Libra/Scorpio - United Nations OnLine


Libra/Scorpio - United Nations OnLine
A service project of
The School of Ageless Wisdom
Cycles is a monthly publication of The School of Ageless Wisdom. The members of the School are
experimenting with rejoining astrology and astronomy. The experiment is called Astrochemistry
and involves using astronomical calculation to determine cyclic energy patterns and the works
of Alice A. Bailey and the Agni Yoga series as aids in determining the meaning and significance
of these cycles. This information is intended to be useful in daily life.
Disciple/Initiate: Libra – Balance attained. Divine love. Understanding.
Scorpio – Higher unity. The Disciple.
The sign Libra is one of peculiar interest,
but in a most paradoxical manner, for
much of its interest is based upon the
fact that it lacks spectacular interest of
any kind–except in the case of disciples
or those nearing the Path. It is a sign of
balancing, of careful weighing of values,
and of achieving the right equilibrium
between the pairs of opposites. It might
be regarded as the sign in which the
first real vision of the Path appears and
of the goal towards which the disciple
must ultimately direct his steps. This
Path is the narrow razor-edged Path
which runs between the pairs of opposites and which–if it is to be safely
trodden–requires the development of a
sense of values and the power to utilise
rightly the balancing, analytical faculty of
the mind. It is also the sign of intuitive
perception and, on the ordinary way of
progression around the zodiac, it comes
Festival in
after the normally drastic experience of
the man in Scorpio; this is usually of
such a nature that the instinct to selfpreservation has been aroused to such
an extent that in the dire need of the man
(not the disciple, at this time) a call to the
soul has gone forth and has evoked response. The first few faint flashes of the
intuition have been sensed and vaguely
recognised. Then follows the experience
in Libra wherein a life is spent in quiet,
thoughtful reflection or in a condition of
static unresponsiveness; it may be a
life of balancing, of weighing this and
that, and of determining which way the
scales shall fall so that in the next sign
certain designed results will occur. The
following Virgo life will be either one of
a personality, materialistic nature, lived
under the influence of the material aspect of Virgo, the Mother, or there will
be evidenced a slowly emerging soul
Full Sun Meditation
At the time of the full moon, the
moon is completely out of the way
of the Sun’s radiation to the Earth.
This is the time of highest spiritual
potential and the time that the school
holds a public meditation. All are
welcome to this planetary service.
Fri 23 Nov 2007, 7:30 PM
New Moon Meditation
We also have a meditation at the
time of the new moon. All are
Fri 9 Nov 2007, at 7:00 PM
(map on last page)
Key Word for the Disciple (Libra):
“I choose the way which leads between the two great lines of force.”
Soul-Light of Libra :
The Light that moves to rest.
This is the light that oscillates until a point of balance is achieved. It is the light
which is distinguished by a moving up and down.
Key Word for the Disciple (Scorpio):
“Warrior I am and from the battle I emerge triumphant.”
Soul-Light of Scorpio :
The Light of Day.
This is the place where three lights meet–the light of form, the light of soul,
and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.
vibration, indicating that hidden spiritual
life of which the Virgin Mother is the
fore-ordained custodian. As progress is
made, recurrently or cyclically, around
the wheel of life, these experiences and
vibratory activities intensify in character
until the time comes when the reversal
of the wheel takes place. Then Libra
leads on to Scorpio and the active soul
life (active through the medium of the
personality nature and not simply on
its own plane) is registered, recorded
and noted in Virgo, and balanced and
assessed in Libra, eventually bringing
about the tests and trials between the
soul and the personality, which latter
fights with power and determination to
preserve the status quo of the balanced
expression of these two where the preponderance of the personality influence
is not possible.
Libra can also be spoken of in terms of
the meditation process as taught both
in East and West. It can, therefore, be
regarded as the “interlude between
two activities,” which is the explanation given to that stage in meditation
which we call contemplation. In the five
stages of meditation (as usually taught)
you have the following: Concentration,
meditation, contemplation, illumination
and inspiration. These five stages are
paralleled in the five strictly human signs
of the zodiac:
1. Leo–Concentration–Soul life focussed
in form. Individualisation. Self-consciousness. Undeveloped and average man. Human experience.
2. Virgo–Meditation–Soul life, as sensed
in man, the gestation period. The
stage of the hidden Christ. Intelligent
man. Personality, as hiding the Christ
3. Libra–Contemplation–Life of soul and
form is balanced. Neither dominates.
