mother, father, and Brother vi ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Alhamdulillahirabbil ‘alamin, thanks to Allah because the writer could complete this research as one of the requirements for getting Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S,PdI) in English Department of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga in 2014. This research would not have been completed without supports, guidance, advice, and help from individual’s institution. Therefore, I would like to express deep appreciation to: 1. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. 2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., the Chair Person of Educational Faculty of State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. 3. Mrs. Maslihatul Umami, S.PdI, M.A the Head of the English Department State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. 4. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum as the writer’s consultant of this graduating paper thanks for suggestion and guidance for this graduating paper from beginning until the end. 5. All lecturers of English department, the researcher deeply thanks to you all for your advice, knowledge, and kindness. 6. All of staffs who help the writer in processing the research administration. vii 7. All of the librarians who help the writer in finding the research references. 8. My parents who always be patient educate me, for their never ended praying and love. You are everything for me. 9. Dear friends, Arie Wisnu Perdana, S.Psi, who has given motivation to finish this paper, the deeply thanks is also sent to all of my best friends Dina Amelia, Nasriyya Izzah, Arina Nugroho, and Fhya Wardani. 10. To all of my friends in TBI C ‘08 of English Department who support the writer always. Salatiga, February 17th 2014 The writer Arista Niken Kartika Sari NIM. 113 08 088 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ..................................................................................................... i ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................................... ii PAGE OF CERTIFICATION ............................................................................... iii MOTTO ................................................................................................................ iv DEDICATION ........................................................................................................ v ACKNOWLEDGMENT ....................................................................................... vi TABLE OF CONTENT ...................................................................................... viii LIST OF TABLE .................................................................................................... x ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... xi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study ..................................................................................1 B. Limitation of Problem ......................................................................................3 C. Problem of Statement .......................................................................................4 D. Objectives of Study ...........................................................................................4 E. Benefit of Study ...............................................................................................4 F. Clarification of the Key Term ...........................................................................5 G. Review of Previous Research .........................................................................7 H. Methodology of Research ...............................................................................8 I. Thesis Outline .................................................................................................13 ix CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Some Definition Moral Values .....................................................................14 B. Type of Moral Values ...................................................................................19 C. Song Lyric ....................................................................................................22 D. Literary Elements of Song Lyric .................................................................23 CHAPTER III BIOGRAPHY THE SINGER A. Biography Maher Zain .................................................................................32 B. Forgive Me Album ......................................................................................36 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING A. Data Analysis ...............................................................................................41 1. Moral Values ..........................................................................................41 2. Literary Element ....................................................................................61 B. Finding .........................................................................................................98 CHAPTER V : CLOSURE A. Conclusions ................................................................................................101 B. Suggestions .................................................................................................102 BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIXES x LIST OF TABLE Table 4.1 Religiosity .............................................................................................41 Table 4.2 Love and Affection ...............................................................................45 Table 4.3 Loyalty ..................................................................................................49 Table 4.4 Sincerity ................................................................................................52 Table 4.5 Thankfulness .........................................................................................53 Table 4.6 Steadfastness .........................................................................................55 Table 4.7 Humbleness ...........................................................................................56 Table 4.8 Peace Loving .........................................................................................57 Table 4.9 Brotherhood ..........................................................................................58 Table 4.10 Respecting Others ...............................................................................60 Table 4.11 Optimism .............................................................................................61 Table 4.12 Simile ..................................................................................................62 Table 4.13 Hyperbole ............................................................................................63 Table 4.14 Personification ....................................................................................65 Table 4.15 Synecdoche .........................................................................................66 Table 4.16 Repetition .................................................................................................... 67 Table 4.17 Litotes ..................................................................................................68 Table 4.18 Metaphor .............................................................................................70 Table 4.19 Visual Imagery ....................................................................................71 Table 4.20 Auditory Imagery .................................................................................76 Table 4.21 Internal Sensation.................................................................................78 Table 4.22 Feminine Rhyme .................................................................................90 Table 4.23 Masculine Rhyme ................................................................................93 Table 4.24 Moral Values ........................................................................................98 Table 4.25 Figure of Speech ..................................................................................99 Table 4.26 Imagery ................................................................................................99 Table 4.27 Rhyme ................................................................................................100 xi ABSTRACT Sari, Arista Niken Kartika (2014): “THE POETIC AND MORAL VALUES ANALYSIS SEEN ON SONG LYRICS OF FORGIVE ME ALBUM BY MAHER ZAIN” This study is aimed describing the types of moral values and the literary elements in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. The writer used qualitative research to find out the valid data. After investigating the data, the writer found several findings based on the analysis of the type of moral values and literary elements. There are eleven types of moral values that found in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. They are religiosity, love and affection, loyalty, sincerity, thankfulness, steadfastness, humbleness, peace loving, brotherhood, respecting others, optimism. Then, the literary elements that found are figure of speech, imagery, rhythm, rhyme, and tone. Figure of speech in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain that the writer found simile, hyperbole, personification, synecdoche, repetition, litotes, and metaphor. Three types of imagery are found in the analysis those are; visual, auditory, and internal sensation. Rhythm in every stanza in the songs of Forgive Me album used Iamb and Trochee to show intonation when the singer sing a song. Rhyme consists of two types, feminine, and masculine rhyme. Tone present the singer in the songs are melancholic, refine, cheerful, enthusiastic, and touching sound. Keyword: Poetic, Moral Values, Song Lyrics, Forgive Me Album xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study Globalization brings both positive and negative effect. It gives great development in science, technology, economy, education and art. The development of art runs fast and music or song is one of the art branches that has big influence for students. Music is an entertainment that tells a story by mental image that giving the illusion and it is necessary because it becomes part of human life in this modern era. People do not getting out of music; they need music to entertain when they work, study, relax or lazing. Music may represent the bad or good of human feeling; it is able to express their thoughts, experiences, emotions, and faith. Besides that, music also invites the audiences to come into new world, new life when they are listening the lyrics of the songs by singer. The effects of the music are not only influencing the people emotion but also music is being able to change brain waves and make the brain more receptive to learn. In addition, music is a part of literary works. Literary works is the art of written work. Literary works is commonly classified as having two major form; fiction and nonfiction. The kind of literary works are poem, song lyrics, novel, movie and etc. Music and literary works are very useful since they have various values such as moral, religious, and sociological values. Literature is also one of media to show some of the meaning, one of them is 1 moral values that presented by author. By the songs, poems, movie, or the other literary works, the author tries to teach and deliver good moral for the audiences. Now, people have to improve and maintain their good moral. Morality is a common word to say, but it is very difficult to imply in human daily life. Since people were born they had been taught about morality, however by the time the morality will decrease or delay. Morality is something that must be owned by human because without morality human will not be respected by other people. People will be easy to socialize with people around them and will be accepted in the community. Moral values can not only be obtained by discussion in formal situation and getting from books but also people can use songs to deliver the moral message of the songs. In this case students will be bored when they get moral values from textbooks and the advice from their teachers or parents. Moral values can be delivered well by using music because many people use song to express their feeling at the moment. It can give enjoyment, fun, and pleasure in teaching. Based on this nature of the learner, music has been utilized in the teaching. There exists much of literature evidence showed that music can have a beneficial role in teaching. The use of song enhances student’s language learning and language acquisition. In order to instruct the second language, song can be utilized in different ways. In song, there is words called lyric. It contains the message that is used to express human feeling and experiences. It has imaginative quality and 2 specific characteristic of language used in, such as denotation, connotation, figurative and symbol. In this study the writer would like to please the reader by presenting the message that can be found in the lyrics of a song suggested the moral for many people who like listening the music. In the music industry there are many bands or solo singers. One of the solo singer is Maher Zain, who has many popular song and now he has two albums, Thank You Allah and Forgive Me. In january 2009, Maher Zain began to work on an album at Awakening Records. His first debut album was Thank You Allah and second debut album was Forgive Me was released in 2012, with 14 songs and two bonus tracks. Maher Zain has two albums music which every albums the people would like to collect his cassette, VCD or DVD. The hearers also want to memorize the songs and sing the songs anytime. Because in every song has many words which have power to influential a person. He always present moral value or message in every his songs. From discussion above, it is very challenging or interesting to do a research on the moral values in song lyrics. Therefore, the writer takes the title of this study “An Analysis of Moral Values Seen on Song Lyrics of Forgive Me Album by Maher Zain” B. Limitation of the Problem To have specific research, the writer has restricted this study in order to make it easier to be analyzed. In this study the writer tries to analyze moral 3 values and the literary elements found in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. C. Problem of Statement Based on the background and limitation of the problem, the writer can formulate the problems as follows: 1. What are the moral values found in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain? 2. What are the literary elements in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain? D. Objectives of the Study This part attend to answer the question above by analyzing moral values found in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album based on theories, the aims are: 1. Finding out the moral values in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. 2. To know the literary elements in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. E. Benefit of the Study The writer hopes that the result of this research will be beneficial both theoretical and practical. 1. Theoretical The writer expects the result of this study can be advantageous to the world of literature as complement to the study of song and contribute the development of moral values on Forgive Me album. 