Equilibrium. An interlude wherein the
soul organises itself for battle and the
personality waits. This is the probationary path. Duality known.
4. Scorpio–Illumination–The soul triumphs. Experience in Taurus consummated. Astral glamour dissipated. Soul
light pours in. The Path of Discipleship. The Disciple.
5. Sagittarius–Inspiration–Preparation
for initiation. Soul inspires personality life. Soul expresses itself through
personality. The Initiate. (E.A. pp
We come now to the consideration of a
sign which is of paramount importance
in the life of evolving man. Certain of the
signs are in very close relation–through
the inflow and the outflow of energy–with
certain of the major constellations.
These major constellations are, in a few
instances, peculiarly connected with the
signs of the zodiac. There are four of the
zodiacal signs which are mysteriously
concerned with what one might call
the “personality expression” (if such an
unsuitable term can be used in default
of better) of the solar Logos Himself, or
with the Divine Quaternary, the fourfold
manifestation of Deity.
These four signs are Aries–Leo–Scorpio–Aquarius, and they involve the expression of the energy of one Cardinal
sign and of three signs which form part
of the Fixed Cross of the heavens. We
could express this truth in another manner: God the Father, the Will to manifest,
initiates the creative process which is
worked out through the activity of God
the Son, the cosmic Christ, crucified
upon the Fixed Cross in the heavens.
The activity of God the Holy Spirit,
implicit in the Mutable Cross, is closely
allied to the previous solar system, and
the energy of that divine aspect is practically entirely occupied with manipulating
the forces inherited from that system and
inherent in the very nature of substance
itself. This divine aspect is to the whole
general divine manifestation what the
lower nature (form life or personality in
the three worlds of human evolution) is
to the soul where an individual human
being is concerned. As regards these
three Persons of the divine Trinity, we
might say that:
Pleiades Star Cluster
Credit: NASA, ESA and
Image Type:
1. Aries is the focal point of the expression of the first aspect of divinity, the
will aspect.
2. Leo is the focal point for the expression
of the second aspect, the love-wisdom
or consciousness aspect. This, primarily
where humanity is concerned.
3. Virgo is the focal point for the expression of the third aspect, that of active
intelligence. In that sign the highest
function of matter is symbolised.
The four signs–Aries, Leo, Scorpio and
Aquarius–are related to the following
stars which are not numbered in the
twelve signs of the zodiac; they constitute another field of relationships:
Aries to one of the two stars, found in
the constellation, the Great Bear, which
are called the two Pointers.
Leo to Polaris, the Pole Star, found in
the Little Bear.
Scorpio to Sirius, the Dog Star.
Aquarius to Alcyone, one of the seven
There is little that I can tell you in connection with the energies pouring into
the four zodiacal signs from these distant though potent points of outgoing energy; they are part of the life expression
of an Identity, immeasurably superior
to and more advanced than our solar
Logos. A few hints may, however, be of
service to the truly esoteric astrologer
who may study these pages, particularly
where Scorpio is concerned. Scorpio,
at this particular stage of human evolution, governs the Path of Discipleship.
(Esoteric Astrology pp 193-196)
Libra: Ruler–Uranus, Ray–7th
Scorpio: Ruler–Mars, Ray–6th
Libra Energies will be making impact until November 23, when Scorpio starts to
impress our planet for a brief eight days
before Ophiuchus spirals into play for a
few weeks — then Sagittarius finishes
out the calendar year.
Although Libra’s impact is brief, its
significance is timely, while the world is
weighing the financial costs of its material focus, probably to get worse before
it gets better. Also, the pressures of the
life of Discipleship might bring a useful balancing to one’s meditative life in
preparation for the return of the Sun to
its apparent Northward Path.
These days in the western world precede the popular Holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, each having a material as well as a spiritual meaning, with
the general populace shifting this time
into a more “entertaining” period each
passing year. “Entertaining” because
there seems to be a search for ways to
approach these times in keeping with the
contemporary and sophisticated views,
avoiding too deeply seeing the potential for a
spiritual grasp of the possibilities.
Goodwill which is truly abundant, even
though disguised in order that they play
the part of avant garde.
We may never go back to the place of
huge family dinners at Thanksgiving,
with the rich foods and desserts (there is
the constant concern about cholesterol),
and family is scattered to the winds.