4 2. Practical a. The writer expects that the study can contribute to the development of literary study, particulary among the students of STAIN Salatiga who are interested in the literary study b. The writer expects that the listener of Maher Zain’s songs can take the moral values in each songs. c. To defend good character in each people F. Clarification of Key Term To avoid any mistakes in interpreting the tittle of this research, it is regarded necessary to explain the term relating to it. 1. Analysis Analysis divided into smaller parts in an entity, by means of identifying, comparing, and finding a relationship based on parameters to make an attempt on examine and prove their truth (Siswantoro, 2010:75). 2. Moral Moral comes from the Latin word “mores”, it’s means behavior, tradition and habit. The words “moral” and “ethical” are often used most likely as synonyms (Earle: 1992). Moral refers to what is good and bad or right and wrong in people action in relationship with other. It means morality as distinguished from nonmoral concerns with good or right refers to judgments about welfare, justice, and right (Sternberg, 1994:938). 5 3. Value The meaning of value is belief or attitudes about what something is good, right, desirable, wortwhile, etc. Some values refer to how one should act to be honest, kind and self-disciplined. Based on the people values provide the foundation from which the people make the personal and professional judgment and choices (Ursery, 2002:1). 4. Moral Values Moral values are not a separate value from the other values categories. Every value will acquire a moral quality when it is included in moral behavior. The human itself become the source of moral values (Bertens, 1997:142) 5. Song Lyric Song lyric means specifically intended for singing, that the purpose affects diction, content, and stanza form (Little, 1970:173). The lyrics is the commonest, and yet, in its perfection, the post modern; the simplest, and yet in its laws emotional association; and it all these because it express, more intimately, than other types of verse the personality of the poet (Hubbel, 1949:57). 6. Maher Zain Maher Zain (Arabic: ;ماهرزينborn March 16, 1981 in Tripoli, Lebanon) is a Moslem Swedish singer, songwriter, composer, musician and music producer of Lebanese origin. He comes from Sweden and 6 his genres are R&B, soul music, pop music, world music, acoustic music, and nasheed. G. Review of Previous Research This subject discusses the previous study which is related to this research. In order to enlarge view about moral values the writer reviews the previous study which has correlation with this study.The writer presents three previous studies to determine originality of this research. The first is Muntamah (2012), An Analysis of Moral Values as Seen on Charles Dickens Novel Oliver Twist. She describes literary element in the novel, they are character, setting, plot, point of view, theme, and style. Moral values that are found bravery, humbleness, honesty, steadfastness, sympathic to others, cooperativeness, thankfullness, kind-hearted, trustworthiness, sincerity, and love and affection. The second is Uswah Fatmawati (2012), The Descripive Analysis of Moral Values on Hard Time Novel. Her graduating paper tells about the literary elements of novel such as character, setting, plot, point of view, theme, and style. Moral values found in the novel are politeness, life is progress, positive thinking, hard work, creative power, self control, optimism, justice and respect each others. The third is Dani Atik Susanti (2013), An Analysis of Moral Values Taken from Edensor Novel by Andrea Hirata. She tells literary elements in the novel those are character, setting, plot, and style. Moral values that can be 7 found in the novel are never give up, nationalism, emphaty to others, strength of heart, optimism and thinking positively, believe in god, there is no reason to top learning, and struggle for life. The ways of presenting the moral values in the novel are explicit and implicit meaning, and using imagination. That make this research is different with the previous researches. The three previous researchers analyzed moral values in the novel. Whereas this research tries to analyzes moral values in the song lyrics. H. Methodology of Research A methodology is a general approach to studying a research topic. It establishes how one will go about studying any phenomenon (Silverman, 1993:2). Wardi Bachtiar (1997:1) research is a logical and systematic search for new and useful information on a particular topic. It is a finding investigation of scientific solutions and social problems through objective and systematic analysis. He also states Research methodology is a set of knowledge about procedure of collecting data systematically and logically which related with some problems to be processed, analyzed, made conclusion, and found the solving problem. In this research method of study is expanded into five parts, namely (1) research design, (2) object of the study, (3) sources of data, (4) method of collecting data, (5) technique of data analysis. The explanation of each point will be discussed further into wide explanation. 8 1. Research Design The researcher will use the qualitative design as the approach to collect, analyses and write the report. Qualitative approach is also as the assumption that the researcher is primary instrument for data collection and analysis. The researcheer physically goes to site to observe the natural setting and understanding gained through word (Creswell, 1994:21) According to Denzin and Lincoln (1987), qualitative research is the research which uses scientific background to interpret the phenomenon which happened and the researches have involved other method. (Moleong, 2009:5) The methods of qualitative research usually use interview, observation, and documentation. In other word, this analysis in the qualitative research concerns in understanding the result of finding data rather than calculate the result of data. 2. Object of the Study The research object in this study was moral values in the song. Especially in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain was published in 2012. 3. Sources of Data In this study, the writer acquired the materials from books, journal, and in the internet. Whereas this research was literary study, they were considered as the material of the research. The writer used 9 documentation method that was taken from primary and secondary data. Those are: a. Primary data source Primary data is data selection or obtained directly from the sources without any intermediaries. Primary data is written on the data collection and analyzed functionally related to the role or function in the structure of poetry (Siswantoro: 2010:78). The primary data is essential sources derived from Forgive Me album, song’s entitled: 1) I Love You so 2) Number One for Me 3) Mawlaya 4) My Little Girl 5) Forgive Me 6) One Big Family 7) Assalamu Alayka 8) Paradise 9) Raddhitu Billahi Rabba 10) Freedom 11) So Soon 12) Guide Me All the Way 10 b. Secondary source Secondary data is the data that obtained indirectly or through an intermediary . Secondary data is recorded on the data collection and functioned to reinforce the validity of the primary data (Siswantoro: 2010:79). It is data source which is used to support and complete the primary data is taken from books, journal, and relevant materials to support study. 4. Method of Collecting Data The method of collecting data is the way which can be used by the writer to collect the data. In collecting data, the writer utilized the documentation method. According to Arikunto (1990:321), study document is acquiring a data about case, book, transcript film, magazine, or newspaper. To collect the data, the writer needs some procedure. These steps are: a. Finding Data The writer finds the data from Maher Zain’s album entitled Forgive Me. Then the writer discovers the data which are analyzed and put them as the data. The data that used in this study is the song lyrics in his album. From 14 songs, the writer took 12 songs that are analyzed because the two songs are in Arabic language. 11 b. Data Listing After collecting the data the writer identifies the appropriate and inappropriate data, the researcher listed them based on list a song in album. This is done in order to easier in classifying data. c. Data Classification After making a list of data, the writer classified all of the data based on the kinds of moral values and the literary elements. 5. Technique of Data Analysis Tesch (1990) in analyzing the data there are eight steps engage a researcher in systematic process analyzing textual data, steps to consider (Creswell, 1994:155): a. Read throughly all of the transcriptions carefully b. Pick one document and ask what it is about c. When the researcher has completed the ask, make a list of all topics d. Take the list and go back to the data, Abbreviate the topic as codes. e. Reducing the total list of categories by grouping topics that related to each other f. Make a final decision on the abbreviation for each category g. Assemble the data material belonging to each category in one place and perform a preliminary analysis h. If necessary, record the researcher existing data 12 I. Thesis Outline This research is divided five chapters and each chapter has several sub-chapters. Chapter I is an Introduction that includes Background of the Study, Limitation of the Problem, Problems of the Statement, Objectives of the Study, Benefits of the Study, Clarification of Key Terms, Review of Previous Research, Methodology of Research and Thesis Outline. Chapter II describes about Theoretical Framework, which presents Some Definition of Moral Values, Types of Moral Value, Song Lyric and Literary elements of song lyric. Chapter III consists of Biography of the Singer and Forgive Me album. Chapter IV Analysis and Finding. This chapter depicts the moral values found in the song and the literary elements of song lyric. Chapter V is Closure, it consists of conclusion and suggestion. 13 CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK A. Some Definition of Moral Values 1. Moral Moral refers to what is good or bad people’s relation to others. In other words, understanding the morality is good or bad and right or wrong. The morality refers to good or right in interpersonal or social situation. Social relationship can be judged by standards such as efficiency or produce (Sternberg, 1994:938). According to Barcalow (1994:3), moral issues involve a way of behaving and having character, they are unavoidably coming in all shapes and sizes. Fundamentally, moral issues arise when the choice that people take will affect the good attitude of other by increasing or decreasing. For example, when other people are watching news in program television about criminal, it is can be a source to be more careful and getting on the ball with criminal. The negative or decreasing attitude is when the other people make it to be the source of their criminal. Moral comes from the Latin word mores, it has meaning of custom and folkways. Moral behavior means behavior in conformity with the moral code of the social group. Moral development has both an intellectual and an impulsive aspect, people must learn what is right and 14 wrong and must be given explanation of why this is right and wrong (Hurlock, 1978:386). A morality according to Edward in the Encyclopedia of Philosophy, states that morality are: 1. Beliefs about the nature of man 2. Beliefs about ideals, about with is good or desirable or worthy of persuit for its own sake 3. Rules laying down what ought to be done and what ought not to be done 4. Motive that incline us to choose the right or the wrong course (Edward. 1967:150, Vol 7&8) There are three kinds of motives which lead men to act morally, that is, to obey the moral rules of their society, enlightened self-interest, respect for rules, and other regarding motives (Edward, 1967:151) According to Betham as mentioned in Hazlitt (2003:109) morality is the art of maximizing happiness. It can be seen by reaching the existence of happy and joyful life of humans. Morals are the standards by which behaviours are evaluated for their morality – their rightness or wrongness. Morality is something that must be owned by human because without morality human will not be respected by other people. They will be easy to socialize with people around them and will be accepted in the community. Someone who has 15 moral should have the ability to consider good and bad behavior because no one can live without other person. 2. Values The theory of value begins with a subject matter. It is hard to specify in some general way exactly what counts, but it certainly includes what people are talking about. According to Ursery (2002:1) stated value is belief or attitude about what is good, right desirable, worthwhile and value system the ways people organize rank, prioritize, and make decision. Based on the people values provide the foundation from which the people make the personal and professional judgment and choices. The writer concludes they are the people beliefs about what is important in life. Some values refer to how one should act. Other values refer to what one wants to accomplish or obtain in life. Schroeder (2012:2) gives some distribution of value in daily life, he explains pleasure is good or bad; it would be good or bad if people did that. He gives another examples of value those are too much cholesterol is good or bad for health; it is better or worse for it to end now, than for us to get caught later. Value are guidances to act or behave which coming from ourselves, pinciples about to live a life and to make a decision (Buzan, 2003:28). Value are moral and nature of bahaviour which are decided for ourselves, involved the concept of iniversal truth, honesty, fair, justice and honor. 16 According to Earle (1992:297), value is positive quality of anything whereby it is desirable, useful, interesting, good, and important. Only a few of the terms is available for the expression of positive values. Whether values are part of the intrinsic nature of things or simply a matter of how humans respond to things is controversial. It is clear that the values influence what people will determine as ethical; however, values are the measure of importance, where as ethics represent judgments about right and wrong, Shockley-Zalabak (1999:438) in the Paul Chippendale (2001:2). The writer can conclude, values is close relationship between importance and right and wrong is a powerful influence on behavior and how the people evaluate the behaviour of others. 