There is also the continuing awareness
of those around the world who are hungry and cannot be ignored or forgotten
while we feast (the Millennium Goals are
still to be met). “Dashing through the
Snow,” “Jingle Bells” and “Santa Claus”
which entranced us as children must be
faced as merely fanciful ways to temporarily escape a clear look at ourselves
and the world as we have conditioned it.
Everywhere among our acquaintances
we see depressed persons, adults and
children alike, unable to cope with life
as it exists today.
Still, D.K. has told us, (DINA II, pg.
408) “The antahkarana is now being
built by all soul-infused personalities
Disciples who are given
to some repulsion at all
the blatant materialism
about to overwhelm our
world of sensibilities during this season, have the
opportunity to translate
each and every repulsive
item or experience into
some symbol of Aquarian
Force making an impact.
Discover the Love and
(or constructed unconsciously by all
struggling to attain spiritual orientation
and stature), and is rapidly becoming a
strong cable, composed of all the many
threads of living light, of consciousness
and of life; these threads are blended
and fused so that no one can truly say:
“my thread, or my bridge, or my antahkarana.” All soul-infused personalities are
creating the human antahkarana which
will unite, in an indissoluble unity, the
three aspects or energies of the Spiritual
Triad and the three aspects of the soulinfused personality in the three worlds.
In time to come, the phrase “life in the
three worlds” will be discontinued; men
will talk in terms of “life in the five worlds
of the manifested Kingdom of God.”
Think in these terms today if you can,
and begin to grasp somewhat the significance of the truth therein embodied.
In the beautiful Eastern symbology, “The
Bridge of Sighs” which links the animal
world with the human world and leads
all men into the vale of tears, of woe, of
discipline and of loneliness, is rapidly
being replaced by the radiant Rainbow
Bridge, constructed by the sons of men
who seek pure light. “They pass across
the bridge into the Light serene which
there awaits them, and bring the radiant
light down to the world of men, revealing the new kingdom of the soul; souls
disappear and only the soul is seen.”
Then follows that stupendous event for
which all soul-infused persons prepare
— the externalization of the Hierarchy
and the reappearance of
the Master of that Hierarchy, with the Personnel
of which it is composed;
this group of liberated
and functioning souls will
appear on earth as part of
the manifested phenomena of the outer plane.
The outpost of that Kingdom and the vanguard of
disciples and initiates is
already here.
The work or the radiatory
activity of the Hierarchy
is today more potent than
M81, 11.6 million light-years away, is one of the brightest galaxies that can be seen from the Earth.
It is high in the northern sky in the circumpolar constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear.
NASA, ESA, and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
at any time in human history. During
a long period of necessary hierarchical withdrawal, men have had to find
their way alone to the Hierarchy; in
silence that Hierarchy has waited until
the number of “enlightened souls” was
so great that their invocative appeal
and their magnetic radiation reached
a potency which could not be denied;
the balance of equilibrium, attained
between the Kingdom of God on Earth
and the Kingdom of God in Heaven (to
use Christian phraseology) became
such that the “Gates of Return” could
be opened and free intercourse established between the fourth and the fifth
kingdoms in nature. The gates (and I am
still speaking in symbols) are already
opening and soon will stand wide open
to admit the passing of the “Son of Man,
the perfected Son of God,” back to the
place — our Earth — where He earlier
demonstrated perfect love and service.
But — as you know — this time He will
not come alone, but will bring with Him
the Heads of certain of the Ashrams, as
well as a trained group of initiates and
These happenings are taking place
today before the eyes of all men, even
though much that is going on remains
totally unrecognized over vast areas of
the world of thought and by many millions of men. However, brother of mine,
there are enough initiates and disciples
working on the physical plane at this
time to ensure a recognition so extensive that the steady, consistent arousing
of human expectation is guaranteed.
It is not easy to induce aspirants and
disciples to function in this preparatory
group formation and to make it the major
interest in their lives, for they must at
the same time fulfill as perfectly as may
be their family and social obligations.
None of you would have been offered
this opportunity had you not ben capable
of this dual life. I would ask you to study
carefully the background of this present
hierarchical undertaking (I had almost
said adventure) and fulfill your part in the
preparatory work which is demanded.
This work falls into two parts:
1. Your own preparation, as a soulinfused personality, for initiation;
this will embody personality life
2. Preparation for the reappearance of
the Christ; this will embody your
life service to humanity and to the
With these Fiery, Inspiring words held in
mind, let us move through the coming
Holidays holding to the dual life, taking
advantage of every opportunity to turn
to spiritual purposes the considerations
of the general populace functioning in
its glamors. It is a time to shed Light in
every dark corner rather than lamenting
the misuses of time and energy.