3. Moral Values Moral values has been learned and taught since childhood. It is the first step to be a good person. Behavior is the way of behaving. Good behaviors is shown by how someone presented the politeness, for example speaks politely, dressed politely, and walks politely and etc Ursery (2002:2) stated moral values are the people beliefs about what is important in life. Some values refer to how one should act such as become honest, altruistic, self-discipline while other moral value to what one wants to accomplish or obtain in life. Moral values are quite or not specific about what should be done. It is general beliefs or attitudes about something the people desire or like. 17 Moral value is value that must be separated with other values. Every value will get quality if it has relation with other values (Bertens, 1997:142-147). Moral values are characterized: a. Responsibility Moral values related to the human person who is responsible. A moral value only is realized in actions that are fully the responsibility of the person concerned. Humans themselves become a source of moral values. b. Conscience Value always contains some sort of invitation or appeal. Moral value is that only raising the value of the voice of conscience that accused persons when underestimate or against moral values and praised us when realizing moral values. c. Obligation Moral values that is required for granted unconditionally. These values apply to humans as humans. Expected and even demanded that everyone uphold moral values and practice. Moral obligation does not come from the outside or institutions but is rooted in people's own humanity. d. Formality Moral value is not stand-alone without other value. Moral values did not separate with other values. Moral values are nothing 18 without other values. It is form of formality. Max Scheler mentioned in Bertens that moral values “get a lift” to other values. Religion also gives many contribution in moral values development. Someone who has religion, they should control their act and attitude because in the Holy Qur’an there are prohibitation, commands, and punishment. Barcalow (1994:40) suggest that many people appeals to God’s Law the ultimate test of right and wrong. It can be understood that religion is a foundation of moral values. B. Types of Moral Values 1. Religiosity Religiosity is morbid or excessive concern with religion in it is formal expression (Webster, 1994:841). Religiosity can be defined as exaggerated embodiment of certain aspects of religious activity. Religiosity is characterized by excessive involvement in religious activities. 2. Love and Affection Love as a concept enters philosophy at one point through religion, particulary when the origin of the world is expressed as an act of procreation or the Creator is conceived of as loving his creation either as a whole or in part (i.e. the human race). But the concept of love is also a subject for philosophic mediationin regard to ethical problems. Love, as one of the powerful of human impulses, was early seen to be much in need 19 of control, especially if man as rational animal was to be able to use his rational capacities (Edward:1967). Dear to themselves is more than just a loyal and respectful. Dear friends, dear to the neighbour, who also love to hate us. And emphasize the lifelong responsibility for saying to the family (Linda, 1997:124) 3. Loyalty Loyalty means reliable and consistent in implementing, always support, serve and help. Loyalty is not only always supported what he do but also give warned about the mistake that have been made (Linda, 1995:101). Loyalty refers to the quality of another to have unwavering to another person. It is a state in which an individual executes his or her mandate to the letter, with strict andherence to and faithfulness to a sovereign. 4. Sincerity Sincerity is the quality of honestly believing something or really meaning what you say (Longman, 2008:14789). Sincerity is the virtue of one who speaks and acts truly about his or her own feelings, thoughts, and desires. 5. Thankfulness Thankfulness is word or action express gratitude to someone or something (Webster, 1994:1023) 20 6. Steadfastness Steadfastness is certain that are right about something and refusing to change the position or opinion in any way (Longman, 2008: 1556) 7. Humbleness Aware that the friendly and carrying attitude is more commendable than the rough attitude. The tedency to use instead of confrontation. Tenderness, especially on the younger and weaker. Capable of making new friends and maintain friendship. Lightweight hand to help (Linda, 1997:156). Humbleness means approving not considering yourself or ideas to be as important as other peoples. 8. Peace loving Peace loving means controlling emotions and keep them from injuring others things. Peace loving does not mean that emotion should be eliminated or ignored, it is called value as to be good for others and for oneself so as to feel and function better. Peace loving is something that can be transmitted (Linda, 1997:35). 9. Brotherhood Brotherhood means a feeling of friendship between people (Longman, 2008:193). Brotherhood is that treating others as though they are part of the family that love and support. It means lending a hand or helping to carry a burden for another when someone cans. 21 10. Respecting others Respecting other has means the special esteem or consideration in which one holds another person or thing. Salute to lfe, respect to property right, respect for the father and mother, respect for elders, respect for nature and respect for the belief and right of the others. Civilized and polite behaviour. Respectful to yourself and avoid distraction to yourself (Linda, 1997). Respecting others means to admire someone because they have high standard and good personal quality. 11. Optimism Optimism is a tendency to belive that good things will always happen and the future will be good (Longman, 2008:1116). Optimism is a tendency to look at the bright side of any situation and expect the best possible outcome from any series of events. Optimism is powerfully motivational; optimism is one of the cornerstones of success. C. Song Lyric Lyric come from Ancient Greece has means a piece for single voice, to be accompanied by the lyre. The song lyric is specifically intended for singing. This intention affects diction, content and stanza form. The song lyric is particularly unified and simple. A tune has its own emotional character, and it is words will need to be of words and music (Little, 1970:174). 22 Song lyric is the verbal symbol that created by human. Human is the creature that knows how to react not only in the physical environment but also in the symbols that they made (Rivers, 2003:28). From the explanation above, it can be concluded that song lyric is symbolic reaction of human. It is a response of everything that happened and felt by their physical environment and it is influenced by common sense and rationality. Symbol is used by human to understand a reality cannot be seen directly, but it can be seen and felt by human senses. This stimulus is processed and created by mind. Then, the concept or the specific interpretation will be formed a specific meaning appropriate with what will be pronounced. D. Literary Elements of Song Lyric According to Risdianto (2011:32) there are five element of poetry which to be a good poem, they are figure of speech, imagery, rhythm, rhyme, and tone. 1. Figure of Speech Figurative language or figure of speech is a poet’s expression of his imagination. According to Perrine (1963:54) figurative language is broadly defined as any way of saying something other than ordinary way. It is more narrowly definable as a way of saying one thing and meaning another. According to Wren and Martin (1981) in Siswantoro (2010:24) figure of speech is a departure from the ordinary form of expression or the ordinary course of ideas in order to produce a greater effect. 23 Figure of speech is a deviation from the usual form of expression or common way of thinking in an effort to obtain a more intense effect of disclosure. Figurative language consists 12 kinds, they are: simile, metaphor, personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, metonymy, symbol, allegory, paradox, hyperbola, understatement, irony (Risdianto, 2011:3336). 1.1 Simile Simile is comparison between two different things and usually used a word like, as, or so. According to Perrine as mentioned in Risdianto stated that in simile the comparison is expressed, by the use of some word such as like, as, than, similar to, or resembles. 1.2 Metaphor Metaphor is comparison between two things where the comparison what will say with directly and one thing is something that not real thing. Metaphor is not used like, as or so. According to Perrine (1963:54) stated in metaphor the comparison is implicit, the figurative term is substituted for or identified with the literal term 1.3 Personification Personification is figure of speech that comparison giving extinct objects with human characteristic. Personification consists in giving the attributes of a human being to an animal, an object, or an idea, the comparison is always a human being (Perrine, 1963:55). 24 1.4 Apostrophe Apostrophe is consists in addressing someone absent or something non human as if it were alive and present and could replay to what is being said. Apostrophe needs great imaginative power on the part of the poet (Perrine, 1963:56). 1.5 Synecdoche Synecdoche is figure of speech that using a part to signify the whole (Diyanni, 2004:563). Synecdoche is the use of the part for the whole (Perrine:1963) 1.6 Metonymy Metonymy is substituting an attribute of a thing for the thing itself (Diyanni, 2004:563). Metonymy is a kind of figure of speech that uses the name of something closely associated with the goods. Metonymy is the use of something closely related to the thing actually meant (Perrine, 1963:69) 1.7 Symbol Symbol defined as something that means more than what it is (Perrine, 1963:69). 1.8 Allegory Allegory is a narrative or a description that has meaning beneath the surface one (Perrine, 1963:76). Allegory has sometimes been defined as an extended metaphor or as a series of related symbols. But it is usually distinguishable from either of these. 25 1.9 Paradox Paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless something true. It may be either situation or statement. It may be either a situation or a statement (Perrine, 1963:90). In a paradoxical statement the contradiction usually stems from one of the words being used figuratively or in more than one sense. The value of paradox is it is shock value 1.10 Overstatement Hyperbole is simply exaggeration out in the service of truth (Perrine, 1963:91). Like all figures of speech, overstatement may be used with a variety of effect. It may be humorous or grave, fanciful or restrained, convincing or unconvincing. 1.11 Understatement Understatement is saying less than one means that may exist in what are said or merely in how one says it (Perrine, 1963:92). Understatement is the opposite of overstatement. 1.12 Irony Irony is the opposite of what one means (Perrine, 1963:93). Irony as saying the opposite of what one means. In addition, it is the use words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning, a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea. 26 2. Imagery Imagery is one of the literary elements that also important in the poetry. The clear explanation of imagery is in below: Imagery is a peculiarly effective way of evoking vivid experience, and since it may be used by the poet in such a way as to convey emotion and suggest ideas as well as to cause a mental reproduction of sensations, it is an invaluable resource of the poet (Perrrine, 1963:48) Imagery is mental image that result creation the use of particular words. Imagery may be defined as the representation through language of sense experience. According to Diyanni (2004:557) imagery refers to a pattern of related detail in a poem. Imagery consists of visual, auditory, olfactory, internal sensation, and tactile (Siswantoro, 2010:51) 2.1 Visual Visual imagery related to sight, something seen, and allows visualizing events or places in a work (Diyanni, 2004:557). 2.2 Auditory Auditory imagery is a form of mental imagery that is used to organizing and analyzing sounds when there is no external auditory stimulus present, something heard (Diyanni, 2004:557). 2.3 Olfactory According to Risdianto (2011:38) olfactory is description of smell so clear they seem almost to stimulate the readers own sense of smell while reading. Olfactory is applied to something smelled that shows by the singer in his lyrics. 27 2.4 Internal Sensations Internal sensation is related with something tasted (Siswantoro, 2010:53). Description of taste so clear to stimulate the readers own sense of taste while reading 2.5 Tactile According to Risdianto (2011:38) tactile imagery means description conveys a strong, touch or physical sensation that the reader can almost feel whiles the reader reading. Tactile is connecting to something felt or sensation of touch. 3. Rhythm Rhythm refers to any wavelike recurrence of motion or sound. In speech it is the natural rise and fall of language. All language is to some degree rhythmical, for all language involves some kind of alternation between stressed and unstressed syllables (Perrine, 1963:162). Rhythm refers to the regular recurrence of the accent or stress in poem or song. It is the pulse or beat the people in a phrase of music or a line of poetry. People derive the sense of rhythm from everyday life and from the experience with language and music. According to Siswantoro (2002:6567) the types of rhythm are Iambic and Trochee. 3.1 Iambic The first time to analyzed Iambic is read the line and follow the unstressed and stressed intonation. The example: 28 — U U — U — U — How small | a part | of time | they share | 3.2 Trochee The first time to analyzed Iambic is read the line and follow the stressed and unstressed intonation. The example: — U — U — U —U Should you | ask me | whence these | stories 4. Rhyme Risdianto (2011:42-43) stated that rhyme is two words that sound alike, the vowel sound of two words is the same, but the initial consonant sound is different. A rhyme is a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words, most often at the end of lines in poems or songs. Rhyme consist of three types, they are Feminine, Masculine, and Triple. 4.1 Feminine Feminine rhyme is in which two consecutive syllables, the first of which accented. Feminine is relatively rare in English poetry and usually appears as a special effect. Example: “certain” and “curtain”. — U Certain — U Curtain — is symbol of stressed U is symbol of unstressed 29 4.2 Masculine Masculine rhyme is in which the final syllable of the word or line is stressed. Masculine is a rhyme that matches only one syllable, usually at the end of respective lines. Often the final syllable is stressed. Example: “spring” and “bring” U— U— Spring Bring — is symbol of stressed U is symbol of unstressed 4.3 Triple Triple rhyme is in which all three syllable of a word or identical. Triple is a rhyme an involving three syllable, as in vanity or humanity. Example: “Flowery” and “showery” —U— — U— Flowery Showery — is symbol of stressed U is symbol of unstressed 5. Tone Tone may be defined as the writer or speaker attitude toward his subject, his audience, or himself. It is the emotional coloring or the emotional meaning, of the work, and is an extremely important part of the 30 full meaning. A correct interpretation of his tone will be an important part of understanding his full meaning. In poetry tone is likewise important (Perrine, 1963:135). Tone also can be defined an abstraction the singer make from the detail of a poem language, the use of particular of words and sentences pattern, of imagery and figurative language. According to Dube in Rohmah (2010:27) tone is a writer or speaker attitude toward his or her subject matter an reader that include humorous, nostalgic, affectionate, serious, melancholy, sarcastic, elated and angry condition. 31 CHAPTER III BIOGRAPHY OF THE SINGER E. Biography of the Singer Maher Zain is a singer and songwriter Maher Zain is the new star of modern islamic music with his meaningful songs that the aim is to inspire and entertain people and send a message of peace and hope to the world. this is the complete data of Maher Zain: Name : Maher Zain Date of birth : March 16, 1981 in Tripoli Nationality : Swedish (of Lebanese origin) Education : BA in Aeronautical Engineering Previous Job : Music Producer Debut Album Name : Thank You Allah Number of Tracks : 13 Release Date : 1st of November 2009 Record Label : Awakening Records Second Album Name : Forgive Me Release Date :2nd of April 2012 Number of Tracks : 14 Record Label : Awakening Records 32 Facebook Page : Twitter Page : Website : Record Label : Awakening Records Leaving behind a lucrative career in the mainstream music industry in New York where he worked with internationally renowned producer RedOne (Akon, Lady Gaga, Enrique Iglesias, Michael Jackson etc) Maher chose instead to make music that reflects his roots of being both European, Arab and Muslim and he is working with Awakening Records to inspire the youth across the world. In early March 2010, Maher's debut album Thank You Allah (released by Awakening Records) was the No.1 highest selling album on Amazon in the world music section and Number 8 in the R&B section. With the release his second album Forgive Me Maher continues to inspire the world through his music. Maher has already had concerts in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Sweden, France, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Bosnia, UAE, Egypt, Algeria, Bahrain, Jordan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore and Thailand to mention just a few. With his passion, incredible talent and unique style, the sky is the limit for Maher. Maher Zain’s first musical inspiration came from his father, who was a singer himself, performing locally in the beautiful Mediterranean city of Tripoli - Lebanon. Fascinated by the music and instruments, Maher 33 got his first keyboard when he was only ten and ever since music officially became part of Maher’s world. The family moved to Sweden when Maher was only 8 years old, where he continued his schooling, and entered university and got a Bachelors degree in Aeronautical Engineering. With things changing around him, one thing remained the same - his passion for music. He would spend late nights at school with his friends where they would sing, rap, compose and experiment with music in every way. It didn’t take him long to realize that music became an integral part of who he is. After being involved for a while in the music scene in Sweden as a music producer, Maher was introduced to RedOne, a gifted music producer who was fast rising in the music scene in Sweden. Maher started working with RedOne with Swedish artists, and later moved with him to New York. For a few years he was in the middle of the hot rush of the NY music industry, working with chart topping artists such as Kat Deluna on her debut album that included smash hits ‘Whine up’ and ‘Run the Show’. Maher had what many would describe as a dream job for someone so young in such a glamorous business, but Maher still felt like something is missing. “I loved the music but I hated everything that surrounded it, it always felt like something wasn’t right.” RedOne was on the verge of breaking into the big time, going on to work with artists like Akon, Lady Gaga, Enrique Iglesias, Brandy, New Kids on the Block, and Michael Jackson to mention just a few, and becoming one of the most sought-after 34 music producers in the world. Maher however was restless and eventually decided that the music industry and all that surrounded wasn’t the right place for him and he returned to Sweden. In early 2009, Maher Zain re-entered the music industry albeit with a different kind of music and decided to work with Awakening Records (UK) on an album that reflects his identity – Arab, Muslim and Swedish. His debut album Thank You Allah was released by Awakening Records in October 2009 to International acclaim. The album went on to become a multi-platinum success, reaching the number 1 spot on Amazon’s World Music charts and number 9 on the R&B charts, and picking up 10 platinum awards in Malaysia alone - making it officially the best selling music album in Malaysia in 2010 and indeed in the last decade. Maher has already performed in sold-out concerts in Sweden, Canada, Australia, US, France, UK, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Austria, Malaysia, Bahrain, Algeria, and Egypt to name just a few. In April 2012, Maher Zain’s second album Forgive Me was released. The album is a dynamic and modern mix of East & West and is expected to surpass the success of the debut album and captivate the senses of the audiences worldwide. Maher Zain’s music mixes the sounds of R&B with traditional spiritual, soul and contemporary pop music, not just updating spiritual music and inshad but fearlessly reviving it with contemporary flair. Maher’s songs are instant classics of great power and timeless, unassailably intense spirituality 35 F. Forgive Me Album Forgive Me album released on april 1st , 2012, for the recorded this album started at 2010 until 2012. Religious, contemporary islamic music, soul, pop, middle east pop, and adult contempory are the genres of the songs. Forgive Me use Awakening Record as a label n the producer are Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi. April 2012 witnessed the launch of his second album Forgive Me with the hit single “Number One for Me” that exceeded 1,000,000+ views on YouTube within one week of release. The album is a dynamic and modern mix of East & West and is expected to surpass the success of the debut album and captivate the senses of the audiences worldwide. In the album of Forgive Me has some songs such as : 1. I Love You So Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi and Bilal Hajji are the songwriters in this song. This song tells how he proud to Allah and try to becomes a loyal servant and always remember his God. God not only irradiate his heart but also to be end his goal.The writers describe how God show His love to him, straight off the power and hope will be the end in peace. 2. Number One For Me The second music video from the album was 'Number One For Me'. It was released on March 15, 2012. The video was directed by Mike Harris, who had previously directed 'Insha Allah' 36 from the album Thank You Allah. 'Number One For Me' was released on iTunes earlier on March 13, 2012. The actor is Massimo Loreti as a child. Maher Zain, Bilal Hajji and Nano Omar are the songwriters in this song, the song tells how the singer’s loved to his mother. The lyrics tell about his personal experiences, when he was child. His disobedient made his mother always cries. The singer regratted because he made his mother cried with his naughtiness. He wanted to make his mother always smile. Finally, the singer becomes adult and has a child, and he learnt anything from his mother during child until adult. 3. Mawlaya Bara Kherigi and Maher Zain are the songwriters. The song describes how proud, and love the singer to Allah and Muhammad as a prophet. In the lyrics the singer tries to express many things to describe his love but never has he found to a nicety of words. 4. My Little Girl Maher Zain is the songwriter in My Little Girls song, the song shows that how the singer is happy and thanks to God because he has a daughter. His daughter gives spirit, motivation, and fills his soul. He always prays to God so that his daughter gets the best way and keep his daughter everytime. He hope to see and care her daughter until she is adult. 37 5. Forgive Me This lyrics are written by Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi. This song shows the singer wants to repent of his sin before he died. 6. One Big Family One big family lyrics are created by Maher Zain. This song tells all of the people in the world is a family. All people are same and no difference of each other. 7. Assalamu’alayka Maher Zain and Bara Kherigi are the songwriter in this song. The song tells how the singer longs and loves to Muhammad as a Prophet. He wants to be able meet and always close to his prophet. The singer also suggests the people to always send blessing to Muhammad always. 8. Paradise The lyrics of paradise song is made by Maher Zain. The singer believe that he will stay on paradise with his wife. He prays every time to see it. The singer tries to describe how beautiful paradise. paradise is place where the pities people will stay enduringly. 9. Masha Allah Masha Allah lyrics are written by Mahmoud Farouk. The song describes about the wedding ceremony and do not forget that 38 the Prophet engrafts to the people that to get allowed relationship with marriage settlement. You did the marriage contract and people are overjoyed for the two of you. 10. Radhitu Billahi Rabba Radhitu Billahi Rabba lyrics are created by Bara Kherigi and Maher Zain. This song tells what he trust to God and born witness as a Muslim. 11. Freedom The first music video from the album was titled 'Freedom'. It was released on March 27, 2011 by Malaysian director, Mohd Hafizi bin Mat Khalib. The music video was filmed on February 25 and 26, 2011 at Malawati Stadium, Malaysia. Maher Zain is the songwriter in this song, the song tell invite the peoples to encourage people to fight against all oppression. 12. So Soon The third music video entitled 'So Soon', was released on June 3, 2012. It was directed by Mike Harris. Bara Kherigi, Maher Zain and Mohamed El-Kazaz are songwriters in this song. This song tells about the death of someone special for singer. The singer needs long time to accept this truth. 39 13. Muhammad Muhammad lyrics are made by Maher Zain and Hamza Namira. The song describes how the singer loves and misses to prophet Muhammad PBUH. 14. Guide Me All The Way Maher Zain is the songwriter in the lyrics. This song describes about the singer's feeling of regret. The singer tries to forgive to God because he cannot thanks enough and doubt God's love. 40 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND FINDING A. Data Analysis 1. Moral Values As the writer told in previous chapter, moral values are the standards that help us determine what kinds of action are proper and worthwhile and which are not, what is right and what is wrong, and what is good and what is bad. In the Forgive Me song lyrics the writer found the moral values delivered by the singer. The analysis based on the kinds of moral values. Those are: 1.1 Religiosity The first analysis is religiosity. The writer found thirteen quotations of lyrics that categorized as religiosity and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.1 Religiosity No 1 Title I Love you so 2 Data Code I pray to God 1.1A with my heart, soul, and body My Lord send you peace and blessings Mawlaya 1.1B always and forever Upon Your beloved, the best of the entire creation 3 4 5 Mawlaya Mawlaya My Little Girl My Lord send your peace upon him 1.1C Grant us the chance to be with him 1.1D We pray to You Allah I pray that I’ll get the chance 41 1.1E To be around and watch you grow And witness your first steps And the first time when you will call me “dad” 6 Assalamu’alayka 7 I left all my troubles and worries As I entered Your Mosque so gently The place that no eye has ever seen Paradise 1.1 F 1.1G The place that no heart has ever perceived 8 Feeling the peace all around Paradise 1.1H seeing things we could never imagine Hearing the sound of rivers flow 9 Radhitu Billahi 1.1I Your promise is always true Rabba 10 My eyes cannot see You Radhitu Billahi And yet my heart believes Rabba Your miracles surround me 1.1J So clear and easy to see I’ve accepted Allah as my Lord 11 Radhitu Billahi Rabba 1.1K And Islam as my way of life And Muhammad – may Allah’s peace & blessings be upon him As Allah’s Prophet and Messenger 12 By my side, I wish to be close Guide me All the Close to You throughout my life Way Ya Allah, oh Allah! 1.1L Be with me all the way 13 Now I pray for that day Guide me All the Way when all this stops and comes to an end Some my last wish is for You to be pleased with me 42 1.1M I pray to God with my heart, soul, and body Every single day of my life (Code: 1.1A) The singer tells or teaches to the hearer that he deeply in intense capacity in praying. In Islam, five time prayers are the obligation of its followers. Praying to God does not only use our body but also use our heart and soul. Then, all people will get peace to experience their daily life. That embraced his noble feet or that kissed his blessed hands Ya Rasool Allah Ya Habiba Allah Grant us the chance to be with him We pray to You Allah (Code: 1.1D) Mawlaya song asks that the hearer must pray to Allah and always praises to the messenger of Allah; Muhammad SAW. In this lyric, the singer also told that this activity becomes the habitual act of the singer. It is a prove of singer’s love to his God. I pray that I’ll get the chance To be around and watch you grow And witness your first steps And the first time when you will call me “dad” (Code: 1.1E) In this song the singer has a role as a father who has one-year old daughter. In every pray he hope that Allah give blessing on the growth of his daughter and see her in healthy condition. When his daughter tries to speak at the first time he wishes that she will call him “dad”. 43 There was that one place I always thought about And I just wanted to be there with you The place that no eye has ever seen The place that no heart has ever perceived (Code: 1.1G) In the stanza the singer tells his wife that they will stay in particular place. The place is an eternal place special for good people and never seen by anyone. It is firm belief for the believers and stated in Holy Qur’an. That place is Jannah or heaven. Your promise is always true You don’t need anyone But we’re all in need of You (Code: 1.1I) In the song lyrics describe that Allah will hear and answer every wishes of the people that pray to Him. A Confession of the singer that God will hears his prayer. God is stand-alone, never need anyone and has everything given to His believer. By my side, I wish to be close Close to You throughout my life Ya Allah, oh Allah! Be with me all the way (Code: 1.1L) A Guide Me All the Way song lyrics above also give contribution the moral values of religiosity. The singer always calls God or Allah in the stanza above. He wants to remember His every time and every action because he feels being watched by Allah. Every Moslem has desire to be close to Allah and hope it for His mercy. 44 1.2 Love and Affection The second analysis is love and affection. The writer found six quotations of lyrics that categorized as love and affection and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.2 Love and Affection No Title 1 Data Code So pleasing you is now my only goal 1.2A I Love You so Oh I love you so I love you so I’ve learnt so much from you 2 1.2B Now I’m trying to do it too Number One for me Love my kids the way you do 3 If I could turn back time rewind Number One for me 1.2C If I could make it undone I swear that I would I would make it up to you 4 All the poetry ever written 1.2D Every verse and every line All the love songs in the world Every melody and rhyme Mawlaya If they were combined They would still be unable to express What I want to define When I try to describe my love for you 5 Just thinking of you makes me smile My little Girl 1.2E Holding you, looking in your eyes 6 I care about you One Big Family And I wish you could realize There’s no difference between us two 45 1.2F Love and affection, here, includes the aspect of care and attention. It can be seen in the I Love You So, Number One for me, Mawlaya, My Little Girl, and One Big Family songs. and shone Your light into my heart So pleasing you is now my only goal Oh I love you so I love you so (Code: 1.2A) In the song lyrics describe that the singer always love to his God or Allah. It sounds prettier in the third and fourth line in the stanza above. Only Allah can handle all trouble in his heart and Allah will gave points for problems or unrest. I’ve learnt so much from you Now I’m trying to do it too Love my kids the way you do (Code: 1.2B) A part of song lyrics above teach to the hearer experience of the singer when he was a child. And now he grows bigger to be an adult and he has a child. He wants to treat his child like the way his mother treated him when he was a child. His mother always loves him every time and always be there for him. 46 If I could turn back time rewind If I could make it undone I swear that I would I would make it up to you (Code: 1.2C) The singer wants to tell to hearer that every chance we have, we should use it very well. In the part of song lyrics above, the singer feels guilty for his mother when the singer was child and he realizes his wrong doing. He also told that he wanted to turn back the time so that he could pay back his fault and made his mother happy always. All the poetry ever written Every verse and every line All the love songs in the world Every melody and rhyme If they were combined They would still be unable to express What I want to define When I try to describe my love for you (Code: 1.2D) Mawlaya song lyrics in the stanza above can be categorized as love affection because there is word love in the last line of stanza. In the song the singer tells everything in this world was considered as something beautiful which cannot describe his love to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH is more beautiful above all Just thinking of you makes me smile Holding you, looking in your eyes (Code: 1.2E) 47 In the second song lyrics the singer uses word holding to show his love and protect to daughter. She has some behaviors that sometimes makes funny, unique, and annoyed, however all of her behavior is wonderful. The singer holds and looks his child, he is a perfect man because has a child. I care about you and I wish you could realize there’s no difference between us two (Code: 1.2F) In the song lyrics teach love and affectionate because there is a word care. The song writer shows his attention to each other that all the same, no difference between one people with others. 