The School of Ageless
Wisdom is non-discriminatory as to sex, race, color,
national or ethnic origin in
administration of educational policies, admissions
policies or any school administered programs.
Key to Symbols
A Sun
v Vulcan
D Mercury
o Aries
p Taurus
q Gemini
r Cancer
s Leo
t Virgo
u Libra
v Scorpio
d Ophiuchus
w Sagitarius
x Capricorn
m Aquarius
n Pisces
5 Moon
C Mars
E Jupiter
v Scorpio
G Saturn
H Uranus
J Neptune
I Pluto
Astrochemical Pattern October 25,2007 to November 26,2007
NOTE: Days shaded in box A mark the Five-day Opportunity at the time of the Full Moon for Penetration, Polarization, and Precipitation.
Fri 9th, 5:03 pm CST
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4
6 7
Sat 24th, 8:30 am CST
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
• Sun, Nov 4 -- Change clocks back 1 hour, from Daylight-Saving Time to Standard Time. 1 - 2 am is officially repeated.
t II, VI
(Ortho D, IV) (Eso
4, IV) (Hier E, II)
F, V
A=Lunar cycle
v, IV
(Ortho F, V)
(Eso H , VII) (Hier G,III)
(Or C, VI) (Eso 1
C,VI) (Hier D,IV)
B=Day. C=Month. D=Astronomical Info. E=Constellation/Ruler/Ray F=Decanate/Planet/Ray
Astrological Signs
The bar at the top of this chart represents
the distribution of the astrological signs
throughout the year. Each sign is one
twelfth of the year. Below it is a map of the
zodiacal constellations as they appear
Agni Yoga
167. Some may ask, “Is the path of
those who bring Truth an easy one?”
Of course the path for the person
carrying Truth is hard. The fiery path
can never be made easy. It is as if a
dome descends upon the head of the
bearer of Truth and presses upon the
centers of the brain. Only conscious
battle can lead the spiritual toiler to
the fulfillment of his task. And a cloud
of malice will pursue him because
he strives to bring the planet out of
its isolation.
Map of the Astronomical Constellations
in the sky. The straight line through them
represents the ecliptic, the apparent path of
the sun through the sky. Note that the signs
and the constellations do not match in time
any longer, and that the Sun appears to be in
some constellations longer than others (44
days for Virgo and only 8 days for Scorpio).
Also that the ecliptic passes through a 13th
constellation, Ophiuchus.
Can one call him fearless who
pronounces himself fearless, or
can one call him learned who proclaims himself as having acquired
knowledge? Truly, each one worthy
of attainment performs his tasks,
declaring them to be neither good
nor bad, but performing them just as
he must. Thus is the path laid for the
completion of his incarnation. Will
the one who completes his path call
it burdensome? The completion of
the last step should fill the traveler
with joy, because he knows Whom
he approaches.
188. With each century a special
kind of Yoga is introduced, appropriate to the world’s condition. The
earth element is inapplicable when a
fiery cure is required. Nor will water
or air serve in place of the wings of
fire. Like an inevitable cataclysm
that sweeps away continents, so
undeferrable is the Yoga of the realization of the fiery power. The ability
to recognize the right time for right
actions is the mark of an enlightened
Object Name: Arp 87
The two main players
comprising Arp 87 are
NGC 3808 on the right
(the larger of the two
galaxies) and its companion NGC 3808A on
the left.
Credit: NASA, ESA,
and the Hubble
Heritage Team (STScI/
Sharing Light
Each month a
co-worker shares
insight on a
particular subject
related to discipleship.
Introduction To The Harmonies Way Guidebook:
Cultivating Genius Through Deep Ecology
By Vicki Diane Johnston
In the 1970’s Arne Naess a Norwegian
philosopher coined an apt term for the
planetary paradigm shift that is now
gaining momentum – Deep Ecology.