1.3 Loyalty The third analysis is loyalty. The writer found five quotations of lyrics that categorized as loyalty and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.3 Loyalty No Title 1 Number One for me 2 Radhitu Billahi Rabba Data You know you are the number one for me Allah You are the only One 3 And I sincerely pray Radhitu To be among the ones You love Billahi Rabba And until my final day Code 1.3A 1.3B 1.3C I’ll say in all my prayers 4 So Soon Night and day, I still feel you are close to me 48 1.3D And I remember you in every prayer that I make Every single day may you be shaded by His mercy 5 And I remember all the stories you told me So Soon 1.3E I miss the time you were around But I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you You know you are the number one for me (Code: 1.3A) The word “you” in the song lyrics refer to “mother”. The singer’s loyalty to his mother and make her to be number one. She is the first person who teaches everything to the children from the beginning. She is a person who always forgives her children’s mistake. It is a prove that the singer really love his mother. Allah You are the only One (Code: 1.3B) Radhitu Billahi Rabba song, the singer was testifying that Allah as his God. He declared syahadah to embrace as a Muslim and Muhammad as messenger of Allah. His loyalty shows when the singer accepted Allah is the only God. And I sincerely pray To be among the ones You love And until my final day I’ll say in all my prayers (Code: 1.3C) 49 The singer wants to be a person who loved by God. The loyalty is shown in the third and fourth line, the singer will pray until his final day and on every prayer. Night and day, I still feel you are close to me and I remember you in every prayer that I make every single day may you be shaded by His mercy (Code: 1.3D) The lyrics describe how deep feels losing his loved parents. The singer feels his mother or father is always beside him every single day. The loyalty found when the singer always remember in every pray that he make to them. The singer hopes his mother or father always in God’s mercy. And I remember all the stories you told me I miss the time you were around but I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you (Code: 1.3E) The word “you” in the stanza above refers to the singer parent. He always remembers and misses when he had nice conversation with his parents. When his father or mother pass away and leave him, he feels alone and misses them. To be together with his parents is a beautiful moment. 1.4 Sincerity The fourth analysis is sincerity. The writer found three quotations lyrics that categorized as sincerity and it shown the data in the table below: 50 Table 4.4 Sincerity No Title 1 Data Code Now I will to try to love you 1.4A Number One for Like you love me me Only God knows how much you mean to me 2 Assalamu’alayka I’ve left my heart with my Beloved Sending blessings on Muhammad 3 I know that You could easily Guide Me All the 1.4B 1.4C Take away everything You’ve given me Way And I try to remember Not to take anything for granted Now I will to try to love you Like you love me Only God knows how much you mean to me (Code: 1.4A) The singer shows his sincerity in the part of lyrics above. The song lyrics tell to hearer how the singer loved his mother so much. Some naughtiness had been done when he was a child until grows up now, but his mother always cares. He wants to love his mother like she loves him. Now, the singer feels his mother is someone that important for him. I’ve left my heart with my Beloved Sending blessings on Muhammad (Code: 1.4B) This song tells about the confession of the singer that his heart is for Prophet Muhammad PBUH as a messenger of Allah. He always send blessing to his love, “Muhammad” in every pray. 51 I know that You could easily Take away everything You’ve given me And I try to remember Not to take anything for granted (Code: 1.4C) Guide me All the Way song; tells the sincerity to the hearer a blessing and mercy the people will get from Allah. Allah is very easy to lift something out that He gives to us. Easily Allah gives what we want and He will ask it back when He wants it. 1.5 Thankfulness The fifth analysis is thankfulness. The writer found three quotations of lyrics that categorized as thankfulness and showed the data in the table below: Table 4.5 Thankfulness No Title 1 Data Code O Allah, I’m forever grateful to You 1.5A Whatever I say could never be enough I Love You so You gave me strength to overcome my uncertainties And stand firm against all the odds You are the One who did revive my soul 2 Number One I will use every chance I get To make you smile for me 3 My Little Girl 1.5B Whenever I’m around you Holding you, looking in your eyes I’m so grateful for having you O Allah, I’m forever grateful to You Whatever I say could never be enough You gave me strength to overcome my uncertainties 52 1.5C And stand firm against all the odds You are the One who did revive my soul (Code: 1.5A) Loyalty is also shows in the part of song lyrics I Love You so. The singer always grateful to Allah and he shows his loyalty with praises. God gives him strength to make him stronger when he is in difficult time. God is the only one who inspires his life. I will use every chance I get To make you smile Whenever I’m around you (Code: 1.5B) The singer describes he will use every moment when he is together with his mother. Together with his mother to make her smile every time and make her happy when she stayed with him. Thankfulness feeling is shown when the singer wants to stay beside his mother and makes her happy living with him. Holding you, looking in your eyes I’m so grateful for having you (Code: 1.5C) My Little Girl song lyrics tell to hearer an amaze stories about the singer have a child. He says thanks to God who has given him a lovely child in his life. 1.6 Steadfastness The sixth analysis is steadfastness. The writer found two quotations of lyrics that categorized as steadfastness. The data are shown in the table below: 53 Table 4.6 Steadfastness No Title Data Code 1 Number One Even though I was so bad 1.6A for Me I’ve learnt so much from you You left so soon, so soon 2 1.6B I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long So Soon I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard Even though I was so bad I’ve learnt so much from you (Code: 1.6A) The song lyrics tell about when the singer was a child. At that time he was so naughty. The singer always makes his mother cried and felt pain. Nevertheless, His mother always cares and loves him until he grows up. To make him to raise him growing adult is not easy for her. You left so soon, so soon I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard (Code: 1.6B) The song lyrics tell his steadfastness when his father or mother left him alone. The singer tries to deal what he gets and learns about it. He tries to stop his tears and be strong. He has to face everything, even though it is very difficult for him. 54 1.7 Humbleness The seventh analysis is humbleness. The writer found only one quotation of lyrics that categorized as humbleness and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.7 Humbleness No Title Data Code 1 Forgive Me I know O Allah You’re the Most- 1.7A Forgiving And that You’ve promised to Always be there when I call upon You I know O Allah You’re the Most-Forgiving And that You’ve promised to Always be there when I call upon You (Code: 1.7A) Forgive Me song lyrics show how God is having a modest characteristic. The God is the Most Forgiving to the person that wants return to the Him right way. He is always around for the person who needs Him. 1.8 Peace Loving The eighth analysis is peace loving. The writer found only one quotation of lyrics that categorized as peace loving and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.8 Peace Loving No Title 1 Data Code I wonder why you and me fight each other 1.8A One Big Don’t you see the similarities between us? family Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror You look like me: those eyes, lips – you can’t 55 deny I wonder why you and me fight each other Don’t you see the similarities between us? Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror You look like me: those eyes, lips – you can’t deny (Code: 1.8A) In the part of stanza above, it talks about there is no differences between us. Peace loving is shown in the first line, the singer alert the people that be family. Become a family also gives interdependent, care, and protection. 1.9 Brotherhood The ninth analysis is brotherhood. The writer found three quotations of lyrics that categorized as brotherhood and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.9 Brotherhood No Title Data Code 1 One Big We’re part of one family 1.9A Family No matter how far you are And even if we don’t know each other Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one 2 Freedom Gathered here with my family 1.9B My neighbors and my friends standing firm together against oppression holding hands It doesn’t matter where you’re from 3 Freedom For giving us the strength to hold on And now we’re here together 56 1.9C The writer finds moral values of brotherhood among song lyrics. They are: We’re part of one family No matter how far you are And even if we don’t know each other Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one (Code: 1.9A) The lyrics tell that all of the people belong to one family. Although the people do not know one another and they have not met before. The singer also tells about even so the people are in different place, culture, skin, genre, they are belongs to one family. Gathered here with my family My neighbors and my friends standing firm together against oppression holding hands It doesn’t matter where you’re from (Code: 1.9B) The lyrics tell to other people to be united. Maher Zain’s family, friends, or neighbor strive for a word freedom. The singer and other frown upon what looked like oppression in his country. The key of freedom is we become unite to be fighting the oppression. For giving us the strength to hold on and now we’re here together (Code: 1.9C) Freedom song lyrics above tell to hearer becomes Ukhuwah the tie of brotherhood. In case, we are working together and building the unity, so we have strength this against oppression. The singer and each other people want to shake off the yoke. 57 1.10 Respecting Others The tenth analysis is respecting others. The writer found two quotations of lyrics that categorized as respecting other and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.10 Respecting Other No Title Data Code 1 Assalamu’alayka May salutations be sent upon You 1.10A O Messenger of Allah May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah 2 So Soon And I remember you in every prayer 1.10B that I make May salutations be sent upon You O Messenger of Allah May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah (Code: 1.10) The song lyrics tell about Respect to Muhammad PBUH as a Prophet. The singer gives praises to his prophet. Assalamu’alayka song disclose how the singer love and longing to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. And I remember you in every prayer that I make (Code: 1.10B) This lyrics deal with the idea of respecting to his parents passed away. As a child he always prays to his mother or father. He does it every day and night when he made his prayer. 58 1.11 Optimism The eleventh analysis is optimism. The writer found three quotations of lyrics that categorized as optimism and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.11 Optimism No Title Data Code 1 Paradise And we know we’ll be here forever 1.11A The feeling is indescribable Knowing that this is our reward 2 Paradise I had a great feeling inside of me 1.11B That one day I’ll be there with you 3 Now I know how it feels I Love you so 1.11C to finally be at peace inside And we know we’ll be here forever The feeling is indescribable Knowing that this is our reward (Code: 1.11A) The song lyrics tell about optimism about he and his wife will be together in paradise. Paradise is place where the pieties people will stay enduringly. Every day and night he and his wife always pray to God so that they will be in paradise one day. 2. Literary Elements In this chapter the writer would like to discuss the literary elements of song lyrics in the Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. The literary elements 59 of song lyrics or poetry are figure of speech, imagery, rhythm, rhyme, and tone. Those are: 2.1 Figure of Speech 2.1.1 Simile There are many kinds of figure of speech in the song lyrics and one of them is simile. Simile is the simplest figure of speech. Simile is a comparison between two objects by using the connective words, such as “like” and “look like”. The writer found two quotations of lyrics that categorized as simile and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.12 Simile No Title Data You’re like shining star 1 I Love You so 2 One Big Family Code 2.1.1A You look like me: those eyes, lips, - 2.1.1B you can’t deny You’re like shining star So beautiful you are My baby girl You light up my world (Code: 2.1.1A) In the part of My Little Girl song lyrics, the singer shows in the sentence “You’re like shining star”. The singer used word “like” to describe his beloved daughter. The two unrelated things refer to the singer’s daughter and shining star. 60 Take a minute a minute see yourself in the mirror You look like me: those eyes, lips – you can’t deny (Code: 2.1.2B) Simile also found in the One Big family song lyrics. The singer shows in the sentence “You look like me: those eyes, lips – you can’t deny”, the characteristic of simile is uses of word “look like” to compare you (other people) and me (the singer). 2.1.2 Hyperbole The writer found five quotations of lyrics that categorized as overstatement and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.13 Hyperbole No Title Data Code 1 My Little Girl 2.1.2A 2 I Love You So You are miracle You are a blessing from above And stand firm against all the odds 3 My Little Girl 4 Paradise 5 Mawlaya And pleasure to my eyes The place that no heart has ever perceived When I try to describe my love for you 2.1.2B 2.1.2C 2.1.2D 2.1.2E You are miracle You are a blessing from above (Code: 2.1.2A) The word “you” in the lyric refers to the singer’s daughter. The singer uses the hyperbole sentence “you are miracle” to express the overflow of happy feeling of the singer. 61 You light up my world I pray that I’ll get the chance To be around and watch you grow (Code: 2.1.2D) The word “you” in the lyric refers to the singer’s daughter. The singer uses the hyperbole sentence “you light up my world”, the word “world” refers to his life. A daughter is able to give him happy feeling. Everything I feel in my heart and want to say And it's hard to explain Why I could never describe my love for you (Code: 2.1.2F) The point of overstatement in the Mawlaya song can been seen in the sentences “Why I could never describe my love for you”. The singer tries to describe his love to Prophet Muhammad PBUH, but he can not define the best word to explain it. 2.1.3 Personification Personification is a figure of speech which gives the qualities of a person to an animal or an object. The writer found two quotations of lyrics that categorized as personification and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.14 Personification No Title Data 1 Assalamu’alayka 2 Forgive Me O Taiba (Medina), your breeze is so blessed My shame comes back to haunt me 62 Code 2.1.3A 2.1.3B O Taiba (Medina), your breeze is so blessed Indeed it brought life back to my spirit (Code: 2.1.3A) In the stanza a part of Assalamu’alayka song lyrics, the point of personification can be seen in the sentences “O Taiba (Medina), your breeze is so blessed. The abstract entity of “breeze” is treated like human being who is able to do things. The word “your” in the first line refers to Taiba or Medina. Even though it is his life spirit refreshed by influence of the “breeze” of Medina. What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad! And every time I try to start all over again My shame comes back to haunt me (Code: 2.2.3B) The point of personification can be seen in the sentences “My shame comes back to haunt me”. The feeling of “shame” continually presents by the singer. The feeling of shame always appears and annoys his feeling. 2.1.4 Synecdoche The writer found two quotations of lyrics that categorized as synecdoche and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.15 Synecdoche No Title Data Code 1 I Love You So 2.1.4A 2 I Love You So I pray to God With my heart, soul, and body With every breath I solemnly promise 63 2.1.4B I pray to God With my heart, soul, and body (Code: 2.1.4A) The point of synecdoche in I Love You So can been seen in the sentences “I pray to God with my heart, soul, and body” when the singer was praying. He may not mention all of his part of body such as hand, head, mouth, etc. in the result the singer uses the word “my heart, soul, and body” to represent all of his part of the body when he is praying. With every breath I solemnly promise To try to love my life for You (Code: 2.1.4B) The sentence “with every breath I solemnly promise” as synecdoche. It means the singer promised to try to love his life for God. In this case the singer wants to be thankful and love his life; he wants to sacrifice his life to Allah. Thus, the word “every breath” is the synecdoche expression. 2.1.5 Repetition Repetition is figure of speech has meaning repetition in the same word or phrase. The writer found three quotations of lyrics that categorized as repetition and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.16 Repetition No Title Data Code 1 Freedom We’re calling for freedom, 2.1.5A fighting for freedom 2 You went so soon, so soon So Soon 64 2.1.5B You left so soon, so soon 3 Every sound and every voice Mawlaya 2.1.5C Calling you for freedom, freedom We know you can hear our call ooh We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom We know you won’t let us fall oh We know you’re here with us (Code: 2.1.5A) In the stanza above, the word “for freedom” or “freedom” in the first and third line shows the figure of speech categorized as repetition. The function of repetition to intensify and to give emphasize of the part of lyrics so that the readers are able to make focus and understand the meaning. Freedom is a substantial and basic thing for family and community. You went so soon, so soon You left so soon, so soon I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong (Code: 2.1.5B) Here, the word “so soon” is written in first and second lines in the stanza above. The function of repetition to intensify and to give emphasize of the part of lyrics so that the readers are able to make focus and understand the meaning. It’s the reflection of the feeling of sadness by the singer when someone he loved passed away. 2.1.6 Litotes Litotes is expression of one’s meaning by saying something is the direct opposite of one thought, it to make someone’s remarks 65 forceful. The writer found three quotations of lyrics that categorized as litotes and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.17 Litotes No 1 2 3 Title Data Code Even though I was so Bad 2.1.6A I was a foolish little child 2.1.6B What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad 2.1.6C Number One for Me Number One for Me Forgive Me Even though I was so bad (Code: 2.1.6A) The point of litotes in Number One for Me song can be seen in the sentence “Even though I was so Bad”. In the litotes expression in which the uses word “so bad”, lexically means badly behaved or naughty. The singer feels when he was a child, he behaved badly. I was a foolish little child (Code: 2.1.6B) The point of litotes in Number One for Me song can be seen in the sentence “I was a foolish little child”. In the litotes expression in the uses of word “foolish”, lexically means stupid. The singer does anything without he thinks it’s good or bad. 66 What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad (Code: 2.1.6C) The point of litotes in Forgive Me song can be seen in the sentence “What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad”. In the litotes expression is the uses of word “so bad”. In past, this is reflection of the singer feeling who has a bad mood. 2.1.7 Metaphor The writer found two quotations of lyrics that categorized as metaphor and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.18 Metaphor No Title Data Code 1 I Love You So To try to live my life for You 2.1.7A 2 Mawlaya When I try to describe my love for you 2.1.7B To try to live my life for You (Code: 2.1.7A) The point of metaphor in I Love You So song can be seen in the sentence “to try to live my life for You”. In the metaphorical expression in which the tenor is the abstract form of the word “my life” whereas the vehicle is the concrete form of the word “journey”. The word “journey” means the singer try to live his life in the aim of loving Allah. When I try to describe my love for you (Code: 2.17C) The point of metaphor in Mawlaya song can be seen in the sentence “When I try to describe my love for you”. In the metaphorical expression in which the 67 tenor is the abstract form of the word “my love” whereas the vehicle is the concrete form of the word “struggle”. In this case the abstract entity of “love” was treated a similar to the concrete object of “struggle”. The word “struggle” means the singer tries to describe his love, care, and want to be closed to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. 2.2 Imagery 2.2.1 Visual Visual imagery related to sight, something seen, and allows visualizing events or places in a work. The writer found ten quotations of lyrics that categorized as visual imagery and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.19 Visual Imagery No Title Data Code 1 I Love You so I wish that everyone could see 2.2.1A 2 Number One for Crazy things I used to do 2.2.1B Me 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Holding you, looking in your My little Girls eyes To be around and watch you My little Girls grow So now I’m standing here Forgive me As I entered your Mosque so Assalamu’alayka gently The place that no eye has ever Paradise seen Seeing things we could never Paradise Freedom imagine Standing together holding hands in unity 68 2.2.1C 2.2.1D 2.2.1E 2.2.1F 2.2.1G 2.2.1H 2.2.1I 10 So soon Every time I close my eyes I see you in front of me 2.2.1J I wish that everyone could see How Your love has set me free Set me free and made me strong (Code: 2.2.1A) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics I Love You So. In part of song lyrics present visual imagery because the word “see” in the first line has meaning other people also see how Allah very loves them. God always be there for His believer and give them what they need. I was a foolish little child Crazy things I used to do And all the pain I put you through Mama now I’m here for you (Code: 2.2.1B) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics Number One for Me. The stanza presents visible image of a corner boy. He always does anything without think its bad or good, so that makes his mother is in pain. When he has growth up, he wants to always around his mother. Just thinking of you makes me smile holding you, looking in your eyes I’m so grateful for having you and everyday I pray I pray that you’ll find your way (Code: 2.2.1C) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics My Little Girl. This lyrics is visual imagery because the singer activities with his daughter. When they smiled, held each other, and saw her are the visual activities. 69 My baby girl You light up my world I pray that I’ll get the chance To be around and watch you grow And witness your first steps And the first time when you will call me “dad” (Code: 2.2.1D) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics My Little Girl. In the part of song lyrics the singer presents his daughter very important for him. The singer wants to see his daughter growth with his own eyes. It is as a proof of visual imagery. I know O Allah You’re the Most-Forgiving And that You’ve promised to Always be there when I call upon You So now I’m standing here Ashamed of all the mistakes I’ve committed Please don’t turn me away And hear my prayer when I ask You to (Code: 2.2.1E) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics Forgive Me. In the stanza above, the singer describes the feeling shy of his mistake. The singer forgives for his mistake and prays devoutly. I left all my troubles and worries As I entered your Mosque so gently And as I finally stood there before you I couldn’t stop my tears from falling In your presence O Muhammad! (Code: 2.2.1F) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics Mawlaya. The singer shows visual imagery in the lyrics wants to pray and enters to Mosque to break away from his problem. In his imagination he wants to be 70 congregation and Prophet Muhammad PBUH is Imam in his praying. He feels very happy until his tears in his face. ‘Cause we always had in our minds The place that no eye has ever seen The place that no heart has ever perceived The place we’ve been promised to live in forever And best of all, it’s just me and you (Code: 2.2.1G) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics Paradise. In the stanza the singer presents to the listener how the paradise it is. Paradise is a place that people never know, and it is everlasting place for god-fearing people. He wants to stay in paradise with his wife and it is the final goal for their life. And it makes me strong to see everyone standing together holding hands in unity shouting out load demanding their right for freedom (Code: 2.2.1I) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics Freedom. In the first and second lines lyrics above, the song writer describe togetherness and unity. These lines are visual imagery and the word “see” is its keyword. By the togetherness, they can achieve their freedom for their place. Every time I close my eyes I see you in front of me I still can hear your voice calling out my name And I remember all the stories you told me I miss the time you were around 71 But I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you ‘Cause I know life won’t last forever (Code: 2.2.1J) The visual imagery can be seen on the song lyrics So Soon. In our imagination bring an image about someone that very important person and closed with him. Day by day anything they do together. The visual imagery showed when the singer saw his beloved someone in front of him. 2.2.2 Auditory Auditory imagery is a form of mental imagery that is used to organizing and analyzing sounds when there is no external auditory stimulus present, something heard. The writer found five quotations of lyrics that categorized as auditory imagery and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.20 Auditory Imagery No 1 Title Forgive Me Data Code And hear my prayer when I ask 2.2.2A You to 2 Paradise Hearing the sound of rivers flow 2.2.2B 3 Freedom We know You can hear our call 2.2.2C So Soon I still can hear your voice calling 2.2.2D 4 5 out my name Mawlaya Every sound and every voice 2.2.2E Please don’t turn me away and hear my prayer when I ask You to (Code: 2.2.2A) The lyrics categorized as auditory imagery because there is a word ‘hear’, its aware of sounds with the singer. He wants to God hear his prayer. In this case, the word ‘hear’ means God hears His believers’ prayers. 72 Hearing the sound of rivers flow and we know we’ll be here forever (Code: 2.2.2B) The lyrics categorized as auditory imagery because there is word “hear”. “Hear” in song lyrics above means the singer tells about paradise to the hearer. The people will hear flow of river in paradise. Calling you for freedom, freedom We know you can hear our call ooh We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom (Code: 2.2.2C) The lyrics tell about many people hopes freedom for the arbiters. They also hope the arbiters hear their aspiration. I still can hear your voice calling out my name and I remember all the stories you told me I miss the time you were around (Code: 2.2.2D) It categorized as auditory imagery. In this lyric the singer misses his parent. He always remembers what the parent said and called his name. Every sound and every voice in every language ever heard (Code: 2.2.2E) The lyrics describe the singer’s love of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It can not be drawn by every language ever heard. 2.2.3 Internal Sensation Description of taste so clear to stimulate the readers own sense of taste while reading. The writer found five quotations of lyrics that categorized as internal sensation and it shown the data in the table below: 73 Table 4.21 Internal Sensation No 1 2 Title Data Code I Love You so To finally be at peace inside I Love You so You are the one who did revive 2.2.3B 2.2.3A my soul Number One for And all the pain I put you 2.2.3C 3 4 Me through Forgive Me My shame comes back to haunt 2.2.3D me One Big Family 5 Sometimes we are sad, 2.2.3E sometimes we are happy Now I know how it’s like To have Your precious love in my life Now I know how it feels To finally be at peace inside (Code: 2.2.3A) The singer presents the feeling imagery in the stanza above. The singer is aware of his love to God. It makes him always feels at peace and quite in his life. You are the One who did revive my soul You shone Your light into my heart So pleasing you is now my only goal (Code: 2.2.3B) I Love You so song lyrics, the singer shows his feeling. He describes how God is important for him. When he was in trouble, God was able to make him stronger. He thinks that only God is always being there for him in every moment. I was a foolish little child Crazy things I used to do 74 And all the pain I put you through Mama now I’m here for you (Code: 2.2.3C) In the Number One for Me song lyrics above tell the regret feeling. The word “pain” refers to mother feeling of the singer. His naughtiness when he was a child makes his mother hurts. Am I out of my mind? What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad! And every time I try to start all over again My shame comes back to haunt me (Code: 2.2.3D) Forgive Me song lyrics above present the bad feeling of the singer. The singer feels fool because all of his well things that will be done are over because of his feeling shy. You feel I feel, you bleed I bleed, you cry and I cry We sleep and dream Sometimes we’re sad, sometimes we’re happy (Code: 2.2.3E) In this case, the singer describes his love to other people. The singer explains to the hearer how deep the togetherness of this song lyrics. It means that what the people feel, the singer also feels it too. They are always together in sadness or happiness. 