The term unveils life’s gestation and
emergence from nested, interdependent wombs or ‘holons.’ From Cosmic
to planetary, to human, to microscopic,
to molecular, and to sub-atomic realms,
dynamically interdependent worlds sustain life. Deep Ecology resounds with
life’s spiralic dance through primordial
spheres of all-embracing creativity,
impelled by Cosmic Love. It reaches
into the human family’s long forgotten co-evolvement with Nature’s other
children—groups of furry, winged, and
flowering entities that form planetary biomes. The term Deep Ecology reaches
into the ethics of the human family’s
reciprocal relationship with every tiny
green shoot spiraling sunward; every
mineral journeying through mountains,
pebbles, rivers and biological entities;
every creature swimming, creeping,
crawling or flying across the face of
Deep Ecology echoes the harmonies
of the World Core Curriculum, offered
more than a quarter of a century ago by
Robert Muller, Undersecretary General
to the United Nations, as a philosophical framework for centers of teach/
learning worldwide.
Fortunately, for a planet on the cusp of
momentous changes, a new worldview
is emerging. Gradually and imperceptibly to a public focused on possessions,
entertainment thru media, the biggest
and the glitziest, and immediate gratification, the new paradigm is shifting
from mechanistic rationalizations to
attunement with the Cosmic Heart. Intuition and scientific research are unifying to completely transform the prevalent worldview.
Deep Ecology delves into the astonishing synchronicity between the pulse of
the seas, and the pulse of life-blood. It
reverberates a harmonic resonance as
close as a mother’s heartbeat to that of
her child. Yet, the ethics of Deep Ecology bids us delve even deeper—Into
hidden co-relations underlying familiar
landscapes. Freshly awakened sight is
beholding a new frontier for the realization of Deep Ecology. Intimately interwoven with our relationships to nature’s
gardens, are emerging perceptions of
the interior landscape of the hearts and
souls of humanity’s children.
Fortunately, for the fullest and most
joyful emergence of our children’s potential, Herculean efforts are bringing
to light the distorted views and debilitating solutions of the mechanistic
paradigm. Fortunately, for the future of
humanity, enlightened consciousnesses are exposing the labels coined to
designate childhood maladies, as more
accurately evidence of serious social
pathologies. Take for example the most
popularly touted childhood ‘malady’
ADD and its almost universal antidote,
Ritalin. A minority is noting the hue and
cry that is flooding bookshelves, urging
parents and educators to shift our focus from effects to causes.
Lucy Palladino, Ph.D. entitled her book
The Edison Trait—Saving the Spirit of
Your Nonconforming Child. Her work
and a multitude of biographies portray
the lives of countless geniuses, which
have gasped for psychological breath
in traditional, factory model schools.
Palladino has noted three categories
of Edison trait children – the Dreamers,
the Dynamos, and the Discoverers.
These children are diverse and intense;
have minds that are holistic; focus with
determination; and are driven by intrinsic motivation. Like the Edisons and
Einsteins before them, these budding
geniuses cannot sit still or refocus from
inner dreams and inventions to attend
to hours of meaningless lessons. What
professional in his right mind would
want to drug into zombie-like compliance these architects of the future?
Likewise, instead of suppressing budding geniuses, wouldn’t the world be
blessed by ardent cultivation of more
Dreamers, Dynamos and Discovers?
Deep Ecology challenges us to create
learning environments that are diverse
and holistic with opportunities for intense focus driven by intrinsic motivation. Let all children benefit from such
environments, even those who docilely
conform to factory school specs, unaware of slumbering potentials. The
spirit of Deep Ecology reveals an urgent task for centers of learning – to
delve deeply and compassionately into
the psyches of our children to mine the
treasures of inherent genius.
teach/learning. Entrenched schooling’s
relentless treadmill, dispensing and
testing meaningless facts, has deadened itself to the voice of the Soul. The
Soulful response of Education of the
New Era is to retrieve the long exiled
arts and imagination. Academic partitions are crumbling—yielding to whole
brain intelligence as science, art and
ethics unite in one grand synthesis.
culture invade neither nations nor nature – they harmonize with all Life in
Brotherhood and Stewardship.
There’s still more to Deep Ecology and
the interior terrains of our children. Recent scientific research is proving the
veracity of intuitive insights and aboriginal wisdom regarding Nature’s children. Interior and exterior landscapes
are irrevocably intertwined. This brings
The clarion call of Deep Ecology im- us to yet another thrilling aspect of the
pels authentic centers of education to paradigm shift that is bringing us to a
dig deep in the soil of consciousness. New Era of Education. Budding geniusThe regeneration of life on this planet es need play, lots of play. And where
requires retrieval of hidden talents for do they derive the most benefit of this
self-expression and innovation. It is play? In nature. Not on specially deThis emerging paradigm for the cul- the discovery of these treasures that signed play equipment surrounded by
tivation of true genius only faintly re- evokes a thrill of response from the concrete or mats. Especially, not under
sembles the homogenous soup of very Soul of the child.
the constant direction of adults. Rapidly
traditional schoolexpanding
inteling. Life enhancligence
ing environments
spaces for refleccelebrate diversity,
tive solitude, crecreative energy,
ative freedom and
and the purposeful
child collaboration.
honing of talents.