75 2.3 Rhythm 2.3.1 I Love You so U — U — I pray to God U — With U — U — my heart soul and body — U —U — U — — Every single day of my life U — U — U — U — U — With every breath I solemnly promise U — U U — — U — To try to live my life for you — U U — U — U O Allah, You did revive my soul U — — U — U — U And shone Your light into my heart U — U — U — U — U So pleasing you is now my only goal U — U — U Oh I love you so U — U — I love you so In the rhythm above, the singer use Iambic in the first, second, ninth and tenth line in the stanza above. Iambic shows on the first line of the stanza above with unstressed and stressed. 76 2.3.2 Number One for Me U— U — U — U— If I could turn back time rewind U— U — U — U U — U — U If I could make it undone I swear that I would — U — U— U — I would make it up to you Number One for Me stanza above, the singer uses Iambic and Trochee. Iambic shows on the first line of the stanza above with unstressed and stressed. Trochee foot is present in the third line with stress and unstressed. 77 2.3.3 Mawlaya U U — U — — U All the poetry ever written —U U U —U — every verse and every line U U — U — U — All the love songs in the world —U — U U — every melody and rhyme U — U U — If they were combined U — — U U — U U — they would still be unable to express U — U — U — what I want to define U — U — U — U — U — When I try to describe my love for You Iambic can be seen in the seventh and eighth line in the stanza above. Iambic form is unstressed and stressed. 78 2.3.4 My Little Girl — U — U — U — You’re like a shining star U — U — U So beautiful you are U — U My baby girl U — U — U You light up my world U — U U — U U — I pray that I’ll get the chance U — U — U — U — To be around and watch you grow U — U U — — And witness your first steps U U — — U — U — U — And the first time when you will call me “Dad” The singer uses Trochee and Iambic in the My Little Girl stanza above. Trochee shows on the first line with stressed and unstressed. Iambic presents on fourth and sixth line in the stanza above with unstressed and stressed. 79 2.3.5 Forgive Me U — U — — U — U — U I know O Allah You’re the Most-Forgiving U — U — U U And that You’ve promised to —U — U — UU U— — Always be there when I call upon You U — U — U — So now I’m standing here U— U— U U — U U — Ashamed of all the mistake I’ve committed — — U U U— Please don’t turn me away U — U — U — U U — U And hear my prayer when I ask You to Iambic is shown by the singer for the Forgive Me song lyrics above. Iambic foot is show on fifth and sixth line in the stanza above. 80 2.3.6 One Big Family U — U — U — U — U — U I wonder why you and me fight each other — U — U U — U — U Don’t you see the similarities between us? — U — U — U — — U — Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror U — U — U — — — U U— You look like me those eyes, lips – you can deny Iambic and Trochee are present by the singer when he sings this song. Iambic shows on first line in the song lyrics above and the form unstressed, stressed. Trochee shows on second line and the form is stressed, unstressed. 81 2.3.7 Assalamu’alayka U — — U U— — U O Taiba, your breeze is so blessed U— U — — U —U — U Indeed it brought life back to my spirit U — U — U — U — I’ve left my heart with my beloved — U — U U — Sending blessings on Muhammad Iambic can be seen in third line of stanza above. The form of Iambic is unstressed and stressed. 82 2.3.8 Paradise U — U — — — U — U And now that we’re here feeling so good U — U U — U — U U About all the thing that we went through — U U — U — U — U Knowing that God is pleased with us too U — U — U U— It’s not dream, this is so true U — U — U U — Feeling the peace all around — — U U — — — U — Seeing things we could never imagine — U U — U — — Hearing the sound of rivers flow U — — U U — U— And we know we’ll be here forever U — U U U — U The feeling is indescribable Knowing that this is our reward 83 2.3.9 Radhitu Billahi Rabba — — — U U —U — Allah You are the only One U — U U — — Your promise is always true U — U — U You don’t need anyone U — U — U U — But we’re all in need of You Iambic presents by the singer in Radhitu Billahi Rabba song. The stanza above uses forms unstressed and stressed. 2.3.10 Freedom — U — U — U — U Calling you for freedom, freedom U U — U — U — We know you can hear our call ooh U —U U — U — U U — U We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom U U — U U U — We know you won’t let us fall oh U U — U — U — We know you’re here with us Trochee presents by the singer to the hearer in the stanza in Freedom song. The first line disclose trochee with stressed, unstressed. 84 2.3.11 So Soon U — U — U — You went so soon, so soon U — U — U — You left so soon, so soon U— U — U U — U U — U — I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long U — U — U — — U — U U — I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong U — U — U — —U U U — U I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard U— U — — — — U — U — — U — I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone — U — Gone so soon Iambic presents by the singer in first and second line in So Soon song. The stanza above uses forms unstressed and stressed. 85 2.3.12 Guide Me All the Way — U — — U Day by day passes U — U — U — — U — And I think that my time could be near —U — — U — U — U— U — So I pray: O God let this world be in my hands U U —U — And not in my hear U — U — U — U ‘Cause soon I’ll have to leave it Iambic presents in the fifth by the singer in Guide Me All the Way song. The stanza above use form unstressed and stressed. 2.4 Rhyme 2.4.1 Feminine Feminine rhyme is a rhyme that matches two or more syllables, usually at the respective lines, in which the final syllable or syllable are unstressed. The writer found eight quotations of lyrics that categorized as feminine rhyme and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.22 Feminine Rhyme No Title 1 I Love You so Data Code O Allah, you did revive my soul 2.4.1A And shone Your light into my heart So pleasing you is now my only goal 86 2 3 I Love You so Now I know how it’s like To have Your precious love in my life Number one The days I told you lies 2.4.1C Now it’s time for you to rise for Me 4 2.4.1B Number one About the day I’d face in time for Me Coz now I have a child of mine We sleep and dream 5 One Big Sometimes we’re sad, sometimes Family we’re happy 2.4.1D 2.4.1E You breathe I breathe 6 And I think that my time could be near Guide Me All 2.4.1F So I pray: O God let this world be in my hands the Way And not in my hear Now I know how it’s like To have Your precious love in my life (Code: 2.4.1B) Feminine rhyme can be seen in the lyrics above, the form of feminine rhyme is stressed then unstressed. It shows when the singer used ''like'' and ''life'' in the end of line. —U Now I know how it’s like —U To have Your precious love in my life About the day I’d face in time Coz now I have a child of mine (Code: 2.4.1D) 87 Feminine rhyme can be seen in the lyrics above, the form of feminine rhyme is stressed then unstressed. It shows when the singer used ''time'' and ''mine’‘ in the end of line —U About the day I’d face in time —U Coz now I have a child of mine And I think that my time could be near So I pray: O God let this world be in my hands And not in my hear (Code: 2.4.1F) Feminine rhyme can be seen in the lyrics above, the form of feminine rhyme is stressed then unstressed. It shows when the singer used ''near'' and ''hear'' in the end of line. —U And I think that my time could be near —U And not in my hear 2.4.2 Masculine Masculine rhyme is a rhyme that matches one or two syllable, usually at the end of respective lines. Often the final syllable is stressed. The writer 88 found two quotations of lyrics that categorized as masculine rhyme and it shown the data in the table below: Table 4.23 Masculine Rhyme No 1 Title Mawlaya Data Code If they were combined 2.4.2A They would still be unable to express What I want to define Forgive me 2 Forgive Me 2.4.2B My heart is so full of regret Forgive me Now is the right time for me to repent If they were combined They would still be unable to express What I want to define (Code: 2.4.2A) Masculine rhyme can be seen in the lyrics above, the form of masculine rhyme is unstressed then stressed. It shows when the singer used ''combined'' and ''define'' in the end of line. U — If they were combined U— What I want to define Forgive me My heart is so full of regret Forgive me Now is the right time for me to repent (Code: 2.4.2B) Masculine rhyme can be seen in the lyrics above, the form of masculine rhyme is unstressed then stressed. It shows when the singer used ''regret'' and ''repent'' in the end of line. 89 U— My heart is so full of regret U— Now is the right time for me to repent 2.5 Tone Tone, in literature, may be defined as the writers or speaker attitude toward his subject, his audience, or himself. It is the emotional coloring, or the emotional meaning, of the work, and is an extremely important of the full meaning. According to Dube in Rohmah (2010) tone is a writer or speaker attitude toward his or her subject matter an reader that include humorous, nostalgic, affectionate, serious, melancholy, sarcastic, elated and angry condition. 2.5.1 I Love You so The lyrics of the song have the theme religious and affectionate. Here, religious and affectionate present the singer’s feeling how deep his love to Allah. His love gives him the power and self confidence to walk on his life. He tries to becomes a good servant and only Allah is goal of his life. It sounds mellow. 2.5.2 Mawlaya The lyrics of this song has theme of religious and affectionate. The singer finds the situation of affectionate when he praises to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. The song lyrics tells his love to Muhammad 90 PBUH that can be described although by using beautiful word, sound, and voice. The lyric is also religious because there are sentence present commendations to Prophet Muhammad PBUH. It sounds cheerful and shaking. 2.5.3 Radhitu Billahi Radhitu Billahi Rabba song includes religiosity. The song describes when someone becomes a Moslem they must say syahadah. The singer believes that Allah is the only one his God. He hopes that he will be the one of people who He loved. It sounds cheerful and stronger. 2.5.4 Number One for Me The lyrics of Number One for Me song includes affectionate and elated. The affectionate in the lyrics showed the singer’s love to his mother that take care him to be an adult. The singer reminds when he was a child, he was naughty boy and now he wants to learn about anything that his mother did to him (always care and love him). Song lyrics are also elated, the singer feels happy because he has a daughter and always says thanks to his mother because of his caring to him. It sounds shaking and cheerful. 2.5.5 My little Girl The lyrics of My Little Girl song includes affectionate and elated. The affectionate in the lyrics are the singer’s love to his daughter. He always cares and loves her. The point of elated in this song is 91 when the singer has a daughter. In a fact, he really wants to see his daughter grows up. It sounds mellow. 2.5.6 Guide Me All the Way Guide Me All the Way song is sung by sentimental sounds. The lyrics of this song may be includes in religious and melancholy song. The religious thing of this song is the singer tells that he wants to be guided to the right way, and to the Allah’s paradise. Then, the melancholy point is the singer feels regret for his doubt about Allah’s love and he can not thanks enough to Allah. 2.5.7 Paradise Paradise is the song that is sung by melancholic sounds. The lyrics tell about the affectionate and elated of the singer. It is prove by the lyric that explains the singer's desire stays in paradise with his wife forev6er. Also, when he tries describe how beautiful the paradise. He always feels happy and he thinks of the eternal life in paradise. 2.5.8 Forgive Me Forgive Me is the serious song and it is melancholic sounds. It is shown by the lyrics that tell about the experience of the singer's life. In his life, he used to make many mistakes. Now, he regrets for mistake he did. He thinks that now is the right time for him to repent. 92 2.5.9 So Soon So Soon presents by mellow sounds. This lyrics explain the bad feeling of the singer. It tells about the death of someone special for singer. The singer needs long time to accept this truth. Also, he always remember everytime and every memory that they shared. 2.5.10 One Big Family One Big Family has theme serious and affectionate song. This song is played by mellow sounds. Mellow sounds represent the serious and affectionate of the song lyric. It can be seen from the lyrics that tell about every people have to care, love, and smile to each other. 2.5.11 Freedom The singer presents this song smoothly but it sound powerful. Freedom song can be catagorized as serious song. By this song, the singer tries to encourage people to fight against all oppression. 2.5.12 Assalamu’alayka The singer presents this song by mellow sounds. Assalamu'alayka is religious and memorable song. It tells about the singer's love to prophet Muhammad is big. He wants to be closer with Prophet Muhammad PBUH by sending blessing always to him. B. Finding After classifying and analyzing the data, the writer found several finding: 93 1. Moral Values The writer shows the finding data of moral values in the table form below: Table 4.24 Moral Values No Type of Moral Values Item 1 Religiosity 13 2 Love and Affection 6 3 Loyalty 5 4 Sincerity 3 5 Thankfulness 3 6 Steadfastness 2 7 Humbleness 1 8 Peace Loving 1 9 Brotherhood 3 10 Respecting other 2 11 Optimism 3 2. Literary Elements 2.1 Figure of Speech The table below is the data of figure of speech in the Forgive Me album: Table 4.25 Figure of Speech No Type of Figure of speech Item 1 Simile 2 2 Hyperbole 5 3 Personification 2 4 Synecdoche 2 5 Repetition 3 6 Litotes 3 7 Metaphor 2 94 2.2 Imagery The table below is the data of imagery in the Forgive Me album: Table 4.26 Imagery No Type of Imagery Item 1 Visual 10 2 Auditory 5 3 Internal Sensation 5 2.3 Rhythm The most of stanza in every song in Forgive Me album use Iambic and Trochee to show intonation when the singer sing a song. 2.4 Rhyme The table below is the data of rhyme in the Forgive Me album: Table 4.28 Rhyme No Type of Rhyme Item 1 Feminine 6 2 Masculine 2 2.5 Tone The writer found song lyrics in the Forgive Me album present by the singer are elated, melancholy, serious, religious, nostalgic, and affectionate. The singer present the songs mellow, refine, powerful, cheerful, and shaking sounds. 