Last Child in the
Howard Gardner
Woods – Saving
has shaken us
our Children from
from the illusion
Nature-Deficit Disthat two narrowly
order, by Richard
Louv, shakes readof
ers awake with
the realization that
and logical/math“our children are
ematical, ought to
the first generaoverride all others.
tion to be raised
Gardner discerned
without meaningthe links between
ful contact with the
high interest, joynatural world….”
Scientific studies
natural talent, and
of the few schools
correlative motithat are providing
vational keys to
naturescapes for
individual genius.
child-play evidence
To date the delina strong correlaM101 (also nicknamed the Pinwheel Galaxy) lies in the northern
eated intelligences
tion between intelcircumpolar constellation, Ursa Major (The Great Bear)
ligence and play in
Credit for Hubble Image: NASA and ESA
from the original
nature’s gardens.
kinesthetic, verbal linguistic, logical
Children naturally recapitulate the steps
mathematical, interpersonal, intraper- According to ecology’s inescapable of the human family as they instincsonal, spatial) to include nature and Law of Reciprocity, we achieve fulfill- tively find secluded places for shelters
ethical intelligences.
ment through striving to apply unique and secret getaways. As noted in Last
talents for the benefit of the sustaining Child in the Woods researcher Louise
Lifting the scales of societal bias from world. The cultivation of these hidden Chawla lifts the appreciation of play to
our newly opened eyes, we realize the treasures correspondingly enriches hu- an even higher realm in her elaboration
stark contrast between the life dulling man society, raising our collective con- of ‘ecstatic places.’ Transcendent childconsequences of schooling and the sciousness to the level of True Culture. hood experiences in nature, whether
life-enhancing opportunities of holistic Societies imbued with the ethics of high in tree protected hideaways or alluring
patches of weeds, remain ‘as radioactive jewels buried within us, emitting
energy across the years of our lives….’
Ample opportunities to play in nature
offer ecstatic memories. These in turn
anchor an internalized core of calm, a
sense of integration with all life, and
the psychic roots from which we create
Through the lens of Deep Ecology,
the Law of Reciprocity reveals itself
to extend beyond the Human Family
to include Creation itself. Just as the
oxygen provided by Nature’s trees,
grasses, and plankton breathe life into
our physical bodies, the essence of nature, sometimes called prana, breathes
life into our Soul bodies. Those who
play, collaborate, and ponder close to
Nature’s bosom are the most likely to
revere her and protect her. In a beautiful dance of reciprocity, Nature’s most
intimate associates reap her treasures
and become her stewards.
Deep Ecology is the Science and Art
of the cultivation of heart genius. How
blessed are we to be alive in the generation that confirms scientifically what
aboriginals and intuitives have always
known – the heart is the seat of con-
sciousness. In The Biology of Transcendence Joseph Chilton Pearce
describes the billions of heart cells as
generators working in unison to produce enough electrical energy to light
a small electric bulb. This heart amplitude is forty to sixty times that of brain
waves. Experiments at the Heart Math
Institute have proven the heart’s intimate, ongoing dialogue with our brain,
body and world. Indeed, the heart anticipates significant events in advance
of the brain. Amazingly, like the electromagnetic field of the Sun that supports all life on earth, this microcosmic
Sun-heart extends a magnetic field in
the form of a torus. When the electromagnetic fields of friends converge,
their hearts entrain.
The consciousness in the heart communicates that which is most sacred
and integral to our well-being. The reemergence of this paradigm, the Sense
of the Sacred in all Life, evidences the
Creator’s grand and unifying scheme.
Thread by thread the spindle of human
yearning for meaning and purpose is
unifying aboriginal wisdom, spiritual
revelations, and scientific discoveries. Few are the conscious weavers.