95 CHAPTER V CLOSURE A. Conclusion Through the investigation and analysis from the data, the writer proposes several findings: 1. Moral Values The writer found eleven types of moral values seen on song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain, they are: religiousity, love and affection, loyalty, sincerity, thankfulness, steadfastness, humbleness, peace loving, brotherhood, respecting others, and optimism. 2. Literary Elements From the explanation in the previous chapter, the writer can conclude that there are five dominant literary elements in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. They are: 2.1 Figure of Speech Figure of speech in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain that the writer found are simile, hyperbole, personification, synecdoche, repetition, litotes, and metaphor. 2.2 Imagery Imagery consists of five types, the writer found 3 types of imagery in the song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain. The writer found visual, auditory, and internal sensation. 96 2.3 Rhythm Iambic and Trochaic are frequently found in the stanza in every song in Forgive Me album to show intonation when the singer sing a song. 2.4 Rhyme Rhyme consists of three types; feminine, masculine, and triple rhyme. In the song lyrics of Forgive Me album the writer found two types, those are feminine and masculine rhyme. There is no triple rhyme found in the Forgive Me album. 2.5 Tone The writer found song lyrics of Forgive Me album present by the songwriter or singer are elated, melancholy, serious, religious, nostalgic, and affectionate. The singer presents the song mellow, refine, powerful, cheerful, and shaking sounds. B. Suggestion Being interested in analyzing moral values seen on song lyrics of Forgive Me album by Maher Zain, the writer tries to give some suggestions as follows: 1. The analysis of this graduating paper is limited. Therefore, the writer suggests the students of English Department who are interested in this field, to do further research, particularly about moral values and literary elements of song lyrics or poetry. 97 2. The writer hopes this graduating paper could be a reference for those want to do further research in the others song lyrics of moral values and literary elements. 3. The last, the writer fully realizes that this graduating paper is still far from being perfect; therefore any constructive criticism will be highly appreciated. 98 BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsimi. 2005. Manajemen Penelitian. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta Barcalow, Emmet. 1994. Moral Philosophy. California: Wadsworth Publishing Company Bertens, K. 1997. Etika. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Buzan, tony. 2003. Sepuluh Cara Jadi Orang yang Cerdas Secara Spiritual. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Chippendale, Paul. 2001. On Values, Ethics, Morals and Principles in Retrieved on November 10th 2013 Craswell, J.W. 1994. 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Forgive Me 6. One Big Family 7. Assalamu’alayka 8. Paradise 9. Radhitu Billahi Rabba 10. Freedom 11. So Soon 12. Guide Me All the Way I LOVE YOU SO I pray to God My heart, soul, and body Every single day of my life With every breath I solemnly promise To try to live my life for you O Allah, You did revive my soul And shone Your light into my heart So pleasing You is now my only goal Oh I love You so I love You so (I love You so) [Chorus:] Now I know how it’s like To have a precious love in my life Now I know how it feels To finally be at peace inside I wish that everybody knew How amazing it feels to love You I wish that everyone could see How Your love has set me free Set me free and made me strong O Allah, I’m forever grateful to You Whatever I say could never be enough You gave me strength to overcome my uncertainties And stand firm against all the odds You are the one who did revive my soul You shone Your light into my heart So pleasing You is now my only goal Oh I love You so I love You so (I love You so) [Chorus] My love, my life, my days, my nights, my wealth, my prayers – all for You [x2] And I swear that I will never put anyone or anything before You My love, my life, my days, my nights, my wealth, my prayers – all for You [Chorus] NUMBER ONE FOR ME I was a foolish little child Crazy things I used to do And all the pain I put you through Mama now I'm here for you For all the times I made you cry The days I told you lies Now it's time for you to rise For all the things you sacrificed [Chorus:] Oh, if I could turn back time rewind If I could make it undone I swear that I would I would make it up to you Mum I'm all grown up now It's a brand new day I'd like to put a smile on your face every day Mum I'm all grown up now And it's not too late I'd like to put a smile on your face every day And now I finally understand Your famous line About the day I'd face in time 'Cause now I've got a child of mine And even though I was so bad I've learned so much from you Now I'm trying to do it too Love my kid the way you do [Chorus] You know you are the number one for me [x3] Oh, oh, number one for me There's no one in this world that can take your place Oh, I'm sorry for ever taking you for granted, ooh I will use every chance I get To make you smile, whenever I'm around you Now I will try to love you like you love me Only God knows how much you mean to me [Chorus] You know you are the number one for me [x3] Oh, oh, number one for me MAWLAYA موالي ص ّل وسلم دائما أبدا على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم موالي ص ّل وسلم دائما أبدا على حبيبك خير الخلق كلهم يا رب ص ّل عليه يا رب صلّ عليه يا رب صلّ عليه صلوات هللا عليه (My Lord send you peace and blessings always and forever Upon Your beloved, the best of the entire creation [x2] My Lord send your peace upon him [x3] May Allah's salutations be upon him) All the poetry ever written Every verse and every line All the love songs in the world Every melody and rhyme If they were combined They would still be unable to express What I want to define When I try to describe my love for you CHORUS Every sound and every voice In every language ever heard Each drop of ink that has been used To write every single word They could never portray Everything I feel in my heart and want to say And it’s hard to explain Why I could never describe my love for you CHORUS There’s not a single person Who can ever match his worth In character and beauty To ever walk on earth I envy every rock and tree And every grain of sand That embraced his noble feet Or that kissed his blessed hands Ya Rasool Allah Ya Habiba Allah Grant us the chance to be with him We pray to You Allah MY LITTLE GIRL You are a miracle You are a blessing from above You brought joy to my soul And pleasure to my eyes In my heart I can feel it An unexplainable feeling Being a father The best thing that I could ever ask for Pre-chorus: Just thinking of you makes me smile Holding you, looking in your eyes I’m so grateful for having you And everyday I pray I pray that you’ll find your way Chorus: You know I love you, I love you My little girl, my little girl I ask God to bless you, and protect you always My little girl, my little girl You’re like a shining star So beautiful you are My baby girl You light up my world I pray that I’ll get the chance To be around and watch you grow And witness your first steps And the first time when you will call me “dad” FORGIVE ME I’m about to lose the battle and cross the line I’m about to make another mistake And even though I try to stay away Everything around me keeps dragging me in I can’t help thinking to myself What if my time would end today, today, today? Can I guarantee that I will get another chance Before it’s too late, too late, too late Chorus: Forgive me… My heart is so full of regret Forgive me… Now is the right time for me to repent, repent, repent.. Am I out of my mind? What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad! And every time I try to start all over again My shame comes back to haunt me I’m trying hard to walk away But temptation is surrounding me, surrounding me I wish that I could find the strength to change my life Before it’s too late, too late, too late CHORUS I know O Allah You’re the Most-Forgiving And that You’ve promised to Always be there when I call upon You So now I’m standing here Ashamed of all the mistakes I’ve committed Please don’t turn me away And hear my prayer when I ask You to ONE BIG FAMILY I wonder why you and me fight each other Don’t you see the similarities between us? Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror You look like me: those eyes, lips – you can’t deny Pre-chorus: Have you thought about Why we look the same? Why we feel the same? Don’t tell me it’s by chance Chorus: Oh, you’re my brother You’re my sister We’re one big family Oh, you’re my brother You’re my sister Just one big family It doesn’t matter if you live far away from me You feel I feel, you bleed I bleed, you cry and I cry We sleep and dream Sometimes we’re sad, sometimes we’re happy You breathe I breathe We love, walk, talk and we smile PRE-CHORUS CHORUS I care about you And I wish you could realise There’s no difference between us two We’re part of one family No matter how far you are And even if we don’t know each other Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one ASSALAMU’ALAYKA My heart is so full of longing I wish to be close to my Beloved I dream to walk in the streets of Medina And to quench the thirst of my spirit By visiting you, O Muhammad! Chorus: يا رسول هللا..السالم عليك يا يا نبي هللا..السالم عليك يا حبيبي يا رسول هللا..السالم عليك يا يا نبي هللا..السالم عليك يا حبيبي يا رسول هللا (May salutations be sent upon you O Messenger of Allah May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved O Prophet of Allah May salutations be sent upon you O Messenger of Allah May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved O Prophet of Allah, O Messenger of Allah) I left all my troubles and worries As I entered your Mosque so gently And as I finally stood there before you I couldn’t stop my tears from falling In your presence O Muhammad! CHORUS O Taiba (Medina), your breeze is so blessed Indeed it brought life back to my spirit I’ve left my heart with my Beloved Sending blessings on Muhammad PARADISE I remember when I first met you I felt that God answered my call There was that one place I always thought about And I just wanted to be there with you The place that no eye has ever seen The place that no heart has ever perceived I had a great feeling inside of me That one day I’ll be there with you Chorus: And now that we’re here feeling so good About all the things that we went through Knowing that God is pleased with us too It’s not a dream, this is so true Feeling the peace all around Seeing things we could never imagine Hearing the sound of rivers flow And we know we’ll be here forever The feeling is indescribable Knowing that this is our reward Do you remember the hard times we went through? And those days we used to argue But there was not one thing that could bring us down ‘Cause we always had in our minds The place that no eye has ever seen The place that no heart has ever perceived The place we’ve been promised to live in forever And best of all, it’s just me and you CHORUS I remember us praying at night And just dreaming about this together I’m so blessed to have you in my life And now we can enjoy these blessings forever Paradise is where we are now Paradise, a dream come true Paradise, O what a feeling! Paradise, thank You Allah! RADHITU BILLAHI RABBA رضيت باهلل ربا و باإلسالم دينا رضيت باهلل ربا و باإلسالم دينا و بمحمد صلى هللا عليه وسلم نبيا ورسوال (I’ve accepted Allah as my Lord And Islam as my way of life And Muhammad – may Allah’s peace & blessings be upon him As Allah’s Prophet and Messenger) Allah You’re the source of life And You’re the source of truth To obey You I strive And my aim is pleasing You Allah You are the only One Your promise is always true You don’t need anyone But we’re all in need of You Pre-Chorus: And I sincerely pray To be among the ones You love And until my final day I’ll say in all my prayers CHORUS My eyes cannot see You And yet my heart believes Your miracles surround me So clear and easy to see Allah You are the greatest And I submit to You You know my deepest thoughts You know everything I do FREEDOM Gathered here with my family …My neighbor’s and my friends Standing firm together against oppression holding hands It doesn’t matter where you’re from Or if you’re young, old, women or man We’re here for the same reason; we want to take back our land Oh God thank you For giving us the strength to hold on And now we’re here together Calling you for freedom, freedom We know you can hear our call ooh We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom We know you won’t let us fall oh We know you’re here with us No more being prisoners in our homes No more being afraid to talk Our dream is just to be free, just to be free Now when we’ve taking our first step Towards a life of complete freedom We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we’re almost there Oh God thank you For giving us the strength to hold on And now we’re here together Calling you for freedom, freedom We know you can hear our call ooh We’re calling for freedom, fighting for freedom We know you won’t let us fall oh We know you’re here with us I can feel the pride in the air And it makes me strong to see everyone Standing together holding hands in unity Shouting out load demanding their right for freedom This is it and we’re not backing of Oh God we know you hear our call And we’re calling you for freedom, freedom We know you can hear our call ooh We’re calling for freedom, calling for freedom We know you won’t let us fall oh We know you’re here with us SO SOON Every time I close my eyes I see you in front of me I still can hear your voice calling out my name And I remember all the stories you told me I miss the time you were around (x2) But I’m so grateful for every moment I spent with you ‘Cause I know life won’t last forever Chorus: You went so soon, so soon You left so soon, so soon I have to move on ’cause I know it’s been too long I’ve got to stop the tears, keep my faith and be strong I’ll try to take it all, even though it’s so hard I see you in my dreams but when I wake up you are gone Gone so soon Night and day, I still feel you are close to me And I remember you in every prayer that I make Every single day may you be shaded by His mercy But life is not the same, and it will never be the same But I’m so thankful for every memory I shared with you ‘Cause I know this life is not forever CHORUS There were days when I had no strength to go on I felt so weak and I just couldn’t help asking: “Why?” But I got through all the pain when I truly accepted That to God we all belong, and to Him we’ll return, ooh Guide Me All the Way I know that You could easily Take away every thing You’ve given me And I try to remember Not to take anything for granted ‘Cause I know that one day Suddenly this will all come to an end So my last wish is for you to be pleased with Me Chorus: Allah, Ya Allah Guide me all the way to your Jannah Ya Allah, Ya Allah Don’t let me go astray ’cause I need you By my side, I wish to be close Close to You throughout my life Ya Allah, oh Allah! Be with me all the way I know that sometime I do I do forget that my last breath could be the last Forgive me ’cause I cant thank you enough Forgive me when I doubt your love Now I pray for that day when all this stops and comes to an end Somy my last wish is for You to be pleased with me CHORUS Day by day passes And I think that my time could be near So I pray: O God let this world be in my hands And not in my hear ‘Cause soon I’ll have to leave it [X2] CHORUS [X3] Guide me all the way Don’t let me go astray