Yet, hour-by-hour, day-by-day, addi-
This is a Hubble
Space Telescope
view of one of the
most dynamic and
intricately detailed
star-forming regions
in space, located
210,000 light-years
away in the Small
Magellanic Cloud
(SMC), a satellite
galaxy of our Milky
Way. At the center
of the region is a
brilliant star cluster
called NGC 346.
Credit: NASA, ESA,
and A. Nota (STScI/
tional threads are intertwining to form
a golden cord, our conscious link with
the Source. Always Nature, dressed in
gowns of beauty and abundance, has
bespoken a silvery link with the Guiding
Voice of Compassion. Now along the
golden rays of the heart the prodigal
son returns to participate in dynamic
harmonies with the human family and
our planetary and Cosmic home.
We are living in the pre-dawn of a New
World. Those who so choose are destined to be the conscious midwives of
an Ethical Ecological World. Whether
it is a rough or smooth delivery depends on us collectively. Let us unite
under the philosophy of Deep Ecology.
Let us remove the scales of institutiongenerated myopia to see our children
as life’s yearning for itself. Let the first
and foremost request of caregivers and
mentors of our children be that they Educate the Heart and Speak to the Soul
of our progeny. Sacred Scriptures tell
us that seven generations will feel the
repercussions of present thoughts and
actions. May Centers of Living Ethics
cultivate true genius, the Genius of the
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God
Let light stream forth into the minds of men.
Let Light descend on Earth.
From the point of Love within the Heart of God
Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.
May Christ return to Earth.
From the centre where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide the little wills of men –
The purpose which the Masters know and serve.
From the centre which we call the race of men
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan
on Earth.
Thousands of sparkling young stars are nestled within the giant nebula NGC 3603. This stellar
“jewel box” is one of the most massive young star clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy.
NGC 3603 is a prominent star-forming region in the Carina spiral arm of the Milky Way, about
20,000 light-years away. This latest image from NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope shows a young
star cluster surrounded by a vast region of dust and gas.
The image reveals stages in the life cycle of stars.
Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)-ESA/Hubble Collaboration
Other Work
is written, published and mailed to
those who subscribe. The School of
Ageless Wisdom shoulders most of
the financial responsibility. Please send
your subscriptions of $12 at the first of
the year. We do not send bills. Cycles
downloaded from the web site is free.
The School of Ageless Wisdom
The School of Ageless Wisdom
(817) 654-1018 Fax: (817) 654-1028
e-mail: [email protected]
School of Ageless Wisdom website:
Robert Muller School website:
Balanced Beginnings website:
The Vision Project website:
Map to the School
Arlington, Texas
Arkansas Lane
Green Oaks Blvd.
Royaloak Dr.
Balanced Beginnings is an early (prenatal-3 years) development program, designed
to create foundational patterns in the brain for later learning, while being sensitive
to the subtle psychology of the child and family.
World Core Curriculum Foundations and Resources is useful to individuals and
groups implementing the World Core Curriculum.
The School of Ageless Wisdom 2007 Calendar including information on the signs
(astronomical and astrological), the energy behind the Sun for each day, the dates
of public meetings for the entire year, and days of ‘renunciation and detachment’,
‘safe guarding’ and ‘distribution’ marked, plus UN Days and Years.
Interstate 30
Fort Worth
From I-30, exit Eastchase Parkway
and go South. Eastchase turns
into Green Oaks Blvd.
The Vision Project ( is an opportunity for visionaries from
all around the world to publish their visions for the future of humanity.
GEMUN (Global Elementary Model United Nations) is a service activity providing
elementary and middle school children an opportunity to role-play the assemblies of
the United Nations. Young people learn about international relationships, develop a
global perspective, and acquire many transferable skills. (
Robert Muller Schools International Consultant to World Core Curriculum Schools.
Vox Sophia is a publishing company of the School of Ageless Wisdom.
Classes and Meetings
Yoga Classes (free) with an introduction to the Ageless Wisdom Philosophy (Call
us at 817-654-1018)
Reading Groups meet Sundays to study and discuss. These classes are only for
long term students of Alice Bailey/Agni Yoga books.
Public Full Moon Meetings and New Moon Meetings are held monthly at the Arlington
The School of Ageless Wisdom
6005 Royaloak Dr.
Interstate 20
From I-20, exit Green Oaks and go North.
NOTE: All cosmic graphics in Cycles are from and astronomy information from Astronomical Calendar 2005, by Guy Ottewell.
6005 Royaloak Drive
Arlington, Texas, USA 76016